#there are so many great real hair designs where do i even start
janeya · 3 months
assortment of janes that aren’t wearing a wig and are using their real hair, bonus points if it’s in a fun/unique hairstyle. go
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some i love
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I’ve got so many more snake and snake related questions and so I’m just gonna give them in a big list:
I thought that your “animal bones” tag said “snake bones” and now I’m fascinated by that idea as a tag and generally snake skeleton stuff. This isn’t a question I suppose.
Is the number of vertebra of a snake (minus the tail vertebra) comparable in amount to human vertebra?
Are snake scales and snake skin made out of the same stuff human skin and nails and hair are made of (keratin and collagen and the like)?
Are any snakes physically capable of chewing or generally eating something not-whole? Do any of them chew?
To your knowledge, was the creation of syringe needles inspired in any way by snake fangs?
How do scientists milk venom, physically? How much can you take from a snake in one go without harming it? How often?
What are your “smartest” and “dumbest” snakes, if such a thing can be quantified?
Thank you for the snake fact answers. I could just look it up but SEO is a bitch and I like asking people questions about things they’re passionate about.
Great questions!!
Snake bones are so cool. I love looking at viper skeletons especially.
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2. Nope! People have like 24 vertebrae, with snakes it depends on species length but snakes have between 100-600. Snake tails are actually pretty short when compared to their torsos (look at the skeleton image below, the tail starts where the ribs end); tails have as few as 10 and as many as a couple hundred vertebrae. Those numbers sound very variable, and that's because snakes just vary so wildly in size and shape!
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3. Yes! The same materials make up snake skin and scales as make up human skin and nails. Same stuff, different blueprint! :)
4. Snakes are built very specifically to swallow whole prey, and there are no real exceptions to this. No snake can chew. Some snakes, like snail-eaters, have specialized teeth and jaws designed to "scoop" snails out of their shells so sometimes they don't get it all in one go, but even they are built to try and get as much out at once as possible.
5. Not to my knowledge, I think it's a matter of convergent evolution! :) Hollow needles are just really good at getting stuff into other stuff.
6. When we do venom extractions from snakes, we usually just have them bite a funnel and what they give us is what they give us. If a certain venom is in very high demand, then sometimes we'll express the venom glands while the snake is biting down. That involves gently squeezing the glands to ensure a good amount of venom is released in the bite. It looks rough but I promise it's not, the hold is as gentle as possible and the snakes are not hurt in the process! You gently hold the snake's neck to keep them restrained and keep everyone safe (if you lightly squeeze your wrist just hard enough to manually tilt your hand, it's about that much pressure) and you use your fingers on the opposite hand to express the glands.
We might get 1/10 a teaspoon from each snake per extraction, it's genuinely just a few drops. It takes multiple snakes to get enough to do anything with. At my lab we extract from each snake about once every other week; they need time to relax in between! Venom isn't necessary to remain healthy for lab snakes, but we don't want to stress them.
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7. In general, elapids (cobras and their relatives) are the smartest snakes I've ever worked with! King cobras absolutely take the award here, they're so intelligent and curious and just a treat to interact with. Our old boy at my lab, Puppy, can put himself in his handling tube and is always such a show-off for tours. One of my favorite snakes at the lab is an Egyptian cobra named Seth, he's so much fun and loves figuring out the food puzzles and mazes I set up for him!
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As for dumbest...I've said it before and I'll say it again, but hognoses are just absolutely zero thoughts animals.
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knight-a3 · 2 months
Hazbin Sketchbook Tour part 3
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I started some preliminary sketches of Charlie to get a feel for her. I wasn't exactly happy with them. I did like how Alastor turned out in the dancing one, just...not the rest of it.
Before going back to Charlie, I had a couple ideas for a Vaggie redesign I wanted to sketch out. She'll go through a few minor tweaks over time, but overall not bad for a first pass. (There's also a stray Emily)
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This is when I started seriously redesigning everyone. I would search up other people's redesigns for inspiration, then move on from there.
More design notes under the cut, and a couple fun Bible facts!
Vaggie: First, I doubled down on the moth theming. I wanted it to be more obvious than it is in canon. It also serves to show that Hell is corrupted, and it makes everyone more inhuman. All the angels will look more human, because "Biblically accurate angels" is not actually all that accurate. After she Falls, she becomes more moth-like, and is not truly an angel anymore.
[I've got this whole idea concerning the blood colors of the various groups. Maybe I should make a dedicated post to explain, but here's the rundown: There are three main groups: Hellborn, Earthborn, and Heavenborn. Hellborn have black blood, and Heavenborn have a glowing white. Earthborn have 3 subgroups: Living, Sinner, and Saint(aka winner). While alive, Earthborn have red. After death, the color depends on if they Fall or Ascend. Fallen Earthborn become Sinners and the blood darkens to purple. Ascended Earthborn become Saints and it lightens into golden yellow. When a Saint Falls, it darkens to purple. When a Heavenborn falls, it darkens to orange. Ascended Sinners will gradually lighten to yellow(albeit it won't ever be quite as bright as the other Saints). Hellborn cannot Ascend.]
All that to say that Vaggie does not have pure angel blood anymore. And I'm trying to decide if the Exorcists are Heavenborn or Earthborn. I'm honestly favoring Earthborn right now, since that's what Adam qualifies as.
Even when she gets her wings back, Vaggie's form is still corrupted and they come back as moth wings, to fit her theming. I wanted to get her long hair out of the way of her wings, and figured that since her hair is sorta moth themed anyway, why not make them the same thing. It works cuz...magic. I also really do not like the floating X over her eye, so I made it a broken eye spot instead.
Charlie: I knew I wanted more goat themes. So the ears were an obvious place to start. I also made her ponytail to look like a goat tail. But I saw a few designs that gave her snake hair and I thought it was great. But I didn't want to draw so many and decided to just give her one. Then named him Hugh. Short for Hubris aka Pride. I designed the Morningstar family around the goat and snake themes, where Charlie gets the goat traits from Lucifer, and the Snake traits from Lilith.
Lucifer: Canon Lucifer has way too many different design motifs. The Biblical Devil is associated with snakes and goats, so I wanted to narrow down on those rather than the forbidden fruit(which is never confirmed to be an actual apple, by the way) or ducks. He can still likes duck, but it doesn't go further than that. Since canon Lucifer is not exactly evil like the Biblical version, I decided it would be thematically appropriate to have his Fall turn him into a scapegoat, of sorts. Which would also mean that Lucifer is not the True Devil. The real Evil is the darkness trapped in the abyss(should I call it Abyss?). Lucifer, as a Fallen Angel, actually created Hell to prevent souls from getting lost in the abyss. So as bad as Hell is, it's actually a relatively good thing. Oh, and he lost his wings during his Fall. (Fun facts: the Devil isn't actually called Lucifer in the Bible, that was a translation quirk basically referring to the fall of the Babylonian king. Similarly, the number 666 probably refers to Roman Emperor Nero)
Lilith: Because I committed to Lucifer as a goat, but still wanted to implement the snake theme, I gave it to Lilith. I wanted to give her snake hair, but also maintain the flow of her long hair. So I decided to give her 7 snakes, each to represent one of the deadly sins. The top one represents pride. They're all named, like Charlie's.
Pride=Vani(Vanity), Greed=Ava(Avarice), Lust=Libby(Libido), Envy=Desi(Desire), Gluttony=Tony(Gluttony), Wrath=Irene(Ire), and Sloth=Sloth(...)
Overall, I haven't fully decided what I want to do with Lilith. It would probably help if we had more canon info on her. Is she secretly an antagonist? Or is there something else going on? Regardless, I enjoyed designing her.
I had this whole tangent about the mythological origins of Lilith, and how she's not actually a biblical character at all. It got too long winded so I cut it. But basically, liliths were a type of demon in Middle East/Mesopotamian cultures. Then a satirical Jewish story written in the medieval era made Lilith Adam's first wife, then she ran off with the Great Demon and started having 100 demon babies a day. She had to promise three angels that she wouldn't hurt any human newborns if they had a special amulet. She was associated with seduction and child-killing. She wasn't a feminist figure until the 1970s. She was just evil before that. Read HERE if you want more info about it.
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captainlondonman · 1 month
They came out of the barber’s. J-Boi’s hair had gone. His scalp was gleaming and he felt like a Skin at last even with Wayne’s Hi Viz gear on. As they walked along the road he felt his cock swinging against the cum stained Hi Viz trousers and that immediately made him feel horny and want some more action. He was so wanting a fuck when they got home.
‘Right J-Boi it’s the Tat shop for you now. All us Skins need our tats and this is your first of many. I’ll decide what and where, got it?’
‘Sure master. . All I want is to feel a real skin like you’
They went down a back street and in through a small doorway. A bell sounded as they went in.
‘You there Joe?’
J-Boi could not believe who came through the opening. A burly 6ft. Skin in bleachers and black DMs laced up almost to his knees. He had no top on other than a leather waistcost. His arms and entire chest right up around his neck and on to his scalp were covered in tattoos, every imaginable design. No sign of any women on the tats. All the Skin signs you could think off. He had piercing blue eyes and a thick neck and what could be taken as a broken nose from all the fights he had been in. However J-Boi’s eyes moved down to his bleachers and stretching down his left leg was a thick tool. It looked as if Joe had been playing with himself as it was definitely partly rigid.
‘So is this yer boi Wayne?
‘Sure is Joe, what dya think?’
‘Not bad. Def needs a few tats and we can make him more like one of us. He’ll need these before we take him to meet the other lads and have a good punch up. Nothing like a fight with the baseball bats eh? So what’s his first tat Wayne?
‘Give him a cross on his neck and SKIN on his knuckles. That’s a good start. Ok Boi?’
‘Sure thing’
J-Boi sat on the chair with Joe facing him his legs apart so J-Boi could stare at his crotch. Watching that cock lessened the pain. Wayne knew exactly what JBoi was looking at and his own hand moved up and down his own dick, feeling excited at what was going on.
When he had finished Joe took a mirror and showed J-Boi.
‘It won’t look good now but once the scabs are off mate you will feel like one of us.’
‘I do already, Joe and it feels fucking great I can tell ya.’
‘Well, Wayne, you know I don’t charge for the first tat but I do expect a bit of service’
‘No probs there Joe, I’ve been watching Boi and he can’t take his eyes off that cock of yours. He loves sucking and knows how to make you cum in buckets, so sit there Boi and watch Joe get that stiff dick of his out for you.’
Joe stood and planted both booted feet in front of Boi, pressing his meaty hand around his cock which had fully spread down his bleachers showing an almighty massive bulge
‘Fuck man I’m now so fucking horny jus hope I can get my dick out for you boi.’  
He unzipped and stuck his hand way down his bleachers. As his head got to the top so his tool sprang out in front of Boi’s face.
‘Shit man that’s big even for my throat. But I want it and I can already see your precum oozing out.
Boi lent forwards and grabbed his big balls ,massaging them so he could feel all the juice Joe had for him. He licked around the head taking the precum but smelling the cock which hadn’t been washed in days. How he loved cheesy unwashed cocks. Boi eased Joe’s foreskin back to reveal a thick gleaming head. God how he wanted that dick.
Joe took hold of Boi’s head.
‘Forget the pussyfooting Boi, I want my prick down yer throat so get started and no gagging’
Boi allowed his head to be moved down the shaft. He wanted to gag but his throat kept opening to take in the full length. His spit was oozing down his chin as Joe forced his cock further and further in until Boi could feel Joes thick dark curly pubes rubbing against his face.
‘Shit man you know how to take cock. Not many can take my full length. So start working.’
Still holding Joe’s balls and squeezing them hard he moved his mouth up and down the full length of the shaft at first slowly and then as he could feel Joe groaning so he moved faster and faster, sucking and allowing a fast flow of spit to run down the length.
As Boi moved his eyes away from Joe’s cock, he saw that Wayne was standing beside him, having pulled his dick out of his bleachers.
‘I told you Joe the Boi knows how to suck. It’s the best blow job you’ll get for a while.’
‘Too bloody right this guy’s amazing. Looks like your enjoying watching.’
‘Fuck man seeing that big dick of yours getting sucked off would make anyone wank. I’m cummin with you mate.
Hearing all this dirty talk made Boi suck even harder he wanted all that sackfull of Joe’s down his throat and feel Wayne’s cum spurting over him.
‘Fuck man I’m cumin,’ shouted Joe, ‘shit man, take it all I want to see you retching with my spunk. Here it comes.’
‘Me too’ shouted Wayne , his hand rubbing faster and faster down his shaft
‘Fuuckinn hell here it comes.’
And with that Joe shot wad after wad down Boi’s throat so much it was spilling out his mouth and running down his chin on to his Hi Viz jacket.
‘Shiiit man here’s mine.’ yelled Wayne, as spurt after spurt shot down across Bois face, thick creamy spunk running down the side of Bois face and onto his jacket
Both men leant back in exstacy . Wayne leant forward and rubbed the remaining drop of spunk across Boi’s face while Joe pulled his cock out and shook it before stuffing it back into his bleachers.
‘Fucking hell man that was the best. You Boi are the best sucker around. Tell you what I’ll give your next two tats for free if you can do that again.’
‘You’re on Joe. I’ll be back soon so I can get as many tats as Master. I just wanna look more and more like him.’
‘Well Boi you’ve earned a few beers, lets get going and pick up a few. I promised to get you into my skin gear so lets get going.’
They were hardly out of the shop when Wayne lit up and shoved the fag into Boi’s mouth and then opened a can and started slurping.
‘Fuck I need that. Boi let the fag hang out the side of yer mouth. You’re a Skin now remember. Get this can down your throat, you must be fucking needing that after that blow job on Joe.’
They got into Wayne’s flat and Boi followed Wayne into the bedroom. What a mess. Clothes everywhere but all Skin clothes, T shirts and bleachers all of different shades lying on a bed that was covered in a large black rubber sheet
Along the floor were several oxblood and black Doc Martens of differing heights and either yellow, red or white boot laces.  At the end of the line were rubber boots, knee length and waders.
Right Boi get yer Hi Viz gear off and get into the gear you’ll be wearing all the time. You’re a Skin and you will only ever wear what I say and it will all be skin stuff
Boi did as he was told while Wayne searched the bed for the gear he wanted Boi to wear. He threw a pair of bleachers and dirty socks.
‘Start with that Boi’
As Boi struggled to get on the bleachers, his cock was already half erect knowing they belonged to Wayne and he wanted his cock to look as good as Waynes who always had his stuffed down one leg.
Wayne took out some talc from a drawer and sprinkled it into a shiny black rubber T shirt.
‘Now get that on. Us skins luv rubber’
Boi put it one feeling it tight against his skin. It was hot but it only made him feel more horny.
‘Now get on these Oxblood Docs. After that lets see you in the mirror.’
When he had laced up Wayne pulled Boi over to the full length mirror.
‘Now look at yerself. A goddammed fucking Skin eh. That’s what you want eh? Looking at that fucking stiff dick of yours tells me you love it. Shaved head and that cross on the side of your neck.  Brill. I’ll need to think what next. The rubber T shirt shows off your pecs Boi.’
Wayne handed Boi a rubber apron and said
‘Get that on around you while I take off my boots and then we’ll finish you off.
Once his boots were off Wayne got hold of the waders and pulled them on the tops coming up to his thighs. He opened the drawer again and took out a rubber hood and large black rubber dildo which looked just like a real black cock.
‘Get the hood on Boi. Youll love the smell of the rubber’
Boi put on the hood with neck and Wayne stood behind and zipped. There were eye slots and a mouth slit.
‘Smell that fucking rubber Boi.’
Boi felt this was what he always wanted. The strong small of rubber all over his face. Every breath was deep so he could take in the full stench of rubber. He felt Wayne’s prisoner, subjected to whatever he wanted. The hood was totally moulded to his shaved head.
Now put the sheet on the floor
While JBoi did as he was told, Wayne put on a pair of full length black rubber gloves that stretched all the way up his tattooed arms.
‘We skins luv fucking rubber don’t we?’
‘Yes master’
‘Get down on the fucking floor on yer knees and stick out yer tongue, now. I’ve plans for you, you fucking dirty pig, my fucking pig.’
Taking Bois rubber hooded head in his rubber gloves he bent down and let a huge gob of spit onto Bois tongue
‘So start cleaning my fucking boots’
Boi lay down with Wayne’s foot on his head and starting with Wayne’s gob he used his tongue to wipe over the rubber boots. As he used up the spit so he used his own spit to cover the boots. He loved the taste of the rubber in his mouth
‘Fucking tongue, Boi. I want to see these boots shine.’
He kept pushing down his foot on Boi’s head and told him to sit up and changed to the other boot again giving Boi another gob of spit to get him started.
In between barking his orders Wayne was opening and downing cans of beer belching as he swallowed.
‘Christ you really are my fucking Boi. I’m needing a fuckin piss now, loads of piss in me cock boy and you’re going to swallow the whole fucking lot . Unzipping he put his rubber gloved hand down his bleachers and pulled out his semi erect cock.
Moving forwards he rubbed it across the hood, letting it pause as it passed Bois tongue.
You’re gonna luv my piss Boi so open yer mouth and let yere tongue out, a Golden shower is about to hit you straight in the face
With that Wayne let out a stream of steaming hot piss aiming a Boi’s mouth who slurped down as much as he could, feeling the heat of the piss in his throat the rest running down his hood onto his apron and then the rubber sheet on the floor
‘Fuckin hell man you luv my piss’
More and more from all his cans streamed out drenching Boi his hood and apron gleaming from the piss.
‘I fucking needed that’
Then taking some lube and smearing it along the rubber dildo he pulled Boi up and turned him around so he was facing the mirror.
These bleachers of yours have a nice hole at yer arse. Jus perfect for you. Means even when fully dressed as a Skin you can always be fucked.
Using his gloved hand he start slowly pushing it between Boi’s cheeks spreading them with his gloves.
‘Stick that arse of your out further so you can take it’
Wayne decided this Boi needed a good fast fuck so no need to take time. He rammed the dildo up Bois arse causing him to yell out but at the same time the burning sensation only made him want to take more.
‘You fucking luv that mate don’t you.’
‘It’s fucking amazing master.’
Using one hand to push the dildo up and then back Wayne started wanking his now rigid dick with the other gloved hand.
‘I fucking luv wanking with me rubber gloves on. Hope you’re luving this boi.’
‘Shit man I’m about to cum in my bleachers’
‘That’s what I want Boi, see your cum oozing out and down yer leg.
‘Fuck I’m about to cum too. Lets do it together. Are you ready, shit seeing this dildo go all the way up yer arse is amazing,’ Wayne said his rubber hand moved faster and faster up his shaft.
‘I’m ready.’
‘Christ me too.’
With that Boi spurted his load in his bleachers the spunk oozing out the rest staining his leg. Wayne’s spunk shot out over Boi’s bleachers , wad after wad.
‘Fucking hell, Boi you learn fast.’
Wayne struck up a fag and put it through the rubber hood slot into Bois mouth.
‘You deserve that.’
Wayne fucked Boi twice during the night, Boi only wanting to please and Wayne only too keen to shaft him with his meaty dick.
‘I’ve got a job for you Boi. You need to get into my Hi Viz and report for work. Get my Rubber boots on as you will be getting dirty. I’m staying here as I’m shagged out after so much fucking and anyway I need to build up my cum for your return. So get into yer gear now.’
‘Yes Master’
Boi put on all the dirty cum stained Hi Viz gear and finally the rubber boots which immediately made him feel horny
‘Watch it J-Boi, I can your dick getting stiff in your gear. Bet it’s the boots you love. Now fuck off to work while I have a doze and a few ciggies.’
J-Boi went off to the building site as directed by Wayne . There was no one around but a large concrete dump truck was sitting next to the Portacabin. J-Boi knocked on the door of the Portacabin.
‘Who the fuck is there?’ a voice boomed
‘Wayne sent me to work for you’
‘Oh its fucking J-Boi then’
The door opened.
Fuckin hell standing in front of J-Boi was Big Jim, exactly as he had dreamt only a few days ago.. How the hell could it be the same. One was a dream but this was reality. But it was him. The same height, the same beer gut the same hairy hands and bushy beard.
‘You fucking know who I am don’t you J-Boi. Yes Big Jim.’
J-Boi stood there gobsmacked. His dream had come true but if was not he who was Big Jim.
‘Stop fucking staring J-Boi there’s work for us to do now, take this shovel and get over there behind the cement mixer as we have to spread out all this mix. Big Jim led the way as the mixer raised up the slurry and released what seems like tons of sloppy concrete.
‘Watch me and do the same and well get this done quickly.’
Thank God Wayne had told him to wear the rubber boots as he found himself standing deep in concrete slurry trying to spread as quickly as he could. But using the shovel his entire Hi Viz gear was totally spattered in slimy concrete even across his face.
J- Boi was happy. He enjoyed being a dirty workie and shit was he dirty.
Christ its hard work but fucking great he thought as he took his arms across his face to wipe of some sweat and snot.
Time for a cuppa, J-Boi, you’ve done a good job for a new lad. Let’s get you into the Portacabin.
Once inside Big Jim said
‘Bloody dirty work ain’t it. Covered in fucking dirt and cement. Get you jacket off, I’m taking mine off
As Big Jim unzipped his Hi Viz jackt, J-Boi caught sight of his body
What a big hairy bear
Thick black hair covered his entire chest spreading up from his beer belly right up to his neck and over his massive shoulders and down his back.
J-Boi had never seen anyone as hairy and felt conscious of his own downy hair. The hair spread down his massive arms which underneath were fully tattooed. He was heavy, hairy and had his beer gut fall over his Hi Viz trousers. Exactly like the dream.
‘Like what you see?. All that work has made me horny.’ Big Jim said rubbing his thick hand down his crotch. ‘Why don’t you come over and give me rub and feel the length.’
J- Boi stood with his hand out and gently touched Big Jim’s prick .
‘That ain’t what I call a rub. Grab it through my Hi Viz gear and feel the size and meat,’ he shouted grabbing himself and showing what he had, the trousers tenting with his erection.
J -Boi seeing the hard outline couldn’t then keep his hand away and grasped the cock shaking it and then rubbing down the full thick shaft
‘That’s some big cock you have there, Big Jim
‘Sure is but you know that don’t you. No point in just looking at my mighty bulge why don’t you unzip me and get it out. I like guys to do a bit of work so they know what they are getting.’
J -Boi unzipped and thrust his hand down the inside hardly able to get his whole hand around the dick.
How the hell am I going to get this monster out it seems all the way down his leg, J -Boi thought.
‘Now you’ve felt the size let me whip it out, ‘Big Jim said pushing J-Boi’s hand away.
With one almighty yank his cock sprang out and straight up fully erect with some precum already showing on the tip of his head.
‘That’s better , now have a good look at this. You love it eh? Come over here.’
J-Boi did as he was told, there was no option..
‘Turn around.’
As J Boi turned around so Big Jim took down the trousers to see a good  arse with full well rounded cheeks.
‘Now that’s an arse waiting for a fuck if ever I saw one. No point in hanging around is there?’
He leant over his belly and let a huge gob of spit fall onto his shaft, slowly massaging it to make is ready to take J-Boi’s arse.
‘That’s it bend forward and relax. The more you relax the easier it will be, just the first push as my head enters your crack.
J -Boi bent forwards as Big Jim directed his cock, and gently pulled J-Boi in towards his shaft.
‘Fucking Hell, I don’t know if I can take it.’
‘Shut it, you’ll soon be groaning wanting every inch up to your hilt.’
There was no stopping Big Jim, hearing J-Boi made him more determined to fuck the living daylights out of him.
With his head in so he brought back the boy further and further in to him
‘Tell you what I think you need an extra bit of stimulation to help.’
With his belly touching J-Boi’s arse Big Jim brought his thick hands around his body and with those large workie hands starting on J-Boi’s  tits, rubbing them at first gently between his fingers and then pinching them a little pulling his hands out so the tits felt hot and throbbing.
J-Boi started groaning, his arse automatically moving further and further up Big Jim’s shaft.
‘Oh so you like your tits done. Good boy, that’s it let me feel my dick right up to the top of your arse. By the way love the skinhead look and tats. I’ll speak to Wayne about others he can give you.
J -Boi was almost lifted off the ground being speared by Big Jims prick, his back now rubbing against a thick hairy chest, and a pair of hairy hands working more and more on his tits.
Shit this was better than any dream.
‘Ok Boi it now time for your to move up and down and let me release all my spunk inside you.
Big Jim slowly moved his cock as far back he could them he rammed it up so J-Boi could feel his hairy belly slam against his arse. Feeling all the thick hair made J-Boi so bloody horny with what seemed like a truncheon slamming away up his arse.
‘You fucking love that cock of mine boi, yer taking it like a real man, a real fucking Skin and shit those tits of yours are loving all my workin. That’s it boi push right back let me feel yer smooth arse against me belly
Big Jim slammed his cock harder and harder, J- Boi arching his body back to take every inch of that monster.
‘Fuck Boi I’m cumin, go on wank yerself so we cum together that dick of yours looks ready to take off its so fucking hard.’
‘Jesus Jim I’m there so unload all yer spunk inside me I want to feel it gloing all the way to my mouth and out. Fuck me, fuck me
‘You fucking little bitch you’re about to get all my seed.’
‘Right man , here I cum. Fuckinnnnn hell .’
Both came together J -Boi spurting all over the floor and Big Jim’s like a bloody deluge spunking all the way up J-Boi’s arse.
‘Christ Boi that’s one of the best fucks I’ve had in ages.’
‘Best cock I’ve had.’
‘Too fucking right boi. Tell you what tomorrow at lunch break I’m taking you to me mates to get some tit rings. All good Skins have them but with your tits you’ll love them. Make sure Wayne comes with you so we can have a threesome. Want to see him suck you off while I have another go up that arse of yours.
So before you go youd better wipe up all that cum of yours over the floor.’
‘What’s the smile for?’
‘I’ve just had a dream come true, been fucked by you with that monster dick, now have my Master and become a Skin who lives like a dirty workie in full Hi Viz then skin gear after. It’s not going to get any better. No more fucking wanking, I have the real thing and loads of it. What a fucking great life.
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quinnonimp · 3 months
trying 2 get into drawing splatoon!!!! any tips??? u make them look so gummy i love it
aaaa tysm ^_^
& ty for asking !!! though uhmmmmmmmmm im not really a great source at explaining splatoon anatomy & art traits tbh ! (specifically for inkfish, which is what i assume youre gonna be drawing if ur getting started)
i kinda just draw them as plain humans with tentacle hair and big ears, ive barely ever cared to analyze the way they are canonically presented to interpret into my own art - instead the style came naturally to me over the years after making many ocs & being a fan for so long, while bending the rules to whatever i find most comfortable
soooo if youre looking for a person to explain to you on how to draw inkfish in an accurate way then sorry i am not that guy pal . but if u just want my own personal opinions then sure ! if anybody wants more specific rundowns i can try, but for today ill only talk a little about hair:
first off, the simplest one
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^ the way i color tentacles really depends on the style (its quite different when im working with aliased (aka pixelated) brushes or simplified styles, then i have to be a lot more concsious about my color choices) tbh but the one ive been doing the most recently is like the pictured above . im not good at explaining my coloring process in general to be honest, so i cant give much advice on that especially when it comes to splatoon since i just do whatever
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^ now onto the wordier stuff ! its good to give more weight to the tentacles than you would with untouched human hair, since in the end these are literally pieces of flesh lol . inklings have more weight at the lower ends of their tentacles while octolings have it at the mid-to-higher ends, the weight is hand-in-hand with the thickness (as in mass) . also, i think its a canon attribute that octolings have thicker (as in density, and sometimes in mass, as shown with the enemy octolings) tentacles than inklings like their irl counterpart, but dont take my word for it since i dont know where the source is, i just like keeping it in mind art-wise since it makes sense for their real-world counterparts
personally when character designing i like to stick to the 4-tentacles = octolings, 6 tentacles = inklings rule, but even the canon characters will sometimes break it (though, from my recollection, it only breaks that rule by having less tentacles (shiver, frye, acht, marina in side order)) so i dont force myself to keep it if the design can look better with more or less pieces . however, limitations can definitely inspire creativity, so its a good starting point to stick to the canon tentacle-count
thank u for the question, feel free to ask more, though i will probably answer quite late as i usually do . now i go back to drawing yuri
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theinsanecrayonbox · 2 months
FOP: A New wish e31-36
short bought here huh? that's what we get for a finale i guess. it's so weird having a whole season air in LESS THAN 2 YEARS. ahem, sorry about that ^^; lets get this party started (during a tornado watch!)...and finished a day later because i lost power with LITTERALLY 3 min left of the last episode
Episode 31: Hazel Wells and the Multiverse of Jenkins
is the title a reference? i mean aside from multiverse shenanigans, because holy wow multiverse shenanigans??? i am excite! can i get a cameo?? (please note; this is a joke, i don't seriously think i'm cool enough to be on the creative team's radar*)
wait title cardTHAT is Jenkins?? the beanpole kid with the glasses?? i remember him from the zombie episode
haha Dev's causing trouble because he can, i'm betting Jenkins doesn't have a crush on Hazel at all...and maybe Dev told him the inverse so that's why he's gonna be after her
oh Father Time, because a do-over...like Deja-Vu...eh they're keeping consistent within itself, so i can't complain *glares at s9* hehe the clock poof said "wibbly wobbly"
so many time loops. Hazel is such a disaster girl lol. but those who don't eat the cereal, even the mystical, are affected by the loop, very interesting.
we keep mentioning the daylights savings (which is back an hour, so it's fall season??? what time is it????) at the start of each loop, so i'm sure that'll be a big deal
aww sweet in one loop the hijab girl gets a crush on Hazel
her middle name is Antoinette?
heh everything in the hallway was a metaphor for Hazel's problems. but she learns her lesson with minimal magic. and ha i called it, Dev made it up to annoy her.
so...it wasn't really a multiverse thing, more a time loop.
ah, well, still a good cute short story. we need fun light and easy too. good job.
Episode 32: Growing Pains
synopsis sounds like a standard aging up plot. lets do it
hi big brother. and yay Hazel's love of horror movies returns!
hey a canon teen Hazel, that saves me time. but lol "your neck is longer" way to call out the stylization lol
hey is that Dinkleberg as the theater cashier???? also Chinfinity War poster
but teenager shenanigans montage. ok cool. more punk goth girls, this time it's Hazel. huh
pasta puberty? o...kay...it's fairy puberty...o....kay...you guys never put any other godkid who wished up their ages through this
heh pads. this show is great
and her pasta pits are working like octo-legs. why does FOP have so many Spiderman connections/themes/allusions???
dawwww such a sweet comforting, realistic talk with her parent
and a gross button to end on. eh, not so bad.
this was another fun light episode. again, minimal magic to fix it, main character learns a growing up life lesson. good stuff.
Episode 33: Fairy for a Day
synopsis sounds like the episode where Tim wishes to be Cosmo and Wanda's fairy godparent who's title i can't seem to find right now...
old Jorgen design!! and Fairy Con??? but Cosmo Con said it was held every millennium...or was that only because of how long Binky was spinning?
i would want that shirt, not gonna lie
ah she's not being an actual fairy, she's cosplaying to sneak into a con. mkay
wow, we're actually bringing up magical backup...and death memorials...what are you show? (that third one isn't me right O.o no...that doesn't look like how i've ever drawn me, but the 8s....)
Hazel don't you know never to sign contracts with the fae?? now she's a real fairy...with starry glitter hair...huh *makes superverse notes* and kids can't wish to be fairies? uh yeah they have; is that another rule Tim had made?
Anti-Hazel???? cool! why she has a backwards name though, that was unique to Peri and Irep...but i guess since they were the first *new* fairies in a bazillion years, maybe the backwards names is what the newer gen of anti-fairies is doing.
i don't have much commentary on the magic battle to get the paper back, it's pretty ok. and everything is fixed and reset to one by the end. it's a fun magical romp, good one.
Episode 34: Stuck in my Head
synopsis sounds almost like parts of Imaginary Gary???
oh Hazel, it is just a silly internet quiz, don't sweat it ^^;
ok he inner mind is a museum. both works to info dump which is eth goal, but also since she's such a bookworm and organized, it also fits-
SHE WANTS TO CREATE A COMICBOOK SERIES????? and she writes poetry? Hazel, baby girl, i love you sweet child
why was Vizolia (sp?) here?
can't wish away Hazel's mindworm huh? can't remove her negativity huh? despite...having done that before with Tim in Emotion Commotion (not that it ended well sure, but still), or Vicky Looses Her Icky, or even earlier this season with Jasmine's fears in Fearless (though i guess it just manifested the fears she still had them)
but hey, defeating it with the power of positive thinking as taught by her mom, that's a good lesson to teach. good story.
Episode 35: Mind the Gap
oh boy Tooth returns. how's her design going to be wildly different like most of returning characters...
hey follow up on Patty Possum...well sort of, we got distracted lol
oh look, Tooth has no design change. weird since we changed everyone else that's reappeared
talking teeth...ok...who speak in teeth puns
haha the line! "How'd you do X-thing? "Uh...internet?" lol i love it, 10/10 A+
ah i think i see where this is going, Toothica, being an artificial tooth is just totally fake in all her actions/words
that joke wasn't funny...especially with the pause for laughter part...maybe that was the joke?
the logistics on how a tooth sets a mouth up as a rave and invite other teeth is...dumb to unravel. so let's just marvel that the colosseum setup in Fairy World still exists
of course the bad guy outs themself and the day is saved and we reset to one. it was an ok episode.
Episode 36: The Battle of Big Wand
a double (30 min) length episode for a finale huh? and the title does sound fitting for such an event. 1 millionth wish huh/ sounds almost like something muffin worthy....which yeah, why are there so many ways to get a rule free wish when they are so no-no?? (it's almost like fae rules make no sense lol)
heh they're padding her wish count to get her to hit the goal
new math thinking meme screencap please
heh 39-40 times, because it's episode 36
oooo evil-fied Fairy World looks cool
wait, did Dev take everything over OFF SCREEN?? please tell me they'll show us how as the ep progresses via flashback, because that's some really big development to do OFF SCREEN (*grumbles about Marvel*)
ok we are getting a montage explanation...sort of. i feel like Dev taking over ad teaming up with Irep could've been an episode in itself.
Dev misnamed Wanda Pam. funny...and kinda close to Pan, which i named Blonda "Panda" after Cosmo's datebook misnaming Wanda that in Dog's Day Out...hm....
oh he's evil gloating to the world. welp, you just revealed Fairies and magic to the world at large (heh Crocker cameo, also AJ), so if he wasn't in control of the Big Wand i'm sure he'd be loosing Peri and mind wiping right about now. Dev why you slide back so hard into antagonist? you were doing so well! another episode would've helped flesh that slide, just saying
hey Patty and not-Timmy too
heh Dale just praising Dev because he's the new overlord
oh we brought up magical backup because Peri is dying. wow
Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Wanda!
Pet Cemetery joke??? O.o Show! i love you so much
pffft thank you! everyone DID notice the magical stuff and just didn't bother pointing it out. but they did think it was weird.
gotta make some calls for backup at the commercial break huh? you gonna call in the previous wishes? or are we gonna get Timmy...
oh back to the evil lair, guess we'll find out when they attack
see Dev isn't evil and wanted world domination, he just wanted to be noticed and validated, like always. Dale wanting world domination follows
ah yeah she called in all the wishes
Anti-Fairies should love broccoli, why is that a bad thing?
dawww Peri telling Dev he loves him, Dev gives the key. he is really a good kid, just like i've been saying he doesn't know what he wants so he can't be pleased. and Cosmo even said it! dawwww
magical backup was never that fast acting before...is it sped up because the Big Wand is off so there's no syphoning to help mitigate?
so...was restoring Fairy World her rule-free wish? since it was the next wish granted?
dawwww Dev willing to take responsibility and punishment. but he is mind wiped
oh no it wasn't the next wish was auto rule-free, you have to state you're using it. and it's to let her friends remember magic...huh, that could be an interesting dynamic for a s2, the only time we've had others remember magic were when they were antagonists (Remy) or co-protagonist (Chloe). plus, with Dev mind wiped, the chance for that to get undone is also looming. so we got plot threads we can follow up on
and yes Peri, a fart joke...i do hope for a s2 too because this series was actually very fun!
i think towards the start i said this was sort of a do-over for what they tried for Chloe, and to a degree...yeah still is. you can see the shared elements, but by removing Hazel from Timmy, it made it work so much better. as i say, i actually loved Chloe but she was a huge well of missed potential, and Hazel seems to have learned from that and made it work.
i am quite ok with New Wish being the prime timeline continuation, and i hope it continues to thrive...for at least another season (we don't wanna ram it into the ground repeatedly like we did the original series after all)
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b-biltz · 3 months
Tips and classes for Drawing and painting!
The other day I saw a comment on Tumblr from someone who was just starting out in drawing and was using AI to help study their drawings. I decided to put together some resources that I know can help artists study and use as a reference without feeding this algorithm that is being so harmful to so many people in the artistic field.
Feel free to add more in the comments and reblogs!!!
Note: Some YouTube channels and profiles mentioned here I don't follow for so long or/and I didn't have time to analyze the content posted in full, but they were recommended by other people. Some channels/profiles are on these lists because of these recommendations or because they were useful with a post/video/tutorial at some point in my life. If there is any controversial/questionable conduct, I make it clear that I didn't know before posting! (We never know, right? hehehe)
1. You and your environment:
That's right, YOU. Your person and what you have available at home can be great references! Photos of family or friends, your pet, everyday objects that you barely pay attention to, the landscape around your house (even if it is not considered the most beautiful landscape or if it is just a wall), your food, the forgotten plant in the pot, your shoes, your clothes, your own body! They are physical objects, in YOUR hand, where you can rotate, position, arrange as you wish, and as a bonus you can do light studies on them with your cell phone's flashlight or natural daylight.
2. Follow your favorite artists and styles you like:
By following profiles of artists you like on social media, you can study their drawings, to understand how they do what they do, and, little by little, develop your art with your personality based on the styles you like!
Just be careful not to plagiarize! There's a difference in taking art from your artists to study, and keeping it for yourself and posting copies of other people's art or copying someone else's design! Study, understand and end up developing yours! DO NOT base your studies purely on the arts of others, but complement with them!
3. Follow photographers:
Photographer profiles are a treasure for anyone who likes to draw! There are photographers who capture images of people, animals, plants, landscapes, cities, etc. There are several categories! And different styles! Black and white, evidence in the shadows, play of colors and perspectives! It can be a fun exercise!
4. Follow model profiles:
Templates also provide good references. Today there is great variability in model profiles (if you know how to look well), and it can be a good exercise to design clothes and accessories on people! Study of fabric, movement, makeup and pigments in skin, hair, pose, among others
5. Media:
You can pause and take a screenshot of scenes you like from series, films, documentaries, cartoons, anime, or even take a panel from your favorite comic and draw it in your style, or study that image and try to copy it before applying in your style!
6. Pinterest:
The classic of classics! Great for references, using PHOTOS, of REAL people, animals, objects and landscapes. In addition, there are also several posts with drawing and painting tips, and even several mechanisms about various objects and elements, which can allow you to better understand the dynamics of what makes up your drawing, making your drawing, design and painting easier! There are even ready-made folders shared by other artists with several images, but you can make your own, in your own way! Mine have more than 60.000 pins!
7. Tumblr’s focused on tips for drawing and painting:
There are several names that we can mention and it is very easy to find these Tumblrs!
8. Follow artists here on tumblr:
These artists often share tips, techniques and brushes!
9. YouTube channels focused on drawing and painting:
There are several channels focused on art, tutorials, classes and drawing tips!
Some are: New Masters Academy; FZDSCHOOL; Proko; Alphonso Dunn; SamDoesArts; Marc Brunet; HABOOK; Brad's Art School; KeshArt; 조맹 Chommang_Drawing; NIRO; Sinix Design; Mmmmonexx; Draw like a Sir; fjordwind; Angel Ganev; Desenho Mestre; Pikat; One Pencil drawing; Bluebiscuits; SulaMoon; Uncomfortable; Bob Ross; Kevin Oil Painting; Fine Art Academy; Sycra; Moderndayjames; Kaycem; Tim Mcburnie - The Drawing Codex; Swatches; Ahmed Aldoori; Jordan Grimmer; Justin Donaldson
10. DAZ Studio:
It is a free program that allows you to model characters. You can customize and position the avatars however you see fit. You can even work with light incidence. You can also set up scenarios.
The free program already comes with some basic elements and on the website you can download more elements to compose your scene, such as other avatars, animals, objects, clothes, textures, among many others. However, it should be noted that some of these elements are paid. But the free basic elements already help A LOT in reference position, proportion, anatomy, scenery and study of light and shadow
11. Sketchfab:
It is a website that has several 3D elements generated by other artists. It has a free basic plan, with certain limitations, but it helps a lot when photos and other drawings are not enough for the pose you want!
12. PixelSquid:
It offers 3D models that can be useful for reference.
13. Floorplanner:
Allows you to create 2D and 3D house plans with a free account. This can help you with references to compose the scenario!
It allows the notion of the dimension of different objects and figures.
15. Comparing Heights:
Website that allows you to compare heights between two figures
16. SculptGL:
Free basic 3D sculpting tool
It has 3D molds and textures. There are free options in its gallery
18. Justsketch.me:
It has a free version with basic human models to create positions for reference. They are somewhat reminiscent of the articulated dolls used in the past.
19. Reference Angle:
Offers photographs of people that match the position of a 3D mold. You can select facial expressions
20. Photo reference X 3D model:
It gives you some 3D molds of human and animal skeletons and correlates the position you leave with photos
21.Bodies in motion:
Provides several stop motions of people moving. There is free and paid content
22. Sketchdaily:
A website that offers several reference photos for drawing, with different poses. You can select whether you want photos of structures, vegetation, animals, body parts, people and other specifications. One cool thing about this website is that you can choose to set a timer for the image, allowing you to leave it exposed for you to draw for 30 seconds to 1 hour (or not, you can choose to leave it without a timer).
23. Line-of-action:
It has an interface that is very similar to Sketchdaily, but the maximum time for displaying an image is 10 minutes. It has the categories of human figures, animals, hands & feet, faces & expressions and scenes & environment and basic shapes & still life.
24. Reference.pictures:
Site with several posed photos. However, there is paid content.
25. Croquis.cafe:
Various reference photos of people. Paid content
26. Pose tool:
Selection of multiple reference images that can be selected according to a filter
27. Clip Studio Tips:
Various digital drawing tips provided by the clip studio website itself
28. CecelyV:
Blog created by Cecely Valderrama (CecelyV) where she provides free tutorials
29. Drawawesome:
It has free content for artists
30.Will Kemp Art School:
A blog with free painting and drawing lessons
31. Blog Art Instruction:
Offers free art instruction. Created in 2007 by Ralph Serpe.
32. Draw Mix Paint:
Offers a series of tips, classes, videos and content focused on painting and drawing for free
33.The Dimensions of Colour:
Material created by David Briggs for coloring
34.Guide To Drawing:
A guide from Bill Martin
Offers some tutorials for free
36.Art Lessons Online:
This website has some free content
37. Ctrl+paint:
Offers a range of free and paid content
38. Drawspace:
It has free and paid drawing and painting courses
39. Paid classes:
Sketchbook skool
The Virtual Instructor
40. Color Palette Cinema:
Instagram account that creates and publishes palettes based on scenes from movies and series
41. Canvas color palettes:
Create color palettes from an image upload
I can do a drive collecting books for drawings too, but that's for another post or for someone's reblog hehe
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toothpastecanyon · 7 months
Hi! I’d like to start with the fact that your writing is PHENOMENAL, the way every first chapter is designed to grab the readers attention, with a mystery or a cozy little opening, establishing where the character is in life and their motives, or a sneak peek at the problem the characters must overcome.
I’m really bad at articulating my thoughts, but ur characters are really well written and I’d like to make more fanart of them, but I’m not quite sure what they look like.
(The only fics of your la that i KNOW you wrote are Unto Dust, and The Comfort of Agony (both of which are really good btw, I also love how you write existing characters, and your portrayal of them(especially Lucy Ann))
Anyway, because there are so many interpretations of species used in TAU, I got a little mixed up on what the non-human characters look like.
Darceus- in Lucy Ann and the Lunch Bunch, there is a Kitsune named Felicity, who is described as “looking a kind of like a human, and kind of like a fox” which my interpretation of is shown below. I forgot that that isn’t typical for kitsune characters in tau (even though she’s the only one since yours) and drew her in a similar way. ( also, are there any distinctive features on her nieces?) btw the LION idea is phenomenal, also do you think she has a mane? They’re fun to draw.
June- how big is she? I assumed she was the size of a human based on her interactions, but then I realized she might be looking down of people because she can fly. But then I remembered that it says she walks around. So then I confused myself. Also, skin tone, hair color/texture, eyes?
Beatrice- SHE IS SO WELL WRITTEN I felt genuinely angry while reading her meeting with Lucy Ann (in a good way) and she seems like someone you would meet in real life, totally obnoxious! Also, I don’t really know how TAU elves usually look so, idk anything about her skin tone or hair or eyes.
Here are pictures of my doodles in case you want to take a look, try to ignore the paper texture please.
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Also, an old picture of Felicity:
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Sorry if any of this is worded weird, im not that good at talking, but could you please give a solid description of the major/cool characters in Unto Dust?
(And in case I didn’t say it before, the Comfort of Agony is SO WELL WRITTEN there is too much for me to say about it!)
Oh wow, this is all so kind of you to say! Thank you so much - I'm so glad to hear you enjoy my writing, and I love the sketches you've done! You already have a lot of great designs and the characters look super expressive!
It's really exciting to be asked more of what my characters look like and I'll give you the best description I can, but I do want to note I often don't have a clear idea of what my characters look like - I like that writing lets a reader come up with their own spins on what a character looks like! So while I'm adding my own interpretation of my characters here, if you have a different idea you think works better or just looks cooler to you, I say go for it!
I'll organise my thoughts by each character:
Darceus: I was definitely inspired by @feferipeixes' character Felicity to make a kitsune character! I really like the mane idea you have going in your sketches, and female lions do occasionally grow manes! I like the way you've drawn her formal attire, with the nine tails spread out behind her like a sort of cape! You really brought her to life!
I probably still imagine her with a fox's colouration - I liked the lion imagery to evoke the broader facial features and just overall stockier build than an average kitsune.
The nieces: They're probably both young adults of average height. I don't have a clear idea of what they look like, but it might be fun to draw them as a different type or species of fox - silver foxes look really pretty with distinctive markings! They probably have less tails than Darceus, maybe three or so.
June: I definitely had the idea of her being average sized - I think writing it from Lucy Ann's perspective makes her seem taller as a lot of characters have to look down on her (sorry Lucy Ann!). I really like the wings you drew for her! She's a middle-aged lady with a little grey in her red hair, and probably likes wearing a lot of running gear - gotta train for that 10K!
Beatrice: I really like the long ears you've given her, that looks super distinctive! The loose t-shirt is really good. I probably imagine her with more of a pear shaped build with dark brown eyes and hair. If she does magic like in her appearances with Noie I like to think it'd look a lot how Mod V's elf OC Florian does it.
Also I definitely am looking for Lucy Ann to start wearing a glove! I'm not sure whether it would be fun to have it be a red glove to match the rest of her outfit, or if it's black or some other clashing colour to illustrate how she sees it as something unwanted and forced upon her.
That's all I can think of, but if you'd like anything more specific I'd be more than happy to help! Thank you again for this ask and your awesome sketches - if you end up drawing anything else I'd really love to see it!
Have a great day! :D
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sqwdkllr · 5 months
dude your art is so amazing..i fucking love how you do anatomy, and linework, its just so perfect and also your qsmp designs??!? so fucking cool. your deathduo especially is so so dear to me<3 and your bluebird au(/aus?) amd your bluebird art in general its just so <33333…and your qsmp entities like cucu and eye creature and especially baribel, MAN those are singlehandedly my favorite qnpc designs theyre so great like. how the eye guy just has Teeth that come out of his head wherever?? and all your little headcanons about the bears??? THEYRE SO COOL MAN. and your philza with the patches on his pants n the baby zombie scar on his leg (also whats the scar on his nose from?)(also also i love your phils hair, like the short with the little braid its so neat:DD), and pommes hijab braids, and the zippers on th back of cucu and ositos heads (i have yet to figure out what those are for but ehatever theyre cool anyway) n just like. the thought and detail that goes into them, im rambling but aa<333 theyre all amazing:) OU AND YOUR COMICS,, i love love love how you structure n format them because theyre so dynamic and interesting while still being super readable and the ART IVE SAID IT ALREADY BUT I NEED TO SAY IT AGAIN I LOVE YOUR STYLE SO MUCH. its just so nice. like how you use general shapes and like i dont know how to explain it but its cool:)) your art lives in this little spot in my brain rent free…made me subconsciously kind of incorporated stuff you do into my own art process like sketching shit in blue LOL
anyway sorry for the wall of text i just needed to rant a tiny bit because youre one of my fsvorite artists n you inspire me so much ssob,,anyway have a good day mate
This ask makes my heart explode oh my goddd. I'm so happy you enjoy the stuff I put out augghh that so sweet THIS ENTIRE MESSAGE IS SO SWEET WTF. I hope you are ready for a ramble about hc/theory/design choices. Seriously its long-
I have so many head canons I like showing. Some lean towards theory territory and others I legitimately do not believe in myself BUT I like drawing it out because WHY NOT !!?? I like the whimsy of it all
THE BLUEBIRD AU is purely me having fun. Its such an angst filled au that is coated with a mask of nuclear family and hurt/comfort. In reality its like being hit with a sauce pan repeatedly. I'm more of a scientist Jaiden believer personally. DON’T GET ME STARTED ON DEATHDUO- Man I want to go back to drawing self-indulgent stuff for that. Fuck this ask is making my brain engine go insane AUGHH-
Like stuff about Osito just being a huge flirt because of their exposure to Roier from the beginning or Baribal being a pot head, yeah those sort of head cannons I'm sure people are dying to hear from me (sarcasm). Or more serious ones like the relationship, more like lack of, between Cucurucho and Baribal being one of miscommunication that snowballed into hate but never enough to kill each other. Literally the trope of "twins separated where one is raised within evil and other is forced to take them down" but it's very dark grey from both sides. YESSIR
Or other theory territory like federation not knowing that Cucurucho and Osito are not the same person because it’s a secret- BUT THAT’S VERY FANON/THEORY TERRITORY AND TOO CONVOLUTED FOR HERE-
Oh and of course more tame head cannons like sexualities and stuff. Cucurucho is aromantic to me. All of them are transgender. The entire fed staff. Fuck even the purgatory island goobers. No real concept of what gender is and sort of adopted what the islanders do or what the federation refers to them as. It's just not a thing, same with labels on sexuality. If you like someone then you just like them and that’s how it rolls !!
THE WATCHER. MAN DO I HAVE THOUGHTS ON THIS GUY. Like actual constant threat and you are left scrambling trying to figure out the rules of not pushing the wrong buttons so you stay alive. I know his concept art had like him as a human at some point, but I like fungus goop watcher more. Little goober who just so happen to survive the longest, learn the most, and as a result evolve to what he is now. Eventually became strong enough to overthrow the previous leader (and consume them-) and is now king of the purgatory island in privacy. Until the new islanders were sent there ofc. So yeah, bro is very old, its why Cucurucho has no clue who this dude is when he does get to put a face to the name.
PHILZA. This guy is the kinda guy to put survival above all. So I like to imagine that not only would he be covered in scars because he tanks most of the hits and is generally a very selfless person- SOME SCARS HAVE A REASON ! The zombie scar being one of course, semi infected bc I like to think that he did not die in his hc world but rather came close to it. And his buildings is what caught the attention of the goddess of death and allowed for her to give him immortality and be her eyes in the mortal realm as her angel of death. So the poison is still in his foot, just unmoving. Stuck in time just like his body unable to age. As for the scar on his cheek? Nightmare Stalker grabbing him by the face and throwing him in the ocean the second time he tried to get up to save Tallulah. The only evidence left of that night happening. YES SHORT HAIR PHILZA AND POMME WITH A HIJAB YESSS
The zippers are supposed to show that their "head" is not actually what they look like. It’s a helmet/mask. I don't draw their real faces out of fear of making them look too "human" but rather I enjoy the implication that they COULD LOOK LIKE any other islander. Isn’t the thought that this horrible twisted shell of a being could look just as human as you so much more eerie? I dunno I was watching horror analysis videos of the unknown while building the fanon side of them- Now why their masks can emote?,,, its cartoon logic !! And it's cute I have so many thoughts on these guys can you tell? OH MY GODD THANK YOU THO. Augh this is the sweetest message ive ever read pls.im so so very glad these little guys can make you happy. That’s such an honor fr !!
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cherrrysue · 2 months
hi :)) i was wondering if you could recommend any fics that have the same vibe or are similar to “the school of extraordinary lovers” by stylinsoncity!!
like the whole supernatural creatures and an academy and stuff !!
oooh yes! it's non-considerably one of the best fics that was ever written in this fandom (not biased i promise but i still love stylinsoncity) so here it is:
Supernatural Creatures
(the fic in question):
the school of extraordinary lovers by stylinsoncity
M, 191k
"We keep telling the other, I love you and I love you, and we do, though we both know where the knives are." - Laura Van Prooyen
harry is a third-year witch and violinist at Laitswold, the only magical academy in the UK, with dreams of taking on the world, and hopefully breaking the centuries-old curse on his family while he's at it. he does not dream of facing off against his childhood rival and duet partner, but louis is back in town after six years abroad, so that's exactly what happens.
here's the one that match your description:
collision by itjustkindahappened
Supernatural creatures academy AU
E, 226k
Mythology/Fairytale!AU in which Louis is a dainty fairy with a temper who wants to be intimidating and Harry hurts people. Naturally, they hate each other.
(Featuring Liam, the big and not-so-bad wolf who’s got a thing for humans, Zayn, a human with supernaturally good looks, and Niall, the cupid who just wants his job to be easier.)
and some of other mythology / supernatural fics
Breakable Heaven by amomentoflove
Hades/Persephone AU
E, 44k
“What do you think?” Louis gets captured by Harry’s green eyes, unable to look away or even take a breath.
“I think you’re the most magnificent creature I’ve ever met.”
“You must not have met many creatures then.”
Harry’s eyes glance downward to Louis’ lips and his tongue darts out to wet his own. “None like you.”
Through Eerie Chaos by MediaWhore
Ghost Hunter AU
G, 102k
For as long as anyone can remember, Old Hillsbridge Manor has always been believed to be haunted. Everyone in the village agrees and keeps a respectful, fearful, distance. New in town after a bad breakup and an internship that led to disappointment rather than a permanent job, Harry Styles figures taking pictures of the decrepit building could be a great new creative project. Or at least a much-needed distraction while he searches for a job and crashes at his parents’ new house. No one warned him about the apparitions though; about the music, the laughter, the people who flicker and vanish when you call after them, the echoes of a past that should be long gone… Harry has never believed in spirits but even he can admit that there’s something weird going on. What starts as mere curiosity evolves into a full-blown investigation and soon enough, Harry finds himself making friends with an aristocrat from the 1920s and struggling with finding the best way to tell him that he’s dead.
The Ghost Hunter AU where Niall lives to prove ghosts are real, Zayn is a skeptical librarian and Harry gets caught up in a century-old mystery and catches feeling in the process.
haunted by the ghost of you by missandrogyny
He’s tall—that’s the first thing that registers in Louis’ head when he spots him, standing with his hands behind his back. Tall, with curly hair, staring at them with the widest, greenest eyes Louis has ever seen. And wait, are those dimples? Louis didn’t know ghosts could have dimples.
Because he’s definitely a ghost, this boy. At first glance he looks normal, standing there pigeon-toed in a band shirt (The Ramones, Louis can’t help but note incredulously), dark jeans, and some boots, with rings on both hands, and tattoos littering his left arm—a sleeve made of anchors and names and roses and other completely unrelated things. But he’s also a little bit translucent; if Louis focuses, he can see the outline of the furniture, the design of the wallpaper through him.
“Hi,” the boy—the ghost—says to Louis. His face shifts; somehow his dimples dig deeper into his cheeks. His eyes flit from Louis, to Niall, to Liam, and finally to Zayn, and his face goes from shocked to elated. “I’m Harry.”
At in that exact moment, standing between three of his best friends and staring at a (quite handsome) ghost, Louis can only think one thing.
Nick Grimshaw was right.
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nogenderbee · 2 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝔼𝕟𝕔𝕠𝕦𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕎𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕌𝕟𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕨𝕟 ₊˚ˑ༄
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ TW: sentient
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ @bleachtheidiot @akitosheart @hayillaaaaaaa @miguelito-maruti-blog
ᵀᴼᴰᴬʸ'ˢ ᴬᴿᵀ : An Encounter With the Unknown!? Cosmic Opera - Emu Otori
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Recently, you found a single player VR game that you absolutely fell in love with!! It had great storyline, fun minigames, managable and enjoyable exploration... it almost had no flaws! And even if you wouldn't like something, you could usually jsut skip it, thanks to not everything being forced!
Few days ago, you got on higher level~ Being 30! It wasn't much compared to the max. level, but you were still pretty proud of achieving this in such a short time~
"(Now I just have to craft some stuff and I can... Who's that?)"
You wondered as you noticed weirdly dressed for a village, short pink haired girl that was standing nearby the crafting table. She was... hitting it with minerals? As if trying to figure out how to start the process... as if she was the player...
But you just took it as fun NPC and side quest ocassion so you came up and crafted something out of minerals you took from her and handed her finished product, which she seemed to appreciate!
"This is so cool!! I was waiting so long for a player to come by finally!"
"(Is this part of some late April Fool's joke?)"
You couldn't help but question... though overthinking won't do much good, so for now... you might as well go on with it and see where it goes! It's just a game after all! It's not like anything can actually happen, right?
What concerned you more was that this NPC was staring right at you and you had no dialogue options available.
"Why's there no dialogue options..."
"Oh! That's because you can just talk to me! I'm not like other NPC's!"
"I'm Emu!! And looking at your profile... you must be Y/N!"
"Yeah... you got it..."
"Hehe~ I'm so glad! Hey, how about this! I'll show you super duper cool place!!"
"(I meet weirdly sentient NPC, praying it's some kidn of joke... do I seriously want to go with them just to calm down my curiosity?)"
You took a moment to think a little bit about this offer, not wanting to jump into this too quickly...
"(Yeah, I do. I'm curious.) Sure."
"Yay!! No one ever agreed before! But I promise you won't regret that! You'll LOVE it!"
Not even getting a chance to react, you got teleported into some... weird space location... You never saw it on any spoilers, trailers or anything!
Not to mention the fact this felt so.. real... you lietrally couldn't feel ground under your feet... this must be a very cool and detailed design! Right?
"What the hell is this..."
"This is space of the game! Kinda like the backstage~ Even players become part of the game here!"
"Coo- Wait. What do you mean 'become part of the game'?"
She just shrugged and took your hand, jumping over invisible stones as you tried matching her peace. During your little tour, she pointed out many places... but what you found the weirdest was that through all of this, you couldn't see your stats anymore and she always brushed off your question about it...
You were honestly pretty creeped out by now, so you wanted to log out while she wasn't looking... but the menu wasn't working... Classic movement that you'd make to open the menu, didn't work... And when you raised your hands to take off the helmet, you felt just cold air...
"Emu... Why can't I get out...?"
"Oh! I told you! It's backstage of the game!"
"That's... this is very cool place but uh... I need to go now."
"Awh... are you busy? Will you come back tomorrow?"
"I'll... try...?"
That was straigh up lie. You weren't about to just come back as if nothing happened, but you needed to play a little play pretend to make it easier on yourself...
"Alright! I'll help you get back to the game world!"
"(Well that was easy...)"
You thought as she took you back to the village where you met her, as if nothing ever happened... You just dropped quick "bye" before quickly taking off the helmet, not even bothering to save and quit the game.
This was... too weird to be happening... She was literally sentient! You considered reporting this to game developers... but could you really do that after seeing she just wanted to make friends, despite being a bit too hyper about everything?
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captainlondonman · 2 years
They came out of the barber’s. J-Boi’s hair had gone. His scalp was gleaming and he felt like a Skin at last even with Wayne’s Hi Viz gear on. As they walked along the road he felt his cock swinging against the cum stained Hi Viz trousers and that immediately made him feel horny and want some more action. He was so wanting a fuck when they got home.
 ‘Right J-Boi it’s the Tat shop for you now. All us Skins need our tats and this is your first of many. I’ll decide what and where, got it?’
 ‘Sure master. . All I want is to feel a real skin like you’
 They went down a back street and in through a small doorway. A bell sounded as they went in.
‘You there Joe?’
 J-Boi could not believe who came through the opening. A burly 6ft. Skin in bleachers and black DMs laced up almost to his knees. He had no top on other than a leather waistcost. His arms and entire chest right up around his neck and on to his scalp were covered in tattoos, every imaginable design. No sign of any women on the tats. All the Skin signs you could think off. He had piercing blue eyes and a thick neck and what could be taken as a broken nose from all the fights he had been in. However J-Boi’s eyes moved down to his bleachers and stretching down his left leg was a thick tool. It looked as if Joe had been playing with himself as it was definitely partly rigid.
‘So is this yer boi Wayne?
‘Sure is Joe, what dya think?’
��Not bad. Def needs a few tats and we can make him more like one of us. He’ll need these before we take him to meet the other lads and have a good punch up. Nothing like a fight with the baseball bats eh? So what’s his first tat Wayne?
‘Give him a cross on his neck and SKIN on his knuckles. That’s a good start. Ok Boi?’
‘Sure thing’
J-Boi sat on the chair with Joe facing him his legs apart so J-Boi could stare at his crotch. Watching that cock lessened the pain. Wayne knew exactly what JBoi was looking at and his own hand moved up and down his own dick, feeling excited at what was going on.
When he had finished Joe took a mirror and showed J-Boi.
‘It won’t look good now but once the scabs are off mate you will feel like one of us.’
‘I do already, Joe and it feels fucking great I can tell ya.’
‘Well, Wayne, you know I don’t charge for the first tat but I do expect a bit of service’
‘No probs there Joe, I’ve been watching Boi and he can’t take his eyes off that cock of yours. He loves sucking and knows how to make you cum in buckets, so sit there Boi and watch Joe get that stiff dick of his out for you.’
 Joe stood and planted both booted feet in front of Boi, pressing his meaty hand around his cock which had fully spread down his bleachers showing an almighty massive bulge
‘Fuck man I’m now so fucking horny jus hope I can get my dick out for you boi.’  
 He unzipped and stuck his hand way down his bleachers. As his head got to the top so his tool sprang out in front of Boi’s face.
‘Shit man that’s big even for my throat. But I want it and I can already see your precum oozing out.
Boi lent forwards and grabbed his big balls ,massaging them so he could feel all the juice Joe had for him. He licked around the head taking the precum but smelling the cock which hadn’t been washed in days. How he loved cheesy unwashed cocks. Boi eased Joe’s foreskin back to reveal a thick gleaming head. God how he wanted that dick.
Joe took hold of Boi’s head.
‘Forget the pussyfooting Boi, I want my prick down yer throat so get started and no gagging’
Boi allowed his head to be moved down the shaft. He wanted to gag but his throat kept opening to take in the full length. His spit was oozing down his chin as Joe forced his cock further and further in until Boi could feel Joes thick dark curly pubes rubbing against his face.
‘Shit man you know how to take cock. Not many can take my full length. So start working.’
Still holding Joe’s balls and squeezing them hard he moved his mouth up and down the full length of the shaft at first slowly and then as he could feel Joe groaning so he moved faster and faster, sucking and allowing a fast flow of spit to run down the length.
As Boi moved his eyes away from Joe’s cock, he saw that Wayne was standing beside him, having pulled his dick out of his bleachers.
‘I told you Joe the Boi knows how to suck. It’s the best blow job you’ll get for a while.’
‘Too bloody right this guy’s amazing. Looks like your enjoying watching.’
‘Fuck man seeing that big dick of yours getting sucked off would make anyone wank. I’m cummin with you mate.
Hearing all this dirty talk made Boi suck even harder he wanted all that sackfull of Joe’s down his throat and feel Wayne’s cum spurting over him.
‘Fuck man I’m cumin,’ shouted Joe, ‘shit man, take it all I want to see you retching with my spunk. Here it comes.’
‘Me too’ shouted Wayne , his hand rubbing faster and faster down his shaft
‘Fuuckinn hell here it comes.’
And with that Joe shot wad after wad down Boi’s throat so much it was spilling out his mouth and running down his chin on to his Hi Viz jacket.
‘Shiiit man here’s mine.’ yelled Wayne, as spurt after spurt shot down across Bois face, thick creamy spunk running down the side of Bois face and onto his jacket
Both men leant back in exstacy . Wayne leant forward and rubbed the remaining drop of spunk across Boi’s face while Joe pulled his cock out and shook it before stuffing it back into his bleachers.
‘Fucking hell man that was the best. You Boi are the best sucker around. Tell you what I’ll give your next two tats for free if you can do that again.’
‘You’re on Joe. I’ll be back soon so I can get as many tats as Master. I just wanna look more and more like him.’
‘Well Boi you’ve earned a few beers, lets get going and pick up a few. I promised to get you into my skin gear so lets get going.’
They were hardly out of the shop when Wayne lit up and shoved the fag into Boi’s mouth and then opened a can and started slurping.
 ‘Fuck I need that. Boi let the fag hang out the side of yer mouth. You’re a Skin now remember. Get this can down your throat, you must be fucking needing that after that blow job on Joe.’
They got into Wayne’s flat and Boi followed Wayne into the bedroom. What a mess. Clothes everywhere but all Skin clothes, T shirts and bleachers all of different shades lying on a bed that was covered in a large black rubber sheet
Along the floor were several oxblood and black Doc Martens of differing heights and either yellow, red or white boot laces.  At the end of the line were rubber boots, knee length and waders.
Right Boi get yer Hi Viz gear off and get into the gear you’ll be wearing all the time. You’re a Skin and you will only ever wear what I say and it will all be skin stuff
Boi did as he was told while Wayne searched the bed for the gear he wanted Boi to wear. He threw a pair of bleachers and dirty socks.
‘Start with that Boi’
As Boi struggled to get on the bleachers, his cock was already half erect knowing they belonged to Wayne and he wanted his cock to look as good as Waynes who always had his stuffed down one leg.
Wayne took out some talc from a drawer and sprinkled it into a shiny black rubber T shirt.
‘Now get that on. Us skins luv rubber’
Boi put it one feeling it tight against his skin. It was hot but it only made him feel more horny.
‘Now get on these Oxblood Docs. After that lets see you in the mirror.’
 When he had laced up Wayne pulled Boi over to the full length mirror.
‘Now look at yerself. A goddammed fucking Skin eh. That’s what you want eh? Looking at that fucking stiff dick of yours tells me you love it. Shaved head and that cross on the side of your neck.  Brill. I’ll need to think what next. The rubber T shirt shows off your pecs Boi.’
Wayne handed Boi a rubber apron and said
‘Get that on around you while I take off my boots and then we’ll finish you off.
Once his boots were off Wayne got hold of the waders and pulled them on the tops coming up to his thighs. He opened the drawer again and took out a rubber hood and large black rubber dildo which looked just like a real black cock.
‘Get the hood on Boi. Youll love the smell of the rubber’
Boi put on the hood with neck and Wayne stood behind and zipped. There were eye slots and a mouth slit.
‘Smell that fucking rubber Boi.’
Boi felt this was what he always wanted. The strong small of rubber all over his face. Every breath was deep so he could take in the full stench of rubber. He felt Wayne’s prisoner, subjected to whatever he wanted. The hood was totally moulded to his shaved head.
Now put the sheet on the floor
While JBoi did as he was told, Wayne put on a pair of full length black rubber gloves that stretched all the way up his tattooed arms.
‘We skins luv fucking rubber don’t we?’
‘Yes master’
‘Get down on the fucking floor on yer knees and stick out yer tongue, now. I’ve plans for you, you fucking dirty pig, my fucking pig.’
Taking Bois rubber hooded head in his rubber gloves he bent down and let a huge gob of spit onto Bois tongue
‘So start cleaning my fucking boots’
Boi lay down with Wayne’s foot on his head and starting with Wayne’s gob he used his tongue to wipe over the rubber boots. As he used up the spit so he used his own spit to cover the boots. He loved the taste of the rubber in his mouth
‘Fucking tongue, Boi. I want to see these boots shine.’
 He kept pushing down his foot on Boi’s head and told him to sit up and changed to the other boot again giving Boi another gob of spit to get him started.
In between barking his orders Wayne was opening and downing cans of beer belching as he swallowed.
‘Christ you really are my fucking Boi. I’m needing a fuckin piss now, loads of piss in me cock boy and you’re going to swallow the whole fucking lot . Unzipping he put his rubber gloved hand down his bleachers and pulled out his semi erect cock.
Moving forwards he rubbed it across the hood, letting it pause as it passed Bois tongue.
You’re gonna luv my piss Boi so open yer mouth and let yere tongue out, a Golden shower is about to hit you straight in the face
With that Wayne let out a stream of steaming hot piss aiming a Boi’s mouth who slurped down as much as he could, feeling the heat of the piss in his throat the rest running down his hood onto his apron and then the rubber sheet on the floor
‘Fuckin hell man you luv my piss’
More and more from all his cans streamed out drenching Boi his hood and apron gleaming from the piss.
‘I fucking needed that’
Then taking some lube and smearing it along the rubber dildo he pulled Boi up and turned him around so he was facing the mirror.
These bleachers of yours have a nice hole at yer arse. Jus perfect for you. Means even when fully dressed as a Skin you can always be fucked.
Using his gloved hand he start slowly pushing it between Boi’s cheeks spreading them with his gloves.
‘Stick that arse of your out further so you can take it’
Wayne decided this Boi needed a good fast fuck so no need to take time. He rammed the dildo up Bois arse causing him to yell out but at the same time the burning sensation only made him want to take more.
‘You fucking luv that mate don’t you.’
‘It’s fucking amazing master.’
Using one hand to push the dildo up and then back Wayne started wanking his now rigid dick with the other gloved hand.
‘I fucking luv wanking with me rubber gloves on. Hope you’re luving this boi.’
‘Shit man I’m about to cum in my bleachers’
‘That’s what I want Boi, see your cum oozing out and down yer leg.
‘Fuck I’m about to cum too. Lets do it together. Are you ready, shit seeing this dildo go all the way up yer arse is amazing,’ Wayne said his rubber hand moved faster and faster up his shaft.
‘I’m ready.’
 ‘Christ me too.’
 With that Boi spurted his load in his bleachers the spunk oozing out the rest staining his leg. Wayne’s spunk shot out over Boi’s bleachers , wad after wad.
 ‘Fucking hell, Boi you learn fast.’
 Wayne struck up a fag and put it through the rubber hood slot into Bois mouth.
‘You deserve that.’
 Wayne fucked Boi twice during the night, Boi only wanting to please and Wayne only too keen to shaft him with his meaty dick.
 ‘I’ve got a job for you Boi. You need to get into my Hi Viz and report for work. Get my Rubber boots on as you will be getting dirty. I’m staying here as I’m shagged out after so much fucking and anyway I need to build up my cum for your return. So get into yer gear now.’
‘Yes Master’
 Boi put on all the dirty cum stained Hi Viz gear and finally the rubber boots which immediately made him feel horny
‘Watch it J-Boi, I can your dick getting stiff in your gear. Bet it’s the boots you love. Now fuck off to work while I have a doze and a few ciggies.’
J-Boi went off to the building site as directed by Wayne . There was no one around but a large concrete dump truck was sitting next to the Portacabin. J-Boi knocked on the door of the Portacabin.
‘Who the fuck is there?’ a voice boomed
‘Wayne sent me to work for you’
‘Oh its fucking J-Boi then’
 The door opened.
Fuckin hell standing in front of J-Boi was Big Jim, exactly as he had dreamt only a few days ago.. How the hell could it be the same. One was a dream but this was reality. But it was him. The same height, the same beer gut the same hairy hands and bushy beard.
‘You fucking know who I am don’t you J-Boi. Yes Big Jim.’
J-Boi stood there gobsmacked. His dream had come true but if was not he who was Big Jim.
‘Stop fucking staring J-Boi there’s work for us to do now, take this shovel and get over there behind the cement mixer as we have to spread out all this mix. Big Jim led the way as the mixer raised up the slurry and released what seems like tons of sloppy concrete.
‘Watch me and do the same and well get this done quickly.’
 Thank God Wayne had told him to wear the rubber boots as he found himself standing deep in concrete slurry trying to spread as quickly as he could. But using the shovel his entire Hi Viz gear was totally spattered in slimy concrete even across his face.
J- Boi was happy. He enjoyed being a dirty workie and shit was he dirty.
Christ its hard work but fucking great he thought as he took his arms across his face to wipe of some sweat and snot.
Time for a cuppa, J-Boi, you’ve done a good job for a new lad. Let’s get you into the Portacabin.
Once inside Big Jim said
‘Bloody dirty work ain’t it. Covered in fucking dirt and cement. Get you jacket off, I’m taking mine off
As Big Jim unzipped his Hi Viz jackt, J-Boi caught sight of his body
What a big hairy bear
Thick black hair covered his entire chest spreading up from his beer belly right up to his neck and over his massive shoulders and down his back.
J-Boi had never seen anyone as hairy and felt conscious of his own downy hair. The hair spread down his massive arms which underneath were fully tattooed. He was heavy, hairy and had his beer gut fall over his Hi Viz trousers. Exactly like the dream.
‘Like what you see?. All that work has made me horny.’ Big Jim said rubbing his thick hand down his crotch. ‘Why don’t you come over and give me rub and feel the length.’
J- Boi stood with his hand out and gently touched Big Jim’s prick .
‘That ain’t what I call a rub. Grab it through my Hi Viz gear and feel the size and meat,’ he shouted grabbing himself and showing what he had, the trousers tenting with his erection.
J -Boi seeing the hard outline couldn’t then keep his hand away and grasped the cock shaking it and then rubbing down the full thick shaft
‘That’s some big cock you have there, Big Jim
‘Sure is but you know that don’t you. No point in just looking at my mighty bulge why don’t you unzip me and get it out. I like guys to do a bit of work so they know what they are getting.’
J -Boi unzipped and thrust his hand down the inside hardly able to get his whole hand around the dick.
How the hell am I going to get this monster out it seems all the way down his leg, J -Boi thought.
‘Now you’ve felt the size let me whip it out, ‘Big Jim said pushing J-Boi’s hand away.
With one almighty yank his cock sprang out and straight up fully erect with some precum already showing on the tip of his head.
‘That’s better , now have a good look at this. You love it eh? Come over here.’
 J-Boi did as he was told, there was no option..
‘Turn around.’
 As J Boi turned around so Big Jim took down the trousers to see a good  arse with full well rounded cheeks.
‘Now that’s an arse waiting for a fuck if ever I saw one. No point in hanging around is there?’
He leant over his belly and let a huge gob of spit fall onto his shaft, slowly massaging it to make is ready to take J-Boi’s arse.
‘That’s it bend forward and relax. The more you relax the easier it will be, just the first push as my head enters your crack.
J -Boi bent forwards as Big Jim directed his cock, and gently pulled J-Boi in towards his shaft.
‘Fucking Hell, I don’t know if I can take it.’
‘Shut it, you’ll soon be groaning wanting every inch up to your hilt.’
 There was no stopping Big Jim, hearing J-Boi made him more determined to fuck the living daylights out of him.
With his head in so he brought back the boy further and further in to him
‘Tell you what I think you need an extra bit of stimulation to help.’
With his belly touching J-Boi’s arse Big Jim brought his thick hands around his body and with those large workie hands starting on J-Boi’s  tits, rubbing them at first gently between his fingers and then pinching them a little pulling his hands out so the tits felt hot and throbbing.
J-Boi started groaning, his arse automatically moving further and further up Big Jim’s shaft.
‘Oh so you like your tits done. Good boy, that’s it let me feel my dick right up to the top of your arse. By the way love the skinhead look and tats. I’ll speak to Wayne about others he can give you.
J -Boi was almost lifted off the ground being speared by Big Jims prick, his back now rubbing against a thick hairy chest, and a pair of hairy hands working more and more on his tits.
Shit this was better than any dream.
‘Ok Boi it now time for your to move up and down and let me release all my spunk inside you.
Big Jim slowly moved his cock as far back he could them he rammed it up so J-Boi could feel his hairy belly slam against his arse. Feeling all the thick hair made J-Boi so bloody horny with what seemed like a truncheon slamming away up his arse.
‘You fucking love that cock of mine boi, yer taking it like a real man, a real fucking Skin and shit those tits of yours are loving all my workin. That’s it boi push right back let me feel yer smooth arse against me belly
Big Jim slammed his cock harder and harder, J- Boi arching his body back to take every inch of that monster.
‘Fuck Boi I’m cumin, go on wank yerself so we cum together that dick of yours looks ready to take off its so fucking hard.’
‘Jesus Jim I’m there so unload all yer spunk inside me I want to feel it gloing all the way to my mouth and out. Fuck me, fuck me
‘You fucking little bitch you’re about to get all my seed.’
‘Right man , here I cum. Fuckinnnnn hell .’
Both came together J -Boi spurting all over the floor and Big Jim’s like a bloody deluge spunking all the way up J-Boi’s arse.
‘Christ Boi that’s one of the best fucks I’ve had in ages.’
‘Best cock I’ve had.’
‘Too fucking right boi. Tell you what tomorrow at lunch break I’m taking you to me mates to get some tit rings. All good Skins have them but with your tits you’ll love them. Make sure Wayne comes with you so we can have a threesome. Want to see him suck you off while I have another go up that arse of yours.
So before you go youd better wipe up all that cum of yours over the floor.’
‘What’s the smile for?’
‘I’ve just had a dream come true, been fucked by you with that monster dick, now have my Master and become a Skin who lives like a dirty workie in full Hi Viz then skin gear after. It’s not going to get any better. No more fucking wanking, I have the real thing and loads of it. What a fucking great life.
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kimium · 1 year
I know some of your faves…but I’d love if you could list and ramble about your favourite Twisted Wonderland characters! (One per dorm, plus faculty if you want to!!💜💜)
Aw, thanks friend! I'm so excited to answer this! I love Twisted Wonderland and this is a great ask!
My favourites in Twisted Wonderland (one per dorm)
Heartslaybul - Riddle
What I love the most about Riddle is his character arc and backstory. There is something so tragic about a story taking one of the biggest fears parents have for their children, receiving a good education, and twisting it into something tragic.
Overbearing parents who demand perfection from their children academically and thus feel it is their "Right" to dictate every aspect of their child's life sadly exist in real life too. Especially when we look at the country who made Twisted Wonderland: Japan. I think it's fascinating that while Riddle's character is twisted from one of the most beloved western novels, Alice in Wonderland, his core character theme feels like commentary on Japanese culture regarding education.
Savanaclaw - Leona
Again, similar to Riddle, what I'm attracted to in Leona is the commentary his backstory provides. In an opposite fashion to Riddle, Leona's lack of expectations placed upon him are what hurt him in the end. Everyone has experienced a moment where someone who should have supported our endeavours did not because they're too busy comparing us to someone else. For Leona it's because his older brother was always seen as "better" by others, even as a child.
Leona's backstory could almost tether into a conversation about "talent" VS "hard work" but we're not here for me to almost slip back into SDR2 rant territory.
I also like Leona because I'm super attracted to his character design: I love long haired characters with braids, I love Leona's style, and I love his lazy, tsundere attitude.
Octavinelle - Jade
This was a tough choice because I like the OctoTrio equally. However, I picked Jade because I adore characters who have duality to them. On the surface, Jade seems polite, respectful, and calm. He's none of those things and in fact I think in many cases he's more bloodthirsty and ruthless than Flyod. The difference between the two of them is while Floyd does not hide his emotions and is mercurial, Jade is the one putting on the thin porcelain mask, ready to reveal his true nature at any moment.
I also love Jade because I think he's a very honest character and does not care what others think about him.
Scarabia - Kalim
While I like both Kalim and Jamil, I have to give this one to Kalim because I love his relationship dynamic with Jamil as character foils.
Kalim stands out to me because unlike the rest of the cast, I think there is more to his sunny personality than meets the eye. It's easy to dismiss someone's positivity as "foolish" or "naïve" but Kalim represents an ideal I firmly believe in: being positive does not mean you're "ignorant". Trusting others is not a sign of weakness.
This contrasts with Jamil's outlook, which is also not wrong: you need to be cautious of others, you can't always fix things with happy smiles, sometimes you have to consider the negatives in life.
Neither are wrong and neither are right. It's just a shame that we don't see more of their development. I'd love to see how they work out their relationship post Book 4.
Pomefiore - Vil
Is this any surprise? I've talked about Vil before in the past. If someone told me that I would end up loving Vil when I started playing, I wouldn't have believed them.
Now? I'm in love with Vil. I love his view on beauty and how he tries to bring beauty into the world. I love that Vil sees beauty as something anyone can obtain and should strive towards. I love that he doesn't put others down if they truly do not know or understand. Instead, he tries to educate them and bring them up to his standards. It causes conflict, yes, but I prefer this interpretation of striving towards beauty rather than majority of media making it out as something "vapid and vain". As if media isn't the one demanding beauty out of others. Hypocrites.
I also love how Vil represents the pain of being judged at every moment and the fears/pain of being a perfectionist. How cruel is it that Vil has been in the spotlight since day one, been critiqued since he was breathing, and continues to strive towards his goals? I think that's very admirable and I wish we had more of a grey area between Vil ("There is no such thing as natural talent - it's all the result of hard work thus I'm a perfectionist") VS Neige ("Talent is a result of hard work but charisma and natural luck can aid you").
Ignihyde - Ortho
What I love about Ortho is how they took the trope "I want to be a real boy" and turned it around. Ortho never sought humanity or wished for it. He didn't have a crisis over his identity and rebel against Idia midway through Book 6. No, Ortho gained his humanity through love and the desire to protect his most important person, his big brother. I'm such a sucker for family love being a powerful force in fiction and I love that it's also Idia's love (and grief) that resulted in Ortho changing and developing through Book 6.
Diasomnia - Malleus
This is challenging because my favourite dorm is Diasomnia and I love them all. However, I have to pick Malleus.
First, he was the character I was most attracted to before playing Twisted Wonderland. Maleficent is my favourite Disney villain, especially after seeing her role in the Kingdom Hearts franchise.
Next, Malleus is both brooding and mysterious but also a huge dork. I love that he's the most powerful mage on campus (and contender for whole world) and physically he looks it. He's tall, dark, and intimidating with his ancient Fae knowledge and age. He's also a dork who love ruins and gargoyles to the point he created a club around gargoyles with just himself present. I cannot stop laughing; that's so cute.
I also love that he's a dragon. I've played enough Fire Emblem to know all dragons have a bit of possessive madness inside them and I cannot wait to see that in Book 7. (Which I am avoiding all spoilers about, thank-you-very-much.)
Bonus Faculty: Crewel
Is that a surprise? The moment I saw his design I was in love. I also love that he is a fashionista who also designs clothing on the side. A great reference to Cruella! I also loved his team up with Vil during the Fairy Tale Gala events!
I wish we knew a bit more about Crewel, but that's what fanfiction is for! My favourite fandom head canon is Crewel was the house warden of Pomefiore.
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chronal-anomaly · 1 year
cracks knuckles
When Lena came out of the Time, and remained in the isolation chamber, she was entirely nonverbal at first. There was nothing functionally wrong with her, she was in stable physical form (not great, but stable at least), and she had the ability to speak. However, due to the trauma and stress of what she had experience, she was rendered nonspeaking.
The Chronal Isolation chamber is an air-tight, round chamber anchored in Time itself, rather than the Overwatch timeline. Lena and the chamber are vibrating at the same frequency, whereas the base is vibrating at a different frequency, which is what makes the chamber a successful transition point. At least Winston and the others are able to see where she is, even if she's separated from them. Regardless. There is no way into the isolation chamber, except for a single, 3x3 vacuum sealed locking double chamber window. It's pressurized, and acts as the only access point for the chamber. This is where Winston delivers food, games, books, blankets and nesting materials, and anything else Lena asks for.
Lena's communication was very limited during this time. For the first three weeks she was back, there was an absolute lockdown on the lab. Only Angela was given access to drop off the occasional meal, and to try to win Lena's trust. Winston was deemed too unknown for such a task. Her mental state was nearing the snapping point, if it hadn't already. She would spent hours in one spot, not moving or talking, and refused to eat when anyone was in the room or watching (except for the cameras, of course). As time went on, she grew curious enough to explore the chamber somewhat, looking out the windows at the base and the ocean that felt so painfully familiar, but like it was from a dream, or another lifetime. I'll get more into the processing time between then and getting out of the chamber, but for now I want to focus on her language.
With Lena being nonverbal, it was hard to scope anything from her. There were visual bruises, new scars, wild eyes, her hair was different and she was leaner, but none of that told anyone what had happened to her. They tried many forms of alternative communication, but Lena didn't really take to any of them. She would end up leaving the holotab designed to help her communicate in the corner and ignore people when they tried to get her attention. She would communicate somewhat with Winston, mostly through nodding and shaking her head, and shoulder shrugs, but everyone else went almost entirely ignored.
Eventually, that shrugging shoulders and nodding evolved. Without even realizing it, the two had created a pidgin of nonverbal communication, a certain language of sign language nobody else understood. It wasn't fluent, and things were misconstrued at times, but she was finally communicating beyond head bobs. Winston was the only one who she was willing to consistently communicate with in this fashion, but others would be looped in at times. Lena refused to use it with most of the doctors, having a very poor perspective of them by now. However, friends and people she considered close do get that privilege of direct communication after some growth.
Even after she starts speaking again, Lena will either sign with her speech, or switch to entirely sign when verbal communication is too much while still in the iso chamber.
It's also important to know that this pidgin is sourced very little from real BSL or ASL. Winston suggested some signs, like 'hurt', 'bathroom' and others, but the grammar and rules of sign language are not regarded here. It's a quick-and-dirty form of communication, and thusly she is useless when sign language is required in the field.
Lena also comes up with gestures for different people that operate as nonverbal names.
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scratchandplaster · 2 years
FEBUWHUMP 2023 DAY 15 - Self-sacrifice
CW: pet whump, BBU-flavored whump, self-sacrifice, suicide by proxy, public humiliation, rich people being awful
All of his friends had gathered today to watch the spectacle. The young Master always had been pretty popular, attracting many people to join him at these get-togethers, which already dragged on from a casual brunch into the late evening. If Whumpee had to guess, they wouldn't blame it on his charming personality.
More so on the money, they thought with a bitter sneer. The sunny afternoon had been spent with casual small talk and exchange of courtesy, filling the empty space until the true show could begin.
"Let's go, pet. Time for our big moment.", he finally whispered from behind, as Whumpee stopped to collect empty champagne flutes and craft beer bottles scattered around the vacant buffet.
"Yes, sir.", came the placid reply.
Whumpee had no reason to worry, the claims of grandeur were warranted. Master never missed once during their home practice, plus the apple trick was a stable element of this public performance. Nothing new for any of them. Still, his entourage loved the rush they got out of this pretentious display of hubris.
"Are you ready, folks?", Master howled towards the scattered mass, redirecting the attention towards the real highlight of the gathering. "Applause for our brave volunteer!"
Even if he missed, which would likely get him an unforgettable beating by his father and also would-be owner of his personal valet, they would probably just get a new pet. Someone else to cook and clean and get groped by tipsy party guests. Maybe the newest victim, currently starving down in the basement, until their training was completed.
Surrounded by bawling and whistling, he pulled out a wooden bow out of the sling leaning against his designated chair, followed by a single arrow.
"I present to you: The William Tell!"
Taking an apple from the decorative set of fruit displayed proudly on every table and sporting the fakest smirk they were able to muster, Whumpee strode wordlessly towards the great cottonwood in the middle of the lawn. Not even an apple tree, what a lazy act.
Turning back to face the audience with the small fruit carefully balanced on top of their head, they leaned back against the rough bark. The backrest already bore the markings of the many times they performed before, crowning their hair line. The first time, they nearly lost an eye, but Master's natural talent was indisputable. 
He knew exactly what he was doing.
God, they grew so sick of him. This petty nasal voice calling them every time of day, whining and grumbling at every little thing. The nights spend wishing for a simple quiet, only to be shattered by the bell in their room endlessly ringing. 
Where is my breakfast? 
I don't like this, pet, get me something better. 
What the fuck are you even good for, huh?
He used to be different, they recalled. Watching him grow up, back when they themself were finally let out of the training room and given their designation, he didn't even know he was supposed to talk that way. Back when they still called him Daniel.
Getting disciplined downstairs just to be sold to other disgusting people, most of them standing in front of them right now, forming a crescent-shaped audience. They preferred to play nanny for the brat over such a fate any day. Maybe the unfortunate soul below would also realize exactly this some day and comfort themself with that somber knowledge. A moment Whumpee would hate to live through. 
They were just tired, starting with the day when Daniel didn't want to be Daniel anymore.
I am your master, so address me as such.
"Ready, pet? Don't be scared.", Master playfully told the living mark standing a good 20 yards before him, but rather talking to the crowd than anyone else. The string pulled taut, his stance flawless. 
Oh, how much we practiced together.
Bathing in the soft orange glow of the sunset, they were so damn tired. A loving smile spread across their face. 
Fuck you, Daniel. One more trick, for old times sake.
So as their Master let go of the tense bowstring, they stood tall - for one last time.
Thanks for reading 🤍 [Febuwhump 2023 Masterlist]
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thekitchnpro · 3 years
Dumbbell Water Bottle - Keep up Your Hydration
New Post has been published on https://thekitchnpro.com/dumbbell-water-bottle-keep-up-your-hydration/
Dumbbell Water Bottle - Keep up Your Hydration
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A dumbbell water bottle will keep you hydrated and fit. You know that type of workout where you don’t want to stop because it feels like you’re flying! Yeah that’s what it feels like now and it all started when my gym buddy told me about his new favorite item: The DUMBBELL WATER BOTTLE.
Cool Things About Dumbbell Water Bottle
Keeping fit and healthy is extremely important. The trouble, though, is that it can be easy to forget about health when life gets busy. And it’s even easier to not drink enough water every day. Thankfully, we’ve got a solution: dumbbell-shaped water bottles! Yes, we thought we’d be able to make working out and staying healthy more fun and easier than ever before – and we succeeded! These awesome products look like real dumbbells – but they hold all sorts of tasty drinks inside.
They’re sure to get your mouth watering even if you didn’t feel thirsty before now. So grab one of these awesome Dumbbell Water Bottles today and enjoy what hydration feels like! Forget about dry lips or stuck-up hair. Drink up and focus on what matters (like work!). Keep things light with one of these fun bottles by your side. Are you going to let us have all the fun?! No way! We want everyone in our great nation to have access to these amazing wellness accessories. Don’t settle for a boring old plastic bottle again. Feel energized with an awesome Dumbbell Water Bottle in hand ! Throw away all those plain old boring water bottles.
Gym Dumbbell water bottle
This cool water bottle is designed to remind you to stay hydrated. When you’re at home, it looks like a dumbbell sitting on your countertop. But when it’s time for work out, just twist off its top cap and reveal a drinking spout that’s fitted with a screw-on lid to help prevent spills. The extra layer of security means no more sloshing drinks in your gym bag! 
  Workout Dumbbell water bottle
Our skin is our biggest organ, so keeping it hydrated is really important. Drinking water is not only essential for our organs to function properly but helps with our metabolism, too. Drinking at least eight glasses of water a day will help us stay healthy and look great! Keeping yourself adequately hydrated throughout each day can be difficult. It’s often easy to forget, especially if we’re working long hours or are busy doing other activities away from home.
Why is this Bottle so Special?
It’s simple, it doesn’t leak and it makes sure that you drink enough throughout your day. We all know how important it is to be properly hydrated! All while using our Dumbbell BottleTM, we’ll not only look like a pro while hitting our exercise goals but we’ll also be able to hit them faster! Get yours today because once people start seeing how cool it is they won’t be able to resist. Make sure that doesn’t get left behind because these bottles are hot sellers! After seeing what people think of their Dumbbell Water Bottles they say I never leave home without it. Also useful for keeping track of whether or not you drank enough water today or did any form of exercise. Whether it’s lifting weights, cardio exercises, or even just normal daily activities at work, etc. This helps me stay on top of my fitness game every single day! And if you’re wondering why The Workout People® decided to make one of these bottles in particular? Well for starters its attractive-looking design appeals to many different types of people including fitness enthusiasts, athletes, gym-goers who love working out at home as well as teachers who want something special/personalized just for them.
How Do I Use It?
Simply fill it up with cold or hot drinks, attach it to a keychain, and take it wherever you go. Keeps your drink at the optimum temperature all day long. It is perfect for outdoor activities like running or walking or even when you are in traffic. The bottles are BPA-free and FDA approved, making them safe for your health. It’s easy to clean too! Just rinse under running water after every use. If necessary, hand wash with warm soapy water. Do not put it in a dishwasher as there may be corrosion issues resulting from extreme heat. Avoid using detergents containing bleach or chemicals because they could damage its color and make it less resilient over time. Its compact size makes carrying a breeze; pop into your handbag or hangs from keys or backpack! To carry around conveniently, simply attach any kind of carabiner to the loop located at one end of each dumbbell flask.
Why Should I Get One For Myself?
Why is it important to stay hydrated? The easiest way to figure out if you’re hydrated enough is by looking at how much your pee looks like. If it’s clear, then it’s a good indication that you’re drinking enough water. It also helps alleviate headaches and constipation. Not to mention that staying well-hydrated will help boost energy and improve concentration and overall performance. Getting into a routine of staying well-hydrated is easier than you think, but having a reminder can be just what we need sometimes! Here’s why our brains aren’t made for remembering everything, and taking care of ourselves isn’t always first priority (hence: distractions). Putting something as simple as a bottle in our field of vision every day might become the motivation we didn’t even know we needed—especially when every time we go to grab a drink, there’s that one thing that reminds us to take care of ourselves. One problem easily solves itself after another with one simple fix! Isn’t life great?
As an added bonus, these dumbbell bottles are BPA-free so they’re safe to drink from! What else makes them cool is their dual function: they come with a handy built-in timer so you can watch your fitness goals roll right along.
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