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egc-sys · 1 year ago
No actually imnright nobody in homestuckhas listenned tomhamiltion and its so fucking saintlike of them do you understand theraw cirgin exeperisence of homestu. Hamiltonian. Don’t losten to it. It’s like fucking. It’s like sir. Air. It’s just so bad and it’s just not good. The ducking viiolation it had upoj my beain was a reckoging of unsurmountable proportion. It hurt it was like a fall from Grace. If you have never listened to hamiolton I love you.
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444names · 2 years ago
Actiewse Aevelbatene Aevide Aftemacheat Aftery Apeced Apethine Appeal Ariskileinf Arment Arpolvamvae Ascei Asead Aseancen Asemente Asese Atheadv Athers Averanchase Batakeka Batery Bealfer Bebik Bebpuku Behal Behase Belbave Bellfi Bemfuna Benstau Beray Bervod Beuthead Bikapeang Blectiouts Bomqent Bomqoe Borepar Boten Breakaw Brelpauqamp Brosimpoe Buduve Buitdeo Bumesensua Bunbiess Buntebi Bureve Burevet Burke Buulbaive Callfibelf Calre Catomen Ceilab Chasenjoy Clelbaokaw Clepectly Cleve Clowe Comenqalock Comotemove Comqeg Copumbenten Coser Covet Dadge Dalthealfo Daminegy Dangep Datem Dathe Debain Debel Debire Debpubbo Debroul Decell Decidei Dectimmfo Dection Dedug Dellfo Denqao Dervoyage Devdai Dinegosuler Dintet Dirareep Doaevet Dogmfem Domovive Dremsao Dreul Dunbumploce Duvelian Eband Ebiku Ebpeady Ebribi Efabi Efaing Efautterviv Efave Efavomqent Egosun Egral Egreat Egrity Ekdilolve Ekdint Elbul Elbum Eleal Elieavy Elpard Eltiater Emovebe Endlect Engept Ension Entionny Equnbor Esseedeme Etomp Etomplak Evideilar Exacepery Exact Exise Expece Exped Explick Expliney Exten Fateg Fathe Fathinge Femforry Fingivell Fithery Flaredun Flocep Flocizarped Flogreper Fodinsilel Fodunte Freau Funbodedun Funvumen Gadbeleil Gance Ganey Gantent Gasense Gaser Gemsulfit Gregran Grelevid Grevion Griter Gutke Havet Helfe Helly Herab Heratur Hinge Hisolduvet Honote Hulfakeo Hunkeo Huseseade Idect Imenpon Immfego Inatel Inbuntent Intelisto Inten Inter Ipergady Iqlfe Irese Itimen Ivievellfi Joudreed Joyealour Kanevery Kaperiew Kappumente Kaspekul Kelfbin Kidamekil Kider Kidessoil Kimfe Kimfingemau Knoise Kobeak Kodevation Kolve Kopeeng Kopime Lacce Lavelab Leadiva Lealag Leauqam Leedug Lepligirel Lerch Levqil Lfbike Lfectish Lfegkanct Lfense Lfergunnfem Lfixter Licep Lichavveba Likeo Limatauthew Limesear Limethush Linen Liney Livive Loapimmfem Loapipment Loceryon Lolbunbudke Lonet Lurkem Macelle Makodive Maquidmfe Matend Mater Mekku Menpoer Mfelt Mfever Mfumenjoy Minegenst Mooduce Mooneviche Movbave Movelbaok Movimentego Mulbatte Mupance Mupose Mureau Musimekku Nalre Nebre Negkap Negounvu Negra Negri Nelba Netkol Newanistug Nfitsinter Nfooduceiv Nilikaspem Noiskeo Nomorce Notie Obelp Offei Offem Offenpolurk Offent Ofter Ograwsem Opemp Oqavet Orceplave Oreenge Orevery Osemp Osulep Oushbuulfe Paget Pangther Pared Paredin Pareed Peavoyage Pecel Pectice Pekku Pemur Perfun Pideition Pilwaivel Piter Pligivel Postrove Pource Preata Pregkapiat Pregy Prepa Prestrib Preutte Preve Progmfenst Prove Provell Provenjoyag Prowtheall Pulearn Pument Puome Pusentebper Qequn Qequnaka Qilver Qiusimen Qoawukpode Qoervimak Qorge Raner Rawse Readger Reakapiget Reakfab Reanistop Reargu Reavetowewa Reeduce Regray Rendle Repact Reuts Revive Rhythel Riaturce Rieat Rimensu Rimfinet Ruiqlfem Seala Seavor Semdat Semfer Sexist Sexplai Sexplases Shiske Shomotegg Shrubieve Sidectimpo Sidedu Sille Sivaever Skempt Slealmfu Slfrean Snoreart Snotentebem Stancers Storne Sureivel Taffer Taitionet Talance Tariney Tebperyou Tensunfu Tentet Tents Thalther Thasaper Theat Theaus Theraw Thers Thoseep Thuse Tidedum Tionte Tolbirevet Tomqeg Topept Toper Toriewainee Tready Treakan Treention Tress Trimendo Trogmfe Trowem Turpereive Ubble Ubbled Udkell Udsurend Uideton Uilfegosix Umbem Upoery Upolie Uqoae Urelbunf Uther Uwize Vaepa Vamove Vatestoud Velparaw Ventenst Vetanakaw Vilsuldire Voduce Voitego Vorcep Voreg Voyagep Voyean Waitomorce Warefor Weatchast Weater Weatic Weben Webpu Weliton Werfor Weriab Whibirearm Whicatitem Whicide Whoser Wukapipme Wumekuging Yeake Yeall Yeemfeilvu Yourcepe
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aliaakma28 · 3 years ago
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𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐂𝐇 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐔𝐌 𝐈𝐒 𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐘𝐎𝐔? Every individual’s skin care is extremely personal. At The Raw.— we believe that the most important rule is to find products that you look forward to using every single day. ⁠⠀⁠ So, #TheRawSociety, which serum have you been loving?⁠ 😉 ⁠ Shop our serum collection at the link in bio. 🛒✨⁠ #theraw #therawskincare #therawbrand #therawarbutin #therawniacinamide #therawvitaminc #therawdropshipper #skincaretips #skincareproducts #therawmoisturizer #arbutin #niacinamide #niacinamidefivepercent #healthtips #acnetreatment #acnetips #bestskincare2021 #acnemedication #breakouttreatment #breakoutmedication #skincareroutine #cleanserforcaneskin #tonerforacneskin #trusteddropship #trustedtherawdropshipper #pendidikankulit #moisturizerforacneskin #serumforcombinationskin #serumforacneskin https://www.instagram.com/p/CS0jG6nFtOJ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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amyasgothique · 5 years ago
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|The Raw| Boris Vallejo and Julie Bell •1982• detail #borisvallejo #theraw https://www.instagram.com/p/CAQJ3EvFTXv0xJxIE3DKTW5JIk91e9MGJY7uSA0/?igshid=1h32hqzt2nrub
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sentrymetal · 6 years ago
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The op shop bounty was plentiful ♡ #meh #davidbowievibes #pavementshoes #glitter #zaragirls #loneytuneskicks #cds #lynyrdskynyrd #milleniumcollection #alanismorissette #jaggedlittlepill #fyc #fineyoungcannibals #theraw&the cooked #coldwarkids #robbers&cowards #nin #nineinchnails #withteeth #opshopping (at Aggies Op Shop) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt3Lw6ejURD/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1b2cb1ixdcj8z
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robbialy · 4 years ago
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From • @dilbag.insta L O V E Exploring type & form. #love #type #design #letters #calligraphy #lettering #exploration #type #script #typegang #typedesign #thecalligraphyhub #typespire #typegang #calligraphymasters #letteringdaily #goodtype #typematters #thedailytype #therawwing #instagood #exploremore #typedirectorsclub https://www.instagram.com/p/COusRgspaPYoKeW8GzFVoNxv9GdziFqFGFZAqo0/?igshid=9vjowfcds255
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Speak Up!
“This is quite a substantially long blog post this time, I was going to split it into a two part series but I couldn’t think of the best way to do it, so if you manage to read completely to the end I take my hat off to you! 😇 I’d love your feedback!
Something that I find a lot that resinates with so many people that I speak with, is abuse. People I come across share so many of the same struggles and realities that I did and do face in my life. I would say 9/10 people have experienced some form of abuse whether it be physical, sexual, verbal, or psychological, the list goes on.. and the thing is that it’s so common that people now majority of the time don’t even see the point in speaking up about it or down play what’s happened to them. But it’s important we do!
I’m just going to add this in again to start off where I’m going with this for those who may not have read it in my other post already.. but I was sexually abused from the age 13 to the age of 15, and times in between and after that stage.
 Now, did I ever see it coming? No of course not nobody wakes up and thinks geez that’s going to happen to me! Times are changing and there is becoming more and more outlets to voice our rights and struggles but also we don’t really have the right techniques and as much support as I believe we should. This is another story of sexual abuse that I’ve endured that I wish to share.
 In the earlier months of this year was another real turning point for me after being manipulated in a situation for about a year, prior to me opening up and confronting these people that I had fear of doing previously I was stuck in a state of mind that prevented me from thinking it was something worth bringing forward into the light.
Now, I am a bit nervy to write this as I am sure there will be some drama and abuse coming my way that hasn’t yet.. but someone that I considered a friend whom I met through my partner, and someone my partner considered one of his best friends.. sexually abused in that time, for about a year or so in different ways “subtly” so he could be seen as innocent. Things like cornering me in my garage when helping with my car so he could put his hands up my clothing, sending messages asking what underwear I had on and if I would show him, coming over for bbqs with his kids and I would be asleep on the couch and he would come and touch me.
All these different scenarios over a year, in ways and times he knew he wouldn’t get caught or seen.. I confronted his partner about it once it happened a few times and I was called a slut and wasn’t believed even though he has a history of cheating etc.. and then, It got to early this year and it was his partners birthday, we got invited to go and my partner and I were on rocky terms after just finding out about some serious health issues I had been having. I wasn’t really keen on going but we went anyway, I lasted about 20 minutes before deciding I just wanted to be alone and I left and came home. I got message after message on snapchat from this person asking for photos and asking me to come back so he could touch and think about me.
I ignored them all and went to bed, which I normally just wear a singlet and undies.. gotta be comfortable am I right?! Well I got woken up at 3am by this persons partner and it was due to her believing that my partner was cheating on me in her house (he was asleep in her sons bed passed out drunk) but was cheating on me..? anyway.. she was crying and panicking telling me how sorry she was about all this, that she just wanted him out of the house and I well wasn’t dressed so I said okay let me just throw some shorts on and I’ll just come get him and bring him home and you won’t have to have him there anymore, the rest I will sort out myself that’s between him and I.
I put on some pyjama shorts but they were baggy on me but I was like well whatever I am just going to pick him up then come home. I get over there and end up in a fight with my partner and he takes off walking down the road lol.. my friends partner and his mate decide they need to come with me back to my place for “safety”.. I didn’t see the need nor did I want them too.
This is where it all snapped in me, this guy and his mate were standing there adamite I was being cheated on and calling my partner all these names and acted disgusted.. yet we get into my car and as I’m driving this guy that’s formally already been abusing and messaging me decides to put his hands up in shorts and his mate was in the back drunk and didn’t notice..
Now for me just being told geez your partners cheating on you what a jerk, to having someone in a relationship doing that to you is a lot to process in the moment. By that time I couldn’t even think about what was potentially going on with my partner and I just started crying.. I whacked his hand away and dropped them back off at my friends house. I came home and by this time its about 4:30am and all I did was lay on my couch and cry. Enough is enough surely!!
I felt sick to my stomach as I couldn’t even bring myself to tell anyone let alone tell my partner nor this guys partner as the previous issue of being labelled as a slut, not believed and not taken seriously. I cried every day for a week all I wanted is to tell someone and make it known who and what he is. It took me that week to decide whether I was going to keep this to myself or face it and open up about it, I messaged his partner and asked if I could see her in person rather than other message, she basically refused as she was still pissed off from her birthday. I ended up just blurting the whole thing out in a message along with screenshots I had of his former messages etc.
She lost is at me.. “maybe if you didn’t wear certain clothes this wouldn’t happen to you” “you bring this onto yourself by dressing like that” etc.. basically I deserved what happened and I was the piece of shit that caused all this.. not him… *face palm* THEN her friend decided to hurl some abusive messages at me also, threatening me and saying “how dare you act and say he’s a predator, watch your back and stop being a home wrecking slut”  basically (sorry for the language) but just to give you a rough indication of how she took it.. which is why I said earlier I don’t believe we are given the correct support.
It then came time for me to confront my partner and that was the hardest thing.. I sat him down and said “look there’s something going on that I really want you to know and I need you to promise not to get mad” why I said that? Now I’m really not sure but I did.. his first thought was that I was cheating.. all I did was read the message I had sent to the guys partner telling her everything which then told him, as I’m reading I burst into tears and it just goes silent.
 He walks away and I think for some reason he believes it’s my fault too.. nope he was resisting the urge to go confront the guy that had messed up his partner. Things were awkward between my partner and I for a little while I will admit, probably overshare but it then made sense to him why I never wanted to be touched and never wanted to take my clothes off..
I got rid of (I won’t say lost because I didn’t lose at all) people that weren’t genuine, that couldn’t take responsibility for their actions and couldn’t see the truth if it bit them on the nose, this experience has been one thats been hard for me and constant reminders make it hard for me to stay on top of emotions some days but I guess the moral of my story here is that it is ALWAYS important to speak up, it is always important to remember it’s not your fault, and it is always important to remember your story and sharing it will not tarnish you as a person! You are a warrior and those who aren’t in your life anymore, is all for a reason! Be the change you want to see!”
 Bianka Elizabeth xxx
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estructuramx · 4 years ago
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LAMBI | @desarrollostipi Structural Engineering for industrial building in Nuevo León. Tapered frames covering a 230 feet span. . . . 📸: @the_raws @pacoalvarez81 🚜: @grupofortezza . . . . . . . . . . . E S T R U C T U R A. Think of greatness no matter what. . . . . . . . . . . . . . #estructuramx #somosEstructura #desarrollostipi #grupofortezza #theraws #structuralengineering #structuraldesign #archilovers #photo #photoshoot #photooftheday #construction #workfromhome #steelframe #taperedframe #view #photogram #art #architect #architecture #structure #architecture_hunter #design #amazing #greatness #dowhatyoulove #megastructure #photoeveryday #yoursmilechangedmylife (at Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQZJVkJBMnH/?utm_medium=tumblr
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rawricheverything · 8 years ago
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#V #traveling #listening to #TheRaw #Mixtape 🔥 #Raw #Rich #newyork #city #rap #hiphop 🎧 #good #music 🎶 #on #play #R #Raw #Rich #dope #tunes #litt #band #uk watup????? love #us #RawRich #brooklyn watup #nyc watup #like #comment #follow ✌
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guitarman08 · 4 years ago
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slovenlyrecordings · 5 years ago
WE'RE LOUD 2016: Ten Slovenly Days in Greece
In case you haven't seen this remarkable documentary by our friend Wasted Pido, it's sure to give you some hope, and at the very minimum, it's a super fun 1/2 hour watch.
WE'RE LOUD 2016: Ten Slovenly Days in Greece WE'RE LOUD INTERNATIONAL - we are loud WE'RE LOUD FEST
A documentary on the second edition of the international festival We're Loud, organized by Slovenly Recordings. Filmed in September & October 2016, starting in Istanbul, and then during the 10 days of the festival in Thessaloniki, Lesbos, and Athens. Amidst political turmoil in Turkey, and Europe's worst refugee crisis since World War II, the show had to go on, and all were invited. Slovenly founder Peter Menchetti's frivolous vision — which evolved into what Beat-Man Zeller calls a series of “stupid (great)” ideas — plays out in a challenging yet unforgettable Aegean odyssey.
Featuring interviews and/or live footage of: Death (punk band) (US), THE SPITS, THE KIDS (BE), Reverend Beat-Man (CH), Demon's Claws (CA), Bazooka Bzk (GR), Scraper (US), MAGNETIX (FR), The Raws (TR), Gay Anniversary (GR), THE DIRTIEST (IT), Νόμος 751 (GR), Hand & Leg (GR), The Frantic Five (GR), FØTZEN POWER GERMANY (DE), The Basements (GR), @VOYAGER 8 (Mars), and Häxxan (IL)
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danielsanala · 5 years ago
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Yo me visto de rosa 🎀💪🏽 . . . #CruzRosa #CruzRosaMty #LuchandoVsCáncer #MesRosa #YoMeVistoDeRosa2018 #TheRaws #TheWallProjectMty #DíaMundialdelCáncerDeMama (en San Pedro Garza García) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpH0_c6F__z/?igshid=17i5bxbycx1ka
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aliaakma28 · 3 years ago
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The Raw Merdeka Campaign🥳🥳🥳 *Capture & Win Contest* 😱😱😱 The winner will get bright and glow combo worth rm110😘😘😘 Who knows you are lucky😉 lets join this contest! #theraw #therawskincare #therawproduct #therawbrand #therawarbutin #therawniacinamide #therawvitaminc #therawdropshipper #skincaretips #skincareproducts #therawmoisturizer #arbutin #niacinamide #niacinamidefivepercent #healthtips #acnetreatment #acnetips #bestskincare2021 #acnemedication #breakouttreatment #breakoutmedication #skincareroutine #cleanserforcaneskin #tonerforacneskin #trusteddropship #trustedtherawdropshipper #pendidikankulit #moisturizerforacneskin #serumforcombinationskin #serumforacneskin https://www.instagram.com/p/CTBQIe3FKc2/?utm_medium=tumblr
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quimaera · 8 years ago
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theraw-rpg-blog · 7 years ago
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jtfareeldoe · 6 years ago
Goodnight, ova heaaaaaaa! Comon!! #theraw #slamemwithit @ethanbradberry #ethanbradberry #teamfareeldoe (at One More Slice) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByUall1HgWc/?igshid=ghr9slfl9qh1
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