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writingprompts365 · 5 years ago
I don't know how to write my trilogy. Basically the antagonist's identity won't be revealed until book 2/3 and book 1 is the reveal of a certain falsehood and the set up. There will be some conflict of course. But my issue is mainly books 2 and 3. All I know for book 3 is the final confrontation. That's it. How do I fix this?
It is possible that your story is actually two books instead of three.  Or it’s possible you just are not yet aware of everything that needs to happen in the latter half of the story.  A great way to figure this out is to do some outlining.
Put down all the plot points/scenes you know of.  Then see what gaps need to be filled in between what you already have.  If you are not sure exactly what should happen, write down the questions that need to be answered and/or the things that need to happen to get to where you want the story to go.
If you haven’t already, write out the scenes you are sure off, regardless of where they happen.  By physically writing out the scene, you will often get insights into what will come next or what needs to happen before.
Here’s an ask I answered about different types of outlining.
Hope this helps!  =)
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givethispromptatry · 5 years ago
Ahh I forgot to say this on my reblog: Thank you for the feedback!
No problem! Thank you for tagging me! :D
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raevenlywrites · 5 years ago
Happy WBW! What kind of homes are common in your fantasy world? What kind of architecture exists in your world?
Most supes live in groups, as their aruas support each other. A neat exception to that are the Breezies, single apartments above shops that are used to ground said shop’s warding. Wards need to be tied to resident’s auras to work, and usually that means multiple people are needed to support them. But as shops have people coming in and out all day, their wards need to be a little more flexible. 
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imintheunderworld · 5 years ago
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writeblr secret santa 2019
organized by @abalonetea
moodboard gift for @thequeenofthemultiverse
sorry for delivering your gift late! I admit I am not sure if it matches your wip “Guardians”, since there is not much information due to it being an early project. I’m sorry if I completely missed your wip vibe, I tried my best!
Because it is an urban fantasy wip I tried to include some elements that are more city like. You also said Vivian, one of your characters was a sea elf, so I decided to make this moodboard in turquoise tones. Turquoise also represents serenity and, since you mentioned the world in the wip is currently at peace, I thought it was the best color to add!
Even if it is does not match a hundred percent, I hope you still like it regardless! Maybe it can give you inspiration for another wip or character!
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lettersandinkstains · 5 years ago
idk if someone's asked you this, but how do organize an outline? Like what format? currently on my world building stage in my story with a slight concept of a story series, and I wanted to know some outlining tips
So, there’s no wrong way to outline!!
When I had to write papers last semester, I would start with an outline as following:
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I’d fill in where I needed, and as much as I wanted. And as I’d write the first draft of my papers, I’d go back to see what I had written and maybe take out or add in for my second draft. So the above would sometimes end up very different, with more tabbing and notes.
Here is an example of an Excel Spreadsheet (Google Docs has something similar if you don’t have access to Microsoft or any others!):
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I personally dislike Excel because it runs so slowly for me. However, a style like this could also be useful or you!
Here’s an example of Scrivener, for an outline they have:
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So overall, my recommendation is to find a format that works well for you! Play around with the examples above, or even come up with your own that will include information that you feel you would need! Such as a timeline, the scene, the characters involved. Include any important quotes that pop into your head, sights / sounds / smells.
If you have problems remembering anything, put it in your outline and be descriptive. It’s okay if you end up deviating from your outline!
(For an actual view of an old outline, here is what I found that I hand wrote for my International Relations essay on the European Union:
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My essay ended up changing quite a bit as I worked on it -- so what I have written in those images, a lot did not make it into it (due to page constraints and other reasons!)
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Hopefully this was helpful for you!
TL;DR: There’s really no one way to do an outline!
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pens-swords-stuff · 5 years ago
I think I followed you for the writing advice and stuck for the tips and the person behind the blog :D
Thank you so much! I’m so glad that the person behind the blog didn’t scare you away hahahaha
Your entry into the celebration has been noted :)
You could win a blog recommendation by celebrating my writeblr-versary with me!
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a-problematic-writer · 5 years ago
headcanon meme- Theseus? (you know me lol)
Headcanon A: realistic
Theseus is very attuned to the sea! He can tell when waters might be uninviting and he has a certain connection with all the sea life. His favorite being Sia (the turtle), his best friend.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
Likes spicy food. Can and will eat copious amounts of it. Him and Durango tend to have competitions for who can eat the most. It’s always Theseus.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
When he was little, he and his uncle Zeus spent a lot of time together. Unfortunately as the family bonds broke and his dad’s own ambitions began to turn darker he was refused the ability to see him.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
Can’t swim. Or, well, can’t swim well. Can do a mean doggy paddle! But mostly? He has a hard time with swimming. Ironic, when your dad is God of the Sea.
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loveisstoredinthefave · 5 years ago
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Love is stored in Theseus from The Minecraft Mini Series!
requested by @thequeenofthemultiverse
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mimzy-writing-online · 5 years ago
Five Facts About Me
@belles-library tagged me in a game where you share five facts about yourself and tag five people. The original post is a little long so I’m separating this (because my ADHD said so).
1. I was born left handed but I’m almost completely ambidextrous at this point in life.
2. Current addictions: tea and caffeine. Yes, they’re separated even if it’s basically the same thing in my case. Previous addictions: nicotine in cigarette form. Not an addiction but you could argue it if you ignored the actual definition of an addiction: collecting mugs, collecting blankets, Sims, run-on sentences in this specific post because reasons.
3. Speaks some German, uses some Yiddish words but cannot speak it because it’s so fucking rare to find someone who does speak it natively as an actual language but the words are so common place in English!, wish I remembered any of my high school Spanish, distrust French as a language, and made up a version of Latin to use in A Witch’s Memory that I call Modern Latin. A language that basically evolved from “Old” Latin because Western witches found it more convenient for magic and it just evolved like all languages do.
4.  I’ve been accused of- being psychic (jokingly, by a family member), being a mind reader (almost seriously, by my best friend), being a mind controller (slightly more seriously, by my best friend), psychic (again, also by my best friend), having super senses (other friends, joking about blindness and super powers), being far too quiet for a normal human (every family member in my house, repeatedly), being an alien (theoretically, by my best friend), a cryptid (lovingly, by my girlfriend at the time), and others. Actual real stories, not joking. Feel free to ask about those because I love those stories.
5. May have finally figured out what the fuck is wrong with my eyes??? I have snow vision. Which is hard to diagnose because most ophthalmologists don’t even know it’s a thing, because people only became aware of what it was less than a decade ago and there’s next to no research on it. I would probably be considered a severe case. It’s genetic, my mum has a mild case of it. I have a severe case. I know exactly one person with a case as severe as mine, and their doctors, local organization for the blind, O&M instructors and support system have never heard of it.
It’s something you only get diagnosed with in the absence of any other explainable and provable condition. Kind of like chronic fatigue syndrome.
Those are some long answers but I’m in a sharing mood, what can I say. It’s also, like, 3 am and I need someone to talk to because I’m bored and a chronic insomniac, but hopefully I’ll go to bed soon.
Tagging People! Gotta tag five!
Here’s some urls I see a lot but don’t know much about and I want to change that.
@thequeenofthemultiverse @theater-girlie123 @snowblossim @maggie-wolff-writes @ishouldbewritingx
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givethispromptatry · 6 years ago
I'm planning on possibly making a tag list. Would you like to be on it?
Sure! :D
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warning-heckboop · 7 years ago
So um, in the vamp. au, do they find a cure? and if so, what is it? also, how does getting turned into one work? (sorry for a lot off questions, I love this idea ;D)
There are a lot of supposed methods that can turn someone into a vampire--but, for this au, I like the concept of a vampire being able to turn another person by exchanging blood with them. Simply put, Kate attacked, knocked out, and feed on all 8 of the gang. However, for the four she turned to vampires (Quinn, River, Sacha, and Mo), she also gave them some of her blood--meaning she basically gave herself a small wound, likely on her hand, and bleed into their mouths. Gross, I know, but then again, vampires are kind of gross in general, when you get down to the knitty-gritty details.
As for whether or not they find a cure--who knows? Maybe they do, maybe they don’t. Maybe they reach a point where they don’t mind being vampires anymore. Maybe they even convince the remaining four to become vampires too. The world may never know.
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pansexualfacts · 11 years ago
I just found this blog and omg who ever you are you are the best and ily
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a-problematic-writer · 6 years ago
hmm, idk a prompt, but maybe something with Theseus? (I don't see a lot of content with him)
Hello! Thank you for the request! I am sorry it took me so long to get something this short out, but I do hope you enjoy it!
It was easy for Theseus to pretend he was okay after everything. It was easy to settle into the thrills of the celebration the others had had. But now he was alone and it was quiet and the intensity of the day was settling heavily upon him. He felt for his father even if the man had been delusional. Theseus drew his knees to his chest, arms wrapping about them. He looked out on the sea watching the tide wash up and then wash back out. the sun was beginning to set. Would be at the horizon in little over an hour. He’d have to meet back up with the others then. But for now he could just rest.
It was easy to rest when by the sea, leaned up against a rock. He could almost forget any of today had even happened. Just let it wash out with the waves. he tilted his head back resting it against the rock when he caught sight of something.
He knew the sea green hue well. A turtle. It ambled it’s way slowly across the sand, heading for the ocean before it stopped and looked his way. Theseus sat upright and waited. He knew this turtle well. It was Sia. Not often she came to shore anymore. It was probably the commotion of the weeks events. She made her way over to him.
“Hey, old girl,” Theseus greeted giving her shell a soft pat. “did father wake you with his antics?”
The old turtle gave him a weary look and Theseus knew the answer was Yes. “I’m sorry, Sia. He shouldn’t do it anymore. He’s in a spot of trouble with uncle Zeus, y'know?”
The turtle tilted her head to the side and Theseus chuckled. “Quite a bit. He really did it this time,” Theseus smile fell. “and I helped.”
The turtle nudged his hand with her head and Theseus sighed heavily. “It is partly my fault. Not all of it. But part of it. More of it than I like.”
The turtle seemed to give a shake of her head before looking out at the sun that had lust hit the horizon, painting the sea a purple-ish vermilion. “Go on, Sia, I’m alright.”
The turtle turned to him before seeming to nod and ambling her way to the ocean. Theseus smiled softly. He knew he’d see her again. Maybe not soon, but someday.
“Theseus!” it was Quinn’s voice that drug him from his thoughts and had him standing up to look upon the redhead. She was walking down the shore to him. “we should really get inside. Mobs are going to start coming out.”
“Coming!” he caught up to her side and the two of them continued back to the small shelter they built on the beach. No one really wanting to go inside the old palace. Not even Theseus.
“Hey, by the way, who were you talking to down there?” Quinn inquired. “if you don’t mind me asking?”
Theseus paused a moment, looking over his shoulder, a sad smile curling his lips. “An old friend.”
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jen-writes-a-little-bit · 5 years ago
[untitled] character intro: Raina
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She wanted chaos. For her body to pain, to hurt. And she wanted, more than anything, to live with the knowledge that anything could happen. 
Every time it didn’t, it was a reminder of just how inhumane she was.
SHE DOESN’T ACTUALLY HAVE A name. None of them do. Instead, they’re called by the numbers they've had branded onto their wrists. But #17 never liked to play by the rules. So, instead, she named herself. There was a bit of power in it, and in a world strictly monitered by Dr. Schofield, she would take every bit of defiance she could get.
Raina was what she chose, for it resembled the rain, and there is nothing less controllable than the storms that boomed overhead. And yet, she was still confined - to a routine, to the lab rules, to a knowledge that she would never change, never pain, never truly be human. 
She was eternal, and this was her label. She could never be more.
The idea of it bored her, living a life that never ended. She would always be okay. There was no excitement in it. No adrenaline rush. She was to be perfect, like a neat line of m&ms.
Chaos what what she preferred instead, and she started with little acts of entropy. Naming herself, sneaking outside the lab by herself, making a normal friend. It escalated, little by little, until she had a YouTube with over twelve million subscribers and, one day, snuck around the lab trying to find whatever information about her real family that she could. She didn’t find anything.
What she found instead was far more outrageous than anything she could find on the family that abandoned her, gave her up to become this thing, simultaneously more than and less than human. That subjected her to a life of eternity, and the knowledge that she was confined to a form of perfection. A life of being a pretty little soldier for Dr Schofield and his associate. A life of being molded and shaped into whatever Dr Schofield wanted her to be.
And it sparks her greatest act of defiance yet: a rebellion. For there is power in names, and no scientist would be able to control Raina or the thunderstorm in her heart.
Shout to be added to the taglist!
@patrexjim @writeouswriter @wordsofpaintandsmoke @thequeenofthemultiverse @lacehiraeth @emdrabbles @sunshineomeara @heyabella @ditzysworld
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mimzy-writing-online · 5 years ago
20 Questions Tag
Hi everyone! @belles-library and @fluorescent--fantasy are two lovely people who tagged me in this game, so thank you <3
The rules are that I answer 20 questions and tag 20 people to answer them.
Name: Oliver 
Nickname: Mimzy
Zodiac sign: Pisces
Height: 5′9″
Languages: English, and a little German
Nationality: American
Favorite season: Autumn
Favorite flower: Sunflowers!
Favorite scent: Jasmine, orchids, and whatever “amber” technically is
Favorite color: Very deep blue, Tardis blue actually. It’s the color of my bedroom walls!
Favorite animal: Cats and sea otters!
Favorite fictional characters: Zuko from ATLA; Oliver Queen, Thea Queen, and Felicity Smoak from Arrow; Rip Hunter from Legends of Tomorrow; Cosima from Orphan Black; and Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds
Coffee, tea, or chocolate: tea and chocolate
Average sleep hours: ???
Dog or cat person: I’m more of a cat person but I love my dogs
Number of blankets you sleep with: Four, usually, plus a lot of throw blankets nearby if I’m cold
Dream trip: the U.K. (London, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, let’s do a road trip), San Diego to Vancouver roadtrip up the west coast.
Blog established: May 2019
Followers: 455
Random fact: My birthday is St. Patrick’s Day (March 17, two weeks from posting this)
As for tagging, I’m only tagging a few. Tagging as many as 20 is a little stressful for me. If you want to do this, please feel free and tag me so I can read <3
@ettawritesnstudies @maggie-wolff-writes @thequeenofthemultiverse @morbidmuch @magicalwriting @anomaly00
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givethispromptatry · 6 years ago
hey uhh I wrote a thing based off one of these prompts and tagged it, just wondering how I can get them seen by you bc idk if the tagging system is working for me?
I have the XKit extension and use it to sort my activity page to people who tag me in their posts. I just checked my activity page and I do see you there! 
I tend to not send feedback on Fridays, Saturdays, or Sundays due to generally being busy on those days. When I give feedback I want to give it my full attention.
Also, just a reminder that I am one person who operates this blog as a hobby. If I don’t have time to read and give feedback then I will at least try to make sure that I post two prompts for the day! 
Please try to be patient with me!
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