#there is nothing wrong with the first type of enemies to lovers it just isn't my cup of tea
ponochino · 1 year
What I say: I like the enemies to lovers trope
What people think I mean: two people who hate each other and are trying to kill each other but they're both hot so sometimes they makeout and maybe fall in love
What I really mean: two people who have done terrible things to each other but are trying to change but neither of them believe the other is capable of change so they keep assuming the worst about the other until they are forced to work together and one of them accidently reveals the trauma of their lives and they start seeing each other in a new light and soon they can only trust each other and slowly they're falling in love but they think the other person couldn't possibly love them because of how they hurt them so they keep it inside until it finally comes out OR two people who are enemies but not personally enemies but rather enemies because they are on two separate sides of a conflict and so they are forced to be fighting due to their superiors orders but they both have doubts about whether their side is truly right but they can't let the other person know but they keep running into each other and fighting and they seem nice and fair and not like the monster their superior says they are but can they really be sure? but now they have to work together for some reason and they're falling in love and do they have to overthrow both sides of the conflict now?
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alwayslostinfiction · 3 months
I've been thinking about what I like about maxton hall or rather Ruby's & James relationship so much. And I think I've kind of got it?
They communicate. They are willing to be proven wrong and change their minds.
Like, Ruby realises immediately when she's overstepped in the Oxford preparation class, after James storms out. She feels bad for it, she doesn't think he deserved it just because of her preconceived notions about him.
But especially: she apologizes. She actually thinks about it, asks her father for advice and apologizes.
She doesn't just act like "oh well, wasn't the best thing but whatever". She takes the time to see things from his pov (And at that point she technically still can't stand him).
And she's willing to change her mind about him. She isn't stuck for eternity in the "he's an idiot" mindset. When he shows her he has another side to him, she's open to it. Let's him change her mind.
Same goes for James.
When he doesn't defend her from his father in the gallery, he tries to make up for it, by printing the posters. By showing that he's not ashamed to be seen with her.
Obviously it didn't convey the message he thought it would, cause ruby wasn't exactly thrilled about it (which she actually communicated right away, even if maybe not in the best manner) but it was the best way he knew in his mind.
And he explained it to Ruby, the moment she came to him. He didn't just keep his head down & took her accusations. He explained himself.
For both his behaviour with his father & the posters. He acknowledged he should've acted differently, he explained why he acted that way, made sure ruby knew that it had nothing to do with her.
And pretty much in any situation, theres some type of resolve like this. They aren't stuck in their ways. They fuck up sure, but they are willing to own up to it and change.
Not perfectly obviously. But that makes sense, their still teenagers after all. Most adults don't even manage to do that right all the time, let alone the times ruby & james manage to do it in the show.
And they do things for eachother. Without being asked for it. They support each others dreams and goals. Actually, they just support each other period.
Ruby tries to get him back on the lacrosse team, when she realises how much it means to him and is willing to take the chance of her sounding stupid considering she was so against him in the beginning.
James is willing to help her out with anything she needs also at the risk of looking stupid.
Also: both of them except that they like the other as it's happening. They aren't trying to hide it. Neither from themselves, each other, nor from others.
Literally. From the very first moment on, through the whole show.
They like each other. And they are okay with that.
The moment ruby apologises they both feel the shift.
When James texts her afterwards about the dress photos, ruby doesn't get snarky, isn't mean to him just because he'd been petty before and didn't help them get the photos. She appreciates his efforts. She's kind, she's mocking him in a friendly (flirty) manner & he's giving it right back.
He doesn't mock her for being nice to him, for showing affection for him, doesn't try to use that against her (which happens far too often in enemy's to lovers type romances in my opinion), he shows the exact same affection back.
Honestly the whole car ride is a testament to that.
They talk. Are open to each other. Ruby doesn't feel ashamed or afraid when she catches herself rambling on about Oxford, she's clearly happy and at ease.
And that's partly because you can see in james face how happy it makes him to listen to her.
He likes hearing her talk about it and he has no intention of hiding it. Not from her, not from Percy.
Or when they get back & james tells ruby she isn't invisible anymore, not to him.
That's a declaration right there.
And he's doing it with all the confidence he has.
And he invites her to a party. A party with all his friends, where everybody can see them.
And ruby tells lin about it. And doesn't deny that she wants to go. She admits she wants to. And she does. She jumps over her own fear of being seen, throws herself right between all the people that would hate her most for being there with james.
At the party itself. They don't hide anything. They touch totally openly.
Or in school. They talk, flirt, touch. No sign of hiding any affection whatsoever.
Honestly I could write down almost every single moment from the first season, cause it's literally happening all the time.
Neither of them act like they can't stand the other while they clearly start to develop feelings.
They are open with their feelings. And I love that.
The main reason they break up/ have that big of a conflict in that regard at all, is because of james dad. Cause he threatens Ruby, which james can't let happen.
(And even then, james has a hard time selling the whole thing meant nothing to him and ruby isn't really buying it either. )
It never happens cause they're too stubborn or proud to admit they like eachother.
Cause they aren't. And I again, love that.
And the resolution at the end? They don't just get back together and that's it. Wooo, happy ending. Nope. They talk it out. Again. Lay it all out there. Make sure the other understands. Feels seen. Loved.
I just...
It just genuinely feels like a genuine relationship. Not just a stereotype. There are dimensions to it. Just like to the characters. And it's just so enjoyable to watch.
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devils-dares · 2 years
Congratulations on 400! 🥳 To celebrate, may I please request enemies to lovers #13?
hi, thanks for your request, i decided to do this with matt!
13-enemies to lovers: not being able to believe that the other wants to do something nice for them
“What is it?” You laugh, walking into the printer room at the DA’s office. Matt was grumbling away at the braille printer.
“Like I’d tell you.” Another paper comes out wrinkly and crumpled, he sighs as he grabs it and feels for the braille text, a groan leaving his mouth when it isn't readable. He’d come here to discuss a plea deal for one of his clients with Blake Tower, and you were the ADA.
“It might be jammed, a stuck paper.” You suggest, and he turns towards you.
“Why would you tell me that?” It phrases like a question but is said as a statement.
“I just want to help.”
“No you don’t, there’s an ulterior motive. What do you need? Advice on a case? Maybe you’re ready for your first date and want some help?”
“I don’t want anything from you.”
“It’s okay, you can ask me for whatever pathetic little favor you need.”
“I just wanted to help you.” You say, disappointment lacing your voice.
“It’s never ‘just’ with you. We’ve been fighting in court long enough, and in school for even longer, for me to know that. You always want something, whether it’s for me to owe you one or whatever.”
“It’s a fucking paper, Murdock. I literally just wanted- you know what? Forget it, I don’t have to explain myself to you.” You say. Opening the printer bay, you find the obstruction, a paper that got trapped in the rollers, and pull it out. You shove the paper in his chest and bump his shoulder as you exit the printer room with your papers. He grabs his paper, annoyed that you fixed the printer, and leaves for his meeting with Foggy and Tower.
You, on the other hand, were sitting in your office gathering information for your next court proceeding. He’d gotten to you and you were fuming. He’d never affected you in this way before, and you genuinely wanted to help him with a simple task with nothing in return. Perhaps he thought you did need something, given your opposing jobs. You shook him from your thoughts and got to work.
You were frustrated, there weren’t any huge busts along with your name while you were the ADA, and a few misfiles by some clerks went against your name. You could tell your time was limited, and although it hurt to think about, you hated your job here anyways. Matt wasn’t completely wrong, you did want advice, but you were at such a low point that his attitude caught you off guard. A tear splashed against your desk, you hadn’t even known you were crying. Soon enough, you locked the door to your office and let the tears flow. All types of frustrated, sad, angry, upset tears came, and you let the silent sobs wrack your body.
Leaving for your lunch break, you walk past the room where Matt’s having his meeting with Blake. He smells salt on the air laced with your perfume, a telltale sign that you had been crying. His stomach sinks, a dull ache in his chest from the thought of you crying, and his eyebrows twitch in disgust at his emotions. There wasn’t any particular reason he should feel bad that you were upset, so why did his chest hurt for you?
Foggy’s sigh cuts through Matt’s train of thoughts.
“How about a recess?” Matt suggests, “We can reconvene after lunch.” The other two men agree and suddenly Matt finds himself making a beeline to you, sitting on a bench in a lesser known area. He stops by the coffee cart in front, grabbing one for him and one for you, and walks over to you.
You spot him, cane clicking as it hits the pavement and you sigh. Whatever could he want now? You’d resigned yourself to the fact that he’d probably shit on you endlessly, somehow knowing the fact that you’d been crying.
“I uh, got this for you.” He holds out the coffee cup towards you.
“What, you poison it?” He snorts, a genuine display as he takes a seat next to you.
“Just a bit.” You laugh too and take it from him.
“What’s wrong?”
“You sound like you’ve been crying.”
“Yeah, been a little teary-eyed after I figured out how long until I take your ass to court, Murdock.” He laughs at that, and allows a beat of silence to pass you by before he speaks.
“I’m sorry, I was really mean earlier.” You do a double-take at his words.
“Not like you to apologize,” you say, taking a sip of your coffee, “in fact, I’m having trouble remembering if you’ve ever apologized at all.”
“I haven’t, and that’s really rude of me.”
“Well, I’m sorry too, for you know, always being better than you.” He laughs, and you start to realize how handsome his crow’s feet are.
“Seriously, Murdock, there’s no reason we should’ve been that vile to each other. I’m having trouble remembering why I even hated you in the first place.”
“Oh, I do, I had a huge crush on you in college.”
“What?” You look at him cluelessly.
“Yeah, and I hated it because you were always neck and neck with me in class rankings. So I resorted to hating you, it was easier.”
“That- I wasn’t expecting-”
“Yeah, I know.”
“Is this you trying to start over with me?”
“Uh- yeah? I’d like to.”
“Well, Murdock, I’d like to start over too. And for full disclosure’s sake, I also had a crush on you.”
“Wait- we could’ve been dating instead of fighting?”
“Yeah.” You answer.
“Will you answer honestly if I ask you a question?”
“Why were you crying?” You laugh sadly at his question.
“It’s been- um- tough, y’know? The clerks here aren’t very good at… clerking? So Tower’s throwing me under the bus for all of the misfiles. I’m thinking I’ll clear out by the end of the month, then it’s back to job searching for me.”
“I’m sorry, that’s tough.”
“Yep, nothing I can’t handle though, right?” You say, voice wavering as your eyes get teary once again.
“You know, you could always join another firm, we could use another partner.” He sips his coffee nonchalantly as if he didn’t just offer you a job.
“Matt, are you offering me a partner position?”
“I mean I’d have to discuss it with Foggy, but you’ve beat us in court enough times to warrant an offer.” He bumps your shoulder with his own.
“So very kind of you to offer. Might take you up on it, not everyone wants an ADA after their fall from grace.”
“Can- uh- heh-”
“What’s up?”
“Well, on the off chance you still somehow have feelings for me, would you join me for dinner?”
“You saying you still have a schoolyard crush?”
“Yes, can you blame me?”
“No, I can’t, I’d have a crush on me too.” He belly laughs.
“So? What do you say?”
“Okay, you can take me to dinner.”
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belokhvostikova · 6 months
I love Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold with all of my heart and I just know when more angst comes I will be crying sobbing.
I love how Eddie definitely grown wiser to handle himself that make women attracted to him, but you can see that it still comes from a place of no self-confidence.
I also love how reader isn't so horny for Eddie and immediately wants to get into his pants, she has her head in the game most of the time and knows some of her boundaries. But she's still someone that wants love, but doesn't want to get hurt.
I really love that this isn't the enemies to lovers trope I thought it was going to go by the title; where it's more fueled in sex than emotional feelings. The type of characters jump into bed on the very first scene at the heat of the moment/when they're arguing. There's nothing wrong with that trope, but this feels refreshing when one character isn't always ready for sex.
I get the feeling that this will be a slow burn and I hope we get more and more emotional connection before somethings happen.
The chemistry is amazing. Flow is amazing. Plot is plotting. Overall it's one of my favourite Eddie x reader series that falls into my personal hall of fame.
You're doing amazing 🤍
I love long commentary, you just made me cry 🥹
Yay, I’m so ready for the angst! Yes, yes! Eddie’s confidence is very much a facade that has overtaken itself, just so he can have a different life! We’re seeing small peaks of it, but he desperately does not want to be the so-called “loser freak,” as he was known in Hawkins. You can even see it when he doesn’t receive a phone call from Reader, he’s immediate response to her rejection is to find someone else he can be with, so he’s not a “loser.”
Very hurt boy way of thinking! Very asshole way of thinking!
And Reader, of course there was still that underlying attraction to Eddie from when he was her coffeehouse crush, but finding out who he was has definitely hardened herself around him! You’ll see it further into the story, but her ex had cause why the detriment to her trust issues, which is why she’s making the smart decision to not latch onto Eddie! This is very a much a game to her for the sake of Winnie. But as they progress, maybe those feelings are going to get more real… AHH 🙂
And yes, you’re right! While Reader isn’t the biggest fan of Eddie, she still has to “like” him for the plan. So, not total enemies, but the banter is definitely there to get on each other’s nerves, definitely to overcompensate for some… feelings.
And while I love a good enemies to lovers where they bang it out first, lol, this is definitely not that trope! These bitches will definitely not be canoodling until way later on. I haven’t necessarily done a slow burn, and that trope can be so daunting given the longevity of it all, so hopefully I can articulate it well! I, a hundred percent, want their relationship to development with intimate emotions, not sex, so let’s hope I can accomplish that well!
And, thank you so much! You’re so very kind! I’m always quite insecure about the pacing/flow of my stories, so it means the world that you find it amazing! Again, just thank you, thank you so much <3 it’s not very often I get commentary on my fics, so I love and appreciate this very much, anon!
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somevirtualnolife · 2 months
Was musing about this on my twitter, but I was thinking about what tragic romantic tropes I love the most. I of course, love a fluffy happily-ever-after romance (maybe I'll do a separate post for that), but I think my tragedy can probably be boiled down into three types.
To kill or be killed by your loved one. (A.K.A Betrayal).
My Girlfriend has become a God/Metaphor.
All that love and what did it get me?
This isn't like, an in-depth character analysis or anything. This is more of an "Oh this hit me in the feels so hard and I keep coming back to them for some reason" sort of thing. Also there are many spoilers in this.
To kill/be killed by your loved one
This started with me seeing the classic Kaworu episode. The idea of falling in love with your enemy, knowing that he must kill you. And then there is the other end with Anthy, killing the person you love.
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Betrayal can be such a beautiful thing to explore in fiction. I feel often it can make you hate a character, but with Kaworu and Anthy I feel that it made me love them more. It made their relationships with Shinji and Utena so raw and intimate.
My first Dragon Age 2 playthrough actually had a bit of this as well. Because I didn't pick up Fenris' loyalty gift, my Hawke and him had to fight to the death and it was probably one of the most jarring but memorable experiences I had in gaming.
My Girlfriend has become a God/Metaphor
I feel this is a bit different than the "Dead Wife" trope. Dead Wife doesn't necessarily have any substance to them nor do you need to fully understand the depth of the relationship. With "My Girlfriend Became a God/Metaphor", I think you can feel why the characters spiralled the way they did and are trying to bring them back.
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Simon and Betty, as well as Pearl and Rose make me ugly cry to be honest. Like I can understand why they kind of end up being the worst versions of themselves for awhile. I might too in all honesty.
I wasn't a big fan of Rebellion, but I do think that Homura's desire to basically watch Madoka die over and over again rather than not have her in her life at all is a sort of toxic love that is so fascinating. I am really looking forward to the next movie when it does come out and hopefully continue to expand on it.
All that love and what did it get me?
I love a woman/girl scorned. A lady who loved the wrong person and was made worse because of it. A weirdly stark reminder that love doesn't heal everything. I don't enjoy all jealously stories, but some of these are just... yes. YES.
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Ritsuko Akagi and her mother are two of my favourite characters in Evangelion, largely because they loved a trash man (who does suffer from Dead Wife) who ultimately gave them nothing even though they gave him everything. And what do they do? Try to murder the embodiment of their lover's dead wife, even though she is also suffering immensely by that same man. It's very *Chefs kiss*
Sayaka's unrequited love is another one that gets me (and also makes her my favourite character). Sayaka and Homura are similar in many ways that I'm sure people have already looked into. I think what always made me feel for Sayaka is that at the very least, Madoka loved Homura back, Kyosuke did not.
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I was debating putting Simon and Grace up in the first section, but ultimately felt it was better down here because again, these are not loves you're rooting for and the person is worse because of it. I still cannot believe how dark Infinity Train got and how far they went with Simon's character. Simon and Grace broke my heart into a million pieces and I am glad they did.
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I think the most realistic depiction of just 'loving the wrong person' that is also not due to jealousy is Princess Carolyn and Bojack. A great depiction of power dynamics in a way that hit home (not in my own relationships, but in a few people around me). They were so painful and so good. You can love someone a lot, but that won't necessarily fix them.
I am sure there are many other characters and pairings that I can think of that fall under these tragic romances, but these have taken up a lot of my head space. If you think there is a tragic romance that I haven't watched/read that you think I would like based on this list, lmk!
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hiraya-rawr · 2 years
when you whisper "I can't do this anymore" in a fight.
characters : Childe, Zhongli, Thoma
notes : a little something for today! this was a practice for another fic i posted (i love you so)
cw: verbal arguments, toxic relationships? (whether it's toxic!reader or toxic!character, depends)
The fight was escalating — voices quickly rising and it seemed like neither of you had any plans on listening. When it felt like you were ready to snap at each other's throats, you abruptly stop. Eyes welling up with tears as you whisper brokenly to him, "I can't do this anymore."
"Do what, Y/N? You were screaming at me a second ago! Don't tell me you're exhausted you already?" He says mockingly, hands flailing in a threatening manner, "What're a few more minutes- a few more hours of this useless drama!"
Childe would be too frustrated to notice the way your voice trembled, how your fists loosened to wrap around yourself for comfort. He's always been like this; treated your relationship like it's one of his battles. He has to win every fight, has to stay two steps ahead of you as you keep losing and losing and he expects you to be a good sport about it.
But relationships aren't duels — you're not his rival or enemy — you're his partner and lover and you were exhausted.
"I can't do this anymore, Ajax!!" You screamed at him.
"And what exactly can't you d-"
He pauses, breathing heavily as if trying to calm down from his anger. His eyes still hold a furious glint, his jaw clenched, but he stopped his threatening mannerisms as he looks at you clearly for the first time that evening. You stare back at him, trying your best to imitate his anger and threatening stare but you're sobbing violently and you can't seem to stop the influx of tears streaming down your face.
"No you're not." He tells you, "You're not tired of us."
Childe would be in denial; and although his demeanor seemed battle hungry, his voice hid a tremble of fear at the thought of losing you. You were fighting just a minute ago— how could you just back out like that? How could you stop to tell him you're exhausted of your relationship because of a fight? He isn't aware how unnatural it was, how frequent arguments are nothing like a daily spar with new recruits. He isn't aware how much it breaks you down each time.
"I'm tired, Ajax," You sob out, turning around to leave but his hands reach out to grip your wrist, "I'm so so tired of this. I can't stay anymore."
"We're not done yet, Y/n," He desperately calls out, face falling as you snatch your wrist back from him.
"But I am." You leave through the front door of your shared house.
Ever the image of patience and composure, Zhongli isn't the type to raise his voice. In fact, he has never — not once — raised his voice at you in a fight. Perhaps the most difficult part of loving an immortal god was getting him to acknowledge the trivial aspects of mortality; how prone you were to fall victim to your own emotions.
"You needn't be so infuriated, love." He tells you, calmly sitting down as you pace in frustration over a disagreement.
He's always like this. Always making you feel like the crazy one in the relationship, always the one starting the fight, always noting your feelings but never fully understanding why. You can't really blame him — as someone who's seen and felt so much chaos in his lifetime, your little human issues probably seemed trivial to him.
"Stop! Just- how can I not be angry? How are you not seeing this?" You felt like the dramatic one as he sighs, placing down the clay cup of tea he was holding. His fingers come up to rub his forehead.
"Guizhong warned me about mortals..."
It was quiet. As if he didn't mean to say it out loud but couldn't be bothered to see how wrong it was to mention her (a goddess he so admired you bled jealousy), to be warned of mortals (you, a dumb little human too easily provoked and over sensitive).
You pause at the dawning realization. He treated you like a foolish mortal sometimes and — perhaps to him — you were; yet you clung on to the fact that he chose to love you out of all foolish mortals, believing that love was enough to overcome the difference between centuries of experience.
How truly foolish.
"I can't do this anymore."
You wonder if your leaving would be enough for him to feel a little something more about your relationship. If a foolish mortal like you could ever make a god feel regret and anguish.
Whether he cried into his pillows that night or not, you never did find out.
"W-what? What do you mean, Y/n?" He turns to you for the first time since the conversation started, finally dropping the walis sweeper from his hands.
You sigh, pulling yourself together.
"You can't even look at me while we're fighting, Thoma! I just can't do this anymore."
He sighs, hand brushing through his blond hair. Something you used to do so often for him but now, he barely had the time to be with you, much less find moments for intimacy. "I understand that I've been busy lately-"
"Not just busy, Thoma. It's like we're not even dating! I'm constantly your last priority, the last option for the day-" You ramble on, voice choking up.
"I'm beginning to think that you're only dating me because I remind you of Mondstadt." You whisper, "And now that you've found a home in Inazuma, I-..."
Thoma doesn't reply, his jaw laxes as he stares at you; your eyes looking everywhere but back at him.
"I'm sorry, Y/n." Was the only thing he could mutter and it hit you like a storm. To not even deny what you said, or to reach out and comfort you. You realized this was the end of your relationship.
Thoma is the kindest person you know — he wouldn't hurt a fly if he could help it — but in his kindness, it was cruel of him to prolong your relationship simply because he didn't want to break it himself. It was cruel of him to make you tear apart the very thing you treasured.
"You're such an asshole."
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iamasimpingh0e · 3 years
Hi! Maybe you can do a Rafe Cameron x reader where it turns into an enemies to lovers type of thing 👀 shes a pogue and even though he treats her like the rest of the pogues when they’re around, he has always had a soft spot for her
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Rafe Cameron x (fem) reader
Words: 2680
Outerbanks...Paradise on earth, like John B. loves to say, doesn't sound too bad for most of the people. But if you're taking a second look at it, for some people it feels like the hell.
Especially for y/n. She used to live on the richer side of the island, figure eight. But now that her dad got into an accident at work and couldn't continue doing his job, they had to move down to the cut. Y/n doesn't blame her dad, she was just happy that he's alive and doing better now. But moving was hard for her. She had to go to a new school, where she didn't know anyone and leave her friends behind. Not that she had much friends in the first place. She was just used to hanging around the snobby kooks, who couldn't even wipe down their own ass. But after y/n and her dad left figure eight, it was like the kooks thought she was a completely different person. Maybe their little brains couldn't progress that personality mostly isn't made off of the money you have on your bank account. Okay maybe sometimes it's true. Especially for one person. Rafe Cameron .
Y/n used to see him almost everyday, back when she would hang out with Sarah and the rest of the clan that followed her and her boyfriend Topper around everywhere. You couldn't be one second alone with her, or at least it felt like that.
But it was no secret that the kooks hate the people, that can't afford to live in figure eight.
Y/n always thought Rafe could be a good friend, when he wasn't really on drugs at the moment. But she must have been wrong.
Back when she moved away from her old house, she saw him looking at her from down the road. She doesn't know for sure, but it looked like he was sad, she would move away.
But all that doesn't matter anymore. Now half a year later, she had found new amazing friends. The Pogues. They welcomed her with open arms, okay almost all of them, but one was a little rude at first.
Let me introduce you...
First there is John B. He's kinda the rock of the group, the guy that brings everyone together.
His dad went missing a couple of months ago, no one knows what happened but John B still believes, that there's a chance his dad might still be alive.
Then there's JJ. Not the brightest star on the sky, but he got his moments. JJ is the one, most people have a crush on. He comes from an abusive home and doesn't trust easily. That's why he didn't want y/n to join the group at first. It took him a while, to warm up to her.
Next there's Pope. Pope is a truly nice guy, but he gotta leave his hole for a little and live. All he can think about is his scholarship. His dad is also a nice guy, he owns a little shop and sometimes y/n gets to help him and Pope out, to earn a little bit of extra money.
Last but not least there's Kie. Kie might be a Kook, but she never wanted all of the rich stuff. Being at the beach, surfing and sometimes saving the turtles is the only thing that can make her truly happy. And of course hanging out with her friends.
And now there's y/n. Nothing much more to say. So let me sum it up. From Kook to Pogue, because of financial issues and now, after a rough start, happier than ever.
Anyways back to the story...
Y/n was just preparing a party together with her friends. It's a thing they all love to do. Dance, drink, smoke and the most important thing, have fun and forget you're poor.
It was all going great, until three, not so much liked, Kooks made their way down to the beach.
"Oh look who we got here!" JJ said.
Y/n couldn't stand seeing them, not after they just ghosted and left her alone, after all.
But JJ just couldn't leave it be. He doesn't like it when the Kooks are on his side of the island.
"You guys don't belong here, go back to your side of the island!"
Long story short, Rafe and the rest of his crew didn't like the way, they got talked to. So it kinda ended with them punching each other and Kie and y/n had to get them away from each other.
"Just go back to your side" Y/n said annoyed, after the girls successfully ended the fight.
"You got non to say, POGUE" Rafe harshly said.
It stung but y/n ignored it. By now she was used to Rafe being such an ass.
After much more hurtful words from Kooks to Pogues and back, the snoops finally left.
"I can't believe they come here and act like they own the beach" Kie said, mad at their behavior.
"Just leave it be Kie, they're just jealous that we get to have fun, while they have to follow so many rules, that they forgot what independence was." y/n answered, which made the group laugh.
The fight, that happened a couple of hours ago, was long forgotten, the group had fun at the party and enjoyed the rest of the night.
Now they were only dreaming of having a party. A surge came over the outer banks and all people tried their best, to bring back the original order of how everything was before.
But on the other hand, the Pogues also had the chance to earn money, by doing the work in the rich guys backyards.
Rich people are too lazy to do so, but the Pogues don't really mind.
This is how y/n found herself in the backyard of the Cameron's.
It's funny how she used to swim in the pool and bake in the kitchen together with Sarah, and now is only there to throw away the branches that fell down.
She was just about to throw away the trash when she spotted Rafe standing behind his window.
Quickly y/n looked away from it. She felt uncomfortable continuing to work, while being watched, but at the same time, she wanted to show Rafe that she wasn't afraid of him.
So despise everything she continued working.
After like one more hour she was mostly done and admired her work. The backyard looked like there had never been a surge and it was all perfect.
She was on her way out, when she noticed a few raindrops, so she was kinda pissed she had to walk home.
As she was down the streets, the few raindrops turned into a lot more and she was drenched only minutes after. She turned around the corner when suddenly a car stopped next to her.
It was Rafe. The boy couldn't stand seeing her in the rain, still having to walk the long way back.
He knows he's being mean to her, but deep down she's still his friend.
"Get in the car" He tells her.
But y/n doesn't really want to, he never cared before, so why now?
But she also doesn't want to continue walking in the rain, so she signed and got in.
"Why did you do that?" She asked him.
"Do what exactly?" He looked over to her, not knowing what she meant.
"Follow me here, even though you could have cared less"
"Don't think too much about it. Dad told me to bring you home, because the weather forecast said it's going to be a bad thunder storm." Just as he said that, there was a thunderstruck appearing a little away from them.
Anyone who knew y/n would know, the she wasn't the biggest fan of thunderstorms. It's not like she's afraid fo them, but she wouldn't really want to walk through it either.
"Oh, okay" She was a little disappointed, that that was the only reason Rafe picked her up.
She thought maybe he would apologize for all the hurtful things he said to her, but he actually didn't.
After a while they reached y/n's house and said their good byes.
Even though y/n isn't the biggest fan of Rafe, she couldn't really stop thinking about that encounter all night.
Now the meeting between y/n and Rafe was a week ago.
In that time y/n couldn't stop thinking about the blond boy, but neither could he.
Rafe doesn't know, why he chose to help her get home and why he told her that Ward told him to.
Maybe he was afraid of what she would think.
But he really likes her, he always had. Back when Sarah first brought y/n over, he saw her and was like 'I have to get to know her'. And he did, but then y/n moved away and he had to act like he hated her.
I mean those are the rules right? Kooks have to hate the Pogues, and y/n was a Pogue now.
The two met each other again at the golf club, because Y/n was helping Pope deliver some groceries.
"What are you doing here?" Y/n heard from behind her.
Of course, the day just had to get worse.
"Can't you see what I'm doing, or do you need glasses? Cameron. " She turned around and looked at him.
Of course he saw what she was doing, but he just wanted to talk to her.
"Shut it, Pogue. I meant what are you doing on our side of the island"
"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't see the name Cameron written on the border to the side of the boring people" y/n answered.
She was done with his shit and didn't really want to continue this conversation.
So she just turned around and left.
Of course Rafe didn't like that and followed her.
"You shouldn't be here."
"And why's that? I mean tell me Cameron? Why shouldn't I be on the side I grew up on? Is it because you dumb motherfuckers are afraid, I'll steal your money or is it because you are blinded by all the lies, so that you actually believe, we want something bad to happen to you" y/n already had a bad day and now this had been her last straw.
Rafe was a little taken back by her words.
"Jeez, calm down." It hurt him to let his guard down just a little, but he thought she was going to explode if he says one more word.
"You won, I'll leave you alone" He said and left her standing alone in the parking lot.
That wasn't the only time they met after that.
Y/n was just inside of the library, that's right in the middle of the cut and figure eight, when she run into Rafe.
"Oh damn Cameron, didn't even know you knew how to read" She said.
"I actually don't, I was looking at picture books." He went along with her joke.
Y/n just smiled it off and the both went their own way.
What was that? That might have been the first time, he didn't leave a stupid comment.
Of course Rafe knows how to read, but he didn't expect to see y/n there and her to actually say something. So he didn't have enough time to thing about anything good to say.
But Rafe was hoping to see her again.
People always say, it doesn't matter how big the world is, the right people always find each other.
That must have been the case with Rafe and y/n, only that the two aren't the "right" people, or they just don't know it yet.
One late evening y/n wanted to take a walk down the beach. The beach from the cut goes over to the beach on figure eight. Of course y/n didn't really care, so she just continued walking.
"Isn't it past your sleeping time, Grumpy?" She turned around and saw Rafe standing there.
"God, why do you have to be here, the day could have ended perfect." She was annoyed.
"Don't be such a negative nancy. It doesn't have to end bad." He was trying to lighten up the mood.
Y/n's brain didn't want to talk to Rafe, but her stomach said otherwise.
So she stood still and waited for Rafe to continue talking.
"Mind if I join you on your walk?" He asked her.
"I mean if you have to, Cameron"
So the two walked together and it didn't take long for them to start an actual conversation.
It was a kinda weird feeling, that y/n couldn't describe.
Her and Rafe started texting each other, and if you look closely you could even see a small smile everytime there was a new message.
"Who got you in this good mood lately?" Kie asked y/n.
"No one, why?"
"Because you might think no one notices, but I do notice you're trying to contain your grinning everytime you look at your phone."
Y/n didn't want to tell her friends about her and Rafe yet.
After all they weren't anything official yet and second he was hated by the whole group.
Just then y/n's phone pinged.
Rafe:      Hey
Y/n :       Hey
Rafe       You got anything planned for tonight?
Y/n :       No, why?
Rafe:      Great, I'll pick you up at 7.
After y/n got the message, she had to make an excuse for herself, because it had already been 5.30pm and she had to get home and get ready.
Rafe didn't tell her what he had planned, so y/n had to wear something fitting for all occasions.
At exactly 7, Rafe parked his car in her driveway and waited for y/n to come outside.
"Hey" She greeted him, as she got into his car.
"Hey" He said back, with a small smile.
He looked nervous and y/n didn't really know why.
About 10 minutes later, Rafe parked his car I'm front of a forest.
"Are you going to kill me?" Y/n asked jokingly.
"I might, if you keep asking question." Rafe answered, what sounded really serious.
"Come on."
And with that the two got out of the car.
Rafe went around the car to open the trunk, out he pulled a picnic basked and a huge blanket.
"You created a picnic for us?" Y/n asked fascinated.
"Hmm, follow me" Rafe didn't want to sound so rude, but he was simply nervous.
So y/n silently followed him into the woods.
After a while they reached a beautiful lake with all kinds of flowers around it.
"Damn Cameron, how'd find this place?"
"A good Kook, never reveals his secrets."
So y/n let it go and they to got comfortable on the blanket.
Rafe pulled all kinds of food, out of the basket and the two begun to eat.
"This is really nice, thank you" y/n told him.
"Hey, grumpy? Can I ask you something?" Rafe was fiddling with his fingers.
"I know we were never really close, and I was a completely asshole to you, and your friends. But maybe we can give this a go? I mean you and me. We don't have to tell anyone right away, it can just be us two at first? So y/n would you be my girlfriend?" He asked her, as he looked at her.
Y/n didn't know what to say, the last couple of weeks have been an up and down, but always up again. She really enjoyed his company and to be honest, she doesn't care about the opinion of the others. It was her life after all.
"I would feel honored to." She told him.
And with that he gave her the long overdue kiss, they both have been waiting for.<3
I hope you liked it. I didn't proof read it and I would love you feedback. Also feel free to send requests.
And if anyone can tell me how to add a cut to stories, that would be nice<3
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if I can never give you peace — two || Jungkook
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Pairing: Jungkook x reader // Word count (chapter): 5.8k // Genre: Mafia AU, Hybrid AU, enemies to lovers // Ao3
↳ It starts like quite a few stories do, in your world. Girl meets boy, who happens to be a hybrid, girl buys him at an auction where hybrids are sold, boy falls in love with her, girl gets bored of him. Then it’s not so typical anymore, when the boy ends up forced into illegal fighting rings, until he makes a wrong move and the girl’s father decides he needs to be killed.
Where does that leave you? Well, you’re the one who handled Jungkook’s fight and generally organized his life, and, when the girl’s father, your boss and mafia leader, tells you he wants him ‘put down’, you’re the one who has to get it done. Except, instead, you let him escape, and everything turns out fine.
Until he comes back.
Warnings and tags (chapter): Descriptions of violence, Threats, kind of dark in general
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The car is late, you think as you smooth over the fabric of your skirt, your mouth twisted in a disapproving scowl. Annoyance is one of the few emotions that ever appear on your face, and you don’t even bother to hide it. You have only been standing there, waiting, for a few minutes, but it already disrupts your perfectly well-oiled routine. This is just one of the many changes that have come with Jungkook taking over, but it could be the one you are the least fond of.
You used to have the routine down to a T. You knew exactly when to leave your apartment so that the car would stop in front of you right as you reached the pavement. There were small hiccups every now and then — traffic, last-minute phone calls —, but most of the time, it went perfectly. You liked that. Having that kind of control, when your life had always been completely out of your hands, was comforting.
That went out the window the day you started working for Jungkook.
When the car stops in front of you, five minutes, that’s three-hundred seconds, after the agreed-upon time, you take a short breath before opening the door and stepping in.
There, of course, is your new boss, sitting with his legs widely spread on the leather seat. He changed your discreet sedan for a limousine, which you find obnoxious, but you didn’t protest. You liked to think that you were better than that at picking your battles
“Mr. Jeon,” you say with a nod, voice even.
Jungkook grins when you call him that. You know he enjoys the title, the power it indicates, particularly since hybrids are supposed to only ever have the same last name as their owners.
“Lot of work to be done today,” he comments, and you know he’s just saying that to rile you up. You used to report to Mr. X, but you worked on your own more often than not. Now, you’re basically Jungkook’s glorified secretary. You wouldn’t particularly mind the change if it didn’t mean that you had to sit and watch him superbly ignore your carefully crafted schedule, as he had every single day for the past week.
“Indeed,” you reply without batting an eyelid. “This morning, you have a meeting with Suga,” this one he should go to, he never misses them, “then you are supposed to eat with Fred Lucas,” chances were he wouldn’t show up to that and make you take him to a fancy restaurant instead, and you would be the one to have to handle the situation with him, “and later today I think it would be important for you to pay a visit to the Mystery Room.” That place was one of the few legal aspects of the business at the moment, if you ignore the drugs that get sold there, and it was not a location you should lose right now. “They have been quite… difficult, since the change in direction.”
That last one is new, and you’re not sure how Jungkook will react to it. Of course, there is plenty more work to do, but you’re trying out new methods to get him to do at least what really matters. You don’t understand why he would hire you if he doesn’t let you do your job, but hey, at least you’re alive. And so is your family.
You don’t know how long that will last, though. Unless Jungkook seriously gets his act together, it won’t take long for someone to think that they can do the same thing he did, and have him murdered. You’re even mildly surprised it hasn’t happened yet. That’s the thing, when a leader gets killed. It weakens the whole structure, and it gives people ideas.
The grin disappears from Jungkook’s face and he nods gravely at that last piece of information. That catches your eye, because it’s new. You tell yourself that maybe, just maybe, he spent the last week riding the high of his victory against Mr. X, and that he will be efficient if there’s trouble, at least.
“Cancel that second thing,” he says. “I want to eat at that restaurant I went to last week. You should get me a reservation there.”
Or not.
“But you can go meet him,” he adds, and you blink.
“Mr. Lucas is expecting to see you,” you say, in case you weren’t clear.
“And he doesn’t get to demand my presence like that,” Jungkook snaps. You bite the inside of your cheek to stop yourself from wincing. His voice sounds harsh, cutting. Dangerous. “Did he think that I’d go ask for treats because a human joined us? That’s not how that shit works.”
Okay. He’s not wrong here, but you don’t know about this— approachto the situation. Fred is, indeed, one of the two human leaders who decided to immediately join Jungkook when the news of the death of Mr. X and the uprising of hybrids in various parts of your branches in the city spread. You wouldn’t be surprised if he expected a treatment of favor for that, too, but you’re not sure letting him know how little his gesture was appreciated was the way to go.
“I don’t think—”
“He’s replaceable,” Jungkook says with a dismissive movement of the wrist. “I’ll swap him for one of my men the second he makes a mistake. It would be a lot better if no one forgot that.”
The look he gives you makes his message crystal clear. You feel your mouth getting dry, but you know nothing is showing in your expression, and that at least is a relief.
“I’ll go to the meeting and get you your reservation, then,” you say, pulling out your phone. “Does the rest of the schedule work for you?”
Jungkook frowns, and the tiniest feeling of satisfaction spreads in your chest. You know he’s just applying pressure and waiting for you to crack, but you won’t.You’re used to contorting yourself to please everyone. You’ve made it work for years, and it will take much more than those childish games for you to snap.
Or, at least, that’s what you’ve been telling yourself for the past week.
“Fine.” Then he closes his eyes and leans back in the seat. You raise an eyebrow at the sight. You know it’s not because he trusts you, but because he doesn’t think you have the guts to do anything to him — and because, even if you did, he’s pretty confident he wouldn’t have any trouble stopping you. You hate that you find something endearing in that vision. Jungkook was genetically designed to be handsome, and he is.More than that, though, when you look at him right now, even though his long bunny ears are skillfully hidden under a headband, he looks cute.
And he could — and would — take less than a second to snap your neck.
“This afternoon should be fun at least,” he mumbles under his breath, and you hide your grimace.
Shit. That can’t be good.
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It’s been clear to you from the very first day that Suga knows exactly what he is doing. It’s also been clear that this isn’t his scene. Being at the forefront of operations, taking the lead — it’s obvious that he would much rather stay in the shadows. You’re not sure how important he was to Jungkook’s organization before, since no one has bothered trying to inform you of that, but you suspect that he’s usually more the type to be in the field.
Right now, though, he’s standing in front of a small group, exposing what the recent developments have been. Sitting behind Jungkook, you listen to him attentively. Those reunions should become less frequent, but right now things could still change completely, and you cannot afford to be taken by surprise.
You are, however, starting to feel less and less comfortable with the fact that nothing seems to be coming out of them. Sure, Yoongi informs you of the people who have sided with Jungkook and of those who are openly opposed to him — a minority, so far — but there is a large group in between that seems to be in no hurry to take position. And you don’t like it.
It hasn’t been long since Jungkook has taken over, but you should at least have gotten someintel by now. You’re not sure what isn’t working here. For now, you don’t want to risk provoking anyone by offering your services. Worry is starting to gnaw at you, though. You could all be driving into a dead-end street at full speed, and that stupid struggle you’re having with Jungkook just isn't worth dying over.
“So not much has changed,” Jungkook comments, tapping his fingers onto the table. He looks nonchalant, but you notice a muscle in his jaw twitching. You wonder if he understands more than he lets on.
“Things have been stagnant,” Yoongi admits without batting an eye. “There hasn’t been any open rebellion, but communication is lacking.”
“That needs to get better.”
“We’re working on it.”
They probably are, but it doesn’t look like that’s going well. Word has reached your ears that some of the branches have been keeping hybrids at bay as discreetly as possible.
“What about that Mystery Room thing?” Jungkook asks, frowning. “What’s going on over there?”
“The what?” Yoongi frowns.
Jungkook looks puzzled — pissed, actually — for a second, then glances at you over his shoulder, and the attention of the whole room suddenly shifts to you. You straighten your back, swallow.
“The owner of the bar has missed a payment to us,” you state calmly, “and it seems that he has no intention of making it and is trying to get out of his contract with us. It would be better if we didn’t lose it right now.”
“What do you mean, ‘it seems’?” Yoongi asks, narrowing his golden eyes at you. His voice sounds more like a hiss, and this time, you struggle to hide your reaction. You haven’t forgotten what it felt like, when you thought he was going to kill you. It’s affected you more than you’d like to admit.
“I have a contact who—”
Yoongi clicks his tongue, and you close your mouth.
“I’m going there today,” Jungkook informs him, and Yoongi nods.
“I’ll be around.”
The two men have a silent exchange of looks. Their relationship is somewhat atypical, not something Mr. X had with anyone. It looks like they genuinely rely on and trust each other. You suppose someone else would find it touching, but you don’t have it in yourself. Especially not when that means they both have it out for you.
“Haven’t you been following what we’ve been talking about here for the past week?” Jungkook snarks at you, and you blink. “Any information you get from now on needs to get to Suga so he can factor it in.” At that, you give him a disbelieving look. That just won’t work. It can’t. Not for the first time, you wonder how much he underestimates you, exactly. If he knew anything about the way you work, about how many contacts you have and how much information you’re usually juggling with, he would never ask that of you.
Yet you nod. You don’t know yet if you’ll send a believable amount of intel to Suga, or just absolutely drown him under it until they tell you to stop, but once more, this just isn’t worth fighting over.
Especially when fighting over something can so easily mean dying over it, in your current situation.
“Will do, Mr. Jeon.”
He looks displeased, and you know it’s because all he’s waiting for is for you to slip.
“I shouldn’t even bring you to these meetings. You’re not even taking any notes. That’s fucking useless.”
It takes everything in you to bite back a scoff at that. You could tell him you don’t need to take notes when Yoongi is talking about minimal changes in a landscape you know on the tip of your fingers, that maybe you would if he said anything of value, and that this wouldn’t be an issue if people actually feared him.
You marvel at how annoyed that quip makes you. You suppose you don’t like it when your competence is questioned. You don’t like the threat either, though. You don’t want to risk falling out of the loop.
“I’ve gotten you a reservation at that restaurant,” you say. “If things are done here, I’ll be on my way to meet Mr. Lucas.”
Changing the subject. Deflecting. Trying your best to live to see another day. It seems like it’s all you’ve been doing for the past week. You know you can keep it up for a long time, you’re patient enough. You also know that this game is set up to make you lose.
Right now, as Jungkook looks at you, clearly not amused by your attitude, there is a terrifying moment during which you fear that he might just drop the charade. The only point of this whole thing is to get rid of you. He could decide he only wants to do that any second.
“Yeah, right. Be on your way.”
He dismisses you like you’re some low lackey, but that, at least, isn’t anything new, and you know how to handle it. You bow politely, then exit the room.
“You really wanna keep her around?” Yoongi asks once you’re gone, and Jungkook groans.
He doesn’t know why he had expected you to break easily. He’d seen you work for Mr. X, do that same shit he makes you do and survive as long as you had, so he should have known you’d be good at it. He supposes he’d been used to you making decisions for him, back then, and had thought that was a normal thing for you, that you wouldn’t enjoy being in the position of taking orders. But you were, after all, just someone who worked for others that whole time.
Not that he gives a fuck about it. He couldn’t care less why you did the things you did. All he wants is to give you a taste of your own medicine. Dangling a false chance of survival in front of your eyes and let you handle the rest yourself. So as long as you push through… well. He’ll let it slide.
It’s not like you can keep doing it forever anyway.
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Fred Lucas worries you. He’s always smiled too widely, been too loud, made too many jokes. You know Mr. X considered him to be some sort of buffoon, but also kept his distance from him. Mr. X didn’t like people who pretended to wear their hearts on their sleeves.
“Always a pleasure to see you, (Y/N),” he greets you warmly when you walk up to him and you give him a nod. If he’s upset that Jungkook isn’t there, he doesn’t show it, just like you don’t show your distaste for his use of your first name. “I’d like to discuss with just you, though,” he adds, eyeing Hector, who’s standing beside you. The fact that you still have him by your side is the only good thing that has come from working for Jungkook so far.
You don’t like that. You’re all too aware of the fact that this is his land, and that the only reason why he’s saying that is that Hector is a hybrid. If that gets back to Jungkook, it wouldn’t be good for Fred — but you don’t think he’ll go down without a fight. You glance at Hector, who looks as placid as always and offers no help. The gears in your head are turning fast. Before, you were protected by how indispensable you were considered by Mr. X. That is clearly not the case anymore, but Fred likely isn’t aware of that. Yet.
On the other hand, sending Hector away would show weakness, and you can’t afford that.
“Hector goes where I go,” you say.
Fred’s smile widens even more.
“Of course, of course, can’t trust anyone those days, can you?”
You wonder if it’s a jab at you and how quickly you changed sides, but he is more or less in the same position, so you could just be paranoid.
“Come on, come on in, let’s get ourselves a drink.”
You don’t want a drink, but you do follow him in. The sooner you do that, the sooner you will be out of here.
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Fred has a lot of things to say. Most of it isn’t relevant to anything that is happening right now, but you’ve never been able to tune things out. You always worry you’ll miss an essential piece of information. So you listen as he babbles about his business — getting weapons in and out of the city, something he is decently good at — but also about his family, his friendships, and his favorite kind of alcohol. You let him pour you a glass, even if you have no intention of touching it.
“I hear you,” you manage to interrupt him, “but I am curious to know why you wanted a meeting with Mr. Jeon. It seems to me that you have the situation here under control.”
Flattery has always worked on Fred, and you have no issue in using that against him.
“Of course we do,” he gloats. “It’s just— There are a lot of rumorsfloating around those days, you know?”
You do know. You suspect Fred has heard the same things as you. You also suspect most people have been very careful not to let those things reach Yoongi’s ears.
“People are talking about a ‘human opposition’ forming,” Fred gasps dramatically. “Can you believe it? Some people are really not happy about being led by a hybrid.”
That seems to be more concrete than what you’ve heard, which means that Fred could be exaggerating things… or that he was contacted to join that opposition. And you don’t like that second possibility, not at all. You trust Fred about as far as you can throw him, and that means you certainly don’t trust him to not try and play both sides.
“That was to be expected,” you reply calmly. “I do not doubt that Mr. Jeon knew such a reaction was coming.”
Fred narrows his eyes at you, trying to gauge what you knew then and what you know now. Which isn’t much, but that’s not something you plan to let slip out.
“Do you know of anything specific?”
You see from the glint in Fred’s eyes that he knows the game is on. If you know something and he doesn’t tell you, he will look suspicious, but he could also reveal too much, and you doubt he wants to play his cards so soon.
“I— don’t, unfortunately,” he finally says, and you nod. Either he hasn’t heard of the Mystery Room, or he is voluntarily hiding it from you. Regardless, that limits how useful he is to you. “But the word on the street is that Jungkook may not know what he’s doing all that well.”
You send him a sharp glance. He’s taking a risk in telling you that, you both know it. That doesn’t make the information any less precious.
“I see. And, again, I don’t suppose you know where this— ‘word on the street’ is coming from?”
He shrugs, a true picture of innocence, and maybe you’d have believed it if Fred hadn’t been in the business for longer than you. He knew, he just wasn’t telling because he wanted to preserve his opportunities if something happened.
“I have to go, then. Thank you for the drink, Mr. Lucas.”
“Please,” he says, holding out his hand. “Call me Fred.”
That won’t be happening.
“Goodbye, Mr. Lucas.”
Once you’re out, you take a second to collect yourself, Hector following like a shadow and waiting for you silently.
“Is everything okay?” he asks after you’ve mulled over the conversation that just happened for several minutes.
“It’s fine,” you say as a reflex. You couldn’t stop thinking about how Fred had taken a gamble when he’d proclaimed his allegiance to Jungkook. He’d bet on him coming out on top, and yet you didn’t trust it. You couldn’t think of a reason why he would do that instead of carefully waiting to see how things would go, like everyone else. You didn’t like this. Not one bit. “We need to get to Mystery Room,” you add.
“Of course,” Hector nods, gesturing towards the limo, and you don’t bother repressing a groan this time.
“God. That’s so tacky.”
That brings a smile to Hector’s lips, but you don’t smile back. You never do. Instead, you climb in, roll your eyes at the whole thing, and let yourself be driven away. You can’t come to a conclusion about Fred Lucas just yet, but you have no intention of forgetting about him either.
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It takes you a few seconds, once you’re out of the car, to understand that something isn’t right. You’ve never been good with feelings — instincts, as hybrids call them — and the air doesn’t feel particularly tense or charged to you. Hector stands a little close to you for comfort, and you piece things together from there. There are a few cars around, but not too many, which isn’t surprising considering it’s the middle of the afternoon. Still, you can hear voices from inside, and you know there’s an argument going on there.
“Let’s go,” you say with a decided nod, and Hector leads the way, shoulders tense, ready to pounce if needed. You trust him to do his job, and that’s a lot, coming from you.
You frown when you walk into the bar, taking a few seconds to let your eyes get adjusted to the lack of luminosity, and that frown only deepens when you hear the argument going on and recognize Jungkook’s voice. God. The concepts of subtlety and discretion are completely lost on him, aren’t they?
Making your way through the room, you try to evaluate the situation. Yoongi is leaning against a table, looking bored out of his mind, though you’re sure he doesn’t miss anything from what is going on in the room. As if to prove your point, his golden eyes flick towards you for a second when you approach, before looking away, clearly uninterested. Other than him, it seems that the only other people present are the owner and various employees. You think it’s stupid and dangerous that they showed up here basically alone but, for the millionth time today, you grit your teeth and don’t say anything.
There are five men around, including the bouncer and a security guard. They’re probably armed, and that’s to say nothing of anyone you cannot see. Outside of Yoongi, though, no one pays attention to you, not until the bartender asks loudly “Mojito, as usual, Miss (L/N)?”
It’s a bit early for that, actually, but you give him a nod. The Mystery Room isn’t quite your scene — you’ve always been one to prefer classy restaurants — but that doesn’t change the fact that you’re well-known here, and everywhere, actually, which is something that everyoneknows, except your own boss. That is obvious by the way people’s attitude shifts when they see you. The owner bows to you politely. You acknowledge it with a curt movement of your chin. Jungkook raises an eyebrow at that. He doesn’t look happy about it.
You wait until you have your glass in your hand to say something. The silence that fills the room is heavy, and you can feel Jungkook’s anger emanating from him, having lost the men’s attention. He’s the man who murdered Mr. X, took over half of his operations without anyone noticing, and their fucking boss, and they’re still treating him like a low-life hybrid.
“You haven’t been paying what you owe us,” you say, almost lightly, when you get your drink. “Has business been slow?”
You know it has. You know people aren’t too sure what to think of Jungkook yet. You also know they’ve still made money. Better yet, you’re sure the men in the room know youknow that. You’re giving them an obvious way out. All they have to do is say “yes”, and you’ll come up with something. You won’t let them go off scot-free, but there’s no need for this to end in a bloodbath, either.
“That’s not the issue,” the man says, voice raspy, and you don’t let it show, of course you don’t, but you’re still taking the hit. They’re underestimating Jungkook.
This might be the last mistake they make.
“I think it would be better for everyone if we could work through whatever issue there is,” you say slowly.
Better for them, really, especially because this is you giving him a second chance. There won’t be a third one.
“I’m afraid we don’t, uh, approve of the recent change in direction,” he replies, a stupid grin on his face. He’s mocking you and your infamous overly procedural speech. You know people say you can’t accept who you’re working for, that you can’t take the idea of having blood on your hands.
You may not care, but you’re well-aware of it, and you really don’t appreciate him saying that to your face. You’ll have to make an example out of him.
You sigh and shake your head at his answer. You’re not going to enjoy this. You’ve seen people’s attempts at rebellion against Mr. X, even if those were few and far between, and no matter how much of a fight they put up, it never ends well. For them.
You’re prepared to just leave the place and arrange for it to be set on fire during the night, when Jungkook’s voice snaps you out of it.
“What’s your problem with the change in direction, fucker?”
The mood changes immediately. Hector’s hand on your shoulder gently pulls you back, and Yoongi hops off the table to come stand next to Jungkook, hands in his pockets. He looks nonchalant and relaxed. He could probably easily kill everyone in this room and not get a drop of blood on his jacket.
The owner squares his shoulders and walks up to him. He’s slightly taller and much larger than Jungkook.
“Listen, bunny…”
You barely have the time to widen your eyes at the word, to think about all the ways Jungkook has made it clear that he’s not your typical rabbit-hybrid before his right hook connects with the man’s jaw, so fast you would have missed it if you’d blinked.
A moment of stunned silence follows, during which the man stumbles backwards, hand coming to cup his face in disbelief. And then, he seems to decide that it’s a good idea to retaliate. The dozens, hundreds maybe, of fights you’ve seen Jungkook win flash before your eyes. He doesn’t stand a chance.
People start moving around you, but it seems like it’s only a fistfight. No guns are drawn, for now, and you’re reminded of how much you fucking hate watching people fight. You take a step back, bored already at this stupid display of strength and violence. Still, you can’t help it when your eyes are drawn to Jungkook. There’s a— curiosity within you. How much has he truly changed, in the past two years?
For one, he certainly isn’t pretending this time, isn’t trying to make this fight last for a few more rounds. There iscertain showmanship there, though, you note. He’s giving time for the owner to recover while he takes out some of the other men with hits of surgical precision. He wants them to seewhatever he’s going to do to their boss. Hector and Yoongi keep the fight contained, don’t let anyone escape or call for help, but Jungkook doesn’t need their help. No one here is a threat to him, and it doesn’t take long for the men to be on the floor, groaning in pain.
The owner pushes himself up, spits some blood on the floor. Jungkook turns to face him and beckons him closer with a flick of his hand. He looks amused.
“You fucking piece of—”
This time, Jungkook doesn’t go for the head. His fist gets the man in the ribs, and that first punch is followed by dozens of others, not giving the man any respite, not letting him breathe. When the man falls back, Jungkook doesn’t stop, though the hits slow down, based on what you can see and hear. You have to clench your jaw to stop yourself from grimacing at the sound of flesh hitting flesh, of the bones underneath clashing. It was drowned out, back when he fought in a ring, but knowing it was there disgusted you back. You don’t know why, you just hate it. It makes you sick.
When Jungkook finally gets back up, he hasn’t even broken a sweat. There are five men on the ground, clenching different parts of their bodies and crying out in pain, and he isn’t even out of breath.
“You should fucking reconsider,” he spits out.
They won’t have to. This place will be gone soon enough.
His eyes meet yours as he walks out, and his expression turns to a disgusted scowl. It almost draws a scoff out of you, but you hold it in, and instead, you follow him dutifully.
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Jungkook doesn’t speak to you in the car, eyes instead on his bloody knuckles. It will heal fast, you know, and that’s probably why he doesn’t bother taking care of it. When the car stops, you look outside and find yourself faced with your own apartment building. It’s not even five in the afternoon yet. You turn around to give your boss a quizzical look.
“You’re not needed anymore,” he shrugs. He doesn’t sound like he’s playing this time, though you’re still sure that he wants to get on your nerves.
You hate that it’s working this time.
“The day isn’t—”
“I think you’ve proved exactly how efficient you are today,” he says, obviously dismissing you. “I have no fucking idea how you got this job.”
You bite your tongue not to reply. You don’t care about the job, you don’t care about his opinion of you, you barely even care about the Family. You should just nod, give him the usual “yes, Mr. Jeon,” and walk out. But something keeps you in place a little longer than it should, and that’s how much you hate jobs that aren’t well done.
Your voice sounds distant to your own ears when you say what you’re supposed to, your body doesn’t feel like your own when you walk out and close the door. Your breathing quickens while you hear the car leave behind you like it’s all happening in a dream, your head spins, and you stand frozen in place, staring right in front of you.
Is this your life now? you wonder, feeling your heart thumping like it’s trying to get out of your chest. Are you going to let yourself be so disposable, so mediocre, let everything you’ve spent years building fall apart? This isn’t the time for pride, you’re well aware of that, but it’s still eating at you inside.
You walk back to your apartment like you’re in a trance. There’s a heavy weight on your chest, and you realize you have to make a choice. If things stay like that, you suppose Jungkook will have your head at some point. This is a fight of patience. One you cannot win. But if you make yourself indispensable, then maybe, maybe you can survive it. You’ve done it once already.
You brush aside the little voice mocking your reasoning, telling you that you’re doing this because you don’t want to lose your status. Not because it’s wrong, but because you know that’s not enough of an incentive for you to take a risk. You need something stronger than that. Even if you know it’s a lie.
That doesn’t stop your hand from trembling as you dial Yoongi’s number. You’re happy there’s no one to see you, because God, you couldn’t take your carefully crafted facade crumbling right now.
“Yes?” he answers quickly. If he’s surprised to hear from you, it doesn’t show.
“What are the plans for the Mystery Room?” you ask, satisfied that your voice doesn’t quiver, even if you’re a mess right now.
There’s a silence at the other end of the line, and you suspect he’s considering not answering you, so you take the initiative.
“You need to at least replace the owner,” you say, kicking off your shoes. “You can convince him to sell to us,” — convince, one of your favorite euphemisms — “or get rid of him and get the place from his family. Burning the place down is also an option. We can’t let what happened slide like that.”
“Hmm,” Yoongi says.
“Also, it would better if Mr. Jeon could avoid fighting with people. The last thing we want is people who think they can challenge him.”
“He can take them.”
“That’s not the issue. If people think they have a chance, they’ll keep trying. We don’t want them to do that.”
Another, longer silence.
“Why are you telling me this?”
“Because he’ll listen to you.”
“And you think I will listen to you?”
You roll your eyes. It’s strange, you know you’re gambling your life right now, but the tension you were experiencing earlier has been replaced by an eerie calm. You feel detached from everything.
Maybe you’ve been doing this for too long.
“You don’t have to,” you say, “but this is my job. I’m good at it. If you just let me do it, it would be far more efficient than whatever has been going on for the last week. I know you don’t trust me, but you can probably come to the same conclusions as me in this situation at least.”
Your heart is hammering in your chest. This is an explicit critique, something you would never have risked with Mr. X, and it’s the most open act of defiance that you’ve ever done — and it’s to convince them to let you workfor them.
“We’ll see about that,” he replies dismissively, and your shoulders fall at first, but then he adds, almost reluctantly, “I’ll take what you said into consideration.”
“Good. We also need to talk about tomorrow’s meeting. I’ve gotten some important information about the opposition to Mr. Jeon, and I think—”
As you explain the situation to Yoongi, you feel yourself calming down. Maybe it’s because you’re doing something that’s familiar to you, you’re not sure, but you can breathe again, and that solidifies your conviction that you’re making the right decision.
Finally, you’re ready to take back your life.
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Tag list: @chaiwivluv @mintyrae @btswdwsmhrdt @xxquenwxtchxx @fekitza @kimmieloveswho @deeepvibes @lonleycoffee @gookiebts @kpop-baka @taecallsmenoona @mimiinluv @dabbingangels @jooahchu
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airasora · 3 years
So during the years you've shared many of your fascinating Hollina AUs, now I'm really curious if you could tell us more about your Thrax/Odette AUs? The ones you have planne, more of less planned, only vague concepts, anything really, love seeing people talking about their ships.
So *cough* before we get into this, let me just warn you guys I have quite a few smutty ideas that are just... one-shots. Just so you guys know that some of the titles you'll see here are probably just going to be mindless smut in the long run. And some of them may be mixed together for a bigger story, etc etc etc xD
Super psycho love AU
Thrax is a demon who sees Odette being harassed and saves her. This becomes a habit and Thrax develops a sense of possessiveness over Odette, turning him obsessive and dangerous. This is Yandere Thrax at his HIGHEST. Think Toma from Amnesia, Peter from Your Boyfriend, Saeran from Mystic Messenger, Kisshu from Tokyo Mew Mew, any stalker type of "romance" you can think of, etc.
Painkiller belongs in this story.
Lovecraft ("Cupid & Incubus" AU)
Odette and Thrax work for their respective groups that disagree what love and sex is. Odette's group believes love is pure and that sex tarnishes it. Thrax's group believes love without sex isn't love at all and that sex is more fulfilling than love could ever be.
The "message" in this story is that both are wrong and that love and sex are powerful together AND on their own; that love without sex isn't less passionate and that not feeling romantic desire isn't wrong either.
Death Note AU
Odette is caught in a loveless marriage with an absolute moron of a man who not only thinks she's beautiful and nothing else, but has no desire to lead and help their people prosper. After venting her frustration's to her father's grave, a book called "Death Note" appears before her. It claims that anyone whose name is written in the book will die. Perhaps Odette has a Guardian Angel somewhere?
Beauty and the beast AU
Not gonna share details for this AU as I think that would make it a far less interesting read as there IS a lot of changes from Disney's Beauty and the beast movie, I promise.
Little Red Riding Hood AU
I think you guys know exactly what kind of star-crossed lovers story this is going to be, so I'm not even gonna bother explaining this trope xD
Perfect Enemy (Tokyo Mew Mew AU)
Now, when I call this a TMM AU what I mean is that it has the same overall concept; Aliens want to take over the Earth, believing humans don't deserve this beautiful planet because they taint it with pollution, etc. There won't be animal DNA and super powers and magic girls etc, but there is a war between the humans and the aliens that Thrax and Odette are at the center of. Think royalties of their respective planets or something like that.
(Smutty) one-shot fanfics
- Against her will, Odette's father promises her hand in marriage to a man she's never even met. In a last act of rebellion, she gives away her precious first time to an attractive stranger. What will she do when she discovers her last rebellion just made a fool of herself?
- Thrax, a biology and anatomy student at college, has decided to make his final exams project be about the increasingly rarer species of humans. But with limited,reliable sources, he turns to the only human attending the college to ask if she would let him study her. It may turn out not to be as professional as intended
- Thrax was always the studious, curious type. When he discovered something new and interesting, it was in his nature to become hyper-fixated on it. Which usually wasn't a problem, but when your new hyper-fixation finds your journal about her... yeah, that's a problem
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outrunningthedark · 3 years
One of the biggest problems I have with eddie@na and buckt@ylor is the imbalance of the two ships where there's such a balance with buddie. Like with buckt@ylor it's too much all the time! Buck is, I wouldn't say at his worst, but he's too reckless and doesn't think things through as much when he's with her because she's the same way and with eddie@na it's not enough and kinda boring (and we know Eddie isn't boring), like they try to be all domestic but it always falls flat and again wouldn't say he's at his worst but he's definitely not himself when he's around her. But with Buddie, they perfectly balance each other out! There's excitement and adventure but also calm domestic moments and movie nights. They are what each other needs and their just too stupid and oblivious to see it.
And I just don't get buddie fans saying "well if buddie doesn't happen, I'm okay with buckt@ylor happening"....it's because their both hot right? Because I know it's not because she's right for him. Like yeah they are both hot but to me she is the complete opposite of what he actually wants and needs. He wants to settle down and have a family and she doesn't seem the type who wants that (nothing wrong with that), she's more career driven and doesn't seem to settle down with someone anytime soon.
Oooh, nonnie, you know you came to the right place, huh? 🤭
I guess I have to say this off the bat because I follow quite a few people who support BuckTaylor (I can’t tell what’s a joke anymore, honestly) - I don’t care what anyone ships. I just ask that everyone uses tags correctly so I don’t have to see it!
What attracted me to Buddie is their chemistry, and how they don’t have to work at it. There are people on this site (plus other places like twitter and insta) who assume our otp is canon without ever having seen them hold hands or kiss! That, alone, speaks volumes about the bond Buck and Eddie have (accidentally) formed throughout the course of the show. It also speaks volumes about how easy it’s been for Ryan and Oliver to feed off each other (no matter what their off screen relationship may be).
As you said, they have cultivated the perfect balance, both as friends/potential lovers and as parents to Christopher. (Buck’s a dad! Fight me.)
Buck and Eddie tore down each other’s walls in no time at all because they realized they worked better as a team than as enemies. Personally, I LOVE that Eddie was the one to “make the first move”, so to speak. Here’s a man who was used to feeling alone, used to feeling betrayed by people he loved (Shannon for leaving, his parents for trying to take Christopher) and it took ONE rescue with Buck at his side for Eddie to declare “You can have my back any day.” ONE!!! And in doing so, he made Buck feel like he mattered. Buck’s whole life has been a never-ending question as to where he belongs, and with whom. When Eddie said that? He was telling Buck that he wanted him around. More specifically, he expected Buck to be around for him. 
When it comes to Christopher, Buck is exactly what Eddie needs in a second parent/parental figure. Buck only takes over when he’s alone with Christopher (the tsunami, Christopher running to his apartment). When it’s the three of them, he defers to Eddie because he understands it’s not his place to make decisions (Christmastime, video games) and he never wants Eddie to feel like he’s trying to replace him.
We don’t know a whole lot about Eddie’s relationship with Ramon other than Ramon wasn’t around much, but we know how Maddie and Buck’s father treated them. Buck’s experiences are SO useful for Christopher’s upbringing because he is being the father (figure) he always wanted in his life. Buck tells Chris he loves him openly and without hesitation. He gives him physical affection. He spends time with him just ‘cause he can.
This next part is super important: Buck makes sure Chris knows that they are friends first, no matter what. By not trying to force a ‘father’ or ‘parent’ label on himself, Buck is actually making it easier for Christopher to talk to him. Christopher is no different than any other kid, right? Certain things don’t feel like they should be discussed with parents because ‘they won’t understand.’ But a friend? A best friend? That’s a level of trust very few can obtain. And if Christopher tells Buck something that he thinks Eddie needs to know, he’s gonna tell him! He’s going to do what he must to keep their relationship in tact because he understands how much they need each other. Now. As for the ladies in their life at the moment:
A*a - I'll be honest. I anticipated much more effort being put into this relationship via the script. There's still three weeks to go, but the only connections they have thus far is that A*a is also Latina and used to be Christopher's teacher. That isn't screaming "soulmates!" to me. The writers put more emphasis on Buck & Christopher's bond once Eddie starting dating again than they have with A*a and Christopher. If the goal was to make us think A*a is Eddie's future...they missed the mark big time, yeah? (FTR, I don't think she is. I think they *want* people to assume she is just because she's a woman and they "look good together".)
Taylor - Oh, boy. People sure are loving their "girlboss". Disclaimer: I don't care if Taylor ends up being one of Buck's good friends that we see from time to time. M/F platonic friendship is even more underrated and underappreciated than M/M, if you ask me.  What *does* irk me is what you mentioned - there's a whole lot of "welllll...if Buddie isn't gonna happen than I want Buck to end up with her", and we know much of it is based on the fact that fandom finds her just as attractive as they find Buck/Oliver. Beautiful woman + Beautiful man = OF COURSE they're gonna have sex again! OF COURSE they have the potential to fall in love because they're a het ship! Ship BuckTaylor to your heart's content, but make sure to check that heteronormativity and work on removing it. It's not cute. Or helpful!
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Pairing: Jungkook x female reader, Older brother! Jimin x Reader, Hoseok x reader
*8k- ongoing
Genre: Enemies to lovers, childhood friends, major misunderstandings
Warnings: Thigh riding, Fingering, Oral (male receiving) 
Summary: The first time you meet Jungkook, he pushes you off the slide. Second time he calls you ugly. After that things continue spiraling downwards: he cuts your dolls’ heads off, tells everyone you’re a freak at school, spreads malicious rumors; Jungkook’s sole purpose in life is tormenting you. So why five years later is he insisting you two belong together?
Based on a prompt request  by @bangtaened-army​ turned fic. Sorry bangtaened-army for the wait, and the fact that I still haven’t touched the original requested prompt..
  "I can't believe you would do this to me, Jiminie. After everything I have ever done for you. " you hiss into the phone. Your low voice does little not to garner the nosy looks of other people awaiting their luggage. Despite it being two am at an airport people never tired of drama, and you plotting the murder of your older brother could feed a whole TV show. See Jimin was supposed to pick you at the baggage claim. Keywords supposed to. However, instead of being greeted by your annoying yet lovable sibling you were greeted by someone just plain annoying. 
    "You're being dramatic, (Y/N). I sent Jungkook to pick you up, not Ted Bundy." Jimin replies dryly. Even through the phone you can tell he is rolling his eyes at you. He never understood your hatred towards Jungkook. To him, the dark haired boy is a sweet innocent boy who could do no wrong but you know better. The devil lives inside Jungkook. 
   "I would've preferred the serial killer. At least he'd be less of an ass-" Jungkook grabs the phone from your hand purposely shifting away so you can't take it back. Not that it makes much difference. Even if he was facing you, you would have to jump to reach him.  "Hey man, it's me. Yeah, I know she's a pain but I'll bring her home. No don't worry about it I'm used to it by now. "
    You roll your eyes at this. "Used to it by now," once again everyone sees you as the problem, not Jungkook. Forget the fact he tortured you all throughout childhood. Or that he's the reason everyone bullied you throughout high school.  "Here, you going to behave now or throw another tantrum?" Jungkook asks, hanging back your phone. 
    Immediately you snatch it from his hands clutching it close to your chest. "Never take my phone out of my hand again. You hear me, Jeon?!"
   "Then stop acting like a child and we won't have a problem." Jungkook snarks, arms folded over his chest as he looked down upon you as a parent would. 
    "Fuck you, Jeon! I'll find my own way home." You snap spinning around on your heels. 
     However before you can even take a step, caveman Jungkook throws you over his shoulders. He smacks your ass undoubtedly grinning as he does so. "Alright princess, enough playing. I promised your family to drive you home safely and I'm going to do just that. "
     "You heathen! Let me down!" You pound against his back to no avail. He merely hits your butt again continuing to walk through the airport without a care. Seriously where did airport security go? Aren't they supposed to be on alert for kidnappers or something?
    Apparently not because Jungkook strolls straight past a guard twiddling his thumbs. "Seriously?! Way to keep Korea safe man. I'm being kidnapped before your eyes here, dumbass."
    The guard shoots Jungkook and you a questioning look, clearly unamused by you calling him ‘dumbass.’ Jungkook lets out a nervous laugh, bowing apologetically towards the guard. His grip on you not slipping for even a second. "Sorry she's drunk. Please ignore her." 
    The guard nods. "Best get her out of here or  I'll have to detain her for drunken disorder."
     "Will do. Thanks." 
    "I am not drunk-" you start only Jungkook to hit you yet again hard. You yelp face turning red as the guard laughs. "I swear to God I will murder you. "
    "Do you want security to detain you? Because I'm pretty sure you'll be flagged as a flight hazard and stuck in Korea forever. " 
  Just the mere thought sends shivers down your spine. "No, thank you. "
"Didn't think so. " Jungkook replies. He carries you all the way to his car parked in the visitors' center. Not even letting you go as he climbed the three flights of stairs to get there. Undoubtedly he guessed-and correctly so- you'd run the second he let his guard down. Even when he sets you down to open his car door one hand remains firmly wrapped around your wrist.
     You sigh loudly. "Isn't this a little overkill? We're at your car now."
  "Sit." He merely says, pointing at the seat.
Tossing him a glare you do as told. Despite your previous bravado you know full well Jungkook is right, he is your only way home. Taxis are too expensive, and the rideshare apps went nowhere near your home. As much as you don’t want to admit it, Jungkook’s won this round. Still that doesn’t warrant the victorious grin on Jungkook’s face or the added salt of him reaching over to buckle your belt. "Overkill. Utter overkill. "
   "Got to keep the princess safe don't I?" he says sweetly.
    You cringe. "Enough with the princess stuff. You know I hate that. "
“You didn’t hate it when you were riding my dick last time you came home.” Jungkook mentions, sliding into the driver’s seat beside you. Heat rises to your cheeks at the memory of your last visit: Jungkook’s large hands gripping your waist as you fucked him in the backseat of his car.  His hot breath against your ear whispering dirty things that would make a porn star blush. That feeling of your toes curling as he hits the right spot-
    You shake the memory away. Fucking Jungkook was a mistake. It should’ve never happened. “That was a one time thing, Jeon. I was vulnerable last time. I just got out of a three year relationship-”
   “And you just happened to fall on my dick several times.” Jungkook snorts. His tone stays calm but you can see how his knuckles whitened gripping the steering wheel. “Look you can make all the excuses you want, but it doesn’t change what happened between us. We had sex. Good sex if I might add.”
   “Great sex.” You admit. “But that’s all.”
     As great as Jungkook and you were together, you couldn’t let yourself fall into his trap again. The dark haired boy bullied you for years. He made you cry countless times. Great sex didn’t change anything. Not when you know Jungkook would hurt you in the end.  Neither of you speak as Jungkook pulls out of the parking lot. Whatever conversation you have ends like it always does in harsh words. So for the next hour and a half you stare out the window contemplating your life until your eyes close shut.
   It’s not until a door slams that you open them again. Half awake you can barely make out the familiar street lights of your neighborhood hanging above, or the equally memorable 
houses of it surrounding you. Your car door opens to reveal a haggard Jungkook. He leans over unbuckling you without a word. His soft lush hair tickles your skin as he struggles to get you free.  You reach out to comb your fingers through it. 
   “Are we here?” you mumble, entranced by the silky feel of his hair. “Do we need to get out?”
      Jungkook nods. “Yeah, we’re here. Go back to sleep princess. I got it.”
     You yawn barely comprehending as an arm slides underneath your knees. “Okay, but only if you’re sure.”
     Closing your eyes again you miss Jungkook’s soft whisper of, ‘I’m sure.’
Sunlight hits your face chasing away your dreamless sleep. Your eyes open slowly, greeted by the harshness of lavender colored walls filled with high school photos and cringey boy band posters from way back in the day. Nothing about your bedroom has changed moving out all those years ago.  Everything stayed exactly the same from when you were a teenager. Dreadfully so unfortunately. 
    Groaning you stretch trying to remember how you got into bed. Last thing you remember is asking Jungkook if you were home as he unclipped your seatbelt, so you had to have gotten up.  You must’ve been so tired nothing really processed. A thirteen hour flight would do that to you after all.  “Look what the cat dragged in. I see you survived the car ride with Jungkook alright.” Jimin grins, standing in the doorway of your room. 
   You toss a pillow at him only to miss. “Barely. Seriously what were you thinking having him pick me up? You know how I feel about him.”
     Jimin rolls his eyes. “I was thinking I have work the next day, and that Jungkook is the only guy I trust to pick up my little sister. Because not only would he keep her safe, but he’s the type of guy to carry her inside when she’s passed out.”
    Your mouth dried. “What?”
“I said Jungkook carried your ungrateful ass inside.” 
    Suddenly the memory of Jungkook carrying you in comes to mind. His strong arms wrapped around you as your fingers buried themselves into his shirt. You were only half awake, but you remember everything from the way his cologne smelt to the soft beat of his heart lulling you back to sleep. ‘Sweet dreams princess.’
    “No way. He hates me-besides I’m wearing pajamas!” You protest.
Jimin sighs. “Yeah. That I may have punched him for doing, but (Y/N), Kook doesn’t hate you. Trust me, that boy couldn’t hate you if he tried.”
    “I don’t believe you.” How could you? The first day you ever met Jungkook he kicked you off the slide causing you to scrape your knees. Second time you two met he called you ugly before running off to play with Jimin. After that things got worse, from destroying your barbies, putting kick me signs on you, spreading rumors about you in high school, to telling your crush you were a slut. If those weren’t the actions of a boy who hates you, then you don’t know what is.
    Jimin murmurs something about  ‘misunderstandings’ under his breath, but doesn’t clarify. Instead he simply says. “Look, think what you want, but Jungkook spent the night yesterday since he was too tired to drive home. So be nice okay?”
   “Whatever.” you reply, not mentioning the fact he lives down the road. Just this once you’d behave. After all, he did carry you home.
   Jimin smiles, tossing the pillow back. Naturally it hits you right square in the face.  "Good girl. Now get dressed. The last thing I need to see is my best friend eyeing up my little sister. "
  You let out a silent curse, but do as told. Honestly it really didn't matter. When you lived at home you walked around in yoga pants while braless all the time, Jungkook be damned. This was your house and you refused to give up comfort because your brother's friend came over. It drove Jimin insane. To the point he'd throw random items until you either changed or returned to your room. However that was ages ago before Jungkook ever saw you naked or bent you over the counter of his kitchen.
   “Stop it.” You slap yourself. “Thinking about it will do you no good.”
    Unfortunately the pep talk does little to stop the wanting ache between your legs. Jungkook is the last person you slept with since breaking up with your ex. After you returned to America the last time you simply threw yourself into work, barely sparing a glance at the opposite gender. “Fuck. You need to get laid, (Y/N). Preferably not by Jeon this time.” you whispers.
   Breakfast is an interesting affair. Like always your parents and brother treat Jungkook as if he's part of the family, your mother piles food onto his plate while your father and Jimin discuss the latest sports and news trends with him. Occasionally one of your parents will praise Jungkook on something he did, mentioning how proud they are of him to which Jungkook eats up like a starving man at a feast. 
     Meanwhile you play around with your rice ignoring the sour feeling of getting ignored by your own family. After all, it's not like you lived out of the country and only came home once in a blue moon. So what did it matter if your childhood enemy ate up all your attention? "Thank you again, Jungkook, for bringing (Y/N) home. I know how much of a pain she can be to you. " your mother says. 
   Jungkook grins, the sun practically illuminating him from behind as he tactfully shrugs off the gratitude with a, 'It's no problem, Mom.' His butter wouldn't melt in my mouth routine sickens you to the point you want to vomit. 
     "I would've been perfectly fine finding my own ride home. " You mumble indignantly. 
   The comment earns you a sharp whack on the head by your mother's slipper. "The words are, 'thank you, Jungkook. ' I swear I don't know how I raised such an ungrateful daughter. "
     You roll your eyes, swallowing the comment about her shitty parenting skills. "I mean how are you ever going to find a husband with that bad attitude of yours?" She laments, projecting into her usual rant of marriage and grandchildren. 
    Like always you ignore it taking the few blows to the head she gave whenever ranting about your marital future. Besides you, Jimin snickers enjoying your torment, having been born a boy he's safe from your mother's wrath since 'no girl is good enough for my precious Jimmie.' Thankfully your father has an ounce of sympathy left for you. "She's doing fine, hunny. (Y/N) has a good home and a steady job-"
    "You're too soft on her! That's why she's like this. " your mother dismisses. "I mean what man would fall for a woman with such an ugly personality?"
   Your heart gives a painful squeeze at her words, while such speech is common with your mother that doesn't make it hurt any less.  "Actually I know someone who'd be interested in going out with (Y/N)." Jungkook pipes up, a big grin stretching across his face. 
   You shoot him a warning glare to which he shrugs off. A surprise gasp- that is way too exaggerated in your opinion- escapes your mom, she looks at Jungkook as if he hung the moon. "Oh Jungkook, that would be wonderful. But we ask you to risk your friendship like that."
    "I promise you're not. This guy has loved- liked (Y/N) for a long time. He knows what she's like. " Jungkook waves off. 
   "Really? Who?" your dad asks, causing you to frown. Why does everyone think you are so unlovable? Seriously you are starting to get insulted, although you also question Jungkook and his 'friend. '
  Jimin snorts, giving Jungkook a weird look. "Yes Jungkook, who is this mysterious guy madly in love with my sister?"
   The tips of Jungkook's ears turn red and he ducks his head sheepishly, probably not expecting Jimin to call him out on his bluff.  "What does it matter? A man is interested in our (Y/N)! All my prayers are answered!" Your mom cries, saving Jungkook from whatever bullshit he is about to spout. "Oh Jungkook, you're so wonderful. Any mother would be lucky to have you."
    "Hey!" Jimin protests, earning a string of reassurances and praises from your mother. For a man who prided himself on his cool nature,  Jimin was a mama's boy.
   "I'm going to get started on the dishes. " you sigh, collecting the empty plates. As much as you love your family there's only so much one can take of them, hence moving to America. 
  "I'll help." Jungkook says, quickly gathering the dishes from your hand. Without another word he disappears into the kitchen like a little boy eager to impress his mom or in this case your mom; it  adds to your rising irritation. You don't know what his game is, but if Jungkook thinks he can pull a fast one on you, he'll be sorely surprised.
    You enter the kitchen to find Jungkook already washing the dishes, the sleeves of his shirt rolled up displaying his smooth muscular arms. Your eyes roam over them taking in the tattoos littered on his tan skin; he had gotten more since you last saw him, practically a full sleeve now. They look good on him not that you would ever admit it. "Hey, I wash, you dry?" Jungkook offers, throwing a towel your way. 
    You frown. "I got it. Go back to the table."
    Jungkook scoffs. "Seriously? You would rather do dishes- which you hate doing- then spend five minutes with me?"
   "Oh don't try to guilt trip me,  Jeon. That whole 'I know someone who likes (Y/N),' what utter bullshit. " you snap. "Tell me, were you going to laugh when I arrived at some restaurant only and no one comes?"
    Jungkook rolls his eyes. “You really need to see someone about this paranoia issue of yours, because this is beginning to get ridiculous.”
    “Excuse me? Paranoid? You bullied me all my life-"
  "I pushed down the slide when we were four. Get over it."
   "You cut off my barbies' head! Repeatedly called me ugly. Spread rumors about me in high school, and to top the cherry off you told Hoseok,  I was a slut. So no I won't get over it." You stomp your foot. 
   Jungkook clenches his jaw, the cup in his hand practically cracking under his grip. He says nothing, dropping the cup and sponge into the sink, before storming out like a madman.From the living room your parents call out Jungkook's name only for him to ignore them. The front door slams shut shaking the house so hard that the dishes tremble in their drying rack.
 "What happened to being nice to Jungkook?" Jimin's voice surprises you from behind. Disappointment is written all over his face, and the way his body positions itself (arms crossed, legs parted) tells you, you're in for a lecture. 
   You turn away not in the mood to be parented by someone two years your senior. Especially not when he allots Jungkook to bully you without a single reprimand. "He started it. Telling mom he'd set me up with some imaginary guy only to laugh when I get 'stood up."
     Jimin groans, pinching the bridge of his nose.  "You two are killing me. Look I can't spell it out for you, that is Jungkook's business, so I am just going to say this...I destroyed your barbies not Jungkook. "
   You froze. "What?"
 "I cut off Minnie's, Hana's and Lany's heads. You pissed me off by eating my snack. I wanted revenge." Jimin shrugged. 
   "B-but I caught Jungkook red handed! I saw him with Minnie's head!" 
   A sheepish look grew on his face. He tucks a piece of hair behind his ear, a habit he did whenever nervous. "Yeah, he was trying to fix her. "
   The dish in your hands drops shattering against the kitchen floor. Your mouth opens but no words come out; funny seeing how thousands of thoughts run through your head. "You asshole!" 
     Jimin winces. "Sorry. It was a dick move- but my point is you thought Jungkook did it and he didn't. So isn't it possible you are wrong about everything else?”
       You spend the next few days wandering around town bored. While you feel grateful to be home and see everyone you love, the list of things to do in your town is actually quite small compared to home ( perks of living in a small town). Outside of grocery shopping with your mom, reading on the veranda with your father, and bugging Jimin whenever possible, there’s not much to do. Things are especially boring since Jungkook disappeared after that morning. The bunny looking boy normally makes it his personal mission to bother you as much as possible. Disregarding the few hours he has to work, Jungkook always was there first thing in the morning to laugh at your ridiculous bed head. Yet for the last few days he’s been nowhere in sight.  When asked about it Jimin merely shrugged saying he was busy, before smirking and stating unnecessarily, “If you miss him that much, why don’t you call him yourself?” 
       It isn’t that you miss Jungkook, despite what Jimin said about your Barbie dolls, you still believe deep down he hates you. After all just because you were wrong about one thing didn’t mean you were wrong about everything else.  No, you asked Jimin, because it’s unusual given that the boy practically lived at your home. It’s not like you actually miss his stupid face over something. Perhaps if you had more friends this boredom wouldn’t be an issue. Sadly you weren’t much of a social butterfly back in high school; unlike Jimin who was part of the “popular” crowd, you were an outcast. As much as you tried, the only people who would hangout with you were Jimin’s friends.
     At first you thought it was something you did, but later you found out Jungkook told everyone you were a ‘freak of nature,’ and it was only because he and the others felt bad that they hung around you. Hearing what he said devastated you. It was the first time you realized how much Jungkook hated you. Moreover his words stopped you from ever really trusting anyone who wanted to be friends.
 “Isn’t it possible you are wrong about everything else?”  
Pushing the thought back you try to ignore the nagging feeling growing inside birthed by your brother’s words.  You fucking doubt it. How could something like that be so easily explained away? “I think this is your fifth lap around town.” a familiar voice calls out, snapping you back to reality. “People are beginning to think you’re a weirdo.”
       You don’t even have to look up to tell who it is. On this planet only one person owns a voice so annoying it instantaneously grates on your nerves. “Get lost, Jeon. I didn’t ask for your opinion.”
He snorts, continuing to follow you in his car. “You know it’s supposed to storm today right? You should head home before it pours.”
“Like I said: No One Asked You, Jeon.” you reply, promptly turning on your heels to head in the opposite direction.  He’s the last person you want to see given your current thoughts. Whatever longing you might’ve previously had for him disappeared the moment you remembered why Jungkook was your enemy. Thankfully he doesn’t follow most likely finding something more interesting to waste his time on.
You continue walking onwards too infuriated by the past to notice the dark clouds starting to form above. It’s not until something wet hits your skin that you take notice of the sudden drop in temperature and gathering winds. “Fuck.” you hiss feeling another raindrop.
Of course Jungkook would be right. The universe just fucking loved him like everyone else did. You get stuck with the short end though: running in the rain searching for shelter, only for you to naturally find yourself in the part of town  empty of all businesses. “Perhaps I can stand under a tree until it calms down.” 
 Lightning flashes across the sky followed by a loud BOOM of thunder making you jump. A small sob escapes your lips as you subconsciously curl yourself into a ball. Thunder always scares you no matter how old you get. “I’m not here. I’m not here.” you whisper, rocking on balls of your feet.
 However the deafening sounds of thunder destroys any hopes of pretending to be elsewhere. So you curl tighter into a ball praying for it all to stop. Overwhelmed with fear you don’t process the feel of someone’s jacket draping over you or the angry voice of Jungkook saying, “I told you to go home.”
It’s not until he yet again scoops you into his arms that you snap from your trance. You watch shocked as he carries you to the car. Through the rain and lightning he looks nothing like the boy you remember. Instead...he looks like a man you could very well fall in love with. 
  “Jung...Jungkook” You mumble, gripping his shirt as he sets you down into the passenger seat. He looks up at you in a mixture of curiosity and surprise. Neither of you can remember the last time you called him by his first name. It’s always been Jeon never Jungkook. “Thank you....”
“Don’t worry about it.” Jungkook replies, shutting the car door. He walks over to the driver’s side sliding easily into it.
 Now clear from the rain you can make out how drench he really is: hair soaked, clothes sticking to his skin, it makes you all too aware of the jacket covering you. Reluctantly you shrug it from your shoulders missing the comforting weight of it almost immediately. “Here. This is yours. You should wear it.”
Jungkook glares. “Keep it.
“No. It’s yours. You must be freezing without it-” 
   “I said keep it! God damn it, (Y/N). Why can’t you listen for once?” he snaps, hitting the steering wheel. You recoil taken back by his outburst. Never have you seen Jungkook so angry. At most Jungkook stormed off or glared whenever mad at you, never did he raise his voice at you. "I told you to go home. I told you it was going to storm but you didn’t listen."
    "I'm sorry…" 
     "You don't get it. You could've gotten sick if I didn't find you in time. Or worse you could have gotten hurt…"
   "Oh."  You reply, unsure what to say. Worrying about you wasn't something you expected from Jungkook, but it strikes a painful chord within you. Your heart should be warmed by the thought instead a painful sinking feeling fills it. Suddenly you want nothing more than to burst into tears. “You were worried?”
   Jungkook lets out a long tired sigh. "Of course I was worried. You’ve been terrified of thunder storms since we were five, why wouldn’t I worry about you being out in one?”
       ‘Trust me, that boy couldn’t hate you if he tried.’ Jimin’s words ring in your ears. ‘My point is you thought Jungkook did it and he didn't. So isn't it possible you are wrong about everything else?’
   Could Jimin be right? Is everything you thought  one big misunderstanding? You were so sure of Jungkook’s guilt previously, but now...you couldn’t picture him as the sinister bully you’ve known all your life.  “I’m sorry. I should’ve listened and turned around.” you admit, “I’m so used to chalkin everything you say off as meaningless teasing, I didn’t consider you actually meant well.”
    “You never do.” Jungkook huffs. For a second you swear you can see pain fill his dark bambi eyes as he looks at you. It is an expression you’ve never seen on his face before, a look of hurt and dejection. Again your heart twists painfully in your chest. “You always assume I’m out to get you, when really I’m just trying to be nice. I mean sure I tease and joke around with you, but (Y/N), I would never purposefully hurt you. I know you don’t believe me-”
   “Okay. I believe you.” 
Jungkook’s foot slips hitting the break. The car lurches forward causing you both to nearly hit your heads on the dashboard. His head snaps in your direction so fast it practically gives you whiplash. “What? What did you say?”
 Around you, cars honk aggravated by the standstill in the middle of traffic; you don’t care though. All you care about right now is the look of disbelief, shock, and hope marring Jungkook’s beautiful face. In that moment you realize how little you care about the truth. It’s unexplainable the sudden urge to move on from your prior hate, but you want to...you want to believe Jungkook is a good guy. “I believe you, Jungkook.” you swallow hard. “And I’m sorry for being such a bitch to you. So please forgive me.”
   You don’t know what you expected Jungkook’s reaction to be, however it certainly wasn’t this. “I’ll think about it.”
  If not for the sudden smirk pulling at his lips, you would’ve felt horrible. Instead you feel infuriated. “You asshole. I take it back. I’m not sorry. You hear me?! Not sorry!”
  Jungkook merely laughs, shaking his head. “No backsies remember, (Y/N)? You can’t take it back.”
  You glower remembering the childish rule Jimin, Jungkook and you made up in elementary school. It was to keep each other from ducking out of any dares or promises made, and apparently apologies now. “I hate you.”
         Jungkook laughs harder. “I’m sure you do. Let’s go home, huh? I’ll make you hot chocolate if you behave.”
“I always behave.” You mutter, rolling your eyes. A second passes. “There better be whipped cream and marshmallows with that.”
     “Anything you want princess. Anything you want.” 
You wonder if it’s creepy to find Jungkook so attractive while wearing your brother’s clothings. On Jimin, this grey sweatpants and hoodie combo makes him look like a homeless man, but on Jungkook, it has your mouth practically watering. The normally baggy material conforms perfectly to his body hiding nothing to the imagination. You see every curve, groove, muscle and bone (especially a certain large one in the middle of his sweats) in this boy’s body, and then to make things even worse you catch a sliver of tan skin anytime Jungkook raises his arms. Beautiful tan skin whose tantalizing taste and feel plagues your mind. 
    Suddenly you regret not putting up a fight about Jungkook coming over. Sure he was soaking wet from giving you his jacket, however Jungkook also lived down the street from you-he didn’t have to change into Jimin’s clothes. “Do you know if the dryer’s free?” Jungkook asks, lifting up said bundle of drenched clothes.
    “Ummm, yeah I believe so. You want me to put them up for you?” you offer, trying not to stare. Although things are technically supposed to be cool between you guys now, they’re not. Years of mistrust and hatred don’t simply vanish after an apology or sudden decision to forgive, instead the emotions built between you two need to be sorted through and really only time could do that. Which is why you try super hard not to let lust takeover and destroy the fragile truce recently made.
  Jungkook shakes his head. “Thanks, but I can manage."
You nod not knowing what else to say. Again his lips twist in that disgusting smirk you so despise, this time paired with a wink. “Don’t worry, I’ll be back soon enough for your ogling pleasure.”
 Quickly you look away, “Who’s ogling who, Jeon? Cause it’s certainly not me.”
   “Oh really?” Jungkook says, cocking an eyebrow. He steps forward caging you against the wall. Something dangerous gleams within those large eyes of his as Jungkook stares down at you with a ravenous look.  Shivers run down your spine sending a delicious shock through your body. “That’s too bad, because I was definitely ogling you, princess. Seeing you wear this oversized shirt gives me sooo many ideas.”
    You swallow hard, licking your suddenly dry lips. “Stop joking around. You and I know there’s nothing sexy about this shirt.”
    “I disagree. Believe it or not, I find girls sexiest when they’re comfortable with themselves. All that lace and lingerie is nice, but nothing is hotter than a girl wearing my shirt and nothing else.” Jungkook admits. “It brings out the territorial side in me.”
  Your brows crease. “That makes sense I guess, but this isn’t your shirt. It’s Jimin’s-”
     “Mine. I left it here one night after sleeping over Junior year. “ he explains. “You stole it from Jimin’s drawer thinking it was his.”
    “Oh….sorry. I’ll give it back.” Despair fills you at the thought. This is your favorite shirt regardless of it being a plain white t-shirt, it always makes you feel safe and comfy when wearing it as odd as it sounds. However you can’t afford to disrupt the newfound civialty between Jungkook and you.
      Jungkook snorts. “Keep it. Not like it will fit me anymore. Besides like I said, nothing turns me on more than a woman in my shirt. Why do you think I never asked for it back, princess?”
 He reaches out to toy with the hem of the shirt, his fingers drawing soft circles against your hip bone.   "Although I think I'd prefer you without it on, or rather anything on at all."
    "Jungkook…" you barely managed to get out as he lifts the material upwards. Cold air hits instantly pebbling your nipples despite the rush of warmth growing below. Instinctively you move to cover yourself only for Jungkook to grab your wrist. 
  "Please (Y/N). I've been dying to touch you since day one of your return." He begs, bringing your hand down. 
     "Okay." You whisper. 
"Okay. " he smiles, pressing his lips to yours. Those large hands clutch your shoulders as he presses further against you. All those curves and muscles you admired previously push up against your bare skin. Through the sweatpants you can feel how hard he is.
     A gasp escapes you as Jungkook's hands move towards your breasts caressing the underbelly of them. His fingers circle the outer edges of your nipples tracing them,  before finally moving to touch them.  He treats you like glass, a vast difference from your previous encounters and it's starting to annoy you . "I'm not made of glass you know?" You remind, stopping his hands. "You can be rough with me. "
      "Trust me, I know.  If memory serves correct you prefer it when I do something like this-" Jungkook snorts, grinding into you. The friction of his length against your clothed heat is exactly what you need. Moaning loudly you grip onto his arms trying to steady yourself. 
"That's it. Such a slut for friction. You honestly thought I'd forget how you made yourself cum on my thigh that night?" Jungkook smirks, fingers grazing along the edges of exposed skin. Goosebumps rise along wherever he touches and you squirm like underneath him. His smirk widens as he plays along the hem of your booty shorts. "I had to wash my jeans afterwards, they were so drenched from you. "
    "I didn't hear you complaining." You shoot back, pressing your hips against him in efforts to regain that delicious friction. "If I remember correctly you had fun flexing your leg underneath me."
     "Never said I didn't.  In fact I would very much like a repeat of that night." Jungkook grins, shifting so his thigh is between your legs.  The muscle in his leg flexes teasing your core; in a commanding tone he whispers, "Go crazy, princess. Ride me. Right here, right now, I promise I'll take care of ya. "
    That's all you need to hear to descend into madness. Almost instinctively you latch onto Jungkook digging your nails into his firm shoulders as you wantonly thrust against his leg. Moans escape your lips in wild abandon as his muscles rub against your clit at the perfect angle. Jungkook is right you are a whore for thigh riding. 
    Just when you think it can't get any better Jungkook's hand slips under your panties, fingers immediately finding that hard pearl between your legs. He brushes it softly causing you to hiss as your knees close in unwillingly to give up such feeling. Now this is more like it. 
    "You like that?"  He teases, forefinger circling your clit slowly.
    "Mmhmm…" you nodd, grinding harder in an attempt to pick up his pace. 
   "Words princess. Tell me exactly what you want. "
       "More. " you cry out. "Kook. More please. I need you. "
   Oddly the nickname spurs him on if the harsh whisper of, 'fuck' says anything. If not then certainly the desperate opened mouth pressed to your lips does. Silently you make a mental note to use the nickname again but it's momentarily lost as his fingers pick up speed.  This time it's you uttering curses as Jungkook brings you right to the edge of cumming.
    "Please, please, I'm so close."  You want him so badly it's ridiculous. The smirk widens on his face, Junkook decides to reward you by slipping two of his fingers into your core. "Fuck Kook!"
   "That's it, princess. Come for me. Show me how good you feel." Jungkook pumps his fingers into you. All words leave you as a haze of ecstacy falls over you, all you can is moan rocking deliberately against his hand.  With every thrust his fingers somehow hit that special spot inside you. 
     Jungkook's an expert at knowing all your spots and kinks, almost as if he memorized everything about you, last time he and you were together. Either way impressed doesn't even begin to describe how you feel about his abilities. You moan his name, holding onto to him tightly as you orgasm onto his thigh. It lasts longer than expected small waves of pleasure still coming despite the relaxed posture of your body resting on his. 
        Gently Jungkook strokes your hair in a  manner similar to what lovers do after such an event. Alarm bells ring out at the action, but you make no move to stop him. "Was that a good enough reenactment for you?" You mention, half teasing. 
    Jungkook grins. "Better than good. You got me so hard, princess, I don't know how I can last."
   This time it's you who smirks. Sliding off of his thigh, you get on your knees anxious for the next act. "Well then, I better make what little time you do have as great as possible. "
    Before Jungkook can say a word you reach under the waistband of his sweats gripping his length tenderly in your hand. The groan uttered from Jungkook's lips at the slightest touch of your hand ignites another fire within you. Smirk widening you pull out your prize, taking a second to admire the gorgeous cock. Despite having seen it before you can never quite get its length or the beautiful curve of it. 
     Running a finger along the thick veins you see a bit of pre-cum at its tip. "You weren't joking when you said that last act turned you on." You tease, swiping over his head with your thumb.
     Staring into his eyes, you put your thumb into your mouth sucking off the cum.  The salty taste makes your mouth water, with an exaggerated pop take your thumb out. "Fuck, (Y/N). Don't tease, I'll go insane if you do." Jungkook pleads.
    "So needy." You say, taking him into your mouth. Thankfully your last boyfriend was somewhat of a blow job junkie, and while Jungkook is twice as large as he was, you have no problem taking his length into your mouth. The tip touches the back of your throat, instinctively you hollow your cheeks sucking in a slow teasing manner. 
   You  swirl your tongue about his base enjoying the beautiful noises Jungkook made under your tongue. Soon a hand buries itself into your hair, gripping tightly in an attempt to control the pace. Normally you wouldn't allow such behavior preferring your lover to suffer under you, however there's something about Jungkook's desperation to get off using your mouth that sends heat pooling to your core. It doesn't take long until he's spilling into your mouth, hands pulling on your hair he thrusts his hips forward pushing himself further into your mouth.  
  “Shit, princess. That was great. Almost as good as cumming inside you." Jungkook sighs running a hand through his messy hair. 
    You smile wiping the corners of your mouth clean. "Unfortunately you're going to have to miss out. Jimin will be home soon."
  Again his hands make their way to your hips, already you can tell he's angling for another kiss. "We'll have to be quick then. "
       Jungkook leans forward, but this time you pull away. "The last thing Jimin needs is to walk in on us….besides we need to wash these sweats before he gets home. "
     His lips curl into a smile practically relishing in your embarrassment, "Fair enough princess, but don't think we are done yet. I plan on making your toes curl as much as possible until the plane ride home. "
  You cock an eyebrow. “Those are big words coming from a man who just begged me to cum. What makes you think I’m going to let you?”
      “Easy, because you like it as much as I do.” Jungkook replies, grinding himself once more against you. A sharp hiss escapes you; almost uncontrollably you push back desperate for that sweet friction, however Jungkook moves away denying any sensation. “ Nuh uh, Jimin’s going to be home soon. Wouldn’t want him catching us, now would we (Y/N)? You’ll  have to wait until next.”
    “You, son of a bitch!” You snap, glaring daggers at his retreating form. As much as you hate to admit it, something tells you this newfound friendship with Jungkook is going to be more than you bargained for.
Despite what your parents may think, your summer vacation home isn’t an excuse to be lazy. While it is true that Korea’s summer vacations are shorter than American's, as a teacher you still have plenty of work left to do during the student’s time off. One such thing happens to be reading over the posts written by your honor’s literature course throughout the break. Normally you graded them at night when everyone was asleep, but as your class delves deeper into the context of Frankenstein, you find yourself unable to keep your nightly routine with the density of the topic. Hence why you now sit in a cafe  hunched over your laptop rereading Joni’s obviously copyrighted post. 
    “You look lost in thought.” A cheery voice teases.
   For a second your brain tricks into thinking it’s Jungkook talking, after all he’s been bothering you extra since the two of you made the transition from enemies to fuck buddies. So it wouldn’t be unusual if the dark haired boy stalked you to the cafe to annoy you. However when you look up it’s not tattooed arms or a dopey bunny looking face you see, instead a pair of smiling almond shaped eyes stare down at you, their owner a very familiar reddish brunette. 
    “Hoseok!” you cry, leaping up only to hit your knee on the table. It throbs causing a sharp expletive to escape your lips. Embarrass you try to shake it off as if it never happened. Last thing you need is to make a fool of yourself in front of him. “Hi, I didn’t see you there.”
   “I can tell.” he laughs gesturing towards your knee. “I didn’t mean to startle you, (Y/N). It’s just been ages since I last saw you.”
   Your heart skips a beat. Nervously you tuck a strand of hair behind your ears in attempts to play cool. Logically you know you have no reason to get nervous, especially not when Hoseok ditched you at a restaurant after getting told you were a slut by Jungkook. Yet, for whatever reason that small high school girl who idolized him still remains inside you.
    “Almost six years. “ You smile. “Time has sure flown by hasn’t it?”
“Maybe but you haven’t changed much.” Hoseok winks, causing your brows to furrow. Haven’t changed much? What was he talking about? Did he not see your clear evolution from loner geek into potential adult? “You’re still as pretty as you were back in high school.”
   This time you are pretty sure your heart stops. It takes everything in your power not to gap like a wide-mouth fish out of water. Time seems to slow down in the small coffee shop as you work to come up with a response. Suddenly all the previous noises of chatter, whistling kettles and clanking plates become overwhelming rather than peaceful. Unfortunately even after being in a committed relationship for two years, your flirtation skills are still rusty. “You obviously need glasses then, because I looked like a hobo back then.”
      You can slap yourself. Literally-actually slap yourself for that stupid ass comment. Thankfully Hoseok doesn’t seem to mind only laughing even harder than before. “Nah, you were the prettiest girl on campus. Everyone was just afraid of you, because Jimin and Jungkook always hung around you-speaking of which, I want to apologize for how I acted back then. I shouldn’t have ditched you over such a stupid thing like that.”
    “Oh, it’s fine. Water under the bridge trust me.” you lie, ignoring the pang in your chest. Just remembering that day brings a new fire of hostility towards Jungkook. No matter how many years pass you still remember the day clearly. You were waiting for Hoseok at a local dinner, anxiously checking your phone for any messages or calls. A full hour passed with you insisting multiple times to the kind waitress that your date was arriving soon, however Hoseok never showed up. 
     You tried contacting him, worried that something terrible happened only to never get a response. Once home, you even bug Jimin who was friends with Hoseok then about the cheery boy, only to be brushed off. It’s not until you went to school the next day and confronted Hoseok in the hallway that you found out the truth. Jungkook let it loose that you were a slut and Hoseok being the knight in shining armor he was, fought him. They were equally matched with both of them garnering bruises and bumps because of it, but ultimately they were tied. 
“Look (Y/N), you seem like a nice girl, ” Hoseok said, brushing you off. “And what Jungkook said about you being a slut probably isn’t true, but I really can’t handle all this drama between you two.”
  That day your heart broke in two as dramatic as it sounds. Moreover from that moment you vowed to hate Jeon Jungkook for the rest of your life. “No, it’s really not and I might be overstepping my boundaries, but I would like another chance to get to know you.” Hoseok asks, rubbing the back of his neck.
   "Okay. " the word slips through your lips before you even have a chance to think it over. 
     His face lights up and any doubt you once had shatters completely. People change, Jungkook did so maybe Hoseok matured too. Either way it wouldn't hurt to try again. "Great. It'll be fun, I promise. "
     "I'm going to hold you to that Hoseok. " you tease. Inside you the giddiness grows, it feels as if you walked into some sort of dream or something. Didn't every girl dream of her high school crush finally realizing what a catch she is?
   "You won't regret it."  Hoseok swears. "Anyway I should let you get back to work, but first can I get your number?"
   You rattle it off to him, doing your best to appear stoic, unfortunately the aching in your smiling cheeks suggests utter failure.  Afterwards your students' work feels like less frustrating or maybe you're feeling a little generous seeing how Trisha totally bullshited her review yet you still gave a ⅘ on it. Whatever the reason you finish up faster than expected, leaving the cafe with an extra hour of free time.  "Well if it isn't a princess set free from her tower!" Someone whistles. 
  Unlike earlier you have no issue distinguishing the playful voice of Jungkook. Turning towards the noise, you unsurprisingly find him propped up against his car in a cool uncaring fashion. His work clothes only help amplify the appearance; the black suit jacket paired perfectly with his white dress shirt and pants ensemble make him look like a Chaebol rather than plain Jungkook. All in all he looks absolutely mouth watering, but you'd die before ever admitting it. "If it isn't the ogre coming out of his swamp to play. " you tease, pinching his arm. 
  He chuckles, opening the passenger's door of his black Lexus. "I think you forget the ogre got his princess in the end. "
   You wrinkle your nose in faux disgust. "Good luck, finding one. I don't know how many people can put up with your ugly mug. "
  "Don't need to. I already captured you. " Jungkook replies, closing the car door. 
    You blink registering what he said.  "That's the cheesiest line I've ever heard."
 He shrugs slipping on a pair of faux Dolce and Gabbana sunglasses. Paired with the rest of his outfit, the glasses shattered the image of the rich Chaebol man. Their paint chipped arms and scratched off logo scream 'fake' and you wonder why Jungkook kept such hideous knock offs. "You should get rid of those. They make you look cheap. "
    Jungkook scrunches his nose. "No way, they were a gift. "
   "A gift purposefully bought from some shady street vendor, because my mother insisted I buy you a college graduation gift." You say, reaching out to grab them.
     Naturally Jungkook only needs to lean away to thwart your efforts. "So? I like them. "
    "You look like one of those wannabe entrepreneurs on Instagram. "
   "How dare you! I have over five hundred followers, I'm legendary!"
     "Did Jimin make five hundred accounts? Because he's the only who would follow your ass!"  You say, attempting one more shot at retrieving those vile glasses. 
     Once more Jungkook merely tilts his head blocking your stubby little arms from reaching. "Whatever you say princess, we both know you're the one following my ass around here. "
  "I'm following you? How laughable. I didn't know you were a comedian, Jungkook…" the two of you continue bantering the rest of the car ride home.
Author’s note: Special thanks to @dreamsfromthesandman​ for editing and putting up with my craziness even if she’s not army.
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crestfallercanyon · 3 years
@onceuponabluemoon asked: re: your wip post, could you do line of sight and/or second sun? they seem like such cool ideas
Aw thanks! I hope they end up being half as cool as they are in my head because they are taking forever!
I'm going to do both, because I just want to talk about these because I'm trying to write them all out before posting them because these are going to be like LONG fics.
So we'll start with Line of Sight. Believe it or not Line of Sight is actually the first fic I started in thomally fandom and The Maze Runner fandom as a whole. I actually have a beta reader for it and everything (and if you want to read her works, they are AMAZING, she writes for The Walking Dead fandom, just message me and I'll send you to her ao3 profile).
Line of Sight takes place two years after they get to Safe Haven. It's an enemies-friends-lovers fic (though it's more rivals-friends-lovers).
Gally believes Safe Haven to now be self-sufficient, but he learns that this isn't true. A year ago Thomas and Vince had to set up supply boats with a connection of Vince's back in the States in order to keep Safe Haven running, getting shipments of medicines, technology, even food. Now the boats have stopped and it's at the worst time: Sonya is pregnant. Now, Thomas and Gally are asked to go back to the States to re-establish the supply shipments, but the States have changed since they've been away. People who aren't Cranks are violently desperate to stay that way, and Cranks are everywhere. It may just be a suicide mission, especially since the two of them are going at it like they have nothing to lose.
An excerpt from the first chapter:
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I'm about halfway through Line of Sight, but it's been slow going. It wouldn't surprise me if this didn't get posted until 2022 sometime -- which I realize now is encroaching way faster than I expected! Yikes!
Second Sun is a far more recent project, maybe a month old now, at most? It's my Newtmas fic. I have a lot of plot-bunnies for it, it's not nearly as planned out as LoS, but I know generally where it's going and it's been really fun because I love writing these types of settings.
Newt wakes up five years later encased in machinery and in some holding underneath the remains of the WICKED facility. He was revived by a prototype of Teresa's design, a project she named "The Second Sun Project" after her team said that its chances of working were as feasible as a second sun coming replacing our dying one once it burned out. Turns out they were wrong. It worked. Newt is alive and he is cured. But he is also utterly alone. First goal is to survive, which won't be easy since no one else around him seems to have. Second goal is find the Safe Haven. But as it turns out, that might not have survived, either.
Here's the opening:
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I don't know if I'll be finding a beta reader for this one, nor do I know if I'm going to attempt to write out the whole thing before posting. It'd probably be a smart idea, because this isn't a fic I want a whole lot of delay between each chapter. That is, if I ever even finish it. But so far I've been enjoying it!
Anyways, hope this satisfied your curiosity and wasn't too boring to read. I love talking about the maze runner and fics, and since these two aren't going to see the light of day for a while, this was a super fun opportunity so thank you! <3
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kiyoomiee · 4 years
Submit To Me || Jeon Jungkook
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Submit to Me ⟶ [ 2/ ? ]
⟶ genre: wolf au / enemies-to-lovers / fluff / slow burn
⟶ pairing: jungkook x reader
⟶ words: 2k
⟶ sypnosis: Being an omega isn’t easy, you're surrounded by judging eyes and a lot of streotypes. Being an omega isn't easy, especially when your rival is a pure breed alpha named Jeon Jungkook.
⟶ warnings: alpha!JK, omega!Reader, language, consumption of alchohol and weed, a lot of fighting, mutual pining, communication problems, degrading words
⟶ disclaimer: this is a product of my imagination. this is my first post so please bear with the mistakes and grammatical errors, English is not my first language
PART 1 // PART 2
Jungkook’s lips felt soft against yours. Though it tasted like alcohol, it didn’t stop you from wrapping your arms around his nape just to deepen the kiss. The way his tongue explored your mouth was nothing compared to what you experienced from your past relationship. You surrendered yourself completely and kissed him back, hoping that it would take all the pain and frustration that you felt.
“You’re such a tease Y/N. You’re torturing the shit out of me right now.” He was sucking and biting harshly on one part of your neck that you were sure it would totally leave a mark. His irises were in a deep shade of red, a sign that his wolf was taking over.
His hands slid down all the way from your back until it reached your ass. You yelped when Jungkook grabbed your bottoms only to pull you up. Your phone made a sound when it fell on the floor but you didn't care. You and your hands were too focused on roaming Jungkook's shoulders and pulling the strands of his soft curly hair.
You almost whined when Jungkook broke the kiss only to lick and attack your neck. His sudden action caused you to moan and your nails scratched his tattooed arm involuntarily, causing him to hiss. He returned the favor by putting a hand to your waist only to grip it tightly.
“A-Ah shit. Fuck you, Jungkook.”
He chuckled dangerously. Jungkook continued his work on your neck. He ran his fangs on your clavicle causing you to jolt against him as your eyes almost reached the back of your head.
You couldn't think straight anymore and neither could he. Your wolf chanted Jungkook's name over and over, you were starting to give in.
But something felt wrong. Yes, there was something far worse than having Jungkook's tongue down your throat right now. Your body felt hot and your vision started to blur.
"Jungkook wait. Stop." You weakly pushed his chest and gripped his arms tightly to get him back to his senses. He was breathing heavily against your skin when his red eyes slowly turned back into it’s natural brown color.
"Y/N what's-- Fuck!" Jungkook cursed loudly when you passed out against his chest. It took him awhile to get back to his senses but when he finally did he carried you and put you down on his bed.
He stared at you for a moment, realizing what you two just did. His wolf was taking over him when he saw you at the dancefloor. The way you looked and smelled was the last straw. The amount of alcohol he consumed was partly to blame. Jungkook wanted you to submit to him when he pinned you against the wall. He wanted to dominate every part of you so bad that he lost control.
A part of him felt guilty. He knew you were drugged judging by how dilated your pupils were when he looked into your eyes. His plan was to keep you safe yet he took advantage of your current state. He clenched his teeth and kept in mind to punish Taehyung for giving you that cookie.
Jungkook looked away and sighed. He walked straight into his bathroom and turned the water on.
After all that has happened he needed a cold bath to calm him down and help him think straight.
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The heat of the sun on your skin is what got you groaning in the early morning. The sudden pain that you felt on your abdomen made you breathe erratically. The beads of sweat on your body irritated you even more. Your lashes slowly fluttered when you finally opened your eyes.
The memories of what happened last night were faint in your head. If the headache that you felt right now wasn’t enough to make you remember then the alpha beside you probably will.
The view made it harder for you to breathe. Beside you was Jeon Jungkook who’s upper body was on full display, gray sweatpants were the only thing that was covering the lower part of his body.
So many thoughts filled your mind, the thought of you two having sex was no exception cause you couldn’t find the clothes you wore last night and your undergarments were only covered by a large white shirt that reached your knees. Surely I would remember if we had sex right? I’m sure Jungkook isn’t the type to make a woman forget. Should I wake him up and ask him to do it again--
And that exact thought was the part that got you running to his bathroom and locking yourself in. Your whole body felt hot. You were thinking about Jungkook, you were ready to pounce at him even. Your abdomen hurts like hell.
You were in heat.
A female’s heat comes every month and lasts for about a week. The heat of males lasts the same but it only comes once a month during winter, which is mating season. You despised it. It's so unfair and it tortures every part of your being. You knew your heat was coming but you never expected it to happen today, especially with an alpha close by. You took every bit of restraint and self respect that you had just to keep yourself locked up and not throw yourself at Jungkook.
Oh Goddess. You called out, hoping that she would prevent you from losing your mind.
Meanwhile, Jungkook's eyes opened quickly when the strong scent of vanilla and lavender filled his lungs. He didn't even bother to stretch his limbs just to find where the sweet smell was coming from.
His lips parted when his brown orbs were slowly turning red, his wolf wanted to take over and he knew exactly why. Any wolf nearby could tell that you were in heat, alpha's most likely. Since alphas and omegas are "destined for each other" they are the ones that are most likely affected when sensing heat.
Jungkook was frustrated that you weren't in his pack, the mind link would surely help to check if you were okay. Atleast she had the decency to lock the door, he thought. Because if you didn't, you two would probably end up in a situation you'll both regret.
For the first time in his life Jungkook didn't know what to do. He just stood in front of his bathroom door as thoughts filled his mind. He badly wanted to help you through your heat yet one wrong move, the everything will be even more complicated than before. It's the heat that's making me like this. The heat. Yes, it's the heat.
Maybe fate was playing with the two of you. You despised one another yet you can't help but to attract each other.
You on the other hand, gathered all the might and courage that you had. Jungkook was startled and took a few steps back when you suddenly opened the door. You didn't even bother to look at him and just focused on finding your things and go. You were panicking inside your head, the clothes that you wore last night were neatly folded on the table beside his king sized bed yet it immediately crumpled when you gathered it without any care. Your main priority was to get out of there immediately yet you couldn't stop yourself from asking Jungkook what happened.
"Jungkook, about last night--" You tried to speak but he immediately cut you off.
"Last night was a mistake Y/N."
Your eyes met his brown orbs that held the same emotion the first time you interacted with him. It was cold, so cold.
"Of course it was. But.. did something happen? Between us?" You asked cautiously.
Jungkook let out the fakest laugh you ever heard as he crossed his arms on his chest.
"Really Y/N? Did you really think that something will ever happen between us?"
"What's with the attitude? How the fuck am I supposed to know? You tell me Jeon, why else would I be wearing your fucking shirt right now?" Your blood was starting to boil because of anger.
"Because you made a fucking mess on your clothes! You really shouldn't be drinking Y/N you know why? Cause your weak ass can't handle simple alcohol. I did you a fucking favor and you're not even a part of my pack." He growled, emphasizing his last statement.
"So that's what this is about? You being a little bitch cause I won't bow down to you? Well guess what? I never will cause submitting to an alpha like you would only prove that I'm weak. I'm glad that I'm not a part of your pack. Anyone would be unlucky to have someone like you as their alpha." You attempted to leave but he caught your wrist before you even made a move.
"Oh yeah? Is that why you had your tongue down on my throat last night? Tell me Y/N, if you hate me so much then why the fuck did you kiss me back?" Jungkook smirked when you were caught off guard by his question.
"It was a mistake Jungkook. We were both drunk." You looked away and refused to look at his eyes. Restraining yourself was already difficult but he made it even harder the moment he touched your wrist.
"I'm pretty sure that you enjoyed it though." You were sure that he knows you're on your heat yet he's pushing both of your patience and limits.
Both of you turned your head's when you heard the sound of Jimin's voice behind Jungkook's door.
"Kook? Who do you have in there? You do know it's dangerous to have an unmarked female that's in heat in a house that has 3 alpha's with no mates right?" Jimin's concerned voice was very clear.
It's a good thing that Jimin's a beta. He could sense the different scents around him yet unlike alpha's, he doesn't go crazy when he smells a female wolf in heat.
Jimin didn't expect to see the two of you when he opened the door. Heck, he knew that you two couldn't stay in the same room without fighting. The sight in front of him made his jaw drop almost instantly. Your cheeks were in a shade of bright red and Jungkook was clearly restraining his wolf. Both of you showed too much skin and the smell of sexual tension was very clear in the air.
When the door was wide open now, you took it as an opportunity to finally leave. But Jungkook’s voice made you stop your tracks.
“Where do you think you’re going?” 
“Isn’t it obvious? I’m going somewhere where you’re not around.”
“Really? Wearing that? Do you need me to remind you that I’m not the only alpha in house and in this city?” He mocked.
“Oh god! Jimin? A little help here?!” You cried in frustration and you raised your brows at your best friend.
“Okay I’m confused as fuck but I have to side with Jungkook for this one. He’s right Y/N. It’s dangerous for you to go out in that state. How about you go to my room and I’ll go run for some heat suppressants?” 
You parted your lips, trying to make up words to say something but nothing came out of your mouth.
"Don't argue with me on this one Y/N."
You sighed and nodded your head in defeat. His idea was the best one to be used so that you could avoid problems.
But deep down inside you knew you couldn’t stay still and just wait for Jimin to come back, especially with Jungkook around You wanted to get out, the sooner the better.
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atruththatyoudeny · 6 years
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Happy 1D Fanworks Appreciation Day!
I want to thank all the amazing authors and artists who make this fandom as special as it is.
Here are all the fics I read and loved this month: (this is going to be looong)
I don't want a taste (I want it all) || thedaggerrose (blessedfetish) || "Fuck me yourself you coward" AU - college - crack - humour - 3k
The AU where Harry tells Louis to go fuck himself, Louis tells Harry to fuck him himself, and Harry follows through.
Always || JamieJam93 || amnesia - references of past depression - 85k
Thousands, if not millions, of fans had been right. Harry and Louis had been in love and together for four whole years. They were 'the dream team'; the couple that made others sick while simultaneously envious.
But thousands of fans had been right about something else too. The pressure had been too much. The fame had been too much. The closet had been too much, and, four years after the pair swore to each other that nothing could break them on the night of their first kiss in 2010, they broke up.
Fast forward to 2018, on the night of One Direction's last ever concert, and Harry has yet to move on. It's not as sad as it seems-he still lives his life and, for the most part, he's happy-but he knows that Louis was his one true love and is trying to prepare himself for a life completely without the other when an accident erases Louis's mind of all of his memories. In reliving the moments with him, trying to make him remember, Harry comes to find that maybe he never really forgot them at all and maybe, like him, he hadn't moved on either.
Enjoy The Ride || 2tiedships2 || a/b/o - strangers to lovers - road trips - fluff - 11k
The one where Louis, an omega more than tired of being treated as lesser than alphas, is forced on a road trip by his beta besties only to meet Harry who might just be the alpha he never knew he wanted.
Whisper The Wind || jacaranda_bloom || strangers to lovers - surfing - fluff - 36k
The one where Louis rides an elevator that may change his life forever, Harry loves the ocean but is a terrible surfer, Liam proves not all heroes wear capes, and Niall might actually have all the answers.
A kiss to build a dream on || noellehenry || Christmas - social media - pining - 17k
Harry has a brief encounter with a handsome stranger at the local Christmas Fair, the romantic kiss they share changes everything.
Harry is determined to find his Prince Charming and sets up a tumblr blog with help from his best friend Niall, owner of the locally famous Steamin' mugs.
Let the challenge begin!
Enter the Rose Garden || angelichl || a/b/o - friends to lovers - 10k
Soft heats make omega Louis clingy. Enter alpha Harry.
I been feeling high when I touch your body || Anonymous || gym - boxing- 17k
Harry is a boxer, Louis is an architect and Liam is the worst cupid that could ever exist.
The Pink Ghost of Princess Park || objectlesson || PWP - humour - sex toys - established relationship - light dom/sub - 7k
The thought of the vibrator does not go away. It’s sitting there collecting dust all through January, and every time Harry and Louis have to leave town for a press event or a show or to record or what have you, they come back home, and it’s still there, the Pink Ghost of Princess Park, the fucking glittery haunting that Harry cannot stop thinking of Louis stuffing up his arse.
Leave Your Mark On Me || FullOnLarrie || a/b/o - restaurant - mating bond - friends with benefits - enemies to friends to lovers - 32k
When Chef Harry Styles’ unbonded Omega designation threatens to derail his career, he does the only thing he can, and goes in search of a black market bond.
You Can't Change The Rolling Tide || LiveLaughLoveLarry || sailing - enemies to friends to lovers - childhood friends - friends to lovers - 25k
Louis lives on a tiny island off the coast of England and runs a sailboat touring company. When Niall is sidelined for the summer after his knee surgery, Louis needs a temporary new partner. Who better to fill that role than Harry, recently returned to the island after five years away? Louis is pretty sure there are plenty of better options. They don't get along until they do.
Take Care Down By The Water || shyserious || fantasy - magical realism - celtic mythology - fluff - angst - 37k
Louis has spent his summers at his Granny's in the Isle of Barra for almost as long as he could remember.
This summer wasn't supposed to be any different, but the little Scottish island turned out to be harbouring more than just the gorgeous white beaches, the clear waters, and the town drunk scaremongering the foreign tourists.
Pray Till I Go Blind || el_em_en_oh_pee || religion - religion kink - demon - homophobia - blasphemy - 19k
Louis is (kind of) a preacher. Harry is (probably) a demon. Of course, nothing's as simple as that.
This is not a love story.
Nocturne || rosegoldhl || fairy tale - fantasy - action/adventure - pining - 36k
Harry is a goblin living in the woods, entirely enthralled with a human named Louis.
I'm still learning to love || literato || minor character death - kid fic - pining - fluff - light angst - 74k
An au where Harry has almost everything in the world except for the will to move on.
Tell Me Your Secrets || dimpled_halo || For A Good Time Call AU - enemies to friends to lovers - dirty talk - phone sex - humour - fluff - angst - 17k
A For a Good Time Call au where Harry and Louis get off on the wrong foot when they first meet. When dire circumstances forces them to become roommates, Harry finds out some things about Louis that he doesn't expect will help him discover some things about himself.
We come in line || starsinoureyes || The Switch AU - mpreg - fertility clinic - 19k
Harry decides to have a baby on his own, Louis doesn't agree it's a good idea but lets him do it anyway. It took seven years and Harry getting artificially inseminated for them to find each other. Louis has a secret he didn't tell Harry and it might affect their family. Also featuring: a pre-pregnancy party, fertility clinics and pregnancy scares.
Sugar, butter, flour || EmmyLouWho || Nailed it! (TV) Fusion - reality tv - pining - 5k
Louis watches Harry start to pour icing onto his half-raw, still hot cookie, and tries to hold in his groan. He isn't sure if they’ve ever had a contestant on the show who tried so hard…and yet completely failed at every single step.
You can’t rig the show to help a contestant, he tells himself. Even if they’re adorable.
dopamine || Only_angel_28 || collge/university - meet-cute - social experiments - fluff - strangers to lovers - 7k
Louis honestly doesn’t know how he gets himself into these types of situations.
Well, actually, that’s a lie. He’s doing this because he needs the money, and because he’s curious. And, okay, maybe because he might be a little bit lonely too. He has always had what his mother affectionately calls an “adventurous spirit.” Couple that with being a (tragically single) broke grad student and voila! here he is scrawling his signature on a release form provided by the university’s sociology department. Essentially, he is agreeing to snog a stranger on camera for the sake of science.
Shouldn’t be a problem, right? All he has to do is lock lips with a (hopefully) fit bloke, collect his money, and be on his way. Easy peasy. Little does he know, fate has other plans for him in the form of one adorably quirky art student who goes by the name of Harry Styles.
Best kind of bad something || wildestdreams || established relationship - angst - fluff - ambiguous/ open ending 40- k
A NorCal AU where Louis is the town troublemaker and everyone hates him except for Harry.
What, like it's hard? || starkidpatronus || Legally Blond Fusion - girl direction - enemies to friends to lovers - enemies to lovers - humour - fluff - 25k
In which Harry goes to law school to win back her man, but gets a lot more than she bargained for.
Tell Me This Is Paradise || QuickedWeen || girl direction - smut - 5k
Harry Styles has been lucky in love but unlucky in the bedroom with all of her previous boyfriends. When her best friend Niall finds out that she's never had an orgasm, she knows just what Harry needs: Louis Tomlinson. Niall sets Harry up to get sorted out.
Your rainbow will come smiling through || hazkaban || Cinderella Story AU - minor character death - bullying - fairy tale retelling - 17k
When harry isn't working at his stepfather's cafe, he's trying to make swim captain and trying to finish all his coursework on time. when he's not doing any of those things, he's talking to the boy he met on the oxford hopefuls subreddit. when they decide to meet, he's elated. he finally gets the chance to meet the boy he's been crushing on! when the day comes to meet his prince, he learns that his online crush is none other than louis tomlinson, captain of the football team and friend of his terrible stepbrothers. now harry has to decide whether telling louis the truth is the right choice or if it's better to just let sleeping dogs lie.
From, your secret admirer || flicker_album || secret admirer - Valentine's Day - tumblr - mentions of anxiety - 13k
The one where Louis is Harry's Tumblr crush so he sends him secret admirer messages for Valentine's Day
Every Story Has Its Scars, Ours Is a Brand New Start || Rearviewdreamer || strangers to lovers - hurt/comfort - domestic violence - angst - dubious consent - implied mpreg - kid fic - 62k
Life as a devoted husband and an amazing father turned out to be a little different than Louis had expected. Everyone tells him it doesn't have to be that way; that he's worth more and that he's so much stronger than any one person trying to keep him down. It's all just words though until he meets the one person who makes him truly believe it.
The Pain Is For Pleasure || lovelarry10 || BDSM - established relationship - 67k
Louis and Harry have been together for a few months. Everything is great, but there’s one question burning in the back of Louis' mind - why won’t Harry have sex with him?
I Just Wanna Get Back to Us || louiesunshine || soulmate-identifying marks - angst - post-divorce - exes to friends to lovers - mutual pining - getting back together - slow burn - 62k
Or, where Harry and Louis are divorced soulmates who are seeing each other for the first time in two years.
Soup Of The Day || jacaranda_bloom || strangers to lovers - minor injury - hurt/comfort - 20k
The Restaurant AU where Louis and Niall are chefs, Chicago is windy, and cracking the big time is harder than they ever imagined. But when a mysterious man starts grading Louis' soups by leaving little piles of rocks, could it be just the thing they need to get them on the road to success?
Bleeding Love || momentofclarity || girl direction - enemies to lovers - famous/non-famous - 27k
Louis is an animal rights activist who throws red paint at fur coat wearing it-girl Harry Styles. Then there's a crack in the surface and something new starts bleeding through.
Oh, Darling My Heart's On Fire (For You) || aiienharry || girl direction - fluff - angst - 33k
Two girls fall in love on a road trip that was supposed to last a week and a half, but it ends up feeling like a lifetime.
Sweet Dreams Are Made of This || MrsStylinson || fake/pretend relationship - escort - angst - heartbreak - fluff - friends to lovers - 30k
Loosely based on The Wedding Date. Inspired by 27 Dresses. Basically, Fake Boyfriend AU with a twist. Louis' sister is unknowingly getting married to the ex who broke his heart. When faced with the prospect of turning up alone, Louis panics and hires a corporate escort named Harry. General chaos and epic jealousy ensues.
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