#there is so much to be said about what she means to how alucard perceives war and his perception of childhood
cocolacola · 2 years
maybe im being delusional from sleepiness but literally why does nobody in this fucking fandom actively talk about Girlycard. does she not exist to us anymore outside of like, 2 shitposts
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muses-darling · 5 years
A Seduction of the Darkside - A Star Wars AU - CH. 9 Dantooine
Rain fell tumultuous thunder sounded after lighting cracked the sky, droplets hissing on the red blade of the lightsaber. 
The silent cry of a broken man as he was dragged away thrown into a cell until he might be of some use. 
“Heal her, I don’t care how,” those were the words that Honey heard as she watched the only one she had ever given a damn about leave her, while not willingly he certainly put up little fight. Her dark eyes filling with tears as pain shot through her body as the cruel darkside of the force’s way of healing filled her abdomen. She screamed and screamed before they took her away. From there it was one session of torture and cruelty till she finally re-succumbed into the hatred Alucard had pulled her out of. So when she sat on the dais watching the familiar red head enter the Knight’s establishment, a Jedi no less with him she felt a terrible need to drive a sword between his third and fourth rib and run to his arms and kiss him. She hadn’t made up her mind, yet. 
“Well this most certainly is a surprise.” Mister Master’s said from where he sat. “The Sith Empire will pay a good deal for both of you. Isn’t that right Darth Mellillia?”
“Oh they most certainly will.” Honey/Darth Mellillia said with a blood dripping smile. 
Alucard stared at the woman before him. Honey, was alive? How was this possible? He watched her die, he watched until he was unable to see her from how far they had taken him from her. His connection to the force had been severed to keep him from acting up, causing his body to feel weak and sick. Restored only when the Emperor had tried to take over his body in a botched ritual where his Half-sister’s had saved him. She was as lovely as he remembered her, ruby lips no longer held a smile for him but a snarl. It pained him to his core. 
“Good then they are yours once your Emperor sends me my funds. Until then.” He waved his hands away. “Keep them with the others.” 
Kit sat in his cell separated from the crew of the Cerberus, how they had gotten captured was foolish but apparently they should have checked to make sure there was no tracking devices on board. The cell door opened and a scrawny teen boy entered his face was full of pure delight at seeing Kit. Kit sensed no maliciousness behind it, in fact he would waver that this boy was much like little Juliet back at the Temple. Warm and full of sunlight that radiated through even the coldest of the winters of cruelty. 
“Wow so you’re like a real Jedi? My Mom’s a Jedi, well that is what everyone says, Harper doesn’t talk about it much but- wow I saw your lightsabers what color are they? Can you do the same thing that Darth Mellillia does with the lightning? Are you a light Jedi or a Dark Jedi? Oh I didn’t introduce myself my name’s Ben!” He waved to Kit before awkwardly shutting his mouth and standing there for a moment in silence.
“Yes, white and green, in a way I can use force lighting, I am neither of the light or the dark, it is nice to meet you Ben my name is Kit.” Kit nodded calmly. 
Ben blinked, “wait so you can show me what you can do? Have you met my Mom? If so what is she like? Wait do all Jedi know each other? Or is that not really a thing? How many Jedi are there?” He spoke rapidly and Kit could sense his excitement and also that he was of the force. 
“If I am allowed to have my lightsabers back I could show you somethings yes, I do not know who your Mother is, I’m sorry. No we don’t all know each other there are at least thrice more Jedi than known planets. Not including Dark Jedi, or grey Jedi like myself. 
“Well I grabbed your Lightsabers,” Ben said pulling them out of the bag at his side holding them out to him.
Kit held up his wrists reminding the boy that he was very much bound in them.
“Oh! Right!” Ben came near and unlocked them then held out the lightsabers. 
Kit took them and put them on his side. Part of him wanted to use the force to influence the boy to sleep and make a break for it but felt it wasn’t right. Instead he went with him to a training ground the Knights used. 
“Ok, ok, so how do you use them?” Ben asked sitting up on one of the ledges around the training area crossed legged his arms in front of him watching Kit eagerly. 
Kit laughed. “They aren’t toys Ben, a lightsaber is more than that, it is an elegant weapon and a dangerous one. He brought up one pressing the button the blade coming to life. 
Ben’s eyes widened, “How do you have a White lightsaber?”
“All lightsabers technically start out that way, but are influenced by their user’s motivations. However if a Kyber crystal is forced to become red by being overly saturated with cruelty then it becomes hardened. If healed from it then it goes back to being white and stays that way because it has been freed with kindness, love, and compassion above all.” Kit ignited his green blade.
“So what does a green blade mean?” 
“When I first got this lightsaber I was very much a Jedi who followed the path of the light strictly. However the mysteries of the force always were on my mind, I longed to understand them fully and at the time so deeply opposed the darkness that I longed to end it at the source that it came from. I am much more open minded now and see the force for what it is, both light and dark, full of nuance. Not just relegated to the polar mindset so many force users perceive it to be.”
“What made you-”
“Ben, what is the Jedi doing out of his cell,” Harper said as she entered brushing her hair back from her face. “Let alone with his Lightsabers! If Master’s finds out he will not be pleased.”
“This is the closest I’ve ever gotten to knowing about Mom! Doesn’t any of that matter to you?” Ben asked looking up at his Sister.
“Please Harper I just want to know about the Jedi,” Ben begged her.
“If it is any consolation I’ll go back to my cell after I have answered any questions.” Kit offered up. 
Harper looked between the two of them giving a large sigh, “Just don’t get caught Master’s is in a mood tonight. Apparently the Empire has decided that they won’t honor the full payment they had initially offered. 
Alucard felt his body rise up lifted by the force as he was slammed into the wall.
“YOU BASTARD!” Honey yelled at him. “Why didn’t you come back! Why didn’t you fight for me?” She came at him with a lightsaber drawn.
Alucard dodged her using the force to speed his movements out the cell. 
The Cell door flew off the hinges as Honey tore it down bringing the lightsaber down upon him.
Alucard reached out for one of the Knight’s blades they kept, the blades were made of cortosis blocking the blade of the Lightsaber. “I thought you were dead.” He hissed as he pushed her back spinning the blade and readying it. “I saw you die, and in that moment so did I.”
“You didn’t fight.” 
“You think I didn’t want to?” Alucard bit out. “They severed me, Honey, they severed my connection to the force.”
“Then how is that you can use the force.”
“Because my Father reconnected me, because he said I had some purpose remaining to serve. It was why you had to die, but you’re not dead.” He held his sword down and away. “Come away with me, we can go back to how it was.”
Honey closed her eyes looking from him for a moment before she screamed and rushed at him holding her lightsaber ready to impale him.
Alucard stood and let her come at him closing his eyes, but felt her fall into him sobbing her blade having shut down before she even reached him. 
Sobbing into his arms she pressed herself into him, “Do you promise?”
Alucard wrapped her in his arms, “I do.” 
Honey looked up at him, “Then let us leave all of this behind.” 
Alucard nodded, “Can we grab my sisters?”
“Leave the Jedi he is who the Sith Empire wants. Apparently you’ve lost value to them.” 
“Is that one of the reasons you tried to kill me just now my tender murderess?” Alucard asked pressing a kiss.
“Can you blame a girl for trying?” Honey asked snuggling into his arms. “Come on,” She pulled from him taking his hand. “We should leave before the Emperor comes, they haven’t been kind to the planets they visit.”
Kit looked up at the skies watching the Harrower Class Dreadnoughts appear one by one. “If Mister Master’s thinks he is getting anything from the Sith Empire he is literally dead wrong, they don’t make friends, they take what they want. Whatever that may be, both of you need to take the fastest ship out of here.”
“No we aren’t leaving Dantooine, this is our home!” Harper said taking hold of Ben’s shoulders. 
“The Sith don’t care, they will see this world turned to ash and slaughter innocents like you both or worse make Sith Acolytes of you. I sense the Force in you both, I can only imagine the midichlorian count.” He smiled at them both before looking to Harper. “You want to do best by your Brother, I understand that, I have people I care about.” Juliet, Masters Crowley and Aziraphale, His thoughts were interrupted as distant explosions of Sith Forces sent bombers to reign down upon the planet. Kit used the force placing a protective bubble around the three of them. 
Harper held her Brother close who watched the fire burn away to smoke clearing away. “Come on, I hope you are right Master Jedi that we can make it away from here alive.”
“Not a Master, just a Jedi.” Kit corrected her. “Follow me.”
“Do you know where you are going?” Harper asked.
“No but the force guides me and so far it has worked out just as well.” Kit told her running.
Ben looked to Harper shrugged and followed after Kit. 
Masters ordered his men to fire upon the marching orderly troops of the Sith Empire that bore down upon them. He had hoped that the Sith would leave Dantooine alone in their path of conquest. What use was the planet to them? “Find the Jedi he is what they want perhaps there is still some negotiations that can still be made.” 
An explosion went off the spray of dirt and other shrapnel entering the air scattering the Knights. 
More Knights filled in where their fallen comrades had stood they too were well trained, however this was something else. Night was coming and in the fall of the sun beyond the horizon one could see the swath of red lightsabers flashing in the distance. This was a fight they couldn’t win. “Sound the evacuation of Dantooine. Find my Daughter. Find Ben and Harper. Get them to safety.” He told Kaleb before turning seeing the leader of the Sith. Masters’ picked up a hand cannon and fired it at the Sith.
Iginis smiled letting the cannon blast come to him before swallowing it up in the force containing the blast letting the smoke blow passed him as he continued unphased. His lightsaber brandishing as he continued his march upon the man, deflecting each blast with the force before reaching out and slamming the man against the wall.
“We had a deal, the Emperor and I.” Masters gasped out as air stopped entering his lungs.
“Funny, I don’t remember making such a deal.” Ignis smirked up at him. 
“So whatever promises made are null and void?” Master’s managed with the last of the air in his lungs as the tightening of his throat continued.
“You catch on quickly for a thief.” Ignis said letting him drop. “But I will have that Jedi.”
“Too bad the same can’t be said of you.” Masters croaked out.
Iginis looked down and saw the blinking bomb and using the force pushed himself away from it.
Master’s used the distraction to duck behind the building. “If the Jedi falls into the hands’ of the Sith kill him but if he be an ally then allow him to assist us.” He commanded into the comm.
Kit brought up his blades deflecting bolts away from them, slicing enemies right and left.
Ben and Harper fired upon the Sith troopers with their blasters. 
“You asked about what I could do with the force,” Kit said. “Get behind me I don’t want to chance either of you getting hurt by any strays.” His arm lifted as sparks of yellow force lighting danced around then arcing over the end of his lightsaber at the troops blasting them away. 
Ben’s jaw dropped. “Ok you have to show me how you do that!” Ben grinned up at him.
“Provided we find the time, I’d be more than happy to teach you both some tricks of the force.” Kit offered not really promising to teach him that exact technique. 
Ignis sat up from where he had landed chuckling, “Crafty little Thief.” He groaned and sat up he had not been paying attention as to where he had landed. Moving his shoulders he cracked his neck moving his head side to side. “More fun this way. Now where did my favorite Jedi go?” He mused looking around the battlefield reaching out with the force. “Ahhh, there you are Kit.” Thrusting his lightsaber into an approaching Knight he spun the blade cutting through all the others. 
Kaleb hurried through the Halls of the Knight’s fortress, blasting enemies he rounded a corner and nearly was stabbed by a very, very scared blonde. “Emelyne it’s me!”
“Kaleb!” She shrieked sitting up on him. “Oh my goodness,” She looked him over carefully moving the laser scalpel in hand so as not to hurt him. “I didn’t harm you did I? Because that would be ironic considering I’m your doctor.”
“I’m fine, we need to get you out of here.”
“Where’s my Dad?” She asked taking the pistol from him.
Kaleb thought of when he had last seen Masters’ fighting Iginis, “Busy.”
Emelyne sighed and checked over the pistol bringing it up to shoot an enemy over his shoulder. “You know you should really ask a girl out before you show her a good time.” She winked at him before gesturing her head in the direction to get out of there. “Come on. We need to find Ben and Harper.”
“What do you mean they disabled it!” Alucard said as he boarded the Cerberus, “The nerve!”
“Possibly because they don’t want you to escape or for anyone to just fly off with a modified Sith Infiltrator with the best cloaking device in the galaxy.” Honey retorted as she hopped into the pilot seat getting the ship at least started up. 
Nikki hurried to a turret Layla going to the other firing on the troops that started to surround them. “Come on Alucard get her on line we are starting to run short on miracles.”
“Don’t I know!” Alucard snapped back as he tried removing the energy dampening device from the hyper drive.
“No need to get snippy with me, I’m not the one who didn’t check to see if there was a high frequency tracker.” Layla said. “It was Nikki’s turn.”
“Oh that is classic you!” Nikki rolled her eyes taking out a soldier her sister had clearly been aiming for.
“Will you both just please be quiet I’m trying to focus.” Alucard’s frustration was rising between the blaster fire, the occasional rocking of the ship, and the flash of lights he wondered if they would even make it.
“OH my god look it’s Jedi boy!” Layla pointed out Kit. 
“And look he made friends looks like he can be nice. Pay up Layla!” Nikki smirked only to feel a credit chip hit her. “Hey!”
“Not my fault you chose a bad time.” It was Layla’s turn to smirk.
“Hey you two the Captain’s given orders for radio silence.” Honey told them.
“Thank you-”
“-It’s not his fault if he has performance issues.” Honey smiled at Alucard.
“Oh that’s real mature. Of you.” Alucard told her as the ring slipped off.
“Anger always has a way of getting the best out of you.” Honey shrugged.
“She’s not wrong remember that time when you had lightning coming out of your eyes and -”
“Now’s not the time Layla!” Alucard said as he reached in clicking the wires back into place the hyperdrive humming to life as it began reconnecting with the online systems. 
Kit turned letting the siblings run passed him taking a stance against the assailants. “You both get on that ship.”
“Wait!” Ben turned.
“Ben what are you doing?” Harper said halting.
“I’ve seen too many Holo movies to know where this is going.” Ben said. “If you stay you die, you said you’d teach me some force tricks.”
“If we make it out alive, yes, here’s one.” Kit raised a hand and waved it over Ben. “Go to sleep.” 
Ben’s eyes rolled back as he dropped like a sack of potatoes.
Kit raised him up gliding him with the force aboard the ship much like Crowley had for him some time ago. “Now go with your brother.” He told Harper.
“He’s not likely to forgive you for that easily.” Harper said before placing a hand on his shoulder. “Thank you and-may...may the force be with you Jedi Kit.”
Kit smiled. “And with you both.” 
Harper squeezed his shoulder and hurried off after her brother.
Kit stood watching the approaching troopers closing his eyes before opening them his body a blur as he reached out into the force. 
Harper reached the ramp and saw Kaleb and Emelyne, “HEY! OVER HERE!”
They looked up and upon seeing her hurried over and aboard. “You found a ship? Where’s Ben?”
“And the Jedi?” Kaleb asked.
“Making sure we get out alive.” Harper added. “He kept us safe Kaleb, we would have died if it weren’t for him.”
Kaleb knew he had orders, however to follow through on one meant to disobey the other. He knew which one he would follow as he neared the ramp’s edge pointing his gun at Kit and fired.
Kit watched a blaster bolt shot passed him into one of the troopers sending them back, and felt a smile come to his face. “Thank’s gorgeous.” He said winking at Kaleb.
Kaleb nodded as the Cerberus rose in the air making his way aboard the ramp hatch closing and sealing. 
Alucard sat beside Honey letting her pilot and assisting becoming ridged and looking down, “Jedi’s got company.”
Stepping over bodies through the smoke was the Sith Emperor.
“Lord Ignis.” Alucard said dread sending the blood rushing from his face. “He’s going to die, we have to help him.”
“There is no help for him. That’s who want’s him,” Honey said. “If we stay he will kill us, if we leave he will kill him.”
Ben sat up running to the window seeing Kit facing the Sith, “NO! NO! NO! We have to help him!” He slammed his fist against the window before Harper pulled him into her arms. 
“He gave himself up for us.” Harper said resignedly
“So we’re just going to let him die?” Emelyne said. “As a Doctor I can’t allow that.”
“Do we got any big guns on this ship?” Kaleb asked before the ship came to a jolting stop.
Ignis stood before Kit, “Hello beautiful Jedi.” A smile a real smile came to Ignis’ face. “Nice to see you in person again, last time was too brief.”
“Agreed,” Kit said. “How have you been Ignis?”
“I thought we agreed you’d call me Hades.” Ignis raised a brow.
Kit smiled, “Darling we both know that is for private moments between us.” 
Ignis neared him not closing down his lightsaber before looking up at the leaving ship. “Oh no, no, no,” He chuckled darkly. “You won’t escape me, not again.” 
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thetygre · 6 years
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30 Day Monster Challenge 2 - Day #1: Favorite Dracula
1.) Castlevania’s Dracula
Iconic lines and wine tossing aside, Castlevania’s Dracula stands out in just how utterly villainous he is, while still blending class and a hint of tragedy into his character. He is bigger and grander than Stoker’s original vampire, and that is slowly leveraged into a broader cosmic role. Dracula in Castlevania is more than just a bad guy; he is the manifestation of evil on Earth. He’s comparable to the Antichrist, but even that kind of falls flat. An Antichrist is supposed to bring about an apocalypse or change; Dracula in Castlevania is presented as a moral necessity, a rebuttal to the post-modern death of a moral center. His presence is necessary for there to be good in the world. In the process, Castlevania’s Dracula has become the patron saint of the world’s monsters. Every kind of demon, fiend, boogeyman, freak, and specter are gathered into his lair and given a home and purpose.
And every now and then, not for too long, depending on the game, a bit of pathos peeks through and you’re reminded that there’s a man behind it all. It’s never enough to make you stop enjoying Castlevania’s Drac as a villain, but it makes you wonder if he could have been different. Is he bound to his role as the Prince of Darkness? Is it his curse, or does it give him power? To me, Castlevania Dracula is the summation of the character in media as he is now; as a man, as a monster, a villain, a tragic figure, and everything else.
2.) Dracula Classic
Over a century later, Bram Stoker’s original Dracula still confounds us and fascinates us. Every generation brings a new lense, a new reading to one of literature’s greatest monsters. He is an idea about superstition, about xenophobia, about masculinity, sexual deviancy, disease, poverty, degradation, and so on and so on for as long as there are people who can read. For all the grandiosity of the other Draculas on this list, Stoker’s still has an air of realism to him, a banality that makes his horror human. Maybe Dracula classic can’t shapeshift into a dragon or summon an army of spears, but his power is more than enough to eclipse the Victorian Enlightenment. Stoker’s characters are human; doctors, lawyers, teachers, a... cowboy, so it only takes a little bit of inhuman evil to remind the reader of how fragile we and our society really are in the face of the unknown.
3.) Christopher Lee
Moving on into the live actors portion, you gotta’ give it up for THE KING. Lee’s Dracula was the first to go beyond horror into terror; that quickened, gut-wrenching primal scare. He was fast, he was bloody, he was dangerous, and still classy as all hell. The Emperor of Metal planted his roots by starting out as The Prince of Darkness. If I had one complaint, it’s that Lee doesn’t really come off as convincingly Transylvanian; Lee’s pretty clearly British, and the closest he’s ever been to being Slavic was that time he played Rasputin. Christopher Lee didn’t die in 2015; he’s just practicing for when the world needs Dracula again.
4.) Bela Lugosi
But you have to give props to the original. It’s hard to believe now that anyone ever found Lugosi’s Dracula scary, but I still remember my dad and older horror buffs talking about how they had nightmares after seeing Lugosi’s Dracula, or were afraid that he was lurking in the dark when the lights went out. What gets me is just how enmeshed with the role Lugosi was. Bela Lugosi was Dracula, no doubt about it. Other men can fill the role, but Lugosi embodied the character. Most actors don’t star in as many movies as Bela Lugosi starred as Dracula. When he died at a ripe old age, he was laid to rest in his cape and amulet.
5.) Duncan Regher
Every actor brings something to Dracula. Lee brought terror and nobility, Lugosi brought charisma and otherworldliness. Regher? Regher brought pure villainy. The Monster Squad is a gem of 80s monster nostalgia. Regher’s Dracula is a hybrid of Lee and Lugosi, blending sheer evil with overwhelming presence. Regher’s performance is a treat, drawing from that same well of post-Darth Vader villainy that brought us Frank Langella’s Skeletor and James Earl Jones as Thulsa Doom; the kind of guys that could convince you to carry them to the moon and be happy about doing it. Also, and I feel this detail to the lore cannot be overstated enough; Dracula-mobile.
6.) Richard Roxburgh
No, this is just a guilty pleasure. Van Helsing is a guilty pleasure. Get used to this, because I love this dumb movie. Roxburgh doesn’t bring anything to Dracula as a character except camp. Cheesy, cheesy camp. Roxburgh’s Dracula is like some unholy hybrid of Bela Lugosi and Tommy Wisseau. He has two emotional ranges, and they are both over-acting. But I can’t not love this Dracula; he takes a lower place because... come on, but he still makes my list.
7.) Fate/Apocrypha
The brief anime portion of this list starts off with Fate/Apocrypha. It’s actually a little disingenuous to call Fate’s Dracula by that name since he insists on being called Vlad Tepes III. I mean one look at his character design next to Castlevania’s Dracula tells you everything you need to know, but it’s still an important distinction. In Fate, Vlad recalls how he is a hero in Romania, a champion of his church and land, noble scion of the house of the dragon. While actually in Romania, Vlad’s power becomes near god-like. It offers an interesting reminder that Vlad Tepes was a real man, and is still viewed as a Romanian folk hero, even after he has become intertwined with Dracula. But because characters in Fate are composed of how they are perceived through time, Vlad can still become a vampire. And, frankly, I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t worth it when he finally does turn.
8.) Alucard
The quintessential anime Dracula. I’m putting him beneath Fate’s though because, well... Hot take, but Alucard isn’t much of a Dracula. He’s a vampire monster, but he’s mostly just a kind of edgy antihero with a Dracula underlay. Every now and then something resembling Gary Oldman’s Dracula pops its head up and offers a bit of pathos, especially towards the end of the series. But what Alucard lacks in substance, he makes up for in style; it’s not every Dracula that kills Nazis by bombing themselves from an airplane only to sail back to London to a fairly effective quotation of the original novel.
9.) The Sacred Ancestor
We’re now in legendary Dracula territory; Draculas who lose some points because they don’t make an actual appearance in their series, but still have an impressive presence. It’s never overtly stated that the Sacred Ancestor in Vampire Hunter D is Dracula, but the reader can put two and two together. D’s dad might just be the most powerful Dracula on this list; his powers are nothing short of god-like, and he single-handedly led the Nobility in conquering the world. And yet, from the first novel, there’s an arc present; a Dracula who achieves vampire supremacy, then gains a conscience. What’s left is a mystery that strings the reader and D along through all the novel, presenting a Dracula simultaneously ruthless, brilliant, nurturing, and regretful.
10.) “Someone worse than me.”
You never meet Dracula in The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. The closest you ever get is a hallucination Mina has in 1969. It’s presumed he’s dead since League is following the novels. But every now and then you’re reminded of his presence through Mina, and the picture she paints is a being of absolute and horrible evil. You already know Mina’s story, but she’s such a strong character in League that you can only begin to imagine what Dracula must have been like. Dracula in League is a trauma, a scar, and like Mina you both dread and hope that you never meet that horrible and beautiful man ever again.
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