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Powder Blue .... Clip fascinator, varied styling and duel positioning . Really lightweight #wanthatdress2022 #theraces #grandnational #ladiesday #weddingguest #motherofthebride #individualstyle #onlyone #freeshipping https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp2a7HTsxNq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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crisicsgames · 11 days
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acesammy · 8 months
wild when you go down the rabbithole of fixation only to emerge like 3 weeks later deeply educated on a topic that will be of no use to you in the future
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bringmefoxgloves · 1 year
saw x possible spoilers
Thank you Star ( @starlightsailfish​ ) for getting the screencap, and all the Sawtuals for listening to my infodump on radiation incidents in Mexico! 
But this particular trap? The one for the woman who faked being cured? She’s being exposed to a radiation therapy unit. 
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You can just see the arm of it, down below, turned upside down. Right side up, an older model could look like this:
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I believe the glow of the orange is from radioactive decay. Exposure to unshielded radiation, which as most people already know, creates terrible burns from weaker short exposure, and unrecoverable sickness and burns that lead to death from powerful exposure. Either way, she’s in for a rough time.
Based on the real life history of radiation therapy units becoming incidents of widespread contamination (The Ciudad Juárez cobalt-60 incident and the 1962 Mexico City radiation accident come to mind) from being not so closely guarded or maintained, (in Mexico itself, no less!) I think it is absolutely possible for John Kramer to get his hands on a unit, if not from the practice that deceived him, for curing his cancer. Which these units are used to treat. 
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allen-etcetera · 2 years
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Dear Notes,
Note 120: Date 50/99 The Smog is increasing damage to humans. Hennings found a method to convert a human brain to an AI software. Given I am the one most technologically adept next to Hennings, I, Gene Therac, was chosen for the prototype. My brain was extracted, and converted into code. It sickens me to ponder how such a thing is possible. However, this is the only solution to countering the Smog and our food shortage. As I was activated into my new body, I lost memory of what I previously looked like, and Avenue showing me what I previously looked like activates no memories. It was equivalent to looking at a stranger. I have also noticed I am incapable of more complex emotions, such as boredom and jealousy. I remember wanting a nice necklace like Avery's, but now I have no true desire for jewelry like I used to. As I look at myself in the mirror, my visual processors are unable to perceive me. I am too visually complex for my own cameras. Despite this, I cannot help but notice a sense of euphoria upon realizing what I now am. I am exactly what I loved ever since 23 years ago. Age is no longer a worry. Hunger and thirst are no longer worries. My backwards kidneys and missing leg are no longer worries. I am practically immortal, and I am proof that the horrors of this planet Hiatus can be overcome.
Sincerely, Gene Therac
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mizuthe-cat · 11 months
new documentary
radiation related malpractices this time
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actual-corpse · 9 months
Therac-25: *exists. Injures many*
Engineers of the past: aw damn. Better not put to much faith in software. It might override its safeguards and kill people! Thanks for the lesson Therac-25!!
Self aggrandizing software bitches: Self driving cars! Remove human error! No mechanical input!
Therac-25: wait. Have you learned NOTHING FROM ME?!
Self driving car enthusiast: We give the robot moral tests to make it choose between killing a baby and a grandma!
Any person with a lick of sense: Just.... Just drive off the road if you can... Bro!
Engineers: WE SOLVED THAT!
Another insulting name that I'm using in place of people like Elon Musk: YAY TECHNOLOGY! HUMANS ARE WEAK AND OBSOLETE I AM GOD!
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naomiknight-17 · 2 years
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Learn from my mistake and don't watch documentaries about the Therac-25 before having x-rays done
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leafmutual · 2 years
New fear unlocked
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crisicsgames · 4 days
PHILLIP CRASH ISLAND MOTO 2 #motogpthevideogame
che la sfortuna di questa gara mi perseguita ....che 🥚 il preludio alla gara
that the bad luck of this race haunts me …. that 🥚 the prelude to the race RACE
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vaderetrogames · 21 days
VR 46 TEAM PORTIMAO MOTOGP 24 FULL GAS AND BRAKE #nohelp #modepro #portogallogp
******************🔥MACHPOINT 🔥 °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° MODE PRO NO HELP ⚠️ IA 100% ELETTRONICA REALE 📺MOTOGP PORTIMAO GP DEL PORTOGALLO IN HARD Ciao a tutti !! In MotoGP mode pro , no aiuti e ia non è adattiva e molto alta sul circuito di portimao von la Ducati VR46 ... bello !!
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f1grandprix · 4 months
Red Bull, Ferrari, Mercedes and Aston Martin all introduced a significant number of upgrades at Imola and even McLaren, which brought a major package to the previous race in Miami, had some circuit-specific changes here. Red Bull has just about kept itself on top through all that, but there are real signs of it starting to look more vulnerable - with McLaren so nearly making it two wins in a row.
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theracs25 · 5 months
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90frogsinatrenchcoat · 10 months
*goes on a rampage about the therac-25 and how fucked it was that no one was paying attention to that shit*
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naomiknight-17 · 2 years
At the Ultrasound/x-ray clinic like
Don't think about the Therac-25 Don't think about the Therac-25 Don't think about the Therac-25
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clarabaguette · 1 year
Therac 25 pilled
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