#then them making josh a golden retriever! so on brand !
jrueships · 2 years
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The perfect puppy assign 🥰🥰🥰
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dizzydancingdreamer · 4 years
It’s 12:30 and I can’t sleep so, without further ado, Vincent Griffith headcannons—
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-> I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: this man is the KING of hot chocolate and it was COMPLETELY BY ACCIDENT
-> the ninth ward coven always puts on a Christmas market to fundraise— people come from across the country to see it— and the regent is always in charge of the hot chocolate stand
-> it’s like a little tradition / competition to see who can make the best hot chocolate
-> I’m strongly of the belief that Vincent isn’t that competitive— he just gives me chill NOLA vibes— and that when he realized he would have to make the hot chocolate he panicked a little bit
-> a lot— he panicked A LOT
-> but nonetheless he whipped up some hot cocoa and on the opening day he swallowed his heart and hoped his recipe wouldn’t completely flop— his nana had given it to him after all
-> to ease the edge a bit though he pulls out a bottle of peppermint moonshine— he bartered with the wolves for it— and splashes a bit in but a few people see him and ask him about it
-> “Is that this year’s special ingredient??” “What—“ “If that’s the ingredient count me in!” “Well... okay if you insist.”
-> that’s how Vincent became the king of the underground, Ninth Ward, hot chocolate competition via peppermint moonshine sourced from the Louisiana bayou
-> moving on from Christmas though
-> Vincent collects shoes— but not like fancy ones, just like rubber boots and skate shoes
-> he collects old Converse, he has 15 pairs, each a different color, regardless though his favourite pair is still the classic black high tops
-> he even had one of the young witch artists in his coven paint on a pair and he wears them around— it’s helped her slowly start a business
-> he does that a lot— helps the younger teens and adults in his covens with their hobbies and jobs whenever he can— his wardrobe is basically all embroidered crewnecks, hand knitted jumpers, and crocheted beanies
-> he never misses a moment to hype up one of their brands to the tourists and he keeps their spare business cards in his wallet and always makes sure to boost their social media before the conversation ends
-> he’s so smooth when he does it too that half the time they don’t even know what happened they just know they HAVE to look up the sweater because by god do they want one
-> he’s wickedly good at shooting pool— a product of his university days— and he used to hustle people when he was studying— it helped pay for his degree
-> nowadays he doesn’t take money for games, he plays the kids in his coven and occasionally Josh when him and Davina end up in the same bar as him— it’s always a good time and Josh always whines when he looses— sometimes Vincent lets him win
-> he got a dog after his wife went crazy, he had been so used to always having someone around that when he lost her he started to go a little crazy himself only this time in a different— more painful— way
-> he’s a golden retriever he finds at a rescue society, a little matted with a few scars but Vincent finds comfort in that— they’re both a little worse from wear, despite his appearances though he’s energetic and they click from the jump
-> he names him Baxter and they go everywhere together— Vincent is literally never seen without Baxter
-> at first he swears off magic— afraid of what it did to him and his wife and what it might lead him to do to Baxter— but when he’s called to regency and there is no way out he promises to himself that he won’t let the magic take Baxter away from him
-> the coven loves Baxter and the kids are always playing with him and cuddling him, the church and Lafayette Cemetery are filled with water bowls
-> Baxter and Davina are very close and when she dies he lays by her grave and refuses to move for three days
-> Vincent refuses to leave Baxter so they both take vigil beside her, sometimes joined by Josh or Marcel, once even Kol, until finally Baxter moves
-> he rarely wears matching socks— not to make a statement but because he’s terrible at doing his laundry and he never washes two matching socks at the same time and he’s usually scrambling out the door after grabbing two socks he can find
-> he’s always on time but just barely— he’s the guy pushing through the door at the last second who people roll their eyes at but smile anyway— he’s charismatic and strong though so nobody really minds— he does his job and he does it well and that’s all that matters
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blurry-fics · 5 years
Chapter Five
Realize That It’s Gone | Series Masterlist
Warnings: Little bit of angst
Word Count: 2177
Author’s Note: I hope you enjoy this chapter! :) (picture credit)
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You must have looked between the text from Tyler and the number on the door at least three times before knocking, just to make sure that you weren’t showing up at some stranger’s apartment. Your hands were shaking a little as you finally stuffed your phone back into your pocket and knocked quietly on the door. Before it had even opened, you heard Tyler’s familiar laugh. Your shoulders instantly relaxed.
“Hey,” Tyler smiled as he opened the door. You took in his plain white t-shirt and basketball shorts, biting back a smile. “You made it.”
“Barely,” you laughed, stepping through the open door.
Your eyes went wide as you took in the new apartment. Tyler hadn’t been kidding about it being a lot nicer than his last one. His keyboard was no longer crammed into a corner, in fact, it was nowhere in sight, meaning that his bedroom was probably big enough to actually have more than just a bed and a closet. The living room was decently sized, with space for multiple couches and a bookshelf that the boys had filled with movies and band-related objects that you didn’t yet know the significance of. Not to mention that you weren’t practically in the kitchen as soon as you walked in the door, there was space for you and Tyler to stand comfortably.
“Wow,” was all you could manage to mutter at first.
“Nice, isn’t it?” Tyler said, looking around with a proud smile.
“I don’t think nice covers it. I mean, you said this was nicer than your last apartment but this… are you sure you’re not famous?” you laughed.
“Not famous.” Tyler shook his head, but he was laughing quietly.
“Hey, Y/N.”
Your eyes shifted to the voice. Josh - who you hadn’t entirely registered as being in the apartment - was sitting on the couch, his tattooed arm slung over the back. He smiled when you met his eyes, making your heart skip a beat.
That was new.
“Hey, Josh.”
You kicked your shoes off by the door and followed Tyler in the living room, still allowing your eyes to wander around the space. He took a seat next to Josh on the couch, so you settled for the armchair that was pushed against the far wall. You kicked your legs up and over the side, letting your feet dangle in the air.
“How was the drive?” Tyler asked.
You shrugged, “Not bad. A lot farther than your old place, for sure, but I actually didn’t mind it too much. I think there’s some back roads that I’ll be able to take to avoid traffic, which will be nice.”
“I think I know which ones you mean,” Josh chimed in. “I take those ones to visit my family.”
“How are they?”
“Not bad. They definitely help during traffic, like you said. There’s some pretty cool scenery, too.”
“Oh, nice,” you grinned.
You took a moment to look over Josh’s appearance, now that he was sitting directly across from you. He had pierced his nose since the last time you had seen him, probably a result of the tour antics Tyler had kept you filled in on. His once dark hair was now a pale blue and sticking out at all angles. And then there were his eyes, a beautiful deep brown with crinkles that formed at the corners when he smiled or laughed.
He must have noticed you staring, because he caught your eye and raised his eyebrows slightly. You pressed your lips together and turned away from him, too embarrassed to keep making eye contact.
“Hey, weren’t we about to make lunch?” Tyler asked, turning to Josh.
“Oh right, I forgot about that,” Josh answered without missing a beat.
Tyler stood up from the couch and started to wander into the kitchen, followed closely by Josh.
“Coming, Y/N?” Tyler asked, looking to you.
“Yeah, I’m coming.”
You swung your legs down and followed the boys to the kitchen. Based on the variety of ingredients that the two of them collected, you were having grilled cheese for lunch.
“Do you want any help?” you asked, drumming your fingers along the edge of the counter.
“You can just sit, if you want,” Tyler answered. “I can make your grilled cheese.”
“Thanks, Ty.”
The boys chatted happily as they made their sandwiches. Tyler was in charge of preparing all of them while Josh got the stove heated up to actually cook them. They were taking their jobs very seriously.
“How long have you two known each other?” Josh asked. He was holding a hand over the pan in front of him, testing how hot it was.
“Careful,” you muttered, eyeing his hand. He smiled. “And, um, we met when we were freshmen in high school. Our English teacher sat us next to one another and the rest is history.”
“Only because I wouldn’t leave her alone,” Tyler laughed as he spread butter onto a piece of bread.
Josh looked to you with furrowed eyebrows. You shook your head slightly, remembering what Tyler had been like when he was fourteen.
“He was always asking me for help on projects,” you explained. “And after awhile I actually started to feel comfortable around him and we talked about stuff that wasn’t related to school. Actually, I don’t think we ever really stopped talking in that class,” you laughed.
“Yeah, Mr. Brown wasn’t really a huge fan of us,” Tyler chimed in.
“That’s cool that you two have known each other so long. I don’t really talk to many of my high school friends anymore,” Josh said. “Also, Y/N, did you want anything to drink?”
You looked to Tyler for a moment, “Do you still keep all of my favorite drinks in your fridge?”
He scoffed, “Obviously.”
“A vanilla Coke would be great,” you said to Josh.
“Coming right up. Did you want anything, Ty?”
“I’ll take a Red Bull.”
Tyler caught your eye as you were waiting for Josh to grab you a drink. He subtly raised his eyebrows, silently asking for your opinion on Josh so far. You smiled and nodded, hoping that it got the right message across.
“Here you go,” Josh said, holding the can out towards you. You hadn’t even fully realized that he had come back.
“Thanks,” you smiled, reaching out to take it from him.
Your fingers briefly brushed against his as he passed the drink to you. Tingles ran up your arm, nearly making you shiver. Tyler shot you a look, but you simply smiled and popped the top of the can open.
“Here’s the first sandwich,” Tyler said, passing it to Josh without looking at him. There was an edge to his voice that hadn’t been there before.
Josh thanked him and tossed it into the pan. The butter began to sizzle. adding another layer of noise to the kitchen.
“Tyler was telling me the other day that you got a cat,” Josh said, his eyes never leaving the sandwich.
“Yeah, my parents got him for me when my brother moved out. I guess he was supposed to keep me company, which he does, but he’s also a pain a lot of the time. He’s constantly breaking stuff.”
“That sounds like a lot of fun,” Josh laughed. He had a nice laugh.
“Not really. Do you have pets? I mean, not here, obviously. But your family?”
“We had a couple different pets growing up. I’ve always wanted a golden retriever, you know, a dog that I could take on runs and stuff. Plus, I could register it as an emotional support animal for anxiety and all that. Maybe even take him on tour, when we’re doing that again.”
Josh turned to Tyler and smiled. Tyler returned his smile, but something about it didn’t seem entirely genuine. There was definitely something going on with him. You made a mental note to ask him about it later.
“Hey, Y/N, watch this.”
Your attention turned back to Josh, who had taken hold of the pan and was now holding it a few inches above the stove. You watched with wide eyes as he flipped the sandwich over, making the fresh butter start to sizzle once again. He turned to you with a proud smile.
“Impressive,” you nodded.
“I’m a man of many talents,” he laughed, shooting you a wink.
You pursed your lips for a moment, allowing your eyes to slide down to the counter in front of you. It was a rare occasion that someone flirted so blatantly with you, but the attention was a welcome occurrence.
*     *     *
Once all of your sandwiches were made and the three of you had your drinks of choice, you made your way back to the living room. Even with adequate space for a dining room table, it seemed the boys still preferred to eat their lunch on the comfort of a couch.
You managed to claim one end of the couch, and Josh was quick to take the other end. Tyler stared at the middle spot for a moment before deciding to sit in the armchair that you had previously occupied. You would have sat there again, but you didn’t want to risk balancing your drink on the armrest and spilling soda all over their brand new apartment floors.
“Damn, this is really good,” you said after finishing your first bite of grilled cheese. “Who knew you were talented musicians and chefs.”
“I couldn’t have done it without him,” Josh laughed, vaguely pointing towards Tyler with his elbow.
“I still don’t know how to cook these things to perfection,” he chimed in.
“He tried many times on tour.”
“Oh, hey, speaking of tour,” you said, setting your sandwich down for a moment. “I was reading through the postcards last night, Ty.” His cheeks started to turn a little pink. “And I noticed that you didn’t get one for Columbus.”
He shrugged, “I figured you wouldn’t want one since you live here.”
“I would have wanted it if it had a little note from you,” you smiled. “I really liked reading all the other ones.”
“I’m glad,” he said, finally allowing himself the smile he had been holding back.
You were happy to see Tyler smiling. He had been acting off all day, but you figured it was just because he was still adjusting to being home again after tour. Even while he was sitting in the chair eating his lunch, it seemed like he could fall asleep at any moment.
“So, what have you been up to these last few months, Y/N?” Josh asked.
“School, mostly,” you laughed. “That, and trying not to go crazy without Tyler here.”
Tyler met your eyes when you said this, his eyebrows raising slightly. You shot him a smile, hoping it would make him feel a little better. Based on the giddy smile he had as he looked back down to his lap, it had done its job.
“Yeah, it’s nice to be back in Ohio,” Josh said. “There’s a lot of people here that I want to get to know.”
Once again, you found yourself trying not to smile like a total idiot. Instead, you settled for taking a bite out of your grilled cheese and hoping that would cover your expression. When you met Josh’s eyes, he was wearing the slightest hint of a smirk on his face.
“I’m sure those people want to get to know you too,” you answered. It wasn’t like you to be forward, but something about Josh’s blatant interest was making you feel bold.
When you looked to Tyler, he was staring straight at Josh. His eyebrows were low over his eyes, but you couldn’t quite place his emotion. He must have realized you were looking at him, because his eyes shifted to meet yours and his expression immediately softened. He only held your gaze for a moment before dropping it back to his lap like he had been doing before.
You definitely had to find out what was going on with him.
“Y/N?” Josh asked.
“I asked if you’re from Ohio,” he said. His smile was back.
You told Josh all about how your family had roots in Ohio, which probably bored him more than he would have liked. If it did, he was doing a fantastic job of masking it. The only other person who seemed to enjoy the story - aside from your family, of course - was Tyler.
Tyler. Even as you told Josh all about your family history, you couldn’t stop stealing glances at him to see if he was ok. His eyes had slowly fluttered closed, one half of his sandwich still sitting uneaten on his plate. You were hoping that whatever was going on was nothing more than your run-of-the-mill sleep deprivation, but your gut told you that it ran deeper than that.
You pushed the thought from your mind and focused on Josh. Whatever was bothering Tyler could be figured out later, between the two of you.
At least, that’s what you hoped.
*     *     *     *     *
@faceofcontvsions @ohprettyweeper @tylersheavydirtysoul @topownsmyheart @schrodingersjustine @heythereitm3 @leam-2001 @breadbinishigh @wearebxnditos @iguessimsatan @harishaanne @5secondsofmoxley @patdsinner33 @littlerachelbee @iamnotawasteofspace @nostalgic1975​ @fruityfreddie
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componentplanet · 5 years
Why the Best Super Bowl Commercials Were All Cars and Tech
Super Bowls used to mean Tom Brady hoisting another trophy along with ads of polar bears drinking Coke on not-yet-melting polar ice caps, that and the Budweiser Clydesdales. Now the most memorable – sorry, memorably good – commercials are cars and tech. Car ads have always been part of the 54 Super Bowls, but in the dotcom boom years “tech ad” meant money frittered away. Remember Pets.com? Agillon? Epidemic.com? All goners. Maybe automakers did a better job because there really are differences among cars. And the tech guys have learned from the money-wasting days at the turn of the century.
Here are the best car and tech ads of Super Bowl 54 (that’s LIV for traditionalists) along with some that didn’t click quite as well, and the best non-tech ad. We’re linking to ads from places (mostly, automaker sites on YouTube) that don’t have ads in front of them because why should you pay (with your time) to see an advertisement in order to see an ad?
The Best Ads: Hyundai Sonata, Jeep Gladiator
Hyundai Sonata Smaht Pahk. Two car ads stood out. The Hyundai Sonata spot for Smaht Pahk was the winner because it was funny, it made fun of a socio-economic group you can always make fun (people from Boston, especially since New England departed the playoffs early), and most of all because it is going to sell Hyundai Sonatas. The Sonata is the most important new car of 2020 (see our review), it is the Extreme Tech Car of the Year, and it’s loaded with standard safety features, virtually all of which are on the base, $26,000 Sonata SE. The top-line  Sonata Limited, $34,000, includes Remote Smart Parking Assist, now being called Smart Park. Hop out, press the keyfob, and the Sonata pahks itself at Hahvahd Yahd, and backs out when you return. If you have a narrow garage in Back Bay or Chahlston, you don’t have to squeeze in and out inside the garage.
Too many Super Bowl commercials are ad agency spitting matches using client money to prove who’s more clever, with less thought given to whether the ad sells the product. The “Smaht Pahk” ad will do just that: Get customers to consider Sonata, and realize a mainstream car includes important new technology.
Jeep / Groundhog Day. This is the other spot that rose above the rest. Bill Murray reprised the 1993 movie Groundhog Day, this time in a Jeep Gladiator, the truck of the year in several autowriter / magazine competitions. It’s funny, it’s nostalgic, and if you don’t know Jeep makes a pickup truck in Punk’n Metallic orange paint and the doors and top come off (you do it yourself), now you do.
The concept of Groundhog Day the movie is weatherman Bill Murray is caught in an endless time loop that restarts each day when he wakes at 6 am to Sonny and Cher’s I Got You Babe, and has to again cover Groundhog Day in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. It’s faithfully recreated in the ad, except no Andie McDowell this time. And to Jeep’s good fortune, the 2020 Super Bowl was played on Feb. 2, Groundhog Day. Appreciating this spot probably helped if you’re old enough to remember the movie from when it was in theaters. But if not, you should, since it’s in the National Film Registry for being deemed “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant.”
Amazon Before Alexa. Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi ponder what life was like before Amazon Alexa. The spot borders on slapstick: An 1800s upper-class woman in the parlor tells the maid, “Alexxa, turn the temperature down, two degrees,” the maid takes a log off the fire, tosses it through the window to the sound of shattering glass and a man’s muffled scream. A man in an 1800s city asks the newsboy, “Alex, what’s today’s news?” and he responds, “It doesn’t matter. It’s all fake.” Then in a 1970s Oval Office scene, a Nixon-esque voice commands, “Alicia, remind me to delete those tapes.” In the next room, an admin says loudly, “Yes, Mister President,” then softly, “I ain’t deletin’ …”
Conservatives are probably fuming if they conclude the “fake news” line makes fun of rather than echoes the current administration (hmm, who runs Amazon?), and liberals find it fair recompense for sitting through a patriotism-heavy, pre-game show that did conclude with a touching moment when four 100-year-old World War II veterans took part in the pre-game coin toss, led by Charles McGee, a pilot with the Tuskegee Airman that battled both the Germans and racism.
  Google / Loretta. An old man reminisces about his life with Loretta through old pictures Google calls up, along with a clip from their favorite movie, Casablanca. If there’s a “when they cry, they buy” ad, this is it. It’s going to make everybody wish their parents scanned or at least saved and ID’d their favorite photos for you to scan. Not in the commercial but important to know is that face recognition is getting so good – too good, in China – that the thing that used to hard to do, figuring out who that is in a 50-year-old photo, can now be done automagically.
Old Luxury (Going Away Party) / Genesis. Hyundai’s Genesis division rolled out its first SUV, the GV80, using young and hip Chrissy Teigen and John Legend as they make their escape from old people, oddly shaped dogs, and an old-world mansion into the GV80. From the staircase, she looks down and says, “To old luxury: You had a good run but now it’s time to choose you up a little bit … I give you young luxury.” Teigen then gestures to the open courtyard doors and points to the GV80 that – oops – hasn’t yet pulled up (“Where were you?” she asks driver Legend. “It was supposed to be a thing and you made it not a thing.”)
Never mind that Audi did essentially the same ad – “Old Luxury” (even the same name) – in a 2011 Super Bowl commercial. In this case, yuppie inmates inhabit a faux luxury prison (a mansion in LA) filled with affluent Boomers / Millennials. They unlock the cell bars and make their way toward a waiting car. A guard releases the dogs (showy hounds). When that doesn’t work, he’s ordered, “Hit ’em with the Kenny G,” and as Songbird plays, some refuse to leave while others do. Two escapees make it the courtyard, a Mercedes pulls up (you see the tri-star hood emblem) and one says, “Lancaster, no, it’s a trap,” and Lancaster replies, “Nonsense, my father owned one.”
But the theme works, and has for ages, going back at least to 1988 and “Not your father’s Oldsmobile.” Actually, it doesn’t always work. America’s oldest car brand, the brainchild of Barney Olds, was killed off in 2004.
The Other Car / Tech Ads
Porsche did a creditable job with “The Heist”: The Porsche Taycan EV sports car is spirited out of the Porsche Museum in Stuttgart. Once the heist is discovered, the guards argue / squabble over who drives which museum Porsche to track down the Taycan. That gives the viewer a chance to appreciate Porsche’s storied history and possibly begin to realize the Taycan is a continuation of Porsche history, not a bunch of greenies gone mad. The voices were a bit muffled, especially if you were watching the game with noisy friends, and works much better played on a PC with closed captions running.
A Toyota Highlander ad showed the car does indeed have a lot of room as the driver – 20 years ago this would have been a soccer mom commercial – picks up various people in comic distress from various scenes, ending with her son.
A third Hyundai group (Hyundai, Genesis, Kia) ad was for the upcoming Kia Seltos but more about the inspirational story of Oakland Raiders rookie Josh Jacobs and hard times growing up. It left some people wonder what Seltos is. Answer: The same platform as the subcompact and well-established Hyundai Kona, a bit roomier inside, and shipping this quarter.
T-Mobile and Verizon touted 5G service, which is still a ways off. T-Mobile used Anthony Anderson’s real-life, sassy, talky mom. Verizon essentially said that without 5G, emergency responders won’t get their job done as well.
Microsoft, whose Surface tablets are universally used (mandated) by the NFL, told the story of Katie Sowers, an assistant coach of the San Francisco 49ers. It’s a true story of perseverance and success, but the story was already being told in the two-week run-up to the Big Game.
Audi had an eTron Sportback spot run late in the evening after the kids were in bed, so they missed Maisie Williams singing “Let It Go” from Frozen.
GMC touted the rebirth of the Hummer as an EV in an ad with LeBron James. The Hummer is a ways off, so maybe it was okay to be low-key and laid back. This was not a call to action for hand-raisers.
Scout, the golden retriever owned by Weathertech founder David MacNeil, had his cancer cured at the University of Wisconsin vet school. MacNeil took a 30-second spot lauding the Badger vets and encouraging donations.  Wisconsin hasn’t gotten this much PR since this mentions by Wisconsin alum / Wall Street Journal sportswriter Jason Gay in his column. Nice touch – who doesn’t like retreivers? – and if MacNeil wants to spend six mil in hopes of getting at least that much in donations to Wisconsin, more power to him. Pets cure a lot of human ailments by being there for you.
Tom Brady made it to the Super Bowl (as one of the game’s 100 best players of the NFL’s 100 years) and also was a spokesmodel for a Hulu spot. Amazon promoted its drama Hunters. Quibi pushed its short video service that launches this spring (nothing more challenging than 10 minutes) and hopes you’ll start saying “I’ll be there in a Quibi.”
Best in Show (Non-Tech): Lil Nas X
The hands-down winner among non-tech or car ads was the Wild West dance moves showdown between Lil Nas X and Sam Elliott with Old Town Road playing in the background. (The guy strumming the guitar at the end was Billy Ray Cyrus.) Doritos footed the bill and reaped the rewards, as long as remembers remember it was Doritos and not Bud Light or Axe body wash. And yes, when Lil Nas rides off on a horse with cascading speakers, it pays homage to Sheriff Cleavon Little and the Gucci saddlebags in Blazing Saddles.
Fast and Furious 9: Everybody’s still trying to match Bullitt.
There also were ads that continued through the show, especially Tide Pods, the claim being that if you get a stain on your shirt before the game starts, you can much later wash – remember, wash, not eat detergent pods – and the stain comes out, at which point in the last ad, the guy gets his now-clean shirt stained again. There were plenty of ads for upcoming movies – Fast & Furious 9 (photo), Minions, Black Widow, No Time to Die – and the trailers’ special effects made people glad, or annoyed, they have surround sound speakers.
Fox ran a lot of promos for future programming, including one for the Daytona 500 where stock cars appeared to come onto and arc across the field. Conspiracy theorists will see hidden hands at work when a Super Bowl broadcast on Fox News (actually, Fox Sports, but don’t let facts get in the way) runs the Donald Trump commercial midway through the first period when everyone is watching and the Michael Bloomberg spot didn’t get airplay until late in the extended halftime. Fortunately, Kansas City and San Francisco made it close until the final minutes; three late Kansas City scores made for a 31-20 win. So most viewers stuck around all three hours of the game and J Lo / Shakira halftime.
A few ads got remade at the last minute to downplay or factor out death or helicopters (RIP, Kobe). So the death-and-resurrection of Mr. Peanut spot was pretty bland.
Now read:
5 Lessons From the Death of Frankfurt Motor Show
The Best Cars, Car Tech, and Trends of CES 2020
Best Cars of the 2019 LA Auto ShowDetroit
from ExtremeTechExtremeTech https://www.extremetech.com/extreme/305660-why-the-best-super-bowl-commercials-were-all-cars-and-tech from Blogger http://componentplanet.blogspot.com/2020/02/why-best-super-bowl-commercials-were.html
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rolyneopura-blog · 7 years
In December 2015, the film switched from a DreamWorks Pictures release to under the Amblin Entertainment banner as per Amblin Partners' newly enacted branded strategy. The film was released by Universal Pictures on January 27, 2017. Universal also distributed it overseas, except for countries where Mister Smith Entertainment handled international sales.
Based on the beloved bestselling novel by W. Bruce Cameron, A Dog’s Purpose, from director Lasse Hallström, shares the soulful and surprising story of one devoted dog (voiced by Josh Gad) who finds the meaning of his own existence through the lives of the humans he teaches to laugh and love. The family film told from the dog’s perspective also stars Dennis Quaid, Britt Robertson, K.J. Apa, John Ortiz, Juilet Rylance, Luke Kirby, Peggy Lipton and Pooch Hall.
Josh Gad...Bailey / Buddy / Tino / Ellie (voice) 
Dennis Quaid...Adult Ethan
Peggy Lipton...Adult Hannah
Bryce Gheisar...Ethan - 8 Years Old
K.J. Apa...Teen Ethan (as KJ Apa)
Juliet Rylance...Ethan's Mom
Luke Kirby...Ethan's Dad
Gabrielle Rose...Grandma Fran
Michael Bofshever...Grandpa Bill
Britt Robertson...Teen Hannah
Logan Miller...Todd
Kirby Howell-Baptiste...Maya
Pooch Hall...Al
John Ortiz...Carlos
Nicole LaPlaca...Wendi
Primo Allon...Victor
Peter Kelamis...Dad's Boss
Caroline Cave...Boss's Wife
Jane McGregor...Rachel
“A Dog's Purpose" is the story of a dog who goes through four reincarnations as different dogs. He is seeking "a dog's purpose in life" in his different reincarnations. In his first incarnation, he is a mutt named Toby. In his second reincarnation, he is a Golden Retriever named Bailey. In his third reincarnation, he is a female dog with the name of Ellie and in the last reincarnation, he is a black lab and his name is Buddy. In this last reincarnation, he meets up with his beloved owner Ethan whom he had known when Ethan was a boy and young man. In this incarnation, Ethan has become an old man. Ethan used to have a sweetheart and Buddy as Bailey brings the two of them together by smell. In each of his incarnations, the dog learns something more about what a dog's purpose is and by the end of the book, he feels he has fulfilled his purpose.
The movie’s strength is the love and companion of the dog to his four owners.
The reincarnation of the dog is very unique and rare. That’s what makes the story inspiring and interesting. 
I can relate to the movie because I have my own dog. I feel so excited everyday to wake up in the morning because there is someone who’s waiting and who wants to cuddle with you.
The movie’s weakness is the loneliness of the owners. The thought of being alone is very painful in silence but thanks to the dog because he make a great companion with his four owners and he also helped them. I can relate to the movie because I have an auntie who’s still single and never got into a relationship even in her 20′s. 
I highly commend the movie to all people particularly single people out there. No man is an island. Everyone needs to have companion in order to live.  
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