#there is so much more hype around Yuki and mei mei rather than Utahime and Shouko and it just does not make sense to me?????
ignitification · 3 years
Explain yourself with makima/yuku thing pls because I don't get it at all🧍
Both Makima and Yuki are powerful women, elusive with their real identity/persona, and of whom people are wary of, be in for the power position they are in - or else. I think that both are incredibly enticing as characters, because they enable and encourage events and people which are pivotal for the plot (if it wasn’t for Makima, Denji would have never met Aki, Power and become who we know as Chainsaw Man - while as for Yuki, she was Toudou’s mentor who in turn coached Yuuji and she enabled Getou’s plan to ‘understand for who is the sorcery race run for’).
However, while they are the most powerful women in their own narrative (Makima as the Control Devil and Yuki as the only female Special Grade Sorcerer) - they are also incredibly annoying and just outright bad . Makima manipulates Denji and everyone around her (re: Aki, Angel Devil, Power - even Kishibe, Quanxi and Reze to some extent), and that is her power after all, it’s her contract and she has always been the ‘villain before the curtain’, like a master puppeteer. Makima is the prototype of Gatekeep, Gaslight, Girlboss. This does not take away however how she put Denji in danger for her own goal to be achieved (and ultimately failed).
On the other hand, while Makima is the one moving the threads, Yuki’s power is way more subtle and is more enabling, rather than controlling. She pushes Getou to act on his thoughts because he feels like she is somehow giving him consent to do it. Let me remind you that Getou was around 17/18 when he dropped out of Jujutsu High in order to pursue his dreams to exterminate all the Monkeys, and even this happened after his conversation with Yuki (and Haibara’s death). Getou and Yuki, also do share a goal and in my opinion, while subtly, Yuki pushed Getou to do what he did because she wanted to see the outcome and whether it would work.
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It is rather strikingly similar to what Makima does, while not on the same scale. As well, Yuki is not even a character before her conversation with Getou. We discover who she is right then and there, and for what other reason than her being one of Getou’s triggers, is she introduced that way?
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Yuki in the best case, is a neutral party and her goal is to see the power enclosed in Sukuna and Yuuji, to use it in her favour to achieve her own goal (which is why her being stuck with Tengen is both good and bad). Her treating the cause might relate to the fact that Sukuna is the King of Curses, and being Yuuji his vessel - if he does absorb all of Sukuna’s remains and then he dies (as we know that the cursed objects do die while being in their not physical form - and therefore being hosted, if the vessel itself dies), then the line of events which have been triggered by Sukuna’s incarnation might come to an end - especially if Tengen does merge with humanity, bringing to a different level of evolution in which cursed energy is not enclosed anymore but rather freely flows, not distinguishing between cursed spirits and sorcerers? It is all hypothetical, but it is undeniable that while Getou was already worn out and weakened in his will by Toji, Amanai’s death and the evolution of Gojo’s technique - he was still wary of his demeanor and did not embark on his villainy journey, even though he could have. The thing is, Getou had already a seed in his mind about what could happen, but the enlightenment which ultimately brought him to his death was Yuki’s doing. And while it is entirely fit to the narrative, it strikes as Makima’s control in the chain of events which then brought to what we are experiencing at the moment (Denji alone with Nayuta; Kenjaku possessing Getou and starting the Culling).
I hope it became clear why I can’t stand either of them, and if not - well, I hope you enjoyed whatever it is that I wrote.
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