#there is some violence (beating ppl up) guns knives etc
kevinsbitch-panini · 2 months
fanfic friday: aftg edition
Deadly Affections by NikNak22
Summary: Neil Josten is not soft- has never been in fact. But when an unintended comment from one of the Foxes throws Neil for a loop, he finds himself reminding them why no one should think of him in that way. But why is Andrew suddenly so distant? And what happens when all of these reminders of his past start to catch up with him? Aka: all the times Neil proved he was a badass, and Andrew reminds him he's an idiot.
Tags: Angst with a Happy Ending, My First Fanfic, no beta we die like men, Badass Neil Josten, Exy (All For The Game), Knives, Guns, Neil Josten Is an Idiot, Kissing, Canon Compliant, Post-Canon, okay maybe a little OOC but let me have this- I tried
Words: 12,287 Chapters: 1/1
this was genuinely a work of art. i generally love fluff/soft shit but this. this fundamentally rewired my brain oh my fucking god. it was the perfect balance of angst (neil reverting back to nathaniel??!!!) but also comfort <3 and also neil being a badass may be the sexiest thing in the world (perhaps even more so than kevin switching his racket hand 👀 which i didn't think was possible). plus i dont necessarily like it when neil is treated as incompetent (he is literally so talented! however he chose to ignore all of that in exchange for exy) so really this fic is perfect. plus it felt very canon andreil, and basically very in-character in general. overall 11/10
the author has written a whole bunch of aftg fics (which im gonna go read right now) so pls check them out! idk their tumblr but if someone finds it lmk
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the50-person · 5 years
HONG KONG UPDATE 27 AUG 2019: Longest HK political uprising
Surpassed 2014 Umbrella Movement and Occupy Central (79 days)
Entered 80th day on 27 Aug 2019.
1. What is Emergency Regulations Ordinance?
Effectively giving power to government to change HK into current Xinjiang.
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2. The 5 demands of HK citizens
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3. What have the Chinese gov, HK gov and HK police been doing?
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The China Extradition Bill is not dead, and now the government is suppressing all freedoms and rights:
freedom of speech (real speech, social media, discussions, university courses)
freedom of expression
rights to your home
right to legal help
right to medical help
torture in custody
sexual abuse
sexual assault
verbal abuse
underaged persons rights to guardians
arbitrary arrests
white terror - arrests at hospitals, Hospital Authority and some pro-gov medical staff leak details to police, violates humanitarian policies that HK is bound to
white terror - any opinion that is not pro-gov enough = immediate unemployment against labour laws
body search and possessions search
invasion of private premises
chemical weapons (tear gas, pepper spray)
physical weapons and ammunition (tear gas canisters used as bullets, eubber rounds, foam rounds, sponge rounds, live rounds, batons, brutal beatings, water cannons etc)
attacking peaceful non-violent unarmed citizens (be they protesting or not)
surveillance, and arrests after deeming someone is not pro-gov
using triads to kill indiscriminately
assassinations (29 Aug 2019 against CHRF convenor Jimmy Sham)
illegal detainment (in police facilities and in China)
invasion of privacy thru searching phones and data, and questioning ppl who have cleaned their phone
planting evidence
sending undercover cops to incite and enact violence and push blame on citizens
smear campaign, fake news
forcing marches to march only small route
banning marches (even though peaceful)
banning assemblies (even though peaceful; as of 29 Aug 2019)
gaslighting and twisting truth (e.g. "phone" becomes "broken police shield", "kneeling to beg for mercy" becomes "unknown intent", "kicking unarmed man in stomach" becomes "cop pushed him away")
kettling citizens in a sealed mall where they have no escape and beating them up brutally
attempting to gouge someone's eye
firing all sorts of weapons at extreme close range and eye level
shooting at eye (at least 4 eyes lost)
dehumanisation of HK citizens as cockroaches, a chilling parallel to Nazis and Rwandan genocide
death threats (multiple pro-CCP groups exposed to have discussed using knives, guns)
rape threats (towards female protesters and journalists, discussion of gang rape and mass rape)
doxxing (anyone who supports democracy is doxxed and info sent to China's Ministry of State Security)
taking photos and videos of protesting citizens without permission, refusing to delete, attacks citizens when requested, then pretends to be ill and blames citizens
violent and illegal (they didn't apply with authorities) pro-CCP Mainland Chinese counter-protests around the world, with attacks on pro-HK protesters and their exhibits and Lennon Walls
These are only some of the atrocities and violations of human rights and freedoms by Chinese gov, HK gov and HK police.
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arnorcttos · 5 years
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( ludovico tersigni + 22 + muse 59 ) isn’t that apollo amoretto over there? i heard HE joined faction: nomads after they got back to west ham. it’s funny, ‘cause they were only on the service trip to terrorize his peers. hopefully they fit in there – they’re ADROIT, but also INDELICATE. oh, i’m sure they’ll be fine. ( james, she/they, 20, EST )
okay hi i’m james and this is my baby apollo, who is actually a brand new spankin’ muse of mine so !! we’ll see how this goes b/c i’ve literally never rp’d him before !! and i’ll b frank. his background is inspired by logan in veronica mars. sue me. actually don’t i’m already in college debt but sudfjkfg PLEATHE plot w/ him. leave a like. two likes. that’s not even possible. i may change his fc in the future b/c like ... i’m currently making his gif icons as i go and to b frank ,,, it’s rly hard sdjfkgh but i love him. so we’ll see. sdjnfkmgh
a e s t h e t i c s
fingers across keyboards and piano keys, m&m’s scattered, vintage gaming consoles and tangled wires, worn vans and broken skateboards, banging of drums and splintering drumsticks, deep rhythms beating with your heart, the hum of a hefty computer and the buzz of a monitor, green text against black screens, unruly hair unkempt, flannels filling closets, bloody baseball bats, posters lining up and down walls, loud punk music shaking the walls, glares and whispers, the suffocation that comes with loneliness, pills rattling in their bottles, unmade beds.
general info !!
full name: apollo casimir amoretto
nickname(s): caz, polly, lover boy, 2000 (b/c of his screen names lmaoo)
b.o.d. - january 31st, aquarius boi
label(s): the escapist, the hellion, the insurgent, the netizen, etc. etc.
height: hitting 6′0″
hometown: west ham, kansas !
sexuality: bi...? fucking. it’s pride month ofc he’s bi.
his stats are TBD but his pinterest is HERE !
biography !!
cristian amoretto and camilla silvestri had a romance that could be described turbulent at best, and down right explosive at worst
cristian, a native italian actor whose career began before he could walk, and camilla, the daughter of two italian immigrants with big dreams in a small town, met on the set of a coffee shop. their love story began quickly, dating within only a few months of knowing each other and engaged before the year was up
camilla walked down the aisle 6 months pregnant with lil’ baby apollo, who was then born in west ham, kansas, aka the town that camilla’s family had settled in
was raised primarily by his mother and grandparents! his father was often off shooting movies, leaving camilla to take on the role of stay-at-home mom despite her own dreams of making it big as an actress
apollo grew up as a huge momma’s boy -- i mean, god, he just really loved this mother, y’know? his relationship with his father was much rockier because of his ... lack of being around.
when his grandparents died around the age of eight, that’s when things got...worse. it felt as if camilla’s parents were the only barrier between camilla and cristian’s budding wrath.
it became more apparent that cristian was not meant for the family life, his anger quick and his fists quicker, stinging words and venomous glares. a control freak who couldn’t handle camilla being an independent woman.
this wasn’t apparent to the neighbors, or much of the town in general, because the amorettos were such a prominent family up in their mini-mansion in oak ridge -- it was hard to imagine that their life was anything but exquisite and dreamlike.
this was, of course, up until camilla filed for divorce and a restraining order in the same day, face bruised and nearly unrecognizable. she, obviously, got custody of apollo.
at this point in time, apollo was fourteen and...pretty stoked for them to get away from his father. they holed up in southside and life continued as normal. for the time being. gossip swarmed apollo at school surrounding the circumstance which was annoying, to say the least. it led to him becoming withdrawn from the other students, not getting the whole ... gossip appeal.
in hindsight, they should’ve moved out of west ham. death threats in the form of letters and the eerie feeling of eyes constantly being on them came to a halt on apollo’s graduation day: the day that his father also, coincidentally, murdered his mother.
for making me miss out on years of my son’s life, was cristian’s excuse as he was escorted from the bloody crime scene at their apartment and into the police car.
obviously, cristian was convicted and sentenced to prison. apollo still has dreams about testifying in court against his father.
and then apollo became known not as the son of two celebrities, but the son of a murderer. total bummer !
became even more withdrawn and almost dropped out of college a few good times! the only thing that kept him rooted to west ham was his band.
and now he can’t leave, and he’s surrounded by people who all look at him weird and he feels like they’re all expecting him to be like his father, and he’s not, but god -- when people expect you to be one way, it’s so hard to act otherwise. it’s just not a good time !
pretty much why he went on the service trip tbh ... like, y’know ... if ppl want to believe that he’s just as bad as his dad then damn ! he was gonna wreck sm havoc on the trip, just being an absolute nuisance. 
personality !!
his main focuses are computers / video games, drums / his band, and like ... skating ... vaping ... gamer things, y’know.
from a young age he’d always been very fascinated by video games, and being the Rich Boi (tm) that he was, ended up with a whole lot of them to play, on a whole bunch of consoles.
but like ... he’s a PC guy :/ he may have a super rare nintendo 64 console or two but nothing can beat his dual-monitor set up with his hand-build computer !
he also got real into hacking, y’know, just small things like watching security cameras in different cities and occasionally changing his grades b/c like ... who wouldn’t ? also ... cheated in dark souls. fucking loser.
his favorite games to play were always multiplayer games online like WoW and overwatch so !! he’s pretty fucking mad he can’t play them anymore. like. so mad. genuinely furious. he’s been trying to hack his way into like ... wifi or something dumb, ever since they got stranded in new west ham, but he’s had no luck !
he joined a band in high school because he was angsty and young, and like, turned out to be really good on drums ?? they had like ... some real big jimmy eat world / green day / say anything / old school fall out boy vibes. just a whole bunch of ‘fuck the government, fuck the authority, anarchy, rebellion, revolt revolt revolt’ angry rock music that got a buuunch of noise complaints during practice.
his role in the band was essentially the ~nerdy~ one, because he was a gamer, but like he was also Edgy and Angry and wore all black like Constantly (he still does who are we kidding)
probably paints his nails black and has a nose ring b/c gamers can be edgy too !!
huuuuuge junk food junkie. like ... he will consume Everything and Anything unhealthy. has a huge sweet tooth, he can’t remember the last time he’s drank straight up water.
but like ... he’s a loner pretty much. only friends he really bothered keeping were his bandmates and like ! half of them went missing along with the rest of the town so ! he’s feeling a lil’ lost
but not lost enough to do Nothing, y’know ?? coming back to west ham to an empty town awoke his little baby survivalist in him, probably due to a lot of survival games he played online, and he immediately took over his old home in oak ridge ! it was pretty much rotting there with his dad in jail, but not anymore !!
has also probably broken into a few homes already tbh b/c he’s just. ruthless. impulsive. if it feels like the end of the world then he’s yolo’ing, he’s peace-ing out, u cannot stop him.
uuhhh so he’s got this fucking...pomsky, right? her name is tulip. she was camilla’s before she passed away and like, what is apollo gonna do, huh ? put the dog in a shelter ? hell fucking nah. that’s his dog now.
unfortunately tulip isn’t the most .... tough looking dog. apollo set up a bunch of fucking speakers around the property of his dad’s house and plays large barking noises whenever somebody gets too close, just to ward off intruders, but like ... there’s no fucking big dogs man. it’s just apollo and tulip.
this isn’t like a Personality Trait but idk where to put it so ! apollo’s on antidepressants b/c like ... y’know ... the whole dad-murdering-mom thing sort of fucked him up a lot ! they make him feel pretty blah and diminished his sex drive so like ... hook ups aren’t really an option for him atm !
besides that he smokes a lot of weed b/c self medication
he’s ... sort of an asshole. like ... he can be rude and he doesn’t have much of a filter and i don’t know if there’s any softness left to him ! he just really misses his mom and his bandmates and has a lot of wishes involving changing the past and he reacts badly to things because he’s so defensive and on edge constantly.
he misses twitter the most, tho.
no but he’s just like. .. sad gamer boi ... a man and his dog ... who also carries like five knives on him and definitely knows where his dad kept his gun.
like he’s not socially awkward or necessarily Bad with people .. he’s just bad with people :/ doesn’t try hard enough ! is a little too apathetic ! chaotic to true neutral
wanted connections !!
i envision his band to have like ... four or five members including him. two guitar electric guitar, one bass, one drums / keyboard, any of them singing idk that’s not important. and since two of them have Disappeared, i’d like the One (or two) that Remains ! anarchy boys !
generally .. anybody else who is tryn to survive, that maybe he can bond with or completely clash with ??
i’d love enemies, just ppl he Refuses to get along with or they are just on bad terms for whatever reason
people he’s trying to not ! not get along with ! but it just doesn’t work out b/c like ... lbr, apollo’s pretty bad with other people.
just any falling outs.
uuhh ... maybe a few somewhat-friendships ! like... awkward acquaintances
ppl he knew primarily from high school / haven’t spoken to since
maybe one or two ppl who’s soft towards him or he’s soft towards or vice versa b/c like ! i’ll b real .. it’s pretty nice to have !
ex-flings, ex-somethings, ex-gfs, bfs, anything from the past.
hookup gone bad b/c he couldn’t get it up b/c antidepressants be like that (this is based off of a true story can we get a sad yeehaw in here)
gaming pals from before no wifi.
skater buds. vaping buds. b/c i can confirm that apollo owns like three juuls. stoner buds.
someone he’s like ... hesitantly forming an alliance with b/c sometimes it’s easier when you have someone on ur team ! b/c then drama when one of them betrays the other uwu
somebody trying 2 break into his house b/c u Know it’s got some good shit in there but he’s just like ‘alexa play dogs barking audio’ and then ur muse is like ... there’s no fucking dogs
juul pod dealer. that’s all.
i’m down for anything rly !! pleathe hmu !!
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