#there are strange things afoot
deadpoetscrusade · 1 year
if I had a nickel for every time a giddy but deeply hurt, northern-accented doctor regenerated into a not-Scottish David Tennant I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it’s happened twice.
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discoscoob · 1 month
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I never saw a circle K irl before and I got so excited 😂
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I wholly believe that I could have a sitcom. Why? My life is both crappy and hilarious at the same time, also known as ✨️peak comedy✨️.
Characters include 1, Me: Asexual Teen Blogger Beginning Cosplayer Homeschooler, 2, My Weirdass Besties: A. Pansexual Gymnast with Mommy Issues, B. Heterosexual Dragon Enthusiast Introvert, and C. Genderfluid Chinese K-pop Stan who loves the band Ghost, 3, My Parents: Business Director Mom who is divorcing my Dad, ADHD DnD DM who is allergic to cats and yet pets every cat he sees, and 4, my Grandma: Old Christian lady who used to be a Seamstress who laughs at my mom and my sex jokes.
And featuring Siblings: Anger Issues Gamer who is currently obsessed with FNAF, and Feral Cat How To Train Your Dragon Obsessive Sociopath who has a hyperfixation on Squishmallows.
I need a title.
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defendglobe · 7 months
yeah, this doesn’t look sketchy at all
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matoitech · 6 months
ghosts/possession can be really cool in media like i love it in mascot horror ngl im basic but i just dislike ghost movies where its taken super seriously and theres not an element of 'this could never happen.' like freddy fazbear isnt gonna get me but im way too Weird Ghost Vibes Sensitive to fuck w haunted places or anything ykwim
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autistic-shaiapouf · 8 months
Learning how well my sleep meds work as I learn that two of my roommates had a 4am screaming match that I completely slept through
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thwackk · 1 year
......did you get an actual horse ask or did I send it in a fever dream
you mean the one that just said “horses 🥰🥰” yeah i got that
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baronfulmen · 1 year
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I just saw Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure in the theater, at the mall where that mall scene takes place.
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It's called Metrocenter Mall and it's closed now. It's been dead for a loooong time, but only a few years ago was finally shuttered and scheduled for (at least partial) demolition.
I grew up not that far from Metro, and I remember when it looked like it did in Bill and Ted's. I've also been to the Circle K (also now closed) and I know the school (still open last I checked) and water park (closed).
I've always loved time travel movies, and Bill & Ted's has a special place in my heart. It was really fun to see it in the theater one last time.
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yxkanna · 10 months
i'm noticing that i'm not getting all of my notifications (like i get the number in the sidebar, but not all of the notifs show up, like i just happened to find a reply today by scrolling down my dash instead of it being there in the activity bar). SO. if u have a reply don't be afraid to lmk 👍 i might have seen it i might not !!
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selfdiagnosedeyemotif · 11 months
Dr. Hellenath tilted his head, looking almost intrigued. Fascinated. Amused. 
“You’re quite a curious case,” he said, and Zephyr looked at him. “What do you mean?” He asked. 
Dr. Hellenath interlaced his fingers. “Well… You have human blood, for one thing. That’s rare here.” 
“But… Aren’t you human?” Zephyr asked, and Dr Hellenath grinned, revealing sharp teeth. “Not quite, I’m afraid. Simply blessed with a little bit of talent and luck,” he replied. Zephyr stumbled back. 
“Talent..?” He asked curiously, and Dr. Hellenath nodded. “Indeed. There is a strain of Wild blood that allows those with it to… Transform. We can mimic the appearance of humans. Not fully, of course, but a close-lipped smile and coloured contacts can get one much farther than people think.” “...Do- Do I have that…?” Zephyr asked, his mind drifting back to what the leader of the group of Wild Things had said earlier. Children of the Wild… Dr. Hellenath shook his head. 
“No, you do not. Your blood is unique as well, though. Your blood is a mix of Wild and human. You possess the magic of both humans and Wild Things.” 
Zephyr gaped at him. “Humans… Magic? You must be off your rocker,” he scoffed. Dr. Hellenath tilted his head slightly, clearly amused. He laughed. It sounded like a bark. “Oh, but perhaps you are the one off your rocker, my dear boy. Let me guess, Beathan called you a Child of the Wild?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. Zephyr had no response, but clearly, his expression was enough for the healer, because he nodded. “I reckoned as such.” Dr. Hellenath said nothing more, much to Zephyr’s ire.
DOKTOR!!! oh i do quite love this strange scenario that's unfolding in my inbox
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elekilokal · 2 years
I just want you to know i saw you on pony town, opened your bio, and literally had a heart attack when i realized i was following you on tumblr. Almost cried fr
I think you may have been bamboozled my friend... I haven't been on there in over a year and I never had a bio or any socials attached to my ponies
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leveragehunters · 2 years
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Aaaand that concludes our brief trip down Bill and Ted lane.
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antariies · 1 year
harley used to speak very colloquially even within professional settings but after moving in with trahearne and gil who both have the same intense, archaic way of phrasing themselves he’s unknowingly adopted some of it.
which is to say ever since lws3 he speaks with a weird mix of too casual and too formal Which Is To Say he sounds like he escaped from a bill and ted movie. bc he’ll say things like “holy fuck dude. what manner of beast is that?” and “oh gods, the void’s like, encroaching upon the southern front and shit. most unrighteous :[“ in his surfer guy accent and not see anything strange about it
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whatsnewalycat · 1 year
One time, when I worked at Family Video, I was putting away the dropbox along the outer wall.
This is something I did like a million times, and there was nobody in the store so I was like… walking sideways, hauling ass, not watching where I was going. And then it was like I ran into a mass, but nothing was there. I literally bounced off of the nothing, then turned and said out loud, “Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” Because it felt like I ran straight into someone.
Idk that’s all.
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leftyllama · 1 year
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Some kind of bug was making all the npcs on DS9 have weapons out and?
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rangerpanties · 2 years
life is about putting thing in your asshole and also putting things in other people's assholes
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