#then you'll get someone who goes 'they weren't sure why it was hurting nothing happened'
enbyeddiediaz · 1 year
I love reading fics abt characters with chronic pain bc you either get an author who has clearly never experienced or met anyone with chronic pain in their life or someone who lives with it daily and the difference is so funny
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tange-my-rine · 7 months
Temporary Fix || Tangerine x gn!reader
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Summary: You and Tangerine weren't complicated, sometimes you'd see him on the job and he'd provide you... stress relief. It was easy, so easy. It wasn't supposed to be anything else, just friends (barely acquaintances really) doing what you both needed. It wasn't like you could have someone on the job anyway. You didn't think it was anything that would change. But, he had never seen you hurt before, and when a job goes wrong, well... everything changes.
TW: friends with benefits (for now), mentioned sex (but nothing graphic), protective! Tangerine, possessive!Tangerine, violence, blood, murder, guns, gunshot wounds, mentioned death, cursing (it's Tangerine), and all things bullet train.
[[A/N: yes this is a one direction title, what about it??? also the reader's codename is 'Mouse', you work with Ladybug. Tan calls you pretty but who doesn't to be called pretty?? This is got really long, sorry !!!]]
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You were pretty good at your job, your messes weren't messy and your kills were organized, clean really. (Your agency did have a cleanup crew for when things got out of hand, so your work still stayed pristine even when it did get messy.) That's how you got your code name, Mouse, because you were in and out of a location as quiet 'as a mouse'.
You're not sure when you met the twins, but you do remember it was bloody. Something about you showing up to your gig and a trail of blood led you through the building right into their presence. You'd somehow known it was the twins (kind of because of the mess) but otherwise because there was two of them -stuck like glue.
The barrel of two guns pointed at your head, and you shared your mission, and they theirs, which were actually totally unrelated. Needless to say, you got out of there with your USB drive. (Mostly because of Lemon, Tangerine wouldn't have flinched if he pulled the trigger.)
It just kept happening. Undercover missions, hits, and even work you had to travel to, somehow they ended up in the same place. Not always for the same work, you should say, but same destination. You'd originally thought it was some sort of coo, that they were trailing you but after confronting them (and Tangerine saying he didn't 'give a fuck about your whereabouts'), the idea was void.
The first time your... situation had started was one of your missions where you went undercover. Some sort of fancy charity gala, if you remember correctly, and Tangerine was there. Just Tangerine, he didn't tell you why -he hardly even wanted to speak to you.
You'd offhandedly said something about all the rich people being attractive, and how it wasn't fair. He'd promptly said, "You don't have to worry about bein' attractive, love, you're the prettiest one here."
He wasn't flirting, or you didn't think he was -he didn't even smile, or smirk, or anything- just spoke over the rim of his cup and took a long drink after. Your eyes darted to his Adam's apple for a second, you'll admit it.
Nothing else happened that night, you didn't flirt. You don't know what did it, not at all, he just kept looking at you -small little, intense, glances. Once again, you thought nothing of it.
Well, until he pulled you into a closet and kissed the literal breath out of you.
And, well, the rest is easy to figure out.
It didn't happen all the time, not every mission, but sometimes, when the adrenaline was high. You called each other when you weren't on the same mission; he'd done it after the first time, and you followed suit. It was easy, so easy.
That brings you to today, it was supposed to be a grab-and-go, easy. Except for the whole full building of people part, it was an office actually and you needed the CEO. There were so many civilians, but you were Mouse -you'd be in and out so quick, they wouldn't even see you.
Your intel was wrong.
The whole place was filled with bodyguards, and security, head-to-toe, filled. You were good at your job, but you were outnumbered -so incredibly outnumbered.
Needless to say, your disguise of an office worker didn't work.
There was blood tainting your skin, your head on a swivel -fuzzy and pounding. Your were on the third floor, hidden in a janitors closet -the smell of cleaner burnt your nose and made your eyes water.
Your chest heaving and your hands shaking, you were overwhelmed -you couldn't do this alone. God knows how many men were on the last two floors. And you were 90% sure your ribs were broken on your right side, your leg was shot, and your shoulder was shot -you couldn't move. No way you were going up the stairs. You weren't even sure you could leave the building at this point-
You were bleeding out, actually, if the wooziness in your head meant anything.
Your comm was broken on the first floor, you'd cussed and thrown it to the ground. So, even if it still worked, it was lost -long gone of the concrete floors.
You were totally and completely fucked.
Then, you felt something in your pocket, rubbing against your clothes -scratching against the fabric. It buzzed then, low and under the hollowness of your breath; you barely heard it -a pounding in your ears so loud, you think it was your heartbeat.
You breathed out, pulling your phone out with your hand that wasn't lax on the floor -your shoulder wasn't fun to move.
The text flashed across your screen, Tangerine. It was a little blurry, your head spinning but if you focused you could read it.
'You home?'
Something in you sighed, deep and broken; maybe this was the last time you'd ever speak to him. You'd kind of become fond of him, all blue eyes and broad shoulders -his accent and the way his lips would creak up when he smiled at you. You ached for something you didn't have, you realized.
What a fucking time to realize it-
You typed out a message, painstakingly, a single finger -slow and deliberate, 'No. Job. Bleeding out, hidden. Too many.'
Your head was pounding, but you pushed through it, typing, 'I'm sorry, Tan.'
Your hand loosened, laying slack on your lap -your head hurt, maybe you could rest your eyes for a little bit. Not long, just a second to get the pounding out of your head.
Before you could fully do it, the phone in your lap jostled vibrating -it nearly fell, clattering onto the concrete floor but you grabbed it. Not eager to be found, you could die now but you would die if they found you.
Your eyes flickered across your screen, Tangerine flashed along it, shaking in your hand; he was calling you.
Something in you made you gather the strength to swipe and answer it -maybe to hear his voice again, or to say goodbye. You weren't sure, god you were so tired.
"Mouse," his accent spilled out, pointed, "-fuckin' Mouse, can you hear me, love?"
"Hey, Tan," you croaked out -voice rough and low, still not wanting to get caught and wanting to laugh -you didn't want to die sad, "-funny hearing from you."
"Mouse," he didn't react, seemed to be moving, you could hear his footsteps -loud, loud, "-where are you?"
"On a job," you sighed out, words a little breathless and slurred, "-'Supposed to be an office building, but it wasn't. Security, so many security- Think the CEO was bigger than fucking officework-"
"Darling," he spoke softer, but still loud, direct, "-focus on my voice, yeah?"
"Okay," you hummed, more focused -you wanted to do whatever he wanted, "-I will."
"Now," he spoke, gently, and you heard a car door shut -absentmindedly, "-where are you? Can you remember?"
"On the docks," you answered, slow -trying to process the words you were saying, "-tall, so many windows... Company, it's a... glass company, I think. J-Johnson something."
Tangerine hummed low and warm, you recognized the tone -somehow you knew it, "Okay, okay, love. Good- Good job."
"Third floor," you echoed out, "-There's two more, people still in them, I didn't get far enough."
"Can you hear 'em, love?"
"Sometimes," you let out a long breath, "-I'm staying quiet, they'll kill me, Tan-"
"Relax, darling," his voice crept up to your ear, "-breathe, keep focused, yeah? Keep talkin' to me."
'Lemon, fuckin' drive faster, will you?'
"I'm in a...a janitors closet, it's dark in here, I-I can't see. Think I'm bleeding," you mumbled out -a little slurred, you weren't sure he could hear you.
"Fuck..." he sighed, swallowing something in his throat -you could tell you weren't supposed to hear it, "-Where are you hurt, love? They cut you, shoot you, what?"
"Broken ribs," your breath stuttered out -it stung, "-shot me in the shoulder and the leg, I can't fucking move."
"Right, yeah," he exhaled and you thought for a second it was shaky -something sour in his tone, "-You got any pressure on it? Can you?"
"'Can't move, Tan."
"Try for me, love," his voice shook a little, you couldn't think about it, "-Try the... Try the leg."
You did, moving the arm where your shoulder bled -it ached so heavily your head started to pound, but you pushed through. Pressing your palm hard against the skin, you hissed into the phone -eyes bleary, you think you might've been crying.
"I'm sorry, love," he whispered, his voice rough, "-'So sorry, love. I know it hurts like hell, I know."
Your breath shook out through your throat, tone lighter, "'Been shot before?"
"Fuckin' yesterday," he huffed out, all angry and Tangerine, "-some bloody prick grazed my side."
You laughed, and it hurt a little, but you didn't care -not then, "'Always so angry."
"Not at you," he corrected, hardly letting your words slip out, "-Never at you, love."
The hum of the engine stopped, and you heard a distant voice -Lemon, you recognized. It was a sort of murmur to you, you couldn't hear the words. You weren't sure you wanted to.
"Mouse?" He spoke out, slow words but urgent, "-You said the third floor, right? Janitors closet?"
"'s where I'm hiding," you clarified.
"Yeah, right-" you heard the patter of his footsteps, slaps across the sidewalk -some crinkling of fabric, "-I'm on my way, okay? Goin' as fast as I fuckin' can-"
"Be careful," it slipped out of your lips, low and slurred, but you know he heard it.
A sharp inhale of his breath told you so, wordless on the other side of the line -you could only hear the slap of his footsteps, so fast.
"You..." he started, something shaking in his voice, "-You stay alive, yeah? Keep breathin'-"
"No," he echoed, direct and strict, "-no, you can't die. Not now, okay? You stay fuckin' alive."
He continued, not slowing down -words frantic, "'Ave so much to say, love, so much. You gotta stay alive to hear it."
"Okay," you breathed out, fighting back the slip shut of your eyes -they burned and you were so tired but you couldn't leave him, not when he was so close, "-I'll stay alive. Promise."
"Promise," he echoed like it helped him understand it -believe it.
Before you knew it, your phone went silent -echoing out into the air. You squinted at it, taking a deep breath -feeling it rack through your body. Dead. Your phone was dead.
God, you'd never hated yourself more. It was so easy to breathe when he was there on the phone, so easy to remember why you were fighting and what you were fighting for.
The silence was overwhelming, a low whimper pursing through your lips -you couldn't see anything but you could feel the blood, sticky on your hand. Something in your stomach twisted, tongue heavy in your mouth; what if you died before he got here?
You can't imagine-
"Lemon," a voice echoed outside the door, "-you deal with the upstairs, keep your eye on it. I'll check every fuckin' room on this floor-"
"Tan," Lemon spoke quieter, a crinkle of fabric, "-they'll be alright. We're 'ere, remember?"
"Right, yeah," Tangerine let out a shaking breath, "-I just..."
"I know," Lemon interrupted, voice stronger, "-I think they know too. 'Just go and fuckin' find 'em, yeah?"
"Don't even have to ask-"
And then, the footsteps grew louder. You knew the closet was close to the stairs, he'd be here soon -god, he'd be here soon. You let out a deep breath, shaking against your chest -a sob racking through your lips, it wasn't loud, not really, but it was noise.
The footsteps stopped in place, and you could hear the harbored breathing for a moment, before it echoed out into the hallway -shaky and full of hope, concern, so much, "Mouse? Mouse? Can you hear me?"
Your breath stuttered in your chest, and the sting of your lungs overwhelmed you for a moment. You breathed out, slow and trying to numb your pain, and talk. But it hurt-
"I-In here-" you breathed out and it was shaking and it was quiet, but without a doubt, the footsteps quickened, so fast you could almost not even hear it.
The door, close to you, sneaked open -light pouring out into the room, it blinded you for a moment. All you could see was the shadow of a figure, you knew it though, knew the shadow. You smelt his cologne, and you had missed it-
Without a single breath shattering out of your lungs, he was standing for a moment frozen -door lazily opened and hallway out of the corner of your eye's view.
Tangerine slunk to your side, eyes dashing across your body, the stains, the blood-
He swallowed, dryly -concerned; you could see the emotions pass through his face. Something in you wants to calm him, tell him you're okay. But you didn't actually know that.
His hair was out of place, curly and ungelled, but still wearing a suit -the blue one that matched his eyes. You like that one, you mindlessly thought.
And without a word, he began to move -shrugging off his jacket. You merely watched on, as he tugged at his sleeves -unbuttoning the cuff (it was all a little familiar actually for very different circumstances), and without hesitation, ripping the fabric off his arm.
The noise echoed through the hallway, startling you slightly. Tangerine flinched a little, frowning, before going back to the fabric.
Hands tenderly gathered at your leg, he gently replaced your hand and wordlessly tied the fabric around your calf. He paused, looking at you, voice soft and gentle.
"This is gonna hurt, love. I'm sorry in advance."
And it did. Who knew?
Your head was bleary, eyes a little hazy and teary from the pain -breaths hollowed out of your chest.
"'Should be the worst of it, love," he hummed out, before sliding a hand behind your back -carefully pulling you up, "-lean on me, okay? I 'ave to get to your shoulder."
You nodded, slowly pressing your head forward into his right shoulder -his cologne filtering through your nose, and the warmth of his body fluttering over your skin. It was comforting, so much that your eyes almost closed on instinct; heartbeat in your ears, the sensation grounded you -brought you back in your body.
Tangerine was moving, looping the fabric under your arm -carefully keeping your arm steady and in place. Fingertips gentle like he was holding the world in his hands -careful and considerate.
"Stay awake, love," he spoke, his voice rumbling into your ear, "-I know you're tired, but I need ya to keep your eyes open for me."
They fluttered open at his request, forehead pressed into his shirt -you could see the thin lines in his vest, tracing the crinkle over his shoulder. You focused on the feeling, the fabric tight around your skin, and the buzz of his skin against yours.
You'd been closer really, but this was a new kind of intimacy -something that made you pleased somewhere deep in your chest. You had always wanted this you realized, this closeness with Tangerine.
How did you not notice?
Even when he stopped, hands still, you stayed there a moment like you'd never get it back.
And maybe you wouldn't. Maybe this changed everything and Tangerine would run for the hills-
Without a word, he laid you back down -gently placing your head on the ground with an attentive hand, a bit like you were breakable. Fragile. You supposed right now you were.
His eyebrows furrowed as he leaned over you, eyes hitching on the makeshift bandages, "We 'ave to get you to the hospital, shirt can only do so much, love."
You thought of the pain in your leg, the pulse of your heartbeat when you walk, but even still, you tried to push up -get on your feet. You promised you'd stay alive.
Tangerine immediately put his hands on your shoulders, keeping you in place, "What are you doing?"
"Trying to get up," you answered, simply.
"Right, no, not happenin'," he let out a laugh in disbelief, "-you are not fuckin' walkin'.
Without another word, he stood -turning around and looking down the hall, assumedly for Lemon. When his eyes caught you could tell, something straightening in his posture with one succinct nod.
They always had their language, it was so interesting to watch sometimes. Lemon would raise an eyebrow, Tangerine would squint his eyes and they'd both not move for 20 seconds like they were communicating through looks.
Before you could think about it too hard, he spun back to you -sinking to his knees. Mumbling, "Think you're fuckin' walkin', ridiculous." No hesitation, he slipped his arms under your back and knees -careful of your calf, and stood.
In another world, you'd probably be shocked at his physical strength but lucky for you, you already knew a lot about that.
Not now, your mind hissed.
Tangerine's steps were quick but careful to not jostle you at all. At some point, you heard Lemon -frantic and loud but you couldn't make out what he said. That was your first sign. The world after that began to spin, the stairwell becoming dizzying -your eyes just wanted to shut. You were so tired.
You heard Tangerine then, you knew he was speaking to you but you couldn't make out what he was saying. You tried so hard to listen-
Then, it all went black.
The first thing was the smell of sterilization hitting your nose, it made you scrunch it up on instinct and then you heard some ruffling.
"Mx. Williams?"
You did not know who Mx. Williams was, but you still squinted open your eyes -the bright lights making your head spin for a moment. You settled across the room, nothing special, just a typical hospital bed -stiff bed, thin covers, and all.
It was a woman speaking, you realized, in scrubs with a warm smile on her face. Ah, you thought, an alias.
"Hi," she spoke softly, carefully, with a smile, "-you're in a hospital, you're safe. Do you remember anything?"
"No," you answered, unsure of the story concocted to get you here.
"You were involved in a robbery," she began, slow to introduce it, "-you had a few injuries from it but you're all fixed up now, okay?"
It was surprisingly calming, "Okay."
"Your husband," she motioned to your right side, "-brought you in."
Your eyes darted to your side -because husband?!, but they just settled on Tangerine -laid back in a chair, arms crossed and chair pulled as close to your side as he could.
Something in you softened, and you smiled.
His clothes were still ripped and stained, but it was dry now. You briefly wondered how long you'd been there, how long he'd been waiting.
"Been a rough couple of days," the nurse hummed, "-he hasn't left since you got here."
You hummed, reaching out and brushing your skin against his hand -just to feel him, know he's real. It didn't wake him up, but you weren't sure you wanted him to just yet. You wanted to enjoy this before everything went... however, it went.
"You've got a good one," the nurse hummed, scribbling on a chart -eyes lounging over the machines.
You smiled a little brighter, imagining it for a second, where he was yours, "I know."
"Alright," she spoke, pushing the clipboard back into her chest, "-your doctor will be here soon."
You nodded, eyes languidly tracing over Tangerine -his head was leaned forward now, curls hanging over. Something in you wanted to brush through them, and you would have honestly, but you couldn't really reach.
You pursed your lips, throat dry, when you spotted water on the little table by your bedside and a thing of jello maybe, probably in preparation for when you got up. Pulling it toward you, maybe a little too fast, because the plastic spoon clattered to the floor; you flinched.
"Shit," you mumbled.
It definitely wasn't loud enough to wake him, but he must've been sleeping very lightly. Sudden and brash, ready to fight something -protective, he didn't even notice you.
"Woah, hey-" you laughed a bit in disbelief, and sipping from the bottle, "-calm down, cowboy."
His eyes immediately flicked to you, blue and darting all over your face like he was taking you in. Wordlessly, he stood there frozen -almost in disbelief.
You paused, looking over him -softer, "You okay, Tan?"
"Am I fuckin... Am I okay?" He echoed out, "-Really?"
"Well, yeah," you responded, slow, "-you seem... riled up."
"Love," he spoke, softer but still so direct, breathless, "-you're in a fuckin' hospital bed. You almost died-"
"Seriously, Tan," you interrupted, you hadn't seen this side of him before, "-are you alright?"
He stood completely still, eyes flicking to yours -hair sticking up in a mess, shirt still ripped. He looked a little deranged, not the worse you'd ever seen, but... there was something in his eyes -a gleam.
You couldn't tell what it was.
"No," he finally answered.
"Are you-" you started, now suddenly darting over the blood (was some of it his?) "-Are you hurt? Did you get checked by-"
"Love," he sighed out, hands raking through his hair, "-you almost died. Do you not hear that? Fuckin' dead, gone-"
"No, no, no-" he shook his hand, exasperated, in disbelief, "-if I hadn't called, you would be fuckin' dead, Mouse."
"What the hell were you bloody doin' there?" He finished succinctly, eyebrows gathered -frustrated.
"A job," you spoke, tone questioning, "-What the hell is your problem?"
"You shouldn’t have fuckin' been there," he nearly growled out, "-that's my problem."
"My intel was wrong," you exhaled, stiff -if he was angry, you would be too, "-I couldn't have known. You think I wanted to solo a whole building of security?"
You trailed off, settling back into the bed -your head was starting to hurt; this was not what you had wanted. Far fucking from it.
He sighed, a big long sigh, briefly pressing his fingers on his temples, "Look, Mouse-"
You didn't look at him, eyes trained on your hands, and the blanket spanned across your lap. You wouldn't give him the dignity of looking at him, not when he was just being a dick.
"I'm not mad at you," his voice was lower now, "-just whoever sent you on that fuckin' suicide mission."
"'Could've fooled me," you scoffed, twisting your arms into a crossed position.
Tangerine sighed again, roaming closer to your bedside and falling to his knees to meet your face better, "Mouse, love, look at me."
You kept your eyes on your hands.
"Mouse, please."
You pursed your lips, he hardly pulled out the please -this was bigger than what you thought it was. Your eyes landed succinctly on his, blue -so blue- already looking at you with something of remorse. Huh.
"I'm sorry," he started, slow with one hand reached up to run through his hair again, "-I know I'm being a fuckin' dick."
"Good guess," you hummed.
"Right, yeah," he shook his head, lips curling up at the corners, "-Look, I... Fuck, I..."
"Tangerine," you put a hand on his shoulder, he was close enough now, "-seriously, what is wrong? I've never seen you like this."
He swallowed, dryly, and you almost offered him your water -he'd been doing that a lot lately.
"You almost died," he repeated.
"Tan, we're not talking about me," you responded, "-I think we both know what happened-"
"Love," he interrupted, repeating again, "-you almost died."
You raised a brow, questioning -confused really, "What does that have to do with-"
"I wouldn't have known," he breathed out, shaky and tone the same, "-you were going to fuckin' die and I wouldn't have known, ya know 'at?"
This was new to you, Tangerine looked shaken, scared. When had he ever been so broken open in front of you, so... so desperate? It was like he cracked open his ribs and you were staring at his heart.
"Tan, I didn't mean to-"
"I would've fuckin'-" he laughed a little, and it was wet -there were tears in the corners of his eyes, "-I'd 'ave heard it through the fuckin' grapevine."
"Tan," you were too soft to stop him.
"Do you know why 'at's fucked up? Truly, do you?"
"Because we're... friends?" You asked, with a lilt -you weren't sure, and even though you felt something you couldn't push that on him. No matter how bad it hurt.
"Fuckin' friends," he laughed, looking up at the ceiling -his eyes were definitely teary, you realized.
"Why are you-"
"Darling, tell me this," he spoke, looking at you now -blue eyes intense on yours, "-do you think I would've grieved you as a fuckin' booty call or a... a friend?"
"I don't..." you spoke, "-I don't know, Tan."
"No, truly, love," he echoed, voice quiet and barely there, "-do you think I would 'ave?"
You fell silent, eyes sliding over his face -the storm of his eyes. It wasn't like a thunderstorm, not angry, just a rain -a dark, heavy rain. You wanted them to be light again, sunny.
You pursed your lips, flicking over his face -there was something different there, something smoothed across his features that you had never seen before. It was something.
"No," you answered finally.
"And you ask me, you ask me-" he started, tears built up now -he blinked them away, "-if I'm okay?"
You didn't say a word.
"You almost-" Tangerine continued, voice breaking as he tilted his head down and took a deep breath.
"Tan," you spoke, softly -something burning in the backs of your own eyes.
"You almost died in my fuckin' arms, Mouse."
"But I didn't," you echoed, "-I didn't. I'm alive, you saved me-"
And then in the tiniest voice you'd heard from him, he looked at you, teary-eyed and exhausted, "Why didn't you call me?"
"Tangerine, I-" you started, "-I didn't know if it... if you-"
"I would've picked up," he spoke, firm and decisive, something biting in his tone, "-If you were halfway across the fuckin' world, I would've found a fuckin' way."
"That's not-" you started, before sighing, "-I didn't know if it mattered to you."
"Mattered to me?" His voice echoed in disbelief, "-If you... You didn't know if your death would've mattered to me?"
"No," you answered, "-I really didn't. I thought... Well, I thought both of you would be fine-"
"Fuckin' fine?" He spilled out, "-You think I would've been fine?"
"I didn't know," you reasoned, "-it wasn't... none of it was... We never talked about it."
"God, I'm the fuckin' stupidest person on this goddamn planet," he breathed out -a mutter, but you still caught it. He was really close to you in this position, you could hear the inhale of his breaths.
"Darling," he spoke, something pent up in his eyes -ready to spill, "-I can hardly function without you. And you think- You really fuckin' think that I wouldn't have cared if you died?"
"I didn't know," you explained, "-I didn't know anything, Tan. We never- We never talked about this, it was simple, easy."
"Well, it's about to get really fuckin' complicated, isn't it?"
"What are you-" you started -confused.
"Consider this me talkin' about it, yeah?" He spoke, looking straight at you -not waiting for an answer, "-The idea of you dying makes me fuckin' sick. 'Makes my whole body feel like my heart fell out of my fuckin' chest, and left a cold, empty shell of a man. Yeah? If you died, I think I wouldn't be able to breathe anymore-"
"Tangerine-" you swallowed back tears.
He continued, "And frankly, the idea of it happenin' has kept me up at night. The idea of it happenin' and me not knowin', not even bein' there- I can't even begin to fuckin' fathom."
"I can't be here without you," he finished, softer and quieter, "-I can hardly fuckin' leave you without it feelin' like I've left a fuckin' limb. A piece of me."
You couldn't speak, tears bubbling up your throat. He stared at you, and all you could do was stare back -eyes unwavering; you wondered distantly where his head was at.
"So, yeah," he cleared his throat -righting himself, "-I would care if you died. 'Would care a fuckin' lot."
"I didn't..." you began, tears burning your eyes -something heavy in your chest, "-I didn't know that."
"Yeah, I know," he replied, a little bluntly, "-you ever see me as fuckin' feelings guy? No, but even still I should've told you a long fuckin' time ago because this-"
His hand motioned to you in the bed.
"This was a fuckin'... worst-case scenario for me."
"I'm sorry," you whispered -you couldn't imagine the pain, if he... if he meant all that.
"You're sorry?" His eyes were attentive on you again, big blue and concerned, guilty, "-no, love, there's nothin' to be sorry for. I... I should've said somethin', I doubt you would've ever been in this state if I had."
"I'd-" you echoed out, "-I'd still have the same job, Tan."
"I would've gone with you," he spoke, "-or been closer... I-I would've fuckin' driven the getaway car if you'd let me."
You paused, eyes flickering over his face -that unnamed thing, you knew it now. It seemed so obvious. Every word he said bounced off your head as it echoed in your mind; he'd said so much, you could read in-between the lines for the rest of it.
"Tangerine?" You hummed.
"Yeah?" His voice was gruff, spent.
"I love you too."
He grinned then, all crow's feet and upturned lips -you'd never seen something so bright. Not from him. Maybe it wouldn't be the last one.
"Thank fuckin' god," he groaned out, "-I really don't know what I was goin' to do if you didn't."
You laughed, a little shy -this was all so new, "Well, good thing you don't have to, yeah?"
"Yeah," he finished, still smiling -his hand came to hold yours for a moment, careful even though you weren't hurt there.
Tangerine seemed thoughtful for a moment, before raising your hand to his lips, "I'm really fuckin' glad you're alright, love."
"Yeah, me too."
He opened his mouth to say something else, but the door swinging open cut it short.
"You lot done yet?" Lemon asked, head sticking in the door, "-I've been waitin' out here like 20 minutes. The nurses are startin' to look at me weird-"
Tangerine sighed from beside you, as you spoke, "Come on in, Lemon. Lovely to see you by the way."
He stepped fully in then, your eyes catching on the takeout boxes in the bags he held, "So polite, unsure why you ever liked him."
"Right," Tangerine rolled his eyes, "-Do we 'ave to start this now?"
"You see?" Lemon raised a hand, "-This is how he treats me, yeah? I bring 'im food and I'm fuckin' shot do-"
"Is there something for me?" You questioned, you had honestly never been so hungry in your life -probably your body healing and whatnot.
"'Is there something for you?' Of course, Mouse, I'm very thoughtful like 'at," Lemon smiled, "-unlike this bloke, yeah?"
"Lemon," Tangerine hissed.
"Told ya," he responded, taking a seat in one of the extra chairs on the other side of you.
"I'll fuckin' bite your head off, you know 'at? Rip you limb from limb-"
"Boys, seriously," you groaned, "-can you agree on anything?"
"You need a new handler," Lemon spoke -already eating his meal, to which Tangerine reluctantly nodded.
"And you're with us now," Tangerine offered up, "-anywhere you go, we go."
Lemon nodded, pointing to his brother like in solidarity, "Agreed."
"Guys, really? That's what you-"
"You know how pouty he's gonna be if you aren't?" Lemon retorted, handing Tangerine both his and your boxes -movement fluid right over you.
"I don't fuckin' pout," he murmured, opening the box and setting it on your table -before settling into his chair with his own.
"No, don't even start that shit," Lemon replied, "-you haven't said a full word to me in the last two weeks!"
"That wasn't pouting-"
"What would you call it then, sulking?"
"I'll kill you, Lemon, don't fuckin' start it-"
"Enough you two," you yelled out, not loud enough to attract any unwanted attention, but enough to shut them both up.
You sighed out a big long breath and righted yourself -grabbing a forkful on the food.
"Now," you hummed, grinning at the two of them, "-where are we off to next?"
They raised an eyebrow.
"If I'm staying with you," you repeated, "-where are we going next?"
Tangerine furrowed his brow like it was common sense, "Nowhere, love, you're healing."
"Seconded," Lemon raised his hand, "-he's already got a place and everythin' might as well give it to 'im."
"When did you-"
"Not important," Tangerine clarified, before turning to his brother, "-See, how hard was that? To fuckin' support me?"
"You're one to talk, mate."
You were really gonna have to get used to this.
Then Tangerine, almost instinctively, scooted his chair forward -placing his box next to yours on the table and with the confidence of a million men, intertwined your hands.
It couldn't have been comfortable, both with the hospital bed barriers and eating with one hand, but he treated it like it was nothing at all. Like he'd do it 100 times over for you.
Okay, you thought to yourself, you could definitely get used to this.
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holden-caulfield · 3 years
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main masterlist
REQUESTED: "Hey I found your blog and loved it. I was wondering if you would write something for me 👉👈 maybe a reader gets yelled by Kaz and Jesper defends her, Kaz saying sorry like it’s the worse swear I the world. Kaz x reader with platonic Jesper = basically my dream. Sorry if this is poorly written"
SUMMARY: a job goes wrong and kaz thinks it's the reader's fault, but he has to admit his own mistakes and say the most dreadful word ever: sorry.
WARNINGS: none !!
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"Maybe i wouldn't have done that if you had trusted me!"
"Maybe i would have trusted you if you hadn't done that!"
It kept on going like this, back and forth. It was so weird, so wrong to hear Kaz yell at you like that; he never did. He was always so quiet, even when he got mad, but this time, this time he had raised his voice.
And he had no reason to. The job had gone wrong: it was unusual, but no one had gotten hurt. They should have been happy; Kaz wasn't.
Your little argument had gathered quite the crowd: the dregs were watching you with what was obvious amusement and a hint of fear in their eyes at the prospect of Kaz's rage extending over to them.
"Well, it's evident you don't deserve my trust then!"
You remained silent after that, chest heaving, face etched with a scowl. A similar one reigning over Kaz's features; so beautiful and yet now hideous.
"Who does then, Kaz?" You turned to see Jesper, placing himself right beside you. His face was hard as stone, unusual for him, always so cheery and light-hearted. Thinking about it, you had never seen him with something that wasn't his usual over-confident smile on his lips. "Who deserves your trust?"
Kaz seemed to regain the control and calmness that characterized him as he took in Jesper's words. You felt immediately relieved knowing he was by your side.
"You should all get back to work." Roared Kaz's voice across the entire club, making everyone get back to their previous tasks, as if the spell had been broken.
It was obvious everyone was still very much focused, ready to hear what would have happened next, but Kaz had seemingly calmed down, his usual cold unfazed demeanor was back.
You, however, were still very much angry with him. He didn't get to treat you like that, in front of everyone, and then act as if nothing had happened. He inched closer to where you and Jesper were still standing, shoulder to shoulder.
"There's this one thing in West Stave that needs your-"
"Find someone else." You simply said, looking deep into his eyes.
It wasn't your fault the job had gone wrong. It wasn't your fault and yet he had decided it was: you had now decided he owed you an apology. An apology from Kaz Brekker sounded impossible, but you never liked easy things. That's what had gotten you interested in Kaz in the first place.
"I need you to go there and find-"
"I said find someone else." You repeated, slightly harsher.
"Y/n, quit being so testy, we have work to do." He intimated, but your scowl only worsened. You weren't going to give up.
"You don't trust me, why ask me for help? I might mess up, i might sell the information to someone else, what would you do then Kaz, huh?" You asked, feigning curiosity.
He glowered at you. But he refused to apologize, refused to acknowledge his mistakes. He turned to Jesper. "Jesper, you'll go then. There's this one-"
"Find someone else." He said, echoing your words. He said it with a mocking smile, one that was so distinctively Jesper. Kaz's grimace deepened even more.
The three of you stared at each other, a battle of gazes, the intensity able to set fire to the entire place and you wondered if the rest of the dregs was able to feel it, the air getting heavier, more dangerous.
"Well?" Drawled Jesper, his arms crossed in front of him waiting for one single word from Kaz, that one word you weren't even sure he knew.
Kaz remained silent. You'd had enough.
You didn't spare him another word, circling him to get as far away as possible in order not to punch him square in the face, hoping to rid him of his arrogance.
"Wait," he finally said, stopping you from moving any further by almost trampling you with his cane.
You turned around and raised your eyebrows, prompting him to go on.
"I'm sorry." He uttered. You weren't sure he had really said the word, the noise in the club was too loud.
"What did you say?"
"You know what i said," he scoffed, and you restrained yourself from smiling contentedly. "I shouldn't have raised my voice, and i shouldn't have doubted you."
"I know." You simply said. Kaz rolled his eyes as Jesper let out a single chuckle.
"Now will you do what i said?"
"Since i'm such an important and trusted member of this gang, yes, i will do it, Kaz." You mocked.
He didn't answer but the corners of his lips had lifted. Only slightly, imperceptible.
"What about me?" Pouted Jesper, still beside you.
"Don't push it," warned Kaz, then started going towards his own study, at the top of the stairs. "And go help her."
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taglist - @henqtic @eunoniaa @wh0re4blaise @pagesofhistory @sanctimoniousslytherpuff @maybesandohnos @youreso-golden @beforeoursunsets @o-rion-sta-r @mollysolo @prettygirlkay @dlmmdl @chaoticgirl04 @badass-yn @peachybaes @dracomalfoys-wh0re @dreamcxtcherr @gwlvr @aleksanderwh0r3 @antideppresants @miraclesoflove @tartheanmaid @amourslover @i-love-scott-mccall @just-wordsandthoughts @s1xthirty @janesofia7
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zegumi · 3 years
Ushijima Wakatoshi SFW alphabet
alphabet template here
fluff I sfw I gn reader I hcs
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
at first he's quite hesitant on showing affection, wondering if you're comfortable with him being that close to you. he starts off easy: holding hands, letting you rest on him... etc.
once he feels more comfortable with you, he starts placing his head in your lap and giving you little kisses here and there
his favourite forms of affection are: forehead/cheek kisses, back hugs, holding pinkies, and resting his head on your shoulder
when you’re not around he shows affection by talking to you to his closer teammates but subtly, he brings up your name once in a while and a teammate will tease "ooo somebody's in looove" and he starts blushing profusely, asking if they can go back to practice, but the thought of you never leaves
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
being best friends with ushijima seems very rare, he's pretty selective with letting people close enough to earn that title
with you it was unexpected, you weren't afraid or cautious of his stoic upfront. you sat next to him in class and tried to make conversation with him, making sure to include him in conversations and asking how he's doing once in a while. he lets his guard down a little and you guys get even closer, he even invites you over to help with some schoolwork and suddenly you guys are spending more time together outside of school
he's kind of hesitant to call you a best friend, but when he sees that you’re okay calling him yours, he adopts the same title
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
yes yes yes and yes
he is always behind you, resting your head on top of his. if not he'll be facing upwards, lying on his back, your head will be resting on his shoulder and he'll have his arm wrapped around your waist.
he's definitely 99% always the big spoon
but on the rare occasion he wants to be the little spoon, he has both his arms wrapped around your waist, with his head on your chest, your hand running through his hair while your legs are intertwined absolute bliss
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
hell yeah
he's a sucker for the domestic life, waking up with you in your sub-urban house, a train ride away from the city. making cakes with you in your green painted kitchen which took you way longer than it needed to bc you kept messing around
he can cook, oh my, he buys some cookbooks and you guys spend some time with each other
I feel like he wants kids, some mini him and you running around, if not he'll adopt some
him teaching his kids to play volleyball in the backyard, him brushing their teeth and reading them bedtime stories and them giving them a little kiss goodnight cuteness overload
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
definitely depends on the reason why you're breaking up, but in this scenario, let's say he hasn't been home enough and you guys feel like you're not with each other enough pain
he really dreads having to break up with you, but he knows you deserve more than someone who is barely home. he's not harsh about it, he sits you down at a time when you guys are both free and explains why, "maybe the time isn't right, right now"
even though he broke it off, he still thinks about it quite a lot, he really hopes that you guys will find your way back to each other one day even if he knows that it won't be possible bc right now you're happier with someone else :( i love angst
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
his volleyball career kinda gets in the way of him wanting to commit to you, but he wants to show you that you mean the world to him, so i think he proposes in his mid-late twenties
his proposal isn't really that over the top, but he takes you out first for a fancy dinner with the excuse 'can't i treat you once in a while'. it's quite dark outside and you guys are looking over the city, you turn around to ask him something and you see him down one knee lovely
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
he is very gentle... probably bc of his strict upbringing, but he makes sure not to hurt you in any way
he becomes so much more gentle with his words, careful of saying the wrong words because he can't stand the thought of losing you
physically, he tries to make sure not to accidentally knock into you bc this man is so big and if you get ill ushijima is doing anything in his power to get you better, he tries not to get sick in the process, but having you care for him doesn't seem like the worst idea
emotionally, he tries to support you, but he's not the greatest at dealing with emotions, but when supporting you he tries comforting you rather than trying to solve your problems
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
at the beginning of the relationship, i think his hugs are kind of stiff-ish, but once you guys get more comfortable he goes all in
he's such a good hugger. he doesn't do half-hugs, it's all of it or nothing, he engulfs you with his strong arms a little bit too tight but who needs air
if he feels extra clingy back hugs. he loves the feeling of having your figure pressing against his, sometimes his hands grip onto your waist and he'll sway you back and forth while humming to his favourite song
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
as I've mentioned before, you're the first one to say ily in the relationship, but he says it back straight after
i like to think this happens about 5/6 months into the relationship, just when you guys start getting really comfortable around each other
as for using the L-word, he doesn't really say it that often, he believes when something is overused it isn't as special. he only uses it when it needs to be said
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
he doesn't really get jealous easily bc he's kind of oblivious or chooses not to pay attention to it
but when he catches on to whatever's going on, his eyebrows furrow and he'll just give the stare, he'll come near you and put an arm around your waist and slyly try to join the conversation
he knows what he's doing and so does everyone else
the person you're talking to gets a bit intimidated and tries to end the conversation as quickly as possible
you'll try to tease him for his jealously and he'd just change the subject and starts blushing a little, if you try to bring it up later he'd be like 'huh what was that sorry i don't remember'
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
I'm not good with this type of stuff ahh
he's actually pretty good at kissing. he likes soft kisses and little pecks on the shoulder and forehead.
when he's rough or needy, he gets really handsy like hands cupping your cheeks, in your hair, hands pulling your waist in - just very intimate
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
lazy mornings bc who likes being productive all the time
he likes sleeping in on days he has nothing to do, so he’ll be behind you hugging your waist and his head resting on your back, you try to stand up so you can get breakfast done but he pulls you back and says 'come on, just a little more', you know that means another hour but you still get sucked back into his warm embrace
you end up falling asleep and wake up with noises coming from the kitchen. you walk in on him wearing just an apron and his pajama pants, dancing to the radio while making pancakes for breakfast
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
again lazy evening edition bc why not
he comes home early that day, brings home your favourite snacks and asks if you want to watch a movie with him
he grabs a few blankets from your room and you guys decide to watch 13 going on 30 one of my comfort movies
halfway through the movie, he places his head on your laps asking for you to play with his hair, he lies down and you throw some popcorn and skittles in his mouth every few minutes, you tried pouring water but he started choking and spat water all over your shirt
it gets pretty late and cold so he changes you into his hoodie and carries you over to the bedroom. you guys fall asleep to the hums of the city below
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
he's a very reserved person, and i think it's just the way he was raised, talking about feelings wasn't normal in his home growing up
i think with you it takes him some time to open up, he reveals a few things about him and his childhood here and there but nothing major
he doesn't talk about how he feels enough, so it kinda relies on you being able to notice a change in his behaviour which might I say seems extremely hard
i think if you start being more open to him, then he follows on
he gets more comfortable with his emotions around you first and then starts being more open to his team - just give him some time he gets there
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
oh he's so patient, so patient
it takes a LOT to anger him, i don't think you ever have or ever will see this man angry, tbh i don't think you would want to
if you ever lash out at him, he'd sit down and understand where you're coming from, he'd try to calm you down and give you a second to let it all out
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing or do they kind of forget everything?)
he remembers everything, literally everything
you mentioned that you liked mangos yesterday, and boom you've got a lifetime supply in your kitchen /s
he keeps a little note in his notes app just making sure he doesn't forget anything, he has your favourite orders, skin/hair care products you use, and little stuff like your favourite show in there
he does this bc he loves how your eyes beam after realising he remembers the little details
R = Remember (What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
this one hc is why this took so long, so I decided not to do bc my brain isn’t responding
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
ushijima isn't the overprotective type although he is protective
he doesn't care what you wear or how you present yourself, as long as you’re comfortable, you will have his full support
if he sees someone making you uncomfortable, he is always quick to jump in and say "you're making them uncomfortable can you please excuse yourself". if he sees a situation is making you feel uneasy he will take you and leave, to calm you down or to clear your mind, which ever one is the best choice in that moment
he doesn't feel the need to be protected, he believes that hes strong enough for the both of you sometimes he needs a little help so pls do step in
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
such a big try hard, he puts so much effort into dates, anniversaries, and even mundane everyday activities.
even far into your relationship he still pulls up at your door with a suit and a flower bouquet which he seems to never forget
he always wants everything to be perfect so you'll never forget
he enjoys surprising you with little gifts to remind you that he still cares. he seems like the type to buy you a promise ring, and oh my is it beautiful
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
this is hard bc in my eyes this man can't do any wrong, but its probably how he can't express his emotions very well
everyone gets in a bad mood once in a while, but for ushijima its different, the stress of volleyball gets to him and he just ends up shutting everyone out, including you. he was never taught how to properly talk abt how he feels so he just holds it in with never intending to let it out
if you try to ask him whats wrong then he just grunts and shrugs it off
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
he isn’t insecure for how he looks physically, he works out and maintains a healthy lifestyle, and he was blessed with that beautiful face of his *chefs' kiss
he's always hygienic (bare minimum), he cuts his hair regularly, keeps his hands nice and clean, with his nails well-trimmed
he likes to keep his appearance up and always looks like he should be on the front cover of a magazine but so effortlessly
bonus: he smells so good, he wears expensive cologne and zooweemama its so tasty, you'll hug him and never want to let go just because
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
he wouldn't necessarily feel incomplete with out you, he'd feel a bit empty
he forgets how much he misses you when he goes abroad for matches and he can't see you for a week straight. he makes sure to send videos and voice notes rather than texts so you can send some back. he video calls everyday, no matter the time difference just so he can see you in real time
if you guys take a break in the relationship, he finds his self drifting back into his stoic shell. he tries his best not to bc he knows how much he loves the person you've helped him become
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
doesn't know how to flirt hehe
he tries to use a smooth pick up line once in a while but they all end up with him in a flustered mess before he can even finish a sentence, i think we should leave the flirting to you
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
liars/dishonest people
he can't stand it when somebody lies to him, its agitating when someone he cares for feels the need to lie to him, it makes him feel like they don't trust him enough
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
he's a quite a light sleeper and wakes up pretty easily. he also looks dead when he sleeps, for example most days he sleeps pretty early bc he's worn out and you come into the bedroom and see him lying down on his back, his chest isn't even moving like it should be, but you'll get into bed with him and his first instinct is to wrap his arms around you and give you a kiss
i think he sleep talks, omg just imagine ushijima whispering about the weirdest things in his dreams. you recorded him once and showed him when he woke up and he got a bit embarrassed and started laughing
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here's the hcs for mornings with ushi
this took me so long omg >o< I really hope I portrayed his character well bc he’s such a lovely person
make sure to take care of yourselves :)
reblogs are very much appreciated <3
requests are open
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kurosstuff · 3 years
Summary: Hela goes into rampage after finding reader dying
A/N: kinda in Helas pov in a way idk short I wrote this half asleep oops, idk if I wrote her well??
Taglist: @the-obscurity
Warning(s): death(readers), violence(fighting, Hela k words someone). Unhealthy coping, ANGST. Fluffish to angst. Kinda in detail gore?
Hela x reader: Raging Grief
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Just this morning, everything was perfect, your smiling face curled into her side, as you woke up as usual, sleepy face, a quick peck and you both got ready for the day.
The normal walk, hand in hand down the hallway into the throne room, an extra seat made beside her own, fit for her heart. Her love. Oh how she wish she had the power to turn back time
Where did it go wrong? Why now? So soon after just marrying
"..no My love" Hela's usually strong practically sarcastic tone turned into a heartwrenching broken voice, "please no" the once powerful women sat broken clutching the smaller person in her arms, a large hole in their stomach gushing out. The one being keeping her from destroying everything in her path was you, as always
"Hela." You gasped out bringing a bloodied hand to hers, "it's ok" speaking became much harder, sluggish even, if you weren't bleeding out she would have assumed you were drunk by your speech. "You'll be fine. Be safe. Be ok" she will be safe, but she will be ok that's for sure.
"I will Not. Be ok, y-" a sob cut her off clinging onto you and your warmth started to go faster "you're dying leaving me. You said you would be ok- you have to stand please. Stop getting colder" she begged, for the first time in years, something she knew had to happen she dreaded.
Hela goddess of death herself begged for a life to live. But as fate should have it. She would lose this fight no matter what she did, almost a sick play on how she once vowed all would perish before her. "I love you. I'll always be with you" was the last thing she heard before you took your last breath, then all was silent. A deafening silence hitting all around her. She would no longer hear the laughter, the stories you'd tell, nothing. Setting you down gently, she slid the golden ring off your hand gently placing it in her pocket. She grabbed the sword you held by your side at all times, the very sword she had crafted for you herself. The green emerald carved into the handle gleemed red dripping with the very blood it was created to protect-that it failed
A roar of rage and grief escaped her lips. She would have that pathetic mans head, if he thought for even a second he or any one of them would get away with this very devastating loss. They were surely mistaken.
Its inhuman how she stormed up to one of the one outlaw she wanted most, ripping into him like an animal viciously digging into their pray, a broken laugh escaped her as she beat the very person who killed you, took you. No stole you away, but then stopped after he finished gargling. No.. this isn't the one. They all did this. All his people he gathered to take her down is at fault.
Gripping the handle harsher it could almost break from her hands, she started her hunt. Sprinting down the halls she could hear you, telling her to calm down, telling her to stop and think, but she won't- can't stop. You didn't deserve to die like that, they don't deserve to live, breath the air you once did after what they did. Taking away the very thing she could feel human with?
Yells were heard, screams echoed the halls as she tore through, to her main goal. It was deafening towards her, bashing away each betrayer away like flies flinging from the fly swatter, her jaw clenched-hurting, finally locking eyes with the Male-who at first was smug but became fearful once he saw her flying through as it his men were mere bugs- and to her they were
Yeah, that's right. Turning to face the men holding weapons up to her, some shaking, some not. Blood dripping from her face, her eyes grew even darker. "You will all pay." Standing upward she pointed your sword to the people, the ones who betrayed her-you. "For this SIN"
"Hela my poor daughter" Odin spoke softly to not spook the women, slowly he walked to the grieving women clutching onto their lover "what happened my child?"
"DO NOT. Act like you don't know" Hela sobbed yet, no more tears came. All she felt was-sorrow, rage. Odin sighed reaching towards the body, "DON'T TOUCH THEM" Hela yelled harshly making him retract his hand from her late spouse
"I'll" swallowing dryly he stood tall, turning to walk out the door "I'll arrange a funeral." Before he closed it he looked back at his broken daughter- never seeing her like this even once "I'm sorry for your loss" before he closed the door, no light shining in the room, the once joyous room, the room you both shared, she wanted to destroy the throne room. Wanted to do something. But she couldn't.
She hope's one day she'll see you again. Maybe when she the goddess of death falls to death itself she may. One day.
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escapetodreamworld · 3 years
I’ll protect you. Angie x fem!reader
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Request: Can you write a one shot where reader saves Angie from the Collins? Requested by anon.
Words 4,259
Warnings: Angst Hurt/Comfort Character's we don’t care about die.
Thank you to the groupchat, we really do share a mind sometimes, you'll know what I'm talking about. There's also i little nod at the end about something we talked about.
A special thank you @arewecoolio who helped me a lot with this story. Thank you for hyping me up when I thought this was going to be a terrible fic, thank for giving me tips to help it run more smoothly. Ily.
You didn't even think twice when your powerful hearing picked up on her cries. You pushed yourself off your knees where you were scrubbing the tile floors, and sprinted as fast as you could through the manor. You finally reached the servants quarters, and didn't bother knocking on her door, barging right in. What you see makes your heartbreak and anger rise and burn in your throat.
Angelique’s curled into a ball sitting on the floor in between her bed and dresser. Tears rolling down her face, as a big bruise forms on her cheek, dried stream of her blood running from her lip down her chin.
You enter her room, closing the door behind you, you take a few steps towards Angelique before stopping. You drop to your knees and crawl the last couple feet towards her, stopping a foot away. Angelique hasn't acknowledged your presents, so you're careful not to touch her, you don't want to scare her.
"Angelique." You say softly, trying to get her attention. She continues to stare ahead, straight through you. "Angie, please, talk to me." You try again, voice cracking. You used your nickname for her, hoping it will snap her out of her trance.
She continues to stare at nothing, after a few moments of silence she speaks, so quiet that someone with normal hearing would have had a hard time understanding it.
"Master Collins caught me staring at Barnabas"
"Is that why you got that bruise? Because you stared at his son." You ask, your voice so low it comes out more as a growl. Angelique nods. "Angie, you can't keep doing this, the man is going to get you killed." You explain, hoping she finally listens to you. She doesn't.
"I just need to get his parents out of the way, then we can be together." She says, completely ignoring what you said. She stands up eruptly, moving through her room, grabbing a spell book from her hiding place. she turns back to you, her bruise and dried blood gone from her face. "Cover for me?" She asks.
You want to say "No way!" Tell her he's not worth it, tell her she's not thinking clearly. But you don't, you just nod your head. She grins and leaves the room, leaving you completely alone. Just like every other time she ditches you for Barnabas. You used to be inseparable, always following each other around, well you followed Angelique around. But there wasn't a day you weren't together. 
At least until Barnabas Collins started showing interest in Angelique, after that, they were always sneaking around, doing things that could get Angie beaten if anyone found out. And you had to just sit there, praying the day they get caught would never come. A small part of yourself, hopes they do get caught, because then Angie would have to stop seeing him, and spend time with you again. You hate that part of yourself.
You admitted to yourself a long time ago that your feelings for Angie went way beyond friendship. Many times you catch yourself watching Angie while she watches Barnabas. Wishing she'd look at you like that. That intense stare, following wherever he goes.
It makes your blood boil knowing he doesn't love her, he only uses her, and Angie is to blind with love to see it. If they ever got caught, nothing would happen to him, he would go about his life like nothing happened, never sparing Angelique another thought.
And his parents, they would see that Angelique disappeared, you'd never see her again. And it would be all his fault, all because he was a man whore. The time that they get caught will come sooner or later. Angelique's right, his parents have to go. It's the only way she'll be safe. You can't wait for Angie to find a way, it could take days, weeks even, and the chances of getting caught are higher every day. You have to help her, you can't stand the thought of never seeing her again.
You sit there, on Angie's floor, trying to think of ways to ensure Angie's safety. There's only one thing that comes to mind, and you hate it, it disgusts you, makes you feel ill, but it's the only way, you'll have to kill them yourself, tonight. during the full moon.
Rising from the floor, you leave to find master Collins and lady Collins. It's getting dark, and the full moon is starting to rise. And every night master and lady Collins take an evening stroll. Everything's coming together perfectly. You would never do what you're about to do, but it's for Angie, you tell yourself. You hide in the trees near the manor, all you have to do is wait. And try not to chicken out.
 The moon finally reaches peak position, you realize with dread. You step further into the shadows, letting the transformation take its hold on you. You've learned not to fight it, it only hurts if you do. After a few moments it's done, your legs and feet are longer and you're covered in hair.
A noise alerts you to two people approaching. the Collins on their walk, You  crouch down to not alert their dog, and wait for them to get closer. Oddly before they can get close enough, a giant seahorse gargoyle falls onto them, killing them. You stand there, shocked before realizing Angelique must have found a way of getting rid of them. You run further into the wood, knowing the sound that statue made will make a servant or two investigate.
By the morning when you transform back into your human form, everyone knows of master and lady Collins passing. On your way to bed you're practically tackled by Angelique, she throws her arms around you. You're surprised but hug her back, when she finally pulls away she drags you into her room. 
"Where were you last night? I came to your room last night to tell you something important but you weren't there." Angelique asks. Worried.
"Oh, I was out again, you know, watching the stars and full moon. I fell asleep out there again." You lie. You're a terrible liar but you know how to distract Angie so she forgets about it. "What did you have to tell me?" You ask quickly when it looked like Angelique was going to comment on your lie.
It works. Angie forgets, she immediately starts grinning. "I did it, I killed them." She whispers, so proud of what she's accomplished.
"I thought you might've had something to do with that accident." You say, even though you knew she had everything to do with it. Her grin gets wider.
"This means Barnabas and I can be together." She says, excitedly. Your heart drops, you forgot why she wanted them gone, so she could continue sleeping with Barnabas. Your heartbreaks, you don't hear what Angie's saying, it all sounds underwater to you. But you do notice that she starts to leave, practically skipping to the door. She turns around to say something else to you before she leaves.
"Oh, and (y/n), maybe don't fall asleep outdoors anymore. There could be werewolves." She says, jokingly. Before smiling and leaving you alone in her room once again. Her joke ringing in your ears, you never told her what you were. You didn't want her to know, the thought of her ever seeing you in that ugly form disgusts you. You feel bad for hiding it, but it's for the best.
Despite two of the Collins dying, everything continues on like normal, do your chores, then do whatever you want as long as you're not in the Collins family's way. Of course, it's only Barnabas now. Which means more freedom, but it comes at a price, that price for you is you never see Angie, and when you do all she does is complain that Barnabas isn't spending time with her. You want to be annoyed, but at least you're seeing her when she's complaining.
That's how it goes for weeks, only seeing her when she complains to you about Barnabas not sleeping with her. You're getting mad about it, all she does is tell you how she threw herself at him again and he just sends her away. But today is different.
She storms into your room while you're reading, she's angry, something about seeing Barnabas with some girl. How they were kissing and confessing their love for each other, you know Barnabas told Angie he didn't love her, you can see how mad Angie is. It makes you angry, but not for the reason she wants.
"Maybe you should just let him be happy, he clearly loves this girl." You snap, you couldn't hold it in anymore. All that anger is finally coming out.
"Excuse me! I tell you he's cheating on me and your suggestion if I let him!" Angelique yells, her anger now focusing on you. You don't care, you're going to say what needs to be said anyways.
"He's not cheating on you! He was never courting you! He was just using you, and you let him!" You yelled, frustrated. Why couldn't she just see that he doesn't love her.
"Whose side are you on?" She asks, angrily. You growl and grit out "yours" "are you sure? Cause it sounds like you don't care about me." She says, and that weakens you. Your shoulders slump, and you try your best to take deep breaths, releasing all your anger.
Once you've calmed down you address her. "I'm sorry Angie, I do care about you. It's just, miss you, i never see you anymore." You say sadly, look down at your hands, hoping she accepts your apology. 
You hear her sigh, and feel her hand on your face, lifting your head up  to look at her. Once you look at her she rubs her thumb over your cheek. You close your eyes, relaxing into her touch. "I am sorry too, you must have felt abandoned. I promise not to do it again. I just need to figure out how to get rid of this whore that's trying to take Barnabas away from me." She says, still rubbing circles in your cheek. 
"I don't know Ang, push her off a cliff." You say, not really thinking about it, still caught up in the feeling and her warm hand on your face. But when she stops drawing patterns in your face, you open your eyes. Angelique has a wicked grin on her face, you've never seen her like this before, it scares you.
"You're a genius, my dear." She says, and you blush at the praise and pet name. But before you can say anything, she's withdrawing her hands and walks away. Once again leaving you. You sit there, staring at the door, you can't believe it happened again. She left you again, after promising. You close your door and cry.
You don't leave your room for two days, And no one checks on you. You know you'll have to leave your room before tonight, you can't risk changing into a werewolf while in the manor. But you stay in bed till you know you can't wait any longer, finally you sneak out, towards the servants staircase. But when you hear people on the stairwell, you quickly decide you don't want to see anyone and get asked questions, so you turn on your heels, heading for the main stairwell. 
You hear a commotion from below, it sounds like a man shouting. You peer over the railing, listening to what was happening. You can't see anyone but you can hear them. 
"You're a wretched woman, you're vile and evil, you killed the woman I love, you cursed me to be this monster, and you have the audacity to try and place your lips upon me!" You hear Barnabas shout, and he finally comes onto view. You're shocked by what you see, Barnabas is paler than you've ever thought possible, his fingernails are longer and sharper, almost like yours when you change. And the most terrifying part about him, he's covered in blood. "What did you do Angie?" You whisper to yourself.
You see Angelique following after him, a frown on her face, she grabs Barnabas's arm, spinning him to look at her. "Don't you see, I did this for us. So we could finally be together." She says, touching his face. Just like she did with you. A growl tries to escape your throat, you clasp your hands over your mouth. You realize in horror that you stayed too long, that the moon has risen. Backing away from the railing you hunch over, transforming, you try to stop it, hold it off just a little longer, but it's too strong.
Suddenly you hear a crash coming from below. Rushing back to the railing you see Angelique crumbled on the floor, on the complete opposite side of the room, from where she stood earlier. Barnabas slowly approaches, glaring down at Angelique, it's clear what happened, Barnabas threw her off of himself.
Barnabas lifts Angie up by her throat, you can see her struggling to breathe. And the next thing you know you're running full speed towards the two of them, slamming into Barnabas. You and him go tumbling to the floor, you hear Angie drop to the floor behind you, coughing and gasping for air.
You and Barnabas get up quickly, he stares at you in shock, you glare back. Your tense, ready to attack, "(y/n)? What has this witch done to you?" Barnabas asks, looking you over, deeply concerned about the state you're in. He reaches out to touch You, you growl and he pulls back. You can hear the coughing subside behind you, then a strained voice. 
"(Y/n)?" Angelique says, shock clear in her voice, despite how rough it was. You send Barnabas another glare before turning to Angelique, dropping to your knees before her. 
"Angie, are you alright?" You ask, carefully reaching to touch the bruising on her neck. You ignore Angie's eyes burning into your face, and focus on searching her for broken bones.
You touch her wrist, feeling for breaks. Angelique clasps her hand around your wrist, not painful, just enough to get your attention. you look at her, and you wish you could look away. "Why didn't you tell me?" her eyes bore into you so intensely, almost searching your very soul for the information she wants.
"I, I didn't want you to see me like this." You say, finally breaking eye contact. Staring at her bruises instead, until the familiar feeling of her hand on your cheek pulls you back in.
"I could have helped you." She says sadly, eyes showing the hurt she feels. You shake your head, pulling her hand away. "No spell can fix me Angie, you know that." You tell her, crying. Saddened by her concern for you. Stepping away from her, you turn back to Barnabas.
Barnabas was still standing there, watching your interaction. You send him another glare as you slowly advance on him. You can see the concern in his eyes, concern for his safety. He starts talking, rambling about what Angie did, how she deserves to burn for her crimes. You strike, your back hand to his face sends him into the wall. You ignore the gasp you hear coming from Angelique. You advance on him again, this time, once he gets back up, the fear in his eyes is gone, replaced with hate and determination.
He charges at you, and you're in a fight of teeth and claws, both trying to rip the other apart. You'll be damned if he's the survivor of the battle, you'll be the one winning this, even if it means Angelique never looks at you again, at least she'll be safe. 
Barnabas throws a nasty punch to your stomach and in your moment of weakness, he grabs you, throwing you across the room. You hit the floor, sliding, you use your claws on the tile to slow you down, the sound is terrible but it stops you from hitting the wall behind you. Your back up, running at Barnabas, he charges you too, you leap up, striking in from the air. The blow causes him to be knocked over. You are on him, hands wrapped under his neck, trying to get it to break. He shoves you off, pushing you away a few feet, you run back towards him, only to get kicked. Thrown into the statue pillar, a sickening crack is heard and you're not sure if it came from you of the statue, too disoriented to tell.
 You struggle to your feet when you hear Barnabas approaching, but he's next to you before you can, lifting you into the air by your throat. You struggle, trying to pry his hands away with your own, kicking him. You know the kicks hurt but he stays strong, choking you out. "I'm sorry about this (y/n)" he says, remorsefully, squeezing tighter. It's become very hard to see, you really just want to close your eyes. You can barely make out the scream coming from somewhere in the room.
Suddenly you drop to the floor, pain shooting through your knees from the impact, you gasp for air, struggling to inhale any. Your vision slowly comes back, you're able to see Barnabas, floating in mid air struggling to get out of the invisible hold he's in. You continue taking deep breaths, focusing your very limited vision on Barnabas, worried he'll drop at any second.
You flinch when you feel someone touch you, you jerk away from the touch, only to be pulled back into it. The smell of vanilla, and the unmistakable stench of magic hit your nose, you relax into it. Welcoming the touch you've been pulled into. You finally take your eyes off Barnabas, and focus on Angie. Taking in the tears on her cheeks, and the slight quiver of her lip.
"You idiot, you almost got killed, why should you do something so stupid?" Angelique asks, furiously. But you can see the concern all over her face. You smile, sheepishly. "You're welcome." Angie didn't like that answer, not one bit. Glaring at you, her way of saying "Don't joke." You stop smiling, You clear your throat, wincing in pain when you do. Angelique frowns, moving her hand over your throat, barely grazing it, you flinch when you feel it, causing her to pull back slightly.
Angelique carefully moves her hand back towards you, keeping eye contact. You don't flinch when she touches you this time, your neck feels tingly, then the pain in your throat is gone. "Now, tell me why you thought fighting a vampire was a good idea." Angie says, sternly. removing her hand from your throat.
"He hurt you, I couldn't stand by and watch him choke you to death." You explain to her, causing Angie to sigh.  "So you thought you'd kill him. Sweetie, that's not like you." Angie says, running her hand through your messy hair, you wince when she touches a spot on the back of your head, both of you realizing you must have hit it, Angelique starts healing it. "I would do it for you, I would have killed his parents that night if you didn't beat me to it." You say, revealing that information caused Angelique to frown.
"You were going to kill Barnabas's parents for me? Why would you do something like that for me?" Angie asks, her brows scrunching in confusion. "Why are you so willing to hurt people or get hurt for me?" She questioned, and you realize this is the best opportunity to tell her.
"I would do anything for you, I love you." You tell Angelique, looking at every little detail on her face, memorizing it. When you meet her eyes you shiver, she's looking at you the way she does Barnabas, that intense possessive stare, the look you always wished was directed at you. You can help looking at her lips, Angie notices, her lips forming into a smirk.
She uses the hand still holding the back of your head to slowly pull your head towards hers, you're so excited, you're about to kiss the girl you've been dreaming about. But before you can press your lips to hers, you remember something and pull back. It confuses Angelique, but you quickly explain.
"My teeth are a lot sharper in this form, I could hurt you." You tell her, showing her your sharpened teeth. She looks at them and laughs. "I'll be careful." She says, leaning back into. You pull back again. "That's great but I might forget and cut you. Maybe we should wait till the sun rises?" You say, glancing towards the window. Angie pouts but nods, understanding your concern.
"Thank gods, I didn't want to see that disgusting display" you hear Barnabas growl. Angie's and your heads snap up to Barnabas, glaring daggers. You growl back but Angie acts quick, Barnabas is slammed into the ground, the tile shattering upon his impact. He's then thrown into the wall opposite the two of you, and finally he's positioned again in the spot he was hanging from earlier, his unconscious body above you.
Your eyes are brought back to Angie by the always familiar hand on your cheek, you lean against her hand, a content sigh leaving your lips. Angie smiles at you. "I love you." She whispers, kissing your cheek, very close to your lips. You're so happy, but one fear looms over you, along with his body.
"What are you going to do about Barnabas?" You ask Angie, you're deeply worried about her response. Her soft smile turns into a wicked grin, the same one you witnessed after telling her to push that girl off a cliff, it's worries you but gives you hope at the same time.
"I think the town's people would be very interested in knowing about our local vampire." She says, eyes wild. She grins at you then sneers at Barnabas's body.
The plan was simple. Angie tells the town's people about Barnabas, leads the angry mob to the manor, and you stay hidden so no one sees you, and she'll be back to you by sunrise. So far it's went well, they came for Barnabas dragging him out of the house, you've been hiding in Angie's spell room, the one place no one can find, unless Angie wants them to find it. The sun is almost risen, you'll turn back soon, but Angie isn't here yet. You're worried, what if Barnabas told everyone she was a witch and they believed him, what if he broke free and killed her. What if she just doesn't want to come back to you.
You've paced the room for what feels like forever, worrying yourself into a panic. You're about to sneak upstairs to see if there's any sign of Angie when you hear footsteps echo down the stone steps. The latch on the door clicks open and the door swings open, Angie strides in, a smirk plastered on her face. She closes the door behind her with a flick of her wrist. 
"I'm sorry, those idiots wanted to try stoning him first, they didn't realize it would work, finally, they decided to bury him deep in the woods in a chained up coffin." She explains, washing the dirt from her hands in a wash bowl. "I marked the place he was buried, just to make sure we remember and so no one can unearth him." She continues saying.
You've listened silently, just content on watching her. You're so relieved she's back, safe, not one scorch mark on her. She turns around, catching you staring, she smirks and winks at you. You blush at being caught. Angelique stalks towards you, like she's hunting her prey. As she reaches you the sunlight shines through the window, basking the room in a golden color, all you can think about is how beautiful the color makes Angie look. But her grin makes you know she's thinking something very different.
Angie reaches out, grabbing your skirts pulling you closer to her, you gasp at the feeling of her body pressing against yours. Angie leans in to whisper something in your ear. "As cute as you look in the other form, this one's my favorite." She says, then kisses below your ear.
You gasp, both at the feeling of her lips and breathe on your ear and because you forgot what the sunrise meant. You're human again. You pull back so you can see Angie's face, and you can tell she can't hold off anymore. You lean forward, and Angie surges forwards meeting your lips, it doesn't take long for a whimper to leave your lips, but Angie swallows it, pressing further into you.
It's bliss, pure bliss, you've never been happier than in this moment, and you know, it'll feel like this for a very long time to come. You'll do anything to keep Angie happy, and in the following centuries, you do just that. Sure Angie is happy with you, your relationship hasn't lost any if it's intensity or love. But you're in love with a devious little witch, and she thinks it's fun to mess with the Collins family, she even asks you to help sometimes, so when she begs and seduces you into going to bite the Collins kid. You do it.
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laskyy · 3 years
Hey guys! I'm all good now and I've had enough rest so I'm back to writing! This was requested by @gensunvalley! I hope you like it!
P1harmony when they cry
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Tw: Crying, skinship, stress, mentions of homesickness
Genre: Fluff (mildly angsty maybe? I'm not sure)
You knew Theo was a sensitive person when you guys met, and he cried a lot when you guys watched sad movies and romance movies with a happy ending.
But when he was crying because of stress it hurt you even more, because who dared stress your favourite person on the planet?
When you saw him curled up on the bed sobbing and shaking you didn't hesitate in running towards him and engulfing him in a big warm hug.
(rest of Theo and the other members under the cut!)
"Why's everything so hard? I have so much to do and I can't seem to do it! It's too much Y/n!" Taeyang said as he sobbed harder.
"You can do it! You can do everything if you try! But for now let it out and give yourself some time to rest."
You knew Keeho was never someone to cry in front of people, not even you, so it was very surprising when you came to his studio and saw him with his head down and his hands on his head while he was shaking and sniffling.
The sight alone left you heartbroken ken, but when you closed the door, came closer, he lunged at you to hug you and he started crying harder, you almost started crying with him, but you manage to hold your tears for him.
"I hate this! This song will never sound great! I've been working on this for weeks and nothing ever goes right! I'm a mess" He said as he held tighter on to your shoulder and sobbed harder.
You waited for him to calm down a bit before trying to comfort him.
"Maybe you should give yourself a break love. You'll probably get some inspiration if you aren't always locked between 4 walls. And you're an amazing artist, you've got this! You always do." And you kept rocking his body back and forth to comfort him.
Jiung's tears weren't something you had seen a lot before, maybe from happiness when you guys met after being away from 2 months, but nothing out of this World.
So when you saw Jiung hugging a pillow and crying on the bed you felt really sad and rushed to him.
You let his steady his breathing before asking him what was wrong.
"It's nothing bad, it's just that I've been pretty overwhelmed by a lot of emotions this past week and I needed a good cry! I'm sorry if I worried you!" He said as he looked at you with his shiny eyes.
"We all have those times baby! It's fine honestly, and if you ever want to rant I'm here for you."
Intak has cried in front of you quite some times but that doesn't mean you're less affected by his sadness. You always want to see him smile and it truly break your heart when something is bothering him.
You went to the grocery store to get some snacks for Intak because he was sick and you guys had to stay in instead of going out. But you didn't mind, all you wanted was for your boyfriend to get better.
When you got home you went straight to the bedroom to take care of Intak and give him some snacks, but you forgot all about that when you saw Intak crying hard on the bed.
You went to hug him right away, you didn't care if you got sick, you just wanted to make Intak feel better and the sight made you heartbroken.
"I'm sorry I made us stay home! I didn't want to get sick I am really sorry It's all my fault!"
You hugged him harder and rubbed his back softly "It's not your fault baby! And I like spending time with you either out side or inside! And we'll have time to go out! Now breathe slowly with me."
You hadn't really seen Shota cry and honestly you didn't think you'd see it so soon, but well, you did.
You came to the dorm and went into his room to see him crying and you ran to his side and gave him the biggest hug ever and asked him what happened to leave your little baby so upset.
"It's just that I miss my family and I can't wait to see them and I just broke down I guess."
"How about you calm down a little bit and then we can facetime your family! I know it's not the same as seeing them personally but it's better than nothing! And one day we'll go see them!"
"I love you so much, you're the best!"
Jongseob was like a little surprise box, you never knew what to expect when you went to his house! Sometimes he'd be waiting with books, sometimes with movies and you couldn't wait for today!
But you forgot the excitement when you went into your boyfriend's room and saw him crying on his desk. You immediatly ran to him and gave him a side hug as he was sitting down.
"Seobie what's wrong?"
"It's just that I don't think that I can manage school and being an idol at the same time."
As he said this he started sobbing uncontrollably and it broke your heart to see him like that.
"I don't know what that's like but I'm positive you'll pull through like you always do! And just remember that you're Kim Jongseob and you can do everything okay? Now let it out baby."
I hope you enjoyed it! Thank you for reading! Requests are open! Have a great day/afternoon/night! Keep praying for Enhypen, there are currently 6 members infected (Heeseung, Jay, Jake, Sunghoon, Jungwon and Ni-ki) let's hope Sunoo stays safe and the members recover quickly! Love you guys and stay safe 💖💖💖
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lovethisletters · 3 years
Poly MC! hc for the: Demon Brothers!
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This is my first time writing anything about poly relationships! So I'm a bit nervous! I took the time to do a bit of research about the subject...however I still have a lot to learn; if you find anything that might be offensive please let me know! Just know I didn't do it with any ill intentions and I'll make sure to correct my mistakes!
Also I didn't knew if you refered to a poly MC who is in a relationship with all of the brothers or how each individual brother would react to MC coming out as poly to them and later starting a poly relationship and how they behave in said relationship...so I did the latter bc I found it to be a bit more easy to write and the first option would have been way too long and I was worried it might come off as boring because of it :c (but maybe I'll try to edit it and then upload it...some day...idk)
so...here it is!
Keys: MC = your main character name
Summary: MC comes out as poly to the Demon Brothers and how they behave in a poly relationship!
Additional notes: MC is gender neutral!
TW: small mentions or implications of jealous/possessive behavior (they're very minimal, but still...just in case)
Lucifer is probably the one you're the most nervous to talk to.
But when you finally find the courage to do so it goes...to put it mildly, a bit... weird.
He stares blankly at you like you just said to him that water is a liquid or something, he's not very...responsive.
His reaction might come off as rude, considering you spend all this time trying to figure out the "best" way to come out and talk about the possibility of starting a poly relationship.
But the reason why he's not talking much is because he's trying to avoid saying anything he might regret later, you see... he's trying to process his own feelings towards the matter.
Lucifer is someone who has lived for a long, looooooong time, so it's more likely than not that he's already experienced being in a poly relationship.
thing is...such relationship was more experimentation rather than something serious.
And now he has you...someone for who he'll be willing to die for...
He won't say it but deep down he feels like his pride has been bruised.
He just doesn't want to "share" you, you're his and his alone!
But when he looks up at you, and see just how nervous you are, waiting patiently for any kind of reaction from him.
He realizes he's thinking of you as an object and not a person and mentally kicks himself in the face for it.
Lucifer reaches for your hand and offers you a small smile.
After a long conversation where you two express your own desires and worries, you two agree and decide to give it a try.
At first... I'm not gonna lie...it would be quite... difficult...
The man is possessive and struggles to see you giving any kind of affection to any of his brothers.
However I think he genuinely wants this to work, he wants to see you happy and knows that just because you also love his brothers doesn't mean you love him any less.
So he'll sit down and talk to you whenever he feels jealous, he knows communication is key and it honestly makes him feel a bit better.
With time Lucifer comes to accept it; He loves you and he loves his brothers and it makes him happy that they all can share such bond with you.
I think he's the one who'll have a harder time adapting to a poly relationship.
I'll even go as far to say Lucifer's jealousy pales in comparison to Mammon's and I think this is due to his low self-esteem.
He won't accept it but he's jealous af when he sees you "getting cozy" with any of his brothers.
He'll even interrupt the moment by placing himself in the middle of whoever you were getting close to or think about some lame excuse to take you away.
This makes things more difficult and tense for everyone, so if Mammon continues his shenanigans expect a LOT more arguing from the brothers...(yes...more than normal...)
You'll have to sit him down and talk to him about his insecurities.
The first times he won't be very open with you, I think he might even get a bit angry if you even imply he's jealous and act all offended and walk out of the room.
Surprisingly the one who makes him understand how toxic he's being and how much this affects you is Asmo!
He'll have a serious talk with him, and just the fact of seeing his often bubbly and cheerful young bro being all serious is enough for Mammon to realize that what he's been doing and how he's been acting hurts you and his brothers.
He'll apologize...the Mammon way...
But ultimately he now makes an effort to respect whenever you're close to one of his brothers.
Just like Lucifer. Mammon will come to accept you love him and his brothers all the same.
He'll sometimes even suggest places you all can go together for a date.
Please, be patient with the avatar of greed with time he will come to accept that love exist in more than one way or form.
Surprisingly, unlike his older brothers, your favorite shut-in-otaku has an easier time adapting to a poly relationship.
Easier, however does not mean problems are inexistent...
He has a low self-esteem and sometimes might get the feeling that you're ""picking favorites""
However he won't tell you anything about it, and he'll just try to pretend like nothing is wrong.
Fortunately for you, Levi is quite easy to read so you immediately notice whenever he's feeling sad.
But all you have to do is have a little gaming session with him, and as the two of you "game" the night away he'll eventually open up to you about whatever is bothering him.
All it takes is a little reassurance and saying "I love you" to the avatar of envy from time to time and he'll be all good with you showing affection to the rest of his brothers.
Uhhhh...this is a tricky one...
You see...Satan is probably the second brother you came out to and perhaps you didn't even realized that you did because it just happened so natural.
The two of you were talking and it just slipped out of your mouth and he was like "hahaha, right?" And continued the conversation as normal.
He genuinely doesn't care, (don't get me wrong I don't mean that in a bad way) but all he knows is that he loves you and he wants you to be happy, and if expanding the love that the two of you have to his brothers makes you happy, then so be it!
However... remember I said this was tricky?
Satan has no issue with you being affectionate with his brothers...all of them except for Lucifer...
When he sees you getting close to Lucifer he won't say anything, he won't make a scene or a passive-agressive remark, he'll just excuse himself and exit the room. (Neither he will confront you about it later when the two of you are alone)He won't say anything at all; he'll just stay silent and pretend like nothing is wrong.
However you'll be able to notice Satan's true feelings whenever Lucifer has a small present or gesture with you.
Oh? Lucifer gifted you a $300,000 coat? Well, Satan will give you another coat but this one is $600,000.
Lucifer treated you to dinner at ristorante six? Well, darling... guess what? Satan will reserve the entire building just for you!
At some point he will notice how bad this makes you feel, since he's turning a relationship into a competition and that's no good...
He'll eventually take a step back and realize how childish he's being, how his behavior hurts your feelings and might have even made you feel guilty or responsible for his beef with his older brother.
Before you even decide to talk to him about it, he already knows what you're trying to say, so he'll be the one to sit you down and apologize for his wrongdoings.
You're someone who he values dearly and all that he wants is for you to be happy, so he'll be willing to make the effort to get along or at least be a little more tolerant of Lucifer.
There might be times where they still fight and stop talking to each other for long periods of time, but the two of them will take the time to let you know that this has nothing to do with you and that there's no reason for you tu feel guilty.
Because if there's something in wich both, the avatar of pride and wrath agree in... Is in how much they love you.
Asmodeus (definitely) was the first one to know about you being polyamorous.
He probably knew before you even said anything, let's be honest here...
He's probably the one who you're more comfortable talking about it.
The brothers accept you, yes...but Asmo understands you!
He knows that the world can be quite cruel to people who love differently to what our society stablish as "normal".
Whenever he expressed his liking for more than one person he was shamed or labeled as someone promiscuous who'll never be deserving of "true" love.
It happened in the celestial realm, in the human realm, and even sometimes here in the devildom.
Angels where expected to only focus in the lord and nothing else, some humans are close minded and shame whoever is different from them, and demon's often confuse love with obsession and get easily tangled up in possessive behavior, often viewing their partners as objects rather than individuals with their own goals and desires. (his brothers are the perfect example of that)
So he just knows how difficult it might have been for you to find acceptance.
So he gives it to you; acceptance, reassurance, however many times you need to.
He'll be the one to encourage you to talk with his brothers, he'll be there to support you if you ever feel nervous, and he'll be the one to call his brothers out on their bs whenever they start to show any signs of toxic behavior.
He knows in all relationships communication and trust in your partners is key to a successful relationship, so he reminds this to everyone and even goes as far as to make plans where everyone feels included.
Overall the avatar of lust is the voice of reason in this relationship, because he knows better than anyone else that love is something that can't and should never be limited by what others believe or expect "true love" should look like.
You weren't sure how Beel would react once you told him.
But still you were pleasantly surprised by Beel's reaction!
He was so accepting from the beginning and even thanked you for trusting him enough to share this with him.
He's happy that you want him to form part of this relationship.
He knows his brothers love you as much as he does and that you love them back, so he sees this as the perfect option for everyone.
He even thinks this relationship has brought everyone closer together.
Over all the avatar of gluttony is more than happy to be with you and share your affection with people he holds equally as dearly.
Belphie, much like Lucifer struggles to understand why would you want such a thing?
Is his love not enough for you?
It takes little more time for him to understand you, and learn that love doesn't just limits to one person.
He can be a bit insensitive some times, so he might accidentally say something hurtful to you about it.
And that's when Asmo has to intervene...
He'll have a talk with his younger brother and make him realize that there's more than one form of love and how his words might have hurt you.
He'll apologize...(much like Mammon) in his own way...
After thinking about it for a while, he realizes he's happy whenever you show affection to Beel, and wonders if it would be the same with the rest of his brothers.
Slowly but surely, Belphie it's more open to this new relationship.
There'll be times where he might try to monopolize your love, but he'll stop once you, Beel or Asmo call him out on it.
His favorite thing of this new relationship is whenever you spend time with him and Beel.
Please be patient with the avatar of sloth.
If you find any grammatical errors let me know! I'm trying to improve my english and that would help me so so much!
I will forever thank you if you go check out my other profile: @aileysmirnov  where I post things about my OC: edits, one-shots, imagines, art, etc. If you like Greek mythology and the bat family maybe you would get to be as fond of her as much as I am!
Anyway, thank you for reading!
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thunderheadfred · 3 years
🤚The Second Worst (Pt. 1/?)🤚
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Part 2 of my Shigaraki Thesis Headcanons. HC's // The Second Worst: 1 - 2
The half-mad ghost of Shimura Tenko is in love with you, and your life is about to become a tragic wreck. -- AKA here's when I gave up on bullet points and went off the fuckin rails
I'm self-conscious about writing so much, so uhhhh, please be kind, hahaaa. This is rather long and involved. Are these still even HCs or just a self-indulgent AU outline? There are some mysteries we may never solve.
This is on AO3 now, if you prefer reading there. Anyway. Minors do not interact.
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You met Tenko before the League existed.
Believe it or not, there are a million ways it might have happened, but in the end: you were both bargain-binning in Akihabara.
You reached for a copy of a collectible bullet-hell cute-'em-up (near-mint! CIB!!!) and accidentally bonked hands with a complete stranger. He flinched about five million feet away from you. Ouch. You're just a nobody, quirkless and average, but you didn't think you were THAT repulsive.
(You're not. Hell, even if you were, this guy couldn't care less. He barely registers that you have a face.)
(Shigaraki is accustomed to getting in and out of this shop in seconds. He always comes in before anyone else and goes straight home. -- Is that really home? Is 'home' a real place? -- ANYWAY he's already pirated this shit, god, why does he even care? He doesn't need to be here. Father doesn't like it. Is that why he's here? Just to do something Father doesn't like? That's pathetic.)
He's had at least ten complete internal arguments with himself before he so much as looks at you.
You know in the tenth of a second he actually meets your eyes... this fucker is going to fight you to the death over this game.
- - - The death match ends in a draw. He was not expecting you to know the first fucking thing about this game. Nobody knows about it, even in Japan. Who the fuck do you even think you are? Oh, no, he's still taking it. But... maybe he can show you how to play it it. He'll give you a little taste, just to make you jealous. He's got his hoodie pulled down like he's going to commit an act of terrorism. What little you can see of his face looks twitchy and messed up. If you have any survival instincts at all, they're kicking in right about now. But... why not. You're not going anywhere with this dude unsupervised, so you suggest a crowded web cafe down the street. The cafe has the necessary console... but the retro gaming booth is laughably small. The TV is about four inches across and you end up having to practically sit in his lap. You were sure this guy was a nasty fucking creep, but he's................ only mostly terrible. Way too angry, for sure. Has no idea how to have a normal, friendly conversation. Inadvertently insults you every other sentence and seems to have a deep-seated persecution complex.
You'd prefer to be mad about the awful company, but... he's obviously deprived of human contact. When it's established that you two share a lot of media fixations, he calms down and starts treating you a little more like a human being. Or at least like a fellow elite.
Wherever he came from, he doesn't seem to want to go back. He keeps pushing you to play one more level, pretending he wants to beat your score. You feel kinda bad for him. You get the distinct feeling that his life is a disaster. He looks like he's never had a full night of sleep in his life. He trips your trigger hairs in that 'is he gonna follow me home?' kind of way, but... up close, he's a lot more depressing than scary. At the very least, you want to buy him a stupidly cute dessert. Just... as thanks. For letting you try out the game and stuff. It's not a big deal, so just pick a flavor, okay? The world isn't actually that awful, y'know.
It's not even that impressive... Definitely not a great cafe. But he takes practically a full hour to eat a single slice of strawberry cake.
When the hoodie comes down. He's all shriveled and dried out, like someone left him him in the desert to die. He chews on his peeling bottom lip and nervously scratches his neck. He doesn't thank you for the cake. Which is fine. It's not a big deal. Actually, you wish he would eat faster; you feel weirdly responsible for him now.
Under all that mess he's... gorgeous? His hair is stunning: a bright, gleaming silver that catches the light. His bone structure is flawless. If it weren't for all the scars and the misanthropic slouch, he'd look like a fairy fucking prince.
You were not prepared for that. In another life he could have been a model, the type of guy who would never even look at you. But something bad happened to him. Something... very bad. Do you even want to know? You have no idea how to ask. Has anyone ever been nice to him? It doesn't seem like it. Should YOU be nice to him? You sort of want to try. - - - This becomes a regular thing. This weird little secret. You should probably tell someone when you see him, just in case you don't come back one day, but you say nothing; how the hell would you explain why you want to see him so bad? You don't know his full name. Maybe he's on a watch list. When he gives you a long string of random numbers so you can schedule meet-ups (is THAT his e-mail, really?) he tells you to just... call him Tenko. Or whatever. It doesn't matter. (He sneaks out when Father is deep in his plots. As long as he comes home on time, it doesn't really matter where he goes, right?) He brings a different game every time. He has an insane collection. Where does he get the money for all this? You know he doesn't work. God, is it drugs? It's probably drugs. Wherever these hidden gems came from, he proudly shows them off to you, like he's never had an audience before. It's sort of cringe-inducing, the way he one-ups and rubs every little victory in your face, desperate for attention.
But at the same time, you are becoming too... something...to mind. Do you... like him? He's not funny, but he thinks you are. His mouth is huge when he laughs. He seems to hate everyone but you, and you've had to earn the distinction of being merely tolerable. Still, he gets really excited about random shit like the garage kit black market and haunted dolls and the price of weed on the dark web.
And... strawberry cake. The realization hits you both at the same time when the waitress brings one piece with two forks. God, what the fuck, are you... are you dating? Quick, think. You look forward to seeing him, and don't even mind sitting close to him anymore. Sometimes you push your leg up against him just to see if he'll still flinch away... and he doesn't.
You jealously notice the way he touches everything but you: with delicate precision, one finger at a time. His large, elegant hands always have a pinky up like he's aspiring for a fiefdom, and you wonder what his skin feels like. You go home and dwell on the way he plucks flowering weeds out of the pavement in front of the cafe. The way he stands rooted to the spot as you leave, just... looking at nothing, unsmiling.
You watch his lips too much, and not just because you want to buy him chapstick. You catch him gaping at you all the time. You thought he was just creepy like that, but maybe... Yeah. I guess you are dating him. Shit. - - - Okay, so, yeah. Bringing him back to your place was definitely a bad idea. You know you shouldn't trust him, even if he is... apparently... your boyfriend? Sort of? You still don't have his phone number. So. Um. What now? You order overpriced pizza and queue up a campy horror movie. What the fuck are you even doing. You don't really think he's going to murder you anymore, but... still. Is the suburban massacre scene gonna give him ideas? Turns out, no. He doesn't like gore, even when the blood is neon pink. He gets upset. Like, really upset. Shaky and green, like he might puke on you. He can't stop scratching that scaly spot on his neck.
Tenko, are you crying? Fucking hell, did you just trigger him? Of course he has a traumatic past, it's carved all over his face. You're so fucking stupid. You don't know how to make it right. You want to hug him, kiss him... anything. But he's never really touched you, and you're too afraid to push now. It ruins the whole night. He leaves without explaining anything. Doesn't even say goodbye. He just. Leaves. Maybe you'll never see him again. Maybe that's for the best. Your chest hurts. - - - He shows up at your door a few weeks later. You haven't heard from him since that disastrous movie night. You had pretty much accepted that you'd broken up with a boyfriend you never actually had. But no. Apparently not.
This time, he’s brought his own entertainment. He's holding a boxed set of some show you're not familiar with. You're distracted by these weird little half-gloves he's wearing, like a cyberpunk hacker. That's a new look, and even if it's a bit edgelord adjacent, he makes it look cool. You tell him as much. It's the first time you've let on how attractive you find him. He's wearing a tight black shirt with a deep, deep V-neck. That's distracting too.
He clears his slender throat and doesn't look at you.
You try to apologize for before, but he's acting like it never happened. What are you even talking about? Have you seen this OVA or not? Get out of the way and let him in already. You've watched three episodes now, but you still have no idea what this stupid anime is about. You can't pay attention to a single frame. All you can think about is how his arm has crept up behind your shoulders. A few inches more and he'll be holding you. Does he... want to hold you? You lean toward him so slowly your spine creaks. One molecule at a time. After a thousand years, your head slides nervously under his chin. His arm comes down, locking you in, fingers clutching your sleeve in a death grip. Even that snobby little pinky. His head tucks down into you hair. A sharp collarbone bites into your cheek. His heartbeat is hard, fast, and irregular. There's not a scrap of fat on him, and as you wrap your arm around his stomach, you think you see a twitch in his pants. Is that just you being desperate? Or... hopeful? This is really happening. --- Soon, you learn that Tenko is a clumsy kisser. It doesn't matter; the fact that he's kissing you at all is good enough for now. His lips are dry, but not half as dry as you expected. There's a slick of menthol helping things along; he's been using something medicated on his lips. Plus, his mouth tastes like he drank a gallon of mouthwash.
All this thrills you more than a little, because it means he came here wanting to impress you. Wanting you. Full stop. Underneath that minty sting is a strange, worrisome aftertaste, like something rotten. Your brain fires off an alarm. Stop kissing him. Right now. This thing will make you sick. But his hands nervously slide over your body... and you decide not to worry about it. Instead, you kiss him deeper. He makes a sweet, startled little noise. Your brain is a fucking liar. It occurs to you he's probably never done this before.
When you lace your fingers in his and try to pull one of his gloves off, he rips his hand away.
Don't. That’s the only explanation he gives.
No need to ask if it's a quirk thing or a trauma thing. Judging by how jittery he gets, it's probably both. You remember the way his hands almost float over objects without ever holding them. Maybe his touch is dangerous. Maybe that's why his face looks like that.
Maybe you should learn more about him before things go way too far...
No. It can't be that bad. Now that he's in your arms, everything frightening about him evaporates. He's vulnerable. He's alone. He's shaking a little. Has anyone else ever seen this side of him? You want to keep him all to yourself, just like this.
So what if he has to touch you with gloves on? You've heard of worse quirk-related inconveniences.
It's okay, Tenko. Do you want to keep going?
You put his hands back on you and wait for him to kiss you again. It doesn't take long.
You open his pants. He's long and thin, calloused even here. Every part of him feels untouched, unloved. You hold him tight and squeeze.
It doesn't seem to occur to him to please you in return. He looks afraid. Confused. You're sure you scared him earlier with the glove thing. Is this too much? No. He gasps and leans into you. The tiniest, broken please.
He cums in your hand right away, face buried in your shoulder, his eyes wet and hidden.
I have to go, he says. Over and over and over.
It's okay, Tenko.
You know he doesn't want to.
- - - - - (oops I wrote more)
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softhxtch · 4 years
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TITTLE: Just Be Here
SUMMARY: Reader just finished a case and her husband, Aaron Hotchner is always there to support her. 
PAIRING: female! reader x Aaron Hotchner
CHARACTERS: reader, Aaron Hotchner, Emily Prentiss and David Rossi (literally for a second), Allison (OC)
WARNINGS: child assault and abuse; mentions of misscariage, alcohol usage, body fluids (blood, urine, vomit), pornography.
A/N: am i back? i don’t know hahah, but it’s something, right? again in this story Jack doesn’t really exist, sorry. and again CAC - Crimes Against Children.
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'Hey, sweetie. You're safe, okay? Nobody's gonna hurt you anymore.', you whispered taking little girl into your arms. She was sobbing quietly with tears falling down her pink cheeks. She was no more than three years old, still in her purple pajamas, that were dirty form all the body fluids person can imagine and also dirty room she was held in. 'You're safe, Allison. You're safe.', you kept repeating and little girl just held her hands around you even tighter.
You looked around the room and the whole sight was just horrible. No windows, barely any lights, cages, blood and urine all over the floor. Just an awful place to be in let alone to live for months. Even the smallest thought of what was going on before the whole team came in gave you shivers and blood started to boil inside you. The place was there for years at that point and no one knew about it. You were just looking at your teammates, taking the rest of the kids out of the building. Some were crying, some were screaming and some were just clinging to the agents hoping that they would never comeback. And they never will. You would make sure of that.
' Allison, we have to go.', you said quietly, trying not to scare her. But little girl just shook her head and tightened her arms around your neck. 'We have to go. You need to see a doctor. It's scary, I know, but I'm gonna be with you all the time, okay?'
It wasn't easy to convince Allison to come out of the building, but after some negotiations and conversations with you she agreed. You're holding her in your arms as close as possible, trying to avoid the blue and red lights that were blinding both of you in the dark night.
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Hospitals were always the last place that you're wanted to be. If you were the it only meant that either someone from your team or family was injured or one of the victims from your case were in tragic condition.
To put it straight, hospitals were never a good sign.
But you couldn't go home, not just yet. You promised Allison, that you would be with her this whole time, so you were also there when she got a check up from the pediatrician. You were holding her hand, caressing the back of it from time to time just to reassure her that you're there. Sometimes your would just add how great she was doing and how strong it is.
'Home.', Allison whined as doctor was checking on one of her bruised legs. Few tears fell down her cheeks, which made your hear break. It was horrible to seeing anyone in that position, but especially a child.
'You're doing great, Allison. Just few more minutes, okay?', you said quietly, taking hair out of her forehead.
'I just need to check the other leg and then you can have a long nap, till morning. How does that sound?', doctor asked and written down something on her notepad.
'I think it's great! Do you, Sonnie?', you said with a happy voice, looking at a little girl. She just nodded, still pouting from her cry few seconds ago. 'I'll be right back.', you said when you heard familiar phone ring. Doctor nodded understanding, but Allison held your hand not wanting to let you go. ' Allison, I'll be back in few minutes. I just need to answer that call, okay? You will be able to see me through the glass. I'm not going anywhere and until then you'll stay with Doctor Ashley.', you explained.
She wasn't convinced at all. It took you few more minutes for to actually let go of your hand. You explained everything a least three times. Doctor eyed you few times, but you just tried to ignore her. After years of working with children you knew how long it sometimes takes to convince them. Especially the ones that have been seriously hurt. They just wanted someone to be with them through the whole process and you understood it one hundred percent.
You sent Allison a small smile, saying one more time, that you'll be back in few minutes. After that you left the room and took out phone, dialing number that called you before.
'Hi.', you heard deep, yet soft voice on the other side. You sighed and replied with the same thing. 'Long night?'
'Yeah and I can't even see the end of it.', you answered and heard your husband's laugh. 'It wasn't a joke.', you added, rolling your eyes.
'I know. But it's kind of ironic considering that the sun will be up in less than an hour.', Aaron said. You could hear him moving around the house. Walking from bathroom to bedroom, probably getting ready for work. 'How are the kids?'
'Fine, if you could say it after living in a basement for most of your life and posing for creepy middle aged men.', you answered, feeling the shivers on your arms. The images that you saw literally just came back. And you can expect they will be coming back more often, but this time in your nightmares.
'All alive?', Aaron asked. You could hear him doing something in the kitchen, which made you smile, still looking at Allison. You actually would do everything to be right now with him in that kitchen. Waiting for his famous muffins with bacon and eggs, like he would do whenever both of you had day off.
'Yes, all eight of them.', you nodded. 'You're heading to work now? It's a bit early, even for you.'
'Not yet.', he answered quickly. You could hear another chews from the other side, which actually made your stomach going louder. 'But yesterday I picked up from the post office that coffee table, that you ordered and I thought I would put it together.'
'You're gonna put a coffee table together? At-', you asked surprised, looking at the watch on your phone. '-4:38 in the morning? Are you okay?', you added with a laugh.
'What can I say? I'm just bored without you.', he answered. Right after that you heard a loud noise from the other side and a quiet curse from Aaron.
'You're okay?', you asked, furrowing you brows.
'Yes. I'm looking for the box with all the tools.', he replied. 'I think I'll ask Morgan about them. He'll know what I should use.'
'How about you leave it to me, huh? I'll do it, because we don't want another trip to ER. It'll be third time this year, they'll assume that I'm assaulting you.', you laughed, hearing just quick 'hey!' from your husband.
For the first time in hours you actually felt nice. You didn't had constant fear in your head about the case. You weren't even thinking about it, right now what you were thinking about was Aaron and that stupid coffee table. And he knew about it, that was the reason why he called. After you were in a car with Allison and two policemen, you texted him that the case was over and you're headed to the hospital with victims. Both of you always do it, just to reassure each other that the other person is fine. Aaron on top of that would always call you. He's a very light sleeper, even waking up when you stir in bed sometimes, so every vibrations of his phone wakes him up. No matter what the time is on the clock, he always calls you. He knows how much you love your job and how saving kids was your thing. You loved it, after few years in narcotics unit you know you found your place. But Aaron also knew that you get very into the cases and you involve yourself a lot and if the case goes wrong you blame yourself really hard. Especially being a unit chief, just like him. So he always tried to light the mood even just a little and talk about the day, whatever comes to his mind.
'You're staying in the hospital, right?', it almost wasn't a question. It wasn't anything new to be honest. A lot of the times you would comeback to the hospital with the victims and especially with this case. He knew it wouldn't be different. You were working on it for over a month and it was draining you.
'Don't think I have a choice.', you admitted, looking back at Allison who was also starring at you. The doctor stopped examination and was about to leave. 'One of the girls won't let me go.'
'Just be careful, okay? And take care. Don't forget to eat something.', he reminded, knowing the previous situations.
'I will.', you reassured him. 'I love you.'
'I love you too, sweetheart. Give me a call later in a day.', Aaron said and you agreed.
After you said your goodbyes, you put the phone in the pocket and went back to the room. Allison immediately opened her arms and you laughed coming closer.
'You're back!', she said loudly, which made you laugh even more. Doctor Ashley smiled at both of you and left the room.
'I said I will.', you reminded her, patting her head. You could clearly see the tiredness in her eyes and how hard she was trying not to fall asleep. 'I think it's good time for a sleep.', you proposed, but Jade just shook her head immediately, taking back. ' Allison, you need to sleep.'
'Not sleepy.', she answered quietly, putting knees closer to her chest. 'Don't want to sleep.'
'You've been awake for a long time, Sonnie. You need to rest. I do too. Everyone needs to sleep so they will have energy for the next day.', you explained, but she once again shook her head. 'I'll be there the whole time. Nothing's gonna happen to you. You're safe.'
'Seven minutes?', she asked, trying to stop the yaw. You nodded and observed how she put her head on the pillow, drifting away from the real world.
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Aaron Hotchner looked at his watch for the tenth time in the last 8 minutes. He signed and went back to signing papers in front him.
It was a slow day. Most paper work days were slow, but this one was even slower. He just couldn't focus. His thoughts were everywhere but in that office. He was thinking about his wife and what she's about to at that moment, probably still at hospital with the little girl. It was literally breaking his heart when he was thinking about your job and side effects, but also about your personal issues.
Being married for almost six years and together over eight, was something he was very proud of. He loved you with his whole heart and couldn't see anyone but you. The whole team always loved to see when a woman would flirt with Aaron, because it was always so funny to see him nicely declining the actions. Aaron Hotchner was a strong man with a very intimidating vibe, his voice could literally break you into a meltdown and get when a woman would approach him his eyes would always look for you. He just couldn't see his world existing without you.
With that being said he also knows you very well. Whenever something was wrong, he could feel it. Just from the look in your eyes or movement. You almost didn't have to talk to have a conversation. He understood you without any words and so did you.
After long nights when there were only you two together, Aaron knew what you wanted. Be knew all your dreams and wishes. Where you would like to go for vacations or favourite cuisine. Things that he could control. He also knew about your dream job and family wishes. Things he couldn't control and everytime Aaron would think about this, his heart would break into thousand pieces. Because if he could he would give you everything that you wanted and to do that he would sacrifice anything he could.
Quiet sound of a clock, that was announcing noon, got Aaron out of his thoughts. He looked at the clock just to assure himself of the hour and pressed his lips into thin line. Then he just closed the files on the rest, took coat and walked out of the room. Aaron walked to his friend's office and knocked on the door. He opened them after quick 'come in'.
'Dave, I'm gonna be back in an hour.', Aaron said, looking at the older man working on his papers. He looked up with pen still between his fingers.
'Everything's okay?', Dave asked and got quick nod from Aaron. 'Y/N's at the hospital again?'
'Yeah, they finished the case few hours ago so I'm sure she hasn't ate anything since.', he explained. 'I'm just gonna bring her food and come back.'
'No problem. If anything happens, we'll call you.', David said, waving younger man off. Aaron just laughed and closed the door. Then he walked down the stairs, wanting to leave the office.
'Hey, Hotch! Are you going again to get some food?', Emily's voice stopped him from going further. He turned around to face not only her, but three other agents. 'You're going outside, right?'
'Yes, Emily.', he sighed. 'But I'm not going to the place you love to eat from.'
'I figured. But maybe you would want to do us a favor and go there? Since you're already going outside the office.', she explained and Derek started to come closer with JJ right behind him. 'Look, it's raining outside and it's pointless to have two wet agents in the office. We will pay for the gas and also your food, huh?'
'Just text me your order and I'll see what I can do.', Aaron said, rolling his eyes slightly. Then he turned around and started walking towards the elevators, still hearing voices of agents behind him, who were deciding on the order.
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Pediatric floor of the hospital was as always busy. Kids running around, parents trying to keep up with them, crying children from everywhere you can imagine and on top of that walls with so many colours, that he thought that someone vomited on them. He had no problem of finding the room where you were. Of course with a help from nurses.
Aaron slowly opened the door from the hospital room. He was expecting for either you or the child to be asleep and he didn't want to wake anybody up. But the sight inside made just his heart to melt.
You were sitting on the couch with Allison sleeping in your arms. Her head was on your chest and arms were really tight around the back. Her moth were slightly open, just like yours. But you also had your head hung back and he was sure he'd hear your complaints about the neck pains for the next week.
Aaron slowly put the package with your favourite food and something tasty for children on the small table near the door. Then he took the blanket from the bed and put it over you and the little girl, knowing how cold you must be from laying down in one place for so long. After that he just put a light kiss on your forehead and with one last look he left the room.
Aaron got to the elevator and took out his phone, checking out one message from Emily.
If you are going to the place near the hospital and there's a girl with short red hair, then say that you would like to order for Agent Prentiss 😘
He furrowed his brows at the message and dialed her right away.
'Did I say something wrong?', she answered after one signal.
'How this girl supposed to know your order?', he asked, looking at the numbers of elevator going down.
'She'll know, trust me. I've been there many time.', Emily laughed and Aaron could practically see her smile through the phone.
'Whatever.', he sighed, hearing the ding from the elevator. 'Oh and Prentiss?', Aaron called and heard quick 'yeah' from the other side. 'Stop sending me emojis. It's highly unprofessional to do it to your boss and it's making me uncomfortable.', he ended, walking out of the hospital.
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You could physically feel lighter closing the door to you home. Everything related to work you always tried to leave outside this house and treat this place like an escape. And it was a long few weeks, so you were nothing but happy and relieved that it's over.
The house was quiet and dark. You could only see dim light from the living room and just thinking about it made you smile. You took off your jacked and boots, leaving the bag at the usual place and started walking towards the light. As you saw Aaron sitting on the couch with his eyes closed, you smiled even wider. His feet were on the coffee table and he had a glass of whiskey in his hand.
You leaned on the door frame and with arms crossed on the chest, you observed him.
'I'm awake.', Aaron said with raspy voice. You knew that he was probably sitting here for a while already.
'I know.', you answered and started walking towards the cabinet with alcohols. 'Aaron Hotchner is at home before me. What's happening in this world? Did they closed the FBI building?', you joked while pouring wine into a glass and sitting next to him.
'Very funny.', he answered with a sarcasm. He put arms around your shoulders and kissed your temple.
'I actually am.', you said, taking a sip. 'But I'm glad you're here.'
'Anytime.', he hummed, placing one more kiss on your head.
'Except the time you're working.', you joked and he just rolled his eyes. 'Thank you for the dinner, by the way. Although I would get something to eat myself, you know?'
'Yeah, you would probably eat your first meal of the day right now. I know you, Y/N.', he said, caressing your arm. 'So, how's the girl?'
'Allison?', you asked, reminding yourself of her beautiful smile in your head. Aaron only nodded, taking a sip from his glass, telling you to continue. 'She's gonna be okay, I hope. But she went through a lot.'
'You got close to her.'
'Yeah.', you admitted. 'I know what you think, Aaron. I know that it's not a good thing, I Get close to those kids and then I come home and they're not there. I know how this looks like. But I swear I just want to help them.'
'I know. But also you need to realize, that when they'll go to foster care they won't have someone to look after them every minute they're there. That there's gonna be many more kids their age and the attention you're giving them right now won't be given to them anymore.', he finished, looking down at you.
'Maybe they don't have to go to foster care.', you whispered, hugging your husband closer.
'You want to adopt a child?', Aaron asked slowly getting to the conclusion and realizing something else. 'You wanna adopt Allison.'
'I do.', you admitted. 'But I won't do it.', you added, sitting straight. Aaron just gave you questioning look. 'They found her mother in Portland, she'll come and get her tomorrow. Ignoring the fact that she doesn't have any job, is living in a two bedroom apartment with four other roommates and all the money goes to the alcohol. Yeah, so Allison has a bright future ahead of her.'
'You never know.', he answered. You put head on his chest once again and laid there for few minutes in silence, trying to relax.
'So, you actually put that table together.', you said keeping the eyes in small brown table in front of you, with Aaron's feet on top.
'I thought you'll never notice.', he answered almost sounding hurt.
'Oh, I did. Just wanted to hold the suspension for a little while.', you smiled and kissed him on the lips. 'Derek did it, am I right?', you whispered, narrowing your eyes.
'No.', he answered simply.
'Liar.', you whispered again, kissing him one more time, but stopping after you hear his phone going off. 'Everything's okay?', you asked.
'Yeah, just Emily.' he answered, but started explaining seing your confused face. 'I gave Emily's number to one of the girls that she has crush on from the restaurant. And I guess she had a good evening.', he ended and showed you the text.
SSA aaron 'Hotch' Hotchner, you are truly THE  man 🥰🤭💗🍑
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harmonizingsunsets · 3 years
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It might be foolish, but you got me all soft
Read on Archive here.
Kate's nose crinkles as she watches Penelope and Colin. Their feet dance with one another underneath the table. He leans over, whispering something in her ear that makes her giggle. Their smiles are brighter than the fluorescent lights of the coffee shop. Watching them is almost blinding.
"You guys are so cute," Kate observes with puckered lips. "I hate that."
Penelope turns to Kate with a bemused expression. "No, you don't. You love us."
"Love isn't the word coming to mind. Nauseated is more like it."
"Kate, everyone finds us adorable," Colin insists, wrapping an arm around Penelope. "It's not a matter of opinion. It's just a fact."
"I'm happy for you two. Honestly, I am. But you're acting so lovey-dovey and sweet that it makes my teeth ache," Kate jokes, picking up her coffee for a sip.
"If we make your teeth ache, then you and Anthony cause cavities," Colin mutters.
Kate chokes a little on her mocha, causing a few patrons to give her odd looks.
"Excuse me?"
"Colin, we talked about this," Penelope says through gritted teeth, shooting him a disapproving look.
"No, you talked about how we weren't supposed to say anything because they're both so jumpy about it, but I disagreed," Colin protests. "Someone needs to open their eyes."
"Hello, I'm still right in front of you," Kate says, waving her hands at them. "Open my eyes to what?"
Colin and Penelope argue with their eyes for a few moments before Penelope cracks, nodding. Colin turns to Kate with a sly grin.
"That you're in love with my brother."
It was a good thing she wasn't drinking that time, or she'd have to spit her coffee all over them. Although, perhaps a spritz of hot coffee would wipe the amusement off of Colin's face.
Kate feels her cheeks heat. She opens her mouth, but only incomprehensible protesting sounds come out.
"It's nothing to be embarrassed about," Colin says, his smile turning softer. "He loves you too."
"That is not true," Kate insists, standing up straighter in her chair. "I don't love him, and he certainly doesn't love me. Right, Penelope?"
When Kate turns to Penelope, the friend she usually can rely on for back-up is instead chewing her lower lip.
"I'm sorry, but Kate, Colin's right," Penelope says, the words rushing out guiltily. "I write romance books for a living. I know the enemies to lovers trope very well, and you two embody it."
"That's ridiculous!" Kate exclaims, her heart beginning to hammer in her chest. "We drive each other crazy. I mean, we've become better friends over the past few months—but it's not like that."
Penelope tilts her head. "Would it be so bad if it was?"
A hundred reasons that Kate could never utter go through her mind. She wants to say, "Anthony dates pop singers and models, and I can't live up to that." Or she could confess, "When he looks at me a beat too long, I feel like I could combust from the weight of it." Most of all, Kate wants to say, "If I let myself love him, I know that I'll never be able to stop."
But she can't tell them any of that. Kate had been just fine about the prospect of being alone. She's satisfied with her career, family, and friends. But if she admits that she loves him, then she'll never be content with any life that doesn't include him in it.
No matter what Colin and Penelope think, Anthony doesn't love her. He can't. Letting herself hope that he does is too dangerous. It scares her more than any thunderstorm she's ever endured.
"I have to go," Kate murmurs, standing up numbly from the table.
"Kate, wait," Colin says, grabbing onto her arm. He looks apologetic, and it's impossible to be upset when looking into his puppy dog eyes. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up."
"It's fine," Kate insists with a thin smile, tugging her arm away from his grasp. "I got to go. Have a nice evening."
As she walks out of the coffee shop, she hears a cheesy pop tune about love play on their radio.
The lyrics inspire Anthony's face to surface in her mind.
Kate groans, knowing she's in deep trouble.
That night, she couldn't sleep. She tossed and turned in her bed but couldn't stop hearing Anthony's teasing voice in her head.
In a huff, Kate gets out of bed and quickly puts on her clothes. She debates whether to reapply makeup but decides against it. No one else will see her where she was going.
Luckily, she's friends with the security guard, who let her inside the building that turned off the lights twenty minutes prior. She thanks him and hastily goes to her office, turning on the light and booting up the computer at her desk.
If she wasn't going to sleep, she might as well get some work done.
For a while, all that she hears is the sound of her keys as she typed and the soft hum of music she'd put on to work.
She thought she'd be safe listening to music without lyrics. But Anthony creeps into every note, every chord, and every song.
Just as Kate lowers her head to beat it against the table in frustration, a knock on her door causes her body to jolt upright.
She stands from her chair slowly, walking to the door with caution. No one else would be here this late, so she fears what was on the other side of the door. But if someone was there to hurt her, why would they bother knocking on an unlocked door?
When Kate turns the knob, she sees the face of the man who's been haunting her thoughts for the past few hours (longer than that, if she was honest with herself).
"Hey, what are you doing here so late?" Anthony asks.
"Um, working."
Anthony scans her with curiosity. "On a Sunday?"
"So are you," she points out, crossing her arms.
He holds up a black leather journal. "Actually, I just came by the office for my phone book."
"You have a phone book? Anthony, there's a reason for that contact list on your phone."
"I like writing it down," he defends, looking affronted.
"But you can't add emojis, which adds personality to someone's contact." Kate pulls out her phone and holds out the contacts for him to see. "Edwina has two pink hearts, Penelope has a book, Benedict has an easel, and you have a fire emoji."
"Why do I have a fire emoji?"
"Because you make me want to set things on fire, of course."
Anthony smirks. "Well, next time we play that 'who's most likely to' game in the office, I'll be sure to put you down for becoming an arsonist."
Kate smiles at him, and they fall into one of those moments that's becoming more frequent between them—ones where his body seems to close, and his eyes gleam with something she can't name but feels a kindred sensation within her heart.
Kate takes a step back from him. "Why did you need your phone book so late, anyway?"
Anthony itches behind his ear. Kate frowns, as it's a nervous tick she's never seen from him before. Anthony, like fire, was all-consuming. His feelings were as hot as flames and easy to detect. But now, he looks more guarded, his eyebrows scrunched and his posture squirmish.
"Anthony?" she asks again.
Anthony takes a deep breath. "Well, I actually needed it to call you."
"Yeah. My phone hasn't been working since I went out on the boat with Simon. The bloody idiot knocked it onto the water," he grumbles. "I got a new phone and need to add my contacts back on, which is why I'm lucky I have this phone book which you mocked me for having."
Kate rolls her eyes. "What did you need to call me about?"
"Well, I know we had a rocky start to our relationship—."
"Because you hit on my sister?" she asks, arching her brow.
"I did not hit on her. I merely danced with her at the Christmas party," Anthony corrects with an exasperated sigh. "How many times are we going to argue about this?"
"Until you admit I'm right."
"It'll take a long time for that to happen."
"I've got plenty of time to spend with you."
As soon as those words are out, that heat radiating from Anthony's fire feels warmer. It's as if more time with her is exactly what he wants.
But Kate doesn't let those thoughts get far. She squashes them before they can take root in her mind.
"Continue," Kate tells him.
"Yes, well, as I was saying, we didn't start on the right foot. But, over these past few months, I feel like we've become friends." He looks at her with a hesitant kind of hope. "We have, haven't we?"
Kate smiles. "Yes, we have."
"So, I thought as my friend. You'd like to come with me to this."
Anthony draws two tickets from his pocket and holds one out to her. Kate takes it from in, and her eyes widen as she reads what's on the paper.
"The Vitamin String Quartet?"
"I know you listen to them to relax. I saw that they were touring and coming to London, so I thought that—." His words suddenly halt, tilting his head at her curiously. "What?"
Kate blinks in confusion. "What do you mean 'what?'"
Anthony points at her face. "You were looking at me all funny."
"I was not!"
"Yes, you were! You were looking at me like this."
Anthony imitates a soft-looking expression, gazing at her with an affectionate smile. Kate, in horror, realizes she had been looking at him like that.
"Shut up," Kate scoffs, nudging his arm and hoping it distracts from the blush on her face. "Like I'd ever look at you like that."
"If you're going to be mean, I won't give you the ticket."
He reaches over, but she pulls her hand back.
"Fine, I'm sorry," Kate says, looking down at the ticket in awe. "This is really nice of you."
"So, you'll go with me?"
"Of course I will," she nods, beaming in excitement.
Anthony releases a breath. "Good."
He begins to back out of her office, but she steps forward from her desk, grabbing his arm.
He turns. "Yes?"
Before she can second guess herself, she leans up, pressing a kiss to his cheek. When she pulls back, it takes a few seconds for his eyes to open, as if he thinks she's a figment of his imagination that will disappear.
"Thank you," Kate whispers.
Anthony nods, giving her a kind smile before leaving her office.
The music on her computer is still playing. Kate hears the gentle notes of a piano, cautious and optimistic-sounding.
The night had been amazing.
The quartet performed beautifully. They played orchestrational versions of pop songs, which makes Kate feel less guilty about listening to them.
She worried when Anthony said he'd never heard any of their music himself, that he wouldn't enjoy it. But when the concert started, she kept stealing glances out of the corner of her eyes. She saw him watching the players with a content expression.
However, the music didn't help her much with her newfound Anthony problem. When she closed her eyes, the violins sang his name. When his hand grazed hers on the armrest of the chair, the music swelled in tandem with her heart.
He was a song she couldn't get out of her head.
And the worst part was, it was a tune she didn't think she'd ever tire of hearing.
They bantered a bit about the weather while waiting for their Uber. Kate claimed the night was perfectly brisk, not enough to warrant a coat. Anthony, however, disagreed. He poked at the goosebumps on her arm as proof and insisted she take his jacket. She eventually relented, letting him drape his jacket over her shoulders.
When he looked away to wave at the car they'd been waiting for, Kate turned her nose to the jacket. She smelt the scent of amber, sandalwood, and something that was discernibly Anthony.
When they get into the back seat of the car, Anthony turns to her. "Can you believe that couple who sat in front of us?"
"I know! They were all over each other the whole night."
"Music is the food of love, but couldn't they have got the meal before the concert?"
"You'd think," Kate huffs, curling her fists further into his sleeves for warmth. She looks back at him, offering a smile. "I had a really nice time."
"I'm glad," Anthony nods. He swallows nervously, forcing himself to meet her eyes. When he does, Kate sees a raw vulnerability glistening in them. "I just wanted to make you happy."
She bumps her shoulder against his. "You do that by just being you."
Kate's words skim a cello string, creating a deep note that lingers in the air. Something flickers in Anthony's expression, his gaze steadying on her. Suddenly, it's harder for Kate to breathe.
"Look at us, acting like that couple," Kate jokes, trying to ease the tension. "The music must be getting to us too."
"Yeah, that's probably it," Anthony hums, moving a fraction closer to her. "Because right now, I feel this urge to put my arm around you."
Anthony gives in to the feeling, putting an arm around her back. Kate's breath hitches as his thumb rubs circles on her arm. Even through the material of Anthony's jacket, his fingertips send electric shocks to her skin.
"And I want to lean my head right here," she finds herself saying, resting her head on top of his shoulder.
"I want to tuck this strand of hair behind your ear.”
Kate feels his fingers skim against his cheek, gently moving a curl that had fallen into her face behind her ear. Her breath quickens, slowly turning her eyes up at him, and the look he's giving her is overwhelming.
"This is all so ridiculously stereotypical. You make me feel so—so..." Kate's words drift, unable to finish her sentence. Her tongue goes out to wet her lips that suddenly feel dry. "I hate it."
Anthony's index finger goes to her chin, tilting it up and off of his shoulder. "Do you hate this?"
He leans forward, kissing her so sweet and tenderly that she knows if she were standing, her foot would pop up like all of those delusionally romantic heroines in movies do when they kiss.
She gets lost in him. Her hands go up to cup his cheek as she deepens the kiss. Anthony's arm moves from her shoulders to her waist, pulling her flush against him. He swallows her gasp, and Kate hears a cacophony of melodies in her mind.
Kate doesn't know how long they stay wrapped in another's arms. It's only when the driver clears his throat that she realizes the car had come to a stop.
They jump apart, and Anthony gives the driver an uncomfortable nod. "Sorry, sir."
"It's alright," he says gruffly and mutters something about "just wait till you have kids, it won't be like this" as they get out of the car.
They stand awkwardly on the street for a few seconds. Kate looks around them. The vivid leaves of the trees stand out amongst the darkness of the night.
Kate remembers when she first met Anthony. It'd been fall, and the trees were bare with leaves littering the ground. It had felt fitting. Back then, her publishing company announced that they were joining one of their competitors. She had to work with Anthony, as they were both the top production editors of the separate companies. Like the leaves, it felt like everything was falling apart. Every smirk or retort of Anthony's felt like the leaves blowing chaotically in the wind.
But now, the trees were alive again, flooding with color. Kate's at the dawn of a new season with Anthony. It's something as inevitable as the change of weather but as everlasting as the stars above them.
No—stars eventually burn out. Kate thinks that whatever is between her and Anthony will continue to burn when all other flames dim.
"So, that happened," Kate says, breaking the silence.
Anthony takes a cautious step towards her. "Yeah, it did."
"I didn't hate it," she shrugs with a teasing tilt of her lips.
"Wow, what great appraisal. Can I list you as a reference for giving me such a raving review?"
"Excuse me, who else are you planning to apply with?"
"No one, I'm quite satisfied with my employment with you," he assures smugly, his hand going up to her cheek. "But, I'd like to have a slight promotion in my position."
Kate leans into his touch. "Oh really, what position do you want to fill?"
"Well, I think I've done everything that I can in the enemy job. I've enjoyed the friend's position. But, if the boyfriend position is available, I'd like to submit my candidacy."
Kate loops her arms around his neck. "Well, how about we check over your application one more time?"
"Where do you want me to start?" Anthony asks, pressing his lips to her temple. "My education?" he murmurs as he kisses her forehead. "My goals?" Kate sighs as his lips move to the corner of her mouth, and his hand curls around her waist. "My experience?" He kisses her again, and Kate feels his smirk against her lips. "Or, my skills?"
Kate pulls back with a smirk of her own. "How about what drew you to this position?"
His eyes gleam roguishly, looking at the lack of space between them. "This particular position?"
Kate tries her best to give him a stern look. "Anthony."
"You," he answers simply, resting his forehead against hers. "Everything about you."
Kate's unable to stop herself, chuckling softly. "Wow, that's incredibly sappy."
"But it's true."
She takes a deep breath, feeling content and peaceful in his arms. "Maybe being sappy isn't such a bad thing."
"No," Anthony agrees, the corner of his lips tilting up as he studies her intently. "I'm starting to think that it's not."
This time when Kate kisses him, she does it without a single reservation about cliches or stereotypes, or how she would roll her eyes if she saw the two of them on the street.
Kate's foot pops, and the song that's been stuck in her head gets set on an infinite loop.
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sebstanseabass · 3 years
Afterglow (A Bucky Barnes AU fan fiction) - Chapter 21
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Afterglow chapters
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader
NOTE: Again, the third person POV starts after this sign: ✪
Tag: @maladaptivexxdaydreaming
Still covered in nothing but sheets, Bucky was sleeping in your arms by the time you woke up. Little snores were coming out from his mouth. You smiled at the fluttering sound and planted a small kiss on the top of his head. You laid there listless, legs still shaking from what happened last night, and mind still clouded by Bucky's past.
Peter's annoying coffee bean grinder started filling your ears. They echoed against the apartment walls. You internally groaned at the sound. You looked on your right to take a peek at the small gaps between the curtains and the window. It was still quite dark out, the sun almost waking up. The time on the clock read 6:00 in red blinking lights. You let out a sigh. Peter hated mornings, more than Garfield hates Mondays. The only logical explanation of him getting up early in the morning and making loud, annoying noises with that old grinder was that he didn't sleep through the night or he woke up too early with too many things in his mind. You wanted to choose the latter. If he didn't get to sleep last night, there was a tiny chance he could've heard you and Bucky — might've even walked right in the middle of a very heated, wild sex between his best friend and his stepbrother, seeing as you stupidly left the door unlocked (by this time, you were already out of bed, your naked body wrapped with a cheap bathrobe you've had with you since your college days).
You made a mental note to yourself to lock the door all the damn time, now that you and Bucky were being careful.
Last night might have not been the best thing you've ever done but it sure felt so good.
You stepped out of your room and approached the kitchen. Peter had his back on you and was just getting a filter paper from the top shelf.
"Good morning, Peter Parker." You said, earning a genuine shock from your best friend. Your voice came out groggier than you'd expected.
He turned around, a filter paper in his hand. "Jesus, y/n Don't sneak up on me like that!"
"Sorry," you replied, "but it's six in the goddamn morning and you've probably woken up the whole building with your grinder."
He went back on his filter paper, placing it inside the coffee machine. That was probably the most expensive thing he'd ever gotten himself. "I ran out of coffee grounds. I had to make them."
You stayed quiet for a while, leaning against the counter and watching Peter pour the grounds into the filter. You watched as he smoothed the grounds with his finger. After a while, he placed both his hands on the edge of the counter, looking at the coffee drip. The whole time, you prayed to God Bucky didn't stir or make any noise in the bedroom. Thankfully, he didn't. He looked like he would be sleeping for a while, anyway.
Biting your lip, you walked to where Peter was standing and stood beside him. You waited for him to say something — anything about any noises he must've heard from last night but there weren't any. If he did, you'd be dead. You and Bucky would be dead.
Moments have passed. The coffee machine whirred on the table. The coffee pot was almost full. The dull kitchen smell was replaced by the inviting coffee aroma. Then, you found my voice
"I'm not sorry for taking the job, Peter." You started, your voice weak, barely a whisper. "I need it. But I am sorry for not appreciating you and your efforts to help me with my career. You have to know that. It's just... you know I feel about the corporate life — "
"I know, y/n." He cut you off. His gaze was now off the coffee maker but at the tiled wall in front. "I'm sorry for reacting that way. I was just tired from the trip." He faced you. A somber look crossed his face. Even if he was, just as he put it, "tired from the trip", you knew he was still hurt. And the more you looked at his baby-like face, the more you wanted to tell him about you and Bucky. You stifled yourself from doing so in your head.
Baby steps, y/n. Baby steps.
"I am proud of you." He stated. "I always have been. I hope you know that."
"Of course I do, Parker." A smile started to settle on your lips.
"It's one of the reasons why I want you to come work in the company. You've got a business degree, and you're a good photographer. And I'm proud of that. But," he paused, "I don't want to upset us both — especially you — by forcing something on you that you clearly don't want. If you're happy, then I'm happy. That's what matters, y/n."
That was a good opening, right? Usually, that was it: the perfect time to tell him that you were dating Bucky. If I'm happy, then he's happy. End of discussion. But things that don't go as planned also usually don't end up as well as you'd hope. After that, all you could utter was:
"Thank you. I am happy."
"And I trust Sam and Bucky."
You nodded, shying away at the mention of your lover.
Trust. It truly was a big and powerful word. The more you looked at Peter, the more the word "trust" started to blur all around him.
You shook your head, dissipating the thoughts swarming in your mind. "I'm starting today, by the way." You said.
"That's great, y/n." He replied. "And who knows, maybe you'll get bigger clients after this. I know Sam has a lot of connections when it comes to independent business owners. Bucky too! He probably knows a lot of models. Maybe he can help you with it, y'know? I mean, he's already helped."
"Maybe. Let's see." By this time, Peter was already pouring the coffee in his favorite mug. The words "Bucky" and "model" weren't sitting right with you. Was it a hint of jealousy on my end?
"Oh, how's it going with Wanda, by the way?" You asked, stirring the question in a different direction. Albeit liking that Peter was warming up to the idea of Bucky helping you, you didn't want to further the topic anymore as it was making you all shake up.
"She's coming in for a meeting today as well, actually. I really hope it goes well. This is the biggest account we've landed."
"That's good." You replied, nodding. Hoping that she wouldn't get Sharon Carter'd during the meeting. But then again, she was Wanda Maximoff — already known for her unremarkable talent. No one would ever think twice to question what she was capable of.
And who am I compared to her, anyway? You thought.
"So... you're starting today!" Peter exclaimed, stirring his coffee after putting in some milk.
"Yes. I have this pitch presentation for Sam and the team. But there's nothing to worry about. The last meeting went well and Sam and I have The Falcons' best interest." Then you told him about how you butted heads with his assistant, Sharon Carter.
"Oh, she's a Schmidt!" He commented, laughing. "Everyone's got a Schmidt."
You laughed alongside him, reminding yourself to beat Schmidt's ass when you see him.
"Man..." he trailed off. "How Bucky could convince you... it's still a mystery to me. You're kind of a hard shell to crack."
You chuckled nervously, gazing down at the floor. You didn't answer. You didn't know what else to say.
You and Peter chatted for a little while, burying the little hatchet you had. You talked more about the trip he'd had with his colleagues, the shocking truth about Steve's past ("Who knew he could write?"). Here, you made a mental note to yourself to perhaps check some articles he had written in the past. You also hoped some of them were online. By the time you and Peter stopped talking, he had already finished his cup of coffee and the sun was almost all the way up in the New York skies.
Before you even got out of the kitchen, you turned around and asked him one thing: "Hey, you still in love with that girl or did the whole retreat thing help you forget her?"
His back was turned to you once again as he was washing his mug. But his actions stopped once you asked the question. His head tilted. "Very much so."
You frowned, crossing your arms. "Very much in love with her still or..."
He turned around, his eyes meeting yours. "I'm still in love with her. Nothing's changed."
"See." You snorted. "The retreat thing was complete crap. Didn't do you shit. My advice for you? Tell her how you feel."
His eyes averted to the tiled floor, continuously nodding his head. "Perhaps."
With that, you left Peter with his lingering thoughts and wished him good luck. You must admit, the curiosity of who this girl he had been in love with for years was eating you. He was the kind of best friend who practically tells you everything that goes on in his life: all the good ones and the shitty ones. But you counted it fair, knowing that you too were keeping a dirty little secret from him. The only difference was your secret involved someone dear to him; whereas, his involved, perhaps, some girl you haven't even met yet. Maybe he met her in the office. Who knows?
You came back to your room, finding Bucky still asleep in your bed. You locked the door behind. The little snores coming out of his mouth were now gone. You woke him up quietly by kissing his temples and his forehead. After a few moments, his eyes fluttered open and a small curve by the corner of his lips started to show. The sun shone on half of his face, his ocean blue eyes absorbing all the light.
"Good morning, handsome." You whispered, smiling at him.
He chuckled and closed his eyes once more, letting his head dip into the pillow, as if shying away from a compliment. "G'morning." He lazily replied. "Is Peter still out there?"
"Yes, he's getting ready for work. You can go out after he leaves."
He rolled towards you, one arm dangling on your waist. "I don't want to go."
"You have to, silly." You giggled.
He shook his head on your tummy, tickling you. You laughed at the way he behaved. Different from the one you had witnessed last night. You stayed in bed for a little while, just in each other's arms, the silence closing in. It was a comfortable silence. One you could get used to. After what had transpired last night, silence was all you needed. Sometimes, it speaks louder than words could. We listened to each other's heartbeats, the sound of Peter's footsteps a few feet away from us, your shallow breathing, and the ongoing traffic just a few stories below
Then, Bucky broke the silence. "I never noticed how loud the traffic could be."
"It's either you've been living in a jungle or in a penthouse that almost reaches the sky."
"I'd like to live in a jungle." He continued. You prepared for his little ramblings, smiling to the wall in front. "So peaceful and quiet. I'd be swinging on vines to vines to vines like Tarzan. I'd like that."
You wanted to tell him a jungle isn't peaceful and quiet, with wild animals lurking around. But perhaps, compared to the human world, it was peaceful. Humans are behaving more like animals these days — or worse than them, even worse than the wild ones. But you liked that he was comfortable enough to tell you all the little weird things that were going on inside his head, all the good and bad, all the big and small. Things he had never uttered to others.
Perhaps it was good that the child in him was still there. At least he still sees the beauty in the world.
His phone vibrated somewhere on the floor, making your thoughts dissipate. He quickly picked it up as soon as he saw the caller ID.
"I have to go, doll." He sighed after talking to whoever was on the other line, picking up his boxers and his pants. You tilted your head to the side as he bent down, subconsciously biting your lower lip. "Tony's in the penthouse."
"Stark?" You frowned. "What's he doing in there?"
He pulled his shirt over his head. By this time, Peter had just finished showering. The water in the bathroom had just stopped dripping. "I'm about to find out."
"Peter's still out there. How are you gonna go out?"
His eyes moved to the closed window in front of him. "The same way I got in last night."
I raised your eyebrows, standing up. "In broad daylight? When people could see you? You're crazy."
"Well baby, I'm crazy for you and I see nothing wrong with that." He smirked, making his way towards you. "What's one more crazy thing to do?" He sped towards the window and quietly opened it, letting a cold breeze inside the room. His foot was just outside the window when you grabbed him and placed your mouth on his.
"Thanks for telling me about your past last night." You said, pulling away. It needed to be said. Now, you felt that you knew him better, knew the deep parts of himself he had been keeping, rather than the parts you already know about him. "I really appreciate it."
A soft smile landed on his lips. His hand caressing your jaw. "Thanks for listening, doll."
Then, he climbed down the fire escape, vanishing like Aladdin on his magic carpet.
The inviting smiles of the marketing team invited you into the conference room (the same one as last week) as soon as they saw you walk in. With your head held high, red lips, stilettos, and a bunch of papers and a laptop in hand, you shook all their hands with your free one, introducing yourself. Your eyes landed on Sharon who just gave you a nod. You turned around and fixed all the things you needed for your pitch on the table and felt a bit sad about you and Sharon's little exchange.
You were the only women in the room. The least you guys could do was to back each other up but clearly, it wasn't the way she usually goes. Or maybe she just really hated your guts.
While waiting for Sam to arrive, you practiced the speech you've had prepared a few days ago in your head as you skimmed the slides you prepared — all the color schemes, the tones, the framing, everything were on there.
Sharon approached you hesitantly. You looked up and gave her a questioning look, your fingers suspended in mid-air against the touchpad of your laptop.
"Barnes not coming with you today?"
"No." You briefly replied.
You went back to your presentation but Sharon didn't budge. She just stood there, looking down on you. "Can I help you with something or are you just gonna stand there?"
"You're not so bad, Ms. y/l/n." She said, startling you.
"I saw your online portfolio." She answered. "You're good. I mean, you're no Maximoff but yeah, I guess you have potential. You just need a bit of push and the right audience."
You looked back up, giving her a small smile. Albeit the backhanded slap, it was the nicest thing she had ever said to you since day one. "Thank you."
"I'm looking forward to what you might bring to The Falcons."
"And I as well."
Sam arrived a bit later, having had some problems with the shipment of the next batch. You asked if this was going to be a problem in the production for the shoot but assured you and everyone else that it wouldn't be. Not anymore.
Bucky sent you a short text message right before you started the pitch, attached with a photo of him in a black hoodie with an unamused expression crossing his face. The hood perfectly framed his face in a weird way.
The day got dragged in seconds. Even though your pitch presentation about the production and post-production of the photos ended in a New York minute, with no further questions asked (surprisingly), the interview with the countless models and athletes took longer than you thought. Some even flirted with you (and not so subtle, you might as well add) to get the job. That alone just said a little too much of their work ethic and professionalism — which none of them had.
"She's taken, buddy." Sam glared at the model right across from you. "Move along now."
We watched the Australian model get up with a huff, mumbling something incoherent under his breath.
"I could've taken care of that, y'know." You sneered. "I don't need you looking out for me when Bucky's not around."
He scoffed, crossing his arms across his chest. His eyes on the papers lined up on the table. Beside you, Sharon was scribbling something on a piece of paper, double checking all the resumes, and couldn't care less about your conversation.
"Bitch please. I ain't looking out for you, kid. I'm looking out for Bucky."
"Sure, you are." You smiled, your eyes following the next model entering Sam's office. "Admit it, you care about me."
"Ha! You wish." His body language did say exactly that but his smiling eyes said otherwise.
The series of interviews went well after that, less people flirted. If not with you, with Sam and Sharon as well. Despite that, you've met people from different walks of life; people with stories to show and tell through photographs, stories worth telling, people who have been through success and failure, who have been marginalized by people who think of themselves as superior beings, people who are still finding purpose in life. And this is what you adored in this project and what you loved about photography. It was more than making money, more than a business, more than a face. It's all about the stories behind. And you couldn't wait to capture these stories in your lenses once you've chosen the twenty models and athletes.
After the long interview, you bid goodbye to Sam and Sharon, thanking them for the time and the work you've had today. To your surprise, you saw Sharon curve up a small smile as she shook your hand. Maybe you'd get along after all. Who knew?
You hailed a yellow cab in front of Sam's building and went straight to the bar, texting Bucky that you were on your way. You smiled, sitting closer by the window, looking up at the sunset hues in the sky. Now, whenever you looked at the sunset, all you could think of was Bucky.
As you looked above, some striking letters caught your eye: Stark Industries. The biggest, most famous business franchise there ever was not just in New York but in America. Tony Stark had hotels, restaurants, clubs -- you bet there wasn't something he hadn't owned yet.
Upon getting at the bar, Bucky was already sitting on the high stool by the counter. You were getting ready to hug him from behind but seeing Peter get out from the toilet stopped you. Instead, you went for a small smile and a wave. You would've killed to hug him and kiss him after a long day.
Nat wasn't around for her shift tonight, so it was just Nick and the other guys going around for orders. You wondered if Steve too was around or not but it looked like he wasn't. Well, that explains things. It wasn't that hard to put two and two together.
The bar's atmosphere was different without Nat around. Everyone was nice.
"Hey, it's Miss Big-Shot!" Even Nick was nice. "What can I get for ya?"
You ordered a non-alcoholic drink while telling Peter and Bucky how things went through today, secretly wishing it was just you and Bucky. You would've been sitting close together, thighs grazing each other, fingers brushing against each other under the counter, like a couple morphing into one entity.
You secretly kept glancing at Bucky, wondering what was in his mind, wondering if he too wished the same thing you had wished for, wondering if he would kiss me every chance he'd get to. You weren't a big fan of the whole PDA thing but when it came to Bucky, you'd let him do anything to you anytime, anywhere.
After you told them how your day went, you decided to ask a stupid question: "Oh hey, Bucky, how'd it go with Tony?"
Silence filled the counter. Bucky's eyes filled with horror while Peter shot you a questioning look. Then, he looked at Bucky. "You saw Mr. Stark today?" Then, back at you. "Wait, ho-how did you know about that?"
It was a good thing you were quick to think off the top of your head. "Bucky and I ran to each other in Manhattan and I asked how he was doing and then he told me about it! Right, Bucky?"
"That's it!" He replied, smiling awkwardly. "We did and yes, I told her."
"Aw, man. Mr. Stark never answers my phone calls or messages." Peter pouted. "What did you guys talk about?"
Bucky shrugged, taking a sip of his beer. "Business stuff. He says he wants me to be more... present. You know how he is."
But Peter didn't seem to mind about Bucky's reply. "How come he doesn't call me?"
"Oh my god, Parker, are you jealous?" You laughed, nudging his shoulder.
"Well, he never calls me!"
"Aw, is daddy too busy for his little boy?" You joked, pinching his cheeks which he slapped away.
"Ew, don't call him that!" Peter exclaimed, playfully glaring at you. "And he's not my dad! He's his dad!" He pointed at Bucky with his thumb."
"I'm adopted."
"Which technically means he's your dad." He replied. "Did he say anything about me?"
"No, not really." Bucky chuckled at Peter's whining, putting a hand on his shoulder, as if reassuring him. "Don't worry, kid. We'll go pay him a little visit and you can curse him out if you want. I'll be happy to back you up."
"Oohh, I can never do that to Mr. Stark."
"Why not?" You asked. "He's not your father. I say go curse him out."
"He's Tony Stark!" He exclaimed. "You'd be crazy to do that."
"You are such a baby, Parker." You groaned.
"I know." Peter smirked. "That's why women find me adorable."
"Gross." You cringed at him, throwing a cashew nut to his face. "Never ever say that again."
After about an hour of catching up, you three went to the apartment, the awkward silence during the elevator ride killing you each passing second.
You and Bucky stood behind Peter as he struggled to open the door, a little too close for Peter's liking (if he could see us now). Bucky slowly hooked his pinky with yours. You looked at him with a small smile on your face, then down at your pinkies hooked together.
They looked like a little knot on a string.
Bucky looked straight ahead, a sly smile playing on his lips as his hand moved from your hand to your ass. You slightly jumped at the contact, a small blush covering your cheeks. He removed it immediately when Peter managed to open the door after mumbling a few profanities under his breath. You quietly whimpered at the absence of Bucky's touch.
You went straight to your room after that, leaving Bucky and Peter in the living room. While changing, you noticed a gift-wrapped box sitting on your bed. It was a sleek black medium-sized box, adorned with a thick black ribbon, and thin silver ribbons. You frowned at it as you unbuttoned your blouse. You brushed your hand against the ribbon, looking for a note but there was none.
Once you put on some house clothes, you sat on the bed and carefully opened the box. You gasped as you carried the lid. Inside was the Nikon D850 — exactly what you've been wanting — and three different lenses, each with a different purpose.
"Bucky, you son of a bitch." You mumbled, adoring the equipment laid out on the bed.
On the bottom of the box, was a little white note that read:
For the most talented person I know.
You glanced at the door as you heard Bucky's laugh echoing against the apartment walls and immediately got out of your room. Peter was already walking to his room to change, leaving you and Bucky in the living room.
"You're welcome, doll." He whispered.
You wasted no time to push him towards the kitchen, and trapped him on the counter, your lips already smashing his. "You don't know how much I've wanted to do that since I saw you at the bar." You breathed out.
"Oh trust me," a quick peck on the lips, "I know."
"Bucky, the gift — "
"Is not too much."
"I was going to say I appreciate it." You smirked. "I think I know you well enough now not to say those kinds of things. But — "
He groaned, throwing his head back. "No buts, baby, please. Unless it's your butt." Then he, the cheeky guy he was, moved his hands on your ass, squeezing them.
"But..." You placed his hands back on your waist, giving him a look. "You don't have to do this all the time, okay?"
"I'm not making any promises."
"James, I mean it."
"Y/n." He smirked. "I mean it too."
"You're never gonna stop, aren't you?" You sighed, gazing into his eyes.
"You know me well enough to answer that question yourself. Now, what do you say when you've received something from me?"
"That's not fair. When you give it to me," you pushed your crotch against his, earning a slight groan from his end, "I normally don't say thank you. How come I should say it now?"
He sighed, shaking his head. "You're really something else. You know that, right?"
You rolled your eyes. "The amount of times you've told me that, Bucky, I swear — "
Then, he shut you up by kissing you softly on the lips. "Where's my thank you?"
You giggled, pressing against him harder. "How about I say thank you in a different way? How's that sound?"
"Right here? Doll, y'know I'm not one for a quickie. If I want to fuck you — "
The sound of Peter's door opening made you jump off Bucky faster than the speed of light. Peter entered the kitchen as you pretended to grab something from the fridge.
"So... this was nice." Bucky said, peeling himself away from the counter. "But I have to go. It's getting kind of dark now plus Howard's waiting for me downstairs."
You watched as Bucky and Peter exchanged their goodbyes by the door, and watched your lover walk away from you without a short hug.
As soon as you went back to your room, your phone rang. You immediately picked it up seeing Bucky's name on the screen.
"If I want to fuck you — and trust me, I always want to — I'd be doing it all day, all night. My place tomorrow. I'll be waiting for you, my little devil."
And with that, you laid on your bed, together with Bucky's gifts, with the thought of Bucky pleasuring you in all ways possible running through your head.
Steve Rogers strode in the mirrored hallways of the Stark industries with Jarvis right beside him, dreading for this spontaneous meet to end. Keeping his head low, he asked Jarvis:
"What does Stark want from me now, Jarvis?"
Jarvis gave him a side-glance, not uttering a single word.
"Oh come on, now." Steve looked at the blonde beside him. "Don't be shy. Usually, you have the right words to say."
But Jarvis didn't budge. He knew Tony well enough not to talk to Steve. Besides, it wasn't any of his business. He was just Tony's little errand boy -- alright, perhaps errand boy was a bit degrading. His... assistant. Someone who does the dirty work for the boss.
"The silent treatment? Really?"
Jarvis internally groaned. Steve didn't use to talk that much back in the good old days. Almost reaching Tony's office, Jarvis showed him the way but Steve stopped him.
"Yeah, yeah. I know where it is." Steve huffed.
"Very well, then."
"Oh, now you talk." Steve said, stopping right outside Tony's tall metallic doors. Jarvis offered him utter silence. "Always a pleasure, Vis."
Tony Stark sat on his cushioned throne, trailing a little yellow cab with his fingers, as if playing with toy cars. Once he heard the door close behind him, he turned around and met Steve's cold blue eyes.
"Mr. Rogers." Tony acknowledged, eyeing Steve from his head to his feet. "Please, sit down."
"I won't be long."
"I'm afraid that's not for you to tell." Tony's voice was firm. Authoritative. Something Steve never missed. "We have much to discuss."
Steve sighed, defeated. He had no other choice but to sit across from the jerk.
"If you're here to tell me to shut up about that thing you don't want Bucky to know, don't worry, I will."
"So..." Tony trailed off, pulling himself closer to his table. "You know that I know."
"It was more of a guess." He replied, frowning. "But knowing you, I just knew it to be true."
"Alright," Tony exhaled, minding Steve's cockiness, "let's cut to the chase here. Your little bar? Captain Brews? I want to buy it."
Tony was taken aback by Steve's swift answer but he didn't show it. People always said yes to Tony. Always. "I'm afraid that word isn't a part of my vocabulary."
"See, that's where we differ 'cause in mine, it is." Steve answered, keeping his voice strong and steady. "I don't want anything to do with you. I did everything you told me to. Leave me and my bar alone."
"How much do you want for it?"
"Ten million? Fifteen?"
Steve scoffed, biting his lower lip. "I told you, I won't tell Bucky what I know. I've burned all the papers, all the articles, all the drafts. There's no evidence left. Buying the bar just to have your strings on me won't do you any good, Stark. I won't allow it. You've already had my word before, right? What's one more?"
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Californian Dream (Pt. 03 of 11)
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader
Word count: 2.9 K
Summary: Being part of one of the richest families of California doesn't mean you're happy. Your life is boring, and you're surrounded by meaningless people and their meaningless talk. Even during Summer, with the break you have from college, there's nothing good going on. Nothing but the new pool guy, Billy, the most handsome man you ever saw. You were successfully avoiding him, not wanting to act like an idiot in front of the guy until Billy accepts to be your date for a fancy gala you're forced to attend. The night was going well, even better when he sneaked you out to go to the beach. But a gang of criminals breaks into the party, kidnapping the heirs to the wealthiest families, which includes you. So, for your safety, your parents want you to stay with Billy, living in his apartment until the criminals are caught. And that could take weeks, maybe even months.
Warnings: Light violence
<- Previous part (02)
Next part (04) ->
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
{Dacre Montgomery Masterlist}
It takes a while to process what's going on. The explosion, the flames, the smoke. And the vans, the shooting. It feels like some kind of dream, something too far from reality to be understood. Yet, it's very real. You can tell by how cold you feel now, from your soaked dress glued on your legs, or maybe the wind, or perhaps what's happening not too far away. The chaos emerging from the place you were at only some minutes ago.
“We have to see what's–”
“Bad idea.” Billy grabs your arm, both of you getting down, the sand hurting your knees through the soft fabric of your dress. You barely feel his grip, eyes locked on the hotel, the smell of burned things reaching your nose. “Hey. We gotta get out of here. C'mon.” He starts pulling you with him, and you try to follow up the best you can given your state. The gunfires are loud, nonstop, persistent, and soon enough you can distinguish the yells too. Cries for help, probably.
“Billy, wait. My parents are there.” Resisting him, you try to make him stop, to head back there. “We have to–” Then, when you reach the sidewalk, you see it. Even from the distance, you can see people being dragged, violently pushed inside the back of the vans. You can't see their faces, but it's quite obvious now. “They're...”
“It's called kidnapping. Let's go.” You both set in motion again. Billy's grip on your arm slides down until he's holding your hand, but you don't mind. The only thing in your mind right now is that you don't want to be pushed into the back of any van. He let's go when you finally reach his car, thankfully parked far enough from the pandemonium, and he has no trouble maneuvering it and speeding away, a lot faster than on your way here.
Only when the noises are a distant echo you release a breath you didn't even know you were holding. Then, you start breathing fast, a hand on your heart as you close your eyes shut, trying to calm yourself down. That gotta be a mistake. A misunderstanding. You were supposed to be there. What would've happened if you and Billy were in there? Would you be shoved into those cars too?
“(Y/N).” He calls, and you give him a glance, your hair covering half of your sight. “You're hyperventilating. You have to slow down.”
“Ok, ok.” You mumble, trying to breathe in deeply and push the air out slowly. After doing that a few times, you feel tears in your eyes, wiping them away. “Where are you taking me?”
“My place.”
You were just about to complain, ask him why he isn't taking you home, where you should be to check if your parents are ok. But it makes sense. Your house may not be safe. “Alright.”
Billy doesn't slow down. He only stops in a small parking lot, beside a building. You don't know exactly where you are, so you just follow him through the sidewalk and into the building, upstairs for two or three floors until he's finally unlocking a door, gesturing for you to walk in. The first thing you notice is a TV, and you quickly make your way over it. “Can I put on the news channel?”
Turning the TV on, you stop on the first news channel you find, and you immediately recognize the hotel. The reporter is by the fountain, and behind her, there is a lot of firemen, trying to put down the flames. But what gets your attention isn't the destruction, or whatever the woman is saying. Is the blood. You can see it staining the light gray rocks of the hotel's entrance. “Is that...”
“Sit down. C'mon.” Billy pulls you with him, forcing you to take a seat on his couch. Leaning forward, elbows on your knees, you bounce your leg, trying to bring some sense to what the reporter is saying.
“Thirteen of the heirs from the most important and wealthy families of California were taken on a violent, brutal action performed by masked men. According to witnesses, they came right after an explosion in the kitchens, surrounding the hotel and forcing everyone to lie down.” She makes a pause, looking at something behind the camera. “As they expertly picked up the kids one by one, some people were shot as they tried to keep them from taking their children.”
“What?” Gasping, you stand up abruptly, tears in your eyes again.
“The deceased are Mrs. Laurel Whayland, Mrs. Karen Garret, Miss Elena Williams, Mr. Harry Hench, and Miss Gisele Everline. Three more people were taken to the hospital but we still have no news about them.”
“Gisele is dead?” You mutter, tears rolling down. “I-I know those people, Billy. I know them.” Their faces start flashing in your mind, and despite you never being too fond of them, it still hurts.
“I'm sorry.” Billy stands up, and without thinking twice, you hug him, collapsing against his chest. With one hand around his midsection, you use the other to cover your mouth, trying to control the sobs shaking your body. You were supposed to be there. You would be taken, that's for sure. And maybe it would be your mother or father dead by now.
“If it weren't for you I'd be in there.” You cry, stepping away just enough to look at him. “I'd be who knows where now... Maybe even dead, like Gisele.” Gisele. You're superficial, redhead friend. She wasn't your confidant, she wasn't someone you could trust. But she was there, earlier today, playing volleyball on your pool, happy, smiling, breathing, living. Now she's gone.
“Calm down, alright?” Billy seems pretty shaken too, and that's when you notice it could have been him too.
“I-I'm sorry, Billy. I dragged you to that stupid party and if we waited just a little longer you would be in the middle of that mess because of me. I'm so sorry.” Speaking fast, you struggle not to sob again, your voice cracking. “If you died because of me I'd never forgive myself.”
“Alright, I need you to slow down, ok?” Again, Billy guides you to the couch, pulling you to seat down with him. “First of all, there was no way in hell you could've know something like that would happen.” He gestures at the TV, but your eyes are focused on him. “So don't blame yourself. I took you to the gala because I wanted to, you didn't drag me.”
“It is now confirmed.” The reporter starts again, and both you and Billy stare at the screen. “The kidnappers left a tape, which is now with the police. Chances are they want a rescue, we just don't know how much yet.”
“This can't be happening.” You mutter, running a hand through your now messy hair. “I don't–”
The phone's loud ring makes you jump, a hand on your heart. “Let me answer that.” As he moves to answer the phone, you finally notice the living room and kitchen are an open space, and there's a small hall with two doors, one of them must be his bedroom. Billy speaks low, facing away from you, so you take the chance to pace around a little, wiping off more tears and trying to calm down, pushing the memory of the explosion and the shootings away.
You stop by the living door window, looking out, and you notice his apartment is only one block away from the beach, and you can see it from here, the moonlight reflecting on the water.
“(Y/N).” You mmediately turn around at the mention of your name. “It's your father. He wants to speak to you.”
Furrowing your eyebrows, you walk over to the kitchen space. “My father has your number?”
“Company policy,” Billy says, handing you over the phone.
“Dad?” You say, more tears now threatening to roll down. “Are you ok? Is mom ok?”
“We're both alright. We're alright.” He starts, and you can hear your mother's voice in the back. “I need you to listen to me, and listen carefully, understood?”
“We know what those lowlives want. They'll ask for a rescue so high even the Whayland will have trouble paying. And they won't stop. There's nothing on the media yet, but they said it, out loud, that they'll go after the rest of the heirs. That includes you and some other kids too.” With a hand on your forehead, you turn around, finding Billy standing by the table, arms crossed. “I don't think the media will let it out because it'll cause more panic, but we know and we won't let anything happen to you.”
“What should I do then?” You inquire, staring at Billy.
“You'll stay there.” Your father explains, and a low, humorless laugh escapes your lips. He can't possibly think it's ok for you to stay here.
“Dad, that's crazy. I can't just–” Looking away from Billy, you lower your voice, trying not to let him listen. “I can't just ask Billy to stay here dad, this is his place and I don't want to–”
“I've already spoken to Billy and he agreed. Don't worry, he'll be well paid for this... Kindness. But it shouldn't be long. I'll put my men in the investigation. It may be just for some weeks.”
“Let me talk to her.” Your mother says, and soon enough you hear her voice through the phone. But after making sure you're ok, she goes on about the usual stuff. How well you should behave, mostly now, that you'll be living with an employee. And how Billy will be now serving you since he'll be paid for this ‘job’ once this is over. So you just listen, rolling your eyes more times than you can count, muttering a ‘yes’ or a ‘fine’ now and then. It goes on for several minutes until your father takes over, telling you to take care of yourself and hanging up.
Unable to believe what just happened, you put the phone down, slowly walking over to the table, not sure what the look on Billy's eyes means. “I'm sorry for... For this.”
“Your father just hired me for another job, that's all.” There's something on his tone you don't understand, but you don't think he'd answer if you ask.
What you know for sure is that this is a mess, a situation that's complicated for everyone. And of course you're not comfortable with this, having Billy forced to endure you at his place for... Weeks. “Billy, look... I had a nice time today. I had more fun in a couple of hours with you than I have with my friends. And I know this sucks but maybe we can make it work.” Drumming your fingers on the table, you avoid looking at him. “It can be a job, formal, and I can behave just like my mother told me over the phone or it can be an extension of that walk on the beach.”
“Alright.” He breathes out, and you feel a little relieved. “But this is nothing like your house, as you probably already noticed.”
Giving one more look around, you take in the simple kitchen, which is very well organized and clean. “I think your place is fine.” Billy scoffs, walking around the table. “What?”
“Come. There's only one bedroom and I guess it's yours for as long as you'll be staying here.”
“Absolutely not.” Exclaiming, you hesitate a little before following him through the small hall. “I can take the couch, it's no big deal.”
Billy opens the second door, gesturing for you to get inside. “It's small and plain, but I guess you'll manage to sleep just fine.” Billy's bedroom has faded blue walls, two windows, and a double bed set in between them. A wardrobe, a dresser, and a nightstand, on the right side of the bed. There are some posters on the wall, and you pace around, taking a look at them.
“It's cozy, I like it.” Turning on your heels to face him, you manage a small smile. “But I mean it. I'll take the couch. It's more than enough that you're being forced to have me in here.”
“What would your father say if he knew I was making his precious daughter sleep on the couch?”
“First of all, I don't think he has to know. And second, I don't care.” Shrugging your shoulders, you take a deep breath. “We can take turns then if you like.”
“Alright. Today is your turn, you need it more than me.”
“Yeah...” Reality kicks in, and you realize that for a moment you forgot why you're even here. “Can I take a shower? I mean, I'll have to sleep on this dress but...”
“I can give you some of my shirts if you don't mind.” When you nod, he moves to his dresser, searching for a while before handing you a dark blue shirt. “There's a bathroom there and another in the hall. But this one is bigger, so... You should use it.”
“Alright.” Hugging the shirt against your chest, you walk over to the bathroom.
“Use the green towel. Is clean and–”
“Thanks, Billy. I'll be alright.” Giving him one last glance, you walk in, locking the door behind your back.
When you're done, you stare in the mirror as you try to decide what to do with your dress. That's what you were thinking about for the thirty minutes you've been in the shower because you don't want to think about anything else. The explosion, the smoke, the people you know being held hostage... Gisele's death. The fact that it could've been you...
Taking a deep breath, you decide to throw the dress away, so you take it with you when you leave the bathroom, finding the bed made, with two pillows set on the edge. Leaving the dress folded on the dresser, you decide to lie down. You'll probably have nightmares, no doubt, but trying to stay awake won't last long since you're tired, very sleepy already. Tossing around to lie on your side, you hug the spare pillow.
You're almost falling asleep when the door is open, and so are your eyes, following Billy as he comes in. When his eyes meet yours he halts, seemingly surprised, a funny expression on his face that makes you chuckle. “What?” You ask in a low voice.
“Nothing, just... It's weird to have a girl on my bed.” He shrugs his shoulders, moving to look for something in his wardrobe.
“Uhm... I honestly doubt that.” It was Gisele who kept reminding you of Billy's behavior. Going so far as naming the girls he was seen with as if you knew any of them. As if she knew any of them. But the memory that made you so angry earlier, feels weird now. Empty, distant. “How many girls have already slept in this bed?”
“You're the first.” When he says that, you move to sit up straight, eyebrows furrowed. “I don't bring girls here.”
“Just an old rule of mine. There's no reason to let them in, they won't last.” Billy turns to face you, a hand holding blankets and a pillow as the other closes the wardrobe doors.
“And why don't they last?” The moment you ask, you regret it. “Nevermind. I'm just a little too curious.” Looking down at your hands, you blush. You're already invading his house, you can't invade his personal life too.
“Do you wanna sleep or do you wanna talk about my love life?” He scoffs, slowly making his way to the door. “Or the lack of it.”
“We're on the same boat then.” You giggle, running a hand through your hair and pushing back a yawn.
“You? That's something I don't believe, princess.”
Your head slows down at the pet name, and by the way Billy stops by the door, shifting his way from one leg to another, you can tell he's a bit surprised too. “Well... You know the options I have so...” Your mind quickly goes through the boys your mother and friends talk to you about. Some of them were kidnapped. But you push this thought back, not wanting to call in more bad dreams than you'll probably already have. “I'll die alone.”
“I'm sure your mother wants you to marry someone. Rich and powerful, of course.”
“Absolutely. So we can join our fortunes.” Kneeling on the bed, you give your voice a dramatic tone. “And make the family even richer and have very rich babies who will inherit more money than they could ever spend in a normal lifetime.” Rolling your eyes, you drop to the bed again, folding both legs beneath you. “Some shit like that.”
“But you always do what's expected of you. Your mother will end up pushing you into someone and you gave up arguing with her so...” Billy shrugs his shoulders, and you ask what this is. How exactly you got into this matter, and why is he making you see through the flaws of your existence. Damn, you're so sleepy. You're not thinking straight.
“I'd leave California before she forces me into it.” This certainty hits you like a brick, and you know you'll do it. You'll get your girly pink Cadillac, throw your luggage in the back, and drive away. “California never felt like home to me anyway.” You mutter, suddenly feeling empty. “I'll get some sleep now, Billy Hargrove. I'm done with opening my heart for today.” Not waiting for him to leave, you lie back down, pulling the blankets up. When you hear the door closing you take a deep breath, closing your eyes once again.
There's something about Billy. You've known some of your friends for many years, but you never spoke to them about the things you've spoken to Billy. He makes you feel different, like you're free to do and say the simple things you could never share with anyone else. Or maybe it's just the sleep taking over, you're not sure. But from all the people on Earth that you know, you're glad you got to do this with Billy. At least here you won't have to put on an act.
@multific @dontxfearxthereaper @nope-thanks @nikkixostan @shinydixon
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echo-three-one · 3 years
Whatever It Takes
While Soap, France and the two hostages try to recover, Gary stands by for action. It's a waiting game before they make their next move. Can Gary's lungs handle the training?
Previous Chapter : Reunited
Chapter 6 to another story made by Ray (echo-three-one) Comments and Reviews appreciated! I hope you enjoy! Love you all ❤️
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A Walk to Remember
Gary "Roach" Sanderson
Task Force 141
Task Force 141 - Briefing Room
Gary was able to share his raccoon story, but he wasn't contented. He actually wanted a certain someone to listen to it. He wanted to see her smile. He knew their time together was short but he grew curious about the blonde girl. He felt concern, almost guilty that he triggered her massive headache. He wanted to apologize, but since then she's still unconscious. Guess he'll have to wait.
"The concern is that Augustus' squad had been forcibly and convincingly recruiting troops from a local border militia and informants reported that they have siezed their small village camp." The caterpillar-moustached general briefed, gaining murmurs from the rest of the squad.
"We'll be sending Alex tomorrow to negotiate with the squad and if he's successful. We could formally assist them and take back their base, crippling Augustus forces. Gathering intel on the village is a bonus." he added, making everyone else nod. Gary looked determined to help out, and for now all he could to is to train more and have faith in Alex's skills.
"That's odd." Ghost nudged from beside him.
"Yeah?" he replied quickly.
"I know that face… Something's bothering the bug. Come on. Spill." he whispered. Ghost may look cold and distant at one glance but he tries hard to show concern, especially for Roach, who has been there to absorb his problems ever since they met.
"It's the mission." Gary lied and he was not convincing at that.
"Sod off mate. I can tell you're lying. Is it the girl? It's always about the girl." he teased. Gary found himself speechless as he puffed his cheeks.
"Yeah. We'll you're bothered about France too. And threatened about how close they are with Soap." he whispered, Ghost fell silent and stopped bugging him. Gary wanted to quickly apologize for hitting a nerve, but he turned his focus to Shepherd.
"That's about all of it for today. I want all available squad members at the training areas now. We're not going to let that same blunder happen again." he scolded as everyone silently left. Ghost walked behind Gary, his quiet demeanor was normal but somewhat odd.
"You think she's interested in him? They used to fight a lot." he muttered and Gary turned to him.
"Look mate, I have no idea what's going on around them. They just met, and I'm no love doctor but if you're really into her then take small steps. Get to know her, talk to her, those kind of things. Then you'll finally get the answer you're looking for." Roach advised and Ghost actually showed agreement by nodding as they continue to the training room.
Task Force 141 - Jogging Oval
It's the fourth time that Roach lost to Ghost on a one lap sprint. A sign that he still has a lot of lung endurance exercises to do and he's still a long way to go to master holding a sniper rifle. He looked down, hands on his knees and sweat dropped from his forehead as he panted heavily.
"Roach! You okay?" a familiar scottish voice called from nearby. He looked and saw Samantha, Maxine, France and Soap together early in the morning. Samantha was pushing Maxine's wheelchair while France pushed Soap's. It looked like he still can't get up properly yet and might not make it on the next mission. His eyes now turned to Maxine who was looking at Samantha, laughing at something. Her smile brought happiness to Roach's face and he felt like he could run another lap.
"I'm fine." Gary replied with a thumbs up, jogging toward them, taking France's spot.
"Where are you going?" he asked.
"Oh. Nowhere. The nurse said we could use a little sunshine." Soap replied and the rest of them nodded. Maxine turned to Gary and smiled.
"You. You helped me back there. Eased the pain from the sprain. What's your name?" she asked. Gary took the time to let her voice fill his mind.
"Gary." he replied.
"Thank you Gary." she smiled and turned back to Samantha, resuming their conversation. France quickly nudged him to which he winced in pain.
"Whatever you're thinking, it goes through me first. I'm her sister after all." she warned, Gary pretended to look confused but there was no use hiding to a woman. They could sense intentions a mile away. 
"Does she um… remember you?" Gary asked. France's face shifted from threatening to sad.
"Not really." She sighed. "But she will recover and recognize me someday." 
"What happened to his leg? Hey hey Is that Alex?! Samantha it's Alex! Heyyy Pretty boy! Over here!" Maxine excitedly called him. He was walking to the hangar with his backpack and gym bag, looking focused. Everyone else were confused as to how Maxine knew Alex and Gary started to feel odd about it.
"Hey… um… you." Alex greeted awkwardly, smiling at the group.
"Alex. This is Samantha over here. I remember you looking for him at the bar. You know, a childhood friend you want to reconnect with?" She excitedly winked as he looked at Samantha. Gary could sense a little something going on between the two.
"Max, I don't know no Alex from my childhood…" Samantha muttered and Maxine frowned. This wasn't the kind of reunion she expected. It was a shame that that was the last thing she could remember.
"Yeah. I think you may have mistaken me or something. But I did look for her, returned a pendant she dropped back then." Alex replied and ran back to the airstrip.
"I swear I remember him correctly. I know full well which memories hurt me." Maxine whispered to herself as Samantha rubbed her back.
"He does look familiar. But then again I saw him back then and mistook him as a stalker. I mean, look at those tattooes. Turns out he's just there to return my pendant. It's a huge coincidence he works here though. Like one in a million." she mused as they quietly watched him walk away.
Gary started pushing Soap and the rest followed. He was happy Maxine's all peppy and well, but he can't help but feel jealous about the way she reacted upon seeing Alex. He wished she'd do the same for him. But who was he for her? Nothing but a random stranger.
"Huh?" Maxine asked and Samantha just nodded, making her quiet and realize things. Soap looked at Roach and they just exchanged weird glances and shrugged. Mentally noting that they'll have to talk to Alex about this after the mission.
"So, any new news?" Ghost stood by Gary as he gulped down a bottle of water.
"Not really. Except from the fact that Maxine claims to know Alex and Samantha knows Alex. And also Maxine is Francine's sister?!" Gary exhaled leaving Ghost in a momentary confusion.
"Wai.wai wait.. For real?!" he asked. Gary downed another bottle and nodded.
"Yeah. When briefing told us Alex was somehow connected, he was actually all over the place. I want answers from him." 
"Yeah. So where is he?" 
"He's already on his way back to Germany. Let's hope he convinces a whole army to help us out." Gary wondered as Ghost nudged him back to the gym. 
"Let's train that lungs of yours again."
All Gary could do was groan in  frustration as he followed Ghost to the gym.
"Man, Nero's a mysterious guy huh. Did you know Alex helped catch the CIA Mole he's working with. The one that supplied him the serum that's behind all of this." Gary overheard two random soldiers at the gym discuss. He couldn't help but stop whatever he was doing and asked them for more details.
"They already publicized the report on the website. They're actually desperate for any Nero-like activity to report to them immediately." one of them informed, Gary turned to Ghost and they both nodded, quickly running to the Base's library.
"Here it is. Alex's report." Gary muttered as Ghost peeked beside him, they slowly scrolled across pages of information written by Alex himself. He didn't hide anything from them, except from thr fact that they're after her because she had memories of an IP Address. Then further through the report they concluded that they weren't successful in extracting it. Then at the end of the file was a footnote, regarding Samantha's state. It read:
Due to a special favor promised by Samantha's father, he has authorize to apply an MK Ultra procedure to her, whose main intention is to Alter her memories of the IP Address along with the events that happened prior to kidnapping.
"So that's why she didn't know Alex." Gary realized.
"Hence the responses earlier." Ghost added.
"Maxine wasn't mentioned in this footnote this means her memories weren't rewritten." Gary spleculated. Ghost scratched his head in confusion.
"This whole thing is nuts." Was all Ghost could say.
Task Force 141 - Quarters
"Same routine tommorow, okay?" Ghost grinned and it made Gary groan.
"Fine. My lungs are going to hate you for eternity, Simon." he complained and the trainer just chuckled.
"We didn't have the chance to talk to Soap today. He surely has a lot of new information about the two." 
"Nah. More like more information on France." Ghost retorted fake chuckling.
"If he's ever in the competition, I can judge that he's one step ahead." Gary remarked, attempting to tease Ghost who was already leaning away from him.
"Rest up, Bug. Another big day tomorrow." he muttered, almost angry.
"Yeah. Big day."
Next Chapter : Just Like Old Times
tagging the notification squad
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wendystales · 3 years
Memories - lrh (Chapter Seventeen)
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Memories (also on Wattpad)
Chapter Sixteen ※ ※ ※ ※ ※ Chapter Eighteen
Marnie pov.
I don't know if it was hangover or guilt, but my head was weighing a ton the morning after the party. Unlike everyone, I didn't wake up in a good mood, in fact I was pretty quiet at breakfast. Lucky for me, no one suspected anything, as the hangover gripped everyone there.
As yesterday was still Saturday and most had to work, I didn't have to run away from anyone. Since my plan had been in action since Monday, I took the day off to start packing up some things, trying to get everything as ready as possible.
For today, I had left only the final adjustments, like packing my suitcase and getting ready for my conversation with Luke.
The pain in my throat becomes more and more unbearable every time I hold back the cry. I fold up one of the band sweatshirts I have, watching the boys' faces, wanting to reinforce why I'm doing this.
I run my finger over Luke's face, as if I'm touching him. Friday's flashes flood my mind and I scold myself for nearly screwing it up out of sheer desire. Of course I wanted it as much as he did. Feel his touch, the desire and love he manages to emanate so naturally. I don't think I've ever felt so alive and so amazing in anyone's arms as in his, but it couldn't happen.
The doorbell snaps me out of my thoughts. I hurry downstairs, thinking it's Martin with the paperwork.
“Noah?" I give my friend room to enter. "Aren't you supposed to be at that lunch?" I check my watch and check the time, 1:37 PM. “Noah?” I call him, wondering at his frown.
"I wanted to come talk to you directly so we don't have any misunderstandings and to see if that way I can understand what this should mean." he hands me a folder. I open it quickly feeling my blood pressure drop. It was the paperwork I was waiting for. "What's this about moving to New York?"
"How did this get to you?" I try to control my breathing and head into the living room, feeling the urge to sit down. I start to think of a million excuses and ways not to have this conversation since it wasn't part of my plan.
“In case you also forgot, I work at the company. I am the owner's son and above that I am your advisor, everything that happens to you must pass through me at some point. Now tell me what this story is." I don't think I've ever seen Noah this angry.
“I received a job offer and decided to accept.” I know my voice has cracked, but I pray he doesn't notice. Noah stares at me for a few seconds with a more confused and displeased expression.
“I've known you for two years. You're going to have to try harder if you want to deceive me. Marnie, you just signed a rehearsal contract here in LA. If you got a proposal, you would know from me. Does this have to do with the fact that you're weird these days? What? Did you go without saying anything to anyone? That's it?” I remain silent, feeling everything go downhill from there. Slowly, a fury starts to build inside me. “Marnie, what's going on?”
It's not just the countless times I've heard this question throughout the week. I believe it's because I'm not in control of anything right now. About me being forced to do all this, not being able to tell my friend what's going on. All of this makes the question so much bigger and deeper than it really is. And it makes the fury that's brewing inside me grow.
“My God! Nothing! It's not happening anything. What a bag!” the scream breaks my mouth, coming out louder and angrier than I expected. “I am fine! When are you going to understand this?” he doesn't seem to be frightened by my scream, just standing there with his arms crossed and expressionless.
"Maybe when you stop lying and tell me what's going on?" he makes fun of me. A cynical laugh comes out of me as I go to open the door and ask him to leave my apartment. “You weren't like that, Marnie." I get irritated again. I can't explain where so much anger comes from, let alone contain it.
“Surprise, Noah, I'm like that. This is Marnie and always has been. Now if you don't like her, I can't do anything. Your ‘Marnie’ is gone and it's just me. And I'm going to New York whether you like it or not.” along with the anger, I feel like crying, but once again, I hold back with all my strength.
Noah nodded thoughtfully. I know it's a scene, that he's going to attack me again, he's just choosing his words.
“Then that's it? You mess it up, make everyone believe that everything is fine, and leave without warning. Is that what you're going to do?” the judgmental look bothers me.
"I didn't mess anything up."
“No?” he laughs falsely. "I don't say for myself or for the girls, but haven't you been giving a certain someone hope, making him believe you could get back together? And now you're going to go away and let him suffer without caring?” he raises his eyebrows.
I suck in the air harder, making it burn. The fire burns stronger inside me. The desire at the moment is to break everything.
“Do not do it.” my voice breaks. I close my eyes, pulling myself together. “Do not do it! Don't think I'm not suffering from having to make this decision either.” I can't hold back the tears, not caring about them anymore either.
“You're? Cuz it doesn't look like.” I close my hands, squeezing them tightly. I try to control the urge to scream, scream in hate, in anger, in pain and most of all, scream that he is being unfair to me.
“Of course I'm suffering.” once again I scream. "Do you think not?! Look at me! Do you think it doesn't hurt me to have to do all this?! Leave him here like this and not be able to do anything?! Of course it hurts. Why do you think I'm doing all this?! Because I love him! I love more than one day I thought it was possible to love someone. I'm doing it for him. But there's no easy way to do this, I don't have a choice.”
“Everyone has a choice, Marnie, you're just choosing the one you find easiest.”
"Does this sound easy to you?" I interrupt him, opening my arms, showing me. I dry my tears exhausted. “I made my choice and I appreciate if you respect. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to finish packing my bags.” I open the door for him.
My friend doesn't say anything else, just heads towards the door.
“Feel free to share my plan with the others.” I say tough.
“No! I will not do that. You made your decision, you did the shit and now deal with it.” Noah doesn't even wait for the elevator, taking the stairs.
I slam the door, feeling that anger still burn inside me. I rest my eyes on the wall where my photo is. I go to it, pulling out the wallpaper, tearing off part of the image. I'm not mad at Noah, I'm mad at myself, at the way it all went and where I went.
If I weren't a model, I could be living my life without any problems. Luke would still be the guy in the band I only knew one song about. I would be happy and free from all that pressure.
Still needing to release that anger, I grabbed the flower pots near the door, throwing what was left of my image against. My throat hurts from sobs and my heart clenches when that feeling arises.
““Wait, there's an eyelash.” I say to Luke, trying to catch it. “OK! Make a wish.” I lift my little finger at him.
He was about to take the stage at the Capital Summertime Ball. Luke stares at my finger thoughtfully and smiles, apparently determined.
“Be my girlfriend?” he sounds curious. I stare at his amused face, making sure he's kidding me.
“I'm serious.” I push his shoulder with another hand. I gasp when I see Luke kneel down with the guitar.
“Me too.” he shrugs. I start to laugh nervously, covering my face but careful not to lose my eyelash. I can hear the muffled laughter of the boys beside us, just wanting to hit each one of them.
“You need to blow to see if your wish comes true.” I say, already knowing my answer and I suspect he does too. Luke stands up blowing his flying eyelash.
"Boys, it's you, come in." a production guy yells, already pushing Ashton onto the stage, who is followed by Calum.
Quickly, I grab Luke's face, like I always did before he took the stage.
“Yes!” I give him a peck, watching him smile. Luke hugs me, stealing another kiss, running up onto the stage happily.
“This was definitely the cutest, most improvised request I've ever seen.” I open an even bigger smile, hearing Ryan beside me. I lay my head on his shoulder, swallowing the happy cry I wanted to let out.””
I don't know how long I sat staring at my torn photo, with a horrible pain in my chest. I hug my knees like the coward I am, not wanting to accept that the time has come.
Luke pov.
I jot down one more note in the melody I'm creating. The idea came up in the morning and if I didn't work on it now, I would forget. I go back to playing the piano following the sequence, when the bell interrupts me.
Petunia doesn't even make an effort to get up, remaining on the couch, snoring.
I open the door feeling my heart race. Marnie was standing there with a serious expression. I conclude that she came to tell me what was going on and I am relieved that I will finally understand what is happening.
“Can we talk?" I'm surprised by the hard look.
I make room for her, who goes straight to the living room, standing in the middle. I let a weak smile emerge, remembering all the times she's done this. I stop a little away, giving space, because I know how important this is to her at these times.
"I believe you came to tell me what's going on." I keep my hands in my pants pockets. M&Ms nodded.
"I came to break whatever we have." I don't know how to react. In fact, I'm not sure I got it right. “Look I tried, I really tried, but…”
“I'm sorry, what?”
For a second, I wonder how I got back to two years ago, where we had these fights almost daily. Where we were too dumb to want to accept. If it weren't for the pink hair, I would be convinced that it would be 2018 again.
“I tried to feel something for you, but I couldn't. And there's nothing I can do.”
I stare at Marnie, confused. I replay the past few weeks in my mind, all our moments together, and I can't believe a single word she says. I know everything was real. Every smile and laugh, every flushed cheek, every look and especially every kiss. Come back to Friday. How can she say there was nothing there?
“You gotta be kidding me. After all we've been through this month, do you have the courage to try to say you didn't feel anything?” my tone rises.
It doesn't make any sense. Her speech, her request not to forget that she likes me and today this? The pieces don't come together.
“Sorry. But I can't go on with this anymore.” I can see your gaze looking around the room. She's lying, why is she lying? For me on top.
“Why are you doing this?” Marnie looks at me confused.
"Because I'm tired of carrying this…”
“No! Why are you lying to me?” her eyes roll. I get close enough to be able to hear and notice her breathing.
"I have no reason to lie to you. If you can't accept that a girl doesn't like you, that's your business.” she passes me at the mention of leaving. But I hold your arm.
"So Friday was my hallucination? The two of us in the bedroom. You on my lap. All that desire and lust, was it a dream of mine?” your pupils dilate.
I can see she's thinking right now, can feel her pulse increase. She felt something, all this time, she felt something. I don't know if it's that insecurity from the beginning, the fear of getting involved, of getting hurt that always kept her away from me. The fear that I would be like him.
“I drank a lot.” her voice breaks the silence. I let go, covering my face, laughing indignantly.
“Oh my God, Marnie, why are you doing this? It's clear you're lying to me. Tell me what's going on. Is someone blackmailing you? Threatening you? Is it Stephen? Did he mess with you again?”
“There's nothing going on, Luke. I just don't love you.” she says with her head down.
The sentence cuts through me, causing agonizing pain. I feel my body retract. Your voice comes back in my mind in different tones and shapes, telling me every time you loved me. Whispering, screaming, in normal tones, even the day she swallowed helium gas.
My eyes burn. I don't want to cry in front of her, not out of shame, because I've cried a million times, but out of pride in not accepting that I'm hurt.
“I didn't want to go that far.” her restrained voice hovers over me.
I look at Marnie, not recognizing her. This is not the girl I fell in love with. The girl I spent nights awake just imagining what it would be like to go out with her, what it would be like to hold her hand and see her smile at me. The girl I spent mornings admiring sleeping. That I wrote love letters. That several times made me forget even my name just for saying the same thing. It's not her.
But it's amazing how I still know she's in there, somehow. Maybe Marnie was right that day, she didn't want to feel like an intruder in her own life, but she was.
She herself undid everything we built. Everything we've fought so hard has fallen like a house of cards. The promises made at dawn about our future together, vanish with the wind. I know they weren't empty, but the girl who made them with me isn't here.
“I'm so sorry. I-”
“Say it looking at me.” I stare at her resolutely.
“Don't do that.” she begs in a whisper.
Her eyes flood with despair and I delude myself, even with pain. Her mouth opens several times, but her voice doesn't come out. Her eyes blink several times, trying to ward off the tears that are forming there. I watch her body hold the air.
“What? Weren't you so determined?! So convinced?! Didn't you come here for this?! So say it looking at me, not the walls, like you're doing.” her jaw locks. “Two years ago you came here to look me in the eye and say you wanted to try, you came to ask me for a chance for both of us. So now look into them and say you don't want it anymore.”
Marnie stares at me lost. I pray, I beg her not to make it, for her to give up on this stupid idea. That deep down she says she's afraid to surrender. I wouldn't mind ignoring this fight and pretending nothing happened. Then I would hold her and make her feel like I would protect her from everything, make her feel loved. But my thoughts change and I lose hope when I watch her take off the necklace I gave her.
“I'm sorry.” she puts it in my hand. Right now I don't mind letting the tears fall. I stare at my hands feeling destroyed. Her lips touch my cheek lightly and so she leaves my house and my life.
““What is this?” I open a smile watching her approach, openmouthed. “Luke, what is this all about?” her eyes run over all the details with curiosity.
For a few seconds, I don't know what to say. I lose my breath watching how stunning she looks in this flowery dress with wavy hair. Holy crap.
“Our first date.” I shrug. Marnie breaks into a beautiful smile, making her cheeks blush. The sparkle in your eyes enchants me.
“Luke, when you said a date I swore we were going to a restaurant, I didn't think…” her voice trails off, giving way to a delighted laugh.
"Have I exaggerated?" I approach her, looking at the small tree with scattered lights and the table for two with two candles. "If you say yes, I'll be upset." I make fun of her.
“No! It's perfect, is that… I didn't expect this. Not all of that.” she whispers. "Did you do all this?" she looks at me in surprise.
“Good part. Except the food, the intention is to impress you, not make you run away from me.” I look at her teary eyes and feel amazing for getting it right. She liked.
I take a deep breath, trying to control my breathing and my nervousness. I wanted to leave Marnie speechless, wanted her to make sure I was worth it. And even with all the effort, she managed to leave me speechless yet. My God, how could someone be so beautiful like that? Am I really that lucky to have gotten her attention? I mean, do I deserve her?
“I do not know what to say. Thank you.” I get lost in her eyes, feeling the butterflies in my stomach grow. It couldn't be possible for me to be in love with her that fast already, could it?””
Marnie pov.
Air doesn't reach my lungs, no matter how windy it is. My chest and throat hurt so much my body recoils with every sob. It was like sand in my hand, running through my fingers, I couldn't hold it back.
As torture, I replay the scene in my head again, watching his blue eyes lose their luster and let those tears fall. I wanted to hug him and tell him I was crazy, drunk. That deep down I was completely in love with him, and I didn't even need my memories for that. Luke is so amazing that he managed to win me over again and I believe he could a million times over. I wanted to say that I want him, I want him more than anything, but I can't.
The doorbell pulls me out of my private cell, my mind, prompting me to question whether the bomb had ever gone off. It would probably be Leah or even Ashton, but I don't want to deal with anyone right now. I don't want lectures, I don't want judgments, I just want to stay on the couch until tomorrow when it's my time to go to New York.
I crawl to the door finding the last person I want to see right now. John Letterman has a huge, excited smile, in contrast, my face is red and swollen from crying for the past few hours.
“Hi, Marnie, how are you?” Cursed the day I ran into him at the studio.
“What are you doing here?” John plays offended.
“I just came to ensure that everything is going with our agreement.”
"What does it look like?" I point to my face. “It's all just the way you made me do it.” I turn around, entering the still-destroyed apartment.
"But what happened here?" he looks at the destroyed hall in disgust.
“You, John. Just you and your disgusting manipulation.” John shakes his head laughing.
"I didn't put any gun to your head to accept this. I just showed you the truth, you are destroying the career of 5 seconds of summer. Your person's association is putting their contract and their tour at risk. You're the one who decided to walk away.” he smiles satisfied.
I break eye contact, too exhausted to debate.
“I'm glad you lived up to your part of the deal and I hope this is the last time we've crossed paths.”
"Then we are two."
“But if I hear you're trying to get close to Luke again…” the tone of voice pisses me off.
“I've already done my part, but if you keep pissing me off, I'll go to Luke right now and tell him the whole truth.” I threat, nervous. I try not to show that his laugh makes me confused.
“You know, I missed you, Marnie. That innocence is really funny.” John stops laughing and approaches. "Do you think Luke wants to see you now?! Why do you think I'm here knowing everything?! He already called me, asking me to schedule the trip. He hates you now, Marnie. You broke his heart. I don't care what useless word you say to him, because he won't believe it. Here.” he takes his cell phone out of his jacket. "Want to call him and tell him?! I will help you.” he returns a venomous smile.
“Get out of my house.” I say through teeth.
"What's up, Marnie? Don't be so passionate. After all we are friends.” he makes fun of me.
"I said 'get out of my house.'” I scream, picking up a decorative vase beside me and threatening to throw it at it.
John doesn't look scared, but heads for the door.
“One day you'll thank me, Marnie.” he says before closing the door. I throw the vase, screaming, seeing it crash against the door.
The urge to go to Luke and tell the whole truth becomes much stronger, however, even if I don't want to admit it, John was right, Luke must hate me by now, making everything I say empty. On the other hand, I remember that I'm doing this for him.
I know at any other time, if I knew the band was going through something like that, I would do anything to help. Now, making sure I'm the problem, I want to become the solution and if that meant having to walk away from it then I would, after all their success and happiness could be mine.
I want to have faith that a few years from now, when everything is better, maybe I can get Luke and the others to understand why I'm doing this. Maybe we can even be friends if he doesn't hate me.
I give up, going up to my room for a shower and straight to bed. It's horrible knowing I need sleep to be acceptable for tomorrow, but I can't turn my head off. Even exhausted, I go over every fight I had today. Noah, Luke, and John's voices mingled in my mind, draining me more and more of my energy, but not to the point of putting me to sleep.
The night slowly drags on and the approach of dawn makes an anxiety rise within me. Yesterday they could have held back so they wouldn't come to debate anything, but I doubt that someone won't show up today and, given my state and mood, I'm sure I won't have the strength to fight.
For the few seconds and times I dozed off, I dreamed of the doorbell ringing, of Leah screaming for me to open the door. Finally, when the clock struck a little after five, I decided to get out of bed. Wrapped in the duvet, I walk to the kitchen, making tea. With my drink ready, I walk over to the couch on the balcony, watching the sky clear up for my last day in LA.
Passed morning, I go for a shower with the intention of getting rid of this weight. I lock everything in my room, not knowing when I'll be back. In the closet, I grab Luke's box and pull out my diary and some of our Polaroids. I also take the little white box, carefully storing it in my suitcase.
I walk around the house, closing windows, turning off power and stuff. I don't worry and much less care about the mess I made yesterday, if I ever come back to this apartment, I'll ask for a huge renovation, not wanting to remember anything from that time.
Around 8:00 am, I tell Martin that I want to go to the airport early, wanting to avoid any of my friends or family. I had already talked and said goodbye to my parents before the party. I'm relieved when he says he's on his way.
I take one last look at my apartment, accepting my defeat. I pick up my bags, already going downstairs and moving forward as much as possible to just leave, I just didn't count on Ashton at the front desk of the building
"Ash?" I call him on impulse. My friend turns to me, apparently not at all surprised to see me with my bags.
“Can we talk?” he questions calmly.
“I need to go to the air-” I try to dodge him, but Ash steps in front of me.
“Five minutes. I do not want to fight. I just want to understand you.” he interrupts me.
“You don't understand, Ash.” whisper. “I need to go.”
There's one thing I've always admired about Ashton, that peace he has and emanates. He in no second judges me with his gaze, in fact, this calm almost makes me tell everything, trusting that he would listen to me and believe me. But in seconds this idea loses strength, after all, Luke would not believe me and John could still harm the band.
“You know, I remember the day we met very well. You were the new student in yoga class and I was happy to have someone my age there. We weren't the best students and we talked too much, which caused us to be thrown out of class.” he laughs a little. “But even without that, we became good friends. It is not?”
“Yes,” I whisper, trying to understand where he is going.
“Marnie, I can't explain what was different with you, but I really didn't want to lose touch. I wanted you to be my friend. The problem is, in the end, I took care of you like my little sister. I think I projected that onto you. I've always taken care of Lauren and Harry a lot and I miss them sometimes. I always wanted to and will always protect you, but I need to know exactly what.”
“Ash…” I try to interrupt him but can't.
“I lost you once, in that fucking accident. I lost you to amnesia. I don't want to lose you for a silly thing. Marnie, please just tell me.” he pleads, holding my hands.
It pains me to see him like this. I can see the desperation in his eyes, just as I saw it in Luke's eyes. I know it hurts, but it has to. Ashton was definitely the best friend I've ever had in all my 23 years, I don't need my memory to prove it. Just a conversation with him and I realized our connection. Really, Ashton is the big brother I never had and I'm grateful for that.
Without the strength to want to convince him of the story I had already created, I pull his body to me, hugging my best friend for the last time. He doesn't deny the hug, squeezing me tightly, as if to stop me from going.
“Thanks for everything, Ash. Please don't forget my speech.” I give him a kiss on the cheek, ready to get into the car that has just arrived.
'It wasn't by chance that you and Luke met.” I stop at the door, turning confusing to him. “Ever since I've known you, I've known you'd be perfect for Luke, you're almost the female version of him. I just gave you guys a little push to see each other, because I knew the moment he saw you, he was going to fall in love with you.”
I stare at Ashton for a few more seconds before turning towards the car, feeling the tears wet my cheek once more. I didn't need to be an expert to know that yes, Luke and I were made for each other, but unfortunately, not all soulmates end up together.
I'm so sorry, I know I'm late. I have a undergraduate thesis at the end of the year and I am too busy with it. But I promise not to delay this amazing fic for you anymore. Thank you so much for all the support and affection, you're amazing. Until the next chapter!
P.s. which I will post in a few hours, after all, it's the least I can do after a month of delays. See ya! xoxo
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guigz1-coldwar · 3 years
'Only You': New chapter for "Redemption in a Spirit in a Cold War" is out!
"Only You"
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"Only you...can make...this world...seem right!"
Chapter Summary: Angriness is the only thing that is inside Park & Portnova after they both learned of what happened after the SAS operation while Yirina is trying to keep hope in her cell...
Link of the Picrew here!
To read it on AO3, click here!
Words : +3100
Taglist : @snowgoldwaylon , @clxudtea , @efingart
Note: It's the first chapter including a 3rd person scene including Park & Portnova, give me your suggestions about it!
Century House
30 minutes after the end of the operation
When the word spread out that Yirina & Zasha were missing after the end of the operation at Canary's Wharf, it send the biggest panic that Park has faced and it got worse when she & Portnova were learned that the two were not located at the train crash that was reported by the SAS soldiers sent to investigate it and unfortunately, Park was realizing the whole problem and the worst fear that she didn't want to happen...it happened. Yirina & Zasha were abducted by Perseus and there was no way to find them, she & Portnova were told of what happened by a survivor but that was it...
Park was angry, she stormed off the construction site with Portnova while the SAS were still cleaning up the mess that occurred, took one of the cars that she uses to get near the site, and leave the place to join back Century House, the whole drive been silent. The two were angry, it was better for someone to not try to cross them because they could go on a rage about it: their respective loves were kidnapped and now, they were like nothing to calm them down, not the good words of Price and his men...nothing.
When the car was parked inside the underground parking of the MI6's building, the silence continued to persist inside it, Park trying to keep a normal pace with her breathes while she was holding the steering wheel firmly with her hands as Portnova was slowly getting calm, eyes closed to contain herself better but no, her love didn't come back and it wasn't something that could calm her down...
"FUCK!" Park's voice finally broke the silence, shouting before she starts to tap the steering wheel with the side of her right fist. "FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!" She continued in her tapping, Portnova shaking at hearing the knock against the steering wheel and Park's voice going up.
"Park, calm down," Portnova suggested, trying to move her hands towards Park.
"Don't fucking tell me to calm down!" Park told her, her eyes looking in front of her, stopping her right fist that was mostly hurting her now. "Don't...tell me...that," She repeated, her breaths still on the same pace. "I learned of the worst and you're asking me to calm down?" She asked Portnova, her eyes staying to look in front instead of Portnova.
"I'm sorry," Portnova could only whisper at this, her suggestion wasn't the thing needed at the moment. "It's just..." She tried to say but thinking about Zasha getting kidnapped cut her out in her words.
"I know," Park's voice got down, slowly returning into a normal tone despite still having that angriness inside of her. "It was just to be a simple mission but instead....damn it!" She stopped holding the steering wheel with her hands, moving on her lap. "Yiri...Zasha...what happened?" She demanded, her voice going down.
"That Roach said that he didn't..."
"Don't tell me something we already know," Park muttered, cutting Portnova by herself because the two were given the situation by Roach. "I don't want to believe it but it's true," She looked at her right hand, holding it with her other hand as it was hurting now.
"Me too," Portnova snorted, looking outside the van at her left and containing herself to not cry even if it was something she wanted to do.
"I'm sorry," Park said in a low voice, causing Portnova's attention to get on her.
"For what?" Portnova demanded
"About getting angry with you," Park replied, finally turn her head to look at the redhead, keeping her left hand around her right one. "It's not something I want to do but with what happened,"
"I understand," Portnova affirmed, an anger that she was understanding now. "With Zasha & Yirina not with us, it's...painful," She stated, her right hand passing through her face. "We have nothing to find them now," She added, her hands staying on her face as a better way to hide her cries in case.
"Nothing..." Park whispered, closing her eyes, her thinking about what could have happened to Yirina, her Yiri. "It's my fault," She snorted, her hand quickly passing below her nose while Portnova looks at her. "Why did I listen to him?"
"Price," Park responded to Portnova, trying to keep a normal voice now. "He's a good man but...he wanted Yirina to lead the first team...and like an idiot, I accepted to stay with Price's team," She revealed, feeling bad for letting this happen. "I could have maybe avoided this happen but no," She let out a little sigh, looking at her window on her right. "The only thing that I don't understand is why the others didn't come with her,"
"Her & Zasha's team members said that she insisted that they help your team," Portnova told her, remembering the moment that the team recited the events that led to this. "I don't know why...why it happened," She added, adding a little snort again as the first tears starts to come out.
"And now, it's just...worse...bloody worse..." Park proclaimed, her tears coming too out of her right eye. "Portnova, you should get back to the apartment, get some sleep," She advised her, her hand drifting to open her door.
"And you?" Portnova demanded.
"I'll stay here until we found them," Park only replied, opening her door and get out of the car, starting to walk in the elevator's direction.
"Hey, Park, wait for me," Portnova called her out, also getting out of the car. "You're not staying alone to..."
"Portnova, I insist!" Park turned around to look at her, Portnova slamming the door of the car. "Get back to the apartment, go to sleep," She repeated in a clear voice.
"Park, I'm not resting until Zasha & Yirina are found so no, I'm not going back," Portnova declared, making her stand on the subject. "I know that you want to find them, same with me, but if we're two, we can find them quickly," She proposed.
"I do," Park was thinking that Portnova was right about that proposition but... "But, you're tired, go home," She insisted, wanting to resume her walk but her eyes stayed on Portnova. "Listen, I understand that we need to find them quickly but..." She took a deep breath. "I'm not going to close my eyes until we know where they are," She resumed.
"Park," Portnova muttered, walking at a slow pace towards Park. "I know that you're deeply in love with Yirina but let me help you," She proposed again, keeping at least 2 meters between them. "She's my friend and even if she was...away, I don't want to let her down like that," She told her, Park looking down at her feet.
"Okay, okay," Park whispered, resigning herself to let Portnova come with her, gesturing at her before she resumes her walk towards the elevator with her friend. "You're right," She said, entering the elevator with Portnova and pressing a button that closes the door, and then, goes up. Park closes her eyes just to think as the elevator was going up and tears were coming out from her two eyes...
She wanted to find Yirina & Zasha quickly, she don't want to lose her love & her friend!
The only thing that I could do right now was to cry, lamenting myself about what happened after I was left again alone in the dark, laying myself on the ground, keeping my back against the wall as there was nothing that could guide me inside that cell. My hands were acting as a pillow for my head and I wanted to close my eyes to sleep but with what Sarah told me, I was scared to do it, fearing to see myself back in my time when I was tortured or when I was in Verdansk...and with the darkness of the room, there wasn't any difference, my eyes weren't seeing anything...
My thoughts were struggling...struggling to not make Sarah's words true to me but it was a fight that I was unsure to win, her words had hurt me at my highest point that it was almost real to me: a lost woman...trying to gather back the memories that she couldn't remember while the world wants to put an end to this, thinking that she couldn't survive that but she, nonetheless, did. It was me, that lost woman and it's hurting me because it was true for me now...lost in the dark...
In my head, while I was laying down on the ground, trying to find a way to count the time that I'm here...was something I wanted to know. It was feeling like long minutes were passing, nothing that could help me to know which time is it...and I will only know that it's the morning when the sound of that door opening will happen. Even in the dark, my eyes were surely looking in the direction while I decided to get back to sit against the wall, the ground uncomfortable for me and mostly hurting me than making some good.
Now, I was forcing myself to keep my eyes open, looking in front of me but my head was slowly feeling a bit dizzy, slowly making some turn with it, and then, I suddenly start to see...a sort of bright vision in front of me...a sort of light coming to enlighten the room but only for me...and then, the more I was seeing that vision, the more that I could realize what it was...and who it was...seeing...
"Laz...Lazar?" I whispered, my hands over my kneecaps as my eyes were seeing him...in a sort of vision...wearing the same Burger Town shirt. "Is that...you?" I asked him, who was looking at me with a sad face
"Don't lose hope, Yirina," He told me, his voice sounding like a far echo in the back of my head. "You'll be saved," He added.
"I'm...not sure about it," I muttered, looking away from him, still feeling the presence of that vision in front of me in the middle of the room. "I'm already losing hope and been saved..." I couldn't continue that sentence, not for giving false hope.
"Are you giving up?" He asked me.
"No," I replied in an instant, not letting one second between his question and my answer. "I don't want to give up, they want to," I expressed my thought.
"So, show them that you're better than this," He advised me, my eyes going up as he was gesturing with his hands towards me. "You don't want them to make you give up easily like that," He asserted, his voice sounding sure of what he said.
"I do but I'm feeling weak," I stated, trying to clench my right fist but it was like what they injected inside of me...maybe hours ago were still making its effects on me. "I can't even clench my fists," I made him look at them before I resigns, putting the palms of them on my kneecaps. "I want to fight but my body isn't thinking the same way,"
"That's how people are getting broken," Lazar's vision declared in a low voice. "The body is trying to resist torture like a shield to your thoughts...before it broke down either by...force or by ruse," He explained, and by his words, I could understand what he was meaning.
"Like me when...the CIA..."
"Yes, like that," He said, both of us thinking of the same thing. "If you can't pierce the shield, go around it," He whispered.
"Yeah but...I was willing to talk, why did all of this happen?" I demanded, knowing that I wanted to defect that day. "I was ready to talk but Adler..." I took a deep breath, mentioning that name. "Adler still thought that I was lying and...he decides to do that,"
"I can't tell you why he did that, Yirina," Lazar snorted, taking a step towards me and looking down at his feet. "I'm in your head, I'm just trying to help you,"
"Like you always did," I slightly grinned at him. "You've always been like a brother to me," I claimed as he gave me back the same smile as me but then, his vision suddenly disappear from my sight. "Lazar?" I panicked at the moment to not see him.
My eyes were looking around the room, very confused before then, another vision came in front of me but it wasn't him again, no, it wasn't him at all and a smile wasn't going to be made as I slowly realized who it was appearing in front of me...the only person that I didn't want to see since a long time...and it was...none other than...Russell Adler but was wearing the same clothes that he was having in those fake memories of Vietnam, a warpaint on his face with his sunglasses and a green bob over his head.
"You," I mumbled, my hands trying to clench again at his sight as he was sort of walking towards me, holding an M16 in his right hand.
"Come on, Bell, it's crank time," He announced to me, sounding more enthusiastic as he was offering his left hand at me, sort of helping me to get up.
"In your dreams," I muttered, looking away from him. "I didn't do Vietnam," I said to him, shaking my head at this...I didn't do Vietnam, it wasn't my war.
"Bell, stop daydreaming, Sims's waiting for us at the chopper," He told me, keeping his left hand at me, sounding unaware of the situation. "Pretty sure that he's reading his magazines," He stated as I look up, seeing him with a smile.
"Get lost, I'm not Bell," I told him with a face that wasn't friendly for him but he wasn't touched by this, his smile persisting on his face. "You're deaf? I'm not Bell," I repeated in a clear voice.
"It's crank time!" He announced again before suddenly, the light inside the room goes on, Adler's vision disappearing from me like Lazar's one...meaning that we were in the morning...already...
"I hope that you got a bad night, Grigoriev!" I then heard Bellamy's voice as the door was getting open and when it was, I could see him holding a chair in his left hand while behind him, there were Sarah and two hooded persons with him.
"Fuck you," I could only curse at him as he was entering the room with his friends behind him.
"And again, you didn't lose your rude attitude," He scoffed, putting down the chair in the middle of the room, facing the door before he gestured to the two hooded men. "Get her on it," He ordered, the two guards moving to grab me by my arms.
"What the fuck are you planning?" I asked them, impossible for me to oppose any resistance to been grabbed by them up.
"You'll see soon, Bell," Sarah spoke up, looking at me with her hands behind her back as she stays next to the door.
"I'm not Bell!" I raised up my voice as loud as I could to her before the two guards got me to sit on that chair, holding my legs & arms. "I'm not Bell!" I repeated, my eyes looking at her with a deadly glare, not taking attention that the guards were attaching me with ropes to the chair, them wrapping my wrists and legs around.
"We'll see about it," Bellamy stated while the guards were attaching me, making sure that the ropes were holding me firmly. "You see, you were one of us but not anymore," He said, getting in front of me between me & Sarah as she got on his side. "And if you don't want to come back on your own, we'll do it,"
"In your dreams, asshole," I cursed again as the guards were done with me, standing up next to me as I was now finding myself on a chair...like in Verdansk...like 3 years ago...
"We should get her to shut her mouth," Sarah suggested as Bellamy took something out of his jacket.
"I thought about it, don't worry," He proclaimed, having taken a grey tape that he starts to apply over my lips, making me close my mouth.
"Hmmm...mmhmm..." I tried to speak up but the tape covering my mouth was making me inaudible and impossible to make a real sentence.
"That's better," Bellamy scoffed before he turned around to look at Sarah. "Do you have the song?" He demanded before Sarah showed him a headset linked to a grey walkman.
"All ready for her," She replied as she moves in front of me to put the headset on my ears as I was getting scared on the inside, thinking about that memory of Freya & Stitch forcing me to listen to a song. "She should be enjoying that song," Sarah claimed, my eyes at the urge of crying.
"And what now?" Bellamy asked.
"At your guess? The injection before we could play the song," She responded, her hands already moving back inside her jacket and taking it out of it...a syringe, making me freak out to see it as I understand what they were going to do.
"Mmhmm..." I shook my head violently, feeling the first tears coming out of my eyes, the scare taking over me.
"Hold her still," Sarah ordered to the three others and in the second, I could feel their hands holding my head right, impossible for me to move it. "She needs an injection through the eye socket," She told them as she was moving her right hand towards my eyes, trying to close them. "Bellamy, keep her left eye open,"
"Understood," He complied, his index & thumb fingers moving to get my eyelids wide to let my left eye open. "Come on, don't resist," He scoffed, and then, in an instant again, the needle of that syringe entered my eyesocket right through my blue iris as I could feel the dose of it flowing inside my head.
"Good, good," Sarah whispered, taking out the needle of my eyesocket as the others let my head go...my head slowly getting dizzy after that injection. "Now, for the song," She then moves towards the walkman that she put on the ground to activate it as the others except Bellamy start to leave while my eyes' vision was going blurry, especially my left one.
"Bell, we have a..."
"Not now, later, Bellamy," Sarah cut him in as he was going to say the key phrase as I hear the first moments of the song in my ears, my hands trembling at it. "We will come back in an hour for another injection," She told him, leading him outside the room before they closed the door, the light going off with that music in my ears, a sound of a guitar before it stopped...
"Only you...can make...this world...seem right!"
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