laylaylamode · 2 years
In honor of @thepaladincosplays April challenge, here's my answer for the first prompt. This was a tough one so I hope it makes sense!
Rain always thought that Mewni was safer than it actually was. She's aware that the monsters and mewmans aren't fully harmonized but never put much thought into it because she assumed that her Uncle Astro could handle anything that went wrong. There was a small village that she visited often and within it were a mix of both monster and mewman kids who played together. Rain was welcomed in among them and had a lot of friends there, but one day she came to the village during a terrible raid.
The raiders were merciless and the villagers fell within seconds. It was too late to go and get help but Rain didn't need it. In a blind rage she took on the raiders herself.
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No one was left alive to tell what happened. By the time that the King's Crew arrived the entire village was nothing but big piles of ashes, almost as if there had never been a village to begin with. The only thing there was Rain, who sniffled as the wind took the ashes away. She left with Lars and the others but didn't say a word the whole way back, but when they reached Astro she acted completely normal and asked to play hide and seek.
No one can get her to talk about what happened and she doesn't bring it up either. But since then there seems to be a new voice in her head...she calls herself Rainstorm, and she promises to make all the bad things go away for good.
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laylaylamode · 3 years
What kinds of movies does each Stacie love 🥰 and which ones they can’t stand 💀 everyone’s got one genre they love and one they won’t watch after all
Ooooh I freaking LOVE this question! Thank you for asking, Prince! 😁
Stacie Q loves quirky comedic movies that aren't meant to be taken seriously. Parodies or funny subversions like Deadpool or Scary Movie 1 and 2 are her favorites and she'll even have them on in the background just because. She wants something that she can watch to laugh and relax. Her least favorite kind of movies are historical ones because she finds them long and boring.
Stacie B loves fast paced action movies. Think of John Wick or Kill Bill. She gets glued to the screen and will repeatedly rewind if she thinks that she missed something. She'll be hooked from start to finish and shush anyone that's talking. Least favorite movie genre is comedy because it just doesn't draw her in as much.
Stacie A loves psychological thrillers with emphasis on the thriller. Black Swan and Midsommar are at the top of her list and she'll eagerly eat a bucket of popcorn while someone has a mental breakdown on screen. (Everyone dreads her turn on Movie Night lol) She wants something to analyze and will look up tons of video analysis on it later. Her least favorite is romance since she doesn't care for the cliches.
Stacie T loves mystery movies whether the tone is light or dark. She enjoys trying to solve the case along with the characters and sometimes takes notes in her phone just to see how she'd be as a detective. Movies like Gone Girl and The Silence of the Lambs are fun for her to rewatch even if she already knows what happens because she likes the immersion. Her least favorite drama is musicals and she honestly can't stand them.
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laylaylamode · 3 years
What’re the Stacies’ relationships with their moms like 🤔 outside of the whole “ship them off to punish them” situation that happened of course lol
Stacie Q is pretty close with her mother and the two communicate every single day. Ashley Q didn't want to burden her with their financial issues but she did want her to be aware of them just in case. When the fight happened at the private school Ashley felt guilty because she knew that her daughter was just defending her family, and shipping her off to Townsville was the only affordable option. Stacie Q doesn't hold it against her mother and Ashley Q sends her gifts when she can.
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Stacie B and her mother don't always see eye to eye but they do try to compromise. Ashley B wants her daughter to be more active in Townsville's elite social circles to rebuild her image (and get a rich boyfriend) while Stacie B would rather build and construct things for her own amusement. The debate goes back and forth and the phone calls end a bit messy until Ashley B just drops it but she does like the handmade jewelry that Stacie B sends her. She has noticed her daughter's grades improving and is happy that she's been more bubbly with new friends around.
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Stacie A and her mother tend to argue a lot because they are extremely stubborn. Ashley A is annoyed with her fascination with anime/manga and cosplaying over things that will actually get her somewhere in life but Stacie A refuses to drop her interest. She dreads having to call her mother for anything and will go through her Uncle Tyler or Aunt Brittany to avoid directly taking to her. Ashley A means well but has a tough love kind of mentality and is still furious about her daughter getting kicked out of private school. Shipping the girls off to Townsville was her idea but Stacie A is secretly relieved to be away from her.
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Stacie T is also close with her mother and they call each other often to say how their days went or to gossip. Since Ashley T has a whole information network she likes to keep her daughter in the know and tells her when and where she can access certain things. She was initially upset that her daughter was kicked out of private school but understood her reasoning and cut her some slack. Ashley T was the only one against sending the girls off but Stacie T volunteered to go with her friends to keep them safe. Her mother loves hearing about all the crazy stuff going on in Townsville.
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Thank you for asking! 😁
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laylaylamode · 3 years
Franny knows how to pick her guys apparently 😂
It's her first legitimate crush too. She's handling it as best as she can. 😂
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laylaylamode · 2 years
Just curious but what are twases? (asking 'cause I'm reading that Dai Tai fic now)
At first I wasn't sure myself but I looked it up! A tawse/twase(?) is like a thick leather strap? Like a belt with tails on the end I think. @kururu418 might know more about these than I would since it's his area of expertise. 😂
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laylaylamode · 3 years
A machete by your headboard 👀 if you wanted me to notice you you should’ve said so 😂 I joke but honestly that’s pretty badass ngl. Is it alright if I ask how many knives you’ve got since they go into your nightstand 🤔
Lol of course! The machete came from the Renaissance Faire and it had two kunai knives that somehow went missing (my brother took it but won't admit it lol he's not even subtle about it). I counted three switch blades and one Rambo knife. There were more but I hid them so well that I can't remember where they are... 🥴
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laylaylamode · 3 years
I knew it they’re all named Jimmy
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Everyone go home the Prince WINS!
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laylaylamode · 3 years
You have my interest 👀 the Three Amigos are gonna go through some Friday the 13th kinda shit aren’t they? (Not like actual murderer type but just terrifying events lol)
Glad to hear that your interest is caught, Prince. 👀 They are definitely gonna go through some terrifying shit! One of the things that this story explores is deepest fears, which is pretty common in my stories but will really hit hard in this one.
And I have to thank @kururu418 for being cool with me using his characters too! AJ and Nia are gonna be so fun and I can't wait to give them big spotlights!
Also, I left some hints in the trailer and if you pause at just the right moment you'll see a few clues...
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laylaylamode · 3 years
Honestly I think Sarasim would just hand her off to the Grandmaster after that 😂 she would not want to deal with a flirt in the middle of fighting lol
You just know Hava isn't tolerating that nonsense either. 😂
Dai Tai: If I win this fight, I get to talk to Sarasim!
Hava: *laughs darkly* Confident of you to believe that you can defeat me. I already know your weakness. *holds up a spider*
Dai Tai: *SCREAMS*
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laylaylamode · 3 years
Have any Jia-Visas interactions? Feel like those two would make too much trouble for their own good lol
Of course!
Visas walked down the castle halls with her eyes scanning carefully. She was too meet up with Jia soon, and with the girl having a talent for hiding it would be difficult to locate her in the massive building. She idly twirled her staff as she turned around another corner and paused at a movement in her peripheral.
"Psst!" Jia waved her over from a window that she was halfway climbing through. Visa moved towards her quickly and glanced around to make sure that they were alone in the hall.
"You got the goods?"
"Shì de!" Jia held out a bag of chocolates that had been smuggled out of Astro's secret stash. It had taken her weeks to locate it, but thanks to her combined searching with Nia they were able to find at least one location. "Heads up, I think he put a curse on them."
"What makes you say?"
Jia stuck out her all black tongue.
"Oh..." As soon as Astro discovered his missing chocolates he would no doubt go looking for them. A black tongue was a telltale sign of the thieves that ate them.
But it was still totally worth it. Visas tossed a chocolate into her mouth and hummed at the intense flavor. Astro never revealed where he got his sweets so this was only fair in her eyes. "How long do you think this will last?"
Jia shrugged. "It's been two days so far."
"And you're telling me this now?!"
Sarasim scowled down at the two girls before her. They looked up at her with angelic innocence despite being covered in soot and ash, both of their weapons clasped behind their backs to not betray their antics. What did betray them was the charred body that laid behind them. Sarasim narrowed her eyes. "What did you do?"
"Well," Visas began, "there was this village that needed help from a malchemist holding them hostage. We were already in town so we didn't think that we needed to call for backup."
"And it just so happened that this village was being forced to make explosives." Jia gestured up at where Sol was perched on her head. "So that didn't quite mix."
Sarasim wasn't quite familiar with the second child or the flaming bird, but she and Visas definitely shared the same mischievous vibes. Trouble always did come in twos. She gestured at the charred body that they were failing to hide. "And who's that?"
"The malchemist. He's fine." Visas poked the body with her staff and it groaned. "He just got a taste of his own medicine...and ours," she smirked.
Still alive, the malchemist tried to crawl but Jia stepped on his ankle. "We broke his wand thingy so he's harmless. Maybe we can question him before we heal him?"
Sarasim folded her arms and raised a skeptical eyebrow. Left in their care, he wouldn't survive, but it would still be a nuisance to deal with him herself. "You should know better than to handle a malchemist on your own, but if you help me move the body then this stays between us."
"And go get cleaned up. You look like roasted pig-goats."
"This is awkward..."
"Tell me about it..."
Visas and Lapkus picked up the surplus skirts of their dresses as they maneuvered down the ballroom stairs. Neither was used to so much fabrics and preferred lighter wears, but tonight the party demanded that everyone look as regal as possible. And since Nia picked the dresses out for them it was impossible to say no.
Upon a closer looking at Visas, Jia gasped. "You're wearing boots! I could have worn boots?!"
"You will never catch me in high heels!" Visas threw her dress skirts down and leaned her head back to groan. Something shiny caught her attention and she inspected Jia's bun. "Is that a knife in your hair?"
Jia nodded. "Two actually. I've got another strapped to my thigh."
"Nice. I've got two in my boots and my staff is retracted in my corset," Visas smirked. She leaned forward and whispered in case anyone was eavesdropping. "Wanna ditch the gowns and have a knife fight on the roof?"
"Heck yeah," Jia grinned. "Let me dance with Nia first, and then I'll meet you up there!"
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laylaylamode · 3 years
Not me imagining Visas meeting Jia and her first thought being: “She’s a goddess??? gonna fight her” 💀💀
Visas: So you're the so-called goddess? *spins her staff and slaps it to the ground* I was expecting a little more but I'll defeat you either way!
Dai Tai: ??? Whose sassy lost child is this???
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laylaylamode · 3 years
Hmmm. Succubus, Midnight, Monster, and Demons for Dai Tai 😈😈
SUCCUBUS - What is their best asset when it comes to manipulating other people? Money, connections, sex, words, etc?
On Earth, money is her method of choice because she can spend it without a second thought. But Ring Ring also taught her from a young age how to sweeten a deal by adding seduction to the mix. Being a dancer means that her body is pretty well known, and she knows how to taunt and tease and put someone on edge to get what she wants. In Heaven, her best asset is fear. Granted a lot of it comes from the people that she rules over and false rumors and accusations, but she doesn't choose to correct them and lets them believe that she is a villainess.
MIDNIGHT - Have they ever had a lurid affair? Ever broken someone’s heart with messy passionate actions?
Around the time that Olevia started coming around to her house was also at the time when Xiang was still coming over to her house. Dai Tai knew that it was wrong to keep it going but she didn't stop it for a while either, especially to spite Alisha and because of her own unresolved feelings for him. She did eventually tell Xiang to leave out of her life completely but the guilt was still there. She didn't tell Olevia until after they officially started dating.
MONSTER - When they look at the world what is the first thing they see and hate?
War. Dai Tai resents warfare because of all of the innocents that get caught in between it. She hates that people who have problems with one another would rather send someone with blind faith in them to fight in their name. It's cowardly, it's wrong, and she despises anyone who won't fight their own battle. One reason why those in Heaven fear her is because when conflict arises, she doesn't send the soldiers but goes to handle it herself. The only blood that she wants on her hands is her own.
DEMONS - If they were in hell and walked into the night club, what song would be playing?
You Should See Me in a Crown by Billie Eilish 🖤
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laylaylamode · 4 years
PLOT TWIST!!! Dai Tai's "Hades" comes in the form of Xiang or a daughter of Ra I'm totally not making. Nope, no sir. Totally not making another Demi God. Unless...?
UNLESS YES?!?! You were totally gonna say yes right? Right? 👀
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laylaylamode · 4 years
I could see Envie going to Dai Tai for fashion help since all she has is her gold jewelry and her big purple shirt that's basically a dress
Dai Tai is up for the challenge. 😉
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laylaylamode · 4 years
Excuse me but who is Jia and WHY is she that adorable???
Lol she is Dai Tai's youngest sister and she's ready for adventure! 😄 Glad that you think she's adorable! She's gonna get her own stories, interactions and place in the verse soon. :)
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laylaylamode · 4 years
Mm then you're gonna love my Queensguard dude Jak (updating some stuff for him
Well let me go take a lil peek at this character...
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