#there is one that I did at a restaurant… you’ll “never” guess which 😂
i-really-like-phrogs · 10 months
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Sketchbook page from a while back.
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judysxnd · 1 year
Okay so I got my first request, thank you so much !! It got me so excited!! Also, I have no idea why I can’t tag you, I guess I’m still struggling to understand tumblr 😂 I hope you’ll like what I wrote.
Summary : y/n and Pedro are going out for dinner. As they walk out, a small group, apparently fans of y/n, recognize them. As they interact, it does not go as planned, which makes Pedro pretty jealous and uncomfortable.
You and Pedro have been dating for over a year now. Being both actors, your schedules were always a little tight. So, from the beginning, you secured a moment for a date, and you both agreed on Thursday night. So every Thursday, you chose a restaurant and went. At the beginning you were very nervous about going out, as your relationship was yet to be official. So you were ordering, or went out of the city. After 10 months, it was official, so you decided not to hide anymore.
Fans were nice and respectful not to disturb you if they found you while having dinner, but before and after it was inevitable. And today was no exception. Today is Thursday, and you were about to leave. Pedro chose a nice Italian restaurant that you’ve both never went to.
“You look absolutely gorgeous mi amor” he said as he entered the bathroom. You were finishing getting ready, putting your earrings. You looked at him through the mirror as he settled himself next to you.
“You too look amazing mi cariño” he let out a little moan when he heard mi cariño. Oh how he loved when you spoke his native language.
“Okay we need to go before I change my mind” you laughed.
Thirty minutes later you were walking in the restaurant. It was not that much crowded. It made you less anxious. Less people meant less people looking at you. Yes, you were not a fan of the attention when you trying to enjoy your private life.
The dinner went great. The food was great, you and Pedro talked a lot, you joked, had serious conversations. It actually amazed the both of you how you could never run out of things to talk about, even if you live together and have been dating for a while. After finishing dessert and your glass of wine, you decided to leave. It was not too late, but you wanted to spend the rest of night alone with him.
After walking for two minutes hand in hand, you were interrupted by a group of two guys and one girl.
“Hi we’re so sorry to bother you, but we wondered if we could take a picture with you y/n?” The girl said.
“Oh yes, of course!” You said enthusiastically. You and Pedro parted. You took a few pictures with the girl. The two guys stayed on the side, eyeing and checking you, looking up and down at you, but you quickly avoided them and drove your full attention to the girl. But Pedro didn’t. It was making him jealous. How could they look at you like that? He was literally next to you.
“I really loved your last movie, it was amazing, I can’t wait for the second one!”
“Thank you so much, yeah I can’t wait either, I think you’ll like the second one better!”
“Have you finished filming it yet?”
“Almost actually”
“Are you going to be in that pool again?” One of the guy suddenly asked, smirking. You looked at him confused, not saying anything. Pedro was frowning.
“Oh- are you going to fight that dude again? It was pretty h-” the other guy said but was interrupted by Pedro before you got to say anything.
“Okay! I think that’s enough” he said coming closer to you. “As much we appreciate the attention, there’s more to the movie and y/n’s acting than that” he said, staring very intensely at the guys. They were shocked. “Did you actually watch the entire movie? Or just got to watch those parts for something else?”
“We- no, we did wa-” Pedro didn’t let them finish.
“I think you should apologize” he said. “And at least behave like your friend here and actually have some interests” he said pointed to the girl who was clearly embarrassed by her friends.
“We’re sorry”
“Yeah sorry..” they said.
“Thank you” you finally said barely looking at them. “And you to you, you were very nice, have a good night” you said to the girl. Pedro put his arm on your shoulder and you left.
“Thank you” you said to Pedro, holding him tight.
“I hate those kind of people, I don’t know at least pretend to give fuck in front of the person” he said a little aggressively. He was still upset.
“Calm down, it’s over now. Forget about them, let’s not let them ruin our night”
“I know you’re famous too and I’m used to people looking at you, but the way they were checking you out and how they talked about you, it just makes me so mad. They were looking at you like- I saw their eyes wondering on your body, hm hm, scanning you and all, nope I can’t” your right arm was around Pedro’s waist, and you put your left arm on his stomach.
“The entire world worships you, it’s like that every time we see your fans, you know how I feel now” you joked, he stared at you. “Too soon?”
“Too soon”
“Okay, I’ll try again in twenty minutes” you joked again. This time Pedro couldn’t help but smile. “There it is” you pointed to his mouth.
“Okay okay” he said laughing a little bit, putting your hand away. You were now at your car.
The drive home was silent, music playing in the background. It was not awkward nor anything. You could see that Pedro was more relaxed now. Everything was fine, and you were going to be able to enjoy the rest of the night together at home. This date night was not over.
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Mr. Right
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A/N- Sorry for my weird hiatuses 😂 i keep having to take breaks from work overload and a few other things in my personal life but hopefully i’ll be getting back into writing soon :p i’m getting Eddie brainrot back and i’m so happy about it 😍
Summary- Robin sets you up on a blind date with one of her friends, but he thinks you’ll be a much better match for someone else…
Genre- Fluff
Warnings- None
Tag List- @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles @munsonology @esme-viridian *tag list is always open, let me know if you’d like to be added*
Word Count- 4.7k
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Steve sighed after fixing up his hair for what felt like the hundredth time as he sat, waiting for any sign of the friend that Robin had sent to meet him. He was no stranger when it came to dates, but this had been the first time he’d ever gone on a blind date.
Robin said she’d be perfect for him, she was nothing like any of the other girls he’d been on dates with or flirted with. Which was perfect, considering how him trying to find himself a date never really worked out very well in his favor. But he trusted Robin.
He was just hoping he wasn’t set up with someone who was completely the opposite of his type. All he was hoping for was someone that at least acted normal. He needed someone to help make his life feel normal again.
He looked around the restaurant to try and spot you but to be honest he didn’t really know who he was looking for. All Robin told him about you was that you were a really cool person and you had a lot of different hobbies and interests, but she was hoping that you being opposites might help the attraction a bit more.
Steve almost jumped as he felt a gentle tap on his shoulder, and he gave you a kind smile as he saw you standing behind him.
“Are you Steve? I’m (y/n), I’m Robins friend.”
You were pretty, he couldn’t deny that. But once he saw you he felt like there was something off.
“Hey! Yeah, that’s me, it’s nice to meet you.”
He stood up from his chair and kindly shook your hand, guiding you to the other side of the table to push your chair in for you. Wether this would work or not, he still wanted to make a good first impression.
There were a few moments of awkward silence between the two of you as you sat across the table from one another, and Steve almost let out a sigh of relief as soon as he heard you start to talk.
“I’m guessing this is your first blind date too?” You asked him with a smile.
“Yeah,” He said with a laugh, “It’s alright though, i trust Robin. How do you two know each other?”
“We were best friends in elementary school, my family moved a few towns over freshman year but we still stayed in touch. What about you guys?” You asked.
“We met working at the mall together. I guess once you’re forced to work together in stupid sailor suits you’re friends forever.”
You shared a laugh and you felt a bit of blush rise to your cheeks.
Robin wasn’t lying when she told you that Steve was a good looking guy, not really your type, but he did have a pretty cute smile.
“So did Robin tell you anything about me?” You asked him, reaching for the glass of water across from you and taking a sip.
“Not really,” Steve said with a nervous laugh, “she said you were pretty-and you are-and she also said that she thinks we’d be a good match, but i think that’s about it.”
“She told me she thinks we’d be a good match too! I guess we should see if she’s right, what kind of stuff do you like? Music, movies, i wanna hear it all!”
“Oh no, i want to hear about you first!” Steve said to you, always the gentleman, “Tell me about yourself.”
“Alright, let’s see…” You racked your brain trying to think of some of the basics of yourself, “I really love music, it’s a big part of my life. Bands like The Cure, Wham!, and Huey Lewis and The News are some of my favorites but i think my favorite genre has to be heavy metal.” You said with a giggle.
“Really?” Steve asked with a smile, his eyebrow raised in curiosity, “You don’t really look the type to listen to music like that. Not that you have to look a certain way to listen to music, i’ve just got a friend who’s into that kind of music and you can tell almost instantly from the way he looks.”
“I get that a lot.” You giggled, “Most of the time for work or even when i’m meeting new people i like to just dress up… ‘normal’ i guess you could call it. I know that style isn’t for everyone so i wait until someone knows my personality first before i show them that side of myself. I’m sure your friend knows how judgy some people can be just from seeing that kind of style on someone.”
“Oh yeah,” He smiled, “unfortunately he knows those types of people all too well. But i know he’s a good person, just like i’m sure you’re a good person.”
You smiled to one another for a moment before the waiter came by for your orders, and after he left the table with your menus there were a few awkward moments of silence. As to be expected on any first date, especially a blind first date.
“So, what kind of music do you listen to?” You asked Steve, taking another few sips of your drink.
“I suppose it’s similar to yours, it’s really a bit of everything. Of course i like The Cure, who doesn’t, but i also really love Duran Duran, Beastie Boys have some great hits, and INXS too! I guess i’m just an average guy with an average music taste.” He said with a laugh.
“There’s nothing wrong with that!” You smiled, “Everyone likes what they like! As long as they’re not judging other people i feel like having an average music taste or a unique one is all the same.”
Steve nodded, sharing the same opinion as you. Maybe this blind date wouldn’t be as bad as he imagined.
“Alright, so we’ve got one thing we agree on! What about movies? Favorite movie, least favorite movie, genre?”
“That’s a good one! I guess i would have to say my favorite genre is horror. I love all different kinds of movies but horror has to be my favorite.”
Steve nodded as he listened to your response, though he did have a thought at the back of his mind.
From the way you’re describing yourself, it seems like you’d get along with Eddie a lot better than him.
He thought you were a really nice girl, very pretty obviously, but just based on interest he was surprised Robin didn’t try to set you up with Eddie first.
“What kind of movies do you like?”
You asked Steve, interrupting his train of thought.
“I guess if i had to pick a favorite genre, i’d say those goofy teen rom coms. You know, Sixteen Candles, Dirty Dancing, Can’t Buy Me Love. I don’t know what it is about those movies but they just reel me in you know?”
You giggled at his response, not hearing that kind of answer from other guys that looked like Steve. Handsome, put together, he was someone who seemed like he had a cool exterior at first but now that you were getting to know him he seemed more and more like someone you would be friends with. It’s not that he wasn’t cute or he wasn’t charming, he had those two boxes checked off quite easily, he just wasn’t normally your type.
The waiter soon returned to your table with your meals and throughout the night you and Steve shared a few laughs and funny stories with one another. Steve was someone you would adore being friends with, and you knew exactly why Robin was his friend too. Not to mention it gave her someone to pick on throughout the day, she needed someone like that. But you thought this was a blind date? Those friend feelings arose halfway through the night, you two had a decent amount in common and just enough differences to keep things interesting but throughout your dinner you just didn’t get that spark that usually happens on dates. To be honest, you were hoping that Steve was able to pick that up too.
Nothing worse than picking up on the wrong signals.
He cleared his throat gently to get your attention back to him as you finished your dinners and you looked up to him once more.
“You know…” He started, a nervous laugh on his lips, “I think it’s quite funny that Robin thought you and I would be a perfect match, not that i don’t think we would be! It’s just that,” He let out another laugh, “You’ve got much more in common with another friend we have, i’m surprised she didn’t set you up with him instead.”
You smiled to him, knowing that he wasn’t meaning anything bad by it, but this mystery boy he was mentioning definitely caught your attention.
You had never really been introduced to people with the same interests as you, especially a boy, given the small town you lived in. But it was nice knowing that Robin and Steve knew another person you would get along with. And you wanted to kick Robin for not setting you up with this metal boy.
“That’s alright! I mean given the fact that he’s Robins friend, and yours too, i’m sure i’ll meet him eventually.”
“You definitely should! You know, i don’t know if it’s right of me to tell you about another guy while we’re on a date, but i think you two would get along pretty well.” He said to you with a smile.
“I don’t take any offense to it. You know, to be completely honest with you,” you leaned in close to him and lowered your voice a bit, “i’m kind of glad we both agree that we didn’t really feel those ‘relationship’ feelings you know? You’re a great guy, but you’re someone i think i’d get along better with as friends.”
“I couldn’t agree more.” Steve smiled, “I’m also glad you’re the one that brought it up, i didn’t want to be the asshole that told you i just wanted to be friends on the first date.”
You giggled and picked up your water glass to clink with his,
“How about we agree that this isn’t a date, it’s more of… making a new friend?”
Steve smiled and picked up his glass, gently clinking it with yours in a cheers,
“To making new friends!”
The two of you smiled and sipped your drinks, Steve setting his down and calling the waiter over for the check,
“Since this did start out as a date, i feel it’s only necessary to still be the gentleman and pay. BUT, i need you to do something for me…”
You cocked your head to the side and shot him a strange look,
“What’s that?”
“You need to come and hang out with us all next week. It’ll be fun! We usually go to my place, or Robins, there’s going to be a bunch of us there. Including that guy i was telling you about, and a few of our other friends. You in?”
You thought it over for a moment.
It would be nice to see Robin again, and of course you’d love to hang out with Steve. Not to mention that metal boy would be there.
“Id love to! It sounds like fun.” You said to him with a smile.
“Awesome! You free on Friday?”
“Sure am.”
“Perfect, let me get you my address and phone number just so you know where to go.” Steve grabbed the pen on top of the check and wrote his address and number for you onto the back of the receipt, handing it to you, “There. And if you lose this until then, i’m sure Robin knows exactly where to go.”
“I’m excited! It’ll be nice to get to hang out with you and Robin, and meet some new people too.”
“You’ll fit right in with everyone, they’re gonna love you.”
Especially Eddie, Steve thought as he stood up from the table and quickly made his way around to pull your chair out for you, earning another giggle from you.
“Still a gentleman, hm?”
“Always.” He said to you with a smile.
“So, tell me again how you met this girl?” Eddie asked Steve as they walked through Steve’s home into the living room.
As always, Eddie was the last person to arrive, but everyone else expected it from him. It had happened too many times for it to not happen tonight too, even when Steve said he had a girl for him to meet.
“Robin set me and her up on one of those blind date things, but we’re better off as friends. YOU, however, would be perfect for her so you’re lucky i like you enough to invite her over so you can meet her.”
Eddie scoffed and rolled his eyes with a smile, but as soon as the two turned true corner he froze as his eyes laid upon you.
You were sat between Robin and Nancy on the floor, talking about got knows what when Argyle cut in and got a few giggles out of the three of you.
Steve shot Eddie a strange look as he saw him standing awestruck in the hall,
“You alright?”
Eddie grabbed Steve’s collar and quickly pulled him back into the hall, eagerly whispering to him to keep from the rest of you hearing,
“THAT is the girl you brought for me? HER?”
Steve cocked his eyebrows, thinking he somehow had done something wrong from Eddie’s tone,
“Yes?… Is that a bad thing?”
“Bad thing?!” Eddie peeked back into the living room to get one last look at you, seeing your pretty smile and your bright eyes, “Steve you’re telling me you got set up with a girl that looks like… THAT?! And you WERENT interested?”
Steve smiled, finally hearing the mixture of nervousness and excitement in Eddie’s voice,
“No, she’s not my type. But i know she’s your type so i asked her to come along for tonight. She seemed to like you from what i told-“
“What did you tell her about me?” Eddie said, quickly cutting off Steve mid-sentence.
“I just told her you had similar interests! Same taste in music and movies, plus she’s got a cute smile and i know you love it when girls have a cute smile.”
“Hey, don’t talk about my girl that way.”
“Your girl?” Steve laughed, “You don’t even know her name yet.”
“…Well what’s her name?”
“Go ask her!” Steve said, pushing Eddie back and grabbing hold of the back of his jacket as he walked the two of them into the living room.
As soon as you looked up towards Eddie with that pretty smile on his face he knew he wouldn’t even be able to say ‘Hello’ to you.
The rest of the group welcomed Eddie with all smiles, Robin giving him a quick roll of the eyes,
“It’s about time you showed up, we were thinking you were just gonna skip out.”
“Of course he wouldn’t!” Steve said happily, letting go of his grip on Eddie’s jean jacket but still keeping his hand to the middle of his back, “Eds, this is (y/n), she’s Robins friend.”
You smiled to Eddie as Steve introduced you and you gave him a little wave from your spot in the couch, your cheeks blushing the sweetest shade of pink as you muttered a quiet,
“Hi.” To Eddie.
All he could do was stand before you and stare in awe, that is until Steve brought him out of his trance with a quick smack to his back.
“Hi!” Eddie said to you, nearly shouting.
You giggled a bit seeing how clearly nervous Eddie was just from being in your presence, and it was cute just to see how he acted before even officially meeting you.
Eddie was definitely how Steve described him. Tall, long hair, pretty brown eyes, and from his style it seemed like he would be acting a lot more confident than he was but just from a simple exchange of ‘hello’s you could see right through it.
He was just another shy nerdy boy getting nervous around a pretty girl.
The night went on as it normally did. Everyone talking and sharing laughs, watching movies and listening to music, at one point someone threw out the idea to order pizza and it felt like the greatest idea you’ve heard all night.
Steve grabbed the menu for the local place and with everything you all had wanted to order it would be a lot cheaper if someone went to go pick it up rather than delivering it.
“Well who’s gonna go pick it up?” Johnathan asked the group, but of course no one wanted to leave the party.
You all looked at one another for a moment before Eddie finally spoke up,
“I was the last car in the driveway, i can go pick it up.”
“(y/n) can go with you!” Robin said to him with a smile, and you could see how Eddie tensed up.
You flashed Eddie another smile as you stood up from your place on the couch,
“Sure, i don’t mind. You’ll probably need some help with all the stuff we ordered.”
Eddie smiled and nodded as the two of you got ready to head out, giving everyone a few waves before stepping out into the dark night, the gravel of Steve’s driveway crunching under your feet as you made your way down to Eddie’s van.
The walk was slow and quiet, but as you approached the van Eddie quickly picked up his pace, taking a step in front of you to open the passenger door for you, earning a smile from you.
“Wow, what a gentleman,” You said with a giggle as you climbed up into the passenger seat, “thank you, that’s sweet of you.”
“Well i think a pretty girl like you should be treated like one.” He said to you with a smile before shutting your door and making his way over to the drivers side.
You could see the pink covering Eddie’s cheeks the moment he shut his car door. And as much as you wanted him to be the one to initiate a conversation you knew that he was probably just too nervous to. So adorable.
“You know, you’re a lot like Steve described you.” You said as he pulled out of the driveway.
“Really?” He asked you, “Nothing too bad i hope.” He laughed nervously, his grip on the steering wheel getting tighter.
“Oh no! Nothing bad, i promise.” You said with a giggle, watching every so often as the streetlights illuminated his face beside you, “He said you and me were pretty similar actually.”
Eddie smiled, cocking his eyebrows as he looked over to you,
“Really? Us?”
You nodded and looked down to your lap, trying to hide the lightest blush on your cheeks. You knew the darkness around you would hide it but still, you didn’t want him to see how much he made you blush.
“So tell me about you then, what kind of stuff are we into?” He said with a smile.
“Hm…” You thought for a moment, smiling to yourself as you remembered the same conversation you had with Steve not even a week ago, “Well, i really like horror movies. Especially the ones from the 70’s, like the types of movies with all the gore and the really bad effects.”
“No way, pretty girls aren’t into that kind of stuff,” He said with a laugh, “i feel like you’re messing with me.”
“I’m not!” You giggled, “Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Eaten Alive, movies like that are my favorite.”
“Alright fine, but there’s no way we’ve got the same taste in music, i don’t think i’ve met any girls that listen to the same bands i do.”
“Well let’s hear some of the bands you like, i’ll tell you if i’ve listened to them.”
“Alright, um…” Eddie racked his brain to think of the most listened to cassettes in his collection at the moment, “Annihilator?”
“I really liked their first album! But i wasn’t really a fan of Crystal Ann.”
“Wow, i didn’t think that would’ve been a band you were into.” Eddie said with a smile, turning down the street, “Let’s see… What about Metal Church?”
“I love them! I think they might be my favorite band to be honest with you.” You giggled.
You thought you could hear Eddie giggle along with you under his breath, and you were hoping to hear it a few more times that night.
For a boy you quite literally just met, he was just so enchanting. It was nice to have someone to talk to.
Eddie pulled into the parking lot of the pizza place and as you unbuckled your seatbelt he stuck his hand out to stop you. They were calloused but still so soft on top of yours.
“Don’t worry about it, i’ve got it sweetheart. You just sit there and look pretty.” He said to you with a cheeky smile.
You playfully rolled your eyes and smiled as you sat back into your seat.
Eddie made his way inside with the money and you watched him pick up the pizza boxes and set a few brown bags on top of them, quickly bringing them back out to the van and setting them in the back before jumping back into the drivers seat.
“That was pretty quick,” You giggled, “you didn’t need to rush back out here.”
“Sure i did.” He smiled to you as he started the van up again, “I got a pretty girl waiting in here for me.”
You smiled back to him and turned yourself away, feeling the heat rising on your cheeks as you blushed. He was a bit dorky, but at least he was honest.
The drive back was quieter than normal, though Eddie only had himself to blame. For some reason, whenever you tried to start up another conversation he would give you short answers, not really sure how to continue talking to you. It wasn’t anything he meant to do with ill intent, he loved talking to you, but the boy was just so nervous around you.
Sure, you had wonderful conversations on the drive up, and the things he learned about you were only making him fall harder for you, but he was worried if he was thinking too much into things.
You had the same taste in movies, music, and from what he could tell you seemed like a genuine person. If you were Robins friend he knew that for a fact, but since she thought you would work better with Steve he was curious as to how he was holding up with you.
Did you like him?
Were you giggling at him because he was being cute and funny or because you felt like you needed to?
Was it a step too far calling you pretty so many times?
The boy felt love struck. Like he was experiencing his first crush all over again. He didn’t know what it was about you, but he was wrapped around your finger without even knowing it.
As he pulled back into Steve’s driveway, he finally addressed the silence on the ride home,
“Sorry, i know i was kind of quiet on the way back…” He said with a nervous laugh.
“It’s ok! Don’t be sorry, i was just worried i said or did something wrong.” You nervously smiled to him, hoping that wasn’t the case.
“Oh, no! No, you didn’t say or do anything, i’m sorry. I don’t know why i was so quiet on the way back. Honestly i think it’s because you make me a little nervous…” His sentence trailed off, hoping that you didn’t hear his last few words. Eddie didn’t want to seem like the type of guy who got too scared around girls to even talk to them.
You smiled to him and glanced over at him from the side,
“I make you nervous?” You giggled, Eddie smiled again hearing your laugh.
“A little…” He admitted. He never felt this vulnerable to quickly but with you it just felt so natural.
“You don’t have to be nervous around me! I think you just need to get to know me better.”
“Yeah…” A sudden thought popped into Eddie’s head, one that he knew would either make or break whatever possibilities of a relationship he had with you, but he had to make his move sometime, “I guess you’re right. How about next week we can get to know each other better? Just you and me?”
“You mean like a date?” Your sudden question threw him off. He was shocked you seemed so eager for him to ask, and the little twinge on excitement he heard in your voice was enough to confirm his suspicions that he made the right choice asking you.
“Yeah, like a date! Robin told me you live a little ways out of town but i don’t mind driving out a little bit. How about i pick you up at 6 on saturday and show you some of my favorite places around town?”
You smiled and felt a bit of blush rise to your cheeks, but you didn’t care if Eddie saw it,
“It’s a date.” You leaned over and before he could even give you a proper response, the gentle peck on his cheek was enough to make his face red.
You giggled and quickly jumped out of his van, him slowly following after you as he grabbed the food from the back.
The rest of the gang were waiting inside for the two of you, and they would’ve questioned Eddie’s strange demeanor had they not been starving and waiting for their food. Johnathan and Argyle were the first ones to start scarfing down the pizza as Robin and Nancy took out the rest of the appetizers and Steve grabbed some plates.
You wandered over next to Robin to help set up the rest of the food and Eddie wandered off to get some drinks when you felt a nudge on your arm,
“So?” Robin asked, “How was your ride with loverboy?”
“Shush!” You nudged her arm back with a smile, “And it was good. He’s taking me out on a date on saturday!”
Steve cut into your conversation as he set the plates down next to you,
“See! I told you they’d be perfect for each other.”
“Alright, fine, sorry.” Robin said with an eye roll, “I’ll never bother setting you up with someone ever again.”
“Woah, i never said that.”
“You just have to set him up with people that are similar to him instead of the opposite.” You said to Robin with a smile.
“My bad for trying to play cupid, can we just eat?” She gave you and Steve another eye roll but you both
Eddie wandered back over to the table and grabbed two plates, making himself one along with one for you with two cans of soda under his arms,
“(y/n), come sit with me?” He asked you with puppy dog eyes, holding up the plates to convince you further.
Steve and Robin watched as the two of you sat at the living room table, a conversation quickly starting up between the two of you on the couch but they were respectful enough to not try and make out whatever it was you were talking about. They’d see how things worked out eventually.
Steve smiled as he saw the two of you getting along so perfectly already and leaned over to Robin,
“You really thought i would make a better match for (y/n) than Eddie? Look at them, they’re perfect together.”
“They really are, aren’t they?”
Robin smiled, watching as Eddie slipped his jean jacket off to show you a few of the tattoos on his arms.
“You know i guess you didn’t do too bad playing match maker,” Steve said to her, “you just have to wait for the matches to sort themselves out.”
“Yeah, i guess this one just worked itself out for the better.” Robin looked around at the rest of the group, seeing Nancy sitting with Argyle and Johnathan, doing her best to keep the two of them from making an even bigger mess. She laughed to herself and nudged Steve, motioning him to look over at Johnathan and Argyle sharing a laugh,
“You think that’ll ever work itself out?”
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akasanata · 5 years
@kianspo said: Congrats! How about Erik appoints himself as Charles’s wingman, swearing he’ll find him a boyfriend, but somehow ends up scaring away every guy Charles meets. 3 guesses why 😂
Thank you so much!! :D I love it!
Charles heaved himself on the couch where Erik was seated reading and sighed dramatically. Erik closed his book and turned to look at Charles, knowing well those antics meant ‘pay attention to me’ in Charles-speak, and as always when it came to Charles, he was helpless but to do as he demanded. Raven, sat opposite to him engrossed in her phone, didn’t bother to look up.
“I officially give up,” said Charles, once Erik’s attention was on him. Erik furrowed his brow to show his confusion.
“With the all dating thing!” Charles exclaimed as if it was obvious that was what he had been talking about. He did that often. As a telepath, he didn’t need much context to understand what people meant. Not that he was constantly reading everyone’s minds, but he had explained to Erik before that he often got a taste of the minds closest to him whether he wanted or not. Erik still didn’t understand what a taste meant, but whatever.
“Why?” he asked Charles after a pause hoping that Charles would elaborate.
“Why? Why, you ask?? Because half the people don’t bother to call twice, which, okay, I get it, I wouldn’t want to date myself either,” Erik furrowed his brow at this again, but didn’t interrupt, “and the other half that do, end up being total jerks! Several even ran away in the middle of the date!”
Erik felt somewhat relieved. Maybe it was best if Charles didn’t date. But then he remembered how sad Charles had been since Scott The Asshole, Charles’ boyfriend for ten years, broke up with him, and the guilt for feeling relieved crept up unbidden.
“Maybe you should try going to your dates without Erik?” Raven said from her spot of the couch. Erik scowled in her direction, but she hadn’t bothered to look up from her phone.
“Then Charles would be dating one of those jerks and where would that leave us?” Erik defended himself. Raven only rolled her eyes.
“I think I’m just unlovable,” Charles said laughing. Erik knew he was saying it jokingly, but by the sadness he could see in Charles’ eyes, he was afraid Charles believed it even if just a little.
“You’re not,” Erik said scowling again. “You’re just looking in the wrong places for your dates.”
“Then where should I look?” Charles demanded.
“Let me pick you a date and it’ll go amazing, you’ll see.”
“Ugh, I can’t stand you two, you are both so hopeless!” Raven exclaimed getting up the couch and leaving for her room. Erik lifted a brow in Charles’ direction. Charles simply shrugged. There was no understanding Raven.
It had taken him almost begging to convince Logan to go on a date with Charles (almost being the key word, Erik didn’t beg, thank you very much), but Logan had eventually agreed, so it was worth it. He knew those two would get along just fine, and he knew Logan was a decent guy who wouldn’t break up with his boyfriend of ten years over a text message. That didn’t explain why he felt so nervous and angry.
He couldn’t stop pacing the small living room of Charles’ apartment where he was waiting for him to come back from his date. He knew he should have gone with Charles. He had gone with Charles to all his other dates, but somehow Raven had convinced Charles to go alone to this one because ‘they already knew Logan was safe’, which was true, Logan was safe, but still.
He heard the keys at the door and tensed. It was too early. Did that mean the date went horribly? But no, the one entering was Raven, not Charles. He scowled at her. It was her fault he wasn’t with Charles right now.
“For fuck’s sake,” Raven said rolling her eyes and going straight to her room.
It wouldn’t be until almost two hours that Charles finally got back. Erik had been about to storm the restaurant, sure something had happened. Charles’ dates had never taken so much time. But when he finally entered the apartment, he not only was without a single scratch, he looked content.
“Erik!” he said as soon as he spotted Erik. “You were right! Logan is amazing! And he has such a groovy mutation! Did you know he can heal practically from any wound?”
“Great,” was all Erik answered and went to his room (actually it was the guest room, but only Erik used it). Erik didn’t know why he felt such a sudden rage towards Logan.
Erik didn’t let himself be convinced to stay out for the second date. He was sure Logan had some dreadful scheme and he was determined to uncover it. When he said so to Charles, he had simply rolled his eyes and exclaimed, “he’s your friend, Erik!”, but had accepted Erik to come along, so all was well.
Logan had been late. That was the first tally in his mental list of why Logan Was Not a Good Option. The second mark was his attire: he hadn’t bothered to dress decently. Had he even washed that shirt?
Meanwhile, Charles was talking about that time he and Erik had set fire to their dorm kitchen. Erik was pleased to note that every now and then Charles would turn to look at Erik and smile with fondness. That was a good story.
Logan didn’t speak much throughout the meal, but when they finished, he took out a couple of bills and said:
“Look, Chuck, you’re a good guy and in other circumstances I would have loved to date you,” Erik saw the disappointment in Charles’ eyes and felt like punching Logan. He knew it. Logan was no good. However, Logan continued, “but I cannot date you when the two of you are so obviously in love with each other.”
With that, the asshole left.
Erik’s face went from red of embarrassment to white of fear to incredulous, in the seconds it took him to turn to look at Charles. Charles face was similarly surprised, but also oddly vulnerable. Several seconds passed where no one said anything.
“You what?!” they both exclaimed.
Charles’ next few dates went perfectly, and if Erik had any say in the matter (which he had, at least half say), they would continue to go perfectly until after they were both old and celebrating their 50th anniversary.
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