ivyartisticchaos ยท 4 years
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I have been somewhat paralized in my attempt to figure how I want to respond to #BlackLivesMatter and the bullshittery that countuines with our Idiot In Chief (aside from 'I told you so' to those who thought I was overreacting when he was voted in) and have only been able to come up with two concrete thoughts or as some of you may call them, paintings. * One of the few plus sides to having been raised by educated hoarders is an over abundance of books available (There were 7+ bookcases here at one point). Since being forced to move back home, I recently happened to find a stack of books that was with some of my father's stuff, including 2 hand painted protest posters I hope to include as an installation part of a future show. *Most* of these fit right with #BLM and educating myself on the poetry and prose of the side of myself my American Education had left behind. * The yoga is relavant to my recent attempt to stick with #UnderBellyYoga (@mynameisjessamyn) daily. Missed the last 2 days. And meditate along with @SamHarris #WakingUpApp for 15 days now. * I am currently having a hard time trying to even get out of bed in the morning, but I know the answers I seek are hidden in these pages and practices. Just need to keep pushing through until 'this too shall pass'. Take care y'all. * Almost forgot to mention #IniSips black owned coffee and tea company. Seemed appropriate. * #roots #alexHaley #fiveplaysbyLangstonHughes #lanstonhughes #mulatto #jazzcountry #NatHentoff #coupd'etat #EdwardLuttwak #poetsonpoetry #CharlesNorman #ThePoetryofSoul #PoetryofTheBlackRevolution #A.X.Nicholas #IAmThird #GaleSayers #AlSilverman #Black&White:StoriesofAmericanLife #CarolAnselment #DonaldB.Gibson #Man,TheManipulator #EverettL.Shostrom #UpFromNigger #DickGregory #JamesR.McGraw https://www.instagram.com/p/CH_J4fFpuwy/?igshid=i69jd4ld3zig
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