#there are just so many storybeats and opportunitys for character development that are completely thrown by the wayside in so many shows
tremorsmackenzie · 1 year
one of the best things about agents of shield is that it does all of the tropes, way over the top trauma, character revivals, alternate reality plots, evil versions of characters, betrayals, mind control, time travel plots, etc., things which are usually done either way too seriously or as a cheap joke/low effort filler content that sometimes doesnt fit the tone or show it happens in at all.
but it does them properly the way theyre supposed to be, integrating them into its world, and it shows why they are actually popular and that they work if you spend any real effort on them and try to do them justice instead of always playing them as a cliché trope.
yeah, its an interesting storyline to see the goodhearted main character be turned evil against their will and then deal with the fallout. whod have thunk.
and at the same time it manages to not lose the kind of campy feel associated with them, in a really charming way. i dont know if im making sense, i just waited for a really long time for someone to actually do these things right cause they have so much potential, and they usually dont get to explore it beyond very superficial levels.
agents of shield is awesome. fin.
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