#theo raeken preferences
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myenemytolover · 5 months ago
upon consideration, 'my boy only breaks his favorite toys' is also extremely thiam coded and here are the specific lines that are just too perfect with how i think about them and their evolution of everything (emphasis added, lmao)
"'Cause it fit too right, puzzle pieces in the dead of night - should'vе known it was a matter of time."
"Put me back on my shelf, but first, pull the string."
"I'll tell you that he runs because he loves me."
"'Cause I knew too much, there was danger in the heat of my touch - said forever, then he blew it up."
"Just say when, I'd play again."
"He was my best friend and that was the worst part."
"I felt more then, in brief moments than with all the Kens 'cause he took me out of my box."
"Left all these broken parts and kept my tortured heart."
"And told me I'm better off but I'm not."
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cozy-writer · 7 months ago
• Theo Raeken • Jealous •
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Theo has been spending a lot of time with Tracy, is something going on between the two of them?
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You were pacing back and forth in your room, anxiously pulling at the hem of your shirt. You didn’t know how you were going to have this conversation. On the one hand you wanted to know, but on the other, you’d rather burn alive than knowing. 
Your boyfriend, Theo, had been spending an awful lot of time with Tracy and you were getting a bit worried about it. You trusted Theo, you really did, Tracy? not so much. But the one thing you did not want to be seen as, was jealous. 
There was a knock at your window and you immediately went over to open it, standing back to let Theo in. “Hey, babe.” He said as he bent down to kiss you. “Hey.” You said, encircling your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. 
“You wanted to watch a movie tonight?” He asked as the two of you separated. “Actually,” You started, “I want to talk about something.” Theo stepped back from you. “Did I do something wrong?” He asked, concerned. “Not you, per se.” "Then what?” 
You walked around your room, trying to find the guts to ask him the question. You sighed. “Is there something going on between you and Tracy?” “Tracy?” “Yeah, you always hang out. I can barely get you alone anymore.” A smirk started playing on his lips. “Are you,” He lifted your head by touching your chin, “Jealous?” This is exactly what you were trying to avoid. 
“Should I be?” “What? No! There is nothing going on between me and Tracy. She’s part of my pack, that’s all.” You nodded at him. “You promise?” You asked. He put his hands on your cheeks and pulled your face up to meet his. “I promise.” He said against your lips before kissing you hard. “I want you. And only you.”
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creativitybutnotreally · 1 year ago
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Always an Angel, Never a God
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heartbreakgrill · 1 year ago
out of the woods: theo raeken.
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1989 (Heartbreak Grill’s Version)
looking at it now it all seems to simple. we were lying on your couch. i remember.
“i have to go.”
theo groaned as the words left my lips. his arms, wrapped securely around my waist, tightened their grip as he inhaled a hopeless breath.
“no,” he nudged my neck with his nose, eliciting a soft giggle from me. “no, stay, please.”
“theo,” i wriggled away from his ticklish touches, “i have to go.”
i tried to remove myself from his grasps, but he was strong. his large, warm hands, slid over my bare stomach, gripping onto my hips. he pressed my back into the mattress, as my wrestling arms came to rest on his shoulders. he had been growing out his hair and now it hung low enough to ghost over my collarbones. i shivered as the strands drug across my skin, theo’s lips attached to my neck.
“theo,” i persisted, “scott gets off at 8. he’s going to come into my room and check if i’m there. when i’m not, he’s going to notify every single supernatural within a thirty mile radius, and every policeman within the county. they will be on your doorstep by 8:15, and i will be dead.”
as i spoke, i continued to try to fight theo’s strong hold, lifting my body from the mattress, and pushing back at his shoulders. my words seemed like a good enough threat to get him moving.
“i don’t want you to go,” he moved to the edge of the bed, feet flat upon the floor.
i stood and gathered my clothes, occasionally tossing him pointed glances, “as much as i enjoy this- i would prefer to not die tonight. i have a chemistry exam tomorrow. here-“
theo rolled his eyes as i tossed his boxers to him. it landed on top of his head. i stifled a laugh and tugged on my jeans.
theo ripped the boxers off and mocked my laughter, “haha, very funny.”
i shrugged and stuck my head through my t-shirt. “listen,” i made my way towards the front door of theo’s tiny, studio apartment. it wasn’t much, but it beat sleeping in his truck every night, like he had been doing. i laced up my shoes, “i should be able to see you tomorrow night. i’ll text you, though, let you know what’s happening.”
theo noticed i was reaching for the door handle and quickly shimmied into his boxers. he slapped a hand against the door, “wait!”
it slammed shut. i looked up at him, an expectant expression on my face. “yeah?”
theo caught my chin in his hands, and planted a sweet kiss on my lips. i melted into the moment, leaning my weight into his hold, allowing my fingers to gently ghost his chest. however, as soon as theo moved to deepen the exchange, my phone started ringing.
my eyes flew open, a wide, worried look taking over my dazed face. i held out a finger towards theo, as if to shush him, as i answered the call.
“hello? oh, hi, scott,” i shot theo a glance. he crossed his arms, figure shrunk in a guilty demeanor. “no, yeah- i’m on my way home now. oh, chinese sounds good. yep- no, yeah. just gotta shower first. just- with gina. yep. studying. chem exam tomorrow! yep. yeah. k. love you! bye.”
i stared at my phone for a second, as though scott were going to climb out of it and kill theo for even being in the same room as me. when that didn’t happen, i let out a deep breath.
“okay,” i looked to the boy, “i have got to get going. i’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?”
“yeah,” theo couldn’t help but grin down at me, “tomorrow.”
i noticed his body tilt towards mine, his chest lean towards me, and i held up a finger, cocked a brow. “don’t even think about it or i will never get out of here.”
i could hear him groaning as i shut the door behind me.
you took a polaroid of us, then discovered the rest of the world was black and white, but we were in screaming color.
“what are you doing for your birthday?”
i balanced the popcorn bowl on my lap as i twisted around on the couch. theo glanced over at me from the fridge, flashing that bright, wide grin.
i couldn’t help but smile, though nothing special really was happening. “not sure yet. why do you ask?”
“just wondering.”
i stared at the back of his stooped, trying to read between the lines of his very few words. theo could feel my gaze, could hear my curious heartbeat, and looked up against. “what?”
i slowly brought a piece of popcorn to my lips, brows furrowed, “why are you asking?”
“nothing,” he reached into the fridge and grabbed a can of coke. the door shut softly behind him. he neared the couch and cracked open the drink. i continued to stare him. “why do you keep staring at me like that?”
“because i know it’s not nothing,” i set the bowl down on the coffee table and came up onto my knees. theo tilted his head and peered down at me. “you’ve got stuff on your mind. say it. let it out into the open. this is a judgement free zone.”
he chuckled softly as i gestured to the tiny apartment. “not exactly a zone as is.”
i reached up and smacked his forearm. “just tell me! please?”
theo took another sip of his coke, thinking intensely. “there’s really not much to say. i was just thinking how your birthday is coming up and i wanted to maybe do something special for you.”
“wait, really?” i perked up, elbows pressed into the back of the couch and chin planted upon my palms. “aw, wait really?”
theo rolled his eyes, “yes, really. but, i know you guys probably have stuff planned. so, i was just trying to get a feel for when we could fit something in.”
“no one’s said anything to me about any plans. though,” my mind wandered a bit, and the stupid hope theo’s healing heart always gave me filled my lungs, “if they do figure something out, i don’t see why you couldn’t just come to that..?”
theo’s soft face hardened slightly, a gut wrenching frown painting his pink lips. “yeah…i don’t know about that. liam still wants me dead. scott and stiles hate me- not to mention malia and lydia probably would be happy to kick me in the balls.”
i thought over the words, imagining each scenario play out. he was right. “yeah…” i trailed off, “yeah, i don’t think that would happen. i just-“
i struggled to find my words, gaze distant, hope shattered. “i don’t know-“
“i know,” theo touched my cheek, fingers cold from the can of coke now in his other hand. “i know.”
“i’m tired of hiding, theo,” my voice came out quiet and timid, expressive to how i was truly feeling. it was exhausting, constantly sneaking around, always being on the lookout for scott.
“i know, baby,” he squatted down to my level, holding my face with both hands, now. his thumbs brushed over the apples of my cheeks, eyes catching my distant ones. “listen…i know it’s hard, but…they just don’t understand it, okay? they wouldn’t get it. you- you put your faith in me when i didn’t deserve it. if it wasn’t for you, if it wasn’t for your hope, i don’t think i would be the man i am today. you saw a lost, broken boy and you helped me get back on my feet. you helped me make up for every wrong i’ve done. i…”
he didn’t continue any sentence. he just pressed his lips together. my heart fluttered at the anticipation of what it could’ve been he wanted to say.
“i just wish…” i gathered some thoughts, “i wish they’d give you a chance.”
“one day,” theo kissed me shortly, “i think…one day, it’ll happen.”
we curled up on the tiny couch, fit for his small apartment, and watched a movie. i lay in the crevice of his side, clutching to his body like it would be taken from me. often, i worried that that would happen. scott would catch us, committing no crimes, and juror theo to a fate worse than death. it seemed so silly- scott was the sworn protector of this town. he always ensured everyone’s happiness, health, prosperity. yet, when it came to me, those guarantees fell short. he’d rather i be holed up in my room, or holed up at school, my nose in a book, than i live, than i date or work or go out with friends.
it made everything so complicated. it made my life complicated- i had rules to follow, i had curfews, i had to answer the phone every time he called or the entire world would fall apart. i understood my brother just wanted me to be safe, to stay alive- but he was ruining my life while trying to save it.
i looked up towards theo, worry swimming through my eyes. he turned his head at my own shuffling and smiled, though it faded at the sight of my worried face.
“hey, hey,” he shifted his body towards mine, “baby…it’s okay. hey…everything’s gonna be okay, yeah? i won’t let anything ruin this, okay?”
“i’m just worried he’s gonna take you away from me…”
“i know,” theo brushed the hair from my face, “i know, but i won’t let him. i…”
that unfinished thought again.
i set my hands upon theo’s shoulder, worry being coaxed down by the affection i felt for him. “i love you,” i admitted.
theo’s face softened, the gold flecks in his eyes on fire from my confession. he pulled my face closer towards his, rushing out a response before crashing our lips together.
“i love you.”
and i remember thinking: are we out of the woods yet? are we in the clear yet good?
“i saw theo today.”
i looked up from my plate, eyes widened in curiosity. i flicked my gaze between lydia, scott, stiles, malia, and liam. everyone paused from eating their food. they focused on lydia’s words.
scott straightened his stooped neck. his thick brows were furrowed with inquiry, “really? where?”
“the store,” lydia spoke pointedly. “he was buying a dozen roses from the supermarket.”
“well, at least we know he’s a cheap date,” stiles was quick to nip.
i felt my face grow warm, both from worry and frustration. i shoveled some noodles into my mouth.
malia poked at her straw, “what’s he doing here? i thought he left?”
“i think we all did,” scott sighed. he wiped a napkin across his face. “did he have any other groceries?”
lydia rolled her eyes towards the ceiling, as if to recite the items she saw in his cart. “eggs, milk, icing, chicken nuggets, a loaf of bread, and, i think, penne noodles. could’ve been elbow macaroni, though. couldn’t really tell.”
a smile creeped onto my face as i pieced together the groceries. i was supposed to see theo tonight, though i’d told mom and scott i was going to gina’s for a sleepover. i guess i had a birthday cake and flowers to look forward to.
everyone thought for a moment. then, stiles cracked another lame joke, “hey, maybe he’s going to make up for nearly killing y/n by baking her a cake!”
i choked on my water. scott reached a concerned hand over to pat my back. i pressed a napkin to my face and coughed erratically. “you okay?” scott brushed hair form my cheek.
i nodded wildly, “yep- yeah. yep! great. good. sorry.”
scott patted my back again before returning to the conversation. “for his sake, i hope he isn’t planning on doing that. i hope he isn’t planning on contacting any of us. if he does, you all need to tell me- immediately, okay? stiles, let your dad know he’s lingering around. y/n-“
i sniffled from my coughing fit. “yeah?”
scott’s face was lined with a deepened worry, brown eyes swimming with concern for me. “i don’t think i want you going to gina’s tonight. or anywhere but school for the time being. not until we know what theo’s doing here.”
my brows furrowed tightly, “what? no! what- why- how is that fair? no- scott. i can’t-“
“mom will agree,” scott cut me off. “i’m not risking anything.”
“but…” i went to continue to argue my case, but scott continued rattling off instructional orders to the rest of the group.
and, so, my birthday dinner turned into driving to the sheriff’s station with the entire pack. sitting in stilinki’s office until we figured out where theo was living. we drove to the street and patrolled his apartment until 1am. then, stiles dropped scott and i off at home.
nobody even sang me happy birthday.
looking at it now, last december, we were built to fall apart. then fall back together.
“it’s not much, but it’s better than nothing.”
“theo,” i grinned as i took a box from him. a big red bow adorned the glittery wrapping paper. it wasn’t heavy, and the size of the box was quite small. but my heart lit on fire from the lovely gesture. “you really shouldn’t have.”
“no, i wanted to,” he waved me off. “you deserve…so much. the world.”
i met his eyes and recognized that familiar, glistening adoration i’d gotten so used to. “i just…feel bad. you don’t have much money, and-“
“it doesn’t matter,” theo pressed a hand to my knee.
we were criss-cross on the couch, sparse christmas decorations scattered through his tiny apartment. i’d insisted on lining tinsel across the door, lights around the tv console, putting the fake tree in the already crowded corner. i hadn’t been able to come over much and wanted theo to be able to feel some semblance of joyous occasion when i wasn’t there. this was the first time we’d seen each other since thanksgiving.
i only managed to escape the house because i convinced scott that gina and i had to spend christmas together.
“open it!” theo squeezed my knee again.
i giggled at his excited stature and quickly unraveled the bow. inside, amidst the folds of a velvet box, was a necklace with the letter t hanging off of a gold chain. i grinned at the sight, “oh, my gosh! here- put it on me!”
i held my hair from my shoulders as theo clipped the necklace at the nape of my spine. his cold fingers ghosted across my skin until his palms were around my shoulders. he tugged my back into his chest, laying us down upon the couch.
your necklace hanging from my neck, the night we couldn't quite forget when we decided to move the furniture so we could dance.
silence enveloped our presence, a comforting feeling of peace that we rarely had. “i love you, theo,” i let myself whisper. i tried to say it more often than not, worried that one day i wouldn’t be able to remind him of it.
“we should tell scott.”
i pulled myself up, out of theo’s hold, turning to face him on the couch. i was bewildered. my face surely showed it, “what?”
theo ran a hand through his hair, “i think we should tell scott, y/n.”
i shook my head slightly, “no, no. no- we can’t do that. theo- no.”
his tone became increasingly critical, disagreeing with my own disapproval. “why not? im tired of hiding-“
“he’ll kill you, theo,” i rushed out. my breathing was anticipatory in it’s quick speed. “scott will kill you, theo.”
“i don’t know. he’s…merciful. i think if we tell him, we can-“
“theo, no!” i jumped from the couch. “please, just stop. i don’t want to fight about this with you. it’s not happening. end of stor-“
“why does that get to just be your decision? why don’t i get to have a say in this relationship? it’s all up to you!” theo followed me from our seats. he spoke wildly, his hands moving with his words.
i crossed my arms, “i risk everything every single day that i text you. i put myself on the line just to see you. i’m lying to my brother, my best friend- my mom! theo- i thought you understood-“
“i’m just tired of being your little secret. i want to be able to- to see you. i want to come to your birthday dinners and spend christmas morning with you. i want to be in your life. i feel like i’m just on the sidelines!”
“maybe you shouldn’t have tried to kill all of us!”
the words blurted from my lips before i could stop them. the stale silence that followed my heartless thoughts was bitter and cold. theo turned his shoulder from me, dropping his head into his hands.
“oh, my god,” i stepped forward, bracing my hands for impact. “i’m so sorry. theo- i-“
“i thought you’d forgiven me,” he murmured into his palm. “you told me you forgave me for that.”
“i did- i did, i just- i’m sorry! i don’t know why i said tha-“
“maybe scott’s right,” theo met my eyes finally, tears blurring his green ones.
“maybe i never will change. maybe i’m just a bad guy. maybe it’s not a good idea for you to be around me.”
“no, theo, no-“ he kept interrupting me.
“you should leave.”
i couldn’t find the words to stay, but i needed to.
i stepped forward, again, touching theo’s shoulder. he whipped his head back to face me, beautiful eyes darkened by the yellow hue, fangs protruding from his teeth, claws digging into his palms that were beginning to bleed.
“get out!” he roared.
i flinched, throwing myself back a few feet. my hands were shaking. i quickly gathered my things, never turning my back from the monstrous boy standing before me. his chest heaved with anger. he glared.
for the first time in a long time, i was scared of theo.
so, i ran.
baby, like we stood a chance; two paper airplanes flying. and i remember thinking…
“are you awake?”
scott knocked upon my bedroom door.
i rolled over in my bed, away from the sound of his voice, away from his incessant worry.
i knew he could hear my heartbeat. i knew he could smell my pheromones.
i ignored him. he had his answers. i wanted to be left alone.
scott sighed. “please talk to me.”
i didn’t want to.
“well,” he tried to sound cheery, but it failed, “i’ll be out here when you’re ready.”
weeks had passed.
silence had followed.
scott was always wondering why i didn’t go to study group with gina. mom worried why i didn’t want to eat my favorite dinner on thursday nights. stiles was confused when i would voluntarily tag along on patrols with him and scott. when we’d pass theo’s house, i’d press my headphones into my ears and drown the two teenage boys out.
lydia drug me to the mall the following week. scott had told everyone he was worried i was depressed. but he didn’t know why.
i knew why.
i didn’t text theo. and he didn’t try to reach me.
i let the necklace pool in my makeup drawer. my fingers ghosted over it every morning, and i’d flinch as though it burned me. it just made me brain flicker with unwanted memories.
i had nightmares about him.
he’d come into my room and tear me apart.
he’d kill scott right in front of me.
he’d rip my mom’s throat out during dinner.
i dreamed of him, too.
of his arms, the contradictory peace i felt from his fingers. i knew, deep down inside, that his threatening demeanor wasn’t real. it was a projection of his innermost insecurities, his frustration because he could only ever have parts of me.
but i was still terrified. it took me back to a time in my life when theo really was the villain. back to the night when the dread doctors nearly killed me. it reminded me of things i’d worked hard to get over.
it felt like last year, only this time, my heart was broken, too.
i don’t know why i thought it would work. bad people never changed. they’d maybe give you a hurricane eye, false hope that things would be clearing up, the storm would pass. and, then, their true, dark colors would appear like the rain. thundering down on you.
i thought back to months ago, when i first let him in. i’d run into him at the grocery store, like lydia. he was buying tuna fish and a potted plant. he had a certain soil type in his cart. i didn’t recognize him at first, mostly because i’d blocked his face from my memory, and his hair had grown out. he was hiding beneath his hoodie, too.
are we out of the woods yet? are we in the clear yet? good.
“that soils gonna kill that plant.”
i peered over at the stranger’s cart, my own basket swinging from my arm.
“oh!” he looked up from the cereal box in his hands, surprised by my voice.
his brows furrowed, friendly smile faltering slightly. “oh. uh…” he wasn’t quite sure what to say.
i chuckled shortly, “sorry to startle you? i just…don’t want to watch this poor guy be carted off to his death.”
theo looked at the plant as i pointed to it. he set the cereal down in his car, shook his head once, and met my eyes again, “oh. that’s okay. um…would you mind telling me what soil i need?”
“yeah, of course. cmon.”
i marched us off to the plant aisle. as we walked across the entire supermarket, i told him all about my plant collection at home. i shared personal details of my life, remarked as he brought up his own stories.
then, i found the small bag easily, and dumped it into his cart, shoveling the other one back onto the shelf.
he thanked me with this sweet grin. “wow, uh, thank you, so much. any other tips?”
his smile twisted into a smirk, something friendly, nothing too extreme. but, it’s what clicked my memories together. i recognized him then.
i frowned and took a slow step back, “um. sorry…”
i quickly turned on my heel and raced away from the aisle. theo was hot on my heels. he chased me with his cart, stumbling over apologies that i was sure didn’t mean anything. “wait- no! y/n! i’m sorry! please! please let me-! i’m so sorry!”
i tried to pull my phone from my pocket to call scott, but it clattered to the floor. i skidded to a stop, dropping to my knees to grab it. the basket in my arm tipped and everything sprawled across the floor.
i reached for my phone and cursed at the mess. his hand came down over mine. he shot his grip back, apologizing. “i didn’t mea-“
“leave me alone.”
i don’t know how he convinced me to go to dinner with him.
remember when you hit the brakes too soon? 20 stitches in the hospital room. when you started crying, baby, i did, too. but, when the sun came up i was looking at you.
“i think we should talk.”
i glanced over at lydia, thumbs pressing into my thighs anxiously. i sucked in a breath, cold air drowning in my lungs. the wipers rubbed over the window wildly, rain pouring down outside. the radio played softly.
i watched a raindrop race down the window, then glanced over at lydia. “about what?”
she met my eye for a second. she looked like she knew something i didn’t want her to. i gulped.
“you know i…” she trailed off. she licked her teeth in an attempt to find her words, carefully. “i can see things, y/n.”
i sucked in another breath. i couldn’t get enough. i should’ve known this would happen. lydia didn’t just get premonitions of death. if she was connected to somebody enough, like me, she could see flashes of secrets.
“yeah…” i whispered.
“i don’t…” lydia struggled to speak, “i don’t know what to say, necessarily. i only know bits and pieces. like…christmas. he- he wanted to hurt you. but, then- at the grocery store. he was gonna bake you a cake. wha- please tell me what happened, y/n.”
i explained the situation with a shaky voice, fingers rubbing one another in a ruminating anxiety. lydia just listened intently. i was worried she was going to turn the car around, drive us back home to tell scott. i’d get holed up in my room while the pack went on a man and wolf hunt.
but, when i was finished, lydia just stared off at the road.
“well?” i pressed.
she glanced at me, again, “wow. i don’t…i don’t know what to say. i just…i’ve loved some bad people, y/n. one of them- died. the other moved to london, but…but they did change. i changed them, i’d like to think. they became good people. but, i think that’s because they were good people, in their core. they were just scared…i know you probably know theo better than i do, but…i don’t know. he killed his sister. if he were a real wolf, his eyes would be blue, y/n. he came to this town to kill your brother. to take our pack. and he nearly killed you. so many of our classmates’ lives ended because of theo. i just- he’s…”
as she spoke, images flashed through my mind.
two months ago, theo and i had drove three hours outside of town to go to the movie theater. as we walked inside, we saw a little girl sitting upon the curb. she was leaned over, sobbing into her hands. i didn’t know what to do. i was never really good with kids.
theo dropped my hand, ignoring the end of our conversation. he marched over to her, squatted down to speak to her. i couldn’t quite hear what he said, but she looked up at him with these huge, sad eyes. tears stained her face.
theo stood. he offered her his hand. she took it gladly.
he talked to her, quietly, as they walked inside. i followed closely. we stood with the movie theater attendants while they found the girl’s mom.
later, theo showed me a photo of his sister that he kept tucked within a book in his bedroom. it was the only thing he had left of her. that, and the awful memory of what he’d done to her.
she looked to be the age of that little girl, the one who squeezed theo like an old friend before running off to her mommy. she kissed his cheek. she thanked him.
“every night, i have nightmares about…”
i remember holding him through these terrifying dreams…
“about what i did to her. i regret it- i regret it, y/n. if i could give my life to get her back i- i would do it in a heartbeat. i…i’m so sorry of who i am. of where i’ve been and what i’ve done. i’m sorry. i’m so fucking sorry. i wish..i wish we could start over. i wish i could meet you in another lifetime, one where none of this ever happened.”
i held his face in my hands, gently, “theo…it’s okay. we all…we’ve all done things that we wish we could take back. we can only deal with the consequences, and make the best of it. i love you- i love you so much. i forgive you.”
remember when we couldn’t take the heat? i walked out. i said, ‘i’m setting you free.’ but the monsters turned out to be just trees. when the sun came up- you were looking at me.
“theo is…”
lydia didn’t quite finish her sentence, but my i did with my own sad realizations. “scared. he’s scared. he’s…he’s been fighting his whole life. he was just a…just a boy when the dread doctors found him. they manipulated him and- and, god. i-i was helping him and then…god, i’m so mean. i let your guys’ threats against theo ruin my own beliefs. and i let it ruin us…lydia- i-“
“i’m sorry,” she said. it was sincere. “i didn’t…i didn’t know. i’m so sorry, y/n. don’t blame yourself for how it ended. you…you had every right to say what you did. it was his choice as to how he reacted to it. and he pushed you away.“
“but, but- i could have stayed. i could have helped him. we could have worked it out- i need to go see him. lydia, please- take me home-“
lydia screamed.
my eardrums burst.
blood dripped down my jaw, staining the collar of my jean jacket. the tired squealed against the slick pavement. the car went over the side of the road, flying through an empty field, and crashing down on it’s head. broken glass scraped across my face. the seatbelt nearly choked me as our bodies twisted upside down with the car.
i was awake for a mere moments after the car stilled. the radio continued to play soft, haunting melodies. the rain pattered, splashing my face.
the only thing i could picture was theo’s face.
it was almost as if he was right there before me.
when i woke, i was in a hospital bed. i couldn’t quite open my eyes. my head was pounding and the florescent lighting stung my vision. the cuts in my skin thumped with my heartbeat. the iv in my arm felt thick, heavy, cold fluids running in my veins.
above the annoying beeping of the machines attached to my body were two voices. angry voices. arguing voices.
theo and scott.
“no, i don’t think you understand, theo! get out! i don’t want you anywhere near my sister! you- i don’t trust you! this probably happened because of you!”
my eyes shot open.
theo stepped back as scott yelled in his face. his tone was more calm than my brother’s, hands raised defensively, yet in a surrendering offer with his palms facing the ceiling. “scott, please, just-“
“no! get out! leave! before i make you!” scott’s hands were shaking with anger. he seethed, chest rising up and down wildly.
i tried to move, but my body paralyzed. words wouldn’t come, either, because a breathing mask was over my mouth.
“scott-!” theo tried, once more.
scott growled, eyes turning red, ears pointing up towards the moon in the window. he was completely transformed. i knew how dangerous that was. i knew how angry he was.
my eyes shot towards the doorway as mom quickly entered. she stopped before scott, placing her hands on his shoulders gently, “scott…honey, cmon, you’ve gotta breathe, okay? i’ve got a hospital full of patients and the last thing i need is to have the night janitor clean up after two werewolves.”
“then tell him to leave!” scott pointed a claw at theo.
mom looked towards the boy, brows furrowing in anger. she composed herself better. “theo…” mom spoke warily, “you need to leave. now.”
“no, you don’t understand! i didn’t do this! i-i brought her here! if i wanted to kill her, why would i bring her here!”
“to save your ass!” scott roared.
i examined theo’s face as it tilted towards the light. tears shone on his cheeks. mom pushed scott back an inch, “no, scott! hey, honey, cmon! he’s- he’s telling the truth. he brought her here- he didn’t try to kill her, scott!”
“then what did?”
“a deer,” mom spoke blankly. she pursed her lips. the confession was awkward, humanized compared to what we were all used to.
scott straightened his posture, transforming back into a human. his breathing evened out. “oh. i’m….”
theo sighed, ran a hand over his face. “look…i know you hate me. and you have every right to. but…i just…i’m not leaving. i’m staying.”
he took a step towards my bed. scott moved in front of him, blocking me. “stay away from her.”
“scott,” mom examined theo’s face as he met my eyes. he breathed out a sigh of relief and quickly grabbed my hand.
theo dropped to the chair beside my bed, clutching my fingers in his. he pressed his forehead to my touch, mumbling gratitude beneath his breath.
“i thought i lost you,” theo whispered.
mom and scott watched. mom crossed her arms over her chest, a wondrously pleased expression in her eyes. she glanced at scott. he gasped at our interaction.
i blinked away a tear. theo kissed the back of my hand. “i really thought i lost you. god- i’m…i’m never letting you leave me again. i’m sorry. i’m so fucking sorry for scaring you. i promise, i promise it’ll never happen again. i’m never gonna let go of you, i’m never gonna push you away again, okay? i love you.”
i nodded gently, unable to do much else. my fingers wriggled in his hands. he squeezed mine.
scott stepped forward, “theo…”
theo met scott’s eyes. he huffed, “please. please just five minutes. i’ll leave if you want me to, but…please, scott just give me five minutes, okay? you can chase me out of beacon hills, to the ends of the earth, but please let me have five minutes with my girl.”
scott went to say something else, but mom grabbed his bicep. “five minutes.”
she began leading then to the hall, scott following begrudgingly. she looked over her shoulder to tell theo, “five minutes and then we have a lot to talk about, okay? starting with you’re gonna start going to therapy and i have a 24 pack of condoms in my office.”
my face turned beat red.
theo laughed, a relieved, gentle sound i had missed for far too long. he met my eyes again.
“i love you.”
you were looking at me. i remember. are we out of the woods yet? are we in the clear yet? good.
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twshipoftheday · 11 days ago
Teen Wolf Ship of the Day, February 21st
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Theo Raeken x Isaac Lahey
Theo wasn't one to see the silver lining in a situation, Isaac wasn't either. Neither of them thought this was going to work out. They didn't believe that anything could go well for them or that it could be love. Neither of them believed in love.
Headcanons under the cut.
Isaac was very snarky and aggressive around Theo at first but then, as they warmed up to each other has become more real and less guarded
Theo enjoys driving Isaac around and taking him places he's never been before
They both enjoy the beach a lot, though Theo is much more of a surfer and Isaac just likes the sand
They are both very snarky and quick with a comeback, though they absolutely mean well, they are both very vocal about annoyances and anger
Isaac enjoys being held and Theo likes being the person who is allowed to hold Isaac
Theo is the big spoon most often and Isaac is the small spoon, if Theo is having a bad day sometimes he prefers to have Isaac watching his back
They wish they knew what the other was thinking all of the time, Isaac wants to know how Theo sees him and Theo wants to see the way Isaac thinks about him, they just want to know each other better but both of them have trust issues
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daylightdunbar · 2 days ago
| liam dunbar/theo raeken, 1.5k words |
A door swings open at one end of the waiting room, a rattly cough is heard behind them and a toddler struggles to contain his emotions, resisting any attempt to be soothed by his mother beside them.
The clickety—click behind the desk from the receptionist is incessant, so is Theo’s foot tapping against the wood beneath their feet, the jangle of his car keys from where they’re swinging over the edge of his pocket—
“Oh my god.” Liam groans, lifting his fingers to press the cold tips against his temples, rolling them in circles to ease the pounding in his head. “Can you be any louder?” He hisses, snapping his head towards Theo whose face shows nothing but his usual impassiveness.
Barely arching an eyebrow in response, Theo slides his foot back and presses his heel down on the floor, it squeaking under the pressure in response.
“I could’ve left you bleeding out on the side of the road, you know.” He finally speaks, letting the silence linger just long enough for Liam to open his mouth, Theo cutting him off before he does.
“I wasn’t going to bleed out.” Liam argues, throwing his arms out, palms up and gesturing broadly. “It’s a couple of scratches.”
“I saw tears.” Theo half smiles, shrugging one shoulder casually.
“You didn’t see shit.” Liam huffs, angling his body away from Theo so that he doesn’t see the blush crawling up from his neck, past the collar of his hoodie which is now sporting a couple of new holes.
They slip back into the silence that usually accompanies them— comfortable, something that doesn’t need to be broken by futile attempts at small talk. And if Liam doesn’t think too much about why that is, it’s almost… nice.
The hospital is still showing signs of disrepair, in the cracks in the walls hidden behind deliberately placed posters despite the work that’s going on to erase any evidence of what happened, to move on. Liam follows a crack on the edge of the wall that meets the ceiling, tilting his head back until it hits something�� unexpectedly soft, Theo’s shoulder.
“What?” Theo asks, drawing the word out slowly, a frown tugging at the corners of his mouth. “Are you doing?”
Liam quickly yanks his head up, cracking his neck in the process, wincing at the sound as he utters a quiet nothing that barely reaches his own ears.
“You don’t have to stay with me.” He says in lieu of answering, preferring to sweep whatever that was under the rug.
“Some people would just say thank you.” Theo sighs heavily, scrunching up his nose slightly. He doesn’t meet Liam’s eyes, staring at the row of empty chairs in front of them but his eyes flick to the side for a moment, like he wants to look but doesn’t.
I didn’t ask you to stay.” Liam frowns, folding his arms over his chest.
For a moment, Theo doesn’t say anything and Liam thinks he hasn’t heard him— which is ridiculous given that he’s convinced Theo can hear his own thoughts, especially the ones he shoves down so deep he would have to complete a maze to find them.
“Okay.” Theo says, his voice as blank as his stare. “I’ll leave.”
Theo stands up, hovering in front of Liam with his fingers wound around his keys until Liam reaches out, grabbing his sleeve by the fistful and yanking him back down.
“Don’t.” He huffs, embarrassment clear as the sky breaking through the clouds written on his face.
“Thought so.” Theo grins, mostly to himself, ignoring the scowl that pulls at the corners of Liam’s mouth.
The nurse is nice, kind eyes that reassure Liam as he hops up onto the bed— even if they stray across to Theo standing silently in the corner, hands in his pockets looking at the tray that she rolled in with her with different supplies, her curiosity clearly piqued even if she doesn’t mention it.
It stings a little but enough for Liam to retract his arm until she mentions him needing a tetanus shot and Liam’s arm flies backwards so fast it’s amazing he didn’t accidentally hit the nurse or himself in the jaw.
Theo stands up straighter to his side, frowning at Liam’s reaction as the nurse promises it won’t hurt anymore than what caused his original scrapes. Liam smiles but it does little to stave off the burn of nausea rising in his throat.
Theo approaches the bed when she leaves and leans in, his breath hitting Liam’s cheek eliciting a slight shiver.
“Don’t tell me you’re scared of needles.”
“Everybody’s scared of something.” Liam rushes out, his words catching in a breathless, fearful swallow that makes them sound even more defensive that he intended.
Theo steps back, putting his hands in his pockets as he scrutinises the way Liam’s eyes are flying back and forth to the closed curtain and the top of the cabinet where the first tray had been.
He doesn’t know why he hates needles, but he always has— even as a little kid, staring at the needles in doctor’s hands with tears filling his eyes and seeing his life flash before them even if it was over in a matter of seconds. And, the last thing he needs is Theo Raeken of all people making fun of him for it.
The nurse returns with the needle in question and Liam’s eyebrows fly up to his hairline, squeezing his hands into fists at his sides as the blood thumping in his ear drowns out everything she’s saying to him.
Liam doesn’t even notice Theo coming closer to him again, or Theo holding out his hand towards him— at least not until the back of his hand touches Liam’s and his fear immediately outweighs his embarrassment, he clutches Theo’s hand and squeezes it with all the strength he can muster. Theo grimaces slightly but doesn’t pull his hand away, letting his fingers take the crushing blow of all of Liam’s anticipatory fright.
Liam meets Theo’s eyes, softer than usual.
“Okay?” He mouths to him, searching Liam’s eyes for a sign of something he’s not even sure he’s going to find.
Liam nods but it’s a barely there jerk of his head as he feels the latex from the nurse’s glove touching his arm, swallowing at the sight of the needle out of the corner of his eye.
Theo turns his attention to the needle and absentmindedly rubs his thumb across the back of Liam’s hand, just long enough to distract him from the needle piercing his skin. And fine, maybe the puzzled look that crosses his face is what some people might call, adorable.
“All done.” The nurse smiles at him. “You’ve got your boyfriend to thank you for that.” She laughs softly, nodding towards Liam’s hand which is still crushing Theo’s.
It’s only after she’s left them alone does Liam pull his away, clearing his throat and avoiding eye contact with him, looking at his hands and arms where the dried blood used to be spread across his skin.
“So, um—”
They speak at the same time, whatever they were going to say drifting away, their words dying on their tongues as they look at different areas of the cubicle.
The tips of Liam’s ears turn a bright and rapid red as he drops his gaze to his scuffed shoes and lets the usual comfortable silence twist into something less, the unusual awkwardness palpable.
“You were so brave.” Theo mocks, his teasing breaking the silence that had followed them from the hospital to the truck and halfway down the quiet backroads of Beacon Hills.
Liam snorts, lifting his head off the window to glance over at Theo out of the corner of his eye.
“Shut up, man. I wasn’t that bad.”
Theo drags his tongue over his bottom lip, flicking his eyes up to the rearview mirror before deliberately turning his head towards Liam.
“You almost broke my hand.” He says, holding said hand up.
Liam just smiles to himself, rolling his eyes and muttering something that sounds closely like if i wanted to—
Instead, Liam twists his hands in his lap and turns his body towards Theo, studying the inscrutable expression on his face as he tightens his grip on the steering wheel.
“You know I’m scared of needles, what are you scared of, Theo?”
Theo doesn’t answer but Liam watches the line of his throat and how he swallows thickly, his eyes flickering out to the side but never catching Liam’s. He opens his mouth slightly, closing it, almost crumbling under the pressure of the question—
He shakes himself out of it before he can though, turning to Liam, his uncertainty replaced with a nonchalance that hadn’t been there before.
“That’s a story for another day.”
“Promise?” Liam asks before he can stop himself, his voice wavering slightly.
“Like you’d let me forget, Dunbar.” Theo smiles, it’s not a half smile, it’s not even a smirk, it’s a smile that pierces through Liam’s chest and blooms in a wordless promise of something else instead.
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equallyloyalandlethal · 3 months ago
Given that I've been hyping up people reading and commenting on fics, and I'm working on the sequel to this fic, I figured that I would post a new photo edit for it.
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Tough Like Dandelions [135k | Complete, 18/18 | M Rating]
A story of growth, change, and healing after a new enemy steps onto the field that threatened to decimate not only the McCall pack and those adjacent, like Theo, but the supernatural world as whole. This rising faction of hunters used science to develop a new type of weapon that the pack has no defense for, proving to be their most dangerous opponent yet. Caught in the crossfire of it is, predictably, one Liam Dunbar, which meant that Theo isn't going to get any rest any time soon.
Theo Raeken/Liam Dunbar centric, alternating POV, pack dynamics feature prominently.
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Chapter 1 Excerpt:
“Liam!” Theo’s voice ricocheted off the trees as he moved through them, shoving his way through the brush.  Nothing answered. Another, louder, groan filled the dusk-dark woods, dripping with the chimera’s pent-up frustrations as thoroughly as his shirt, plastered to his skin and sticky, was soaked with his own sweat. He turned, feet carving semicircles in the Preserve’s soft dirt. Whether he flared his eyes or not, nothing jumped out at him, no piles of shredded clothes, no signs of a struggle, no blood. Everything looked entirely as a forest should. His animals bristled in unison, not that he paid much mind to the coyote. Its chittering was always the same, driven by the taste of copper and a need to survive at all costs, neither of which were much use to him anymore. Theo shoved them back, pinching at the bridge of his nose. This was the last of Liam’s preferred spots that he could think of, and he had found nothing to suggest the wolf had been anywhere near here, or any of them, in at least a week. That in and of itself was nothing horrible. Any other day, he might be inclined to just guess that the little bastard was doing better, not needing to disappear from the weird pressures of being in a pack with people that cared. His fangs poked into his lips, the fresh tang of blood quickly coating his tongue and disappearing as the wound healed. Any other day. With a tamped down growl, he started forward, trudging through the undergrowth with all the tact of an enraged bull — much to his coyote’s very vocal displeasure.   Of all the times for Liam to play hooky, he had to choose the one-time Theo was actually getting some fucking sleep. His inner wolf huffed at him, annoyed at his annoyance, at which he rolled his own eyes. So, what if he had been Scott’s first call, post Mason? He shook off the little wave of pride rushed through his limbs. It meant nothing. The too-soft smirk on his face twisted into a loose scowl.
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nightingale2004 · 10 months ago
Teen wolf next generation: Thiam version
Nathan Daniel Raeken Dunbar
Faceclaim: Tanner Buchanan
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Oldest son of Liam Dunbar and Theo Raeken
He looks a bit like both his dads
Is a werewolf
On the lacrosse, wrestling, and basketball team (prefers boxing)
He and Miguel are emo boy besties
He has a temper, but he has a handle on it
Works at his dad, Liam's fight gym
Has I.E.D. like Liam and has a tough time keeping a cool head. (His family and pack help keep his temper under control)
He is the best fighter in the McCall pack
He trains at the gym and in the woods of Beacon Hills
Tara Haven Raeken Dunbar
Faceclaim: Milly Alcock
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The last child of Liam and Theo
Younger sister of Nathan by 2 years
Acts mature for her age
Loves her brother and sticks with him like glue
She is a were-coyote
She considers herself the brains while her older brother is the brawn
She is the strategist in the McCall pack and brainstorms plans and backup plans with some of the Hale pack members
She is always one step ahead of everyone
Is on the soccor team of Beacon Hills High School
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setevulpo · 7 months ago
theo raeken headcanons
some headcanons that are present in nearly all of my wips, so y'all still get my incredibly correct opinions on theo even if these stories don't see the light of day.
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divider by @/cafekitsune
because of being experimented on by the dread doctors he has a lot of gaps in his memory. not just from their abilities, but also because of the modified mercury! he doesn't remember most of his life before the doctors, and is missing some parts from after too. from time to time he still forgets things he shouldn't.
didn't really speak when he was a kid, even before he was taken by the dread doctors. the few times he spoke were to his sister or mother, but it was still mostly short sentences.
his mother died before tara, when he was 5, from a pulmonary stenosis complication. he also had that same condition, and his father got very protective of him after his mother's death.
he's a mama's boy deep down. he doesn't really remember why he is, but the first time jenna asked if he wanted to stay for dinner he almost started crying.
in addition to that, he considered the geneticist his mother for the first few years. he eventually stopped when he got older.
learnt biology and anatomy in latin before learning it in english. he hated having to learn the names of everything in english after years of knowing them in latin.
has very sensitive eyes from living underground for so long and from the doctors' experiments. prefers going out at night and still wears sunglasses because the city lights give him headaches.
he doesn't have a notion of gender, or of anything related to it. still, he is very much trans, and has been using he/him pronouns for himself since he was a kid. he also switched between calling tara his sister and his brother.
the doctors made him a werecoyote before making him a werewolf, and he's more similar to a coyote in behaviour because of that. on the other hand, he's physically closer to a wolf.
theo isn't the first name he's had. he's been through at least ten other names, didn't really care about them because he wouldn't keep them for too long anyway. theo is the only name he ever had a chance to hold on to.
he's had symptoms similar to mercury poisoning for years because of the modified mercury, but he's been riding on adrenaline for so long that post-canon his health crashes for weeks.
he has a mild form of chromesthesia and from time to time will stare off into space while listening to people talk because he's paying attention to the colour of their voices.
got the name theo from a book when he was 16, when a test subject he was friendly with lended it to him. that book is still under the seat of his truck, along with a shard of bone he kept after their death.
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swinglifeaway19 · 6 months ago
Roleplay Partner Search
Hi there! 
My friends call me Sammy. I've been roleplaying for roughly fifteen years, started on Quizilla ( rip ) and have been writing ever since. I work a full time job, Monday - Friday that takes up the most of my time during the week. Weekends are spent with my boyfriend and friends.Most of my roleplay responses will be weekday evenings & Sunday nights. I'm available most of the time to chitchat or headcanon if that's your jam. I love making friends with my writing partners. Communication is key. 
18+ Please. Am adult. Children stay away. 
Probably over Discord? Unless you have a better suggestion. PM me and we can discuss. 
Doubling friendly and doubling encouraged.   I always play a female oc and a character of your choosing. If you want canon ships for your side, cool. I dont mind. You have an oc that you want to pair with a canon character? Even better. Tell me everything.  
Length. The longer the reply,  the longer it takes for me to reply. I dont really have a length limit, I can match whatever you throw at me, but I'd rather have a shorter reply full of meaningful sentences that move the roleplay along than a long reply full of fluff, ya know? 
Plot > Smut. I dont mind smut, I just need it to not be the sole focus. 
Its been forever since I've made one of  these so I'm probably forgetting something. If you have questions/comments/concerns, feel free to shoot me a message. 
Below are fandoms I'm currently looking for. Bold is who I would like to play against. Italics are characters I'm comfortable playing ( some fandoms have a crap load of characters, if you dont see someone you want in italics, please just ask if I can play them. More often than not, it's a yes). 
A Court of Thorns and Roses series - Completed( Lucien Vanserra, Eris Vanserra, Azriel) [ Azriel, Cassian, Rhysand , Eris Vanserra, Tarquin, ask for more ]
ACOTAR x Throne of Glass Crossover - I would kill to play the child of Manorian, pairing them off with Elucien child. Plot with me pleeeeeeeeease. 
Stephen King's It - Novel, TV Ministries, Chapter 1 & 2 Completed. highly prefer to rp when they are adults, though we can flashback/headcanon platonic moments from when they were kids. ( Ben Hanscom, Mike Hanlon )[ Any of the Losers ]
One Piece - Live Action. Through Zouin Anime ( Roranoa  Zoro. Trafalgar D Water Law. Vinsmoke Sanji )[ Any Straw Hat, Buggy, Mihawk, Shanks, theres a lot of characters so ask ]
Yu Yu Hakusho - Anime Completed. ( Kurama, Hiei, Yusuke )[ Kurama, Hiei, Yusuke, Kuwabara. Ask about anyone else but willing to try ] 
Stranger Things - Caught up. ( Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley, Steven Harrington ) [Eddie Munson, Steve Harrington, Jonathan Byers, Robin Buckley, Nancy Wheeler, Jim Hopper ]
Hunger Games - Original Trilogy Novels & Movies Completed. Willing to do original plot. ( Peeta Mellark, Finnick Odair )[ Mostly anyone save for Snow ]
Teen Wolf ( Theo Raeken, Isaac Lahey, Stiles Stilinski )[ mostly anyone ]
Until Dawn ( Mike Munroe, male oc )[ anyone ]
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coquitokisses · 7 months ago
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🥥💋 Nina. 23. she/her. puertorican. multifandom. bilingual.
{ english isn’t my first language, is spanish }
Requests are open!
Fandoms I will write for: marvel, supernatural & teen wolf (for now) maybe some other characters from other fandoms and maybe a few actors from said fandoms (if you want to make a request and I don’t have the name of the character/actor written below, you can still make the request as long as it’s from the fandoms mentioned before or from the characters I have listed below. My dm’s are also open in case yall wanna ask me anything or prefer to do your requests that way!)
Things I will not write: dubcon/noncon, any dark themes, nothing too hardcore (like anything bdsm related), I won’t write anything sexual with underage characters and won’t write anything about characters/actors I don’t know.
All my fics are female reader.
I will be doing a taglist so if you wanna be tagged in any of my fics all you gotta do is ask!
» masterlist under the cut!
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🍒 - smut | 🍰 - fluff | 🥀 - angst | 🍯 - suggestive
🫐 - drabbles (less than 1k) | 🪐 - series | 🐚 - one shots
❄️ - requests
Bucky Barnes
Back Together 🍰🐚
Trusting Again 🪐
Steve Rogers
Miss Americana and America’s Golden Boy ❄️🍰🫐
Insufferable 🥀
Loki Laufeyson
nothing yet!
Logan Howlett
nothing yet!
Dean Winchester
Oh, baby! 🍰
Alex Summers
Headcanons 🍰 | part 2 (nsfw) 🍯🍒
Johnny Storm
nothing yet!
Theo Raeken
nothing yet!
Andy Barber
nothing yet!
Nick Fowler
nothing yet!
author’s note: this masterlist will be constantly updated to add new fics and/or new characters
dividers creds to @sseuda and @plutism
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gayholloway · 7 months ago
🎙️ - no more dreaming of death, as if death itself was undone.
She started packing up her supplies, drafting a quick email to Nolan’s parents in her head. He wasn’t usually the forgetful type, but she did want to make sure both of his parents had all of the information they needed. There’s only so much information on the pamphlet and consent form.
📱 - we haven't said a word in quite a while (let's start again)
corey !!: can nolans rabies spread to other animals should we call animal control or put him down theodore KARL raeken: i think we should put you down.   corey !!: big words coming from the guy who revived me
🪡 - there's still a thread that runs from your body to mine.
It’s one that Liam had wanted to hear again, just not directed at himself. “I’m-” Liam starts, but Nolan cuts him off before he could finish, something bitter lacing his voice. “We were kids. It doesn’t matter.” He’s staring down at his hands, picking at his already peeling nails. “We don’t have to do the icebreaker either.”
😴 - theo dream hc
His arm aches from laying atop it, and as much as he’d prefer to focus on that, he can’t get the hazy wisps of the dream out of his head. It makes his head spin and his vision blur, but closing his eyes is just inviting the memories to become more vivid. More real. Painstakingly, he pushes himself out of bed and into the cool air of his room.
🤬 - angst prompt thing
Theo can’t get the argument out of his head. Liam’s called, texted, even left a few voicemails that he knows Theo will never listen to—his most annoying habit, as Liam puts it. Theo’s finger hovers over the missed calls, twitching just above his screen. But he doesn’t call, and the phone grows dimmer and dimmer until it turns off completely.
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dragon-chica · 2 years ago
Diner Talks - Teen Wolf Preference
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Fandom: Teen Wolf
Idea and inspiration from my ever beloved @adarkroomandawallflower 🖤(Of course Theo's is longest...)
Following the ever-present supernatural happenings in your lives, it became a small tradition between you to, when all is said and done with the latest crisis of Beacon Hills, go down to the diner at the edge of town and unwind. A sigh of relief and good enough food that never changes, and just talk.
They're open 24/7, and you've learned you can say anything without the cook or single waitress giving a damn, from school problems to supernaturals, neither had bat an eye or paid you any mind. They have their own nights to get through, something you've really grown to appreciate and respect, they've never ratted on anything that might have past their ears.
Scott McCall: It was late when everyone called it case-closed and dispersed back to their homes after the last big bad was run out of Beacon Hills, Scott was giving you a ride home on his motorcycle when it started to pour.
Instead of going to the other side of town in blinding rain that may not have been natural, he ducked towards the only lit up building, a neon sign with an awning he could tuck his bike under, and you shared milkshakes and fries, chatting happily in the warm light and ignoring the strange figure standing across the lot.
Stiles Stilinski: The town was once again saved, everyone you loved was more or less in once piece and you were almost asleep in the passenger seat until Stiles' steady tapping a rhythm on his steering wheel changed into a sharp turn into the entrance to a diner woke you wondering if something was wrong.
He let out a whoop and fist pumped pulling into the empty row in front and you took in the place, flickering neon sign you've never paid attention to before as he was already at your door opening it for you.
He remembers when he was little and his dad would take him to eat here after a long case was finally finished, they would both get a greasy burger and greasier fries and Noah would humor some of his questions about work while urging him to eat instead.
They hadn't done this in years, not really. But now you sit across from him in the booth with greasy food served by the same cigarette smokey waitress and talk about your own cases and a little nostalgia always gets him.
Allison Argent: You first took her to eat at the diner not long after she had moved to Beacon Hills, she was unsure if the place was even there as you drove to the very edge of town. And it was completely deserted without being that late, but she followed you in, she's the new one here afterall.
When she learned about werewolves and hunters and everything else she had to tell you as soon as possible and told you to meet her at the diner immediately. She had your order waiting when you got there and was barely holding it in while you slid in across from her before spilling everything she knew and just found out before realizing, you already know about this.
Now anytime there's something new or big to discuss you end up back at the diner, talking a little too loud for such a topic pouring over new knowledge and old texts together.
Theo Raeken: It had been a long day. Both you and Theo (and hell, half the pack) were roughed up and exhausted, nearly dying before the latest big shot was run out of town, and you were starving.
And you voiced as much to Theo, who was about to say there's not much he can do about that at two in the morning, before spotting the only damn place lit up at this hour. He pulled in and huffed a laugh that yeah, it was really open.
He puts his jacket over your shoulders before you slide into the booth and takes the spot across from you, watching your gaze hungrily scan the menu and just adding "same here" once you order.
It's a sigh of relief while you lean back and wait for your food, giving him a crooked little smile while your foot bumps his leg. There's an ache from his wounds still and a scuff of dirt on your face and he wants to get you back in his truck and drive. Away from Beacon Hills and all its' trials, from the memories of hell and the pack he swears he doesn't care for.
It's tradition now, to come to eat at the diner on the edge of town, no matter how late, always lit and empty, as if waiting for you both. You take the same booth and Theo always takes whatever you order too, and he says how you can leave together. Leave everything in this town behind and it'd be okay, but you notice how less serious he sounds about it now. As he comes to accept his fate of caring about the pack and becoming attached to this town, a passing comment of the night before lacing his fingers with yours and heading home instead of a wistful glance to his truck and pleading tone.
Lydia Martin: The only one who starts this out as a normal date. Despite her expensive tastes and higher class lifestyle, she took you out to the 'cute little diner' for a tame date one night when you seemed like you needed a little time to just get away.
Though she usually would've just booked you both a spa day, she knows you well enough that you'd enjoy this little place. Rolling her eyes when you look so surprised that this is where she took you.
Unsuspectedly enjoyed the meal and just getting to talk with you here that it became your go-to whenever things became a bit much, especially after the supernatural aspect took over your lives.
Isaac Lahey: You would take him here when you were able to sneak him out after his dad had been in especially fine form. A quiet place where no one would ask or bat an eye, despite how worried he was at first.
Just a place far away from everything and a hot meal and too-large milkshake to share, always getting one with two straws because you knew he loved that in cheesy movies.
And after he became a werewolf and everyone was so busy you realized how long it'd been since you went to the diner, especially since there was nothing to stop you anymore. Now you go after every pack problem, and despite the higher stakes he's much more lighthearted on these late nights.
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roleplayfinder · 2 months ago
Hi everyone!
I'm 27 years old, using she/her pronouns and I'm looking for a long term, lit RP partner over Discord. I have 10+ years experience in RP and it shows, as I'm mainly into old ships... My preferred ships are:
Spideypool (Peter Parker x Wade Wilson)
Sterek (Stiles Stilinski x Derek Hale)
Thiam (Theo Raeken x Liam Dunbar)
I also have other old ships that I enjoy:
All variations of ships MxM including Stiles Stilinski
The Maze Runner ships (Newtmas, Minewt, Thominho, etc)
I have some starters but I'm also super open to brainstorm plots and come up with creative ideas together!
Don't hesitate to like this post and I'll reach out to you!!
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slimeyslimeyballsack · 3 months ago
Tag Game
tagged by @thiamsxbitch
what is your DOH (drink outfit hyperfixation) or DOB (drink outfit book) of the day? i also accept DOHBF (drink outfit hyperfixation book fanfic/fanwork). the F can be something you’re working on yourself or that you’re reading/engaging with.
Drink - brown sugar chai latte
Outfit - outfit of the day is pretty laid back. My kurtistown merch that i cropped and some wide legged blue pants with my suede boots and an iowa hawkeyes jacket. hairs in a cute lil pony
Hyperfixation - teen wolf. easy. but slimecicle is slipping back into my brain recently
gonna skip book because i havent read one recently
Fanwork - I havent been reading a lot because I've kind of been pounding out writing but I'm working on a piece right now called Doctors and Their Effect on Young Boys: A Case Study
When Theo was seven years old, his mother knocked out three of his teeth. A central incisor, a lateral incisor, and a cuspid. They were baby teeth and one of them was loose, but in hindsight he figures that was still not excellent parenting. He and Tara were playing outside. It was a perfect sunny day and they had just gotten a new chalk set and were excited to color. He had forgotten to take his shoes off when he came inside for a glass of water. The floors were hardwood and he hadn’t actually tracked in any mud, but it was about the principal he supposes. They were a no shoe household. That meant no shoes whether he was actually dirtying the floor or not.
“Theodore John Raeken,” she had clipped.
She was the only one who called him Theodore. The name itself brought its own kind of fear. It was only used in punishment. A more endearing name was used for his praises. ‘My beautiful boy’. He was her beautiful son. At least he was when she was talking to her friends. When she could brag about his perfect scores on his report card, or the art that said ‘I love my mom’ that he brought home. She could talk him up to her friends and he could stand there, getting his hair pet. It was the best feeling in the world, he thinks. He loved having company over. That was his favorite version of his mother. She was kind, and her eyes even sparkled a little. If he squinted, Theo thought she might look at him with love. There was no company over this day. This day he was not her beautiful boy. This day he was Theodore.
His mother was a harsh disciplinarian, and firmly believed in corporal punishment. Normally a simple backhanded slap was the result of what Tara called a Class D violation. Except this particular day she was holding a hardcover copy of Stephen King’s The Stand. So it was less of a backhand and more of a back book. Pairing with the missing teeth, the spine had cut open his eyebrow as well and left him with a pretty nasty bruise down the side of his face.
He had to go to school with three of his teeth missing for six months. Six months is a long time to go to school with no teeth. Did you know that when baby teeth are removed from the mouth prematurely a spacer may be required for the teeth to grow back correctly? A trip to the dentist is certainly needed. Theo did not get a trip to the dentist, but he definitely needed that spacer. His teeth migrated into the gap and when the three permanent teeth tried to grow in they were pushed backward and forward, anywhere they could fit. It was painful, and several times Theo was punished for crying, a class A violation. When the teeth finally finished growing in, his mouth was a mess. Tara said it gave him character, but he still felt ugly. The boys at school called him shark mouth and the girls screamed when they saw his teeth.
That was the end of being his mother’s beautiful boy. He wasn’t allowed to show his teeth anymore. She couldn’t stand looking at them. Smiling was to be kept close lipped. She started introducing him as her ‘wonderful son’. It felt like a slap in the face. It felt worse than a slap in the face. He would have preferred being hit.
Tagging: @awinnn23 @calico-kiwi @the-t-stands-for-tall @ibiscrow @johnsotherbastard @chasing-chimeras if yall are interested
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amatchinwater · 1 year ago
So, hey. 👀 I have a prompt. 👀 Actually, I have two, and I hope it's okay I'll send them in one 🥰
"“i’ll kiss you right now to prove i don’t feel anything for you” but the kiss proves the exact opposite"" for Stisaac
"i’m watching you date all these other people and i don't know what it is i'm feeling but it's definitely not jealousy" for Steo (preferably with jealous Theo because I love jealous Theo 😍 But you don't have to. I'm gonna love it either way. 🥰 )
Gods, I don't even want to think about how old this ask is 🤦‍♀️ but I finally got the second one done!! Thank you, babes 💚💚
Pairing: Steo
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Theo Raeken Mason Hewitt, Tracy Stewart, Corey Bryant, unnamed OG male character,
Warnings: drinking, rejection, mentions of past Sterek, Stiles thinks he can drink and fuck the breakup pain away, irritated Theo, jealous Theo
Words: 3033
Prompt: jealousy prompt in ask, thanks again, Laura 💚
Ao3 link Masterlist
Do you know what it feels like to have happiness? True happiness. Only to have it yanked away from you with no hope of stopping it?
Stiles does.
Twice in his life, aside from his mother’s death, has it happened. Once in the form of his childhood best friend and schoolyard crush Theo moving away shortly after a death in both of their families. Right when they probably needed each other the most. The second, and arguably the worst, was Derek Hale breaking up with him and also leaving town…and the country. 
At least Theo kept in touch, Derek cut him off cold turkey. 
It hurt like a mother fucker.
Even now with a healthy pack and a good life, six months later, Stiles still doesn’t feel quite whole. Like the wound is still fresh without an ounce of scar tissue in sight. 
“Are you coming tonight?” Tracy asks, flopping on the couch next to him and setting her feet in his lap. “Or are you finally staying home?” 
He doesn’t miss the suggestion in the kanima’s tone. That Stiles should stay home tonight. But the fox won’t. A fact they’re both more than aware of. 
Stiles will go to the club like every other time. Searching for someone with a hero complex insisting they can help him forget his ex. They mostly do. For the duration they’re in the fox’s bed at least. The moment the post-coital haze clears, Stiles is missing Derek all over again. Feeling guilty for what he’s done for the hundredth time. 
Because that’s the thing about rebounding with a bunch of strangers that no one tells you about. You’re still the same broken shell of a person afterwards. Nothing changes just because you had an orgasm. You’re still hurt. 
“Of course he’s going,” Theo huffs, all but stomping off the last step.
And he’s right. Even though Stiles knows it won’t make him feel better, he can’t stop.
“When are we leaving?” The fox asks, making Theo scoff. “What’s your problem?” He asks, rolling his eyes towards his Alpha.
“Nothing at all,” Theo mumbles in annoyance from the kitchen. “I’m staying home tonight, let me know when you guys are heading back,” the Alpha stalks back upstairs without another word.
Right. Okay, Stiles should probably back up a bit. He mentioned having a healthy pack now. With Derek gone, it’s obviously not the Hales. But Scott isn’t his Alpha either. When Theo came back to Beacon Hills at the beginning of their senior year, he and Stiles reconnected as if he’d never left. He was an Alpha and quickly built a pack of stray supernatural creatures both Scott and Stiles didn’t even know existed. 
Well, they knew about kanimas. But not raijus or that were-jaguars were a thing. Or that there were creatures that could turn invisible! Nor that kids they went to school with were supernatural and right under their noses. Granted, Stiles was a human at the time and literally never would’ve known. 
What bothered Scott the most is hard to say. Unclear to which straw finally broke the camel’s back. It’s always possible that it was just a culmination of everything that got to the True Alpha. In part, it definitely had to do with the fact that Theo wouldn’t relinquish his title as Alpha because Scott asked him to. And he shouldn’t have either, in Stiles’ opinion. The coyote got his power fair and square by his Alpha passing it on. 
Then it boiled down to how close he and Theo became.
They were best friends before Stiles even met Scott. Even over the years when they stayed in touch, there never felt like distance between them. There’s nothing that Theo doesn’t know about. No secrets. 
At first it started with Stiles already having plans with the coyote. But eventually it progressed to Stiles forgetting about pack nights because he was with Theo. And then the Alpha asked if he’d think about joining his pack since he sees Scott so little and seems happier with Theo.
Saying yes had never been so easy. 
He even accepted the bite.
Because Theo was absolutely right. After Allison, there was always an uncomfortable air around Scott and Stiles. On the surface, the fox was happier.
Not happy. But happier.
So off to Sinema he goes. Pack in tow save for their Alpha.
“What are the chances I can get you to be my wingman tonight?” Josh asks, looping an arm around the fox’s shoulder. “I need some of that luck you always seem to possess.”
Any other night, Stiles probably would’ve said yes. But for some reason Derek is at the forefront of his mind tonight. And there’s something clearly pissing Theo off. So for the sake of not thinking about either Alpha, the fox knocks back his fourth- fifth?- wolfsbane infused drink courtesy of Hayden.
Throwing a wink at the raiju, Stiles says, “watch and learn young padawan.” He can’t focus on fully helping Josh right now. But if he pays attention, it could work out for him.
It did with Corey and Mason.
Grated, Mason was so far gone on Corey, he didn’t really need to do much to get the human. 
Feeling that last cocktail settle in his blood, Stiles makes his way towards the dancefloor. It wasn’t until after Derek that the fox realized just how much he likes dancing. Or the fact that once he loosens up, Stiles is actually pretty good at it too. Moving through the sea of gyrating bodies, he finds himself a nice little space off the center.
That’s his trick. He’s close enough to the outside that someone sitting down can see him. But he’s also enough in the crowd that people on the dancefloor have eyes on him too. The more visible you are, the more chance you have of taking someone home. 
It takes no time at all for someone’s hands to find his waist. Stiles doesn’t even bother to push people away anymore. Company is his goal after all. So when the person pulls him close, grinding the fox against him, Stiles lifts his hands up, curling his fingers into their short strands. 
When the song changes, the body behind him makes no effort to move. So Stiles takes the initiative to turn around, see who’s interested. He’s surprised to find someone who looks like they could be Derek’s body double. It’s almost scary. But it deals the deal for the fox. Determination setting in to take this guy home. Maybe one last hook up, this time with Derek Lite, will be just what Stiles needs.
“Hey, handsome,” the fox lightly slurs over the music, “what are the chances I can get you to go home with me?”
Blunt and to the point.
Works every time.
The hands fall from his waist, the stranger’s face softening. “I’m sorry,” he leans in, not knowing that Stiles can hear him perfectly. “I was just looking for someone to dance with and you’re really good. You’re not my type, sorry.”
“Right. ‘Course, have a good night,” Stiles says, biting his remark away. The ‘you rub your boner on me but I’m not your type, huh?’ stings the back of his throat. The fox leaves the dance floor, making a beeline for the exit. 
That always works.
It didn’t work on Derek either.
Okay, that’s just fucking rude. The voice in his head has no right to say shit like that. Derek wasn’t some guy in a club. He was a good Alpha and brother who left town to protect his sister.
That doesn’t help it sting any less that an essential carbon copy of the Alpha rejected him.
The fresh air hits his face and all of the alcohol Stiles consumed makes itself known He’s not going to throw up, but he feels how much he had to drink. The fox doesn’t stop moving until he gets to the alley on the side of the club. Crouching down, Stiles puts his head in his hands.
He should be over this by now. Why the fuck does it still hurt so much? The fox’s eyes sting with tears. Drunk or not, he’s not going to fucking cry.
He won’t.
A hand rests on the fox’s shoulder, Josh’s scent filling his nostrils. It’s a comfort like no other. Stiles doesn’t know what he’d do without the raiju. 
“Do you wanna talk about it?”
“He broke me,” Stiles snaps, looking up at his best friend with blurry eyes. “I’m broken, Josh,” the fox sobs, tears spilling down his cheeks. He said he wasn’t going to cry, dammit. But here he is, one simple question from the raiju- one he could’ve said no to- and Stiles’ drunken brain releases the floodgates. 
He feels pathetic.
“But you’re not,” Josh speaks softly.
“Yes, I am!” Stiles sniffles, angrily wiping his face dry. “I’m not his type,” the fox scoffs, “Derek left me.”
“Okay, well fuck both of them. They’re idiots if they can’t see how great you are.” Josh looks at him earnestly, “but I also don’t think sleeping with a bunch of nameless faces is going to make you feel better. Kinda seems like it’s been doing the opposite.”
“Excuse me?”
“Look,” the raiju sighs, “I’m not trying to piss you off or control you. I’m just trying to help you. It’s kind of my job.”
Josh is right. Stiles knows that. But how else is he supposed to get by? Who else is going to want someone as damaged as him?
“How about instead of hooking up with everyone you can,” Tracy rounds the corner of the building, “you take a look at what’s right in front of you.”
Stiles, rather drunk and confused, looks at his best friend who is indeed in front of him. 
“You mean Josh?” Don’t get him wrong, his best friend is rather easy on the eyes. But that’d be like dating his brother. No, thank you.
The raiju laughs.
“Oh my god,” Tracy groans, scrubbing her face in aggravation. “You are not that dumb or blind,” the kanima scoffs. Stiles gives her a blank stare and shrugs. “For the love of- Theo! He’s in love with you, you idiot!”
Stiles’ heart stops.
“Bullshit,” he snorts. “Theo doesn’t even look at me like that.” If he did, Stiles would’ve tried something with his childhood crush a long time ago. Theo’s hot and nice and actually cares about him. He gently hits Josh’s arm, “tell her to stop fucking with me.”
Josh pulls a face, lifting a shoulder, “she’s not.”
Stiles’ heart stops again.
Then he laughs. A full on giggle fit that doesn’t stop even when they get him in the car. Laughs as he explains his behavior to Mason and Corey. But when they pull into the driveway and they give him the same look Josh had, Stiles sobers up real quick.
They’re home.
And Theo’s inside.
Who doesn’t like, but loves him. 
What’s breathing? Stiles has forgotten how to do it, but he’s pretty sure it’s something that’s supposed to be automatic, not a conscious choice of inhaling and exhaling.
“Uh, hey guys,” Mason’s voice echoes beside him in the back seat, poking his shoulder.
“What?” Josh asks, putting the car in park.
Tracy actually turns around, “oh shit.”
“What?” The raiju repeats, looking behind him, “shit. Stiles?”
The fox is frozen, staring at the house. Full of alcohol and nervous energy. “He’s going to think I’m a whore,” Stiles mutters, his brain running a stomach churning montage of all of the people he’s slept with. 
All the while Theo knew about and said nothing in the way of disapproval. Unless you count his attitude. 
Gods, Stiles feels like such an idiot.
The kanima cackles. Actually cackles, “oh, honey. If anything Theo is just jealous and upset you’ve never let him grace your bed.”
“Why do you think he was so upset tonight?” Mason asks, rubbing the back of the fox’s neck. Even as a human he understands how to calm them down.
That would explain the Alpha’s attitude, sure. But still, “Why did he never say anything?”
Everyone in the car gives him a shrug.
“Guess you’ll have to ask him yourself,” Corey says, leaning over Mason and Stiles to open the car door.
“What?” The fox looks back and forth and before he knows it, the couple shoves him out of the car. If not for his supernatural reflexes, Stiles would’ve eaten the concrete.
“We’ll see you in the morning,” Josh yells through Tracy’s open window.
The car door slams closed, tires squealing in its haste to get out of the driveway before the fox can react.
“Dicks,” Stiles mumbles, turning and facing the house. 
His body really wants to go into flight mode. Guess it’s time to put his big boy pants on. His heart picks up, fingers shaking trying to use the key to unlock the front door, one thought nagging him.
Has he been hurting Theo this whole time?
“Dammit,” he squeezes his eyes closed, pushing open the door. The only sound inside the house is his Alpha’s heartbeat. Too quick to be sleeping. A page turns. “Theo,” Stiles calls out, closing and relocking the front door.
Please don’t ignore him.
There’s a pause followed by a sigh, “In my room.” 
His heart is thundering in his chest. Yes, the revelation from the pack sobered him up, but the fox isn’t sober. There’s still a buzz in his head and a slight wobble to his legs. Stiles very carefully walks up the stairs to the Alpha’s room. The one right next to his. At least their walls are soundproof, so unless a door is open, you can’t hear shit. 
Meaning Theo never had to hear Stiles with the people he brought home. 
The smallest of consolations because Theo still knew they were there.
When Stiles makes it to the Alpha’s room, Theo is propped against his headboard reading Catching Fire. No shirt on and gray joggers. He is a sight to see. Why the hell did Stiles never even flirt with the guy? He’s more than aware of how hot Theo is. Maybe the fox just didn’t want to ruin their friendship. Or step over any pack bounds. 
Excuses, honestly.
“Hey,” Stiles says a breath above a whisper. His tipsy brain says the best course of action is why not try for some flirtatious humor to break the tension? “You waitin’ up for me, handsome?” The fox leans against the doorframe with a grin.
“No one warming your bed tonight?” Theo asks in a sour tone. Not even bothering to look up from his book, simply turning the page. 
Alcohol takes control of Stiles’ tongue, “I was hoping you would.” 
It’s unmistakable. The rush of arousal coming off the coyote. His fingers twitch against his book. “So they told you.” But Theo still doesn’t look up.
“They might have informed me that I’m a moron,” Stiles says, stepping over the threshold. “That I had someone much better right here the whole time.”
That gets Theo’s attention. He looks up from his book, eyes flickering red for the smallest of seconds.
He’s getting to Theo.
“I don’t want your pity,” the Alpha closes his book. “You’re only here because it’s convenient. A fall back because no one came home with you.” Theo’s voice is full of something Stiles can’t quite place. Anger? Sadness? His words hurt just the way that Theo must hurt when he says, “You don’t actually want me.”
The fox snorts, filter nonexistent, “Are you jealous that people come home with me?”
Theo tosses his book on the nightstand, getting up from his bed. The fox is ready to drool. All he needs is to get his hands on the coyote. But Theo stays just a step away, “I’m watching you fuck all of these other people and I don’t know what it is I’m feeling,” Theo’s heart skips. “But it’s not jealousy.”
“Liar,” Stiles says confidently. Never once feeling so bold and so fucking nervous at the same time.
The Alpha scoffs, giving him a tongue in cheek smile. When their eyes meet, Theo crosses his arms to his chest, stepping closer, “I’m not lying, sweetheart.”
Stiles’ mouth dries out. Throat clicking when he swallows. Does the Alpha realize how he looks and sounds? He is growing determined to get Theo to crack. He’s putting on a face so that Stiles won’t know he’s getting to him.
As if he can’t smell it.
Unless Theo’s trying to be done.
The fox gets an idea. He nearly purrs at the thought. If Theo wants to drop it, he’ll let him. But if he doesn’t…
“Okay,” Stiles quips, “if that’s what you really want. For the record, it’s not pity, I’d never have stepped foot in the club in the first place had I known you had feelings for me too. But I guess I’ll just leave you be then” He turns to leave, ready to walk away if that’s really what the coyote wants. 
No matter how much it might hurt.
Theo’s hand curls around his wrist. “Don’t you dare walk away from me,” the Alpha growls, words charged and breath thick. “I can’t-” Theo takes a controlled breath, sounding small and vulnerable, “I can��t watch you walk away again.”
“Then don’t,” Stiles whispers, unable to properly breathe either. “I’m yours…if you want that,” that fox turns around meeting rubies. 
“Not just for the night, sweetheart,” Theo sounds like he’s begging, yanking the fox close. His arm wraps around the small of Stiles’ back, keeping him there.
Stiles gulps, imagining this very situation since he was a kid, “However long you want me.”
“Don’t make a promise you can’t keep,” Theo tells him, eyes still glowing red, fingers twitching against his back. 
“Try me,” Stiles retorts, kissing Theo’s response away. 
The Alpha doesn’t pull back other than to drag Stiles to his bed. 
Needless to say, Stiles doesn’t return to Sinema again unless it’s with Theo on his arm. Nor does he sleep in his own room anymore. Theo’s room became theirs. 
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