#then you might actually be able to get some pretty powerful fusions of resonators and tacet discords
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about your post about echos and people fusing, im pretty sure thats what the fractsidus are doing.
there was one sidequest in mt firmament where, iirc, they go fuse a guy with one of those lightcrusher things (im pretty sure it failed but i cant remember very well lol).. and in a few quests, specifically that one tutorial quest with the big tree, there are echoes who are friendly and have their own personalities.. so i think its definitely possible that an echo and a person willingly fuse with each other, and a cool concept worth exploring
well - yes and no.
you see, in pokemon sun/moon, said antagonist was entirely conscious (albeit probably off the deep end), the entire time they were fused with said pokemon. that being said, given pokemon's history of alluding that some of the monsters are fully sentient and conscious (and maybe once formerly humans), the specific pokemon was also very aware and conscious of this action. (i wont go into the deep dive of this game really, it's my favorite but i wont lore dump here)
that being said, the side quest does in fact clue us in that they are trying to fuse people and tacet discords.
but i think there's a few things to note here that draw the biggest differences between pokemon and wuthering waves:
not all tacet discords seem sentient, and there actually only seems to be a handful that are fully conscious and capable of thought/emotion.
tacet discords have a very particular nature in most of what we see: they are hungry, always. in order to sustain form, they must consume frequencies, often driving them to kill and destroy others in order to consume and stabilize themselves.
the fractsidus are shown to take participants, willing or not. i would not call "apprehension to fuse with a monster" exactly willingly or, in the case of the pokemon story, enthusiastic. they're willing to do a lot of shady shit regardless of subject's feelings, including coercing one of their own.
possible? yes. stable? highly unlikely.
in mt. firmament, they fused a lightcrusher with a, for lack of better term, "brawn over brain" kind of guy, who was not exactly nearly as enthusiastic as the others. something i feel important to also note is that none of the others were exactly jumping at the chance.
i think in order for it to actually be useful, and work, you'd need a tacet discord with basically sentinel levels of consciousness and understanding - or at the least, the mourning aix's understanding and intelligence, with someone who is also willing and accepting of the realities of what they could become.
in essence, you need both parties to be "on the same frequency" so to speak.
with current set of tacet discords, i don't think it'd be possible to be stable, and i imagine it will end the same way it did with the fractsidus and lightcrusher: you're killing two frequencies in one body.
i do think that in certain areas with certain tacet discords it's definitely a high probability but can't help but wonder how stable that the frequencies will remain, and if the human inside the fusion will suddenly realize their predicament and become panicked.
truly an ant realizes the universe type madness, i feel.
anyways, take what i say with a grain of salt. i have lots of thoughts and lots of interest in this subject and i am definitely not a scientist working for the fractsidus clearly, obviously, right? right.
:] thanks for making me think about this though, i have much to consider on how this would work.
#wuwa#wuthering waves#mt. firmament is such an interesting place#a lot happens there that makes me think .. what if?#cause in theory#if you don't succumb to the “ant realizes it's place” issue#then you might actually be able to get some pretty powerful fusions of resonators and tacet discords#imagine having the power of rover and the body and power of sentinel jue#all compacted into one#can't imagine that would go well#if the goals and methods are not precise#it will surely fail
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Here is my submission for @dribbonart 's amedot fusion competition! I like her a lot, although there are a couple of things I probably could have done a bit better lol
Steven is there for height comparison. All of the text on the page is in the alt text :)
I have A LOT of notes under the cut, which can get a bit stream-of-consciousness-y (because I can never just be chill about something bsdjaksjdlskd),, so I apologise in advance for how long it is 😭
Early research notes:
Mixing amethyst and peridot's skin colours together gets you a kind of sage green colour, so I researched to light green gems
Aventurine stuck out to me as it was the only one i found where it was actually described as sage green, so i thought 'that's perfect' lol
A lot of the healing properties of green aventurine I think resonate with both amethyst and peridot's personalities, from its promotion of friendship to its emission of positive energy
I liked that one of the sites i used to research aventurine mentioned ancient civilisations' usage of green aventurine and i wanted to incorporate that into the fusion's design/personality
It's important to me for her to have aspects of both amethyst and peridot shown in the design somewhere. Most of the time when i design fan fusions I do this in their hair, which is not different this time. I made her hair long, with a bushy tail on her braid representing amethyst, and her three skull braids representing peridot's triangle hair. Her hair is also in a braid bc when i hear the word adventure for some reason the first thing i think of is Lara Croft so,,, thats why i gave her a braid 😅
I wanted her body design to kind of resemble athleisure-wear since she loves relaxing but can get up and go at any point, ready for adventure! She also doesn't need to be complicated. I don't think she needs extra limbs etc since she has her vision power.
Obviously the crystal gems are very important to both amethyst and peridot, so I wanted to give her at least one star on her body. Her torso seemed like the most obvious place, but I'm not sure if she should have more elsewhere, too. The star on her torso can be like a tattoo.
I think she would be very intense in her love for her friends, which might make people uncomfortable. She will back off if she senses this, but she means well I promise!!
She can be spontaneous when it comes to her adventuring, sometimes dragging Steven and the other gems from their beds to go on a Cool Adventure (pearl is NOT a fan of this lmao)
When I say 'adventuring' I really mean just travelling and/or exploring new places, which could be anything from a new city to a deep jungle. Normally these adventures don't last longer than a couple of days... unless they get lost..........
A few amedot related rambles notes:
One of my favourite things about amedot is that they're sooo opposite. I'm such a big opposites-attract truther almost everything I ship there's one puppy dog and one wet cat there's nothing i love more than polar opposite pairings <3
With that said they also share a few things (cough being short asses cough) such as their love of their friends (even if they show it in different ways) and they can both be pretty headstrong. They both had their own journeys - amethyst with her self confidence and feeling inferior, and peridot with unlearning the system of homeworld and the traditions she was so used to. They both had to learn how to love themselves enough to be able to stand up for what they believe in and to let themselves be true to themselves (i hope that makes sense lol)
I think their opposing traits can be quite complementary. Peridot is quite intense; she gets excited about her favourite things and she gets embarrassed easily. Amethyst is more laid-back and tends to roll her own way. They complement each other well.
More refined notes:
Amethyst's personality: Mellow Lazy/messy (affectionate) Improved self-esteem Fiercely loyal
Peridot's personality: Self-confident Smart (robotics) Analytical Intense interests/personality Learned to enjoy life/appreciate Earth
Aventurine properties:
Name comes from Italian for adventure
Known as a heart-healer for it's relation to the heart chakra
Said to bring prosperity in all facets of life
Emits a positive energy, slows overactive minds, guides lost spirits, promotes friendships
Ancients Tibetans used it in statues, believing it's glimmer gave them higher vision
Amazon tribes used it in jewellery, believing it gave their royalty and warriors guidance in battles
Aventurine personality:
Enjoys seeking adventure but really values her downtime
Adores her friends - loyal
Can take charge if needed
Can be spontaneous with adventuring
Emotional decision-maker
Although she is very smart, she tends to think with her heart rather than her head
She has a special power - higher vision grants her the ability to see for miles and can focus in any person/thing in the present
Similar to Sapphire's future vision but stays in the present
She gets her street smarts and go-with-the-flow attitude from Amethyst
She gets her intense love and confidence from Peridot
Hyper but content in life
#in which i discover i cant fucking draw steven universe himself 😭😭#amedot contest#amedot#su amethyst#su peridot#su oc#steven universe#aventurine
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i'm sure u meant most of this as retorical but imma use it to infodump anyways
ALRIGHT SO digimon are technically creatures that exist in a kind of cyberspace (or in some series a different dimension that is accessed through cyberspace), but for simplicity's sake you can understand them basically as creatures that exist in another dimension that is closely tied to the 'real' world. the vast majority are fully sentient and capable of human speech (mostly it's just the baby digimon that can't talk, but there are some other cases where they're more animal-like in behavior. but in general it's safe to assume any digimon is sentient and can talk no matter how much they just look like some animal)
most digimon just kinda. live their lives. some wander the forest and hunt other digimon and others live in communities and villages that they build and maintain themselves with 0 human influence. typically when they evolve it's a one and done deal and they're now forever that evolution (like with pokemon) (until/unless they evolve again. there's USUALLY 6 evolution stages but most digimon don't reach the final stages unless partnered with a human)
SOME digimon though become partners to humans (usually it's a one digimon per human kind of thing), typically either thru fate/destiny (technically it's more complicated than that but it varies by series and explaining it fully will only be more confusing) matching them with a human partner they'll be able to resonate and form a bond with, or by naturally meeting a human that they just hit it off with and decide to stay with. through having a bond with a human, and (usually) a device called a digivice (in the fate/destiny scenario this comes as a package deal with getting a digimon partner) they're able to temporarily evolve to further stages, and then de-evolve back to their previous stage (typically they stay in the 3rd stage most of the time, with the first 2 being baby stages).
so it's not really a 'capture a human woman and use them to fight animals' situation, but rather a 'befriend a sapient animal and then through the power of friendship it turns into a super strong human woman to beat up other animals to protect you' type deal.
on the evolution side of things- digimon evolutions are often less straightforward than pokemon evolutions. some of them DO have pretty straightforward progression, like agumon-
but then some of them are also wierd as hell like tailmon
they also have branching evolutions, unlike (most) pokemon, so 2 digimon of the same species might evolve into 2 different digimon. by which i mean... well, here's a tiny selection of other evolution paths for tailmon
usually they don't change their evolution even after de-evolving. so like, if your cat evolves into a woman it's not going to be a bug or a different woman next time you evolve it (it's different in some of the games for y'know. gameplay reasons. but i'm mostly referring to the lore of the various tv series here)
it's also generally implied that how they're raised impacts their evolution path. this can mean that if someone is cruel to their digimon partner it will evolve into a bloodthirsty monster (though typically this is reversible and if they de-evolve and you start raising them with care they'll evolve differently next time)
theres a lot more lore thats very confusing out of context (what the thing i'm nebulously referring to fate/destiny here ACTUALLY is, fusion and armor evolution, crests, hybrids, reincarnation, etc...) but like that's the basic gist of how digimon work
so you get isekai'd and get a government assigned talking monster friend who turns into a bigger monster or sometimes a human person to fight off other monsters and monster-humans trying to kill you for whatever personal reason they have to try to kill you. simple
I love digimon cause u can say shit like 'the gun digimon' or 'the bondage digimon' and it's like yeah man there's at least 5 of those. which one
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