#then when race is brought up with how they treat nb women vs black women they bash them
tariah23 · 3 months
He apparently has 2 kids with 2 different women and doesn't take care of either of them
Women, I will protect you-
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#a damn shame… I’d expect nothing less from someone with those ideologies though#they shame women for having children and not ‘settling’ with these men who treat them like garbage#because for them it’s not REALLY about the women themselves it’s about a woman having the audacity to leave them#so they talk down on them for having kids and not being married while these same dudes would have like 20 other kids who they don’t even#know exist and will still think that they’re a good personsjjsj#the patriarchy has these negros and just men in general cooked#they wield it the same way white ppl use their whiteness to get ahead and punch down on black and brown ppl#and when it comes to black men…. I have sm to say but I don’t even feel like getting into it dkkssjm#they want all of the perks white men have and treat BW like diarrhea for free though#then when race is brought up with how they treat nb women vs black women they bash them#but whenever white women and nb ppl confront them about how they treat BM it’s crickets#or when other prominent bm actually challenge their misogynoir#they literally have nothing to say back other than ‘BM got attitude problems and they’re MEAN to us 🤕-‘#skksksk#so imagine having a kid with someone who thinks like this… I’m sure they aren’t black 😭#if this is all true about this loser than I think he has more important things to think about than getting on tik tok to bash women for not#being in a relationship and having kids 😭…. weirdo#tkf replies#spaceshipsandpurpledrank#dr umar is…. a lot of things lmfao but I still like those videos of him getting in the asses is other black men with Kevin samuels brainrot#at least the nigga is hilarious
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the-ronan-cycle · 5 years
Diverse Book Recs
I recently typed up a list of books for a friend who said she’d stopped reading because she couldn’t find diverse/queer books. This list is predominately focused on queer diversity but there’s also lot’s of super awesome ladies and poc here too. The list is also in two parts, the first are all books that I’ve read myself and include me trying to give a summary, content warnings (If I can remember, I can’t guarantee they’re all exhaustive.) and a rating. The second part has books on my to read list that, to my knowledge, have queer characters. All of the titles are linked to their goodreads page.
I Was Born For This - Alice Oseman
A Hijabi ace fangirl goes to London on a week long trip to meet her internet friend and go to the concert of her favourite band. Jimmy, the trans, gay, mixed race, mentally ill singer for said band is figuring out how growing up famous has changed himself and his friends. They cross paths and stuff happens. A really interesting look into fan culture, both the good and the bad. Really fun characters and relationships. Written by the same person who does the Heartbreaker webcomic. CW: alcoholic behavior, brief mention of unintentional trans outing 4.5/5
The Raven Cycle - Maggie Stiefvater
Welsh mythology meets small town Virginia. Gorgeous, poetic writing by Stiefvater tells the surreal story of a group of teenagers on the search for a lost welsh king and wish foretold if one wakes him. Along the way they discover the power of ley lines, dreams, and ~friendship~. One of the main characters (my favourite character) is canon queer (he’s into a girl and guy but like, the word bi isn’t explicitly said) and one of the other main characters is canon gay. It’s a difficult story to describe but it’s such a fascinating read. CW: child abuse, alcohol and drug abuse, there’s a scene in the second book that I think the author confirmed was sexual assault 5/5
Shades of Magic Series - V.E. Schwab
Avatar the last airbender meets pirates and royalty and multiverses. In this world there are 4 earths that intersect at London. Kell is one of the only two people who can travel between Londons. Grey London is our world, Red London is Kell’s, full of magic. White London is a wasteland barren of magic and ruled by bloodthirsty twins. Black London is dead. The main cast of Kell, Lila Bard, a pirate thief who gets caught up in the adventure, Rhy, the (gay? Bi? I forget lol) prince of Red London, and Alucard, (also gay? Or bi?) actual pirate have to save the multiverse! Lots of great subplots, written by a queer woman and impossible to put down. If you saw me with my kindle in class after winter last year, it was because I literally couldn’t stop reading. CW: frankly it’s been too long since I read it im sorry 5/5
Leah on the Offbeat/Simon vs the Homosapiens Agenda - Becky Albertalli
Simon Vs is the book Love Simon is based on. Simon (gay) has a mystery pen pal, Blue. All he knows is that Blue also goes to Creekwood High and is gay. But Simon leaves the emails open on a school computer because he’s a dumbass and then also an ass but the bad kind, Martin finds them and blackmails Simon. It’s similar to the movie but I prefer the book! There are some scenes and plot points that didn’t make it in. Also his friends don’t suck as much when he’s outed. Leah on the OffBeat is the sequel about Simon’s friend, Leah. She’s bi! Simon thought all his friends were straight but jkjkjk gays flock together. Cute wlw high school story. CW: character is outed against their will, underage drinking  SVTHA 5/5 LOTO 4/5
The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue - Mackenzi Lee
Main character is a total slut and we support him. Bi and ready to party. But wait it’s the 1800s and that’s not super chill. In a final hurrah before he has to become master of his family estate, Henry Montague takes his best friend (gay and also ready to party) and, reluctantly, his little sister  (ace and ready to be a doctor) on a tour of the continent. Along the way they discover a plot and their trip turns upside down. There’s pirates! Period accurate medicine! Characters unlearning their prejudices! CW: Child abuse, period typical homophobia, sexism and racism 4/5
Captive Prince Trilogy - C.S. Pacat
hEAR ME OUT. This is probably my favourite series I’ve ever read. You’ve heard of enemies to lovers? Get ready for enemies to friends to lovers to enemies to allies to lovers! Crown Prince Damianos of Akielos is caught up in a coup lead by his half brother and sent to the enemy nation of Vere to be a pleasure slave for their crown prince, Laurent. Now here you think it’s gonna be some kinky sex romp but it actually becomes the best political intrigue with a thoughtful, loving, very vanilla romance. “If you gave me your heart, I would treat it tenderly”. Dw they only have sex after the whole slave thing is over. Also, they abolish slavery so there’s that. If you don’t like the first book,  I get it but just try the second book, the tone changes with the change of setting. The author does some really interesting stuff with her setting. Typically writers will just make society reflect our by default but Pacat threw that out, homophobia? Never heard of her. In Vere it’s actually taboo for men and women to have sex before marriage because of the threat of bastards. So everyone just is gay instead. You want a matriarchal warrior women country? Pacat has got your back. The series does lack in well written women. There are a few women but not enough, Pacat has talked about this and is basically like, u right, I’ll do better in my next series. Written by a queer WOC (kinda? Woc is the wrong word but just read these tweets where she describe it better than i ever could)  and I love it, the end. CW: child abuse, child sexual abuse, incest, rape, sex slavery, prostitution, graphic violence, non consensual drug consumption, child death, suicide, torture, animal death (also it should be obvious but none of these things are glorified, the abuser is the worst and he sucks and everyone hates him) 6/5
Carry On - Rainbow Rowell
Based on the Harry Potter parody series from Rowell’s book Fangirl. Simon Snow (doesn’t ever figure out his sexuality but had a girlfriend and boyfriend) is the chosen one, orphaned and brought to a magical boarding school, must save magical britain from evil. His best friend, book smart Penelope and his (possibly evil and a vampire? Also gay) roommate Baz must work together to defeat the humbug. This book has a really fantastic closed magic system and gives the character very clear limits. CW: rat death? 5/5
Queer There and Everywhere - Sarah Prager
A nonfiction book about 23 people throughout history that were both queer and very cool. From Frida Kahlo and Abraham Lincoln to the actual Danish Girl and Kristina Vasa, Prager dives into the lives of many historical figures who were also queer. A really wide gamut of women, men and nb, cis and trans, white and poc. Could have had more historical figures from the east. A fun, easy read. Made me cry, i want lesbian moms. 4/5
Huntress - Malinda Lo
It’s been a few years since I read this so bear with me. Cool magic girl main character and less magic but also cool other girl as well as a misfit group including the prince and a badass lady named shae (hell yeah) have to go into the fae world to right the magical imbalance of their world. Wlw, written by a queer woc CW: I don’t remember sorry 4/5
Outrun the Wind - Elizabeth Tammi
(I’m actually only half way through this) (Also it’s written by a mutual of mine on tumblr so that’s tight) A queer retelling of the greek myth of Atalanta. Atalanta (bi) is taken by the hunters of Artemis and has to help them defeat Apollo who’s being shitty. Wlw, written by a bi lady CW: animal death
Iron Breakers trilogy - Zaya Feli
Bastard Prince (queer), Ren, is happy to be out of the line of succession and just party it up but suddenly is framed for the murder of his brother and on the run along with a prisoner who escaped with him. Ren is faced with realities of y’know, not being a prince and decides to help save his country. Political intrigue with some twists I didn’t guess. MLM CW: slavery, graphic violence 4.5/5
All for the Game trilogy - Nora Sakavic
Think dark, queer, sports anime but with a co-ed team. Neil Josten (demi sexual- “which way do you swing? “I don’t?”) is on the run from his mob boss, murderer father and finds himself on the collegiate exy team of the palmetto foxes. Exy, a violent cross between lacrosse and soccer is Neil’s favourite thing but the team is made up of misfits. Neil has to survive both his father and the Raven’s (another exy team) owner, another mob boss, coming for him and his team. Super fast paced, very intense, after the first book I couldn’t put it down. The characters are all super interesting as are the relationships. Multiple mlm relationships, one briefly mentioned wlw couple CW: (o boy here we go) suicide, graphic violence, graphic torture, non consensual drug consumption, alcohol and drug abuse, prescription drug abuse, non consensual kissing, rape, child sexual abuse, sex work, mention of gay conversion therapy, discussion of self harm and self harm scars, child abuse 4.5/5
The Posterchildren - Kitty Burroughs
It’s been years since I read this so I really don’t remember much. It’s about a school for superheroes. Definitely wlw I don’t remember any else 4/5
Six of Crows Duology - Leigh Bardugo
A misfit group of criminals is hired to travel north to break into an impregnable prison. The cast of characters is lovable and the plot is fast paced. It’s set in the same universe as Bardugo’s first series but you don’t need to read them. (I did and they were ok but six of crows is better). Two of the main characters are mlm. CW: gore, graphic violence, child abuse 4.5/5
The Percy Jackson Series and Magnus Chase Series
I don’t need to describe these lol. PJO has two canon gay characters, the most recent series has lesbian and ace huntresses of artemis, and a bi main character. Magnus Chase has a non binary main character starting in the second book.
On My To-Read List:
Orlando - Virginia Woolf
I love her writing, it’s poetic without hurting my brain to read. This is a classic queer novel. It’s been said that Woolf wrote it as a “love letter” to Vita, her lover. The main character changes gender throughout the novel.
Stars in Her Eyes - Clare C. Marshall
I bought a copy of the first book in this series from the author at a convention last summer. It’s about a school for people with powers. I asked and apparently there’s a queer character but you don’t find out til the second book.
Ash - Malinda Lo
A wlw retelling of cinderella by the same author as Huntress.
The Academy Journals - Garrett Robinson
Apparently there’s trans, lesbian, gay, poly, ace, bi, pan! It’s about a magical school. It has really good reviews on goodreads so that’s promising
The Abyss Surrounds Us - Emily Skrutskie
There’s gay lady space pirates. Actually maybe not space? Idk i got space vibes
Vicious/Vengeful - V.E. Schwab
A story about moral greyness and supervillains. Kinda reminds me of Nimona tbh. I heard the main character is ace?
Our Bloody Pearl - D.N. Brynn
There’s mermaids, and pirates, and it’s gay apparently. The main character uses they them pronouns I think.
Breaking Legacies - Zoe Reed
Fantasy wlw by a trans dude (i think? They went through some sort of gender transition but i can’t find their pronouns)
The Dark Wife - S.E. Diemer
A wlw retelling of Hades and Persephone
The High Court Series - Megan Derr
Fantasy political intrigue mlm and I was told the main character is trans
Btw my rating system was basically:
4/5=i enjoyed reading it and would recommend it but probably wouldn’t read it again
4.5/5=I really liked it and would probably reread it
5/5= i love it, i either have or plan to reread it
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colorisbyshe · 7 years
As Mao pointed out, any study which doesn't control for race and class is going to be unreliable/have methodological flaws bc race is inherently tied in with class and any study which treats the experiences of (e.g) white and black lesbians as basically interchangeable is missing out on absolutely huge amounts of detail. That's a *major* glaring problem with that study, especially if you want to apply that data to, say, Latina bisexuals.
I mean, I get that. But that is true of EVERY study EVER done on LGBT issues, so I don’t know why that was being brought out just for this one study.
Like, yes, the data isn’t properly showing the nuance of how black lesbians are affected by domestic violence vs latina bisexuals, I am assuming (perhaps wrongly) that each group had a level of variety of race s if the samples were actually random.
So, like, if they had 30 people: 10 for straight, 10 for bi, and 10 for gay (which even then would be too simple and is missing gender stuff), then each of the ten would have approx the same racial breakdown. So that we can take the numbers and make a VERY generalized assumption (that of course would need more follow up for nuance) of “bisexuals of a variety of races experience more domestic violence than gay/straight people of a similar variety of races.”
It’s sort of like the wage gap. Like, I can make the blanket statement “women make less than men on the dollar.” And then we go on from there to say “well, actually compared to white women, latina and black women make less.”
Like, the blanket statement that incorporates all races is true–women of all races make less than men of the same race–and then from there we move on and recognize how white women actually make more than most men of color.
I was just making the blanket statement of “bisexuals are abused more and suffer more mental illness than straight/gay people.” OBVIOUSLY when you apply literally ANY other factor to that–cis vs trans, race, socioeconomic standing, disability, male vs female vs nb–that is going to have more nuance.
I know the basics of how intersectional identities work.
But I wasn’t talking about the specifics of how obviously a cis white bisexual man who was born into wealth is not going to face the same abuse as a black trans woman who was born below the poverty line.
Because that’d be an entirely different discussion from the one I was having. Like, we can have discussions about how there should be spaces for different LGBT people of color and programs to address poverty and all of that. Those are very important issues. I would never dismiss how race and socioeconomic standing affect lgbt issues.
I was just making the very, very simple statement of “bisexuals may need their own spaces to talk about the abuse they face and the isolation they feel” because AS A GENERAL RULE the abuse bisexuals face comes from cishets who think we’re faking it to convert them or that we’re dirty and tainted. And then we face additional isolation because we’re in these shitty and harmful relationships and we’re suddenly “too straight” for the lgbt community so we have no where else to turn but to other bi people because this is a unique struggle bi people face.
That’s it! Can these scenarios be complicated by anything from gender/gender alignment to race and ethnicity to disability to financial status to neurodivergence to literally any marginalized status ever? Of course. Of course!
But I was talking in broad strokes about the alienation bi people may experience from gay people in relation to these two very specific issues.
And Mao ASSUMED I was referencing a study that blamed lesbians for bisexual woman’s abuse (I was not and even specifically talk at length about how bisexuals need to talk about unhealthy M/F relationships in the post they responded to) and was angry about that. Which Mao admitted was a misunderstanding but is still blaming me for… for reasons.
Like? Enoughtohold’s post debunks a point I wasn’t making and made a point Mao wasn’t making either, so they were literally just throwing that at me to prove that bisexuals IN GENERAL never face higher rates of domestic violence which is patently false and biphobic to boot.
Yes, we should have conversations about how race intersects with gender and sexuality. Always. But I don’t think Mao was doing that in good faith because when I asked genuine questions out of confusion, I was blocked and told to “think about it for two weeks.”
Which isn’t having a discussion on race and sexuality and abuse, it’s leaving me with questions and literally no way to better myself because even the post Mao later linked to in a passive aggressive reblog… didn’t address race, sexuality, and abuse.
Which should also be discussed in bisexual spaces and I never said it couldn’t be.
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