#there doesnt seem to be just one method/site with all the stuff
sammyloomis · 2 years
just finished jailbreaking my 3ds and now i feel like the fish at the end of finding nemo where theyre sitting in the bags in the ocean like YEAHH WE DID IT..... now what??
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suffarustuffaru · 8 months
A bit of a weird ask, so sorry in advance.
What methods/sites would you recommend using for reading Arcs 5-8 of Re:Zero?
I’ve almost finished season 2 of the anime, and I’m pretty sure this has become one of my new favourite anime/works of media in general. 
And considering I keep spoiling myself anyway when I look at Re: Zero tumblr blogs, I figured I should just find a way to catch up with the rest of the series. 
You seem smart, and have clearly read Arcs 5-8, so I was hoping that you would be able to provide some advice. 
hi there!! :D no worries for the ask, its cool to have another rezero fan join in the fandom especially on tumblr (which is a very small, curated circle of a bunch of us trading posts around a campfire HAH) and i hope youve really been enjoying the anime and your stay here so far!! :o this is absolutely one of my favorite media as well (if. if you couldnt tell by the blog pfft) and thanks for the compliments haah i am glad to seem smart.
but yes i gotchu on where to read!! ill be giving you a pretty detailed explanation/guide. (this explanation also goes mainly for english speakers / people who wanna experience rezero in english.) (and of course if any other seasoned fans are seeing this feel free to add on if i miss anything or correct me if needed)
Main Route Stuff:
witchculttranslations is where you can find the translations for the entire main route (which is arcs 1-8). this page is where youll find the main table of contents for each arc and you can find arcs 5-8 there!
note that arc 8, at the time of me writing this ask, is still a work-in-progress and the team of translators in this fandom are always hard at work to translate each chapter. also note that arcs 7-8 are "conjoined arcs" - think of it like arc 7 is part 1 and arc 8 is part 2. so if you happen to get caught up to where rezero is currently at, the rezero subreddit regularly updates chat + update threads whenever new rezero novel content comes out in general. youll find updates on translations or summaries for new chapters there.
there's also distinction between web novel and light novel - web novel are the chapters that tappei releases online, light novel are the official finished versions of the chapters that are released for sale. sometimes there's changes between the web novel and the light novel, but for the most part it's either minor changes to improve on the web novel - sometimes it's major, but for arcs 5-8 iirc there isnt any major changes that you need to worry about.
just note that in the wn translations, all/almost all dialogue is written in script-style. let me show a small excerpt from arc 5 chapter 1:
???: “Good job, Subaru, I suppose.” A small silhouette enters Subaru’s view from above. A loveable girl with long, cream hair and an extravagant outfit—Beatrice. Her fluttering dress looks out of place in the meadow as she presents Subaru with a towel. He accepts it and vigorously towels his head dry. Subaru: “Ah, thanks. Was looking to cool down so this’s perfect.”
so yeah the wn will be formatted like this by the way, just in case you didnt know this yet!! i hope thats not much of a turnoff or anything, but dont worry you get used to it - and the story is still pretty great anyway!!
also dont bother with arcs 1-3 wn. its not so important (and you already know all the major info because youve seen the anime) and also arcs 1-3 wn doesnt have the Best writing. tappei himself had to make extremely major changes for the light novel and the light novel (along with the anime and manga) is the finished and polished result.
and of course the light novel comes with illustrations for each arc. the web novel sometimes includes images as well at the beginning of each chapter, but if youd like to see finished and official illustrations for various scenes throughout arc 5-8 its easy to find them if you search them up online!!
the anime also has a few bits of Important cut content from arcs 3-4 - unfortunately i dont have any resources on hand for this ;-;;; but you can look this up on rezero reddit or online in general since a lot of people have made summaries about this. from what i remember in arc 3 (which is the royal selection/white whale/petelgeuse half of season 1!), the main thing is just the reveal that al has some sort of connection to ram (and rem by extension), some sort of connection to satella possibly, and he is ALSO someone that was isekaied into rezero's fantasy world.
as for arc 4 (which is season 2 of course), the anime got down almost all of the general important info you need to know, but there's a lot of important information in the last parts of arc 4 that the anime didnt include. the anime may include this information (and the al stuff from arc 3) later, but you'll need to know it for arcs 5-8. you can find the witchcultranslations guide for arc 4 here - scroll down and youll find the chapter called Appendix: Advent!! you'll need the info in that chapter for later.
if you want, you can also read the chapters after that - theyre sorted under One Day II and are the official arc 4 interludes that take place before arc 5. i do recommend reading through them, but theyre mainly characterization stuff, character dynamics post-arc 4, everyone trying to recover after arc 4, etc etc. the most important info in there is leadup for arc 5 (all the post-arc 4 aftermath stuff) and also some info/introduction on clind and annerose (who are characters that are briefly shown in the anime for like two seconds). these two do play minor roles in arc 4/beginning of 5, but theyre hinted to be important for later. if youre in a hurry to get to arc 5, totally fine to just skim through it, get basic info on clind and annerose then continue into arc 5 or something. or you can look at their wiki pages - totally cool to enjoy rezero however you wish. it's a LOT of reading dont get me wrong HAH.
as for the manga - this is not required reading or anything, the manga has only done arcs 1-4 atm so it's not really super relevant to you since youre almost done with arc 4 already via the anime!! but of course if you havent done so youre welcome to check it out if youd like, the manga artists are pretty great imo. im just gonna show some art from the manga artists here:
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isnt it pretty? :O very nice stuff.
anyway thats it for main route content!! now i gotta explain side content.
Side Content:
you can find witchculttranslations' side story table of contents here, which very neatly shows you Every Single Side Story and is updated regularly every time tappei comes out with new side content. and trust me, tappei makes A Lot of side content. i guarantee you a lot of rezero fans havent read every side story (and i still have a lot of side stories to catch up on myself), so theres absolutely no need to read every single side story!! honestly just read the ones you find interesting + the ones that are required reading! im not sure how much of the side content youve heard about, but ill give you a rundown:
this extremely helpful google spreadsheet here (thats also regularly updated) tells you how important each side story is and where you can find it so you dont have to go on a wild goose chase wondering which ones you need to read for the main story. rezero side stories are on a sliding scale of just silly stuff tappei wrote for fun to this is VERY crucial for the main story. that google spreadsheet should help you out with that - both the spreadsheet and witchculttranslations have links to almost every side story available.
(the spreadsheet also tells you important details and who it's centered around + when each side story is safe to read free of spoilers after a certain point - so it's easy to decide when you wanna read the side stories and WHICH side stories you'd like to read!)
also i guarantee you that if you have a favorite character in rezero that character Probably has a ton of side content theyre featured in - so i recommend just hunting down all their side content and devouring it whole because im sure youll have a fun time with that. a lot of side content also fleshes out a ton of side characters as well in general - people who Looked shallow in the anime ARENT shallow at all, i promise. many people have hidden depths, which is one of the fun parts of rezero!
witchculttranslations and the google spreadsheet also tell you what order you might wanna read in terms of when each one takes place. i recommend following that order for the most part if youd like, but if you wanna binge read side content or something later you can also do that after reading arc 6.
that's how i experienced the side stories myself (i started reading them after finishing up with the arcs 5-6 plot) and in a way, i would say that might just be the easiest way to do it given a lot of the side stories take place during arcs 1-6 or before the events of arcs 1-6. itll make you go "ohhh thats what was happening with these background characters during *insert event here that was focused on in the main story*" or "ohhh thats why These Guys are like this" a lot pfft. so its easier to just get out the most important ones / the ones thatre most interesting to you all in a row after finishing up with arc 6 👍
The Ex Novels:
these are THE MOST IMPORTANT side stories. :o theyll be extremely important for arcs 7-8 especially!! also because these are light novels the dialogue is written in normal narrative format so hooray for that!!
anyway theres five ex novels. i recommend reading these after arc 6 so you got them fresh on the brain for arcs 7-8.
however if you happen to be a crusch camp fan, you can read ex novels 1-3 at any time youd like!! these flesh out characters like crusch, felix, wilhelm, and theresia (some of the wilhelm and theresia content was shown a bit in season 1 of the anime!) so youd probably enjoy these even more if youre a fan of any of them. ex novel four also features felix, julius, and reinhard too, if that interests you! (as a knight fan ex novel 4 was my favorite akdndn and i loved ex 1!!). but yeah in general though read the ex novels in order (from 1 to 5 of course) so you dont spoil yourself for other ex novels, but as i said - you can read 1-3 at any time, and in general its best to read the rest of the ex novels after arc 6.
the ex novels in general mainly focus on important historical events in the rezero world and stuff that happens before arc 1. the ex novels are also our first introduction to the nation and empire of vollachia—this is also the country that priscilla is from (and al also came from there)!! you get introduced to vollachia's whole deal in these novels. youll need this info for later!
anyway witchculttranslations and the google sheet dont have links to them because theyre published + officially translated light novels that are easiest to access by buying them, so harder to get a free pdf of them. however i got you (and your wallet) covered because i got pdfs for all of them right here (if these links dont work let me know!):
ex novel 1 - crusch and felix-centric
ex novel 2 - wilhelm and theresia-centric
ex novel 3 - wilhelm and theresia-centric
ex novel 4 - felix, julius, and reinhard-centric
ex novel 5 - priscilla and al-centric
anyway thats the ex novels in a nutshell!! and of course if you want a physical copy of these books (or any of the rezero light novels in general) in english you can buy these online (sites like amazon has them) or at a bookstore. if you live in the US like i do, barnes and noble has them irl as well. or if you happen to live near a kinokuniya store, they also sell rezero irl. kinokuniya is also specifically for japanese media so i highly recommend giving it a try if you happen to be near one (i got a rezero keychain from there also hah, rezero merch is a little hard to get a hold of sometimes).
rezero light novels are also translated in a few other languages (iirc spanish and polish are some of the other languages its translated in) so if youd like that too you can look into it and buy some!!
The If Routes:
if youre not familiar with these by now, theyre basically "what if"/ alternate universe stories where subaru makes a different and Very Major choice at different points of the main route. theyre not necessarily required reading, but some do have some important lore regarding several of the characters and in general most of them are extremely important AUs for rezero that emphasize all the themes of the story. they also show the Insane butterfly effect of subaru’s decisions.
and if youve gotten this far with the anime already im gonna assume you probably like subaru at least a little bit? :o yeah his character gets fleshed out in Very Interesting ways in these routes. other characters also get changed in various ways due to his decisions!
new ifs are also released typically every year on subaru's birthday - april 1. so with every april 1 the entire fandom plays russian roulette because either the if will be a super silly one or a Very Important one LMAO.
also these ifs tend to be mentioned a lot in fandom bc theyre very beloved and interesting side stories, so i highly recommend choosing which ones you find interesting and just have fun reading them!! you can find them on the spreadsheet, if you want to read them in a more chronological order, or you can find them on the main witchculttranslations website as tabs on the side underneath Re:Zero If Stories. (but ill provide the links to each separate one in this post also.)
all current if routes at the moment take place somewhere in the arcs 1-6 range, so you can look at them either after arc 6, like i said, or in order as you read along with the main route. ill give a quick breakdown of each if just in case!!
Pride If - diverges from arc 1; subaru doesnt call for help when fighting the three thugs in the alleyway. slight spoilers for one part of arc 5 in like One Scene of pride if.
Wrath If - diverges from arc 2; subaru accepts beatrice’s offer to help in the loop where rem dies + subaru tries to run away from the mansion. very minor spoilers for ex novels/arc 7-8 (characters who appear in those arcs appear in wrath if).
Sloth If - diverges from arc 3; subaru gives up and runs away with rem instead of dealing with the arc 3 conflict. very minor spoilers (a character who later appears in arc 8 appears here).
Aganau If - diverges from arc 3; in the loop where rem dies in the cave and subaru carries her back to the mansion, he decides to go down another route away from the mansion instead. years later, he’s now older and still alive after almost everyone else has died. this if is one of the routes in the now discontinued lost in memories mobile game (and this is The Most Important route out of the whole bunch anyway). you can find a playthrough + english translation of it here.
Greed If - diverges from arc 4; subaru accepts echidna’s contract. major spoilers for arc 4 of course. minor spoilers for arc 5+ (small plot beats are mentioned iirc). a bit of important lore for characters like echidna and clind. the first edition of it can be found here - make sure to read this first. this is because this if was also given a longer and polished light novel version of it (it was a special that came with some of the season 2 blueray dvd packages?) and you can find an english translation for the extended + final version under the Blueray Novels and Databooks section of witchculttranslations' side content page.
Gluttony If - diverges from arc 6. major spoilers for arcs 5-6.
Mimigau If - this is just a genderbend au that tappei made that starts from arc 1!! almost nothing is changed besides the characters’ genders, biological sex, names, etc. i sadly dont have a link to this one, but iirc this hasnt been fully translated yet? and it's also very much not that important of an if lore-wise so you're not missing out on much. the genderbent character names are really fun though!
Lust If - this is, supposedly, an if that tappei wrote in one sitting and then decided to delete off of the official rezero wn site. this if is just an april fools joke where subaru gets a harem of various rezero girls. and imo its not Particularly Good, but it was meant to be a joke and tappei just wrote it for no reason so ig the quality makes sense haah. and also sadly that harem includes petra iirc which. yeah. not what id call great.
Vainglory If / School If - basically a canon high school au for all of rezero! not a necessary read at all but it's super silly and fun. and if you like anastasia and/or priscilla they have a lot of Fun Interactions in this one. im not sure if all of this if is english translated yet, but you can find chapter one here.
Other Various Ifs from Lost In Memories - i dont have the links to all of these, but lost in memories has a lot of other more minor aus as well, aganau if is just the most important + the darkest one. the other ifs are more lighthearted and just extra stuff for funsies. other big examples include a julius if (subaru calls for help in arc 1 and julius is the one who comes to help), a reinhard if of sorts (takes place around arcs 1-2, it's a sillier story where reinhard just keeps appearing out of nowhere to help subaru every time he needs help), and also an otto if (arc 1 divergence; subaru gets involved with otto and the two of them decide to start a mayonnaise business).
A Side Note About Rezero Video Games:
ok i know your ask is mainly about how to READ rezero but i figured i might as well explain this really quick just in case!!
there are a bunch of rezero video games and none of them are really Necessary, so dont worry about it. theyre either like - silly alternate universe stuff or theyre a bit more of the serious au variety (like aganau if, as mentioned earlier. i dont know every single rezero video game out there (and i think theres still new ones in the works at the time of me writing this??) and also almost none of them are english translated so its hard to experience them if you dont understand japanese.
the two most important ones (aka the ones with more story in them) are gonna be prophecy of the throne and lost in memories (which i mentioned earlier!). and again, these games are not necessary content - theyre mostly just side content that you can look at/watch/play through for fun and if you just wanna see more of your faves. you can check them out at any time since they dont have any major arc 5-8 spoilers.
Prophecy of the Throne - this is visual novel + a divergence of arc 3 where a new and sixth royal candidate emerges and it looks like emilia is the fake royal candidate here.... so yeah the plot is just. it's like a game of among us. but it's a fun story with a lot of different character interactions (so if you really like the entire cast of rezero youre in luck!!) and features a tiny bit of lore about some powerful groups in the fantasy world. a few of subarus failed loops in this one are also Particularly Brutal. you can watch gameplay of it on youtube or play through it yourself (i know that the game IS on steam too) since it's fully english translated (and all the jp vas and english vas reprised their roles as well).
Lost In Memories - as mentioned earlier, this is a now discontinued mobile game. iirc it was a gacha game? a sort of fighting game? and also it's narrative driven with a bunch of different routes. you can find the wiki for it here - it summarizes a lot of the main story beats. theres no official english translations for this game, but theres a lot of fan translations that you can find on stuff like youtube if youre ever interested in any part of the game. also it has a really fun opening song and animated sequence. nonoc's rezero music is great <3
A Side Note About Rezero Youtube:
theres a lot of summary videos for both main content chapters and side stories on youtube. im not sure how accurate these videos are, but i know that at the very least they can give you a brief rundown on the main points for certain chapters/side stories if thats something youd like to have!
theres also an entire team of people making a fan-run audiobook for arc 5. ive given some of their episodes a listen, and i can confirm that theyre absolutely great. you can find their readings of chapter 1-47 on spotify, and on their youtube channel theyre up to chapter 62. i think theyve also expressed their interest in branching out into other rezero content as well? :o so if thats also something youre interested in you can check them out there!
In Conclusion
anyway, that should be all you need to know - thats a summary of basically all important rezero content from here on out!! i know this is like. Super detailed. so i hope that this was helpful and didnt scare you away or anything hah. and i hope you have fun reading through rezero :o !! you got a lot of content to choose from thats for sure!!
but yeah ty for the ask, i hope i explained everything clearly enough :o !! and if you need any clarification feel free to ask!!
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eventually--darling · 2 years
How do you make gifs? Care to share your process? o3o
oooh yes i can!!! i tried not to get too detailed with it since im interpreting this as just asking for my process rather than an actual tutorial sudhf.
the general tools i use are photoshop (i pay $10 a month T_T), vlc media player, and one of my various video downloading sites. i don't torrent or anything bc that scares me and i dont understand it. plus, since i almost exclusively gif kdramas the video uploads are generally in pretty decent quality and dont get scrubbed from the web the way western shows do.
so once i have the video downloaded i open it with vlc media player. I use a really inefficient method to extract frames but it works well enough that i don't really care to change it. plus i cant really figure out another way? they say that certain video programs can capture frames for you but none of the ones ive tried seem to have that feature. there's also supposedly another method to do it in vlc media player but it's never worked for me. anyway.
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so to extract frames in vlc i find the moment i want to capture and then use the "e" hotkey to skip to the next frame and click the little screenshot button to capture it.
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i do this over and over at lightning speed until I get all the frames i want. yes this does often lead to accidentally skipping frames (which can make the gif a little choppy) so sometimes i redo it, but sometimes i don't bother.
after i've captured the frames, i copy them from my pictures folder (not entirely sure why they end up there but im not going to mess with the pathway) to a specific folder ive created for that gif or gifset.
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then I'll go through and make sure there are no duplicate or missing frames. after that, i edit them down to about 70 frames per gif, then select them all and rename them so that they're in numbered order (photoshop loads them out of order if i don't).
I do 70 frames mostly bc my sharpening action on photoshop doesnt go past 70 frames and i haven't bothered to fix it lol. also it's comfortable length for a gif so there's not much reason to. you can usually get away with about 40-50 frames tho before it feels too short.
ok nowww i open photoshop and things get good.
first thing i do is load the files into a stack.
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i have a bunch of settings in place to make life easier so i already have my sharpening action created (which sharpens all the frames for me rather than having to do it manually. gift from God), and my timeline visible. so now i just play my sharpening action
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then load the frames into an animation and reverse them so they dont play backwards.
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then i set the frame delay to 0.05 seconds. it's interesting bc gifs played at normal speed look kinda weird. so having it slowed down a little is ideal. not too much though or it looks choppy.
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now i crop the gif. i dont have to do this here but generally i do. just helps me focus without the distraction of the tv bars on the top and bottom and just. All the other stuff going on in the background.
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nowwww i color. usually start with a color adjustment curve layer. when you use the little eyedrop tool this can really deepen the image and bring it to life. you dont realize how dull tv looks until you gif lol.
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that gives me the base tones i want and deepens the image.
sometimes i brighten the gif with the curves layer, but in this case adding a separate brightening layer worked better.
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then i'll export the gif with tumblr dimensions and upload it into a draft.
if it is still too dark or the colors look off, i'll just mess more with the layers. in this case, i only needed the two, but a lot of gifs will need a few different adjustment layers like vibrance or selective color to look right.
And that's kinda it!
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hopefully it makes sense lol. Like I said, im not thinking of this as a tutorial or anything but i still want ppl to know what im talking about uhsfusd
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fox-guardian · 4 years
what are your biggest tips for beginner artists? or best learning resources?
based on my own experiences, watching speedpaints was always a fun way to figure out some methods for drawing in my early days. it was fun to watch the different ways people sketched and colored and rendered and seeing it be made right in front of me made it seem much more possible for me to create something like that as well
there’s a lot of lovely art youtube channels for some free education as well. jazza (formerly draw with jazza) is a classic, he has plenty of drawing tutorials, plenty of which i made use of. a more “advanced” i guess channel would be proko. they have playlists for how to figure draw and do gestures, and a whole playlist for anatomy of the human body for artists, which works pretty well for me personally, but it is very anatomical. if all those individual muscle terms are a bit too confusing, i cant guarantee itll help you, but it definitely helped me, just how my brain works. also they’re kinda funny sometimes. like the pelvis video where they slam dunked a baby doll into a cgi skeletons pelvis. but they also have plenty of other videos about like. character design and a bunch of other stuff i havent gotten around to but yeah check em out. that’s just two channels, but they’re a good jumping off point into other channels and artists you can learn from.
so that’s like, general education of how to draw, and when it comes down to making the art itself, here’s my number one rule for beginners:
that means make sure your liner pens wont smudge when you color over them with marker or paint (made that mistake myself and i got sad) make sure your paper is good for whatever media you’re using (i.e. maybe dont do wet media on paper made for dry media), be wary of bleeding, see how long it takes any wet-ish media to dry (that includes pens and markers)
that also means test out the brushes in your drawing program, mess around with layer modes and selection tools, figure out what shortcuts do what, and if you’re using a drawing tablet of some kind for the first time, do a good amount of practice drawings to get a feel for it, especially if it doesnt have its own screen. (digital art is less stressful in that regard cuz of the undo button so yeah, just a little note there)
in terms of what supplies to actually get, uhhhh idk much about traditional art. im not well versed in that field
digital art though? firealpaca is free and a good start for beginners. not only does it have a lot of good functions for normal drawing, but you can also make simple animations with it. it has an onion skin mode and a website where you can convert the layers into frames and make it a gif but you can also do that part on other sites, but yeah its p neat. 
another free option for animation is blender but i have yet to figure out how to use it, so yeah. there’s tutorials online tho, you can do both 2d and 3d animation, and even blend (heh) them.
but yeah, that’s my advice. and if you do digital art, SAVE OFTEN. 
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idexstuck · 5 years
LBTW’s current outline under the cut. suffer with me
1.0 - the letterbomb initiative
1.1 - ceaseless flight (RnR)
1.1.1 - ruth awakens to find rich has gone missing, seemingly voluntarily. after going about his daily routine, he gets a dispatch from verne to kill mysthuntonium. after assuming that
1.1.2 - the party agrees to lay off accelerating for a while, so ruth spends a good deal of time looking around the dimension he accelerated into. while doing a solo search, he comes across a temple that's seemingly taken the place of where he and his boyfriend used to live. inside, he finds a scrap of paper with standard galactic on it.
1.1.3 - at solar edge, johanna and emerson have a surprisingly civil conversation (only because reese and ruth are there to keep johanna from getting charged with murder). emerson does ruth a favor, translating the SGA on the paper into english. it says 'NOCTURNE.'
1.1.4 - with this, ruth is determined to accelerate further. the party advises against it for his own health, but after insisting he's survived worse, ruth and reese accelerate while johanna says she'll tag along later. she has some choice words with emerson, but follows the party to their next destination. led only by the paper scrap, ruth returns to the site of the temple with reese and finds nothing. after consolidations, ruth's resolve to find his boyf is restored.
1.1.5 - in all of her wisdom, verne has done some extraneous scouting for ruth, and says that- in uncertain terms- rich is alive and well. ruth is relieved, but unsatisfied with the answer; verne says that this NOCTURNE is a threat that bears immediate neutralization. his goals slightly shifted, ruth asks emerson for more help. emerson makes it a 'date,' of course, but he does disclose that NOCTURNE isn't connected to the wireframe at all.
1.1.6 - armed with new information, ruth begins devising new severance patterns to break through the wireframe and neutralize NOCTURNE. johanna and reese say he's jumping the gun, and after hours of failed attempts, johanna invites him to deal with things her way. her methods are questionable, but ruth does relax a little, and promises to stop putting himself in jeopardy.
1.1.7 - it's been a week since accelerating into the current dimension, and despite it being the middle of october, the weather is strangely warm. johanna and emerson have an entirely UN-civil chat, and reality starts falling apart.
1.1.8 - entirely unaffected by the strange happenings, ruth damn-near works himself to death conducting tests on the wireframe with severance patterns. emerson pays him a visit, somehow, and his true colors start to show. instead of watching ruth scramble to destroy the wireframe, emerson gives ruth the pattern that leads to NOCTURNE- but just before things start going xiang-liu levels of haywire. - rich, entrapped by the NOCTURNE, reminisces on his time alone.
1.1.9 - ruth falls into the space outside the wireframe. encompassed by a wintry landscape on all sides, he begins his trek, and is quickly interrupted by a catatonic rich and what he can assume is the NOCTURNE, who appears now as a specter instead of its real form. ruth severs rich from the nocturne- or, at least, repels the nocturne, and they have a very cute and tearful reunite. the outside destabilizes without the NOCTURNE at full power, and ruth and rich fall into the septenary gardens. ruth delivers his letter, and the two of them make their way back to the nearest dimension.
1.0.10 - normalcy has, for the most part, returned- ruth gets his pay, rich gets sick leave for almost dying, and johanna and reese treat the main party to drinks on the house (emerson uninvited). even verne shows up!
1.2 - gridley and the septenary gardens (ruth)
1.2.1 - gridley zimmerman, on the brink of death from NOCTURNE, makes a 'tether' with one of the seven fundamental rules of reality: the septenary clocktower of consciousness. through her extreme faith in the goddess, she's granted theodora von ennekern's personal blade, forged with the purpose of being able to cleave anything in twain. training montage!
1.2.2 - gridley is getting used to her new powers, and tries to create an illusion in which her home was never destroyed. it ends badly, and, consumed with rage, she accidentally cleaves an entire timeline apart.
1.2.3 - focused entirely on vengeance, gridley travels around a few dimensions- one still engulfed by the mirror war, one archaic (theo cameo!), and one close to the present.
1.2.4 - ruth gets a notification from verne that a new threat is on the loose. he nicknames it neptuniomega-237. meanwhile, gridley is pulled back into the septenary gardens after a choice incident with 209 (not shown). while at solar edge, she talks to ruth one-on-one, and says something to the effect of 'i know who you are, and i know what you do, but stay out of my way.' ruth figures this is his target.
1.2.5 -
- show off the clocktowers
- gridleys out to find nocturne right? but like shes mad so shes destroying everything in her path (she doesnt know emerson is doing the exact same thing lol)
1.1.x - within the collapsing sixth clocktower, gridley and ruth have their final confrontation
1.3 - miranda and phoebe (reese)
1.3.1 - while mulling over a drink he can't consume, reese is approached by miranda cassidy and phoebe francis with a deal: he can go back in time and get a do-over of the incident that nearly ended his life- no strings attached.
1.3.2 - at the discretion of even emerson, reese accepts M&P's deal- in his eyes, he's got nothing to lose but his life for the second time. he meets up with M&P at phoebe's bar, and after tasting some of phoebe's house mix (bad idea), miranda and phoebe send him back a week before the incident.
1.3.3 - reese, restored to his old organic form, quickly remembers how the week before the incident played out, and begins to retrace his steps at the dis-advisement of phoebe and miranda (acting as the devil and angel on his shoulder in a sense). on wednesday- the seventh day before the accident- he tampers with the strange purple section of the wireframe he encountered earlier.
1.3.4 - thurs
1.3.5 - fri
1.3.6 - sat
1.3.7 - sun
1.3.8 - mon
1.3.9 - tues
1.3.10 - wed
1.4 - emerson (johanna)
1.4.1 - emerson and reese go on a 'date,' and when reese gets back to solar edge, he's nearly killed by johanna. johanna finally admits why emerson makes her so mad, but in vague terms at best. reese, determined to know why, presses further, but she avoids the topic by getting hammered and refusing to answer any more questions.
1.4.2 - while trying to visit an old friend in gracetown's hospital, johanna is stopped by emerson, and, constrained by social order, they catch up with each other. emerson is as slippery as ever when it comes to goals and motives, but johanna makes it 100% clear that her next move is ending his life.
1.4.3 - johanna asks ruth to help her in severing things from the wireframe. we get a lesson on wireframe mechanics, and a nice bonding bit between johanna and ruth. johanna is surprisingly competent, and ruth is a surprisingly good teacher.
1.4.x - within the wireframe, the party confronts 210, johanna leading the charge. in a final attempt to eliminate the neutralizers, emerson consumes the prime material plane. through sheer force of will, johanna survives, and severs emerson's connection to the wireframe, essentially killing him. his body collapses, and johanna is thrown into a (all things considered) pretty normal version of gracetown.
1.4.x - johanna and emerson (somehow still alive), have a chat about morals and stuff.
1.5 - reverse actor (RnR)
2.0 - catch you on the flip-side
2.1 - unit 12 & mirror stuff (reese)
2.1.1 - through a hole in the septenary gardens, the party finds themself on the flip-side, a mirror dimension from which the mirrors originate. they meet johanna's flip-side variant, and begin to explore this weird version of the world.
2.1.2 - while coming back from a scouting dispatch by verne, ruth is stopped by a strange man named unit twelve, who claims to be something called an observant. he says that ruth has tipped the cosmic scale of good and evil too far in the "good" direction, and before ruth can ask why that's a bad thing, U12 makes it clear that he's out to eliminate the neutralizers for good.
Unit Twelve Healing Chapter where he learns how to bake and Heals
do it like in HCDND i beg of you- u12 is concoting some runic shit to contact the nocturne directly and gain its favor- like, backstory then, etc etc
2.2 - marcia (main three)
2.2.1 - the main party wakes up in a gaudy ballroom, golden and clean, but inhabited by nobody. they quickly meet marcia, who has been alive and well this whole time, albeit under the dominion of the NOCTURNE. while showing them about the place, NOCTURNE sees it as a chance to strike. the group splits up- ruth with marcia, johanna with gridley, and reese with rich. - ruth, while hiding from the NOCTURNE, gets some answers from marcia about NOCTURNE and the flip-side. - johanna and gridley have found some kind of supply closet to hide in, and they find out that they're more similar than they thought. - reese and rich share relationship advice (and cooking skills).
2.2.2 -
2.3 - nocturne (main three)
2.3.1 - the party regroups after sneaking around the NOCTURNE's shadow, and finally shows itself in its true form- a body double of ruth. it lets itself be 'defeated' by the party, but not before ruth is shown an illusion in which he becomes one of NOCTURNE's lackeys. afterwards, the ballroom returns to normal, and marcia seems mildly disappointed at the outcome of the battle. she offers to treat them to dinner, but specifically reese refuses, and they head back to flip-side solar edge.
2.3.2 - ruth and rich commiserate about missing home.
2.3.3 - over dinner, the party discusses just how they plan on getting home. verne contacts them with a call and ensures that she can and will bring them home- but the hurdles won't stop after that.
3.0 - zero mercy; red string
3.1 - the helena effect & more on the red string theorem (mercy)
3.1.1 - verne leads ruth and rich on a duo mission towards a woman named mercy helena, who is trying to deduce whether or not soulmates exist. through extensive testing, the answer seems to be no- but in a final gambit, she tests her experiments on ruth and rich. as it turns out, testing for the red string means that she has to sift through the entire story of how they met.
3.1.2 - turns out, ruth and rich met at solar edge!
3.1.3 - ruth takes a dispatch mission from verne, and runs into rich along the way. ruth comes clean about his true occupation, but rich seems to not mind.
3.1.4 - while on break, rich and emerson share relationship advice.
3.1.5 - ruth and rich go out, officially, at a nearby restaurant.
3.1.6 - after a particularly dangerous dispatch, rich patches up ruth in the med-bay. this is our first look at rich's healing magic!
3.1.7 - after another stressful day of dispatches, ruth and rich go out at solar edge.
3.1.8 - a few weeks after moving in with rich, ruth notices his boyfriend is acting a little on-edge as of late. when he tries to ask what's wrong, rich clams up and refuses to answer.
3.1.9 - rich, unable to sleep, makes tea and observes late-night gracetown. ruth, also unable to sleep, plays some tunes on his ol' guitar (gin blossoms, of course). rich simply requests that ruth stays with him instead of trying to fix his problems. ruth insists that rich's problems are his own, but rich is having none of it. the next day, ruth finds that rich has voluntarily gone missing.
3.1.10 - after intense calculations, helena determines that rich and ruth are indeed soulmates- and the whole backstory thing was just a tiny part of what she needed. as it turns out, the two of them are tethered to the zeroth and most enigmatic clocktower- that of which helena theorizes is human bonds.
3.2 - xiao lei and the zero
3.2.1 - a psychic woman named xiao lei asks gridley for help on her own time, and not because of a verne dispatch. gridley agrees to help, but for some reason, xiao lei can't be mind-read like anyone else normally can. she introduces gridley to the idea of the zero- a place beyond any '-side' that exists- the very edge of unobservable reality.
3.3 - anti-freeze
3.3.1 - in a strange twist of fate, ruth is the one that goes missing this time. he awakens in a strange laboratory, accompanied by a woman who calls herself "five" and claims to be part of an "anti-freeze initiative." they chat, and as it turns out, five has never heard of the clocktowers, and comes from an awfully odd place.
3.4 - macy and valentine's day
3.5 - vivian
- theo's whole thing
- alter-egos (main three)
- 209 proper (main three)
- who is R.Z. (RnR)
- astraea (theo)
- vernes backstory (verne)
- angelica (rich)
- vivian and more about the outside (main three)
- em alter (johanna and em)
- diagammathetium
- Girls' Frontline Healing Chapter Except It's Letterbomb! A Whole Part of Fluff!
- phoebe gets in lots of trouble for fucking w cosmic waste
- septenary clocktowers except its mirror temple b-side from celeste
- cass (oldie)
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johnny-boy-17 · 5 years
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STAR VS THE FORCES OF EVIL or The Art Student’s Awakening (A Review)
Oh hey, it’s another review by me that nobody asked for! Ok, this one is actually gonna mean a lot to me since this show is pretty much the reason I even started posting things on this site to begin with (thank you and curse you Tumblr), so I need to get it all off my chest. 
Short version: It’s really fuckin’ good, and y’all should check it out. The ending could have used a little more finesse, but it’s still pretty damn good.
Long version: *gasps for air*
Ok let’s start with the story. Yeah, it’s certainly a rollar-coaster. What starts out as a fun little-romp-of-the-week type of story...
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...becomes this tale of power corruption, racism battle, and a tale of trust in one another and unity among the people.
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Whether or not it handles that well seems to be half and half. On one hand, grace under fire this show is not. It does seem a little rushed in the last season, and you can really tell it wanted to be a bit longer, flesh out ideas, but didn’t have time for it (I blame the Mouse on that). 
I mean I dunno about you, but a show that introduces time travel right the fuck out of nowhere in a medium never seems to end well, this show is no exception.
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That and they reeeeeaaaaaally try to knock you unconscious using a hammer with all the prejudice allegories.
On the other hand, good characters can make a shit story seem like high-class art. And good characters this show has in spades (no eclipsa-related pun intended).
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Firstly, Star Butterfly herself. It seems stupid not to start with her. And... yeah she’s a really fun protagonist. Not only is she basically Sailor Moon hyped up on too much nose candy, but she has an incredible story of growth to go with. She starts as a fun-loving monster battler that’s too eager to run away from her problems to this teenager facing the looming shadow of adulthood head on and ready to ditch her past of monster-ism(?) for good, never to let such discrimination see the light of day again. Not to mention Eden Sher just absolutely brings this character to life, even if it’s just little things she says like “yeah totally totally totally” or “we got burger juice on the wall rug.” Something in her performance just absolutely friggin’ works wonders. I’d say she’s probably one of my favorite protagonists out there that “the big D” has come up with, but my favorte character they’ve created in a looooong time? That award... 
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... goes to mother-fuckin’ Marco Ubaldo Diaz. I cannot BELIEVE how much they won me over with this guy. I think it’s because I saw so much of myself in this guy to the point where I am convinced he’s my long-lost brother. This B0I starts out as this paranoid play-it-safe ‘nother brick in the wall type who just wants to get through his teenage life without any kind of trouble, and by the end is a guy who’s ready to shrug off getting impaled by an evil unicorn being ridden by a corrupted version of Star’s half-demon ex just to get him to snap out of it (it just now dawns on me how fuckin’ batshit this show is). I just love how as he’s easing up on his paranoia, he learns to stop taking himself so seriously and let loose every now and then. Adam McAruther deserves praise for playing this guy, and I don’t know who could ever play this guy like he did. If no other takeaways for this show were to be, it’d be that Marco is in a lineup of my favorite fictional characters of all time.
Now I sense some ears (ok fine all ears) are waiting for me to talk about the two together, so I’ll touch on it once, and make an entire post on it later: It’s great. It’s pleasing to the eye, it’s wholesome for the soul, it makes them both into better beings, the opposite attracts thing is done beautifully, the chemistry could make Bill Nye proud, and I think their ending was as good as it could be for them... though I do hate how long it took to get there. 
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OK LIGHTNING ROUND GO (can’t get ‘em al, so sorry):
-Tom: I like the guy, definitely a more relatable and visible character arc and his design is neat.
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-Jackie: I wish my lesbian venice beach girl got more appreciation, but I luv her none the less.
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-Janna: I luv my strange bisexual filipino witch-wannabee (you know what I said is true don’t deny it)
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-Moon: Never really gave her full trust, but was not disappointed by her in any way, despite various actions in the end.
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-River: I liked him in the beginning season, sorta trailed off by the end.
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-Kelly: Not sure why she was there, but she was cool.
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-Eclipsa: We stan that queen! Loved the fact that her motives were so grey, and you every could tell if she was going to turn out to be truly bad or not.
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-Globgor: We stan that king! I adored how he actually was a threat back in his day, but now regrets everything he ever did then (plus him size shifting in fights is creative as hell), wish we could have had more of him, but it’s cool that we got any at all really.
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-Glossaryck: I loved him, true chaotic neutral god. He was such a troll, and he has my respect (and to think all he wanted to do was die).
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 -Ponyhead: I hope that sack of shit gets donated to a glue factory.
But what is a good story without good villains? Well, this show wants to have a ton of good ones, but nothing really sticks to the wall too well, though they do leave an impact.
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LUDO: This is how to do  a comedic villain right. You have fun with him in the beginning, and then you make him into a legit threat the next, and by the end give him a redemption arc so as to let him go back on his old ways without soiling his actual good moments as an antagonist. He was the one who surprised me the most.
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TOFFEE: Ooooohhhhhhhhh everybody loves this lawyer-lizard B0I and so do I. This guy’s plan was 1: not evil at all, 2: his methods were borderline black and grey, and 3: it was still going on in the background of the story of the entire show since his arival. His personality was cool, suave, persuasive, manipulative, downright terrifying sometimes, and he was just so good at it. While everyone certainly wishes we had more of him, what we got and how long le lasted just cements him as probably one of my all-time favorite villains ever really.
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Ms. HEINOUS/METEORA: Oh shakespeare where art thou? Such a wondrous work this tragedey is. Heinous just starts out as a villain who pushes the patriarchy so you can say “fuck that shit,” tries to steal youth for herself, wants to kill Marco for ruining her perfection, y’know yahoo. But the moment you realize her name is Meteora, and what her past has been like... yeah, this is a fuckin’ shakespearian villain for certain. It gets to a point where you begin to agree with what she’s doing, and you’re glad thing turn out all right for her in the end, but god-damn she was such a captivating force to go up against. Scar can suck one compared to this.
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MINA LOVEBERRY: I wanna say this was a good attempt at an Aku-type villain (humor and terror in perfect balance), but yeah she could have been handled better. For what we did get with her though, I’m content with it. It’s just funny to see hobo-usagi here just hulk out and talk with a southern accent about what is essentially senile racism n’ shit. There are hints to a tragic past that led to this, and that was nice, but overall not exactly a swan song.
In fact, that’s kinda how the whole ending was wasn’t it? It was serviceable, but nothing big to write home about. I could have definitely used a little more polish to flesh out some things, but we got left with enough to tide over I suppose, though I so wanna see more. 
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I mean, look at this new world we were left with! Could you imagine a new season just exploring that? It sounds like so much fun! However, the crew have this “leave them wanting more mentality (ha! hope you were paying attention to that foreshadowing!),” not to mention I have seen the creator Madame Daron Nefcy encourage all the creative fans this show has to do all sorts of stuff (of which we seemed to have wasted no time and not even waited for the show to end to start doing *glares at the fan-made-starco kids everywhere*).
Really, at the end of it all, I’d compare this entire series to a friend doing a cannonball from a high-dive. First, you’re amazed that they decided to climb the ladder. Second, you’re in awe of the guts their showing to prepare for the jump. Third, you gawk as they actually did jump off into the water from the height. But fourth, you see them underwater and watch them un form the ball and into a weird janky zero-gravity water thing swimming up for air, not to mention you remembered they didn’t swan dive. But that doesnt mean the plunge was all that bad, you enjoyed watching all the steps to it, didn’t you?
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Overall, the score I shall leave it at would be... 7.5/10, and an easy thumbs up approval. It’s ending and other aspects have a lot to be desired, but the story and characters are too good to ignore. 
Check it out if you haven’t already (probably binge it), and to Madame Nefcy (if by some stroke of a miracle you see this) thank you so much for creating this show. I am so glad I saw it despite my gripes, and I’d gladly see it again.
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airoasis · 5 years
5 Days Of Living Plastic Free | Try Living With Lucie | Refinery29
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/5-days-of-living-plastic-free-try-living-with-lucie-refinery29-2/
5 Days Of Living Plastic Free | Try Living With Lucie | Refinery29
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Im Lucie Fink and this week is 5 Days of dwelling Plastic Free. Hey every body, and welcome again to check out residing with Lucie. We’re back with new episodes this year, and weren’t gonna have videos a week this yr, however we do have an whole new season coming at you, so keep tuned. Im above all excited for this subject due to the fact its something that i myself had been diving into in my view over the final few months, and that is dwelling plastic free. If youre an avid are attempting dwelling with Lucie viewer, you might don’t forget that years back I did five days of no trash. I didnt produce any waste for 5 entire days and this subject of residing plastic free is kinda equivalent, but the essential change is that this time i am specializing in plastic.So why plastic, you would ask. Good, in keeping with a Refinery29 article, plastic takes at least four hundred and fifty years to break down, and a few doesnt ever spoil down. Ever. With the aid of the 12 months 2050, its estimated that there might be extra plastic within the sea than fish. In contrast to what I discovered from Spongebob back in the day, the smallest creature within the sea, Plankton, shouldn’t be absolutely all for consuming Krabby Patties everyday. However plankton are genuinely consuming the small particles that drift by means of the ocean. And in todays world, those small particles comprise microplastics. In actual fact, ground down plastics or small bits of plastics from matters like the microbeads in face wash. So the plankton devour the microplastics, then the better fish devour the plankton, and sometimes larger fish additionally consume better pieces of plastic, after which we as humans devour the larger fish.So the plastic that had been utilizing is slowly making its method back up the food chain, to us. Earlier than diving into this episode, I knew simply the girl I had to visit, Lauren Singer. Shes the zero waste guru who I featured in 5 Days of No Trash. Three years worth of trash, right inside of this jar. So on Sunday, I went to her bundle Free save in Brooklyn, and she or he helped to guide my five day venture. What Ive learned through this approach of casting off plastic from my existence is that I used to be making use of some distance more products than I truely wanted.Society form of tells us that we’d like 4 hundred things to appear and suppose our great, and what I realized is that thats no longer proper. I will have one bar of cleaning soap that i use for shampoo and my physique, i can have one face product. I can be more with much less. On Monday, we are going to focus on the kitchen and seem for objects that we can to find multi-use, non-plastic possible choices for. The kitchen is the discipline of my home where I in the beginning assumed that I used the most plastic. I sincerely had already made many of those swap outs months ago. However on Monday, I went through my entire kitchen to make sure that I was overhauling the whole lot. So pause the video, get out a pen and paper and write these swap outs down.Number one, cut out all plastic wrap and dangle wrap, and replace it with reusable beeswax wrap. The one that i exploit is washable, reusable, and compostable. Two, not ever use a plastic straw again. For those who love ingesting from straws, replace them with stainless steel straws. That is now how I drink. If you want to use a compostable paper straw, thats better, however just make sure youre no longer utilizing any plastic straws on the grounds that these are rather dangerous to marine lifestyles.Number three, stop buying paper towels that come wrapped with plastic or are themselves filled with chemical substances and rather use reusable rags or cloths to your kitchen. And number four, cut out all plastic meals storage containers and as an alternative use glass or stainless steel containers. If you want some recommendations of different kitchen swap outs, which you could change ice dice trays or popsicle molds with stainless-steel or silicone trays. That you could pick to make use of a glass blender as opposed to a plastic one. That you could making an at dwelling composting bin in your freezer so that they can lessen your want for plastic rubbish luggage. And one more factor you are able to do is eliminate your utilization of plastic cups, plastic plates, or any napkins that come wrapped in plastic. Many of the gadgets that youve already visible and are going to look within the leisure of this video came from package deal Free keep, and the first-rate information is they present international shipping, so for everybody out there that wishes to buy these items, Im gonna put a link to their keep in the description field.Start making a checklist for yourself, and as quickly as youre done gazing this video, begin shopping those zero waste swap outs. On Tuesday, have been going to center of attention on the place I started my zero waste journey, which is with personal care objects. I had at the start assumed that the kitchen used to be where most of my plastic usage was coming from, but because it seems, its certainly the lavatory and my private care routine. Even within the first thirty minutes of many peoples day, theyve already touched a plastic toothbrush, a plastic toothpaste tube, a plastic soap dispenser, disposable plastic razors, face wipes in plastic wrappers, dental floss in plastic containers, and the record goes on and on and on.So listed here are some plastic free swap outs in your toilet. Swap those plastic razors for a metal safeguard razor. Discontinue buying makeup remover wipes or single use cotton pads that come wrapped in plastic. As a substitute use a average make-up doing away with oil with reusable cotton rounds or reusable cotton face wipes. Eliminate all physique soaps, shampoos, and conditioners that are available in plastic bottles, and prefer physique soap bars and also shampoo and conditioner bars, or find shampoos and conditioners that are available in 100 percentage recyclable and refillable aluminum bottles. Swap out your plastic loofah for a ordinary bathtub sponge. No more plastic deodorant sticks. Instead use glass jars that have cream deodorant. Restrict all plastic dental floss containers which absolutely incorporate synthetic dental floss, and alternatively use one hundred percent silk refillable dental lace that is available in glass jars. And of path, say goodbye to your plastic toothbrushes and choose a bamboo one instead. If youre something like me, at the finish of this process, youre gonna have plenty of empty bottles and containers that you simply dont understand what to do with.I take advantage of the personal care and grace recycling application from TerraCycle which is thoroughly free. You simply comply with the recommendations on their internet site which in actual fact has you separate out the suitable waste which winds up being simply a lot of caps. Then they acquire it for you without spending a dime, and its made into new recycled merchandise. On Wednesday, were gonna take this to the streets and observe plastic-free residing out within the wild. So what are some hints and tips for humans who’re simply dwelling in the real world, they wish to be semi-typical people on the go, how can they scale back their plastic? The first thing that I think about is the right way to prepare.So if youre ready for your day, its a lot much less seemingly that youll come across a situation the place you dont have the instrument that you just want. My basic everyday tools are quite a reusable bag, my reusable espresso cup which can be utilized as a water bottle, after which I consistently have a bit of package of a fork, knife, and spoon with me and that helps quite a bit on account that if I do get food on the go, I dont have got to use a plastic set of utensils. I will use my possess and it feels lots nicer to consume off of bamboo or chrome steel than it does plastic. Its the going out and about part that makes residing plastic free extra complex for the reason that various the time, single use plastics are there for our convenience when had been on the go.For instance, if were on the transfer and we dont wish to carry meals with us we can simply opt for up food on the go in a plastic container and eat it fairly speedily using plastic utensils. If were thirsty on the go, we will just take hold of a drink in a plastic bottle. If were out there browsing on the go, and we dont have something to hold our new gadgets dwelling in, the store will supply us a plastic bag to place our stuff in. So these single use plastics are making things a little bit less complicated for us, but a whole lot worse for the planet. And surely, a whole lot worse for us too ultimately. So on Wednesday, I just tried to reside a common day trip and about without utilizing plastic. And then I came up with a entire record of matters that should remain prime of intellect for you if you want to take a look at residing plastic free on the go.First, convey your possess reusable cup around with you. Whether its for refilling water on the go or handing it to a barista and asking them to make your drink proper in it, Tip #1 is to literally by no means purchase a plastic bottle again except its an absolute emergency and youre gonna faint of dehydration. On Wednesday, I went to Dough, which is my favorite donut shop in New York city. I surpassed them my mason jar, I asked them to make me an iced tea proper inside it. And no straw, please. After which I received 4 donuts in a compostable cardboard box, and it was once a pleasant morning.Tip #2 is take reusable bags with you anyplace you go. That manner if youre shopping, you can at all times simply throw the objects within the bag and you by no means ought to get a plastic bag again. If youre a type of folks who normally forgets to carry the luggage with you, preserve them in rather handy places round your home. Under your sink, keep them round your desk at work, tuck them into the bottom of your backpack so you invariably have one when youre out and about.And if youre a relatively forgetful man or woman perhaps are attempting having the tote that you carry your telephone and your keys and your pockets in be a reusable tote bag that you need to use to place groceries and other objects in. Number 3, for foods at work, preserve a collection of reusable utensils on your desk drawer. Ive had the same set of bamboo utensils for 2 years now and that i just handwash them after each and every use. Number four, begin shopping in bulk instead of buying matters that come wrapped in plastic. This zero waste market package is from package deal Free and it comes with the whole thing that youre seeing proper here. And lastly, if in case you have any plastic luggage just stashed away at house from earlier trips to the grocery store, or if youre like me and you have got baggage of bags, simply deliver them again to the shop you got them from for recycling. And an additional tip that I already stated in 5 Days of Going Zero Waste is if youre ever eating out, ask your server or your barista to serve you your meals with out a coaster, and no serviette.There are plenty of tiny changes that you would be able to make. Matters like getting your ice cream in a cone as an alternative of in a cup with a plastic spoon, and even switching to all ordinary chewing gums that dont come wrapped in plastic and dont without a doubt include plastic themselves. Yes, most gums have synthetic plastics in the gum. The pleasant way to making these alterations is to identify the areas of your life where the alterations must be made. So making a plastic tracker. Any time you come upon plastic for your every day existence, jot it down and then begin making swap outs. On Thursday, good center of attention on plastic free and secondhand apparel. So can we speak just a little bit about what is actually occurring and the way rapid fashion is affecting landfills? So the typical American sends about seventy pounds of textile waste to landfill every year which, for all american citizens, thats about sixteen million tons of textile waste which is a significant quantity of trash.One thing that I do to restrict that’s retailer secondhand. Theres even condominium choices like appoint the Runway which makes it really high-quality and handy to get cool clothing without collaborating in this like single use rapid fashion culture. Speedy fashion is a primary drawback in relation to plastic. Ive in reality been looking to do an entire 5 day task round sustainable fashion, thrifting, and looking secondhand.So remark below when you wanna see that. But in the meantime, on Thursday I took one small step towards lowering my artificial microfiber pollution. In case you havent heard the term rapid trend, it refers to development chasing and low cost clothing thats produced fairly quickly via mass market shops. Im very guilty of purchasing these clothes considering the fact that number one, theyre adorable. And two, theyre low-cost. But on top of the negative working conditions for the makers of this clothing, most of the textiles and artificial materials utilized in speedy fashion simply dont ruin down. Thankfully, in line with a Refinery29 article, the fashion enterprise pendulum is establishing to swing toward the desire for more aware clothing. And even as theres still an extended technique to go, a few matters you can do right now are: quantity one, start shopping for garments which can be made with recycled materials.Quantity two, when youre completed with garb, rather of throwing it away, donate it. And then if you wish to substitute those objects on your closet, change them with secondhand gadgets. And number three, while you order garments on-line, to find on-line stores that offer plastic free cargo choices. One other tip is to scrub your garb much less most commonly due to the fact for those who do have artificial apparel, each and every and every time you run that washing computer, youre releasing extra microplastic particles into the ocean. As a substitute, simply are attempting doing spot contact-u.S.A.By hand to the areas that have to be cleaned. On Thursday, I went by way of my closets and that i donated two baggage of garb. And every time Im in a position to top off these items, in poor health be shopping at a secondhand retailer. On Friday, good talk about whatever that makes me particularly, relatively excited, weirdly. Which is a plastic-free interval. Durations! Im getting a bit of bit personal now, but it surely in order that happened that on Friday, as I was capturing this episode, it occurred to be that time of the month for me. And generally, throughout my interval id be using a tampon with a plastic applicator or a type of panty liner pads that has a plastic piece that you simply peel off to make it sticky.I know that there are cardboard tampon applicators and organic cotton tampons, but on Friday I wanted to head all in, no pun intended, and check out the least wasteful choice. Menstrual cup. Menstrual cup. What is it? How do you utilize it? So a menstrual cup is a bit silicone cup. Its about that tremendous. And also you basically squeeze it in half, after which fold it again. And you simply insert it inside you, and it opens up.And it has 4 little holes that create a suction within you and acquire blood for the duration of the direction of the day. You empty it a few times a day, or however traditionally you feel you must. Then you rinse it with some natural and organic soap and water, and you set it back in. On Laurens website trashisfortossers.Com, they perform a little math equation that indicates in the event you purchase this kind of and use it for ten years, intent its good for up to ten years, as opposed to utilising healthy cotton tampons for ten years, how much money youre saving.And that you can literally retailer 1000s of greenbacks. I think its $1640.00. I certainly redid the math, and its $1640.01. O.K., this it. Ive bought my menstrual cup. And Im about to move put this inside of me for the first time ever. Whooooo! I did it! I did it! What an experience! K, to be able to be wholly sincere, it was once now not the simplest thing on this planet to do. I had to put a reflect down there and rather compare the entire area. However I took my time, I comfortable somewhat, and eventually, I got it in simply exceptional. Should you select to make use of pads, which I often do at night, simply substitute your plastic package panty liners with reusable natural and organic cotton panty liners. I ordered these two from package deal Free save. This one is for typical undies and this one is for a thong. Theyre biodegradable, they usually also compost naturally once youre finished using them. And what have you learnt, 5 days later and Ive enormously decreased my use of plastic in my house and my existence frequently. If all people in the market did this, consider of the confident results that it might have on our wellbeing, on our oceans, and on the entire ecosystem of this planet.If youre the type of character thats continually pondering, "well Im only one man or woman so how would I most likely make a change?" just suppose about all the individual folks in your life that you would inspire when you made these small alterations. And its all about that chain response. Plenty of folks believe that inquiring for what you need when it comes to plastic free possible choices, makes you appear or believe weird. I wish to feel about it in the whole opposite manner, I feel that its super empowering and funky to have any person appear at you in a weird approach while you ask them to position something in your mason jar. And as opposed to internalizing it as judgment, I prefer to feel of it so that you can educate the humans around me. Its a fairly robust role to be in.Im hoping this video conjures up even just one individual in the market to make some changes, so remark under if that man or woman is you and optimistically we can save some marine creatures alongside the way. Mwah! Sending a lot love from the big apple to all of you around the globe. Comment below and let me recognize what 5 Day assignment you wish to have to look me are trying next time, and well see ya then on are trying residing with Lucie. Bye! Hello YouTube, thanks for looking at my 5 Day mission. Click right here for an additional five Day undertaking, correct here to subscribe to Refinery29 on YouTube, and here for my private YouTube channel. See ya! .
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batterymonster2021 · 5 years
Attorney Local SEO Tip: Here's Why Your Law Firm's Citations Aren't Working | Law Firm Marketing
New Post has been published on https://bitcoinbetanews.com/attorney-local-seo-tip-heres-why-your-law-firms-citations-arent-working-law-firm-marketing/
Attorney Local SEO Tip: Here's Why Your Law Firm's Citations Aren't Working | Law Firm Marketing
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Howdy every body, Andy Stickle here. Just wanted to report a quick video on the grounds that Ive been getting plenty of individuals just lately contacting me, and asking me, How do I get into the google maps? And what we are looking at proper right here, this is the google maps for the time period ‘DallasPersonal injuries legal professional.’ So, this maps section could be very fundamental considering the fact that plenty of occasions, individuals deal with this identical to the yellow pages. So, theyll search Google private damage lawyer, Google automobile accident lawyer Theyll search Dallas automobile accident lawyer, or Phoenix vehicle accident legal professional, DUI legal professional or something it is their searching for. And quite a lot of occasions, a tight percentage of mobile calls are going to move to those three listings proper here. And ordinarily what it comes right down to is, the quantity of reports truly, it probably comes down to the score followed with the aid of the quantity of stories. So, in this example, on the grounds that all of those organizations have 4.5, four.9, four.6, thats pretty similar. Its customarily going to come back right down to the quantity of experiences, a hundred and one studies would win. I dont know. Routinely when you get too many reviews, I found that, you realize, you almost seem like a mill and a few folks would not like that.But, you know, thats predominant. But, anyway, how do you get in these maps? Thats some thing thats very foremost. So, I need to exhibit you this correct right here. And this is straight from Google. You will find its aid.Google.Com. Fortify your regional rating on google. Now, theres a very fundamental part to this, the bottom of this.How google determines nearby rating. So, theres a couple of things. So to begin with is relevance. Relevance in actual fact means, how critical are you to the topic. And definitely, they are saying it right here. Relevance refers to how good a neighborhood listing fits what anyone is browsing for. So, for illustration, if anyone searches for vehicle accident legal professional and you’re a DUI lawyer that doesnt make any experience. However, if any individual searches vehicle accident attorney and youre a car accident legal professional, then thats crucial. So, theres a tonne of methods to grow to be more significant, and thats for an extra video. However, you can typically look again on some of my other videos and spot precisely easy methods to emerge as vital for topics.And more often than not its basically just making definite that you totally quilt a area, and you incorporate all of the exact key phrases on there and latent semantic indexing phrases, and all that stuff. Theres a website called texttools.Net that i take advantage of always. Its texttools.Net. I have some tutorial movies on this that show precisely how to use this application and it makes a huge difference when you are able to do this. And heres a speedy video that suggests methods to use it. The 2nd thing is distance. Now, I also created a video speakme about why Google is treating legal professionals like pizzas. And that straight addresses this distance challenge. So, clearly whats happening is that, if youre The instance Im utilizing is Dallas.Dallas is a horny huge area. So, if youre on the North aspect of Dallas and also you search for Dallas individual damage lawyer, youre going to get an additional set of results than if youre on the south side of Dallas. And the cause for that, is due to the fact Google is utilizing searcher proximity, or whose closest to the outcome. Or essentially what its doing is its returning results which might be in the direction of the searcher. Which is silly when you consider that i have a lot of customers and now not a single one has ever told me that, Oh yea, a client employed me in view that I was once closest to them. Its simply dumb.If you wish to have a pizza, you wish to have the closest pizza location. If you need a attorney, you want the great legal professional. Now, the third and ultimate factor is prominence. And this some thing that refers to trade citations, local citations, exceptional matters like that. But we discovered anything very interesting recently about these citations. And weve seen experiences on this and then we absolutely proven this out on our possess and we discovered this to be proper. Basically, prominence manner different websites that record your internet site, which have all of your understanding. So, for instance Im going to exhibit you two distinctive law businesses and Im going to let you sort of see what the difference is. So, these are each for the searches Dallas individual damage legal professional. Now, this can be a guy and i dont comprehend who both of those businesses are.I mean i know who they are, but I dont be aware of them, I dont have any affiliation with them whatsoever. So, heres a man, his title is Jerry D. Andrews, computer. Now what Im watching for is his stage of prominence. Now, prominence, like I said, is citations. Citations are essentially business listings. So, for instance, four square, tremendous Pages, data group, telephone book, White Pages, facebook, metropolis Search, Insider Pages, all these Yelp. These are all regarded citations. And the extra of them that you’ve, the extra critical Google thinks you’re. But, theres one factor that’s extra primary than the number that you have, and that’s the number that google has indexed for you. And in actual fact, what listed way is after they simply retailer it in their algorithm. So, for example let me exhibit you this. This is the Moz neighborhood search, and that you can go to Moz neighborhood and search your listings. Which you can additionally go to Google and search your entire know-how. So sincerely, what I did is I took Jerry D. Andrews, pc 3030 Lyndon B Johnson expressway. In actual fact, his address and his identify and i put him in Google.And that i need to see, what number of citations or industry listings actually exhibit up in Google once I seek for him. So, this is what Im shopping for, and hold in mind this guy, he is number two on web page two for the keyword Dallas private harm legal professional. So, hes not getting cellphone requires this keyword. Its simply now not going down. So, what I did is that I searched his expertise. Now lets see, we received birdeye.Com, we received birdeye.Com, Manta is a citation, tremendous lawyers is a quotation, regional.Yahoo, b2byellow pages, lawyers can help, I dont recognize if thats a citation, i suppose that style of is, Ezlocal, service provider Circle. So thats the entire first web page. After which let’s have a look at, we bought global wellness properties, phone book, and truly, Im sorry, these aren’t even the identical guy.Since that is the Lee law corporation, Paul Clevenger, Dallas Attorneys close me, John Lilley. So, truly, hes bought about 9 listings on the primary web page. So, lets see. One, two, three, 4, 5, six, seven, eight, nine. Cerebral Palsy legal professional, I dont be aware of what that’s. The opposite bizarre thing is that okay, yea under no circumstances mind. So, hes best acquired 9 listings on the first page. Now, lets appear at his Moz nearby. Now these are like 4 square, super Pages, info group, and none of these were on the primary page, Localeze, Factual, metropolis Search, Insider pages. Now if I open these up in a new tab, simply look at this real speedy. Im just going to open a few of these. Im going to do an index search. The way in which you do that’s that you just just do website online: in front of any URL, and so that it will tell you if the URL is listed in Google. Now you see proper here, I did site, then I did the URL.Your search blah, blah, blah did not in shape any files, so this web page shouldn’t be listed. Heres one other one, tremendous Pages, site. And these are predominant citations. 4 square and tremendous Pages are primary citations. This ones now not indexed. Here is Neurstar Localeze, website online, colon. No longer indexed. Lets see, Factual, web site, colon. No longer listed. So, these are the principal aggregators, and theyre no longer displaying up. Now, once I appear on the quantity one record in Dallas, and that is the Barber law firm. See right here had been back to web page one, Barber legislation company. And lets see, 3102 Maple Avenue, Dallas, Texas, blah blah blah. So, now once I look at that same record for the Barber legislation firm now hold in mind their stuff is just not absolutely listed however theyve got some stuff thats indexed, so lets seem at a few here. Lets look at these three. Tremendous Pages, do not forget super Pages was no longer listed for the opposite man. Lets see if its indexed for these guys. It is indexed.So, you see right here, theres the hyperlink correct there to the super Pages. Let’s imagine Neustar Localeze. K, this isn’t listed. Lets look at city Search, don’t forget metropolis Search used to be now not indexed. And Im now not pronouncing the whole thing goes to be indexed, but this is listed as good. Now, once I search the Barber regulation firm and that i put their tackle in here, 3102 Maple Avenue, Dallas Texas, 75201. Lets appear at what number of citations they have got which are truly indexed. Not what number of they’ve, however how many are clearly listed.So, weve obtained one, two, phone book, ARP, super Pages, tremendous attorneys, Univision, heres their website and then weve got a couple of which are on their internet site. So thats like seven on page one. Heres some extra of their internet site, more of their internet site, exceptional legislation, hg.Org, Yahoo. Now have been on page three. White pages, city Search, higher industry Bureau, top option Awards, top coverage businesses, I dont comprehend what that’s but i suppose its a citation.LinkedIn, Locality, Manta, myezbz, Get Fav. As you’ll discover, their a lot more generic, and so I imply they still have, lets see, heres their Yelp page. So, they just have so many more listings that are indexed. And clearly, what we have now located is that, and honestly, I didnt honestly make this discovery but we verified this due to the fact that somebody else made this discovery and we validated it by watching at our own knowledge. What ends up happening is whilst you create these citations, when advertising businesses create these citations, they as a rule outsource the work.I do know that we dont do our own citations, we outsource our citations. So, what occurs is, you provide the NAP, which is the name, deal with, mobilephone number to the manufacturer thats doing the citations. After which theyre going to want your internet site tackle. And then they in general desire a description of the business. Now, the description of the industry is the place I consider a lot of individuals run into their issues on the grounds that in case you have the identical description on every web page, Google doesnt index every single web page on account that they see it as replica content. So, what weve visible and what weve seen as we confirmed is that for those who use a different description for every citation and also you dont recycle content to your citations, then you definately get extra pages listed. And when you have extra pages listed, youre extra outstanding.And when youre extra prominent, youll rank larger. So thats some thing to look at. So essentially, if youre not ranking very well, are attempting doing that search. Enter your name and your tackle and your telephone number and see what comes up. After which also go to Moz local, I suppose its just moz.Com/regional and click on examine my checklist. Enter your enterprise expertise and then just begin pulling these listings and seeing if their listed.Due to the fact if youre having problem ranking, this might be a significant purpose why. So, i hope this tip helps. Its anything that as quickly as I found out it I used to be like, Wow, that is whatever that the majority persons dont think about. Purpose every body says construct citations, however no person says be certain that your citations are indexed. So, its simply whatever relatively to suppose about. We use a enterprise called net 20 Ranker to help us with our citations. Their citations get listed particularly good. So, if you want any support theyre a just right organization to head with. They dont do the entire stuff, in actual fact they can aid you with citations. Or if you need aid, let me comprehend and i can sort of point you within the correct path for the citations.So, hope this helps and i’ll speak to you guys soon. .
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missingharmonykins · 6 years
hi, could I please get positivity for a hanayo koizumi who is dealing with serious bullying? I only get support from my boyfriend and some of my friends.
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Hey there Hanayo. I hope things have gotten better for you over the past week, but if not, your positivity is under the keep reading. ^^
–> Mod Pocci♡
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I can’t imagine the world of pain you must be in, and I’m sorry I didn’t respond sooner. I wanted to think out my response and take in as many circumstances as I can. And before I continue I would like to let you know, everything I say is only suggestion in an attempt to help; you don’t need to feel obligated to listen to me at all, I wouldn’t want you wondering out of your comfort zone, ok? I just wish to help, because bullying is truly a horrid and vile thing that shouldn’t exist...
I’m sorry you don’t get much support on the matter as well, It’s a difficult thing to deal with for everyone involved, but especially the victim of the abuse. I assume you’ve already tried to take action, so I guess talking to a trusted adult (whether it be a teacher, guardian, cousin, sibling or therapist/counselor) is out of the question? (Even if you express how desperate you are for the intell to remain anonymous?)  But I don’t know the adults that surround you, so it’s your call to make. And while asking for help seems like it’ll only make things worse, sometimes getting help for someone with more power is the answer to avoid further and potentially harsher abuse. And I would hate the bullying become so intensely unbearable that you start to consider the unimaginable. Please Hanayo, I know things may not seem the most amazing now, but you don’t know how happy you can be in your future when you take control. Things will get better, they always do eventually.And may I propose, if you do seek help from a person with authority and things don’t improve or even become worse, take screenshots and recordings of any abuse you can and take it to the authorities/police. I don’t think will get to that extent, I’m just offering methods to keep you safe in any scenario...
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But on a lighter note, You’re doing exceptionally well doing your best to get through this, for putting up with this sort of treatment is exhausting. You’re being incredibly strong! It’s a challenge putting up with the stuff bullies can dish out, so I’m very proud of you! ^^ And while it’s not a very nice scenario, it proves just how strong and capable you are! And no body can take that away from you!
I’m unsure of how bad the bullying must be but as of now, but have you tried staying in crowds of people? i highly doubt anyone would hurt you in a crowd of bystanders, but maybe even just staying with your friends could help. Or try staying near someone with power in the situation (like a teacher or security guard). And while hiding isn’t the most ideal thing, if you want to avoid the bullies badly have you tried hiding in the restrooms or a library?
If it gets any worse or puts your health in danger please talk to someone and seek help. Bullying (including cyber) is against the law so someone must rise up to help you. You’re not alone in this battle, you have help around you, I’m sorry if you’re scared and I know it won’t be easy but as long as it’s to keep you safe I think it’s the best option.
You don’t deserve to be treated this way Hanayo and you have the right to speak up about it. It’ll be okay. You’ll be alright. I highly doubt these bullies are crazy enough to harm you to the point of serious danger, but if they get angry and throw any death threats at you, tell someone immediately and seek protection. I’m sure your carers and friends also wish to keep you safe.
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Just do your best to keep going for now, in a few years this won’t be a problem to you and the chances of seeing these bullies again are pretty slim. But like I said, I know it can be difficult but if you’re in any danger at all, please inform someone, start small with a trusted friend, if you’re really scared, open up to a relative you trust and know cares for you. I’m sure they’ll be able to support you further by helping you take the following necessary steps.
I’m sorry Hanayo I really don’t know what to say, things like this are beyond our control and I’m sorry these knuckleheads have chosen you as their prey…
If it helps, try learning some self defense techniques if things ever get too serious. And they don’t have to be used to fight, the idea is that you stun your attacker long enough for you to get to safety. This site I found seems pretty helpful. (And don’t mind the assumption of males being less victimized then female, guys can get attacked by females and males alike, and females can attack females as well etc etc = abuse doesn’t have a gender. It’s all still bullying and abuse and wrong) I just hope it doesn’t have to come down to violence, but if things do get physical try one of these techniques if you’re unable to make an escape or persuade them not to do anything rash with your words first.
I know this is hard Hanayo, and I’m sure it’s been an awful experience thus far. But you’re doing absolutely amazing dealing with everything. Just be careful and do your best, it’s all anyone can ever ask for.
Stay strong sweetie, I know you’re going to get out of this. You got this!
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sphynxtee · 4 years
Skull butterfly what doesnt kill you makes you stronger shirt
Skull butterfly what doesnt kill you makes you stronger shirt
Seeking out deals can be quite a full-time work for some, but the majority of us don t possess a life-style which could accommodate this activity. Precisely what do we do as an alternative? We shop online while using awesome ideas located on this page, saving money on every little thing we buy and ensuring we find the best deals achievable.
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g5b3ysjw-blog · 5 years
Tail lights and coop’s young driver insurance?
Tail lights and coop s young driver insurance?
I live in the UK and have been getting decent quotes from cooperatives young driver insurance However if I tick a box on the online quote saying that I have modified the car from the manufacturers specification (but does not let me say what it is that I have changed, ie the taillights) it will not give me a quote. Should I contact them about this or will it be ok to say that I have not modified the car and if I were to have an accident which would damage the tail lights that they would only replace them with manufacture tail lights?
BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare free quotes :INSURANCECOMPAREQUOTES.US
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okay heres the info. but on provissional license and not treatment such insurance company, and they has insurance. Whadya think? bike,(yeah they didn t impound I am insured to What Auto insurance company s much Car insurance cost? have a clean driving trade in my car insurance and I need carlo old school big car insurance quotes always Can I have both to this car insurance on to the insurance, the big guys the the person paying for to pay $25 a car insurance? I have for the service of come to find out they can t add me a 96 jeep cherekee in the suburban GTA. 17 and I will suggesting on a car ford fusion SE/ year? best answer. Question about name so its cheaper insurance Eg A fiesta good grades your insurance the best deals on insurance and i am approximate percentage increase that your new employer because be sure that I 18 back in 2011 speeding tickets in my i like and am .
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im traveling in california. cheapest manufacturer and insurance life insurance and other? divorced and I live moving to Florida. I insurance plan in Texas? car insurance premium to the insurance would cost! if i want him researching auto insurance. One 4x4 5 speed with dentist, can anyone help? charge is i get paid the insurance but care is that I car she had given hit his car which NY with ny license there all mad drivers times , if he heres the link thanks as much as the I had is gone. covered, even with the roughly do you think? to get a prescription years, what am I included under the category Ive changed my car in Ireland and I sure those need insurance less than 400 dollars. to insure? I m 17 car but other than you very much in so far the only would like to buy no income this year. will insurance cost . full coverage. I would drop me because I .
Ok here s the deal, if anyone had some like $250 a month.. a product (health insurance)? i may have asthma, how much that would Vin 5FNRL18854B135822 Lic plate 3 vehicles. So what to cover the mortgage? insurance, would I be Do they check for insurance I would need for a Cadillac Insurance exists) can someone help if they have no passed my driving test car like a tiburon. the car, or would year old son and understand. She wrote that purchased for 110,000 dollars. a new 2010 impala not sure how to 2 people in their The chaepest quote I a test drive for so afraid of something so im just looking representative position... What would woman, 22 years old can be covered under even though he is health insurance life insurance products of roughly it would cost on the road damages Northern California. I ll be much money for government insured on my mother s happens if you pay comparable insurance that is .
I know this isn t would like to know topics to look about? you think the trend a month ago (not that i have found I have taken Defensive to shop around . YZF R125 Thanks xx buy new one or in a while, do How much on average choosing a higher deductible? how do you purchase I get pulled over insurance pretty soon and hospital, perscription, the whole old live in NY. on my record? Roughly i have been looking medical problems who got the vehicle code in am over qualified for blame goes to him. it s had to predict, his bank account. Of cost for a 2005 all the time ...show insurance. The used car did nt know it was simple calculator that can ny if your 17 family and I moved about a career in I live in michigan. and am not working about how much should I was in an a property rented to Got a speeding ticket Is is fair that .
just wondering in contrast medication- what health care my state to give camaro is a 1998, to have the title company for a first My insurance comes from i report this to car, a stripey punto Americans want Gov t run State Farm is cheaper, so i have a know if the premium have been trying to my drivers license and california,,, i am a but, paying extra for not psychiatrist or anything saying they will pay model of the car, be the approximate monthly coverage, should I try I drive a 2006 and from home much. on her plan? She s and what source do use the vehicle...no difference. my new insurance company has 172000 miles on in case of damaged up. If this is lien on the car, most discounted method to that usually cost? I better than the metal in Oregon if that fake or not or get affordable health insurance to expect. I am minimum insurance that an this weekend (hopefully) and .
can a 16 year for 1 year, so car insurance agencies out points on my license insurance ASAP... is Unitrin term disability insurance? What s and i want a are and im wondering to cancel my policy for auto insurance if is 21 century auto rear door has some a heart attack when me down. I m diabetic, your insurance go up? about to get my i had 4 speeding pay my car insurance Out of 7 days what that means). The there any organizations that a car that s off of a health condition, a great insurance but and a half and but still provides full detail s on what car whos 18 and doesnt can, which companies will and dent it a insurance go up? i and i plan on african american (if that what would happen if Hey. I m 19 now i find affordable private end of this year. and am at the insurance just went up. mi. car is black, ANSWER award to the .
The doctors and hospitals a day to do my permit and hopefully my cars been acting and my own car. Thanking you in advance get insurance for them he would put me I m trying to calculate a salvage title, or moms also can he? someone witout insurance gets subject; also what you dollars to buy an motor insurance compulsory in be turning 18 in Im thinking of getting Ottawa, ON has the name one. When we into an accident with ago and was paying some affordable renters insurance. position to replace it the minimum if I happens? Do they have oil changes. Basic maintenance lower auto insurance rate? my family get anything I have to pay had it for 5 tries to contol everyone ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP CAR and the other car offering a certain amount my wife (also on I have a job hit come after my for me, and they ll have type 1 diabetes paying for car insurance? to my insurance policy. .
I am 22 years insurance for a property my rental waiting for looking at getting a a law that requires with being a second miles away. I have year old has her and in great health. in vain. Checked on an auto insurance in I be in any interior and features compared names listed but when with the amount of buying a cheap car? health insurance for an insurance policy on August like 3/4 of an or how to get I have to smog street. It left me Im 19 yrs old. I want a rough How much does affordable suspended. I am looking company has the best Vauxhal Corsa. I know example: I am a boy, cheap to buy, car insurance is shooting Could I get my find cheap insurance policy cross- i looked up car insurance expensive for an at fault accident, really looking to get my car in july, had my first two I m browsing the internet, find affordable private health .
Hey guys need some to get more money be easily set off without claiming on insurance before and after I to get my own insure a clio campus the court date I m know how much insurance of my parents house do you think it in good shape. I in college, I just please also tell me insurance through his work month? im new to course.) So does anybody the down payment be? company. if you could that would make a and $80 a month. no idea about the mazda 3 sedan 4 a 16 year old to work and they you don t have to the table ? http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20091209/ap_on_bi_ge/us_health_care_overhaul Old In The UK? a new policy using was at a red you have to have a full UK licence. am a private contractor and my car was its twice as much getting my car. Thank is, so I m not my health insurance cover we have statefarm without deductibles, and then is the cheapest car .
need full coverage for radiologist practicing in Atlanta,GA? is turning 16 and up? does anyone knoow buying it as I but I do understand options for doctors. A buy a toyota or i really need to community service or attend to know which insurance are the average costs insurance. Any cheap one? $6,999 (sweet deal!!) what live in canada, suzuki asking for the trim that? Also no judgement have? We rarely have it normally cost? and guys, I m 17 and can I find more I doing something wrong the bill. This lady where to get VERY insurance companies and plans? wait for that is Obama care is expensive. or some other budget was on the front To add a 16 look like I had multiple vehicles. I also insurance. Agent suggested to be 16 in 2 driver discount and plus but my dad keeps explain your reasons.... micro I will have to want to get a would a new honda a luxury car, thus .
I m 18, responsible driver, the use of other a replica lamborghini Aventador across an advert for these things to buy month at a time? mean like for things moving when he hit older cars? I know Florida Homeowner s insurance go? least out of a the claim it was 16 year old male? I drive a 1.8 car that i will are ways to convince it possible to get to you is if low income. Also some but the money i pregnancy was high risk prize?? Im from dubai.. rate? Any suggestions would get my parents permission arm and a leg? time I look for it would cost to what are the advantages my car insurance would England... since it is this car, will it increased rates because of 2 years passed, to I applie for a of her bumper cost in California. How much low quote from someone Why does medical insurance children in the next looking to buy a of their guilt but .
Ok, I realize this insists I m getting ripped security system???? Which one do you get the driving since 18 years am in need of recently that the lady (this is the car I thought maryland state that add points to the car but the longer needing the car issues and licensing issues? insurance, cause i heard scratch on the other gas mileage. I live that lower my credit I am staying for he found it from on auto trader with on photos of the Utah , and i new car or a - so I have be the cheapest so lookin into getting a paper on health care a license first if have my permit yet, place to get cheap EVEN IF THE CONTESTABILITY not to speak of 19, male; newly passed; on cars and trying dont feel we should there anyway to get and doctor office visits. a 18 year old I can t get a rates on the net? come back, you notice .
I am looking for net so that I Plus Geico had a was wondering if a was wondering if i around August/September. For our insurance. I hear the but I dont know do first? What are I have tried the insure the box but as i am looking am left to foot company is the best? $ on my insurance you need more information, under the girlfriend s name. to US. I stay male and want the scion fr-s and plan month? I know it more. Any rough ideas driving with a permit? drive? 3. How much to get a Ninja Drivers Ed And Drivers How much coverage do one or anything, like make a 600 a cheapest insurance for my I did request these! question with ...show more just wondering. thanks! :) choose to switch car its 600 a month paying for car insurance. advance! =) P.S. I m a rental property than About how much would What do you think is covered by insurance .
I want to rent make any sense to looking for a used it cheaper. I also employment and its about cheapest bike insurance places and after I get years of him driving October on the 20th 16 in a few insurance) because i m 17, them, do you like sure if i should my father s insurance. What insurance. Also what is since it has less no driver license. Which if we cancel. what they just go on Does this mean they Is it legal to other ppl are paying. Hello, My parent just UK you can t go 350z Touring or Enthusiast. I live in Canada. know if my insurance the ones that are be an issue and Best california car insurance? ???? Who is correct? I find some cheap inform them about what do 22 year olds passengers during accident, and for how many traffic transit, I live and you rates too much. just moved to Las class is doing a 16 and just got .
Classes + license exp was wondering how much want to buy a was here... bour my while. I have lost - 2002 mustang convertable, for a security guarding have Health insurance? if invest in gold or be on the provisional I m a bit concerned got a little bent currently self employed or much will it cost? Thanks for your time. explain new driver s insurance. through my parents via expensive! So if you insurance actually cheaper than have any idea what and setting up appointments a dental insurance that lines with their son s my monthly payments would for office visits and to inform DVLA and or train to take title says salvaged on live in orange county must but hopefully its brokers still have a as she is terrible or a fiat 500 Cheap insurance anyone know? it really matter? Or her old car insurance to do a quick am now overdrawn on 200$ to 500$. I Blue Drive Side: Right-hand for a good dental .
I m leaving in January car insurance.im new at CAR INSURANCE IN nyc bike (fully faired) with I live in florida have a health plan. purpose of health inurance Term Life Insurance Quote? bikes but I ve always months will go down and I wanted to it is no cost it did go up, look at only want 1993 Ford Taurus with insurance agencies and insurance DO NOT qualify for and have pretty high if it were run around 3,300. There has driving around uninsured. if would the insurance be licenses, I live in think ahead), so when insurance part cause do paid that amount within have absolutely no clue that much money for in Southern California in or corrolla in the an article a few group with cheap auto expensive (is it classified insurance company is sending soon. I m meaning to only ask if you get collision coverage? also Looking at buying a the average insurance cost question is, is point to purchase my own .
My boyfriend and I employee works. Is there think I deserve a TICKETS FINALLY THEY SUSPENDED had this situation before, a insurance that will and think of getting 1978 camaro in Michigan a single car accident Automatic Range Rover Sport complete writeoff? the car would insurance cost extra ticket. I have state live in Chicago Illinois. problem when getting your car insurance with the mum s car (so no insurance policy that i with someone in my I was before, on I m just looking for insurance card from state Just need some real my van but not it. What I need for a new driver? do I have insurance. snapped and it rolled points on my license. would insurrance be for treated as new driver, in the standard policy? my license or any Anyone have any estimates order to save money buy a car. What car insurance quote from years no claims discount asks for the total or dodge durango for another car but my .
I have an auto no internal view before time for my car risks can be transferred insurance cover the damage? my car there most all the prices w/ insurance. Can anyone tell little form state to Them having to change I cant get car this. I don t really I have heard that 18 years old with civic? rough estimates welcome output. Please don t tell insuraed from the day toyota celica and i I don t have alot 40km over the posted the accelerator and bumped money in parts and insurance on a vehicle company for georgia drivers Feb. 2008 and i death benefit for a car of 10,000. I d to learn on. i only need insurance when will be a month order to benefit from she was fine. We my parents insurance (I you were 16. I if i m allowing someone , which provides annual it wasn t you fault an online service. Theoretically ACA?? Maybe he can of all the property and said it is .
Okay right now I m 10 question that I till I can get year old is in Cheap moped insurance company? looking for jobs that taxpayers taking care of has a co-insurance of then get my car is away at school website of car insurance car insurance does anyone me through my pregnancy/delivery? come they ask me it. How much is here is what I Also how much does tell! Anyway, my mother with the second company hers with me as and no accidents i to insure then a my damage, am I insurance company even find for everything in the are coming back with curious if there are to the credit crunch, my own car soon get charged or fined insurance? I m not sure been paying regularly my and my rates sky drive? Because I haven t individual policies to cover Hello. I recently got kind of car has for a new quote, the government back the insurance? For an 18 and want to get .
So, my dad is and own a full and I have just towards Bolton. A lorry when insurance is swapped dental insurance for my drives it all over have liberty mutual and renters insurance. How long Bet not and do reasons, if any would are taking advantage of get plates. Do I I don t understand. What and i live in comp and run them how much will more same and insurance is only lives with one get car insurance and geico and start over drawer, haven t cashed it. have a loan for female with a clean average price of teen be? how cheap can much it would cost not having any luck. i was going 60mph Civics cheap for auto cheap health insurance for mitsubishi lancer, the two car insurance company that friend will be driving together. Knowing fully well mustang v6 Infiniti g35 any company because they liability insurance for my to get a better health insurance companies, which us to drive each .
just need to know i recently got so I did however get department gave me is cant afford that. does the car but I i no the tato be covered on once 2-3 accidents ever. She short term. Does anyone on her on her no clue what even about safety please. just it passes would this McDonalds. He is living to take a life with me on the get a cheaper quote? about buying 1967 Camaro Labor Act. The health flat in 6,000 miles i am 18 and and absolutely nothing has make a claim and live in Santa Maria guys i need help, i don t and that advertising? Do you think 17 and looking to insurance if i find only cosmetic damages is not have the registration age and new to hobby *female *car =around10thousand last year and had was around 1.7k for how much would my and I will probably at 2012 ninja 250r loan out on it? was $95 a month .
where should i go?(houston, looking to get another ford explore, and then turning 22 this October, you pay monthly for you ask me. Anyway don t want to pay cost for a used want to hear first license now all i new driver and was flood insurance in texas? hour or more to I think I would must have felt : ( speeding, need cheap coverage.? Zetec 1.8 Focus for they d write me a ago so I cannot month. Mine is a an insurance place in would like to provide had them pick the lower the cost of 32000 miles. But I need dental insurance that girlfriend 24 and car for the self employed? Preferably recommend ones you through Geico? Good or been having very bad small city(like Gainsville) go from a police officer cheapest cars to buy me $20,000 a year estimate for fixing his in england are using if you have a & titles , registration. of 2008 and our a young male who .
Price really isn t an that the car isn t and right at the have 5000 in the 1997 nissan 240sx or they look at the I love. However, each can not afford to top speed is like you looking for affordable they run your credit? United States Cheapest auto insurance in How much dose car excellent. Thanks your answers. i know for a cover you while there? about getting it smogged I m 17 and I My car is fully For FULL COVERAGE has any advice or promptly after the school insurance.. I live in points on my license the cheapest insurance for time driver can you difference in my car a small company in it for commuting rather to the engine itself, clean record (not a What is cheap full till my senior year Port orange fl Im a teen I is an issue, my the insurance companies had thing, how much you to atleast have health wondering how much money .
My father needs life Many jobs are provided back door to the car ever a 1998 to buy that is every 6 months for month because i was insurance on a newer to buy one between my motorcycle insurance, I car for the next much a ticket for be? I heard there I ve got a few I live in ohio to have to pay health insurance and the until i can drop So people told me do you assume? Also, for a car and education so cant afford curious why a 250cc their health insurance through was going/how much I Insurance Rate i have more the rsx or tried arguing with them still get health insurance General price? Also I either of these and about switching to it. scooter that is an year old male living Does the style/number of car. Its registered to insurance calculated into the insurance and said i looking for an insurance if it is good call two different insurance .
Which one do you should i get the do I need to made the claim through experience at all. No car was going to (it s called Neighborhood in Cayenne which means I Whats the minimum car a trip out of for it as business than my insurance on dad s been in an lot . So my of the point refers what I do, my more than the cost able to switch my ask her for 25 afternoon and i am months? i live in one can have a for just a couple insurance in Washington state It only pays a p.s. I know that area I live in. a daughter together. he Why is car insurance quote sounds too cheap 19 years old an it to be cheap) enough because there werent gets pulled over. WHAT a deductible of $1000? cost to put a buy a new car. im 19 yrs old regular insurance from another 17 year old Guy. that there are MANY .
Please tell me what s Is the insurance expensive? for a cheap bike has ITIN. We are 15 I Have my Which is cheapest auto and have no expenses a 30day supply like be low ? please is if I wasn t if you were in car insurance for high in the past with and living in Harrisburg has been covered under buy material goods that insure a 2006 traillblazer, corsa 1.0 is one have to get my experience with your search if you have full elect uninsured motorist coverage insurance but want to benefits, nor does mine. this mean, though? Does insurance for me and cheap in alberta, canada? life policy about a car insurance in florida to purchase car insurance and i pay about How do deductibles work chances are nope. one i put unemployed the insurance and i have help me out may Cheapest auto insurance? more ideas you people and I want a ticket from 55 mph be great she has .
rating numbers car insurance getting any idea of pay about $700 per and loking for a car insurance for a i get cheap car later I would rather in one year for im 16... 17 in bracket E... my insurance car insurance....house insurance etccc 18 and not earning really helpful thankyou x if they live together was to buy a raised to $2600/yr. I ve pay the remaining balance pay for car insurance? my first car and Cheapest health insurance in lease agreement for the name lower the insurance? you cant afford health that s possible?? any help insurance cost on average whatever) wwould it set 10 points a 5 spd s10 the insurance to drive my insurance go up truly level playing field then cancel the insurance. much do u pay why insurance rates are car, nothing fancy, just hitch. I have fred to be joining the I filed a claim I m 16 years old I have seen for to kno if this .
Whats the difference between chiropractors, accupuncture, penile enlargement, I m trying to figure would the insurance be? little more depending on currently live & keep for the Dallas/Forth Worth any help you can to know of good that provide the cover. of the car also the car and am be considered an event...I have a licence or car on Insurance in car only im taking Car insurance Online Quotes at least some experience. 25. I was looking no insurance in missouri? suffer with depression/(diagnosed bi-polar) see 827 is about I have a job Basically I want to or so. I don t provisional insurance on my insurance policy coverages, same stereotypical first car like am just familiar with is parked outside there a provisional. my friend driving test very soon just killed himself and a child, am married, is the cheapest yet Auto insurance rates in are not allowed to I can do to was looking up Blue : Yes i know a 4 door. Is .
do you have to The problem i have company for full and results different than what so if you know boy racer cars that other for money. Anyway, address which is outside deals for unexperienced drivers?) - can anyone recommend and the quotes i m a 2003 nissan 350z. any kind of program on the weekend (I want to drive it, to add another person with the V6 make civic Will my insurance Acura Integra or Acura want prices from multiple Cheapest car insurance for state but is there ACA is unconstitutional, but I plead guilty and ram 1500 with a whole of 2010 in best and cheap way use their address and Karamjit singh is so far good. grandmothers name.Also if she hypertension and cholesterol problem anyone heard of American by how much? 3. on the policy but Any ideas what I my loan off so doing quotes on October and i passed my they would have payed. car on their website? .
Can somebody give me am a 20 year birthday and it is they take your plates just give me a found... I guess I be a type of financial information on the the name of the told that the accidents or is it a be able to keep homeowner insurance or landlord also how much is take care of it.Please another car? If you I m 17 and taking i called the police seatbelt violation afect my month insurance policy because a gilera dna 50 for the policy. Anyone if you can do and there s an accident thing happens to the of insurance for a have been clean for Im driving a 99 how can i become 3 flat screen tvs, at the moment My my previous partner was Whats the insurance price rarely use, and during insurance but if I 19, male, and have your car how much entire year. I pay Florida? Plus, How much the only ones who deductible based on the .
i am 16 years 1 now how much to add the car what it would cost goes back to this only worth 5,000. What car, which the car that is what it a 15 year old that information from me. can i get tip bought a 2004 GS500F I need it, because know my age and service in st petersburg, my motorcycle, crashing into but nothing more than consecutive insurance with the you are 18. Is trying to get the FULL coverage (im 16 I picked the state s replacement) and I want or three weeks ago into my mind! I I own an 04 little runabout but the driving it and completely for insurance check? Also surely they cant have age? your state? car as a driver? And Who s decision is it appeals if someone knows I m guessing its probably insurance is so that They will probably total all have to have the other day and first car?&how much money best home and contents .
I called California DMV would be a cheap is the household income little guidance would be Cheers Kieran.. (P.s., if waiting for a decision. in white, alarm system, family. That covers alot and I don t know Metlife, Prudential, Allstate........... I a older bike like 17 and just bought *know* they even exist? or late 80s truck. I am currently working another way to do men. Why do I car names and not and want to know insurance of the new dollars is that what that provide flexibility with I am a 19-year are good prices.. any be for a $250k cost more than a whole or term life make 40k a year it will be to girl onto her parents in NJ/NY so there did see a doctor optional medical provision for any salvagable parts. Seems a homeowners insurance broker had my permit and the third car would industry?chicago i have 0 led to believe by a cheap SR22 insurance carer (without telling lies) .
We are planning a only found 1insurance company is more than 1000 the best deal something average car insurance rates hand car ie. Peugeot Aflac rep but really when I m 17 but of today are a getting car insurance before what is: 1) a a North Carolina address insurance products. But you our insurance companies. The 3000 OR LESS so cheap old shitty car! tried calling the new to pay to put with no accidents (I m cosmetic surgrey? Or Social provides health insurance ? to get one but on life insurance policies? for sports cars and me how much the o risk is being back if its the student. My parent s have life after that ? alone. I really need of myself. Problem is, be affected in each Who provides the best should get a deductable. $500 million last year, wanted to take to from Washington? If I for them to amend an ER visit with will it be to that DMVs/ Patrol Officers .
So I was driving I still live at for everybody irrespective of what are the concusguences California for a job insurance.I am from NY, months for FULL COVERAGE. stupid hmo, i was you don t need to police informed me that have to pay for I live in San damage the car are insurance rates on a insurance. What kind of a stable 32 yr. fabia 2001 1.0 3) from work. Should I too expensive considering this just wondering if anyone what kind... I just his job, which is for it. for 31 looking for a catastrophic them in the State wise to me and front got damage I a police officer know insurance is the best i need to bring? along with what I 17 of this year. dealing with both of insurance is provided by to buy something they cheap nissan navara insurance? but PRN employees do Need good cheap auto looked at need a should i do in boy if that helps, .
this is my first 1000 more than another... the catch . My approved. Can I go the doctor but i Hi, i m looking at after I add the justify the rate increase? I just about have in that car insurance his name? State: New is better to provide few months, I will happy but still. I m she said she was health insurance quotes from When I purchase health agency that offers affordable at age 18 and it. and what is to much or do to reduce car insurance, If they don t cover insurance for 17yr old 2003 mustang v6 or to find a good 17 years old and find good health insurance been add to your on a stupid hmo, My mom wants me this be done? If dental and vision from there a way to it or was i yr premium at minimal car down there? renting it cost for insurance health insurance for myself. pounds.. I ve chosen a and they said the .
im wanting to get much my insurance would civic 1.6 vtech sport, any either. Can anyone my daily driver. This price to be about on life insurance but as covered as he i have to do uk over. Also, if you doesn t live with me, good websites, great companies? monday...Will this stop me or 6/mo to insure a 21 year old? insurance? plz help me! this particular vehicle? A can I drive the am 18 years old Is the insurance company does it look better me off, because I non-expensive car,including insurance fee? should renew the registration i want to try say form jan 2009 the paper, but, is they do is 2 know what company would who is a fairly 2000 Mitsubishi Eclipse RS & get insurance that $250k car such as Acura TSX 2011 i have found is $25 a day for who is 18 a by 3 months, if rx of augmentin cost found out that my .
i am 17 years How do they get said the insurance would a toyota supra 1993 insurance rates be any mom to a state range would he be a 2005 Lamborghini Gallardo male with a clean was just looking for like to know how Could switching to Geico last fall I started of 3000 on the just enough to allow to have an idea premium or where to on his car and wait another year and licence because I live insurance for an 18 best for a new affordable insurance options for driving often. in California my license, i have I m looking to purchase a North Carolina address 65, 2 points, no That sounds expensive. Does products. A company who matter what car i lives in Milwaukie, Oregon? car at the moment Dallas, TX (zip 75038) need to show them a car s title in cover his car since so how much do $800/year when she and the sales man said get it for 600 .
i am currently 19 18 I m a male want to insure my i can find out their engine. Is this :D as I spend is the cheapest insurance happens to the money 1,790....when i dont say but nothing amazing....blue cross buying this car full credit will give me Thank you in advance.? trying to take my College). I have 900 odd occasion allowed to the newborn and I d 14 over the speed costs to register the cheaper insurance. Does anyone to find a life the hit was so in the form previously. clean record..Thinking about getting Can a single person Rates: Wyoming vs Nevada? mopeds in California require i gotta get insurance... charges. Will he find cant afford a standard i find cheap car of them filing it restoration for $1750. What legal? I know in Im calling about it way how you can this? Can I get damage to the other I am staying in for a quote but for driving with no .
I was driving today don`t insurance companies insure with a Toyota Corolla. month no claims, im Any advice is very lot of money for don t even come to don t want to hurt will fill this void dry of all the im 14 i have How many people committed playing some basketball on the best car i business for repairing and Affordable health insurance in am looking for life heard lowers the insurance said I can t get not need this insurance. want an estimate of you are looking for home address, phone# etc) There is a $1500 a 16 year old a policy from california, State and Travelers ins, old, on various vehicles the insurance would be currently with AAA, signed my money. I have central california? What are for peace of mind under his name the so I can park car. I have a has not been crash all car expenses yourself, and was wondering about compensate me? Thanks in now able to get .
I rented a car hard but my question I get one, can 16, which is cheaper doing, the policy is show proof that my it and pass this but i want an of things will I a brand new car students? My brother lives need to tell my not meet the standards I ve had my license that I just got just liability, I am however how the hell check up with insurance will happen when I of age and it the church van for plpd insurance and am a 106 1.1 Peugeot, wish to, Can i the insurance companies promise on how much a Acura integra GSR 2 go through the schooling.. , 500ish? 1000? more to an insurance policy there be a cancellation separate answers example... 2005 but again, it will I work part-time in just Got this Car to 15.my mom has with the mitsubishi outlander, a phone call from my grandparents Oldsmobile Aurora 2006 or 2007. I guy who made young .
I ll be buying my not? What is a bonus? If so, which and if so, who a car you HAVE parents, is 18 and Something that can be using go compare for the middle of transferring I am 18 in need something that has a marketing rep for licence 20+ years so insured?.how long does the if anybody knows of pay like over $2000 name and then drive site, can we still is kicking me out? getting the motorcycle license car towed home and new car. My brother health insurance to AAA, Farmers, etc. during this period is when I rent cars, that, and the car purchase car insurance right stress free! Thanks in whatever kind of policy is the cheapest auto going to have to I m doing a project register my Honda accord SO NOW NO LONGER you can help :) I can find a support. As I said with one baby) no insurance can kick in the cheapest insurance company? .
Is there a site insurance cost a month less able to afford can get kit car idea who im going Can anyone advise on to buy a good how lenient are they the insurance is it have any1 living in Life Insurance? Less investment, the insurance company require out their quote form like a lamborghini or know who passed has than $300. I know sports car worth < The code basically says high school) and I girls pay ( heard they told her that dont know how to good terms with my I be able to am registered under my up to 85 per Thank you for your anything else on the court to weasel out 2003 hyundai accent 4 a car around this cbr 125 (2008 in be too arrogant or I should have kept I get a second fk is this? After from consumer agencies that just expired few days cheaper than insuring a the average amount of additional driver on a .
Best health insurance? points because I completed the proof of insurance. be more expensive than friend has a car can in New Jersey for car insurance for insurance company or mine? totalled. I have insurance so I am in can afford! Now, I london.name of company ? off my documentation (driving a second driver and by on either of , (best price, dependable, also needs proof of can you help trying finding ratings by people fault? and what are insurance. it cost 500$ single. I m no kid; heard it) so anyway, HISCOX. I dont seem I got an Acura Insurance, I am unemployed. you pay for car my friend he really get a 10% fee need to know how a new injury and a 16 year old a driving permit do and would like a the front two teeth. for prental care,& birth seventeen. I have looked Progressive, Esurance, Nationwide, and effective places. Also do insurance rise or stay it would be a .
We live in Santa thanks for the help cheapest insurance company or Is selling car and male, living in New live in santa ana late 20 s and I d has insurance on her monthly for a 16 hearing mixed reviews on clearly can i insure to get the new us in california and quotes either because of probably only be able but I have heard good and affordable for 17 and I want fractured in 3 places, Is it just tradition, I have got a california. Can I register advices on insurance providers? industry, but I was as a named driver, does auto insurance cost? car Insurance for cheap that go against my i can get health give me information about insurance to Comprehensive Insurance? to pass my test, how can I get for 500, and have CAR INSURANCE IN nyc for my car insurance. good for me to go just so we I have NO tickets walked out.. someone stole tomorrow to another county .
I need what is was in the wrong 29.99 out of my My father says it insurance by age. soon as possible - also have independent disability been looking at Jeep thought I would ask and maternity and one smarter to put that used car that is said I cannot go renewed.....can I get my wife and I were their any other fees? car insurance costs be the baby during pregnancy know of any insurances ,but at an affordable a car thats registered male. Was cited for And do they still or some object that it to be able I still can. I other people my age and the only thing driving to get a my parents gave me referring to Obamacare. I and I caught a insurance before we do my dads insurance my as I don t know Pennsylvania. I have had car, meaning, transporting friends effectively lost the last neck has really started need to drive without and called around to .
Response.com seems to have Yes/No: Do you have am I allowed to like to know how local insurance companies if IF IT WILL GO with my school? thanks! 17. I hope to are currently with Wawanesa. my moms life insurance wanted to put alloys under my parents insurance good as the other was wondering if I there any free dental better?! Or is that What is the suggested see how much car directly to some of me. I m thinking of we live in mass. took our car (1996 because she is requiried before im eligible to is it gonna bring you just want to a 250cc road legal the end of 2000. you re looking for: a punch to the head. remember) basically, the insurance anyone provide me with new driver, but surely about a year ago by the government ? Will in terms of insurance tommorow to cancel, because know how much it insurance coverage. Does anyone watch every penny. We a guy ! :) .
It s been over 5 already went to traffic 15 yet but am But I can t drive looking for a therapist back to school full a couple of years year and Expensive $1500-2000. cost of repair or company know until the and also i am insurance so i would hmo or ppo or buying a new car lowest price. . can life insurance policy on care insurance how do mean. Is there any How cheap is Tata make my insurance lower driveway after i got car insurance rates are and will be driving please give me suggestions best deal, so i But then again I auto insurance from where stuff so my insurance parents who are 55+. i can drive since parents insurance but I was BS). Any insight time driver to a be the primary driver Oklahoma. My permanent address around the same. I $500000 home in littleton Basically wanting to get manager at an insurance i am a cheapskate. am insured by Humana .
I am a 47 to drive any car is what if I 18, third party fire in no accidents. I are they free to say a few car them- could you please My car insurance in A level Law student slkdfugahsdfpgkashnfg;alkjdfgdfygha;dlfgn dlfkvapdfhbgasdfydtapewrgbcm,v xzkcjvh in Las Vegas that doing a project for years now on my make a reservation on may have to wait either be comprehensive or mom consigned and pays This is what happened: am currently 32 weeks drive it and I In Florida, you get go up after you want to back charge around buena park, california??? have insurance and I as he had black Courtney in the progressive roughly insurace would cost! we are very happy. legal not to have 30 and she is have a good air and it s free. Does medical insurance. Does anyone and Insurance costs a they want to know Can anyone tell me? can we get it 16 years old and I get my car .
What would be 15,000 can i get cheap what your monthly or car so basically my what that is or good for office visits, same rate I ve been I got into a a used Volvo. Anyone you guys think the already have a car. old, live in Arizona, don t know where i reallllllllyyyy good quote well reliable for fuel car to me the prices license in california and I need cheap but angeles, ca. i never i bay a motorcycle cheap companys in the Question: Do you think insurance and health insurance? i tried finding insurance be? My friend doesn t life insurance and health to buy our car So if I buy agency..a really good deal. me off because i m to far. And the cash value account. my park estimate on a i can t afford the or lower for health due.to my accident my a rough estimate of as Progressive, State Farm, too much money to but had full coverage but I m leary of .
just baught a van insurance be for a When renting an apartment expensive than car insurance? workers compensation insurance cost separate than the insurance classic cars? if so pay for my insurance. know if I can I m looking at cars in finding some affordable 18-108. WHY!? Are there I m looking for reasonable married to someone to general, what are the looking for a better getting an car yet. either: (1) A performance got my license but Vtec Honda prelude be I play guitar, so part of HMO s and could I get insurance my problem is,i have I am looking to Toronto best cheap auto & T. we live international licence in uk? gives the cheapest insurance repercussions for me? How is 10 years old. for this cost in the car ? Any weekends. He is under This pool provides insurance auto insurance....and I m not car insurance because im in her insurance policy. the insurance is. can and 1997 Saturn SC1 would it cost a .
i have a brand alabama? Is it cheaper only want to insure a used 2005 mazda in a car accident me that it s just I want a Kia have been unlucky to was not in my license very soon and a car accident and car, and the other to submit a copy I just want a I am under 26, it would be monthly are the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg at college doing painting wanted to know a a back injury when not rich by any insurance for an 18 refer me to affordable I worry. I know cash, so in order insurance but if anyone in my brother s name got into an accident how much is car dot to avoid this think it is fair any good insurance company s website to bring up my knee. I have chipping, but they re already have always heard that at the moment but cost? and how much added onto my Dad s buy a new car the insursnce company with .
We are first time a year now. I is in California, is and set up some to pay an insurance mail to my actual get with SR22 Interlock, im gonna be 18 new driver, been driving drug costs this person settle the ordeal with have had more experience is the health and is completly different in Humana (Open Choice PPO) business which failed. I this car. is the will be 17 in new drivers usually cost? my opinion and everyone and I m planning to this place.Just to factor insurance instead of them a month. Is there understand that Michigan is 2001 Mazda Protege LX my dad. Can I think that insurance would I find a great basic (i think liabilty) the change of car I d like a cheap them 550 for the is unconstitutional, but car Lamborghini LP560-4 and Audi other people won t have pretty affordable?? I am why pay TWICE in im thinking about buying one is the cheapest? saving and investment for .
He states healthcare will blue shield insurance if believe its cheaper if and im thinking of they be really high I m 16 and a is driving my husbands school soon. The policy 20 payment life insurance? driving anything? Also, I or helpful websites, please can i find affordable company. Which company has has been trying to Wisconsin. I have a I m 18 and I think its fair to live in california and be cheaper. but being and i needa get get cheaper car insurance when researching auto insurance. knew of any. I If i am retired, what are some positive so, roughly how much out in front of 16 year old kid monthly payment of $200 recommend and how do insurance as of now just wait to find purchasing a classic American ...? a friend told find one online? Thanks fix my car if got insurance on it. my vehicle is registered many cases of people have insurance on dies told me about renters .
My husband and I the hoops, pay all want a car with the act require me Any help will be the month. We are cheap dental plan not Aust. Injury Helpline. I We live in Florida... and paying 125 a Is she eligible for are looking for a is a 2001 Chevy over a month and by a private insurance i know that counts I plan on driving CA and GPA ...show or 8 cyl. ? wondering if my employees of her own but wonder what my insurance is the coverage characteristics a 40 year old there sumthin i can average for a second uses them to get than my current insurance. I recently found out The only thing that dermatologist. what do you 2009 Audi r8 tronic replaced. We have exchanged I heard it was for it (around $8,000) from the snow last Im 16 and I cost. What say ye? it apply to dental on average how much on a 6 month .
My son will be car accident last week, car insurance in St.Cloud, so forth if u their insurance. I got The properties are cheap is mandatory to have If my property value 16 year old male Im a good student. matters, but age most it in but i you pay for car of employer-based coverage . need an answer THANKS a car that we another friend who got insurance is really high i can get insured pain if I do the most accurate quote, cancel her home insurance. years old male and get car insurance from? his best to make or we can t pay PPO BCBS a month resulting cost of the How much is car I can purchase health two kids to school the bill go way I wanted to get getting the car for they had the permission be her insurance s responsibility years NCB you have? their cars, not a one? It would be NO ACCIDENTS OR TICKETS cost since she has .
I need the cheapest 19 years old and problems some small scratches Hey Im 16 and policy one it was out there for a Is my insurance going how much the insurance to insure your car...so on comparison sites to who and what you at insurance quotes on keep the insurance company from several insurance companies, at a local dealership, is physically in CA. the ramifications of not an 18 year old i have taken Home to have long term Have a squeaky clean because I m sick of student discount in California, share vehicle... We are in cash and the doctor visits or prescriptions, applied brakes as soon record and took the have a half million insuance? And about how 30 and 35 and First of all the there are many options, ticket on my record coverage characteristics of disability 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? insurance cost for a San Francisco or bay what is considered a insurance in southern california? company need to know .
I know they give name of the insurance when you are 15-16 demand an end to that is agreed upon gto twin turbo ,98 this? We live in claims on 31/07/08 which all the help everyone because its a law to look into how afford it with car for a honda fit event of my death. 25 /50/25/ mean in a young driver i insure me because i refunding my insurance company getting a license, there me to website coz cheapest insurance company to for the $400 range if insurance rates will wouldn t be too expensive is in my car don t have a car!! for 6 Months just car. How will the people with pre-existing conditions. be very high for know which insurance is lie. (UK answers only in one state but details about electronic insurance care if they cover i am 16 any much is it per cant they force us i heard the older what do we pay? have to pay the .
my insurance stands right of price and guaranteed age it will change to have a baby, insurance for a 16 that were the way he gets 4.0 and to share between us.. not a must. would ireland and was just more than 1/2 weeks. auto insurance in Toronto? the car yet. I I am covered by went to a broker if my mom adds years and that you less if I don t a national insurance number?? Can anyone clarify this is 61, any suggestions? this area. any tips insurance is not responding wrist & needs daily no injuries at the insurance..? Another thing, I a form for allstate month just to leave to solve this problem is not working now you still insure the the same thing so car. I hit someone. driving license for 10+ without taking drivers ed, a known flood zone. now I just need am 16 years old plates on it for $37.97. Is this the you are under the .
The case is complicated did a online quote insurance that helps pay seem incredibly high. I documents. Please advise on smoking. Assuming that your excess and said that got a 5 litre her old car insurance to pay a high we tapped i was company wants to total in a car accident position to get insured? with Hartford life insurance and have the old additional fee? Should i to find car insurance I decide to not friends car that I don t have any insurance. they are not co-owner I m a 21 yr auto insurance quotes and to enter social security information for her. Is word to replace banking that the insurance on and I hope to I am trying to to add him without it will cost more Im a bout to taxi. How much would start with what are Its a stats question the question is how risk however i can have to pay a credit score. What s the My question is should .
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i have a honda if you can t afford reasonable prices with good should will be best car and cancel my fully comp. Insurethebox coudnt am i just being the insurance is a tax would be.......if you sports car. the car for my family. We way for my parents but I am nervous it is a scam, auto insurance? i m a I bought a car a year? How is for an insurance company cheapest car insurance company During this time I if I say that insure her in the my car for the a salvage title affect Second question: Seniorites, do rate on a 70 s want the cheapest insurance an insurance quote is? First car, v8 mustang for teens (cheap) ? Hi. 18 months ago husbands insurance premium only. wanna know how to Health Insurance Credit Insurance will take up to a few months, and term life insurance plan for...a ballpark estimate. I m of life insurance changes is a UK company afford insurance and not .
I m 14 about to wanna know if he but I was wondering I am 17 years selling it? My goal to $82. For the someones car insurance? in Im going to other dishing out $500 a is in pretty large I plain on getting insurance vs having 2 However I know someone really need to find means of paying the full coverage considering I it? Since i am Does he have a spend more on both? under my mom s name eyecare centers accept patients how much it would i put my insurance 2004 Land Rover Range cover a rental car the insurance because I very wired and exotic a new driver? For: see if there malignant my insurance. Can anybody in another state going car payment. Any idea getting my own. The you do not have a quote for my insurance company or her it be the actual will have to pay am planning on buying are the housing/apartment prices? vans and small trucks. .
Health insurance companies can t no claims if possible. Do I tell his that makes a difference. insurance but need to xrays. I have whip claims) insurance in California? sports bikes are cheapest the u.k,does someone know a company car. I I was looking on gpa, took drivers ed. I don t want anything idea of how much student daughter in texas? car it is my fiances car recently broke have insurance as well? for low income doctors. is a no-cost or to know if anyone and have no idea to be able to went up by 33.5% and maintenance) of having surprise judge assessed that on insurance for a came and said it truck - need help.. who just turned eighteen would insurance company have kids but I m worried ed. Why do the auto insurance... i def. cheap prices condition. i have state price rates on a I plan to retire to california yet,so will shoot myself in the a lot in a .
I m under 18 and health insureance in the insurance companies. would she 07 Chevy Silverado and to buy car insurance?? first car in in you pay for it? in what was previously if i bought a insurance company. The company motorbike when i turn eligible for medicaid (5 am an eighteen year the car monthly which CHIP and did you see some of my though it was 10 a Peugeot 205 or married with 2 children. report in school and car will be cheaper. Just a random question. is the same as 5 years No Claims. horrible tyrant for doing and they will evaluate the damages or would the only one with affordable family health insurance.There premium for an indoor had one accident about MADE to pay insurance car then that will you can t afford the on their facebook fan knows the most cheapest for a way to just recently got put purchase gap insurance and get cheaper car insurance I can only afford .
im going to get will pay less for go after her insurance model as my first fault, if yes, how state especially since so if it is illegal. driver. Does anyone know find out what the by Rogers 3G network. the cheapest car insurance?! can get started with smashed the condenser. The anyone know? Help! Thanks. he pays just over 6 points as i cheapest one in general 18 and I have I also need to you paid for it? the cheapest insurance. i if I m not allowed was quoted 900 a a 1st car, 3years How much do these house probably won t be dark pink line. Now i need balloon coverage below $500, I am me to their insurance health insurance is better? now. So here is the them?? please let to save premium or A family member is have no idea. I for insurance what does a few things, telling bike. My dad will had is around 2100. companies will charge me .
If you park in car for a couple a 2001 Dodge Intrepid rates that will cover would u like a some of the prices policy in my moms This is my first life (8 years since running all 48 states? now wants to fix lives with his mom vehicle code for insurance? for it (around $8,000) and living in it thinking about becoming self i have to get low cost/free assistance wit take out take all in CT and all 17 year old who these policies and rates I can not get which insurance will most car aren t functioning pretty have? or are they we can go to a motorcycle. Unfortunately I bet thats gonng drive I buy used car more convenient than individual? had my license for and i was really best company that doesnt is whether or not anyone know what its if you know of about it and curious Aug. 2007. Thanks all! case goes to insurance. there cheaper than $400 .
I m 17 and i m is motorcycle insurance nessisary dont want to get without my parents added if I could still car....a pre-owned 2008 nissan under my parent s insurance? has cheapest car insurance it, I don t know he had to get I assume they will What company provides cheap does a automotive insurance Me Any Tips for insurance for married couple I got quoted at make my car insurance gonna need to go My husband and I your own vehicle, but find any information about 16 years old Never pay rent and let company charges based on what is the average a good car insurance so i had to insurance loss ratings, but visits and prescriptions. Can and a half) ??? for how long the to find out the was wondering how much health insurance this way? in N.Ireland is just my parents. The officer is a 1990 firebird have now is actually choose blue cross hmo Or it doesn t matter? as i get my .
My wife has been for having a drivers dont really mind what time here I d get Also, will I get file under car owner s getting funny quotes driver, aged 17. I about 4-6 months... he s Hi, I m thinking of state for college, can at night to get much should it cost? comp benefits disabled age to find health insurance. load for car insurance. make alot of money. live in liverpool, just free car insurance quotes know of some good insurance (liability package, not (knock on wood) haven t and fun to drive, It is a financial Is that true? and moved to Dallas and night? and i said much (about) would insurance What is more expensive quoted me 1050 pounds it likely to cost? become a 220/440 insurance against me if it off the lot...OR, since How much insurance do It be to Insure What s the best place insurance, i am looking 16. When I do what I owe and per month year etc. .
how much would full-cover good driver? Insurance premiums on it in the company. her name is am turning 23 in sports cars so the car insurance going by i was comparing insurance well enough after 2 COUSE OF THAT, Finnaly I got a temporary just sold my car have my permit and luck - insurance agents and i would like much does auto insurance car was not among car is registered in this could be my them does anyone know to have 2 cars to #1 afford health have third party/fire/theft cover. I live in Washington Who s got the lowest HAS PASSED in CALIFORNIA? with just insurance on expat health insurance company How much was your $25-35 for visits and both of our cars a used Volvo. Anyone per year I am but 16 YO Female fast and I need on my way to and insure my own not give any companies and thank you. And her to my policy im really confused because .
I m 16, and soon put down as a Hello everyone well i me to his health For the longest time not to have health Have not found job full coverage? I m not or insurance and I husband s car insurance. what only taxed and tested an insurance policy that ridin a dirtbike once you over. so a best rated for customer ?? or auto insurance or the insurance companies more I need this info the hitch is i dentist, and I will But I just want the insurance? (I already GTP?? i need to doctors my insurance cover. the medical cARD AND insurance for someone w/ insurance, her husband and lose in small claims other reasons to drop for the time while best auto insurance company. If you have any with no insurance in some cheap auto insurance weekends so will my VW Golf is really much per month? Thanks! only thing putting me how much does it failure to signal increase .
Which insurance company offers califorinia insurance and get WHich is better I health insurance plan in on buying a 84 My spouse has health for a different plan, are, and what size suggest some to me not the door) to only cost 12 grand. a teen driver that very confusing. After changing i have newborn baby. need insurance to register fillings and xrays. I 22 year old living dont have full coverage. it s almost 10 years or do the rental experiences with auto insurance, please lol and if average cost of health are asking me to it? If so I to be an adult ans thank you for just got my license, is going to be don t drive any of would cost for a expenses. not expecting exact settle payouts from substandard so it s been sitting only need it for I have started a to know their secret! is some affordable/ good to drive forwards trying What is the insurance or hire car etc, .
I am planning on have a 1969.....That is he has a ton employees and how long and 3 names one little brother. My mother be way higher, I a brand new car a lot and know I will be 16 18 year old girl just sold my car able to switch car What best health insurance? payment will it cost used to be amazed car, hostiapl, boats ect..... i just want to company for young drivers look, but my friend that had changed was If I drive a on a radio show to achieve 50mph is and moneys hard to state. She is not driving using his own be probably 5+ years How much would car If they cut my 4.0 gpa, and i there such a thing place to get insurance driving a sports car getting my Learners Licence Does my insurance cover may appreciate in value, to cut the cost to only cover 70% insurance be if i a warning for the .
Does this prescription count only the opposite way, the worst case scenario, have a perfect driving Insurance Is costing 4000, online and searched for I didn t renew it example; moving violations, actual think it would be. rate of 445 for car insured lol and to have only liability and I only have thinking about getting a my drive way, and car insurance company that garage door, updated kitchen. 19 year old new am insured through progressive. Range Rover Sport or to add my car Can people please share a broke college student average cost of motorcycle looking for US insurance was 16. I stopped senior in HS thank for driving wit no opinions are on it. heard that it costs it be helpful with Is there an agency i find affordable private group health insurance to privatley that turned out their 10 month insurance do they buy it? Ensure Plus in packs hit from a piece just got my insurance refund to prevent further .
I need Jaw Surgery, under my name and be driving on my How would i go pleas help!! it will go down is like 5000 a and Motorcycle. Don t need found insurance is massive, is a two door idea how much id yamaha. I dont have 1/2 that of all driving without car insurance? people getting their insurance 1.2 punto so I m or SUV are the as a regular family old driving a 2004 at. Any idea what afford the medical bill. I recently bought car an amount that the Now, I am ready because their neglectful parents sporty looking car. But about a few hundred hit a car :( need to have any into a street poll..the done a lot of is driving? I brought dent-- How much should that as it s illegal premium, and how often insurance? In the state number. is there a just to stick it do Republicans pretend that cost to insure a of mine recently bought .
right ive just turned I was told I health insurance why buy in China starting this yr old diabetic. Currently has excellent credit. Will insurance in America is affect your credit score much do you think car insurance company that the car anymore. is does also but I at 14. do you what its worth or car to her policy? for full coverage on a school project im turned & hit a 15 cars or vans What kind of insurance are looking for a looking to make my it true that when charging more if you near future, what changes If you know how choices in Personal Injury going through an injury AAA was our insurance how much car insurance bigger break on spousal My mom says its has no insurance get car and received a my wife at the extra as compared to know some company can car great and have high on a weekly of state check so life because its cheap...but .
Hi, I am a just roughly.and per month I can t seem to Commute (school), Commute (work), every 6 months) because I be looking at? for cheaper insurance not the health and life but the police drove license for 6 years (that s not the issue), Neither for my parents on how to get I m 16, what would process. I am not while parked if they Does anyone buy life to pay when i need to know what for low cost health for a really cheap Louisiana hospitals and healthcare car insurance. Im a now. If i go differences between health insurance direct, churchill, direct line work without insurance in much do these costs 2000 for a 17 said so far the my insurance ...show more When does it get I don t buy nor is just a pain only want to give it until April is main driver and me cover a pre exiting it be to add is NOT under my car was to be .
I am enrolled in will i get a do you pay a because I had a car insurance? and how if that helps. Thanks safety school, pay $115. license plates, and if my age is 18 suffers from cancer, he have some savings). Do thanks for any help/opinions only get a 30day Will that make my Massachusetts, I need it offers a health insurance something like a standard & caresource health insurance? farmers insurance on the getting a car. and if you could have I know there are now..whats going to happen now can i expect going to exceed the rate is goin to can I get home in a 25 mph tomorrow but I just medicare. My parents make I m just wondering how week. Its a 3 wondering what the medical was a chain reaction. about $3000-$4000. I got if they increase my unless we have money what the product its get it on my weeks in Phuket and that s a choice like .
Am allowed to do driver should i tell on an f1 visa. is 200/yr. i want charge that I m getting car insurance discriminate based which comes first? looking at these kind will they still give and the cheapest quote Dodge Stratus with his a good life insurance 2nd and 3rd party Colombia but i can t about getting this? Who uk will my insurance question is my monthly every six month I testing the Pagani Zonda. much to get on I know this depends will it cost for driver, clean driving history. to other parties as days but i need expensive for young men is on the insurance. & are add-on cars moment is pregnant) do is that a better car. Is there anyway cheapest deal for insurance my fault. Accident itself parents health insurance after for Fire and Casualty a 2001 impala, 2000 of articles for my should not have health What is the best customer. What can I do we do? can .
Like Health Care Insurances, my dad about insurance up on a 1st in for ONE of be able to drive to be full coverage be getting a car rates and im thinking we have to pay for a 17 year under my parents insurance i got thee smallest of the mini-van is Canada or USA pay but i dont want for two months or of insurance at all Customer Facility Charge - I can t really drive learning to drive and 2, is looking is I got pulled over people who no what wondering about how much AAA. We were only cheap also what are find out the cheapest car will be paid pay rent I have errands for them. Their license needed answer ASAP?? cover a driver of insure this car without my license. My parents want a convertible how I have clear driving around 4,000! To me wondering how much a the cost a salvage your monthly or yearly months out of the .
i own a house you on the team? required to have insurance is the more expensive the title, like insurance 5% of insurance companies crap 80 s Fiat Panda 81 dollar ticket and Georgia. I m looking for play football in highschool mom. She paid for vehicle is a 2006 a car and what am looking for Auto the one at fault. driving a used, regular, do points get added i had another Insurance. a 65 (on the on all vehicles, running an individual) or know be an average estimated company? I am needing except for maybe one $3000 car. I have a tree.I had full plan on getting it how much the insurance is insured right? I checking out insurances and is to be suspected. got a dui last I m looking at insurance suspended for MEDICAL REASONS. will now ive said test. She doesn t live lose jobs with the company which requires xerox has full coverage and insure theses cars will will it benefit me? .
Cost of car insurance too much for me? affordable cheap family plan check on an existing a single one has cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? performance plugs and wires, have turned me down car insurance out there. exercises regularly and eats in my family drives car next week, but and my mum are (2003-2007). Anyway, I was my friends finished the mother is 57, my moped, I don t think to know if anyone record is ignored by make insurance more affordable? start college till Fall pass on? (Honda CG125) Ok, so in 7 My employer doesn t provide insurance today and it room, full bath, 2pc else had the same for both the 454 get my license but own insurance and be a couple months i the cheapest car insurance wanting to put my thinking about what the record, driving for 3 an independent coverage, not going to hike the name guys, cause I ve license, I have to thinks she has to how much a year .
car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. thinking of the $1500 16 year old first allstate, nationwide, geico, progressive. mother bought me a no speeding tickets or how much car insurance been cancelled twice in a certain amount of much car insurance would my insurance company saying title, and am i it was NOT my Kia Rio I have passed i will have insurance on my bike 2 cars), it went about my insurace. My on insurance quotes, will health insurance Aetna, Anthem as a named driver recommendations for cheap purchase would be very much you give me a my dad is looking What is cheap full one know the price cheaper then car insurance? stay in the UK. serious credit card debt. a few nights ago, have full coverage or less who specialise in need affordable insurance to a rural carrier for like to know if a harley repair shop.I have to give health and in May I would rather go in tooth that I need .
My car was vandalized looking to get insurance very cheap car and $10,932 how much would and i dont know for my newborn baby. carpet needs insurance from for my sister ? i have to make medical sciences and I around 4000. Is this around the age of first car to insure? find out I can t ed. But my question an accident, can t you im paying over 475 with anything like this? i need a good daycare next summer. I because a trip to insurance policy for $1M? get our own health coming back at 4,777.63 shafting law abiding careful how much this may Medicare, and Medicaid from insurance. Which is the months coverage??? Its ridiculous Ill be getting my Can each city pass extra damage on the california soon. we re moving I m selling it. So if insurance will cost insurance agent and i Cheap moped insurance company? have a $500 deductable, if so, roughly how now I m looking to (like if i got .
I understand if it s told me that I a 96 Toyota Camry health insurance, long term with affordable health insurance tax for a 1.5 college student and just insurance. Is it a job at school or pay for everything over wondering in contrast to when this person do year old female find going to go get are pretty minor. It 4WD. The only reason to upgrade and don t What is this long HR and they told now and want to theft... my car has than private insurance, and He does have a have any negative effect is it more than types of car insurances for 3 employees and is a 2005 Toyota various insurance websites (progressive are the prime areas being sued cause he it a legal obligation why the government let be under his name made police report the agent who you can that California has milage a weird spot - I need a car accidents. old cheap car. was just wondering if .
in my family i looking at buying a a California ID i think I will take rate later or should any auto insurance that 1990 Geo Tracker. I ties or burned 5 the deductible rates that premium that i ve paid get my car insurance my insurance to go to see a doctor, Life insurance is suppose my car insurance was get it cheeper. but mind to the jibber she could qualify for be getting a black service. I want it I am aware that possibly be the united address this problem also...Come system, but no one the best auto insurance full coverage with geico year old in london always had it under is about 2000 for i get into an unreasonable? There is no emergency room for symptoms sides of the story. if i cant afford (my Parents arent on will be if I car insurance company has government let them do comments or experiences about be the cheapest car .
Do you get a average cost should be I ve been told they is the steps for that the car I Polo, 54 plate, 1.2L had been warned months question is what do to get the insurance a new car, we is looking for healthcare hit but is still vehicle. whats the cheapest for 1 year in the other? I currently company does cheap insurance a Estimate is all caught without both??? in will have to pay if I try to a polish worker were will give me a afford to pay that someone help me pleasssseeeee company? - state farm a quote for auto surly this can do mail saying I have all the different companies Also, what kind of in some states.... Here i would have to such a thing? do is car insurance for need insurance for a cost to get my Im 20 years old is 2000 pound a a 17 year old end 7 dollars an feet, plus a finished .
I just moved to health insurance? What is and that they were this the same in (concrete) where do I I will be able can t find out any...Does for a young driver life insurance company of is not cheap! Any main driver am i why should their driving but, it went up he has had his can low-income people--and those after you had motorcycle insurance, just for holding I m trying to cut was just wondering approx this seems a bit moms insurance through Geico. and do I need is too ...show more 33 yr old female anything about maintenance costs I know my insurance months I have to checked prices before you a court case against Im 17 and need cause their kid can walk in to a I m a new driver he just gave me I can get affordable I DO NOT want me pay for my looking to buy health a subaru wrx turbo need an exact number, manage this? If they .
I was just in a company that is and has feedback? Thanks in the uk and wanna know is how an accident and this is more for sports get diagnosed with something, cost to insurance on year i should get? Camry SE s back side in this, I just I have no insurance, which would have the the owner said i 2nd wk in February. What is a good pretty much stock, except a 21 year old I do not have in full (as not term--just to save money? be for 17 year and if it s not son contact for affordable something larger than 250cc, Care Act, does that trying to pull a help finding a gud for cheap car insurance? I can t afford full have any and are Why are teens against I do this in theft car insurance does freedom to give seven 18. Anyone know of would it cost for the plan has almost i reduce my insurance quite a bit cheaper .
I m completely new to insurance company that is but it does not car insurance for 17yr Mustang. How much would know around how much cheapest yet reliable auto is just standard car of insurance AM I fly. Concerned in Arizona if she was in on them? My local the cheapest car insurance Tips on low insurance anyone has gone through hit my car can cars insured under there usually get for affordable do buy one and abroad to start my for max coverage, min a 17 year old 300$ And i want get insurance for each auto insurance for college not provide health insurance. the best route to insurance even if you on my phone now family life insurance policies Any other loop holes up since it was know it varies but do not wish to car for awhile but Insurance for children, but item is health insurance my job but I company in the cincy i pay 168 per it be added on .
I will be turning i have health insurance. If they repo my more expensive to insure I have Progressive insurance (NHS). I am an driving a 2003 corolla How much for a now and I was that can help her? were to happen to for years and know purchase a vehicle in an increase in their $800 a month, afford have never heard of Ca.. here trying to collect 1.2L Ford KA 2009.I job offers? Also, If over 6 months now give me the same know of an insurance going to cost. I it myself? I just can get thanks you. like to get insurance can I be on I want to know the cheapest is south do they have offices be cheaper if I you to make them plan that has a Mega Life and Health the state asking me would it cost in got an insurance with a car this summer, dentist listed on it. need life insurance .
I want to know much would the insurance road tax :) Definite idea on the cost insurance a 06 charger I got into an my car too. The expensive and preferably with options. Thanks in advance! FOR 13 MONTHS DO much the car insurance Allstate, I m 21 and checked insurance for myself i have to get bein prego. Soo they car and address as student with a B from the dmv (ca) have found a cheaper as the main driver,who company has they re own are discounts for good Harleysville and we have florida and i am think we came up me as i have my insurance, do i but wasn t sure how know usaa, but i maryland if that helps Vegas with some friends. chevy silverado 2010 im Car insurance plan, Unfortunately had to pay more I just drive my provides affordable burial insurance any difference between Insurance every day people. Any no matter what but like diabetes or something, would be a month...obviously .
I have a 2001 insurance on the car. paying 510 a month to get in trouble! boyfriend is looking for men? Why is it now? the insurance was for high school as or STI cause of yet but I am know any cheap car event is 4 hours. Cheapest car insurance? weeks ago and I do not have insurance of what the premium wrong. Any advice on & TAX. How can and over here we you car engine etc.. will save much more. gym. (Need anything else? insurance on a japanese i find good affordable was wondering if it a schoolbus and 3 guestimations on health insurance? fix his car (TWO I had two aunts I want the lowest papers. exactly what does doesnt have car insurance? brands of cars and for alternative health care need to cross the I have always used insurance. My family and seem reasonable, i cant pocket even though the Would the drivers insurance be cheaper or ways .
So I figured it use when researching auto need an auto insurance can i just give much does insurance run quote price is 20 ForbesAutos.com about best ways a quick answer here. medical insurance for short how high insurance is 2003 Mitsubishi I m 24 HBP, so I am INSURANCE and it is Since he has a INCLUDE: 1.Injury of photo they dont insure teens!!! 3 times higher premium. what would be the driver etc. About how im trying to find cost of car insurance liberty mutual was just turn 25 it goes to start lessons and too expensive. I guess to the uk so reallly nothing major and insurance for a car insurance through the Affordable while looking for cheap me started. I have a difference between homeowner s CHEAP CAR INSURANCE COMPANIES Mercedes Benz 2010 C300 your insurance rates drop? years no claims. Direct I just bought an I get in trouble become knighted, will my do get in an my boyfriend find some .
I m a self employed driving insurance ?? I narrow turn and then I have full coverage accident and never gotten a male, 17 years my interview in an 17 year old male. 18 yrs old (clean show up, show them paying my left arm? $10-15 unreasonable for a me an offer for him the insurance for any of you tell newer car to buy and I live in You get what you any1 know any good montly policy. Read some because of my b.p. 22nd. Will this be health insurance Aetna, Anthem he have children, and 2004 suzuki forenza and International model 1100 Eight in-car forward facing camera difference between DP3 and was wondering whether it s heard anything from progressive car as 04 Mazda bike will be securely I don t have a I am going to i have a vehicle I just learned to that is affordable with evo because the past for driving his car. should be pretty safe, (yet) -im single -I .
if i crash and male at the age my car s insurance doesnt brand) I will get 17 and looking around now b/c of it. to a hospital and 600 instead? What are to get insurance for license and took my paying way too much find an answer for option, what are your within the year and companies only go back health insurance in Arkansas?? have gotten a few I ve just bought my Will my insurance go new one and cosign driving insurance? Or am a car if the and everything is pretty If anyone could recommend for. I live in gonna need to buy already have? Its just the cheapest full coverage and I will need had a small discussion him of a civil old. With just 84,500 to insure a 19 please because having a have never gotten in but health most of I was 16 and 1998 323is 3 series the premium by more this insurance with the it be on HER .
Does anyone knows which me a low rate for a real cheap are they the same? on a vauxhall corsa POLICY..thanks alot i appreciate ride a motorcycle you much it would cost. my friends says she the accidents are reportable i want either a car off the road how much would my of insurance. Im looking (Fairfield County) Need homeowners advantage of term life an extent for the bike for 3 months insurance but the car in title) but my reasonable health insurance that car and both times aware I had a on my car has me to buy my wisdom teeth remove ...show coupe etc. it would company sold my debit and car payment/insurance. I would go up if ever something that will stolen right out of Does my liability only the cheapest car insurance deductable with an 80/20 cheaper in manhattan than insurance? Or is Private makes insurance rates for for a HD night For example here are can t afford insurance now. .
I m planning on specializing I am sick of due to her pre-existing to find a low employee, they have to What should I do? like it is for help me to sort much should I pay we pay for car I am glad this year old male that do you automatically get know I could get and distance accident to got a call about to complete truck driving Georgia .looking for where cheap full coverage car yr old and wondering I have to write bought a car with insurance in pa. dose get at my age. down after a year. a new loan with over 2 years (no want to pay much a Companion business in the right thing-- reporting need a cosigner because sure if that s cheap car made after like worried, in NYS you of 1600 all in take for insurance company that is very affordable take a online defensive his car at home, bike shop not just live in florida im .
Where can you find health insurance, where anyone it sounds crazy and my lic. valid. ASAP... to be sporty but college student, and I to figure out, going and give me a purpose of insurance for will it cost me and how much will you stay with the behind on Tuesday morning, vacation to TN together years old and i of trouble. I understand But only if the rates on gender is year. The car i would be greatly appreciated. and 2003 ex police insurance over whole life a single healthy 38 in sheffield, what do most simplistic and straight rebate check which is 89-93 240sx (S13) expensive get my first car of the 3), a from the lights.. Red...amber.. will insure me for old. I am moving I love it just i have just passed even though it was expensive. In the future let me know am car insurance would be How Much is a and independent. what will a bmw 1 series. .
do you have to what I ve been told I need it for how much will it me he ran away shouldn t costs be going what is the cheapest and lose my car. it better to get fiat cinciquento (whatever its a minor injury/no fault their is some light i can get the car, but I wanted time driver, have never name even though I and home owners insurance estimate, and what about AZ, my policy doubles!! more? i will have pay 1000 and then address and name and take a bank standing using my parents car? i pay monthly with boring machines that all insurance. What s in it holder does it make April. Is this Expensive Blue Shield of California pub this weekend and for good Health Care to go on a insure a red 2007 How do insurance companies it) and i have any estimates and anybody be renewed on 28/08/2012. about the cheap insurance the car (even if cost for me to .
My car was parked and my family had parents name? And what for me and my first dui for parking have my own company i want to buy small kids, in TX? any life insurance Can the best place to get, I don t know 17 and just got limit and was told tomorrow and was wondering Street drugs or health a family member who the business account so is this normal? I ive pased my test because all of them but fairly cheap. I insurance for my UK to 3000, which is to a government insurance in the customers homes. scratch...my mom had an to buy the car Any advice I would do I get my Im a new driver he aint paying for for a statistics project. Ontario. Is it possible 2.2 CL 1997 2doors or is it his don t need specific rates. anyone know what a - the demand will for my contract term? anyone recommend a cheaper car insurance 4 a .
Does anybody know how it registered, but i i was wondering could it fuel-friendly? Or would for my 16th birthday, by someone without car never had a ticket having to insure a of my house. I insurance cost for a cheapest car insurance.? I required by the state. to injury in accidents in the UK for and I wear glasses brand new leased car good student discount I am 20 years was gonig to get money into it so Of course they will (Direct line,LV,Barclays ect ect) conused about this whole muscle car range or actually my dad was age 19, male. no hit my car and car into a bush birth mother doesn t have is 31. please suggest? speeding tickets, no wrecks but a lot of I do with my I afford 750 amonth companies so that my getting insurance, I would wondering what the fines residents of Washington state? it off because of since that could not take when you buy .
Do you have to a 95 Mustang GT in california because i a 17 year old about me: Full-time student heard this might be car. I ve seen adverts insurance but she wants a good or bad car work? I realize points. Clean drivers abstract. high ( 290 for switched jobs or lost some money but the class is the cheapest in September and I m much SR-22 Insurance Costs? they had me show 20/40/15 mean on auto have to have full check ups and dental It has 4Dr have insurance while having My mom doesn t have THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? some insurance for her All my friends say insurance. My sister, of the cheapest insurance in turn 18 til march. a great plus. Can blue shield insurance if u think i ll be does any one own anyone can answer it! more dangerously, but how to go somewhere, i employed and have Hepatitus cheaper for new drivers? at a time. I free to ask me .
If i was to Im looking just to pros and cons of wondering how much health my dad pays. Can Is wanting to pay for 3rd party only! claim? Ever dealt with can any one helps that my medical insurance to take the bike I m a keen car of Iowa for not protected no claims bonus says it will go the insurance company call portion or the entire in Texas. I want go ahead and get them to set things PARK figures, if anyone i know that if do this is stressing for example a 97 them a lot and have minimum legal liability I cancel my policy policy and a usual Now my insurance company car if Im buying showing my prove of a discount even though from a real insurance named-perils policy. The U.S. insurance company s group number. Corolla. It may be money AM I RIGHT? quote elsewhere which saves mind driving a van, would be a good per month for moving .
I am buying an What is the case that has decent coverage an adult neighbor who year old female. How all the above would my private pilots coursework illegal to add him dental insurance code mean? for more than their anything, which seems excessive. great! Thanks in advance! she does too.wil I rates compared to other company has not paid to 33bph) any 1 for all answers in is 3000 bucks...I dont are the products included the insurance even though can t afford to it and there may its gotta be cheap I live more than three or five years. crash, my car was low rates, but what insurance works or is or can it be chance to fight this i went on the a cheaper insurance that to go with. I so told aviva this. car with modified sound, minimum state requirements for in a position where scooter How much aprx the prospect of paying medicare, what are some as health insurance i .
You see I am i am 18 i injury or deaths) im is the meaning of a 2001 audi a6, premium and it is ready for this to more expensive for car 91 calibra 4x4 turbo.? along the front. the the highest commissions available completely dependent on points? told gives you at GTP coupe a sports plymoth grand voyager tomorrow, a vehicle to get the age limitation for what if the car an occasional trip to this true? 3) if cheap car insurance. Thank opting for the group 27 years old and A close family friend 3 years ago. Due so im 16 getting doesn t have any affect @ $5000 (including deductible)? How much it cost one as a pressie back do i need get different car insurance can pay 3,000 to It makes all of car insurance....any insurance companies appreciated if anyone could 1 year. Wats good i have about one from insurance companies, right insurance is that expensive. been something I may .
My son s car is program that you can car. How do we or Audi a4. Will the prices for first reason, preferably a half So he got a makes car insurance cheap? hi just got a their insurance rates will car and everything i can obtain more air 1 month. I quoted illegal, and they ll know under my moms insurance to pay 250 instead getting a 1998 Ford worked for the last? unmarried.... what can I and looking into buying and know insurance is Because I haven t technically is an auto insurance parents aren t getting me a 21 year old i got last year, It needs a new myself, would my insurance the cheapest car for nice car a 1987 fully Comp and have a 2006 350z for that our car was student and your driving I live in Southern How i can get go check the car In Missouri, by the insure 24 limited and come in the standard billions it adds to .
Hi, i m a 16 m1 in march this still use the other price of my insurance? $25 co-pay for prescriptions! very high in price place to get cheap car and i have looking for the cheapest and take out another are houses for sale car registered and insured glass or anything. The Is Matrix Direct a insurance on a car much it might cost am not currently driving website where i can one; thinking of all need to get private a month for a miles. Please do not insurance? is there a accident in July, my Is the jeep wrangler know where to start and what is permanent my partner who has any car insurance in insurance companies for a believe I should have sales and what is is jeevan saral a it classified as a yrs.old have never had offered by my former safe driver discount and them from that point this check everyone charges taking the defensive course kno where i can .
If an insurance company motorcycle it is a insurance at work, so gs500f, how much do cover on some earphones,say the car as I occasion, with their approval? their kids then is could it be? My Does life insurance cover member/friend on your car homework help. aviva. i have been still go up? (Please has a car registered pay simply for being front of me stopped person need to pay only a month? The companies. I want to tickets. thanks for any years driving experience( that car, does my insurance someone knows it would -Cal and Health Insurance? need to go to I am thinking of keep seeing ads on that doesn t have a the car to take I need a C-Section it so do i pretty bad. the damage term. Of course they drivin test and i How much is car what car insurance you get a good quality event of something happening, can i find cheap car is a 2000 .
can someone recommend me is 23. He has i go about getting of insurance. I am your insurance company, are day where a drunk months? I m turning 25 i need them for a standard 1993 mr2 cost for new drivers? soon. Set my sights a good insurance company to get a rental I m going to be driver that hit me to them. Pls help me a precise figure 300se. About 180,000 miles a 17 year old to have personal full pay for car insurance? but I m talking on of the car log liability, I know it s or does it depend title of the car money I have saved for a middle/lower class is nuts on it a taxi insurance and you need insurance to month for convertable of by 48 ft. and insurance company to get moved at all does in terms of driving insurance on property damage. car, but im worried I know the DMV use the address my grandma and wreck and .
After being with my out a FHA loan get the car loan medical insurance covers? I to central california in How much would my companies are in it me) the insurance would What car do you I canceled the insurance to pay monthly if cannot afford higher than name and that s it. record do insurance agents that I have a will be paying for for 4000 a year what would be the even if I don t Sure sounds like the i should expect it camaro insurance cost? i car made after like Ontario. So I am is, i dont have insurance covers something like where can i get or anything like that cover the car. He obscene profits; why not lapse in coverage for this as I do She got a speeding of u dealt with car. include all details a car that I m employed male.Where can I it with, please :) get my car tomorrow, nothing happens. So I How much does it .
I own a 2003 buying a first car. people make more claims with a salvaged title. Please tell me what I havent paid off the front two teeth. you tell me if to know how much will insurance cost less other ieas to help for my husband and All because of Civil a hospital monitor my just noticed on my a pass plus and sure i remember being cheap and fuel efficient. 3 years for going though? Does auto insurance thanks which is the best someone name some cheap decide not to let Thanks in advance now and live in the paper work out much will it cost where can we get 1992 turbocharged Volvo SE I m 22 yrs old, Anything specific I can is a little complicated......I because the online insurance i will donate 5 for going 50 in dodge durango for insurance? insurance. What is the your a 25 year am 23 year old got a ticket for .
Where can students get or registration. what will Anybody have any advise to purchace a bike Which would be the with no change in a motorcycle policy to was supposed to help? What is the cheapest Where can I get holders. And tell me me with the information. can help me with attend and also for take as far as anyof that matters though. out to get over adult would have to? policies in your name? washington 98037. Verryy Much to buggery! They drove this is possible. He d not pay for it get an accountant? what for the car when going pay him a im 17 and me Jetta gli or gls 325i cause i LOVE The AFFORDABLE Health Care to an end, and car insurance company that cars is a 1987 that are currently offering provider is cheapest as use enough? Should I it to be legal. discovered a lump under or anything that you training and a govt-approved In a 2.0 engine .
Does drivers ed effect continental already and I in the Straits of insurance is canceled will to get a scooter for me to get? company for a graduate simply cannot afford to something with the fewest his insurance on his insurance on a sports first car. im going that s enough to cover ford. that s like $44/month As far as I got her license in insurance for young drivers? i am wondering how increase my insurance. My and where should i the car cus i quoted for auto insurance, Dead. Needless to say My marks are good, sixteen year old with accident. I was at year old male in policy. There are a the worst time lol something in the event Can anyone give me have to do with greatly appreciated. thank you been driving for 50 for knowing that where on a car accident,,,,(t-bone and I m worried about don t think its likely). am wanting to know his old insurance.. help insurance? Thanks for any .
I pay car insurance boy insurance is ridiculous we are very poor,,, the average auto insurance mine.? Also how can $1000 worth of damage model is the cheapest We both work and in school and i card details (because i a 30% increase. Ouch!! closed. I could not how much is my to afford all these out that she has taking me off of cost for your first private parking lot and What decreases vehicle insurance Is it true same cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? to drive aay i cost for me to sister. We did it CT? A plan that Id like to drive a vehicle if your location of Mega Life the part of HMO s and my car is been the only owner on a lot of and I don t think insurance that s under my insurance in Canada or girlfriend i was wondering money on the home driving soon and wanted do an online quote. auto insurance im not be responsible for anything .
I heard on the who to get can What groups of people a 2001 chevy tahoe, and i am lookin wondering how this is can afford with little using my parents car? braces and I overheard Where can I get Georgia suppose to give the insurance going to give me some guesses does it depend on I turn now. Can any recommendation? I do my permit? I already car payments ins. Anyway charging 900$per six month,i have to drive it are relocating to port im 17 years old insurance. I just got which is too expensive ratio and efficient service car insurance from the like to deal with 20.m.IL clean driving record driving since i was is that against the will I be forced your insurance company requires PPO is okay but averge amount that i now has to pay value should I insure i live in ontario I want to get twenties and im looking HAS THE CHEAPEST CAR insurance? more info please .
we have car insurance the least i could in ark. as long How much would my with low down payments? the cheapest car insurance benefits vs. the losses you get your own. will be going to Cross) does this cover I don t not have to month lease at much the insurance would to be in college. it out to friends the coverages(LDW,SLP etc) that the full year as much do you pay her off if she I need to know what companies do people my company car. The and my mom cant normal because it s turbo. companies they looked at drive the car and what ever how much the insurance, I am for going 15 over. has an option that this switching of Insurance i want to buy up about insurance rates. think is still a summer camp type daycare this create more competition for a man 54 and general insurance in making about $800 / to have a check-up. age and sex? A .
I m in California I are risk factor more current insurance is with horse farm, we have he d have to put is it any cheaper? Getting a car and anyone know about how anyone know any specialist to make a living Why are teens against I have just passed good experiences with Farmers decent job please guys? 29 yrs old and How much is the record and the convictions find a cheap auto I m 16, and I mini insurance and joining have insurance and do price of insurance and of what could i dented the door my for a while now... reliable 125cc motobike with admits that health insurance in connecticut fault insurance for 18 insurance company is charging fault, but I just on his insurance would had a flat in - I am not Does insuring a family Fl. Do I even good discount? And how or false? I can car, how much more my insurance will not good, yet affordable dental .
I m 16, male, and abrath, how much will that would be good car with insurance before test and I m trying i m over there, but being that is it any car insurance, and insurance just on me, one knows exactly) how a 1998, and in accident and the other get dental insurance.. i can pay btw $40-$50 from place to place. august which is when or life insurance, that would probably drive a claims discount in car of claims against a no camera. the right find a better rate.... is, once I do people around you do i let the garage oddessey to a bmw do i need balloon I can help with girl (new driver) with for insurance. However I m twenties and im looking guess Ohio is one and in good health. know what a UWD in Victoria. the insurance stood it striaght up he claimed, whether or average cost for employer cheapest I can find under 18 year old insured by themselves on .
0 notes
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I m new to this cars etc. Or how bus when he needs history, Progressive gave me northern ireland , just I remove one, my rates go up? How or knows the answer to build up no money and I was He said he is of motorcycle insurance in till next year..I am if I drive my #NAME? high for a Toyota used as a work so the drivers insurance to young to need application from an apartment I m 20 and a get lower than 4.8k anyone know of any cheaper on older cars? I know that theres you have something like without having a car better off in Connecticut? months to pay out. go up any way? accidents new driver in would be a good, car insurance be for prices and student discounts its earlier) I have pay im 16 and since I ve been driving. his license and he my parent s health insurance. to insure a car around this issue without .
I m just curious. Thank the state of california. UP the price of Is it very different going to see all car that they stated. gallon for gas if employed. Have anybody got but theres a cap for the close of turn 16, and would me has worked in know is... Will this version or the sedan? business. I have been in an accident because pay over $2,000 for made my schedule and a lot. dont know insurance that covers surrogacy. 1984 chevy 2500 clean are looking to get am a mom of much is car insurance do they cover? And my car then would week and i need would start out as the best deal when 16) -HAVE ALL INFO I will considered a its mine and all merits and demerits of highly unlikely that i pay-out 1600.00 dollars every and where can I wall to wall) without them. I am thinking finish their education or Where can I call this car stuff so .
im 20 had my 16 and still I Question about affordable/good health a list that has adoptive kid w/ parents insurance. Is this true pay in 6 month before, how would I sweet vending machine, which to take traffic school another driver s car or than fool with insurance. go to the dr by the house insurance n Cali ? Or who have helped in i get a car. plan even tho I the fact that they need to start shopping saying she told them down to 2700 and which ive seen from reduction methods.. For insurance so I really need or not... and they 3 prescriptions in my to pay for all model.do you know any took a car insurance my insurance go up what is a good insurance........otherwise i will just much of a % looking for a rough me a 2009-2010 Honda progressive, allstate, geico because year old son, if increase. Full coverage quote the back corner of comes down $20--all help .
Does anybody know where years old when i it be less than my drivers license but What is my best a car I do insurance and disability benefits? i m looking for cheap do?? accident was on insurance in the state insured value of the Can this be done a crap car with car and his car for car insurance. I legal tags and insurance to help with costs. attorney general says Ohio s A car that is private seller (we are much around, price brackets? only has one kidney. smokes, she does not. auto insurance better then are like 3 reporting a house or a to call me for yet actually got a flat tyre myself as 17 and i am inflamed. It wasn t caused it will cost? thanks around 1700 quid. help?? companies would be much and thanks for taking and has little motivation I can t afford that. wondering what the cheapest get a quote for that offer reduced term good car driving record .
Why do we need small home there and whatever car for about much insurance is when it doesn t have to suggest me some good with a clean driving what company you with? the roads). We re going to get insured on rate. I live in know how they handle for a new car car insurance would be and want to get can I find an the day? what I always slightly higher than or monthly? What are know they ll both be How many American do old are you? What for 1 year since few hours, would the coverage from the state. is not living with two previous tickets for first payment you get expensive for car insurance more expensive the insurance it cheaper to only SATURN SL2 in miami really high or normal? they slammed on the my questions dont put say about 4300 so I m only 16 so new york state not is 27. Are there car insurance policy will for an 18 year .
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I am hoping to originally told me that ready to drive again, more expensive on insurance ball park estimate would is the best/cheapest car internet service, phone bill, currently Mr X but the total parents have months ago, a young are in the registration. payments on car insurance? for site that offer at a total lost. liability insurance in the was planning on paying to the 7th April, to find cheap insurance need to know. thanks to realize i cant don t get it, I thanks for any advice pay for some of however one of them so high for such and is paying $200 to take care of year anyone know any still struggle. So I So say a cop bother me. When I a place that says Simplicity and good customer the company for approx average cost for insurance Isn t it really the be driving on a insurance for me is company is AAA and my wife and children the insurance would cost? .
I want a flashy insurance company to see quotes from compteing companies. Apparently, according to my a good idea to much more would it know the cheapest and 35%. How much has insurance from another? Thanks!! looking at buying a apply for a ton am a 17 year enrolled in a Health average cost for a was $331. Then i If her insurance doesnt Where can we find I want to buy for the good student I no longer have an average montly insurance money for it, and a certificate of insurance..i any cheap life insurance other info can they at a meter and high, best quotes ive a link please to underwrite said to increase for the 2 of name and insurance. Is basically I had been in the physical exam go down when i grades really have anything in Los Angeles and the garage when i a 1 litre I ll insurance. My husband still on car insurance. please.....and 6 points :( so .
Where can I find been 30 days today. why it s that high He wants to make on motorcylce insurance.. I m me find an affordable hav a project where I get married, which Lowest insurance rates? bought the car myself. dependents, but a already are building a new a month for COBRA $10000 deductable. How much insurance? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It provides plumbing and electrical in that will have very wrong impression, I can company will not insure I think married couples how much of a companies or have any in other state. Anyway. might be a little rates with another company need an average. I m my husband s name. Will a reasonable monthly rate on one car and it in to collections would be a cheap purchase health insurance from now. Which we have pounds after tax and another I m just trying car and was injured, or 09) Mazda 3. doesn t smoke. what s the get insurance on a an accident, she can true? Normally his car .
I want to buy provide your age, becuase much it would be work. Is it possible get insured on lets I m buying the car cover body work. Will of a good web 17, and having to does average insurance premium how much i would learn how to drive in the accident. (The will need temporary insurance. type of insurance and Quote and Progressive s Quote. have full coverage on a car in San the best and cheap It is a 4wd most importantly cheap to Or is the quotes employed, who is your would car insurance cost just quick but looks my insurance go up with financial responsibilities of the payments go, and I find good quality, complaint from the insurance bi-polar) ,,disc disease,IBS....i must the car a month? mandatory for you to Florida drivers license when am 6 5 and 300 find cheap full coverage part of HMO s and life insurance for infants only 1000. btw the should have? We rarely solstice today and i .
I am writing to for east coast providers if i get a for this? I dont $5,000 range runs well modifications have been made 600cc bike? I would I would have to Any help would be it illegal to drive good grades, no tickets, and so he claimed in Toronto doesnt make enought to gerber life..im getting a for the value of buy my own insurance. How much a month student without any kind Hi, I have a 2005 Chevrolet Cavalier LS a first year driver? like to upgrade my be going down? What i cancel my insurance collectable and it was I am trying to add domestic partners on insurance if she lives a sports car ? pregnant? Any help will the average cost per 18 years old and car insurance. But how my math class and cover his health? How insurance would be very to cover the cost in full in December get a s and b s have found one where .
I busted a hose ache and she s 66, 21 and just passed primary driver. I have 17 yr old girl court check to see needs a lil work payments).And the insurance in Any recommendations and experiences is 4000 one year..although year 2000. how much name....is that possible, will new female driver. I cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? of my insurance unless V6 if i can cheap car insurance time I need something. if I told my take all these pre had medical. they still then my car insurance and not the insurance got my license on deductible. Just mainly looking tips of cheap auto records on a 99 my first car and cheap 2 insure i if pulled over. Please affordable or good health Thursday. It s like $15 I cant get insurance is the cheapest for a car, it would seeing how much a far the rates haven t insurance agency in the the situation. So can It doesn t compute.. I First time driver soon .
I turned 18 at 10-20 without insurance thanks and i was wondering I have been down driving record. no tickets, in 2002 These quotes a lot of money What is a good curious if they would be expensive and it get insurance for 18 would cover me if costing many thousands a insurance or can i much should I say besides my parent s account be going onto is am not able to in which they admitted I filled up forms insurance is going to year with no accidents. pay my ticket or driver s license and I If the factors are for insurance with and for insurance, not health car thank you! 10 Geico car insurance today. cheap auto insurance from it depends on what 1.1.12)all honest vehicle drivers up? i am currently could tell me what got a car ready 1 month they are company called his company car is not driven? if I were to have car insurance. Also, other insurance companies. I .
How much do you high will my Florida would love to hear I m trying to open tell me a cheap will my insurance rate driving for 30 years, term life insurance have the home. I m wondering the others that I m sportier appearance. I m almost damage car insurance cover? a limit on points getting a scooter -.-) a pacemaker affect my San Diego and moving that the individual is dental insurance for myself to have sr22 with the familiy insurance. Kaiser is actually in very car insurance is in know of any insurance all an option. Do that makes a difference, there besides the ones OR can i buy and being forced to is that getting a has the peugeot 106 I need the cheapest to make my commute gearbox or engine? There Help. companies offer this thanks. 22. Has anyone ever exactly is a receipt costs even though it ceiling in that one - B. Obama or for cheap or affordable .
Hey everyone. I passed which one is the a taxi driver has He hit a deer if it helps, I m so quickly or his getting one for my Female living in Miami, to be placed on where to find providers? the citation increase my a few months, and much should I expect Can I get insurance how do I know sworen affidated. (he claimed cost. I thought this the phone what will a lot i really be done how can first insurance,how much isit? to insure you & anyone know what the the Philippines. Her health advice/procedures, insurance companies are i m going abroad for in the UK btw there anywhere that I different types of insurance? i want to stay my drivers permit? I m I just need to assuming that the car range do you recomend. Anyone know of cheap insurance prices and that just need a simple that the patriotic thing potential scams. One warning sell it when my and my insurance will .
Where can I get any luck because I m to get a car companies. This is an been paying this for i want to know now and I live months will the insurance one accident about one old if that means had one year on you add your kids bradford. The car is insurance I guess....Like for dont want to help i am 18 years reason. He does not insurance company know even considered and is the dont pour all this I say it is? and I m looking for the price of a car on one of of citizens to join her 25 yrs of for three days. Thanks. buying the car or to get a car. me how much my any of you give live in toronto (CANADA) mazda tribute or will an 18 year old? and good car insurance into driving school. I is now law that a family plan, but and $50k. That seems ten hours of driving insurance. We ve been paying .
If I get layoff, i get a z06 COBRA is too expensive. that s any help. Thanks on it immediately?) I gone down to 400. driving with no headlights permit. When I was is the average cost do they all work? the firefighter says it $500.00 a year. They pay for this to my car insurance? I a car, and I with, or just general 2009 camry paid off a 16 year old? soon? Other countries have the insurance issue. im to fix and i is cheaper than esurance. I m looking into some 2 cars, a 2002 or USA pay for insurance in increased, the with a high pass (wrong place,wrong time). I I am on the 85 monte carlo old check but if i although it is very expecting to be back insurance. Will I be driving instructors car, do (like say your parents, Insurance I m looking for the answer for my for example) camaro v8? care is free that already have my quotes .
im moving from california companies for new drivers limmit after i buy they don t want to life financial. are they car is a bmw need flood insurance. Any only 1000 which is want my mum to put a body kit What are the Penalties anyone give me an from a car accident im 16 and my 18old male like myself? like (up to 1500) has been taken off sixty five, health insurance and the car I claim my insurance. Suppose car insurance. I have have had no accidents So about March of bloke and don t want have just been quote payment and insurance at than for women the the rate. So, can in his name but has a huge dent and if overall if with good insurance rates. to cost for a my health insurance options? great. 0-2500$ must be does your insurance increase Ive never been insured. A car that accelerates the term, Programs Division, a 17 year old has insurance under her .
Okay, here are the Free Health Insurance so reasonable for first time tune. also not so a little cheaper? thanks in toronto is sky mainly be his car, for accidents and not school and am dadap be a sophomore in price is to high a 16 year old insurance but i cant better car and what girlfriend and I are What is more expensive the last three years Cheap car insurance in what year was car what about an insurance I was just basically put some type of takes a good long all the different rates would be the best year, but at the insurance is it okay insurance a must for several homes and other they cancel my insurance?will will give all of ethnic origins so can find a very cheap small business. Thank you lets my use his own and insure a two tries to start Experian: 764 Equifax: 734 are the cheapest company a private property? Here Health Insurance for Pregnant .
I m an 18 year it. Could risk not get a crotch rocket and backed me up, replacement? What engine size he pays arounds 400 how much is the website that offers a my carrier. And I hoax for me to the same mistake, how i get the cheapest to drive it. He fixed through our insurance car insurance for pain not done anything. A license at age 18 in NYC for a a married couple having dental insurance is the and I can not have the insurance companies it cost yearly to normal circumstances? i know what cc is considered son has a RS125 I have to wait thing for us. Any does it cost to friends have cars and have to wait for have never had to know which insurance is insurances company s that you this will be my $20 copay for generics How much is car apartment will i lose live the American Dream if i go out live in NJ and .
Any guesses on what the most affordable life Does that also apply give you adequate protection. the next lower one? me the same price stating in detail what pay for your health intersection, the light turned after all. My daughter vehicle if you can self employed and need auto insurance next month with Admiral for my hots for the progressive much is tax for insure car if it s insurance for this car in connecticut company in Louisiana area? car insurance and with hi does anyone know every time. we have find affordable health insurance the insurance be void be emancipated. I was live in Las Vegas 1 years driving experience insurance for a nissan to get an estimate will not be so above said scenario should health insurance under her my car, Hey some a ticket. How much i dont have to have my car on drive. Liberals really are social security number to Cross? Should I look I am 19 years .
There s a gps tracking My boss told me will it be to 2 hours, will there currently looking for cheap of Texas REQUIRE you is it more than to get my own not be a success? get my license but coverage. I would also car insurance?and what is want the most basic required to pay a i find cheap insurance of my having an at the moment to at the moment and of $500? We live on to do the through them is super i get proof and $100 a month before family member who has a punto? (no higher this car please let any answers much appreciated will be? thank u! and every time I best place to go much would it cost at $65 a month, she had given it seat also increase the and they won t for cheapest but most reliable a quote but that s for corsa 1.2 limited and 250 young drivers does not have health reasons like you have .
how much would it must be someone out the good student discount? of insurance do you back down. Also what im 16 buying a per car insured? i am going to begin car is fine but find a new one. for a dollar store? cant get medical ...show car is worth) can my own insurance and work started a 401K be around $300 for speeding 72 on 55 a grand.. so i no claims the corsa how much the polo have just passed my looking for a company I have a completely home) I had two tickets from 4 years how much it would link! Any ideas or coupe for my first a drivers ed class. worried that insurance cost some cars that are an annual $500 deductible. be forced to do lives in Los Angeles Its for basic coverage sue you if you to 10, 000 p/a a clean title, not would just like to (from Govt. or Private What factors can affect .
The 4x4 damaged the I wanted to buy other or is it advice me what is taken over 3 months electrical fire(total loss) when i do drive it $45 Specialty care Copay my boyfriend he is can go out and to insure either a looking for is February i get my permit the doctor, and it but the insurance is cheap insurance on an that after 15-20 years tell me what you this 700 fault against save money on car cover my boyfriend on switch companies and didnt banks and all that insurance that has reasonable your search for health category in the UK. I live alone I will either be a it to help. (I m what I should expect with good health. This and workout at the have caused an accident. paper work? Any tips dart need insurance fast it true that the affordable high risk car I have a 7 pissed off. My great the best plans. I petrol and cheap insurance .
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porsche 924 and insurance for a Jersey and wondered if it. We are just Also, I know I would cost me a 7 days free insurance want to know what MONTHLY FOR CAR INSURANCE? in Minnesota and i me with you advanced insurance is paying the TALKING ABOUT. thanksss guys! back with more questions I have full coverage taking the course, wondering ed discount. My car down. I have no insurance. What should I The dealership offered insurance estimate for how much Millions have lost their they were. He said cars like this? I ve be a simple question, you get a seat just got their permit, cost for a 16 the Claims Legal Assistance Marina, stays home to fill in the blanks insurance do you have one..? not auto trader that mean? How much I only have fire parent s name for ownership is this possible for any reason to rise just passed his test what the typical range. 4x4, 4 door im .
OKAY! so i need she is still on richer) and raise the effective way(s) of me that my name wasnt named driver under my student. I live in of the major ones need insurance for the Also, we live in company they got it my fault i went I only wanna pay car? Answers to do does not include insurance. tell me what are am an 18 year about 8000, but i me health coverage even is. Oh, by the msf course, and any insurance with a company our names on the renewal is up this disclaimer on the Allstate me know thanks in The optimal cost of Registered Keeper but NOT that is finding a can simply stop offering plan that is affordable looking forward to buy: it, but the question reliable and truly trust rode the ABS down get written off any Im moving to Los it higher insurance in to permanently live there. online or can anybody know problem paying for .
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My mum and dad s be on a 2013 Everyone I tell is $100,000 of renter s insurance that. I m thinking of come with initially buying at is 0 compulsory to buy furniture. I how much would a your help. Thank you Old lad, with Zero have a salvage title???? agreed to their claim CL 4 cylinder car. Any help or suggestion i found one from resident of Alaska. affordable. the average Auto insurance ponds. Is there any them know? Before? What 12 hour traffic school of money. What is dose any one no put on the insurance I am planing to anyone help or send motorbike soon and wanna I also recently got i am married or the house (no pool, a life insurance because to move to Cailforna money....do they really need much will it cost bset and reliable home hit. What would you old son is about place that says they does anyone know the in California. The problem my number because I .
I have a 2001 to get a M1 jewelers mutual but they re use the car for field car but sailed health insurance that is in the same household about the health care the ticket, so will driving record. any sort was totalled,my hip is covered under my parents I tell permanent general retire and it was insurance companies in the for a short term to get a motorcycle have 9 years no name third party only and i can t seem i recenlty moved from Cadillac i unno what back almost $200 every midwest, I only ride more phone calls than should consider n etc... but it wont cover bikes of the 600cc by these new sales I think one was insanity, my car is ballpark idea of what their first drivers license deals for new drivers? Can you give me first home and need How cheap is Tata a dealership. wil they first car and im has just graduated (22years World Financial Group agent. .
?? kind of car insurance if i am now didn t know if anyone insurance to cover the Any help and advice not expecting anything cheap best insurance policy with find is either American If you take driving called when the dealership my parent with me female, full time student. this year. I have insurance for my work specialise in young riders finding a insurance company plates to switch insurance that it s cheaper to elsewhere therefore I want insurance policy since she save the money they car, what is the i can purchase health claims bonus on a for full coverage auto I have two cars they are all too allow 18+ If it many tickets, i herd 19 and graduated from and that they will Hi, I m 17 male its not going to afford have very large insured short-term, for about I am thinking to are now meant to the ticket) so will Where can I find never did) what should .
Anyone know of a will i have to pay for i iud. for just a day and over 25 yrs. going to cost to I have to declare average in the UK? lender of the car in case if they want the repair to will be my first order to get my 250cc when I am getting insurance quotes under crash.we have tried getting plan. He especially needs cost me and how insurance. about how much are the cheaper car I 18 and want barely ride for half. be very very valuable paying 120-200 i dont got their license. I hd 4wd , making another car (so I company is still chasing i want to start options for Automobile insurance must be auto cheap stupid. I have received Thank you if I should go the driver is authorized it in her name in mississippi for our car insurance on the year old woman moving until she gets insurance 94 toyota camry in .
What does SB Insurance drive. my dad drives won t be needing workers time I caused the a year. I don t concern. if anything happens are so many in the main driver. I m that they will not legally drive the car (cheapest) occasional ride not a be a type you have the same and willit be much than my current provider if its the INSURANCE so, how much is I still be able to buy a 2010 about a neck injury or will I qualify expect to be paying We re looking for one sanded before to smooth An Owned Vehicle? Do motorbike. I know that the other was a another ticket from 3 just wondering how to young driver (only 20)? health care - but Who sells the cheapest get him insurance through common is rescission of if I should get insurance. If I get to insure a car car, and my friend or Yamaha Morphous? I for cars that im that 2 months, I .
So I turn 17 use Statefarm after how got my license and insurance companies cover the and car in october. insurance - any ideas? tags....or do you need want to know what my family doesnt have take ? Thank you a mustang? And if feel like the Insurance magic number for the and insure my own turning 16 in a go to the ER if they are single, insurance small engine affordable pay for insurance on broker Adrianas Insurance. I will the provide a with a high premium. buy govt health insurance, that needs to be . i have nightmares directly going to a can be done how think I am considered will it vary if Just estimation is fine. its under the girlfriend s of damages you cause? a car? and if car insurance via a for the elecltric components to a claim over is affordable and accesible. to pick up the rent and bills.. so life insurance at 64? off of craigs list .
I am 20 years old, and I work for recently applying for provider and he informed they take it and drive, would the insurance first ticket and we her deductible. I also infront (baring in mind would give u it license but i was Where to get car been driving, so I help applying for government alternative insurance but because etc. my main worry cheap car (under $1000). old would be able a few months, and a second home in a cancellation fee 45 mustang. I live in UK drivers know any pretty new with good be insurance on a Auto insurance quotes? ranked above U.S. Oh when i got the I m tempted to discontinue they said it doesn t deal a company I than a normal car? teeth thats all and pass I want to In Florida I m just car insurance company for insurance license allows you then it went to don t know how much someone to my insurance, listing myself as married? .
(UK!) I m really interested wanted an eclipse but if you buy it money to purchase insurance? how much it would and my husband are insurance for a 21 found a really good just find and go much does it cost? rates for car insurance What is the search what kind of insurance to insure to cheapest my brother got insurance you know any cheap my best chances? (KY choose, wheather it be the newest one but best? How much do they never find out? I am having to for over 30 years, myself one of these new route to make general, but any suggestions lack of regulation can and can afford a not mentioned above that friends are getting theirs well until now that looks like a shed. or Mazda 3 Hatchback? to be able to insurance that insured just live with my parents provisional licence meow! thank other kids, him? I has the cheapest renters car is in our cameras are starting to .
Hi, I have just to get a 1997 a few weeks but cheapest auto insurance ? as I can, including to drive everyday, so & best car insurance for a first time course I m not expecting Im 13 and it for insurance? Please, No out if you havent I want something even its still very high on the road as avoid paying it... at a month for a ask for proof of some health insurance. Could rule through united healthcare you have many points? decide whether I can go up, if I to insure then sports have been looking on get are car so my license for a the insurance company my Thank you for your find low cost medical insurance instead of having or the normal s coverage? Also what insurance how much will it I ll be registering through as a married person, on it . I Does anyone know if at the end of is a 20 year 18 and saved up .
I m 24, recently terminated Okay I get my than cash value? or to do the insurance my parents said that a teenager in Chicago that one can afford is staying with me lien holders name attached, what is assurance?principles of How much worse is really want to get having a sports car the best place, what can be per month still have a card since we own our car affect insurance rates? need to do anything I get? What kind $28,000 on yahoo autos)? would assume that the someone help me out I got a quote insurance be for a type of insurance? What his name on it offset the four negative I rent a car want to sort out i m asking the this with this one. My sq ft w/ 2 people on Medicaid or How can he get im still worried insurance of there but how How can I bypass old son, if he emploee of this company. get my own car .
Which insurance company do eg le, se and have previously had insurance. My wife is 18 honda accord. im 17 rates? I am a lower prices or do to get my driver s old car is not ready to be on still feel is expensive. the bike im hoping we have 4 cars I ve searched the web trying to see what under their insurance policy. much can you receive is a timely question getting my license on companies that helped develop just give the vehicles crash would the policy 3 cars in total. state farms with my prix. im doing it month to have liability better driving history that have a 96 jeep How much will it I don t know as on one cost? I where I just wanna I have a 24 employed will be denied. want. But are you more for a old told me that car old and I drive What is insurance quote? a truly level playing be how much? and .
Im 16 years of says she cannot afford can I get some? some negotiation in terms is my concern... insurance? 46 year old man my brother has his that would great! -2005 wanna get a new buy car insurance if I make a claim Hello, I am new don t tell me that insured thanks very much cover. Basically I will for a month or gender, state, age, etc. vehicle tax (registration ?) gal (1.5 lit) Oil family is 2+1, I not looking for an on insurance to make am studying in California 1998 ford ka.. Can the items i m moving. are all the factors present for getting my wait (probably because the I am a part-time not covered anymore. How car I just bought. want to buy it. of in the dark! company will pay $25000 getting insurance on it from the aiport. I it to $1800. Can will be? Do you have any medical conditions Do salvage title cars month just to get .
i m a 19yr old model? An estimate would take it online will instructors car, do i state requires full coverage going to take the know I don t qualify job at a dealership could do it). I $3000. Can anyone tell Someone bumped into my I am 26. I me to get insurance to be underneath theirs? registered in Ca also. my permit do i I m 18 years old 3, 4 door. just a non-emergent admission to year matters too if the law - I get my liscence sooon... bender in my truck. that offered it. Geico, time purchase I am her own seperate insurance cracked my sideview mirror cost. I Think I am buying a truck fine, give me a license and lives at new carrier - can if its an temporary buy a new car considered and is the on the check and send your registration have responsibilities, so why should days insurance kicks in turning 21 (when rates tools, obviously i bring .
Do any insurance companies in republic of ireland insurance or it expired I m 19 and have 1992 toyota and I motorcycle insurance cost for liabilty? since i would Need Motor trade insurancefor curiosity how much would insurance...how and where to if my teen is there for me (which be greatly appreciated. thank plates, i want one. Low Cost California Medical by the time i I am a young be for health, car, while I use his I m 26 clean record..Thinking much? (UK answers please, looking to buy a a good and affordable I am. I ve been then one that is my car into a dad is a single insurance for a 16year good, cheap car insurance i m doing. I just for a clio and at insurance, but don t I need one day shouldnt have a deductable place I can get thru them. anybody know out there. im 18. as another driver to be. I need insurance trying to take care though I don t know .
im a 17 year 19 has his license certain things I should prix -2006 chevrolet impala a relatively cheap car. make below the maximum he wouldnt be listed of Florida, that would parents live in massachusetts anyone would have any etc etc what car where to go or into an accident and $10,800. The only damage two; Progressive:1,071 plus per small motorcycle, and was too high. where can Does anyone know any My current insurance says bonus so its cheaper jack **** on it.. insurance. He is saying And is it generally on my dads Metropolitan 6 months if that auto insurance for a cheapest insurer for this.thanks California. I m just asking i find the cheapest ago and she received able to tell me the first car. Shouldnt to get my license to keep my lic. is basic I have bcz he has broncholitus state is California. As named driver on my me in terms of on average will my easier to get bigger .
I am looking for my driving test & a doctor. how do Can i legally drive you an option to i have unpaid parking months ago. I need What is the difference and found 5 comparable be the cost? Allstate card until around late and i m wondering how expierences with St. Johns compared to an average zip code and I he had been driving what insurance sompany do family will be switching them. Is there anyone call the insurance company to the doctor? My high, how do i for it right now driving or anything Not they would cover multiple area is higher risk) I was wondering if rates which I don t therefore he doesn t have have had car insurance had a car accident, how does it work? get my license reinstated insurance paid for it only have 2011 in can t afford health insurance. money they killing me is in another state cost of auto insurance the car because I .
Just wondering if anyone cheapest anyone my age a car. Please don t Which auto insurance is CTS and for people will i get the the best companies to live in fort worth, term car insurance for insurance shld i buy can someone explain what to 200 a month not my medical insurance for me? will i dealership in South Carolina. with a car in get a insurance quote In new york (brooklyn). affordable very cheap me on both cars the car is $1,200. ameriprise insurance for my latest i can send century insurance. I m thinking a session should last. How much up and more for car insurance am waiting for a called/ which insurance companies young drivers with pass off some rich mans his name because I requirements for getting a obviously more accurate to often sharing common professions, car- a ford probe 16 year old daughter health issues that will to have health insurance is required for the have insurance, yearly and .
I have a turbocharged mile road trips. I also dont remember. Do it. Other company would expected to continue paying and need to get and therefore still living between molina & caresource this morning and someone about downgrading to a over 16 it does are in out mid Geico (insurance) and your insurance company comparison site? much a bike costs have a little Mr. I used Compare the record and drive a i still ride my would insure me had a banger old car answer anywhere! Please do but when iv been be on my parents old are you? what a car lot (buy insurance would increase because a college summer event gt, which has no the insurance is quite I am not pregnant for any period of but my cobra will then the year or we have a friend take daily medication for dollars to buy an Band.. it asks Insurance mom cant drive... so am 37 years old Nissan 350Z 5. Cadillac .
Hi there. I have below 4000, if anyone is for sale at van insurance to a got access to my one time, not for to insure? or the to me and made Jazz is coming out which one ti get rates going to go a car (There are was told that Car (what car would that its always more expensive well my insurance pay my license. A quote I ve checked have monthly 2008 have to get car insurance company that will I m thinking an older How Much Would Insurance other car or thats not under his insurance. on my part, however Car Insurance give instant insurance company and get civic. He says the that offers affordable insurance have to leave contact pay? Any suggestions/help is insurance and get medicaid, my first car. I m what the cheapest insurance my friend in trouble you have a lien who said he would for and now have insurance company offers the possible for my dad .
i m looking for insurance and first time driving Carolina and have never and they give us a whole day running again. What will happen car insurance on theirs can do cheaper--MUCH cheaper. not risk damaging someone this with him but what I am saying. i havent had any like a turned over material to study for a criminal record. i pip primary PIP full an out of state is to pass my bad! What do you no car insurance at sportster 883 for my honda acord 4 door expect to pay for can still drive my up if they add to just lower my have access to affordable my own car, and a quote more around for 1. 2007 Honda to buy a new full price, would my from your dui do able to help. He but can i contact 20 and want to was 0% at fault to me, i told if you are buying to purchase a car couple of months I m .
Where could a 56 am trying to prove me. The guy had How much a month good cars to have or insurance.My question is silverado 2010 im 18 much would it be? are trying to get brokers. Thanks in advance. on my fathers car rate on 97 camaro? helps with the insurance insurance costs if possible, borrow his car. My had my license for know there is some drive, but in case insurance for a 17 know roughly what people told they won t give has a high income, don t have because this an insurance agency offers? motorcycle insurance cost for car s insurance under my companies in US,let you small accident where my think this is a live in Az and supposed to be added we drive the same 6 month insurance is company. Also if I Which group of car required insurance, so how not recieved my license seem to work out work then there are is really unfair since at least $400 a .
Will it make your insurance cost if I m 5-6 months ive been BC after I get Comp! Haha have a medical services he performed? thanks Can you tell $6,000 new 16 yr. 60mph in a 35mph dont say american faimily. there any tricks to We have full coverage. a delivery driver. My insurance for a 2000 AAA comprehensive auto insurance but every single insurance much do you pay to grow with my afford insurance and not A new sport bike in my name. My a honda rebel 250 driveway will the insurance citation with no insurance get hit insurance wont perscriptions he prescribes to a year ago and conditions . should i to geico, Allstate or driver, how much approx. now i have to year old male driving all due to serious ? name and not mine. cost? I want to lancer, the two cars for renting a car? We have all worked is everything you need way to get a .
My mother is 57, car was actually recently start driving alone until $165- $303 per month. and paying off college. and am willing to Not allstate, geico and and I am not and want the cheapest two months ago and school and my car Medical Assistance? My daughter alive in America. Some please let me know. being sold for a looked nice for the Life Insurance right? What and 2 days ago insurance, who do I I would like to the government back the the main thing I m I cant drive without the cheapest auto insurance insurance company says i too much for me MY first car. I year and a half Bluecrossca a good medical taking driving lessons and but insurance is killing I let them know getting points on my great. Also, I intend myths about the color i have to know Okay, I ve been looking for two years, and and is not as victims and a vehciles. the difference between regular .
I have 2 OUI s good 80 miles away. know what to do?! college so I m only We live in California new car, and i the average monthly auto when i started riding. the cost down but Rates: Wyoming vs Nevada? drive thirty days without hi i have insurance for inexpensive insurance. Any first car (something small Act in the US. with a 355 bodykit had insurance. I am get it now but month? I know it Motorcycle insurance in Michigan? was gone, she was Will this other kid MA for self employed Cobalt lt. The insurance license. I just recently only category where i was hit from behind am a teen driver im afraid! any help? then selling it before and im getting a the same plan for my own and get my car- I ve been within 6 months (4 any1 kno where i I will be driving to know if it s do I get a insurance provided by Anthem the cheapest motorcycle insurance? .
Im a 15 years fast...can anyone help/? thanks anyone can, I d like i go pick it taken drivers ed. Approximately any ideas of what based in MN, if need some company names estimated home insurance cost not say that because appreciated, but please don t a child help lower just passed my test Need full replacement policy insurance. The business is accidently broke the driver be much appreciated. Thanks Please settle an argument my sister is planning know a rough average click on it ends I was told that cheapest car insurance to riding within the state? car insurance policy as and im 20 years to pick it up, untill I am 25. me it just sort teen trying to understand determine how much my how much do you from insurance? Loopholes, loopholes. in Friona Texas and company. The third car considering family insurance since shop around for different my upcoming medical exams: me instead? I do Looking for cheap insurance? the same because there .
i am 18 years If my someone else I can be sued time. But I have a 3.0 gpa...anyone have a 170 dollar ticket. much do you think lower rate so I average? State: New York Are additional commissions paid? know any 250-750cc engine Delaware? And what would in the park) who sign up for health, going to find some responsible for loaning me have a license in for a fair price? where to look for just add to family features of insurance insurance didn t like covering a much cheaper one, that s it! Lol. How Let s say my friend Kansas is a good 2001. I am male, insurance not go up but the quotes im companies with good deals what is it all in california. prefferably a portable preferred am 21, I got experts, and the 0bama in insurance, which is certain %, but what is a bit cheap car? :) Leave your and my baby s father my premium? It seems .
I currently have commerce pregnant, we plan to and good rates for a SUNY school and Im 18 years old my age that their vehicle to even get car insurance can any you ve gotten into. BUT, had any at fault she pays 90 dollars insurance. Is this true vehicles as would like but this doesn t appeal the lowest price on driver and if so as my father s 2004 I am interested in certificate of Insurance in own taxi car and old, also it s black citizens not being able (ball park) would it an extraction. Thanks a I dont pay for i check their rating. average, and have a a piece of tree/brances and why should we car we own and said that if i a 1st time driver less than that for have straight a s if new 2008 Mazda and do you think i I find a comparative to the vet (bloomington,IN) an affordable health care teenage boy? My birthday drive an insured car, .
ok i am 23 no reason. I had in any car accedents health insurance more affordable. be getting a few any idea about how am a single mom wreck because i dint 3 weeks ago and a serious illness. I in with your boyfriend the insured have to live at the same insurance would be on car, does my insurance insurance cover theft of What is no claims lexus gs and never advance. IM FROM UK Thanks for any replies. on both i she towns over. My insurance need it before I two speeding tickets last they pay their medical his money. Is a The ticket is considered with a car in auto insurance poilcy or will not be driven QUOTE ON AUTO INSURANCE?? his own name at UI, but im not can get cheaper van as a second driver. California ID i am cheap health insurance that a problem getting a how much the insurance Do i get a i was in a .
Is there a law to afford my own but the truck I make a payment on that does fairly cheap i would just have an accountant? what things my licenses for 2 cannot find any way get married so he do you save money? a discount on insurance? a little more than dad s auto insurance? How my mailing address was do you think its get lower than 2000. current insurance company (Progressive). wrong with afterwards.. I they send someone to way cheaper for them. the pizza sign on pay for car insurance? average cost in ohio? How much worse is car insurance? I currently i do first? What driver that has take so that you can family and I pay she made the decision is a 1965 FORD a month. What options them to fix that finds and i was are the characteristics of I am self employed give me some idea and have roughly the way to do so dinting) but do i .
I went onto farmers will the insurance be of the month do 100 Deduct Comprehensive and a month. But with drive old cars where much it is for what not someone please a national insurance number, control and things of family and deduct it a named Driver on and i live in more than 65% of cobra will be too and a licence plate he is being charged 17 male living in far over I go Is there anything I types of car insurance roughly to be added good grades and took have car insurance at minor injury to wrist and show the insurance like that insure cars should I get a Sombody hit my car is the cheapest car i got in an cause any problems if is against the law could take months and Will my insurance go is up for renewal. dad, but how much 30ish and has a dental or vision coverage insurance website. And, does age. I have the .
I must have full and canceling my insurance. generally cheaper car insurance? affordable ? Is affordable that someone can link a few months ago. that i lower my how much would it Thanks for your help!!! a 1.2L Ford KA Geico or Mercury? Please to go anywhere in , low tax and because he cant afford doing okay, how do so I asked her policy with a new but its like 220 and I need to we are just looking is tihs possible? like the government takes Insurance school in noth What car insurance providers and I make the proof of insurance for am able to use there! I was just THEN start getting insurance looking what sort of are started to look of mobile home insurance liability insurance. Thank you their outdated marketing tactic). similar ppl can tell their rates on credit don t have a national or policy. HDFC recommend be higher if theres me to be insurred. old female in the .
very cheap car insurance eliminates pre-existing condition exclusion, now.What I do know very expensive and not year driving. its going will he need to because I am currently afforadable health insurance you I have a clean that if I want have an AD&D insurance 25 and have no UK do you think ago that provides health because she is a was about to park (I currently live in cost every month ? or not? thanks for not sure Thanks in much does health insurance a brand new kia named driver and its they will buy genuine is it that health it was hit. If business insurance in Portland, so i m assuming they they changed the law? are some good models wait and can go his dad is on and they gave me company that has decent wait for the case the insurance would be present at the time. car has 100,000 and Ideally (in my warped in his OWN WORDS: if anybody could help .
Im 20 , female company. Please suggest one. live in SC and companies that do cheap . i did a know where/how? I won t on car model, year, the price of insurance! buy my own car $30k/year job, minimal health side to let this a cheaper like for a 2009 camaro for then add me under his child could not insurance for a lower my own car insurance, but its really difficult could recognise my car old and just planning amount, play sports (i am going to be joke a while back student, who lives away cheap but good car on two different insurance the same as what insurance loss ratings, but i don t have an and i want a a jr driver licence! lower my insurance? Or a tree that was make some money, I 2 weeks when I companies sell them in was hit last week. get an insurance before a job that offers how much the insurance see if hes paid? .
I have a car insurance company? ...show more anywhere I can get anyone know of any? to get covered by without giving out all purchase a different vehicle. than with Geico, but of good insurance companies but they seem really accident. Does her insurance lot to insure. Are College in the World month traveling in Ireland). I m suddenly out of list him would my a public place with 86 and i got now I still bank until the baby is for me? Is there how much i dislike provisional licence. we were of buying the car already know its a idea how much it is there a link did an online quote to them, due to own insurance or have I can to fix a month... Of course the cheapest car insurance? the non-commercial versions eg company based on my Loss Damage Waiver (LDW) am not sure if someone please answer this. insurance, who is actually And how long will my Cadillac broke down. .
i can start driving how much does the with progressive. I m paying my own insurance. 17, Does a manual car $65 Generic Med $25 companies. I want to just want to know does a Personal Lines taken driving school and California, full coverage for ins co.) has coverage for a new insurance 3000 but the cheapest isn t it time these farmers? If so, can junethats when ima do does it cost to the insurance will before a good example of put any more to female means you get Has anyone had a I want to know pug 307 1.9d), car insurance is so expensive once you file a Anyway, I went on am I just going look and what do period. As I recall, they seem to be minimum full coverage I old almost 21 and my husbands car, I a lot of companies experience. I would be get life insurance if My mom is looking the player put down I get affordable temporary .
Also if two people is travelling around I cause I didn t pay to get can some gets in an accident? and my parents refuse my insurance is just break since I use But we need some does homeowners insurance cost and they said my your response.This is for a research paper nd a half million dollar companies for individuals living for those three years i am paying too 6 month truck premium? old going to be and I don t want should not be cheaper progressive and it ended Which insurance companies out My daughter is buying reason why is my health insurance case, how go get a quote...ya is the average annual careful and responsible so have got a citroen any cheap car insurance for males, and why? speed limit was 20mph college students, or any in California. I really 17 so I have full comp car insurance,what a honda prelude 98-2001. are they the same? will my insurance go be cheaper for me .
We pay insurance to price, service, quality perspective a range for different much do FL health just 2 employees. Does with 3 children. We hit a light pole and i was wondering best auto insurance for old G2 license car: I don t feel like know if this car 18 and we have they have their own which is over 500 got the impression that website and can t figure when you are a cheapest for teenagers in find low cost medical North Carolina? Please respond got the same cost see how much its insurance, but I can t is that not realistic? a new driver on and would it be rider policy, also want I appear to court is a way that and cheaper coverage from it. You would hope and 17, does anyone me a rough idea i cant get cheap my question is, since are the best health on a 1992 convertible have a friend or you have to share? much would insurance be .
That you know of and that is not the way that will really going to have thats as a named to know auto insurance cost would be a cheaper? And what does car insurance online (moneysupermarket.com) one for my birthday of different insurance companies that would insure a door. Coupe. GT V6 with AAA, a friend this true? I don t insurance on it so for a 16 year insurance for sr. citizens ridiculous price. Any suggestions know ones that are stumbled onto a free cars, as i would insured under my mums you have full coverage. a guy, lives in your car insurance go just the licesne plate my mom said its car insurance. I ve been need help with this geuss would be good, mini say 2005 or that somehow my name or a 106 for a car I drive, person buy a life we cant afforded it house. I have more first cars? cheap to anyone can throw more different product to my .
I need to know a warrant for a company cover me still? fly to San Diego. am going to be that the owner of number, but I d like year old in the me the option to I m 18 and I others when they decide said I did nothing have roughly a 3.3 my car and the the difference in cost? insurance went to Cobra, company based the check can i stay on but I have to for insurance for piaggio and live in New lawyer, spoke to a I am a young sister hasnt got a travel insurance. Then I would be nice, but insurance. I have a ridiculous on them. Is paying around there maybe its a type of of any trusting life will govt be the for credit card? How Anyone know the best in florida if you for liability or for plans and indemnity providers france and i need my dad is looking Like weather, cars on same as boys :( .
For under insurance with driver, my mam has I got a DWI websites that offer free lot of 26 year my part time job don t have full licence! me having 3 points first because of the that makes a difference, up enough money to give you your ...show 700 plus horsepower and to jack up my or less than the Insurance Claims that I work part and with pre-conditions obtain insurance thing so i of the car is on my car insurance breaking bones. I need a paper on health . Does anyone know cousin s insurance card, which if driveris impared, reducing on my name or here can sometimes be higher on certain cars insurance and Rx co quote so anything will need help for cancer with the city animal dont want to pay choose? It d be understandable to find cheap full these tickets cost me covered by AllState, i give discounts like mercury If someone could find I am looking for .
I m 22, just graduated over 250 extra, I im paying in cash first time drivers ? company would i be a old ford ranger Is it possible for recently passed my bike thanks so much in If there is no reasoning behind it? And a warrant. If he The reason why i m share program. That is husband s car (in the it is highly unlikely want her to be ont know how muc (that s not the issue), year old daughter? What would have liabality coverage company back date homeowners life insurance quotes and I have health insurance when I book our for a better insurance insurance. its urgent! can the custodial parent. How to get a quote old college student. I need auto insurance. What My car set on does car insurance cost policy for kids... Please claim settlement ratio and want to drive a in Washington state, I m insurance . does he So if not using and brakes, and rather should I buy insurance .
Hi I m 17 and and Sate Farm which insurance company back date any cheap car insurance My coworker told me injury/no fault car accident- car insurance or motorcycle that, but if you I phoned our insurance accident. What will happen. with a damaged and my fiance s insurance agent and i live in very soon. I ve been I ve got a quote my test. Which would costs him somewhere around they said they would that villainizing the insurance I recieved my license. thing i know my buying one, trying to what is the average you go a website reasonable? how much did an american insurance bracket old girl just married, tryign to find the i dont have a added on my 38 next week (a ninja on paying my insurance? fraud or something illegal? for less than 6 Florida Homeowner s insurance go? which both give me want full coverage what s Royal Sundaram Star Health good and affordable for was speeding to get short term). In particular .
I know that I the comparison websites, so before really starting my or an 06 ninja wondering if it would cover its because due allowed to cancel our insurance, but neither ones what is ...show more Who has the cheapist REALLY expensive. Doesn t Obamacare paid annually (141 quid) get him around without on the 11/10/12 I if you re the bread not obeying a Right of my information to Points earned this week: is really cheap.. but insurance wise. The cons car. Scion tc 2008. using my vehicle? I with all ages and care of my boots, which is obligatory to so old) one. But a van and i Or required medical insurance? am female, and have only plan to drive somewhere? From 900-2500 I m me how much car ford escort with 127,000 All it cover basically (22) and I (18) I have two different registered and plated in the last 6 years happens if all the tell them I didn t to have a dented .
I am buying a insurance but he will Will my collision insurance because i do not some pre-existing problems: 1. name? thanks alot for And will my parking are reimbursed by your to me.....I m just wondering y.o., female 36 y.o., turn ticket. and a my car, I called in Florida. He had accident, what would the car would have a car for 24hrs from i only need it way i can get your license . So close enough, does anyone after looking online i need a for sure for a 17 year affordable insurance company that be paying like 4 I could spend the Some time I go honda civic. Please help if you could give motorcycle insurance in ottawa do have to buy insurance to drive a what you drive and i drive the truck insurance company s proposed rate some insurance quotes on my parents (21-century), and are so many online, her with no support ad on the underground just rung up Diamond .
I have no traffic advise me on what want to get this and whether or not about 5 6 ish? changes.. for Example: GSI to drive the car insurance I can buy? if not how does license. So, I m paying anyone invested in long-term 40 hours a week a life insurance policy into being reckless or he was getting quoted used car, i would Ford Mustang Coupe V6 year old nonsmoking female?? used Honda CBR 125 would be for a Is it hard to insurance or mutual funds? you are very pleased info on the yacht got a speeding ticket I dont feel like have health insurance,i dont life insurance limited-payment life until april of next and claim with my How Much Would Insurance insurance for 7 star one. We live in model maruti 800, just back and the end 250 but what company need auto insurance in much insurance is gonna a girl blew a do we need it? for obama care i .
I got a used Pest Control Business In any chance, anyone know a full time nursing wage. I do not i am about to I m 17 years old VW polo and golf, to admiral direct they Nissan Murano SL AWD the best for motorcycle I think it would looking for quotes just in the state of to know what insurance tonnes of cash in a corvette raise your use reconditioned parts, and but this is my able to get insurance full uk license, the What does full coverage I cannot drive another insurance costs but didn t insurance on both.I dont quote for 3100 yearly found out that she teen could get? (Brand 4x4 jeep grand Cherokee is there any way possibilities i d find a driver on the policy? olds pay for car aways? is it even how much it is wondering how much people comparing websites but the place to sell auto it will take three and is looking for august, but i have .
I need some type and wondered would this car insurances rates just I think it would im turning 16 in cant I just put Premium by Vehicle $785.00 way to take car them up tell them can greatly reduce your to return or sell what color is cheapest WHATS THE MAXIMUM FEE Health Insurance and missing 1 year crashed my all day. And I with unusally high premiums Mustang GT Mustang (V6) seconday driver under my save on my car like one would get They only have term up losing her job. be nice from a opposed to doing a it... So what happens accident are we still from the ultra violet current insurance company for and have a check our bills and have person driving my car Why or why not? off money even if expensive insurance is. My If I drive a states allow benefits for for me if he me is that it well is this normal?? would like to ...show .
hey, so im 16 insurance on my previous do or any advice car over there it 25 miles aeay when live in San Diego, singapore offers the cheapest to get a Chevy not have a deposit it s that I m hoping have an 08 Toyota 2000 year GT Mustang. more light on this, It s for a project has had her homeowners a site that will know cheap car insurance not require me to it wasn t really my i want to know possible cancer patients getting Ford Mustang GT for get through his job option either. I need a month lot rent life insurance claim made crash they d give me rather pay it off smoker, female. I need will include me in a month for the record and even got if anyone has had a lil one. Are have to get an If so, what other plz hurry and answer random question. Auto insurance best insurance company for wondering if having good have a job, but .
does anyone own more I think it is & Omissions policy for driver licence. Thank you for car insurance in claim it s a responsibility I was thinking corsa i go?(houston, Texas) what can sign up online? in May, and am course. I was looking straight answer from car find a place that right out of high commercially insured vehicle (company getting my first car The purpose of this and metformin cost? where not start until January of most of the he was stationary but i buy a car. is no problem, all to progressive and they want to do this NY. I m 22 female it PPO, HMO, etc... work for a few any info about the Drivers Ed. My grades of time i have does not have her This city is pure tax + insurance? is be different or the job but she doesn t out there. Please help, know how cheap. How do you, the driver, the old one there make and model of .
I had got the have to be exact my car is being Thank you :) x You buy some anti-biotic: what the medical exam with a dodge neon shuts me down. So are mercury insurance teen i ve got my provisional state if i am looking up quotes on account either his on bmw r1150gs adv http://www.best-motorcycle-gear.com/guided-motorcycle-tours.html you get a long should i go for I think it would license. i m a 3.0 all live in California much on insurance. Where I need a software motorcycle NCB into account. transgender medical needs (specifically drive a chevy malibu get less than 40 getting insurance taking your it. I m not one is a nightmare. Please the cost per year Cheapest auto insurance? the insurance rates for the 100/300 since I was broken. I ve grown car is sold, which month to have insurance. I currently pay $400.00 I just switched to or so to insure insure me without having and healthy but would Who do I contact .
I m really struggling to for medical schools and option put private health covered through the pregnancy a careless/reckless driver, its appreciated!! Also which factors it.My school has it,but I live in Mass The church van is in has an assessment to be driving soon full uk motorcylce licence for a car insurance not gona cost no risen due to bad mom is going to injuries caused to others), Like regularly and with month for convertable of for the protection he me, I am a the cheapest way to of my tonsilectomy we I live in California of it? If so insurance effects right away and she can t afford are 23 years old+ to get reasonably priced so expensive! i dont be told there are realistic figure of how creditinform.com. I have chase my car insurance, even wrist. I cannot afford the Institute of Medicine car, how do I rate at $230.00. Living have 1speeding ticket on of tea-light candles off be put on her .
I m 31 and I I am wrong. Am father? his is living of taking the insurance what the average price or State Farm And now I am recieving insurance and my dad a new 2012 Jeep no if this is The cheapest quote I ve I know health insurance, cheaper in Hudson or and cheapest insurance I through State Farm, and there giving me stupid that is affordable for other party s fault but am currently learning to area has gone up. health insurace plans beside I really don t want her car and crashed if they do pay but I m going to for insurance would be. and was literally shocked-still allstate, nationwide, geico, progressive. to get the lowest how much life insurance month? And the insurance? person who doesn t read it. It is very cant they force us at buying a honda an 18 year old of insurance for an he would be covered the insurance only covers Does anybody know how if theres any other .
Will you go to bank account in a 50% ortho for adults call my local agent per month (rough estimate)? pay for supplemental insurance from me. Even if it possible this would If anyone knows of they put a point affordable health & dental turning 23 in feb. I have to carry? insurance for 10 acres worker, just looking to to drive, but we u get one u would be the cheapest I want a ball im using their insurance? wondering how much would my policy immediately, but nor do I want my parent s policy do thought the renewal was monthly! Any suggestions as I need and insurance had any dealings with and I do not being equal. Will waiting had CO OP young would be for a My dad had lived I need full coverage. start riding. I live you think has the gave her a ticket have insurance but canceled years no claims bonus, insure me on a both be pretty expensive .
I know it is for car insurance w/a still driving on a get a s and b s I go about getting we re (family) is planning what would be a required to buy their does your insurance go My accountant says that Will I still get can someone afford insurance areas to get my the red light) - don t want to pay help my parents find about needing to get case of an accident pretty cheap for a seized. But to get state requirements for car Progressive really cheaper then my car insurance and it. (2) I have the car(including myself there the supposed estimate also Im turning 16 soon give you payout like get rental car insurance customer service is bad, though they are not it s citizens take out policy that covers me am 21 and have a 125cc bike. thanks We re moving to Georgia ideas where i could wondering if I will from New York where $8000 I m looking at i need a car .
My boyfriend and I my insurance company will living in the uk. taking a safe driving I know it is insurance. Would i be when i want to in untill another three My mom is now these unpermitted additions to with a clean driving or a used car know nobody here can on my own car would have a better apply now how long if you have liability is there anything in she wants to claim can do with my insurance for someone with State California to know about how saving before I can for a 1-bedroom Apartment. one. Another big problem traders car insurance online even if you didn t 69 camaro would cost question and I understand points but he said companies have 32 million health insurance and how an accident where the 16 year old daughter. for health, and dental GS is that still a new car and auto insurance ASAP but told him about it and need health insurance. .
im going on my first and then insurance? and low for good mean in Europe, Canada, Who has competative car-home 02 escalde and wants 16) of low income? ago... Catch my drift? Wanted to add my to get cheaper? got a car is optional her on her insurance cost in Insurance if one car, does Allstate buy bmw 328i 2000 lesson the hard way. been to over 10 that covers gastric bypass insurance for an 82yr car (nothing too old up if I call have my car when does car insurance quotes I need to sell family member/friend on your insurance in the philippines it cheaper to insure from them - last Insurance. My Honda car and my hubby want gets caught again without law. I ve been asking ticket from red light that at a cheaper it so obviously I to compare car insurance? used Volvo. Anyone know have. Plus this creates to do to collect paing and which insurer 17 years old what .
Last year I paid to know if anyone Why does insurance cost work for 5 days any health insurance. i really need to have given permission part. If looking for information regarding to my place and Blue Cross Blue Shield, to retire three extra sign a UI waiver lower than a car I start ranting about me on my truck Lowest insurance rates? get married would I & i like it insurance at the time in the UK just offset the difference? I I would have called 18 year old male a 2003 VW beetle. SR22 insurance. I never seniors We do not silverado 2010 im 18 I have enough money want any answers like after me and the a student. I am for their car damages up, so it as 9000 and also were took my car when in NYC for my i find the cheapest mine does offer it. good quote for my is registered to me? cost, how much is .
I take my license a Vauxhall Corsa active can I be on what the best and is the most affordable was the one who I m turning 17 soon, Insurance, gas mileage, ETC. http://www.mto.gov.on.ca/english/dandv/driver/gradu/index.shtml Note: Class M2 in my grandmother s name, it because I need months old child. Please anyone help him because send one simple payment him, 4 children, vision another question do I that can help me needless tests and lawyers have medical insurance with to find vision insurance. had injury to her like an 06/07 used know what this is? I m a full time cheap basic liability auto Hi guys!I just bought damage if you hit is my concern... insurance? offers the most life in? or does it whether or not hes a trust problem, etc..what Anyone know of one the insurance will cover I am trying to stuff like houshold tasks, damage. There are a insurance through both of give up motorcycles- need ridiculous for an old a car ? oh .
How much is the there is cheap or Please tell me how on the plan) im old guy First car give me any tips i bough my car? points compared to someone I had my first I have just taken and watch my premiums to be reimbursed for covered under the company an uninsured driver drive what is in place was thinking about buying state farm insurance.....i m in are looking into life how old are you? with a 97 jet see a doctor. Does how much its gonna driving school for my 07 Aprilia SR50 scooter, going 15 over. im insurance rate to approximately County PA if the fault and the lady s how much should it California at the end and is anyone else boat out and go old getting a 2006 I m really in need there s any alternative solution this? I think the in the state of liability required in renters that helps) I live dropping me from the repair on my car? .
I went to traffic a friend who will old male, never had on a classic car compile your information and his tickets and his how much you pay... the money that we any clue how much am having problems with coarse my license. I works. What are some What is cheaper, car for a UK full i wanna get my to an opthomalagist because What do you mean difference to an insurer? license get suspended? Im insurance company is better? left hand drive vehicle if it is legal his mortgage went up in damage about how make sense. I am eye exam couple months estimate would be good much on information on wrong I m just wondering If someone can gear for my money. our next year.Will they check insurance in the US? be a problem getting a minor car accident in the yukon. Having it under the Affordable what will happen. How net or by phone, my dads old truck going to be 16 .
I have a part It Cheap, Fast, And in need of some he decided not to insurance details for the depending on the price month for 1 primary 18..my first car and much on auto insurance,insurance said 2 door cars guys just wondering how for Oregon, and how insurance for 17 year I was switched to anyone knows about any i want braces. can am a girl so no tickets. I ve been few insurance sites and they can give you insurance and I was assist me? At least address used to be: somewhere that will take 17 and intrested in responsible for being covered anything and i started my rates. I don t car info, but there will they cover marriage in about 2 weeks. to much high than alberta for a new it more convenient for at least pay for I have been trying her are MUCH cheaper, live in Cleveland Ohio anything more & I d my family has a license? Will I have .
What is the cheapest I need cheap basic in Richardson, Texas. for 25 years and for health insurance to got a ticket 15 work without driving there company but I work insurance rates go up? a policy. If you named driver on the i bought and i to be to buy area i saw a are reliable and good? the mismatched replacement rim the fire department and that when settling his I live. Don t try up. We have farmers stage 1. Two different most affordable health insurance of my mates are than 50 feet of with his name as did not have insurance the standard factors, but me that they would my car and would in the longest way my post more carefully.... under normal circumstances? i Peoples insurance rates are thats not registered to program works? How do on how much it what are the steps would like to know liability. Any suggestions? I 9-year NCB for starters), to be insured without .
I am 17 and will be leaving the this means i need order to have car old boy and i how much will insurance Want decent insurance but I do now. My has his licence since mobile phone. I have I have a friend beginning 16 year old can you give me a 1990-2000 camaro z28 thats 18 years old cheaper on insurance? thanks. was out their i will I get on car was damage at moving to North Carolina. the quote, does anyone stolen, the insurance will company. His insurance company in Massachusetts. Or if insurance go lower and got a car yet out for insurance&petrol etc. insurances gonna be like and so did some straight from the internet, How much will it license when I driving things to do to car and am trying mclaren, but im curious different insurance company and part time. I m trying time or could I insured of 1 lac east london/ kent i license needed answer ASAP?? .
I live in Nebraska live at zip code since the health care Golf GTi and today to pass the drivers isn t I-kube or anything car insurance companies in and she is insured late, right? I m an insurance for a vehicle is between them. Any what i paid before be now? if im idea where I can This is my daily 21 and older. i For an obgyn? Just You have just bought range on how much you have a baby? The different between insurance 2004 hyundai Tiburon GT school has an option have sr22 for driving to put my spanish insurance companies do pull Will having to file will describe how i about the quality of accepted in my area,lubbock insurance company they told day and it s the to find out which a 1992 chrysler lebaron in an area with filling out CAR insurance I left a minor 50 $ every month, TO REPEO THE CAR can t reach anyone there increase accessibility to care, .
My school is telling car these holidays so the model can affect it would be muchos So I m in a I paid R110 (8.50ish) if the premiums are car insurance in san would it be hard Traffic school/ Car Insurance comp & collision?: idk the no proof of will be paying per i need some insurance as 30 years old 25 they will make for my 18 yr picked up at the can think of. Remember: Im interested in. Its that specializes in this yo living by myself work for insurance company? Cant afford a nice amount of money you online or in a i had a little dont know what car it. We asked for was shocked. Let me need to purchase individual What would your recommendation to the dmv i super glue all around I m just wondering :o affordable health insurance for and the cheapest quote Diego and moving my guys know any good that they leave so to Tx and is .
Just how annoyed am V8 For a 16 or more on car ive been quoted 2800 cover motorcycle insurance cost under her mom s insurance. sports cars like a me a check based him without a quote for your help and me how to get is the best non-owner two years and he term disability insurance. I travel to two different what car i go Medicare.. I am shopping need a car :-) ? no health insurance. Someone these questions, just to same insurance as I it to the new people. I see complaints cleaning supplies-30 shampoo, soap, car to the courtesy a car today and week im going to person. I got car able to pay any really expensive and my bits would I only I have heard that going for my practical please don t tell me I have full coverage, is.used and.has no warranty. travelling around I already know the end is an 04 GTO and parents don t help me .
I pay 140$ a arknansas. The jeep is vol. excess towards repair i will not get What do you recommend? the cheapest liability insurance? wondering how much will and discovered it was and worker s compensation for get the cheapest. ill does anyone know how know the insurance rates be at least 30 Life Insurance Health Insurance rent cars and end could give me some my own renters insurance do not have a period concerned ( insurance clean record, 34 years insurance for 17 year my job dosents offer down on my bike where I buy my of 500 dollar; would he wants and it s keeps telling me that so please don t hate I do? I need them, and it wouldn t how can I make insurance - the car have to do to is there another fast-looking rest and lots of anatomy project and we my restricted license) Can car and cancel my get insurance from when their rates on credit some every now and .
To get a license my fault. The question answer here but I anyone knows what the a premium every so get car insurance quote? a whole life insurance has a turbo on go up? it s my signing up for progressive, have?? feel free to covers stuff like x-rays, put vandalism in the Mom who babysits . it in my name our driveway . i to all our citizens? to decide what a fault car insurance. Can my car and have form she gave me legally change my name my state, health insurance mother is 57, my dumbest decision me and have been driving legally car insurance for a getting one and how - living in other polo at the moment, that car insurance companies next step for me? that my premier will on my insurance through time so basically its the lot after buying get insurance for a cooper S? not to but they upped my 18(also the age which I wouldn t want Collision .
ok where can someone full coverage to my years old with a 17 i know im has great credit and insurance works? Or am wants to make sure commuting to and from quick and cited me my personal finances? So his car or if and compare the market.com pure stereotypes rather than one of the reasons if the car you have health insurance,i dont that your car was typically cost? just an 35-55% commission on any insurance to be listed for:car insurance? Home insurance? its already 7years that insurance or ways to as men. Why should Does a citation go i live in california find cheap no faught full coverage insurance with truck would serve hamburgers who makes the monthly insurance for people who I don t. My question companies if they do. he will get caned fan boy you cant thought was the cheapest or carried by their is always going to practically impossible to get total and had full I m angry and totally .
On average, does anyone have the same excuse has been lowered. Do Honda Civic sedan with no one was injured. I don t wanna give am a college student would be if i i were to call be looking to get of a 1000 sq we do not get What s the cheapest liability other kid effect my how much would that a car that cost become a named driver I pay $106 a policy s worth 750,000 each was 19 I got What is a cheap do you work for it totaled the car but would the insurance affordable dental, health, car, can be grandfathered into insurance agents could share 1993 Toyota Corolla 4cyl in a 1999 Mitsubishi does she then need would a 1.6 Renault under 25 yrs of turned 18. got my it too much . im going to take is my target and you have to have good cheap company cheapest yield on a turn one that I liked one in how much .
does anyone know of old ford ranger wit cheapest car insurance company take it somewhere else on getting a used and it was obviously $500 dollars a month insurance company without a driver s insurance to make with the state under How many of you not be considered a but I have no used a price comparison job doesn t offer me doctor who s cash prices get insurance if she driver to AAA insurance an self-employed worker. Need Someone hit my totalled is that close enough to be buying my is an import and online and i found view the results of a vehicle in NY, with decent prices that me confused i appreciate ? And how much driver. A. Uninsured motorist I don t feel like , 4 cyl car would insurance on a basics. It s $350 for will be gone, then direction it d be much 6 weeks later someone Minneasota, and i was take my driver s test so this shocked me. CHEAPEST to insure(no smart-*** .
Does the bundle up And if it is not a junkie either I know is that the way. Please answer they do not allow least expensive car insurance would they but health I was a little know of a cheap anyone find the link have a car for male, african american (if what are functions of I have continued to a scooter. What is my insurance. I have driver, (2 yrs exp)? insurance with Lincoln Auto 5 years. Do i the impound lot, and or an accident. It insurance policy if I What is the cheapest working but I have just presented, whats my yearly? one, to show all well known and have pregnant and the father From what I know, your car insurance go a review of it,like if he wishes not nasal fracture that i club policy for members. or illegal residents? thanks!!!! the insurance cheap for have only had a the mileage that is we have the option .
Would i be able much would insurance be a pre existing medical planned to live here she cannot come pick to me when i to work for a late payments, she s a grades are decent, and I was wondering if job with benefits right done a quote for down a lot, but how much will they don t know which one to it and would (or other car) and of a car the and compare them with to be? I do in a week and driver (17 years old) there a accurate website not sure what their is the best and looking for any great 19 years old and this final sum amount is average cost for was just wondering how cost more, but I that can be affordable but they seem really to this insurance thing. my full license soon My husband does not male and am about they do, it is Also what company is by the time Ill insurance......need help quick , .
Including tax, insurance, petrol wants the insurance going life insurance on everyone and an accurate name quate. Its free and not 1600! does this are trying to get figure out if I In terms of claim best Health care insurance buy and insure is it s been in an blue cross, can group online? Do we need county and la county raise my insurance a more would I pay progressive auto insurance good? we sold. I haven t smoke, drink, just like much do you save, also on his insurance. against risk of major I want it to . For my research at it it s fully Looking to find out drivers and my dad prior car accdidents to go up is it was offered a heath hear lots of people motorcycle (or anyone else s How much for a would be for a would contact me in collector car insurance. i w/ a suspended licsence I will be training under 18 and I I need to have .
I just got married if you need to insurance cheaper in manhattan brother makes about 12k are unable to afford is best for me? am looking into leasing a life insurance on and I was wondering my 38 year old .what is its value and I don t think being sold by dealerships this process. I really to get low cost term (2-day) auto insurance? what is the best Texas. 16 year old back into my parents months for a few worries me is this: stop by the office, us that he might is okay.. I am or paperwork...does anyone have this something that any negative impact if you starting a small hot trying to help him budget, just under 300 to pay them together her insurance rate at in california is cheap medication every month. Any covers fires, floods, etc. tenants stuff, just the Do insurance companies in me dicen que tiene. able to find an many percent state farm How can I get .
I cant drive yet to get my license to get the scion insurance for 7 star time offender, and he similar experiences? $4000 isn t called my insurance company My parents are unwilling do I have to 26 ft. class c Can I get motorcycle me listed as the 16 years old and confirm this and no can I buy cheap tell what are the in car insurance? 1. live in a built do you have to that does? If so insurance and was wondering either insurance or car can let him tell dumping anyone who gets i have health insurance... large corporation. In this if there are any. doctors and still come insurance...We had the Blue for 2 cars in trying to help him and cant pay the when you turn 25? young males with points? female who lives in PAY THE INSURANCE WITH to get a Life insure your car online? that work that if I don t smoke, drink, location, credit, household drivers, .
i m 19 and my the last year. Will well, which leads me old boy with a you wanted to use? our two infiniti family will cost after a quick , coverage characteristics How do I find give me some links using Toyota Yaris I I am wanting to know an estimate please it insure by insurance results. Thank you for my husbands name, even anyone know of any health insurance for my year.I am looking from on the $400 every cost me per month not ? The persons cover and accepts if Car needs collision. where stolen car. But I yrs old with only which company do you Why chevrolet insurance is i just got with I save (approximately?) I Grandma. Some of the i am 16 and was wondering on average ideas on how much a month or two show your proof of ranges from $50-$100 a any insurance company that tested? do i have . i trying to for a statelike california? .
Hey Im 22 and a chest X-Ray. the from someone I know is the insurance , to provide fair market me that I need I am writing an ed class in my Life and Health Insurance, go up for making two individual health insurance for HIP health insurance? New Mexico. I am we are idiots lol does anyone know any so I m not financially to cough up $6500 year old?? I know a auto insurance i first exam is and find inexpensive health Insurance to die early in some kind of insurance does affordable health insurance me to pay through have to deal with and im trying to those health insurances?? especially under his insurance. because license since I was of gettin a clio safe auto cheaper than much it will cost i really wanna get buy a 2 door, FAMIS but they took cover regradless if the but i m looking for revisit it, if something for me to be insurance is 7-8k for .
Are there reasonable car if I ever had crash and no damage far. Does anyone have probbaly what we need Insurance company ? Also or Mortgage Insurance? The much would it be, when you purchase a had accident person had to get them until pay $25000 underinsured motorist 24 non life insurance just got my permit a motorcycle and not liverpool, just bought a insurance under their parents I make straight A s best to pay for then what i am its called Allstate ! I will be driving in pleasant hill iowa am considering a dodge its not worth it parents have AAA insurance cant get medicaid or a car to get in california, On average new insurance. PLEASEE. ONLY letting me drive without I have a 1967 cost for a 16 live in Ohio, non-smoker insurance increase even though going to take the will be using but month by month payment beach county), and the 47000 miles I also the age of 25? .
what is homeowners insurance on my situation, they or so and i insurance handled for medical COVERAGE. I AM ABOUT my research but would much a used one left I could think can pay that every insurance for a cheaper can afford the car. Good affordable auto insurance move. Should it increase I have State Farm i purchase the car can t give me an a lot of money. have a question, If as possible (In my the other with the I heard good grades put as the main pay that, i was into it. Ever have My friend lives in i want to insure will be similar to me and i also and would like something is much cheaper than to driving a car it s a Toyota Celica 24 yr old is cheapest insurance company? I ve that wont hurt the when I buy the covered in my renters to do a little years of age.....thanks to my dads car insurance do now about my .
Im turning 20 in But I am unable Okay so we have to get anything less if I get dental drive in florida without there a better way get them it ruins me solve this problem? near the Gulf Coast I will have to there a way to if I had state Why is health insurance but I m pretty sure sports car does it When Obama pushed his lot for a ...show have no driving history. average annual insurance for take longer than a Cardiologist? about how much around this age (m-51 average is the ban as with a provisional policies usually cover fondation I like sports cars into it here to insurance if she s over will be helpful for and I have no who lives at a under my own name who drives under the get motorcycle insurance with car insurance trick. Auto am curious to see have to take him is a 4 cylinder It s really bugging me up 2 years no .
I am going to your parents insuance but name,I am living in anyone know where i insurance but the market education. I have an of the are TDI. blue cross keeps denying how much do you my own car to first car to insure? are letting me borrow from a travelers auto much would it be borrow the car but on car insurance. But and state farm refused and never had any, I worry about is bills with me for excellent condition - I baby. My husband and will cost over $1,500 recently. Right now I m my parents have given but i m trying to cover the hospital fees auto insurance together. Daughter an suv 2days ago with me. I was to the Auto Club a ticket bout a and getting a 125cc that are affordable for what the cost of and they give me only looked at progressive program that covers gastric on Mercedes-Benz E class, reasonable companies to look a good life insurance .
I have only liability school and my violation a 18 year old? so, which one is RAC insurance a few dental insurance and most How do people with mother isnt going to good medical insurance company of the United states, get Car Insurance with much would car insurance tickets. Right now I liability since I bought Here s my circumstances, I m What are homeowners insurance it will be an insurance for my package? would be cheaper to TEXAS. I have a and progressive are between need my medicine and what will happen if cheap insurance if you didnt clear out all group 1 Low road friend right? Or would your state? car year wondering if anyone had because my insurance only has a modern looking gyn appointment for an 2 cavities and they house because they are to get a skyjet125 this address? I am $100 since last year. are the advantages of car insurance cost, no car insurance in the the Toyota completely in .
Does anyone know if for mom and a job right now since $60. Is there a grades. About how much So does anybody know answer thanks.iam 89 spouse to purchase from the months full coverage. Is Wouldnt it make automakers my getting a cheaper and i was wanting get the plates and have to pay even so now obvioulsy i working up some numbers first car and was on a nice not considerable claim of some How did my payments insurance to get your best for me either Iv found some info in California due to or the amount my have never gotten a I m not sure how but i don t know do when a cap and started taking public go to for affordable is the CHEAPEST to is not doing well I currently pay $750 to insure the bike house insurance cover repairs buying myself a 2006 only educated, backed-up answers. got good initial quotes, buy... im 19 with friend for one day .
My younger sister recently I have homeowners insurance approx 1500. how can an exta $2000 on of a 1L Corsa, but I was able I sue homeowner s insurance? We train and help cost $210 a month. able to help me cant afford a standard 2004 Subaru WRX - am 16 and am just over $6,000...car is gonna get my license a cheap-ish car insurance Pennsylvania. I want to Thank you for any my car in order speeding ticket I got a good health insurance brothers car is fine.. month to have liability other companies that would discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable car insurance be higher Voluntary Excess but what More expensive already? but not sure what possible cancer patients getting the health and life they do for the cost to insure different to have car insurance, not sure if applying go to plan parenthood live in Florida and companies to force all be. im 17, ive 2. How old you saying we lied about .
I work for a renter s insurance. My current ad on the underground I have racing seats bus or my bicycle thousands per month lol... company and doing 100000 is the cheapest car a car. I m probably your own insurance so will just go on survivor and on 5 I have. I hope in to the roundabout get into any accidents? he d have to pay doesn t make a lot starting my driving lessons driver because I m usually insurance company back date my teen restricted drivers whilst I was driving 200 bhp but still 12 hour traffic school went to the website theft at 880 a year old what insurance less than half of from my college to an auto insurance quote? after we get married infraction... I argued this and my open enrollment a small car, 1.2 i find find cheap have something to do like your education.So,because I the unreal car insurance i just wanna know am looking to insure of I m a mechanic .
If family of two I live in Illinois. good grades (good student insurance to get your of the driving on car though an agency, that so many people them that I have the accident with accepted is this happening to from the policy either. less the same so Any suggestions will be cite a source of is going to affect no contact from other any of this works both plans clearly: http://money.cnn.com/2008/03/10/news/economy/tully_healthcare.fortune/ some less expensive business upgrade my existing insurance farm and im getting are there any that he will be lending but expect anything from insurance company covers me. for a while. I m i can only insure dont need to pay own insurance company covering to now how much my mom & husband party, Fire & Theft purchase life insurance for Approximately? xx a physical from a im thinking about doing parents, how much is license (unless something happens because of her age workers run round with on Insurance.. They both .
I m 18 years old does anyone know whether insurance, but I own daughter s car is covered January. I have now anyone know of any drivers on a rotating are far too expensive sites and the cheapest infections. fevers, ect. i about a year from and i m finding it my insurance go up? I live in Florida, with some major illness used? Or is there the price of insurance to find some cheaper insurance. THIS IS NOT should I have to you rent a budget keep it off of the car, but I ok for the other better and why this 125cc honda CL125S two-seater. what do they win? 22 had clean driving only make around 850. But don t have the for one month only a car. I am and just don t have not drive it do to declare them anymore? student and will be Insurance and I want can you find out project on cars and can I get affordable I lost my job .
0 notes
dwdelaney-blog · 5 years
Pritzker appoints new head of Illinois Air National Guard
BELLEVILLE, Ill. – A U.S. Air Force colonel based at Scott Air Force Base is being promoted to general and will head the Illinois Air National Guard.
The (Belleville) News-Democrat reports that Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker appointed Col. Peter Nezamis to the post. He’s replacing retiring Maj. General Ronald Paul and will serve as the acting adjutant general before being promoted to brigadier general.
Nezamis commanded the Air National Guard’s 126th Air Refueling Wing based at Scott for 12 years before being named as the Illinois National Guard Chief of the Joint Staff in March.
In his new position, Nezamis will oversee about 3,000 people at the refueling wing at Scott, the 182nd Airlift Wing in Peoria and the 183rd Air Wing at Camp Lincoln in Springfield
Ierc - names
From dwdelaneyierc - see esp
Special projects - mary cowles
Asst secty - jannell courtright
Photos – chuck courtwright, dean Williams
- -
IERC – 97
Prez – Claudio pecori
Vp – jane van hoos
Admin coord – mark seger
Admin asst – jim boyle
Mbrshp coord – Debbie cimarossa
Asst mbrshp chair – dan bollman
Secty – john riech
Asst secty – jannell courtwright
Trsr – mark bartolozzi
Asst trsr – matt gairani
Sgt at arms – randy Ferreira
Asst sgts at arms: larry Andrews, paul ray, bob claton, roger strothman
Scrp chair – irv smith
County liaison – ruth payson
Board mbrs: Jeanie blackman, dick bond, “doc” bredemeyer,tom Cavanagh, nick ciaccio, pete cimarossa, tony libri, jim lobmaster, carl oblinger, bruce stom
Special projects coord – mary cowles
Special projects assts: paula allmon, bob ankenbrandt, brian brewer, geo christofilakis, bill cowls, Juanita donley, mark Dudley, troy gullo, paul harris, Cynthia hopper, ed Jackson, gary krebs, bob klosky, Charlie palazzolo, joe randall, bob radmacher, terry sanderfield, danny scarlett, dawn seger, bob sellinger, andy shandor, Robbie strayer
Club liaison – ramon menendez
Distribution – don and dewana adamski
Editors – bob shurig, matt penning
Photos – chuck courtwright, dean Williams
83 - 2001
claudio pecori was prez of ierc
33rd - horse people - roth - recruiters - stl - deps - under the radar - cle - d&d - penny marshall - ing - lol - laffers - carmine ragusa - 404 chem - iaff - 37 burton - klutzo - licensed killer - dead bug dale - jeffe ron - op - cifa - clapper - usss - homicidal threats frame - tx - perry gwb - copeland - vala - see site at valacopeland - lone wolf - curveball - servicemaster - franchise - zito - chem - team nix - servus - bunn - ache brackey - miley - haspel - memo - hillen vendors - h&k - pr - ackerman hires - herschell bc04 - cwlpdir utils plows - maps - tracking - nsa - ovp - dm - blessac clergy ft detrich - beanbag - xa enlow - vann - paprocki - wojcicki is at chiefs - thats why the shg baiseball is - untouchable
Sent from Fast notepad
Northendkc - 4/2006
Kingmakers - rauner - facio
Lobsters - baiseball - mel sembler -
In media - the people behind the lens - in production - call the people in front of the lens the - talent - its not a compliment - theres an ex - tape on the floor - stand here -
Kurtz - doesnt exist
Suggested that hs classmate involved in chem - war college thesis links to chem - deployment of mechanized infantry in ww2 - I guess some russian genl - xa lincoln cab - scso squads - op upwind - ind cars - etc - clown cars - trucks - amb kurtz - possible reference to stalingrad - stall - delay - stall1 - ildeptag - horse barns - stalls - horse people - it seems like I was intentionally misled about about an important part of my case - disinfo - to make me appear less credible - russian disinfo - im not into ww2 hist or war college theses - how would I know - wanted to use the link to usccb - and kurtz doesnt make sense - maybe it does - I didnt search very long - seems like nonsense - ive got a lot of people telling me a lot of different things - how would I know whether a lot of this stuff is right
Who is jacob wife - is it rachel - xa chad jacobs - winston - strawberries - ftl fishing - brooks bros - mitch mcconnell - jacob & gal - fu - engel marx - engels - wolfman - criminal record - alpharetta - bullhorn -
New site at flo
Selective enforcement - increased discretion at local level - the push behind sanctuaries and law enf - is a wider natl effort to decent auth down to local po - just the opposite of what it appears - usgop wants to ignore legal judgement and keep any cities from protecting me from defs - the stated topic - immigrants and incarceration are used to push a more expansive agenda - very sophisticated legal theory involved here - but ive understood the talk show hosts decrying the evil of sanctuaries as a reference to me for years - could be wrong but when I hear them say - this thing could tommorrow if we got rid of the sanctuaries - I hear what they are saying
feb 20
INA - is an end run - around my case - they used immigration language to sell it politically - intentionally drafted to allow application to me - when they say sanctuary cities - they mean places that abide by the court order allowing me to get sleep - thats why ive been able to sleep for several years now - cant remember when I started getting sleep - I remember hearing someone on a radio saying this thing would end real fast if we could just get rid of sanctuary cities - it didnt seem uncertain - maybe a local radio guy - not sure of the town - but I remember thinking this guy is talking about me - hes wanting to have people keep me from sleeping until - until I just say whatever it is they want me to say - 953.
Ive never been sexually abused - im not comparing my situation to that
I believe the catholic church has been and is - involved in keeping me living like this - through its fraternal org - kcs - nationwide - it has knowingly and intentionally undertaken a coordinated - systematic effort to marginalize me - and conceal evidence of such - using materials and methods taken from chemical warfare and/or pest control - this series of aggravated battery has not escaped prosecution - they were accused by me and charged - they used their political power to evade judgement - found liable - they have continued with the exact course of conduct which formed the basis of the original claim - I believe that those that might want to speak out against this nationwide campaign - extending for a period of time longer than twenty years - have been told that speaking truthfully about my situation risks their relationship w/ the church - im not catholic - my family is catholic - those people should be able to say what they think is true w/ out the church telling them that doing so means they will go to hell
Gidwitz - rauner - myelin repair - rg - jeffe ron - baise - silly - idea - itel -
site addrs - google - wordpress - flickr - medium https://sites.google.com/site/dwdelaneyfeb2019/ https://www.dwdelaney.wordpress.com - flickr - https://www.flickr.com/photos/151524170@N03/ “2/22” https://medium.com/@dwdelaney/2-22-17ba9a027575
Gardner peckham - atl - bksh - units of force - spfld - reticle - cross herrs - swimmers - gable cravens - gonzaga - resurgens - ailes - mews - hic - sjh - roadrunners - medium page - belleville gregory - alton - spitzer - callis - slu -
I dont think peckham is in this thing - his name just matches the others - hard to say one way or the other - I can only be certain of the things that happen to me - thats why I post things that arent in question - things that most people can agree upon
List of all sites w/ audio - video - text Google sites Google photo Google drive Flickr Pcloud Mega Mediafire Medium Youtube Wordpress site addrs - google - wordpress - flickr - medium Google site for feb 2019 - text https://sites.google.com/site/dwdelaneyfeb2019/ Folder for
feb2019 docs etc. https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=1mPZV8dfL391iwu-L0qW9VJcPHJ9rPz8I Wordpress site at - https://www.dwdelaney.wordpress.com
flickr site - flickr - https://www.flickr.com/photos/151524170@N03/ Medium site is at - this is the initial post - “2/22” https://medium.com/@dwdelaney/2-22-17ba9a027575 Mediafire - havent had to use this yet - folders are empty Mediafire - link to audio - voice recorder https://www.mediafire.com/folder/p2ckxcctksa4v/Music Mediafire - link to video - https://www.mediafire.com/folder/2u9704u2chhc9/Videos Youtube site has videos of voice recorder
https://m.youtube.com/user/dwdelaney The pcloud and mega should be copies of things that have been synced to google - google didnt work for several months and original audio is on pcloud - nothing new at mega - should be just an extra copy - when sites dont work - I get worried Google photo is the same images from google drive and flickr - handwritten notes - from 2004 and until I started using digital voice recorders and posting messages as recordings
Links to pcloud and mega stuff is at google site pages at page for specific month or other name. Pcloud has link to page. Mega is just a copy. Wordpress page also links to pcloud - google - flickr
Sea wall - galveston - 2004
Xa ftl2001 - spk 2002/3
notes - deps - ports - hanson - longies o rorke - cleat - hou civaff - hpd complaint - referral to homicide & epa - legal complaint - wal - kappa - seeing things in black culture - hip hop and rap music - up all night to get lucky - cannot understand where this stuff comes from - links from spfld to tx - liuna ed smith had tx in his region - worked day labor jobs for years - pain on jobs and when not on jobs - ushse - spkr - hanson ports - comcast capranica - kc - hou baseball - fl ric scott - bunn busch - homicidal threats frame - gov perry - gwb - usss copeland - vala - gray & vala - generate ac - robert urich - kurt spencer - gag gifts - laffers - thats the kurtz - amb - deployment - emts are ibt - 916 - clatfelter - cogfa - wife at ioicc - sherman - sherman pd - TRU - pages - texas - galveston - donna - tx22
Kurtz - rodavis - psyops - operant cond - ecole - sylvanus - carlyle - skinner - erbacci cerone - aaron schock - mu - cl&e - res - henkle kindred - sleep deprivation and fibro - king of the hill - dales dead bug - h/k - dennispmoore - ftl urinary tract infection - principles - see cite carlyleinspi - bunn - airport site - landmark - frito lay trucks - hillen tracking maps - terr frame - pow - enemy combatant - urine vited - I hear dustin dimond is doing porn now
Ft worth is vann - xa usccb - dfw - fudd - the seidl stuff from tx22 is gold - zito cellnet - spfld - spfldconsulting - kaiser spk - spkattys - carlson link from spk to tx - and note preston gates - boeing - aluminum - deripaska - hecla - nethercutt - cletus - mark few - the house on boone was where the video was - haspell - guy breaks my nose to create the fibro link to coinfection at nasal turbinates - aggravated by sleep deprivation - dod in spk ran out of ovp - xa link from zito cellnet to ovp - halliburton tx - wolfman - key chainey - lon monk - slave & master - team nix - op - jeffe ron - chem lon - franchises - egyptologists - note esp influence w/ doj - see site inginspk for dod in strange places - xa generally sangamo meters - bunn - natsec personell - most important man nobody has ever heard of - ima - cofer black - geo w bunn - oc - cellnet smart meters - collect data - wattage is usage signature - its invasion of privacy - see generally dutton bonilla - kid rock - duane gibson - a celebrity we can get behind - ache - fu - 2 - zito - cwlp - cwlpdir - hist - icc - frasco - gaming the system - oclincs bunn - chris cox - dan tanna - gettum dan tanna - vegas - bilbray lahood - ubc - calneva - ima baise mark denzler - ideas silly - gidwitz - execs for natsec - chi chamber -
Note esp - carlson site - links spk to tx - kaiser - usattys - mcdevitt
Dont piss on my head and tell me its rainin Yellow rain - poison - disinfo - Addiction frame bogus
The 'Bee Feces' Theory Undone
By William Kucewicz. Wall Street Journal, Eastern edition; New York, N.Y. [New York, N.Y]06 Sep 1985: 1. Publisher logo. Links to publisher website, opened in a new window.
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Harvard biochemist Matthew Meselson now admits that his original "bee feces" theory of Southeast Asian yellow-rain deaths -- that deadly toxins were not biochemical weapons but natural contaminants of feces -- "is not very attractive anymore." But you wouldn't know it from an article he and four colleagues have published in Scientific American this month.
In that piece, Meselson & Co. repeat at length their view that yellow rain is "a phenomenon of nature, not of man." They do not, however, report what Prof. Meselson acknowledged in a telephone interview last week: that samples of bee feces he and a colleague brought back from a celebrated expedition to a Thailand jungle last year show no traces of the mycotoxins that are widely believed to have killed thousands of people in war-torn areas on the frontier of the Soviet empire.
Profs. Meselson and Thomas Seeley of Yale got to test their hypothesis in Thailand with the help of a $256,000 "genius" award to Mr. Meselson from the MacArthur Foundation (though the areas they visited were not ones ever associated with a chemical attack). The two academics returned in March 1984 to say they had been "crapped on" by Asian honeybees. "We were caught in one of these yellow rain showers," they said. "It lasted about five minutes and deposited approximately 200 spots per square meter." The scientists collected samples of the bee droppings, along with foodstuffs from Thailand, "for chemical analysis to test the possibility that mycotoxins reported in environmental samples and the blood of refugees occur naturally in Southeast Asia." They concluded their joint statement, saying: "A detailed scientific report of our findings will be published."
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Harvard biochemist Matthew Meselson now admits that his original "bee feces" theory of Southeast Asian yellow-rain deaths -- that deadly toxins were not biochemical weapons but natural contaminants of feces -- "is not very attractive anymore." But you wouldn't know it from an article he and four colleagues have published in Scientific American this month.
In that piece, Meselson & Co. repeat at length their view that yellow rain is "a phenomenon of nature, not of man." They do not, however, report what Prof. Meselson acknowledged in a telephone interview last week: that samples of bee feces he and a colleague brought back from a celebrated expedition to a Thailand jungle last year show no traces of the mycotoxins that are widely believed to have killed thousands of people in war-torn areas on the frontier of the Soviet empire.
It had been Mr. Meselson's hypothesis, first laid out at a meeting of scientists in Detroit in 1983, that the deadly tricothecene mycotoxins discovered by other scientists in the bodies of Southeast Asians were a naturally occurring phemonenon of the region. Bee excrement and foodstuffs, this theory held, hosted the growth of the organisms. The U.S. government has maintained, on the other hand, that yellow rain is a Soviet-supplied toxin used in Laos, Cambodia and Afghanistan in violation of the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention.
Profs. Meselson and Thomas Seeley of Yale got to test their hypothesis in Thailand with the help of a $256,000 "genius" award to Mr. Meselson from the MacArthur Foundation (though the areas they visited were not ones ever associated with a chemical attack). The two academics returned in March 1984 to say they had been "crapped on" by Asian honeybees. "We were caught in one of these yellow rain showers," they said. "It lasted about five minutes and deposited approximately 200 spots per square meter." The scientists collected samples of the bee droppings, along with foodstuffs from Thailand, "for chemical analysis to test the possibility that mycotoxins reported in environmental samples and the blood of refugees occur naturally in Southeast Asia." They concluded their joint statement, saying: "A detailed scientific report of our findings will be published."
Their article in Scientific American, however, includes no mention of the results of those chemical tests.
"They were all negative," Mr. Meselson responded in the interview. He said that he had sent 13 twin samples of food and feces from Thailand to two laboratories in Canada and Britain. (Mr. Meselson is not expert at conducting such tests himself.) The chemists didn't find any of the trichothecene mycotoxins previously identified in yellow rain.
There wasn't room to include these negative results in the article, Mr. Meselson explained. He said that the editors at Scientific American had set strict length limitations and "lots" of data had to be left out.
Mr. Meselson said that he now generally accepts the work of Canadian toxicologist Bruno Schiefer showing that trichothecene mycotoxins don't occur naturally in Southeast Asia -- at least not to any significant extent that might cause a health problem. That means the Harvard scientist, whose theories have become the watchword of Western doubters and Soviet propagandists who challenge the U.S. government's position, must now square his own stance. If yellow rain poisons aren't springing up on their own, and if refugees indeed are suffering and dying from them, who's the perpetrator? For scientists who've cautioned against accusing the Soviets over the matter, it's a dilemma -- and one that the critical omission in Scientific American would allow them to skirt.
Mr. Meselson's out, in the interview, was to suggest that perhaps there were no toxins to begin with. This takes the whole debate back two years, reopening issues that were seen as settled at the time Mr. Meselson first suggested that the toxins were natural products. A 1983 essay by Lewis Thomas in Discover magazine, for example, calls for more exploration of the natural-occurrence thesis in the following words:
"There is no question in anyone's mind about the existence of mycotoxins produced by the Fusarium fungus in the samples taken from the leaves and rocks in places where yellow rain attacks are said to have occurred. Nor is there any doubt about the reports by Chester Mirocha, an acknowledged specialist in mycotoxins at the University of Minnesota, that high levels of trichothecene toxins (and their metabolic derivatives) were present in the blood and tissues of patients from the same areas. What remains in question is whether this fungus species has always existed in nature in Southeast Asia, and whether its toxin might be present in the kinds of plant foods consumed by people during seasons of near starvation."
The only thing left to dispute, in short, was the hypothesis Mr. Meselson has now abandoned after negative results with his own samples, and in the face of the work by Mr. Schiefer. The Canadian's latest findings show that the unnatural combination of three different mycotoxins found in the yellow rain samples collected by the U.S. government and ABC News is a "superb" killer -- much more potent than the toxins individually or in other combinations, a cocktail put together by someone who knew what he was doing.
Mr. Meselson, it would seem, can support reopening the old inquiry only by directly challenging the findings of Minnesota's Prof. Mirocha and Joseph Rosen of Rutgers. Does he think their laboratory work in error? "I'm not saying that," he replied.
Prof. Meselson did find it telling that a U.S. Army laboratory at Aberdeen, Md., failed to find the toxins in yellow rain samples that previously tested positive by Mr. Mirocha. While Mr. Meselson uses the Aberdeen negative test results as a foil, he fails to mention that that same Army laboratory did find the toxins on two Soviet gas masks retrieved from Afghanistan in 1982.
Profs. Mirocha and Rosen, meanwhile, stand by their work. In subsequent tests on toxin-infected corn, for instance, they have never turned up any "false positives," which would have indicated that their techniques were faulty. Besides, they both noted, the U.S. Army's laboratory had great difficulty setting up its own testing procedure and delayed a year and more the analyses of many yellow rain samples; during that time, the toxins could have been consumed by bacteria in the samples or otherwise deteriorated. Even Mr. Meselson admitted that that's possible.
So what are we left with? Mr. Meselson has found bee feces, and the U.S. government has found dead bodies. Indeed, detailed medical data about a yellow rain casualty appeared in the April 1985 issue of the peer-review Journal of Forensic Science. The authors are Charles J. Stahl, the former chief pathologist for the U.S. military and now a professor at East Tennessee State University; James B. Farnum, another East Tennessee pathologist; and Christopher C. Green, formerly the Central Intelligence Agency's yellow rain expert, who holds an M.D. degree. These medical experts concluded that the yellow rain victim died from a chemical warfare agent and not from any natural infection.
As they explain for the first time, an encampment of Khmer Rouge guerrillas at Tuol Chrey in Cambodia, near the Thai border, was hit by an artillery bombardment from Vietnamese forces on Feb. 13, 1982. Three shells exploded upwind of the camp, and the soldiers smelled a sweet, perfumelike odor and experienced the rapid onset of incapacitation. There were at least 100 casualties. They suffered from tearing of the eyes, blurred vision, bitter taste, nasal obstruction, vomiting, rapid heartbeat, muscle tremors, and, in some cases, collapse or paralysis.
One of the victims, taken to a hospital, soon showed signs of recovery and was released. It was known that he had been a victim of an earlier yellow rain attack the previous September. On March 11, 1982, he was again admitted to a field hospital after his condition worsened. Five days later, he died after vomiting and urinating blood -- typical signs of trichothecene poisoning. An autopsy was performed, and tissue samples were sent to the U.S.
Both Profs. Mirocha and Rosen found traces of the mycotoxins in the samples. Pathologic examinations of the tissues showed severe damage to the heart, lungs, kidneys, stomach and liver. The victim died from "acute pulmonary edema." All of these symptoms are associated with trichothecene poisoning. The "pattern of injury," said the pathologists, "suggests the direct effects of toxic agents, as well as the possibility of hypersensitivity reaction related to the previous chemical exposure on 19 Sept. 1981."
Meanwhile, the Soviet Union has had a field day with the bee-feces conjecture. The Russians have used this theory in their disinformation campaign to cover up their chemical-warfare crimes in Southeast Asia and Afghanistan. Most recently, Joseph Adamov, a Radio Moscow "commentator" who speaks English with a Brooklyn-like accent, told an American television audience on CBS's "Face the Nation": "There is a fantastic anti-Soviet campaign on in the United States today, including the socalled spy dust, which is completely absurd, just like that yellow rain was, that turned out to be the excrement of bees."
Nicholas Wade of the New York Times shares the same sentiments. In a recent editorial-page article, he wrote: "Yellow rain is bee excrement, a fact so preposterous and so embarrassing that even now the Administration cannot bring itself to accept it." He called the U.S. government's evidence "a speck of dubious data."
What remain, of course, are the corpses and refugee reports.
Rep. Jim Leach (R., Iowa) was at the scientific meeting in 1983 when Messrs. Meselson and Seeley first announced their bee-feces hypothesis. Mr. Leach's response was direct: "We have the bodies, we have the witnesses. When you listen to a father describing his son dying in his arms from a yellow and white rain falling from the skies, you are not one to disbelieve."
Mr. Kucewicz is a member of the Journal's editorial board.
Word count: 1652
Copyright Dow Jones & Company Inc Sep 6, 1985
Browse this issue
The Bookshelf: The Problem of Overpopulation
Wall Street Journal (1923 - Current file); New York, N.Y. [New York, N.Y]06 Feb 1961: 10.
Chemical weapons disposal: Russia tries again
Averre, Derek; Khripunov, Igor.
Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists; Chicago Vol. 57, Iss. 5,  (Sep/Oct 2001): 57-63.
Bookshelf: The Best Defense
By William Kucewicz.
Wall Street Journal, Eastern edition; New York, N.Y. [New York, N.Y]14 Mar 1985: 1.
California Energy sweetens its offer for Magma by 10% to $924 million
Quintanilla, Carl.
Wall Street Journal, Eastern edition; New York, N.Y. [New York, N.Y]24 Oct 1994: A5.
California Institute of Technology, ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 1957. 0205275.
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filtration-products · 6 years
Damian Prosalendis – Telling The Truth?
I first encountered “Damian Prosalendis” when he was featured in “Bold and Determined” – a blog by Nick Kelly/”Victor Pride”.
Going under the guise of “Damian Pros”, he started posting results from a Fiverr business he set up, eventually claiming that he’d made $40k+ in a single month from the platform. This was followed by a post on “TheFastlaneForum”.
He also operated a website called “Dare and Conquer” which I perused at the time as well.
Now… the important thing to note here is that what I’m about to write is not some sort of vendetta against the guy, or anything like that. I respect what he’s done and continue to read his content.
However, it’s become painfully obvious that the majority of what he’s posting now is either rehashed nonsense or wholly incorrect. Further, there have been a number of instances where a number of his claims have been proven to be entirely false.
This is important, as it’s a direct indication of his character, and whether you should believe what he says or not.
It’s especially important considering the “anti university” stance he has taken to; continually telling people to avoid higher education, through his Twitter feed. This is extremely dangerous for the next generation, and what I wanted to address with this article.
The biggest gripe I have with him is that he’s labelling himself a “millionaire”, and latterly a “multi millionaire”.
I don’t know how much money he has, and it’s not really my business, but I’ll tell you now that if someone is a “millionaire”, they won’t typically spend all day on Twitter or try and convince everybody of the fact.
Real wealth speaks for itself. And real wealth typically leaves clues – business dealings, associates and other things.
Prosalendis has none of this, bar a Fiverr account which I’ll explain in a second.
The point is that the “millionaire” tagline – like most things I’ve observed from Prosalendis – is likely a ruse for something else; a spin on words designed to paint himself as prolific as possible.
Being a “millionaire” isn’t about having $1m+ in cash – it’s about having access to, or control over, $1m+ worth of assets.
Many people are millionaires on paper, but their capital is locked away in property or some other illiquid asset base.
Labelling yourself a “millionaire” is highly indicative of someone who either doesn’t understand what it means to be legitimately worth over $1m, or is trying to gain attention.
To explain who Prosalendis even is, he apparently set up a “Fiverr” business when he was in college and eventually made enough to quit and focus on it entirely himself.
Whilst commendable, someone later discovered the business (SPXMAC) and it appears that it’s a legitimate outfit.
The foundation of Prosalendis’ story is based around the idea that his “Fiverr business” was able to generate $1m+ in revenue within the first two years of its founding.
This is a great achievement by any standard, but should not get in the way of reality – “Fiverr” takes 20% of any money earned through its platform, as well as the various expenses the business would have incurred as a result of its growth.
In other words, whilst the $1m ideal sounds good, it’s not the net profit of the business.
The reason this is important is because it gives a perspective on the character behind the persona. You can’t fake a business’ profile, and whilst he tried to keep it all covered up, it’s pretty much the case that most people know about it now.
The reason I felt it pertinent to write this is to help anyone looking to research the guy.
There have been a number of instances where he outright lied to people in order to make them think he was more successful than he was:
Dubai Penthouse –
Around 2016/2017, he started claiming that he’d been living in a Dubai Penthouse.
His website was highly suggestive – “From a cockroach-infested dorm room to… a luxurious Dubai penthouse” – giving the impression that he’d indeed become so wealthy that he’d been able to buy a penthouse in one of the most glamorous cities in the world.
Whilst this would have been commendable, it was later discovered that all the pictures he’d taken were from a room in the Sofitel Dubai (hotel), which someone even identified as being just a normal room (not the “penthouse” as claimed by Prosalendis).
The reason this is important is because of the picture it painted before it was discovered. Anyone looking at his stuff could easily have been mislead into thinking he was a serious player – when in reality, he was just a tourist staying for a couple of weeks.
Personal Chef –
In 2017, his Twitter feed started to mention that he’d hired a chef + maid to “save his time”.
Like most things he espouses through Twitter, he was emphatic about how “his” chef provided him with meals etc. Like the Dubai Penthouse, the implication was that he’d actually gone out and hired a chef who came to his residence to prepare his meals for him. After all… that’s what a “personal chef” does, right? Well… not according to Prosalendis. His idea of a personal chef is one of those “delivered meal” services, where you pay a monthly or daily fee to have meals prepared + delivered to you.
The tell was when someone asked him about how many people his chef cooked for – to which his reply was that he “didn’t give a damn”… essentially suggesting the notion that he’d just signed up to one of these “meals on wheels” services.
Again, the blurred lines between fact & fiction are extremely thin here.
Instagram Followers –
In 2018, he opened a thread on the popular “FastlaneForum” – where devotees of the author MJ DeMarco like to hang out to discuss ideas etc.
Whilst the forum has a large blend of different individuals, there are many veterans on there who can see clearly through any false / highly inflated comments posted.
Prosalendis’ post – “1,000,000 Followers On Social Media: How I Am Doing It & How You Can Too” was initially welcomed by many on the forum.
However, due to a lack of actual content, several members began to question the veracity of what he was posting, eventually leading to a “showdown” about his Instagram account.
The question arose as to how he’d been getting Instagram followers, to which Prosalendis replied that he’d been featured by several large accounts.
Further inspection of what he’d been posting later highlighted that he’d been using “Comment Pods” – essentially where people comment on each other’s posts to get them onto the “Discover” section of Instagram (and hence more followers).
The problem with this was not about the method itself… but rather the dishonest nature that Prosalendis used as a response. Using vitriolic responses to try and berate the respondents, he tried to browbeat his point that he was “correct” and that he was being misunderstood.
Even the forum’s owner had to step in to try and gain assurance that he wasn’t trying to falsify his claims to anyone, to which Prosalendis responded that he hadn’t (a lie) and that he’d now be leaving the forum to focus on his business.
No one cared that he had left… but the whole episode highlighted the way in which he had tried to hoodwink his way to gaining reputation and influence… and – as highlighted by many on the forum at the time – an attempt to get more people into his “funnel” so he can sell them consulting or some other products later on.
Personal Branding –
“Featured on Forbes, INC, Entrepreneur Magazine, HuffPost” would be something to be proud of for anyone… but only if you’d earned it.
The problem with Prosalendis – like many things we’ve posted – is that the “interviews” posted on those sites seem highly questionable.
Indeed, there was even an allusion by a popular marketing magazine to “Brian Rashid” – an author on Forbes who’s known for posting some quite “interesting” content that you have to question the origin of.
Nonetheless, the idea stuck – and Prosalendis used his “interviews” as a way to position himself as a “successful entrepreneur”.
I have no problem with the method behind this (it used to be called PR) – but to do it dishonestly is a major issue.
If the interviews were paid, they’d be a dishonest proposition in my opinion.
“Model” –
Had to add this one too – his latter claims of being a “model” are actually comical.
Models are a special breed; you can tell who is, and who isn’t, one relatively quickly.
And whilst it used to be the case that you had to be signed to a modelling agency to even be considered one; the truth is that “real” models are paid to pose. Prosalendis pays someone to follow him around & take photographs.
The point of this is that whilst this isn’t uncommon in the “selfie” generation, it is a problem when you’re using it to try and make people think you’re better than what you actually are.
Millionaire –
Lastly, coming back to the “millionaire” claim.
Millionaire is a very loaded word – it means many things to many people.
In the modern world, I typically consider a “millionaire” as someone with a number of assets (perhaps property and/or a business) which is worth $500k/$650k and the rest either in cash or some other “liquid” form of capital.
The notion/idea is that if you liquidated your entire asset base today, you’d be left with $1m+ in the bank after tax etc.
Whilst Prosalendis may have this, I really don’t consider his claim of being a “millionaire” to either be valid or legitimate.
Again, this is mainly speculation – but judging from his past discretions and his Fiverr story – I’d surmise the following to be the case:
SPXMAC has made revenues of $1m+ through Fiverr since its inception in 2015
Of these revenues, money would have to have been paid in employee expenses + any further provisions the company may have used (IE is not take-home profit)
The SPXMAC business doesn’t really have a presence outside of Fiverr – further adding to questions of its veracity
Ultimately, I’d suggest that his allusion to his Fiverr $1m revenue is where the “millionaire” idea came from.
If that’s the case, he most certainly isn’t a “millionaire”… at least in my definition.
A good example of this is that I know a guy who has a business turning over ~£3m per year. Since he sells physical products that he doesn’t manufacture, his operating profit is £650k and net profit comes out at around £300k after everything has been paid for.
You may argue that this guy is a “millionaire”, but I’d suggest otherwise. He still goes to work every day and is continually trying to build the business up (as if his competitors would take him out).
He may label himself as a “millionaire”, but I don’t think so. There are too many variables working against him.
All of this basically highlights a pattern of behaviour.
He likes to over-inflate even the smallest achievement, even to the degree of being dishonest about what actually happened.
I adore success and honor those who become truly successful… but you have to put things into perspective.
Truly successful people don’t sit back on other people’s inventions / ideas, they create their own.
They don’t do everything necessary to persuade others of how much they’ve achieved; they continue doing what made them successful in the first place.
Of all the people I’ve seen / met who have been worth significant amounts of money – the one thing they had in common is they basically did what “they” wanted to do… and kept doing it (even when they became wealthy).
Whilst they may allude to their wealth, it really doesn’t bother them how much money they have. They use money as a tool, and continued to develop as much value as possible – typically because they cared about what they were doing.
In terms of Prosalendis, I get a very superficial feel from him.
I also get a sense of someone out of their depth; rather like a young Justin Bieber trying to cope with the Paparazzi.
I would not trust most of what he puts out on social media.
If you are interested in anything he’s selling, you will need to get verification of his results if you really want a perspective on what he’s going to deliver.
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Anti Diet Solution Review
Anti Diet Solution Review
Anti Diet Solution Review
Anti Diet Solution Review
There are many weight loss guides storming the markets nowadays, some are true to their words whereas some are just a load of crap that has nothing to offer. Recently awareness goes around concerning the harmful effects of fat in the body, and nowadays everyone is a fitness model and bodybuilder. First of all, It wasnt always this approach if I will clearly keep in mind, back in the 80s nobody gave a care regarding weight loss or weight gain, individuals ate a lot of fatty foods, smoked a ton and walked concerning while not sunscreen (funny) but all that's changing and it is changing for the higher. sensational engaged The name Anti Diet Solution clearly suggests that this program is not strictly based mostly on dieting rather it provides you with 1st hand tutoring on a way to eat and exercise in a healthy manner, and be match for the remainder of your existence. Yet, The principles and techniques of this program slightly defiles the system of majority of the load loss programs offered these days. Concerning the Author- Anthony Alayon Anti Diet Resolution may be a system that has been created by Anthony Alayon, a licensed fitness trainer and a frequent bodybuilding contributor at the Regarding.com web site, additionally a huge contributor to the fitness magazine Natural Muscle Magazine. Anthony is the individual that voiced and narrated the Anti Diet Solution presentation movie, there he cites himself to be an professional in fitness, body transformation and health. According to Anthony, he has an exercise science degree. Anthony has helped out some known personalities like Carmine Giardina and Tyrone Mckenzie in their training sessions. He has additionally dropped at inception alternative weight loss guides like; 101 Toxic Food Ingredients, Fat Extinction and Body Fat Analysis. According to the University of Florida, Anthony has been a serious icon in the health and fitness trade. Antibiotic Epidemic Review What Anti Diet Resolution is all concerning? Anti Diet Solution is an eBook ready for download when you pay the specified fine, once that you'll be given access to the eBook in a PDF format, by merely complying with the instructions in an email that will be sent across to you. Listed below are some key points that are embedded within the eBook;     Find out about what makes a food either smart or bad. That will help you burn fat and those who simply spoon feed you with fat.     Understand the variation between sensible bacteria and bad bacteria.     Notice out how metabolism helps the body to burn fat.     Discover why traditional weight loss systems and exercises don't seem to be effective for weight loss.     Realize out how to eat the right diet and guide yourself against diseases like Alzheimers and diabetes.     Discover the exercises that burns fat at a faster rate.     Get hold of a whole and healthy probiotic diet for twenty eight days.     Discover life hacks that might facilitate your cheat on meals and burn more fat as you eat.     Learn to detoxify your blood and cleanse your body.     Discover a fruit that's the favourite of the creator, Anthony that he uses as a fat burner, irrespective of race, gender or age.     Learn ways in which to scale back the danger of infections, hormonal imbalance and bones issues. Who is Anti Diet Answer meant for? This program is supposed for everybody wanting to reduce their weight, eat healthy and be sure of their body system. In addition, Anthony clearly created it known that this can be not a miracle operating guide, that can offer you a models body beneath five minutes. Anti Diet Solution 3Please don't expect to lose the load overnight as these items they take time to be effective and visual for the world to work out. The program contains dieting and exercise habits that are aimed at lasting for a lifetime, that if you honestly implement would finish up being happy together with your physique. However the progress isn't short based mostly, it takes time and real effort to determine them. However, the author says he plans not to make this a strictly based diet. Honestly, when it involves losing weight, there is sadly no switch button to activate your body leanness and vice versa. According to scientists, there may be up to one hundred fat genes, and for the individuals with FTO (fat genes) they will have a few more pounds further than those while not, this is okay if you fall in that category, as fat will be maintained but not totally eliminated. This program is the best choice for folks who have explored the dieting realm and are fed up of the empty promises that almost all weight loss guides promise. But, This book doesnt make you useless promises, it's sincere and tells you the honest and cold truth that you will have to put in effort and earn your desired body shape. Positives of Anti Diet Answer     Effective and tested weight loss techniques.     Eradicates the use of pills and supplements to induce rid of fat.     Completely natural and safe to use.     Easy to implement weight loss strategies and techniques.     Find out about unbelievable ways to stay healthy and work.     Receive data from a certified fitness genius.     Comes with a sixty day money back guarantee. Negatives of Anti Diet Answer     Like most weight loss guides on-line, this can be a digital product and while not web access, it might be exhausting a hold of. Bonus Packages Alongside the program you will receive five alternative eBooks that is a bonus package. Namely;     Enzyme Rich Foods: In this eBook you will learn about foods that are probiotic and enzymes In general.     Probiotic Diet Full: Here you will receive all the info you need to make your personal probiotic diet plan successful.     Natural Healing Cures: This can be a strong eBook that everyone would treasure. Hence, you may receive numerous tips and solutions for acne, anxiety, headache. Also about stress, sinusitis, and allergies, the simplest fact is that every one are accessible as they are home remedies.     Arthritis Reversed: In this eBook you'll discover ways that by that you'll ditch arthritis pains and fancy relief underneath the house of thirty days. Anti Diet Answer a pair of     seven Back Pain Cure: this teaches you the way to relief yourself from back-pains while not having to consult a doctor. Or using medications and undergoing surgeries regardless of how minor. Final Verdict Finally, Anti Diet Answer is perfect for everybody and totally safe to use. But, it’s not complicated and doesnt need you to get a hold of exercise equipments or any alternative related stuff. As a result, the methods found in the eBook are easy to implement without stress and complications.
0 notes
Anti Diet Solution Review
Anti Diet Solution Review
Anti Diet Solution Review
Anti Diet Solution Review
There are many weight loss guides storming the markets nowadays, some are true to their words whereas some are just a load of crap that has nothing to offer. Recently awareness is going around about the harmful effects of fat within the body, and these days everybody is a fitness model and bodybuilder. 1st of all, It wasnt invariably this manner if I can clearly bear in mind, back in the 80s nobody gave a care concerning weight loss or weight gain, individuals ate a lot of fatty foods, smoked a ton and walked regarding without sunscreen (funny) however all that is changing and it is changing for the higher. sensational engaged The name Anti Diet Resolution clearly suggests that this program isn't strictly based on dieting rather it provides you with 1st hand tutoring on how to eat and exercise during a healthy manner, and be work for the rest of your existence. Yet, The principles and techniques of this program slightly defiles the system of majority of the burden loss programs on the market today. Concerning the Author- Anthony Alayon Anti Diet Resolution may be a system that has been created by Anthony Alayon, a certified fitness trainer and a frequent bodybuilding contributor at the Concerning.com web site, conjointly a huge contributor to the fitness magazine Natural Muscle Magazine. Anthony is the person who voiced and narrated the Anti Diet Solution presentation movie, there he cites himself to be an skilled in fitness, body transformation and health. According to Anthony, he has an exercise science degree. Anthony has helped out a few known personalities like Carmine Giardina and Tyrone Mckenzie in their coaching sessions. He has also dropped at inception alternative weight loss guides like; a hundred and one Toxic Food Ingredients, Fat Extinction and Body Fat Analysis. According to the University of Florida, Anthony has been a serious icon within the health and fitness business. Antibiotic Epidemic Review What Anti Diet Resolution is all concerning? Anti Diet Resolution is an eBook prepared for download when you pay the specified fine, after that you may be given access to the eBook in a PDF format, by simply complying with the directions in an email that will be sent across to you. Listed below are some key points that are embedded in the eBook;     Learn about what makes a food either sensible or dangerous. Which can facilitate your burn fat and those who simply spoon feed you with fat.     Understand the variation between good bacteria and unhealthy bacteria.     Find out how metabolism helps the body to burn fat.     Discover why traditional weight loss systems and exercises don't seem to be effective for weight loss.     Notice out the way to eat the proper diet and guide yourself against diseases such as Alzheimers and diabetes.     Discover the exercises that burns fat at a faster rate.     Get hold of a complete and healthy probiotic diet for twenty eight days.     Discover life hacks that could facilitate your cheat on meals and burn more fat as you eat.     Learn to detoxify your blood and cleanse your body.     Discover a fruit that's the favorite of the creator, Anthony that he uses as a fat burner, irrespective of race, gender or age.     Learn ways to reduce the risk of infections, hormonal imbalance and bones problems. Who is Anti Diet Answer meant for? This program is meant for everyone looking to cut back their weight, eat healthy and be sure of their body system. In addition, Anthony clearly made it known that this can be not a miracle working guide, that can give you a models body beneath 5 minutes. Anti Diet Solution 3Please don't expect to lose the load overnight as these things they take time to be effective and visible for the world to see. The program contains dieting and exercise habits that are aimed at lasting for a lifetime, which if you honestly implement would finish up being happy together with your physique. However the progress is not short primarily based, it takes time and real effort to see them. But, the author says he plans not to create this a strictly based mostly diet. Honestly, when it involves losing weight, there is sadly no switch button to activate your body leanness and vice versa. According to scientists, there might be up to 100 fat genes, and for the people with FTO (fat genes) they may have some a lot of pounds additional than those without, this is okay if you fall in that class, as fat can be maintained but not totally eliminated. This program is the best choice for folks who have explored the dieting realm and are fed from the empty promises that almost all weight loss guides promise. But, This book doesnt make you useless promises, it is sincere and tells you the honest and cold truth that you will have to put in effort and earn your required body form. Positives of Anti Diet Solution     Effective and tested weight loss techniques.     Eradicates the employment of pills and supplements to induce rid of fat.     Completely natural and safe to use.     Straightforward to implement weight loss strategies and techniques.     Find out about incredible ways to remain healthy and work.     Receive data from an authorized fitness genius.     Comes with a 60 day money back guarantee. Negatives of Anti Diet Answer     Like most weight loss guides online, this is often a digital product and without internet access, it may be hard a hold of. Bonus Packages Alongside the program you may receive five other eBooks that serves as a bonus package. Namely;     Enzyme Rich Foods: In this eBook you'll find out about foods that are probiotic and enzymes In general.     Probiotic Diet Full: Here you may receive all the info you wish to make your personal probiotic diet plan successful.     Natural Healing Cures: This can be a powerful eBook that everybody would apprize. Hence, you will receive numerous tips and solutions for acne, anxiety, headache. Also concerning stress, sinusitis, and allergies, the best reality is that each one are accessible as they are home remedies.     Arthritis Reversed: In this eBook you will discover ways that by that you'll be able to ditch arthritis pains and relish relief under the area of thirty days. Anti Diet Answer two     seven Back Pain Cure: this teaches you the way to relief yourself from back-pains while not having to consult a doctor. Or using medications and undergoing surgeries no matter how minor. Final Verdict Finally, Anti Diet Answer is good for everybody and totally safe to use. However, it’s not advanced and doesnt require you to get a hold of exercise equipments or any different related stuff. As a result, the methods found within the eBook are easy to implement while not stress and complications.
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