#then what did they just lose him forever…theyre out there somewhere??? he could see them again in this au??? dont make me hope yall
cardiacass · 10 months
I just saw the new one piece Gakeun chapter and
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Through really bad google translate it looks like
1. Laws family is still alive
2. Hes the only one who contracted amber lead, its treated as a rare(?) disease
3. His dad couldnt treat him, despite being a doctor
4. He fked off on his own because people still treated him like shit for being ill (unclear why, i guess its the same fear of contagious disease thing?)
5. Dolflamingo storyline is kept the same (Law says smth abt still wanting to take revenge on the cruel world), corazon gives him his devil fruit
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Cora’s alive and living in a secret bunker with Law and Onigiri………
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bewarethegrim · 2 years
Rereading some of Pete Wentz's old blog posts and found the most harringrove entry.
[noone ever fell in love with anyone because of empty pockets or red splotched eyes. drove around for hours tonight just to keep myself from feeling anchored. weighed down. to keep my mind off thinking about what kids like me deserve. desperation isnt a strong enough word (but it will have to do). my wrists are only black and blue cause i don’t got the balls. nothing gets you ready to have every single word dissected and put under a microscope. i got ringing in my ears but none on my fingers. i got sunsets in the veins on my wrists. we’re not just falling in love anymore, we’re demanding it. im the latest bloomer (dried out my wet dreams and saved them for a rainy day). i can still see you standing on my front porch- slowed my own thoughts down to a single blade of grass. you couldnt catch my eye cause i was too busy rolling them. the buttons on one side of your coat that wouldnt snap on the other side. they were just for fashion not for function you told me. you were pretty for a boy. it made me laugh when i thought of it, im sorry i wasnt laughing at what you were saying. it makes me laugh still- when im driving around for hours at night. id love to swerve off and blame it on the fog, but ive been talking on these roads too much lately. theyd spill all my secrets. this city won’t let me go.]
This first half is Billy, talking about how he feels stuck in Hawkins. His thoughts a cycle of the slurs and insults his dad throws at him, and the shameful fact that his dad isn't wrong. He looks at Steve and thinks he's pretty, and it makes him want to die but at the time time it makes him want to laugh because who would've thought his old man would be right? But he chooses to laugh because that's just easier. He drives, he drives too fast, and he thinks about how easy it would be to lose control. Just another tragic accident, but is anyone suprised? Tragic deaths are what kids like Billy deserve.
[im sure theyd lock me up somewhere if anyone saw me at 23 sneaking into cemetaries. taking pills to make me feel okay sleeping in the grass just above you. the sirens find me at the first light. my lips cracked and dried from the tears, i'll probably die a cliche. flash the lights to kissing boys. provocative. i promise you i wont ever have another afternoon like when we used to sneak out of school and drive the lakeshore. noone will ever sound as cool as you. we built cool. we made up style. we set the standard and theyre all just trying to live up to it. if theres nobody who thinks like us anymore. untouchable is unlovable. you always have me humming in my head just out of key. i bought an alarm clock just so i could hit the snooze button. whats the point in getting out of bed anymore if you only get out to say you did. if you could love the biggest fraud or the best liar- then im your prince. i was made just for fashion not for function.]
The second half is Steve. He finds the letter years after Billy has died. But as he reads it over and over again, he can't help but feel like it's not complete. So he sits down at Billy's grave like he so often does and he writes. Be writes how he feels like he's empty, unlovable and broken. Hidden behind years of lies and NDAs, no one could ever know the real him. He could never explain the scars, the nightmares, the paranoia. He finds solace in his memories of warm days spent with Billy at the Quarry. Billy telling him tales of California, and promising he'd take Steve to the beach, a real beach, once he'd saved up enough money to move back home. An event that never happened because Billy died before he could. He died in the town he felt stuck in and now he was truly stuck forever, under the grass and dirt below Steve's feet. Steve wonders how long it'll take him to join Billy down there?
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gayspock · 2 years
ok im into generations
right so i wasnt sute about this one bc ok as ive said im not a huge tng fan + combine that with what ive heard about kirk in this one im kinda really scared 3:
also update: we got to order indian which my family usually arent onboard with but... :3 idc... im enjoying it yammy yammyyyyyyy
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god seriously though im trying not to be emo im meant to be watching these to not be emo but it does make me sad sometimes even watching stories like these thinking about where im gonna be if i make it to my 60s onwards like kirk + knowing i wont even have enterprise moments to look back on something something i never lived instead there was just a sad little hollow existence ... you guysknow what i mean. i wish i could be in the stars forever....
also it is funny how like so many of the trek movies are about how washed up kirk is its so fucking funny like we've been doing this bit since motion picture LOL
fucking connor typica- TIM RUSS?
if theres one thing about tim russ is that he'll be in a star trek showw or movie it doesnt even matter any more-
hi guinan . what the dickens.
also guys i ate too much food tummy hurt
also woag... 78 years later
come on kirk lets go girlie
the enterrprise is seriously like the pear wiggler
OH GOD IMAGINE BEING CAPTAIN CONNOR ROY. sorry i dont remember his seriouss name
.... hi picard. i guess. 😒
also god everyone can we be hoenst i did start to not like data as much not so much because of the show but basically just existing in fan space kind of really started to ruin him as a character for me but i will be honest him pushing bevs into the water and everyone being mad bc he just tried to match their energy yeah okay i feel that data sniff okay
so is this where they find kirk
you know whats fucked up is spock is still alive somewhere ... ugh thatbreaks my heart SORRY. [looks shy] LIKE ... I ASSUME KIRK DIES BEFORE THE END OF THE MOVIE SO THEY NEVER MEET AGAIN FUCKING FINE DOES ANYONE TELL HIM WHAT HAPPENED THOUGH I'M- im going to kill myself
fucking hell though imagine if you pulled
i'll kms
he doesnt keep it thoughdoes he like
i feel like there is a way to do the emotion chip imagine if theyused it as a metaphor forlike.. masking, maybe and it really just made it all the worse for him and he rejected it bc he- YOU KNOW HES HAD EMOTIONS ALL ALONG THEYRE JUST NO THTE SAME AS YOURS ... I HATE MY LIFE I HATE ALL OF- BONG
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me: gosh golly i mean how can i articulate my emotions regarding the emotion chip
also this cunt soran is just dickin about innit also do i just recognise him ta clockwork orange posters (has never seen the actual movie) where else have i seen him has he just got a face on him or what
also you'd think regarding the data chip there'd be more of a fuss about him sticking it in considering what occurred to lore
thatbing said im also a little sad like hes just learnt humour ITS RATHER NOVEL TO HIM . SORRY IF THAT MAKES ME SICK TO DEFEND IT.
THATS SO FUNNY SORRY i shouldnt laugh
you know what thats also funny to think about how like picard and such would have like super HD pics of them as kids do you know what i mean because when i see older people i think god theres only shitty pics of you when you were little bc cameras wont commonpla-
sorry picard is crying
i feel uncomfortable
dont fucking do that im a capricorn i w
"the closest i'd get to having a child of my own" wyou've got some juice in you old man come on get fucking then
anyway what i was sayinh oh yes the pictures its strange i guess thinking about them being so farin the future sometimes when it comes to little things
what i will say is the second a klingon woman shows up with brilliant cleavage im like on my knees begging and i dont even know what for half the time im just like [whining noise] .. uhm. god i hope people dont read these lbs anyways
can we be nice to geordi for once- MORE NORMALYOU'LL END UP ON YOUR ASS CUNT
if i was data and i was feeling emotions for the first time i'd be crying throwing up being sick gaspig for geordi. i know this because im doing it anyways and im not even involved really
also again me watching trek movies to escape my existential dread but good heavens every single time they get super existential wrt time and whatnot STOP IT. QUIT IT OUT
"the only engineer in starfleet that doesnt go to engineering" HELP LEA HIM AL-GJA0-GKAGKS[DGOSD[GOSDG
ok his cute little doo doo doo okay
god it wouldnt be a star trek movie if we didnt blow the shit out of the enterprise
dont get me wrong her hair is gorgeous still but ugh i wish troi got to have her little curlie whirlies
i need the klingon woman to
stop sentence
theyve exploded now so i'll behave
also we're like an hour in and kirk hasnt reappeared which makes this hysterically funny if theyre going to have him pop up again for 0,2 seconds and then axe him like jesus christ way to kill him off thats so funny like is any of this worth it im bewildered
also i said it earlier but i cant tell if soran(?) actually does look like jeff rom community or if im just focussing on the hairline am i crazy
CAPTAIN picard waking up in - oh my god............. this is scary
whos his wifey okay
generic woman thats so funny . kill yourself beverly crusher
rene ... sorry its so easy to forget picard is literally FRENCH with a BRITISH accent. double homicide. christ
hi guinan
also okay lets talk more about this movie. gusy lets talk about this movie.
"but these are all mine" is such a hysterically funny way to think of your kids
aww he has a doggy and a clock with bones and-
i love kirk im sorry i stand by it when he just fucking has a new woman every fucking day of the week why not .. have fun
"youre a starfleet officer. you have a duty." I MEAN HE WAS LIKE... LITERALLY KIND OF RETIRING MAN IN FAIRNESS.
why are they bonding over their lack of families . lonely middleaged men well. theres a solution like well
maybe boost . sorry not boost. "boost". i mean but the ghosts that boost reported. were right. and they should just have gay sex here to solve their problems . fill the holes in your hearts and the holes well i didnt say that who said that
AGAIN i guess they didnt want to isolate the audiences or whatever but god wouldnt it just . i dont know work better if you even chose carol and david or something like FUCKING ANTONIA. HELP. AND IS ANTONIA IN THE ROOM RIGHT NOW
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and bones could be too i dont know he was alive in ep 1 of tng but frankly well yeah
so is james t kirk literally going to die HERE now because thats so funny imagine that youre stuck in limbo for 80 years and then you get out and instantly eat shit i mean theres a way to do that gracefully i think but this obviously well
also why do so many of kirks lines sound... whats the word? recorded and added back in later?i forget the term but it sou-
god how are we... are we just burying him here, too? like good lord i dont know what i expected cant we... i dont know. christ . it feels so messed up to see kirk die and have a moment with PICARD sbeing the only person just standing over his grave and for him-
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i will also say going back its always so funny how they do that bit with like ahhh damn the starfleet officers cant have families bc im sure theyve touched upon it with riker too but also like. thats just what makes sisko the fucking best isntit . HAHAHAAHHAHAAH., GOT EM
thanks riker. swing your big dick aaround
also can i be honest i didnt care about enterprise d being destroyed. smirk. there i said it. i wept in search for spock i will say i will profess to that but that was like real thi wasn stop imr emeebring
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shhhhyoursister · 3 years
childhood friends to lovers!au
yes i am uploading these all at the same time what about it???? yeah so this the one where david is a rich kid who is “forced” to play with matteo (who is autistic in this au) but of course they become best friends because theyre soulmates so ahh i hope you like it!!!
He knows that he shouldn’t be climbing the tree.
His mom has told him at least a hundred times that he shouldn’t. She always tells him that he’s going to fall, bump his head or break his arm, and he needs to come down right this second or he’s going to bed without any dessert which is almost always enough to convince him.
He wraps his legs tight around the branch he’s on and let’s himself fall backwards, hanging with his head poking out just enough under the lowest leaves so he can see if anyone is there. He knows that Laura is doing schoolwork and his mom had been cooking something last he saw her, and he thinks it’s still too early for his dad to be home from work. His eyes scan the huge backyard, and, seeing nobody, he grins and grabs onto the branch to swing himself back up.
He stands, looking down at the dark blue velcro sneakers that he had begged for last time his mom had taken him shoe shopping, and starts walking across the branch like a tightrope. He holds his arms out, careful not to knock into any leaves  or twigs jutting out at him. He gets to an upward curve in the branch and puts a foot on it.
It’s higher than he’s climbed before. Usually by this point someone has noticed that he’s gone, his mom or Laura bursting through the glass double doors that led to their backyard, yelling for him. Always calling out a name that makes him glare and wrinkle his nose. He almost loses his footing thinking about it and refocuses.
He knows what his goal is, and he’s only a couple feet away from reaching it. There’s a birds nest in the tree, high high up, that he’s been watching every morning with the binoculars his dad bought him. His mom would watch him pointing them out the window at the pretty blue bird, and one day got down on her knees next to him, pointed to it, and said, “There are going to be new baby birds in the nest soon, I saw two eggs. That mama bird is going to have two little baby birds, just like me.”
And he’s been trying to get a closer look ever since. He loves watching the birds, the whole reason his dad had bought him the binoculars in the first place, and he will spend hours just lying on his back in the grass, sunglasses (that his dad also bought him) snug over his eyes, watching the birds fly overhead.
With his mission reset in his mind, he looks up, seeing the nest close by, and only a little bit higher than he is. If he puts his foot right between those two forking branches, and shifts his weight just the right way and grabs onto that one branch at the right time, he’ll be able to look into the nest. He takes a deep breath and tries to focus. He plants his foot and shoots up next to the nest, grabs the branch, and shakes a leaf out of his face. When he opens his eyes he grins, and starts laughing.
He can see two little birds in the nest, and they’re ugly. Gray and fuzzy, pink bald heads, huge eyes barely open as wiggle around. He watches for a moment, wishing that he could reach out and pet one but listens to his mother’s warnings against doing such. He rebalances himself, shifting his weight onto a different foot, and almost stumbles. He gasps and catches himself quickly. He grins at how fast he was able to grab onto the branch but quickly realizes his mistake when he hears an angry squawk.
He had grabbed onto the branch with the nest, the branch strong enough not to move but his hand close enough to the nest to alert the mama bird, who had been somewhere close by the whole time. He gasps again, quickly letting go as the bird jumps closer to his hand, and starts yelling as he loses his balance enough with the surprise to start falling backwards. He hits the ground, hears a crack and the worst pain he’s ever felt shoot up his arm, and he screams until he hears his mom running out the back door.
He throws the biggest tantrum when the doctor, along with his parents, tell him that he isn’t allowed to play rough or run around or climb or do any of his favorite things for weeks. He doesn’t even know how long a week really is but it sounds like it might last forever, and he cries and kicks his legs the whole time they’re in the doctor’s office. It’s summer so all of his friends are going to be playing outside and riding their bikes and going swimming, and now he’s being told he can’t do any of that? It’s the most heartbreaking news a six year old could’ve gotten.
On the way home from the doctor, his parents drag him, still crying, and Laura, who’s just excited about all the fanfare, into an ice cream shop. They tell them to get whatever they want, and he orders at least four different flavors through his angry tears because he always orders for himself. He only stops crying when his dad sets down the huge paper cup of ice cream in front of him, a spoon shoved in it, and says, “Go crazy.”
After he eats until his stomach hurts his parents take him to the store, lead him to the video game section, and tell him to choose three new games. He picks fast, his Wii still so new that he only cares about getting games for that, and his eyes are completely dry by the time they get home that night.
It’s later that night that his parents tell him the news. They both come into his room to tuck him in for the night which is unusual, but he’s thrilled that he’s going to get double the attention, not even complaining like usual about Laura having a later bedtime than him. His dad sits in the big chair across from his bed, his mom settling down on the edge of his bed, both smiling at him.
“You did quite a number on yourself today, kid,” his dad starts, grinning while trying to maintain some kind of authority. His mom looks at his dad and smiles, holding back a laugh. He glares between the two, much less happy about their presence in his room if they’re just there to make fun of him.
“I just wanted to see the baby birds.” he mutters under his breath.
“Well, you have your binoculars for that,” his mom said quietly, placatingly, patting his leg, “and we have some news that might make you a bit more happy.”
He looks up at that, wondering what else his parents were going to give him. He’s no stranger to gifts and treats, but he thought that the new video games and the ice cream were going to be it. He smiles, excited for whatever else it is they have planned.
“Do you remember Mrs. Florenzi? From the restaurant?” his dad says, smiling at his mom again.
The restaurant. He frowns again, not wanting to get into the topic of his dad’s job. He doesn’t even understand what his dad does. All his other friends’ dads are lawyers, or doctors, or other big words that he doesn’t understand. His dad seems to just...own a lot of things. One of those things being his favorite restaurant, that he had purchased a few years earlier. His family went there a few times a month, and he could remember Mrs. Florenzi if he really focused. Long brown hair, kind eyes, always smiling when she sees him at a table. She’s a chef there but sometimes would sneak out of the kitchen to pinch his cheeks. He nods.
“Well, I don’t think we told you, but she has a son around your age, and she needs someone to look after him some days when she’s at work. Since I’m home, and already have two crazy kids running around,” his mom says, poking at him until he giggles, “why not take in a third?”
He tilts his head, thinking about that. He has friends, lots of them., but if he’s going to be stuck inside because of his arm, it might be fun to have a new kid around. Especially so he doesn’t have to go to Laura if he wants to play with someone else, because they fight as much as they get along. After a minute he smiles, says, “Okay!” and drops his head to his pillow as his parents laugh.
Having another boy around sounds like fun.
The next day, after breakfast when he’s wandering around his playroom trying to find something to do that was fun but wouldn’t cause his mom to tell him to settle down because of his arm, the doorbell rings. His head pops up, and he runs out of the room just in time to see his mom open the door.
Mrs. Florenzi is waiting on the other side, and he frowns, not seeing a kid with her. She’s smiling and greeting his mom, talking in that way that moms always do when they drop off or pick up their kids. He’s not shy, not in the slightest, but he hangs back a bit. He wants to know where this other boy is.
Mrs. Florenzi seems to notice him, and ducks down to wave, and he waves back, and then walks over and past his mom, and pushes his face out the door to look around. When the moms laugh he pulls back, kind of annoyed at that, and demands, “Where is he?”
The moms laugh again and he considers pulling the face that his mom always chides him for, pouting his lips out big and glaring so hard it makes his head hurt. He hates being laughed at by adults.
“Sorry honey, he’s a bit shy. Matteo, do you want to meet your new friend?”
That’s when he notices the small hand clutching desperately onto Mrs. Florenzi’s skirt. His mouth twists up a little; he doesn’t usually get along with shy kids. He finally sees a blond head poke out from around her, the face on it looking nervous but also a little excited. They stare at each other until Mrs. Florenzi shoves the kid in front of her.
He gets a good look. Matteo is small, scrawny even, and his shoulders are hunched in a bit, making him seem even smaller. His shoes are dirty which he hopes means that Matteo at least like playing outside, and the scratches on Matteo’s knees that match his own makes him even more hopeful. Matteo looks at him, tilting his head, not saying anything, and then he looks off to the side, his hand clenching in the hem of his shirt.
“Hi, Matteo,” his mom says, bending down so she can smile at Matteo, and then shoves him forward and introduces him.
She doesn’t do it right though. She never does. Nobody ever does. He scowls.
Mrs. Florenzi pushes Matteo forward again, into the house, and thanks his mom before leaving for the restaurant with a kiss to Matteo’s head, and something whispered in his ear. He watches the door after she leaves.
He hopes the kid doesn’t start crying.
His mom sends them off so she can do something in the kitchen, and he and Matteo look at each other. Matteo looks nervous almost, probably because of the fierce glare on his face, so he decides to clear that up before the other kid tries to say something.
“That’s not my name you know,” he says, and turns, making his way to the playroom because that’s always a good place to start with new friends, “I don’t have one.”
“You don’t have a name?” Matteo asks, his voice quiet, his face confused, “Then why did your mama call you that?”
He shrugs. Matteo looks uncomfortable with that answer.
“But- everyone has a name,” Matteo says as they reach the door of the playroom, his hand twitching at his side, looking up at the big door in front of them, “you have to. How am I gonna talk to you if you don’t have a name?”
He rolls his eyes, something his parents started scolding him for the second he learned how and when to do it,  pushing into the playroom. Nobody really gets it. He shrugs again, and says, “I don’t know but if you call me that I’ll beat you up.”
Matteo’s eyes pop open and he looks nervous. He nods, pushing his arms out at his sides, twisting them in the air and then snapping them back down at his sides.
He nods back, glad that they got that conversation out of the way. He looks around the playroom when Matteo doesn’t say anything, trying to find something to do with this quiet boy who seems like the opposite kind of kid than he usually plays with.
“You have a Wii?” Matteo asks suddenly, pointing at the white console attached to the big TV in the room, his other hand twisting at his side. He’s smiling for the first time since he had come in, bouncing on his feet.
“Yeah!” he exclaims, hoping that Matteo would want to play video games with him because that’s always easy and Laura never wants to, “I got Smash Brothers when I broke my arm, do you wanna play?”
Matteo grins and nods, rocking up onto his toes and his hands flapping at his sides as the game is set up. They both settle in front of the screen in the special chairs his dad had bought for him and Laura, his a light blue (that again, he had to beg for), Laura’s a darker purple. Matteo starts rocking in the chair when he realizes that he can get the momentum to.
“I know!” Matteo calls out a little while later, after they had played enough of the game that they were joking around and laughing with each other, Matteo losing every round but having fun regardless, “We should have nicknames! I want to be Luigi!”
He snorts and asks, “Why Luigi? He’s not as cool as Mario!”
“He’s green, though, that’s my favorite color. I don’t like red.” Matteo says, shrugging and shaking his head, focused completely on the screen in front of them. He’s tapping his fingers on the controller in his hand, pressing buttons, selecting and deselecting his character.
He nods, looking at the character selection screen, thinking that if Matteo picked a Nintendo nickname, he needs to do the same. He considers a bunch of different characters before landing on one and smiling, and he turns to Matteo, proud even though Matteo doesn’t look at him.
“I’ll be Link!” he says, and Matteo turns to him, smiling just as wide.
“I like Link, he’s green too!” Matteo says, and turns back to the screen, starting the next round.
They play for hours. They switch between playing different video games and looking at Pokemon cards and playing dress up with the chest in the back corner and bothering his mom until she feeds them, and when the doorbell rings and his mom calls them both down, he thinks fast.
“Come on,” he whispers to Matteo as he grabs his arm and yanks him out of the playroom, “and don’t talk about my room.”
He opens the door and shoves Matteo in first, glancing down the stairs to see his mom standing at the door, talking to Mrs. Florenzi. Neither of them seemed to notice so he follows and closes the door quietly behind him. He tries to ignore the fact that Matteo is staring around at everything.
It’s not that his room is small, or boring, or that his bed is uncomfortable or that there are monsters hiding in his closet waiting to eat him (he’s too old to be scared of monsters). It’s just ugly. The wallpaper was put up before he was even born, when his parents first found out they were having another baby, and the pink and white flowers made his head hurt. There were lots of marks on the walls from balls he had thrown and toy rocket ships he had “launched into space”. The canopy draped over his bed was cool when he closed it, pretending that he was in a tent in the middle of a jungle, but any other time he despised it.
Matteo stands in the middle of the room, his head tilted back, staring at the ceiling above them. It’s covered in those little glow-in-the-dark stars and planets, something he had begged for after seeing it on TV once. Matteo seems to get lost in his own head, still staring up but spinning in slow circles around the floor. He turns to the door when they both hear a mom voice calling them down, and Matteo’s head whips back to him and he holds a finger over his mouth.
They hide as long as they can, quietly giggling, until his mom decides to check his room even though he almost never chooses to go in there, especially not with friends. Matteo looks like he’s going to cry when he’s escorted out with Mrs. Florenzi’s hand gently pulling his, and he waves bye as the moms reassure the two that they’ll see each other the next day. His mom closes the front door and turns to him with a smile.
“So, did you two have fun?” she asks, and instead of answering he runs into her legs and hugs them.
The next morning can’t come soon enough, and when the bell rings, he jumps up from the table to answer it, ignoring his mom yelling behind him that he needs to come pick his chair back up. He unlocks the front door (he doesn’t know if his parents know he can do that) and smiles at Mrs. Florenzi, who smiles back and pinches his cheek. She greets him and he frowns at the name.
Matteo runs past her into the house, his face bright, and they run up the stairs and into the playroom before they even say hi to each other. He can hear the moms laughing fondly behind them, and he closes the door to shut them back into the little world they had created around them the day before.
“Hi Link.” Matteo giggles, a hand over his mouth like he’s sharing in a secret, and he kind of is.
“Hi Luigi,” he says back, unable to stop his own giggles from  escaping, and then points to the TV and asks, “wanna play more?”
Matteo nods enthusiastically, spinning in a circle before flopping into the same chair he had sat in the day before. He starts setting the game up like usual, but frowns when he turns the TV on and doesn’t see the usual black screen with words on it that he could read if he cared enough to.
“What’s wrong? Why isn’t it working?” Matteo asks, and he looks over, and Matteo is staring at the screen, his eyebrows drawn down. He gets up, walking closer to the screen, examining it like he could figure out how to fix it. His hands come up and start rubbing at his arms as he squints.
“My stupid sister did something and then didn’t fix it,” he muttered, and Matteo’s head whipped to him, a surprised smile on his face.
“That’s a bad word, you can’t say that!” he scolds, but he looks secretly pleased.
“I know all the bad words,” says, smirking, proud of that, “even the really bad grown-up ones.”
Matteo looks at him, awe on his face, and he starts bouncing and says, “Wow, I think you’re the coolest friend I have!”
He grins, puffs up his chest a bit. He knows he’s cool, but hasn’t ever been called the coolest before. He’s going to have to make Matteo say it again in front of Laura.
Remembering his sister, he frowns again. He thinks that Laura may have watched a DVD and then not fixed the TV after, and he doesn’t know how to make it the Wii again. He has to either go ask her to change it, or find his mom.
“I have to go get my sister,” he says to Matteo, and then points off to the cabinet containing the Pokemon cards they had looked through the day before, “you can look at those but be careful, they’re fragile.” He doesn’t really know if they are but he had heard his dad call important things that before.
Matteo nods and he walks out of the room, running down the hall to Laura’s room. He isn’t in the mood to talk to his sister when he already has a friend over, especially a friend who thinks he’s cool, but he kicks her door a couple times, bangs on it with his fist, and yells, “Laura!”
He keeps up the noise until the door is wrenched open. Laura is already glaring, her curly hair frizzed around her face making her look even angrier, and he just grins when she crosses her arms over her chest, scowling at him.
“What do you want?” She asks, sneering, and he puts a frown on his face to match hers.
“You messed up the TV, and I have my new friend over, and we can’t play video games!” he sneers, crossing his own arms over his chest, “You need to fix it!”
“Ugh, fine,” she says, and stalks out of her room, shoving past him to get to the playroom. He clenches his fists and follows after her. She closes the playroom door in his face just as he gets to it, and he smacks it with his fist before yanking it open with a growl.
He sees Matteo pressed against the wall on the other side of the room. It seems like Laura hasn’t even noticed him, as she’s focused on the TV, but Matteo’s eyes are wide. He looks towards the door and places a hand flat against the wall.
“Laura, this is my super cool new friend Matteo,” he says, pointing to the boy cowering against the wall, who only presses himself more into it, “Matteo, this is my stupid ugly sister Laura.”
He smiles when Laura shrieks and throws down the chord she was holding, and runs out of the room, yelling behind her, “I’m telling mom!”
He turns to Matteo, who’s still against the wall, but with Laura gone he looks a little less tense. He puts a finger on his lips and waves Matteo over, and once he’s close enough he grabs his hand and whispers, “Come on, we have to go hide now.”
He tugs on Matteo’s hand and quickly, quiety leads him down the stairs. He doesn’t know where his mom is but he can hear Laura stomping around upstairs so he figures they’re safe for a bit. He can see his mom washing dishes at the sink, her back to the hallway that led to the basement, and he tugs again.
They get to the door and he slowly opens it, trying to avoid the loud creak. Once he gets it open as silently as he can, he turns to Matteo and is about to tell him to follow, but as he takes a step down onto the first stair, Matteo’s hand twists out of his.
“No,” he says, stepping back, shaking his head, rubbing at his arms again, “I- I don’t like the dark. I can’t go in basements.”
He grabs for Matteo’s wrist to try and drag him down anyway, but Matteo rips his arm away and wraps it behind his back fast. He glares, and is about to complain and whine and whisper that they need to hurry up because Laura is coming down the stairs, but Matteo glares back at him. He’s wants to argue but instead he rolls his eyes and pushes Matteo back, and then walks past him to the back door.
He pulls it open and runs outside, not even waiting to see if Matteo is following, because Matteo isn’t going to get in trouble if they’re caught. He runs until he finds what he’s looking for, the large shed in their backyard that housed various tools of his father’s and larger toys and bikes and such of his and Laura’s. He puts a hand on the doorknob, and then finally turns, and sees Matteo a little ways behind him. He decides to be nice and take extra long to get the door open.
He can suddenly hear his mom calling for him. His eyes widen and he tugs Matteo inside, who doesn’t seem happy at David’s hand on him so he lets go as soon as he can close the door. He puts a finger over his lips again, and even though Matteo looks mad at him he does the same.
He leads him to the back of the shed where there’s an old playhouse that his dad had built for him and Laura. The only reason it’s in the shed is because he, not loving the colors his parents had chosen for it, decided to splash a can of old black paint he found in his basement all over the exterior walls. He had gotten in trouble for that, but a new playhouse was in it’s spot the next week, a light blue one instead of the pink and purple that the original had been. He opens the door, quickly checks around for bugs or mice, and, seeing a clean enough space, steps inside.
Matteo looks around before hesitantly walking in behind him. He isn’t used to having friends as sensitive as Matteo seems to be, and he reminds himself of the words his mom would sometimes say to him when he’s getting frustrated at someone else, when he’s being too stubborn to think about how someone else might be feeling. His own brain is still a little too interesting to himself, all the thoughts and feelings that come so quickly and leave just as fast, and he sometimes needs to be reminded that other people have their own different, interesting brains.
“We can hide here for a little bit,” he whispers, and then noticing Matteo staring down at the ground, shoulders hunched like the first time he saw him, “are you okay Luigi?”
Matteo looks up, twisting the ends of his shirtsleeves around his fingers.
David’s high school graduation present is top surgery. Nothing about it is a surprise due to all of the meetings and consultations and doctor’s visits he needs to complete before they can do the surgery, but it goes by fast enough, probably due to his father’s presence. Or more his father’s money’s presence. He knows that he’s lucky, and can barely even remember the annoying process by the time he’s out of surgery, and on his way to healing again.
They had scheduled everything so he’d be able to go back to school on time, still finishing up the last of his recovery, but healed enough to do the rest of it on his own. As someone who already had a lot of confidence, getting top surgery makes David feel like he’s on top of the world.
His parents take him on a huge shopping trip before he goes, order him everything he adds to his college wishlist on Amazon, and help him pack up his car when it’s time for him to leave. They hug him goodbye, reminding him to be safe, and smart, and to focus on his work but also to have fun, and to call them if he needs money or food or anything. He waves them on and hugs them both quick, too excited to start this next phase of his life to stay and chat long. He gets in his car, starts the engine, and laughs hysterically as he pulls out of the long driveway.
And of course, he thrives there. Being raised in the family he was, he knows how to network, how to get himself out there in the exact ways he wants. The first person he meets is his roommate Jonas, a nice guy around his height with curly brown hair. They bond quickly over the fact that they both brought tons of music posters to hang around the room, and Jonas doesn’t even blink at the trans flag he places in a cup of pens on his desk. He’s perfect.
His classes are easy for him, and more fun than he expected, even the ones not relating to his major. He speaks well, has always been a good student, and gets on all his professor’s radars within the first few weeks with how articulate and insightful he is. He jokingly thinks to himself after getting praised one class for his eloquence, thank god for private school.
He joins as many clubs as he can, too. One for photography, making a note to look for the nice camera he had gotten one Hannukah, some kind of club that he ends up dropping because all of the other guys in it are the type of film bro that David always swears to never become. He also joins LGBT clubs, one for trans people specifically and one more general, and blushes when he’s asked to join the Burlesque club, turning the invitation down with a pleased smile. He makes friends fast through all the clubs, quickly finding people in each of the little niches he was forcing himself into. He tells all of this to Amira with a proud grin that falls the second she decides to start calling him Mr. Popular.
There are other things he does well in, up at school. He’s a little put off at first, how quickly people are to come up to him with small, private smiles already on their faces, touching his shoulder and laughing even when he doesn’t say something funny. The people who would squish themselves up against him at meetings, or put a hand on his arm to ask him a question about something in class. He can’t say he minds the attention at all, feel a little bit in his own cocky way like some prince with suitors parading around his castle doors. It only goes to his head a bit.
That stops a couple months in, when he starts actually noticing the girl in one of his only non-film classes that had been making eyes at him since the first week. Their professor always has the class sit in a circle to “better facilitate discussion” or whatever, after David notices her looking at him, a small smile on her face with her eyebrows raising when she sees him noticing her,, and they spend the rest of that class, raising their eyebrows at each other and smiling, daring the other not to laugh.
David catches her on the way out of class a week later, and finds out that her name is Amelia, finds out that she has one dimple on her left cheek that gets bigger when she laughs, and finally finds out that yes, she’d love to get lunch with him. She has hair that she tells him she dyed the mixture of greens and blues one night when she was drunk off of a bottle of wine and found her roommate’s leftover dye in their bathroom. She
When David gets back after his first year is over, he feels accomplished. He had done fantastic in all his classes, had clubs and friends to return to once the next year started, and as he drives home, music blasting in his car, he realizes he’s excited to have some time off.
When he gets back both of his parents are waiting by the door to greet him, proud smiles on their faces as he tells them about finals, and how much he misses his friends and Jonas and his girlfriend, that he’s definitely going to be inviting some of them to the house over the summer, and that he needs a new pair of headphones because he lost his good ones in the chaos of moving out. He feels like he’s rambling, but he’s excited to see his parents and actually talk to them again.
They tell him that they want to take him out to dinner to celebrate him finishing his first year and doing so well, and he runs up to his room to get changed at their insistence. He would’ve been happy just staying at home, ordering something from the local Mexican place that he’s been missing, but he know if they have an idea for something more celebratory he won’t be able to stop them. That’s confirmed when his dad calls up the stairs that they have a reservation at the most expensive restaurant in his town.
He gets into the backseat of his dad’s truck, buckling himself in and quickly taking his phone out. He wants to see his friends as soon as he can, and had promised to text Amira when he got home. He opened his conversation with her and started typing.
David: Hey, sorry I didn’t text sooner, my parents wanted to take me out and they’ve barely given me time to breathe
As he waits for a response, he realizes that he should probably text his girlfriend, too. He snorts at himself for not thinking about it and opens his messages with Amelia.
David: I’m back!! You’re probably still driving so keep your eyes on the road and text me when you’re home <3
He gets a text from Amira just as it sends, and he switches back to that conversation.
Amira: Ah yes, your best friend is much less important than a fancy dinner David: 🙄
He was going to send more but before he can, his mom sighs, and he hears, “Oh look, we haven’t gone there in so long!”
He picks his head up and looks out the window in the direction she’s staring, and they’re at a red light so David has time to realize that it’s the restaurant his dad owns. He tilts his head, biting the inside of his cheek, and goes back to texting Amira, and checks to see if Amelia responded.
“Maybe we can go another night,” his dad says, turning his head just enough to catch David’s eye over the back of his seat, “we need somewhere fancier, our son just finished his first year of university with straight A’s!”
David smiles before casting one more look out at the restaurant as his dad starts driving again, and once it disappears from sight he turns back to his phone. He doesn’t like to think much about the restaurant, though he knows the reason they haven’t gone in a while. He doesn’t like to think much about that reason, either.
After Matteo was sent to live in Italy, David had a rough time dealing with it. He had lost his best friend, the one person he could talk to about all of the new and terrifying thoughts that were just beginning to drift through his head, he lost him before he even had a real name for him to know. He was angry, at the world for taking him Matteo away, and then at his parents for refusing to let him talk to Mrs. Florenzi about it.
“You don’t understand,” they said to him one night, after he had gotten so frustrated he had kicked a hole through his door and thrown everything off the desk in his room, “yes, you lost your best friend, but she doesn’t have her son with her anymore. If you ask her about him it’ll just make it worse. We know you miss him, but this is for the best.”
He didn’t talk to them for weeks. After about a week of complete silence in the house Laura stormed into his room with the intent to yell at him over something, and it all boiled over. He started crying the second her glare focused on him, and then he started talking. He told her about how Matteo was the only person who understood him, didn’t question what he did or said or called himself, just offered support and companionship no matter what. Through his tears, in a shaky voice, he explained to her that he was a boy, that it was okay if she didn’t want to talk to him anymore but he couldn’t deal with only one person knowing, especially if he didn’t have that person anymore.
She had sat on the edge of his bed and listened, nodding along until David could breathe again. She thanked him, told him that it was okay that he was angry, and asked if he had a name he wanted her to call him. He had hung his head, ashamed that his answer was no. She had nodded at that too, and said, “Well, we’ll find one then.”
David sighs at the memories that had come flooding back at the sight of the old, slightly dilapidated restaurant, and texts another friend. His dad orders a bottle of wine at dinner and pours David glass after glass, until his mom cuts him off with a tipsy laugh of her own, and he’s smiling with red cheeks when they leave later that night, stumbling to the car on steady legs as his parents laugh fondly at his state.
He collapses into bed that night with an urge he hadn’t felt in a couple of years. He takes his phone out and unlocks it after a couple of tries, ignoring the messages from Amira from earlier and opening Instagram. He gets distracted commenting on a friend’s post, but then goes to the search page and hesitates before typing in Matteo Florenzi.
He’s done it before, of course, tried to find him on every new social media site that popped up over the years, and he’s never found anything. That’s why he sits back up in his bed, his jaw dropping open as he sees an account called matteohno, and sees the profile picture, sees that he can almost recognize the face in the tiny circle, and he clicks it.
There are more pictures than he expects. He scrolls to the bottom, trying not to get ahead of himself, and clicks on the first picture he sees. It’s tagged with the name of some restaurant, as far as he can tell, and Matteo is in frame, David can tell it’s him. He has the same button nose, same floppy, dirty blond hair, same half smile on his face like he’s waiting for the right time to let a full one out. David lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding.
He scrolls through all of the pictures, his heart tightening each time Matteo is in them. The memories that have always been hard to think about, of a little boy, sensitive, quiet, happily following David’ lead, were especially hard to reconcile with these new pictures. Matteo looks like he’s grown into himself, more confident in himself or his abilities, David doesn’t know, but it makes him smile and send a pang of something through his chest.
There are pictures of food, and Matteo alone, and Matteo with random other people, all the captions in Italian so David can only guess what they say. He stops when he sees one, Matteo and some other young looking guy, their arms draped over each other’s shoulder as they laugh and each hold up a rainbow flag.
He locks his phone on the image, feeling something strange and nostalgic twist up in his gut, and drops his head onto his pillow. He closes his eyes, thinking back to days full of running through his backyard, hiding from angry parents and talking more deeply about life than kids should be able to.
He wakes up the next day, mid afternoon, with his head pounding and his phone buzzing with a FaceTime call from Jonas.
“Hey, man, is this your shirt?” Jonas asks, and David squints at his screen to see button down shirt he’s holding up, “I think it got lost in all my shit.”
“Uh, maybe?” David says rubbing a hand over his eyes. He blinks them open again and sees Jonas on his screen, smiling knowingly.
“Too much fun celebrating with the parents, huh?”
David flips him off.
“Okay, okay, love you too bro,” Jonas says, chuckling, and then continues, “I have to go though, I just found out that one of my old friends is coming back from Italy this week, I need to call him and yell at him for not telling me.”
David feels his face drop, but puts a smile back on and says goodbye before Jonas hangs up. 
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feelitstillmp3 · 4 years
i was going to dump this into @time-and-space​‘s inbox, but then it spiraled out of control and became super long. so im making it into a post. heres some thinking abt doctor who/torchwood/class/merlin parallels ! (specifically abt the parallels between tenrose/janto/charlie x matteusz/merthur) (keep in mind that my knowledge on merlin is not so good) (also feel free to correct me if im wrong or add anything on) (also this contains spoilers for ... all the shows. pls watch them, theyre good)
ive been thinking about the whole theme between charlie and matteusz where theyre like ?? scared to lose each other ?? and how it totally parallels to the other things like .... we have one character whos different and immortal and alien (not to mention the trauma they've been through-), but another who is supposedly "normal" and human. so, they work with it right ?
but then theres the ever-present danger of what they have to go through daily, and the fear that its going to leave them alone. i mean, they've already been left alone, but now that they've actually fallen in love, its different. its harder now.
consider the following lines:
"i think of it every day, and the only thing that stops me is you." (class, e6) 
"i take it all back, but not him!"(torchwood, s3e4) (theres probably a better quote but no think, head empty)
"i could save everyone, but lose you." (doctor who, uhhh idk but i swear the doctor said something like it at some point, pls correct me if im wrong)
and yes, theyve felt this before, the pain of their entire race being wiped out, no one left but them, and everyone seems to leave them in the end. but for one second, they stop and actually think they have a chance for a while. someone who might stay.
ALSO it works as like .... the normal person is scared of the other, scared of what they can do and how they are ....
consider the following lines:
"im afraid of who you are, of what you're capable of, of what you will do" (class e6)
"you like to think you're a hero, but you're the biggest monster of all." (s1e4)
"what about you, doctor? what the hell are you changing into?" (doctor who, s1e6)
the person who has been through so much is capable of doing so many things, and sometimes it scares the other one. but they witnessed genocide ! and theyre probably traumatized over it ! theyve probably done some terrible shit as a result of it ! both of them are so valid in being that way.
and another parallel i have just thought of, mentioned a lot already, but the recurring theme of killing off an entire race and how that affected the alien character ....
consider the following situations:
doctor who - the time war, in which the doctor participated, and eventually ended. // when 9 was planning to kill off the last of the daleks in the parting of ways, hesitating for a bit, knowing that it would end up destroying earth in the process, making them no better than what the daleks are
torchwood - jack's planet and how it got invaded, how his parents died as a result and why his brother did everything that happened in exit wounds. // ummm i think maybe how willingly jack was able to give the girl up to the fairies to save the human race, like hes seen what the fairies are capable of, hes seen what disasters mass murder can bring. he doesnt want to see it again. 
class - well, the shadowkin invasion, both on rhodia and when it happens on earth (both times) but also the invasion with the flowers ? // how much he really wants to just kill the shadowkin like ! he even mentioned it once ("i want to murder the shadowkin. every last one ...." e6) and he just wants to do it out of revenge. but “we shouldnt avenge genocide with genocide” (we're not going to talk abt how the only thing stopping him is that he would lose matteusz in the process)
but yeah ! theyve seen first hand what it like, and when prompted to do the same thing themselves, they end up hesitating, eventually choosing the other option instead. (well... except charlie. he does it once at least.) 
and finally, immortality. this ties in a lot w my first point abt losing the other person .....
doctor who - pretty easy to think about, the doctor has had so many companions over the years, and each time they end up leaving them. even after he meets rose, who wished to stay together forever ("how long are you gonna stay with me?" "forever.") but then she ends up leaving, the doctor is left to continue on for so much longer ..
torchwood - pretty same as above, jack never commits himself to a relationship, he knows everyone will leave him anyway. but then he meets ianto jones. and it all changes, he falls in love, which he said he would never do, and thats why he doesnt ever say "i love you," because once he says it then he cant deny it any longer. once he says it than he will have to admit that ianto, someone that he does love, is lost to him.
class - ok, charlie isnt technically immortal from what i know, but i am assuming he probably has a longer lifespan than humans (basing this off this line - "you want to know who would be the last one standing out of the five of us? i would." e6) so ! its mentioned a lot (and is the main theme, as i said earlier) that matteusz and charlie dont want to lose each other. i want to specifically point out the line “every day i think, please dont go where i cant follow.” (e8) because it just so implies that charlie is different. he can go places, live longer than matteusz ever can. 
going to add this onto the end here, but i just thought that actually merlin kinda fits into this too ! 
loss - the loss of his father, of his one childhood friend (will?), the knights of the round table (pretty sure a lot of them die too, correct me if im wrong) and even arthur who leaves in the end. everyone around him just seems to leave or turn bad 
fear - we all know merlin is powerful, right ? i mean i swear it says somewhere hes like ... the greatest sorcerer to ever live or smth. and yes, arthur doesnt technically fear him, but if we think about what would have happened if merlin revealed his magic earlier, when camelot was still under the rule of uther and arthur was still scared of ppl w magic .... idk abt this one ndjnsjd it works in my head okay
trauma - had to get some help from @a-confused-contradictory-mess​ here and she brought up some good points ! when he was younger, because of his magic, he never really fit in. his mother made him hide, because she feared what would happen if he found out. (i ... think?) imagine what that does to someone, having to hide something about yourself for so long.
immortality - after everyone leaves around him, theres kinda no escape. he has to live with it for all the years that his immortal life goes by. this ties in a lot w how jack and the doctor feel, with everyone around them making them left all alone. 
tldr: losing the one person they always thought would stay, one being scared of the other's power, the trauma affecting one of them, immortality and the price that comes w it are all some really good parallels between these ships/shows and genuinely kill me inside
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gyll-yee-haw · 4 years
hi baby!💚okay... IF you r comfortable w this subject... what about... seb was filming (something) in (anywhere) (lots of details, i know) right before quarantine, the reader (seb's friend) that lives in that city was really worried abt him getting on a plane, airports and all.. and asked him to wait like a week to come back to ny (in her house obv) a week later its announced the quarantine, all the chaos, now theyre stuck together and some.. feelings or needs.. are really taking a toll on them
Hi, babyy! I’ve actually been thinking about this a lot lately! Thank you so much for the request!  This must be the fluffiest smut I’ve ever wrote? I’m soft... Hope you like it!
The news were scary. You had no idea it would get a lot worse, but still, you didn't want your best friend to get sick. He had just finished his latest movie and didn't have any new projects for now. So you insisted for him to spend just a few more days at your house, only until the situation was back to normal. Of course you didn't have to beg that much. You and Sebatian were childhood friends and his crazy career never allowed you two to have fun like the old times. What you didn't know was that at some point it wouldn't be a choice anymore. The airports closed and he couldn't go anywhere, not even if he wanted to. At first, you felt absolutely terrible. Like you forced him to stay there with you, instead of being home. But he was grateful. He would lose his mind if he had to go through all this on his own, and both of you couldn't ask for a better company. It was all about playing games, watching movies, dancing to 80's soundtracks, eating cereal at 2am cause time is an illusion... And there was this one day when it was your turn to pick the movie. "The covenant." You gasped. "I would personally rather die." Sebastian rolled his eyes. "What?" You laughed. "It's a classic! Come ooon! For the memories... I remember visiting you on that set. And we used to party a lot with those boys and..." "Fine." He tried to hold back his smile and the fact that he knew it would actually be fun. "I always do everything you want anyway." "Cause you're the best friend in the world." You said as you searched for the movie on your laptop. Half a movie later, you two already had tears on your eyes from laughing so much. Back in the year it was released, you used to thing those special effects and the acting were AWESOME. But now, it was hilarious. "God, why are you doing this to us?" Seb rubbed his eyes in pure shame. "Sebastian..." You tried to sound disappointed. "You just don't get it... the idea of living in such an aesthetically pleasant dark place with your girl friends and each one of you have a wizard boyfriend??? Fuck, my heart can't take this, I'm numb." "You're so dramatic." He laughed out loud. "It's true, though." You shrugged. "That movie is hot as fuck if you ignore a few things..." "Hot?" He mocked. "Didn't know you were into these weird stuff." "I'm into a lot of weird stuff." You admitted. "Like what?" He asked, kinda seriously now. "You don't want to know." You blushed a little. "Come on..." He insisted. "What if this is the end of the world?" "What exactly are you suggesting?" You raised your eyebrows. "That we should totally fuck cause the world is ending and you have no better options?" "I didn't say that." He tried to hold your arm, but you stood up quickly. "I'm going to bed, I'm really tired." You told him. "No, don't go to bed mad at me, let's talk, please." He stood up too. "Goodnight, Seb." --- You were laying in your bed and Seb was on the guest's room. You used to call it his room, cause he visited you whenever he could. But neither of you could sleep. You kept thinking about how Sebastian had changed and you never noticed. All you knew was that your Seb would never even think of using you like that. And Sebastian was thinking about how stupid he was. Something he never told you was that all his previous relationships ended because of you. There was a certain time when his exes would get jealous of you, but he always picked you ever them. And every single time he broke up with a girl, he promised he would finally tell you how he felt about you. But he was afraid. He was afraid of forcing you to deal with the media, it was his job and he still hated that part, he didn't want you to go through that. He was afraid you would say yes and, because of the distance or whatever could happen, he would never be the man you deserved. He was afraid you would react like you just did. In all these cases, your friendship would be ruined, and he couldn't stand being without you. --- When you woke up, you felt terrible. Not only because you barely got three hours of sleep. But also because you knew you couldn't hide in your bedroom forever. You had to go out, carry on with your life... but Sebastian was somewhere out there at this very moment, and you didn't even know how you'd be able to look at him. When you finally gathered all your strength to get dressed and go to the kitchen, you saw Seb on the sofa. He looked at you and you could see he didn't sleep much better than you. "Morning." You gave him a weak smile. "Y/N." He ignored your greeting. "Can I talk to you now, please?" You sighed and sat beside him on the sofa without saying a word, just ready to listen. "I'm so so sorry for what I said last night." He started. "You know I didn't mean that." "How would I know?" "Well... you know me..." He was clearly cofused. "I would never treat you like some... I don't know, you're too important to me." "Yeah, I didn't recognize you." You admitted. "But it was you. It's not like you were drunk or something like that." Silence. "If you want me to leave, I can find another place to stay." He suggested. "Of course not. It's dangerous." You sighed. "Y/N." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "I have to tell you something, okay? Since everything is fucked up already... I just want everything to be very clear around here." You were a mix of surprised, confused and scared. He was about to tell you something big, but he wasn't nervous. He looked relieved. "Listen." He turned to you and looked deep in your eyes. "I'm in love with you. Fuck... I've been in love with you since we were teenagers. I don't remember going through a single day of my life without thinking about you. I know I dated other girls, but not one of them was half as funny and half as beautiful as you. But I know I waited so damn long to tell you this... it's probably too late now." As subtle as a punch in the face. You couldn't say anything at the moment. You had feelings for him too, but... he was a famous actor surrounded by all those gorgeous actresses and models, while you were just a normal girl. Besides that, you had the same fears as Seb, that this could ruin everything. "I love you too." You almost whispered, fighting back your tears. "What are we gonna do now?" He sighed. He always dreamt of hearing you saying that. But definitely not with tears in your eyes and barely looking at him. "I don't know. I need some time to think." You said. "But don't leave, please." "Okay, darling." He smiled at you and caressed your cheek, making you look at him. "You have all the time in the world. I'm not going anywhere, I promise." --- It was the longest day ever. You spent it alone in your room and Seb on his. And it hurt so much, because the last days were so fun, and suddently, all the joy disappeared. You knew that's how your life would be without Seb. The night came and it was impossible to sleep again. You daydreamed of all possibilities. You and Seb being happy. Laughing. Holding hands. Kissing. Sometimes you were haunted by images of it all going terribly wrong. Camera flashes. Other girls. Him leaving. Coming back. Forgiving him. Those lips... hands firm on your waist, or gentle on your face, just like they were earlier... no. Definitely firm on your waist. You needed them like that now. Your hands on his back. Fuck, his back. He was so hot. Your body shivered. You wanted him so bad. And he was right there... so close... You looked at the clock and made a decision. It was 2am. You would knock on his bedroom door. If he was asleep, you would consider that as a sign to forget all that. If he was awake... then you'd see what would happen. You walked slowly. Changed your mind three times on the way. Shit. The door was half open, that wasn't part of the plan. Maybe you should give up and... "Y/N?" He called. He was sitting on the bed and could see you standing there like an idiot. You took a deep breath and walked in. You stood beside his bed for a moment. The part of you that hoped you would change your mind gave up as soon as it saw how soft he looked with his messy hair and old shirt. Now there wasn't a single cell in your body that didn't want to call him yours. You sat beside him, ready to say something. But you didn't plan that part either. You didn't plan that he would look at you with those beautifully confused blue eyes and lick his lips the way you loved. "Kiss me." You asked. Seb leaned towards you slowly. He didn't close his eyes until his lips touched yours. He wanted to make sure you wouldn't give up. As soon as you felt the warmt of his mouth, you melted. Your arms automatically went to his shoulders, gently bringing him closer. It started to get deeper. You pulled him closer and closer, until he was laying on top of you. Everything was always so natural between you and Seb. When he realized how far things went, your legs around his waist and his hand under your shirt, he broke the kiss. You two looked at each other and laughed. You had never felt that comfortable in your life. He closed his eyes and was about to kiss you again, when you whispered against his lips: "Make love to me." He left a little "Fuck" escape in return. You stood like that. Lips barely touching. He allowed you to take his shirt off. "Are you sure?" He said as if it was too good to be truth. "No." You chuckled. "But we're always together when I make stupid decisions, have you noticed that?" Before he could say anything in return, you removed your shirt and guided his hand to your boobs. He started to kiss all the way from your neck to your naked chest as his hands worked on removing your pants. He looked at you one more time to make sure it was okay, before removing your panties as well. "Fuck, Y/N..." He said as his lips returned to your neck, filling it with lovebites. "You're so fucking beautiful." "Sebby..." You moaned. "Please. I need you." He nodded and pulled his pants and underwear down, throwing it somewhere in the room. His hands gently touched the inside of your thighs, pulling them apart so he could position himself between them. He entered you slowly and it felt like heaven. You never realized how bad you wanted him for all this years until this very moment. And while he made love to you, you felt nothing but the purest happiness. It was slow, passionate, filled with laughter, and whenever he hit your spot just right, the smiles would be replaced by a few swears, but when your eyes met, you'd smile again. In the end it got faster and messier. Moans filled the room. Seb's name on repeat, it was the only word you could remember. When it was all over, two rounds later - cause you were too sore for more - he held you so tightly, cause he wasn't dumb enough to let you go ever again. "Can't believe we wasted all this time." He said as he spread kisses all over your face. "Can't believe you had to be LOCKED in my house to realize that." You mocked him. "Even if the quarantine is over tomorrow, you're not getting rid of me." He shrugged.                                    
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bepoets · 4 years
Review for Trish’s Dream Fic
Trish ( @couragedontdesertme  ) said she’d write an epilogue of the elsarik dream Fic if I made a Formal Review of the elsarik dream fic. So here we are.
Please note review should be taken VERY LIGHTLY this is more or less me re-reading the Fic and loudly yelling about things with too many exclamation points. Enjoy Trish.
First of all imagine my fucking surprise I didn’t even know you had gotten work done on the dream fic???? Here I was thinking the link you sent me was the next chapter of city of ice and then I click on it and it saYS DREAM FIC???? E X C U S E M E oh my goodness
The first section is just so entirely domestic and beautiful and you can tell how lived in and content they are in their life as roommates. ALARIK (listen my phone autocorrects ALARIK to be in all caps and I’m too lazy to fix it so y’all are gonna have to deal with reading ALARIK’s name as if I’m yelling it every time I type it) anyway ALARIK just bringing her the chocolate croissants she loves so dearly and Elsa curling up with a book and him fretting and worrying over her being there alone all day and later... it’s just SO DOMESTIC. it’s such a small short moment but it’s so domestic and a perfect opposite of the PAIN THAT HAPPENS AFTER!!! And we al know I LOVE READING PAIN
The fact that ALARIK was only home late because he was doing tutoring to earn more money to by Elsa A PRESENT????? Shut up no one speak to me that’s true love but also PAINFUL the guilt he must feel oh my god
Elsa...stops struggling... because she doesn’t want ,,,, ALARIK ,,,, to get hurt. Because she cares for his safety more than her own because he has protected her and he is her friend and she loves him I am going to SCREAM
The fact that you use the phrase ~marching her out of the warmth of the room~ when she just used her magic to like cover the walls in frost makes my Heart burst cause idk if it was intentional or not but I just love the thought that this room has become Home to her it’s become safe and beautiful and lovely and WARM because it is full of love and friendship and companionship rather than the cold loneliness of say her ice palace of her locked room as a child. I like to think Elsa could have covered the room entirely in ice and snow and frost and it would still feel warm to her because of the love that’s developed there thank you for coming to my tedtalk
Ugh fuck hans
I have literally no words other than fuck hans for any section with hans in it I DONT even want to RECOGNIZE THAT HE EXISTS !!! Making Elsa feel like she’s nothing I am going to punch him in the eye
~ALARIK weeps over smushed chocolate croissant. End scene~
I know that it’s such a heartbreaking sad ending for that first chapter but also I really can’t stop laughing about him crying over a stepped on croissant since I know that your like planning note for that last scene was literally just some variant of ALARIK cried over a smushed croissant and that’s just such a funny IMAGE TO ME EVEN THOUGH ITS SAD
I just like to imagine ALARIK cradling the chocolate croissant in his arms like a bébé as he sobs
I’m fucking S A D
ALARIK having like NO MONEY and just thinking about that the money he has was going to go to a gift for Elsa and the guard LAUGHING AT HIM LIKE THATS IT THATS ALL YOU HAVE?? Like shut UP HES TRYING TO SAVE HIS BELOVED
ALARIK is so fucking DEVOTED I’m going to run through a goddamn wall I cannot cope. Willing to sell the clothes off his back have you ever seen an idiot more iN LOVE
ALARIK just going willingly cause he has no fight left in him and he just wants to see Elsa even if it means he gets imprisoned too oh my GOD
ALARIK wanting to hold her hands when her hands are what are chained up and seen as dangerous and what ~make her a witch~ the absolute love and power that holds.
“I promised to keep you safe” the pain I feel oh mY GOD
“They’ll KILL you” they’re really out here trying to protect each other at all costs oh my god nothing matters more to the other than keeping the other safe and for that I want to cry and love them and also I want to ram their heads into the wall because wHY WONT THEY JUST PROTECT ESCH OTHER TOGETHER
the P A R A L L E L of ALARIK stilling and no longer struggling when the guards threaten Elsa’s death in the same way that Elsa stilled and stopped struggling when they threatened ALARIK’s death oh my god that broke me right there
U g h hans fuck that guy
A N N A !!!!!!!!
When I first read this,,, I DONT know why??? But for some reason??? I didn’t think Anna would be in it???? Which like thinking back on that it makes no sense of COURSE Anna would be in the FIC why would I ever think otherwise. But anyway I was so surprised when she showed up I literally gasped and went ANNA??? Out loud because I was so shocked
ALARIK really is just so bad under pressure who thought this was a good idea
AG FOR SHORT wink wink nudge nudge cough cough
I’ll be thinking about ALARIK shouting alfafa geranium on my death bed let us never forget
“No harm, no foul” is literally the most fucking Anna line I’ve ever heard. She absolutely would say that to someone who was being question for a crime she’d be like “it’s not biggy”
Why is it that when hans says “BUT ANNA!!!” I hear it like he’s wining like a petulant child I read it like “bUT annNNAAAAA” ugh I hate him
“Don’t scream” *ALARIK’s inner monologue* “this ,, is the story of how I died”
My dumbass really went “why are none of the children named neta” before remembering that is the child of Anna and Kristoff and these...are the children of Anna ,,, and .... ugh please don’t make me say his name
I would die for these kids though I love them and I want to protect them at all costs 
Johannes at 5 (and a half!!!!) being a fine soldier GOOD FOR HIM
Isak owns my entire heart from the moment he started fake crying for his mother what a star performer a true Actor he’s too good
Arendellian Royal Guards, are they guards? Or are they simply baby sitters? The world may never know
JOAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One of the babies being named JOAN!!! Hang in there Joan!!!!!!!!! That made me cry oh my god J O A N
Bébé Isak lookout supreme with his big eyeballs and smile and goofy lil salute I love him
The fact that Elsa says she felt stupid for being lured into a false sense of security means she felt secure and safe for literally the first time since she was a child when she was with ALARIK and I cannot properly articulate how much that made me cry I love that so much that has to mean sO MUCH TO HER oh my god
Brave little boy with his mother’s determination saying “be brave. That’s what mama said to tell you” oh my GOD THESE CHILDREN HAVE MY WHOLE HEART OH MY GOD
A rooster crow for the signal COUKD they be more obvious I love these kids they’re ridiculous they are truly the children of Anna
Elsa!!! Chose!! To be!!! Brave!!!
Queue another one of my shocked and delightfully surprised screams as I shouted KRISTOFF????? Because blonde dude driving a reindeer cart
Let’s get you somewhere safe I’m going to cry THEYRE finally together again and they can keep each other safe together as. They. Should.
They are cuddling and my heart is exploding oh my god ALARIK seems so surprised like you big dumb idiot you’re both in love with each other it’s a mutual thing get with the program
*queue another gasp* there’s only one bed?????
Yea I saw it coming yea I was just as shocked even so yea I got very excited about it wHAT DID YOU EXPECT
They’re cUDDLING and he went to move away and she DOESNT WANT HIM TO they could’ve been sharing a bed THIS WHOLE TIME AND I JUST WANT TO SCREAM BECAUSE OBVIOUSLY
ALARIK laying all the credit on kristoff and the kids when he’s kind of the one that steamrolled the whole plan into happening because he’s the one who showed up ALARIK please give yourself more credit
“You came back” “of course I came back... I couldnt ...” “why?” And then ALARIK refusing to meet her eyes has me absolutely weeping this is the kind of shit I THRIVE ON this is truly a gift to us all everyone say thank you Trish for these three bits of dialogue I will be thinking about them for all my days
Yeah I do lose my shit anytime Elsa is the one to make the first move you go girl you go
THE SPICE VENDOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bringing in all my favorites I am going to cry thank you Trish I love Darius
I had been observing you two and just assumed!!!!! You would assume right mr spice vendor sir if they WERENT so stupid for so long it’s okay we understand
He literally got to finally kiss the woman he’s in love with for the first time last night and now they’re getting married poor boy is going to get WHIPLASH from how fast things are progressing but it’s okay im sure he is happy
Elsa’s little vows of just needing each other and keeping each other safe and keeping company and not needing gold or silver ugh TRUE LOVE
And ALARIK hopelessly devoted to her being like I PROMISE
“just you being there no matter what is enough” peak romance true love the devotion the dedication I’m a wreck
~end review~
Okay where is my epilogue please and thank you
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savedbystyle · 5 years
come home to me (s.r)
pairing: steve rogers x stark!reader // tony stark x daughter!reader
summary: the time heist takes place and you nat and clint go to vormir but one of you don’t come back
a/n: they do have a slight age gap of five years, but thats it. im writing this on my ipad because my tumblr web is broken:) tony is the readers dad, i dont specifiy if theyre adopted or not :)
warnings: angst // endgame spoilers
“Alright, we have a plan. Six stones, three teams, one shot.” 
You all walk to the machine, preparing to give it your all and get back what you lost.
“Five years ago we lost. We lost friends, we lost family, we lost a part of ourselves. Today we have a chance to take it all back. Know your teams, know your missions. Get the stones, get them back.” 
You all stand in a circle with your right hands in the middle, determined to get your other halves back. 
“We each have one round trip, no mistakes-no do overs. Most of us are going somewhere we know, that doesnt mean we should know what to expect. Careful, look out for each other. This us the fight of our lives, and were gonna win. Whatever it takes. Good luck.” 
Your dad (Tony Stark), Steve Rogers, and Scott Land were going to New York back in 2012 to get the mind and space stone. Thor and Rocket go to Asgard back in 2013 to get the reality stone. Bruce (hulk) was also going to New York in 2012 but he was going to the time sanctum to get the mind stone, and youre going with Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, Rhodey, and Nebula to get the power and soul stone while the last two get the power stone on Morag while you three fly to Vormir for the soul stone. 
“Come back to me, ok y/n?” Steve said with a smile
“Of course Steve, forever and always.”
You turn to him and kiss him before you all have to go.
“Stay safe dad” 
“I always do sweetheart” Your dad returned with a smile. 
Bruce walked over and powered on the machine. “Alright, powering in five, four, three, two, and-it’s show time” 
You all go towards where you’re supposed to, and soon you’re on Morag, while you three are going to Vormir. 
“Take care mini-stark. You know me and your father AND Steve will never forgive our selves if anything happens to u”
“I know Uncle Rhodey, I promise I will be safe” You return with a smile
“See you soon Neb”
You’ve grown a liking to her after she came back with your dad.
“See you y/n. Please be safe”
You saw a hint of sadness in her eyes as she said bye to the three of you heading to Vormir, but brushed it off thinking that it was because her sister was gone and she was about to fight her father.
“Of course” You smiles at her before boarding the jet.
“You ready stark?” Cling asks with a mischievous glint in his eyes
“Always, Barton. You Nat?” You reply with a smirk
“I think we all know the answer to that question”
Clint starts the engine and soon you’re flying at incredible speeds. You all laugh on the way there, thinking about how a couple years ago you were fighting simple aliens on earth to having to gather stones.
“This is a long way from Budapest” Clint says to Nat
“You haven’t told me about Budapest, we got a couple to kill, might as well Romanoff” You reply with a smirk, awaiting the story which you’ve heard so much about from Nat and Clint
After a while and a whole story about Budapest, you were feeling more ready about this. You get off the ship and look around until you see a pathway. Once you climb to the top you see a figure, a red figure.
“Where’s the soul stone?” You mutter to Clint
“I don’t know but let’s keep going forward.”
A man came out from behind the shadows dressed in all redone had a skull for a face.
“Ahh, if it isn’t Natasha daughter of Ivan, Clint son of Edith, And Y/n daughter of Stark”
“How do you know who we are?” You ask the figure
“I know everyone who steps foot on Vormir, wanting to get the soul stone. Some go empty handed, but I can see today that will not be the problem.”
“So where’s the soul stone?” Nat asks the figure
“It’s right here. But there’s a trick to getting the stone.”
“And that is?”
“A soul for a soul. You must lose what you love the most. Whoever chooses to sacrifice themself with go ahread and jump. No tricks. Once you get the stone, you may leave”
You all look at the ground then at each other, each of you knowing what needs to be done. The figure goes away as you all sit on the rocks overlooking the cliff which one of you shall not return from, making the three now two.
“I think we know what needs to happen as much as we dread it.” Nat says with her hands on her mouth
You have made up your mind, knowing you weren’t going to let anyone else die on your watch.
“I think we all do, but i’m suspecting that we all have different ideas of who it should be” Clint says laughing
“Yeah, I do.” You say as a tear tracks down your cheek “I love you both. Clint, you have a family to go back to. They need you. Nat, take care of Steve for me won’t you?” You say while walking closer to the edge
“Y/n don’t do this” Clint says standing up when all of a sudden Nat starts running to the edge, but you trip her just in time having her on the edge and you hanging.
“Y/N NO” Nat and Clint yell at you as you look at them holding Nats hand, one hand away from the end.
“Tell my dad, Morgan, and Pepper that I love them. Tell Steve that he’s my world and that he should move on. Tell the rest of the team that it’s not their fault and that I’ll miss them all dearly.” Youre sobbing as you’re loosening your grip on Nats hand.
“I love you Y/n” Nat whispers as tears also stream down her face.
You smile up at Nat and Clint and whisper “It’s ok, you can let go of me”
Nat slowly lets go of your hand, and soon you’re falling and hit the ground and up above they’re crying staring at your lifeless body as crimson blood pools around you. They’re left staring at the young girl who sacrificed herself for the team to win, but left everything she loved behind during the process.
After they get the stone they return to the Avengers compound in 2023, tears still streaming down their face as they stare in shock.
“Got all the stones?”
Everyone nods when Tony breaks the excitement among the room
“Where’s y/n?” He whispers, denying the possibility that the same thing happened to his daughter as it happened to Thanos’s daughter. “Tell me it’s not true Nat,”
Nat and Clint look up at Tony with tear stains and new ones forming and nod.
“What do you mean, what happened to y/n? Someone tell me what’s going on!” Steve shouted
Everyone could tell from the look on Steve’s face that he couldn’t believe it. An hour ago he saw you, and you both were smiling promising each other that you’ll come home but now his worst fear is becoming a reality and that’s living without you.
“We went to Vormir, and we got the stone but to get the stone it was a soul for a soul.” Clint says, with his voice shaking.
Tony leaves tears streaming down his face as he heads outside. Everyone follows him, if not crying sorrowful.
“I- What did she say?” Steve asks voice cracking as he digests the fact that the love of his life is gone. His heart feels heavy and his mind is clouded and now he can’t see or breathe properly.
“She... She said that she loved you both very much and that she wanted us all to move on, especially you Steve. She wanted you to move on from her and find someone who makes you feel the same way as she did. Tony, she,” Nats words get caught in her throat as she holds back another sob
“She wanted you and Pepper to take care and give Morgan the love you gave her. She also told us that it’s not our fault and that we should all move on from this and win”
It was dead silent as everyone now had tears down their face mourning the loss of their very own. They lost an avenger, a daughter, a girlfriend, and they lost family, but they knew that now was not the time to mourn your loss, and they also knew that you wouldn’t want that.
“Then that’s what we’ll do,” Tony says turning around. “We’ll win this for y/n” They all head inside more determined than ever to beat Thanos.
“Whatever it takes.” Steve said, knowing that if they don’t bring them back that your death has no meaning.
Everyone went inside, besides Tony and Steve who sat outside and looked over the lake.
“I wish I got to say bye to my daughter one last time. I know that she died with a cause but god, id do anything to take her place. She deserves a life and a family and that’s all she wanted, she only wanted to be with you Steve.” Tony said trying not to breakdown knowing that in a matter of minutes they’ll bring back the taken.
“God, i’d redo everything and i’d do anything to trade with her and it hurts knowing that she’ll never come back to me. I’ll never see her laugh, i’ll never see the ways her eyes crinkle and her y/e/c eyes shine when she genuinely laughs at something. She promised she’d come back to me.”
Tony wiped away his tears and turned to Steve and told him
“Promises are meant to be broken Capsicle, you know that better than anyone. She was doing her job and as much as it hurts it’s part of the hero gig. Everything comes to an end and that includes us. So promise me that once we’re done you’ll help me plan her funeral, as a farewell to her and a thank you for sacrificing herself for us”
“Of course Tony. I love her and that will never change, dead or alive. But for now, let’s head inside and beat this son of a bitch”
Steve went inside feeling different, yet better. He went inside knowing that wherever you were, you were watching him and smiling down at them and he knew that deep inside, you did come back to him. And he smiled
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36incheshigh · 5 years
phantom of the opera thoughts on what i wish it was about lols
or i want them both to think the others a ghost lols but each doesnt know the other can hear them - then they finally do meet each other and it turns out they were both singing the opposite parts of the same song which really spoke to them - so they can sing together.
yeah ok here it is -
the phantom is a real alive man, who wants to be in the opera but cant bc his face is messed up so he wears a mask and is embarassed. or whatever. (so its not saying peoplee would think ppl w disfig’ed faces are ugly ..). so he feels so alone. butt hes an awesome opera writer. so he decided to seclude himself in the catacombs under the opera - because he does love the opera (why ? idk it was there for him growing up until he got hurt? idk - and he be writing them to cope w his lonliness and feeling bummed about his face and isolation.). , so thats the closest place that he can still hear itt but still not be seen. :). so christines actually the coolest nicest most talented one there - obviously - so hear everyone else sound so badly and be much more annoying. and the phantom just wrote  this amazing opera. hes been working on it forever and finally wants it to be performed. soo hes dying cause he be living in the gross catacombs forever or whatever - but he pulls himself together and submits it? to whoever, a publisher or whatever? idk i wanted him to have more possession of the opera somehow.. ? oo like maybe he was an opera writer then so he also helped build this opera house but hes been getting embarassed by his face forever so as he was building the house, he consciously built secret passageways (to the catacombs? Or just a place to live?) beneath it, so he could still hear and likee interact w the opera but not be seen . Cause i thought the secret-places being built intoo the opera and navigated was a really cool and fun idea of the story/last movie. idk. ok this is getting complicated but maybee everyone already knowss hes down there and he used to write operas for them and star in them before his accident! and they know hes hiding and know hes around somewhere and still writes operas ? so they still just accept them from him because its not a big deal. yeah hes kinda a myth, but theres someone in the opera who knew him and his story and is on his side and likes him and watches out if he had any more work or for him to oull himself together and come back.
yeah. so then he finishes and finally gives his masterpiece. and daae has heard of him and his story - and can actually hear him praticing the parts of his opera from her dressing room cause it turns out her room is the closest to where he lives in the catacombs. so it gets stuck in her head and she kind of ends up singing the girl parts of it to herself in her room. and he hears her but she doesnt know he does, and he thinks shed be perfect for the role. i dont think that they think each other can hear them. thats why they dont talk to each other invisibly cause i kinda think thats creepy.
so one day she actually decides to go down to the catacombs because she wants to visit her dead parents’ tombs there - is that believable? would that have been a thing to do at that time lols ...???? or else -/also she just really feels and relates to the music she hears and knows theres a catacomb beneather her, and heard of him living down there and she thinks thats bonkers that he with his genius and stuff is just hiding down there for no reason except hes embarassed. :) #stick some body positivity in there! heh.
So then shes like, the heck with it - orr he wasnt gonna have it performed but she keeps hearing the music so beautiful and knows hes down there - so she decides to go get it so she can help him get it performed! aw. - and so shes like fineu know what, ill just go down there myself !. shes like not scared cause..idk. maybe shes like ah aint nothing to worry about . [for some reason..? believable..? maybe..] 
so she follows his voice down there. and she finds him . and hes like fine cool yeah you sound super great i can hear you from down here, you know what youd be cool for this super awesome opera i made. and shes like yea i heard it from upstairs u want me to sing it to you ? and she starts singing it and hes like singing his part w her and hes like oh man i never thought anyoned hear it or sing it with me! dreams . and shes like come let me sing it on stage w you and get it performed. and hes like ah im too scared to show my face. and shes like wellll just show me up there how to make it performed when no ones there. so they sing it together just there on the stage lols. is this lame and repetative? cause they did it in the catacombs too? idk . so then i guess she gets it to be performed and he gets to watch it secretly and hes so glad - theyre like pretty much in love by now lols bc they be practicing it together all this time, even though hes ugly , he was cool so they fell in love anyway. but then - idk how, but somehow, he dies on their last secret performance alone when theyre in love .  he was dying anyway because u cant be healthy underground. but atleast he died in peacee becauseee he finally saw his genius loving opera get to about to be performed. and he got love which is all he wanted in his life anyway.. and to get to keep being a performer/opera composer one more time! so theNN, it gets performed in real life with another man to be in the cast, and idk somehow maybe she ends up getting to fall in love with that guy taking the phantoms place in the play - and the phantom gets to watch the final play performed , but this timee hes actually a phantom ghost lols!! get it? makes much more sense with the title. and hes still a ghost because he still loves her? and wants to see his place performed for real. but thenn the plays over and he sees how well it finally went and how happyy she actually looks with the new guy - and the song they sing is about rememberingg stuff you love but being able to heal and move on if they lose that thing? i guess. and soo, he is able to stop being a ghost, and you see him floating over the whole audience and his opera house in a whoosh with his iconic mask, and disappearing into thin air, because now hes at peace and so doesnt have to be a phantom or ghost of any kind any more!!!! yay.
not a problematic or gross story at all! but still kind of dark, and mixes genres which is cool that i liked. or whatever.
the only thing im having trouble working out is the believability of/ a reason for christine to want to look for him in the catacombs and not be scareddd to. Like what can possess her to want to find him ? Cause its just practicall to nott go with/look fir a stranger in a secluded creepy underground tunnel! ..but i like dont want her to be kidnapped ..!
..cause the original story i thought it was creepy how he kidnaps her or whatever but i want them to like fall it love but not be weird and problematic lol
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twaeilmoon · 6 years
Available on my masterlist for other member
SUMMARY: Sometimes, neighbourhood can be a good place to find love.
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There he was again, cleaning his house yard. What a coincidence. Everytime you go out he will always be outside too, doing some errand on his house. That's what you love. Let's say that it's easy for you to quitely spying him. Yuta, your next door boy was way too good looking that he always succeed on shaking you heart. Not just that, he is nice too. A nice neighbor so far.
There was a family living next to you before he came and take over the house. Those previous neighbours you had before always drive you up to the wall as they don't know how to even make the resident live peacefully. They shouts and laughs histerically almost every night that everybody couldn't even sleep well. What an annoying neighbour you ever had. Now that someone better in advance has move in, you feel better with a bonus of his manner and good looking face. You love it when he shot you his wide smiles and have a small chit-chat even for a shirt time everytime he saw you going out from house. He oftenly makes your heat drop because of his softness.
"Oh, hi y/n! Have a nice day". Shoot! He saw you. Your heart starts to faster up it's pace. Yuta was watering his flower. You never know someone, a single man maybe, keeps plants at home and taking care of it so well. His plants grow up so well than yours. "Oh, hi. You too", you couragingly give him a smile back although you could feel your lips was trembling while saying back. "You're going somewhere?", he asked while pouring water to his plants.
"No. I'm just.. going to put this away", you lift up a plastic bag you was holding. You've jusf clean up some piles of papers that you have in your room so you're going to throw away some useless paper out. He nodded as he saw the plastic bag. "Winter is coming so I need to take care of my plants before snows falling down. I don't want them to froze later", he slightly laughed. You nodded as he stated his plans before winter. Yuta has a good knowledge on most of housekeeping stuffs better than you do. 'What a good husband material', that's what you always thought about him.
"Uhh, I guess we have to talk later? I need some more works to do actually", you shyly said. You don't want to cut off the starting part of your conversation with him but how can you stay being shy and trembling in front of him? Something will for sure happend if you stay this way. "Oh, okay then. Talk to you later", he bid you a small goodbye. You shot him one last smile before turning on your heels to head back into your house until you hear him call you back. You turned back to him, expecting him to say something.
"If you don't mind we can have some tea together sometimes. You know we can have some talks too. Why don't you come over if you have time?", he suggested. Never once in your life getting invite by a neighbour. Actually, there was plenty times back then when you was staying at your parent house. Well, it was back on your childhood days though. A really long time ago. You nodded in agreement, happy to accept the invitation. Great, you get to know each other soon. "That's pretty good idea. I'll make it when I'm free", you modestly said. "Okay then. See you other time", he bid you goodbye for the second time and you walked back into your house.
Good timing. It's your day off and you have nothing to do. So, you decided to go next door. Hopefully, Yuta will be free too. You don't want to bother him if he got some work to do. You never have a plan to be such an annoying disrespectful neighbour. Not after what your previous neighbour has done. You got enough of it.
Wearing just a casual outfits that you usually wear at home, you went to his house next door. You pressed his bell hoping that he's at home and free. It was relieving to see him show up, opening the door. "Hi. Come in", he greeted as he move aside to let you come in. The moment you step in into his house, you never expect him to have such a great place that he lives in. It was clean and tidy, as if it wasn't a solo man. Well, as for now he is solo since he doesn't have wife and family. But who knows if he already got girlfriend?
"Woah.. You really live in this perfect house alone? Everything is so fine and clean. Do you have maids? You live with them? You're from rich family?", you asked him lots of questions only to have him giggle on you. You frowned as to his sudden giggles. "I never expect you to have such a talkactive mouth, y/n. Now that I'm slowly getting to know you", he said while still giggling. You pouted. For his information, you also never expect him to ever act this way. He never speak like this before although he's the one who always talk to you first.
"What? Um.. I don't know. I'm getting excited maybe?", you rubbed your nape. Yuta smiled to your cute behaviour. "I don't have any maids. And yes, I live alone in this house. One more important thing, I'm not from a rich family, Miss y/n. I work myself to have some money for my life and I keep my house clean by myself. All by myself", he lead you to the cozy living room. He motioned you to have a sit on his expensive-lookin couch as he take a sit too. "Ah.. I see", you mumbled, enough for him to hear you.
"Oh wait. I'm going to make some tea and then i'll come back. Just make yourself at home", he smiled before heading to his kitchen. You nodded, patiently keeping yourself comfortable and steady. You look around, observing the surrounding. You envy him for having such a nice plave to live in. You've been living in the resident for years, way much longer than him who've just move in 3 years ago but he already turn this house into such a private paradise. "He must be living in a good life", you mumbled to yourself.
"You okay?", Yuta asked as he came back with a tray of tea cups and teapot in his hand. He looks so husband material at this point. You can't ever denied that anymore. "Yea I'm fine. Just kinda impressed of your house. It's so nice", you awkwardly smile. "Nothing much. I just want to live in a good comfortable house. To be honest, I'm kinda lazy to do housekeeping though. But gotta do it since I don'f want to live in messy", he said, putting down everything that he got in his hand.
You nodded, completely understanding him. Still, your house can't compete him. Yuta poured hot tea into two tea cups carefully. Why do he looks so perfect doing all this stuff? No wonder your feelings toward him keep on growing. "So how long already you've been living here?", he started the conversation by asking a question. "Quite long already. Maybe almost 5 years? The first time I move in to the next door the previous neighbour was quite bad actually. They're way too loud ", you told him about the previous neighbour. He suddenly got his eyes widened.
"What do you mean 'theyre way too loud'? You mean.. when they're doing stuff.. you know?", this time, his words got your eyes widened in surprise. "No no! Why did you thinking that way?! Oh my god..", you hid your face into your hands, feeling embarrased that your words got him thinking in other way. He laughed out so loud that makes you feel more unconfident to show up your face. "Oh god you're okay? Sorry sorry. I didn't meant it but I thought that's what you actually mean. I was wrong so sorry. But still it's good to see your cute side. You're cute when you're acting this way", he said while laughing . He might die due to out of breath because he was laughing so hard that he might lose his breathing.
"Stop it! You're bad! This is not funny, Yuta!", you smacked his shoulder using one of your hand while the other one still covering your already red face. "Ouch! Sorry sorry! Stop it! It hurts!", he beg but still laughing like crazy. And that was the first moment where you both get closer to each other even more.
It was already late night when Yuta send you a text. You just got out from the bathroom, brushing your teeth before going to sleep. You laid on the bed, unlocking your phone password to check for his message.
"Y/n I can't sleepㅠㅠ"
You smiled upon reading his text. He's getting silly  day by day. Sometimes he'd just call you when you're at work just to mumbled silly sweet things to you.
"What? So you want me to put you to sleep?"
You replied him playfully. Just to see what he's going to say.
"Yea. Seems like that I guess? :D"
Just like your expectation, his reply will always be something silly but cute. As you was about to type a reply to him, there was another new message from an unknown number. You frowned as you don't have any idea as to who could it be. The text says:
"Hey, babe. It's been a long time now. I really miss you. You miss me too right? I know it"
"What the hell?", you angrily mumbled. What an annoying person he is disturbing someone at this hour? "This must be a scam", you deleted the message before going back to reply Yuta.
"Alright~ I'll help. But hey there's an unknown number just send me a text calling me babe and he said that he missed me. Who the heck is that person though?"
You tap the send button before you find out that there was another text from the same previous unknown number coming in. You opened the text again in annoyance just to read something even more mad.
"I know you're ignoring me. I'm Taeyong so no need to scare. Can you come out for awhile? I'm outside of your house babe~"
"Shit", you cursed under your breath.
He's crazy. Yes, he's your ex-boyfriend. So he need to act as an ex and know his place as an ex. Why the hell did he come to you house at this hour, suddenly messaging you weirdly and all? You quickly type a new message to Yuta.
"Maybe just a wrong number person? Tbh I've been receiving lots of that stuff to these days. So annoying"
"It's my ex, Taeyong."
You don't want to be bother by this dork anymore. So, you're going to just go out and ends everything, forever. You look through your window and hell, he was really there. What was he thinking about?
"Y/n babe! I really miss you so much", you could see Taeyong walking closer to you wide his arm widely open, ready to hug you. He doesn't seems like he was drunk. It's just that he's acting crazy. "Go away, Taeyong. You ended it. We have nothing to do anymore. So let's just not meet again", you hug yourself as you feel imsecure. "But why? I love you y/n", he pouted. "It's already midnight. You should go back home. I don't love you and I don't want to see you again", you said, hoping that he will go. "Don't be like this. I'm here because I miss you. I want you back y/n", he step closer to you and you back away. "No Taeyong! Go away before I call the cops!", you half yelled. "But I don't want to go. I just want you. I really miss you", he came even closer. You shake your head, telling him to stop being crazy.
As you was keep backing away from him, someone's hand scoops your back. Their hands on your shoulders, bringing you closer to them. What a surprise, it's Yuta.
"Stop. You better go away", he said to Taeyong who was already stop from getting closer as he saw Yuta. Taeyong smirked evilly. "Who are you? You're the one who better fuck off. She's my girlfriend", his face suddenly changed into a cold one. "She's not. I'm her boyfriend now. Forget it and go home dude. It's late already. She needs to sleep", Yuta gently said. Woah, is this really a man's fight? Taeyong smiled sarcastically. "What? You're her boyfriend? Is that true babe?".
You don't want to give any response but as to get rid from an even worst thing from happening, you take the option to just have some words. "Ye-yes. He-he is.. my boyfriend Taeyong. You can't say that i'm yours anymore..", your face down to the ground, no wanting to see his face. You can hear Taeyong's small laugh of disatisfaction. "Okay", you lift up your face to see him shrugging before leaving. Finally.
"Wow.. that was crazy. Are you okay?", Yuta asked, smiling. You nodded. To his shock, you punch his chest that makes him wince in slight pain. "What?", he asked, laughing. "Why did you say that I'm your girlfriend? Can't you just made up other story? Like you're my bestfriend or something and you need to protect me because my dad told you to?!", you cover up you face with your hand. "Why? I think by saying that you're my girlfriend is easier and simple. Then why don't you be my real girlfriend?", he asked as if it was a joke. You face him even with your red face. "Is that how you're going to propose me?", you playfully shot back him with question. He smiled before patting your head, making your hairs in mess. Yuta then pulled you into a tight hug. "Y/n. Would you be my girlfriend?", he whispered into your ear closely that his hot breath tickles you. "Yes. Id' like to", you smiled and burried your face into his chest. "I love you. For a long time ago", he whispered again.
Both of you didn't break the hug until one of his hand let you go while the other one still on you. "Y/n, look. It snows!", he told you, voice full of ecitement.You look up and yes, snows starts to fall down that moment. You lift your hand, waiting for the snow to fall into your hand. "Do you know that couples who watch the first snows falls down together will stay long last for a looooooong time?", he asked while tightly holding both of your shoulders. You looked at him and shook your head.
"We're going to last forever?", you asked him, looking deep into his eyes. Yuta nodded his head. "Let's go inside and wear something warm and then go back to sleep", he said, leading you to your house. "You wanna stay in my house tonight?", you asked him, curious as he was following you to your house.
"Why not?"
"No way Yuta"
"By the way, how did you know I'm going out to see Taeyong?"
"I didn't get any reply so I thing somethings went wrong. So I go out to check on you"
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tumblunni · 6 years
Headcanons for dr maddiman's son Cliff cos i have so many feelings
* ok first off his yokai name is dr nocturne and maddiman's hospital was called nocturne clinic so i guess thats the family surname? These poor guys were cursed to a ghostly fate with a name like that! But also doesn't that mean Cliff is literally using his dad's name as a yokai? Thats so fuckin heartwarming!! I like to headcanon that he kept his dad's old name badge from his job and he still wears it to remember him. Its kinda his "soul item" as a yokai, it stays stuck to his ghostly flame even when he's unconcious and if you damage it it does damage to him. But it also means its capable of magically reforming as he heals up, which is a huge relief! I think maybe he found this out after it got destroyed in a big fight one day? So he was shot down to 1hp but also buffed the fuck out in every stat from sheer rage and smashed the guy's head in. And then as he was crying over losing his treasure his tears touched it and it reformed back together...
* When he was very little he really loved his papa! They used to kinda be the childish duo playfully teaming up against serious mom, who'd go full ham playing the villain character in their goofy games. And he really looked up to his dad's super science smartness, and wanted to be just like him someday! Sadly, as he got older he realised that his dad's childishness also had its downsides, and he started wanting to be a doctor to "defeat" his dad more than to honor him. To be better than him and somehow prove him wrong. But also to try and connect to him now he was always so distant, and then to try and chase after his ghost when he was gone...
* i mean that metaphorically as i dont think Cliff ever worked with yokai like his father did. I think even when he became a yokai and started searching for his father he didnt really actually know his father was a yokai too, it was just sort of a distant hope of a second chance. Like "oh shit i guess dad's weird fairytale conspiracy theories were true, there's probably a very small chance he is also floating around somewhere right now". Just a very depressed dude with nothing else much to cling to. He didnt really believe he'd actually find his dad so he had no plans for what to do when they met, and thats why things ended up being all awkward and sad. Well, that and also he inherited his dad's inability to just talk about his damn emotions, gahhh!!
* Cliff's natural hair colour is red, althrough a more normal ginger instead of the blood red he has in his yokai form. He used to get bullied for it and everyone acted like he was a thug even though he was a straight A student. For a short time in his life (around when his dad became distant and he became disillusioned with him), Cliff used to dye his hair black everyday and try everything not to stand out. He did this even after his mum divorced his dad and they moved back to america where his hair colour wasnt as unusual. He had a lot of trouble adjusting and wasnt fluent in english so he still felt like he got judged as a dumb thug no matter where he was or how hard he tried. After his dad died he had trouble coping with his grief because he wanted to just be angry at him forever and not accept how much he missed him, cos it just hurt so much. So all this pent up anger kinda got channelled into self confidence?? Sorta "i have even bigger reasons to be depressed so its easier to deal with the bullying i suppose". He started experimenting with punk and dark styles, embracing his reputation as a "thug" and beibg like "if theyre gonna treat me this way no matter what then i may as well go ham!" So basically he looked 99% like he does as a yokai now, and he totally never turned back. But even though he dressed more bombastic and had more of a crass way of talking he was still continuing to be a straight A student prodigy and trying to defeat his dad in academic achievement and such. He literally never stopped being just a nice dude who was good at school, he just kept getting assumed to be the opposite cos people are judgy bitches... Poor kid...
* He was born with a heart condition that made his health very poor as a baby. He doesnt remember it much cos he was very young, but his parents were SO SCARED! He was constantly having close calls with death and as his dad was a doctor he was often arguing with his coworkers when they said the kid might not live to see his fifth birthday, and being all "let me do the opertion!" "No you have too much of a personal bias" etc etc. Basically it was really fuckin stressful and you can understand why Maddiman would get it into his head tht he was powerless to protect his family through legal means and had to pursue supernatural theories. The earliest thing Cliff can remember from the time he was sick is his dad making up wild stories about how he was gonna conquer the world to save him, lasso the moon to stop time, fight god with his goddamn bare hands, whatever could keep him from losing his only child! Hearing these stories through a feverish haze helped Cliff hang on to life, and onto his dad's warm hand as he sat by his hospital bed. Of course, he did actually survive, and he had multiple surgeries that helped him be able to live a fuller life as he grew up. He was still always quite frail and got exhausted easily, but from his perspective it seemed like nothing big and his parents were just coddling him too much, cos he didnt remember how close he'd come to death.
* Ultimately, this was what lead to his actual death all those years later. Similar to how Maddiman looks to be 20 or 30 in his backstory but as a yokai he acts like just a 45 year old almost-gramps or something instead of 90-100, i feel like if Dr Nocturne seems in his early 20s then maybe when he died as Cliff he was in his late teens? Like it seems that yokai do age and mature but just at a slower rate than humans. So i thought maybe what if Cliff tragically died in a very similar way to his dad? His obsession to become a greater doctor than his dad meant he was working himself too hard in his last year of high school, trying to get into a good university. And because of his weak heart this was risky, and well.. Yeah... Death by overwork. He just had an attack one day while studying and his mother didnt find him in time. He hates himself for this, he feels like in his desperation to not make his dad's mistakes he just made the exact same damn mistake and left her behind...
* As dr nocturne he haunts the nursing home where his mother is still alive, watching over her like a guardian angel. She's trapped in the delusion that he's still alive, keeps telling everyone how proud she is of her son the doctor even though nobody else can see him. The fact that she can see him probably means she doesn't have much time left... Itd be really great if hypothetically some player character could come along and reunite them all before its too late...
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blacksheep28 · 6 years
The group headed for the door.
She paused, heading for the living room to dig out her keys and nab her real clothes. “Hey, you boys can start the car, I need to change real quick.” The keys were pressed into the hands of whoever was closest before dashing off to get ready. Papyrus gasped, practically exploding with excitement at being entrusted with the keys. The group headed out. “we’re just starting the car, not driving it,” Papyrus reminded them.
Once she had a bra on again and she’d smoothed out her hair as much as possible, Shannon rejoined the boys outside. “So where to first?” “PAPYRUS MENTIONED A PLACE CALLED IKEA THAT SELLS FURNITURE PUZZLES!” Sans exclaimed eagerly. "Yep, it sure does." This would be fine, right? She'd put together IKEA furniture before. It couldn't be that bad. "Alright. Figure out where you're all sitting and hop in, I'll drive." The lazy Papyrus settled into the back while the other Papyrus and Sans engaged in a staring contest. Sans looked at them from the front seat. “that seems intense.” Papyrus whipped to look at him. “SANS! WHEN DID YOU GET HERE?” "Well. Shotgun it is. Hope you can navigate well, Sans," Shannon shot over at him with a smile. "Middle row or back row, you two, we have places to be." The shocked pair clambered into the back and settled down. Sans chuckled. “I’m a great guide.” "Alrighty, guide us safely to the mystical land of IKEA, my greatest guide." Shannon pulled out of the driveway and headed towards the city, flipping on the radio and offering out an AUX cord. "Any of you have musical preference?" “better than girl guides,” Sans joked. He pulled out the map. “OH! I LIKE FAST MUSIC!” Papyrus volunteered. “BATTLE MUSIC!” Sans added. “how about swing?” Papyrus asked. "I'm going to pretend you mean the Canadian version of Girl Scouts and spare you from my fist in your face," she smiled sweetly, then tossed the cord back towards the middle console. "I like it all, take turns." Shannon suddenly felt like she was thirteen again and helping take care of too many children at once. Sans blinked. “girl scouts? not girl guides?” So many jokes he’d have to redo. Papyrus took the cord first and blasted out  Everything is Awesome. "That what we call it where I'm from." Shannon raised a brow at the music, but didn't take back her cord and tapped her finger along the wheel in time when she found the beat. Sans directed Shannon along as Papyrus took over and put on Sing Sing by Benny Goodman. Her tapping switched immediately to the old fingerings she remembered on the tenor. "Whoever picked this wins definite brownie points," Shannon shouted back towards the boys. Papyrus grinned. “will hold you to that honey.” She grinned towards her rear view mirror and felt a little remorse when they pulled up to the IKEA. It was fun getting to know their music tastes, in her opinion. "Okay, so this place is easy to get lost in. Nobody wander off," Shannon stressed, pointing at Sans and Sans. "You especially. I could spot the others from a mile away, but I'd lose you two forever." “got it. no wondering.” “SANS! SHE SAID NO WANDERING!” “right. no wondering about wandering.” “SANS!” “i’ll just have to wander on wondering.” Papyrus screeched in anguish, the relaxed Papyrus chuckling while the energetic Sans looked torn. Shannon stared blankly at the exchange. "...I didn't get enough sleep for this. Sans, you stay with me." She took his hand in hers and held on tight. "Is there anyone else I need to physically hold on to?" Sans looked at her holding his right hand. “something’s right.” Papyrus looked like he was fighting the urge to kill his brother. The other Sans looked pained at that one himself. The sweatshirt Papyrus slumped over to Shannon’s other side. “i don’t want to get left behind.” At first her cheeks flushed. Then the word play hit her and she tipped her head back and groaned, slipping a hand into Papyrus' anyway. "You two are terrible. Come on, let's go get some furniture." She dragged the group inside and asked where they wanted to begin. "What do we need to get first?" “BEDS FOR EVERYONE,” Papyrus stated. "So we need two beds, I'm assuming the beds you've already got at home are still in tact," Shannon nodded. "So we are going to 'bedroom', follow me." The group traveled through, the occasional customer and employee watching them curiously. Monsters were still an oddity with how rare they were.
“HOW ABOUT THIS ONE?” Sans suggested, pointing to a bed that looked really hard to assemble. “why don’t we test it,” Sans joked. "It looks nice. Let's see." Her hand left Sans' for exactly three seconds to test the bed's sturdiness, and there he went. She grabbed for him immediately. "Whoa, hey, no wandering off. You already have a bed, mister, don't make me pull a Girlfriend Move and have you keep your hands in my pockets," she threatened with a glare. Sans chuckled. “worth a try.” Sans examined the bed. “IT LOOKS STURDY.” Papyrus hummed resting his head on Shannon. “looks good.” "Why don't you test it out, Sans?" She looked to the skeleton in her grasp and squeezed slightly. "Not you. You stay here." “gonna leave me sans bed?” Sans face palmed. “THAT IS MY NAME AS WELL,” he complained. He sat on the bed and bounced slightly. “IT’S COMFY!” Shannon smiled towards the energetic Sans in need of a bed and let go just long enough to give a light smack to the back of the other Sans' head. "That's great! How about you, Papyrus, see anything you want to try?" Sans chuckled at the smack, only half heartedly even attempting to dodge. “I DO NOT NEED A BED! MY RACECAR BED IS VERY COOL AND SUITS ALL MY NEEDS!” Papyrus answered. “think she meant me,” the other Papyrus muttered awkwardly. He slouched down. "Yeah, I did mean this one," she clarified, jiggling Papyrus' hand in hers slightly with a hum. "This... Might get confusing if you boys are all going to stay together. Maybe we should come up with a naming system." Sans unfortunately lit up. “how about comic for me?” “WHAT? WHY?” Papyrus asked. “cause i’m comical.” Shannon bit back a laugh and looked at Papyrus and Sans' strained expressions. "Not that it isn't fitting, but let's choose something that won't give half the household an aneurysm, maybe." “I COULD BE GUARD!” Sans suggested brightly. “could just call me pal,” Papyrus suggested lazily. “PAPS! THAT’S NOT A PROPER NICKNAME!” "I mean, if you'd like that, little blue dude," she agreed before turning to address possibly the worst nickname she'd heard yet. "And that is just truly awful, orange, I'd mix you up with people in a heartbeat. No way." Sans blushed blue again, before quickly forcing his magic back. Why did he like the way that sounded? Papyrus chuckled looking down at his hoodie. “huh. orange works.”
“what about bill?” Sans suggested straight faced. Shannon took a look at 'Orange' and chuckled softly. "You know what, it's unique. It works." She eyed Sans suspiciously-- After that comic suggestion, there was no way this wasn't a trap. Somehow. "Bill sounds fine. If that's what you want."
“THAT’S VERY MATURE OF YOU,” Papyrus congratulated. Sans immediately started humming the Bill Nye theme song. Papyrus twitched. “NYEH!” It took every ounce of self control to snap her mouth shut and keep from chanting along. She twitched, before completely dissolving into giggles. Sans grinned widely, looking completely pleased with her response. Orange Papyrus snickered as well, while the other two looked simply exasperated by their lack of maturity. “HARD TO BELIEVE THEY’RE OLDER,” Sans commented. “Okay, so you’re officially forgiven for wandering off earlier,” Shannon gasped through her dying laughter. “Whew.” She shot a look at the skeletons still holding her hands and raised a brow. “Really? You two are older?” “yup.” Sans grinned at her. “YOU WOULD NEVER GUESS IT FROM HIS BEHAVIOR,” Papyrus pouted. Her eyes flitted between the sets of siblings curiously. “No, no, I see it. Me and my brother are the same way,” Shannon admitted with an amused sigh. “When I was in grade school I helped him with his high school homework.” Orange and Bill looked impressed, while Sans and Papyrus gasped in awe. They looked absolutely ecstatic. “WOWIE! YOU MUST BE BRILLIANT!” Papyrus cheered. “I BET YOU’RE GREAT AT PUZZLES!” Sans exclaimed. The praise made her want to sink into the mattress in front of them and never resurface, but puzzles? Shannon lit up. “I do like puzzles! Mysteries are my favorite, but I like all kinds!” she gushed excitedly, squeezing Bill and Orange’s hands. Orange happily squeezed her hand back. “IT’LL BE GREAT PUTTING THE BEDS TOGETHER,” Papyrus said happily. He and Sans walked over and picked up the huge boxes the beds came in. “I’m sure it will be,” she smiled before her entire expression froze at the sight. They were just picking up the beds, like they were nothing. “I... Wow, monsters sure are strong, huh. Do you— Do you two wanna set those down somewhere before we continue?” “WE CAN PUT IT IN OUR PHONES,” Papyrus answered. “BUT SHOULDN’T WE PAY FIRST?”
Shannon looked around to find the direction of the checkout before she paused, whirling back around to Papyrus. “Wait, phones? Do you have a QR scanner or something?”
“A WHAT?” Papyrus asked. “a qr scanner. handheld device that scans an item to help people buy it,” Bill answered. “NO, WE DON’T HAVE THAT. WE JUST STORE ITEMS DIRECTLY,” Sans said.
“What the hell does— What do you mean, you store items directly?” she asked with a nervous laugh. “Do you have like hammerspace in your cell phones?”
“basically,” Orange admitted. “DO HUMANS NOT HAVE THAT?” Sans asked. “HUMANS LACK A LOT OF BASICS,” Papyrus explained. “WE ARE WORKING TO HELP WITH THAT BUT IT IS SLOW.” “their science has stuff we didn’t know,” Bill pointed out.
Shannon took a minute to just stare at the ground, slightly agape. Actual endless space inventory was a thing to monsters, and also basic. “I...really need to learn more about monster magic,” she sighed softly, straightening up.
“WE CAN TEACH YOU!” Papyrus immediately volunteered.
“You know? I’d like that,” Shannon smiled. “But primary mission first— Let’s take these up to checkout to put on hold.”
The group walked to the front. Every single human they walked past, employee and customer, stopped and stared at the floating boxes following the skeletons.
Shannon leaned across the service counter to scribble her name on a piece of paper. “We’re buying these, but we have some more looking around to do,” she explained with a smile. The employee took their ticket without a word and Shannon moved the group away, reclaiming Bill and Orange’s hands. “So what else, boys?”
The bed boxes were put down and they continued in. “still need mattresses and blankets,” Orange noted.
"Okay, so back to the bedroom. And we'll stop by a clothing store on the way home, if you'd like," Shannon offered, leading the way back to the right section. "There's actually a mall in the center of town."
“sounds good to me,” Bill said lazily. The group tested a few mattresses, Orange letting go to flop face first into one while Sans yelled at him for being lazy.
She grinned at Orange's behavior and followed suit, hopping down on the bed beside him. How could she pass up the chance to test out a mattress? "Oh, this one's a good one. Gives just a little, firm support."
“SHANNON! DON’T ENCOURAGE HIM!” Sans scolded. Papyrus picked up Bill where he had somehow managed to fall asleep while standing.
"How else would you test the mattress, little blue dude?" she shot back, lifting her head just enough to grin up at him.
“THAT-IT-“ Sans spluttered a little. His cheeks tinted faintly blue. “THAT NICKNAME IS LONGER THAN MY ACTUAL NAME!” He finally got out.
Her grin turned into a softer, sweet smile upon seeing Sans' reaction. "Yes it is, but you do know I'm talking to you," Shannon hummed in amusement. "Would you prefer little blue?"
His blush increased further and Papyrus laughed softly. Orange grinned. “yeah little bro. that work?”
"Little Blue?" she sang playfully. "I'm waiting on an answer here, it's rude to make a lady wait."
“IT’S FINE!” Blue ducked down, really embarrassed now. The nickname was awfully sweet. Papyrus walked over with Bill under his arms. “SO THIS MATTRESS GOOD?” Orange lazily have a thumbs up.
Shannon laughed and let him be before the poor thing died of blue face. "Okay, then let's get it for you," she said to Orange, offering out a hand to coax him up from the mattress. "And get off it so we can bring it home."
“you can bring me with the mattress,” Orange suggested. “PA-ORANGE!” Blue scolded.
"Orange." Shannon paused and instead of prying him from the bed, used her previously offered hand to try and tickle him from the bed. Her fingers danced along where his rib cage would be.
Orange jolted and rolled off the mattress to escape the tickles, nyeh hehing quietly. Blue grinned happily and grabbed the mattress with his magic.
"There we go, one upright skeleton," she said proudly, grinning. "I'm getting pretty good at wrangling you boys, you know? Might have to make it a full time job. Now, off to blankets!"
“THAT SOUNDS GREAT!” Papyrus exclaimed. “THEN YOU COULD BE WITH US ALL THE TIME!” Blue raced off to deposit the mattresses with the bed frames before coming back and picking out blankets. Blue picked out a blanket covered with racing comets and planets while Orange picked out a blanket with a spiral on it.
Shannon paused. It was definitely something for him to take it so literally. "I-- I'd really love to, big guy, but I have a job and bills to pay," she laughed, feeling her face redden. The blankets weren't what she would have expected for the brothers, though to be fair, they weren't very close yet. "I like them. Good choices, Blue, Orange. You two all set on bed stuff?"
"We sure can," she promised with a reassuring pat on Papyrus' arm. “seems so,” Orange agreed. Blue looked around. “WHERE’S BILL?”
"Oh, shoot, I let go of him for one second--". Shannon looked around and retraced their steps for a good few minutes before sighing and taking in a deep breath. "Papyrus, forgive me for what I'm about to do. Ahem-- WHAT'S THE MATTER, BILL?"
His voice came from a bin full of pillows. “everything...everything is matter.” Papyrus stared at the bin as if it had betrayed him, his children, and everything he believed in. “except energy, of course.”
She grinned and marched over towards the stack of pillows to peer inside. "There's my little meme buddy. Come on, Bill, let's go. Sooner we get done with chores, the sooner you can take a real nap."
“pretty comfy here.” Contrary to his words he pushed himself up. Maybe working so long on the machine hadn’t been his best idea. He just really didn’t want to wake up to find things reset. There was a reason he mostly napped instead of sleeping through the night. Blue and Orange carried their blankets to add to their cargo. “just clothes now, right?” Orange asked.
A hand stretched out to help him from the bin. "Yeah, yeah, we'll make something just as comfy when I take you home," she promised. "And... Let's see, I think so? I'm just the valet here, boys." Blue and Papyrus carefully went over everything. “PILLOWS!” Papyrus exclaimed. “right here bro.” Bill slipped the pillows onto the pile and Papyrus grinned. “NOW WE’RE GOOD!” Blue announced. They paid, took out their phones-and somehow got it all in them.
"And there we go, all set!" Shannon just watched as the group made their purchases and the items literally disappeared into their phones-- It was hard not to stare. "Wow, you guys... Were not kidding. Okay, good to know."
“DO YOU WANT YOUR PHONE UPDATED?” Papyrus asked kindly as the group headed back to the car. This time Orange stole shotgun.
She unlocked the car with a little beep and slid into the driver's seat. "Thanks, Paps, but I don't think human technology is even capable of an upgrade that advanced," Shannon laughed softly. "You ready to be my first mate, Orange?" “aye aye captain,” Orange teased. Papyrus looked rather shocked. “DO YOU NEED A NEW PHONE THEN?” Blue asked in concern. "What? Oh, probably, but I hate the new phones. They're too big for my little baby hands," Shannon laughed, tossing back the AUX cord while she started up the engine. "Plus they're expensive, Blue, don't worry about it."
The car started off in the right direction at least, and Shannon smiled into her rearview mirror. "Don't worry about it, Papyrus, like I said-- It's very expensive. I don't really have the need or the money right now."
Orange carefully gave directions as they drove, far more precise than Bill had. “ALRIGHT.” Blue put on This is War by Thirty Seconds to Mars.
She was ever grateful for Orange's competent dictation. Driving to unfamiliar areas was a nightmare. "Interesting choice, Blue," Shannon hummed curiously, "Didn't peg you for this kinda guy." “IT’S GREAT!” Blue enthused. “THE PASSION! THE RHYTHM!”
"I'll have to introduce you to EDM some time," she smiled.
“SOUNDS GOOD,” Blue said happily. Bill accepted the aux cord and put on Saskatchewan Pirates. Shannon's eyebrows raised at the music choice, but she said nothing-- Some of her music choices were garbage. High quality garbage.
“MY TURN! NYEH!” Papyrus happily seized the aux cord. Can’t Stop the Feeling by Justin Timberlake played out, Papyrus and Blue dancing to it. "Oh, good one!" Her hands slapped at the wheel to the beat, head bobbing back and forth in lieu of actual dancing while driving. Shannon sang along to every word and grinned over at her first mate while paused at a stop light.
For just driving to get clothes it was fun.
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darkgreiga · 6 years
Wishes, Dreams, and Memories Chapter 31
Fandom: Rune Factory 4 Rating: T (to be safe) Genre(s): Adventure, Hurt/Comfort Characters: Lest, Dolce, Pico, Amber, Dylas, Leon, Frey, Arthur, Margaret, Forte Summary:  She had a wish to see him again. He had a dream of her last moments. They had their memories of having only each other. The amnesiac Earthmate never knew that by bringing his best friend back wouldn’t make his daily life go back to normal. Nor did he know she was the key to his and his ancestors’ past. Chapters: list Navigation: <<prev   |   next>> Author’s notes: The first chapter of the last arc is here!
Chapter 31 – Calm after the Storm
-Lest’s POV-
After the battle, Kane managed to find us in the castle after he had gone to the cave to escort the Guardians out safely. Frey explained everything to us, about how the Guardian’s corruption could affect even Venti, and we also told everyone about our relation to Ethelberd and Halwell. The news was a surprise to them as much as it was a surprise to me. After all, we don’t even look like the Sechs emperors by the outside and inside.
Two weeks have passed since that day. I can’t tell whether the corruption is completely gone or not, but all I can tell is that Venti is doing a lot better than when the corruption was still at large. Frey isn’t staying in the castle with us anymore, but she still visits us at least once every two days. She still has duties to attend back in the capital, so she can’t stay longer than a few hours.
I’m starting to feel that she is a close sister to me, but on the other side I can still tell that she’s not telling us everything. None of the Guardians or Kane actually paid attention to Frey’s wound back then, expect for Dolly and Pico. She looked like she was aware of something about Frey, but for some reason, she’s keeping it from me. I can’t actually force her to talk about it, but the fact that she’s hiding something from me is bothering me somehow. Why can’t you just talk to me about it if it’s actually bothering you?
-Third Person POV-
“Sweetie, will you stop staring at me?” the sound of his wife snapped Lest out of his trains of thought, realizing that Dolce was standing in front of him.
“Oh, sorry,” Lest shook his head to make sure that he was completely awake before putting his hoe over his shoulder, “Well, I’ll be working in the fields for the time being so let Frey know when she drops by to visit.”
“I will,” Dolce nodded before giving him a peck on the cheek, “Work hard, okay?”
Dolce watched as Lest left for the fields before Pico popped in front of her, “Are you sure about this, Dolly? Shouldn’t you say something about it to him?”
“No,” Pico followed Dolce closely as the two of them headed for the kitchen, “I need to be certain about the facts first. What we’re thinking now is just the conclusion we come into after we looked at her wound.”
“You’re scared, aren’t you milady?” Pico’s words made the Guardian stop her activity, “You know how it feels to lose a family… well, both of us do.”
Dolce let out a sigh as she turned to Pico with a frown, “He’ll know the truth sooner or later. I don’t want him to think that I’m hiding everything from him.”
Pico let out a sigh and smiled, “I think you’re worrying too much, Dolly. A bit more than usual, I guess,” Pico watched her friend working in the kitchen, “I guess I can see how much your love for Lest had changed my Dolly!”
A blush appeared on the Guardian’s face as she continued cooking, “S-Shut up!”
Lest let out a tired sigh before he admired his handiwork on the field, which was completely clean of garbage from the storm two weeks earlier. Crop seeds were planted on the tilled field and they had already been watered. His job on the field was finished and it was time for him to do his work in town.
Just as Lest was putting down his tools at the edge of the field, a scroll fell out from his pocket. He picked up the fallen scroll and the emblem of the Sechs Empire was visible on the scroll’s paper. A frown came to his face as he remembered the scroll’s contents when it was first given to him.
“So…” Lest spoke up to Arthur and Kane as the three of them were in Arthur’s office, “The empire is requesting me to be the acting emperor?”
“Yes,” Kane nodded as he rolled the scroll he was holding and handed it over to Lest, “Lord Halwell still hasn’t awakened after a week of recovery even after getting help from the best doctors.”
Arthur turned to Lest, “It would be sad to see you go, but I will not force you to go if you wish to stay.”
Lest turned back to Kane, but stared at him for a moment before speaking up, “I’m sorry, I can’t.”
“No, I understand,” Kane responded with a smile, “The higher ups only requested for you because of your relation to Lord Ethelberd, but they never forced me to take you back.”
“Speaking of which,” Arthur interrupted, getting Kane’s attention, “How is the empire doing currently?”
“Much better than when everyone was corrupted, that’s for sure,” Kane replied with a shrug, “Everyone remembers what happened, but they don’t really know why it happened. Other than that, the corruption in the empire seems to have disappeared without a trace.”
“I see,” Arthur nodded in understanding, “If there is anything else we can do to help, please let us know.”
“Of course,” Kane nodded, “My main purpose for coming here is to deliver the scroll, but I’ll tell the higher ups that you can’t take Lord Halwell’s place.”
“Okay, I’ll see you later,” Lest waved the soldier goodbye as he left the office.
-End of Flashback-
“The acting emperor?” Ventuswill asked as Lest showed her the scroll in the dragon room, “Hey, I guess I’m right about you being royalty after all!”
Lest let out a laugh, “Don’t be too proud on it, Venti. You need to remember who my father was.”
“I know,” Ventuswill paused for a moment as she stared at the wall, “Speaking of Ethelberd, I think I recall hearing something when I was still in the forest. I know that I recognize that voice, now I remember that it was him.”
“Wait,” Lest looked at the dragon god in surprise, “You met him in the Forest of Beginnings?”
“Not exactly meeting in person, though,” Ventuswill put her claw under her jaw as she tried recalling the encounter, “I can only hear his voice saying that he won’t surrender until all Earthmates perish.”
“Can he still be alive in there? And corrupting people into doing things they shouldn’t do?” Lest asked.
“No,  that won’t be possible,” Ventuswill shook her head, “Humans can’t stay and live in there for a long period of time. If a person stays there for longer than they should have, their body will soon break into runes. Even so, the soul would still remain in there forever unless there’s a special case that they’re resurrected.”
“Just like what happened to you,” Lest added, “But if his soul is still there, can he do any harm to the world?”
“Hm…” Ventuswill went back to her thoughts, but nothing came into her mind, “I’m not sure, but I think it’s very unlikely.”
“I hope so…” Lest let out a sigh, “This corruption thing just happens to come and go without a reason and a trace. I just wish that there’s a clue somewhere so that we can prevent it in the future…”
“And then, he ran around the house in panic while yelling that there was a deadly scorpion in the house!” Frey and Pico broke out into laughter while Dolce simply chuckled as she sipped on her tea.
The three girls were hanging around at the castle’s balcony with Frey telling stories about the siblings’ daily lives in the past. Two plates of flan were sitting on the table untouched as the three were busy talking. Pico was completely taken into the conversation, but Dolce had noticed that her guest hadn’t touched either her tea or her flan.
There was a single question she had been meaning to ask Frey and her observation prompted her to pop the question right away, “Before we hear more of those stories, there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you.”
“Sure, we can talk while you have your flan,” Frey responded as she simply looked at her share of flan.
“Okay,” Dolce took her share of flan, but the scent of her favorite meal suddenly made her feel weird in the stomach, “Ugh…”
“Are you okay Dolly?” Pico saw as Dolce put a hand on her mouth before shaking her head.
“I’m fine…” Dolce uncovered her mouth before taking a spoonful of flan, only have the weird feeling on her stomach come back, “Not again…”
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Frey asked worriedly as she took the flan from Dolce’s hands, “You look kind of pale.”
“I’m… okay… ugh…” Dolce quickly rose from her seat and ran inside, heading straight towards the bathroom.
“Is she sick or something?” Frey turned to Pico.
“That would be my best guess…” Pico turned to the barely touched desserts, “Dolly really loves sweets like flan and cakes, but she’s been avoiding them for the past week for some reason.”
“Hm…” Frey tapped her chin as she was thinking, “I don’t think she’s suddenly become bored of eating her favorite dishes…”
“That’s impossible. There’s no way she’s going to give up on her all-you-can-eat cake routine every-” Pico was silenced with a single talisman landing over her mouth.
“You’re saying too much,” Dolce had just returned from the bathroom, but her face told the other two that she wasn’t feeling that much different than before, “Sorry for that interruption.”
“I don’t mind, but I don’t think you look well at all,” Frey replied worriedly, “I’ll tell Lest about your condition when I see him, so why don’t you two just stay home until he gets back?”
Dolce let out a defeated sigh, “That… might be the best…”
Lest let out a tired sigh as he pushed the castle door open while carrying an extra paper bag with him. With Dolce taking her temporary leave from her evening shift, he decided that it might be best for them to eat dinner at home to let her rest at home. With the ingredients in the paper bag put in the kitchen, Lest left for his room to check on Dolce.
Lest had expected the female Guardian to be asleep with Pico watching over her, the scene he saw was Dolce knitting on the bed with a terrified Pico at the edge of the bed, “I’m… home…?”
“Oh, welcome back Sweetie,” Dolce put her knitting aside and greeted Lest with a smile as she approached her, “How was work today?”
“More or less the usual, I guess…” Lest’s attention was focused on Pico as he let Dolce took his backpack off him, “More importantly, what happened to Pico?”
“Just a simple argument between us,” Dolce replied, completely ignoring the fact that Pico was still in the room, “Are you going to prepare dinner tonight?”
“Yeah,” Lest nodded, “I was planning to make your favorite cake today, so-”
“I want… something else, if that’s okay…” the attention of the other two in the room shifted to her, “I want… some fried veggies…”
The room became completely silent with Pico hovering in front of her with the look of disbelief, “Did I hear that right? Dolly, you never liked eating any kind of vegetables!”
“I’m kind of surprised too,” Lest added, “But if that’s what you want, I guess I need to head out to buy the missing ingredients…”
“Alright,” Dolce nodded, “Sorry for the trouble.”
The two watched as Lest left before Pico turned back to Dolce, “Are you sure you’re fine milady? Do you need Jones to check your condition?”
“I’m perfectly fine,” Dolce let out a sigh before she went back to her knitting, “You’re being a lot more stubborn today. Do you want to be wrapped in talismans again?”
“N-No, please don’t do that again to me!”
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bipolyjack · 7 years
Please tell me more about why you like sheith, I'm very curious to hear the rest of it.
(alright luckily i had the beginning of this saved elsewhere when tumblr just randomly sent it early so imma just begin by pasting. also spoilers for voltron s4 obv) 
the original ask was something like “curious why u like sheith? ive thought abt it and i think i prefer klance”
rubs hands 2gether Thank U for Asking
first of all, thats chill! if klance is ur thing, fuckin go for itmy dude, have a great time with that shit. the fandom’s huge andtheres tons of content. im all for ppl shippin what they want and imnot here to tell someone to ship or not ship something. if u do trulywant to know why im a sheith tho, buckle the fuck up cause im awashin sheith feelings at every moment and i got Things 2 say
alright so the main thing with sheith is that it feels realhealthy and good. (well it did. things are weird this season bc shiromay or may not be a clone but up until his disappearance at least.)they’re rly good abt checking in with each other to see how theother one’s doing and feeling, and they lean on each other a lotfor support. they also treat each other as equals and respect each other’s choices (again, with minor exceptions in the current season). they got that good good hidden backstory together. they got that good good star crossed lovers thing goin on where the universe keeps ripping them apart, fucking them over and tossing them back together more fucked up than before and my dude i Eat That Shit UP. also that good good height difference.the show gives them lots of moments where they’re either alone in a room together havin a private moment or havin an equally private moment in front of the whole fuckin team where fuckin everybody can see them (like the first Hug tm). they’re openly physically intimate with each other (which keith is not with anyone else) and they’re not like. ashamed of that. there’s so much canon content i cry daily. 
here lemme break it down
we know they knew each other in the garrison, and not just like in passing, like acquaintances, but enough that keith was the only person there to see shiro off when the kerberos mission launched. in s1ep1 lance says of shiro “omg that guys my hero” and of keith “you’re my rival” but neither shiro nor keith know who lance even fuckin is. bc presumably they didnt hang out. everyone in the garrison knows who keith and shiro are but they - keith especially it seems like - dont keep track of the other students. also theres this whole fanon thing where shiro and matt were best friends in the garrison and hung out all the time before kerberos, but in s4 when matt greets shiro hes incredibly stiff and awkward and calls him sir and shiro just goes “pidge never gave up on u buddy” which i guess could be a clone thing but could also be him bein like “i totally did give up on u tho, whatever” (and i can totally buy that considering how pidge’s whole personal arc this whole time has been looking for matt and their dad, and while shiro has been supportive of that, he’s also been like hey dude that’s not our top priority as a team). so from that i infer that matt and shiro werent best buds in the garrison, and that he must have spent a lot more of his time with keith bc in s2ep1 keith makes it clear that shiro made a significant impact on his life and that he still thinks about things shiro said to him before kerberos. which we havent seen. bc theyre hiding the pre-kerberos backstory from us and i cry. also their flashbacks in s1ep2 (i think, i dont exactly remember which ep but i think its that one) when they all put on the headsets and we see their fondest memories, shiro’s is the day they were separated and keith’s is the day they found each other again like jesus.
then there’s keith’s first scene in the show. the first thing we see him doing is kicking the shit out of like three garrison guys to rescue shiro. we get that close up of him touching shiro’s unconscious fuckin face and his first line in the whole show is him saying shiro’s name. like shit dude how am i supposed 2 not ship that. the first time keith and lance interact, its lance butting in on that moment and keith being like “who the fuck are u” and its. uncomfortable. we also know that keith has been livin alone in the desert and obsessing over these lion carvings bc he got kicked out of the garrison for basically insubordination sometime after shiro went missing. we get that scene in the shack where keith talks abt feeling lost until shiro showed up and everyone else in the room looking all confused and uncomfortable as these two dudes who clearly already know each other well and have been separated for like a year just stare into each other’s eyes or what the fuck ever. also the scene outside the shack where keith comes and finds shiro and puts a hand on his shoulder and asks him how hes doing - theyre alone for that part. also worth mentioning is that keith has no hesitation touching shiro’s galra tech arm, whereas lance hesitates before shaking his hand. we see a bunch of times that keith is touch averse with almost everyone except shiro, in a way that indicates a degree of prior familiarity and a good understanding of boundaries that keith hasnt had the time or inclination to set up with lance, hunk, pidge, allura, coran etc. also the one time he holds lance when sendack attacks the castle and lance is unconscious, lance sort of blows it off later and basically goes “no homo” when keith brings it up so that was a bummer
i also love some of the Pauses they put into shiro and keith’s dialogue, some of them are just. so choice. like when keith proposes a crazy plan that puts him in danger and shiro just takes a sec, closes his eyes, then goes “alright i’ll back u up, do what u gotta do” like!!!! boi!!!!!! thats good shit. also in s2ep9 during the blade of marmora trial when keith is basically having this nightmare about shiro rejecting him because of his connection to the galra, (which real actual shiro can see because this whole ep was a fuckin fanfiction) and he does that same thing where hes like “shiro... *pause, close eyes for Just a sec* you’re like a brother to me” which! by the way!! i have said the same thing!! to a friend i had a crush on!!! who was straight!!!! and i was a little baby who didnt know i was into girls yet and we used to say we were like sisters bc i? didnt know i?? was gay???? we shared her bed whenever i stayed over and she really did see me as a sister and i would just lie next to her and daydream about touching her boobs,, anyway keith is so relatable there i could yell forever but continuing on,
can we, real quick, talk abt the first time keith flies the black lion? bc in s2ep1 hes not the black paladin yet. real shiro is still around. and keith legit goes up to black, puts a hand on her big ole nose and goes “ur boi is in trouble, we gotta help him” and she goes “yeah dude hop in” like?????????????? thats some fanfic shit again! black Knows! also dont even talk to me abt how many times keith and shiro yell each others names in that ep its unreal. also the trope (that i eat the fuck up every time) of one member of the otp lying trapped and injured somewhere and talking to the other member of the otp thru a helmet comm or whatever and they cant see each other but they can hear each others voices, so they have to keep talking to like reassure each other they’re both still alive and okay?!!! im such a sucker for that shit!!!! ummmmm the fact that shiro keeps reassuring keith that hes fine when theres a gaping glowing wound in his side and hes like visibly in pain, clenching his teeth, eyes closed, groaning, sweat beading on his forehead, the whole fuckin thing?? and josh knocked it outta the park with shiro’s voice in that ep making him sound like he was trying not to sound hurt and exhausted so that keith wouldn’t worry too much like Fuck me up!! smiling thru the pain when keith talks abt how much shiro changed his life and made him a better person??? boi!!!!!
then there are the times when shiro talks abt something happening to him and keith taking over as voltron’s leader, and keith gets all panicked about it like he cant stand the thought of losing shiro again (this happens a bunch of times but the ones that are coming to mind are s2ep1 and s2ep9 bc. again. those are the fanfic episodes). and then he Does lose him again and he’s so clearly grieving, lashing out at the rest of the team, super obviously feeling shiro’s loss more than the others (and lance is a real dick about it a bunch of times which really rubbed me wrong), going out to look for him over and over bc he wants to believe so bad that shiro’s out there somewhere. omg the “please no” when the black lion accepts him that shit Fucked me right up!! he wants to honor shiro’s wishes!! but some part of him knows that’s like admitting that shiro’s gone and isn’t coming back. and then!!!!!! when they find kuron and its just the red lion and the galra ship floating alone in space just like. gently drifting toward each other. keith’s little tired smile there. fuck me up. and then we find out in the next scene that keith has been the only one in shiro (kuron)’s room while he’s recovering and shiro (kuron) hasnt bothered to shave or cut his hair or get dressed yet and he lets keith see him like that and not the rest of the team. fuck. keith looks Exhausted in that scene. hes got bags under his eyes, hes kinda hunched in on himself, arms crossed, like something in him Knows this isnt his boi but he wants to believe it’s him so bad and its. god. its a lot. and Then when hes turning to leave and kuron is like “how many times will u have to save me before this is over” and keith’s face just relaxes into this legitimately genuine smile when he says “as many times as it takes” like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fuck me
this is where it starts gettin awkward with them bc kuron isnt shiro and he doesnt treat keith the way shiro would but he Tries, like after keith fucks up that one mission and kuron comes and finds him (again, in private) to touch his shoulder and be like “im proud of u boi” when keith clearly Did Not Do A Good Job and keith just looks bummed like “thats. thats not tru” and it Hurts me bc we know real shiro doesnt do fake praise. also kuron orders keith to put himself in danger more than once and doesnt give a shit that keith and the others get hurt because of it which also real shiro would never do - we’ve seen him react when his teammates take hits before, but especially keith, like during the bom trial. then theres s4ep1 where keith sort of drifts away from team voltron in order to do more stuff with the blade of marmora and everyone’s pissed at him but then as hes walking out kuron’s like “you know we’re here for you if you need us” and keith gets that soft smile again like “i know and i cant tell you how much that means to me” and then they do that good good hand clasp that turns into a hug which by the way is a stark contrast to when other people hug keith and they just kinda grab him and he goes all stiff and it takes him a sec or three to put his arms around them if he even does that at all - with shiro they do the hand clasp first and then walk into the hug together and keith buries his face in shiro’s fuckin shoulder and smiles and closes his eyes and i wanna die. and theyve done this twice now which makes me think they probs did it before kerberos too and that also hurts me. 
then theres s4ep6 where keith has gone the whole season feeling like he was a bad leader. it seems like voltron doesnt rly need him and his friends dont need him and shiro doesnt need him and hes been hanging with the bom who have their whole philosophy of not going back to rescue their own guys if it means putting the mission or the rest of the team in danger (which keith already was saying when allura was captured - how very galra of him) and now keith’s having to readjust to that mindset after being part of such a close knit team. so when he sees a way to take that shield down, he just fuckin goes for it. hes started to see himself as expendable. when shiro thinks hes about to die, we get all kinds of flashbacks, the first of which is him and keith alone outside the shack. there are no flashbacks with keith. he just closes his eyes. and shiro (kuron) congratulates him. like obv its before he knows what keith was about to do, but still, thats some fucked up shit. 
now this wasnt rly part of ur question, ie u didnt ask me how i felt abt klance, but i feel like i gotta say: lance just grates on me. im sorry i know lots of people who love him but he just. isnt my cup of tea. and i do think the relationship shown in the show between keith and shiro is a lot more mature and healthy than the one shown between lance and keith. lance has some good moments! but canon lance and fanon lance seem like two entirely different people to me a lot of the time and thats all cool and fine if ur lookin for that, again im not here to stop ppl from having fun, but there are so many good sheith moments in the show and im just glad to see the relationship between two dudes depicted that way regardless of whether it becomes canon or not. also lance in the show is only shown being attracted to girls, and in kinda a skeevy way - like ive met guys who treat me like that and been Very off-put by that kind of behavior. and it would put me off if after all that they got him together with keith. like hes just superficially interested in all these hot girls but keith, who he has very few heartfelt intimate moments with onscreen, is his True Love? like thats,, not good bi rep. i Do rly like the bond hes been building with allura since they switched lions, that seems like its going in a direction that could turn out to be very wholesome and sweet. but again, if klance is ur thing, by all means have a ball.
k that was a lot but tl:dr i like 2 cry and sheith provides me with lots of opportunities to do that,, if u read it all then thank u deeply and truly for ur attention, u probs Understand me as a person a bit better than before lol
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biblet01 · 7 years
What the internet has done.
(Long rambling thoughts coming in.)
You know I messaged a friend a good maybe month ago asking them if they had ever kicked themselves over something they did when they were younger. I was kicking myself because I was a stupid kid at times. They said nah not really and that was that. But then I realized something about a week or two later, I was only 9 or so in the memories I was kicking myself over. And here I am a mere maybe 5 years after that thinking of how "awful I acted", when really? I was a young dumb kid.
That's where the title of this comes in. I've become bitter towards my younger years ("younger" I say at 14) because I've matured more. But it wasn't in a way, good, maturing I guess you could say. Ever since I was 11 or so I started putting my online friends problems much more over mine, which would normally be fine, and I encourage you to try and help with problems. But I was an 11 year old trying to sympathize and help people with things like past rape, abuse, etc. At 11.
Before I go on with this I want to say a quick sorry that I know no one I'm apologizing to will read. But to my old friends who I'm no longer in contact with who always told me to worry about my problems more and maybe cut back on the depressing, loud songs, I'm sorry I didn't listen. I was also stubborn just a few years ago, and still can be to this day.
But I digress. So at that age and trying to help people through it, I matured too quickly. Obviously kids now a days know about this stuff at a young age, and I know you can't be innocent forever, I get that completely. But I wish it could've been prolonged even just a few months longer. Or just not have had such a morbid curiosity at one point to say look at gore or something like it.
But once again I digress, it's 4 in the morning and I have to get this off my chest. Even before that I had already lost my trust of most people due to an incident that went on for close to 4 years with someone I considered an amazing friend and even was making plans to meet at some point. (I have a paper somewhere from one Christmas saying that we'd go see him at some point. I have a sense of panic and sadness whenever I see it out of the blue.). But after 4 years of fear, and not even wanting to turn my phone on at times I finally told someone. And he came clean. From that day forward I tried not to trust anyone too closely.
Cut to last year, last school year. Worst year of my life and my close family's life. Ironic it was the 13th year of my life hm? Anyways, that year I got to join this hellsite and meet some interesting people, for better or worse. And that year I got to learn that even when you say no, people don't stop. Not even after many times saying no, people don't stop if something theyre doing upsets you. I also learned that politics are the devil and honestly, they're one reason I don't like this site too much. If I want the daily affairs I'll go to fucking CNN. Some of it is good, but after seeing the same 'powerful' video 20 times it loses the powerfulnes. But I digress, that's not what this is about.
That year I met a nice good friend group that over time has fallen apart or into two sides. I tried going back to the new chat some of them made but left after feeling completely unwanted. You see I already wasn't too into some of the stuff going on in the chat and always felt like I was basically banished from most things because of it. Sorry if I'm not horny 24/7 you fucks. I'm amazed I didn't leave the first group after the fights and feeling unwanted there too. Doesn't feel nice to have everyone leave the chat room when you say hi. A simple hi, and I don't know what I did.
So here I am, 4 AM on a school night finally deciding to get this shit off my chest, which I've wanted to for a good while. Morals of this shit show? Don't let anyone make you like something they do. If you like that thing, then more power too you, but if you don't, you don't let them force you to like it. Last year was the main time I learned about that, and after having rape threats to end out the last three months of the worst school year of my life, I did not want to see anything sexual. So quick fuck you to those who still tried to send me that shit when I told y'all no.
Another moral, don't trust people too hard. I was going to use an old classic rock song as an example for this but realised it doesn't work so whoops. But unless you know for sure someone isn't pulling shit, or you want to trust them, after all this is coming from me and not everyone has had something like this happen. Hell my "case" is mild id imagine to some people's.
And my final moral because that last one went no where. Don't grow up too fast. Now I know I'm only 14, I get that, it's not like I'm 17 or in my early 20s and I'm speaking of this. But the point remains, if you're still in your teen years or about to enter them, do what you want to do. Want to say no to something? Go for it, want to do something stupid with friends for a memory? I mean, go for it with your adventurous self.
I'm lucky, I've still got years left before the adult life hits like a brick and let me tell you, when I say I'm going to live these few years to the fullest I can with barely any real life friends to see, I'm going to. I'm going to have control over my life on here. I'm not going to be anyone's little bitch, or (as much as I fucking hate this term and it disgusts me) fuck toy any longer. And while I don't plan on being an ass to everyone, if I've got a problem with someone by god I'm going to tell them I do. Fuck trying to be nice to the people that have done me wrong in my life and just letting it slide because "oh I need them". Fuck it, id rather have less friends than friends that are dicks to me. I'm going to write music, write stories whether they're fanfiction or not and not ask for opinions at every turn. If it flops it flops, it's a learning experience.
So hi, I'm biblet01, ParanoidRobot, Rung, Red Alert, whatever online name you may know me as, and this is my blog. And this is the new me.
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dent-de-leon · 8 years
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well i couldnt find a thing on this anywhere so here it goes:
what keith thinks of shiro vs what shiro thinks of shiro, based on their two completely different fake shiros
Ok so “kuro”  
Season 1 puts a lot of focus on this idea that shiro sees himself as a monster. What he did as a gladiator, his disdain for his galra arm, those times when he thinks maybe the amnesia is a mercy to spare him the guilt of some horrible thing he’s done in the past—all of this kind of comes to a head with Sendak.
Shiro all too readily agrees to repurpose Altean technology to sift through the commander’s memories. For intel of course, but i certainly think theres more to it than that. On some level, i fully believe that part of shiro wanted to get back at him, thought maybe he’d mess with sendak’s memories just like how the galra screwed with his. You can especially see this when he throws sendak’s own line right back at him—“You can’t hold out forever! You’re a broken soldier!” And then of course theres that whole conversation about how the galra have broken and reformed him. How Shiro can’t beat Zarkon because he’s already given in. So if we’re talking biggest fears, it’s obvious what Shiro’s is. The galra? His abusers? Shiro is terrified that he’s becoming just like them. That’s why haggar’s shiro has eyes that are glowing galran gold, why he has this palpable taste for bloodlust and absolutely revels in it.
So, with that in mind, let’s look at kuro. He’s still in his prisoner uniform. Shiro STILL feels like he’s trapped, still sees himself suffering the effects of galra influence every day, unable to come to terms with the fact that he’s really “free.” Even when they all first get in the blue lion and that galra ship shows up, Shiro just freezes and goes “they found me.” Not Us. Me. Some part of him half expects to be dragged back by haggar any day. Sendak was right about one thing. Shiro doesn’t actually believe he can win. Could Keith and the rest? Sure, he has faith in them. i think thats why hes so hyper focused on training keith to be leader, because he feels like keith is the better paladin and pilot, like he can succeed where shiro failed. From the first episode of season 2 onward, its pretty damn clear that shiro didnt expect to survive any of this. Whether that meant going back to the druids or dying as a paladin, i don’t think he ever thought he was free. Doesn’t even think he’s worthy of being black’s pilot, can’t even see himself as a paladin—or anything other than a prisoner really.
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Keith sees him as a paladin though. Which is interesting, cause if anything, i thought he’d see a prekerberos shiro. But no, its just him as he is. Because even with the scar and the arm and everything the galra did to him, as far as keith is concerned, shiro is still shiro, and thats something. He doesn’t want to see the shiro he knew and probably grew up with from before kerberos and voltron and that year alone in the desert. No, the shiro he has now is enough. As different as he is, keith still sees him as family, still feels like nothing’s changed. He doesn’t look at him and see a stranger. or a monster.
Looking at his smile here,  Keith-shiro exudes this kind of confidence. He’s the garrison golden boy alright, someone who shows up just in time to save you and graciously offers up his hand like a white knight. There’s a charisma to this shiro that the real one just…doesn’t have. When shiro jumps in and saves keith for real? He’s not all calm and collected, maintaining perfect composure and keeping a level head. No, he RuNS and holds keith in his arms and starts panicking, asking if he’s okay. There’s no facade. You can literally see him breaking apart. Keith-shiro doesn’t do that, is too Perfect for that.
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And then he lashes out. Calls keith selfish. Does shiro actually think that? I don’t think so, no. but keith does, and he’s very much afraid that one of these days he’ll mess up badly enough and shiro will just straight up leave him for it. Josh keaton even says as much, saying that keith’s “constantly scared he’s gonna do or say something wrong and he’s gonna lose shiro.”
So, Shiro gets angry. snaps at keith, yells at him. And you know what? None of these things really seem to phase keith. Sure, he’s upset. He’s sad. He tries helplessly to explain to shiro as best he can. But he’s not shocked or surprised. Like he just Expects shiro to treat him like that. Weird, considering how openly concerned and gentle shiro always is when it comes to him. Again, i think that goes back to keith constantly worrying that he’ll somehow fail shiro and end up alone again.
also, shiro is clearly presented here as someone who supposedly has their shit together. shiro knows best, and time and time again, he tries to tell keith what he needs. “You know who you are, you’re a voltron paladin.” “WE’RE your family.” “No, you don’t. So just give them the knife.” Keith is ordered around left and right like its normal, like it should be a give in that this is shiro so he should just stop and listen. Its obvious that keith really looks up to and trusts shiro, that he’s someone keith would ordinarily listen to without question.
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One thing though. Keith says “Shiro, you’re like a brother to me,” right after shiro drops the line that they’re All his family. But keith doesnt say ya of course, you all are. No, he puts the focus on shiro. And i think thats why it couldnt have just been anyone on team voltron, why it had to be shiro. We already know that he’s the one keith “desperately wants to see.”
And this line about family is nothing new. later Allura says something about them all being a family, right in episode 2 hunk declares that the paladins are all brothers, and keith tries to come to terms with being galra by reasoning that “we’re all related”–cause theyre all made of the same cosmic stardust and stuff. Found family is an important theme of voltron, and especially important to mr “everyone in the universe has a family” keith. Yeah, the other paladins are important to him. Allura is important to him. But shiro’s the one whos been there for him all this time, is the closest thing to a family keith really has.
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Lastly, the part where Shiro walks away. It’s obvious keith has abandonment issues, and i think his dad probably has a lot to do with that. Actually, i think his dad did abandon him, and thats why keith is able to turn his back on him but goes running after shiro. Because unlike his dad, shiro never left by choice. Shiro was taken from him. And all these months later, after finally getting him back, it kills him to see shiro just get up again and leave like his dad did. Thats his worst fear. That shiro saw all of him and still doesn’t care, that keith still isn’t worth staying for. Cause people like keith? They have this “Everyone leaves me eventually” mentality. It’s only a matter of time.
He throws the blade—his lifelong question, his history, his identity—away because in the face of losing shiro none of that matters. Nothing else matters. And i think the main takeaway there is that shiro looks at himself and sees a monster. Keith looks back and sees his hero. Someone he idolizes, someone who can do no wrong, someone who is perfect and far too good for someone like Keith. He’s put up on a pedestal in keith’s hallucination, someone who, no matter how hard he tries, keith can’t quite reach. And that’s not good either. They need to find a way to meet in the middle somewhere.
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