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noodlenuts · 5 years ago
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Never assume! It's my dad's favourite motto, and possibly mine, too. We make so many assumptions about the people and world around us, but if we stop, watch, and listen, we often find out that we were completely wrong, in the most wonderful, eye-opening ways. To wit: I've never been a fan of princess stories, even as a kid, but Kate Beaton's "The Princess and The Pony" (2015) subverts expectations again and again, and THAT is something I love! 🐎🐎🐎 A multiracial warrior princess little girl; a chubby, flatulent pony that seems to be utterly, adorably useless; battles; cosy sweaters; hilarity, and a subtle message about love not being based on perceived worth, and not assuming that we know it all ... This book has everything! ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ #noodlenutskidsbooks #bookstagraminthe6ix #theprincessandthepony #katebeaton #warriorprincess #girlsandponies #girlscandoanything #girlpower #booksforstronggirls #feministkids #feministkidsbooks #inclusivechildrensbooks #inclusivekids #inclusivekidsbooks #multiracialkids #multiracial #multiracialfamily #inclusioninaction #inclusivebooks #inclusionandrepresentation #diversebooksforkids #weneedinclusivebooks #bookstagrammer #igreads #booksaremylife #raisingkindhumans #kindnessiscool #readwithriver_discussions #kidlitillustration #illustrationforkids https://www.instagram.com/p/B3kmwH_nAxw/?igshid=109n1agan2qt9
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seebexknit · 8 years ago
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Uncle Josh @jkt808 read Evie "The Princess & the Pony" at bedtime. 💗💗💗 Evie said she picked that book bc "the pony farts like Uncle Josh!" 😀 She was so excited. 😊 #ilovemyevie #ilovemybrudder #ilovefarts #theprincessandthepony
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nickwanserski · 10 years ago
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So I’m blatantly shilling for Kate Beaton’s ‘Princess and the Pony’. This illustration is an attempt to capture my 5-year-old daughter’s incredulous and overjoyed reaction at hearing the word ‘fart’ in one of her storybooks for the first time.
Fun for the whole family.
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pretty-rekkless · 11 years ago
hello it is i, theprincessandthepony/breezyanddeezy
so i had to change from theprincessandthepony for a reason, and breezyanddeezy wasn't supposed to be permanent.. do you guys like this url? if not, any suggestions?
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thfrustration · 11 years ago
thank you so much! i used the directory as best i could but the font/colors are a bit hard for me to see so that is why i asked. thank you so much for all you do, many people enjoy your tumblr!
Thank you so much for your kind feedback. The directory archiving/updating will be an on-going process and we’ll still be tweaking here and there. Thank you so much for your patience with us. 
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hyperbemily · 11 years ago
theprincessandthepony said: it gets on my nerves SO BADLY
  The big thing for me is like, why is there a petite section and not a tall section at clothing stores? Much easier to take away fabric than to add it. DISCRIMINATION.
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chenfordlove · 12 years ago
I've been tagged (and I'm doing all four in the same post)
Rule 1: always post the rules.
Rule 2: answer the question the person who tagged you has written and write 11 new ones.
Rule 3: tag 11 new people and link them to your post.
Rule 4: let them know you've tagged them.
Tagged by: its-about-bloody-time (first), celticmoonbeams (second), thedoctorlovesrosetyler (third), and imperialimpala (fourth)
I'll go ahead and put my questions here though.
1. iPhone or Droid? 2. Absolute favorite movie? 3. Last movie you saw? 4. Did you enjoy it? 5. Do you want any tattoos? Any specific reason? 6. Latest TV show you discovered? 7. Have you ever seen a movie made before 1950? If so, what was it? 8. Do you like bowling? 9. Favorite pastime? 10. Are you in college yet? If not, what's your dream college? 11. If you could learn to play one instrument, what would it be?
1. What is my favorite thing about Tumlbr? It's gotta be all of the people I've met and all of the stuff they've contributed to the fandom! :D
2. Read any good books lately? Not lately, but I'm about to start reading J.K. Rowling's new book and a book on Atlantis. So I'm excited.
3. Favorite fictional character? If I had kids, that'd be like trying to choose my favorite child...
4. What's one thing about yourself you really like? My friends say I have an awesome, witty humor. Which is great :)
5. What's your favorite silly pickup line? "How much does a polar bear weigh? Enough to break the ice. Hi, my name is _____."
6. What's a show that you need to catch up on? Flashpoint. I freakin love that show and this is it's last season and I'm only two episodes in to it's last season X_X
7. What song have you been listening to lately? Little Lion Man by Mumford & Sons
8. Pants or skirt? Pants.
9. What's your favorite dessert? Either brownies or banana pudding.
10. What do you love most about your OTP? Depends on which one you're asking about. I've got like 10! But we'll go with Captain Swan for right now. that would be the fact that they are.........wait for it....... CANON!!!!!! X)
11. What was your first fandom? Oh goodness... Well my first fandom before I knew what fandom was.... Power Rangers. After I knew what fandom was.... Harry Potter :)
1. What TV show are you addicted to that you're ashamed of admitting of liking? The Maury Show XD
2. What's your all-time favorite song? Footloose. Hands down.
3. Cat or dog person? .. Are you really gonna make me choose? :(
4. If you could have a long conversation with any historical figure, dead or alive, who would it be & why? Oh goodness.. Definitely Agatha Christie. I'd love to know how she got inspired and how she went about writing. I could learn a lot from her.
5. If you could have only one super power, what would it be & why? Breathe underwater. I feel so at peace when I'm in the water, I'd like to just be able to stay under for a very long time without dying X)
6. Favorite holiday & why? Christmas. I get to spend time with both sides of the family and have EVERYONE there. Most can't make it for Thanksgiving and Easter because the weekends are so short.
7. What is your birth order in your family? I am first of three :) with two younger brothers
8. Favorite color? Blue! :D
9. Favorite vacation place you have or want to visit? That I have visited: Disneyworld. That was amazing! I didn't get to go until I was 15. That I want to visit: New Zealand.
10. What's the one piece of technology you can't live without & why? My laptop. It's got all my stories, schoolwork and junk on it.
11. Do you speak any foreign language & if so how many & which ones? Not yet, but I want to learn to speak Greek.
1. Your BrOTP? Michael Phelps and Ryan Lochte. Hands down.
2. Do you prefer boiling or roasting your socks before eating them? Oh definitely roasting. I'm classy.
3. Favorite food? Uhm... Food.
4. Do you cook your panties or do you eat them raw? Cook. Again, I'm classy.
5. Have you ever truly cried of the death of a fictional character? YES! Fred Weasley, Hedwig, Graham Humbert, the 10th Doctor, I could keep going.
6. Favorite accent? NEW ZEALAND or more specifically Karl Urban. I could listen to that man talk for hours. (But Irish takes a VERY close second)
7. Where do you live? Would you prefer to live somewhere else and why? I live a bit in the country. I love it here. I can see the stars :)
8. Summer or autumn? Right in the between.
9. Canon ship that is your BrOTP? I dunno. Ron and Harry X) I don't have a lot of BrOTPs.
10. Canon BrOTP that is your ship? See the above answer.
11. A ship that sails itself? Captain Swan, 10/Rose, Romione
1. If you were going to die tomorrow, what would your last meal be? Chicken & dumplings.
2. You're on one planet in our solar system and suddenly you discover that life exists there in the form of super hot aliens. What do you do? Uhm.. Probably not speak. Hot beings intimidate me.
4. Have you ever tried to write your own novel? Honestly yes.
5. If so, what was it about? It was going to be a mystery novel.
6. You have the chance to have a baby with a famous person of any sex, would you do it? Who with? If they were my husband, yes. I dunno who though.
7. What are the top 7 most favorite things about yourself? Do I even have 7?? Wit, smarts, eyes, hair, soft lips, pretty good skin, and... my butt? yes. My butt.
8. Tea or coffee? ........ Neither X)
9. Do you prefer books or the slightly less costly ease of an ereader? Books! Nothing beats the smell of a book :)
10. Which movie did you like more: The Avengers or the Dark Knight Rises? Well since I haven't seen DKR yet (but I will) I have to say Avengers.
11. What would be your weapon of choice during the Zombie Apocalypse? I'd go with my Dad's shotgun. Yup.
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pretty-rekkless · 11 years ago
my URL has been changed to breezyanddeezy for privacy reasons. i am not sure if this is permanent but just wanted you guys to know :)
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diaryofaworkingstudent · 12 years ago
theprincessandthepony replied to your photo: Mclain Ward and Antares F
1. antares f can GET UP. 2. do you know what kind of bit that is?
He has been going in a hackabit, but it appears they've changed up the set up. The last day of the Olympics they took the hackamore part off of the bridle, and put a flash on, with what appeared to be just the normal Aurigan eggbut.
Now it appears he goes in a Flash bridle with some sort of full cheek. I have no idea what kind of mouth piece is on the full cheek though. 
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whereskelly · 13 years ago
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