#there is no short response whatsoever!! let me know if i passed pls
eirelis · 5 months
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birthday gift for a friend!
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kookiesandcreams · 2 years
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Summary: Jimin is framed. You know it. You believe in him. But how would you make the world believe that he is innocent?
Pairing: Asylum Patient!Jimin × Visitor!reader
Genre: Angst, fluff, smut, thriller, psychological thriller, mild yandere.
Warnings: Asylums, anxiety and mental disorders, smut (In further chapters)
A/n: I was glad I received a positive response for the first part. It took me time to write the next chapter, I kinda had writer's block. But oui I'm back with SG part 2. I hope yall like this one too. Like and reblog to show some love <3 also, this chapter is kinda short and lame but I promise to write better for the next one TT it's unedited as usual :)) and yuh pls lemme know if y'all wanna be added to the taglist ;)
Check out my other works here.
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You knocked on the door and waited for him to open it. On the other hand, there was a strange, unsettling feeling in the pit of his stomach. It's been a while since he heard someone knock. Even doctors had stopped visiting him for the past few weeks. Still he approached the door and stood there.
He put his ear on the door expecting to hear something. But you just patiently waited for him to open the door for you. Few minutes of silence passed by before you called for him, "Jimin? Are you awake?"
You were met by dead silence again. Your head hung low in disappointment. Not like you would just have him talk to you. You mentally face-palmed, turning back to leave.
A thud followed by shrill cracking of door hinges caught your attention and looked back to see the door partially opened. You bit your lip and smiled, "thank you, Jimin."
You clutched the handbag tight before entering the room. Not gonna lie, nervousness was eating your insides.
"Hi, Jimin." You waved at him while taking in the appearance of the room.
The room was dark, shady almost. It gave you the feeling of rain and melancholy as if the sorrow was engraved in the walls of the room. The dusty smell kissed your nose and the frostiness of the room hugged you like a second skin.
Jimin did not greet you back, standing afar and observing your details intricately. His eyes squinted as he took in all of you. You were pretty, he thought. Your skin smooth like a morning breeze, and your honey-like voice comforted him.
"I hope you don't mind me visiting you?" Your expecting eyes searched for answers in his cold ones. But again, he just stood there, quite like a lamb. Your heart shrank, imagining the things he must have gone through to become what he is, right now.
You slightly shook your head before turning on your heels, "I'm sorry Jimin, I will let you rest, okay?"
His heart dropped to his stomach when he realized you were going to leave. His eyes widened as he extended his arms to hold your shoulder, "wait," you heard his timid voice for the first time.
You were elated with the progress or it is what you called it. He finally did something distinct than just standing still and showing no sentiments whatsoever.
You turned back and grabbed his wrists, not too hard enough to hurt him but tight enough to let him feel the warmth seeping through your body. "Jiminie," his cheeks flushed at the nickname, "we are in no hurry. Please take your time. I know you must have been through a lot. I'm here," you squeeze his hands, "I'll always be here for you."
He blinks, once, twice and thrice.
Will you? Will you always be there for him? Even after knowing the truth?
You see his face contort and here him chuckle bitterly. Retrieving his wrists from your hold, he walks towards his bed and sits there. You take that as a cue to leave him alone.
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"Sir, he had a visitor today."
"Oh," he let out an astonished chuckle. "Who was it? The asylum nurse, psychiatrist or some other doctor?" The mockery in his tone didn't go unnoticed by his workers.
"Uh, no. It was a girl, someone named Y/n. I think we should let him be now. He has already been through a lot."
"I don't remember asking you what you think, do I now Mr Cho?
Remember you get paid for being my assistant and covering up for me. So shut that mouth of yours and work accordingly, or I can find someone else who'd be quiet and work well for me."
Mr. Cho's head hung low as he muttered his apologies repeatedly while bowing incessantly against the man.
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"So, how was the trip to the asylum?" Your mother asked as she set the table with freshly cooked food.
"Let's say uhm..." you pretended to think for a while before answering, "progressive?"
Your mother nodded in understanding. Various dishes were compactly placed on the dining table as the aroma of the delicious meal was being inhaled by you. "Thanks for the meal, mom," you said before serving yourself a plate and digging in.
After lunch, you headed towards your room to nap for awhile. Saturdays went pretty well with you going for a run, returning home, showering, eating your lunch and napping for a couple of hours. Today, was different and you knew it was not the last time you'd be visiting him. His brokenness awakened something in you. As if he gets a cut and you feel the pain. You felt affection for him.
Your mind wandered at how his soft strands would feel slipping through your fingers as you cradled his head in your lap. His own fingers playing with your hair. You wondered how his giggles and laughs would sound, how his hands would feel in your, how his plump lips would feel on your soft ones— you shook your head, trying to get rid of any unwanted thoughts.
Closing your eyes you awaited sleep to take over your mind. A smile ghosted your face thinking about today's visit. You firmly believed in him and would always be by his side, you promised, him and yourself as well. He deserved to be happy.
You were sure, that the innocence in his eyes was not fake, the trust he lost in humanity, you wanted to return him the faith he had in good people. His enigmatic persona, now hidden under his cold orbs caught your attention. You twisted and turned in your well-made bed before sleep took over you.
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wokainight · 6 years
NCT: The Mafia Game (dons part one)
preview: “uh i just moved here and i found--” there’s a strong hand that pulls on your neck and right onto the guy’s face. he stares at you for a long while, as if trying to remember your features. 
note: meet my bias wrecker atm (psst! this is super long)
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the neighbourhood that you lived at was notorious for being ridden with crimes and illegal acts in general. but being the broke university student you were, it was a home >>>>> safety
no way in hell were u living in the streets
a warm home is better than none... right?
the rent was cheap and it was only half an hour away from ur uni-- so really, there was no reason to as why u shouldn’t have sealed the deal
the middle aged lady who handed u the keys looked like she wanted to throw herself off the fifth floor-- and never look back
she just grumbles about not forgetting rent and hikes back down the long trail of stairs-- 
ofc theres no elevator 
you take your only suitcase inside to see a barren landscape. there was literally no furniture and you curse your luck that u didn’t look over the contract details more closely
so u sort of set up a futon style accomodation using the blanket u bought and some towels
it was kinda late by the time u unpacked (by that i mean scatter everything on the floor)
there’s a loud noise outside and it was as if someone fell down--
so with the courage of a tin can, u sort of crab walked towards your door and opened it slightly, peeking thro the dim lighting
there’s a body on the floor and u sort of threw the door open and went over to the body-- it’s a guy-- was the first thing u noticed and you kind of skim over the content of the crime scene to deduct that he was alone-
so you kind of flip him over
(and that flipped u off)
because there’s a pure, raw stab wound on his left abdomen and ur kinda (morethan) shook because you’re not a med student or anything but u briefly recalled the first aid class u took during high school
so as best as u can, you dragged the male, almost twice your size, into the comfort of your strictly barren home and rummaged through the content of antiseptic and measly bandages you had to help him stop bleeding
there’s a groan as a response when you peel off the shirt drowning in blood with an apology for invading his privacy (but otherwise he could potentially die??)
and put pressure on the wound and the male trashed in response, his eyes opened slightly, chest heaving and perspiration running down his temple
“w-who?” he barely managed, before you accidentally added more pressure due to shock
“uh i just moved here and i found--” there’s a strong hand that pulls on your neck and right onto the guy’s face
he stares at you for a long while, as if trying to remember your features
you notice his clear eyes, nose, and slowly trail down to his lips. if this guy wasn’t the definition of attractive-- you srsly don’t know what would be
the hand on your neck slowly moves on to the space between your shoulder and your neck
it’s so intimate for a first encounter, and you kind of squeak out as a result
“u-uh, the- the ointment” you stutter out, reaching out for the antiseptic “this will hurt” you gave out the precaution, but there was no reply aside from the extensive gaze
the male clenches down on his teeth as you apply the medicament as gently as possible, and then grabs the biggest bandage you could find before covering the wound with it
you don’t know if it’s right or wrong but at least he’s not bleeding out profusely anymore and you’re about to grab your phone to call emergency services so he could be properly treated at a hospital
“what are you doing?” there’s more a glare to his eyes than before
“im not a professional,” you admitted cleanly. “and i think you need further treatment, so i’m calling the--”
“end the call”
“i said end the call” there’s a chill that goes down your spine and you sort of pressed the button in reflex
the guy lets out a vague exhale when he sees you sort of shiver in your spot
“i don’t feel as if i’m dying anymore” he looks away while saying this “and lend me your phone, i’ll have someone pick me up”
so you kind of handed it to him and he’s having much difficulty trying to lift his arm up because everywhere hurts and god knows how many muscles in the abdomen is triggered
“maybe i can ring it and then pass it to you?” 
and the guy sort of shrugs and gives it back to you while reciting the number. you then proceed to put the phone against his ear
“hey, pick me up. i’m...” he looks at you with a questioning gaze and you sort of tilt your head at this but then whispers the address. “yeah it’s the one beside the meeting point. they broke their end of the deal but i have what we needed so tell taeyong to stop worrying”
and then the two of you kind of stayed still in that awkward position
you look at him again, brows raised “what?”
“your name. what is it?”
you’re not keen on passing out your identity to random strangers- esp not in this dodgy complex... but maybe he just wants to thank you? so you’re positive and trusting and hands him over your name
he doesn’t reply after that because there’s a knock on your door and you’re reluctant to open it but the guy on the ground nods at you “it’s probably my friend but just ask if he’s jaehyun”
as you inch towards the entrance, you kinda stumble over your words,,,
“is it... uh... j-jaehyun?”
there’s a short break in the knocking and a low, “yes” took place
so you open the door and an equally dashing presence enters your view
the guy-- jaehyun-- nods at you in acknowledgement and walk towards the figure on the floor.
“you look worse than i thought” jaehyun joked, first thing in the morning (well technically it was 12:07... so)
“shut up” 
so jaehyun hauls the guy over his shoulder, and using enough sense to rest him on the side without the wound (but the injured dude still flinched anyway
before jaehyun fully passes you, the guy says something unexpected
“i’m doyoung” 
so the night was craaaazzyyyy but you sort of lived through it and cleaned up the blood stains on the floor and finally got to bed
you try not to think of everything that just happened (it was all too vivid) and try to focus on having a productive day at uni tomorrow with hopefully no distractions
the next morning was normal-- no wounded guys outside your door-- and you wake up extra early, around 6ish, to make your way to uni
at this time, none of the other tenants are awake so its nice and peaceful
and the next few days continued in the same routine
it was exactly a week since that you’re back from your long day of studies and part time job that you find a figure leaning against your door
at first you’re on defence, getting the umbrella inside your bag ready (the lighting was dim omfg)
and then when you near and was about to attempt a hit with the said umbrella the figure notices you and sort of defended himself first
“it’s doyoung”
and you stop and try and rack your mind for the name
it is late
and u were technically half ded
but then
it came
d o y o u n g
you lowered your umbrella and sort of tilted your head horizontally to try to examine his wound but ofc there’s a shirt over it and u don’t have xray vision (u wish tho) (sort of) (maybe) 
the corner of doyoung’s lips raise as he looks over you but nods towards your door
“it isn’t polite to keep a guest outside”
and then you purse your lips “are you always this snappy?”
doyoung shrugs but you sigh and opens the door for him
there’s still nothing inside but he’s seen it so you kind of drop your bag once you’re inside and reminds doyoung to lock the door after him
doyoung takes his time to look around for good this time and comments, “there really was nothing”
and you shrug while rummaging through the cabinet for a midnight snack “im broke” was all that was needed to be said
“still” doyoung addressed “you need a bed at least. and maybe a fridge”
“there’s a working bathroom and that’s good enough for me” you shrug again, successfully pulling out a snack you bought a few days ago
“what is that” doyoung stares at the snack in your hand
and ur starting to wonder if he’s a foreigner
“it’s my dinner” you say , not ashamed at all
the dude just gasps at you in shock “theres no nutritional value in it whatsoever” he iterates very slowly, as if you were a five year old
you sigh as you take a seat on the floor, plopping another one piece of the snack into your mouth
“okay so i saved you and this is what i get? ofc i know it’s not good for me but it’d rather eat something than starve okay”
doyoung hesitates to reply and it kinda aggravates you a little because why is he back??? he hadn’t thanked u this whole time and ur kinda slightly maybe very little a bit pissed at that
like ur work is a charity u know but dude u deserved a thank you at the very least
so you popped the question
“why are you here”
“...why do you think i’m here”
you’re literally on your last strand of hair, “we’re not playing twenty questions and it’s late. i need to sleep.”
doyoung cocks a brow at you but gets the message and turns to leave
he opens the door slightly and turns back to look at you,
“i was here to express my gratitude since you literally saved my life. but i guess you don’t need that.”
and he disappears into the night
you literally feel bad as soon as he left but ur kinda stressed juggling uni and working too many job for your own good
so you sleep and try to forget it all
he won’t come back anyways
no point on crying over spilled milk
but o H BO YYYYY
you’re wrong
because the next morning, there’s a knock on your door as you were getting ready for uni once again, eyebags and all
and the moment u opened the door, your eyes just widen
“why are you here” you’re a broken machine w no creative content, pls bear with me
doyoung sort of holds back a smile at this because you look so lost and your bed hair was everywhere-- literally
“i’m resilient” was all he said as he brings up a plastic bag “figured that you probably wouldn’t eat breakfast” he hands it over to you “i’ve got your lunch covered too so eat it on your way to school”
and u froze
“how.... did you know i was a student”
doyoung doesn’t even try to look sorry, “i did a little digging”
well ok
since when was it legal to look someone up like that??
“why?” there’s a cockiness to his whole composure “are you going to kick me out again?”
well yes mister ofc
you’re invading my privacy
no matter how drop dead gorgeous you are this is like-- not acceptable
“yeah” you boldly answered, “i am. what of it?”
doyoung looks as if debating something before taking a step closer to you
“uhhh what are you doing”
and he’s literally thisclose to you that you feel his breath hovering over your lips
“im just wondering” he speaks in a lower tone, almost as if the both of you weren’t meant to say a word in this situation
you’re too mesmerised by his orbs to notice anything else but you gotta stay strong for pride’s sake and so you lean back and give him the dirtiest glare you could muster
it isn’t a frequent occasion that you could brace yourself under the presence of such a good looking person
...even though he seems like a shady guy
but still good looking
this doesn’t deter doyoung as he traps you onto the wall, hands on either side “if you know what i do, i don’t think that you would be so mean to me”
“well i don’t want to know more about you”
“oh really”
“very much so”
there’s a chuckle that decorates doyoung’s pretty features before his right hand lightly holds onto your chin and he sweeps down to press a kiss on your lips
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memoriesofyccjungrk · 6 years
. : waste it on me : .
a closed starter for @rkdongmin, backdated december 25, 2018
it’s the middle of dance practice, and yoojung feels like her body’s burning. it’s not an unusual feeling, after all – she’s working as hard as anyone else in the room, and it’s just getting warmer by the minute. contemporary isn’t exactly her forte, and the fact that she’s a centre makes her want to work that much harder to perfect the routine. while she’s not entirely unfamiliar with the style and is able to pick it up faster than others, she has to work a little harder than usual. it’s refreshing really, so she’s not falling too stagnant on her skills. she appreciates the change in pace, even if it’s making her even more tired than usual, and the anxiety of the impending performance ( despite it being quite a ways away still ) was weighing on her. she was sure it’d be nice to perform on a stage again, though.
time seems to pass quickly into their next short break, the instructor shouting for them to get drinks, relax for a second – she needed to work with a select group, and yoojung was lucky enough not to be one of them. so, she’d wandered back over to where her stuff laid in one of the corners, gulping down most of the water remaining in the bottle before pulling her phone out of her duffle, just to pass the time. the break wouldn’t be long, after all, and yoojung was sure that they wouldn’t really have another any time soon – probably not even until they were let go for dinner. so, yoojung decides to scroll through her messages, answering a handful.
it isn’t until she gets to a particular message that she furrows her brow – especially at the name. dongmin hadn’t so much as talked to her for quite some time, other than sending her a christmas present that morning. she’d been so shocked he’d even remembered to send her anything that she barely knew what to say.
this, however, was different.
(( dongminnie )) he pl
upon seeing the text, yoojung swallowed – she knew what it meant. what it was supposed to say, despite the fact it was misspelled; anxiety bubbled in her chest as she stared at the message from the male. a part of her wanted to text back, ask if he was okay – but that would’ve just been a stupid question, of course he wasn’t okay. he wouldn’t have sent her the text if he was okay, she couldn’t be stupid. another part of her wants to ignore it. the male had been ignoring her for weeks after their supposed meaningless “date,” even though she knew for a fact that dongmin knew how she felt. anyone could’ve seen through her – she knew she wore her heart on her sleeve – which was why it hurt even more to have it played with. and this text – wasn’t it just that ? he knew she’d come for him if something was wrong, he was smart enough to realize that. if something was really wrong – but something had to be really wrong, right ?
she stared at the text for a moment too long, before turning the display off on her phone and hurrying back to practice the moment the instructor called them. she wanted to push it from her mind, just ignore the text altogether and not worry about it. he wasn’t her responsibility, after all – if he was going to get himself into trouble, that was his problem.
but yoojung cared too much. and as much as she didn’t want it affecting her, she knew her heart wasn’t all in the performance. the instructor didn’t seem to say anything, but she’d noticed the woman’s keen eyes linger on her longer than usual more than a handful of times – she was thankful the instructor never seemed to call her out, however. every time she thought she had her entire focus on the performance, dongmin came back into mind – she wondered if he was okay ? should she maybe call someone to check on him ? who did she know that could go to him ? – and she made a misstep. cursing herself every time, she made sure to fall back in line with the rest of the trainees, and continue as if nothing had happened.
once they were let out for dinner, yoojung had no appetite.
instead of going to the cafeteria, yoojung wandered into one of the empty practice rooms, shutting the door quietly behind her and took a moment to stare into the mirror. she really was just some lovesick puppy who would do anything to make sure he was okay, wasn’t she ? it was kind of disgusting. she was making herself sick with worry over him, and it was only irritating her. she shouldn’t be so concerned, he’d ghosted her for weeks with no explanation. none, whatsoever. she should be angrier than she was, shouldn’t she ?
she attempted calling him – but to no avail.
he had to be okay, right ? nothing could’ve happened to him … right ? thoughts continued to plague yoojung through the rest of her day and focusing on what she was actually supposed to be doing was pretty much a fruitless effort. everything she did was off-beat – anyone could tell there was something bothering her. she was such an open book …
once they were let out, yoojung practically bolted from royal to the nearest subway station. it would still be another hour to dongmin’s apartment, and there was not guarantee the male would even be there – after all, he sent the text hours ago. he could be completely fine now … yoojung pointed out to herself, settling into her seat on the subway and staring blankly out the window. he could’ve texted someone else, too … letting out a long sigh, yoojung unlocked her phone and moved quickly to dongmin’s contact. she hesitated a moment before tapping the call button – only to be met by voicemail once again. letting out a long sigh, yoojung knew it was a fruitless effort. the entire ride, yoojung continued playing with the hem of her sweatshirt, surprised that it wasn’t frayed or misshapen by the time she arrived at her stop. she made her way quickly from the station to dongmin’s, pausing outside the male’s door. the text was from hours ago, who was to say that he wasn’t fine now ? who was to say he didn’t find someone else – but the sinking feeling still ached in the pit of her stomach.
she knocked on the door once. twice. three times. she wondered whether or not the male was even home – after all, it wasn’t like she knew where he’d texted her from. her eyes trailed to where she knew the male had a hidden key – wondered if it was too much of a breach of privacy to just make sure he wasn’t actually hope. any logic in the situation disappeared as she reached for where she knew the key laid, and she quickly unlocked the door – she was just making sure he was okay. it wasn’t weird, she was just being a good friend.
yep, a good friend.
she opened the door gingerly, stepping into the male’s apartment. giving it a once-over, she realized that she’d never been in dongmin’s apartment beforehand. luckily, the male wasn’t hard to find – as he was faced with him drowsily sitting up on his couch the moment she walked in. a quick glance around the room gave yoojung a very clear idea of what had happened – at least in her mind – and her face twisted, anger being an uncommon expression on her face. “ dongmin … ” yoojung muttered, dropping her duffle on the ground beside the door and making quick strides across the living room as the door shut behind her. “ lee dongmin, do you have no concern for other people ? what’s wrong with you – you made me so worried because you got drunk and you passed out ? ” she said, voice raised. “ i really went out of my way because i thought something was wrong – but you just decided to get wasted and drunk-text me ? seriously ? ” she shouted, furrowing her brows. “ you don’t talk to me for months, and then you expect me to just … ” she sighed, staring at the male.
he looked, well … pitiful, really. but was she any better for showing up, really ? tsking, yoojung gives a glance around his apartment before picking up a bottle that had fallen to the floor, barely filled with anything, and swipes it and the second still upright on the table, and travelled into the kitchen to discard them.
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