#there aren’t that many toilets in a household
hyrule-preschool · 4 months
Here’s a sincere question that’ll ruffle some feathers: are any of the kids trans?
As far as our kids go, there aren’t any that are explicitly trans, as they are in a phase of life where they are all experimenting and forming their own identities! I think the only child with strong gendered beliefs would be Gigi, who is heavily influenced by goron culture and calls everyone “brother,” lol.
As far as adults go though, Link and Zelda are both trans and queer, and many of the families of the children are non traditional!
This is a complex and fascinating question, though! As someone with 5 years in the field, here’s what I’ve experienced and researched about kids and gender, if you’d like to take a gander into real life gender development in young kids!
Children tend to experiment with gender at this age as their way of figuring out what it means to be a specific gender, and they take inspiration from family, friends, and community. These are all valid ways of young children to think about gender:
-I am a girl because my hair is long.
-I am a boy because I stand to use the toilet.
-I am a girl because I like pink.
-I am a boy because I am tall.
Many children have the knowledge that gender exists and they have been told that they are a specific gender, both explicitly and from their surrounding environment and media. And even then, kids tend to question why they are a specific gender, and experiment with gender expression in safe environments - this can be seen through playing with specific gendered toys, wearing specifically gendered clothing, taking gendered roles in dramatic play, and requesting to be called different names for periods of time.
When children insist for long periods that they are a different gender, such as telling adults and children a different name or different pronouns, especially when that is paired with distress over their birth name and pronouns, teachers tend to meet up with parents to discuss their gender further, given they live in a safe household.
For more discussion on this topic, please check out these lovely children’s books!
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changingplumbob · 9 months
Villareal Household: Chapter 5, Part 1
An easy Saturday morning with the Villareal's. Luna is moving past her postpartum depression and discuses a change of location with Devin. Rilian and Alfred went and said their first words between rotations the little scamps. Probably my fault for inviting them to so many gatherings but I'm ignoring that.
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For ease of reading IF the infants are trying to say real words I'll put the English in brackets, otherwise it's babble. Luna (mummy) and Devin (mama) use some German and Italian.
Schatz (German) meaning treasure Schnucki (German) meaning sweetie but doesn't have an exact translation Bambino/s (Italian) meaning male child/children Amore (Italian) meaning love Piccolo (Italian) meaning little one Caro (Italian) meaning dear
In the suburbs of Del Sol valley are the Villareal’s, all of whom are awake
Devin: Why hello piccolo mio
Alfred: Mama
Devin: Yes, I’m your mama. Can you two bambinos say mummy? Mummy?
Alfred & Rilian: MUMMY
After saying this Rilian snuggles into Luna’s shoulder happily.
Luna: They are cute aren’t they schatz
Devin: Yeah we made some cuties
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Devin: Do you want to feed Rilian
Luna: Do I want to feed the one without gas troubles? Yes
Devin: *chuckles* Looks like it’s just you and me caro, drink up
Luna: We got this milk from our friend just for you two, yes we did schnucki
Devin: They love it
Luna: I wish I had been able to give them more of mine
Devin: Not everyone can breastfeed Lu
Luna: I keep trying to remind myself of that
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Devin: Let’s deal with the inevitable gas Alfred. Here we-
Alfred spits out all over Devin’s back
Devin: Fine… this is… totally fine. You get that gas out piccolo mio
Luna: Let’s see if Rilian feels like- no it’s just gas bubbles from him
Devin: *laughs* It’s okay Alfred, none of us are perfect, although I’m pretty damn close
Luna: I love how you are just unfailingly confident
Devin: And I love how you know words like unflail-unfailed... It’s 3am, I cannot be literate at this hour
Luna: Bedtime I think. How about it bambinos?
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Devin: Night night Alfred, mama and mummy love you
Alfred: fa mama fa goo da mummy
Luna: Good night schnucki. Okay here we go Rilian, down nice and easy. Mummy and mama love you so much
Rilian: ga do lu mummy
Devin: Night night Rilian
Rilian: go da mama
Alfred begins to wail and fuss so Devin gives him extra kisses while Luna turns on the lullabies. Rilian meanwhile sticks his tiny fingers in his mouth and sucks to calm himself. Eventually both boys drift off to sleep.
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Devin: All ready to move tomorrow
Luna: You sure it’s a good idea? The Pinnacles are…
Devin: Perfect? Stunning? Home to breath taking views?
Luna: I was going to go with high class but sure
Devin: Lu we’re plenty high class. With the funds from all the savings accounts we can get 100k without even touching the money for the bambinos
Luna: You may almost be a 4 star celeb but what about me? I have no fame whatsoever
Devin: Celebrities have spouses, not all of them are famous
Luna: What if the neighbours think I’ve no right to be up there
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Devin: Then we send Kelly to TP their fences
Luna can’t help giggling at the idea of the nose in the air celebs finding their fences bedecked in toilet paper.
Devin: Lu, the Ward’s have moved out. The lot is bulldozed. At 30k it’s a steal
Luna: If you’re sure we can afford it
Devin: I want the best for my family. I’ve already landed another movie role to do, we can do it, so long as it won’t screw up your mental health
Luna: Don’t worry about me
Devin: Promise me you’ll let me know if it gets too much
Luna: I promise schatz, I promise
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The weekend dawns and the women wake early.
Luna: I’m sure our hair was longer when we fell asleep
Devin: It’ll just be the watcher, go back to sleep
Luna: Sleep while an invisible made up being controls my life? Nope. Come on schatz, we need to get up
The two head to the kitchen and grab some leftovers for breakfast. Before she can sit down however Devin pulls Luna close and kisses her cheek
Devin: Happy 30th amore
Luna: *laughs* it’s not like it’s an age up birthday Devin
Devin: Maybe but I enjoy celebrating my wife no matter the occasion and 30 seems like a great occasion
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Devin: Will you be my date to the Starlight Accolades?
Luna: Is that on this week
Devin: I guess we show up and… see what happens
Luna: How could I say no to the hottest sim in the worlds
Devin: You know it amore *winks*
Luna: Should we get a nanny for the boys
Devin: I think I can convince De and Paris to stay the night, especially if we set a room up for them
Luna: Do they know how to look after infants
Devin: We have to find out some time
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Devin: They can’t be worse than the AI
Luna: Are you planning on teaching the twins that the watcher is real
Devin: Let’s see… Are you planning on teaching them the flower bunny is real
Luna: But schatz the flower bunny is real
Devin: Agree to disagree on the watcher, the boys can make their own minds up
Luna: Have you told Joey you’re planning a room for him in this new house
Devin: Not yet, I want to surprise him
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After breakfast Devin and Luna wash up before getting on with their morning routines. Alfred and Rilian continue to sleep soundly during this, although they are good at tossing and turning.
Devin: I flew in and boy are my arms tired
Luna: You quite sure you’re level 6 comedy
Devin: 6 and a half, 7 is in my sights! Tell the gnomes I say hi
Luna laughs and goes out to tend the garden. The gnomes from last Harvestfest stand amongst the plants. Today is the last day of winter but Luna has found her plants survived the warmer winters of Del Sol Valley. Back in Windenburg they would have been buried in snow.
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Alfred looks around the room and babbles to Rilian who has also woken up.
Devin: Buongiorno bambinos! Mama is here. Who wants a clean diaper
Alfred: Mama te ga he
Devin scoops Alfred up as Rilian pulls himself into a sit
Rilian: Mummy de da
Devin: Yes mama and mummy are here, oh boy this diaper is no good
Luna: Could you-
Devin: Hand him over after he’s clean? Of course. We want you to have positive interactions with them remember
Luna: Thanks for understanding schatz
Devin: No matter what happens, I’m always going to be your number one fan amore. We have a clean diaper people! Clean diaper
Luna: Mama is silly isn’t she Alfred? Yes mama make silly
Alfred: *giggles*
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While Devin takes Rilian out of the cot and over to the changing table Luna takes time to snuggle with Alfred.
Luna: Do we need to pack up stuff
Devin: Just the photos later on. The wa- the movers will take care of the rest
Luna: Hear that Alfred? We’re going to have a big adventure today. Can we have an adventure in our pjs?
Devin: Yes!
Luna: Fair point. Let’s get you changed into your day clothes anyway huh? Where is your hat
Devin: Second drawer. Green alert, two clean diapers
Luna: Let’s go feed them before they change that huh
Devin: We won't be a minute. Okay piccolo mio, let’s get your outfit on. Leg through that hole, arm through that one… Perfect, just like me!
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Luna: What new food can we explore today schnucki
Alfred: mummy da lo mama
Devin: How about yoghurt, I’ll grab some
Luna: Now Alfred, remember, the food can’t hurt you. And Rilian, try be brave
Devin: He likes to think about his food, don’t you caro
Rilian: mama foo foo (food food) mummy
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Alfred: fa na doo loo
Luna: Come on schnucki, try keep it in your mouth
Devin: Here comes the airplane, you ready Rilian
Rilian: foo (food) mama de la
Devin: Open wide! Aww, he grabbed for the spoon again
Luna: We better try some finger food after this
Alfred: ga na mummy foo (food)
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Devin: Rilian did you hear mummy? We keep the food in our mouth
Rilian however is very happy to pull it back out and play with it. Devin is admiring him playing away when Alfred begins to fuss and cry.
Luna: *sighs in defeat* The hell did I do this time
Devin: It’s not you Lu, he just mustn’t like yoghurt. Cheer up caro
Alfred: *rages*
Devin: Tell you what Lu, Rilian is just unsure about yoghurt. You want to give him his finger foods and I’ll work on calming down Alfred
Luna: Please
Devin: Listen now piccolo mio, you don’t have to like every food. But crying afterwards won’t achieve anything
Alfred simply pouts.
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Luna: Here are some yoghurt melts schnucki
Rilian looks visibly confused. He just tried yoghurt with mama. What does mummy mean when she indicates something different is also yoghurt?
Luna: We can pick them up like this, remember
Devin: Here we go Alfred, try these. See if you feel differently about them
Alfred: Mama foo na doo (not do food)
Devin: Just try it caro
The twins try the yoghurt melts carefully. Rilian remains unsure about the whole thing, not forming an opinion yet. Alfred however perks right up as he discovers he loves yoghurt melts.
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Luna: Alright, all the plants have been harvested in case they don’t travel well
Devin: And I’ve scooped up all the photos
Luna: So is the house ready
Devin: It’s… a work in progress
Luna: Devin, is it fit for habitation?
Devin: Of course! It’s just only one storey at the moment so there’s this big empty part where the staircase should go. And the walls are super tall.
Luna: You’ll have to start knitting longer hanging plants
Devin: I know! If we hung the short ones up we would forget they exist
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Alfred: Mummy? Mama? do na
Luna: Sorry schnucki, we’re coming back
Rilian: Mummy fa na mama too ra
Luna: How does Alfred get brown on his face when all the food was white
Devin: Because infants are magic
Luna: Obviously
Devin plays a quick game of peek-a-boo with Alfred who doesn’t mind it while Luna keeps talking to Rilian.
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Devin: Alfred caro if you’re just going to play with it then I think we’re done
Alfred: Mama ti me lup (pick me up)
Devin: Is me a new word???
Luna: I think so
Devin: Mama is coming caro
Luna: Who wants to play peek-a-boo. Where’s mummy gone Rilian
Devin: Wait Lu he-
Rilian bursts in to tears at the game, feeling very afraid at his mummy just disappearing like that
Luna: Sorry, I forgot
Devin: Don’t worry. Now bambinos, say bye bye house. Bye bye house
Alfred: li li sss (bye bye house)
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Devin: Here we are Rilian, home
Rilian: Mama me na boo
Luna: I think someone has been listening to his brother’s words. Hear that Alfred
Alfred: He na mummy
Luna: Does he count as a word
Devin: Depends if he meant he I suppose. Let’s get them to the nursery and work on unpacking huh
Luna: Who wants to go find their toys? Is it you schnucki? Is it you
Alfred: Mummy me da oop
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Previous Part (Chopra) ... Next Part
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enkisstories · 9 months
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It all started when a townie wandered on the lot, passed through the door into Connor Ren's private chambers and started talking to the toilet. Just another day at Batuu...
Connor: "It all started when I returned home from a meditative hike and found the door lock compromised. Someone had bypassed security and I thought, what if it had been the mystery slicer that is giving us so much trouble?"
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Connor: "I went in and caught the intruder flat-footed. Reflexively I reached into the Force to hit her with lightning, but she was holding our holocron, and somehow that scrambled my attack. A black miasma engulfed us both, but I resisted, while she fell unconscious."
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At this point I added Karlie to the household and gave her a makeover. Just assume she has always worn this outfit.
Connor: "When she woke up, I started interrogating the intruder. It was good practise."
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Connor: "Turned out she really was with the rebels. However, she didn't know the location of their hideout, only ever having met them at the edge of the forest to hand over provisions.
I was a fool to misjudge the woman's ability to resist. Instead of realizing she knew nothing more, I believed she was withholding information from me. And I went harder and harder..."
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Connor: "...until I felt control over my powers slip from me. I'm not imagining things, father! Everytime I reach into the force to pull energies into this world, a side-effect occurs. That's why I held back during our training match. I... I don't know what to do. I'm scared!"
Connor got a curse from too many failed spells in a row. Since potions aren't part of the setting I decided that he needs to complete the Inner Peace aspiration to remove the curse.
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akhzi · 2 years
Many of us ,truly are convinced that we have completely secured a hold on the ferocious atrocities and centuries longing discrimination against the Dalit community, but the truth is ,the Dalit community were ostracized and are being ostracized till date. Most of us aren’t even made aware of the atrocities which took place years back. During the phase of pre independent India , though there were formidable and meticulous pieces of literature , most of them were written by non Dalit authors. It was only during the nationalist movement that we’ve witnessed some authentic Dalit works. When India was getting close of being liberated after its prolonged period under colonial rule, some of the greatest ever Dalit works were produced in India, for our Telugu speaking states , the infamous “Gurram Joshua” with his outstanding work ”Gabillam” , and throughout the whole Dravidian territories we had the much more celebrated author and leader “EV Ramaswamy Periyar”. People don’t realize Ramaswamy’s influence and power in upholding the rights of Dalits .A man who passed away almost 40 years back , yet his ideas are evidently subsisting among the Tamil population who refuse to vote for Hindutva positioned parties , all because the Periyar movement is still instilled in their living. Most of the dalit literature focuses on the way we think even right now, which is problematic but also extremely normalized. In the book “KARUKKU”, bamma talks opposing the present belief of how one shouldn’t look down on the physical labour, she also talks about this physical labour slowly turning into incessant labour for the Dalit communities as their access to other lots of work gets occluded. Babytai, in her book “ the prisons we broke” recollects an unnerving tale of how Mahar women were forced to carry the feces of newly wed Brahmin women as Hindu custom required the Brahmin women not to leave the house even for the purposes of defecation during this period to ward off evils and because of the Hindu custom being averse to the idea of building toilets inside homes for the purposes of sanctity and purity of the household. It is deplorable and despicable for India , for sheltering this practise this long. Though the Sc and St atrocities act was enacted in 1989, the viciously planned Tsundur massacre which took place in 1991 is an utter disgrace to the state and also exposes the lack of concern for efficiently shielding the vulnerable communities. We do see and think India is well progressed to have a Dalit woman as its president but the constant fear of Dalit communities in competing with the upper caste groups at the grass root levels still remain unheeded.
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mochibdsm · 3 months
personal budget categories
Quick Tips:
It’s helpful to write out your expenses from the previous month to see how much money goes into each budget category.
Don’t forget to keep your calendar handy too, so you’re reminded of the birthday parties or other events that will require a budget category.
You may also consider saving a little each month for some of these budget categories, so when the payment is due you aren’t scrambling to find the money.
Use this Budget Printable to easily keep track of all your expenses.
Budget Categories
It is important to break out all of your income individually rather than just including a lump sum. Include your take home income after taxes, health insurance, etc. If you have an irregular income, list the least amount you expect to earn. Anything extra can be used for savings or to pay off debt.
Predictable Bonus
Investment income:
Rental property
Earned interest
Housing is typically the largest budget item in most budgets.This category includes everything related to owning or renting your home, not just your rent or your mortgage.
Household repairs
HOA Dues
Renters Insurance
Property Taxes
Household repairs
Large Appliances (washer, refrigerator etc)
This can also be another big category for many families. Beyond any tuition or daycare costs, don’t forget to include any required registration fees for the upcoming school year.
Private School Tuition
College Tuition
Before/After School Care
Summer Camp
Registration Fees
School Supplies
School Lunch
Private lessons – dance class, sports
School Field Trips
These are typically what we consider essential budget items, so don’t leave them off your list. If you are behind on utility payments, this should be one of the first late bills (after housing) you should work towards getting current on.
Natural Gas
Cell phone bill
Beyond just paying for gas for your car, there are additional transportation costs you may need to consider. A few of these include:
Toll payments
Public transportation fare (subway, bus or train)
Car maintenance- oil changes, tires etc/
Parking Fees
Registration/DMV Fees
We love them and treat them as another member of our families. But there are unique costs our pets incur that you will need to include in your budget.
Pet Food
Pet accessories – kitty litter etc
Veterinary Visits
We all need food and this tends to be a budget category that many people struggle with. To make sure you properly allocate enough funds in this category break out what food you realistically will need to purchase.
Eating Out
Coffee/Quick bites
This can be a scary category to tackle.  Include the monthly minimum payment for all debts, unless you are able to pay more than the minimum.
Student loan
Credit Card Payments
Car Payment
Miscellaneous Debt (furniture, electronics etc)
This is the time to look at your calendar and see what, if any, gifts you’ll need to purchase this month. From birthday presents to end of the year gifts for teachers, you won’t have to stress about the costs if you plan ahead and include it in your budget.
Birthday Gifts
Anniversary Gifts
Holiday Gifts
Teacher Gifts
Personal Care
This category includes both personal care necessities as well as the extras.
Hair Color
Gym Membership
Household items
Any regularly used household item goes into this category.
Laundry Detergent
Dishwasher Detergent
Cleaning Supplies
Napkins/paper towels/toilet paper
Small appliances (toaster, microwave etc)
Emergency Kits/Hurricane Preparedness etc
We all need some kind of insurance. If you find this to be an expensive category, reach out to your insurance company to see if you can re-negotiate your rates.
Homeowners Insurance/Renters Insurance
Car Insurance
Life Insurance
Health Insurance
Dental Insurance
Health Care
Medical Devices
First Aid Items
Doctor’s Visits
Senior Care
Anything you do for fun can be included in this category.
Movie Theater Tickets
Make savings a priority by including this in your budget. It’s easy to say you’ll just save whatever is left over. This is a recipe to failure. Don’t leave this important budget category off!
Emergency fund
Kids college savings
Vacation fund
This category is for anything else that doesn’t fit into the above categories.
Bank fees
Credit Card Fees
Professional Dues
State and Federal Taxes (if you are self employed)
Anything else!
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Items You Should Never Flush Down the Toilet
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Many people unknowingly flush items down the toilet that should not be flushed, which can cause a toilet clog and require toilet drain cleaning. This article enlightens readers on the toilet objects you should never dispose of in your toilet. Flushable Wipes No, it's not just a myth. Flushing wipes down your toilet is a bad idea! Flushable wipes may seem like a good idea for your convenience, but toilet paper is the only cleansing item you should be flushing down your toilet. Many homeowners must call a plumber or drain cleaner because their toilet is blocked due to flushable wipes that they thought would break down in water like toilet paper does. Baby Wipes Same as flushable wipes, baby wipes won’t break down properly in your pipes and will cause stubborn clogs. These wipes absorb water and debris making them a real issue with normal drain operation. Feminine Products Contrary to popular belief, any kind of feminine product--yes, ladies, even tampons--shouldn’t be flushed down the toilet. These products are designed to absorb liquid and will continue to do so in your pipes until they swell and lead to blocked pipes, back up, and overflow. Feminine products should be placed in the trash. Food Items Your toilet isn’t a compost center. Don’t use it like one. Any kind of food should not be flushed down your toilet. Food won't make it out of your toilet trap like toilet paper does. It will sit at the bottom and decompose, leaving you a clogged toilet. Fats and Grease Fatty oils and grease from cooking are also a huge no-no for drains. They may seem safe since they start out as liquids, but these oils will solidify in your toilet trap and cause a clog. Hair and Dental Floss If you have long hair, chances are it's going to wind up in the toilet at some point. When this happens, even if there aren't any other toilet clogs already present, you won't be able to flush toilet paper down without causing an obstruction somewhere else in the line. That's because toilet paper can sometimes get caught on loops of hair and kind of just hang out there. Dental floss has a composition like hair and will cause the same issues as hair in your pipes and drains. Medications or Chemicals Your household may be contributing to water pollution if you are flushing cleaning products, medications, and other hazardous materials down the toilet. Dispose of these items the right way and keep water sources pure. When you have a stubborn sink or toilet clog that is disrupting your daily routine, call on the dedicated team of plumbing technicians at Mike Counsil Plumbing. Our family-owned company has been serving the South Bay Area since 1994 and is equipped with the latest technologies and techniques to solve your plumbing issue quickly and precisely. Contact us today to schedule a drain cleaning or to fix a clogged toilet! Read the full article
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urbangaffa · 6 months
A Comprehensive Guide to Your Home's Plumbing System 
As the summer begins here in the UK, it is the right time to step back and peep into the checking of property-wide plumbing issues if any, and ensuring of the proper maintenance of the plumbing issues if any exist. If you didn’t check upon your house plumbing system, time flies within a blink of an eye, and you may begin noticing plumbing issues that you aren’t even aware of.
That’s why here at Urban Gaffa, we have our experts play a vital role that will care and provide the installation, repairing and maintenance or the replacement of the plumbing systems at your home, office, industry or commercial places, and thus, ensures the efficient and effective water distribution and the safe waste disposal.
In this article, we will discuss the common issues that arise in the plumbing systems, what repair and maintenance is required for it, and where to find trustworthy and reliable Plumbing Professionals for fixing your plumbing problems.
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Common Plumbing Emergencies and How to Handle Them
We will take a look at some of the most common plumbing issues of UK households and some tips on how to prevent or fix them.
Leaky Taps - Leaky taps are a common plumbing problem in many UK households due to wear and tear, mineral build-up, and incorrect installation of the plumbing parts. Therefore, it wastes a lot of water, so it is better to replace washers or the entire tap, or tighten the connections if they are loosen up. If you are still not sure about fixing a leaky tap, then it is better to call a plumbing expert for help.
Blocked Drains And Toilets - Blocked drains and toilets are another common plumbing issue in the UK which can be caused due to throwing of toilet paper, grease, hair, or even the tree roots in the toilets. If this happens, then the first thing you can try is to unblock it with a plunger or can take Plumbing Services.
Low Water Pressure - This can be a major problem in the home and can affect shower heads and faucets which will take longer to fill up a bathtub. Additionally, low water pressure can impact dishwashers and washers, thus, making them less effective for use. 
These frustrating problems can be avoided by increasing the water pressure by cleaning the aerators on all of the faucets, with the passage of time it can become clogged with sediment and other debris, thus, resulting in the reduced water flow and lower pressure. 
Another thing that can be done is to check for the leaks in all the Plumbing Installation. Because even a small leak can cause a drop in water pressure. In addition to this, if a central valve for the home’s plumbing system is available, it might need to be adjusted for increased water pressure.
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Burst Pipes - Burst pipes can be caused due to high water pressure or freezing, as this mostly happens in the older homes during cold climates. To avoid this, you can install a water pressure regulator or insulate your pipes. If a pipe still bursts, you can call a plumber to repair or replace it.
Boiler Breakdowns - Boiler breakdowns can be caused because of a number of factors, likewise sediment build-up, corrosion, or due to improper maintenance. The breakdown can be prevented by servicing your boiler regularly, descaling it on a daily basis, or you can also use  corrosion inhibitors. If the problem still persists, you can call an expert to repair or replace it.
Leaking Radiators - Radiators leak can be due to building-up of debris and sludge in the system and can be prevented by keeping the water temperature low and the pH levels balanced. 
Therefore, we can handle these commonly occurring plumbing issues by applying the above-mentioned methods or can contact Urban Gaffa straight-away.
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harrison-abbott · 6 months
A Famous Family and Me
My eldest brother was a successful rugby player. As in, you could see him on TV in famous tournaments.
And my sister, who was also older than me, was a virtuoso cello player and she played with a national orchestra that toured around Europe.
My Dad was a playwright and my Mum was a radio presenter.
It’s safe to say that I grew up in quite a wealthy family. Never had to worry about poverty or anything like that.
But, my brother and sister were eleven and seven years older than me.
And when I was four, my parents split up. Messy divorce. Mum took me to live somewhere else.
She was always irritated by me. For some reason. I was raised in a mute household. She would have girlfriends that would come around and tank wine with her.
And when I got a bit older she would say stuff like, “Why don’t you have a passion, like your siblings?” Or, “Why do you always sit there and never say anything! Why aren’t you practising something! What’s with you? Why do you have no energy?”
When I was a teen and going to high school mother met this other man. I didn’t see him much. Because she was often around at his. His place, I mean: and that wasn’t so bad for me because it meant that I had the house to myself. And when she did come home I noticed that it made me miserable, to be in her presence.
On big birthdays and at Christmas time by big brother and sister would come around. To Mum’s. And mother would make lavish amounts of food. For them. And have me do all of the hoovering and clean the toilets and dust the fancy objects in the living room. And when they arrived, they would be served wine and they would sit at the table. And she would talk exclusively with them. Not me; wouldn’t say a word to me.
My brother would ask me why I didn’t speak? And my sister would tease me about the acne on me cheeks and nose, and query why I didn’t have a girlfriend. They’d all get drunk. And after the meal was finished, I was put on the dishes. And then would leave the next day and not return for another six months.
Dad had festive gatherings at his place as well. He invited my elder siblings. Didn’t invite me.
That’s what it was like for most of my adolescence. I’m not even exaggerating. It was like they didn’t even pretend to care. And I aged in quite a bitter manner. But I didn’t let it get in the way of my academia.
I really wanted to go to university to study physics. I already know many people have zilch interest in this field: but I always loved physics: it made sense to me and I enjoyed it, and it got me As. So I figured I should focus on that, as a way of getting out of the family household.
So at the age of 17 I sat the national high school exams. And I got 4 As. And sent those examples off to a university down in England.
They accepted me and I went off to live and study there. Doing physics.
I met all of these people who really weren’t like my family at all. And I felt myself blooming and being far more confident. I could speak a bit more. Was still super quiet, but when I did talk, people didn’t stomp all over me like the siblings and mother did. It almost surprised me that all of these people weren’t like my family. I didn’t have to be afraid over saying things. I could be inventive. And could form a character without fear of being ripped apart.
At Christmas time I was invited back by my mother.
To these calorific meals and heavy alcohol intake. And my siblings hadn’t changed, and nor had she.
And I went over to my father’s house to meet up with him. He seemed even more vain than when I last saw him. Didn’t ask me anything about my course or how things were in England. Nothing.
And as the years went on I realised that whenever the family came up, it triggered a nervous, uneasy response in me. Negative conditioning. And I began to see less and less reason in spending time with them.
Before I graduated I applied with a company as a physicist. And they gave it to me post graduation. This was in the same city. So I kept my same flat and then I was earning enough to keep me going. I still had friends.
And so I thought I would stay there for another five years, and then it turned into ten.
I would get the occasional message from my mother. Sullen in tone. Demanding why I didn’t speak to her. Just like she used to say when I was eleven years old, and I didn’t get what she meant. There was almost nothing from Dad.
And my brother’s rugby ended in a playing sense and then he became a coach and he stopped being on TV. And my sister stopped playing the cello after she had a kid and married a rich husband.
My Dad stopped writing plays and moved on to ‘working on a novel’. He remained in that ‘working’ state for several years and I don’t know whether he ever finished it. And my mother retired from her radio role in her early sixties.
I have very little desire to see them in a day to day manner. After all the pain they put me through, across youth. I don’t see what I should owe them. They never changed. Whereas I did.
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aptplumbingsblog · 11 months
Know 9 Common Reasons and Ways for Blocked Drains
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Nobody likes the sinking feeling of a blocked drain. It’s one of those unexpected troubles that can disrupt your day and leave you wondering, "Why me?" Well, you’re not alone – blocked drains are a common headache for many households, including right here in sunny Sydney. But fear not! We’ll talk about the reason behind drain blockages and provide fixes to keep the water flowing freely. Comprehend clearing obstructed drains, utilizing expert cleaning services, and other captivating facets of this engrossing concern.
1.Grease and food scraps are the culinary offenders
One common location for blocked drains is the kitchen sink. Think about all those food scraps and grease that go down the drain while you’re washing dishes. Over time, these bits of food and oil can build up, forming a stubborn clog that refuses to budge. Consider using a sink strainer to ward off this cooking disaster.It’s a little investment that could lead you to save a lot of pain later on. Also, be mindful of pouring cooking oil down the drain – it might be liquid now, but it can solidify and contribute to blockages later.
2.Hair Woes in the Bathroom: Shower Struggles
Ah, the bathroom – a place of relaxation and grooming. But it’s also a place where hair tends to go rogue. In the shower, hair combines with soap scum and shampoo residues to create a gooey blockage that can put a damper on your day. The remedy? Install a drain cover. Cleaning up is simple thanks to this ingenious device that stops hair before it goes down the drain. Regularly cleaning the drain cover and using a hair catcher can significantly reduce hair-related blockages.
3.Toilet Troubles: Not Just Toilet Paper
Toilets are another notorious spot for blocked drains. While toilet paper is designed to dissolve in water, other items are not. Flushing non-flushable items like baby wipes, sanitary products, and paper towels down the toilet can lead to serious blockages. Remember, only toilet paper should be making its way down the loo. It might be a good idea to watch what your small children are trying to flush if you have young children.
4.The Invasion of Nature by Tree Roots Unfortunately, the path that nature takes to locate itself can occasionally lead to your drain pipes.
Through minute fractures, tree roots can enter pipes where they can eventually develop into significant obstructions. It’s a good idea to look out for indications of tree root intrusion if you have trees close to your plumbing lines. If you suspect this is the issue, it’s best to call in blocked drain repair services to handle the situation.
5.Soap Scum Buildup: Suds and Stoppages
Soap might make you feel squeaky clean, but it can also lead to blocked drains if not managed properly. Soap scum is a common culprit for drain blockages. As soap mixes with minerals in the water, it can form a sticky residue that accumulates over time, narrowing the passageway for water to flow. Regularly cleaning your drains and using less soap can help prevent this issue.
6.Foreign Objects: Accidental Blockers
Kids and even curious pets might find it amusing to drop toys, jewelry, or other small objects down the drain. The potential to severely limit flow, requiring medical care might be caused of these foreign objects. Ensuring that only water and appropriate items go down the drain can save you from these avoidable hassles.
7.Collapsed Pipes: Hidden Culprit
Sometimes, the issue isn’t just what’s going down the drain but the pipes themselves. Pipes that have collapsed or suffered damage can slow down the water flow and result in blockages. If water isn’t draining as it should and the usual suspects aren’t to blame, it’s time to call in the blocked drain repair company for a thorough inspection.
8.Improper DIY Solutions: Quick Fixes Gone Wrong
When faced with a blocked drain, some might turn to DIY solutions like chemical drain cleaners or excessive plunging. While they might offer short-term respite, these frequently worsen the situation and end up doing more long-term harm. It’s best to resist the urge to tackle it yourself and instead seek the expertise of blocked drain repair services.
9.Inadequate Drainage Design: The Long Game
Sometimes, the issue isn’t a one-time occurrence but rather a result of poor drainage design. If you find yourself repeatedly dealing with blocked drains, it might be a sign that your drainage system needs an upgrade. Underlying issues and offering solutions to build a drainage system that is more effective can be narrowed down by professional evaluation.
No More Blocked Drain Blues
Blocked drains are like unwelcome guests – they show up unexpectedly and disrupt the harmony of your home. But fear not! Armed with the knowledge of common reasons and effective solutions, you’re better equipped to deal with this pesky issue. From practicing good drain habits to enlisting the help of blocked drain repair in Sydney when needed, you have the power to maintain smooth-flowing drains and prevent future blockages. And when you need reliable assistance, remember that APT Plumbing is your go-to source for blocked drain repair services and blocked drain cleaning services. Say goodbye to blocked drain blues and hello to hassle-free plumbing!
Choose Reliable Help with APT Plumbing
When your drains are crying out for help, APT Plumbing has your back. Our blocked drain repair services are second to none, and our expertise in blocked drain cleaning services is unmatched. Don’t let blocked drains ruin your day – let us restore the flow in your plumbing and bring peace back to your home. Contact us at any time for prompt, competent, and useful solutions that can simplify your life.
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xtruss · 1 year
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Prescription drugs accumulate in a box at the Back Cove Trail parking lot in Portland, Maine, during a take-back event. Photograph By Ben McCanna, Portland Portland Press Herald/Getty Images
How You Should Dispose of Unused or Expired Medications
Flushing or throwing away leftover drugs can contaminate waterways, threatening people and wildlife. Here are some safer solutions.
— By Priyanka Runwal | Published July 22, 2022 | Sunday August 6, 2023
If you have a stash of unwanted, unused, or expired medicines in a cabinet or drawer somewhere in your home and you don’t know the best way to get rid of them, you’re not alone.
A 2021 survey conducted on behalf of Covanta, a New Jersey-based waste management company, found that 53 percent of the 2,000 Americans polled had no idea what to do with their old medications. Pill hoarding is a common outcome, and many people eventually toss these drugs into household trash or flush them down the toilet or sink—none of which may be a good idea.
Unused or expired medicines lying around at home can get into the wrong hands, leading to accidental poisoning or drug overdose. One study found that between 2000 and 2015, U.S. Poison Control Centers received roughly 32 calls a day about children accidently ingesting opioids that had either been stored or disposed of incorrectly.
When drugs are flushed or sent to landfill, the pharmaceuticals can contaminate our groundwater, lakes, rivers, and streams, threatening human and aquatic life, although our urine and feces that contain remnants of consumed medication are bigger sources of pollution. Wastewater treatment plants aren’t designed to remove these pharmaceuticals, Tim Carroll, a spokesperson for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, says in an email. “EPA’s first message to everyone is do NOT put leftover, unused drugs down the drain.”
So how does one dispose of unneeded over-the-counter and prescription medications accumulating in our homes? There are a few options.
Drug Take-back Programs
In an effort to find a solution to drugs languishing in medicine cabinets or lurking in waterways, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration launched its first National Take-Back Day in September 2010. More than 4,000 sites across 50 states collected nearly 250,000 pounds of pharmaceuticals that people returned. Since then, DEA has hosted this single-day event biannually; in April this year, more than 5,000 sites collected about 721,000 pounds of pharmaceuticals.
People can also use mail-back envelopes or drop off their unwanted medications year-round at DEA-registered collection kiosks in police stations, pharmacies, community health centers, and hospitals. These returned drugs are then sent to medical waste incinerators.
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Drug Enforcement Administration agents and Soldiers from the New Jersey National Guard's Counter Drug Task Force dumped prescription drugs to be incinerated at the Covanta Essex Resource Recovery Facility during Operation Take Back New Jersey in Newark, N.J., Oct. 31, 2017. Operation Take Back New Jersey is a DEA program that provides a safe and legal method for the citizens of New Jersey to dispose their unwanted, unused, and expired medicines. The New Jersey National Guard assisted with the collection and disposal of the medications. (U.S. Air National Guard photo by Master Sgt. Matt Hecht) Photograph By Master Sgt. Matt Hecht, AB Forces News Collection/Alamy Stock Photo
In 2021 Stericycle, the largest medical waste incinerator company in the U.S., burned 40 million pounds of unused and expired pharmaceuticals, says Jim Anderson, the company’s vice president for product management and innovation. Incineration produces an inert ash that’s sent to landfills. However, one downside of this disposal method is that transporting and burning such waste and its packaging can release greenhouse gas emissions that can be potentially greater than those generated if the drugs were dumped in landfill, according to one study estimate.
But take-back programs are preferred as they reduce the risk of drug misuse and the incineration “effectively eliminates the entrance of these pharmaceuticals into our nation’s waters,” Carroll says.
However, Steve Skerlos, a mechanical, civil, and environmental engineer at the University of Michigan argues that take-back programs could still result in medicines piling up in homes—a problem such programs were designed to address in the first place. “The question is, if I have extra, unused medication, am I going to leave my house in the next day, or week, even a month, to return that,” he says, especially in rural settings where take-back sites may not be as easily accessible. “A reasonable person may consider landfill to get it out of the house fast.”
In such cases, the DEA suggests mixing medicinal tablets and capsules with undesirable substances like coffee grounds or kitty litter and tossing the mixture into the trash inside a sealed bag or container. (Don’t crush the drugs though.)
And while the EPA advises against flushing pharmaceuticals down the drain, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration maintains a list of limited medications that have the potential to be misused or result in death if taken inappropriately and so can be flushed when safer disposal alternatives are lacking.
Pharmacies also sell drug destroyers such as DisposeRx that can work with pills, tablets, capsules, liquids, and powders. “It’s about the size of a packet of sugar,” says Thomas Menighan, former CEO of the American Pharmacists Association. “You open it, put it in a bottle of unused opioids, or any medicine, for example, you pour a little water in and shake it up, it turns into a white slurry,” which can then be tossed into the trash.
But it’s unclear if these products permanently bind or inactivate the medicinal compounds so that they don’t end up in the landfill liquid, which is released into wastewater treatment plants, and can eventually contaminate our waterways.
Recycling Pharmaceuticals
Perhaps surprisingly, not all unused medications need to be thrown away.
Every year five billion dollars’ worth of unexpired medicine ends up being discarded in the U.S. That could happen because a patient dies, their condition improves and they no longer need their prescribed medication, there’s a dose change, or they experience side effects and are put on new drugs. In such cases these unexpired medications—worth an estimated $700 million—can be recycled.
“We’re wasting a lot of medication which is already paid for,” says Anandi Law, a patient engagement specialist at the Western University of Health Sciences in California. “We could have somebody else who needs it have it.”
Millions of U.S. adults skip or delay getting their prescriptions filled due to high costs. Hence, at least 40 states have passed legislation to establish medication repository programs that allow pharmacies, drug manufactures, medical and long-term care facilities, and sometimes individuals to donate their unused drugs in original sealed containers or tamper-evident packaging.
A licensed pharmacist then inspects the donated medication to check the expiry date and look for signs of tampering, misbranding, or any indication that the drug could be compromised. Once approved, the drugs can be dispensed to uninsured or underinsured individuals via state-approved pharmacies, hospitals, charitable clinics, or community health centers.
Since its inception in 2007, Iowa’s drug donation program, SafeNetRx, has served more than 117,000 patients and redistributed nearly $54-million worth of medication and supplies. Georgia’s program formally launched in 2018, and it has already filled prescriptions worth over $50 million.
“Even though over 40 states have these drug donation laws, a lot of people don’t know that they exist,” says Kiah Williams, co-founder of SIRUM, a nonprofit organization that works with pharmacies and health facilities across the country to assist with drug donation.
Donating unused medications or using take-back programs are voluntary for households, but experts hope more people will use these options instead of disposing of their leftover drugs in the trash or down the drain, which tends to be more convenient.
“All of these efforts are still relatively new,” Carroll says. “We expect we have a long way to go until households change their habits.”
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How to Choose an Italian Bathroom
Choosing the perfect bathroom in Italy can be a challenge, but there are a few factors that will help you find one that fits your needs. You might want to consider the style of the bathroom, whether you prefer a rustic or modern feel, or even what type of signs to look for. You may also want to consider what kind of toilets you’ll use, as some bathrooms in Italy can have squat toilets.
Whether you have a small or large bathroom, you can apply Italian bathroom designs to achieve a modern and calming ambience. Italian bathrooms are known for their simple yet luxurious designs. You can make your bathroom look sophisticated by incorporating modern hardware and fixtures.
A minimalist vanity can give your bathroom a whole new look. You can also add natural living components to your bathroom to give it a refreshing feel. Plants that do not require a lot of light are the best option.
A shower curtain is a stylish decoration that can brighten up your bathroom. It comes in a variety of colors.
Using raw materials and natural elements can create a refreshing vibe in a bathroom. Adding a shower or a tub is up to you.
The Tuscan style is characterized by rich rustic materials. Using exposed raw brick and stone can add charm to a bathroom. Using natural living components such as plants that do not require a lot of light can also help create a calm atmosphere.
The Italian rustic decor is more about textures than colors. These include terracotta, iron and chalk paint. The best part is that these materials are easy to find. The result is a bathroom with a soothing effect that can last for years to come.
Squat toilets
Despite being quite common in Eastern European countries, squat toilets are not common in Western Europe or North America. However, some parts of Asia and Africa have squat toilets. These toilets are very popular in countries such as Egypt, Morocco, Greece, Russia, Indonesia, Bangladesh, and Pakistan. Some squat toilets are even made of porcelain.
Squat toilets are designed to be easy to clean. Many squat toilets have a bucket of water that can be used to rinse the toilet bowl. Other squat toilets have a separate sprayer. Some toilets will have a water seal to prevent the water from getting into the toilet.
Public bathrooms
Unlike the United States, public bathrooms in Italy aren’t usually well kept. Usually, they’re dirty and lack any toilet seats.
There are some exceptions, however. In some cities, you can find paid public bathrooms. These usually charge between 50 and 1 euro for a visit. These are usually found in tourist-heavy areas.
Public bathrooms in Italy usually feature a seatless toilet, mirror, and hand dryer. You might also find a hand washing station. They may also feature a foot pedal sink.
Some public restrooms feature gender-specific signage. They might feature a male figure in pants and a female figure wearing a dress.
Signs for restrooms in Italy
Whether you are visiting Italy on a budget or on a budget-friendly joe, it pays to know where to find the toilet. Public bathrooms can be found in most Italian cities, and they are well-maintained. However, not all restrooms are created equal. Some are free and others charge a small fee.
There are two main types of public restrooms in Italy: pay and free. Pay restrooms are usually found at gas stations, rest stops on Autostrada toll roads, or other locations where a few extra cents might be worth the hefty price tag. Free bathrooms can be found in some touristy areas and a few select hotels.
Almost every Italian household has a bidet. In fact, Italy is one of the countries in the world that mandates that at least one bidet be installed in every bathroom. The bidet has become a very important part of life in Italy, and it is now considered a basic furnishing in every Italian home.
The bidet is a bathroom furnishing that resembles a large hand basin. It has a movable tap nozzle that controls the direction of the water. Some bidets also have a jet of water spraying upwards.
In Italy, the bidet is usually installed besides the sink, the shower, or the toilet. In some houses, the bidet is a standalone unit, while in others it is built into the toilet.
Whether planning a bathroom renovation or simply updating your existing space, Vancouver Kitchen Renovation can help you create a bathroom that fits your style and budget. With years of experience working with homeowners across Vancouver, BC, we know how to transform bathrooms into spaces that fit your lifestyle. Whether you’re looking for a modern look or something more traditional, we can help you achieve the look you want. As a locally owned and operated company, we pride ourselves on providing quality products and exceptional customer service. When you choose VK Renovation, you can rest assured knowing that you’re choosing a company that cares about your satisfaction.
We understand that to be successful is to stay ahead of the curve. That means staying current with the latest technology and design trends. We always want to improve our products or services without breaking the bank. That’s why we stay connected to the latest technologies of NKBA, National Kitchen and Bath Association. In addition, at Vancouver Kitchen renovation, our primary focus is providing sustainable bathroom design and renovation packages, and we believe in sustainable living. Sustainable living is a way of life in harmony with nature. It is a lifestyle which focuses on the preservation of our environment. Sustainable living is a philosophy emphasizing respect for the environment and concern for its well-being. This means we should take care of the planet and treat it as if it were our home. We should try to preserve what we have and protect it from destruction. If we do this, we will enjoy the benefits of the earth’s resources for many generations. Whether you’re planning a major remodel or adding finishing touches to your current bathroom, we’d love to discuss your project. Book your showroom consultation online.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Are big tiles better in a small bathroom?
Yes, big tiles look great in small bathrooms. You can use them on the floors and walls to create a cohesive look. Be sure to use large format tiles on the floors and walls to avoid grout lines.
What are the top 2023 bathroom designs?
The 2023 bathroom design will feature natural materials like wood and stone as well as steel and glass.
Bathrooms will have more water features such as spas, showers, and baths with whirlpools and jets.
There will also be fewer mirrors. This will allow for more socializing and relaxation.
The bathroom design will reflect the user’s lifestyle preferences and needs.
The bathroom will place a strong emphasis on hygiene and cleanliness.
It will also have technology like heated towel bars, automatic faucets, and smart toilets.
The bathroom will provide storage options such as cabinets, shelves, or drawers.
Through the use of integrated lighting, controls and controls, the bathroom will be easy to access.
The bathroom will be eco-friendly and energy-efficient.
The bathroom will be comfortable and inviting, with a warm and welcoming atmosphere.
Are mosaic tiles suitable to be used in modern bathrooms?
You should avoid mosaic tiles in modern design, unless they are used as accent tiles. They can make your bathroom look dated or cluttered. Mosaic tiles look great around a sink, bathtub, or shower.
How can I upgrade my bathroom for 2023?
First, you need to know what you want in your bathroom.
Which features do you require and which don’t? What are your top priorities?
Start looking at products that match your requirements.
Although you might not find exactly what you are looking for, there are many options for you to choose from.
Here’s a list of things to think about:
Size – How big is your bathroom? Will you need to make any changes to accommodate new fixtures or appliances?
Style – What’s your favorite style? Contemporary, traditional, etc.? Style – Bathrooms are available in many styles: transitional, traditional, and modern. The traditional style features natural stone floors and has been around since Victorian times. Modern bathrooms feature sleek lines, glass finishes, and open-plan layouts. Transitional designs combine elements from both traditional and contemporary styles.
Layout – Some prefer small spaces while others like more space. How do you want your bathroom to be laid out?
Colour Scheme – What colours do you want in your bathroom?
Lighting – How much lighting do you require and from where?
Storage – Do your bathroom needs more storage? Is your bathroom stocked with enough storage? Is there a way to increase storage space?
Ventilation – Does your bathroom have adequate ventilation?
Features – Think about the features you want in your bathroom. A heated towel rack or steam shower might be something you’d like. Do you want a Jacuzzi or spa tub? Do you want a separate tub and shower, or a combination of both?
Budget – Last but not least, consider your financial capabilities. This will allow you to narrow down your options and avoid overspending.
Warranty – You should verify whether any manufacturer offers a guarantee on the product. This means they guarantee that their products will work properly for a certain period.
It’s time for you to start looking at products once you know what you want. You can look online, in magazines, or stores. When you find the item you love, compare prices. Read reviews before you make a purchase.
2023 bathroom design trends: 82% of those surveyed revealed bathrooms are now designed for two-person use. (https://nkba.org)
2023 bathroom design trends: 82% of those surveyed preferred low-maintenance, nonporous surfaces for their bathroom. (https://nkba.org)
2023 bathroom design trends: Floating vanities were favoured by 71% of those surveyed. (https://nkba.org)
2023 bathroom design trends: Heated floors were favoured by a substantial 75% of those who responded to the survey.(https://nkba.org)
Keep in mind: they advise that, all told, your bathroom project should cost no more than 5 to 10 percent of your home’s value. (remodelista.com)
2023 bathroom design trends: Large format tile (59%) was the most popular material for tub and shower surrounds. Slab surfaces (40%) were the next most popular (https://nkba.org)
The average midrange bathroom remodels costs $27,164, according to the latest Remodeling Cost versus Value report, and it’s projected that you will recoup 58.9% of that cost when reselling your home. (architecturaldigest.com)
I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve had someone call and say they have an existing old tub (which, 99% of the time, is 60” wide once they’re pulled out) and want to convert the bathtub to a shower. (blog.innovatebuildingsolutions.com)
With this technology, whether you take a 5-minute or a 50-minute shower, you’ll use the same amount of water, reducing your use up to 90 percent! (elemental.green)
2023 bathroom design trends: Chromotherapy, which uses coloured lights to stimulate relaxation, was chosen by 25%. Preset lighting schemes for different times during the day were favoured by 29%. (https://nkba.org)
According to the EPA, a conventional toilet uses 1.6 gallons per flush, but that old pink one could use between 3.5 to 7 gallons per flush. (elemental.green)
If possible, allow a 15 to 20% contingency fund so you’re prepared for the unexpected. (loveproperty.com)
External Links
How to Buy a Toilet For Your Home
How to paint bathroom cabinets for an easy vanity upgrade
How To
Here are 10 things that nobody will tell you about remodeling your bathroom.
When it comes to home improvement, the bathroom is often overlooked. However, this room is an essential part of any house. There are many options for improving your bathroom. Don’t wait until your house is in disarray before you start to transform it into something beautiful and relaxing.
These are some great tips to get your bathroom transformed without spending too much.
You can soften the look of the bathroom by painting the walls with pastel colors like white, pink, yellow or light blue. This subtle effect adds a lot to the room’s charm.
You can add lighting to your bathroom. There are many options available. The right lighting fixture can brighten the space and bring out the colours in the walls. For a less costly option, you can use string lights or small fluorescent lamps to achieve the same result.
Add Storage Space – If your storage space is limited, shelves can be installed above the toilet or beneath the vanity cabinet to provide additional storage. These shelves can also be used to store toiletries, towels, and other items.
Install a Shower Curtain – A shower curtain is a simple yet practical addition to any bathroom. You can customize them to fit your bathroom decor.
You can get creative with your towels – Towels are a great addition to any bathroom, even if you have an old towel rack. Try hanging a few colourful towels from the rod instead. You’ll not only have fresh towels, but you can also make your bathroom more fun.
Bring in Nature – It may seem strange to put plants inside the bathroom, but it creates quite a pleasant atmosphere. Be sure to choose plants that don’t attract insects.
Relax in your Bathroom – Use scented oils and candles to create a tranquil atmosphere. These are inexpensive additions to your bathroom, and they can create a calming ambiance.
Go Green – You don’t necessarily have to install a full-fledged green bathroom to make your bathroom more eco-friendly. For example, you could replace your toilet paper roll with a reusable one. You can also switch to environmentally friendly cleaning products.
Transform Your Vanity Cabinet – Vanity cabinets are usually made of plastic, wood, or metal, so you can customize these as you wish. You can change their design, add additional features, or even replace the entire cabinet.
Upgrading Your Toilet Paper Holder – The toilet tissue holder is a key part of a clean and organized bathroom. It’s time to make it more modern. There are several ways to do this, including changing the shape, size, or colour.
The post How to Choose an Italian Bathroom first appeared on Vancouver Kitchen Renovation.
source https://vancouverkitchenrenovation.com/bathrooms/how-to-choose-an-italian-bathroom/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-choose-an-italian-bathroom
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productsreviewings · 2 years
Discovering a pile of cat poop in your mattress while you’re able to hit the hay on the finish of an extended day is a little bit of a nasty shock! Most cat house owners like to share their beds with their feline members of the family, however we don’t find it irresistible once they use it as a bathroom. You’re in all probability studying this text as a result of it is a state of affairs you’re aware of, and also you’re frightened about why your cat has executed this. Fast Overview 01 Cats can poop on the mattress as a result of they're careworn, unwell, or don’t like one thing about their litter field. 02 All the time communicate to your vet to be sure to aren’t lacking any well being issues. 03 Litter field upkeep, a stress-free atmosphere, and constant routines will scale back the possibilities of your cat pooping on the mattress. There is usually a big vary of explanation why your cat is soiling in your mattress, and also you’ll need to unravel this habits. So, let’s discover a few of these issues that will help you determine the reason for your cats’ smelly habits. Causes Why Cats Poop On The Mattress Pooping exterior the litter field is an indication that one thing is amiss. Cats could be launched to the litter field at 3 weeks outdated, so that they be taught the place to poop fairly shortly. Our feline members of the family are additionally extraordinarily clear and recognized to be the best home pet to potty practice. Cats additionally typically want to poop exterior if they've entry to a backyard. So when your cat is pooping exterior the litter field, it’s normally an indication that one thing isn’t proper, and there are many potential causes for this. 1. They Don’t Like Their Litter Field Cats may cease utilizing the litter field if it isn’t stored clear sufficient, or in the event that they don’t just like the litter. All cat house owners will know the way fussy our feline members of the family could be on the subject of the litter field. They're very explicit. A typical purpose your cat refuses to make use of the litter field is that they merely don’t like the feel or type of the cat litter in there. The type of your cat’s litter field could not go well with their preferences both. Cats are very non-public, and lots of want a lid and door to allow them to do their enterprise in peace. The situation of the litter field in your house is usually a downside too. If it’s in a loud spot, or troublesome to entry they could be much less doubtless to make use of it. A grimy litter field is one other frequent purpose your cat may defecate elsewhere. A grimy protest could be your cats’ approach of letting you recognize that their litter field wants cleansing out. It's best to clear out the poop as quickly as you recognize there’s one in there and alter the litter each day. Cats don’t like to bathroom in locations they've already used a number of instances. Additionally Learn: How To Litter Prepare A Kitten In 3 Easy Steps? 2. Not Sufficient Litter Containers Extra litter bins is all the time a good suggestion in multi-cat households. Should you share your own home with a couple of cat, you’ll have to have sufficient litter bins for everybody. Cats are very territorial and personal on the subject of their toileting habits, so that they typically don’t wish to share litter bins, or may even refuse to share them. As a rule, it's best to have one litter tray per cat plus one. Which may sound like quite a bit, however your cats will thanks! Additionally Learn: How Many Litter Containers Ought to You Have Per Cat? 3. Sickness Abruptly pooping exterior the litter field is usually the primary signal of a medical situation. Pooping on the mattress can be an indication that your cat has a medical situation. They won't be capable to attain the litter field or the backyard quick sufficient, or have to go extra typically than standard for some purpose. Gastrointestinal issues are normally the reason for this habits if it’s
right down to poor well being, however just a few different well being points can even trigger modifications to your cat’s toileting habits. Should you discover diarrhea, worms within the feces, blood within the feces, straining to cross feces, constipation, or every other modifications to your cat’s toileting habits, get them checked over by your standard veterinarian. Your vet will look at your cat and will run some checks to search out out the trigger and begin essentially the most applicable therapy. Additionally Learn: How Usually Ought to You Change Cat Litter? 4. Stress Cats are susceptible to stress when their routine is interrupted, and this may result in pooping exterior the field. Stress could cause modifications to your cat’s toileting habits, particularly on the subject of the place they poop and pee. They're extremely delicate animals and don’t like modifications to their routine or atmosphere. Some frequent stressors that may trigger your cat to poop exterior the field could be: Additionally Learn: 5 Visible Indicators Of A Pressured Cat And How To Assist 5. Modifications In The Surroundings Be aware of switching issues up in your cat’s life, making modifications regularly so that you don’t upset your cat. Cats like routine and consistency, so any change of their atmosphere could cause stress that results in modifications of their toileting habits. Cats may poop on the mattress as a result of they're frightened or unsure the place else to go in these conditions. Frequent modifications that may trigger your cat to poop on the mattress could be: Change in litter field location Totally different litter A brand new kitten/cat or a brand new canine Individuals transferring in or Constructing work New environment comparable to a brand new dwelling Additionally Learn: How To Introduce A New Kitten To An Older Cat What To Do If Your Cat Is Pooping On The Mattress Discovering cat poop in your mattress a nasty shock, nevertheless it’s additionally actually worrying for cat house owners. And it’s a behavior you’ll need to unravel and clear up as shortly as potential. 1. Discover Out The Trigger A full well being examine is necessary to rule out a medical trigger in your cat pooping in your mattress. Look out for different indicators of sickness comparable to vomiting, modifications to your cat’s urge for food or exercise ranges, or modifications to their habits. In case your cat is exhibiting indicators of being unwell, get them checked by the vet. The vet may have to carry out some checks comparable to blood checks, poop samples, or imaging to search out out what’s happening. You must also search for different behavioral modifications that may level towards an issue with stress or nervousness. Your vet can even assist and advise you on different features of cat habits. Additionally Learn: Prime 10 Issues Your Vet Needs You Knew  2. Get rid of Potential Triggers/Stressors Take a detailed take a look at your family setup and routine to eradicate something that may very well be stressing your cat. Should you assume you recognize what's inflicting your cat to poop exterior their litter field, you can also make just a few modifications at dwelling to assist them really feel extra relaxed. Hold their routine and atmosphere as constant as potential on the subject of feeding, be certain that there are sufficient litter bins for all of the cats in the home, preserve updated with worming therapies, and ensure your cat has loads of protected quiet areas in the home to cover and relaxation. Additionally Learn: Hookworms In Cats: Signs, Prognosis, And Therapy 3. Litter Field Upkeep Scoop out the litter field at the least as soon as a day, and utterly clear it as soon as per week. Retaining the litter field clear and contemporary in your cat will make it extra engaging for them to make use of. If you recognize what kind of litter your cat prefers, attempt to all the time use that one. Clear out any poop as quickly as you recognize they’re in there and alter the litter at the least as soon as a day.
Hold the litter field in the identical place, and ensure it’s someplace quiet and personal. Additionally Learn: The 8 Finest Computerized Self Cleansing Litter Containers 4. Create A Calm Surroundings At Dwelling Indoor-only cats may get pleasure from time open air in a cat-safe place like an enclosed catio. We are able to’t utterly keep away from all stresses comparable to guests or occasional loud noises however preserving the atmosphere at dwelling as calm and enjoyable as potential will assist scale back your cat’s stress. You should use pheromone sprays and plug-in diffusers comparable to Feliway to assist calm down your cat, particularly in your bed room and the place they sleep. It's also possible to use calming dietary supplements. Make sure that your cat has a protected and quiet house to cover and relaxation and attempt to preserve their routine as constant as potential. Additionally Learn: Understanding Multi-Cat Households 5. By no means Punish Your Cat Punishment won't resolve the habits and will even make it worse. It’s crucial that you simply don’t punish your cat for pooping on the mattress. Raised voices and stern phrases can stress your cat out much more and make them extra more likely to repeat the habits. Additionally Learn: 8 Causes You Ought to By no means Punish Your Cat Last Ideas Stress, sickness, and an insufficient litter field setup are the commonest causes a cat may poop in your mattress. It may be actually worrying and even infuriating in case your cat poops in your mattress. Many cat house owners have skilled this nasty shock sooner or later! The commonest causes for this habits are associated to emphasize, sickness, and the litter field. It's essential to by no means punish your cat for his or her habits, however you'll need to unravel the issue. Litter field upkeep, sustaining a stress-free atmosphere, and preserving your cat’s routine constant will assist. It’s additionally necessary to get your cat checked over by the vet to guarantee that there aren’t any well being issues inflicting this habits. Additionally Learn: 11 Finest Cat Litter Containers In 2023 – We Tried Them All Continuously Requested Questions Why is my cat abruptly pooping on my mattress? Cats poop exterior the litter field when they're careworn by one thing of their atmosphere, when they're unwell, or once they don’t like their litter or litter field. What to do a couple of cat that poops on the mattress? Get a checkup on the vet to rule out any medical situations. Hold your cat's atmosphere calm and constant, and ensure their litter tray is all the time clear and in a protected, non-public place. How do you self-discipline a cat for pooping exterior the litter field? It's best to by no means punish your cat for pooping exterior the litter field, as this may improve stress and will result in them repeating the habits. #Cat #Poop #Mattress #Veterinarian #Explains #Cats
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mprojects22 · 2 years
Properties And Homes For Sale In Hyde Park, Sandton, Gauteng
We supply our buildings to all South African provinces, Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Lesotho and Eswatini. These are cellular assembled, constructed beneath controlled factory conditions and delivered to website ready for immediate occupation. The Kwikspace insulated panel is coated in 0.forty two mm – zero.forty seven mm aluzinc painted steel, offering improved corrosion resistance and increased sturdiness and longevity of your prefab constructing. Kwikspace has built more than 30 complete colleges. Being totally relocatable they can be simply re-deployed on other sites. From hospitals and medical centres that require therapy space to rural clinics that aren’t easily accessible by road.
Edit My Requirements Sign up and obtain Property Email Alerts of residential properties for sale in Pietermaritzburg, Oak Park. Safe secured gated home in non-public property Located in a sought-after suburb of oak park. Sign up and receive Property Email Alerts of residential properties for sale in Pietermaritzburg, Oak Park. The white sand seashores parkhome modular units surrounding the clear waters of the Langebaan Lagoon are one of many major points of interest of Langebaan.
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plumberlandplumber · 2 years
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How to Prevent Plumbing Problems in Your Home
There are many things that can go wrong with your plumbing. From a clogged sink to a leaky pipe, these problems can lead to costly repairs and potentially dangerous situations. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent these issues before they happen.
How to Prevent Plumbing Problems
Taking care of your home’s plumbing is one of the most important things you can do for your home’s safety and long-term health. It can help keep your water bills down, conserve energy and reduce the risk of a hefty bill after a crisis.
The best way to avoid major problems with your plumbing is to make regular maintenance a part of your household’s routine. Even a small task like cleaning out your drains once a month can help ensure that your pipes and fixtures are working properly.
Doing so can also save you money in the long run because clogged drains can cause serious water damage and flood your home or business.
A clogged drain can also be a sign of other more serious plumbing problems, such as a leaky toilet or a blocked sewer line. If you suspect that a pipe has burst or if you notice a foul smell in your home, call for a professional.
How to Avoid Leaky Faucets and Pipes
If you have a leaky faucet, the problem is often caused by a loose washer, but it may not be easy to find and replace. It’s usually better to leave this job to a professional plumber because if you attempt to fix the problem yourself, the pipes could break and a large mess can result.
How to Prevent Drain Clogging and Other Plumbing Issues
One of the most common plumbing issues in homes is a slow or clogged drain. In sinks, showers, and toilets, this can be caused by hair or other solid items that cannot easily move through the pipes. These clogs can form large clots that block the flow of water.
Another reason clogged drains occur is because people aren’t careful about what gets put down the drain. Food scraps, cooking grease, hair, and other items that aren’t meant to be flushed should not go down the drain.
It’s a good idea to install a drain screen in your sinks and tubs to catch anything that falls down the drain. These screens can be inexpensive and help you avoid a big mess.
How to Avoid Hard Water and Mold
Hard water can greatly reduce the lifespan of your pipes. This is because the minerals in hard water cause the surface of your pipes to corrode and can increase their ability to clog.
To combat the effects of hard water on your pipes, you should consider installing a water softener. These systems can reduce the amount of calcium and magnesium in your water, which can help extend the lifespan of your pipes.
How to Prevent Clogged Garbage Disposals and Other Plumbing Issues
Using your garbage disposal more often than necessary can lead to a clogged drain. Rather than pouring coffee grounds, eggshells, and other foods down the drain, rinse them off or throw them in a compost pail.
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heroplumberla · 2 years
How to Unclog a Clogged Toilet
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Clogged toilets can be a big source of frustration for homeowners. They happen because of various factors — like too much toilet paper, low water flow, foreign objects in the drain, old septic systems, and more. Some things can be corrected with a change in household habits, but some clogs require the help of a plumber.
The first step to fixing a clogged toilet is to stop flushing it. This will force the problem to drain out of the toilet instead of creating a backup that can lead to a bigger issue.
If your clogged toilet is still a problem, try using hot water on it. This is especially useful if you’re dealing with a clog that has been in place for some time.
You can do this by filling a pan with hot water and then pouring it down the toilet’s drain. If it doesn’t clear the clog, you can add more hot water to the bowl or try another method, such as a plunger.
Plungers often aren’t strong enough to get through tough clogs, so it’s important to use one that is made for the job. Some plumbers even recommend buying a special ball-shaped plunger to use for more difficult clogs.
If you’re having trouble getting the plunger to work, run hot water over it first to loosen the rubber inside and make it easier to squeeze down. You can also pour a little bit of degreasing dish soap in the bowl before plunging and let it sit for a few minutes to attack the clog.
Depending on the size of your clog, you may need to do a few rounds of this method before the clog begins to break up. If your clog is really stuck, you can try a brush that’s designed for unclogging toilets.
You can also use a drain snake to try to remove a clog, but be careful not to damage the porcelain of your toilet by pushing it into the hole. A coat hanger with a v-shaped hook can also be used to fish out a clog, but you should be cautious about scratching the surface of the porcelain as well.
The main thing to keep in mind is that if your clog doesn’t start clearing up after you’ve tried these tips, it’s probably more serious than you think. If your clog has been in place for some time and isn’t unclogging on its own, it could be an indication that your sewer lines are becoming blocked by debris.
Sewer line clogs can be caused by many different factors, so it’s best to call for professional help as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the more damage it can do to your plumbing system.
Hard water is another common cause of clogged toilets. The minerals in your water can calcify over time and form a white substance that narrows the gap in the drain pipe where waste can pass.
This is a common problem for Southern California residents, and it’s something that most homeowners don’t realize until they have to deal with it. If you have hard water, it’s important to check your pipes regularly for signs of a buildup. You’ll know it’s time to call a plumber if you see signs of this such as water backing up in odd places when you flush the toilet.
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handelplayssims · 2 years
Hmm. Johnny arises at 5AM. With 12 hours until his next work shift. Eh. Let’s have him briefly wake up and take care of his needs before heading back for more sleep. More sleep sounds nice.
We get the notification of max NAPs open. Now I am thinking of repealing Free Love and getting in Fun Loving Community for Johnny, but that would require spending another week with this household and ehh, our time will end on Tuesday and it is Friday.
Right, Joaquin woke up and has a whim to make 400 dollars! Which unfortunately as a musician, outside of his royalties, there aren’t really any good options outside of potentally picking up his dj table and performing out on the street. ...which hey! ...annnd he got a sad moodlet walking by his roommate because they aren’t friends anymore. Bah. So I picked up the dj booth and put it right beside the edge of the lot and the sidewalk and I’ll see if anyone takes an interest...and if not, I’ll move slightly outside the lot and see how that works! Meanwhile Johnny just wants to listen to his tunes again. This time it’s the casual country that was introduced in...I believe the Backyard Stuff pack. It’s actually the closest thing to popular country that’s in the game so far! Johnny strikes me as a country liker above all. At least the casual stuff. And no one seems to be paying attention to Joaquin from his front yard so off to across the street and off lot we go!
Meanwhile, Johnny got a notification that his fame is dropping. For him, I actually do use the video editing because he does strike me as someone who would maintain a Youtube channel. What’s trending is confident vlogs so I purchase an emotional potion and have him get in that mood and ready to gab! And it broke down as it was recording. Dang. Welp. I’ll just purchase a full replacement and pray that we’ll get the recording at least finish before Johnny has to go off to work.
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10 minutes until work and we’re finished. Here’s my title and what it’s about. It’s about Johnny’s many successful friendships! Because all of them are! Totally! Expect for perhaps his roommate but we don’t get to talk about that! Normally I do editing passes to increase the quality but we gota go to work! And so it’s uploaded raw and uncut. Both the boys are off at work! Johnny got a pop-up about either lowering himself to a fellow comic’s toilet humor or keep it clean. I had him sink down into the dirt...and get a performance hit for it. Alas!
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Ooo nice! Joaquin is now a proper celebrity! Tops of careers do seem to give a lot of passive fame gain. Joaquin is in the career and influencer tracks of the celebrity skill trees. Career because that’ll give him lots of money and he wants those dollars and influencer...because one of the later ranks allows for Sims to pop up with his fashion and I think that would be funny! Also! I believe with his four star fame, we can now enjoy a Celebrity Home perk for our household! Techinically, I wanted to give it when our collective fame level reached beyond five but it seemed that as three and two star celebs, Johnny and Joaquin felt super-tense living in the home. But from my time in the Orange-Bailey household, four-star celebrities are perfectly fine and share that fame buff around the household! ...man, our roommate is especially lucky he got in when he did. Or perhaps, he’ll feel ultra-tense all the time now! We’ll see!
Anyway, I wanted Joaquin and our roomate Valentino to befriend but then we discovered something! Valentino being a loner! It’s time to argue about social anxiety! Which Johnny did win the argument at least. But at what cost to roommate relationships!?
Anyway, Joaquin is hungry and it’s night on the town. Let’s go to a fancy restaurant to celebrate! There’s basically two around. One is a nicer Italian place and the other is a nice fish-based restaurant. I think we’re in the mood for...steak. So Italian place it is!
It’s 10:30 in game now and Johnny will get off work at 11PM. So for now we’re actually going to use this bar seat and drink from the bar while we wait for him. I know that restaurants do have bars and people do go to them but I don’t really think about that in the Sims verse, where there are dedicated bars. One fancy drink and Johnny is off work! I set the two up to order food. Joaquin with his steak, and Johnny with the special, the Monte Crisco Sandwhich. AKA fancy grilled cheese. With Joaquin sad, I actually have Johnny pull out the Funniest Joke in the World, both to cheer Joaquin up...and for fame. ...he does get the moodlet but man. That sad mood is overpowering. But a brightened day helped out and pulled that comedy up! Now let’s hope he doesn’t die…
Meal eaten, while the quality is “bad,” both are in too good of moods to mind. In fact, Johnny is quite flirty. So away we retreat, back to home. For heheh, some fun times before the two retire to bed. And with that-
Neighborhood Wat- -record needle scratch-
...GOD DAMN IT! Johnny now has that bed glitch! BAH AND HUMBUG! One moment while I take the Zest in and out of the Zest household. Anyway back to-
Neighborhood Watch!
Izzy Fabulous in the Fabulous household left his job as a Dedicated Resser in the Stylist career.
Aww, but that job is just so fitting for someone named Fabulous!
Amara Stanford in the Stanford household is now a The Next Big Thing? In the Star-up Entrepreneur career.
Junko Yamashita in the Yamashita household has died. Junko forgot her winter clothes and became a popsicle.
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