#there are a lot of bad aot takes that go around
jeankirsteinsgrlfrnd · 6 months
How would the aot boys react to reader friend zoning them lol
eren would act super cool and nonchalant about it but in reality, he’s going absolutely feral inside. he doesn’t understand why you’d reject him because he can get any girl he wishes. what’s so different about you? he becomes super clingy after this, trying to win you over.
armin would beat himself up internally. he’d feel really stupid, wondering why he couldn’t see the signs that you’re just friends. he sulks for a day or two but he gets past it because he isn’t willing to let your friendship go to waste.
jean doesn’t believe you when you tell him he’s nothing more than a friend. he insists that there’s been a romance blossoming and he doesn’t understand why you’re saying this when you clearly have feelings for him.
connie’s pretty disappointed but he doesn’t have a hard time letting it go. infact, he makes jokes about it all the time. he also pretends like he’s mortally wounded by it just to make you feel bad and whenever you apologize for it, he just laughs at you.
reiner takes it a little…personally. he has trouble with rejection already and you didn’t help by friend zoning him. he’s offended and stops talking to you for a while. he’s pretty stubborn but he comes around eventually and apologizes for making you feel like you owe him something.
bertholdt is sad but he understands that you can’t just magically change how you feel. additionally, his feelings never go away but he really does try to suppress them. he wishes you’d change your mind and he’s willing to wait if you ever do.
zeke is just fine with being friends. that’s what he says, anyway. he still makes moves on you, insisting that you guys can just ‘kiss as friends.’ it’s flattering but he comes on a little strong. eventually, you have to be firm with him and tell him to knock it off.
porco takes it to heart but he’s more angry than anything. he says you’ve been leading him on, teasing him, etc. you apologize if you made it seem that way but he doesn’t want to hear it. he just goes out and finds another girl in hopes of pissing you off enough to get him out of the friend zone.
erwin doesn’t understand the concept of a friend zone. he knows that it’s allegedly a bad spot to be put in but he thinks that if you’re truly a good friend to someone, the zone is a fine place to be. so, when you tell him you’re not into him like that, he understands and is just happy being your friend.
levi isn’t particularly satisfied with your answer but he doesn’t push it. he respects you and your feelings enough to not be a dick about it. however, he can be a little toxic. he’ll be your friend but he will scare your dates away. he doesn’t mean to but he can’t help it. he’ll crawl out of that friend zone one way or another.
here’s the link to my jean fic that has a lot of connie and ymir time in it. oh it’s also a slow burn
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jjkeremika · 11 months
Here to Forever
description: date nights with the AoT men (plus historia lol) <3
pairing: Eren, Levi, Reiner, Armin, Porco, Erwin, Jean, Zeke, Historia, all x (fem!) reader
like A LITTLE nsfw/smutty
Eren and you almost always went to the movie theaters--your man loves a good trip to the movies. Sometimes you would suggest a meal before, but he was always reluctant, complaining that then he'd be too full to eat the movie snacks. You always rolled your eyes with a large smile on your face, usually caving.
Movie choice alternated each time, you often opting for comedies and animations while Eren advocated for actions and sci-fi's. He liked to sit in the back, able to view the entire screen, usually directly under the speaker so no one could hear your hushed whispers and hearty breaths.
Although you enjoyed a good movie now and then, Eren's eyes were fixed to the screen, absorbed in the film that he wouldn't even notice when you asked for the candy.
So you always enjoyed the bad movies the most, because Eren's attention was on you; and the fact that you had to be very, very quiet while his hands groped your breasts, while they traveled to your bottoms, turned you both on. Sometimes he'd pull you onto his lap, his fingers intimately gracing the sensitive spot between your legs as he nibbled at your earlobe, sucked on your neck. You kept going back, because you've only been asked to leave once.
Levi (age gap)
Levi didn't talk a whole ton, but he liked listening to you. He fervently believed you were smarter than him, always spouting interesting ideas and bringing up counterpoints. And you were so damn kind to everyone, always considerate, and he genuinely did not give a damn about anyone.
Except you. He cared an awful lot about you. Having repeatedly been kicked down by life (he didn't really talk about that), born into a shitty lot in life, had the rug pulled out from under him and lost everything, he built wall after wall and thought he'd lost access to his emotions. Then he found you. And somehow your naivety and wide-eyed view reinvigorated something deep inside.
Although relatively stoic and unemotional in public and rarely voiced his positive opinions with friends, Levi was, in some sense, rather vulnerable when alone with you. He was quite open about his infatuation with you in private; his eyes frequently roaming your body, his mouth pressing hundreds of kisses to your skin.
Then there was the vulnerability that manifested in unique ways. The immense desire to have you, the fiery need to have you on your knees, taking him, all of him, feeling him so deeply it'll last for hours, craving him so deeply to last for days. After he was satisfied with the number of times you'd called his name, begged for more, he'd take the best care of you, wrapping you in his softest sweatpants and giving you the warmest kisses and making you both the most delicious food.
So while most couple's dates consisted of the date then sex, yours was reversed, always working up an appetite.
Reiner's dates, a generous term, were always spontaneous activities: playing soccer at midnight, hiking some oh it's only a few miles trails, biking or rollerblading around the city. Even though the physical activity was exhausting and sometimes even daunting, Reiner's presence made it infinitely better.
He'd carry everything, never letting you carry any bags (not that you'd complain). He'd offer various snacks and water, offer to frequently slow the pace or stop and admire the surroundings. Uh, why are you looking at me like that? you'd ask, an eyebrow raised. Hm? I told you. I'm admiring my surroundings, he'd answer, the sunlight reflecting off his brilliant smile.
Hiking was the most frequent activity during nice weather, which, you couldn't deny, definitely had its perks. During higher altitude breaks with clearings in the trees, or at the peak of the climb, when the view was the most clear and pristine and the sunlight was basking on you.
The view was always worth it, and you'd preen as Reiner's lips would connect with yours, smile widely as he gripped your thighs and picked you up, carrying you until your back was against a rock edge or a tree. His large hands groped your cheeks as he kissed sloppily down the middle of your neck towards your chest, already breathing heavy. You smiled as the tingling sensation and a warm heat spread throughout your body, the gorgeous landscape disappearing as your eyes blinked shut with pleasure.
Armin liked to have you all to himself, often taking you on dates to secluded places or sitting in the corner of restaurants. He was the most gentlemanly and domestic, packing extra jackets and carrying sneakers on the nights you wore heels.
His favorite site was under the large oak tree in the meadows, near where the rabbit's den was. He would set up a picnic blanket in the shade, removing fake glasses for champagne and perfectly portioned meals.
Armin loved telling you how beautiful you looked in the setting sun, the golden light highlighting your features just right. He composed lyrical hymns on the spot, accidentally stringing into teary-eyed poems and soft-spoken sonnets.
The sunset is so beautiful, you would say. Not as beautiful as you, he would reply. You'd roll your eyes because, well, cheesy, before he'd continue: Words elude me as they know they're not worthy of you; Dictionaries are developed to describe you; I could list ten thousand things and none would be as beautiful as you.
And you'd kiss him as the sun dipped beyond the horizon, as the stars shined second to you, illuminating your face as you moaned in ecstasy, intensifying Armin's blue eyes and blond hair as he stared at you from between your legs, his tongue writing love letters in cursive.
You were the first person Galliard had ever been on a date with, which honestly surprised you. His tough exterior, confident demeanor, honest humor, and cynical smile was so charming you had a hard time believing him when he coyly told you that you were his first, the pink blush on his cheeks just so cute.
During the warm evenings you'd walk along the beach together, enjoying the expansive view of the stars and the soft sounds of the waves landing against the sandy shoreline, watching the tide change.
The sway of you in his huge arms always synced to the sway of the tide, a gentle rocking that soothed your body and mind. You'd close your eyes as his lips would travel along the back of your neck and upper spine. Your hands would travel to his hair and you'd push your hips back into his. Eventually he'd grab your hips and forcefully spin you around, kissing you and dragging you to the soft sand.
He always returned you home after, moist swollen lips and pleasantly tingling bodies, sharing knowing looks and giggles at the dry-humping and grinding that transpired; the sand you find at home for days after becoming an intimate inside joke between you.
Erwin (age gap)
Erwin was the first older man you've been with, and you weren't sure how you had ever survived before. Experienced, mature, muscular, capable, successful, stable.
You were his priority. Were you happy with your wardrobe? He'll buy you a new one. No one to go to the store with? He'll take you shopping wherever you'd like. Did you like the furniture in your apartment? He'll buy you a new set. Did paying bills stress you out? He'll pay it for you. What else would I want to spend my money on if not you? he'd tell you when you'd protest, capturing you within his large arms, pressing you into his strong chest.
Date nights were events, where you both dressed in your nicest garments and ate at a nice restaurant. Erwin would open and close the car door for you, push and pull the chair out for you, pour the bottle of wine for you, order for you, telling you he knew what you liked (he always did).
During the dinner the clouds in his blue eyes whisked into lustful storms. He'd pay the check and hurry you out of the restaurant with his hand glued to your lower back, complaining in your ear about how the food never tasted as good as you did, how he'd wished you'd stayed in and he'd had you instead. He'd rush you into the car, practically running to the other side of the car and racing home.
Jean prepared you dinner for your first date, buying the ingredients fresh that morning and preparing it from scratch, still cooking (about an hour from being done) when you arrived at his apartment. He'd begged his roommate to leave for the night, and he'd already prepared the table for a romantic evening (about 5 hours before the date started).
He greeted you with a peck on the cheek, a move that you watched him internally question for a split-second, one that he then tried to move on from by awkwardly shuffling you to the counter. You'd smile, a light blush forming from the proximity and the heat of the room.
He liked preparing you dinners for dates, frequently remaking the meal you'd had that first night, kissing you on the cheek every time in homage to that first night. Jean would shower you with compliments, making up for the moments where the sarcastic comments would slip through.
After a few dates you started arriving earlier to cook with him, chopping and dicing vegetables while he seasoned and operated the stove. He'd trap you between his arms against the counter, pressing kiss after kiss to your cheeks and lips and pulling you close, your hands traveling to the growing bulge in his jeans, only moving away when you both started to smell something burning.
You had first met Zeke on the lawn at a concert. He was shirtless, sitting on a flannel fabric (probably his shirt), waving both hands in the cool autumn air, a lit lighter in one hand, swaying to the beat of the music, smoking something between his lips.
He put it out as soon as he noticed you standing nearby, scrambling to stand up and started to talk to you between opening acts, somehow managing to intrigue you enough for a date outside the concert venue (totally didn't have anything to do with his six-pack abs).
Although keeping a cool, calm, and collected demeanor, Zeke was always nervous on your dates, constantly wondering if you were enjoying yourself, if the conversation was stimulating enough or if the activities were entertaining enough. He never said anything, but you could read it in the unsteady glances and nervous nail biting.
When you wrapped your arms around his neck, you'd step on your tip-toes and press a soft kiss to his lips, swooping in to ease his anxieties. I had a great time with you, you'd whisper against his lips, thanks for a great night.
He'd tighten his grip around your waist, pull you in as close as you could get, until the only space left between you was the air in your lungs and he was going to squeeze that out too. His attitude would shift as the blood started pumping to his legs, smacking your ass and biting your bottom lip. Let me make it so much better.
When Historia had first confessed her feelings for you at the coffee shop, you were slightly surprised. The hand-holding and faux-flirting was something she did with everyone. You never realized it was special with you, that it was real with you.
She liked to spoil you, and though she always needed to convince you, you always gave in, letting her buy just that one thing for you or take you to that place you really wanted to go.
Museums were where you both frequently visited, the quiet ambiance perfect for you two. You both talked so much outside of date nights that you had nothing to say during them, and observing art was a hobby you both shared (one that you imprinted on her (she likes it because you do)).
You found out later that Historia considered that time at the coffee shop your first date. But you considered it that first night at the museum, when your hands grazed in front of the Mona Lisa, when you both felt pulled together for the first time, when you both leaned in and kissed for the first time, feeling like no eyes were on you.
Despite that Historia was very affectionate, that first time being an exemption, she never kissed you in public or on camera. That was shared between you two behind closed doors, and you two alone.
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batterygarden · 2 years
aot relationship hcs
Ft. Eren, Armin and Mikasa
Sfw but no minors on my page pls, these are miscellaneous and sillly.. I wrote them in a haze after my melatonin kicked in yesterday…like 1 or 2 suggestive ones in there
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He plays basketball (he’s rlly good 😔) and if you come visit him on the court he dribbles the ball around you rlly aggressively like “try n block me!” and you just stare at him straight faced because he is exhausting
He is simply the most DRAMATIC man alive. Like if you don’t give him endless attention, hold his hand, climb on him, act borderline obsessed with him… he might explode. If you go 24 hours without playing with his hair he is wearing all black and mourning your lost love… cause you must just not care about him anymore!
He’s also kinda a neat freak… another opportunity for his dramatics. If you leave a dirty dish in the sink for more than half an hour he is turning up in a hazmat suit like baby…. i can’t handle how dirty the kitchen is rn. (He’ll do the dish for you)
Casual shoplifter even though he can truly afford all the things he steals
He probably commits tax fraud too
Bad driver but over confident as hell. Driving almost 50 in a residential like STOP :/
Also… hello mr oral fixation. He’s constantly got a necklace in his teeth or something… and that’s all fine and good till you find YOUR OWN PERSONAL BELONGINGS in your boyfriends mouth god. Like give me back my nice pilot G2 pen you animal >:(
Takes rlly long showers and uses up all the hot water AND your fancy conditioner. He is definitely one of those product stealer men…
He also borrows ur claw hair clips and never gives them back 😔
Randomly pretends to beat up the air in front of you u like put ‘em up!! And you’re never sure how to react. Like you’re standing there doing the dishes and he assumes fighting stance and starts punching ghosts till you give him attention.
Accidentally rolls his eyes ALL the time. Like he doesn’t even mean to his face is just automatically sassy when he disagrees w something. But he’s self aware. Sometimes he’ll do it and you’ll pause mid-sentence then he’ll catch himself like WAIT SORRY. I didn’t mean to do that. 😔
Makes you dandelion chains without you having to ask.. or puts dandelions and other wildflowers on you all the time… in your hair, in your pocket, in the little holes where your shoelaces go.
he’ll just fiddle w your things absentmindedly CONSTANTLY… he’s simply a fidgety guy!
Like you’re sitting in the grass talking to him and he’s nodding along like Mhm Mhm… while he repeatedly zips and unzips your bag… rolling up and unrolling the straps etc.
but sometimes the thing he is fidgeting with is YOU. Your hands are a favorite… especially your rings and any jewelry you may wear 😮‍💨 this man is having a field day spinning the metal around your fingers.
He’ll sometimes over explain things/accidentally go into extreme detail and you’ll tease him for mansplaining. But a lot of the time he’ll the OPPOSITE of mansplain things and use words way too big / poorly dumb down the most CONVOLUTED subjects and you’re like slow down there mr graduated college early 😔 .. say that again as if I were a 5 year old please
His sport of choice is… wait for it… track. Yeah this man’s a runner… occasionally a hurdler… he’s got stamina.. have u seen those CALVES when he’s the colassal ! Major swoon
Pretentious as hell ab the music he listens to. Gatekeeps even…. NO PUBLIC PLAYLISTS.
He gets bad anxiety the night before work and stuff… also picks apart social interactions after they happen… generalized anxiety disorder king!
He’s a gossip of course…. Literally will give you a million looks mid social gathering that say “we’ll dissect this later”
Does weird only child things every day without realizing
Like arranging the Tupperware a specific and less efficient way than you and getting mad when you don’t put yours away like he wants it
Or getting annoyed when you don’t burn his candles a very specific way that apparently is “more efficient” 🙁
He also NEEDS alone/recharge time… social stuff can get exhausting to him!
Mikasa <3
Good w cars… best with cars out of the three hands down… she’s your personal mechanic 🥺
She’s also miss quiet road rage over here.. she seems calm and collected but she is cursing the entire lineage of the minivan driver that just cut her off in traffic.
Eats up some reality tv… and is embarrassed about it 😔 she asks you not to tell people she’s rewatching season 10 of the bachelor rn
Aggressive as hell to ucky men in bars / clubs… or just in general
Like “back the fuck off before I beat your ass” kind of aggressive… very protective of you and any woman ever in these type of situations
& she has the skill to back up her talk!! This woman is a martial artist/ full time gym rat… she is *strong*. You need not worry about your safety no matter the situation when you’re with her.
Her critical nature towards men nicely contrasts how much she LOVES bimbos lmao. Extremely forgiving and patient towards bimbos… she’ll explain things to you so so gently.
She’s somewhat shy with direct flirting before you’re official… kinda nervous to ruin whatever dynamic you two had going on to begin with.. but once your feelings are out in the air this woman is getting a medal for her direct communication skills.
“I need you to hold me really tight right now, I’m feeling kind of anxious.”
“I want you to kiss me please! Need to feel your pretty lips”
“If we were alone right now I would have you fully ***** and ********* *** ** ** ****** ****.”
perpetually cold hands.. and she warms them by sticking them in YOUR shirt or even occasionally your pants. Just sticking em in there and then staring at you like she’s doing nothing wrong … staring at you like you’re NOT getting goosebumps on your ass cheeks rn
Once she gets comfortable, Mikasa is CONSTANTLY TEASING YOU RIGHT WHERE IT HURTS.
like it starts light, creating a little inside joke or two, like making fun of the special way you prepare your sandwiches or how you make the bed.
But then you catch her giggling to herself one day and you’re like aww what’s so funny ^_^ and she says she was thinking about that time you embarrassed yourself in front of her parents 😔
But then sometimes if she’s not in the right mood she’ll get all sassy if you tease her back. All “okay but I didn’t say it like that 😒.” Then she’ll pinch you.
She texts like .. full punctuation and everything. At first you thought she was mad at you every time you got her notifications till you got used to it.
She looks KILLER in turtlenecks it’s ridiculous
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setsunasbabe · 2 years
Cuddling headcanons with the aot characters
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part 1 • part 2 (coming soon)
contains :
Mikasa, Eren, Armin, Jean, Sasha, Connie, Historia, Ymir
warnings: mention of a tarantula in Armin's, mention of food in Sasha's, curse words in Eren and Connie's, kisses in Historia and Ymir's, mention of the word 'perv' in Ymir's, I did not proofread ; otherwise it's completely sfw
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She probably cuddles you whenever she's too stressed. Feeling like she's protecting you makes her relax.
She's big spoon most of the time. Again she loves feeling like she's protecting you in some way.
You're both laying on your sides and she's holding you from behind, her hands wrapped around your waist.
She also probably cuddles you more at night, when you're both really tired. Holding you to make you fall asleep more easily.
Maybe, really rarely, but maybe, she can be the little spoon. I mean if you ask her, obviously she's gonna oblige, but if she's really feeling bad and needs comfort she'll really appreciate you holding her.
What I mean is her breaking down in your arms and you soothing her to sleep while holding her. That's the type of comfort I'm talking about.
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Okay, first things first, if anybody asks him, he's big spoon. But that's such a lie.
Eren is a big baby and wants needs to be held.
He's probably laying his head on your chest or in the crook of your neck while you're rubbing his back.
He also really likes when you talk to him while cuddling. It calms him, he really loves your voice, like way too much.
The best time to cuddle him is when he's having a jealous or possessive episode. This dude is going to be clinging onto you for dear life. Like closing any space between the two of you, to be in contact with you the best he can.
Cuddling Eren is always good. Except in summer. I mean he's all over you. And it's already hot. You don't NEED this weightened blanket. Trust me you don't.
And if you want him to be the big spoon, he'll act like he doesn't mind. But then he'll complain of having a sore arm or something. That bitch 😐.
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Armin is baby. Please I love him so much. Sorry.
Armin prefers cuddling while facing each other. Weather he's holding you or the other way around. He likes having you close and being able to look at you.
Okay, he may have a preference for being held, but you didn't hear that from me.
He also likes talking to you or listening to you. Most of your cuddle sessions end up in discussions about the strangest things. Like you guys are just laying down and 20 minutes later you're asking yourselves 'do you think a tarantula can stay up on one leg?' or some shit like that.
Okay but study sessions with Armin ending in cuddle sessions. Like. Hear me out. You're just 'taking a break' and you're straddling Armin's lap (not like THAT) and he's holding you and you're just talking, your torso pressed against his, feeling each other's heartbeat. Like IMAGINE.
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Honestly he's down to cuddle all. the. time. Like bruv, chill. But it's because he loves you too much, can you blame him? Jean is the biggest simp out there.
He likes to hold you as much as he likes to be held. But there are three cuddle positions that he loves most.
First, holding you close by your middle while your head is against his chest and you're both laying on your sides.
Second, classic big spoon. He holding you from behind by your waist. But it's not his favourite because he's not facing you.
Third (his favourite), he's laying on you, head pressed on your chest to hear your heartbeat or in the crook of your neck to feel your pulse.
Yes, Jean checks if you're alive all of the time. I mean it's not his fault you're so perfect he can't believe you're real?
Anyways. Jean also likes to cuddle you in public (read on Sasha's couch) to show you off to others (read to Eren).
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Prepare to a lot of post meal cuddles with Sasha. She's always sleepy after eating a lot. And Sasha does often eat a lot.
When Sasha is tired she giggles a lot. Like imagine you're laying comfortably and she just starts giggling? Like, Sasha, babe, wtf?
She prefers to be held. This had to be said. She likes when you're holding her and she's laying her head next to your heart.
She also cuddles you when she had a nightmare. She will literally sneak into your bed at night trying not to wake you up. But if she does wake you up, she'll just tell you that she had a nightmare, asking you to hold her.
But Sasha moves a lot in her sleep. You'll go to bed laying against each other and wake up with your limbs tangled in each other.
Also, being the menace she is, she will put her cold hands under your shirt with the excuse of them being cold and needing to heat up. She's lucky you love her...
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Okay, I was talking about Sasha being a menace, but this little shit is another level.
He will literally poke you and pinch abruptly for no reason when you're cuddling.
No but honestly, he likes having you laying on top of him and hold you close. He's probably telling you the worst story of all time at the same moment but you both really enjoy the moment.
He likes to maintain eye contact while talking to you so your head is probably propped up on one of your arms.
He appreciates more cuddling in the late afternoon, while the sun goes down to see its rays fade on your face, or some sappy shit like that.
No but cuddling sessions with Connie can be really cool. He's a funny guy and he's very comforting.
And the hand placement!!! Like he has his hands on the small of your back, rubbing it soothingly. You're both having a really good time... And then he pokes you. 😐
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Probably the cuddliest out of all of them.
Can and will cuddle you in any situation. She takes the occasion to cuddle you anytime she can.
'Hisu we can't cuddle while standing.' 'Why not?'
She doesn't care if she's big spoon or little spoon. She just enjoys basking in your presence so much.
She also likes to hug you from behind while you're cooking or doing something else while standing.
What I mean is, don't feel surprised when you feel hands snaking around your waist and see blond strands of hair on your shoulder from the corner of your eye.
She expects a lot of kisses from you while cuddling, I don't make the rules.
She often plays with your hair when you're both laying down or you're laying your head on her lap. She really likes soothing you to sleep with her nails gently scratching your scalp.
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She'll act like she hates cuddling you but she actually craves your physical affection.
You guys probably cuddle more in the morning when you just woke up. Mostly because Ymir is not awake enough to pretend to be annoyed.
She is big spoon all the way you can't change my mind. She likes to hold you while you're both laying on your sides.
Your face is often tucked under her chin so you can't see her smiling. Or she's holding it in her hands while cupping your cheeks (not THESE cheeks you perv) and gazing into your eyes lovingly.
She kisses you a lot when you cuddle. Most of the time out of nowhere. Like she's pouting and 2 seconds later she's kissing you.
The only times she'll cuddle you in public is if she's jealous to show the person who's been eyeing you up and down for the past minutes that you are hers.
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jeankluv · 5 months
Birdie - Satoru Gojo | Chapter 08
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Words: 4,3k
Summary: You didn’t like him, at all. But due to your bad luck you would have to be forced to work with him and different circumstances end up leading you to the fact that perhaps the word dislike is not the one you use to describe him.
ac: _3aem
Tags: modern au, college au, fem!reader, academic rivals, he fell first, fluff, old money Gojo Satoru, abusive parents, slight slow burn, Satoru is a softy, secondary couple (Geto Suguru x oc), a bit of angst, no use of y/n, hurt/comfort, eventual smut, Gojo plays basketball, Gojo needs a hug
Notes: I’m beginning my studying time this upcoming weeks so expect chapters only on weekends. Remember you can send me requests for small stories with any jjk, op or aot characters, smut or fluff, except smut for minors like Megumi, Yuji, Nobara, etc.. Anyways thank you and have a great week 🤍
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Fic playlist
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You had arrived from work 20 minutes ago to be exact, in that time you had taken a shower and now you were making a coffee to go straight to studying. Tomorrow you had the exam and you had barely had any free time to study during the week. They had given you more work and the teamwork with Satoru had grown. Satoru. It was strange for you to call him by his name, it was even stranger to call him in class, so most of the time you tried not to do it, but Satoru, as clever as he was, had noticed it and had taken it as a new way to mess with you, in a good way of course.
You walked in silence to your room — Kyoko was studying for another of her subjects and her parents had gone to sleep a while ago. Making as little noise as possible you sat down at your desk and opened the book to the exercise page. Putting aside the hot cup of coffee, you sat up straight, ready to spend practically the entire night, making problems over and over again.
You knew you were going to pass the exam, thanks to Satoru's explanations you knew you would get it but you still wanted to pass it. It wasn't because you didn't want to go on that date with him, to tell the truth, right now you wouldn't mind doing it.
While you were thinking that, a smile appeared on your face, which you immediately shook off. If you liked Satoru better and if Kyoko had been right, your “hatred” towards him had always been stupid.
Taking your headphones and your mobile phone, you put on your study playlist on Spotify and began working through each of the problems, with the music filling your ears.
Close to 2 a.m., you decided to get up from the seat where you had been sitting for over two hours and walk around your room to stretch and clear your mind. Your hands ached from gripping the pen so tightly, and your bed was calling out to you to go to sleep.
Your phone, which was on the table, lit up, indicating that a new notification had arrived. Weird. It was 2 a.m.—who could it be?
You picked it up and looked at the notification.
Pain in the ass
Don't stay up too late and rest.
You'll do great tomorrow 💪
Feeling a mix of surprise and warmth flood through you, you read Satoru's message again, your heart fluttering at his unexpected gesture. Despite the late hour, his words brought a sense of comfort and encouragement that you hadn't realized you needed.
With a soft smile playing on your lips, you typed out a quick reply to him.
You to Pain in the ass
Thanks, Satoru.
Your message means a lot.
I'll make sure to get some rest, don’t worry.
Goodnight 💫
Sending the message, you set your phone back down on the table, you returned to your studies. But without being able to shake the feeling of warmth that lingered within you.
You heard your name being called in the distance, over and over again. It was Kyoko's voice. With your eyelashes still stuck together, you opened your eyes. In the end, you had fallen asleep while studying. At what point? You didn't know exactly.
“What are you doing here?” Kyoko asked, her eyes wide open.
“Your exam is in 45 minutes!”
You had fallen asleep. Damn, damn, damn. How was that possible? You got up from the chair and grabbed your phone. It hadn't rung.
“Kyoko…” You whispered, turning to look at her, feeling your chest tightening. “In 45 minutes, it's impossible for me to make it to class.” You had to take several transfers to get to the university, and usually, it took you more than an hour. “Shit... if I don't show up, I'll fail, and if I fail, they'll take away my scholarship, if they take away my scholarship, then I'll have to give up everything.” You were about to have a panic attack.
“Hey!” she grabbed your face to make you look at her. “If someone can drive you, then you'll make it on time.”
You nodded, it was true. If someone drove you, you would be there in 15 minutes. But who? Who could drive you?
And then your eyes widened as you realized there was someone. You grabbed the phone again and searched for his name among your contacts, dialing and praying that he would pick up.
“Hello!” The familiar voice came from the other end of the line. “It's rare for you to call me at…”
“Satoru!” You cried. “I fell asleep and I won't make it. Could you come pick me up by car?”
“I'll be there in less than 10 minutes, birdie.” And with that, the call ended.
You looked at Kyoko and sighed. “He said he'll be here in 10 minutes.” She looked at you in relief.
“Good, now start getting ready. You are still on your pajamas, I will prepare something for you to eat.” She started to walk away.
“Kyoko.” You called her, Kyoko looked at you from the door frame. “There is no need, you know I get extremely anxious with exams. I will eat something after the exam. Don’t worry.” She nodded and closed the door behind her.
You walked to your closet and looked for something to wear, needing to get ready quickly. You couldn't be late, nor could you keep Satoru waiting. While looking in the mirror, your phone started ringing. Turning on your heel, you approached it and picked up the phone.
“I'm outside.” Satoru's voice came through on the other end of the line.
“Alright, I'm coming out right now.” You said and hung up.
You grabbed your backpack and the notes from the table and hurried through the house. You waved goodbye to Kyoko and stepped outside, finding Satoru's car parked in front. With light steps, you approached the car and naturally got inside.
“I can't thank you enough.” You said as you settled into the seat.
“Birdie, you don't have to thank me for anything.” He said, shrugging and smiling at you. "Ready to go now?” You nodded and finished buckling your seatbelt.
Satoru made sure you had your seatbelt on and started the car. Leaving behind the neighborhood where you lived, Satoru entered the main road towards the university. You had never driven to university so the road was totally new for you.
You focused your eyes on the new view, seeing the high skyline of Tokyo and the different places ahead of you. You let a small sigh out of your lips.
While the car was still moving across the road, you subtly directed your gaze towards Satoru. You hadn't realized until now, but his blue eyes were covered by round sunglasses. As you looked at his profile you couldn't shake the growing feeling that he was in your stomach.
God Satoru Gojo is fucking handsome. You thought to yourself.
Shaking those thoughts away, you looked for your notes and opened them to review a little before the exam. Your leg began to move unconsciously, it was something that happened to you since you were little, when you were nervous.
A hand, that wasn’t yours, stopped the movement of your leg. This simple gesture caused a sensation that went straight through your whole body.
“Birdie.” Satoru’s voice echoed in the once silent car. “You will do it great…” His hand was still on your knee. And for some reason, it didn’t feel wrong or uncomfortable.
“I just…” You swallowed, trying to formulate a sentence. “I just want to make sure.”
Satoru nodded, still looking at the road before him and still having his hand on your leg. You wanted to tell him to move it. It was a gesture that felt way too intimate, way too comforting. You liked way too much.
You coughed and moved your leg, trying to make him move away his hand. He must have caught the gesture because he moved his hand away from your leg and grabbed the steering wheel again.
A feeling of emptiness and remorse settled in your chest. What an idiot you were.
The landscape began to become more familiar, as you were approaching the university. Luckily you were going to arrive in time for the exam, there were still 10 minutes left before it started. You heard Satoru murmur under his breath and felt the car slow down.
You turned to look at him to see what was happening. “What happened?”
“There is always a traffic jam at the entrance.” He explained to you. You paled for a moment to which Satoru noticing, tried to calm you down. “Birdie, there's time, we'll get there. I’ll make sure you get there.” That calmed your heart fluttering with nervousness.
The car moved slowly and the minutes started to pass, you were starting to enter the campus when the clock indicated that there were 5 minutes left for the start of the exam. You felt the car stopping right in front of your faculty.
“Go.” Satoru pointed at you with the head, you looked at him confused. “C’mon birdie, just go to the exam.”
“What about you?”
“I will find a place to park and go.” You were about to speak when Satoru spoke once again. “It’s okay, I will arrive on time and if I don’t then I will cry a little and the professor will let me in. I mean, look at this face.”
You huffed and unbuckled the car seat belt. “You better get there, because I don't want to beat you if you don't take the exam.” Satoru smiled and leaned on the steering wheel, lowering his glasses a little.
“Don't worry princess, that won't happen.”
Your cheeks turned crimson red upon hearing the new name he had given you. “Don't even think about calling me that again Gojo!” You threatened him, knowing that calling him by his last name would upset him.
“Sorry birdie, now go!” You nodded and turned around to start rushing toward the class.
Your legs moved quickly through the hallways, each step echoing through the halls of the university building. With every step, you felt the weight of your anxiety pressing down on you, urging you to move faster. Had your classroom always been this far away? It seemed like an eternity.
Finally, you reached the door to your classroom and skidded to a stop, leaning against the wall to catch the breath that had escaped your lungs. Your heart was pounding in your chest, the adrenaline from the sprint was still running through your veins, it had been a long time since you last practiced any type of exercise, so your body was no longer used to it. You took a moment to compose yourself, inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly as you tried to calm your racing pulse.
Now recovered, you entered the classroom and scanned the faces of your classmates. Most were already seated, their faces a mix of nervous anticipation and focused determination. Some, were deep in last-minute discussions, whispering fervently as they exchanged notes and assurances.
Taking your usual seat, you sank into the chair and let out a long sigh, the tension in your body slowly dissipating. But as you looked around the room, a knot of worry formed in your stomach. Satoru was nowhere to be seen. Was he still looking for a place to park?
Professor Tanaka's voice cut through the murmurs of the room, signaling the start of the exam. You looked nervously at the empty seat next to you, a sinking feeling settling in the pit of your stomach. If Satoru didn't arrive on time, it would be your fault. It had been you who had fallen asleep, who had made him come look for you. And now, he could lose the exam because of you. Panic gnawed at the edges of your mind as you waited, hoping against hope that he would arrive before it was too late.
You bowed your head, silently pleading for Satoru Gojo to appear at that exact moment. The minutes ticked by agonizingly slow, each second feeling like an eternity as you anxiously awaited his arrival.
Then, just as your hope was beginning to wane, the door swung open and there he was, Satoru Gojo, striding into the classroom with his trademark confidence.
“Gojo, you're late.” Teacher Tanaka's voice rang out, drawing your attention back to it.
Relief flooded through you as you looked up to see him standing there.
He is here.
“Sorry, sorry.” He chuckled, flashing a cocky smile as he made his excuse. “I couldn't find a place to park, but here I am.”
“Okay, now go and sit.” Professor Tanaka instructed, pointing towards his seat.
“Thank you.” Satoru replied with a grateful nod, walking confidently towards his desk, located right next to yours.
Calmly, Satoru settled down next to you and turned his head to look at you. At that moment, your eyes met and a sudden blush invaded you. Satoru gave you a warm, mischievous smile, accompanied by a playful wink that made you blush again, it was the second time in the day.
With determination, you decided to put any distractions related to Satoru Gojo out of your mind and focused on the exam that Professor Tanaka had just handed out. With a sigh, you gripped the pen firmly and began to read the questions carefully. To your surprise, from the first moment you felt comfortable and confident, understanding each statement clearly.
A satisfied smile spread across your face as you realized that this time was different; Your hours of studying with Satoru had paid off and now you felt ready to face the challenge. With each answer you wrote, your self-confidence grew, and that feeling of accomplishment propelled you to keep going.
Concentrated and focused on your skills, you solved each problem with precision and efficiency.
After 45 minutes, you felt Satoru get up from his seat, drawing curious looks from most of your classmates. Satoru, with his characteristic playful smile, approached the teacher and handed him the exam. He didn't surprise you since he was always the first to finish the exams.
As Satoru walked towards the professor, some murmurs of surprise and admiration were heard around him. He watched as he confidently handed in his exam, exchanging a few brief words with the professor before returning to his seat.
Despite his quickness, you noticed that Satoru didn't seem worried about the outcome. He always had that carefree self-assurance that made him stand out. Meanwhile, you continued working on the exam calmly and focused, solving each question at your own pace.
Satoru's attitude was simply part of his energetic and self-confident personality. No matter the situation, he always seemed to be one step ahead. But this time I would get over it, yes you would.
You looked at your completed exam and with a smile you stood up from your seat. You walked past Satoru and gave him a subtle glance while wrinkling your nose and flashing your proud smile. You walked up to Professor Tanaka's table and handed her your test.
Turning on your heel you returned to your seat, watching as Satoru kept his gaze fixed on you while he smiled at you with a hand on his chin. You sat down in your seat and directed your gaze towards Satoru, he raised his thumb at him, wondering if he had done well for you, to which you nodded happily.
You turned your head and started looking out the window, while you waited for the exam to end. The minutes passed slowly, as you watched the students go from one side to the other across the campus. You felt like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders and thanks in part to the help of the person you would have least imagined. Satoru Gojo.
It had been over a month since you were paired up for the project, and in that time, you had become closer, as much as it was hard for you to admit. Over the past two weeks, you found that your attitude towards him, as well as your feelings, changed.
With each passing day, your interactions with him became more meaningful and you couldn't help but notice the subtle changes in your emotions. What started as a group project duo you hated and loathed was turning into something deeper, something that stirred your heart in unexpected ways. And something that scared you greatly with every movement you made.
The class was filled with noise and agitated movements of your classmates — the exam was over. You sighed letting out the air of tension and stood up from your seat. Only to run into Satoru looking at you carefully with those blue eyes again. Did he ever look away from you?
“How was birdie?” He smiled at you.
You smiled widely, showing your teeth. “Perfect. I’m going to win our bet.” You challenged him.
“Oh.” He formed an 'o' with his lips. “I can't wait to see that.” A smile appeared on his lips.
“Satoruuuuu.” A voice approached both of you, it was one of your classmates, you saw them a couple of time but never interacted with them.
“Hey.” Satoru smiled with a flirtatious smile drawn on his face, you rolled your eyes at the gesture.
“Satoru, I was wondering.” They looked around and also looked at you. And you swore the gaze wasn’t a nice one. “I’m really bad at this subject and well you’re the best.” To which Satoru nodded with a smile. “I was wondering if you could help me study, we could meet up after classes and you could teach me.” They started touching Satoru’s arm which made an unpleasant sensation run through your body.
Satoru took their hand and placed it far away from him. “Sorry but I don't give private classes.” You looked at him confused, that was clearly a lie. “Now, we will be leaving. Birdie, let’s go?” You looked at him still confused with the lie he just told.
As both of you began to walk away, you overheard the friends of your classmate approaching them.
“I thought she couldn't stand him.” One of them remarked.
“Yeah, and apparently he's been giving her private classes.” Another added.
“Yeah, you know what type of private classes, right?” One of them chuckled. “Her knees must be all red.” The group erupted into laughter.
You rolled your eyes at the disgusting rumors, but over the years, you had learned to ignore such talk behind your back.
Suddenly, Satoru's voice cut through the air. He was no longer beside you. When did he move? “Repeat that if you dare.” He said. “Did you really think I wouldn't hear you with a voice so piercing it echoes throughout the classroom?” A shiver ran down your spine. You had never seen Satoru angry or heard him speak in such a tone. And judging by the stares directed at him, neither had anyone else.
“I…” The person who made the comment stuttered, trembling with fear at the sight of Satoru Gojo's imposing figure and fierce glare.
“What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?” Satoru taunted.
“Satoru.” The one who had approached him earlier to ask for a private class stepped forward. “My friend didn't mean it that way.”
“Is that so?” Satoru said snorting. “Then what did they mean?”
“Satoru.” Your classmate insisted, looking somewhat uncomfortable under Satoru's piercing gaze. “They were just joking around, you know how it is.”
Satoru's expression remained stern, his eyes fixed on the group. “Joking around about what, exactly?” He demanded, his voice laced with a simmering anger.
The group exchanged nervous glances, realizing they were caught in an uncomfortable situation. “We... we didn't mean anything by it.” One of them mumbled.
“And what exactly did you mean, then?” He pressed, his voice low and threatening.
One of the friends stammered, struggling to find words under Satoru's intense scrutiny. “We... we were just messing around, you know?” They muttered weakly.
Satoru's eyes narrowed, his patience becoming thinner with each word that was coming out of their mouths. “Messing around at whose expense?” He snapped, his voice rising with anger.
The group flinched. “We... we didn't mean to offend anyone.” Another one muttered.
You almost laughed out loud hearing them.
Satoru took a step forward, his presence dominating the space between them. “Words have consequences.” He growled. “Think before you speak, or face the consequences.”
With that, Satoru turned on his heel and walked away, leaving the group stunned into silence. As he approached you, you could see his face relaxing and his anger slowly dissipating.
“Sorry about that.” He said, his tone softer now. “You are okay?”
You nodded, not giving much importance to the words of people you didn’t know.
Together, you continued on your way, leaving behind the echoes of the confrontation. As you walked, you couldn't help but give small gazes at Satoru, you wouldn’t have thought Satoru would have stepped out just for you but he did.
Arriving at the cafeteria, you sat one in front of the other and with a cup on each hand.
“Thank you.” You whispered. “For you know, stepping in. There was no need…”
“What do you mean there was no need?” He left his cup on the table. “They were bad mouthing you, trying to create rumors that were no true.”
“People like to talk.” You shrugged casually. “At the end of the day the important thing is what the people who matter to you think about you. Not those with whom you have never exchanged a word and surely never will. They talk because their lives are so extremely boring that to satisfy that void they have, they have to fill it with lies and bad words about others.” You picked up your cup and calmly sipped it again.
You didn't care if people talked behind your back, yes sometimes those words like knives could stab you hard. But at the end of the day those people were insignificant to you, the people you cared about weren't those people so if they wanted to think that you had been sucking Satoru Gojo's cock, then they should. With that story created in their heads, you knew that envy was eating away at them.
“No.” You observed as Satoru's fists tightened on the table, his expression a blend of frustration and indignation. “It doesn't matter if you'll never interact with those people, or if they mean nothing to you. No one deserves to be spoken about in the way they did there.” He declared, his voice carrying a hint of intensity. “You don't deserve that, birdie. You don't deserve anyone speaking ill of you. Because you are truly wonderful and only deserve good and praising words.”
His words resonated deeply, igniting a warmth in your chest as if a comforting flame had been kindled. It was remarkable how Satoru possessed the ability to evoke such a profound sense of reassurance with just a few simple words.
As you met his earnest gaze, you felt your cheeks warmer.
“You’re an idiot.” You said hiding your face in the coffee cup.
Satoru looked at you offended. "What have I done?" He cried.
You were about to reply when your phone started to sound on your bag. “Hi.” You said.
The happy voice of Haibara sounded on the other side of the phone singing your name. “I was calling you to tell you that tomorrow we will be closing the store. So you don’t have to come, you are free!”
“Oh!” You gasped in surprise. “That’s great! But nothing happened right?”
“Nop.” He popped out the ‘p’. “Just enjoy your weekend. Now I need to leave! Bye!” And with that he hanged out.
You looked at you phone for an instant. “What happened?” Satoru spoke.
“Nothing.” You put your phone aside. “Haibara called me, he wanted to tell me that tomorrow I would be free.”
“Great.” He smiled. “The basketball team is having a party at the disco. Wanna come?” He cockily looked at you.
“Are you inviting me out, Satoru Gojo?” You raised an eyebrow. “The results for the exam aren’t out yet.” You challenged him.
“Oh princess if I win the bet I won’t be taking you out to an ugly club.” There it was again that new nickname that turned yourself on.
“Gojo.” You replied with a mocking tone. “Don't even think about calling me that.”
“Kyoko is coming.” He said ignoring your words.
“How do you know that?”
“Suguru is my best friend and Kyoko is his girlfriend, duh.” He said sticking his tongue out.
“I will think about it.”
“Pretty please.” He said pouting.
“I didn’t know the great Satoru Gojo could pout like a puppy.” You mocked.
“Oh for you I would that and much more.”
The conversation was taking an unexpected turn, entering a territory that felt strangely flirtatious. Were you inadvertently sending signals, or was Satoru intentionally leading the interaction in that direction?
You shook your head, dismissing the thought as absurd. No, that couldn't be it. Surely, it was just a result of the comfortable rapport you shared as friends, nothing more. And Satoru, well, he was just being his usual charismatic self, right?
But despite your attempts to rationalize it, a nagging doubt lingered in the back of your mind. Could there be something more to these exchanges? Or were you simply overthinking things?
You couldn't deny it, you felt attracted to his presence and appreciated the moments you spent together. And as your connection had deepened, so had your feelings that blossomed within you.
You still didn't want to admit that something had changed in you regarding Satoru Gojo. But you knew it was there, your feelings for him were undeniable and showed no signs of fading.
You brushed off those thoughts, chalking it up to imagination. After all, you and Satoru were just friends, nothing more, nothing less. At least, that's what you kept telling yourself.
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Note: a more transitory chapter than other thing, but the real shit is about to start in the next chapter.
—if you want to be tagged comment below
🏷️: @lavender-hvze, @crybabytoru, @sanriosatoru, @norvacaine, @sadmonke, @faetoraa , @hexipessimistic, @gojoful , @kitzusune, @sh0jun , @manyno , @ropickle , @lolsasuke , @milk3evee
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casualaruanienjoyer · 2 months
Where would these Aot characters take you on a date?
Armin: The beach. Obviously! This man is in LOVE with the ocean, but somehow today he's not gazing at the waves. He's gazing at you! This is why he ends up tripping on a rock and landing face first in the water.
Mikasa: A fun walk through a market. She loves checking out things she hasn't tried yet with you. You end up buying so many goodies that Mikasa has to carry them for you...with her strong arms...
Jean: A romantic dinner. It's a 5 star restaurant, amazing food, specially picked table. He's even wearing a suit. It would be great....if he didn't book the wrong date.
Connie: The cinema! Big fun action movie with awesome super heroes fighting bad guys and he keeps going on and on about cameos... you fall asleep halfway through and he steals your popcorn.
Eren: An arcade! You two spend hours and hours playing all sorts of games together, and you beat Eren every time. He does manage to win you a cute plushie at the crane machine....after god knows how many coins were inserted.
Levi: Takes you on a cruise/boat trip down the canal, coffee and tea included. It's very nice and quiet and there aren't many other people on board. He steals a kiss from you as you're busy admiting the sights.
Hange: TO THE MUSEUM! You spend so many hours making fun of stupid looking statues and paintings. Hange gets a bit too close to one of the exhibits and triggers the alarms. You run away before security catches you.
Pieck: Escape room. But unlike the usual, Pieck is doing everything in her power to make sure YOU don't escape her. You get kicked out for making out in the escape room.
Onyankopon: He has the same idea as Levi, but you two are late to the cruise... so instead he rents a swan boat and you end up paddling around a lake. It's so hilarious and your cheeks hurt from laughing at all his fun stories.
Reiner: You two go for a walk in the park. You feed a squirrel for the first time and that makes you incredibly excited.... until you notice Reiner being chased around by a group of angry swans. He's heading towards you. RUN!
Annie: she didn't outright invite you here, but you found a note in your bag asking you to come to this dessert shop at 1pm, so you did. You didn't expect to find Annie here, waiting for you. She threatens you into buying her one of each dessert available and you go broke.
Sasha: Somehow you end up at a buffet together, typical. You have no idea how many plates you've already eaten and end up in a food coma. Next time, you're choosing the place!
Yelena: Axe throwing bar. Is this really a date? You keep asking this question in your head over and over again as Yelena throws axe after axe towards you.
Zeke: Zoo! It's been really fun seeing lots of animals you've never seen before. But you spend an awful amount of time at the monkey enclosure. Zeke ends up freeing some of them and you two are now wanted by the police. Great.
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nuri148 · 5 months
My Take on Levi's Age
I originally wrote this as a rb addition to another post. I've been meaning to make it a stand alone post since then, and with all the talk about Levi's age since the publication of bad boy, here it is, finally.
If you ask me, Levi could not have been more that 4-5 years old at the time Kenny found him around 829.
He's severely malnourished, probably spent several days cloistered in the room with Kuchel with nothing to eat. So my guess is that, though he was old enough to speak and understand Kuchel was dead (even if he could not quite grasp the bigger concept of Death), he was too young to go out and procure himself and his mum some food, be it by stealing or begging. And for that, he's need to be very young.
I lived in Greater Buenos Aires more than half of my life (the infamous "conurbano"), and I've seen lots of very small kids, 4-5 years old, begging like pros for either change or food. It's unfortunately very common in impoverished areas. And I wasn't even in the bad ones. So, in that aspect, the Underground wouldn't be different from our villas or Brazil's favelas.
Kuchel was a prostitute. She wouldn't want Levi to witness her at work. It is fair to think that as soon as he was old enough to cross the street she'd let him roam and go play with other kids while mummy's busy. There, he'd quickly learn how to come by a piece of moldy bread to stave hunger.
So in order to just sit starving by his mother instead of going out looking for help, Levi must have been young enough that his mum could still keep him under wraps; too young to know his way about the Underground's streets, too much of a rookie in terms of using his charm or his cunning to get a bit of food.
Uri Reiss inherited the Founding Titan in 829. BUT, nowhere does it say that Kenny's encounter with Uri happens right after the latter became a titan. So Kenny might have joined Uri up to a couple of years after 829 (not many, as Rod Reiss still looks young in that flashback).
So Kenny finds Levi between 829 and 831; And Levi is 4-5 then, meaning he was born, at earliest, in 823 (considering his b-day is only one week before the year's end, that'd make him 5 in for most of 829) and latest in 825 (same if Kenny found him in 831). That makes him 10-12 years older than Eren and company. , ~20 when he joins the SC, ~26 during seasons 1-3, ~30 after the time skip, and ~33 in the epilogue.
"But Yams said he was thirty-somethiiiing!"
TLDR: I wouldn't consider canon some spur-of-the-moment answer given by Yams in a panel where he's probably tired, nervous, and doesn't have his timeline handy.
Allow me to speak here as a writer: the whims of your imagination often don't align with the logic of what needs to go on the page. So it is perfectly possible to imagine your character in a way that is inconsistent with your timeline. You see them with short hair and summer clothes fixing lunch in their sunny kitchen in a scene and, when they move to the dining room you see them with hair 4 inches longer and serving supper as a snowstorm rages outside. When you write it, you're going to have to pick up one, and go back to your notes often for continuity after, bc your brain keeps forever placing the kitchen in sunny summer and the living room in a winter night. Oh, and they're both simultaneously on the ground and the second floor. Escher pictures make more sense.
The story of AoT spans many years, so we don't know which year Levi is the default Levi in Yams' brain. It could even be the Levi from the time skip, or from a future after the last chapter that only exists in his imagination. Also, Yams has bungled up numbers before so, personally, I don't trust him much in that department.
In any case, Math is a hard science, so if Kenny found Levi with 4-5 years in 829, he can't be 30+ in 850. 5+21=26. No matter what Yams says.
Additional notes:
The original post. With additions. I recommend reading the quoted twitter thread.
Another, recent twitter thread on Levi's age
A lengthy post by an actual psychologist providing scientific foundation for Levi's age when Kenny finds him.
I saw yet another post on Levi's age recently, but I can't find the link rn and I have to make lunch. if/when I find it, I'll add it (and others I may come across)
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lowkeyremi · 1 year
mayaaaaa !! so your aot fluff just sent my soul back to my levi fanfic phase 😭😭 can you please please write more of levi with his younger lover ??? i need to know all about it !!! how do they cuddle? how did they get together? what’s he like in public with them????
love you lots <33
OFC!! This is such a cute concept i'm excited to write this >:3 AND ILY TOO <333
It's not required but if you haven't read the first part you might wanna do that :)
CW: None, just fluff
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First encounter:
The two of you met when he was on a business trip. You and your friends were shopping for new clothes and he was at the store for a new tie, because according to his boss, "you wear that same tie all the time, Ackerman. This meeting is really important so try to look nice."
When you saw him it was game over. Funny thing is you didn't even try to hide it either, your eyes widened, your jaw was on the floor, and everything.
"That guy is so hot! You should talk to him." Your friend squeals.
"No way in hell, he's probably married! That'd be so weird." You argue in return. Your friend didn't give up though.
"Excuse me, sir! If you're looking for a tie my friend can help you look for one! She used to work in retail." Her voice is sweet when talking to him. If that super hot guy hadn't been right there you would have smacked her.
He didn't say anything at first, he looked you up and down. "He's checking you out!" She whisper-yelled. You elbowed her in the rib.
"I have a suit that looks like- you know what let me just look for a picture." He says, and what the hell... his voice is like silk.
You walk over to him. "Here it is." The suit is a dark gray, with a white undershirt. Your eyes scan his phone, it's an older outdated model and you can't help but giggle.
"Is gray a bad color for me?" He asks, with sarcasm.
"No no! It's just.. what model is your phone? It looks old." His brows furrow as he inspects his phone.
"I don't know, I got it a long time ago." He says with a shrug, "It works just fine."
"Sorry sorry. What kind of tie do you have right now? If you have one." You say trying to be inclusive.
"The one I usually wear is black but this is a special occasion so I need something else." You hum lightly while looking around.
"Okay, I'm thinking blue. Specifically dark blue." He nods and you two look around for a dark blue tie without patterns because he's basic.
Out of the corner of your eye your friends are making smooching faces and other romantic gestures. You're going to end them later.
"I found one thanks for the help." He says.
"Of course!" Fuck, too happy?
He stares at you for a moment, and you stare back before looking away. You take a step back and clear your throat.
"C-can.. I get your number?" Your foot is tapping and you're looking everywhere except for at him.
"Yeah, sorry if my calls don't go through because of my crappy phone." He says with a small.. smile?
You stare for a second in silence.
"That was my attempt at making a joke, it was bad." He says with a sigh.
"Yeah... we're gonna need to work on that. What's your name Mr. Gloomy?" You hand over your phone, you have the dial screen open so he can put in his number.
"Levi Ackerman." That small smile returns.
"I'll see you around, Levi."
In public:
Turns out you were actually the one who wasn't big on telling people about you at first. Levi is proud of everything he does. In all honesty you were slightly embarrassed by having an older boyfriend.
"What if people think you're my sugar daddy or something?" You reason.
"I'm not that old." He rolls his eyes.
"Why does it matter what other people think of our relationship anyway? They're not dating you, I am." He explains. He makes it sound like common sense, which it is, but you still think it's a little awkward.
"I mean it doesn't matter too much but-"
"I respect your decision. I'm not huge on PDA but I'd at least like people close to me to know." He explains rubbing his hand up and down your thigh. You grab his hand (which happens to be very veiny and pretty) and kiss it.
"Thanks, Levi."
When you did tell everyone... you were all over him. Levi was never big on PDA but he didn't mind giving you a little kiss or holding your hand.
The only time he's really touching you in public is one someone's hitting on you. Levi gets scared that you'll find someone younger than him.
"Did you want to go out sometime?" Your new co-worker asks you. He doesn't know you have a boyfriend but you've been rejecting him all week.
You check your phone to see that Levi's just arrived. Your shift ended early today and he promised to come get you and take you out.
"Um no than-"
"Are you ready to go, baby?" Levi's voice is confident and smug. The guy looks over to Levi and then to you. His face flushes and he starts to stammer.
"U-uh sorry. I... I didn't know." Levi exhales as the guy walks away in a hurry.
"You should call me that more often." You chime in with a cheeky smirk.
"I do." He offers you his hand. When you take it, he leads the way to his black cadillac.
"I mean yeah! But not outside of the house."
"I'm working on it... baby."
Meeting the parents:
To your surprise they were very accepting of Levi.
"They've always been very childish. I'm so glad they found someone to keep them in shape." Your mother was embarrassing as always.
"Take care of them." Your father had said.
Levi nodded and they stood there awkwardly.
"Um dad! Levi works for a law firm! Isn't that something? You've always wanted me to get into law school, remember?" Your attempt to change the subject worked.
"I did, but you never wanted to. Always said "Dad! I don't wanna sit at a desk all day!" What law firm do you work for Levi?" It must be a parent's job to embarrass their child.
"Oh I work for..."
That convo went on forever.
"Hello, Mrs. and Mr. Ackerman." Levi nodded, which motivated you to place down the bouquet of Mrs. Ackerman's favorite flowers on her gravestone.
"You guys seemed like great people from what Levi told me. I'm taking care of him, he's not a lonely loser anymore." Tears are welling up but nothing comes out, you smile softly.
"I was never a loser." His eye roll doesn't go unnoticed by you.
"If that's what makes you feel better, then okay. Anyway, I wish I could have had the chance to meet you guys. Mrs. Ackerman I can see why your husband married you. You were fine as hell. That must be where Levi gets it from." You rant with a little giggle.
"I look more like my father." He reminds you.
"Yeah yeah, this isn't about you. I'm trying to meet your parents." You wave him away and continue to talk to the Ackermans.
"I think they would have liked you, a little weirded out by you at first but in the end they would have loved you like you were their own." Two arms wrap around you and then those tears fall. Out of all your relationships none have ever made you feel this loved and wanted.
"Boop!" Levi almost bites your finger this time.
"Stop "booping" me. It's annoying." He's facing you while in bed, those dark, onyx eyes look into yours. God he's so beautiful.
"I'm bored, let's get up." That's probably the tenth time you've said that to him.
"We agreed on fifteen more minutes of cuddling." Levi is a cuddler. In previous relationships you've complained about not being cuddled enough.
Levi is all about physical affection inside of the household. You love it, but at times like right now, you just crave to move around.
He's peppering your face with kisses, your eyelids, your nose, your cheeks, everywhere. The cherry on top is that he smiles when he hears you chuckle at his actions.
"Okay now we can get up, since you're so impatient." Those snuggly arms let go of your body so you can go get ready for the day.
"I love you Levi!" He hesitates upon hearing you say that before responding, "I love you too."
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In conclusion Levi is literally like a dad who has to keep one of those little kid backpack leash things on his kid (you) lol he loves you tho <3
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umeoniii · 1 year
aot women beige flags!
٩( 'ω' )و
mikasa, hange, annie, sasha, ymir, pieck
☆ gets super sick easily
and these sicknesses literally beat her ass
she just has a super weak immune system
can go out one time then when she comes back home she’s literally stuck in bed like it’s her dying days.
a common cold for her is like the plague
it seems as if she’s an old victorian child lying in her bed asking her mother for bread and water.
☆ somehow physic
not so much now, it’s not like she has powers
but she has a ‘6th sense’ and she can tell when something bad is going to happen
first time she did it you thought she was joking around
but then she was right because the building next to you caught fire (cooking error…)
you were totally scared of her after that bcs what if she was behind it
then you forgave her (she did nothing wrong?) and tried to convince her to give you a fortune
then she proceeded to tell you that’s not what the sixth sense is for
☆ really likes playing games
hanges a sore loser though.
this is super funny
super competitive with stuff like board games and video games. and she takes it seriously.
when she loses she takes it to heart.
she’ll throw a temper tantrum and get upset and everything.
she’ll do anything to win as well. cheats and switches the game all she wants, especially when she’s actually winning. but when you try to do it it’s all “no no that’s not how you play!”
you DO NOT want to play uno with hange. enough said
☆ makes impressions of people in public.
let’s say you’re in the car parked and you see a couple sitting on the bench talking.
she’ll give them names and make a voice and act what she thinks is their conversation.
it’s far funnier than it sounds.
if she sees a couple and their friend,
“eh barbra? i didn’t know you were gonna invite your annoying friend, you know how much i hate her!” she’d snicker while staring at the three people
and there’s actually times where you hate it bcs of how unserious she acts.
sometimes she would invite you along to voice someone else
and she would just sit and laugh like it’s the funniest thing ever!
☆ bargain queen
has coupons for everything in the whole wide world
she has all the apps for everyplace she goes so she’ll get some kind of deal.
her total at the grocery store would go from $135 to $80 bcs she’s a diehard user of coupons
she makes u use them as well and stuffs some in your wallet
she’s a karen for these things as well
if the price tag says it’s ‘$3.12’ then it’s ‘$3.12’ whether the seller says “well that’s last weeks price”
she’ll say “well maybe you should’ve changed it, how would the manager feel if i told them you’re not doing youre job?”
and she’d get it for $3.12
☆ greets an animal before she greets a person
if she seems someone she knows walking their dog she won’t even look at them let alone speak to them
she’ll crouch and pet the dog and start baby talking to them before she gets up and says something to the walker
she actually likes animals a lot
more than ppl
she’d have some kind of shirt displaying that as well
“im more of a dog person than a people person”
☆ cant stay on track in a conversation
she could be talking to you about something she heard about someone. then she’ll be like, “speaking of her i remember when me and her went out for these awesome burgers.”
THEN she’ll say “wait because i was actually contemplating going vegan…. what do you think?”
the whole convo switches topics every 2 minutes or so.
you get so confused as to how the conversation went from work drama to when she thinks the world is going to end.
☆ takes the first bite of your food
it’s an unspoken rule.
she doesn’t even say “to test it for poison” she just does it because she wants
trying something new? she gets the first bite. you haven’t ate all day? she still gets the first bite. it’s your favorite food in the whole wide world? two words: first. bite.
and it’s not even a small bite, it’s the BIGGEST chomp she could take.
you’ve gotten so used to it that you don’t care. you just shove it in her face.
because if you were being honest if she just suddenly stopped you’d be concerned and sad.
☆ cannot take some things seriously
she could be out w you at a restaurant and see this waiter’s name on their tag
it’s not even pronounced “gay lord” but “gaylerd”
she’ll turn around and start hysterically laughing she doesn’t even care that the waiters right there
you can tell her a story from work or something that’s completely serious and she’ll still laugh no matter what
☆ lies out of her ass for no reason
you could tell her you tried some cool new exotic food and she’ll be like
“oh i had that when i was 5 and i almost died because i’m allergic to the spices in it”
and it’s kind of obvious it’s a lie but you don’t even say anything bcs she rides hard to defend herself and say it’s the truth
she’ll even go as far as editing photos and calling other people so it would be more believable
she sometimes doesn’t even lie to be funny but just out of habit
these aren’t bad kind of lies and she tells the truth when needed but she still b lyin..
☆ cannot save money for her life
she can put aside some money for important stuff and it would be gone in a flash
worst part is the money is wasted on totally useless stuff
like finger puppets
what are you gonna do with finger puppets when you’re stranded for miles?
tries harder to not let it happen
then it happens again and she tries to justify it by saying that maybe a corn butterer was a great investment
(it wasn’t)
☆ can sleep anywhere at anytime
we all know this don’t we…
but it’s horrible
restaurants, floor, toilet
she could probably go to sleep in the club if she’s tired enough
she doesn’t look dead when she sleeps (unlike connie)
she looks very calm whether she’s in a deep sleep or taking a power nap
and she probably gets a decent amount of sleep at night, she just naps bcs… she wants to?
a/n: at least 3 of these stories are actually real things i’ve faced with friends and family LOL so this is so funny to me. some of these aren’t even beige flags and are lowkey hcs, let’s just pretend alr!
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anystalker707 · 1 year
Pairing: Reiner Braun x [gender neutral] Reader Summary: Reiner doesn't understand those things you make him feel. Tags: Reiner is actually very soft / Lots of kissing ! A/N: I never wrote for aot on tumblr, so why not not proofread
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          Reiner knew you were one of them devils; he had imprinted in his mind every bad thing the Eldians had done and why he should hate everyone on that island, but he could find even more reasons to hate you. You were... worse than the others. Something about you just didn’t tick and made him despise even being near you. No one really understood what was going on—though Reiner could see Connie and Sasha bugging Bertholdt with stupid theories that made Reiner angrier. Why couldn’t they just leave him alone? Why couldn’t you just leave him alone?
Still, there you were, either oblivious to how Reiner never cracked a genuine smile when talking with you or just not caring about it. Where the fuck was Bertholdt? He was there just a moment ago, but then you showed up and started talking to Reiner and Bertholdt just vanished. Annie wasn’t anywhere in sight, so he had an idea.
Still, why weren’t you talking with your friends instead? Or just annoying Jean as he would see you do, sometimes? Even just sit around, as he planned to do since it was mostly a day to learn how to get stuff from one side of the wall to the other and put some stuff in action. Some of you had already finished it all, but there were some stupid people like Eren and that friend of his that couldn’t get stuff done or kept talking with Hange instead.
“Do you think people actually take Hange seriously at some point? I mean, regarding their stuff.” You asked, keeping following Reiner around despite how he had already started walking quite far from the rest already. “Like, Hange’s experiments sound useful, even if people don’t really pay attention to them a lot. They’re cool, too.”
Reiner almost had a permanent scowl on his face as he faced forward, hands clenched into fists as he kept wondering when the hell you’d shut up. It was getting on his nerves. He noticed that you were far away enough for no one to see either of you, among some of the trees near the walls, then grabbed you by the collar of your shirt to bring you closer, making you stumble between your words until falling silent.
“What do you want from me?” Reiner clicked his tongue, looking at you closely. Your eyes had that confusing air as you looked at him, with a surprised hint. “Are you stupid or something?”
A breath escaped your lips and you twisted your mouth a little, eyebrows furrowed. Your breath tickled his face a little, fanning over it as you finally let out a breath after a small gasp. “I know that I’m not the most pleasing person ever to be around, but I thought that going along with you could somehow be useful, y’know, big guy? Like, we’re going to be working together—”
Reiner just couldn’t figure out how to make you shut up. His eyes scanned yours, your cheeks, then your lips, and... Fuck, he was weak. Annie was so right, but she wasn’t there anyways, so he tried to push the thought to the back of his mind as he leaned in and pressed his lips to yours, finally getting his much-desired silence. It was nice, creating a light atmosphere, but the pleasure he got from the silence certainly was nothing near the way your lips felt against his.
Your lips felt better than anything Reiner could have fantasized about while staring at the barrack’s ceiling while trying to sleep at night, or once or twice while observing you chat with the others.
When he pulled away, though, the flustered and surprised look on your face made Reiner’s heart ache—why did you have to be like that? Making him feel those... things.
“R-Reiner?” You looked at him, a little breathless, and only bits of words came from you without the ability to form any coherent thoughts given the fuzzy mind. It was amusing, in a way. “I— Um, that was very good, but you could’ve, y’know, maybe have warned me? That’d be nice, but I’m not really complaining, you’re actually hot, I—” There you went with another nervous rant that just got on Reiner’s nerves.
Reiner took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, but it didn’t help the slightest bit. You actually liked that? You thought Reiner was hot? The thoughts raced through his mind, and when he felt your hands on his wrists, holding them, and yeah, damn, he was still holding onto your collar. He let go slowly, but your hands held on his own, your thumbs slipping inside his palms and Reiner just had to kiss you again to see if that silence would return, if the damn voices inside his head would stop for a little. He didn’t need Bertholdt and Annie giving him lectures in his mind when they already did it in real life.
You were actually kissing back this time, your lips trying to find the perfect face to match his as your grip tightened around his hands a little; were you really into this?
Reiner groaned both at the sensation and at the thoughts, which he pushed away and decided to focus on making the kiss enjoyable because he could finally figure out what it was to touch you. His hand found the back of your neck, holding onto his as he deepened the kiss a little just so he could make it a little slower to guide you better; the new position had your hand slipping to his upper arm instead, holding where his shoulder muscles dived to meet his biceps. Your other hand twitched around his own, but he managed to free it from your grip to hold onto your hip instead.
Nonetheless, it was intense, hence neither of you had your breaths at a steady pace anymore, gasping now and then, going at that messy pace that just came to a halt because the way Reiner pushed you back against a tree made a sound escape your lips. You immediately pulled away, eyes wide and cheeks warm while you tried to come up with an excuse just to be silenced by another kiss—if anything, Reiner expected it and wanted to hear more of those, something he easily achieved when he kissed you again.
The way you were in a mess made it so easy for Reiner to push his tongue into your mouth, trying to take in each of the sounds that escaped your throat so he could keep them in his mind for later. Reiner’s tongue pressed to yours, gliding against it and trying to find out what he needed to do so you’d make more sounds.
Reiner could feel your touch on his other shoulder, but it was all interrupted again by the sound of a twig breaking. Both of you immediately pulled away and looked in the direction of the sound—a rabid sat there, its nose twitching before it hopped into a bush again.
Both of you let out the breaths you’d been holding about at the same time, the grip on each other loosening a little, but it was still there.
Reiner’s cheeks felt unusually warm when he looked at you again, gulping as he saw the state he’d left you in; your lips were swollen and shiny with spit. He adjusted his grip on the back of your neck and rubbed it in a soothing motion until he could feel the tension let go of you at least a little.
You didn’t know where to look, still holding onto his upper arms with a firm grip, but your eyes would now and then take quick looks at his lips. Reiner didn’t waste time, leaning in and giving you a kiss that now was nothing but sweet. He went for many short kisses this time, enjoying the softness it had now.
For the first time, Reiner was in your presence without feeling annoyed by how pretty you looked while laughing with the others, or by the way you’d hug the others and nod him.  He was actually thankful you had tagged along. That discomfort in his chest was filled with something warm he couldn’t quite comprehend, but it was certainly something he didn’t want to let go of.
⋆。‧₊°꧁ ༺𓆩❦︎𓆪༻ ꧂‧₊˚.⋆
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moonspirit · 25 days
I remember an anonymous asked about if Mr. Leonhart still abuse, hit her. But this time what would be Mikasa and hitch's reaction? What would they do or say?
Like Mikasa and hitch are together for some reason and they saw bruises and cuts on Annie, and Infront of them, saw Mr. Leonhart physically abusing, hitting Annie.
For Mikasa, they are close, aside from the fact that Annie and his childhood friend Armin are together, became close after comforting each other when both having a breakdown, and the okapi scene, and the fact that Annie is her old rival and still rival too but friends, when they are cadets she also respect Annie, and even now she also saw Annie as her equal, in fighting... So seeing Annie letting herself get abuse and hit by the same man that's the reason she fights for the Marley, that she waited for (9 years?) just to see him? Nuh uh I don't think Mikasa would just stand there and watch that man hit and abuse her friend and rival..
And for hitch, seeing this, her former roommate, who's so strong, who fights them to death for her father, who would do anything just to get back to him, get hit and abuse by the same man? The same man that the reason why Annie keep fighting, and the same reason that Annie told her would kill anyone again just to jet back to him? I think hitch would explode, like her friend who would sacrifice everything just to get back to him, that she herself help Annie to escape just to get back to her father, would hit her? Nuh uh uh, I believe that hitch would take me. Leonhart's cane and idunno wanted to hit him so bad...
Both would be uhh disbelief, seeing once an enemy, a strong soldier warrior who would fight anyone and anything are letting her self get abuse, hit, hurt, beaten, and injured.... Just because she loves him the most and the person she only wanted to seek love, since no one gives her, since her biological parents abandoned her...
(Please go too into details!!)
Hello there!
Oohhhh it's a Hitchannie Mikaani ask! (well, kind of).
It's always very lovely to think of these three in the same space and scene. Annie inviting all the women of the AoT world to become unintentionally and uninhibitedly attached to her will always be funny xD
But let's get to it!
Between Hitch and Mikasa, it's the latter who's more prone to losing her temper and acting on impulse. Combined with her Ackerman strength, if she was to see Annie being hit by her father before her eyes, it wouldn't surprise me if she immediately went to defend Annie from being abused any further, going as far as to hurt Mr. Leonhardt for it in some way (like twisting his arm behind his back or knocking him down to the ground). This can also give rise to a certain angst to be had between Annie and Mikasa; one lost both parents in brutal murders, while one only has a father and treasures him like her life depends on it. If Mikasa hurts Mr. Leonhardt in the process of protecting Annie, she would maybe have to face the question of, "Do you even know what it's like to finally get back to your only family?"
With Hitch... her way of protecting Annie could be a lot more of personal and verbal attacks. Being aware of Annie's motivation for doing all the damage she did, it would be particularly horrifying to see that very same motivation hit and abuse her former gloomy roommate. Like a personal betrayal. Hitch really became so attached to Annie that she spent a great deal of her time and energy worrying about her; it gives a lot away for a person who always seemed very careful about where her efforts really went. It's also something of a protective mode she has around Annie tbh; that realization that such a touch, dangerous and strong person was driven only by a desperation to be united with someone - a very soft purpose, you see? A contrast, so to speak. Hitch would spit in Mr. Leonhardt's face (metaphorically... for the most part...) and call him out on his violent behaviour and terrible parenting. I'd say that would be her way of defending Annie.
Then again, both Hitch and Mikasa recognize Annie's vulnerability in the face of love and family - to say they become furious when seeing Annie being abused is an understatement tbh. :>
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smolweeblets · 1 year
Would you be willing to write either headcanons or a oneshot about working out with Yelena. My gay little brain wants scenarios to think of when exercising
Minor Injuries
Yelena AOT x Reader
Going to the gym was nice. The atmosphere was nice, not that many people at the time you usually went and everything was kept clean. The people at your gym were nice too, offering help when you seemed like you needed it, sometimes you even found the occasional sticky not stuck on some of the machines with little motivational quotes.
Yet yourself found one teensy little problem… Which was that you found yourself always being stared at by another member, a tall and lanky blonde that was always by the treadmills.
You could always catch glimpses of her, and her turning away quickly after you catch her. Honestly, you dont know why she was just… looming over you like that. Was she judging you? You really cant tell. It was very creepy.
After your initial impression, you tended to avoid her. She took the hint and left you alone for the most part but you still couldnt shake off the weird feeling when she was around.
You two never interacted, until one day you find yourself in a small accident.
It wasnt anything big really, you just accidentally dropped a weight in your foot. Yelena found you hopping on one leg like a maniac and you wanted nothing more than to melt into the ground.
“Are… you okay?” She hesitantly asks.
“Yep! Im- uh- just a small accident!” You grit through your teeth.
“Do you need help-?”
You suck in a breath before responding. “No, I swear im all good!”
“I insist, at least just sit down for now. Hopping help with the pain at all.”
Having no reason to object, you calm yourself down just enough to take a seat on the nearest bench.
The woman takes your foot and winces when she sees the area.
“Is it that bad?” You sigh.
“Its gonna bruise pretty bad. Wait there a bit, ill get some things to help with the pain.” Before you could object, she was already out the room, leaving you to your own devices.
“Here, this should be able to help. Try to bear with it for the moment yeah?”
[insert procedure on minor blunt force trauma im not knowledgeable enough to write]
“Ah- I do have to admit, I feel somewhat better, thank you” You offer a grateful smile to the woman.
“No problem, whats your name by the way? We seem to always go here at the same time, I notice you struggling sometimes.” You heat up at the mention that shes been looking at you.
“Yeah,” You chuckle awkwardly. “I see you staring at me sometimes, honestly found it a little creepy, but im glad to know youre actually nice. My name is Y/n, nice to meet you” You offer your hand to shake, she takes it but you can see shes also flustered to hear that youve noticed her staring.
“Likewise. I didnt realize that my staring could be seen as creepy, I apologize for that. I can see why youd be weirded out. My name is Yelena.” She shook your hand, and you couldnt help but notice how smooth her hand felt against your own.
That was the start of a peaceful little friendship between the two of you.
She helped you out and gave you tips as much as she could. And in turn you gave her a reason to do something other than run on the treadmills.
You both loved to talk about trivial topics, how your days have been going, something funny you saw, or even what you had for breakfast that morning. She was a nice company to be around, and she was around a lot.
Despite your first impression of her getting off on the wrong foot, you find yourself quite attracted to her, you push the feeling down as best as you can, but thoughts linger in the back of your head during each interaction with her.
“Gah, im tired. Im gonna go now, you have fun.” You sighed as you started to tidy your stuff.
“Nah, leaving soon too. You got anywhere to be later?” Yelena took a sip out of her water bottle and slumped on a nearby bench.
“Thats kinda random, but no, why do you ask?” You paused and and looked at her.
“Wanna get some drinks together? Weve been friends for a while but havent seen each other anywhere other than the gym.” Yelena smiled softly to herself.
“Sure, sounds lovely!” You grinned.
A/n: This is not my best work so I apologize for the quality, i hope you still enjoy 😭❤️
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cosmicjoke · 3 months
Hello. I wanted to ask for your opinion on Armin x Annie. Do you think it makes sense? To me, with some thinking, everything in aot sorta makes sense except this ship. Like I don't hate the characters but I don't think they make sense together, especially when Armin started developing his crush on Annie when he didn't know her reasoning for all that she did and that she was not a genuinely bad person. At that time, to him, she was someone who had murdered a big part of the corps he was in, destroyed a city, helped destroy a wall and someone who had tried to take his friend. I can sort of understand Annie liking Armin but then again, not really because she never really showed a lot of care for anyone except her father in the first season and she never really knew him as a person. Your explanations make sense to me so I was hoping you'd share your understanding of this ship.
I'll be honest, I don't put a whole lot of thought into any ships in AoT, other than probably Eren and Mikasa, because a large part of the plot revolves around their feelings for one another.
With Armin, I think maybe a part of his feelings for Annie stemmed from guilt.
Armin was the person who first realized that Annie was probably the Female Titan, and so, ultimately, Armin probably feels responsible for Annie ending up frozen in that crystal for those four years. I think we see a bit of that guilt in Armin during the attempted capture of Annie in Trost, when he first tries to persuade her to come with them underneath the city and through the tunnels, and then implores her to give herself up when she refuses to come and reveals she knows what they're doing.
We also have to remember that Armin and Annie were cadet's together for three years, and the entire 104th class was pretty tight-nit, as we also see Jean, Connie and Sasha's pain and regret at having to take Reiner down, despite realizing at that point that Reiner was directly responsible for the destruction of Wall Maria and later the second attack, both of which killed countless people.
AoT deals largely in the illogical nature of human emotion, I think. We can know, objectively, that someone we care for has done something horrific, or even unforgivable, but that in itself doesn't cause the love we had for that person to just magically disappear. Emotion doesn't work that way, and years of connection between people doesn't just evaporate when you learn the person you had a bond with isn't exactly who you thought they were.
So with Armin, my guess would be that he started to develop feelings for her when they were in the cadets together, and vice versa. We see Annie spare Armin's life during the Female Titan arc, when he acts as a decoy for Eren and she lifts up his hood and sees it's Armin instead. She could have killed him then and there, but she didn't, and I have to guess it's because she had feelings for him, since we see Annie kill plenty of other scouts that day without hesitation, and even with some seeming enjoyment.
Maybe Armin remembered that moment of Annie sparing his life, and it drove his own sense of guilt at identifying her as the Female Titan and helping come up with the plan for her capture all the more.
Then, over that four year period, when he would visit Annie's crystalized form, I think Armin was really going through a bad period. Eren was pulling away more and more, growing more and more distant, and Mikasa with him, basically, since Mikasa's primary concern was always Eren at that point. I think Armin probably found a kind of solace in speaking to Annie, even as she couldn't speak back, because he couldn't really talk to his actual friends anymore. And then, they'd all found out so much about the world and Marley and who Reiner and Bertolt and Annie had actually been during that four year period, too, and identifying them as the enemy was no longer such a cut and dry situation. They were all forced to acknowledge the Warrior's as people, and Armin himself had specifically had to do things which some people might label him as a monster for doing, like killing other people. So I think Armin, with his natural empathy and ability to see things from other people's perspectives, was able to see things from Annie's perspective, at that point, having to do something terrible in order to survive and keep going. Armin also tends toward self-blame a lot, and suffers from obvious self-loathing, so again, I think that played into his sense of guilt, this feeling that he'd done wrong by Annie, even though he really hadn't. I think he beat himself up a lot over having eaten Bertolt, too, even though, again, there wasn't any choice involved for Armin there, and it was the only way for his own life to be saved. But he probably felt bad because he knew, after inheriting Bertolt's memories, that he'd had feelings for Annie, too, and maybe he felt some kind of obligation toward her for that reason, and that eventually turned to him feeling a bond with her.
Anyway, that's my best guess as to why we see a romantic connection blossom between the two of them.
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melishade · 5 months
I know you’re doing the prompts but what are Optimus and megatron thought on frieda and historia in the modern day UA?
Previous ask in the Peaceful Timeline
Disclaimer before I begin: I don't mind people asking me other things regarding the other timelines besides the prompts. It's just going to take me time to answer them because I'm busy with work and other things. As long as you follow the ground rules, we're fine.
Also, a side note, I don't like spoiling future chapters of my work. It's just a general rule of thumb for myself when I'm asked about what will happen next. I did tell someone once about Azula showing up in my old TFPxATLA fanfic (which no longer exists), and they decided to be a dick and spoil it in the comments section when it was up on fanfiction.net. Thankfully, there were some people who didn't see it, but the fact that someone was willing to spoil the whole experience for someone else just goes to shows that no one online is respectful and I cannot trust anyone.
So you wait like everyone else.
That being said:
With the Peaceful Timeline 2,000 years later, I tend to take a lot of inspiration from Isayama's AOT modern day AU. Mikasa being goth, Armin being a nerd, Eren being rather apathetic in a peaceful world, etc.
That being said, because Historia is a bitch, Optimus is internally annoyed at Historia's behavior while Megatron absolutely hates her guts!
Megatron: How in the Allspark did Ironspark's descendants turn into that?!
Optimus: Megatron, we cannot control how Historia was raised-!
Megatron: Control my aft! I'm fully ready to interfere to teach this girl some fragging manners!
When Optimus tells the modern day trio that Historia is the most recent line in Ymir's descendants, they can't help but complain and feel bad for Optimus. Armin and Mikasa talk about how she's a snobby cheerleader with more money than she'll ever need, with people following her around like servants. Eren explains that Historia had accused him of doing something wrong when he didn't and harassed him for it. Eren ended up biting Historia's head and the video ending up going viral, humiliating the girl.
Megatron patting Eren on the back: Good job.
Optimus: Megatron!
Megatron: She deserved it and you know it!
Even though Eren explains that he apologized because he felt bad for Historia, Megatron still has more respect for the teen because he managed to make a fool out of that brat. Optimus relents that protecting the family and allowing them pathways to earn more money than they need has caused them some problems. He just wanted them to be safe!
Eren: You made monsters.
Megatron: The boy is right.
Mikasa: Aren't you technically an accomplice in making Historia mean?
Megatron: The difference between me and the Prime is that the bar is on the floor. Any good thing I do will exceed expectations. Optimus preaches about morals even though he's just as annoyed with Historia as I am!
Optimus looks away in embarrassment.
Freida is still kind in the Peaceful Timeline; however, there was a lot of expectations and demands for her, being part of the Reiss family. There have been a few times where she has acted out in the past and ran away, one of which resulted in her getting kidnapped. Both Optimus and Megatron had to rescue her from her captors (Optimus ordered Megatron to not kill them because that would cause more problems for them, and Megatron relents). Optimus quietly reassures her that she would be safe and tells her not to tell the police about the two of them. Freida can't help but ask if she'll see them again, and Optimus says that might be possible, but in the late future.
After that incident, Freida learns to behave and better herself for the sake of the Reiss family. She gets older, studies and exceeds expectations to make her family proud. Uri, the previous head of the Reiss family, ends up dying from cancer, and he lists Freida as the heir to the family, skipping Rod altogether. It stuns Freida, even as they prepare the funeral arrangements. At the funeral, she spots a middle aged man in a hat and a black coat in the crowd before he disappears in an instant. However, in the distance, she spots Optimus and Megatron watching from afar in human form. Optimus had an umbrella over him while Megatron hid under the leaves and branches of a tree.
Freida has taken on a lot of responsibility, and her already thin relationship with Historia is practically non-existent. She has tried to bond with her sister, but interactions have usually amounted to nothing. She was given the family's heirloom ring and gave it to Historia (Ymir and Oshern's wedding rings), telling her to give it to someone she loved, but Historia didn't seem to care about their priceless ring. Her reaction was non-existent. Just apathy. It bothered her. It made her feel upset. Historia had little expectations and was given everything she wanted, but still seemed to want something more. Freida did end up seeing the viral video of Eren biting Historia, and Historia coming home in tears. She tries to comfort Historia, but she tells her to go away.
Freida does still push and ultimately comforts Historia as she cries her heart out. She states her fears of being bullied at school and being alone. She hates how selfish and horrible she's been, and Freida asks her if it's because her selfishness and apathy came back to bite her. Historia is offended, but Freida explains her behavior from her perspective. And tells her that she needed to be kinder, because one day, the world could be ripped out from under her and there might be no one there to protect her.
"If you're always so cruel to other people, they won't be by your side when you need help," Freida warned her, "This is a result of your cruelty, and now you have to learn to live with it."
It ultimately blows over later, but Freida does notice a slight change in Historia's behavior. There is some improvement, but not that much.
Meanwhile, Optimus and Megatron continue to keep tabs on Freida, and are content with the way that she's turned out to be all things considered. They still don't interfere with Frieda's life unless she's in actual danger.
(There's a lot that I have for the modern AU for the Peaceful Timeline, so if you want to ask, go ahead. Also, thought it would be fun to reference Kenny for reasons. Lol.)
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sooshii · 6 months
Nice to meet you!
I'm new to blog posting and social media in general (I know - What kind of rock have you been living under, Sooshii???) During my research going down all sorts of rabbits holes on where to interact with other fic-writers, I came across tumblr. Now me being the shy sushi roll that I am, I internally screamed for a good few days, weeks, months before working up the courage to finally get this ball rolling.
In case you can't tell, I'm a shy bean. I'm also not a minor, but I won't divulge my age - please respect ♡ The internet is a scary place after all!
So with all that said, a bit about myself! :)
Currently writing: FFVII - multi relationship oc AU fandom Reading: Hazbin Hotel, MHA, DAI, FFXIV, Avatar, One Piece, HP, AOT, JJK, multiple Villainess ones to list, and a couple Trails ones. I'm always searching for new ones to obsess over hueeeee And I read too many pairings to list...
Reading! I read too many books and fandoms to count. My current fixation is all things FFVII but other fandoms I enjoy are listed above - however the rest of the list is way too long to toss on here so take what is listed as a "this is only a few". And my ships! Oh my ships... Vary from all ranges of characters ahhh I'm such a simp especially for the bad guys huuuueeee :'D
Writing! I write too! I recently started rewriting my first AU fic from a few years back. I'm hoping as I get more confident in myself, I can even branch out to other stories. I'll probably start posting little updates here every now and then when chapters get posted ^_^ My AO3 if you wanted to check my stuff out :) There's too many pairings, lore, world building, angst, fluff, and character tormenting ideas I have floating around in my head to count <o> Yes, I love to make my characters suffer. I'm a bit of a sadist that way -cackles- :3
Drawing! I draw and sketch a lot too. Someday soon you'll see a few of my little doodles floating around... when I get the courage to post them for the world to see. Shy bean, remember? :p
Cats! I own the sweetest little voidbean ever. She is my pride and joy. I absolutely love and adore black cats! Other cats are adorable too, but black cats are the light in my deep, dark, evil little soul mwahaha -ahem- I mean they're super cute :)
Anyways, please drop by, say hell, shoot me a polite message to chat, request a silly doodle - whatever you'd like within reason!
It's amazing to meet you and I hope to see you around!
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casualaruanienjoyer · 2 months
Hi there! 🙋🏾‍♀️ I've seen that you're taking promts for AOT, and if you don't mind I'd love to suggest something for Levihan:
Maybe Hange could get Levi some tea as a gift, and she gets a bit flustered when she gives it to him because she doesn't know much about tea, but he loves it because she picked the perfect flavour nonetheless, and he is touched by her gesture.
But those were just some ideas, basically I was just thinking of some Levihan and tea hehe - I leave the rest entirely up to you! 🤭
Have a great day! 🙌🏼
Hello Anon! Thank you so much for your request! I hope you'll like this!
Tea for Levi
It's been a few years since the war ended. Paradis was now known to be a hub for international trading, since it was decided that opening it to the world was the only way forward.
It took some time, but foreign businesses eventually ventured into Paradis, where they were offered venues and markets to operate. There were no more walls, so cities began to expand outwards and into the many plains surrounding what was formally known as wall Maria.
Today, there are many imported goods brought over from the handful of nations left in the world. Exotic fruits, interesting foods, new spices and animal products.
But Hange isn't looking for any of those. Today, she's searching for tea.
It just so happens that today was Levi's birthday, and despite having been close for a while now, Hange's perception of time was as awful as ever. She never seemed to remember important dates like this, including their own anniversary. But that's a story for another time.
"Tea is a safe choice, right?" She mutters to herself, marching down a busy road. She's determined to acquire a gift as soon as possible. It's already 5 pm, and stands will begin to close soon.
Getting Levi a gift was never easy, he never really wanted anything. His birthday stopped being meaningful to him a long time ago. Fighting for his life 24/7 certainly took away some of its importance.
But Hange wanted them to have a fresh start post rumbling. No more fighting, no more politics, and a lot of time off and relaxation. "Taking life easy" as she liked to say.
And little gifts and celebrations like this were also part of her plan for a new beginning. If only she hadn't forgotten about it.
"Right, that place should be just around-aha!" She steps into a tiny shop. There is only enough space for 2 people at a time as every other surface and floorspace is covered with shelves upon shelves of boxes of tea. It smells heavenly in here.
"What can I do for ya today?" A short, old man appears from behind the counter, greeting her.
"I'm looking for a gift, do you have anything special in today?"
"Special? For you? Miss, I believe you've already bought pretty much all the blends I sell!" He laughs.
Shit, Hange also forgot that she almost always got Levi tea for his birthday... and every other occasion where gift giving was customary.
She panics, but he continues. "Unless... you'd like to go for something like... this!" The man pulls out a small box and Hange has no other option but to go for it.
Will it be good enough though?
It's 7pm when Hange arrives back home. They've been living in a small cottage at the outskirts of what was once Shiganshina. Nowadays, it's just a small part of a bigger city. It's nice and quiet in this area as it's close to the edge of a forest.
She walks in quickly and almost runs into Levi's wheelchair. "A-h my bad!"
"Good evening to you too. Where have you been?" He asks, unfazed. He's already used to her clumsiness.
She takes off her coat and shoes, making herself comfortable. "Town" she replies shortly, at which Levi raises an eyebrow.
"Actually, I have something for you" she says nervously. There was no point in hiding this from him.
"Oh?" He looks curious, following her to the sofa. He pulls his chair close as Hange sits down, and they are now at eye level.
She reaches for the small box in her pocket. Hange had asked the shop keeper to wrap it nicely, so the box was covered in floral paper and tied with a small bow.
"Happy birthday, Levi!" She stretches her arm, revealing her gift. Hange's cheeks redden and she feels excited and anxious at the same time.
Levi's eyes widen. "It's today?"
"Yeah! Wait... you forgot?"
"I'm surprised that you thought I'd remember. But... thank you" he reaches for the box and carefully unwraps it. Hange's eye follows his every movement and Levi finds her excitement to be quite endearing.
"It's... tea? Chamomile?" There's a pause. Oh no. She knew such a simple flavour would be pretty underwhelming.
"Aahh- I knew you wouldn't like it. I'm s-"
"Thank you, Hange" he says, a small smile on his lips. "I always look forward to trying new blends together". He reaches out and pets her head. His movements are gentle, and his warm smile makes Hange go completely red.
She suddenly stands up and yanks the box out of his hand.
💜This fic is now on Ao3
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