#there are More neuroses i have but we shant get into those now <3
morganpdf · 4 months
hi morg not to diagnose but I just saw ur tags on that post about having to pray a certain way or terrible things would happen. that sounds eerily and concerningly like something that happened to me when I was a fundie kid. maybe look in to “religious scrupulosity”? it’s an OCD thing for me. like I had to say the exact same prayer or a bad thing would happen, pray after ppl “took the lord’s name in vain” even in movies or they’d go to hell. If I breathed in at the wrong angle (???) I interpreted it as a curse word and had to pray for forgiveness. if u wanted to talk about this more at any point I’d be down to DM with you??? sorry I don’t mean to overstep or anything I’m just worried that you feel alone in this
anon i appreciate you reaching out but i need you to know that im losing my mind. simply bc i have a running gag (mostly w myself) where im like. yes i will be talking to a friend w Diagnosed tm ocd like haha this is a normal thing i experience. and then they look at me like one would look at a child who doesnt quite grasp that their beloved hamster bijou #3 is, also, not coming back. kind of like video picture of a guilty dog making The Face but the regret is less guilt and more ohhhh shit im gonna have to be the one to tell him huh.
and this is literally one of 3 messages i've gotten since reblogging that post that boil down to "heyyyy buddy that's not... uh... i think you may want to, uh, actually look more into ocd, maybe."
(also dw lmao youre not overstepping for me personally)
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