#then??? did she go to paradise island????? i cant remember
roseworth · 2 years
donna troy i love you with all my heart but i wish you had a less confusing backstory
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sillyweirdkid · 6 days
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thequeenb · 4 years
Could you possibly write a poppy x mc fic where poppy cheats on mc😂🤷‍♀️Idk I’m just in the mood for some angst(you can choose the ending. That is if you write it😂😭)
Poppy x MC
Poppy and i have been dating for almost 6 months now and she is everything i ever dreamt of. She is fierce and powerful but a softie behind closed doors. She is starting to be more true to herself, even though we go through many arguments i know its her defence mechanism to avoid feelings
I am eating lunch with Zoe chatting about how i plan on taking Poppy to a romantic date "And i guess we will watch the stars together andddd i dont have to tell you the rest"
"Babe you leave the most important information for later now we have to discuss about--" but before she could finish her sentence our phones buzz, probably a stupid update from the T
Good morning beautiful people of Belvoire, except you Charlie, get your nasty dog away from designer bags. Anyways i have a very important announcement to make darlings, we all know the most powerful couple of Belvoire but uh oh is there trouble in paradise?
Yesterday afternoon our dear Queen Bee and her ex Carter were spotted having a steamy make-out, you don't believe me? Take a look at this picture. I am sorry Bea but are you that surprised?
Kisses, The T
My phone drops from my hands as soon as i see the picture. Everyone turns around to look at me but i feel my pulse ringing through my ears. Poppy cant do this to me can she? Maybe this is all a sick joke or fake information but it isn't. I look beside me and Zoe zoom in the bracelet i bought her a week ago, this is true.
"Babe i want you to take a deep breath okay? Just breathe" Zoe pats my back and i try to follow these simple instructions but I can't, how can i be so damn stupid?
My lungs cant obey and my mind starts racing. I can hear people whispering around me, others are pointing and others look at me with pity expressions.
And there she is. Walking in the pathway Poppy and Chloe can be seen approaching me. Some gasp and i can tell she hasn't read the blog yet, probably too busy sucking Carter. The thought of him touching Poppy makes my blood boil so i get up before this turns into a murder scene
"Hey love! Grab lunch with me at the mall?" She is smiling at me and thats when my mind screams at me to just leave
"Stay away from her Poppy" Zoe stands between us and Chloe rolls her eyes
"I think Bea has a mouth so why don't you step aside? What happened darling?" Her eyes look at me worryingly but then she knows exactly what happened
"I knew you were bitchy you know, just never thought you would do something so low" i say looking at the picture on my phone
Poppy looks around noticing everyone is watching and listening to our conversation "I can explain Bea lets just--"
"No. Everyone know, everyone saw" my voice breaks, i cant even look at her. I scan her body and face, where Carter touched her last night and all i can see is red
"Why? I gave you everything didn't i? I was patient with you God i even handled your awful attitude that i didn't deserve" i walk towards her, my tone is harsh but i only know how my heart breaks into million pieces
"I hope he was worth losing me" i push her shoulder walking past her, Zoe following behind me. No one dares to say a word nor look at me, they all mourn my broken heart they all respect my pain for now. I walk as fast as i can trying to avoid the walk of shame
I find a nearby bench and i sit down collapsing in Zoe's hug. She is caressing my back trying to soothe me, the tears become body wrecking sobs and all i can try to do is take deep breaths
"Let it all out girl, i am here for you"
I pull back wiping my eyes "W-why would she do that? I am not enough?" I look at her completely broken
"You are everything anyone would ever want, she choose to not see that, she choose to give in to her desire but she didn't thought the risk was losing you" And she is right, Poppy thinks that she will always have what she wants but this time she will learn what losing someone important means
Am i even important at this point? When she was making out with her ex was i even on her mind? I cant think a single reason for her to do this to me. I gave her my attention, i gave her my affection and most importantly i gave her my heart, the one she broke
"Can i stay alone for a minute?"
"Are you sure love?" Zoe asks concerned and i nod. I don't want anyone to see me in such a mess
She gives me a tight hug before walking away and i am left alone with my thoughts. Why Poppy? We were making such progress and you had to ruin it with one action. Would she even tell me if The T didn't upload that stupid photo? My mind is going to million places thinking of every possibility
Shaking i pull my phone out opening the photo album i made for Poppy and I. Hah isn't it ironic? The first photo is us sharing a milkshake, it was the first time someone took her to such a simple date and she told me that night that she feels safe with me.
The second one is us kissing. Zoe took that when we went to Coney Island. We were at a kissing booth and she was so jealous that she paid the girl there so she could take her spot just to kiss me. I love teasing her, she gives me a precious smile everytime
As i scroll down remembering all these 6 months, how fun they were how refreshing. Suddenly my phone rings and of course its her. What do i even do? I cant listen to her melodic voice right now, i feel like it will be the cherry on top so i let it ring until it stops. To my surprise she left a voice message and taking a deep breath i hit play
"I just saw the new update of The T. Its not what you think Bea i swear. I wanted to spend this day with you but i guess this gossip garbage had to upload something so shitty. I dont like Carter i never truly did, when i watched you walking away my heart broke" Tears fall freely from her eyes as she takes a deep breath
"I know i messed up, i know i cant pretend this didn't happen but please don't go. I am not the one to beg but i.. I can't lose you, just let me explain please" her voice breaks from the tears, her tone is painful to listen to "i..i love you Bea, please call me back"
Have you ever played this game when you were a kid, where you hold your breath under the water counting how much you can hold on? Thats how i feel right now. The air abandon my lungs hearing these last words. I didn't had the opportunity to say those three damn words
And that moment i feel my chest rise and fall. I try so hard to not let the wave of sadness overpower me, i desperately try to swim to the surface, helplessly cry for help. Fresh tears roll down my face and my breath stops completely
I find heartbreak fascinating. How can one word or a sentence make your heart sink to your stomach? How can an organ that took months to built breaks in a blink of an eye?
Heartbreak. The moment where your lungs mourn and take your breath away for a while. The moment you can hear it cracking, opening in two without your consent. Its violently beautiful to feel human, but everything comes with a cost, loving her came with a cost
Every beautiful memory pass through my mind like a blur and everything is replaced with pain, with sorrow. Finding my strength i deal my mother's number
"Mum? I am coming back home" i whisper trying to find my voice
I will leave everything behind. Every corner of this university is reminding me of her, every classroom every bench every inch. And that's what a foolish mistake leads to Poppy, i hope you remember that.
Tag list: @lolimugly @origmansello @greatestflirt-hero @mvalentine @otakufangirl-12 @sugarplumpnhoneybun @princessstellaris @coldbatfriendroad @indecisive-choices @i-loveeveryone @kiara-36 @ognenniyvolk @somewillwin @it-lives-in-braidwood-manor @ghalind @sergeant-pepper-loves-choices @dibberdipper @justastranger-passing @nydeiri @tyrils-star
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allamericansbitch · 4 years
Okay so I just want your opinion on this since it's one of my favorites and also yours I think. I know Taylor said it was about miscommunications and the bridge is inspired by her exes and past songs. I didnt know this at first and I know people say its like the other person's perspective in Tolerate It. I have a different interpretation which is a separate story. It's about two people who always wanted to be together and loved each other all along but it was always the wrong timing and didnt make it their centerfold. Do you miss the rogue who coaxed you into paradise..she was with someone else..I see the bridge as wondering about the other person..their bday..a Universe away cuz they weren't together. Then the guy Dies in an accident and she is replaying her memories full of regret. The song has specific sad imagery.it gets colder...and the sun going down could represent his death. I know the accident line references Harry though but it's such a specific line and I thought this was the point and meaning of the song, so if the line was changed, I'd probably like it a lot less. Like if the line was about Style, would it just be like I was with another girl lol. To me, it would almost match the other lyrics cuz they are all things that he did wrong but thinking of her face when he got into the accident is a positive thing? It also doesnt really make sense with the next line except it shows what she did wrong I guess so is that the meaning? I'm also not the only person with this interpretation..so I'm wondering if its intentional..cuz it seems weird to just throw that line in there. Also the chorus lost again with no surprises..she cant remember anything...no surprises cuz he died. Disappointment..or regret..close your eyes I always picture her on a bench and a tear falls down or she cant sleep cuz she is replaying itc
tbh i don’t really dissect the song's line by line like this, i just kinda like to know the vague storyline and see what my own imagination/real-life experiences brings to the table but i do think Taylor found a lot of freedom when writing hoax on folklore, she said she never wrote a song that was about multiple things and she felt really moved by it, so maybe she moved that experience into evermore and coney island specifically? maybe it is about her own personal trials and tribulations with love, but also from the perspective of a couple who always wanted to be together. honestly what i like most about the folklore/evermore era is that the songs are so open-ended and they can mean so many things to so many people, so it’s all up for interpretation! 
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madamsixx · 4 years
Beyond The Leather Chapter 6: Trouble After Paradise
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Warnings: Drug use                       I was scared in fact I was terrified. She was pacing the room using all kinds of profanity that I have never heard before. I didn't even swear so it was shocking hearing her swear. Theresa was in the room sleeping she was out of it.
"This is unacceptable I cant.... I can't believe you Iman." She stared at me. "Your just beginning your career, and your going to let some crush with a junkie ruin it all for you!" She yelled waving her hands in the air.
"Tamara I'm-"
"Do not interrupt me when I am talking. Your mom trusted me to take care of you and I am trying my best. What on Gods earth made you go out. Especially with Nikki fucking Sixx! What do you think your doing by going to the Rainbow! Do you know what that place really is?"
I shook my head no. By this point I knew I messed up.
"That boy dosen't give two shits about you, your a game to him. That boy only cares about himself and drugs ok drugs nothing else. He can never love you or any one else."
Tears started coming down my cheeks and I started to cry because I knew she was right.
"Iman listen." Tamara sighed and walked towards me. She sat down on the couch." He can never love you ok. He's a junkie just like all the other guys he parties with. He will ruin you. None of those guys are worth your career." She whispered.
"I'm sorry." I hugged her and cried even more.
She rubbed my back and kissed my head. "Your better than he is. You need a decent guy a respectable guy. Not Nikki Sixx. But all that will come to you when your older. Right now you need to focus on you and your career. And also your schooling, cause your mom will kill me if you dont." She chuckled
"My mom must be really angry." I sniffed
"I didn't tell her, but you are going home for the rest of this month." She said with a stern voice.
"Ok." I wiped my tears.
"I'll deal with Theresa tomorrow, you go get some sleep. Your leaving tomorrow." She got and walked towards Theresa's bedroom.
I sat there staring at the walls. Tamara was right. I heard the way they talked about woman and saw the amount of alcohol they drank. But she was wrong about something.... the drugs. I haven't seen Nikki or any of his band members actually doing it. But who knows, people do things behind closed doors so that know one can see them for what they really are.
Next Morning
"I'm heading over to management I think I can get you into a big magazine shoot. And I got an audition for you for an up coming movie next year December."
"Ok" I sighed
Tamara walked out of my room and headed towards the door. But stopped and turned to Theresa who was nursing her hang over.
"I hope you learned your lesson." She spoke sternly.
"Uhhhh my head hurts and yes I did."
"If you want to go out get drunk and do drugs do it by yourself. Do not take my creation with you. I've worked to hard on her." She whispered down to Theresa.
"Shes a human being Tamara, also dont forget that shes a teen wanting to have fun. Not everything should be about work." Theresa responded back with an angled voice.
"Like I said I've worked hard on her. Do not fuck this up for me or your ass will be on the street." She snapped.
Tamara walked out the door slamming it shut.
"Hey you ok?" I asked coming out of the room.
"I'm alright hun, I had fun last night." She smiled.
"Oh I know."
I headed back to the room to finish packing.
Ring Ring Ring Ring
"Hey Theresa can you get the phone please!" I called out to her.
I continued packing trying to get all my stuff together. I heard the front door open and close and heard Theresa talking to somone. It sounded like a guys voice.
"Hey princess."
I look up to see Nikki standing by my door way. The nerve of this guy. To come over to my place and call me princess after what he did last night. If I was somone who swore there would be a lot of things I would call him.
"Why are you packing your suit case princess, where you going?" He asked with a confused look.
"I'm going home Nikki, so get out!"
This is where my temper starts to come in.
"Wait why I thought you said you were staying till the end of December?" He asked coming closer and sitting on my bed.
"Well I'm not so get out!" I yelled at him.
"No I'm not leaving till you tell me what's going on!" He shouted back at me.
"Ok what's going on is that I decided out of my better judgement to go out to the Rainbow with an alcoholic junkie." I sneered standing up.
Nikki's eyes went wide. He got up from my bed and walked towards me.
"Dont you ever fucking speak to me like that Iman.!" He pointed and shouted in my face.
"Whatever Nikki!" I pushed him and went down to zip and pick up my suitcase.
"Dont fucking touch me Iman!" Nikki yelled.
"Just get out Nikki what the hell do you want from me!?" I snapped pushing him again.
"I want you to fucking calm down and talk to me like a normal person not a fucking psycho bitch!!" He yelled grabbing on to my hands.
"Look Nikki, Tamara thinks it's best that I don't associate my self with somone like you ok. Our life styles are different. You drink, smoke, and treat woman as if there nothing. And you probably do drugs. I'm better than that, I'm better than you." I say pulling my hands away from him.
"Your better than me." He scoffs pointing at his chest.
"Yes I am." I say crossing my arms over my chest. "I don't want someone like you in my life. My career is taking off and I don't want to be dragged down by your decadent and excessive ways."
Nikki just stared at me putting his one hand on his hip and the other in his hair.
"Look let's just talk ok." He says with a lower voice. "If this is about last night I'm sorry I got fucked up ok. It won't happen again I swear to you." He says walking closer to me.
I felt bad but at the same time Tamara was right he will just ruin me. I'm a respectable good girl who needs to surround my self with people who are just like me. Not Nikki Sixx.
"I'm done talking to you, I said what ever I needed to say. Now get out Nikki. I'm going home."
"Fine run home to your mommy." He scoffs turning to leave.
Oh so he wants to start bringing mommy's and daddys into this argument ok.
"Well at least I have a mom. A mom and family to go home to. What do you have Nikki?" I smirk.
Nikki was seething with anger. He told me these things because he trusted me and I used them against him.
"Fuck you and fuck your family you fucking whore!" He yelled and I punched him in the jaw.
He turned to me in shock. His once calm expression turned into something I can't even describe. Maybe the hulk.
"You cunt!" He yelled shoving me back.
I tripped over my suitcase and fell on the ground. Theresa came running in the room as Nikki towered over me.
"Nikki stop!" She yelled.
Nikki held one hand to his jaw and the other reaching down to take my hand to lift me back.
"Dont touch me." I snapped slapping his hand away. "Just get out Nikki." I said with a shaky voice.
Nikki turned away with a clenched jaw and left my room.
"Nikki I'm very sorry shes just-"
"Listen you, her, and that stuck up bitch Tamara can all go fuck your selves." Nikki turned around and interrupted Theresa.
"Nikki plea-
"I SAID FUCK OOOOFF!" He shouted right in front of Theresa's face. He turned on his heel and walked out the door slamming it hard. Theresa was really scared almost shaking by his outburst.
Theresa came back in the room and sat by me. She placed her arms around me and hugged me tightly. I just wanted to go home at this point. I needed my family and to get away for a bit.
Nikki's POV
"Fuck her, fuck that fucking bitch and her cunt friends." I barged through my apartment door slamming it shut.
"Woah Sixx calm down, what's eating you up?" Robbin looked up from snorting coke.
"Fucking Iman is what's up. I tried fucking talking to her and she went all psycho on me."
"Hmm wow." Robbin responds laying his head back on the couch.
"Dude you save some for me?" I furrowed my brows.
"Yeah, oh by the way Neil called, he asked if you wanted to go on a club Med holiday with him to the french own island of Martinique in the Caribbean."
"Mmmmm yeah sounds good. Its not like I have a house, or friends, or a girlfriend here. You gonna come to?"
"Yeah bro I think I will." Robbin shifted over and made room for me to sit on the couch.
"Great I'll call him back, after I have some blow." I made a line on the table and snorted it up. ____
Saturday, December 1st, 1984
Nikki's POV
I came to the Caribbean Island of Martinique with Robbin Crosby and Neil Zlozower. I couldn't remember how I even got here because I was too drugged out.
"Wow this Island is beautiful. I stated as I was sipping a margarita.
"Shit sure is. So what do you got planned for us Neil?" Robbin asked.
"Well we should go on a hike later on in the day. I hired a tourist to take us around." Neil says while opening up a map. "He's going to take us up on a water hike.
"Why do we need to hike when there are topless woman to look at every where." I lifted my head while bringing down my sunglasses to look at women.
"Cause were on vacation Nik. Site seeing places is better than site seeing woman you dont really want." Neil stated.
"What's that suppose to mean?" I scoffed.
"Iman." Neil raised his eyebows.
I glared at Robbin.
"Look I only told him so that he could plan a good trip for us to take your mind off of her." Robbin waved his hands.
"I dont want to talk about her anymore. Let's just fucking go site seeing."
December 9th, 1984, Tornto, Canada
Iman's POV
I had been home for a couple of weeks now and I was very happy. I went shopping with my sisters, went to the movies, went to church, and had a chance to catch up with my school work. Some of my friends even visited me and we went out to eat. The only thing I didn't miss about being home was the winter. LA was hot all year round.
"Wow the tree is looking nice girls, let maya put the star up when you guys are done." My mom stated
"Yayyyyyy!!!" Maya jumped up.
"Bet you miss the LA heat huh." My sister Felicia nudged me.
"Oh man I do, but I rather be here in the cold with you guys than in the heat in LA alone." I smiled.
"So Tamara tells me you have an audition in February for a movie in December next year. That's good." My mom says as she sits down on the couch.
"Yeah I'm excited. I'm also excited too because I have some interview coming up next year. So that will be great."
"As long as you continue with your school work with the home school teacher." My mom says with a stern voice.
"Ughhh mommy whyyyyyy." I whine.
"Iman, you need something to fall back on in case acting doesn't work out. You getting a high school Diploma will benefit you, and also make me happy.
And that's something I always wanted for my mom to be happy.
"Sorry off topic but when's the last time you talked to Ola?" My older sister Selena asks walking into the living room
"Oh it's been a while. I should call her one of-"
I was interrupted as the phone began to ring.
"Hello." My mom answers the phone.
"Oh hi Tamara it's good to hear from you. Hope everything is alright?"
It was Tamara calling. My mom continues talking on the phone with her until she calls me over to talk with her.
"Hey Tammy how are you?"
"Hi honey listen dont freak out or anything, but I need to yell you something important. Vince from Motley Crue was involved in a car crash.
"Oh my God is he alright?"
"He is, but he had a friend in the car with him named Razzle and he didnt make it."
"Oh no."
"Vince and that guy Razzle were driving drunk. They also hurt three other innocent people. You see why I said these guys were bad news and to stay away from them. I hope you understand what im trying to tell you now."
"Yeah I... I do."
"Alright honey well I'll let you go. I'll send Theresa down to get you when it comes closer to your audition day ok."
"Alright thanks Tammy, bye." I walked over and put the phone down.
Wow this was shocking. I couldn't believe Vince would drink and drive. Well actually I feel like I could, words like responsibility and consequences meant nothing to those guys. They didnt care about anyone but themselves. Now three innocent people were hurt, due to two drunk drivers. I will definitely stay far away from them.
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dreamxsims4 · 5 years
Let’s Take A Vacay Part Two
With the Trevino Family
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But before I start. Tumblr is so fucking unreliable! JEEEE WIZZ.
This is a spin from my Gameplay Day 13. That day we went with the Miller-Wood family to lunch and the pumpkin patch. Then we switched over to the Trevino family, where Quinn pulled the sweetest shit I have ever seen in my game. He takes the family to Sulani, for (he says) Brennan’s sake. This is technically day one, but.... you know day two, day one who cares lol. LEt’s continue shall we 😁.
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Lol so we’re in Sulani. And goes who’s an angry drunk?!?!?! I would have never guessed. Michelle doesn't remind me of the raging type, but hey...to each it’s own. She had one lil cheap drink and got angry like the hulk.
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Ummm... is there any way for them wear sunscreen? I bought some and it seemed to be only decoration. She also had this stuff but I couldn't get a close enough shot for it to show up....who can show that? The quality was trash.
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Hahahahahaha, sleepy Quinn is the best Quinn.  He’s literally the cutest. They spent hours out there so it was reasonable for him to take a lil nap. I was really trying to see some mermaids or dolphins...but nope, only birds.
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Amina burned so bad! But that ain’t stop her, she stayed out there for ages and some.
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SO yeah, they spent the most of the day relaxing. They had some crabs, hamburgers, grilled chicken, and sweet tea and boy oh boy....
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Let’s just say, I am now cooking dinner for myself and also, also, also, buying myself a ticket to the next paradise on earth. (and oooh, it was so good).
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Lol Michie was feeling her cramps and I must say, although I know it will upset the angry drunk, Michie......kudos to the creator of the SOL mod!!!!!!! I was like, oh shit what’s wrong with her? She was obviously in pain, plus a moonlet. Yeah, this mod is a beast. Lol and Amina’s reaction!
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So things get a lil more social. These sims don’t talk much to each other. They barely talk to Brennan so...idk when they talk I get little impressed.
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Lol this nut, Quinn literally got disappointed when the bonfire went out. Quinn is my animal-spirit, I would've cried too Q. It’s no shame.
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SEE! Here they go! You cant take these sims, .....( I don't want say it, but here goes nothing.) NO. WHERE. First, of all. They go on a lil midnight swim, Michelle stays home with Brenny and you know, everything is all good. They just chit-chatting, splashing each other in the water and all and boom. Amina wants to take birthing (it did not say that, but I assumed😂) classes. Amina! This is not the baby daddy, Amina! He cant go to birthing classes with you, you are a single mom now, you cant persuade one of your baby father’s to step in for the other! Ugh! Fine, #hennythingispossible, let’s just go to the stupid f*cking birthing class. He took you to Sulani, and to a resort in Sulani, not just some chicken shack, so he might as well take you to your “class”.
And thennnnn, out of absolute, NO. WHERE. Quinn pops a f*cking loopy pill (or in RL, a Xanax or Percocet, or Molly, or whatever tf the kids are on these days). And starts. Tripping. Out.
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A few hours later, as the sun starts to rise, these two lovebirds come back to the resort and they must have had that moment. You guys remember in Breaking Dawn (Twilight) when they ran around the island that Edward’s family owned, all damn day and then Bella fell tf out when they got back. Yeah, that moment. The only thing they were missing was the “read more” part lol, and the part where Quinn would own the whole island. Hey, this is the sims, Quinn owns this island. But I guess not because she is definitely, accidentally pregnant with a strange married man’s baby. I’m sure they had fun though, could you imagine the mental space of a woman who has done the unspeakable, invited to enjoy herself despite her struggle that says, “she probably shouldn't”. And a man, who has lost everything, pop a trippy pill in the middle of the ocean in Sulani? Wow, what fun.
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This is how I found Quinn around 9 am, knocked tf out in the bathroom outside of the tub he just got out of. He did not even make it to the bedroom two clicks (idek what a click is lol, wow, lolololl that's what she said. lol, mmhmmm *cough*) away from where he is now.
What happened next....? Hm, I guess we’ll find out on...
Let’s Take A Vacay!
Let’s Take A Vacay Part One.
Let’s Take A Vacay Part Two.
Let’s Take A Vacay Part Three.
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ktrsss1fics · 7 years
Cheeseburger in Paradise: Five.
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What’s the best way to cure a hangover?
For some, it’s a marathon sleep session and a few gallons of red Gatorade.
For others, it’s an early morning run around the block and a fresh smoothie before a few hours of yoga.
For Georgina Ferguson, it was getting on a boat at eight o'clock in the morning after four hours of sleep and a small piece of avocado toast.
Her head was throbbing. Her stomach was in knots. And the sound of a certain boy’s laugh was about to send her over the edge. She wanted nothing more than to crawl back into bed and wake up when the sun was starting to set and the little hole in the wall started to make their obnoxiously delicious jerk chicken kebabs.
But she agreed to go parasailing.
At the time it was suggested, it seemed like a good idea. As soon as Brittany jumped on her bed earlier that morning to wake her up, Georgina realized it was not.
“How ya holdin’ up?” Brittany asked nudging her gently.
“If he doesn’t stop with that fuckin laugh, I’m feedin’ ‘im to a shark.” Georgina grumbled.
“Oi, give 'im a break. He’s having fun.” Brittany said looking over at their Irish friend.
“Well he should do it somewhere else.” Georgina said burying her head in her hands.
“Did you really drink that much last night?” Brittany asked scanning Georgina’s face.
Georgina lowered her sunglasses and shot her best friend a dirty look. The dark rings under her puffy eyes spoke for themselves.
“What do you remember?” Brittany asked knowing that look all too well.
“I don’t know.” Georgina mumbled putting her glasses back into place.
“C'mon G.” Brittany said rubbing Georgina’s thigh lovingly.
“You got me up at the arse crack of dawn and put me on a boat that will most likely be covered in my stomach lining by the end of the day.” Georgina groaned. “And now you want me to open up to you about a night I don’t remember. Where is the love Brittany Anne, hmm? Where is the love?”
“You really don’t remember anything?” Brittany asked sounding disappointed.
“Ehhh…” Georgina replied.
Did she remember anything? Yes. She did.
Was she willing to admit it? No. Not at all.
Because if she did, then she would have to admit that she let Niall Horan kiss her and get away with it.
And that was not something she was willing to admit. At least not before she had time to over analyze every decision she had made the night before.
“Keith threw up by the pool.” Georgina said after playing with the idea of being honest.
“And the driveway.” Brittany added feigning disgust.
“Um there is a plant called the love tree and it has heart shaped leaves.” Georgina rattled off trying to play it cool.
As soon as those words left her lips, she felt a pair of eyes land on her. She refused to acknowledge the boy who they belonged to. She knew why he was looking but hadn’t realized he’d been listening.
“Excuse me, what?” Brittany asked confused.
“Yeah um I don’t know its like real name but apparently there is a real plant that has leaves that look like hearts.” Georgina shrugged trying to explain her new found knowledge.
“You’re such a fuckin weirdo babe.” Brittany laughed.
“You asked what I remembered and that is something I remembered.” Georgina said.
“How is that even something you remember?” Brittany shook her head.
“I don’t know.” Georgina said. “I just do.”
Regretfully, Georgina looked up. An appreciative smile graced the lips of a boy she was trying her best to ignore. She focused her eyes back on the floor. She didn’t have time for boys like him.
“Do you remember anything else?” Brittany asked hoping to get more information out of her friend.
Georgina let out a sigh. “Nope.”
Brittany scooted closer before lowering her voice. “So you don’t remember someone kissing you?”
“How do you know about that?” Georgina narrowed her eyes at her friend.
“I saw it go down. Wait, you remember that happening?” Brittany said with an excited grin.
“Yeah but I wasn’t going to admit it to you.” Georgina mumbled embarrassed.
“You like him.” Brittany said reading between the lines.
“No I don’t.” Georgina scoffed.
“God just sit on his face already Fergie. We all know you want to.” David’s voice croaked cheekily as he sat down beside her.
“For fucks sake.” Georgina grumbled as she pulled her knees towards her chest in an attempt to hide her blushing cheeks.
She really just wanted to throw herself off the boat. She didn’t care how far out they were. She didn’t care if fish or sharks or Ursula was waiting for her beneath the surface. She just wanted something to completely swallow her up.
“David Allen!” Brittany said scolding him.
“What?” Dave whined childishly.
“You can’t say shit like that.” Brittany whispered before glancing across the boat. Niall was trying his best to act like he hadn’t heard what was said. But his blushing cheeks were hard to miss.
“Like he doesn’t know already.” Dave said placing a hand on Georgina’s knee. “This one’s just playing hard to get.”
“Will you knock it off?” Brittany sighed. “We said we wouldn’t meddle.”
“Yeah but she’s into him. Why can I just help her realize it?” David said gently.
“Telling me to sit on someone’s face and coaxing me into realizing I have nonexistent feelings are two different things you twat.” Georgina sassed.
“And if she has feelings for him, it’s none of our business.” Brittany said giving her boyfriend a dirty look. “We talked about this.”
“Well excuse me sorry for trying to help.” David said before standing up. Both women shot him dirty looks. “I can tell I’m not wanted over here. I’ll just go talk to Keith instead.”
“Yeah brilliant idea.” Brittany said before turning to her friend. “Georgie–”
“I don’t have feelings for him or at least I don’t think I do.” Georgina said softly. “The kiss was just confusing and it caught me off guard.”
Brittany just nodded. “That’s okay G.”
“I don’t know what’s going on with me. I’m usually so sure with my feelings - especially when it comes to him.” Georgina explained. “But after yesterday, I just don’t know. I mean I still want to strangle him but I am kind of starting to enjoy looking at him.”
“And that’s perfectly normal.” Brittany smiled.
Georgina opened her mouth to say something but decided against it. She knew what Brittany was going to say. Niall was not Marcus. He was Niall and that made him better in every single way.
“You don’t have to have things sorted out right now.” Brittany said.
“I know.” Georgina sighed. “Haven’t really processed it all.”
“He’s scared of you.” Brittany said with a smirk.
Georgina looked across the boat to find Niall in a conversation with Dave and the boys. She slid her sunglasses on top of her head before turning her attention to Brittany.
“When he went to the bar after he kissed you, I ran into him. He was too scared to give you the drink.” Brittany explained. “He asked me to do it.”
“Why didn’t you?” Georgina asked. “I mean I could have used a little pep talk after it.”
“Sometimes you’ve got to let the people you love do things on their own.” Brittany shrugged.
Georgina rolled her eyes before putting her glasses back on. “Fuck, I’m too hungover for that shit Britt.”
“It’s true.” Brittany laughed at Georgina’s dramatics.
“When did you become a fucking Hallmark card?” Georgina asked.
“Oh stop. You know I’m just looking out for the two of you.” Brittany placed her head on her friend’s shoulder.
“You should be looking out for that boyfriend of yours.” Georgina said still disgusted by David’s comment.
“I can’t believe he bloody said that to you.” Brittany sighed. “I am so sorry.”
Georgina rested her head against Brittany as a comfortable silence fell between them. The early morning sun was dancing across the water as they continued to head to the middle of ocean. Her eyes wandered around the boat before landing on the group of boys in the corner. Dave was going on about a part of the night she hadn’t remembered and Niall was eating up every second of it.
She didn’t understand how he was doing it. He had consumed twice the amount of alcohol that she did yet he was walking around like almost fully functional human being. How was he acting like nothing happened? She didn’t know. She did know that his laugh was going to do her head in.
Georgina felt her best friend shift from beneath her.
“Wanna ride with me?” Brittany asked softly.
“Yes.” Georgina said. “Please.”
“I need a break from Dave.” Brittany said with a sigh. “Who says that shit this early?”
“It’s okay B. He was just trying to be funny.” Georgina said reassuringly.
“He doesn’t even like when I do that to him. Why would he assume that Niall would want you to do that?” Brittany said with a hint of annoyance in her voice. “Unless they’ve discussed it.”
“And if that’s the case, I do not want to know.” Georgina cringed picturing the boys talking about any of the girls that way.
“How was the – you know?” Brittany asked lowering her voice towards the end.
“It was short but okay I guess.” Georgina said replaying the kiss in her head. “More like a peck nothing too substantial.”
“Would you want something more substantial?” Brittany asked smugly. Georgina sighed, “Honestly?”
“Fuck!” Brittany’s eyes lit up as she studied her best friend’s face. “You do.”
Georgina closed her eyes embarrassed. “If we keep getting as pissed as we did last night, I’m afraid it’s going to happen.”
“You haven’t had a good snog in ages.” Brittany pointed out.
“Would be easier to find some island guy for that.” Georgina joked.
“The boys wouldn’t let that happen.” Brittany said.
“I know. They are all so damn protective.” Georgina said. “I’m fine on me own.”
Niall cackled loudly catching their attention. She hated what it did to her. He turned her insides into goo and set her skin on fire. He was slowly chipping away at the tough exterior she had built before she left England and she didn’t like it.
“I think by the end of this trip, something will have happened between you two.” Brittany said keeping her eyes on Niall.
“Why’d you say that?” Georgina asked doing the same.
“Have you seen the way the kid looks at you?” Brittany asked.
“Stop putting those thoughts in me head.” Georgina grumbled.
“You are two single adults. It’s okay to have those thoughts G.” Brittany said patting her on the leg. “He’s not Marcus.”
“No he’s just a hot young millionaire who could get any girl in the world that he wants.” Georgina said as Niall caught her staring.
A shy smile was sent in her direction.
“Yeah but you see that?” Brittany asked nodding towards their friend. “He only has eyes for you.”
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sabraeal · 7 years
Headcannon: Haki likes to play games with Izana, especially when she knows something that he doesn't. It's usually something minor and completely useless, but it drives Izana mad (low key of course) until he figures it out. But thats her favorite part of these games, because when he does figure it out the sex is great.
(Part Three of a series. Part One. Part Two.)
He must be made to trust her.
After the anger has faded and the wounds to her pride scabbed over, that is the thought that comes to her on her wedding night and every one thereafter. Until it can be proven to my satisfaction, he said, and that is the soil in which she plants her hopes in. She is no spy, and it should be all too easy to show that her allegiance lies with the crown.
Or at least it will, as soon as she is sure her royal husband does not mean to tear the North asunder.
He comes to her chambers every night for a week; she greets him warmly in front of her ladies. In their sight he acts like a loving bridegroom, if a bit restrained. Nothing that could not be explained by the dignity of his position. When she sends them away, blushing prettily at their sly smiles, his mask is promptly discarded, and he makes for the passage between their rooms.
“Why do you come at all, then?” she asks, trying to smooth the spite from her voice. She will keep his secret – their secret – but he owes her an explanation, at the least. “If you cannot abide me.”
He hesitates a moment, eyebrows lifted in surprise. “We are just married.” He smiles at that, strangely soft. “And – what is it they always say about newlyweds? – they cannot keep their hands off each other.”
She is wroth to find her first thought is, then you should not keep your hands off me.
If she is to prove her worth to him, she must impress him; she must show him she can offer him something that no one else can.
It must be a surprise. Which means it cannot be done in front of her ladies.
An easier thing said than done. They are around her always during the day, kind if a bit quiet. Now that she has had more than a few hours to know them, she sees that they are not a bevy of eligible maids, as she had original thought, but unmarried woman closer to her own age. None of them seem to be much interested in the young bucks at court, instead suggesting they take walks through the gardens – world-renowned, they assure her, though none of them have seen the hothouses of Lyrias – or painting by the river, or, on poorer days, needlepoint inside.
If his personality did not make it impossible, she might suspect rather uncharitable reasons for his selection of these women. It would not be the first time a king hid his mistresses in his wife’s entourage.
But there are no jealous glares, no posturing, and – miraculously – no in-fighting. Instead they are a gentle touch at her elbow, a helpful comment whispered in her ear. If she’s not careful, she might find herself trusting them.
Still, duping them is child’s play. This is not her first time escaping her chaperone.
The Queen Dowager intends to stay at Wistal for a few weeks after the wedding. Haki finds herself torn: on the one hand she is glad of it, for they have always gotten on, as close as two women may be who are not mother and daughter; but at the same time it is clear that she is here to serve as distraction. Whenever her husband holds court, or he speaks with the council, she is suddenly possessed with an invitation from Her Majesty. She may not be forbidden from the room, but she is certainly being told she is not welcome.
Her Majesty’s presence also has another unpleasant side effect: informal dinner.
“You should take your wedding trip soon,” the Queen Dowager suggests, undaunted by her son’s forbidding look. “If you plan to go out of the country, you would do well to plan before autumn, otherwise the passes may freeze. You know how the mountains always snow early.”
Izana lets out a long breath through his nose, setting down his fork. “I do not think now is the time for such a thing, Mother.”
“Now is the perfect time,” she informs him blithely, in the way only a mother could. Haki hides her grin behind a napkin, pretending to dab off some of her soup course.
“Mother.” The word is said with long-suffering patience, flavored with the slightest hint of plaintiveness. “The situation here is…delicate. It would not do to have me away.“
Her Majesty arches one of her perfectly formed brows. “I think the situation could be a lot more delicate. A wedding trip would help with that.”
Her husband valiantly ignores the suggestion, appearing too taken with the roasted duck on his plate.
“I’ve heard Yuris is quite nice, this time of year,” she continues, unperturbed by her son’s reticence. “Though some say Viande is finer. More cosmopolitan.”
His mouth pulls flat, but he replies, so even, “Viande is far too young for my tastes. Later, maybe.”
His mother’s mouth curves slyly. “I’ve always preferred the islands myself.”
It is good to know that even here, her family name keeps its clout. The North does not forgive, but nor does it forget, he father had told her so many times.
She is pleased to find how true it is.
When Her Majesty leaves, her husband stops his nightly visits – but not entirely.
He takes dinner with her twice weekly, and when they have finished, he escorts her to her chambers, letting all and sundry see him slip inside. He, of course, does not stay longer than to bid her a civil goodnight.
“Am I to assume your eagerness was all a show for Her Majesty?” she asks one night before he leaves. It is a marvel how even her voice is.
“It is only natural for the ardor to cool between wed couples,” he explains, “I thought two nights would be enough so that I do not seem to be neglecting my duties, neither in the court nor…bedroom.”
She has a novel’s worth of things to say about that, but she says instead, “It just so happens to coincide with your mother’s departure.”
He flinches, but a bare moment later he is compose again, as if it had never happened. “Consider it a courtesy to you,” he tells her breezily. “Pray you never have idea how interested she is in…grandchildren.”
At last, her connections bear fruit. She is quick to pen her letter, mouth curved slyly as she slips it to her messenger.
Oh, how surprised His Majesty will be.
“I heard Her Majesty sent you a letter,” Haki starts, crossing her utensils over the soup course to signal she is ready for the next. “How is Wilant?”
It is part of her plan to ask, but as the words fall out, she find that she wants to know. Wistal is ever-summer, a paradise compared to the endless winters of the North but –
But it is her home, nonetheless. She misses it.
“Cold,” he says simply, agitated. After a long pause, he adds, “She was inquiring after a wedding trip again. She assured me it would help along some more delicate issues.”
Haki stifles a snort. She misses the woman more than she expected; she had hoped that her departure would leave her time to involve herself in council sessions, but instead there are yet more ladies to please, and she wishes instead she could beg off to walk the gardens with Her Majesty. She is far more pleasant company than most in the capital, and familiar.
She does not think her husband can be behind all of her invitations, but neither does she think it is an accident that there is always a tea or luncheon she cannot possibly miss when there is due to be a meeting.
“She favored Yuris, did she not?” Haki composes her face into a thoughtful expression. “That is where our newest councilor is from, is it not? From when you had to remove Brecker?”
“Yes,” her husband says, a little absent. “He finally tried something a little more egregious than obstructing a messenger bird. I thought it time to let Yuris’ people have a say in the way they are governed.”
It bothers how much she could like him, if he was someone that allowed himself to be liked.
“Yes, I remember now.” She presses a finger to her lips in though. “Ah, yes – the councilor. It’s the chieftain’s daughter is it not?”
“It is.”
“Kihal. I talked to her at the wedding. A bright girl.” She lifts her wine glass, taking a casual sip. “I’ve heard she’s considered a good match for the prince.”
Her husband goes curiously still.
“And the princess of Viande as well, no?” she asks, so innocent. “Akaibara. She’s quite young though. Fifteen is it? I doubt Zen would consent to such a match, if it was proposed…now.”
His mouth lifts at the corner, canting his lips into a smirk. He lays down his fork, drawing his gaze up to meet hers. “All right, wife. You have my attention.” He settles back into his chair. “What do you plan to do with it?”
“Oh!” She flutters her eyelashes prettily. “I only meant to suggest that I could be of service to you, husband.”
His long fingers drum thoughtfully on the table. “Is that so?”
“I found that out easily enough.” She tries to keep the frustration out of her voice. “And that was in a court in which I had very few connections. One might imagine I could do more with connections more familiar…”
“You would not say such a thing if you did not already have a tender morsel to give.” She flushes under his sultry look, his hooded eyes reminding her of nothing more than that she is a married woman who has not yet lain with her husband. His hand reaches out for hers, running a finger along one of the long bones of her hand. “Come now, wife. Won’t you feed your husband?”
Haki fights the urge to pull her hands away, pushing back the muzziness in her head. She mislikes how easily he can turn her thoughts to mush and her knees to jelly.
“Oh, but husband,” she sighs, leaning just so, so that her breasts brush at his wrist. “If I am to serve, then are you not to take?”
His brows draw together as if her suggestion confused him, but then his gaze drops to her decolletage, and –
“Oh,” he breathes. “You are a clever vixen, are you not?”
Two long fingers slip between the lace of her gown and the linen of her chemise, pinching her prize between them. She does not think it is her imagination that he lingers, or that his breath comes as harsh as her own. His fingers slide out, brushing over the smooth skin of her breast –
“A letter?” he says, holding the nearly folded square of parchment. She’s folded it down to hardly more than an inch; a lesson learned during interminable lessons with the other maids at Wilant. “Cunningly done.”
She shrugs, feigning humility. “There is a trick to it.”
He opens it, his eyebrows lifting as he read the contents. “Rodatrad wants to place his daughter at court?”
“He’s quite eager, so I’ve been told,” she agrees. “From what I’ve heard, only a prince will do. We don’t have very many of those at Wilant.”
“Nor are you to get very many more, if my welcome was typical,” he remarks, and when she looks up to refute him, he is smiling. He is teasing. “Very good, wife. This is good information, indeed. I will have to talk this over with my advisors, so that we may plan how to approach this.”
“Oh, husband,” she purrs, leaning further into him. “Do you not know? I will take care of you in all ways.”
He stiffens. “What do you mean?”
“It is already handled,” she tells him, pleased. “I offered her a place among my ladies.”
“You did what?” He launches from his seat, leaving her cold. “Without my permission?”
She should have expected him to be ungrateful. “You may have forgotten, since I have been so permissive, but a Queen’s entourage is of her own selection.”
“I – only by the King’s leave.” He pinches the bridge of his nose. “You offered a position to a – how did you – how did you manage this? Your ladies –”
“You think I would do this in front of your spies?” she scoffs. “Do you think I am somehow new to –”
“Spies?” He stares at her as if he has never seen such a terrifying creature. “I surrounded you with the most politically adept young women that Wistal has to offer, and you – they were here to help you!”
She stares. He meant them to help? Her mind races as she recalls the last few weeks, how they were eager to impart knowledge of the other courtiers, of members of the council that crossed her path – oh, oh –
A thunderous cloud passes over his face. “Ah, but I should have known. You are far too clever to be helped.”
He throws his napkin onto the table. “I find myself weary after dinner. I think I shall go straight to bed.”
She can do little more than stare at her hands. If only he had told her –
He fixes her with one last glare. “After all, I have much to rectify tomorrow.”
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