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tiressian · 2 years ago
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- @theqrianana
Those tags im cacklinggg
so i finally looked up what wa.ka inoue looks like. jj.k fans might remember her as the model g.ojo has as the background of his phone as a student. and i must say ... sashisu fans never lose.
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theqrianana · 7 years ago
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“I could stare at you forever.”
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maki-no-maki · 7 years ago
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OTAE: Otanjōbiomedetōgozaimasu, Gin-san.  GIN: *blushes* 
I wonder if Gintoki had finally reached his 30th year of existence lol.  Art by @theqrianana Edited by Meeeeh
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goodqueenkaro · 5 years ago
@madamebaggio tagged me - thank you, My CrackShip Queen.
Rules: Name your top 10 characters from 10 different fandoms and tag 10 people.
I’m gonna cheat a little, because for now I write about one pair BUT in the past I was reading fics about at least 4 of 5 mentioned below ;)
1. The one and only non-cannon of my favourites... well, who would have thought? Sansa Stark & Jaime Lannister - “Game of Throne” / book ASOIAF - I’ll go with Nik and Sophie photo XD
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2. Inarra Serra & Malcolm “Mal” Reynolds - TV-serie “Firefly” & movie “Serenity” If there’s gonna be a Judgment Day or something, I’m gonna kick the asses of people responsible for cancelling this show! Amen.
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3. Emma Swan & Killian “Hook” Jones - TV-serie “Once Upon a Time”
So, now you all can see, that I have “a thing” for guys without a hand... XD
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4. Temperence “Bones” Brennan & Seeley Booth - TV-serie “Bones”
Yea, yea, I have “a thing” for guys with swords, and guns, and ships, and spaceships, and in uniforms... as for uniform, FBI badge, dark suit and funny socks will do... ;)
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5. Kate Beckett & Richard “Rick” Castle - TV-serie “Castle” of course
Mr Reynolds, welcome back... Did you know that there are a few “Firefly references in this serie? ;)
If you think about Brennan and Beckett, I have I thing for Badass Girls with Brains and Badges too ;)
No, F/F rarely is my thing this time, but a Bones/Castle crossover? Why not?
One day I’m gonna write this Author!Sansa/Detective!Jaime Castle!AU
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I challenge - if you would like to play: @katsimsam @the-red-wulf @mutteringghost @the-girl-in-the-high-castle​ @tmwritesromance @starlightasteria @birdebee @theqrianana @ineedminions @dmchnknst
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tiressian · 2 years ago
part 3! this one's for @theqrianana and @ipostmysimpingstuffanonymously, your headcanons inspired this lol
That night, Shoko stood in front of the bathroom mirror, studying her reflection, birthday card in hand. Gojo's reflection appeared behind hers, leaning an arm against the doorframe, smiling. As Shoko pursed her lips and went back to comparing, she felt his arms come around her waist. She tried to elbow him, but his persistence outgunned her resistance. He kissed her cheek. 
"If it's any consolation, you'd make a cute husky," he murmured. 
"Just cute?" Shoko deadpanned. 
Gojo's reflection smiled at her. "And hot. Mmm, we could get you a spiked collar— ow!" He laughed as Shoko pinched his cheek. 
Taking a break from a longform WIP to gift a free drabble set in the satosho single parent au lmao:
They had spent twenty minutes in the card section. The reason Gojo didn't rush Megumi was because his five-year-old roommate looked like he was performing neurosurgery: equal parts cute and hilarious considering Megumi couldn't read.
Eventually, Megumi picked one: a husky staring deadpan at the camera, wearing a party hat. It read, 'Die Already.'
“This one.”
Gojo coughed. "That's great. She'll love it."
Megumi sat in Shoko's lap while she opened the envelope.
“Happy Birthday, Shoko-san."
"Aww, I love..." Shoko trailed off, mouth twitching.
Gojo captured the deadpan expression on her face with his phone right as she glanced up.
Here's the tweet/birthday card that inspired it lmfao: https://dankmemeuniversity.tumblr.com/post/666209343911411712
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vannahfanfics · 5 years ago
Fluff Alphabet- Shimura Tae
Hello, all! This here fluff alphabet is for @theqrianana​, who was so kind to donate to my Ko-fi account. Enjoy! 
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A-   Activities: How do they spend their time with their s/o?
Tae is an energetic young lady, and so she much prefers to be out and about than cozied up at home with her s/o! One of her favorite activities is window-shopping; she just loves to meander around town and see what the different stores are selling. She never expects anything from her s/o, but major brownie points if they surprise her with a trinket she had been eyeing earlier that day! Though Tae prefers to be on the town, she knows the value of a good night in, too. If the weather is rainy, she loves to sit on the porch with her s/o sharing a pot of hot tea and just watching the rain fall… It’s so just peaceful and calming. She’ll lean against her s/o, conversation growing slower and more sparse as she drifts further into contentment, until she falls asleep! She just can’t help it; she’s just so at ease!
B-    Body: What does this character appreciate about their s/o? What part of their body are they most proud of, and in reverse, what body part are they ashamed of and how do they respond to their s/o gushing over it?
Tae loves her partner’s hands. Holding them, playing with their fingers, lightly kissing their knuckles… It’s just so intimate to her. She’ll also have a thing for her s/o’s hair; she loves if her partner has nice, fluffy, soft hair that she can absently run her fingers through or play with while they’re talking. Her s/o shouldn’t be surprised to find random braids woven into their locks thanks to her!
As for Tae, she has pretty high self-esteem so she likes her body in general, but if she were to be proud of anything, it’s her muscles! Tae isn’t just some old dainty girl; she oversees a dojo, after all, and that beastly strength comes from somewhere! Because she wears kimonos all the time, most people don’t notice, but Tae is very toned. If her partner compliments her on her strength, that’s about the best compliment she could ever receive! In this age, it isn’t like women are expected or even wanted to possess such a trait, so if her partner finds that admirable and even beautiful, ya girl is head-over-heels real quick. Tae isn’t so proud of her hair, however. She just finds it dull and boring; it’s not an interesting color, and it doesn’t have much volume or overall charm to it in her eyes. That’s why she puts it up most of the time. If her s/o ever compliments her hair and especially brings it down to weave their fingers through the silky strands, Tae will get kind of emotional about it, honestly. She likes to be unbothered and strong about everything, so reassuring her insecurity will really strike this girl deeply.
C-    Cuddles: Is this character a cuddler? What is their favorite way to cuddle?
Tae loves intimacy and so of course she loves cuddling! Her favorite way to cuddle is lying in bed, with her arms and legs wrapped around her partner and her face buried into her partner’s chest (or back, if they happen to be spooning. Tae is not opposed in the slightest to being the big spoon, even if her partner is bigger!). Really, though, Tae loves any form of cuddling. Any chance she can she will be in her s/o’s arms. She just really loves the closeness!
D-   Dreams: How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Once Tae is really involved with someone, they become a major figure in her future. She dreams of finally bringing her family’s dojo to its former glory, then settling down to get married with her s/o and have several children, watch them grow up and teach them the way of the sword, and grow old with her partner surrounded by a loving family. It’s simple, but it’s plenty enough for Tae!
E-    Equivalence: Is this character the dominant force in the relationship, are they passive, or is the relationship more or less even?
Oh, boy, is this one a firecracker. Tae has a feisty, dominant personality, so her s/o better be prepared, because she’ll keep them on their toes! Tae is far from a meek, obedient housewife; she still has plenty of independence and sass in her for sure. However, she isn’t completely impossible. She knows the importance of balance in a relationship, and if any big decisions come about, she won’t just wildly do as she pleases; she’ll discuss things with her partner to ensure that both of them are on board. Tae still more or less wears the pants, though.
F-    Fights: How does this character respond to arguments with their s/o? What would they fight about, and who would cave and apologize first?
Tae’s stubborn and so this can lead to disagreements with her s/o. Although she’s physically abusive with gorilla stalkers and lazy white-haired vagrants, she would never hurt her s/o; the same cannot be said for furniture and walls, however. Tae just can’t help but take out her frustration by punching something. It’s rare that fights ever get heated enough for her to resort to such methods of stress-relief, however; Tae will shout and cry and storm off, but once she manages to cool down and think clearly, she’ll be reasonable. Whether or not she’ll be the one to apologize first depends on who she believes was in the wrong, however. Tae has enough clarity and introspection to be able to identify when she was the one to start the fight, but if she decides her s/o needs to apologize, she’s gonna wait for that apology, dammit. She’s not the type for the silent treatment; she’ll straight up tell her s/o that they’re the one who needs to say sorry. She’s never rude about it, just matter-of-fact.
G-   Gratitude: How does this character show their s/o that they are grateful?
Tae almost always expresses her gratitude with a gift! Though she tries, she knows her cooking is downright horrible, and she knows she cannot subject her s/o to that, so she does the next best thing. She always pays careful attention to her s/o’s likes and dislikes, and especially if they’ve been wanting something for a while! If she receives a random gift, she’s always liable to come back a few days later with a present of her own! It’s just how she operates. Of course, sweet pecks on the cheek are always a great way to express her thanks, as well.
H-   Honeymoon: If this character had a honeymoon with their s/o, where would they go?
Tae’s ideal honeymoon is a mountain lodge onsen! She just adores hot springs, and although there are some baths in town, there is just nothing more romantic and relaxing than an onsen secluded in the mountains. A honeymoon is a getaway, after all, and so she just wants to spend some time away from all the hustle and bustle of Kabuki-Cho. Tae will definitely be in a great mood after a small walk through the mountain trails and a good soak in the springs!
I-      Insecurity: What is this character insecure about? How do they deal with their insecurities with their s/o?
Tae has a habit of putting on a brave face. She’ll smile and pretend to be happy for the sake of others, and she is perfectly aware of this flaw. Still, when her s/o points it out in an attempt to get her to be truthful about her feelings, she can get a little down, mostly because they saw right through her. If the relationship is long-standing, Tae will learn to lower her walls around her s/o. It will take some time, but after gentle reassurance Taw will learn that it’s perfectly fine to express her emotions and that it doesn’t detract from her toughness.
J-      Jealousy: Is this character the jealous type? How do they deal with being jealous?
Tae is not exceptionally jealous. She doesn’t mind if her s/o has other friends they hang out with; she knows that people need their space, hobbies, and social interaction. She’s not possessive or a yandere in the slightest. However, when someone comes on to her s/o, Tae isn’t the type to meekly stand by and watch. Tae will start off passive-aggressive, giggling as she hugs her s/o’s arm and nuzzles into them while talking sweetly. If the person doesn’t get the picture and tries to compete with Tae, that’s it; the big guns are out now. Tae will get very adamant that her s/o is unavailable and that the person needs to leave. Only true idiots push the envelope and insult Tae, implying that her s/o would be better off with them; she’s going berserk and is going to beat the crap out of the offender. It’s both terrifying and kind of hot to her s/o, for sure. It takes a lot for her to get to that point, however; she doesn’t want the reputation of some kind of yandere or possessive monster. But damn, she just can’t stand it when people try to literally take away her s/o!
K-   Kiss: What does the character want their first kiss to be like with their s/o? How does it end up happening?
Tae’s definitely the romantic type and so she dreams about her first kiss with somebody! Tae’s ideal first kiss is like every teenage girl’s dream… Her s/o walks her home after their first date, under the moonlight and talking of simple things. She stands in the doorway while her s/o hesitates to leave, then leans in to shyly give her a soft, sweet, chaste kiss. Tae thinks that such things are simply magical! Of course, however it ends up happening is completely up to her s/o, because they’ll likely be the one to decide when the time is right… But if her s/o is a little shy, Tae may grow impatient and just kiss the damn fool herself! You can’t keep a girl waiting forever!
L-    Love Confession: How does this character first profess their love to their s/o?
Tae’s love confession will probably occur in tandem with her s/o’s, as an answer, but not necessarily. Tae knows herself and will be fully aware of when she’s in love with a person, and if the moment calls for such a confession, she’ll do so first. Tae will be a little shy about it, but will speak honestly and truthfully, swaying lightly from side-to-side as she bashfully eyes the ground or her feet… She makes a really adorable picture that’s a big contrast from her strong personality!
M-  Marriage: How does this character view marriage? What is their ideal wedding like?
Tae certainly wants to get married! She wants her s/o to be in every part of her life, and wants to settle down and have a family at some point. Once things get really involved, Tae will actively discuss her desires with her partner, this including; she doesn’t want to waste time in a relationship where their visions of the future are not mutual. Tae has been dreaming of her wedding since she was a little girl, so she has almost every detail figured out already! Tae desires a traditional Shinto wedding, with her in a white kimono and her partner in traditional robes, then whole nine yards. She wants her reception to be the grand affair with all her friends and family invited, because celebrating her union with the people she cares about is one of the most important parts of the entire ordeal to her.
N-   Nicknames: What does this character like to call their s/o?
Tae calls her s/o traditional pet names like “dear,” “honey,” “sweetie,” and “darling.” However, she can get creative as well, preying on inside jokes or embarrassing moments to form quite unique names tailored to her s/o!
O-   On Cloud Nine: What is this character like when they’re in love? Is it obvious to others, or are they good at hiding it?
It’s pretty easy to notice when Tae is in love. She daydreams quite often about her s/o, and one will catch her staring off into space, either just sitting there absorbed in fantasies or even halted in the middle of some task. When one brings up her potential suitor, Tae will grow mildly flustered; not suspiciously so, but a trained eye can notice her shifting gaze and faint blush. When she talks about the person, she’ll grow very animated and very obviously enjoys talking about them.
P-    PDA: Does this character like PDA? If so, what kinds of things do they do in public to show off their s/o?
Tae is an unabashed female and certainly doesn’t mind PDA, but there are limits to what she will display in public. She will absolutely insist on hand-holding, hugging or cuddling, and cute little kisses, but she never delves into the racier side of public displays of affection. Tae adores walking down the street holding her s/o’s arm and cradling her head into the nook of their shoulder and neck. Tae is admittedly a little vulgar, especially if she gets alcohol into her system, so there can be plenty of suggestive lines that come out of her mouth… But if she and her s/o ever want to act on them, she’ll insist on finding a private place to do so!
Q-   Quirks: What random traits or quirks does this character have that positively affect the relationship?
Tae loves an adventure! She’s guaranteed to spirit her s/o away on some new trip or jaunt, and it’s always certain to be a lively affair, especially if the Yorozuya tag along… This lends to the relationship never growing stale or routine and therefore fizzling out. Almost every day, Tae gives her s/o new reasons to love her, or just affirms such with her infectious joy and blazing spirit.
R-    Romance: Is this character a hopeless romantic, or a bit on the low-key side? Are they cliché when it comes to romantic gestures, or can they get a little bit creative?
Tae’s a hopeless romantic on the inside, definitely! What girl isn’t, really? It takes Tae a while to show this side of her to s/o, afraid they will laugh because it conflicts to strongly with her strong, independent personality, but in time she will come to fully express her romantic nature to them. Tae’s generally a mixed back of generic or unique romantic gestures, depending on the day or situation. Sometimes she just takes a book from the tried-and-true to show her affection and/or gratitude, and sometimes there are just things she does that are just so exceptionally her! As expressed, it’s never a dull moment with this girl who is so energetic and full of love.
S-    Secrets: Are there any secrets they hide from their s/o? If so, how do they deal with it when those secrets finally come out?
When it comes to secrets, there is one thing she is going to try and hide to someone she is really pursuing… Her complete lack of talent for cooking! Though societal norms changed rapidly in Edo, cooking is still a very desirable trait for a woman, and she’s terrified that someone is going to break her heart because she simply can’t master the skill! Tae will get desperate and resort to downright comical, absurd means to prevent her s/o from finding out, but finally, when all schemes and options are spent, she’ll finally break down and admit it. It makes her really sad that she’ll never be able to present the person she loves with a home-cooked meal, and she may even cry a little about it. Hopefully her s/o is gracious and finds the trait almost endearing, and will reassure her that there is plenty to love about her otherwise!
T-    Thrill: Does this character prefer routine in their relationship, or do they like to shake things up every once in a while?
Routine? Blegh! Tae can’t stand the dullness of everyday life, especially with all the rustle and bustle of Kabuki-Cho (mostly due to a certain trio of individuals and their alien dog…). At every opportunity, she will try to invent something new and fun for her s/o to do, and she applies this to all aspects of their lives together. Tae wants her relationship to be fun, and not a tether for herself. The last thing she wants is for her life to devolve to just being a restless housewife, so her s/o better be prepared for a lifetime of adventures and shenanigans with this one! It’s truly never a dull moment.
U-   Understanding: Is this character level-headed and empathetic toward their partner, or do they sometimes have trouble figuring them out, which leads to some butting heads?
Tae’s got a good head on her shoulders, but is stubborn too, and so while for the most part she knows what makes her partner tick and can be reasonable with them, sometimes she just has no clue what’s going through their head, either! She doesn’t normally get angry about it, but blue; this is especially true if her partner is hiding something from her or doesn’t want her involved in something. Tae realizes that everyone needs their space, but she just can’t help but be a little hurt by it. If she can’t understand her partner completely and without words being said, then it means to her that there is still a lot of work to be done. As Tae does, though, she will brave the situation with a smile and internalize her feelings, because she doesn’t want her partner to feel bad about her own shortcomings and misgivings. Tae will really need a partner who understands her through and through and will force her to be honest.
V-   Value: How does this character value their relationship with their s/o? How does it hold in comparison to their goals, ambitions, etc.?
Tae holds her relationship with someone in high regard, but she has a couple of bigger priorities, like Shinpachi and her family’s dojo. These things are exceptionally important to her and if her s/o is not willing to share these parts of her life with her, then they’ve gotta go. Tae won’t abandon her little brother and her dream to revive the dojo for anyone!
W-  Wild Card: Any random fluff headcanon that does not fall within the other categories!
Tae loves to stargaze. There was always something so comforting to her about the vastness of the night sky, millions of stars twinkling alongside the brilliant moon; it made all her troubles seem so small and insignificant, and this gave her the courage to face them. Whenever she is sad or stressed, she’ll sit out on the porch and seek comfort in that glittering abyss; of course, she’ll look at them even when she’s happy, too, and this makes the perfect date! Tae can think of a billion ways to stargaze in a romantic setting and never grows tired of it, so if her s/o wants to do something spontaneous and sweet, that’s the way to go!
X-   XOXO: How does this character show affection?
Tae’s strongest language of love is “acts of service.” This can be very obvious, such as doing chores or favors for her s/o or spontaneously bringing them food or drink, or very subtle, such as storming arranged marriages or silently supporting them in their dangerous endeavors… To her, supporting in any capacity is one of the greatest ways to show true love and devotion. Besides that, “quality time” is another way she approaches showing her affection. Just being with someone is one of the most intimate means that she can show she loves someone, and if they are having a rough time, she’ll be by the side the entire time. It’s a bit less obvious than other forms of showing love, but that’s just how Tae is, and she pours her heart and soul into it!
Y-   Yearning: How does this character deal with time apart with their s/o?
Tae will be saddened by being separated from her s/o, dramatically if they are very involved. Like when she is in love, she’ll daydream, but they’ll be wistful visions of the great time they shared together, and one can tell the difference. She’ll be a bit lethargic and lose some of her spunk, though of course she’ll try to smile through the pain and insist she’s just fine. She’ll need a good friend that she can pour her heart out to and vent her frustrations about being apart from her s/o. It helps if her s/o leaves something behind of theirs that she can carry around and be reminded of their presence. Though they’re gone, she’ll have that item and know they’re thinking of her, and that’ll cheer her up a little.
Z-    Zeal: Is this character willing to great lengths for their relationship? If so, how far, and how long does it take to get to this point?
Though Tae can fall in love sort of quickly, it takes her a while to be wholly and utterly committed to someone. She just doesn’t trust and open up that easily, considering how much she has to protect and how dangerous Kabuki-Cho can really be. Once the relationship is established and true, however, Tae is in it for the long haul. She’ll approach it with a lot of zest and heart, and so of course if it ever becomes threatened, Tae will do everything in her power to protect it! If this involves her partner being harmed or threatened in any way, Tae ain’t afraid to get in there and throw hands; however, if she knows the situation is way out of her hands and she’ll only contribute to the issue, she’ll go to many of the tough individuals she trusts to get her beloved back. If the problem is between them only, Tae will do everything in her power to make it right. She’s a committed gal, for sure!
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yagyuu-kyubei · 8 years ago
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@theqrianana she deserves so much❤ thanks, i really enjoy seeing the positive comments and tags😄
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maki-no-maki · 7 years ago
Me: It's funny how we ship GinTae even though they don't have canon feelings for each other.
Qrianana: Idk, but they have canon feelings, bestie.
M: What?
Q: SHIN-CHAN. The name of their feelings is SHIN-CHAN. Everything is because of SHIN-CHAN.
SHIMURA SHINPACHI, The Lord of Third Wheel
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bisexualklausmikaelson · 11 years ago
Omg! you're a CL fan?
YES! omg I love kpop!
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katareign · 11 years ago
Always post the rules Answer the questions of the person who tagged you and write 11 new ones Tag 11 people and link them Let them know they are tagged \ Day or Night? 1)night Do you have single or double bed? 2) double Favorite book? 3) 50 shades of grey))) Have you ever dyed your hair? 4) there is no and never will) If you had a chance to change places with any celebrity, who would it be? 5) difficult question) my favorite actress Jennifer aniston, but I don't want to be her man and especially, because I am a woman, mmmm....probably, I would like to stay Phoebe Tonkin or Danielle Campbell, because Daniel 95 year of birth, and I 96, and Phoebe, I just like the way actress) Take the book nearest to you and write down the 6th line of the 124th page. 6)there is no book on proximity, but now I'll take it " Breaks during the working day (shift) " it was Legal support of professional activity)) Which superpower would you choose? 7)all )! I want all super power)! freezing, fast running, reading thoughts, the movement of goods to predict the future, blasting anything actually much only) Sour or spicy? then it) but because I can't eat spicy food) may be sour) Do you take suger in your tea or coffee? sometimes) Do you have a TV in your room? yes) Favorite smell? Sweet or fresh or sweet-fresh) My Questions: 1)What is your favorite brand of perfume? 2)you have a machine or their personal transport? 3)what is your favorite sweet alcoholic drink? 4)Your favourite club or place for rest, where you can relax with a drink alcohol? 5)what is your favorite breed of cats or dogs? 6)do you imagine that in the future your favorite pair can be together or in your head in your dreams they together? 7)your ideal man or woman would look like? 8)you are a lesbian, gay, heterosexual or bisexual? 9)your favourite position in the Kama Sutra and tried to whether you mean it? 10)are you a virgin? 11)when was your first kiss?
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maki-no-maki · 7 years ago
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GINTAE WEEK 2017 DAY 4: Alternative Universe/ Cohabitation Original art: Karlo Gatchalian Colored by: @theqrianana
Tae: Let’s go home.  Gin: O-Okay... (wants to touch her but he can’t)
Like the Umbrella art, I had it commissioned from an artist from an event though it was color-free. Qrianana made it more awesome by putting colors on the drawing. Sis, you’re so coool :))  Happy 4th Day! 
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maki-no-maki · 7 years ago
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It was my first time ever to draw these two and I had no idea what I was doing. Thankfully, @theqrianana fixed it. Thank you so much, sister! 
Art by Meeeh Colored by theqrianana
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maki-no-maki · 7 years ago
Okay, here is your order
(c) @theqrianana
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Gintoki running a doujo at Shimura household, helping children born in the chaotic times grow in the right direction (like Shoyo did) seems like a perfect ending of Gintama for me.
And Kagura and Shinpachi can keep on running Yorozuya office as full-time, Gin-san joining them from time to time.
Speaking of which, if this ever happens, will it be Gin who changes his name into “Shimura Gintoki”, or will it be Tae who changes her name into “Sakata Tae”?
Since Gintoki’s continuing Shimura doujo, I think he��ll be the one who changes his name, but hmm….
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vannahfanfics · 5 years ago
Thank you for the tag, @theqrianana! ^.^ Now, let’s see, this ought to be interesting: 
R- Renegades (X Ambassadors)
O- Odd Future (Uverworld)
X- Xion (Yoko Shimomura)
A- Again (YUI)
S- Sad Machine (Porter Robinson)
F- Face My Fears (Utada Hikaru)
A- All Time Low (Jon Bellion)
N- Not Too Late (Moon Taxi)
F- Fall on Me (A Great Big World)
I- Into A Fantasy (Alexander Rybak)
C- Castle on the Hill (Ed Sheeran)
S- Shades of Blue (Ashton Adminster)
I’ll tag @anubislover, @deliathedork, @fangirlingwithnoregrets, @searchfortheonepiece, @fofoaa2015, @kluvfantasy, @supergeekynerdfighter, @awareness-bringer, and anyone else who wants to take part :3
@tobito tagged me to create a playlist out of my url (Thank you!) and boy do I regret the extra three letters of it 😅. So here it is:
T - The Way You Used To Do | Queens Of The Stone Age
H - Hot Damn | Ivy Levan
E - Ex's & Oh's | Elle King
Q - Queen of The Gas Station | Lana Del Rey
R - Roll Call | The Neighbourhood
I - It Runs Through Me | Tom Misch
A - Ain't Gonna Drown | Elle King
N - Not Fair | Lily Allen
A - Ain't No Rest For The Wicked | Cage The Elephant
N - Nothing Breaks Like A Heart | Mark Ronson ft. Miley Cyrus
A - Are You Gonna Be My Girl | Jet
I'm tagging @oddjobsqueen @roxasfanfics @herroyalclumsiness @citruspeel @ungewissen @toxicvirgo08 @junellamoyo and everyone
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