#there literally is only us. n we're all guilty of it but the separation we put between ourselves isn't real. like ofc there are differences
sunsetsover · 2 months
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started reading the eclipse novel and it's hitting me with absolute bangers right out of the gate
0 notes
helloalycia · 3 years
my happy ending [two] // kara danvers
summary: the secret Kara has been putting off for months finally comes to light, leaving you both in a precarious situation
warning/s: mentions of a breakup (let's be honest, this isn't a spoiler lol)
author's note: here’s the second part! hope you like it :)
part one | masterlist | wattpad
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It had been a few months since Kara and I said 'I love you' and it was around that time when things between us were moving forward. We were still going strong and I had never been in love with someone as much as I was with her. No relationship I'd had in the past was as amazing as it was with Kara – she was magnificent.
I was sure nothing would get in the way of us; we were going strong and despite small, petty arguments we'd had in the past, we'd never truly fell out over something. I couldn't imagine us doing so either, because our relationship was built on honesty and trust. What could possibly break us up?
I was in charge of all social media content for CatCo, so I wasn't one who usually went with reporters to cover stories. In fact, I rarely did unless it was to help a colleague, like now. My friend, Cara, was covering a story at L-Corp – something science-y to do with the labs. I wasn't too into the details, but she didn't want to go alone, so she asked me to accompany her.
So, that's where I found myself now, standing with Cara as she was being shown around the labs of L-Corp by a scientist.
Cara was a professional, asking question after question and digging for the nitty gritty details in which the scientist would try to avoid. It was pretty cool to witness.
"So, that's everything we're working on so far," the scientist finished the tour, stopping by some glass doors.
"What's in there?" I asked, nodding behind the scientist.
The woman glanced behind her before forcing a small smile. "That's something I shouldn't discuss."
I quirked an eyebrow. "Seriously? Now I definitely want to know."
"Look, this isn't a scrutinising article," Cara explained, her voice sounding convincing. "We're not trying to uncover L-Corp's secrets. The last thing we need is another 'evil Luthor' recycled news story."
"I appreciate the sentiment, but I still can't share what's in there," the scientist said, apologetically.
"Off the record?" Cara offered, and I could sense her curiosity, too. "We won't tell anyone. I won't report it."
The scientist seemed reluctant. "It's not a secret, I can tell you both. But it's just, you're the media..."
"Technically, she's the reporter," I pointed out, literally pointing to Cara, who smacked me in the arm.
"C'mon, we'll sign an NDA or whatever," Cara promised.
After some puppy dog eyes and pouting, the scientist (whose name I couldn't remember) gave us some NDAs to sign before finally taking us inside the glass room.
"As you know, we manufacture many different products," she explained, leading us to a desk with some microscopes on. "We're working on recreating Kryptonite."
I furrowed my brows. "That's that stuff that Supergirl and Superman have right?"
"Their weakness," the scientist corrected. "We've managed to recreate the properties of Kryptonite and can use it in case of an attack from Kryptonians."
"But the only Kryptonians we know of are Superman and Supergirl and they would never attack," Cara stated with confusion.
"Not necessarily true," the scientist said. "Remember Astra?"
"The woman who tried to kill us all at the start of the year? Yeah, we remember," I replied, shivering at the memory.
"It's for cases like that," she explained. "It's not a big deal, but we're keeping it on the down low to avoid public scrutiny. As you said earlier."
Cara nodded and began to look through the microscope, studying the Kryptonite on the slides. I looked at the green glowing rock beside the microscope, picking it up and wondering how something so beautiful looking could be so dangerous to an alien.
"Amazing, isn't it?"
I looked up at the scientist. "I guess. This stuff really kills Kryptonians?"
"Too much can, yes," she answered. "Small doses can inflict pain, and manageable doses can strip them of their powers, making them similar to a human. This piece you're holding is a highly-concentrated dose."
"Best keep this far away from National City's only hero then," I joked, feeling a tad uncomfortable that I was holding such a powerful object.
I placed the Kryptonite back on the desk and tapped Cara. She got the hint and concluded the tour.
Cara and I headed back to CatCo after and she thanked me for accompanying her to the tour. It wasn't a big deal, so I smiled and left her be to write it up, promising to give it a read before she submitted it.
I decided to head to Kara's afterwards, seeing as she was working from home today. I brought some food – her favourite, Potstickers – to surprise her, and knocked on with a smile on my face. Just the thought of seeing her got me all giddy, like a little kid.
"It's open!" Kara called out from the other side.
I rolled my eyes playfully and walked into her flat, setting the food on the kitchen counter. "What did I say about leaving your door unlocked, Kara? It could have been anyone!"
Kara grinned from her position at the dining table, standing up to approach me. "But I knew it was you and– ah!"
I furrowed my eyebrows when I saw Kara stumble over her feet when walking towards me.
"Kara, what is it?" I asked, moving forward to help, but when I touched her, she pushed me away and held the table for support. "Kara!"
I looked closely and realised her veins were glowing bright green. That could only happen if...
"Wait a minute," I said, staying stood still as she gulped hard, still hunched over with pain. "You're in pain... and that can only happen if you've been in contact with–"
"Kryptonite!" she cut me off breathlessly, before staring at me with startled eyes.
I stepped back, feeling my heart drop to my stomach. "You're a Kryptonian."
"Why do you have Kryptonite?!" she questioned, still clutching the table and cowering away from me.
I shook my head, still in awe. "I was at L-Corp and we saw some Kryptonite... but only Kryptonians are affected, and there's only two known Kryptonians on Earth... Superman and..."
She avoided my eyes and that's when my suspicion was confirmed. I felt my mouth go dry as I looked at Kara carefully. Her glasses, that was it. That was the only thing separating her from her other identity, her other life. How could I have missed that?
"I've gotta go," I got out finally, my throat closing up.
"Y/N, please wait," she said desperately, stepping forward, but she stopped herself when overcome with pain. Her skin was glowing green now and I realised that there was still Kryptonite residue on me from that highly-concentrated piece I held earlier.
I turned around and left, feeling my heart beat fast in my chest. Kara was Supergirl. I didn't know what to feel because that very fact was still trying to sink in.
I had no choice but to go back to CatCo after, needing to get the rest of my work done for today. But I couldn't concentrate because of what I'd just discovered. Kara was Supergirl. She was an alien. She had a whole other life I didn't know about.
My phone kept getting notifications from Kara – she wanted to explain herself, but she couldn't see me until she was sure the Kryptonite residue had dispersed. I didn't care about that anyway, I didn't want to see her right now. I wasn't sure what I would say if I did – she'd hidden this from me!
I thought we had something special and unique. I thought I'd finally found someone, something, indestructible. I thought I knew Kara inside and out, I wanted to believe I did. But I was wrong. She was pretending this whole time.
I went home after work, leaving a little early because I wasn't actually getting anything done. I was confused, lost, unsure what to do with this information. Kara was Supergirl. When she disappeared randomly, that's probably why. When she would sneak off with James and Winn... they probably knew, too. It seemed that everyone important to her knew. But I didn't. Maybe I wasn't as important to her as I thought.
When I reached my flat, I saw Kara leaning against the doorframe. She perked up when she saw me, clearing her throat.
"Y/N," she muttered, her voice breaking.
I wanted to ignore her, but I couldn't. I simply stared at her, noticing her red, teary eyes and puffy face that were hidden behind her glasses, the same ones that had hidden her identity. It was literally right in front of me and I hadn't noticed. She hadn't shared it with me. I was so sure we would last. A relationship built upon honesty and trust. Huh. What a joke.
"I don't want to speak to you right now," I said as calmly as I could muster, before fumbling with my keys.
"Y/N, please, I know you're angry, but I need to explain to you," she said desperately. "I don't want to hurt you."
"It's too late for that," I mumbled, swallowing down the lump in my throat before managing to slot the key in the hole and push open my door.
"I'm sorry," she said, following me inside. I rolled my eyes as she watched me with a guilty expression. "I didn't want you to find out like this."
"It seems that you didn't want me to find out at all!" I snapped at her, slamming the front door and spinning around to face her. "I found out by accident, Kara. You lied to me. You didn't trust me."
"I do," she tried, but I shook my head, disguising my hurt with irritation.
"No, you don't, otherwise you would have told me," I stated. "I feel stupid for not figuring it out sooner."
"I'm sorry–"
"I don't want to hear it!" I cut her off. "At first, maybe you didn't trust me enough to tell me, that's fine. Then we admitted we liked each other and okay, fair point, you didn't know if we would last so you didn't want to tell me. It's fine, understandable even, that you didn't tell me. But then we told each other we loved each other. And that could have been your chance. But no. You kept pretending that I actually meant something."
"I wasn't pretending!"
"If you weren't, then I would mean something to you, Kara. I would be important enough in your life to have known the truth!" I shouted, my vision blurry with tears. "You let me fall in love with you! Believing we could go somewhere when this whole time, you were living a whole other life! And apparently everybody else knows but me! Right? I presume that's why you're always hanging out with Winn and James?"
She stayed quiet, watching me with tears streaming down her face, but I couldn't care less. She was hurting me.
"Get out," I said, breathing out.
"I said get out," I repeated, glaring at her.
She nodded slowly, looking down to her shoes. "I'm so sorry, Y/N..." She walked past me, and I didn't turn around until I heard the door close.
I released a shaky breath, closing my eyes as tears fell. So much for a happy ending.
A lot can happen in a month, which is funny because it goes by quite quickly.
That's how long it had been as I tried to come to terms with how I felt about Kara hiding a big part of her life from me. I couldn't just forgive her and pretend it didn't hurt. The more I thought about it – which was a lot, as much as I tried not to – the more I felt like an idiot.
I was in love with somebody who I truly believed was my perfect someone. I believed she was everything to me, but she was pretending the whole time. I was convinced God was out there, letting me know not to get too attached, too safe with someone, because I would just be setup for disappointment.
Obviously, seeing as Kara and I worked in the same office, it made for, well, pretty much every day an awkward encounter. I tried my best to avoid her presence, which I thought wouldn't be too difficult, but gosh it was. It was like she was everywhere I went – the photocopier, the coffee machine, the toilets. It was infuriating, especially because I began to miss her a lot.
I had to put up with avoiding her eyes and stares from across the room for a long time. I knew she wanted to speak with me, because at first she tried to, but then she gave up and I think everybody knew. Nobody in the office brought it up, but it was obvious they knew, judging from the tension in the air when we were around each other.
And if all of that wasn't enough, it didn't help that I was reminded of Supergirl pretty much every day. She was all over the news and it was literally in my job description to tweet about her when I could. Seeing her – Kara – in all of those photos, reading about how she was literally saving people's lives... it hurt. She didn't trust me enough to tell me about all of it. Was it something I'd said? An impression I gave that made her deem me untrustworthy?
I didn't know anymore. I just knew that by the end of the month, my heart ached more and more, craving for the arsehole that was Kara Danvers. I refused to admit it at first, but when I kept finding myself searching for the blonde around the office, I knew I'd finally accepted what had happened. I wanted her back. I missed her.
It took a while to find the guts to go forward with this, but when I did, I tried to find Kara at work. She wasn't at her desk and nobody had seen her around. I did a quick search around, calling her name, but nothing. Only, when I was on my way into the hallway, I found her standing by the coffee machine. She wasn't alone.
The new-ish guy, Mike or whatever, was stood with her, pretty close to her side, his hand resting on hers on the table.
I knew I had no right – I'd literally blown her off for a whole month – but my heart began to ache at the sight. Whatever they were talking about must have been important. She was staring at him like he had hung all the stars in the sky. Unless that's just what I saw, I wasn't sure. I just knew that I hated it.
The two of them turned around when they heard me call Kara's name and I froze, meeting Kara's eyes for the first time in a long time.
"Y/N?" she breathed out, surprise in her voice and expression.
I licked my lips, backing up. "Sorry, I– sorry. I left it too late. I'll go," I mumbled, my voice breaking.
"No, Y/N, wait!" she tried, but I'd already turned on my heel and speed-walked away.
I felt my eyes tear up like an idiot as I walked away. Of course she'd moved on. Why wouldn't she? I'd wasted her time.
"Y/N, please wait," her voice broke me from my self-pity, and she stopped in front of me, eyes searching mine. "Let me explain."
"I didn't mean to interrupt," I said, clearing my throat. "You don't need to explain anything, Kara. I– I made you wait too long without saying anything. You don't owe me anything." I sucked up a shaky breath and avoided her eyes. "I've gotta go, sorry."
I didn't give her chance to respond, not wanting to hear her comfort me out of pity or obligation, and instead pushed her out of the way before leaving abruptly.
I just felt like an idiot.
I sat at my kitchen counter and opened the pizza box, tucking in there and then instead of getting a plate. I was tired, upset and wished today was over with.
After seeing Kara with Mike earlier on, I felt embarrassed and couldn't wait for my day to be over with so I could sulk over a box of pizza. I guess I should have seen it coming, since I practically pushed her away and gave her no benefit of the doubt. I deserved it, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt any less.
As I was halfheartedly eating my pizza slice, I heard a knock on the door and groaned inwardly. I really couldn't be arsed with the company.
"Go away," I called out, hoping they'd take the hint.
"Y/N? It's me."
I groaned loudly this time, recognising the voice as Kara's. I paused, glancing at the door, debating whether to tell her to go away. But I realised I'd have to face her eventually, and she was way too stubborn to take my word and leave.
With a heavy sigh, I dropped my pizza slice into the box and wiped my hands on my jeans before going to answer the door. Kara was standing there with a small smile on her lips as I avoided her eyes, cheeks growing warm.
"Hey," she said softly.
I nodded awkwardly. "I– er– hi..." I swallowed hard, saying, "Look, if you're here about earlier today, I'm really sorry, Kara."
"No, you don't need to apologise," she was quick to reply. "It wasn't what you thought, I–"
"You don't need to explain," I cut her off, finally lifting my eyes to meet hers. I didn't want her to explain it. "It's your business. I shouldn't have assumed anything."
Her eyes softened as she clearly had more to say. "Can I come in? Please?"
I would have rather ended the conversation there, but the part of me that missed her deeply was telling me to let her in. Next thing I knew, I was stepping to the side and letting her come in, hoping she couldn't hear the racing heartbeat in my chest.
"Mike isn't just the new guy," she said when I closed the door. "His name is Mon-El. He's an alien."
"He's an alien and I've been helping him to settle into living on Earth," she cut me off, continuing hurriedly. She held my gaze, not giving me chance to interrupt. "Supergirl has been helping him. That's all it is. That's all it'll ever be."
I pressed my lips together, nodding slightly to show her I understood. Her shoulders relaxed and I felt a bit more at ease now myself. She wasn't moving on. Or at least, not with him.
"I didn't know that because I pushed you away," I admitted, frowning. "I didn't give you a chance... I'm sorry."
"You don't need to apologise," she insisted, shaking her head.
I smiled sadly. "I get it could be too late, but–"
"It's not too late," she said quickly, eyes glistening with hope. "I... I was waiting."
I felt butterflies in my stomach as I felt my embarrassment return. "I needed time, that was it." I sighed to myself as I began to pace uncomfortably. "It was silly, really, how I didn't realise the truth. Everybody else knew and I... I should have known."
"Don't say that," she said, and I felt her hand grab my arm reluctantly. I stopped and faced her, seeing her shaking her head. "I didn't mean for you to feel like that. It wasn't your fault, Y/N, it was mine. I should have told you. I wanted to tell you."
I couldn't help but feel betrayed again. "But you didn't."
She let go of my arm and frowned. "It just happened that Winn was the first person I told. And James already knew because of Superman. And then I wanted to tell you next, but being Supergirl was hard at first. It was demanding. And being Kara with somebody who didn't expect anything more was nice. It was selfish, but I had you. And I wanted to tell you after, but I was scared. And once again, I was selfish because I knew I was falling in love with you and I didn't want to scare you away because of this lie."
I swallowed the lump in my throat as she searched my eyes for something.
"It got out of hand and I was in way too deep," she admitted regretfully. "You won't believe me, but I did want to tell you, Y/N. But now you know. And I know you hate me, but I wish you didn't because I am truly sorry I ever hurt you. I never wanted that."
"I don't hate you," I told her, eyes glassy with tears. "I don't think I could hate you even if I tried, Kara."
"I love you," she whispered, a tear slipping from her eye.
I couldn't stop myself as I pulled her in for a hug, squeezing her tight. I had missed her so much and to have her back in my arms was a blessing, even if it hurt me at the same time.
"I don't completely trust you right now," I muttered truthfully, before pulling away and holding her close.
"I understand," she said, nodding and sniffling.
"But I love you, too," I added, knowing that deep down I couldn't stop. "I want to be with you, Kara. You mean too much to me."
She seemed confused as she furrowed her eyebrows. "What does this mean?"
I swallowed the lump in my throat. "I'd like to start again, but go slow. I still care about you and seeing you with Mike– Mon-El– whatever, made me realise that I can't see you being with somebody else."
"I'll earn back your trust," she promised, tucking a strand of her behind my ear. "I never meant to hurt you."
"I know you didn't," I said, grabbing her hand and kissing it gently. "And I know you will."
She smiled through her tears and I felt my heart beating quickly again, glad I had her back. I moved forward for another hug, relaxing into her arms as she squeezed me comfortingly.
We'd get through this. She was still my happy ending, Supergirl or not.
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lythea-creation · 2 years
My True Self - Noaf x fem reader (Chapter 4)
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Chapter 1
Previous Chapter
warnings: bullying
word count: 3.576
I could not quite read Rania's expression when Noaf and I returned, my bruises covered up.
Noaf handed me some of the wrist bands everyone would get when they entered the festival.
Soon later it was dark outside and Noaf, Rania and I were handing out the bracelets.
“Nice hairstyle”, I heard a guy complimenting Noaf.
“Thanks”, she replied clearly not interested, not even looking up from attaching the bracelet to his wrist.
“You look like you're in a rock band or something like that. Are you?”, he asked her.
She scoffed and shook her head.
Seriously, this boy was making my blood boil. How could anyone be so oblivious?
Suddenly Rania joined the scene. “Ahmad, sorry. I didn't see you. I was busy with those little kids”, she chimed in.
“Hey there, babe”, he greeted her.
Now I felt even more disgusted. Rania was his girlfriend and he did not bother to flirt with Noaf just a few feet away?!
“Hey”, she greeted him back.
“So I was just getting to know your friend here”, he declared and I definitely did not like the tone of his voice.
Noaf was averting her eyes.
“Hey, Noaf! Could you help me out please?”, I requested and took a hold of her arm to pull her over slightly.
“Sure”, she agreed and followed me.
I could feel the eyes of the guy on us while he was complimenting Rania.
Creepy and pathetic in one go.
“That was gross”, Noaf mumbled and started handing out more bracelets.
“Definitely. This guy has literally no shame”, I added. “The only thing that was missing to make it even worse was a terrible pick-up line”, I considered.
“Oh, yeah.” Noaf chuckled. “Something like: Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again?”
I started laughing. “Yeah. Or Is it hot here or is it just you?”, I suggested.
“If I said you had a nice body would you hold it against me?”
“If I could rearrange the alphabet I would put U and I together.”
“I got lost. Can you give me directions to your heart?”
We could not stop laughing anymore until our eyes met and we stared at each other for a not exactly short moment.
Someone fake-coughed next to us to get our attention and I gave him a bracelet.
Had I just imagined the tension between Noaf and me? Probably. After all I was head over heels for her. So I should not trust my perception too much.
The last people were ready. So theoretically we were free to enjoy the festival ourselves now.
“So I'm gonna go to Mariam for the plan now. Are you in?”, Noaf wondered.
I nodded and followed her to Dina's cookie stand.
Mariam apologized for something and Noaf told her to not do it again. I wondered what had happened between them and realized that their conversation I had seen must have been a discussion instead.
Now I felt even more stupid for getting jealous.
“You told (f/n)?”, Mariam assumed.
“Of course. How could I not?”, Noaf shot back.
“So what exactly is the plan?”, Dina changed the topic.
Mariam explained the plan to us, that we were fooling Ruqayyah with a fake account of a guy who was 'in love with her' and that we needed to separate her from her two friends.
We waited a bit before texting Ruqayyah and instead listened to Layan singing.
“Want one?” Noaf offered me a lollipop.
I took it with a smile. “Thanks.”
Despite everything cruel Layan had done before I had to admit that she was a great singer and I actually enjoyed listening to her singing.
In the course of the evening we managed to manipulate Ruqayyah more and more.
When she sent us the, for her, revealing photo I felt guilty.
“Do we really wanna post this?”, I interjected.
“Are you kidding? This is the jackpot. We can finally make her pay”, Mariam exclaimed.
“Don't you think we're going too far? We dunno what will happen to her if we publish this photo”, I considered.
“Don't you think she's been going too far way too many times?”, Noaf questioned back while slightly pinching the bruises on my waist making me wince.
“We wouldn't be any better than them. Maybe ...”
Mariam interrupted me: “Stop it! If you want to chicken out it's your decision. But I'm not as pathetic as you and back down when it's getting serious.”
Suddenly Noaf grabbed Mariam by the collar. “What did you just say?”, she growled.
“I think we should all calm down”, Dina interfered.
“Noaf, it's fine. Just let her go”, I requested.
She turned her head to face me. Anger was evident on her face.
“You want me to let it slip? Since you stood up for her you had to endure a lot and she didn't even thank you. Instead she's insulting you for expressing your opinion”, Noaf ranted.
Then she addressed Mariam directly: “I want to make Ruqayyah pay as well. For endangering my sister and tormenting (f/n), but if you continue to behave like the queen because you have some stupid plan then I'm going to drop you quicker than you can recognize.”
Noaf let go of Mariam and took a step back.
Honestly we were all shocked by Noaf's words.
“Okay. You're right. I didn't think clearly and I'm sorry. And thanks for standing up for me, (f/n). I do appreciate it. But I won't back down now, no matter what anyone of you says”, she proclaimed and uploaded the picture of Ruqayyah.
Mariam's action was quickly showing itself around us as everyone started looking at Ruqayyah when she returned to the festival. You could clearly see the terror on her face and she started hyperventilating.
Honestly I felt the need to help her out. Nobody deserved to feel like this. Out of all people we should know best and yet we had initiated this outcome.
Noaf and Dina appeared to feel guilty now as well as insulting comments were raining down on our post with Ruqayyah's picture.
Luckily Layan and Rania stepped in to defend Ruqayyah and brought her away from the watching crowd.
I left as well, Noaf following me.
I leaned against a tree sliding down against it and burying my face in my arms.
“What did we do?”, I whispered.
“(f/n), it was her decision to send us the photo”, Noaf tried persuading both of us.
“You don't know her family. I heard that they're really strict. We probably ruined her life, at least the next few years”, I realized.
Silence erupted between us.
“I thought we were just playing around with her a bit. Publishing the photo was too much”, I uttered.
“How can you say this after everything Ruqayyah has done? She stole Nisma's asthma spray and beat you up. Maybe she'll reconsider her behavior now”, Noaf considered.
“But what's the price for that? Noaf. We know how it feels. We should have acted better than her.”
“So what? We can't change it anymore”, she reminded me.
“But we can stop from doing any more harm”, I suggested.
“I dunno”, Noaf noted with a sigh. “Let's just head home for now.”
She helped me up and we returned to the festival.
Noaf informed Miss Abeer that our parents would pick us up and soon later we were sitting inside my parents' car.
On the next day another discussion erupted in our group. Now that Ruqayyah would not return to school Dina and I thought that we had done enough harm, but especially Mariam was determined to continue.
Suddenly Noaf got a text message from Layan or rather our fake account got a message from Layan.
“I'm going to find you and make you pay for what you did, you coward”, Mariam read it out.
Mariam and Noaf grinned at each other while Dina and I exchanged a worried glance.
“Don't reply. What if they somehow track it”, Dina suggested.
“No way. Not a chance in hell”, Noaf stated calmly and watched Mariam typing in a reply.
A short moment later Noaf showed us the message as well: 'If I were you I would be careful from now on. You're next.'
“Mariam, what have you done? Are you really planning to go after Layan and Rania now? Isn't what we did to Ruqayyah enough?”, Dina interjected.
“No, it's not enough, Dina! Nowhere near enough. Just getting back at Ruqayyah was like doing nothing. They'll all need to feel the pain they've caused. Otherwise everything we've done is just for nothing. And so … we would have ruined Ruqayyah's life for nothing”, Mariam claimed.
The discussion continued until Mariam left and Noaf escaped a conversation with Dina by getting herself something to eat.
“Even if it feels like it you didn't say the wrong things right now, Dina. Just because we don't support their plans doesn't mean we aren't supporting them as our friends anymore”, I attempted comforting her.
“At least you're thinking clearly”, Dina noted with a sigh. “How are we going to stop them?”
“I don't think there's any way to stop Miriam. She won't be listening to us. Maybe I could stop Noaf but I'm not sure if it will really help that much”, I resonated.
“So what's the plan then?”, Dina wondered.
“Honestly I don't have one yet. I'll think about it”, I promised her.
Later when we got back to Noaf and Mariam, Mariam was obviously excluding Dina. I bet she would have excluded me, but Noaf did not care and included me casually.
Suddenly Rania appeared and pushed Noaf against the nearest wall accusing her of being a slut because Noaf was apparently following her boyfriend on Instagram.
Rania wanted her to unfollow him and Mariam even supported that idea.
Noaf confronted Rania head on. So I did not feel the need to help her out.
I just stepped in when Layan intended to chime in. Two against one was not fair after all.
In the end Rania destroyed Noaf's phone before walking off as the bell started ringing.
I picked up the broken phone and handed it to Noaf.
“What the hell? It's like we're living in a soap opera. I can't believe how bitchy they are”, Dina proposed.
“Well. You better believe it now, Dina”, Mariam shot back.
Mariam intended to go to class but Noaf stopped her by grabbing her wrist.
“Hey, wait! What the hell was that just now, huh?”, Noaf questioned.
“You never told me her boyfriend followed you. Then why would you follow him back?”
“What are you saying?”
“I'm saying now was not the time for this shit. We don't want to draw attention to ourselves. We've an important job to do”, Mariam clarified.
“Oh, are you serious? Because last time I checked I don't need your permission to do anything.”
“Yes, Noaf. When it messes with my plan obviously you need my permission.”
“Oh, your plan? I thought it was our plan.”
“Guys, look. Take it easy. Mariam didn't mean it”, Dina interjected.
“To be honest with you … I'm not really in the mood for you or your plan. Finish it on your own”, Noaf suggested. “I'm out”, she added and walked off.
“You know what, Noaf. I really don't care”, Mariam declared and went the opposite direction.
Once again they had left Dina and me behind on our own. Said girl was appearing to be completely overwhelmed.
“Maybe it's better for now”, I considered. “If we're lucky Mariam will notice that she needs us after all.”
Then I went after Noaf while Dina went after Mariam.
“Noaf”, I called out for her and to my surprise she waited for me.
“I can't believe she did it again”, Noaf ranted. “Why's she always playing the boss?”
“Yeah, that was shitty and it's right that you don't let her push you around. Let's just take some time and space and see how everything develops, okay?”, I suggested.
Noaf nodded seeming at least a bit calmer.
The running drills Rania forced us through during football practice felt relieving. I had so much frustration bottled up in me. But by the time Miss Jumana returned I was beat.
After getting to know that Rania and Mariam had made it into the national team and Layan losing her temper once again, Noaf, Dina and I went to the changing rooms.
I did not know what had happened between Dina and Mariam. But I felt sorry for Mariam when I saw her all alone on the football field. She was going through more than just a rough time after all, although nothing would excuse her shitty behavior toward us.
The atmosphere between the three of us was tense as the fight with Mariam was hanging in the air. But that shifted when we noticed the mumbling of the students around us as they were reading something.
“What's that?”, I wondered and picked up one of the papers myself.
“Mariam's diary?!”, Dina realized.
“Oh, shit”, Noaf noted and started snatching the papers out of the students' hands.
“Dina, you go and collect every paper outside. (f/n), you collect the papers flying around and sticking on walls and stuff. I'll take care of the other students inside”, Noaf directed us and we did not even consider questioning to follow her instructions.
This was not about power. Our complicated relationship with Mariam aside, we had to help her out. This would have been cruel enough if it had happened to a stranger. We needed to support her now.
I pushed every note I could find into my backpack. Throwing them into the trash can would not make them disappear for good after all.
Although there was another thought nagging at the back of my mind. If Layan, who obviously had to be behind this, still had Mariam's diary she could just make more copies. But I had to ignore that fact for now and give my best to improve the situation as much as possible.
The restrooms were in an even worse state. Everything was 'decorated' with Mariam's diary pages.
When I was standing in front of another restroom I could already hear several voices.
I opened the door being welcomed by voices yelling 'psycho girl' over and over.
Something inside of me snapped as I realized that they were insulting Mariam who was now trapped inside one of the stalls.
“Just shut up!”, I drowned out their own yelling.
All eyes turned toward me.
Layan was wearing a mischievous smile on her lips.
“What the hell are you doing? You're calling Mariam a psycho? Did you ever reconsider your behavior? Did you ever try to show some empathy? How would you feel if you were treated like Mariam?”, I confronted them.
Then I approached Layan and growled: “You may feel great and powerful right now. But all you're doing is making others feel miserable. And your so-called friends are only staying with you because they're scared to be your next victim. In reality you're all alone. Ruqayyah's gone and Rania's only staying with you because she doesn't know it any better yet. You don't have any people you can truly rely on. Actually I pity you.”
They had all turned silent to listen to my words. Shocked expressions were visible on their faces. Even Layan was too shocked to react. No one was standing up for Layan.
“We need to get out! The teacher's coming! Quickly!” Some girl warned the others and they all left without another word.
“Mariam, they left. I won't force you to open the door, but I'll wait here until you're ready”, I enlightened her and sat down waiting for her to react sooner or later after collecting the notes inside the restroom.
I did not care that I was missing a lesson right now. This school actually had to learn a lesson. How could they let all of this happen?
No matter what I tried to comfort Mariam it did not work and I could understand her. If I was in her position I would not want to keep on fighting as well.
So despite our attempts as Dina and Noaf joined us later on Mariam wanted to switch schools now.
“We gotta do something”, Dina uttered desperately. “I'll figure something out.”
At least school was over soon. At her bus station Noaf pulled me up with her.
“What are you doing?”, I asked her. We had not talked since the incident with Mariam.
“You're coming home with me”, she decided and pulled me out of the bus. It was not hard as I did not resist.
I quickly texted my mum that I was staying at Noaf's place for the next hours.
“Where's Nisma?”, I wondered.
“Staying with a friend during the weekend.”
“(f/n)! I'm glad to see you again. Noaf's so much more grumbly when you're not around”, Inaya greeted me.
“Funny mom”, the former shot back sarcastically. “We're going to my room. Gotta settle something important. So please no interruptions.”
I sat down on Noaf's desk chair, my usual spot in her room, while she sat down on her bed facing me.
“So what are we going to do to stop Mariam from switching schools?”, Noaf asked me.
“I'm not sure if we should stop her at all. You didn't see how they treated her in the restroom when I arrived”, I recalled.
“But we can't just give up now, can we? They'll never learn their lesson that way”, she considered.
“But what does this lesson cost? This whole plan was a mess. We probably ruined Ruqayyah's life and only got us into more trouble”, I reminded her.
“Okay … let's think about what would happen if we stopped now. Mariam would switch schools and Layan and Rania would target us even more”, Noaf suggested.
“They're going to target me either way. I humiliated Layan in front of all her so-called friends to such an extent that no one dared to reply a thing”, I enlightened her.
“Wait! Seriously?”
I nodded and could not help but smile at the proud grin on Noaf's face.
“Then we need Mariam as an ally even more”, she assumed.
“But that's completely selfish”, I claimed.
“Maybe you should be more selfish considering that you're always getting into trouble for standing up for others”, Noaf recalled.
“Isn't that why you got expelled from your old school”, I reminded her with a grin.
“So I know what I'm saying”, she defended herself and threw a stuffed animal at my face.
“Ow! What the hell? Is that yours?”, I asked her with a chuckle as I was holding a stuffed tiger in my hands.
“If so, then what?”, she shot back.
“Nothing. Just never saw it before”, I noted and threw it back at her.
It hit her straight in the face. She had not even attempted to block or catch it. Instead a full-out pillow fight erupted between us.
“I win”, she announced as she was sitting on me threatening me with a pillow.
We had somehow landed on the ground.
“Not fair”, I fake-pouted and tried to resist.
But Noaf simply let go of the pillow and pinned my hands to the ground. Now I was definitely blushing.
We were staring at each other until she got closer and our lips met.
She let go of my wrists to make sure I was comfortable and could show her to stop if I wanted to. But of course I did not want to stop.
The human need to breathe was taunting.
Noaf got off of me and pulled me into a sitting position.
“Did this really just happen?”, I reassured in a daze.
Noaf chuckled nervously. “Yeah.”
“Is it going to happen again?”
“If you want to”, she replied with a grin.
This time I was the one initiating the kiss and it quickly developed into an intense make-out session.
After a while we had to stop and recollect ourselves.
“I didn't know you liked girls”, I stated.
We were sitting next to each other on Noaf's bed.
“Me neither”, she remarked. “But dammit I didn't expect this to feel so great!”
“I did”, I blurted out bluntly.
“Wait! You thought about this?”, she wondered.
“About kissing you? Hell yeah! I got a crush on you since you first entered our classroom”, I confessed.
That was the first time ever I saw Noaf blushing.
“So I had enough time to figure this out. But are you sure you want this?”, I reassured.
“You to be my girlfriend? There's nothing I want more right now”, she declared and I leaned in for another kiss.
In my opinion I was the true winner of our pillow fight.
Next Chapter
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razrbladekiss · 3 years
Tyrants | Chapter Four - Peril
WARNINGS: Mentions of death, drug use, Tig being Tig. The usual SOA shit. Sorry Donna..
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She always saw the beauty in darkness. The lugubrious belle that came alongside the moon and stars and whatever else lurked amidst the murk of nighttime.
Isla was cliche in that sense.
She was cliche in the sense that she adored watching the sun set, swallowed by the mountains and high-rise buildings as the evening fell and Charming was painted black.
And maybe it was mostly melancholic because of the horrors that swathed that small town, but it was still beautiful nonetheless.
She still liked to bask in the scenery, to discern the marvel of her home, from the highest point she could access. And, sometimes, she liked to take somebody along with her so she wasn't completely alone.
"Why'd you still come up here?" Ope asked, pulling himself onto the roof as she sat with her back to the wall--puffing on a cigarette.
"Because it's quiet." She was content, comfortable with her response. "And whenever I'm looking for Jax, or Gem, or my dad--or they're looking for me--this is where we're almost always found. Just people watching, or reminiscing, or having a few minutes to ourselves away from the chaos downstairs."
It wasn't an unknown safe space--Gemma had told her that JT and Clay would climb up there during the earliest days of the club--but it was special.
Jax, Opie, and Isla spent time up there as kids, too. Because they were bastards and were always running from their fathers--and den mother--and the roof of the clubhouse was their go-to.
She never really got out of that habit. She'd spend hours up there if she could, just watching as Charming bustled beneath her. And she liked that it was separate to the garage, but everyone knew where to find her if they needed her.
"It clears your head, being up here." She added. "I have got so much shit going on right now--between work, and my personal life--but coming up here is like a refreshment, I guess."
Opie understood what she meant because he was also seeking comfort in the night. Riding through dusk, spending time alone on his bike as he cruised the streets of his quaint town, relishing in the darkness because it was strangely comforting to him.
He liked to be alone. His thoughts were brutal and they seared his brain left and fucking right, but he liked his own company.
"Wish I thought about comin' up here when I was released from holding." The man chuckled, balancing a cigarette between his lips. "Stahl grilled the fuck outta me."
"She did?"
"Yeah. She really fuckin' did." He added, grunting as smoke blew from his nostrils. "Did she get you? I know she got Gemma."
"Nope, she didn't. I don't know why, though. She interrogated everyone else. Starting to feel a little left out."
Opie chuckled, smiling a bit. "Be glad. It's obvious that she's used to getting what she wants."
"And did you give it to her?"
"Fuck no." Isla smiled. Proud. "She can cross-examine me all she fuckin' wants—I'll never sell the club out."
"They know that, Ope."
"I know." Half confidently, he nodded. "Just—Stahl made me second guess it all, y'know?"
Nobody in Charming--aside from the PD--knew where that despicable bitch came from, and nobody cared to ask.
What they did know, though, was that she had her heart set on making that town a living fucking hell as she strived to eradicate the Sons of Anarchy by getting to its members.
She'd grilled everyone she could've. She cornered Gemma when she was out running errands, leaving the grocery store with a sour taste in her mouth when Teller told her where to fucking shove it.
Same went for Jax, and Clay, and Chibs, and Tig, and...Well, all of them told her to get fucked, actually.
None of them caved. None of them wanted to sell the club out because there was no reason to.
Well, there was a reason to, but no desire to.
There'd been murders. Three, to be specific. And one of them just happened to be a police officer--which was quite unlucky, but it wasn't awful.
They hated cops.
What they hated more, however, was the idea of getting caught by them. And Clay was. Somehow, anyway.
Piney's old "friend"--Nate Meineke--needed quality, albeit illegal, guns with no traceability to attack the convoy that was transporting one of his friends from point A to point B. And it went as swimmingly as possible...
Until June Stahl was put on the case and found that idiot's phone at the scene after dropping it mid-ambush.
Clay just happened to be the last person he had called. Which then caused the investigation to point toward Charming.
They all knew the Sons were guilty of supplying those weapons. Who else would it have been? They were known for running illegal firearms without batch numbers from a quaint Californian town whose name didn't quite fit its image.
It was blatant, though nobody gave it up.
But Stahl tried her damndest to get answers. And when she didn't, she targeted the member that she saw to be the most vulnerable--after a hit went wrong and he failed to cover his tracks--and Opie just happened to be that guy.
She questioned him for hours. She practically held the man captive in that little cell until he caved. But he didn't--and he wasn't going to, either.
He was loyal. That's one of the reasons why Jax wanted to patch him back in.
"Yeah, I know." Isla got to her feet when she heard Tig yelling for her downstairs. "But you're the strongest guy I know, Ope. I don't think Stahl, of all people, is gonna get to you."
He shrugged her off, flicking the butt of his cigarette to the gravelly ground of the roof.
Opie had changed. Not much, and it wasn't very apparent, but he'd changed. Chino had changed him, she thought.
He was still dedicated to his club, still in love with the reaper and the responsibility that came with the patch--but Opie Winston lacked that flicker of enthusiasm now.
"How does your dad feel about you being back at the table?"
"Said he's proud of me."
He was a man of very, very few words. But the tone that he took--the sheer relief twined into contentment--spoke a greater volume.
Piney would always support his son, feel a sense of gratification from his involvement in the club. And, of course, Ope felt grateful to be back--but it was different now.
He'd served time for his club. Donna consistently argued that they sold him out and that he was fucking stupid for running back into the arms of SAMCRO.
But it was his brotherhood. The Sons of Anarchy were his family--his lifeline. He was nothing if not blessed to be patched back in.
"And I guess that wife of yours isn't too happy about it?"
"How'd you reach that conclusion?"
"Well," she ignored that Tig was waiting for her, standing directly in front of him. "If she was genuinely thrilled about you being back here, she'd have been coming to Gemma's dinners, and spending more time at the clubhouse with us. But she isn't, and I'm starting to realize that she probably hates me now."
His head shook. "She doesn't hate you. It's just...It's just raw. Weird being back, I think."
"She didn't even have to leave. She knows that."
Donna did know that. But there was always something about Gemma. About the way she let things slide so often, how she felt that she had Clay so pussy whipped that he'd be at her every beck and call--but, really, that was redundant. Because Gemma let him get away with fucking murder.
"Is she gonna be there tonight?
"Of course. She wouldn't miss Jax's son coming home." He got up, reaching for her hands. "Sorry that she's been so distant with you, Isla. But she's just been stressed out--money worries and the kids and stuff, y'know?"
"Yeah, I know."
Donna wasn't traditionally a worrier. But five years worth of finances, being a single mom, and fretting over her husband potentially not making it out of prison alive, just did that to a woman.
"Anything I can do to help?"
"I don't think so." Grateful for her offering, though recognizing how damn stubborn his wife was, he conceded. "Thanks, though."
"Anytime. And if you change your mind, or need me, you know where I am--"
"He is getting on my last fucking nerve today." She groaned, flipping Tig off as she looked over the ledge. "I'm coming! Give me a minute!"
"I've given you plenty of minutes! Just get your ass down here!"
"Just go," Ope chuckled, leaning down to peck her cheek. "We can have this talk another time."
Isla turned back to him, frowning. "Are you sure?"
"Absolutely. Go 'n talk to him--I'll see you tonight."
He was such a nice guy. So considerate, kind.
She loved him a lot.
The flouncy sundress rose to the middle of her thighs as she sauntered through the clubhouse, hearing Trager talking--rather conspicuously, though slightly muffled--to somebody on his cell.
"C'mon, Tiggy. Why'd you yell at me?"
He waved his hand to shut her up, gesturing for the blonde to follow him out of the clubhouse and toward his bike.
"Yeah, cool. K, brother--see 'ya later. Bye." He hung up and slid the phone into the pocket of his cut, swiveling to face Isla with a smile. "You ready?"
"For what?"
"The party?" Tig told her, watching confusion sweep over her face. "I'm taking you over 'cuz you want a drink and don't wanna drive home after? And that you're probably gonna end up heading home with Juice, or something--"
"It always happens," he shrugged, pointing at the helmet he set out for her at the back of his bike. "We all head out, you get too drunk, you take a liking to Juicy, and you try to ride his dick."
"What?" Isla got herself situated behind him as he got on first, her arms wound around his waist. "That was one time. I've only slept with him once, and I told you it'd never happen again."
"And why is that?"
Her cheeks flushed red, the engine revving sending vibrations through her entire frame.
"Because he was too gentle." Tig's foot collided with the kickstand.
"And the little Catholic girl likes it rough."
She felt the solid gold crucifix burning a hole into her chest.
"Yes. I like it rough." He groaned, leaning into her. She swatted at his chest over his shoulder, laughing heartily. "Just take me to see the baby, dickhead."
The bike sped out of the lot and Isla was loving the thrill of being on two wheels. She'd always liked being stuck to the back of somebody's Harley--but she'd never own one herself.
Isla was like Gemma. She felt stable enough riding with somebody, but riding alone--being in control of the motorcycle--was fucking terrifying.
Jax and Opie had encouraged her to take a ride at one point, but it didn't end very well, and Chibs spent the best part of two hours trying to stitch his daughter back up whilst Gemma castigated the two imbeciles who thought it was even reminiscent of a good idea.
Weaving through traffic gracefully, freely, was appealing to her, however. But she wouldn't be caught dead--alone--on a fucking bike.
Plus, she quite enjoyed being taken places. Escorted by a member of the club. It was safe.
The wind whirred and whipped around them, and she wished she didn't make the effort with her hair tonight. It was ruined, tousled to within an inch of its life, and she dreaded the thought of having to brush the knots out in Jax's bathroom.
Still, commuting via Harley was a hell of a lot quicker and had a few more benefits than commuting via car.
But the looks that they got were piercing. Horrible. Mainly from Hale stationed beside his squad car, watching as Isla and Tig raced down the freeway.
"He likes you." He spoke over the roaring engine when he hit the first stop light all night. "He hates that you've never given him a chance--"
"He's a cop, and I'm the outlaw's daughter. I've been raised to hate his kind."
Tig nodded his approval, setting off once again when the light switched to green and all opposing traffic stood still.
At one strange point in time, David Hale had his sights set on Isla Telford. He was in love with her. Completely besotted.
And she never gave him a second glance because, for one, she wasn't interested. He hated that she was so close to Jax and Opie, but not him, and he wished that she'd push herself away from the bad guys to grow closer to the heroic law-enforcer.
But he was a control freak above everything else, and Isla was just a free-spirit. She was loyal to her friends and family but she didn't want to get tied down, and she didn't want to become friendly with a fucking cop.
The only cop she liked was crooked. And Unser was in a similar spot to her--a little too affiliated with SAMCRO, but not completely doted on. Though, they were both strangely essential fixtures, and Clay would've been lost without them.
"Juice is here." Tig taunted as he helped her off the bike, holding her hand when she stumbled over herself a little. "Try to keep those panties on."
"Can't make any promises, Tiger." Her growl was seductive, though he knew that she was fucking with him.
She'd given up rebuking his claims, instead feeding into them because, with Trager, she couldn't seem to win. He was sleazy, and she loved that back and forth.
What she loved more, though, was that he was comfortable. He was a strange man, and nobody really understood just where he came from, but Isla liked that she could make jokes of any kind around him. He was easy to get along with. Easy to love.
And, man, did she love Alex Trager.
"If you do fuck him, though, would you make a video?"
Isla stepped into Jax's front room, turning on her heels. "Who said that we haven't already got one?"
She chuckled and wandered into the party, leaving Tig with a few convoluted thoughts and even more raunchy questions.
"Fuck. Gemma taught her well." He grumbled under his breath, reaching for the beer in Half-Sack's hand.
He slumped on the couch, motioning for his usual lay to sit in his lap as he watched Juice fawn over his little blonde friend making conversation with some other random woman already.
"Yeah, totally..." she agreed with whatever the girl was saying, but her eyes were glued on Tara. Just floating around the party.
She felt bad that the doctor was alone. Despite all that she thought of her, being out of ones depth in such an intimidating setting wasn't very nice. And Isla was an empath.
"D'ya think anyone 'round here has any nail glue?"
"Gemma might." She smiled, pointing toward the kitchen.
Grateful that she managed to shake that one off, Isla weaved through the small conclave and sat beside Tara, offering a friendly face during a time of such discomfiture.
Her heart was aching, the sheer nervousness was palpable, and she knew that Tara felt the same way too.
But Isla just sucked it up. Because she wanted to talk to her, and had to be the one to initiate it.
"Thanks for coming." Her smile was wide, genuine.
She offered a beer to the brunette, hoping that she'd take it.
"Thanks for asking me here." Tara accepted it, glad that Isla remembered she wasn't particularly a wine girl like herself.
Christ. This is awkward.
"Trust me, you were the first person I asked to come tonight."
"How so?"
"Well," a little bit more comfortably, she faced her completely, "you've literally nursed Abel back to health. You've been there every step of the way. You've been the best surgeon. And, as much as I hate to say it, you helped Wendy so much, Tara. I'm really thankful for all that you've done for this family."
"It's my job." She tried to brush the comments off, but her heart definitely fluttered at the praise.
Isla never changed. She was still the sweetest soul, she thought.
"I know, but you've had it rough with this lot--with Gemma, I mean."
"She isn't anything I can't handle." Confidently, she asserted.
"I know, and I'm glad that you're able to stand your ground." Reluctant, a hand landed against Tara's palm.
She jolted a little bit, but softened into the embrace.
It was comfy, warm. Prosperous, perhaps, because it meant something. Tara not jerking away and leaving once Isla offered a friendly embrace, was promising.
They spoke about the baby for a little while, and shared a few laughs at Tig's expense. It was strange, really. To be talking to her ex-best friend was strange, but she'd missed it.
Donna joined the mix, too, and it was starting to feel like old times. Isla recognized that they'd never slip back into that routine, the dedication to one another that they'd known when they were kids--but it was nice.
The conversation stuttered and it wasn't able to flow as freely as what she might've liked, but it was a start.
To know that she had something resembling an acquaintanceship with two women she admired, was nice.
And Jax introducing his baby to his brand new home, to his extended family that were already so fucking dedicated to him, was just the most wonderful thing ever.
"What about a beer?" Clay joked, holding the bottle close to Abel. Jax laughed, though he shook his hand away. "What? Grandpa can't give him his first beer?"
"No, he can't."
"I'll take it, though. If you're offerin'." Chibs grabbed the Budweiser and twisted the cap with the leather grip of his glove.
He gestured to Isla, tipping it toward her. "Want some?"
"No, you're alright." She went back to her wine, smiling at that little bundle of happiness in Jax's arms, wondering how the hell he'd gotten to be in this position now.
But it was because of Tara. Her commitment, her talent, and sheer want to help that angel through the roughest patch that a baby could have possibly been thrust into.
How Gemma could still loathe that girl--after everything she did--was beyond her completely.
Tara was the unlikeliest hero in Abel's story.
"Why is it that every time I see you, your highlights get more chunky?" Gemma smiled at the comment, turning to see her favorite girl, flaunting the most beautiful smile.
She handed Isla the bottle of whatever wine Chibs could get this evening, unable to quit beaming at the thought of her grandson finally being at home. Where he belonged.
"I told you I'd do them for you, Gem."
"I know," she nodded, playing with a few strands of hair, "I was gonna ask you, but you've been a little distant this week--didn't wanna add to your workload, baby."
"That's super considerate of you. Are you alright?" Isla teased, holding a hand to Gemma's forehead.
She slapped it away with a laugh. "Fuck you. I'm always considerate."
"Sure you are. That's why Wendy is here, right?"
"No," her head shook, "she's here 'cuz this is her house. If I had it my way, she'd be out on her ass faster than what you could even say 'crank whore.'"
Isla wiped at her lips with the back of her hand, tipping her head toward the blonde in the living room.
"I thought you made sure she was gonna be here tonight?" Confused, she quizzed.
She was under the impression that Wendy was starting to grow on her. After she'd tried to kill her, of course.
"I did," Gem confirmed. "But only because I knew it'd be awkward between her and Tara."
Amazed, or maybe fucking horrified, Isla simply glared at her.
It should've been obvious to her--plain as day--that Gemma Teller doing a good thing was simply a bullshit facade, built in order to take away from the fact she wanted to do an inherently bad thing.
But Isla liked to see the good in people, so it wasn't. And that really was one of her mot fatal flaws.
"She thanked me for letting her stay, too."
"And what'd you say to her?" Almost as if she didn't want to know the answer, she asked.
Black nails danced along the rim of her wine glass as she leaned against the counter, watching everybody enjoy themselves as they bitched and moaned.
"That she's lucky to be alive."
"Jesus, Gem," her head shook disparagingly, disappointed perhaps.
But being surprised that the woman made a threatening comment toward Wendy, was just as stupid as being surprised at Tig for fucking another hooker during his free time.
"You've gotta keep her close, ma. She's the mother of your grandson, the woman your son did love at one point."
Ma. The word rolled off her tongue unintentionally most of the time, but she didn't hate it.
Gemma was the mother figure in her life--hell, she was the mother figure in a few of the Sons' lives--and it didn't feel weird using that around her. It was affectionate. She adored it.
"Jax never loved her," matter of fact, she retorted. "They got drunk together. They smoked dope together. They didn't love one another--"
"They got married." Isla reminded her. "They have a kid together. They have a lot of history."
"Just because they have history, doesn't mean they love one another. You've got history with him."
Her chuckle was throaty, almost a full-on splutter. "We have not got that same history--we're friends, Gem, you know that's different."
She supposed the blonde was right.
There was hell of a contrast between friends for life and friends with benefits--and Gemma knew that. She just didn't like that Jax gravitated toward Wendy when he'd always had Isla right there in front of him.
Though, she was more than aware that the pair didn't look at each other that way--she still lauded the thought of the two together.
"I still hate her."
"I know," Isla laughed at Gemma's irritability, sipping on her wine, enjoying the sight of everybody having a damn good time.
"She's checking into rehab, too."
"Really? Where?"
"Some place in Oakland, I think." Gemma added, smiling at Clay when he wandered over to the pair. "But you didn't hear that from me."
"You think she's gonna stick to it?"
"Couldn't tell 'ya." He answered for his wife, leaning in to press a chaste kiss to Isla's cheek. "She's determined though, I'll give her that."
"Yeah?" His nod was optimistic--strange for Clay Morrow. "Well, I'm glad she's working on herself, anyway. She's got potential."
"You hate her."
"I know." She didn't refute the assertion. "But I'm still happy for her."
At least somebody is.
She wasn't lying. Wendy was a good girl, a woman tortured for no good reason. And she felt for her, she really did.
It'd been a shock, finding out that she was pregnant. But it wasn't like they weren't expecting it--what with the rate she and Jax were going at it.
From the start, Isla and Gemma were worried. She was notorious for her crank habit and the girls thought she was going to kill herself before she had the chance to see her son into the world.
And that almost happened, didn't it?
The doctors at St. Thomas were fucking miracle workers--Isla was on pins and needles waiting for a call to say that Wendy and Abel were okay.
But she tried not to dwell on that, now. They were both as healthy and Abel was as happy as he could've been, so Isla was content. She wasn't pleased, but she was comfortable with the way that things were going.
Tara, however.
"No!" She yelled, backing out of the nursery. "No, fuck you, Jax."
Juice stumbled backward when she nudged him out of the way, pulling her purse from the kitchen counter.
Isla and Gemma couldn't not stare.
"Tara, c'mon!" Jax called after her, but it was too late.
The front door had been slammed shut and the party came to a complete standstill. A thickening tension was shrouding the group, and things were only just starting to simmer.
"What was that all about?" The blonde asked Juice, leaning against the island.
She didn't want to prove Tig to be right but, after a few glasses of wine, Juan Carlos Ortiz was starting to pique her interests.
He swallowed thickly, watching Clay leave the room. "He said something about Wendy--wanting to keep whatever it is that he and Tara have going on the down low so it doesn't set her off, or something."
Makes sense.
"He has a point. She's doing really well lately." He continued. "Jax would hate to stunt her progress by shoving his relationship with Tara in her face."
Isla was rattled.
Jax hadn't talked to her in days, and she wasn't aware that so much had changed. She wasn't aware that he had established a relationship with Tara Knowles.
You know what they're like--like two fucking magnets or something. They always find a way back to one another.
She was too irritated to reside in that same room as Gemma, now. Knowing the conversation she'd initiate the second that Juice left was too fucking much. So she left first, instead.
The living room was almost empty. Just Clay, Bobby, Tig, and Chibs sat around the couches as Donna, the kids, and Ope were preparing to set off.
Everything was annoying her, now. She hadn't made the effort with Donna all night, but she was pissed that she hadn't started to say goodbye to her yet.
Isla was so fucking irritated that she didn't even want to talk to Tig, or her father. So she didn't.
"Where're you going, petal?" Chibs asked, hindering her plan to keep her mouth shut for the rest of the night. He knew that she'd crack a smile at the nickname.
"I was just wandering. Not really sure what to do with myself."
"Come sit down," he gestured to the space between himself and Tig, and wound an arm around her when she met the leather. "I've missed 'ya."
"Tonight? Or just in general."
"In general. It's been a few days, love."
"I know, I'm sorry." Her head rested against his Sgt. At Arms patch, and she sighed. "Work has been so fucking busy and I feel like I haven't gotten a moment to myself this week."
Isla only worked a part-time gig at some shitty salon just on the outskirts of Charming--edging into Stockton--but she hated her job.
She hated driving into the city every morning and evening, wasting a fuck ton of her paycheck on gas when, really, there was no point.
She hated her cunt boss.
Hated her cunt clients.
She hated that nobody really spoke to her because of who her father was. And when they did speak to her, it was almost like they were scared. Of Isla.
Gemma had always promised her that there was a space at the auto shop for her had she needed it, but she couldn't think of anything worse than having to answer to Gemma and Clay every single day.
Well, more than what she already was, anyway.
"Who'd 'a thought that being a hairdresser was so demanding?"
"Me, apparently." She joked, watching Tig get up and leave the room.
It'd turned somber. A little too bleak for her liking, but she guessed that everyone felt a bit awkward after Tara stamped out and Jax sat on his porch. Alone. With a bottle of whiskey.
She hated the hold that woman had over him sometimes. The way he was so fucking devoted to Tara Knowles that she could literally slap him, scream in his face, and ruin his son's homecoming party--and he would still pine for her.
She'd never understand that.
And she didn't understand how such a lively bunch of individuals had mellowed out over the course of two hours, either.
The party had disappeared. Dissipated into nothing and the atmosphere she once lauded was completely dead in the water.
It was fucking grim, and she couldn't wait to head home.
"Can I come with you tonight?"
"Why'd you even ask? Y'know you're welcome to come home with your old man whenever you want." Chibs told her a little bit stern, though it was essentially full of love.
She just smiled up at him, a bit buzzed. But she was having a good-ish time and who was he to chastise her for drinking a little too much tonight?
"Wanna head off now?"
"Yeah--lemme just say 'bye' to Gemma."
"Alright, I'll be out front. Don't forget your purse." He reminded, knowing she was too ditsy for her own good.
Chibs helped her to her feet, letting go of her hand only to part ways for a few moments.
Her mood was perking up, now. The prospect of being able to spend a few hours with her dad after a long fucking day, was just the best.
And she'd really missed him. Missed the time they once had an abundance of. Missed the evenings that they'd spend talking, drinking, watching movies, doing the generic father daughter activities.
They hadn't had that for a while, and it was truly a blessing that it was within reach tonight.
Well. It was within reach for all of five minutes.
"Oh my God--" Gemma's cell slipped from between black nails and bounced across the table. Saturated hues were locked on Isla, and her head shook.
"There's--there's been an accident." She managed to muster out. "Or, maybe a drive-by, I don't know, but Donna--"
"Donna?" Piney's attention was snatched at the mention of his daughter-in-law. He stood up. "What about her?"
Isla knew the answer. She knew what Gemma was going to say because it was just the usual now, wasn't it?
Being affiliated with SAMCRO just did that to somebody. Man, woman, child. They didn't fucking care.
"She's--Piney, she's dead."
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babieyangyang10 · 4 years
violent ends (chapter 8)
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(chapter 8)
series masterlist
genre: hunger games!au
pairings: huang renjun x oc, na jaemin x oc
warnings: language, mentions of blood, fighting, deaths, mentions of sex
A/N: I’m curious, tell me if you’re team Renjun or team Jaemin!
previous | next
Athena's POV
That's how many seconds I have before I have to step off this metal circle. It's all the time they give us to survey our surroundings. I look around to see the other tributes scattered randomly, all facing towards the cornucopia. Heart thumping, I spot Jaemin on the complete opposite end.
There are supplies almost an arm-length away from me, however everyone knows that the most useful supplies is placed in the mouth of the Cornucopia. Almost beckoning for me to take one, knifes are displayed on the walls.
Thirty Seconds.
I'm counting down in my head. Should I grab the book bag in front of me in case there's a weapon in it? But then, by the time I get to the Cornucopia, others will already be waiting for me with their fresh pick. However, if I'm quick enough I could get them while their backs are turned.
Twenty seconds.
Breathe. I look around to see no other than Haechan placed exactly to my right. That's a huge problem. No matter what I choose, he's going to be right on my trail. But the bag is so close!
Bag or Cornucopia?
Fifteen seconds.
My eyes dart, back and forth trying to come up with a decision. Then, suddenly I question how I will even be able to find Jaemin during the chaos, if he decides to ditch me and run away to the lake. He wouldn't, right?
I look him in the eyes and discreetly nod towards the Cornucopia, praying he gets the message. Or that he even saw it, considering he's about 20 tributes away from me.
Now back to the bag situation.
10 seconds. Big, yellow letters appear on a screen in the Cornucopia, counting down. 
Back and forth, I struggle to come up with a quick decision on which I should do first. However, when I look over to my left, over two tributes away is Renjun. Noticing my visible distress, he shakes his head at me.
"Don't." He mouths.
I get into running position and keep my eyes on the knifes. Guess I'll give up on the backpack. Although, since Renjun is officially my competition now, should I trust his input?
Is this a secret plan between the three of them to collectively slash me to bits?
5 seconds.
Fine, I've made up my mind. Okay, Huang Renjun, I'll forget the dumb fucking bag.
3 seconds.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Breathe you fucking moron, before you pass out.
2 seconds.
Then, I hear it, the gong. My body takes over and I'm sprinting as fast as I can. I'm so close now, I can practically already feel the blades in my hands. My lungs are burning, but I don't care.
I reach out and grab several, random knifes from the wall. However, once I turn around, my whole body collides with the sharp wall behind me. A boy from District 5 has his bare hands around my throat, making me drop the knifes.
Pivoting my body to the right, I strike his arm with my left palm. Once he falls forward, I use the same arm to lock around his neck. Squeezing as hard as I can, I grab whatever I can from the wall with my free hand and thrust it into the side of his neck.
Blood violently seeps in squirts from the wound onto me, as I release him from my hold. I grab my dropped weapons and a backpack by my ankle. When I look up, I am greeted by absolute madness.
Lee Jeno is standing over a young girl from District 3 with an axe stuck in the middle of her head. Meanwhile,  Renjun has just slashed open the District 8 boy's neck. Too occupied, they don't even notice me running past them. However, I feel someone leap on my back, causing me to crash face-first into the ground. I use all my strength to roll the large boy off of me, before stunning him with a sharp and painful punch to the nose. Wasting no time, I jab a knife into his throat, before pulling it out to keep.
I desperately try to look for the blond boy, but he's nowhere to be found. There's beginning to be less people, meaning the Careers will spot me if I stick around much longer. While they're occupied with hacking away at the poor tributes, I decided to immediately follow Taeyong's advice of collecting water. It's important that I get there before Renjun does the same. I sprint through trees, trying to achieve a safe distance.
Once I've gotten away far enough to no longer hear the deafening screams of the dying children, I could softly hear the sound of moving water masked under the chirping birds.  At this moment, I can't help but feel jealous of them. They have no idea what's truly happening beneath them.  Stuck in their own little world, safe from harm's way in the trees. Even if something where to happen to them, they have wings to fly away with. I guess, they remind me of the people from the Capitol.
As the sound of water gets louder, I make sure to tread quietly. The Careers can't be far, and right now I'm alone and vulnerable. God, I wish Jaemin was here right now.
Noticing the dirt become muddier as I walk near the sound, I know I should be extremely close by now.
Alerted, I quietly crouch behind a tree. Knife ready, I wait until the crunching of leaves get close enough, before I jump out and tackle the noisy perpetrator to the floor.
They put up a good fight too, attempting to push me off their back. During our wrestling, I notice them looking around frantically, probably looking for their weapon since they dropped it during the tackle.
Suddenly, the head becomes locked in one direction. Following his gaze, I see a trident laying on the forest floor.
A trident?
They notice me pause, throwing me backwards into the ground. My head smacks backwards against it, my eyes shutting in pain.
Once they open, I am face-to-face with the sharp prongs of the trident.
Cowering backwards, I frantically say, "Jaemin! It's me."
Once he realizes, the alerted look on his face fades away into one of concern, "Athena, are you okay?"
Jaemin chucks his weapon to the side and thoroughly looks over my face and body for injuries.
"It's not my blood," I assure him, "Ran into some people at the Cornucopia." 
"It's literally everywhere. Here, follow me to the lake, so you can wash it off." He gently pulled me up off the ground.
Grabbing his trident in one hand and my own hand in his other, he leads me to the lake. We crouch down by the waterside. My hands scooping up some water to cure the dryness in my throat. Then, I began scrubbing off the blood from my face and body.
"What happened out there? I couldn't find you at the Cornucopia." He asked, curious.
I watch the blood fading away into nothing in the river, as I speak, "I made it to the center. The guy from District 5 tried to choke me out right away. Then, after I started looking for you, I got tackled by a guy I couldn't see."
Frowning at the now clear water, "Honestly, for a second, I thought you left without me, when I couldn't find you there."
"I wouldn't leave you. We're in this till the end, okay?" Jaemin promises.
"Til the end, then," I agree, "What happened to you?"
"I only got to this," He held up his trident, "before Haechan is launching at me with bow and arrows. He kept chasing me, and before I know it I ended up far behind the back of the Cornucopia.That's where I spotted this lake from. He kept calling out for me, but eventually I guess he just gave up. That's when I decided to leave and set out to find you."
Taking in his words, I point out, "It sounds a lot like they were trying to purposely separate us, so they could kill us easier. Don't you think?"
"It makes sense, " He suddenly laughed, "it's funny though, we almost killed each other for them."
"I'm sorry for tackling you like that." I apologized.
"It's fine. Is your head okay?" Jaemin softly patted the back off my head.
"It is now." I bat my eyelashes, playing it up for the cameras. Looking around, I notice some  flowers sticking up through the water, surrounded by Lilly pads.
"What are these?" He curiously picked one from the water.
"They're pond lilies. They're good for infections and burns. Plus anti-inflammatory too." I remember what Taeyong taught me.
"Hm, so smart," He smiles down at me, before tucking the flower behind my ear, "and pretty too."
I don't hide the way my cheeks flush. Just like they did last night, when I was with Renjun.
Distracting myself from the thought, I decide to look throw the bright orange back pack I picked up after killing the District 5 guy. While rummaging through it, I found a pack of crackers, a pack of dried beef strips, a bottle of iodine, a box of wooden matches, a bit of coiled wire, glasses, and an empty black water bottle.
Grabbing the bottle, I began to fill it up with water for later. Then, I place it back in the backpack along with some of the knifes I've been holding onto. While doing so, Jaemin proceeds to try on the glasses.
"Wow, these really do suck. I can still see the sun." He murmurs, looking around.
"Then, they're probably supposed to be used during night. That'll be useful for hunting. Speaking of hunting, you hungry?" I ask, feeling my stomach rumble at the first mention of food.
"Yeah, let's go."
Renjun's POV
Jeno, Haechan, and I had decided to turn the Cornucopia into our own little camp. We had  all the supplies we could ever need. I mean, sure, there's about ten bodies just laying around, but home sweet home, right?
However, right now it wasn't feeling too sweet.
"What the fuck happened out there, Haechan? The plan was whoever was closest to her would kill her as soon as she stepped off the platform. You were the closest." complained an irritated Jeno.
I don't feel guilty that Haechan is unknowingly taking the hit for me. In fact, I was the one who stopped her from getting that bag and immediately dying by the bare hands of Haechan. I'm not sure what made me do it. I keep telling myself that maybe I was thinking about her being defenseless and unable to put up a fair fight would be unfair.
Or maybe I'm just pussy-whipped after last night, I don't know. My hand subconsciously goes to the hidden mark she left near my collarbone. Although I can't see it, I can feel the slight pain as my fingers pass over it. A reminder of last night.
Ripping my hand away, I try to tune back into the argument to avoid popping up a boner, while on live national-fucking-television.
"She was just too fast. I was sure that huge dude from District 5 was going to finish her off for me," Haechan suddenly remembered something, "Besides I was the one who made sure they were separated like our Plan B said to do."
I guess he's right. If we were able to kill them, we were going to do our best to separate them. Without Athena, Jaemin probably couldn’t survive, since District 4 is entirely a beach district. That fish boy probably has no idea how to survive for a week in the woods.
On the other hand, Athena, for some reason, needs him just as much. The three of us had debated on the reason why. Maybe she’s using him for his fame and sponsors? Although, she had received a lot of positive attention based on her own charms. She didn’t need him for that.
That’s what led us to the conclusion that she had a little girl crush on him. The thought makes me sick. I thought the Lee Athena I grew up with, would never waste her time on a guy like him.
As the sky becomes dark, I wondering what they’re doing now. Are they dead? Or still all alone? I can imagine Athena, hiding in a tree all by herself, frightened and scared. A little part of me wonders what would happened if she joined the Careers. Would she be here right now sitting next to me? Listening to these annoying boys bicker with each other.
Where are you, Lee Athena?
Maybe they found each-other. Maybe they’re looking up at the same sky right now.
I can see it. Them huddling close together, blaming it on their need to keep warm for the night. His arms wrapped around her, tightly. Her head resting against his check, watching the stars.
God, it makes me sick.
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newmxmories · 5 years
Are you with me?
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A/N: Wow! I did not expect doing a part 2 but thank you to all of you lovely people! Words will never be enough to express how much thankful I am. BUT without further ado, Part 2 of Holding On and Letting Go
·· Shall We ? ··
You got to the diner after hours of going house to house getting candy. It was just you and Richard because Aaliyah crashed right after Richard put her in her car seat. After ordering, Rich put down his phone,
"So, you're scared?"
You nodded.
"Y/N.. I get where you're coming from. But understand where he's coming from too. He's never been in an actual relationship before. Or even whatever you two have. What he sees is that he went out with friends."
You put your head down on the table,
"I know! But I can't help it!"
He laid back,
"Lemme ask you. If there was no fuss between the two all over social media. Would you still be as scared as you are now?"
You got back up and huffed.
"I don't know..."
"I think it was all the publicity that got out and the social media that got into your head. Now you're afraid whatever you saw would be true because you have an idea of what it'd been like. No need for you to make anything up in your wild imagination."
As you were eating. Joel texted you,
"Are you coming home tonight?"
You replied,
"No. I'm staying at Richards."
You put down your phone, Rich asked you
"What did he say?"
You shrugged your shoulders,
"Nothing. He asked if I was coming home tonight and I said no."
Rich nodded. Soon enough Chris called Richard.
"Tell Y/N to go home"
"Why? She already said she isn't."
You gave him a questioning look.
"You call her then"
"I'm on the phone with you!"
After a few minutes of going back and forth he hung up the phone.
"What was that about?" You asked.
"Go home tonight"
You shook your head,
"I promised Aaliyah."
"Who is sound asleep right now."
"You don't know that"
Few minutes Richard showed you a picture Yash sent of Aaliyah sound asleep in her Wonder Woman costume.
"Told you! Go home, I'll bring her over tomorrow."
"Promise. Let's finish our food and go"
· Back at the house ·
You open the door as if you never left. Zab and Erick playing video games while Chris was watching them. When you entered the living room,
"Why did I need to come back?"
Zab paused the game,
"Because he's upstairs"
Your eyebrows met,
Chris looked at you,
"Don't be like that. You know who."
"Why? He's supposed to clubbing with his friends no?"
Erick turned,
"Came back an hour ago. Had a bunch of things to ask us"
Erick cleared his throat,
"Is Y/N okay? Why did she rush out? Did I do something? Is she mad at me? What should I do?!"
You chuckled at his little imitation of Joel. Chris came around to put his arm around you.
"Tell us. Why are you scared?"
You fought back your tears,
"I already talked about it with Richard."
Zab chimmed in,
"Were we there though?"
You rolled your eyes. Chris kissed your temple,
"You have to be willing to go through obstacles in order to love, hermana. You can be scared but you can't let that block you from falling in love. It's a natural instinct to feel that way. But if there's love in the bond then it's something you can get over."
You looked at him with teary eyes,
"And when did you get all lovey dovey?!"
He pulled you into a tight hug,
"I see the way he is with you. You both are very shy but together you bring something out of him. He's loose and he's chill. When you're backstage he looks back time to time to make sure you're there. When we have to go through fans, you should see how protective he gets. But he knows the can't show how protective he is. He always texts Clara and Ali to make sure you're safe. When we're in the clear, you're the first person he asks for. Remember the time Clara, Ali and you decided to prank us? Saying they lost you in the crowd?"
You nodded your head and chuckled to yourself remembering that moment. You really just went to Starbucks to get a drink.
"Joel's eyes were on the verge of crying. He started to ask how?! why?! He losted it"
"I remember that. He didn't let me out of sight after that."
"He's scared Y/N. He's just as scared as you. Give him a chance to express how he feels too. Because most likely you both are sharing the same feelings right now" Zabdiel said.
You nodded your head.
"He's in his room." Erick said softly
"Goodnight boys, I love you guys, you know that?"
"Te amo mucho hermana. Go talk to him. He came in looking like he did at the airport."
You go upstairs to your room. You wanted to wash of whatever makeup you had left before you talk to him. Once you were clean, new pajamas on and done putting on your moisturizer, you opened your washroom door to reveal him sitting on your bed.
He jolted up and tried to say something,
"I.. Uh.. Tried-"
"Right. I tried to call you but you weren't answering"
"I was in the shower."
"What do you want?"
Sounding a little too blunt you already started to feel guilty. Joel took a breath,
"I thought about what happened when you left. Did I do something? Please talk to me. I texted you when I was at the club and all I got was 'okay'. And I know you, when you give me one word answers it's the complete opposite of okay."
Again with the tears. You pressed your tongue on the top of your mouth and stared at the ceiling. Joel took a step towards you,
"Please talk to me Y/N. Please. I just want to know-"
"I'M SCARED, OKAY?! I WAS- NO. I AM SCARED. BECAUSE I AM AFRAID TO LET YOU FULLY IN. I AM SCARED THAT YOU WILL LEAVE ME FOR HER. AND I KNOW, OKAY? I KNOW WE'RE NOT TOGETHER SO I CAN'T GET MAD OR JEALOUS. BUT I AM SCARED TO LOVE YOU BECAUSE I DON'T KNOW HOW TO LOVE BECAUSE YOU ARE MY FIRST AND I AM TERRIFIED OF IT. You were out tonight with your friends but you were out with a friend that I wish I can think of just as a friend but I can't. I don't hate her because God she's so beautiful. But I do hate that whatever happened between you guys can't leave my head. That whatever happened on social media and the publicity will all become true and I don't know.."
Joel hugged you. And you stopped. You just stopped. He kissed your temple and you just fell into his arms.
"I'm with you. Okay? We are just friends. Because you are the first person I think of. You are also the last person I want to see when I sleep. No matter if we have different rooms, I still check sometimes if you're asleep. Especially when you stay up late when we have an early morning plan. Even if I text you if you're up though I'm literally 10 feet away. I know sometimes you don't want to answer because you're trying to play it as if you're asleep. But I can hear you especially if you're really into the movie or show you're watching. But I know that nighttime is your only alone time you have so I give you the space. I know we want to take things slow. But God I love you Y/N Y/L/N but if you have me, I'd love to be your-"
"My boyfriend?"
He chuckles,
"Yes you're boyfriend. It's my first time though so you have to give me pardon sometimes."
You were both now cuddled in your bed.
"I will. As long as you give me pardon too because it's my first time too."
He snuggled deeper into your body as you let him engulf your body frame so softly. He kissed your temple, your cheek and your beautiful lips.
"Well I guess here's to firsts."
You looked at him,
"We've kissed before Joel"
"Never as a couple"
You smiled as you leaned in for another one. Once you separated, he asked
"Can we have movie night now?"
You quickly got up and grabbed a bag of goodies.
"Now we can!"
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bmongmong · 3 years
Chapter 6 - Interesting
Blue pill or red pill - Jungkook
Description: You're a young girl, who's a little bit introverted and afraid to be under everybody's eyes. You only have your best friend, but it's ok for you. You don't want to be popular and believe in minimal things. One day you meet a guy. Or two?
Jungkook x Reader
The imagines I used are not mine Credit to the owners
Y/n pov
"ROSE' I'M FREAKING OUT!" I shout over the phone. I called my best friend to tell her EVERYTHING, as soon as I got into my room.
"So" she says taking a small break "basically you got to the twins' house, thinking that you and Jungkook were going to be alone. Then you see Jungwook shirtless doing push-ups. After that you studied and you almost kissed with Jungkook. His brother interrupted you two and they almost started a fight. You stopped them and rushed out of the room. You were having a panic attack and Jungkook calmed you down, while hugging you. You both apologized to each other and he insisted to get you home. Once you arrived at your house you gave him a kiss in the cheek and then ran away."
It took me almost an hour to explain her what happened and she just summarized everything in less than two minutes.
"Umh, yeah that's basically it." I say, fascinated by her talent.
"I'll tell you what I think" as she says this I feel nervous, but also curious. Like a kid who discovers new things day by day. "On one side there's Jungwook, who acts like a bully but at the same time, he saved you from those girls and keeps teasing you. He's the classic bad guy that falls in love with the cute girl"
As she talks about him that way, I feel like gagging. It will never happen. Me and Jungwook? No way. She then continues:
"On the other side, there's Jungkook, who's the perfect guy that treats you amazingly, but also told you that you're only one of his close friend. He's also jealous of his brother flirting with you, that's why he almost punched him. He's the cute boy that wants to protect his girl, but at the same time is too shy to say what he feels"
She's doing a very detailed description. I'm amazed by her sixth sense.
"So basically, you're in between two fires" I can feel her evil smile as she tells me that.
I suddenly start to feel nervous and guilty. I don't know why, but I feel like something bad is going to happen. I'm also a bit scared, I don't want to be the reason for a fight.
It's morning and I wake up with mixed emotions. I smile as I remember about the sweet and warm hug between me and Jungkook. But then reality hits me and I also remember about Jungwook and the whole drama.
The morning went pretty normal at school. Jimin and Rosé kept flirting and kissing, Jungkook and Jungwook kept giving death stares at each other. And I was just in the middle of them. Like Rosé said.
"I want to do something fun" Jungwook says grinning and looking at me. He didn't really whisper, so Jungkook heard what he said. I hope these two won't fight here. I'm sweating a bit and starting to feel hot. Luckily Jungkook doesn't answer, he just glances at him and then gets back to his homework.
Now I'm going back home with Rosé, who is talking to me about Jimin, as always:
"He's so sweet y/n. Why did I wait this long? Oh right! His birthday is coming in a couple of weeks. He wants to invite us at his villa." She says smiling. But I'm not so convinced with this idea. I hate crowded places, and knowing how famous Jimin is, he's going to invite tons of people. I guess my best friend noticed my concern.
"Y/n" she says taking my hand as we walk "He said that this year he wants to do something smaller than the previous ones. He said that he's going to invite only the four of us: me, you and the twins."
"Really?" I say a bit surprised. I guess it will be fine, as long as I'm with Rosé. I just nod and accept the invitation.
As I get home I feel observed by both of my parents.
"What happened?" I ask confused "Did I do something wrong?" I wonder what's wrong with them. They're just silent. I feel the palms of my hands sweating, this is killing me. After ten awkward seconds, in which I raised an eyebrow at them, my mum decides to talk:
"You have nothing to tell us?"
What? What do I have to tell them. I show them my confused face, as I think about what it could be. But nothing comes to my mind.
"Do you have a boyfriend?" my dad gets my attention with his sudden question.
"WHAT? A B-BOYFRIEND?" what is wrong with them. They know I'm single.
"Yesterday Rosé came here to give you this" my mum says showing my one of my notebooks.
"That's my notebook! I couldn't find it anywhere." I say smiling and lifting my hands to take it, but my mum quickly snapped it.
"You said that you were going to meet with Rosé yesterday." My dad says.
My smile drops. I'm sweating even more. I don't feel nervous, I rather feel pressured. They see that I can't come up with an excuse, so my mum decides to keep talking:
"She told us that you went to 'Jungkook's house'"
That's it. I'm doomed. They're going to kill me. Not that they don't want me to have a boyfriend, but they want me to tell them everything. I clench my fists and lower my head, hoping that they won't scold me too hard, but I hear a giggle coming from my mum's mouth. I slowly look up and see the both of them smiling like crazy.
"Is he cute?" my mum asks.
"How old is he? Can I trust him?" my dad takes over.
They're bombarding me with questions. My jaw drops and I'm in disbelief, expecting a totally different reaction from them.
As they keep questioning me things about him I just stop them:
"He's not my boyfriend! We're just close friends and we met just to study!"
"Yeah sure...FRIENDS" my mum says emphasizing that particular word. I swear, they're starting to get on my nerves. How do I get out of this? As they keep teasing me, I feel the anger growing inside me. I could explode in any second. But then I receive a call from Rosé.
"Oh Rosé is calling me, I have to go, byeee" I say rushing into my bedroom.
As I get inside I answer the call.
"Hi y/n!"
"Hi Rosé, you just saved me"
"From what?"
"My parents. They know about Jungkook. Kinda"
"Really? How?" by the sound of her voice, I can understand that she's playing dumb.
"AHAHAH I didn't mean to, really. I honestly thought that you've told them. Or at least that you've told them that you were going to study with a friend" she has a point.
"Anyway...why did you call me?" I try to change the subject as soon as I realize that I'm wrong.
"I know we just separated only half an hour ago. But today I don't feel like staying at home. So I wanted to ask if you wanted to come with me to the same café"
"Oh sure!! I'll wear something cute and get there! Bye" and I hang out.
Rosé took me to some clothes shops and made me buy a lot of new clothes. I'm looking for a cute one.
It's nothing too special, but I still like it. I slowly open the door, preventing it from cracking and tiptoeing outside. Fortunately my parents didn't hear me and I run as far as I can.
As I walk I receive a message from Jungkook.
Hi Y/n! what are you doing? 😊
I'mgoing out with Rosé 😊
You're so cute :D <3
My heart skipped a beat on that. I didn't expect that at all. As I keep walking I suddenly look at a window shop, in which I can see my reflection. I'm smiling so hard and I didn't even realize that. I feel so happy right now.
Without realizing I start hopping happily and arrive to the cafè, where I see Rosé waiting for me.
"Someone seems happy" she says as soon as I reach her.
"Yesss, he called me cute" I say looking at the clear sky. This sensation feels great. It seems like my life is going to the right path.
"I can literally see your eyes becoming heart shaped" she says laughing.
After a bit we eventually decide to sit at a table outside. As we keep talking about random stuff, I seem from a distance Jimin with Jungwook waving at us.
"Rosé look. There's Jimin!" I say to her, and she immediately wave back at him and gesturing them to come over.
Why is she calling them? I mean, I know she wants to greet her boyfriend, but there's also Jungwook! I hope he doesn't do or say anything wrong.
"Hi girls!" Jimin says as he kisses her girlfriend. "Is everything fine?"
"Yes!!" Rosé says showing her best smile. She looks so happy with him. I wish I could find someone like she did. I mean, there's Jungkook, but I don't know if he feels the same way.
The two boys ended up sitting at our table and getting something fresh to drink.
"So y/n" Jimin asks me "Rosé told me that you'll come to my birthday! I'm so happy" he says smiling wide.
"O-Oh yeah, I'll come and have fun with all of you!" I say trying to not look at Jungwook, who now starts talking:
"Oh yes, we're going to have a lot of fun" he smirks. I really want to punch him.
"Oh Rosé" the blonde guy says "I need to talk to you about something, can we go in that silent street? It's something private" I widen my eyes. I hope she gets my signals. I don't want to be left alone with the other one. But she doesn't seem to look at me and she just says:
"Is it really important?"
"Yes, it is" her boyfriend says.
"Ok lets go. Y/n I'll be right back" and with that they left.
It's really awkward. At least for me, because it looks like Jungwook is enjoying this, way too much. To feel less awkward, I decide to take my phone and chat with Jungkook. I swear, this scene looks so absurd. I'm sitting next to a guy and at the same time I'm chatting with his twin.
"You seem busy" Jungwook says.
"Yes, I am" I say coldly.
"Who is it?" he says stretching his head and leaning towards me to see the screen of my phone.
"None of your business" I say putting the phone on my chest.
"I see..." he looks suspicious.
As I keep texting with Jungkook, the guy next to me stays quiet.. I guess he got it now. But I spoke too soon.
He suddenly snaps my phone out of my hands and reads the messages. I try to get it back, but he stops me by putting his arm over me.
"Oh oh oh, look what we have here. My cute little brother. You two looks so happy" he says as he keeps scrolling up our chat.
"Give it back!" I shout finally managing to take my phone back.
"Uhhh someone is mad" he says in a teasing tone. I just ignore him, I don't want to mess with him. Thinking that now he would probably shut up, I hear him saying something:
"You know y/n. I like to mess with people, just for fun. And I really like to see people's different reactions every time. And now I want to see your reaction to one of my spites..."
As he says so I look at him and...
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...he's smirking like crazy. He's seriously scaring me right now. I feel my stomach hurting a bit and my hands shaking. But I have to look confident.
"W-What are you t-talking abo-" he cuts me off smashing his lips on mine. I widen my eyes in surprise and freeze on my spot. He suddenly bits my lower lip hard, making me gasp and open my mouth. He takes advantage of that moment and slides his tongue inside my mouth. He's actually a good kisser, but I'm not giving into the kiss. I push him away and look at him shocked, as I wipe my mouth with my arm.
"Things are going to get interesting" he then says liking his lips. I stand up and run away from him.
As I walk fast I bump into Rosé, who was now coming back to our table.
"Y/n where are you going?" she asks me confused, but then she sees tears in my eyes "Oh my god what happ-" I didn't let her finish the sentence and just run away.
I run as fast as I can, but at some point I stop, feeling too tired. I bend down and put my hands on my knees, to find some support. I suddenly feel a knot on my stomach. I start to cry and sob really hard, as I feel the pain growing and pervading every inch of my body. My throat feels clogged and I feel like I'm running out of hair, so I start breathing really hard and fast.
It's not my fault, he did that all by himself. I didn't do anything, but why do I feel like this? Sad? Angry? No...guilty.
As I get home I quickly run to my rum and lock myself inside. how could he do that? Why does he have to interfere? Does he enjoys watching people getting hurt? He's the devil. My stomach starts to hurt even more and I can't contain my loud whines. Then I receive a text message from Jungkook.
By the way, do you have something to do next Thursday? We can hang out and maybe eat an ice cream together ^^
As I read the message I start crying harder and harder, at the point that I almost puke.
Rosé's pov
Why was she crying? I ask myself. But then I remember that she was alone with Jungwook.
That bastard.
I walk at a face pace towards him and shouts:
"What did you do to her?!"
"Me? Nothing" I see him grinning, as he pronounces those words.
"I'm going to beat you up if you don't tell me" I say, but Jimin cuts me off by saying:
"Rosé, calm down" he then looks at his friend "What did you do?" he doesn't sound mand. It's like, he's given up. Almost if it's an habit seeing Jungwook making troubles.
"I just wanted to spice things up" Jungwook says flicking his tongue.
"Tell me what you did!" I shout expecting him to get surprised, but all I earn is an evil grin on is mouth. He then says:
"Why don't you go and ask y/n? I think she didn't mind it at all"
As he leans back on his chair, I feel the anger building up inside me. It has never happened before. Not this much. I clench my fists and start running to y/n's house. I can hear from afar Jungwook saying to Jimin:
"Don't follow her. I think she'll need time alone with her best friend"
Seriously, I hate him so much. What did he ever do to make y/n cry?
I run as fast as I can, and now I'm finally at her house. I knock on the door several times and her mum shows up.
"Hi Rosé! What are you doing here?" she says smiling. I guess she didn't see y/n crying.
"Can I see y/n?" I say out of breath.
"Of course, she's in her room!"
I quickly run to her bedroom and open the door without knocking and I see the most heartbreaking scene I've ever seen.
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