#there are bad ppl in ANY belief bc your faith doesn’t make you a bad person peace and love on planet earth etc
bumpscosity · 2 years
​atheists will complain abt religious ppl judging them for being atheist and then judge others for being religious
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yrbshay · 8 months
Think of law of assumption like everything is already written out for you. You’re gonna get good grades, or the car you want or financial freedom etc bc it’s already written and it’s done. Affirmations and scripting are just ways to REMIND yourself what IS true. Affirmations change nothing bc it is already done!! It’s already written out. Your mind knows before you even speak that that’s what is true. It’s having faith. Be consistent and dedicated and disciplined.
Mental diet is LITERALLY what it means. You know that if you are going on a proper diet it helps you become healthier and lose weight. It’s guaranteed. People struggle with dicipline when they don’t see the results they want immediately. I personally can speak because I used to give up on diets so quick. Once I started being diciplined and consistent I lose a ton of weight and it felt like all at once. Well mental diet is no different. And it actually works faster than a regular diet but you need to shift your focus to HOW you think and perceive things and less on the manifesting part. Your desires will come with a strong mental diet.
Law of assumption takes literlaly REWIRING your brain and training it do do something different than what’s it’s used to. We are used to speaking negatively and having negative beliefs bc that’s just how society taught us. Unlearn bad habits and replace them with good ones. It is a complete lifestyle and it makes you view your whole life differently. The scripting, affirmations, stats etc. are literally just tools to help you. They aren’t the cause of why you got what you want. YOU we’re the cause. Your mindset and thoughts about yourself. It’s how you essentially view how your life is written out.
Also Law of assumption is just a term. It is a real thing. I am getting my degree in psychology and it has been proven to me multiple times that your perception and beliefs of life is literally what you see in your reality it literally molds and shapes it.
The Bible also has so much more on these same exact concepts but I feel like in more depth. I would love to speak on it more because I’m tried and true to my faith and in god but I know people hold negative assumptions toward that… but all I’m saying is wisdom is a powerful thing. So I will leave you with these simple basic concepts and hopefully you can understand more about “law of assumption” or basically just how life works lmaooo.
It’s not hard girlies(and men). Like at all. You don’t need coaching. (ThAts why I don’t offer it anymore and I just answer questions at no cost bc this shit is so easy and it doesn’t have to cost money. Id only be robbing you bc that is a just a crutch to lean on. Oh I need coaching. You DONT need coaching. I get people need to make a living but it’s completely unnecessary. There’s no secret behind coaching at all and it is very much a crutch. I have a tip jar but it isn’t required at all and yes most ppl don’t tip but that’s okay bc I love teaching.) You don’t need new affirmations. You guys rely on that shit too much and tbh you will never get it if you don’t realize it’s not affirming its literllay your whole mindset. Affirmations just help your confidence but aren’t the sole reason behind why you can manifest. I gonna write down some success stores so hopefully you guys will be motivated bc I was after I heard them from my friends, husband, people I’ve helped.
I’m not saying affirmations don’t help at all or stats bc they for sure help so much bc you don’t give time for your mind to think negatively. BUT what I am saying is people hold the belief that what they are doing wrong is not saying affirmations enough of they are saying it wrong. IT IS LITERALLY YOUR MINDSET that you need to fix . Not affirmations. They are just tools. Like I said you have to view life like this is already written out & this is how it’s gonna go. It literally can’t go any other way because that’s just the law and there’s no changing it. But there is changing your mindset to match how your life is gonna go. The reason it goes differently is because you believe that that’s how your life is.
Imma wrap it up. Happy manifesting because this isn’t hard and stop capping like you don’t know you will literally receive your desires immediately because that’s just how your life is written out.
Reminder: DMS are open where you can ask questions for FREE.
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okaypie · 7 years
*flips on shades, dabs, does a cart wheel, sticks the landing, cracks knuckles* I can't really say all for one character I think so uh, NAH FUCK IT U PROBABLY CAN FIGURE OUT HOW ALL FOR JEREMY HAHAHAHAHA
#squad:  who's friends with who? what are the squad dynamics like?
OKAY SO, I’m gonna write this as if Jeremy were still living in hawaii and Happy. He hung out with the jocks but he was the decent jock due to not wanting to be an asshole and anxiety. He was made fun of a lot bc he backed out on a lot of shit except for one time when he agreed to break into an abandoned building that wasn’t really abandonded and he got grounded for a month.
microscope:  zoom in -- describe the little, insignificant details about an OC.
When Jeremy smiles he has super duper subtle dimples. His hair looks kind of frizzy but is actually super nice and soft. He has stretch marks on his thighs bc my boi is thicc. He has freckles but you can’t see them like at all unless he gets a sun burn or gets like that pale-looking sick deal. 
fragrance:  what do your OCs smell like?
Weed and old spice
photo album:  describe one of your OCs' favorite memories.
When him and his dad played ukulele during the Eo E Emalani I Alakai Festival for the first time bc he felt like he was finally good enough   
mixtape:  5 songs that describe your OC(s) or songs they themselves would like.
wardrobe:  what's your OC(s) style like?
Basketball/Cargo shorts, t-shirt and sandals 
lightning:  who's the most impulsive character? and who is their impulse control?
Okay im going to ref rp for this one 
Mark’s oc Sol ( @snowmiku) is the impulse and jeremy would be impulse control or for vic and jeremy victor would be impulse control bc foster parent and jeremy would be impulse
ufo:  identity! what are some key identifying qualities or traits of your OC(s)? how to they identify in regards to gender/sexuality?
Jeremy is my bi guy ready to try! He doesn’t really discover it until later in life tho which is okay! He’s also demisexual bc fuckin people is a weird concept to him unless they’re super close! 
love note:  who likes who? crushes? relationships? are they mutual or unrequited?
Canonically none, rp sol
poison:  vices/bad habits? what are they? how do they affect your OC?
So after Jeremy’s parents died he started smoking a lot more pot? Which wasn’t that bad until he greened out and everything went downhill from there. He tries to act like everything is fine and dandy but it’s pretty obvious he’s dealing with a lot of trauma that he doesn’t want to come to terms with
compass:  who's the moral compass? in general: what are your OCs' morality like? do they have high morals, or not? are their morals self imposed, or do they base their morals on religion/family/influence of others?
Jeremy bases his morals on those around him but also more or less for himself? Like if he really trusts and knows the person he’ll give his fuckin life for them but if he’s like...meh...with them then he’ll do what he can...but if what he does doesn’t work the first time they’re fucked
track & field:  which (if any) of your OCs are athletic? what sports to they play? which of your OCs would go HARD in P.E.?
JEREMY IS ATHLETIC AS FUCK. He loves basketball, football, and surfing and he likes doing early morning jogs. When its dodgeball day in P.E. you better hide from this boy
parachute:  who does your OC(s) trust the most? who makes them feel safe? who would they do absolutely anything for?
Him family (both real and foster(yes, hannah, this includes pat))
conspiracy theory:  what are your OC's beliefs? are they skeptics or do they believe easily? who acts on blind faith? who needs to see to believe?
Jeremy follows the Huna(New Age) religion which is the semi-traditional religion of Hawaii. He does what he can when it comes to practicing it.
zodiac:  what's their sign? does it influence their personality? do they care about astrology?
Virgo! It doesnt seem to influence him but he does care about astrology
spellbook:  are any of your OC(s) supernatural? if so, what are they/what are their abilities?
contact:  how does your OC(s) feel about touch/physical contact? are they affectionate? if so, how do they display affection to others?
jeremy was really touch-starved for a while so hell take affection where he can get it. hes a huge platonic cuddler, he tends to sling his arm around ppl a lot bc he knows that some ppl are really bad about being touched. He gives A+ massages tho just an fyi
interiors:  describe your OC(s) bedroom/home/or a place they consider "theirs". what's in it? do certain items have a special significance to your OC?
His room usually has a lot of natural light and smells like pot lmao. His beds a mess and he collects a lot of weird shit, mainly shells tho. He has one picture of his parents that he keeps on his person at all times even tho its getting kind of worn
hobby:  what do they love? what captivates them? what are their passions?
Jeremy loves music and people and parties (in small amounts) He really loves basketball and learning about other cultures too? So yeah, also history. Lots of history, but he keeps that shit inside bc “haha that’s so nerdy why would i do that???”
psyche:  what's their head space like? do they have any mental illnesses? how do they process difficult or emotional situations? what are their coping mechanisms?
Jeremy is a mess. he has moderate-sever depression, anxiety, and PTSD. When he’s put into a difficult situation he deadass has a panic attack and the way to get him to calm down is to try and talk about how his dad would handle the situation, it brings back even more bad memories but being reminded of the good and of what was helps too. He copes (unhealthily) through pot, and he has therapy sessions every weekend
chess board:  who is the most logical? or the schemer/planner?
Jeremy is usually p logical (sometimes)
shooting star:  if your OC(s) could have one wish what would it be?
That he could go home and everything would be fine
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