#there is a slightly promising ending?
piratekane · 2 years
I feel like 5 + 21 could lead to some delicious angst...
five: please come get me… twenty-one: no one can hurt you now.
The world pulses around her. She can't see past her hands. The air fizzles, buzzing electric in her ears. It's bolts of blue lightning, arcing and splitting above her and around her and biting at her exposed skin.
Her voice doesn't echo. It gets sucked into the space around her and suffocated. She turns but she's not sure what direction she's facing. Not in Bea's direction, she knows that. Because this place is full of light and energy and completely devoid of Beatrice. There's an emptiness she feels in the center of her chest that gnaws at her. She reaches out, hands disappearing into the blue. They tingle. She pulls them back against her chest.
A sharp shock rushes through her body. She looks down at her stomach, at the long lightning bolt that's burrowed into her skin. She gasps as it hooks around something burning brightly and pulls. A raw scream burns in her throat as a shard of divinium is pulled out of her. The pain of it makes her dizzy. She falls to one knee as another lightning lash grips a second piece.
"Bea," she gasps, hot tears running down her face. She reaches a hand out into the nothingness. "Please. Please come get me."
She's already in the room when the Arc starts to pulsate. Blues and whites pop and crackle as something starts to throb like a heart pounding. Someone shouts but Beatrice doesn't hear it, only the sharp inhale of her own lungs and the roaring of blood in her ears.
She walks closer to the Arc as someone calls her name, feeling the air crackle around her as she gets within arms reach of it. Something catches the tip of her finger, a quick burst of electrical energy, and she frowns down at it as a the Arc's blue light flickers to bright, nearly blinding, white.
It's graceless, the way a figure stumbles backward out of the Arc and falls into a pile with a wet thud that Beatrice feels echo in her chest.
Ava, gasping for air, shudders at her feet as she rolls over. Her hands scrabble at the floor, fingers gripping the concrete uselessly until they find the edge of Beatrice's pants. She pulls Beatrice to her knees, the sharp reverberation of bone against an immovable object nothing compared to the feeling of Ava's fingers slipping under hem of her pant and brushing against her ankle.
"Enough," Ava pants. The word breaks twice before she gets it out. "Please. It's enough."
Beatrice wills herself into motion. She grabs for Ava's shoulders, pulls hard until Ava is draped across her lap. Until she can see her face, blood stained on Ava's temple and the dried tears on her cheeks and the deep cuts in her chest and stomach.
She exhales a shaky Ava and runs a hand down Ava's face, feeling bruises under her fingers. "It's okay."
Ava's chest rises and falls in staccato rhythm, an asynchronous beat Beatrice can't follow. "I can't give any more," she sobs haltingly. "Reya, please."
Reya. Beatrice shushes Ava, holding her closer still. She presses her lips to Ava's forehead, tasting copper and salt. "It's okay. You're okay. I've- I've got you."
"Bea," Ava sighs. Tears still choke her words. "Don't let her take any more."
Beatrice feels her jaw set and resolution resounding in her chest, rung like a church bell. No. Reya won't take any more, she promises. She kisses Ava's forehead again, breathes in the slight smell of ozone on her skin.
Ava is here in her arms, broken. Ava is home, alive.
And Beatrice - whose commitment has always been God before she poured it into Ava's hand; whose always held her faith in high regard; whose pledge herself to a life of serving - she's going to kill a God.
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artofalassa · 10 months
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The Feather
Aaand next part! Look who finally showed up... <3
Part ONE | Part TWO | Part THREE | Part FOUR | Part FIVE | Part SEVEN
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th34rs0n1st · 10 days
as a lando and oscar fan, i fear its common sense for mclaren to prioritise lando. it doesnt mean oscars gonna put to the back burner forever, it just means that lando has the best chance at winning the wdc and in turn getting mclaren the wcc. oscar is still important to winning the wcc too tho but people are acting like as soon as lando is prioritised then oscar will never be in the points ever again
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jessicas-pi · 22 days
Sabezra in a fantasy au for the ask game?
I have no idea if this was what you were looking for but it's what my brain invented, so ta-da!
Mother had forbidden---Forbidden, actually with a capital F---Sabine from leaving the Seelie realm to look for trouble.
So the next time she got restless, she made sure she'd already found trouble before she left.
Today, trouble looked like a grungy teenage boy, in ratty jeans and a faded orange sweatshirt, stomping through the woods. He seemed like the type she could mess with. Bored with life, discontent, easily fooled. Maybe she could even trick him into following her home for a while and see how he fared there.
(She'd ask him for his name, first, of course. She always did. It was an old trick, and rather overdone, but that was why she did it. If a human was stupid enough to ignore all the old stories and warnings and just tell her that right off the bat, she didn't feel bad about causing them further trouble. They earned it.)
She waited, unseen, until he had passed her by. Then, with a last glance over her shoulder to make sure no one of her mother's Court had noticed her, Sabine slipped through the dark mists that parted one world from the other.
"Hey, there!" Sabine called out at his back. He stopped in his tracks and turned around, looking at her in curiosity, but with far too little suspicion.
Sabine smiled.
This boy may not know what she was---not yet---but if Sabine had her way, he would find out.
Oh, he would find out.
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it-came-autumnally · 2 months
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This line is extremely funny (motherly??? hello??) but also it just reminds me of why the Minori & Airi dynamic makes me want to explode (positive).
Even though she's only a year older, Airi sees so much of her past self in Minori -- she knows what it's like to be an outsider in their industry, to be someone who's faced rejection for simply not possessing the innate “idol aura” that people like Haruka and Shizuku have. She’s not like them; and neither is Minori. Having a dream is great, but you can't become an idol purely out of desire. This is expressed very directly in the digest animation (which condenses the MMJ main story): "Just because you want something to happen doesn't mean it will."
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Screenshots from MORE MORE JUMP - Journey to Bloom: [HOPE].
Airi's resigned herself to the fact that she's stuck in her role as a variety show entertainer, even though being an idol was her real dream. And, after seeing her own fate, she bluntly tells Minori that the other's passion isn't enough for her to successfully break into the industry. Despite this, Minori isn’t discouraged from her path; after all, she'd already been rejected 50 times. In her own words: she has faith -- something Airi has almost lost.
But Airi hasn't lost it completely. After some reminders from Shizuku, she reluctantly agrees to watch Minori's practices and give her some advice. It's a small ask, but one means a lot to Minori -- which Airi knows, and she's willing to give Minori a chance.
Minori has the chance to return the favor when Airi goes to confront Cheerful*Days. Even when Haruka warns her about the ugliness she's about to see, she isn't swayed. In her own words: she "care[s] too much for Momoi". Not just as a fan, but a friend* now, too.
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Screenshots from the MORE MORE JUMP! main story chapter 11. *friend is a bit of a loose term here but Minori does know Airi personally by this point. Not as well as Shizuku, but better than she used to.
The affirmation of being an idol that Minori gives is huge for Airi. After being constantly denied her identity as an idol from both her managers and peers, hearing this from the girl who she had accidentally dismissed is perhaps the most powerful thing she could have heard in that moment. It's clear that Minori hasn't been disillusioned in the slightest even after seeing all the resentment and anger, and despite everything, she still believes in Airi, and her ability to spread hope as an idol.
After all that happens in the main story, Minori's presence becomes a non-negotiable part of MMJ. She is, after all, the final bit of glue that brought them together as a group. In Time to Re:Start! (Airi 1), Haruka, Airi, and Shizuku all make it extremely clear that they refuse to let their group split up. We see how Airi takes this a step further:
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Screenshots from Chapter 4 of Time to Re:START!
Notably, she's willing to go back to variety programs and talent work if it means that MORE MORE JUMP! can stay together (even though doing so means that she probably would be extremely busy and have less time to do "real" idol work!)
Since Airi's offer is rejected here, we don't see the consequences of this negotiation come to fruition, but it's certainly not an offer she makes lightly. Note that Airi 2 hasn't happened yet; she still hasn't fully made peace with how her role as Happy Everyday took time away from her as "Airi Momoi the idol". Despite how painful it would be her to reprise as that role after resolving to become an "regular" idol again, Airi still makes this request as a last resort, because she would put herself through something she doesn't want rather than sacrifice Minori's dream to be an idol. This isn't something that the rest of MMJ would agree to, of course, but this cements a trend in Airi's behavior -- namely, her desire to protect Minori from the thorns of the idol industry that she's had to go through. Her Colorful Fes card gives some insight into this, where she encounters the younger version of herself (Little Airi).
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Screenshots from "To You Who Wants To Be An Idol" Side Story 2.
The way Airi treats her literal younger self mirrors the way she treats Minori at the start of the MMJ main story. Even though she knows better than anyone how much being called a "tomboy" hurt her younger self, Airi still calls her that on accident. This is extremely similar to how she dismisses Minori upon their first meeting -- she of all people should know how hurtful it is, but she does it nonetheless. This time, however, she doesn't need Shizuku to remind her of her mistake, and quickly rectifies it -- a testament to how she's changed since the events of the main story.
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Still Airi's ColorFes card story 2. Sorry for the spam of screenshots from this one I love this card way too much
Airi imparts the lesson she learned from Minori to Little Airi: "tomorrow will always be a better day." She shares the hope that Minori (and the rest of MMJ) shares, something she directly says she's grateful for. Meeting Minori has changed her for the better, and also allowed for her finally continue on her path towards being a "real" idol -- one that never gives up.
By the time Airi 3 happens, MMJ have taken off as online streamers. People have started to accept Minori as an idol -- but she's still a newbie when compared to the rest of the group, and lacks the same training that her fellow idols have. Nobody is more keenly aware of this than Minori herself. While she's initially practicing on her own, Airi is quick to understand what Minori's issue is, as its one that she's dealt with herself. Yet again, it comes back to seeing her past behaviors in Minori's - she's gone through the experience of trying to emulate the "idol aura," so she knows doing so is a waste. She wants to save Minori the time and effort that it took for her to learn these lessons, so that Minori is able to hasten her path towards finding the "best way to shine".
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Screenshots from Chapter 6 of "Chasing The Sparkle Beyond the Blue Sky"
The other really interesting thing is how Airi tells Minori her to not put herself down -- and yet Airi does the same to herself! She needs Shizuku to reaffirm her status as a true idol and tell her the same things that Airi herself tells Minori. She's been able to relearn how to inspire others, but still needs help when it comes to having that faith in herself.
This event is a testament to how much the two of them have matured since the main story, while also showing where they still have more room to grow. The two of them still have some doubts about whether they "deserve" to be idols, but it's something that they're both working through, together with each other as well as the rest of MMJ.
In regards to Airi trying to shield Minori from going through the troubles she did, it comes into the spotlight yet again during Airi 4:
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Screenshots from Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 of "Friendship Rebuilt"
This time, we see this behavior explicitly stated: "I don't want her to experience what I did back then". Minori is her own person, and Airi respects her ability to make her own decisions, but she can't help but see her past self in the other, even after how far they've come. She's worried; Minori may be strong, but Airi wants to make sure that she can avoid having to go through the same pain she did.
This all comes full circle then, when Airi excitedly talks about her upcoming school trip to Kyoto.
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Screenshots from the "I'm Excited Too" (Pandemonium/Spirited Affair 2*) side story 1.
After constantly being the one looked after, Minori finally gets another chance to be happy for Airi. For once, Airi doesn't have to sacrifice her own happiness for work, and for that, she's glad. It's the least she can do for the girl who's been protecting her all this time, and its a step towards Minori truly becoming an equal to the idols she's looked up to her whole life.
MMJ as a whole unit is about spreading hope and joy -- more specifically, about sharing hope and joy. The reason both Minori and Airi decide to become idols in the first place is because they were cheered up by idols in their childhood, and wanted to do the same for others. Minori is able to finally become an idol herself after she helps Airi (as well as Shizuku and Haruka) regain their own hope and passion; Airi does her best to guide Minori down a path that is as least painful as possible in return. MMJ's stories focus so much on the idea of paying it forward it truly drives me crazy to see how Minori and Airi's dynamic really embodies that ideal, where Minori will never stop uplifting her friends while Airi always looks out for them.
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elizi--s · 4 months
so, its pride month...
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heres my contribution
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xskyll · 1 year
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It was a critical hit. (Why yes, I do play Kingdom Hearts.)
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adastra121 · 5 months
Monster (Touchstarved MC Rewrite)
I've been really loving the songs from Epic: The Musical and decided to do a lyrics rewrite of my favourite song from the Underworld Saga, "Monster," for the Touchstarved MC, because I thought it was fitting, possibly for an MC turning to the dark side.
I did a lyrics rewrite for another song from Epic for my Alchemist!MC and his mentor a while ago, but I didn't change too many of the lyrics, so I might revisit that one in the future.
MC: How has everything been turned against us? How did suffering become so endless? How am I to finally wash this blood away? Or do I need to change?
MC: I'm surrounded by the ghosts of minds they’ve lost, Haunted by the blood and death that I have caused. What if the greatest threat we'll find is not the mist, But this?
MC: What if I'm the monster? What if I'm in the wrong? What if I'm the Soulless that's been lurking in the Fog? These hands of mine had killed them. What if I must bear the guilt? What if after this curse goes away, I’ll remain a monster, still? What if I'm the monster…
MC: Does the temple bear the guilt when they kill? Do their deaths keep the priests up in the night? Or do they take and tame in the name of faith, And believe they have served their gods right?
MC: When a childhood friend makes a promise and then Stabs the back of the one they swore to save, Did they learn to be colder when they got older, And now they can save themselves the pain?
MC: When an exiled mage builds a child a cage, Does she fear all the lines that she must cross? Or she commands respect, keeps her feelings in check To find answers regardless of the cost.
MC: When a traveller goes unravelling the mind Of a stranger who helped them, are they vile? Or do they have no say, made to drive insane And cursed to survive?
MC: If I became the monster, and threw that guilt away… Would that make me stronger? Would it keep the curse at bay? If I became the monster to everyone but me… What if there’s no price too high, As long as I am free? If I became the—
Caravanners: Monster… MC: Oh, ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves. Traveller: Monster… MC: And deep down I know this well.
MC: I lost my best friend, I lost my mentor, my faith, Too many lives slain, I cannot wait! I must find the key to what I seek, or else more will bleed. So if I must face down dangerous trials and battles, I'll go where the Senobium won't travel, And if I must send another innocent to madness in an instant so that I can end this…
MC: Then I'll become the monster! I will deal the blow! And I'll become a monster like none they've ever known! So what if I'm the monster tearing through the Shroud? I must become the monster if I’m to make it out!
Priests: Monster! MC: I’ll find the key! Syndicate: Monster! MC: And if I must— Mentor: Monster! MC: Oh, ruthlessness is mercy upon ourselves. Kuras, Leander, Vere, Ais, Mhin: Monster! MC: I’ll become the monster…
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porrettaposting · 6 months
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favoritebatfam · 28 days
Okay, I can’t be the only one who has a picture in my head of child Bruce being adopted by a fae, and almost stolen.
In my head, Bruce is like 9 or so at the time. I read somewhere that the fae tend to take kids sometimes to raise them or to have them as pets. So I’m imagining this super powerful fae who got attached to a child of like a witch or something, and is raising this kid in this weird in between place between the fae realm and human world.
So the kid probably explores and ends up finding Bruce and befriending him.(Maybe there’s an entrance to that dimension in the cave that becomes the Batcave, and Bruce is exploring.)
So Bruce is unceremoniously adopted by this sort of fae child and it takes a little while for either of their respective adults to notice. The fae notices and is debating whether or not they should take Bruce, but then Alfred notices.
Alfred is British, and the British have so many myths and stories about the fae, so there’s no way Alfred doesn’t become convinced they are about to doom his kid to a life as a slave.(Bonus points if this leads to Alfred having a tiny crisis about being Bruce’s father figure and not wanting to replace his parents)
I’m not 100% sure about the rest of the au, but I can clearly picture in my head the fae kid sitting with Bruce at a table, eating cookies, while Alfred and the Fae being have a ‘conversation’(I’m imagining that thing where character a is oblivious to character b and character c having a full out brawl.) Bruce and the Fae kid eat cookies while their respective guardians duke it out.
Years later, Bruce is asked by the kids about the iron brass knuckles in the cave, covered with something.
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difeisheng · 10 months
regarding yu hongzhu and jiao liqiao: i think it's so fascinating that we have these two women left standing who were both put in positions of high status below di feisheng, and who should hate each other now for their pasts. yu hongzhu is the last of the twelve guardians thanks to jiao liqiao, and jiao liqiao would never let her go for her proximity to the man she was obsessed with. and yet, by the present day, these two have still been bound in some kind of relationship by their loyalty to di feisheng for over ten years.
why did jiao liqiao let yu hongzhu live, after all her sisters in jinyuanmeng were dead? was it because her usefulness in protecting di feisheng in seclusion won out over jiao liqiao's jealousy? was it because yu hongzhu had a husband and another lover already, and therefore she wouldn't care to compete for di feisheng too? did jiao liqiao threaten yu hongzhu with killing yu qiushuang, held over her head anytime yu hongzhu considered putting her life in the present over that of her master's? how many times did yu hongzhu want revenge on jiao liqiao, only to hold herself back, because her duty to the alliance and its survival had to come first?
it's circling one another in a vicious dance. you can't kill her, but you can never forget. yet you're twisted together by devotion to another, by the years sacrificed (years lost), by the forging of yourselves into something so sharp in blade and tongue in a man's wulin so that all of them save for the one you serve look at you and react only with fear.
and so, the natural conclusion to all of this, of course, is that these two should hatefuck about it.
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whumpbug · 3 months
okay okay okay so I held back on this one because I asked alternate already BUT. can you put Gene and Cassidy in a sci-fi story. what would they wear what are their roles do you have scene snippets or dialog? sci-fi is my favorite thing ever and as always feel free to ignore if this isn't the vibe!!! i love you bug /p!!!!!
i am all for a sci-fi vibe. even if star wars is TECHNICALLY a space opera, i love love love the space setting and i would be DELIGHTED to talk about it.
im gonna word vomit on the page first and them ill try my hand at a few drabbles in this au. strap in for ANOTHER very long post. THANK U AGAIN SETH I LOVE UR ASKS I TRULY CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF THEM /GEN
okay so. since i'm only really well-versed in star wars sci-fi concepts, this is going to be a vaguely star wars inspired au but i'll try to phrase it in a way thats more applicable to sci-fi in General (its always so fun to translate their jobs and personalities into different settings)
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we'll start with gene. idk why but i'm getting very much a bounty hunter vibe from him. like someone who maybe works for a larger organization or guild hunting down notorious criminals (i mention that he works for an Entity bc i think its sort of important that he doesnt choose his bounties himself. he gets them assigned)
i think he would still do it out of a sense of responsibility because he doesn't think bad people should just be running around like that, but also because. a man's gotta make a living. he's gotta pay the bills.
i can see him having his own little ship that he practically lives out of considering how much he travels, and i feel like he'd get very attached to his ship (much like calliope. sorry calliope you've become a spaceship in this au)
he wears a mask. you can't see his face when he's out doing jobs. he conceals his face, partially because he doesn't want people to see when hes scared or smug or anything like that and partially for the Swag.
that brings me to his overall outfit. i believe in my heart of hearts that gene would wear something like this (i wish i could credit the artist but i couldnt find it)
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except instead of an entire helmet, it would be more of just a black piece of cloth pulled loosely over his mouth and nose. and im also seeing him in a very wide brimmed hat that he can tilt down to Brood pls tell me you guys see the vision.
he'd have a little revolver-looking blaster and knowing him, it'd be set to stun. i don't think he really enjoys bringing people in cold, and does his best to avoid it when he can
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OK now onto cassidy. my beautiful darling boy silver. my sweetiepie.
it was kind of difficult to translate his profession into this setting because. it involves more people other than him.
ultimately i decided that, similar to the modern au, he is a part of an underground business, kind of like a rebellion of sorts, that fight against the injustices of the galaxy robin-hood style. of course, montana is the leader (unfortunately) and cassidy is essentially his right hand man
i can see cassidy traveling planet to planet, dismantling corrupt governments, providing for the needy, and having an absolute blast doing it, but his methods are. very illegal. and there is a growing bounty on his head.
nearly every major government wants specifically him locked away for life because of the destruction he's caused, and of course they hire the very best bounty hunter around to track him down.
and of course cassidy is a slippery fellow
cue their little cat and mouse thing they've got going on. gene wants to catch him because if he does, he'd practically be set for life. cassidy runs away because, well. he has a job to do. he can't get caught, especially by the weirdly attractive masked dude that talks to his spaceship.
and lastly, here is what i think cassidy's fit would vaguely look like:
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he loves ponchos he can't help it. they're too comfy.
he too would have a little revolver-blaster thing and of course, his knife and hat. one thing that it different is the stolen jewelry. i decided that instead of stealing jewelry from the awful people, he takes mechanical/droid parts for his little buddy that he keeps around named SC-071-1 (haha. ahaha get it. please tell me someone gets it.)
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OK ONTO THE DRABBLES AND SNIPPETS! you get 3 because im feeling Generous /pos. here in the first little snippet for you. this is the two meeting in a bar and not wanting to make a scene (gene tracked him there) (i just wanted to write a silly tense scene)
Cassidy heard Gene before he saw him.
The man was always stomping around in a way no one could quite replicate. His footsteps were deliberate, cold, and unmistakable.
And they were right behind him.
The business end of a blaster was suddenly pressed into Cassidy's ribs and his mouth went dry.
"I'll have a Jet Juice. On the rocks."
Gene tossed the bartender a coin, to which he grumbled indignantly and began on the drink.
Cassidy risked a sideways glance at the bounty hunter. His expression was unreadable and hidden as always, and he didn't even turn to look at Cassidy. Instead, Gene leaned close and spoke lowly into his ear.
"Make a scene and you're dead. Try to run and you're dead. Turn on your comm and you're dead. Am I clear?"
Cassidy smirked, and mocked a salute. "Loud 'n clear, sir."
Gene gave a curt nod and turned to the bar. The bartender slid him his drink, which he downed in one go, and he was just about to order another when--
He sputtered when he felt something pressed into a certain.. important area. He blanched.
"Didn't say anything about fightin' fire with fire, did you, cowboy?" Cassidy grinned. The sight of the big bad bounty hunter squirming because his family jewels were threatened never got old.
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DRABBLE 2 HERE WE GO. this one is gene finding cassidy after a mission gone sour. cassidy was effectively abandoned by montana with the promise that he would come back for him.
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The whole mission was a bust from the beginning.
Cassidy should have known. He had a gut feeling-- that it was some sort of trap specifically designed for the organization. When he brought it up to Montana, he said that it was just Cassidy being paranoid. And, of course, he believed him. He always did
And now, there he was, beaten within an inch of his life and left to the elements by the government higher-ups.
They really didn't like people messing with their system.
Cassidy took a labored breath for what felt like the millionth time. Each time it was getting harder. His arms were pinned awkwardly above his head and to fill his lungs, he had to pull himself up. It quickly became exhausting.
The worst part was the cold. Montana had mentioned that this planet's average temperature was a little below what Cassidy was used to, but he didn't mention that the city they were infiltrating was located near the northern pole of the planet.
It was freezing.
Cassidy had long since stopped shivering.
He let his head loll forward. He wasn't sure he had the strength to wait for Montana anymore. He wasn't sure he had the strength for anything anymore. Even keeping his eyes open seemed a monumental task.
So, he let them fall shut.
When he woke up, it was because he registered his center of gravity tilting on it's axis.
There was a body pressed against his. And it was warm.
If he had any remaining strength, he would have clung to his rescuer like there was no tomorrow. Instead, he settled for letting his head fall against the person's chest as he let out a pitiful whine.
A hand chafed up and down his shoulder. "Just relax. We'll get you warm. Don't you dare try to run off, Silver."
He wouldn't dream of it. Not when he could feel himself melting to putty in the arms of this stranger.
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LAST DRABBLE it's gene's turn. in this au he has spasthma (space asthma) and sometimes it hinders his job in Not good ways. and cassidy isn't heartless.
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Cassidy really wasn't thinking when he threw the smoke bomb. All he knew was that the damned bounty hunter was catching up and he needed to throw him off.
He did not expect him to fall to his knees with a guttural coughing fit.
It would have been so easy to leave him there to rot, to hop in his ship and escape without looking back.
But when did Cassidy ever take the easy way out?
"Shit," He hissed, darting back to where Gene was kneeled with a palm supporting him on the ground.
He was clutching at his chest, choked gasps leaving him intermittently. His eyes looked vaguely panicked.
"C-Can't--" He wheezed, getting cut off by another coughing fit. He looked as if he was about to topple over.
Cassidy caught him by the arm and dragged him away from the busy street. He propped him up against an wall tucked into an alleyway and began rummaging around in his bag.
One of the younger kids with the Montana's crew had the same condition with all the same symptoms Gene was having right now. The kid was pretty forgetful, and Cassidy always made sure he had an extra rebreather on him. Just in case.
Gene was going to owe him big time.
His fingers finally grazed what he was looking for and he yanked it out, fumbling to get it open. He shook the small canister and pressed it to Gene's lips.
"You have to puff. Just try, okay? Just a little." Cassidy grabbed Gene's hand and placed it on his chest, exaggerating his own breathing to show him what to strive for.
Gene hiccuped slightly before taking a flimsy inhale. He breathed out and tried at it again, and found it gradually got easier.
When he could finally take a deep breath, he collapsed against the wall, panting. His hand didn't leave Cassidy's chest.
"Thank-- thank you," He whispered.
Cassidy smiled.
"Does this mean I get a headstart now?"
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SETH thank you SO VERY MUCH for this ask and this au. i think i may like it more than their original au GOD i love them so so so much FHDJKFH. thank u for the requests and as always PLS dont be afraif to send more if the mood striked you but no pressure ofc! /gen
hope you enjoy my rambling bc this post was LONGGGGG
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shannonsketches · 6 months
Terrible news gang after the passing of Toriyama sensei my DBZ brainrot is back
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octoagentmiles · 2 years
do you have any hcs for barnacles and dashi ? I'm rewatching it and many episodes start with the two of them in the main area , oftentimes there's a third person involved but it's always the two of them so they must spend alot of time around each other :O 10 / 10 bonding
Had to think hard about this since Dashi's role in the main series is so small—but you're actually so right 👀 10/10 buddies 👍
You'll get my headcanons I promise but first you gotta listen to me infodump, okay? Deal:
I personally headcanon that Dashi was one of the first Octonauts, she hasn't been around a super long time- but at least long enough that she was probably around for the first Octopod, and that would give her and Barnacles (and the other OGs) plenty of time to get close.
We know Inkling canonically founded the Octonauts, but I imagine that it was actually Barnacles who picked out the crew—over various fateful encounters (Kwazii, Peso), or already knowing them (Tweak)—with the two exceptions of Dashi and Shellington.
Shellington heard about them through the kelp vine by pure chance, and got himself a job via determination. Then, at some point—he recommended Dashi to Barnacles or Inkling, and got her a position as an intern. (He knew her through her photography; she took pictures for him once or something like that.)
I also headcanon they weren't called The Octonauts yet at that point. I headcanon that Dashi came up with the "Octonauts" name during her first few days, and they kept it. (Coincidentally, the first Octopod crashed during those first few days. T'was completely unrelated, I promise 😅)
Fast forward: I've been thinking about Dashi in AnB a lot lately, and the one question that keeps coming up is: "Why did Barnacles make her the Captain of the Octoray?"
They haven't addressed it in the show yet, and it felt a little bit like the writers just wanted her to Do Something, y'know? So I went back to rewatch some of her main series episodes, and this scene from The Surfing Snails stuck out:
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This scene shows how much he trusts her. He trusts her to make the right calls, and to be careful. He shows this trust in her again in the Wild Windstorms:
"...I'm ready for this!"
"I know you are, Dashi."
I REALLY wish they had spent more time giving her some kind of arc, showing this trust being built. She absolutely deserved an arc like Peso's, where we could've seen her growth and her bond with Barnacles getting stronger. It would've made the Octoray thing make much more sense, and I would've loved to actually SEE her evolution from "getting stuck in a whale shark" to "inventing stuff with Tweak" to the level of respect that Barnacles clearly has for her in S4 and Beyond, but instead it feels like all that stuff happened off-screen.
I also wanna point out real quick; that Dashi is one of the select few characters to ever call Barnacles by his first name only. This is something that the writers frequently use to emphasize closeness between Barnacles and someone else (Kwazii, Natquik, etc), and Dashi has done it twice. I'll admit I thought it was an error the first time, but then I caught her doing it again in Sac Actun. SO CLEARLY THEY ARE CLOSE. YES? WE AGREE. YES.
ok I'm done. pleasure doing business with you 🤝
*slams hands down on table* MISC. HEADCANON TIME ‼️ (which technically, could all totally be canon until the writers finally decide to give us real information ✨)
She has 100% read ALL of his books and journals, at least twice. Sometimes he gives them to her so she can beta read them, and she's also helped edit a few.
She has written her own journals, mostly in the form of scrapbooks, that she shares with him too. He has a first edition signed copy of one of them.
She made friendship bracelets for everyone on the ship after the Octopod was rebuilt, and he keeps his on his desk. It's still in mint condition.
I feel like at least ONE of the cameras in her collection was a gift from him.
She is trained on how to steer the Octopod manually. Considering the only two on board at the time who knew how to do it were Barnacles and Tweak—her showing slight interest was the only convincing he needed to teach her.
Sadly, she's never needed to use this skill. Yet.
She learned how to play harmonica when he decided to learn accordion, so they could duet together, but she got the hang of it much faster than he did.
They work out together sometimes. She's much stronger than she looks—and has won an arm wrestling match against him at LEAST once. She's also beat him in a foot race; it was almost a very close tie, and she needed to lay down for an hour after—but she did it. He will never live either of these down.
They definitely gossip in HQ sometimes, when it's just the two of them.
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riikaa-chan · 3 months
Chapters: 25/? Fandom: 陈情令 | The Untamed (TV), 魔道祖师 - 墨香铜臭 | Módào Zǔshī - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù, 魔道祖师 | Módào Zǔshī (Cartoon) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji/Nie Mingjue Characters: Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji, Nie Mingjue, Lan Huan | Lan Xichen, Jiang Cheng | Jiang Wanyin, Nie Huaisang, Xue Yang | Xue Chengmei, Meng Yao | Jin Guangyao, Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian Additional Tags: Angst, Slow Burn, Feelings Realization, Misunderstandings, Pining Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji, Hurt/Comfort, Retelling, Protective Lan Zhan | Lan Wangji, Eventual Smut, Protective Nie Mingjue, Wei Ying | Wei Wuxian is a Little Shit, Ghost General Wen Ning | Wen Qionglin, Good Uncle Jiang Cheng | Jiang Wanyin, Supportive Lan Huan | Lan Xichen, Scheming Nie Huaisang, Heavy Angst Summary:
In the aftermath of the Sunshot Campaign, Lan Wangji faces a three-year exile in Qinghe as punishment. Meanwhile, Nie Mingjue grapples with the specter of a looming Qi deviation.
Amidst the harsh winds of fate, their paths intertwine, unspoken emotions simmer beneath the surface, hidden by duty and tradition. But when a long-forgotten threat resurfaces, both men must confront their deepest secrets and desires, they must navigate the treacherous waters of love, risking everything for a chance at redemption and salvation.
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ichorblossoms · 2 months
oh shit yeah grimm and yarrow are exes to lovers huh
#tbf i don't rly think of my writing in tropes. even then exes to lovers doesn't cross my mind as often as friends- or enemies- to lovers#as in it's like. slightly less common? idfk i don't pay all that much attention to that. it's also not a trope i inherently jump at as#someone who personally does not find the thought of getting back with an ex remotely appealing#however. when my characters are stupid about these things...#i think it didn't cross my mind bc they don't. formally break up so i kinda forgot they're technically exes at the beginning of p2#it's like 'i need to fucking book it bc i killed a guy and his guys want my head for that but i'll come back [doesn't do that for. five#years and mostly comes back bc they're out of options]' not 'it's fucking over' yknow?#their relationship by the end of p1 is kind of funky though. it's absolutely romantic in nature but grimm is. kind of a mess bc it's got#this tension of wanting to simultaneously get close to someone and not let them in so the two of them actually don't get all that far?#they're both too afraid to have sex about it that's for sure#i'm not even sure what they call their relationship at that point either. for grimm's sake i don't think they'd really call it anything#in essence it ends with a lot of broken promises that weren't quite promises yknow?#if grimm hadn't booked it i think eventually the two of them might've sorted out their shit but also there's a v high chance grimm would've#fucked things over for good. actually now that i think about it they probably would have run off at some other point#i also think it's important for yarrow's development that grimm fucked off. gotta add some bitterness to that mixture there#you see the five years between p1 and p2 are essential for character development. they gotta marinate in who the fuck they are#make themselves a bit better. make themselves a bit worse. date someone else for a year or so. as it goes#i'm fully rambling here but. what the fuck ever that's what this blog is for#at all times i want to talk about my characters. i only occasionally find a way to make it into a post#grimmyarrow
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