#then the info about the timeskip came out and it was like wait what but i still thought it'd be resolved in some way...
raccoonscupoftea · 2 months
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🍙 In love with Food
Timeskip!Osamu X Y/n
Summary: You had a date scheduled, but life was being life again.
Warnings: slight angst, fluff, shitty day, shitty boss, uh swearing, grammar mistakes cause english is not my first language, food
As you woke up from a nice deep slumber, you were happy, exited even, because there was a date waiting for you after work. you were happy while showering, happy while eating, happy while talking, heck even happy while working. It's been ages since your last date and this new one brought back old feelings of a high school crush.
Even you're work bestie was happy for you to see such a big smile on you. She complimented you back and forth "Happiness looks good on you" "It's like staring into the sun" or "Keep that smile going. You look stunning" were her go to compliments. True a great day so far.
Until your boss came along.
"Miss L/n, nice to see you smile, but care to explain to me what this is"
He slammed down a file, opened it and pointed to a specific spot. As you looked on it you recognised the paper and there was a huge mistake on it. One which you made. To your defense it was late, you worked longer than anticipated and was tired, but your boss wanted the papers done this very day.
Seeing such a big mistake, only a rookie would do, was devastating and your very heart stoped beating before increasing in an alarming rate.
You wanted to speak up "I-" but then realised there's actually nothing to talk you out of this situation. You made that mistake. You remember putting in that number, but only now you know it's wrong.
"Miss, you have made many mistakes in this company. I'm questioning your intelligence"
You're eyes widened and looked up to the boss's face. "You're fired. Take you're stuff and leave immediately"
He really did just fired you. Out in the open, with every employee to witness. It was just an office job but it payed your bills and payed your food.
There was no word coming from you as said ex-boss left back to his office. He only came out to fire you. You weren't even mad at him, probably a bit, but all these mistakes did come from you. It was the company's fair right to fire employees who only deliver mistakes and complications. All fault lay within yourself.
So it wasn't helped. You placed your stuff in a box and before you left the building one last time, you placed you're personal card onto the table. Walking throu the glass door of your former work space, made you dive into the drowning reality.
You were happy this morning, but life gave you the middle finger and teard down thos ray of sunshines. Life truly is unfair.
After placing your stuff into your car, you'd drive home. The drive was a little emotional, but you arrived safely at least.
This reminded you of the rent. It was due every beginning of the month. What day is today? Oh, great the 27th. At least the last paycheck can cover up the next rent. Until then you have to find a new job to no be homeless.
So many new responsibilities and fears. And it feels like it's all your own fault. If you haven't messed up, if you would have just been more efficient than tired all the time, then maybe you would have kept your job and not worry about finding a new job.
How would you even explain why you were kicked out in the first place? Telling the truth would do you any favour.
A sigh escaped your lungs, and the box got placed on the coffee table by the couch. Your body let itself fall down in the next room, right onto the bed. There again was this feeling of tiredness after work a full shift with overtime, but this time oh has only been 3 hours.
You could luckily only create an alarm for a few hours later, until sleep was catching up on you. Now you laid there in full work attire, hair still made. You sleept on your stomach, head twisted to the side while the phone was still in your hand.
It only took a minute until you were knocked out of reality and Into the dream world.
You're phone vibrated in your hand and the loud alarm sound woke you up immediately. It felt like time moved faster and shot you to the day, but it was still the very same day as you fell asleep.
With the tiredness still all over, you sat up and looked down on yourself. The shirt was wrinkled and the rest was nowhere were it was supposed to be. One glance at the time and you knew, it would be wise to start getting ready.
Fired or not. You wouldn't let these negative things mess up your long awaited date.
You took a comforting hot shower, spend a little longer in it and then picked out a caual but still stylish outfit. The meeting spot was a restaurant specificly for Onigiris. It was a small but still very comfortable shop in the city.
You never been in this restaurant but you're very curious about the food. At the desired time, you just arrived and went inside. The date was no where to be seen but you still sat down on one of the chairs.
There was no notification on you're phone that someone had texted you, but maybe they were just stuck in traffic. There still was hope.
There seems to be only one guy working here and he came up to you, thinking you were ready to order "Do you know what you want or should I recommend something?"
You glanced up to him. His cap is a little deeper in his face but you still could see the smile on his face while he hold a little notepad, ready to write down whatever you wanted.
"oh, I waiting for someone. In a few minutes they should be there"
The guy first glanced over to the door then back at you. His smile didn't fade, but something in his eyes had shifted. He put away the notepad "if you change you're mind. I'll be right there" and so he wandered of to another customer.
With another glance in your phone you noticed it was now 20 minutes after the decided date time, but you still waited. Disasters always happen when one needs to be on time.
Time passed and passed by like it always does, but the supposed date was no where in sight.
Another glance at the time. Nearly one hour passed.
Well, guess they're not coming. No message, no call.
When you wrote the person "Are you still coming?" Only then did you see that they actually blocked you. A little message from the system told you so.
Your eyes wandered over to the last message they sent "Can't wait to see you :)"
What a big fat lie.
There were words running around in your head. Words more destructive than a bomb wand way more hurtful. First the debacle at work and now your date stood you up.
You felt the tears climbing up to your eyes, wanting to get out. It took quite some effort to call them back.
"I guess they are not coming. I'm sorry" this smooth voice from the store worker reached your ears. Upon looking up and glancing right into his worried eyes, you immediately felt the tears backing up with full force. They couldn't be stopped anymore and so you broke out crying, placing your head on the counter and hiding your head with the arms, hand burring themselves into your fresh showered and styled up hair.
Another hand reached out and touched your wrist. "You wanna talk 'bout it?"
You looked up to him "Uh, I don't want to bother you at w-" while you talked your eyes had wandered around the store, only to find it empty.
"Yeah, I'm about to close the restaurant"
"Oh I'm sorry. I'll leav-" you immediately stood up
"Don't worry. You can stay. Have some food"
As one foot was on the floor, he had interwien and you fell back onto the chair. Well, at least you can eas something and pay for occupying a seat an while hour long. The crying had stopped a little but you were still a bit stuffy on your nose, eyes red as well.
The guy Infront of you smiled, quite charming actually, and he then walked over to the kitchen.
"Don't worry 'bout paying" He shouted from behind "These are leftovers from today. So they either get eaten or thrown away"
The guy then appeared with a large tray full of Onigiris. You're eyes widened at the amount of food. He then continued to talk "And I don't really wanna throw them away. I would have probably eaten them this night, but then my stomach would have hated me again"
His comments about his stomach made you giggle a little bit and as the sound reached the guys ears he began to smile a little more.
"My name's Osamu, by the way. But you can just call me Samu"
"Y/n" you smiled a little.
Osamu placed down the plate full of Onigiris, grabbed himself a chair and sat down infront of you.
He also leaned down to grab two bottles of beer, opening them as well and giving you one "on the house" he simply smiles and gives you a wink.
You accepted the bottle, cheeks a little tinted red.
"Then you may dig in" he called out. After thanking for the food you bit into the first one.
You date may have stood you up, but this Onigiri may have just became your new date. The taste and the mixture all fit well together and you couldn't just not devour this art piece of food in an instant.
Osamu was watching you inhale his food and his smile grew bigger. Happy to have found another who loves his food.
You began to talk while still chewing on your food. At first he couldn't understand it but on a second thought he had heard you say "This is amazing"
Foods the best when one loses all of their social manners, you had just experience this first hand and started to hide your mouth with a hand in suprise.
Osamu laughed "No worries. I don't judge, besides I'm guilty of it too" He then as well began to eat.
You don't know why such a simple dish made you so happy, but for a second you had forgotten your misery and the curent problems you life with. May it also be the company of Osamu or just simply both.
The two of you ate the whole plate clean. No corn was left, no sauce was not licked up.
You fell in love with this food. It was the perfect comfort food for you, and eating it in an empty shop with the one who made them was like a big hug "thank you" you had voiced out after a minute of silence, comfortable silence.
"No problem. Just promise me to come back soon" He smiled at you widely. How could you not return to this place. This is heaven.
"will do" you nodded at him with a smile of yours. A genuine smile. A smile you had held at the very beginning of this day.
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borathae · 1 year
I love the fic as it is, pls don't get me wrong!! It was an amazing read, i consider it a holy grail fic. There were just some instances in MV where there were jumps in the order of events at the start of the succeeding chapter. I'd be like what, did i skip a chapter? Why are they doing this all of a sudden?? and then i'll backread the previous paragraphs in case i skipped over some details. Like in Deliratio, i was so confused at what was happening because so much new info was thrown towards the start, but i couldnt understand how those came to play after what happened at the end of Avenir. Eventually it made sense but i feel like it disrupted the flow of the story and left me confused at times
Aaah so you meant the timeskip I did okay okay I get it. That was a choice of mine and should have left the reader with a little bit of "Wait what is happening?? What about Yoongi??" as they slowly figure out why OC is the way she is. So I achieved what I wanted to achieve ohohoh 😏 thank you for telling me, I feel very proud of myself about the time skip now that I know it did what I wanted it to do 👀
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Hiii Travelling Witch💜
For the Special Valentine's Day Offer ♡ can i put a custom order for a love potion with Sweet flower,Butterfly wings and Fur of a Kitsune to use with Sanzu 🙏🏻
Hi there, lovely, thank you so much for putting in order; your potion is ready to be picked up♡
I had a lot of fun with this one and hopefully, you will enjoy what I came up with as well. For future reference, I´d appreciate a little feedback on just what effects the potion had exactly ✧.*
Tempted to order your own potion? Check out my Special Valentine´s Day Offer ♡
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Love at first...switch?
Ingredients: sweet flower, butterfly wings and the fur of a kitsune combined in a love potion
pairing: timeskip!sanzu x gn!reader
warnings: mentions of implied violence but no description
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You should know better than to indulge the whims of your pink-haired friend, so why did you let him rope you into his latest antics? Truth to be told, while you were always making a show out of scolding him for causing trouble, you secretly enjoyed the spontaneous adventures he whisked you away to. But right now, you couldn´t really make heads or tails of just how you got here.
The last thing you remember before waking up with a maddening headache was Sanzu, persuading you to try out these new pills he got from god-knows-where and for whatever foolish reason, you agreed, if only to get him to shut up. That was how you found yourself glaring down at your own figure, currently sprawled out on the couch in Sanzu´s apartment.
“Listen, I already told you I didn´t know this was gonna happen, okay? Though I see now, what the gal meant when she said it would be one hell of a trip.” It was weird, hearing your own voice coming from someone else. It was even weirder seeing this smug expression on your own features, composure so relaxed in a situation like this. “Makes sense too, why I needed a second person.”
If it wasn´t your face, you would´ve smacked him. Narrowing your eyes -or well, Sanzu´s eyes- even further, you mumbled something that could be understood as “Why did I have to be the guinea pig though”
“Because everyone else is no fun. Besides, I won the jackpot here, right? Getting to switch bodies with you, isn´t that a dream come true?”, he said, wiggling his eyebrows and sending you a cheeky wink. You wondered what would happen if you strangled him right now.
But you didn´t get the chance to find out, broken out of your annoyance by his ringtone. Reaching over to grab it from the coffee table, you nearly dropped the phone when Mikey´s name appeared on the screen.
“Uh-oh, that´s no good”, Sanzu said, leaning closer to peer at the contact info. In a sing-song voice, he added “Well, pick up then. Can´t leave the boss waiting.”
Answering the call and putting Mikey on speaker, you tried your best to sound as self-assured and confident as the right-hand man to the boss of Japan´s biggest gang. The very one who was currently halfway draped over your lap, causing your heart rate to jump from unusually high to probably unhealthy.
“Sanzu, the gang we were supposed to meet in three days changed their conditions. The meeting´s been moved up to today. Be here in two hours so we can go over everything again.” Then he hung up. You turned your head to Sanzu, comically slow like you were starring in a sitcom.
“No, absolutely not.”
“You gotta, (y/n). It´ll be worse if you don´t show up at all.” His hands found purchase on your shoulders. “You can do it. It´s just a meeting to exchange intel, there won´t be anything…messy, yeah? If things go south, just pretend you´re high or drunk.”
Just like earlier that day, you let him talk you into going to the Bonten headquarter, pretending to be him in front of a group of notoriously dangerous gang members. Livid, that was what you should be. Not cooperating. You knew very well just why you were so bad at telling him no, you just didn´t want to admit it. Because admitting it would mean you´d have to do something about it, right? And currently, your feelings were going haywire; your little crush on your friend totally blown out of proportion, but why?
So, while you were off playing good little criminal, Sanzu took the time to explore your body and no, not like that. While he was certainly curious, you were his best friend and there were lines even he felt bad crossing.
Laying back down on the couch, he stared at the ceiling before stretching his hand up in the air. Well, technically it was your hand. The one he´d grabbed so often when you ran from whatever trouble he caused. The one that had, more often than he could count, bandaged just about every part of the body currently on its way to a gang meeting.
Compared to his big and rough ones, yours felt so delicate and smooth. There were no callouses from handling a weapon and no scars from an injury that could´ve also cost him a finger. To him they looked so frail, yet, he knew that their softness wasn´t to be mistaken for weakness.
No, you put up with him, after all, which wasn´t a job for those of weak heart. And he appreciated it, he truly did. But for the first time, stuck in your body, he realised that you might not know, that he didn´t show it enough.
If he was completely honest with himself, he´d known that all along. And the reason for it, too. He, Sanzu Haruchiyo, was scared. Scared that if he came even close to showing you what he really felt, he´d pour out too much of the emotions he buried so deep inside and he´d scare you away in return. That was the one thing he couldn´t face, seeing the only person who´d ever genuinely cared for him leave. So, he´d resigned himself to simply being your friend, instead of losing you completely.
Truth to be told, Sanzu was worried about you taking his job, even if only for a few hours. In his opinion, showing up as you or not showing up at all were definitely worse but this wasn´t ideal either. Looking like him, you definitely wouldn´t be stopped on your way but he feared what would happen if Mikey found out.
Right now, as he questioned why he let you go to his workplace in the first place, the feelings he harboured for you returned tenfold and more deeply than ever before. While he pondered the reason for his sudden sentimentality, a tiny hopeful voice planted the idea that he could be sharing a part of your feelings in his head. Wouldn´t that mean that you felt the same? No, it couldn´t be.
Sanzu was an actual criminal. The things he had done to realise Mikey´s vision of a new era of delinquents were nothing you should stomach this easily. And you…you were you. His bright and pure best friend, who stuck out like a sore thumb against everything that surrounded him. If acting on his feeling meant plucking a flower so innocent, would getting his way still be defendable? Then again, he couldn´t deny the dizzying feeling your touch had or how having your attention on him was like a rush he´d never felt before and that meant something.
He was still lounging around on the couch when he heard the keys turn in the lock of his front door. Immediately perking up at the sound, he tried to gauge your mood as you took off his shoes and jacket before also discarding the mask and gloves by the doorway. In his defence, it was harder to read his own scarred face, which seemed to revert to a practised poker face out of habit. Rising to meet you halfway before you could make it to the couch, he asked how it went.
“Well, I´m still alive, so I´d like to think it went well”, you chuckled dryly. Or was that just how his voice sounded normally? To his own surprise, he had his arms wrapped around you before he could stop himself. “Sanzu, what-? Were you that worried about your body?”
“No, I was worried about you. Doesn´t matter what happens to me as long as you´re safe. I´m an asshole for putting you in danger like that, sorry.” He thought his heart cracked open when he felt you tense at his words. Already starting to pull away, he was held in place by his actual arms as you reciprocated the hug.
“You really are an idiot, Haru, but I guess that´s part of what I like about you”, you hummed, head placed on the shoulder that was normally yours. He hummed in agreement before the indication of your words settled in. Now he was the one who went rigid as a log.
“Wait, what?”
“You heard me, dummy. Fine, I´ll repeat it for your slow ass.” You wiggled out of his grasp and cupped the face currently hiding the actual Sanzu, between his long and slender fingers. “I like you. Frankly, I didn´t imagine I´d say that while looking into my own eyes but that doesn´t change the truth. I realised that I needed to let you know how I felt when I saw what you´re going through every day. It was scary to think I might miss my chance.”
For a few seconds, slightly widened familiar eyes stared back at you as if you had grown a second head. Considering the situation you were in, you supposed it wasn´t too outlandish either. With a gentle nudge from you, the (currently not so) pink-haired man seemed to re-enter this plane of reality.
“I´m sorry, I just… I´ve never felt this way before. I don´t know what I´m supposed to do or say but I want to try. For you.” Normally not one to be embarrassed, the heat that crept up his cheek was foreign, something he hadn´t experienced in a long, long time. It was okay, though, if you were the one who caused it.
“It´s okay, just be yourself. Everything else will fall into place eventually.”
Leading him over to the couch, you plopped down on it and pulled him on top of you. This whole day was probably the weirdest yet most interesting one you´d ever had and this wasn´t at all how you´d plan a confession but it worked out and that´s what mattered in the end. Wrapping both arms around Sanzu again you looked to where he had placed his head on your chest, staring at you expectantly.
“What is it, Haru?”
“Can I get a kiss now?”
“What? Why not?”, he whined.
“I´m not having my first kiss with you stuck in your body. You can see it as your punishment for causing this whole mess in the first place.”
After he complained your ears off about how “that wasn´t fair at all”, he went oddly quiet. The rhythmic rise and fall of his chest against your own and his even breathing were clear indicators that he´d fallen asleep and you couldn´t help but feel the tranquillity of the moment pull at your eyelids as well.
You woke up the next morning to a steady thumping sound right next to your ear and a heavy weight pressing down on your waist. Only after you blinked the sleepiness from your eyes, you realised that it was Sanzu´s heartbeat and his arms holding you tightly against him. You sat up a little and looked down at him, pushing his pink bangs out of his face.
And that´s when it hit you. Pink hair. You were looking at Sanzu in his own body!
Roused from his sleep by your movements, he stirred before coming to as well. You waited for realisation to sink in but before you could say anything, he pulled you down to his level. Cupping his face in your own hands this time, you sent him a soft smile.
“Haru, did I ever tell you I like you?”
“Maybe do it again just to be sure?” Grinning up at you and ignoring an incoming text message, his bright eyes held a mischievous glint. “So, about that kiss…”
You rolled your eyes at his suggestive tone, yet, you leant in closer nonetheless.
“Mhm, I guess it´s only fair.”
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[When Sanzu checked his phone later, he saw the message Mikey had sent.
“(y/n) did a good job yesterday, you could´ve sent them over sooner”]
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mcyt-amber-tftsmp · 3 years
𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐉𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐀𝐬 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐀𝐬 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 {𝐂! 𝐅𝐨𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫}
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Character: C! Foolish
Side Character(s): Awesamdude
Story-type: Fluff Romance
Story Length: 2200 words
AU or Not: Not much really
Time Period: Somewhere in the future like maybe after three years- Idk
Plot Summary: Foolish talks to Sam who's your father and plans on taking you on a special date to ask you the big question.
Small Info: You're Awesamedude's adoptive daughter
Keywords: Y/N = Your Name Y/F/F = You Favorite Flowers
Trigger Warning: None
Normal Warning: adorable but maybe cringe but cute ig-
Foolish's Point of View~
I stood outside of Sam's house as I was sweating while feeling very nervous. I took a deep breath as I knocked on the hard wood as I waited for Sam to answer the door.
After a few minutes, I could hear small footsteps as the door opened to reveal Sam on the other side of the door. My nervous level literally went up a little.
"Oh hey Foolish. It's a surprise to see you here." he said as I mustered up a smile as I nodded.
"Yeah. I just wanted to talk to you about something if you aren't busy at the moment." I asked as he looked at me before nodding.
"I am not busy so you can come in and we can talk." he said opening the door even more to let me in as I entered his house while he closed it and led me to the living room.
As I entered the living room, I noticed a shelf which had picture frames and I saw a picture of Sam and Y/N when she was just little and then a picture of when she was just a teenager.
I smiled at the pictures before I sat down on the chair opposite to where Sam was sitting. At this point, I was feeling pretty nervous and scared to ask him.
"So what did you want to talk about?" Sam asked as I looked at him.
"I came to ask for your permission." I said as he looked confused.
"My permission for what?" He asked as I let out a sigh.
"To have your daughter's hand in marriage." I said as silence fell in the living room.
I glanced at Sam who seemed to have a look of shock as if trying to process whatever I just said. I was pretty scared right now and I was already scared of Sam the minute I started to date Y/N.
"Wait so... you are asking me for Y/N's hand in marriage?" He asked but he didn't seem angry.
"Yeah. I am Sam. I really love Y/N. She's everything to me. She's the reason I am happy cause seeing makes me smile and she's helped me a lot of times." I said as I felt Sam looking at me.
"What do you like about Y/N?" He asked as I looked down before speaking.
"I like how she's kind, smart, very optimistic and knows how to make someone smile. I'll be honest Sam, in my eyes she's like a Goddess to me because she radiates so much happiness that it just makes me feel happy about myself. She's very accepting too." I said as I smiled at what I said about her.
"I understand if you don't give me permission Sam." I finished as I looked down as to not meet his eyes.
I heard him sigh and then suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder as I looked up to see Sam not having a negative look but was smiling.
"I give you my blessing and permission. I wish you the best of luck." He said as I looked at him in shock but smiled.
"Thanks Sam." I said as he nodded.
"Anytime. Now get going." He said as I got up and left after thanking him again.
I already had a date planned with her tonight. I just needed to get things ready and I had plenty of time to do so. I quietly ran my way towards my summer home so I can get things and myself ready and pick up Y/N.
Timeskip brought to you by Foolish Jr. and Finley~
I took a deep breath as I came towards the front of her house as I knocked on it as I held the bouquet of Y/F/F behind me to surprise her. I was feeling nervous and excited at the same time.
After a few, I heard the door open to be greeted by Y/N herself. I was speechless as to how she looked. She wore a long elegant yellow green floral dress with beading florals as he hair slightly long hair was loose and pinned at the back by a silver barrette.
(Dress Reference)
She looked like a Goddess honestly. I could feel my cheeks warming up as I was blushing at this point. I smiled as I held out the flowers to her.
"For you m'lady." I said as I heard her giggle as she took the flowers.
"You didn't have to Foolish but thanks anyways. These are lovely." She said as I shook my head.
"I wanted to do it. But may I say you look really beautiful tonight." I said as I saw her blush.
"T-thank you. You look rather handsome yourself." She said as I chuckled as I held out my hand to her.
"Shall we?" I asked as she smiled and took my hand.
"We shall." She said with a small giggle.
We carefully made our way to my summer home. Luckily we didn't run into any mobs in the nether. Today was pretty quest there too unlike how it's filled with piglins and such. When we came through the portal to my Summer home, I stopped.
"Is something wrong?" She asked as I shook my head.
"It's nothing but I want you to close your eyes." I said.
"Why?" She asked confused.
"It's a surprise." I said with a smile.
"You're not planning to kidnap me are you?" She asked as I shook my head.
"That would probably the lats thing I'd ever do." I said to her.
"Okay okay. I'll keep my eyes closed." She said as she closed her eyes.
I carefully guided her towards the place where I set the date up. After a few moments I stopped in front of the place. It was a very place for a view to with the ocean and the stars shining bright in the sky. I looked over at Y/N, smiling.
"Okay. You can open your eyes now." I said as she opened her eyes only to have a look of shock as her eyes twinkled.
"Foolish... This is... amazing!" I heard her exclaim with excitement.
"I am glad you like it. It was pretty easy to set up and I did this for you the most. I mean we've been dating for a while now so I thought of doing something extra special for this date." I said as she hugged me.
"Thank you Foolish." She said as I hugged back.
"Anything for you. Now let's enjoy the night while it lasts." I said.
It was a very well-going date so far. I was glad to see Y/N smiling most of time. I am glad she enjoyed the date so far as much as I did. We mostly talked for a while.
I was trying to figure out when to confess to her. I wanted to confess to her during this date but I wasn't sure when to. I could do it now but I am just waiting for the right moment.
Then I remembered something. I quickly checked my watch to see the time and saw that it wad five minutes till the meteor shower was going to happen.
"Hey Y/N. Come on with me. There's gonna be a meteor shower tonight." I said.
"Wait really?!" She said as I nodded.
"Yeah. I didn't know either until later. Come on!" I said as we both got up from her seats and took her hand.
I dragged her towards the sandy shore of the place as we sat down to look up at the starry night sky. Not even a minute later, the meteor shower started.
It was a pretty sight to be honest. I glanced at Y/N who seemed to be awestruck at this. I smiled as I felt the box which held the ring in my pocket.
I was going to do it tonight and I wasn't going to leave without even confessing to her. The meteor shower ended after a few. Right now we were just looking at the night sky as the stars twinkled. It was peaceful to say the least.
"The stars are really beautiful tonight." I heard her say as I looked at her with a smile.
"Not as beautiful as you." I said as she blushed and looked at me and let out a small laugh.
"I am nowhere near beautiful as them Foolish." She said as I put my hand on top of hers as I kissed her forehead.
"You're just as beautiful as the stars." I said as she looked at me with a smile knowing there was no point in arguing about it.
She leaned her head on my shoulder as I wrapped my arm around her. We stayed like this for a few until, I felt Y/N shifting a bit as she pulled away.
"What time is it right now?" She asked as I looked at my watch.
"It's currently 3 in the morning." I said as she slowly got up and I followed to do the same.
"Thank you for the date tonight Foolish. It was one of the greatest dates I ever had and will always cherish the moments we had." She said as I nodded with a smile.
"Anything for you, Y/N." I said as she smiled.
"I have to get going or my dad's gonna start freaking out." She said and that's when I remembered what I had to do.
I quickly pulled the box out of my pocket and held it tight behind me as I stopped Y/N from walking away from me any further as I carefully grabbed her hand.
"Y/N wait! Before you go, I have to tell you something. I promise it won't take long!" I said as she stopped to look at me as I let go of her hand.
"Okay sure. What is it" She asked as I let out a sigh before I started to speak.
"Y/N, these three years of my life were the greatest when I first met you. You're smart, funny, kind, caring and even the most optimistic out of everyone here. You would always try making others smile and laugh. Not everyone can do something like that. I felt blessed when I met you and the fact that you even accepted to be my girlfriend. These three years have been nothing but the greatest time I have spent with you and I don't want to ever let you go." I said as she looked at me with shock and I could tell she had tears coming out of her eyes with what I have just said.
"I... Foolish what are you trying to say?" She asked in an audible whisper.
"What I am trying to say here is that..." I started as I took out the ring box from behind as I knelt down in front of her as I opened the box to reveal a beautiful silver ring which had an emerald stone in the middle with small diamonds surrounding it.
"Will do me the honors of making me the happiest man alive and marry me?" I asked as I saw her covering her mouth in shock and tears.
"Foolish... I..." I heard her start. I was expecting the worst honestly. I wouldn't argue if she rejected me but what she said next shocked me.
"Of course I'll marry you!" She said as I was tackled to the ground by her as we both laughed.
We both sat up on the sandy floor as I put the ring on her finger and kissed her on the lips as she kissed back. We eventually pulled away as we stayed in each other's embrace for a bit more.
I couldn't think of anything else other than the beautiful girl that was right in my arms who is now my fiancee. I kissed the top of her head as I smiled while resting my chin on her head.
"I love you Foolish." I heard her whisper as she let out a yawn.
"I love you too. Sleep well my Goddess." I said as I saw her falling asleep in my arms.
I looked up at the sky. I smiled as I looked down at the sleeping figure in my arms before I let out a small chuckle and kissed her temple.
"Under the stars, I only see you."
I may have actually died from the immense fluff of the oneshot but I am actually pretty proud of this and I hope you like it too Yams!
Prompt Used: "under the stars, I only see you."
Tag: @yamturds
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g00mbers · 3 years
Hello, may I request a Belle x reader?
Belle x Reader
Quick resume , Colt invites you to the sheriff team and try to capture belle but you end up flirting with her
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It was an particular calm day on the wild west , maybe too calm to be true ,just sitting around on barley's bar as always , as soon as you finished that thought a loud thud came from the entrance as everybody on the bar turned to look into that direction , it was 3 persons , you couldnt see clearly from the dust that came in but they surely had weapons , you stared in terror as the intruders and what appeared to be the leader , started taking all the money from the cash register as you could only stare in awe , the white haired leader turned into your direction and caught her giving you a quick glance , as she ran away , you could see Colt trying to run after her but the other accomplices stopped him and hopped into a carriage and ran away , it all happened too quickly
You finally snapped out of your thoughts and saw Colt coming back with a dissapointed look on his face , you finally went up to him , + "Who were they?"
Colt quickly glanced up and fixed his posture: "Its just the Goldarm band! The most dangerous criminals around these areas" .. "buuut we havent managed to caught them, Yet." , you frowned a bit
+"So you're just gonna let them get away?"
Colt quickly took offence
"Its not my fault ok! It just happens too quickly" , "i wish i had more people on our side , i cant be the only sheriff.."
+ "What about Ruff?" As you looked to the side where Ruff was asleep + "... ok maybe its not the best choice but is there something we can do? Poor barley looks like he's gonna have an heart attack and he doesnt even have a heart"
Colt started slowly walking around as he suddenly looked like he had an idea
"Wait! Y/n ,since you are so interested , why dont you help me chase down those criminals?"
+ "Wait WHAT- me? Well i dont know Colt.. I dont think im in form to like- brawl and fight like you do!"
"But you dont necesarely need to fight! The sheriff station has always needed an investigator yknow?" He chirped happily trying to convince you while you looked nervously +"I dont even have a degree for that!" , "Pleaaasee Y/N! can teach you everything i know! , Plus you only have to ask people and write stuff , its easy peasy" he said on that annoying smooth tone , you looked midly annoyed but finally sighned "Ughhh Fine.. i'll do it , where do i start?"
"I've heard theres this one tavern where people said they have seen a person similar to the goldarm leader , but its just rumours" he said enthusiastic while you spoke thoughfully +"and why dont you go there yourself?"  "Well im.. 1 person and they're three , i'll be easily outnumbered"
+ "you have a point"
.. "alright! I'll go there and teach those criminals a lesson" you said now trying to be courageous
"Wow wow hey there! Try not to blow your cover ok? Just gather enough info and we'll track them down!" While he put a hand on your shoulder on a supportive way "You need your team on your side" you felt strangely comforted. "Buuut you will have to go alone! Bye y/n!" As he finger gunned you and leaved , you only stared and thought smiling to yourself , +"what an idiot"
As you payed the carriage that left you in front of said tavern you prepared yourself in case you encountered said criminals and smoothed your hair with your hands , as soon as you pushed throught that door
You continued walking trying not to look suspicious and decided to order a drink just to brush off some time , you heard a voice coming right next to your seat , "Not the usual customer here uh?" , you saw the same white haired woman before and tried to stay calm + "Oh, yeah- just getting out of my comfort zone" while trying to lean in the counter to seem more relaxed
"I dont think you're around these zones , say what's your name again?" , +"Eh well i havent really presented myself i'm ...Y/n?" The woman stared with a serious tone on her face "Y/N? Uh? Hm...nope havent heard that before" as she turned around her seat to face the bartender
+"Wait you havent even said who you are -" she eye-sided "Now why so curious about who i am?" You smiled nervously +"Well i mean- if you know my name why shouldnt i know yours?" The lady only smiled "I suppose you're right" "the name's Belle" she spoke while winking into your direction as you lowered your face trying to hide the blush from the surprise
"Now that we know each other why dont we spend the night? My treat , Bartender!"
(Oh my god , was she spending the money she stole earlier?)
"+ Oh no no- i dont plan to stay for too long" im just here for one drink and thats all"
"Come on y/n , you deserve it just as much as i do" as she rised her cup and toasted with yours , you relaxed a bit and decided to spend some time with Belle , which surprisingly she was super fun to talk to
Maybe she wasnt so bad after all.
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~Sweatpants and Hoodies~
~Sweatpants and Hoodies~ Katsuki Bakugo x Reader
Hero Name: SuperNova
Quirk: Cosmic Strike~ user has the mythical powers of the star signs. The user’s horoscope is the strongest(ex. Taurus-has strength like a bull) User can also predict the most probable future and can read emotions(not minds) eyes look like the night sky and appear to have different weather patterns based off of user’s mood. User has a natural attraction to the night and the stars. As a result they usually have an irregular sleeping pattern. Drawbacks are almost always being tired and when using their quirk to much, they have the irresistible urge to fall alseep. (no matter on who are what)
Warnings: cussing
Sorry Bakugo’s kind ooc in this
You had never been one to dress to impress. The only reason you caught Bakugo’s eye is because when you walked in, you looked almost as if you slept in your uniform. Underneath your skirt were baggy black sweatpants and you were wearing an oversized band sweatshirt. 
“That can’t be in the dress code! Can it?”
“Hey teach! Got any coffee? I’m exhausted,” you ask Aizawa as if he was one of your good friends, not as the feared teacher that had a reputation for expelling students because he was bored. 
The whole class looked at you like you had just told then that the sky was actually green not blue.
 “Who is this bitch?” 
You push your short hair out of your face. Slouching in your seat you frown, but then a bright smile flashes across your face. 
“I forgot I put this in my backpack!” you yell out as you pull a Monster out of the rucksack laying beside you. 
“She’s crazy! I bet her quirk is just as pathetic as she is. HA!” A certain ash blond thinks while he smirks.
“Today, we have a new student. (y/n)(l/n), would you mind telling us your quirk and some random fact. I need something to boost my energy this morning.” Aizawa tells you.
You trudge up to the front of the room.
“This is going to be good!” 
“Uh. Yeah, I’m (y/n). My quirk is Cosmic Strike. I don’t feel like giving details, you have just figure them out on your own. A random fact about me is I, uh, like horror movies.” you say without much interest. 
As you get back to your seat, an explosion goes off next to you. 
“Let’s see how she deals with surprises!” 
With the strength of ten men, you pull an ash blond out of his seat without even batting an eye. 
“Now that wasn’t very nice was it, huh, pretty boy.” 
You slam him back down and saunter back to your desk.
“YOU BITCH. I’LL DESTROY YOU. WANNA GO, EXTRA!” said blond screeches.
“Sure, but prepare to lose, motherfucker,” you reply, seemingly uninterested.
“Alright, that’s enough.” Aizawa cuts in.
With a glare at the raging teen, you just turn your head to the front of the room.
It was now lunch. A pink demon looking girl invited you to sit with her during lunch(you learned her name was Mina during said lunch). So you did just that. It was going great until the boy you were fighting with earlier showed up. 
“Move, you damn bitch,” he was so over you and your attitude, so he tried to sound as intimidating as possible. (you can’t spell attitude without tit! lol)
“No.” You just continue to talk to mina and eat your food, completely ignoring the smoking bastard behind you.
“WELL FUCK YOU TOO!” he yelled as he stormed off to throw a tantrum.
MIna stares at you with wide eyes. She had never seen someone react that way to BAKAgo. Not even Kirishima, he usually at least flinched a little.
 “Dude, do you have a death wish? He’s going to kill you someday!” the pink girl exclaims.
You laugh at that. You could handle him, you’ve handled worse.
“I just don’t really see the point. I’m too tired for that bullshit and, plus, he doesn’t scare me. I could take him down with my eyes closed.” You take a big gulp of you coffee. “Any way, wanna come over to my dorm after school. You can bring some other friends if you want.”
With that, the girls face lit up! 
“Sure! I can’t wait!”
The time came for Mina to come over. She had brought the entire Bakusquad with her(minus Bakugo). Your room looked like it hadn’t been cleaned in a week(it hadn’t) and there you were, sitting in the middle of the floor with only sweatpants and a sports bra on. 
“Yo! Come on in, guys.” you say without a care in the world.
“Uhh. Are you going to put on a shirt on or something?” Kaminari asks.
“Do you want me to?”
He doesn’t answer, so you just pull on a random hoodie from the floor around you.
“SHITTY HAIR I NEED TO TALK TO YO-” Bakugo had walked past your do as you were just getting the hoodie over your head. He stared for a good couple seconds.
“What? Like what you see.”
With a very noticeable blush, he swallowed hard then said in the quietest voice any of the Bakusquad had heard, “Uhh, I came looking for Kirishima…”
“He’s in here. You can join us if you want.”
He reluctantly came in and shut the door. Looking around he saw a purple, blue and pink flag hanging amongst your metal band posters and horror memorabilia. 
“What’s that?” He half yells.
“What’s what, oh, that. That’s my pride flag. I’m bisexual.”
Kaminari asks, “What’s bisexual?”
“Idiot. She likes both girls and boys.” Mina answers for you.
You let out a laugh.
“Why do I like that laugh so damn much. I just met this girl.”
They start to ask you all kinds of questions, by the time they leave it was well past midnight.
Before Bakugo left though, he looks at your tired form and says under his breath, “Why do have to be so damn attractive in just sweatpants and a bra. Fuck.” He says the last bit a little louder than intended.
You were sure you heard him wrong, but went to sleep anyway.
The next day, Bakugo seemed really off. He didn’t look or talk to anyone.
 “Maybe if I don’t talk to her this feeling will go away.”
Today is a lift day. The whole class goes to the UA weight room for three hours, then  gets the rest of the day off. You, of course, could lift the most. Even more than Kirishima who looked like he worked out everyday. Three hours flew by without the yelling and taunting from the ash blond. The silence from him was weird. Everyone was uncomfortable.
 Soon you went back to your dorm and changed into your favorite sweatpants and a hoodie with a flaming skull on it. It hadn’t been more than ten minutes before you heard a knock on the door.
“Coming, what’s u-” it was Bakugo, “what do you want?”
He looked terrified. “Uhh. Do you, um, want to go to the movies with me?” He looked staright at the floor and standing stiff as a board.
“Sure, but I’m not changing. Idiot” you smirk.
“I would have it any fucking way.”
Should I do a part 2?
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carolyn-the-sword · 5 years
Wow, the last two chapters of Golden Deer were a mess.  (Golden Deer and Crimson Flower spoilers, also this is a bit of a rant, and full of opinions)
We defeated Edelgard!  Everything is good now!  Oh wait, a letter from Hubert? There’s another enemy to fight?  Okay, let’s go to an unexplained sci fi underground base to fight an enemy we foreshadowed briefly in one segment of dialogue!
If we hadn’t played Crimson Flower first, the Slithers would have been completely random and had no explanation.  Claude and co never even find out the extent of what they've been doing.  Honestly, this chapter belonged in Crimson Flower.  It would have fixed my only big complaint about CF’s ending (the Slithers still existing after the war).
Okay, so we defeated the guys behind all the bad things that happened in the Academy Phase (and every bad thing that’s happened in the last 1000 years of Fodlan’s history).  Everything is good now!  Oh wait, Nemesis is back?!  How?  Why??  No foreshadowing, no explanation.  Unless that line about him living a long time because of his Crest was supposed to do it, but Seiros (brutally) stabbed him to death in the opening cutscene so....?
Then Claude somehow simultaneously fixes everything in Fodlan and runs away to become King of Almyra.  Leaving Byleth in charge.  And Rhea just... vanishes, and lets them reform her church that she spent 1000 years building and manipulating?
Claude honestly managed to lose most of my respect by running off to Almyra and leaving Byleth as Queen.  But I suppose that’s what happens when your Lord’s dreams and goals are so irrelevant to the main troubles of Fodlan that you wonder why he’s even in the story.  Crests ruining lives?  The Church controlling everything?  Those Who Slither in the Dark messing with the world behind the scenes?  Yeah, he fixes those, as an afterthought.  He’s way more invested in that darn racism that’s hurting so many people.  Which the plot also manages to undermine by having Nader and Holst get on immediately with very little prompting.  I guess they don’t actually hate each other that bad, huh?
If you wanted me to think racism was a real problem in Fodlan show it to me.  Show people in the monastery distrusting Claude because of his Almyra heritage.  Show Hilda being maybe a little hesitant to follow him as house leader because her brother fights Almyrans.  Make Lorenz side-eye him because of racial tension pre-timeskip, then come around after getting to know him.  Claude says he had it rough due to prejudice, but he mentions that in passing in maybe two supports.  His parents trying to teach him horseback riding sounded more traumatic than the racism.
Meanwhile, Edelgard is against a system that has destroyed lives.  At least three students in every house have been negatively impacted by the nobility and/or crest systems.  We see it.  I had trouble rooting against her in the Golden Deer route.  Was the war right?  Heck no.  Was she doing it for a goal that actually mattered to Fodlan as a whole?  Yep.
Rhea’s info dump about her motives and her past and the truth came much too late.  I didn’t like her in CF, and this route didn’t help.  The beginning of the route went out of its way to show that the Church was shady as hell, to the point of eliminating people with questionable beliefs and destroying books to keep the populace ignorant.  They waited till Chapter 21 (of 22) to give us a reason for all that obsession.  Sorry, writers, but I’ve already made up my mind about the Church and their actions by then.
Anyway, that was a rant.  My brother and I are playing Azure Moon next.  I’m waiting to form an opinion on Dimitri and his character until I’ve seen that route (if anyone was wondering why I didn’t mention him at all). 
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erenthecoordinate · 6 years
(You can answer this after 105, in case it gives us more info on the Jaegerbros). Do you think it would be possible for Eren to have fond feelings for Zeke? It could be influenced by his dad's memories.
Let me just say that it was kind of painful waiting to answer this because the short and immediate reply from me would be “Yes please!” but I’m glad chapter 105 came out because that opened to the door to the possibility more than ever!
This depends on your definition of “fond feelings” but I assume you mean does Eren feel sympathy for Zeke enough to have a casual, neutral (or even positive) relationship with his half brother.  And I think something of the sort was foreshadowed even before this chapter.  Like you said, Eren has experienced his father’s memories which meant he had a decent look into Zeke’s childhood and Grisha’s influence on him.  Via Grisha’s own words, his father feels he pushed his passionate beliefs onto Zeke and treated him more like a tool for their restoration rather than a son, so by physically reading and experiencing those moments, I think it’s possible Eren felt like he sympathized with Zeke’s position.
Post-timeskip, there is evidence of their communication, specifically the scene of Eren with a baseball and glove.  Zeke not only used baseball analogies during the Return to Shiganshina Arc, but is visually shown playing catch with Colt in the same chapter Eren has his new “gifts”.  Zeke and Eren never battling each other just further supported this theory.  And finally, with this chapter, it is confirmed that Zeke has been working with Eren (and the Survey Corps) the entire time.  I’ve said in my last Zeke post that he is a character of a multiple mysteries, and I still believe he is a suspicious character, but one thing that seemed consistent was his supportive and non-hostile interactions in the brief encounters with Eren.  It seemed he pre-planned this alliance.  Even though he is cooperating with Paradis at the moment, Zeke will get snarky and quickly defend Eren’s actions even when those actions have caused destruction, tension, and mistrust.  So we can assume there is already a partnership Zeke intends to keep with Eren.
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As for Eren, we still do not have enough evidence to say how he currently feels about Zeke and whether or not he initiated the idea of contacting Zeke or if Yelena convinced him to build an alliance.  My bet is on the second option, though considering Eren’s discovery of the Coordinate’s “royal blood” law I would not be surprised if he thought about at least retrieving Zeke even if it was against his will.  Anyway, with circumstances as they are, we have a titan with royal blood who has massacred over one hundred people in Paradis and is definitely not on the Survey Corps’ list most beloved people in the world, and the holder of the coordinate whose disobedient plan lost the trust of his longtime comrades.  They are outcasts by their own cause (and perhaps Yelena too for being a devotee to Zeke), and I have no doubt they’ll be under strict supervision and restraint.  
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Eren is clearly...not mentally grounded what with his cracked up response to Sasha’s death.  He doesn’t have a lot of people on his side and even if they don’t hate him, there is still tension, hurt, and frustration among his peers concerning his decisions that damaged their faith in him.  At the moment, the only person near him that can ever understand his experiences would be Zeke.  Despite their controversial relationship, they’ve both been used as tools for war, they both hold abilities that put them on a pedestal for their world to have faith in, they’ve been both supported and exploited, combined they have the power to do terrifying godlike effects, and they both have ideals that aren’t quite what their respective sides follow.  Coupled with their bloodline relationship, I would not be surprised if Eren gravitated toward Zeke for consolation, even if he was bitter with the devastation he caused a few years ago.  This could go well in avoiding further lonesomeness and may benefit his coping mechanisms when dealing with memory lapses, having someone there who has been through similar trauma and the key to some answers would be reassuring to have nearby-- but Eren is also in a mentally fragile state where I wouldn’t put it past Zeke to take advantage of that for his own benefit.
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My personal belief is that Zeke is at the very least genuine enough to feel sorry for Eren.  And while they haven’t had a face-to-face conversation onscreen, I believe the look in his eyes when realizing they have successfully captured and preserved Zeke, as well as lack of aggressive facial and body expression leads me to believe he is familiar with him by now to perhaps have already formed a “fond” feeling.
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the-fiction-witch · 7 years
River Fairy
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I tied up my horse up the river going down a bit more from where I tied him up coming down to my knee’s below a bush picking some off the cool water in my hands looking at my reflection my dirty face in the water so I used the water in my hands to scrub my face making it a bit cleaner starting to undo my shirt slipping it off putting it beside me slipping my other shirt off too leaving me half naked beside the river picking up some more water in my hands and I heard a little noise it sounded high pitched...like a tiny voice I looked around but saw nothing so I shrug getting a little closer to the water and scrubbing my bare chest clean as I did I heard it again a little voice it sounded close to me...but I ignored it and continued washing getting progressively lower down my body until I heard it again in the quiet of the little river sounds and the movement of my horse I know that’s a voice like a little giggle “somebody there?” I ask fairly loudly but nothing but the same sound again I looked around for a person or just anything that would have made such a sound but found nothing so I continued washing about to undo my pants till I heard it again a little giggle it sounded female like a little female voice giggling at me, so I tried undoing my pants again and the giggle continued so I grabbed my stuff and went back slipping my shirt on again getting back on my horse, I will bathe a different day, so I rushed back to La Belle going in the office where sheriff Mcnue sat not doing much playing chess with the undertaker
“thought you went for a bath whitey?” he asked
“I did, I’m back” I say still a little shaken from the river
“you don’t look much cleaner, don’t smell cleaner neither” he laughed
“yeah...I uhh I kept hearing like this giggling” I explain
“that will be the little fairies” the undertaker laughed
“Fairies?” I ask 
“Little girls used to guard the rivers they said they live in the tall grass by the sides, completely naked they say, waiting for a young boy to come over seducing him with there sweet little songs and then” he smirked “SNAP! she pulls him under and drowns him” he laughed
“Dont tell him that now he wont bathe for a month” the sheriff sighs
“what like mermaids?” I ask
“Kinda but smaller, sweeter, more uhh Playful” he explained “mermaids just kinda pop up and go ohh look how sexy i am come and kiss me then drag there prey in, but Fairies well they...tend to tease, play around with there prey” he explained
I stood tieing up my horse my the river the same place as always I had been a few times since I first heard the giggling, and every time it began, so much I never finish a bath, but now I really really need to, even i can tell I stink, so I have to go again but this time I’m armed sitting down by the grass again putting my gun beside me nothing yet not noises other then the river no sign of anyone for miles so I sat up undoing my shirt and it began a little giggle beside me the..other side of the grass “who’s there!” I say to the side and the noise stopped so I put my gun down slipping off my shirt and undoing the other slipping that one off too and it heard it again this time further away as if whatever made the sound had been very close to me but was frightened by my gun and had moved away so I sat and cleaned myself a lot better then I normally do trying to wait to hear the little sound again but I went to undo my pants and I heard the giggling again this time in front of me a little voice giggled so I moved forward letting my hand go in the water looking for the source of the voice but It wasn't long enough a speech to find it I need to here the giggle again it got a little later and nothing so I continued to wash undoing my pants again and then another giggle louder more sly then the others but I ignored it and continued to wash pulling my pants down just about revealing my V “Ohhhh” a voice smirked still giggling so I pulled my pants back up in shock “Owww” the voice complained still giggling
“who’s there?” I ask but nothing as I lent a bit further forward looking where I heard the noise the grass across the river from me I looked at it more and I saw...eyes, there between the blades of grass looking at me I just gulp getting my shirt getting some water in a bucket not removing my eyes from the ones in the grass getting on my horse and riding as fast as I could back to La Belle 
I rode out with Maggie the only one in town who would listen to me “I’m telling you something is living in there” I tell her as we ride
“whitey, you probably just imagined it” she laughed
“Imagined a voice giggling at me? and getting excited at me? and I just imagined eyes did I?” I ask
“you where freaked out from the undertakers story it’s just your mind fooling with ya whitey” she laughed
“No I will show you I can prove it” I tell her tieing up my horse and she tied up her’s with mine as I got a little box and went and sat by the grass I always sit by
“what exactly do you think is in there?” she asks
“shhh!” I tell her “I’m not sure, a mermaid, a fairy, some other water woman” I explain
“how do you know its a girl?” she asks
“I heard a female voice giggling at me, and she called me pretty boy” I tell her
“you can’t date the river whitey” she laughs
“shhhh” I tell her 
“okay, come out come out little fairy” she yells
“shhh you’l scare it off” I tell her opening the little box and putting a biscuit by the waters edge
“what the hell are ya doing?” she asks
“its bait” I answer “fairies like cookies right?” I ask
“how should I know ask the fairy” she sighs
“You know if your not going to help-” I begin turning to look at her a moment but looking back as I heard a noise like water moving being splashed for a moment I looked and the cookie was gone “see!” I tell her
“it was probably a fish taking it whitey” she sighed
“it was the fairy I know it was” I tell her
“this isn’t exactly the ground breaking evidence you promised whitey” she sighed
“fine” I sigh undoing my shirt
“Whoa! whitey what are you doing?” she asks a little worried as I took my shirts off 
“it always comes when I have a bath” I tell her “thats when it giggles” I sigh
“you realize this is a you know river, this could just be a giggly girl watching ya bathe whitey” she laughs
“something isn't right? I always hear it by now” I tell her
“come on whitey I wanna get back before supper time” she sighs so I sigh getting dressed again and going to my horse no sign of anything
I felt a bit better after that like whatever was there had gone leaving me to bathe in peace, I do feel a bit sad I never got to know what is was giggling at the river so I tied up my horse going and sitting behind the grass as normal slipping off my shirts and beginning to wash and I heard it that sweet cute little giggle I saw it not hidden by grass across the river from me a little head and eyes poking out the water it giggled again and disseapred under the water so I sat a little scared as I scrubbed my body trying to be fast about this to get back to La Belle every time I got lower the voice got closer still giggling every so often 
“Look...I dont know what you are...who you are...or anything actually, but...I need to bathe so...can you..maybe just bugger off for like two minuets thats all” I ask but nothing “giggle if yes...say nothing if no” I say and a little giggle replied “thank you” I smile before undoing my pants completely pulling them down exposing all off me cleaning as well as as fast as I could till I heard a giggle “whoa!” I say pulling my pants up holding them with my hands “what did I say...two minuets, just a little privacy please” I ask and nothing answered so I continued for a while till at last I was all done all fresh and clean getting dressed again and I saw it again the little head an eyes poking out of the water looking at me “What are you?” I ask her “why didn't you arrive the other day?” I ask “was it because of the other person?” i ask and the little head nodded “so...you’ll only come when it’s just me?” I ask and the little head nodded again “why? why just me? what do you like about me so much?” I ask but no answer came “are you going to kill me?” I ask her and the little head shook as if saying no before putting a hand out the water putting one finger and then shutting her eyes “what ? you want me to shut my eyes?” I ask and it nodded again “Okay...but you try anything I still have my gun” i say sighing and shutting my eyes I heard water moving and I could feel little water drops on my body before I felt sweet soft lips against mine kissing me so I kissed her back as slow and sweetly as she was kissing me 
“WHITEY!” I heard the sheriff's voice yell from down the river and I heard water opened my eyes and she was gone the river like she had never been there “Whitey what are ya doing?” he asked 
“Nothing” I sigh getting up 
“looking for your fairy again?” he smirked
“Maggie told you about that?” I ask
“cause she did, gossip is one thing but my deputy running off looking for fairy girls in the river, thats info I need to know” he says
“I know” I sigh
everyday I went back same time same place looking for him but it was ages before he came back almost a week before I spotted his horse on the horizon so I ducked into the water hiding below the little grass and reeds in the river the water deep enough to stand with space below my feet and the ground the grass making it impossible to see me he got off his horse tieing him up by the river edge before walking down beside the grass and washing his face in the water my breath already becoming unsteady knowing what he is going to do I know its kinda odd for a young lady to be hiding away waiting for a pretty boy to take a bath, but I couldn’t help it all it took was once glimpse off him waist deep in the water when my father told me to go fetch water was enough to make me go back almost every day to watch him as he slipped off his shirts revealing his dirty mud covered chest to me his skin pale and mostly hairless his body shaped so perfectly like a beautiful sculpture that chizzled jaw, and perfect neck sliding down to his shoulders so boney and yet so hot like I wanted to run my finger tips all over them his slender form from the shoulders down almost all the way to his...ummm that bit of him his arms so tonned and yet lanky when he stretched you could practically see his bone structure completely all over him wanting to run my hands down his smooth silky chest to where his V lines so prominent, so Irresistible i hadn’t even noticed he was done cleaning his chest I was too pre-occupied looking at him as his hands slipped down his wet body un buttoning his pants he looked around a moment before pushing down his pants letting his cock jump free it was hard long, thick and it looked a little desperate like he hadn’t been playing with it much lately his head a shock red so needy for attention his shaft vainy and prominently so i made me want to swim over and suck him hard but i must stay hidden best I can even if he keeps hearing my giggles as he washes my hand slipping down to play with my clit as I watched him he was so sexy, he will never know what he does to me Oh whitey why cant you just ride out to my house in the middle of the night and take me, hold your sexy body against mine and kiss me, turn up out of know one one night  and make passionate love to me I would let you do anything you wanted to me I promise anything and I would do whatever you asked off me anything at all touch you, kiss you, tease you, suck you, spank you, ride you Oh Whitey why do you drive me so crazy, why is it only you in my dreams my little slutty fantasies of everything you could do to me...
I sat by the river as normal waiting to see if she turns up and I heard a little noise like water moving I looked up and saw her little eyes looking at me from the grass on the other side “Hello, my little river fairy” I smirk
“Hello pretty boy” she giggles back “what did you want?” she giggles
“well, not much I just wanted to chat with you, without one of being naked of course” I laugh
“you mean both of us” she giggled
“so your-” I begin and she just nods “why do you watch me? there must be more interesting things for a fairy to do” I smirk
“not really” she giggles “I like watching the pretty boy’s whitey” she giggles
“how do you-” I begin
“I heard the lady say it” she giggled
“soo..you watch the pretty boy’s” I smirk
“only one” she giggles
“really?” I smirk “Just me?” I ask her and she nods “why just me?” I ask her
“your too hard to resit” she giggles
“are you really a fairy?” I ask her
“I am your little fairy” she giggles
“Okay...could I maybe see you?” I ask her “please just once” I beg her and she just giggles shaking her head “come on please, I’ll do anything” I beg her “i just want to see you Please” I ask and she just giggles again looking me up and down “ohhh? you want me to...okay” I smirk slipping off my shirts and I saw her smirk her hand slowly moving back some grass as I undid my pants trying to keep my eyes on her but I was struggling to undo it without looking down so i quickly looked down undoing my pants probably looking up and seeing her stood close to the other edge the water at her knees the rest of her body naked dripping wet her long hair twisted around covering one of her breasts she stood giggling at me as I know my mouth is hung open like a flytrap just looking at her sexy body “Your gorgeous” I tell her making her giggle “come here my little fairy” I smirk going back into the water swimming over to me sitting her arms on the edge laying her arms there sweetly looking up at me “How did I ever get such a beautiful fairy interested in me?” I smirk
“Magic” she giggles sitting up being at my eye level wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing me so I kissed her back passionately innately melting to her kisses the kiss got deeper becoming more open her tongue toying with mine as we kissed her hands running down from my neck sliding across my chest down to rub on the opening off my pants 
“Okay okay there going” I smirk pushing down my pants as far down as they could go and she smirked leaving my lips so swim in the river so I got up taking my pants off probably and go in in with her “come here my little fairy” I smirk pulling her close ....
I wondered though La Belle hand in hand with y/n us both still all giggly from our little snuggle by the river her of course now getting a dress on everyone looked at her strangely as we went past the office where Maggie and the sheriff stood 
“Whitey who’s this?” he asked
“where did ya find such a pretty little thing?”  Maggie asked
“well lets just say, I found my little fairy” I smirk giving y/n a little kiss holding her close 
“Hehehe whitey, come on” she giggles holding my hand tightly and running off to my house to continue what we started in the river
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sonnilione · 5 years
Did you finish Silver Snow? what are your thoughts on it compared to the other routes?
I did!! And honestly,, being a person that just doesn't care about Rhea, it fucking sucked.
Like,, BL's route was amazing bc of the focus on the kids' character growth outside of the supports. You can see how they all somewhat play an active role in Dima's life and how the player affects him. It's all good character development and i love it immensely.
GD's storyline was fantastic. Better than BL's, in fact. Claude was amazingly written and this honestly feels like the Best Timeline out of the three (Havent played CF). The worldbuilding was fantastic and the exposition given was enough to make you connect the dots.
SS on the other hand was..... a lackluster. I guess it's bc i already knew what was happening due to playing GD first, but this route just felt... wrong... Seteth is a good character and I like him lots, but to be the timeskip's voice of reason he was terrible. I wanted to skip scenes everytime he'd talk. I didn't care about Flayn and Rhea at all. Perhaps the only good thing that came out of this playthrough was 1) Making Ferdie my dancer 2) Realizing I fucked up and would have to wait to play CF another time 3)The info that Rhea gave part of her blood to the others she trusted and 4) The killing Edelgard scene hit differently (I love her and it made me more sad than when i saw it in GD)
TL;DR - Church Route was horrible and I'll never play it again. Fuck Rhea.
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Leadership Styles and Law (”Law is an INTP” revisited)
Haha what this is a Croco blog, why am I talking about Law after months of silence.
To be honest? Because this past year of developments in the manga has left me feeling REALLY vindicated about my reads on characters again. I am terrible at predicting Oda, but my track record at interpreting and analyzing his subtext ain’t too shabby. My read on Sanji, frex. Also, I actually REALLY regret not talking about Viola in depth before now – I mentioned her in passing in at least one post I published, but really regret relegating my thoughts on her relationship with Doffy to “ah this is crack I’m reading too much into this and no one cares anyway right?” Because one recent SBS more or less confirmed what I’d been thinking about there – and why I found her character very very fascinating in context, despite her being fairly low on my list of “characters I like”. Maybe I should still put together a writeup on that at some point.
But I digress.
Just as this past Year of Sanji has more or less borne out my thoughts on Sanji (despite his intelligence, spy hijinks, and capacity for trickery, he is not a calculating rational type of person as some people kept insisting, but a Myers-Briggs Feeling type who deeply values interpersonal relationships above all else, for better or for worse)... towards the end of Zou there was one particular chapter that made me feel SUPER pleased about my read on Law.
Specifically, my opinion that he is an INTP, despite the fact that he doesn’t fit into any of the cliched, stereotypical images of INTPs. (And the fact that I saw a fair amount of people complaining about the apparent inconsistency between his pre-timeskip personality vs. his post-timeskip personality.)
I wrote about that in this post: http://anonymouscrocodilefan.tumblr.com/post/135651487781/one-piece-mbti-allies-introverted
Mainly in that post I talked in generalities about his relationships and his plotting style and how they related to the cognitive functions (read up on them if you’re not sure what I’m talking about, but the four abbreviated letters aren’t just binary labels).
Chapter 819 though, made me giggle so much, because Law’s behavior through that entire sequence (throughout all of Zou, really) is basically THE ultimate giveaway of his INTP-ness.
Disclaimer: As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, I’m an INTP myself (if it wasn’t already obvious from all my tl;dr analysis). Whether this fact biases me towards or against this interpretation of Law is up to you – but I will add that I originally only grew confident in my assessment after we saw our first glimpse in text of child!Law.
Preliminary note: throughout the Zou arc, Law very noticeably retreated into the background. He was off-screened for many chapters (for good reason). But hilariously, even when he was ON screen... he was often deliberately blocked out by word bubbles or just a silhouette in the distance. This despite the fact that he is technically the other major leader of the alliance...
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Guess what? INTPs hate to lead. We’ll do it if we have to and depending on the individual we might even do a decent job of it. (Yes, introverts can hold leadership positions.) But we’d rather not, all in all. So was I surprised at Law backing off? Nope, not at all. In fact, I’d expected it. (And it’s not like hiding/fading isn’t “normal” behavior for him – he owns a submarine, ya know.)
1. What Law is most definitely NOT:
- an ISTJ. He’s contrasted directly with Drake in his own flashbacks, even. If he were a dutiful ISTJ sort who believed in the system despite everything he’d gone through, Law would’ve been in the perfect position to join the Marines the way Drake did. I mean, kid wasn’t stupid. He knew who Cora really was. He let Cora lie to him because he wanted to believe in the lie, but he clearly wasn’t fooled.
More importantly, an ISTJ leader (they’re one of the more common introvert leader types due to their dutiful nature) tends to be more anchored by a strong sense of responsibility. No ISTJ leader would have EVER run off to pursue their own personal agenda the way Law did (it’s even made explicit that Law never expected to see his crew again). And it’s not like Law doesn’t care, doesn’t love his crew – he very clearly does. But he simply doesn’t feel that sort of obligation toward them. Hell, he can’t even be bothered to introduce them properly. XD
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In fact, we need look no further than Jinbe for a classic ISTJ leader, torn between his various conflicting duties and obligations and his own personal desires. Completely different from Law.
- an INTJ. An INTJ is characterized by meticulous long-term planning – which I have already pointed out in the previous post, doesn’t actually characterize Law and his ability to be spontaneous, as well as the specific ways his plans fall short.
Again, it’s also interesting to consider leadership styles. I do believe INTJs & INTPs are closer in that regard (most of us aren’t interested in being “leaders”, but INTJs are more likely to have ambitions that involve being thrust into such positions), but perhaps the best point of comparison is INTJ Croco.
Because you know what more “developed” and/or ambitious INTJs are good at that INTPs definitely aren’t? PR. XD
Croco played up that heroic public persona of his for more than twenty fucking years. And is obviously a man very much concerned with keeping up appearances, even during a fucking prison escape of all things XD. Law? Law has a TERRIBLE public rep, what with his coldblooded heart-swapping and whatnot. He doesn’t care what the public thinks, he doesn’t think it matters (from his experience, it’s all a lie anyway). He doesn’t consider that public perception can be used as a weapon – or rather, he definitely does, but I don’t think he understood the full extent of it. See also: everything he tried to pull off wrt Doflamingo (his goal had not been so much undermining Doffy’s “public” reputation, but Doffy’s position in the underworld – had he taken the former into account, I think he would have perhaps not been so blindsided by what ended up happening).
And then there’s Marineford to consider: time and time again Croco decides to step up to the plate – towards the end, he even briefly takes on the mantle of leadership when all the WB pirates are despairing. INTJs definitely have more of an assertive tendency (compared to INTPs). Law? Even then he was a “wait and see” sort of person. He’s explicitly the one Supernova who delays entry into the New World – a pretty INTP thing to do, btw. We’re perfectly capable of being risktakers and making spur of the moment decisions, but ultimately, passivity (out of a desire to keep gathering more info) is more likely to be our downfall.
- an ISTP: If an INTJ is characterized by too much plotting, I guess it’s arguable that an ISTP is characterized by too little. XD (Zoro is the classic example: ACT FIRST THINK LATER.)
ISTP leaders though... ISTPs are again actually fairly close to INTPs – lone wolf tendencies mean that you rarely actually see them in true leadership positions, although they’re capable of it (Zoro). IMO the main difference though is that an ISTP will tend to lead by example and decisive action. An INTP has ideas about what should be done but isn’t going to go out of their way to make sure those ideas are enforced. See again the same scene I referenced when discussing ISTJs. XD
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(Note that he doesn’t actually explicitly forbid them from introducing themselves. XD)
2. Seriously though, having achieved his major life goal, post-Dressrosa Law doesn’t really care that much about leading. He’s perfectly content to cede control to Luffy... and even to Zoro. He speaks up only to clarify what he’ll personally do/contribute to the task at hand or to ask about things he’s interested in (even then he doesn’t always ask, we sometimes see panels where he’s just reacting silently), never to suggest a course of action (it even takes outside prompting for him to remember that he has Bepo’s Vivre Card... yep, that’s an INTP derp moment all right – it’s not that we don’t care, it’s just that our brains don’t prioritize like that).
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This is to the extent that he’s even blatantly shocked when Kin’emon includes him in his request for alliance in Chapter 819:
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(Who, me?!)
Hahaha, I hadn’t even noticed that on my first readthrough, but when I later went back to read the chapter I found it hilarious (yeah, I know, it’s not THAT funny, fairly normal/subdued reaction, even Luffy had a bit of a surprised look, but still – this IS Law’s freakout face, he has pretty much the exact same expression in the previous chapter when the big reveal about the Kouzuki relationship to poneglyphs* is made and everyone else’s jaw is dropping, and a similar expression when he hears about Kaidou’s direct involvement with Momo & co, and an earlier omgwtf face when Raizou shows off his ninja techs...). I mean, it’s kind of a given that Law should be addressed for a major decision like this as well, but it’s like Law expects everything to just go through Luffy from now on... XD
* For the record, I wonder what else Law knows that he’s not telling anyone. He reacted suspiciously to two things that I recall during this arc: Momo’s ability to hear the voice (chapter 817) and to the poneglyph info... after Dressrosa it had seemed that his knowledge of “D” came solely from Corazon (disappointing everyone still waiting on his pre-timeskip quote to bear fruit), but we’ve been getting hints again that he actually has picked up some more info on his own since then.
3. But wait, you say. Doesn’t Law complain about this exact issue immediately after that???
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[… After pretty much everyone else has already agreed to the deal.]
(Some other translations made it more explicit; this one is closer to the more subtle needling of the original text, but the implication given the context is that he’s grouchy over Luffy not bothering to consult him regarding major decisions, like, ever [i.e. “He cares more about an eight-year-old’s opinion than about mine!111”].)
Well, yeah. But see, it’s a semantics thing. XD A matter of principle. And trust me, for INTPs, semantics is Serious Business. Even Kin’emon took the time to acknowledge Law’s ostensible position. Luffy though... Law is WELL aware by now what Luffy’s idea of an “alliance” means, and he still does not approve. XD
That’s what he’s all pissy about. The fact that Luffy just assumes everyone is buddy-buddy and will therefore just go along with everything without question. (“That’s not the way this works!”)
(Luffy’s not wrong though. If Law really had a problem with it, he could have and no doubt would have spoken up much earlier. XD Luffy just instinctively has a good read on Law’s personality, LOL.)
As further proof, just a few pages later we have this:
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Yep. Semantics. XD
Does it really bother him that he’s getting no say in any of this? Nah. As long as there’s some sort of plan going on and it’s not completely absurd (… not always a guarantee with Luffy involved), he doesn’t really care. He’ll do his part (while holding his cards close to his chest), and trust that the others will do theirs. Very hands-off, very self-contained. Very much an INTP approach to leadership.
Even so: there’s a difference between alliance and friendship, and IT MATTERS. XD
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percontaion-points · 5 years
Let’s Play “Moments: Hold Me, Leave Me” Part 21
At this point, the game asks me to “pick my ending”. I will literally go out of my way to avoid Grayson at this point, so to the beach house!
And then... I think that we skipped over all of the kiss and make business, because she's suddenly in bed with Jayden at the beach house. And I'm pleased for a happy ending with him, don't get me wrong. But this is just awful writing.
Jayden is downstairs, talking about “doing something to her while she's asleep” on the phone. But then Angela trips, and he quickly ends the call. She really hurt herself tripping, and needs his help to get back to the bedroom.
Upstairs in the room, she tells him that she overheard him on the phone. But he lies and says that it was a friend, and he went downstairs to not disturb her. He then says he needs to leave for a little while, and if she'll be okay. She's anxious to remain at the house after what she heard, but he insists that she's hurt and needs to rest. He leaves, and Angela is just filled with more anxiety. She decides that she needs to leave the beach house.
However, Jayden drove her up, and her phone is randomly not charged, so she can't go anywhere or call for help. Just then, Diana shows up, although Angela almost threw a vase at her in self-defense. She helps Angela ice her injured ankle, and says Jayden called her because Angela seemed scared to be alone. So she came... with a decorating team to get the garden ready for an impromptu garden party? Welcome? Come on in, I guess??
Some other people come in, and Diana says that they're here to help Angela get ready for the tea party. Umm.... Hmm. Okay. One of the ladies also pops Angela's ankle back into place, so she's no longer in as much pain. So they go upstairs where the make-over commences. Then, Diana lays out some dresses, and tells Angela she must pick one. Angela's like “isn't this a little too fancy for a tea party?” Diana agrees, but says that these are the dresses, so Angela must pick one. To the surprise of no one, the avatar changes into the wedding dress, because of course it is.
Angela goes downstairs on Diana's orders to welcome the guests. However, out the front door, she finds a path of roses that leads to the garden, which has apparently been transformed. Jayden is there, in a tux, and holding a bouquet of roses. Because of course.
Angela asks what's going on, and he says that he never properly posed to her. So he gets down on one knee and talks about how much he loves her. He pulls out an engagement ring, and asks her to marry him all over again. She says yes (which is not VIP, I'm pleased). And obviously, that mysterious phone call was last minute prep for all of this. Rose petals start to fall on them, although Jayden complains that it was supposed to fall when she said yes.
They go have the dinner he prepared, although dessert is “Jayden”, if you know what I mean. They go upstairs, where there's candles and more rose petals in their room. They bang... mainly off-screen.
Later, they return to the resort (oh, the horrors of coming back from a holiday to a long-term stay at a resort...) Grayson is waiting there, because nothing attracts a girl more than desperation. MAYBE SHE'LL LOVE ME THIS TIME!! HOW ABOUT NOW?! HOW ABOUT NOW?! Anyway, he's going back to LA. Bye. Again. Maybe it'll be better the 710283098th time... He's also not really planning to come back any time soon, which is probably for the best.
Jayden leaves so that Angela can have a moment alone with Grayson. He seems to have somewhat accepted that Angela will never be his. Most of his reasons for leaving is to remove himself from the temptation that is Angela. But the hurt of all of this runs deep, and he expresses that he doesn't want to find love again. He quickly leaves, and Jayden comforts Angela, that none of Grayson's shit is her fault.
Two years later (because timeskips...) Time for early morning sexy times with Jayden and Angela. She's also apparently working with her sister, and expresses disappointment that she can't take a shower with Jayden, which will make her late for a meeting. They bang anyway. But just then, Amelia calls, and instantly knows why Angela is so late. Ehehehe. If you knew, why did you call? They talk business before Amelia snaps at him to let Angela get ready for work.
Also, despite the fact that Angela and Jayden are married, they're working against one another in the business world. That's... probably not that great, TBH.
Angela goes home after a successful business meeting, where they... prove that they must have the weirdest yet most boring sexy talk, because they talk about business. She talks about seducing the info from Jayden, which he's more than willing to let her try. But then they're interrupted by Cecilia coming in. Oops.
Three years after that... JESUS FUCK, END ALREADY. They have a son now, Jason. Jayden and Angela are still madly in love and when their kid is asleep, they bang in the bathroom. Which, as every parent knows, your baby is the biggest cock-block in the universe. Jayden loves his family.
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recentanimenews · 6 years
One Piece 3D2Y Is Like Rad Anime DLC
Every One Piece fan knows the familiar feeling of "There's gotta be more." Yes, you've watched all the episodes and read all the chapters, but the curse of following Luffy's adventures is that there will never be quite enough. You'll find yourself saying things like "I bought the art book for an unreleased 2003 Playstation 2 game because the lead designer included concept art of an NPC that was loosely inspired by a background character from a One Piece filler episode." Being a fan of One Piece means letting a monster grow inside your soul, and you don't realize it until it's too late. The ache for more has begun. 
  The beast demands tribute.
Anyway, the One Piece "special episodes" are fun because they help deal with the cravings. Many of them tell abridged versions of story arcs, like the Episode of East Blue, which takes the first fifty or so episodes and provides a little refresher course on them. But some are actual, standalone movies, like Adventure of Nebulandia or 3D2Y. The former is for everyone that saw Foxy the Silver Fox and thought "God, give this man a whole film" (me), and the latter might be my favorite of them all, as it tells a story that happened in the midst of One Piece's big two year time skip.
    As it turns out, while Luffy was getting the crap kicked out of him by jungle beasts, Byrnndi World was plotting to destroy the World Government. A former prisoner of Impel Down and the user of the "More-More Fruit," World was busy having a really cool name, blowing stuff up, and kidnapping Boa Hancock's sisters when he ran into Monkey D. Luffy. Luffy, being a swell guy, can't let this stand so he teams up with Hancock to take World down. It's a fun set up, even if it does add to One Piece's evergrowing list of "powerful dudes that show up in standalone stories that were apparently very important and powerful in the past but just never got mentioned before, whoops." 
  Of course, because this is One Piece, no story can ever have a normal amount of characters, so you get treated to Buggy and Mihawk and Perona and Mr. 3, along with cameos by Akainu and Kizaru and Tsuru. Luckily, the story told in 3D2Y is pretty straightforward, so even if, for some reason, this is the first time you've ever heard of One Piece, you won't have to play the "Wait, who's THAT guy?" game. In fact, if you want to expose One Piece to someone, this isn't a terrible place to start. 
  The animation is pretty fluid, the fight scenes are fun and never drag, and, as I said, even the side characters get time to shine. This is also a pretty impressive showing for Boa Hancock, who, despite having a near debilitating crush on Luffy, gets a ton of action stuff, and even manages to take down two of the main bad guys. I know that her shtick is being really pretty and yearning for Luffy's oblivious hand in marriage, but we shouldn't forget that Hancock can rumble when she needs to. 
    Another cool thing that 3D2Y does is provide a bridge between the pre and post timeskip worlds of One Piece. Sure, it obviously does this by being a story set during the timeskip, but it also does it metaphorically, too. A big feature of the post time skip era is that every action tends to be a "shot heard 'round the world." As the actions of the Straw Hat crew get bigger and bigger, so do the ramifications. They no longer exist in pleasant isolation, but as major players in a world that either supports them or wants their heads. And 3D2Y definitely displays some of this, especially when it deals with the matters of the Marines and the Shichibukai. 
  But it also, as a standalone tale and due to its villain, can feel small and personal, too. Byrnndi World is a man outside of his time, locked up in Impel Down for years and being reintroduced to a world where everything is connected. He doesn't even know who the Shichibukai are, and he can't just shoot giant cannons at everything and hope to get away with it on the basis of his incredible strength alone. World isn't One Piece's most sympathetic or interesting villain, but he is, in essence, a pre time skip character locked in a post time skip world. The clock is ticking for pirates like him.
    3D2Y is One Piece DLC in the best way. It isn't required viewing if you want to enjoy the One Piece story from start to finish, especially since the anime and the manga both give copious flashbacks to Luffy's training. The only real info that it gives is where Luffy's rad "Red Hawk" move came from. So it doesn't so much fill in the gap of the timeskip as it gives us a peek into it. And honestly, that may be for the best, as if they did make a true "HERE'S EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE TIMESKIP" movie, it would just be a montage of Chopper reading and Ussop jogging. 
  Overall, if you're a One Piece fan that really needs some more sweet, sweet Grand Line in their life and has two hours to kill, check out 3D2Y on Crunchyroll. Or, if you're like me, and you want to clear your shelf of family photos and graduation diplomas, buy 3D2Y on Blu Ray and display it proudly. And when your friend asks "What's this movie here?", you can say "Oh, it's just One Piece. You should check it out. It's not, like, the most addictive series of all time, or anything." And then you'll turn and wink directly into the camera.
Daniel Dockery is a writer that's currently looking for more One Piece. If you find some, please tell him on Twitter.
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mcyt-amber-tftsmp · 3 years
𝐑𝐮𝐧 𝐀𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐘𝐨𝐮 {𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐛𝐮𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫}
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Request?: none
Character: Ranbutler (For the sake of the story let's name him Mark since we don't know his name!)
Side Character(s): Niki Nihachu, Captain Puffy and the SBI family + Kristen and Tubbo!
Story-type: slightly platonic but mostly romantic and a bit of angst but not so much!
Story Length: 5100 words
AU or Not: Basically an AU that has nothing to do with a red egg or Sir Billiam's constant complaining smh
Time Period: Medieval sort of Au! Technically he same time as the Masquerade but of course that doesn't exist cause if it did I would be making an omelette!
Plot Summary: You are the princess of a very wealthy kingdom known as Y/K/N (Your Kingdom's Name) and the only daughter who is basically being forced to marry a prince from a different kingdom but you happen to love a certain butler and plan to leave it all.
Small Info: Both you and Ranbutler are 18 in this story cause why not?
Y/N = Your Name L/N = Last Name B/N = Brother's Name Y/F/C = Your Favorite Color Y/K/N = Your Kingdom's Name R/K/N = Random Kingdom's Name F/N = Father's Name M/N = Mother's Name
Trigger Warning:
- Very strict parents - Mentions of arranged marriage - My very poor writing skills plus English (Fun fact: when i talk I speak good English but write poor English for some ungodly reason smh!)
Normal Warning: Huge as heck Oneshot!
Third Person Point of View~
You woke up to the sun coming through your window and light yet slightly loud sound of knocking coming from outside of your door. Yous lowly sat up from your bed as you heard a voice coming from your room.
"Your highness are you awake?" You heard Niki, your personal maid and good friend call you from outside.
"Yes Niki I am awake." You said as you saw the door slowly open to reveal a woman with black hair with blonde highlights in the front, Niki.
"Good morning your Highness. I hope I didn't wake you or disturb you." She said in an apologetic tone as you shook your head.
"It's alright Niki. You didn't wake me up or disturb me and you do know you can call me Y/N right?" You asked as you got up from your bed and went over to get ready.
"I know I am still trying to get used to it since I have to call 'Your Highness' in front of your parents. Oh! I also have to help you with getting you ready today!" Niki said as she went over to help you.
This made you slightly curious as to why. Normally you would get ready with no problem unless there was a guest or some formal event that you have to look good and everything. To be honest you didn't like this life at all and just wanted a normal life.
"Is there a reason for this?" You asked as she slightly shrugged.
"I am not really sure why Your High- I mean Y/N. Though I did hear from your father that there may be another family coming from a distant Kingdom." Niki said which made you even more curious.
You had many questions as to why all of a sudden another family is coming from a different Kingdom but the one thing which was coming in your head was the idea of a an arranged marriage. You shuddered at the thought cause you didn't want to marry someone you never met before or gotten close to.
"And done! You look very pretty!" Niki said as she finished helping you get ready. It was just a simple but elegant Y/F/C dress. You smiled at Niki as you thanked her. At that right moment there was another knock from the open door which revealed to be a boy with heterochromatic red and green eyes and slightly messy brown hair slightly covering his left side of his forehead who happened to be Mark, your butler.
"I hope I am not interrupting anything Your Highness..." Mark asked as you shook your head with a smile.
"No you aren't Mark and what did I say about calling me that? You know you can call me Y/N right?" You said.
"Sorry Y/N. I am still trying not to call you that when your parents aren't around. Oh and your parents are calling you for breakfast." He said as you smiled with small giggle.
"It's alright Mark. I understand." You said and before you could go you heard him say, "Y-you look very beautiful today Y/N." This technically caused you to blush a bit.
"Thank you Mark. You are very kind." You said as you headed towards the dining room where your parents were waiting for you to join them.
Once you were out of earshot and basically out of sight, Mark face palmed at what he just blurted out of his big mouth and was mentally trying not to beat himself up for that. He was going to be honest about having feelings for you. Niki looked at Mark who was currently red in the face.
"You okay?" Niki asked him as Mark nodded.
"Yes I am okay just not sure what to do. I mean what's the point in liking someone when you know you can never get them to love you back and the fact that she's a princess and I am just a mere butler..." Mark said as he looked down at the pristine marble floors as Niki patted him on the back.
"Hey come on! Cheer up! You never know if she likes you back or not. I mean she doesn't really like the entire royal life much to be honest." Niki said as Mark nodded.
He knew this before but he really didn't have much of a chance. He and you would talk a lot and became very good friends and this lead him to have feelings for you. He kept somewhat of his hopes up but then again it was still a one in a million chance at this point.
"Come on! We have to get ready for the guests coming from another kingdom!" Niki said bringing the butler's attention as they went their ways.
Your Point of View~
Breakfast was quiet. Normally it would be me taking with my brother, B/N but of course my brother got married and has gone for his honeymoon. He was to be honest knew about my crush on Mark and has supported me but I knew my parents would forbid it if I told them. As I was thinking my mother spoke up.
"How are you doing my sweet daughter?" My mother said as I quickly swallowed the food in my mouth.
"I am doing well mother. Is there something I should know about for today?" I asked as my father set down his cup of tea.
"Well as you should know that a family from a kingdom is coming. They are from R/K/N Kingdom. You know the prince of that Kingdom right? I believe his name happens to be Prince Jason?" He said as I nodded. I have heard of the name yet I never talked to him at all cause I wasn't so interested in talking to other families much.
((Author: I know very vague name! 'Jason'! Like bruh! xD at least it ain't good as Mark! LOL))
"Well we are planning on making an arranged marriage between you two." My father said as my eyes widened at his words. No way in hell am I getting married to someone.
"I am not getting married to someone I have never met properly!" I said snapping a little and I knew I would regret doing this as my parents glared at me.
"That's not how you speak to your father young lady." MY mother spoke to me as i looked down at my lap still feeling frustrated.
"This is best for the kingdom and you will be getting married whether you like it or not and just so you know you will be getting married to him after five days. The prince himself has already agreed to this" My father said as I fought back tears.
I seriously didn't want to get married to prince Jason. I barely knew him and I knew I wouldn't be married to him by love but just because I got forced to do this. I just want to run away from this life.
Timeskip brought to you by me simping~
I waited beside my father and mother as we waited for the family of R/K/N Kingdom. I looked behind me to see Niki giving me a smile of reassurance. I looked at Mark who gave me a smile and a thumbs up. I smiled back at them and looked in front quickly.
I was blushing after seeing Mark. To be honest i loved his smile. It always made my day. I was snapped out of my thoughts when our Advisor announced that the family has arrived. I looked to see the door open to reveal the Queen, King and Prince of the other Kingdom and followed my parents to greet them.
"I am so glad you could join us with your lovely family King Etienne." My father started as they shook hands.
"I am glad to join you as well King F/N. This must be your daughter Y/N am I right?" King Etienne said as he looked at me. I curtsied as I greeted him.
"Yes I am Your Majesty." I said as he chuckled.
"No need for formalities as you will be marrying off my youngest son, Jason here." He said as he gestured to the blonde boy with brown eyes who came forward to meet me.
"It's lovely to make your acquaintance Princess." He said as he smirked.
"Likewise." I said trying not to feel irritated with him.
"Looks like our children will be getting along just fine. Don't you think so M/N?" Queen Aliyah asked as my mother nodded.
"Why don't we talk more at lunch. You must all look exhausted after traveling. Come along I will show you to your rooms." My father said and before I could go Prince Jason stopped me by taking my hand and kissing it.
"I will see your around Princess" He said to me in a flirty tone as he walked towards the rest. I seriously hated him even more.
((Author: Anyone wanna kill of Jason with me? Only me? Okay!))
Ranbutler's/Marks' Point of View~
As I saw that bloody prince kiss the palm of Y/N's hand I gritted my teeth in slight anger and jealousy. I seriously couldn't stand and watch this anymore.
"I can't look at this anymore..." I said walking away fast from the place without anyone noticing but of course Niki did and was coming behind me.
"Mark wait!" I heard Niki whisper yelling but I just continued to walk but I gradually stopped and leaned to my side against a wall as I wiped my face. It hurt a lot and Niki who finally caught up saw the distraught in my eyes.
"Mark look at me. Please?" She said as I slowly looked at her. She looked worried and I hated seeing this. I looked away and at the floor.
"Am I really this much of a bad friend that doesn't want her to get married to that prince just because I love her?" I ask fighting back tears as Niki hugged me.
"No you aren't and you will never be a bad friend because of that. She loves you no matter what alright? Good!" Niki said as I wiped my face.
"Thank you sister." I said as she nodded.
"Anytime little brother!" She said as I followed her.
I basically knew the rest of the five days starting from tomorrow would be something which I hate cause I have to see Y/N and that Prince nearly hanging out everyday because King F/N. God I am gonna go through such a huge roller coaster and am not gonna love it.
Third Person Point of View~
The five days seemed to have been passing by pretty quick. Prince Jason and Princess Y/N would be hanging out most of their time. Of course it wasn't Y/N's idea to talk to him but she had to since his father and mother were not going to leave her be without talking to him.
Y/N would mostly make small talk wit the Prince while the Prince would boast around most of his time and would just go on and on while Y/N just listened. She seriously didn't enjoy talking to him like how she enjoys talking with Mark.
Meanwhile with Mark and Niki, they seriously did not like the Prince at all. The royal family may not know it but the Prince has been really demanding towards Niki and the other maids and those maids did not like them either along with the butlers that are here around the castle.
The most mistreated butler here by Jason was Mark. Jason would always do something and apologize but he and a few people knew besides the the Kings and Queens that he meant to do that but of course they had no power and if they did something of course it might lead to some sort of punishment.
This has been going on for four days straight and at this point all the maids and butlers disliked Jason and knew that Princess Y/N did too but they all knew she had no choice.
The fifth day rolled by and Y/N would be getting married after the fifth day and she knew she had no time to get out of this. She had already accepted her fate which was to get married to Jason as she had no choice.
But... a certain maid had other plans. A risky one but she knew that it would work out well and she set her plan into motion without anyone's knowledge.
Y/N's Point of View~
It was the fifth day and it was two hours till midnight. I knew I had no choice and no plans of escaping this. I sat on my bed with my nightgown on. I looked at the clock to see it was 10 o' clock at night. I can't believe this was happening and I couldn't even tell Mark how much I loved him way more than a friend. My thoughts were broken when a knock came through my door.
"Come in..." I faintly said as I heard the door open. I looked up to see it was Mark.
He came towards me and I motioned for him to sit beside me. He slowly sat down on the bed and there was a moment of silence between us. It would have lasted longer but Mark had spoken up to break the silence.
"So... I guess you are getting married tomorrow huh..." He said in a neutral voice as I nodded.
"Seems so..." I said and there was silence once again. In those silent moments I randomly started to tear up.
"Mark... I don't want to get married tomorrow to Prince Jason..." I said as my voice slightly broke as tears feel down my face.
"Why not? I mean Prince Jason is a really nice guy and would treat you well..." You heard Mark trail off but you did notice his tone was different. Was it that he was sad? You brushed it off.
"Mark listen. I don't love him at all! I don't want to be with someone I barely know and love! Jason is that person I barely know and love. I love someone else but I don't even know anymore..." I said wiping my face. I hated this so much yet I have no choice.
Before I could do anything else, I felt two hands cup my cheek and felt a pair of lips meet mine. Before I knew it, Mark was kissing me. It was passionate and loving. He broke away from it and had a face of worry and quickly stood up.
"I-I am r-really s-sorry Y/N I-I didn't mean to-" I cut him off by kissing him while standing on tippy toes and bringing him slightly closer.
((Author: Don't get any ideas please! Or I will go shoot shoot on that dirty mind of y'alls! 😃🔫 Be careful! Now shoo!))
Ranbutler's/Mark's Point of View~
I was in shock cause SHE was kissing ME! I kissed her back. The kiss was long and passionate and didn't really last that long since we had to break away for air. At this point both our faces were red from blushing.
"I guess that person who you love is me...?" I asked as she nodded hugging me.
"Yeah it is." She said sighing not letting me go.
"I love you Mark." She continued as I kissed the top of her hair.
"I love you too. I don't want you to marry that Prince..." I said as she nodded.
"I don't want to either Mark but we have no plan to escape this easily and I don't know how to either." She said.
It was true we had no plan and if we escaped without a plan it would be very difficult. Gosh I wished we had a plan or we could have escaped smoothly. My thought was broken by someone coughing and we both looked in a panic to see who it was and luckily it was just Niki.
"Be ready 12 o' clock at night. Pack a few things and especially wear a cloak to hide yourselves. Don't question cause I am getting you two out of here." Niki said as she left.
Y/N and I looked at the door trying to process what just happened but understood. We did as she said and got ready. When it was 12 at midnight Niki set her plan into action.
"Come with me you two. I know a friend who can get you out of here with no issue. But be very quiet." She said as we followed her through the halls as quiet as possible.
She led us down a secret tunnel which was unknown to everyone accept her but of course me and Y/N know about this. After minutes of walking we were outside but near the docks. I looked around to notice a huge ship docked nearby with a person leaning against the wall of the ship.
"Is this it Niki?" I asked as Y/N stood beside me adjusting her cloak and hood to not get noticed. Niki nodded.
"Yep!" She said walking towards the ship as we followed.
When we came a little closer, the owner of the ship was revealed to be a woman who was half ram and had half white and brown fluffy hair up to their waist. She smiled as she looked at us and shook my hand.
"Captain Puffy at your service! I am guessing you are Mark and Princess Y/N?" She asked as we nodded.
"Yes but please call me Y/N Puffy. No need for formalities." Y/N said with a smile as Puffy nodded.
"Alright! Right this way." She said leading Y/N and me to get on the ship.
Before I did that I stopped to look at Niki who had a sad smile on her face. I was going to miss her a lot. She is my sister and it will be hard leaving her.
"I will miss you brother. Please take care." She said giving me a quick hug as I hugged back and nodded.
"I will sister. Do the same." I said as I got on the ship and it set sailed.
I looked out at sea and my sister who was waving farewell. I waved back along with Y/N. At this point I didn't care about anything other than what was going to happen now. I just hoped things don't go downhill when they find out the Princess had run away.
Niki's Point of View~
I quickly went back to the castle using the secret route I always used to meet Puffy. It was going to be a matter of time in the morning when the king and queen and the other royal family found out that Y/N was missing. I already had an excuse for my brother which is fool proof. Right now I was going to get some sleep and wake up tomorrow.
The Next Morning~
I woke up as early as I could and I saw the other maids and butlers preparing the food and other things for the arranged marriage today. I was the one who knew the entire marriage thing was going to go down real fast.
I went with the Queen to 'wake up Y/N' for the big day today. At this point no one has asked about Mark or where he is other than the butlers and maids but I told them that he was sick and had to leave for home. As I was thinking the Queen spoke up.
"Where is Mark today anyways? I haven't seen him since morning and he normally wake up early." She said.
"He was really sick so he had to leave for home later in the morning." I said as she nodded.
"I am glad he left to take care of himself and so my daughter doesn't get ill on her wedding day." The Queen said as we stood out of Y/N's room.
"Y/N! It's time to wake up for your big day!" The Queen called out but as expected from me, no answer.
"Y/N?" She said as she opened the door to reveal no one was there.
The Queen had a look of panic and me being the good actor I am had the same look of panic. We looked around everywhere. Even Prince Jason and his family looked around but couldn't find her. The King even went to town to ask around but of course no one saw her.
At this point no one suspected it to be Mark or had any suspicions of it. They didn't even suspect a thing from me since I acted out pretty well. The other maids and butlers were worried but glad at the same time that Y/N wasn't marrying that b***ard. I for one was very glad.
Y/N's Point of View~
I quickly got dressed the minute I woke up and went out of the deck to see Mark slightly leaning against the rails as he looked across the horizon and saw Puffy sail the seas. She noticed me and smiled.
"Good morning Y/N." Mark said with a smile.
"Morning Mark!" I said a bit cheerful.
"I am glad you are all dressed up cause we will be reaching the dock in five minutes." She said as she continued sailing and looking ahead.
"Where are we going exactly?" I asked.
"We are going to Minecraftia Kingdom which is ruled by the one and only Philza Minecraft." She said.
I have heard of the Kingdom but my father didn't really have any sort of connection with the king of the kingdom plus this kingdom was in a sense very mysterious as the Kingdom would 'move' and by that it was only found by people who needed it the most.
After five minutes we reached the dock of the kingdom and carefully got down. I looked around to see many people running around working. Children were running here and there and were having fun.
"MOM/DAD!!" My thought broke as I heard someone yell these words and noticed five people run towards Puffy and engulfed her in a hug.
"Hello my Ducklings!" I heard puffy say. I practically guessed they were her children.
"I am glad you got back safe papa!" I heard the who had shark-totem like features say.
"Who are they?" I heard the girl with blonde hair ask.
"They are the ones I was supposed to pick up from the Y/K/N Kingdom." Puffy said.
"Y/N and Mark, meet my adopted children. This is Dream (As in DreamXD), Clay (As In Dream), Foolish, Drista and Michelle. My children meet Y/N and Mark." Puffy said introducing us.
After all this we headed towards the castle. To be fair the castle was really huge and I was really nervous and hoping the king would allow me to stay here like Puffy said he will. We were led to the throne room which revealed King Philza, Queen Kristen and three other who I guessed were his sons.
"I am so glad to see you three safe and sound. My name is Philza but please call me Phil and this is my wife Kristen and my three sons: Technoblade, Wilbur and Tommy." Philza said introducing themselves.
"Don't forget my best friend Tubbo!" I heard the younger blonde say as I saw another kid come out from behind him who I guessed was Tubbo.
"Hi Tubbo." I said as he nodded with a toothy smile.
"Also I will show you to your rooms. You and Mark can stay as long as you like here." Philza said as he showed us our rooms.
I settled down in my room as I put my things away. To say the least the room was pretty big like a bit bigger than my old room. After I settled down as freshened myself up, I heard a knock on my door and hearing Mark's voice I let him in.
"Hey Mark." I said as he smiled.
"Hey Y/N" He said.
We both sat down on the bed as silence once again came towards us. It was pretty much normal at this point. I mean we both ran away from my kingdom and there might be a chance that my family might find us but at this point I prayed that they just don't.
"I am actually thinking about Jason's reaction right now that you are out of his picture." Mark said as he chuckled at the thought. I also laughed cause it was pretty funny to say the least.
"At this point I don't feel like looking back and just focusing on our future." I said as Mark nodded.
"Me too." he said as leaned down and kissed my cheek. At this point we were staring at each other longingly but that was broken by a screeching off a child as we looked at the door to see it was Tommy.
"What the f*** did I just walk into!? Nope not today! I am a minor!" he said as he walked away screaming like he was in danger. Then Tubbo kind of peeked through the door.
"We just came to tell your guys that dinner is ready. Also please don't mind Tommy." He said as he ran after Tommy.
We were just looking at the door and then after a few moments burst out in laughter at what just happen. This was really funny to say the least. We got up and walked towards the dining room. As we did my mind went back to my parents. I hope they aren't mad but who am I kidding to think that? Of course they are going to be mad! But I shook the thought out of my head. The only thing I could think about is what else is going to come after me and Mark.
2 years later~
It's been two years since mark and I have ran away from my Kingdom. We still live in Phil's Kingdom but live in a separate cottage together. Niki recently came here to live with Puffy and everyone else. She told me that she quit her job and that my parents gave up on searching me saying that I was a disappointment but I didn't really care. My brother learned that I ran away which he wasn't mad about so that was good.
Right now I just pushed those aside and just focused on spending the rest of my life pretty normally. I made a few friends here like Hannah, Alyssa and a few more. Mark also became friends with Technoblade and Tubbo. You were glad he was able to make new friends.
I was just sitting on the hillside as I looked into the horizon. The sun was setting and it was my favorite time of day. The sky looked really pretty with it's twilight colors. As I stared into the distance I noticed someone sitting next to me and it was Mark.
"It's pretty comforting isn't it? Watching the sunset with no forms of burden?" He asked. I nodded at his words.
"Yeah. It feels nice knowing I have no burden to deal with. It's nice." I said as I continued to look at the sky. After moments of silence it was getting dark. We were about to head back but Mark stopped me.
"Mark is there something wrong?" I asked as he looked at me.
"Y/N I want to say that we have been together for two years and I loved you days after I met you when you were still a princess and I didn't just love you because of that. I loved you for you. I loved your personality and how you treated me and everyone else well. What I am trying to say is that I want to take our relationship to the next step." He said as he started to kneel down. I was beyond shocked at his words and could probably tell what he was going on about.
"Mark..." I said as he fully knelt down in front of me.
"Y/N... would you do me the honors..." He started as he took out a box and opened it to reveal a ring. "... of making me the happiest man alive and marry me?" He asked.
I was shocked beyond everything. At this point I felt the world stop and the only people were me and him. Tears started to well up in my eyes as I nodded.
"YES!" I said as I tackled him into a hug. We were practically crying and laughing in joy.
He popped the ring in my finger as we laid down on the grass for a while. I didn't care if it was very late and dark outside. I was safe enough to be with him for the rest of my life and nothing could ever change this. Right now all I could think of was the bright future ahead of me and how I was going to spend it. But most importantly...
It was going to be with Mark!
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