ladymiraclewings · 5 months
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Giant improvised mecha
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rderiggi-blog · 5 months
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Super Wings Season 8 Electric Heroes Episode
Trailers 2
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chiyuumeruu · 27 days
some super wings doodle i made while at skl (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆
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i love super wings (i despise season 9)
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theodorinator · 1 year
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A drawing of my character Bianca I did yesterday
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ebooks-bnr · 2 months
Summer Mary - Les Religieuses bouddhistes
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Summer Mary - Les Religieuses bouddhistes depuis Sâkya-Mouni jusqu'à nos jours: Des femmes étaient venues trouver Bouddha afin qu’il leur permette de devenir nonnes. Le Bouddha refuse dans un premier temps, puis face à leur détermination, accède à leur demande. Mais, soucieux de la bonne marche des monastères, il édicte des règles plus sévères pour les femmes que pour les moines. Summer, avec sa connaissance des légendes, retrace quelques aventures de ces premiers temps du bouddhisme, les Nâgas (démons) se mêlant de la vie du monastère. Summer a écrit une biographie Bouddha et elle revient dans ces récits sur une partie de cette histoire. Toutefois, comme le mentionne Mary Summer dans son introduction ces pages ont été écrites dans un temps où peu de textes étaient traduits et accessibles au public européen. Certaines affirmations sont donc à replacer dans le contexte de l’époque. Mary Summer est le pseudonyme de Marie Foucaux, née Filon (1842-1902) de Gabriel-François Filon (ou Charles Auguste Désiré) et de Marie Theodorine Sandrie. Nous avons peu d’éléments biographiques si ce n’est qu’elle épousa Philippe-Édouard Foucaux, tibetologue et membre du Collège de France. Orientaliste, elle est l’auteure de de plusieurs ouvrages tels Contes et légendes de l'Inde ancienne, Les héroines de Kalidasa et celles de Shakespeare (les deux publiés par la BNR) ainsi que l’Histoire du Bouddha Sakya-Mouni, depuis sa naissance jusqu’à sa mort et Les aventures de la Princesse Soundarî. Téléchargements : ePUB - PDF - HTML - DOC/ODT Read the full article
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sweetlikenashipears · 6 years
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Just a doodle of my characters Theodorine and Laridae. This basically sums up their relationship
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subvertarts · 6 years
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Contribution for inktober: rly rough concept sketches of my latest oc for a college project: bedazzled fuck (aka Theo)
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Penelope and Aleksa - Friends and Rivals
Comparing Calves
Before the events in Book 1 and Book 2 of The AIrship Andalusia, Lady Penelope Genevieve Philpott and Lady Aleksa Theodorine Krane were friends. The two Sovereign royals shared an unorthodox childhood. Identified at an early age as "gifted", the two girls were sent to the Sovereign Academy for Gifted Ladies. Aleksa's incredible strength and intellectual prowess was matched only by Penelope. In tests of their talents and abilities, Aleksa was always first and Penelope was always a close second. Rivals in academics, athletics, and arts, the two grew to become friends as young adults.
Upon graduation from the Academy their paths diverged. Aleksa chose to serve the Sovereign Empire as a field operative in the Intelligence Service where her strength, speed, and beauty would prove indispensable. following her love of science and mathematics, Penelope elected to serve the Sovereign Empire in the Bureau of Science and Technology.
After a year of being apart, Penelope and Aleksa are reunited in Capitol City. The two friends have much "catching up" to do. But, their first meeting is more about "measuring up" than "catching up."
For the next several days, we'll be releasing two pages daily from the upcoming release of Polonius and Penelope, Chapter 1 - Errand for The Emperor, section 2, entitled "Comparing Calves."
Who's bigger? You make the call…
Story and art by Aaron Hanson © 2021
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devilsclergy · 7 years
💣 Name one dangerous experience they survived.
Send me an ask for a horrific headcanon.Since it is not specified which character, I’ll pick! I choose you, Haru (under a cut for length):
When he was a younger man, in his early twenties, Haru spent exorbitant amounts of time in a laboratory setting alongside his father and other students studying aether and technology. He was a scholar, first and foremost, and has been for the majority of his life. Thankfully, he was gifted a brilliant mind which served to aid in his ambitions to learn as much as possible about the world and its secrets. One other student, a young hyur of similar age and intelligence to Haru, became one of his closest friends and lab partner, Theodorin. It had been many years since his mother’s death, and Haru still found himself estranged to the idea of close personal relationships of any sort. This was largely due in part to his incredible diligence to his quest for knowledge coupled with his maladroitness for social skills. Proximity and being forced to rely on another and interact with another on such a regular basis led to a bond which he loyally upheld. Along came a day where, while conducting an experiment with crystals, Haru was faced with an unexpected tragedy. In the centre of the room, a crystal had been harnessed to channel its power through a conductor that would effectively revive a dead subject, original soul intact. The idea behind it hinged on the theory that a crystal’s power being derived somewhat from aether meant that it could identify and return aether from the lifestream to a corporeal form, using something of a carbon footprint or signature of the familiar aether on the body to identify the “soul” that had drifted back into the lifestream. They knew it was a risky endeavour, but had done intense calculations and theory-boarding to ensure minimal failure. Haru oversaw the experiment from a terminal mere yalms away, while Theo rigged the crystal and checked the settings for the conductor. The midlander seemed troubled by something as they were about to begin the preliminary test, and while it conjured doubt in Haru’s mind, he was confident that they had done their calculations correctly. Having given the signal to pull the switch, so to speak, Haru did so and watched as the conductor began to charge. In a moment of dawning terror, something occured to Haru, in which he attempted to halt the experiment. But he was a few moments too late, the experiment would not be halted. The crystal’s stored aether was far too concentrated a mass for the level of conductivity of their machine, and in an explosive flare, Haru watched as Theo was veritably torn apart from the force of the blast. Haru was thrown to the wall with little more than a concussion, and in his dazed state he crawled to the middle of the room to dismount the crystal from its seat, severely burning his bare hands in the process. In the aftermath, Haru wept convulsively as he realized the folly of his eagerness and over-confidence. His only true friend had paid with his life, and the blood was on his hands (and all over the room). While he survived, Haru suffered a great blow not only emotionally, but to his ego as well. This was not the first significant loss he had suffered for which he blamed himself. He has since developed a neurosis which compels him to achieve total perfection, or as close as is possible, with any task he sets before him. He has still never forgiven himself.
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chocomeet · 7 years
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Theodorin #Obiang : l’État #français recèle les biens mal acquis - #Afrique #GuineaEcuatorial #Team237 #Team216 #Kebetu #PressCmr #RT C’est une curiosité qu’a mise en évidence le verdict rendu à l’issue du procès intenté à Theodorin Obiang, le vice-président équato-guinéen : dans l’Hexagone, la justice peut ordonner la vente de biens saisis, mais n’a rien prévu pour que l’argent ainsi récupéré soit reversé aux victimes des détournements.
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ladymiraclewings · 5 months
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The Golden Duo tennis outfit/uniforms
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rderiggi-blog · 4 months
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New Super Wings on the Block from season 8
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chiyuumeruu · 26 days
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i finally got her!!!
i wish her box was special like jett's box tho 😖
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ladymiraclewings · 5 months
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Episodes 4 and EP 5: Actually a two part episode about the New Year, Jett have multiples deliveries this day until he gets to New York for the countdown. But due to a new problem by Golden Girl the celebration is compromised and results to many travels in times.
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ladymiraclewings · 5 months
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Return of Golden Girl's little spaceship
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rderiggi-blog · 4 months
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Newest full episodes from Tfou Channel
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