#then reappears from a ball of light very briefly near the end for about two frames
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gummi-ships · 1 year ago
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Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance Commands - Dark Roll
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scribbling-stiks · 4 years ago
Puppets - XXII - Recoup and Rearm
The sun is beginning to disappear over the trees by the time Massachusetts returns to the center of camp. Ute creates a firepit with a circle of stones and dry leaves and plant matter thrown into the center.
"What do you think we should do now?" Russia asks.
"We shouldn't travel after sunset. You should stay here for the night. We can find the road tomorrow after sunrise," Ute says, retrieving two stones and striking them together. Sparks flew, and the leaves ignited.
Canada throws some small twigs into the fire, and Ute looks up. "Russia, can you take one of the states and collect some larger pieces of wood. I have an extra ax in my Tepee that you can use," Ute says to Russia, gesturing briefly to the Tepee that was the most separate from the group of tents. Russia nods.
"I'll go," Louisiana volunteers.
Russia agrees, and after some careful snooping, he locates the ax and pulls it out. The tomahawk is small, with a handle around the size of Russia's forearm, but the blade is sharp enough to draw blood.
Popping out of the tent, he raises the tool in the air and calls, "this?"
"Yes, that works. Try not to scuff it," Ute responds.
"Thank you," Russia says before turning to Louisiana with a nod.
"Wait," Massachusetts calls, causing Russia to pause and turning back to the fire, "don't go too far. The protection spell I cast isn't very large, so try to stay close to us."
"You got it, Massy," Lousiana says.
Russia starts toward the treeline, Louisiana, walking next to him, keeping pace. Russia begins scanning his surroundings for any large, dead trees that would supply them with wood. After walking out a short ways, he turns, and he and Louisiana circle around the camp. They aren't able to see the fire but can both still hear Texas' booming laughter.
Dusk lights up the trees in shades of orange and pink, and the sky begins to grow darker.
Finally, Russia sees a large, bare tree surrounded by brown pine needles near the cliff edge. He points to it with the tomahawk. "That will work," he comments to Louisiana, who hums in agreement. Russia gets to work, cutting out a wedge from the trunk that reaches to about the middle of the tree. Then, he circles the tree and begins chopping away, separating it from the roots.
Once the tree falls, he chops off the branches to collect manageable logs to take back with them and hands them to Louisiana to hold. Then, he spots a branch that catches his eye. It's a straight branch, with a uniform diameter, that would make a good baton. He hacks at the base and chops off the other extending branches. The remaining stick is around six centimeters in diameter and just short of a meter long.
Placing the staff aside, he chops enough wood to sustain the fire for at least a few hours. He grabs the staff and some of the larger logs, the tomahawk tucked under an arm. Louisiana and Russia walk back to the camp.
A few minutes into their journey, Russia heard Louisiana fall, and he spins around to see what had happened. She has tripped on the skeleton of a large animal. Most bones had been broken for the marrow, but a few of them still seem intact. Louisiana stands and collects herself before examining the carcass. She hums to herself before picking up the largest of the bones, steadying it in her hand.
She swings it through the air, grinning. "This would make a good bat. What do you think, Russ?"
Russia chuckles. "I think we should get back to the camp before it gets too dark. You can take it with you if you like."
Louisiana nods happily and collects the wood she'd dropped along with the bone. Walking quickly, they made it back to the campsite before dark. Louisiana dumps the timber she was holding onto the small pile next to Ute, and she plucks the bone from the heap. She turns around with a smile and hands it to Texas.
"Here ya go, Tazzy. I know you loved your bat, but this would be a good substitute," she says.
"Really!?" Texas exclaims happily. He hops up from his spot, taking it from Louisiana. He swung it experimentally before pulling her into a brief hug.
"Yup. It's all yours, little bro," Louisiana says once Texas releases her.
"Thank you!" Texas says, happily swinging it around.
Massachusetts ducks. "Will you watch where you're swinging that thing?!"
"Oh. Sorry Massy," Texas apologizes, lowering the bone to his side. Massachusetts rolls his eyes at the nickname.
"Anyway, I tried to fix your crowbar, but it too busted to be fixed," Massachusetts says apologetically, kicking at a mangled bar of metal toward Russia.
Russia shrugs, but he internally wishes that he had some weapon as a replacement. He hands the tomahawk to Ute and drops the wood into the pile. He then takes the shaft he found and looks at it contemplatively.
"Good find," Ute comments over his shoulder. Russia jumps, and he turns to look at Ute curiously. Ute holds out a hand. "Here. Give it to me," Ute says, and Russia complies, a little confused. Ute takes it and disappears into his Tepee for a few moments before reappearing with a knife, strands of what looked like string, the stick, and what seemed to Russia like an arrowhead.
"That's a great idea!" Canada says excitedly.
"Do you want to do it?" Ute asks, walking over to the fire.
"Only if I get to keep it," Canada says. Ute shrugs and hands the supplies to Canada.
"Just return the knife when you're done," Ute says before taking his seat by the firewood.
Canada begins carving into one end and makes a spear with a sharp, metal tip. Russia would admit, it makes him feel a little jealous at his own lack of a weapon, but he bites his tongue. It must have still shown on his face because Ute hands Russia the hatchet he had used earlier.
"Isn't this yours?"
"I have another. This is the right size for you," Ute says, insisting Russia to take it.
"How do you know it is the right size?"
"It is the size of your forearm. It was always too large for me," Ute comments.
"Thank you."
Eventually, Massachusetts tells the others that he would keep watch. Russia falls into a fitful sleep. He wakes up a few hours later and walks out to the fire. Massachusetts is sitting in the firelight, reading a large, beaten book, using a small ball of light in his hand to read. Russia sits down next to him.
"Why are you up?" Massachusetts asks, not looking up.
"Couldn't sleep," Russia answers.
Massachusetts hums and sets his book aside, dismissing the ball of light. Massachusetts looks up at Russia, and Russia feels startled by how lost the teen looks.
"Do you think my Dad is okay?" Massachusetts asks.
Russia is quiet for a moment. "Your father is stubborn. He is also very strong. He will be alright."
"I hope so," Massachusetts says before leaning against Russia's arm. "I miss him. I know I'm one of the older kids. I got to be stable for the youngsters, you know? But I'm really f***ing scared. We've already almost died, and we found nothing. F***ing nothing! Sorry. I shouldn't be screaming. I just want to find Dad and make sure he's okay."
Russia wasn't sure what to do, but he felt the need to comfort the state. He wraps an arm around Massachusetts, and Massachusetts turns to hug him back. After a few moments, Massachusetts lets go, and Russia pulls his arm back.
"Thanks," Massachusetts mumbles.
"I will take the rest of the shift. You should sleep," Russia says. Massachusetts stays for a few more minutes before grabbing his book and retreating into the tent.
"Good night," Massachusetts says with a wave before disappearing into his Tepee. Russia sits up for the rest of the night, simply waiting for the sun to rise.
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Table of Contents
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Chapter 9: The Sands Of Time & Love
While the ponies that make up the Elements of Harmony and their friends and family prepare for the upcoming Royal Ball and Wedding in Saddle Arabia. The capital city is also preparing from as high up as the Royals to the average everyday citizens that are just excited that Twilight’s coming back once more. Since the last time they were here, Saddle Arabia has been well, though the aftermath of the battle with Zathir was surely felt throughout. A good amount of cheers from the entire city were said to be heard when Zathir was sentenced to life in prison officially. And the Sultan immediately made it a directive of the army to apprehend any Desert Dogs, who still maintain some sort of loyalty to the former Vicegerent.
Though aside from stomping down anything remaining of the evil of Zathir, the citizens were kinda afraid the experience would scare Twilight and the others from ever coming back, as it didn’t exactly help that both times Twilight has come here, something happened whether it changed the course of her life by changing her into a genie in the first place, and being forced by a madman to almost kill all her best friends and her adopted dragon son, Spike. Thankfully, the news that Twilight is not just coming back but also being involved a big event where the populace can see more prominent Equestrian citizens, entertainers, and allies from other nations close to Equestria. Twilight’s surely making this her grandest reappearance yet, and that has brought great joy.
Not to mention two citizens who were now renowned as among the heroes that defeated Zathir are getting wed: Malakhar Manat and Kubuya Atka. A pottery shop owner and a librarian respectively. Both also were key players when Twilight was first genified, Malakhar being the first pony in a long time to successfully genify somepony, while Kubuya mainly helped with Twilight and Spike getting information in the library she works at. They met shortly after Twilight first left Saddle Arabia after deciding to stay a genie after all, stroke up a friendship that bloomed into love. And now about 4-5 years later, they felt they were ready to be wed. They’re delighted that the Royal Family are pulling out all the stops for their wedding coming up, hosting a grand event as a precursor though they definitely know that not everybody that will be at the ball, will also stick around for the wedding just days later. But they’re a modest couple that thought at first holding it at the Royal Palace was overdoing it a bit, but the royal family insisted. Regardless of the location of the ball, they’ll be grateful for any number of friends and family that come.
For now however, they’re on a very solemn occasion currently. As before the wedding happens, Malakhar wanted to visit his grandfather’s grave at the Saddle Arabia Cemetery, Kubuya also coming with. Malakhar bringing a bouquet of Flowers, before going in a prayer position. On the stone itself is the words “Here lies Hisan Manat. Proud Grandfather, Father, and Husband. May Wishes Return One Day”. The two just sit quietly for a few moments. In a little bit of time, Kubuya speaks up to ask something of Malakhar.
Kubuya Atka: Say um… if I i may ask. How did your Grandfather come across the Dragon’s Tear that would genify Twilight?
Malakhar Manat: He actually had a secret Dragon’s Tear that he didn’t tell me he had until he was on his death bed. Before then, we were still simply two ponies looking fruitlessly for years for another Dragon’s Tear to show up. Though there was one moment, where we briefly thought we had one come practically in our own backyard.
Kubuya: Oh really? Can you tell me about that?
Malakhar: It wasn’t literally in our backyard, but we were behind our hut at the moment…
Hisan Minat and Malakhar Manat was up in the morning on what was expected to be just another normal day for the pottery-selling family. A young Malakhar in his teens was shaping up the clay on the spinning tables. His grandfather smiling at his grandson’s work.
Hisan Manat: You’re doing a wonderful job with your clay pots. You’re getting close to mastering them! Once you have, it’ll be time to teach you how to make glass bottles.
Malakhar: Thanks Grandpa!
In a little bit, Malakhar finishes his pot and procedes to place it on a table to later put it in the kiln. Malakhar stretches and proceeds to go outside for some fresh air, his Grandfather follows him. Malakhar looks around the are a little bit before seeing something faint far in the distance, but from the looks of it was something really big. He can just make out what looked like to be big wings and a long neck. He immediately calls out to his Grandfather to look at what he’s seeing. Hisan goes to his son’s side and watches what his grandson pointed to.
Hisan: Malakhar… that might be a dragon!
Malakhar: Oh wow!
In a few short moments, suddenly a big thud could be heard that might of vaguely came from the direction the dragon was coming.
Hisan: That sound… is the dragon dying? Malakhar, we have to go over there right away!
Malakhar: Won’t that be kind of dangerous, especially if it’s still alive?
Hisan: Maybe, but there’s a strong possibility that by the time we get over there, we won’t have to worry about it being still alive.
Malakhar and Hisan immediately head out to trek towards to the direction the dragon might of landed in the desert. To add to the intrigue, they weren’t alone. Sultan Theandri, Princess Celestia, and some Saddle Arabian Guards were also on there way there. Which raised Hisan and Malakhar’s hope that this was something big happening. in time, they find a nearby cave where just near the entrance a big mark in the sand that would fit if a Dragon that fell. Though also from the mark is the prints of a dragon crawling into the cave. Sort of worrying that the Dragon could still be alive and thus would be dangerous to approach the cave. The Sultan’s bravest guards decide to check if it’s safe before anyone else comes in. In time, they come back and say it’s safe because the dragon is deceased. Hisan can barely contain his excitement as this is perhaps the 1 in a 1,000,000 chance that a huge Dragon’s Tear has appeared. Providing enough to chip out to potentially make dozens of genies
However, when the entire group enters the cave. Hisan’s excitement slowly turns into nervousness as he sees no sign of a Dragon’s Tear, and eventually despair as he’s looked everywhere in the cave and see’s nothing. Not even a chip. He falls on his knees and just bangs his hooves on the sand in frustration. Malakhar shows concern for his grandfather though he decides to help by making a closer look around the Dragon. Malakhar first looks at the dead dragon itself, it had light pink scales all over with green back plates, and somewhere near the dragon’s legs was a small egg. It was purple, with darker shades of purple spots spread across it. Malakhar walks up to it, picks it up, and shows it to his grandfather as well as the royals in the cave. He in fact lets go of it carefully, and lays it at the ground near the tall princess, Celestia herself with a solemn sad face with concern for the egg.
Celestia: How awful that this dragon will not have a live mother to care for it. And if nothing is done about it, the dragon inside may never hatch at all…
Sultan Theandri: Is there perhaps a chance we can find the father of this egg?
Celestia: Unfortunately not, Theandri. Or at least it certainly wouldn’t be easy. Dragons don’t have marriages, they have many, many, many mates in their lifetimes. Only the mother takes care of the young. And other dragon mothers aren’t usually open to adoption. I’ll have to take it to Equestria and come up with an idea of what I should do with it.
Malakhar smiles to himself that perhaps he saved a baby dragon’s life by handing over the egg to the benevolent leader of Equestria, who will no doubt know what to do with it. Though he and his Grandfather then just accompany eachother as they leave slowly out of the cave. His grandfather still visibly disappointed the hope for a dragon’s tear went bust.
*Flashback ends*
Kubuya: Awwww, sounds adorable that you saved a dragon egg. I hope the dragon you helped save is somewhere out there.
Malakhar: I certainly hope so too.
Kubuya: Though that is a shame for your Grandfather to be given so much hope that a good sized dragon’s tear was imminent, only to find nothing. Though when do you think you Grandfather got hold of the dragon’s tear he handed you on his death bed?
Malakhar: I’m not exactly sure, though I’d be kinda surprised he found it sometime after the dragon in the cave. I think it’s more likely he had it since before then. But since it was only one chip, he had to be really careful who they ultimately chose to Genify. There was no one in Saddle Arabia that quite made him light up that they were perfect to try to genify at the time. So when he started thinking that maybe the next genie might have to be someone foreign to Saddle Arabia, that’s what led him to his eureka moment, when after reading the news about Nightmare Moon’s return and subsequent defeat by the Elements of Harmony, his eyes lit up and must of decided that the next genie must be one of the Elements of Harmony for the one shot to work. In fact, his very last words on his deathbed to me was “Please, genify the Element of Magic”, handing over the dragon’s tear he had all along to me as his last action before finally passing.
Kubuya: I see, thank you for the insight on your grandfather. I figured I’d ask since we are going to be family soon.
Kubuya gives Malakhar a short kiss.
Kubuya: Though I think I’m going to head on over to another grave that’s here if that’s ok with you.
Malakhar: No problem, I’ll follow you.
Kubuya starts on walking on over to a different area of the cemetery. Before finally stopping at one of the grander designed graves  where it’s tall, and on top is a fastened brown ceramic bottle. This was the grave of Jinn. The first genie, who also remained a genie until the time she was the last genie before Twilight’s genification. She went back to being mortal for rather mysterious reasons as the day she finally came back to Saddle Arabia the populace found that she was a normal pony again. From there she’d have a peaceful life in Saddle Arabia, raising a family that after many, many, many generations eventually gave birth to Kubuya. She was the youngest in the bloodline of Jinn’s family still going on. Kubuya herself even as a family member doesn’t know what Jinn was personally like given it was so long ago she was still around, but her family has always revered her perhaps on a stronger level then most Saddle Arabians already did.
Kubuya: She must of been a great pony, would of been nice of her to remain a genie even to this day so I could of seen her. But perhaps I wouldn’t have been born since she was hesitant to have children as a genie.
Malakhar: I imagine the thought of outliving your own children is a bit tough to swallow. But yes, at least being able to speak with Jinn would of been interesting. Not just because she’s our nation’s most revered figures, but given she spent so much time in history. She probably saw many events across the entire world’s history. Granted, she couldn’t say a lot about Saddle Arabia during a long period since she put herself in exile to make sure she didn’t fall under the hooves of that radical part of the regime that wanted to do what Zathir did to Twilight to genies like her. But wherever she was hiding, she probably found ways to keep up with what was going around.
Kubuya: Twilight would of probably liked to spend a whole month just talking personally with Jinn just to hear all about all the historical events Jinn may have witnessed. *giggles*
Malakhar: I wonder if Jinn would of even been able to handle an excitable Twilight like that, haha.
Kubuya: I think ultimately though they’d be great friends. Twilight would probably get so much insight about being a genie from her, and Jinn herself seeing a new genie around.
Malakhar: Most certainly
Kubuya: But we are where we are, how about we head on back home, dear.
Malakhar: Sure
((Story continues after the break))
Malakhar and Kubuya head out of the cemetery and in time gets back to their home. The place used to simply be a hut, but was since upgraded to a full on house and has windows that display Malakhar’s latest pottery designs for customers to buy. They relax for a moment in the living room.
Kubuya: I wonder how Twilight and the others are doing it at this moment.
Malakhar: If I know them, Twilight already has them hard at work finding their invitees. We’ll probably be married within a month or 2 knowing how effective Twilight could potentially get everybody on board quickly enough.
Kubuya: Hehe, may actually be nice to have it done pretty quickly. I can’t wait myself until we’re officially wed.
Kubuya and Malakhar have a prolonged kiss.
Kubuya: Though… I hope it’s not too much to start possibly thinking about having kids? *Kubuya blushes*
Malakhar just smiles while blushing himself
Malakhar: Don’t worry about it, I definitely intend on being a father. And I think we’ll raise great kids. Though I do have a semi-related question for you.
Kubuya: Oh, what’s that?
Malakhar: We did bring Genies back with Twilight, but of course she lives elsewhere. If we can raise our child in the right temperament, and they consent to it. Perhaps we can bring Saddle Arabian born genies again too.
Kubuya looks off to the side with a rather concerned look, she may not like that this question is being positioned now of all times.
Kubuya: Hm, I wouldn’t be completely against it if done the right way. But I don’t want us to be indoctrinating any children we have that they absolutely must become genies when they’re older. We need to focus on being caring parents first before pressuring them to decide to become genies.
Malakhar: Of course, I know through my own Grandfather’s and my Father’s relationship that the next born may not exactly want to follow everything their father wants. I will definitely focus on being a good father first before thinking of genies, but I’m only saying if we should succeed at both raising a good child and they choose to decide to become a Genie when they’re all-grown up.
Kubuya: Just wanted to make sure that you weren’t saying this was the sole reason you wanted to marry me. I’d like to see more genies around too, but as of right now this is about us and our love. Time will tell if our children decide to do anything significant when they’re older. We shouldn’t be deciding what they do before they’re even born.
Malakhar puts a hoof around her shoulder and gives a gentle smile
Malakhar: Don’t worry, honey. I love you, for you. If there was anything I was doing that made you unhappy, even if it meant I got closer to making more genies I would much rather do anything I can to cheer you up. I’m not going to become obsessed with making more Genies as much as my grandfather was, as in all purposes our mission was completed the day Twilight decided to stay a genie. You’re absolutely right that we probably shouldn’t try to push our child to a direction and let them feel things out naturally. It would be much better if hearing things about the genies as they grew up made them curious about it rather then us trying to push them even subtly towards it. Just based on my father, that’s actually the fast track to make sure they never do what you hope they will. 
Perhaps if I were a single parent, I might of made the same mistakes. But the more grounded and quite frankly smart approach from you is part of why I love you so much, you know how to make sure I remain grounded myself and think critically.
Kubuya’s eyes tear up in joyful relief for her to-be husband’s words.
Kubuya: Thank you, dear. That’s what I wanted to hear. The possible motive of that question just slightly worried me.
Malakhar: Yeah I admit, maybe that wasn’t a good time to spring a question like that. But at least we’re an honest enough couple to talk about our concerns and remain level-headed if perhaps something we say are worded strangely, or otherwise odd timing.
Kubuya gets up close and kisses Malakhar once more.
Kubuya: Let’s just relax until we get word the Royal Ball is underway. It’ll be exciting to see Twilight, Spike, her friends we saw last time, and even all their friends that we ourselves haven’t met yet!
Malakhar: Indeed, it will be. It should be a great night, but most assuredly our wedding will be the best part. *winks*
Kubuya just winks back and the loving couple hug it out and giggle. Before relaxing once again, as they await word for when the Royal Ball and also thus their subsequent Wedding begins.
Meanwhile, at the royal palace. The Sultan and Sultana are supervising the work the many butlers, staffers, and guards who are setting up the preparations for the ball. The stage where all the entertainers about halfway done and all the tables in their spots, albeit folded up. The Royal Chefs are also fast at work preparing the kitchens for what will certainly be a large number of guests. 
There’s also being work done on the Palace courtyard where the wedding of Malakhar and Kubuya will take place in, but there’s less of a rush since it’s slated to be a few days after the ball. And some of the things from the ball’s preparation are going to be easy to simply move to the courtyard such as the tables, for whenever they make a headcount of whomever decides to stick around after the ball for the wedding too, as it’s expected to be a smaller crowd for the wedding, though there will still be some important guests at the wedding such as Twilight herself and her friends.
Sultana Elona: Looks like the preparations are going alright, Theo.
Sultan Theandri: Indeed Elona, I am absolutely looking forward to this.
The Sultan and Sultana of Saddle Arabia has generally remained a peaceful rule since the last time Twilight and the others are here. Though the military actually did get to see some action in hunting down the Desert Dogs and forcing an ultimatum of disavow Zathir’s ways or face the same fate of life in prison.
Aside from clamping down on the aftermath of Zathir’s attempted takeover though, things remained pretty normal in Saddle Arabia aside from said battle with Zathir making Twilight and her friends instant living legends, and anyone involved in the cavern that lives in Saddle Arabia known as local heroes, from Malakhar and Kubuya, the Sultana, and even the Prince who had once been considered the #1 suspect for Twilight’s disappearance for a brief time, since the gossip had come out that he had a date that went wrong with her. When the truth came out that while he did have a rather petty ending to his date with Twilight, he was in the heat of the moment and was going to apologize to her just before Zathir’s plan was put in place. And he along with his mother sneaked up on Zathir at one point to try to make Zathir fumble the lamp. Thus, Theandri II was now considered among the heroes.
Though despite the adulation a hero usually gets, Theandri II still hasn’t quite gotten what’s he’s been looking for: A suitor that he mutually loves, as either he just doesn’t have feelings for any native girl of marrying age, and/or he finds out said suitor doesn’t mutually love Theandri II for him, and were simply trying to eventually become the next Sultana for the fame and fortune, nothing more.
The Sultan takes a brief break from supervising the preparations to visit his son in his room. He finds his son lying on his back in his bed, with a bored expression.
Sultan Theandri: What’s wrong, son? Aren’t you excited for the Royal Ball coming soon?
Prince Theandri II: Kind of, I suppose. I’m sure it’ll be a grand event to attend. I’m just… thinking about other things…
By now, the Sultan usually knows what his son means by other things.
Sultan Theandri: I see, still a little down regarding finding a suitor... I understand it can be hard, it took a while for me to find the right one.
Theandri II: You didn’t exactly find Mother, though. She saved your life, and it was through that you met
Sultan Theandri: True…
Theandri II: The closest to anyone who’s saved my life is Twilight after she gave that beatdown on Zathir. And there’s multiple reasons why me and Twilight aren’t going to happen… I’ve already done all I can to make sure I’m over her. Though I am starting to worry that my slight joke to her before she left Saddle Arabia that someone half like her would be enough… is no longer a joke. I may actually need to find someone out there at least close to being like Twilight…Saddle Arabia has plenty of fine mares… but I can’t say any of them were like Twilight…
Sultan Theandri: I see… well the good news is perhaps someone from Equestria that Twilight and her friends bring might interest you. Granted, there’s always the caveat that they might not be willing to move to Saddle Arabia so easily, and of course you should always keep in mind that they may say no just like Twilight did.
Theandri II: Knowing my luck, that’s probably going to happen…
The prince just kind of slumps off to his side in slight frustration and sadness.
Sultan Theandri: Well, whatever happens at the Ball. You have plenty of time left in your young life to find a suitor. So don’t feel like you have to find someone right away.
Theandri II: I know I have plenty of time, but I’d also like some of that said young life spent with someone who might care for me, as I would them… so it’s been hard on me regardless… Don’t worry about me too much father, I’ll still attend the ball and probably Malakhar and Kubuya’s wedding regardless. I don’t expect to find a suitor even from this, but I’ll try to have a great time regardless what happens. You’re free to go back with Mother and continue watching the preparations coming up. I’m just thinking on my own.
Sultan Theandri: Alright, son. But if you need us for anything, you’re always welcome to come out and help with anything you may want.
The Sultan leaves his son’s room and closes the door. He himself has been somewhat worried about his son’s inability to find a suitor that’s mutual in feelings for one another. But continues to just try and be a supportive father and making sure the stress doesn’t get to his son. Even though it would be nice for him personally, to know who one day he and his wife will step down to give the reins of Saddle Arabia to as well.
He soon returns to the side of his wife, as they await for Twilight to show up with the Equestrian invitee list.
UP NEXT: Chapter 10: Dragon Love
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moonlightstars16 · 5 years ago
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Chapter 11 ~ First Encounters
1. I want to personally thank @thepurecinnamonroll who created this beautiful cover for my story. Please check out her amazing work.
2. As I mentioned from the last chapter that I will be taking a break from updating 'Shattered Blood' for the next two weeks. I have sort of lost touch with his story but I want to continue and finish it. I dislike leaving stories incomplete. So I'll be refreshing and taking time to work on more chapters. So I won't hit burn-out. I will return around July 28th(Don't worry I have other works you can check out that I update a bit more on the daily side. Please check them out as well). I also want to thank everyone who has supported my story, left kudos and comments. Ya'll are amazing and I wish you all the best during this trying time.
A strucken blow....then another...and another....
Steven barley held on as the pinkish red glow emerged from within. Feeling the rumble and sharp edged from the tree and boulder he was slightly laying against. Coughing up blood trying to regaining his breathing.
"You are just a pathetic human with gem powers. Are you going to take this lying down?! Fight me and prove that you deserve those Diamond powers! Or are you too weak to handle them!?"
"I'm NOT!" Steven shouted, causing a sudden sonic boom like sound from his voice to all the area around him. He jumped up and with a strong kick, knocked Jasper back. The continued to hit her over and over. She just laughed and laughed as his fist made contact with any part of her. The laughter taunted him.
Just like the Diamonds...and he hated it.
Then he punched under her head, with fists forming what seemed to me a small ball with spikes all around, and made her helmet reappear. That made him even more furious.
Where was his helmet? Where was his protection?! Why did he have to suffer without any comfort to fall back on?!
With a loud shout he punched her so hard, it made her stop laughing and more focusing on the fight before her. The determination and worry behind her eyes opened his up. He enjoyed this. He wanted to see this fear... He CRAVED this! So much so that he began to laugh maniacally himself.
Another blow... then another... and another...
He had her up in the air, speed so fast time was becoming more and more irrelevant. He didn't care about anything except fighting- no... shattering her.
Oh yes the thought was glorious. Just the mere idea of it sent a sensation so full of ecstasy that all he saw in his sight was red. Then with one more punch, he sent her down to the ground in a huge pit formed by the impact. Shields of pentagons formed around her, locking her in place like chains. Jasper pulled, kicked and punched trying to break free. But it was too late. A bright red-ish pink light made her look up. Eyes widened from the sight.
A wall full of pentagon shields formed, bending slightly at the sides. Spikes appeared out of nowhere. Aiming only for her. She was the target, and he was excited.
"Thank you, Jasper. These Diamond powers are now mine!" With a villainous laugh he pushed the wall in her direction. Watching as it crushed her...poofed her... and her gem fell apart. Floating slowly down he picked up the shards and smirked. "Looks like I won this fight." He chuckled darkly.
Bubbling, or now in a cage of sorts, the shards and sent it back to the castle. Looking down at the slightly torn up black t-shirt with a yellow star, jeans and his red sandals. Walking back towards his palace. This identity wasn't him anymore. Thoughts swirled in his head as the thought of shattering her again and again. After all, he had the power along with essences of the other Diamonds thanks to a certain Spinel gem. The game had just begun.
Jasper froze in place, gasping at what had happened. A red-ish pink shield came in between her fist and Connie's body. But her gaze was looking at someone else. A familiar pair of glowing, Diamond shaped eyes bore into her own. Both of them staying that way for a while. Finally she pulled back and growled lowly. Bowing before him in defeat. Flashes of being shattered and brought back to life over and over came into view.
"Dismissed, Jasper." With that she got up, head bowed briefly.
"As you command." Trying not to grumble under her breath beginning to walk away.
"And don't you dare, ever fight her again. Unless you want to go back to being shattered." Jasper froze momentarily before walking away without a single word. Steven breathed deeply and put away his shield before directing his attention on Connie. Whose own eyes were widened from the scene that played out right before her. Kneeling down he offered his hand for her own. swallowing hard a little, she accepted and stood up slowly. Though her head was still throbbing from the blow.
"Uh...thank you..." She mumbled, unsure of what else to say to him.
"I thought you were more intelligent than this." The iced tone in his voice crystal clear. "It's very disappointing." His words shook too her core and caused a second wind rising within her... or fifth... Frowning she formed her fists to the side.
"Excuse me?! Oh I must've hit my head against the tree a lot harder than I thought!" Which actually was a bit more true than she wanted to admit honestly. "I'm the disappointing one around here?!"
"Going into a fight recklessly with hardly any strength is probably one of the most dumbest things to do!" His voice much louder and commanding than before. Arms crossed against his chest and back standing up much straighter, out of habit to show his authority and power he held.
"Oh and you're the one to judge what I do?! How very hypocritical your majesty!" Connie bowed mockingly so. "Or have you forgotten about what happened the last time we were in a garden!" It was also frustrating since he wasn't looking any more mad than she was in this moment. Which was odd since he was shouting only moments ago. Her words echoed out until they faded away, leaving only tense silence and cold wind. Eyes locked onto one another's. Until he broke their gaze, looking her over and finally back to her eyes.
"I see Pearl has taught you well for combat." Steven finally spoke, breaking the silence, lowering his voice back into a much calmer tone. Connie had just about enough of his mood swings, annoying her about as much as his arrogance. Her anger blinded her to the reality of her legs shaking and the fatigue quickly setting in. 
"Oh no you don't! How dare you sidestep the issue here-" Connie tried to step forward, only to realize her weight wasn't being supported by any strength she had. Which was about nothing. Falling forward she braced herself for the grounds impact. When instead she felt two broad arms holding her up.
Landing against his chest in this moment wasn't entirely ideal in her mind. Steven felt her close presence and the feeling flaring up inside him once more. With an inward and heavy sigh, he lifted her left arm around his neck then supported her back. Leaning down as his other arm wrapped underneath her legs, standing back while picking her up. He could feel her heat from the fight still prominent around her. 
"I won't allow you to remain in my court if you're going to be like this all the time." He stated, walking towards the garden gate near one of the castle's few entrances. 
'So I'm still important to you're special court huh? Funny, I thought you would rather see me drop dead.' Connie thought, too exhausted to even begin to argue with him. Let alone keep her eyes open. Within seconds she had fallen fast asleep, nothing could wake her until her body was well rested.
This was beginning to be more and more like a pattern between the two. It was right in the middle between intriguing and annoying for them both. Steven brought her inside and to her chambers. Once she was settled in her bed, he brought her hand up to his lips. Letting his healing powers take care of any scratches or bruises while easing her pain. Leaving her alone soon after to get back to his own duties.
Hours passed, Lapis, Peridot and Bismuth all took care of watching over Connie. Making sure she was getting enough rest and back to full health. Pearl informed him of any recent activity and updates before leaving to check on other things around the palace. Steven looked upon the earth cluster project and inwardly sighed.
Having already abandoning feelings towards any attachment for the green and blue planet. Focusing more on the project to find a new home planet for the humans. This was all to win a bet. Not as if he cared one hundred percent. However he had to put forth the effort if needed be. Why not go all the way.
Certainly away from HomeWorld and away from any potential danger. However it was a tad tricky. humans needed certain necessities and while they could adapt in his eyes, it was best to find something similar if not better. Fortunately he had someone already on the job. Someone whose, now immortal, life was changed. Smirking he moved his hand across the control pad interface and watched as a diamond shaped camera came into view. Waiting for a connection to be heard from the other line.
"What do you want?" Lars grumbled through the communication device.
"An update regarding the search for a plant suitable for humans."
"We are already onto the next sector."
"In other words, you have nothing." The hidden implications of that statement couldn't get passed him. Complimenting with a monotone and subtle hint of impatience in his voice.
"Hey it's not easy! That bitch Emerald has been on my tail the entire time!"
"I'm growing tired of your negligence!" Steven shouted loud as the room shook.
"It's hard searching for a planet when your also running away from the authorities!" Lars countered, seemingly not afraid of the person on the other line. Until he saw a flash of pinkish red in his Diamond shaped eyes.
"I could end it all right now." Suddenly more calm than before as a smirk appeared on his face.
"You can get her off my back?" A suspicious expression clearly written in his face.
"Of course, in fact I can just send Emerald the coordinates of where you are. Have her reclaim the ship I let you steal and capture all of you. Though I'm not sure what she will do to... them." Lars froze and gulped, gripping the arm rests of the sun incinerator captain chair. This wasn't the first time he was blackmailed.
But as his eyes darted around the ship's main deck. Watching his crew as they repaired and mapped their next destination (in a way so they wouldn't be discovered). They were more than his crew, they were becoming more like his family. Sighing in defeat, he leaned back and closed his eyes.
"Please, don't" He spoke firmly, trying his best to remain calm.
"You have three months."
"Three months?! But traveling in space takes longer with no functioning hyper drive engines!"
"Or I could contact Emerald now." Steven spoke, hand above the interface. One move and it was all over for them.
"You'll have a planet by then."  He voiced through his teeth. Frustration and anger building up inside him.
"Excellent choice my old friend." He explained before disconnecting the communications. Lars ran a hand over his face, trying to keep from screaming. 
"We were never friends."
A couple of days afterwords, Connie was well rested and back on track with her duties. Especially since when she overworked herself she hardly had anything to catch up to. So she took her break and went outside to clear her thoughts. Things were all over the place with her emotions for Steven. Unable to place them in a specific category. One minute he seemed cold and the next minute like who he was before. Well the person he was according to the other gems.
Her heart pounded every time she thought of him. Unable to tell if it was from a sort of comfort she felt towards him or from frustration and fear. Perhaps a mixture of both. Deep within in her mind she began to hallucinate a glowing pure white butterfly. Or thought she was. Swirling around her, grabbing the attention. Connie giggled, smiling and frowning slightly in confusion. "Hey little butterfly, where did you come from?"
The butterfly in question swirled around her once again before flying ahead of her. Stopping ever so slightly as if beckoning her to come. She giggled as this creature had the personality of an excited puppy wanting it's owner to play. Following this mysterious friend of hers, not knowing where she was headed, until they reached a certain door.
Stopping immediately, knowing where this door led. But this flying creature was persistent and like a ghost flew through the door. She gulped and bit her lip, unsure of what to do. Stepping towards the large entrance she placed her hand on the handle.
Once opened she hesitantly walked through. Her eyes widened at the sight, there she saw was looked like to be a beautiful tropical paradise. The trees, shrubbery and all sort of creatures in this ecosystem were full of life. A waterfall was nearby and formed a small lake area with and similar to that of a beach. She smiled from the sight, feeling the sense of her own home in Beach City. Until she felt a hand on her shoulder making her jump.
"Greetings! Oh! I'm sorry I hope I didn't frightened you." A young man, a tad younger than her father, with long poofy black hair, a loin cloth like dress and blue shall vest like material. A brown waistband and purple and pink colored earrings. It didn't take Connie long to figure out he was apart of the human zoo. But he was acting so...normal?
"Oh, no I'm fine, um... what's your name?"
"My name is Wy-six!"
"Um... I'm sorry did you just say Y-6?"
"Yes! It's a special name given to each of us!" Connie was still kinda confused but didn't think about it long when a female with long blonde hair came into view. Dressing the exact same way as the other person. No doubt she knew who these people were.
"Wy-six, who is this new friend?" Connie smiled awkwardly, waving her hello trying to hide her concern a bit. It worked when the woman waved back at her.
"Jay-Ten! Meet my new friend.. um..."
"Uh, Connie." She spoke quickly trying to be polite. "It's nice to meet you... er, J-10 was it?"
"Yes I am Jay-Ten! Nice to meet you Connie. Tell us, where did you come from?"
"Oh well I think I just wandered in here by mistake. I should be leaving now, it was nice knowing you!" While she would've jumped at the chance to save these humans before, something didn't sit quite right with her. It's almost like they don't feel imprisoned. 'Maybe they're putting on a bright smile?'
"What is...mistake?" Wy-six asked in a curious fashion.
"Yes please tell us, Connie." Jay-Ten spoke with eagerness in her voice. Connie froze and smiled. Trying her best to find ways of explaining mistake. Although her gut and red flags were popping up everywhere. The word cult flashed across her mind.
"Um.. well a mistake is an action or judgement that is misguided or wrong." The look on their faces said a lot to her. 'Just like the middle schoolers I tutored.' Opening her mouth to explain again in more simpler terms a voice interrupted her.
"Connie?! What in the world are you doing here??" all three turned to see Greg walking towards them. The others ran off in a sort of angry humph, leaving Connie all alone and even more confused.
"Hi Mr Universe, I actually came here by accident so I think I should just be leaving now."
"Wait hold up" Greg spoke putting a hand on her shoulder. "Would you like to tell me what's going on with my son?" Connie frowned slightly, not liking the fact that she was suddenly his best friend and knew everything about him. 'Shouldn't you be asking Spinel this?' But Steven was his own flesh and blood...and gem. It was understandable for his father to show concern for his boy.
"Forgive me but I don't follow your implication." Greg sighed and showed her the 'Zooman project' in a gem tablet of sorts.
"He was here for a few days. Saying how 'it was time they were needed to be treated like humans, and reintroduce them to earth culture'. Now I think this human zoo project should never have happened in the first place! And getting them back into earth culture officially is way overdue. However it's not like my son to go having a change of heart all at once here." Connie barley could keep up with what he was saying. Her mind not comprehending the apparent truth.
"Wait, you are saying...Steven came up with this idea?" Greg took a step back and raised a brow.
"You mean, you didn't know about this?"
"I didn't think so Greg." A voice popped up, Amethyst walking into view. "Whatssup Connie?" She said smiling.
"Hey, Amethyst. It's been awhile since....um..." Connie realized they hadn't even had a proper conversation since being taken away from Earth three months ago.
"Ya man it has. But I've been busy keeping up all sorts of guard duties and stuff."
"Oh....Well I hope you're doing okay since the....fight?"
"Pshh I should be asking you that question. Oh man Greg you should've seen her! She was fighting so good I almost thought Jasper would poof!"
"I'm assuming by that statement, you saw everything?"
"Uh how could I not! Once I got my 'second wind' so to speak, I ran and watched the entire thing go down! Oh and thanks for keeping me from poofing. Jasper sure would've shattered my gem this time around if not for you."
"You're welcome...." Connie breathed too stunned to think of anything else. Had she really saved Amethysts life that much? After gathering all she knew from her friends and the fight, the reality of that weighed on her more and more.
"So you went head on with Steven's number one solder?" Greg asked before getting elbowed in the gut by Amethyst. Shaking her head out from her apparent shock.
"Just like a rumor, news travels fast around her." Connie spoke in a defeated tone, accepting that fact of this life. "Yes I did fight Jasper... But then he..." Suddenly it became clear to her. When he disappeared, he was actually here planning this the entire few days. 'No wonder he said he was busy, he must've been trying to make time for this.' Besides he was there awfully quick, but fighting beside the human zoo entrance was good luck for her.
"Yeah, we thought you knew what he was planning, though it's not surprising he didn't tell you." Amethyst stated sadly scratching the back of her head. Connie thought of the butterfly that brought her here. 'This must be why it lead me to this place.'
"Um... What exactly is the plan?"
"UGH!!!" Spinel shouted. Pushing all the paperwork and a few empty bottles off the table in anger. Glass shattering all over like gems who we're out of line. "I can't believe he's doing all this!" Jasper stood still as Aquamarine and Ruby put together another green, tranquilizing elixir. Spinel breathed deeply and gripped the table. Thoughts whirling in her mind like the circles in her eyes.
"I will shatter her with more pain and torture than that of a lion!" Jasper stated with full determination in his voice.
"No... I think we shall save that for last..." Spinel smiled wickedly as an idea formed in her head.
"Aquamarine! Ruby! Is the old human torture chamber still in good working order?"
"Affirmative Spinel!" Ruby saluted similar to the diamonds but with an upside down heart. "Cleaned off all the red liquid from the previous. Plus I just put in the finishing touches last night!" Then winced when Aqua's wand hit his head.
"You mean we you numb-skull! And that red liquid is called blood. If you're going to mention it just say what it is!" She sighed before flying with her back more straight. "Everything is now in perfect working order. Even better than before when his Diamond used it on the zoomans. All we need is a test subject."
"All in due time. Remember when the opportunity is perfect, that is when we will strike."
"Of course M'lady. In fact I have a certain gem who can help us." Aquamarine smirked, whistling out. "Come on out Topaz!" Two large yellow Topaz's came out from the shadows, forming into one large one. In the process took an empty test tube and forced it to mold into their bodies. though the process was effortless. Like a cage with no way of escape. "And he won't say a word." Spinel was equally pleased.
"Well done Aquamarine, well done." She smiled and rubbed her gloved hands together. Ignoring Aquamarine sticking her tongue out towards Ruby. Jasper just stayed quiet, leaning against the wall with her arms folded. "We do need a trial run... Topaz" She spoke as he turned, saluting and facing her.
"What is it you command, my Spinel?"
"Only one thing. Tonight fetch me a human from the human zoo."
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alitheamateur · 6 years ago
The Grind- Chapter 31
A/N: Here we are, my precious jewels. The end of my own little era, but the beginning of a renewed passion. This story brought back a love for story-telling that I had long neglected, and although most don't understand the sentiment, I owe a lot of happiness to these characters. The Grind sprouted during a very dark, confusing, heartbreaking time in my life, and it became such a welcomed distraction from my emotional spiral. This piece of fiction will be held near and dear to my soul for all of eternity, and my heart beats with love for each & every one of you who has shared a kind word. 
One last time, The Grind.
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I was grateful that even over all the unsteady commotion, the gravel of his familiar voice busted through to my eardrums. The thud of my pulse hammered, already bringing along the gift of a taxing migraine that would only worsen once a pair of fists lashed into my skull. I was dreading the aching road of recovery before Kat and I had even thrown a punch.
Hers came first though. Quick, and robust it met the girlish roundness of my chin, shaking quivers over every hair on my skin. My footing staggered, and I swear to you my very eyeballs rattled. The early stages of pain I felt didn’t talk long to drag back the memo to my brain to protect my face as much as possible as she obsessively stalked to land an even more brutal hit the next time. I swished the blood laced spit around my jaws to wet my tongue, and settled in for war.
She could tell the blow had combusted an inkling of uncertainty in my spirit, and it only fed her desire for violence. With a random bout of bravery, I pointed an attempted swing for her ribs, connecting successfully to the tight ripples of her abdomen. Seeing as she hadn’t foreseen the body shot, it crippled her standing straight stance, and I was able to rock two more fists to the opposite cage of her ribs. Something felt off for a second when I heard her gasp for a breath when I released the wind from her belly. I felt… bad.
Violent nature was foreign to me, and I let myself feel briefly apologetic on the inside watching her suffer for air. Then, the fighting side of me rose to rule. I lobbed a club-foot kick to her chiseled thigh, victoriously capturing her balance. However, I couldn’t completely escape my often clumsy tactics, and I let my own legs tangle with hers as she dropped buoyantly to the mat.
I scurried with fluster to try and reach my standing position before Bex, but unfortunately her quickness outweighed my own. I brought my forearms to my face, doubling them as a shield of armor for my breakable nose. With her every delivery of a fist, my head bounced like a ball on the soft mat below. I prayed for her to tire, or somehow make a careless mistake and allow my escape. I could already feel the tenderness of plum-shaded bruises forming up and down my arms, and I just wanted to cower in Colton’s arms.
Where was his voice? Why couldn’t I hear the assuring yells of he and Tia?
Just as my arms began to weaken in defeat, the squealing of the timekeeper’s bell halted her strike.
Katrina stood to her feet with ease, running for the cool swig of water waiting in her corner, leaving a shaken and hallucinating swirl of stars swimming like a halo around my skull. I tried to assess myself on the mat, still surveying what damage may have been done. Aside from my fractured pride.
“Baby! Get up, c’mon! Get over here, Liv!”
I frenzied to my feet shakily, remembering the very limited seconds I had to steal a second with my coaches in between rounds. Tia tried to masquerade her reaction of pity, but the squinting sickness of her eyes told all the tale I needed. I didn’t feel much pain, other than a tight pressure settling inside my nostrils, so the unknown markings couldn’t have been of much severity, right?
Suddenly, settling on the 3-legged stool for a ticking minute of a break, I caught glimpse of the very sopped, very stained towel that Colt applied to my stuffy nose. He squeezed gently, and his touch seemed to re-apply sensation to my busted snout. I yelped as his massaged as gingerly as his rocky hands would, and plugged the holes with some sort of swabs to drink up the blood-spill.
“You good, Liv? Hey… Look at me, right now. Look in my eyes. Do you wanna keep going?” Colton shook my shoulders, demanding a surefire answer. Bless his soul, there was nothing but devoted protection and the will to be my strong tower in his silver eyes.
“Have a little faith, remember?”
He rehearsed his best fake smile, and slung the ruined rag over his shoulder to scoop up my cushioned seat when the ref tapped a finger to his imaginary watch hurrying us to pick up the pace.
Besides the whelped imprint of my ankle bone on the upper of her thigh, Bex would enter the second round only rested and ready for more. She would go viciously after my obviously very broken nose, so it was my responsibility to protect it like a mother bird to her helpless young.
Two nippy little jabs, but thankfully she had missed. The dodging alone of her efforted hits made my entire face spasm with pain, and I was already daydreaming about the blue-green blossoms of bruise I would wake up to in the morning. If I even made it that far…
“Go after that leg, Liv! She’s tryin’ to baby it, so get after her!”
With Tia’s help, I did begin to notice the awkward teeter to Katrina’s steps. She was hobbling in the slightest, and her leg carried a barely detectable limp of uneasiness. If I could numb that leg enough, and swipe her footing to crash, I knew I could get her. I needed just a cracked window of opportunity, and I wouldn’t let my submission training go to waste.
I fell into rhythm with bizarre fist fakes, confusing her reflexes when taking shot after shot at her leg. With unyielding focus, I beat the tender skin of her thigh with kicks like a well-oiled meat tenderizer, the stretch of my own groin muscle also suffering.
Dribbles from my nose spilled blood down my chest onto the mat, painting a slickness beneath our feet. The metallic flavored goo gurgled in the back of my throat, and I wanted to spit free my mouthguard and guzzle the strongest proof of some sort of dark alcohol to curb its stain on my tongue. I made a mental note that Colt make a liquor run once I settled into the featherbed in our hotel room.
As Katrina and I tiptoed on light feet ‘round the cage, I’d give side glances to Colt. Once finding his foot standing in the seat of my stool with his elbow resting on a knee, his mouth taut behind the hand his rested over his lips. Assessing. Strategizing. Criticizing?
Another moment his forearms interlocked over his beating chest, toes tapping in a wide stance, and even a barely traceable half-smile sitting across his face. Just knowing he was there, close to me, only a few arms-lengths away should danger really arrive, slowed the pace of my overbeating heart. I’d win this for him. For me, of course. But, it was decided nevertheless that Katrina’s very first loss tonight, would ultimately rally a victory for me, my camp, and my Colton.
As the round ended, Bex felt the buff weight of pressure stalking around her. As I turned, this time much more aware, towards my corner for a rushed break between blows, she smashed both palms to the blades of my shoulder, childishly showing me to the ground. Our ref consumed her with a tight embrace, quite firmly chastising into her ear. Thankfully for the much ,much needed backup, I bounced out of the way for Willow to swallow Tia inside a resisting bearhug, as I attempted to handle Colton’s own bursting of incoherent fury.
“Handle your fuckin’ girl, Tyler! You and I both knew we ain’t here for any shit like that!” My rumbling bear growled across the mat to Kat’s fumbling coach. “I see anything like that again, and me ‘n you may have to borrow this damn cage for a short minute.”
“Hey, hey, hey! Colton, hey. Stop, baby. C’mon! Look at me, I’m good, ok?” I purred and hummed into his hot ear. Hoping some sort of soothing spell would lull some calmness back into his raging eyes.
“COLT, STOP. Shit! Take a deep breath, Colton. Don’t ruin this for me, damn it! I’m fine, babe. I promise.” I was rambling to an empty shell. His spirit was climbing the rafters like a demonic spirt lurking above the darkest shadows. “Please…”
With that simplest plea, the pink of his cheeks reappeared, and his lips relaxed. I think his teeth cracked from the tense of his unbreakable jaws.
He shuddered, as if feeling his spirit mold back into his body, and turned away from Bex and her coach. Placing two firm paws atop my shoulders, he hurried me to a seat, kneeling himself to eye level.
“Beat. Her.” A growl buzzed from the back of his raw throat.
He knew her sideshow had embarrassed me, and if I wouldn’t let him intervene in my honor, I best do it myself.
Colton kissed me. Hard. Teetering the stool on its back legs. And if I couldn’t win this fight with that kind of motivation, I never had a chance to begin with.
The referee had taken some extra moments to scold Katrina for the uncalled for, untimely reaction, and began ushering Tia and Colt towards the cage door.
I hissed an engrossed inhale, focusing best I could to even out the pace of my tottering, rambunctious heart.
But my heart would be the only thing I would slow.
Barely registering the ‘ting’ of our timekeepers bell, I lunged forward sighting in on the nose protruding from the middle of her smug face. The girl hadn’t given a single clear peep at her face the entire match, but it seemed in that moment that fate had tied her hands for the upper hand of my fist.
Her eyes wept instantly at the burn of her nasal bone cracking in half. But that didn’t stop me. My humanity switched long flipped with the scent of a wound, and I was only out for blood no matter the cost. With battered knuckles, and uncontrolled swings, the light of defense dulled behind my opponents’ eyes.
A happen-stance shot deep into the mushy socket of her eye obliterated her focus, and the cage rumbled and rattled when her body fell limber at my feet. Until I was torn from her, and the match was called, I wouldn’t stop the invasive assault and risk any odds of a comeback.
Her head bobbled like a bottle cap rolling over the waves of a high tide ocean, and it seemed the way her eyelashes batted in slow motion that they themselves were even too heavy for her to bear. Our official closely observed her behavior, watching for signs of drooping unconsciousness, and any other medical qualifications for calling the match.
With one roll of my knuckles over her chin, her knee buckled at the bend and sent her tumbling. Trying to resist the inevitable admirably, in true fighters’ fashion, Katrina’s feeble, worn down body emptied of any overcoming abilities. Tears began to twine with red leaking down her face when the ring ref signaled to the timekeeper, calling the bout.
Colton’s obsessing pride, uncontainable joy, and earnest tears of content dissipated whatever inkling of patience he was born with, and he kicked his lead foot into the cage door, bending loose the hinges to get to me. As my left hand was raised in baffling triumph, he pulled it right back into his own, sliding back into to place the sparkling gemstone on my ring finger.
Colton’s sentimental tears turned loose into an unbroken stream, his chest choking free chuckling sobs as he folded at the knee, and buried his reddening face into the pumping breaths of my belly. I could feel his mumblings vibrate into me, and his mouth movements tickling the bare skin above my waistband. Pulling him free and seeking his face, I combed through his shagged hair with giggling of my own.
“Baby. Hey! What is it, Colt?!”
I adored the way his smile danced with his tears, the odd coupling a beautiful one.
“You are fucking amazing, Liv Elliott! And fuck me for ever thinking you didn’t belong here.”
With an eager, rising fever to kiss his forever gorgeous lips, I cupped his face and willed him into me. His hands wormed under the crook of my arms and suddenly the ground disappeared from beneath my tired feet. No protest present, I hooked the clutches of my legs about his abdomen, and captured him. If I had any breath in me after the battle, he would’ve sucked it clear from my lungs with his smothering display of a kiss. I heard cameras snapping, analysts and fellow writers begging my name for a statement, but all the world might as well have been a foreign, unpopulated wonderland where only my soul and his could survive.
The fusing of his plush-skinned mouth with my own lit my spirit on fire, and I considered dragging him to the courthouse first thing the following day to marry him on the spot, just to be able to pair his own name with the word ‘husband’.
“Do your thing, champ. They wanna hear from you,” Colton plopped me down to meet to ground. “I’ll be right here. Always”
He eased himself backwards, dismissing himself from the sight of cameras and attention, pushing me to bathe in the limelight of the results of my hard work. He may not have been holding my hand in the literal sense, but the glow of his cheery cheeks as he watched me share the rundown from my point-of-view with the newspapers comforted me. I spied Tia even chatting at his side, with some strange sentiment resembling a genuine smile, as my parents weaved through the aisles.
Standing in my own portrayal of center stage, feeling the gratifying weight of his diamond promise on my finger, his last name soon-to-be mine on the wrist of my blood-stained gloves, and the unpredicted win of an MMA bout under my belt, there weren’t enough words in a Webster to define my state. Whether things would never be the same again, I knew all change would be for the better with the treasure of my Colton tucked in my back pocket for cherished keeping. With a determined heart, a driving passion, and maybe a few more callouses on my hands than before, I would strap down and relish in the ride to come. Lots of work, even more play, and back to The Grind.
TAGS: @torialeysha @eap1935 @mollybegger-blog @littleluna98
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borderlinesyberian · 7 years ago
Another Thing I’m Never Going to Finish
Emily furiously scribbled out the previous sentence she had written on the parchment and threw her pen onto the desk in defeat, leaning back in her chair and ruffling her already messy hair. Her entire schedule for the day was surprisingly empty, and she gladly took this rare opportunity to dive into the pile of paperwork stacked upon her desk, waiting to be acknowledged and reviewed. The joints, tendons, and muscle in her left hand throbbed, but the pain was worthwhile when she compared the stack to the state it was in the morning to the same state it was in now. As with everything dealing with politics, there were bumps along the way, but it was nothing compared to what she had seen and been through. It seemed humorously appropriate and ironic she was only now beginning to work on the papers she had received before the Coup. However, it seemed irony had a twisted way of earning itself a laugh. She had been trying her damnedest to write a letter in response to Tyvia’s Trade Commissions for the past half-hour, but found herself completely stumped.
Karnaca and Tyvia both relied too heavily on each other for their respective goods for trade to cease altogether. Tyvia provided Karnaca with ore and manual labor needed in the nation's silver mines and fields, whereas Karnaca provided Tyvia with bountiful, fresh fruit and vegetables that could not be grown in the frozen dirt of the cold land. It was a mutually beneficial relationship, but a single small problem stood in the way, even after the Coup had ended. Pirates may have taken a “break” from raiding trading ships because of an increase of patrolling ships along trade routes, but bloodflies hadn’t. Emily knew firsthand how terrible the insects could be, and grimaced at the thought of them. Her first experience with bloodflies left her with a high fever and a terrible burning sensation upon inhaling a breath of air, barely able to move as she struggled to open her eyes and stare at the ceiling of her cabin in the Dreadful Wale. Doctor Hypatia had managed to soothe the symptoms enough for her body to heal itself, but she would never forget the days she spent in bed, suffering and pleading to whoever could hear her thoughts to make the fiery insects crawling under the surface of her skin to vanish.
Emily looked at the draft on her desk and picked it up, examining it with irritation. The elegance in her handwriting slowly waned throughout the day, and now appeared sloppy and almost illegible on the paper. Most of what was written on the document was scribbled out in frustration. Her mind was brimmed with ideas of what the letter must consist of, but completely blanked on how to work them to paper. Picking her pen up and pressing it against the paper again, she paused for a second before letting it fall from her hand, deciding she had done enough work for that day. It was nearing evening, and Father had requested a private dinner the day before to discuss news about the discovery of a pod of whales migrating south a few miles off the coast of Gristol.
She glanced at the small clock on her desk and took note of the time. Father would be knocking on her door any minute now, and she wanted to tidy up some before his arrival. She grabbed a small stack of letters and prepared to file them away for later review. However, the moment she grabbed the knob to open the desk drawer and pulled it, she came to the immediate realization the drawer would not budge, and the sleek, mahogany wood desk had lost its warm hue.
Emily didn't need to hear his voice to know the Outsider was in the room. She set the papers down on the desk and lifted her head, looking at him as he stood across the room, inspecting the model of the ISS Jessamine in its glass case. He was turned away from her, but she could see his hands balled into fists behind his back.
“Something’s wrong.” Emily stood up from her seat and maneuvered around to the front of the desk. “What’s wrong?”
“The Abbey has reason to believe you are affiliated with the Void, and me.”
Emily could feel her heart plummet into her stomach. She scoured the events in her mind to find the one slip-up she committed that would bring the Abbey’s attention to her. However, nothing stood out, as the Church had spent most of its time rebuilding itself after the loss of so many Overseers, including the death of the High Overseer himself and the “disappearance” of the Vice Overseer (he was probably in Tyvia, trying to find some way to collect enough coin to return to Dunwall, or Serkonos, perhaps). She had been careful to conceal her Mark and came up with lies and half-truths to any nosy noble who asked her why she covered her left hand in black leather. Only during special occasions did she use her Powers in Dunwall Tower, and even then she used them minimally as to not alert any servants their Empress was withholding more secrets- “blasphemous secrets”- from them and the citizens of the Empire. She had been so meticulous and careful with every move she made. The only possible way the Abbey would be suspicious of her wa-
“The Music Box,” she murmured, eyes widening in realisation.
“Holger’s Device was the catalyst for this,” the Outsider confirmed. “Then, Overseers began talking, and words have the power to be as dangerous as blades if used correctly.” He turned his head to look at her from the corner of his eye. “The lines between rumor and truth are so blurred nowadays.”
Emily shook her head in disbelief and disappointment. “The Abbey doesn’t have concrete evidence of my involvement with you. The accounts of two Overseers shouldn’t have the power to convince those in the Church of anything.” She closed her eyes briefly and swallowed. “This isn’t like the Time of the Rat Plague where the Abbey could throw accusations to anyone to obtain more power within Dunwall and the Empire.”
The Outsider disappeared in fragments of ash and reappeared next to her. “The Abbey has slowly relinquished its foothold alongside the Empire of the Isles since your instatement of the Empress. However, older members- members who were of your mother's and even your grandfather's time- fear the consequences of this loss of control.”
She narrowed her eyes. “What are you implying?”
“They believe they need someone to throw suspicion and blame on- someone who the citizens of the Empire would never suspect of being affiliated with the Void.”
“They need a scapegoat,” she realised, fury boiling inside her at the very thought. “Why are you telling me this?”
The Outsider remained silent and kept his gaze to the floor, refusing to meet her eyes. She took a step forward and remained standing in front of him, the tips of their boots touching. With a scrutinizing gaze, she studied his face, trying to decipher what he refused to tell her. His body remained stiff and tense, his eyes narrowed, and his brow furrowed. It almost looked like-
“You’re worried about me,” Emily realised, not concerned she had spoken it out loud.
The Outsider breathed a heavy sigh. “Does that surprise you?”
“It-,” she hesitated for a few seconds. “It does a little bit.”
He raised his head and looked at her, his black eyes making it difficult to discern his emotions. However, Emily knew he was worried about her, and her safety. If the god of the Void- her lover, who swore to himself to never directly interfere with the lives of mortals- found it reason enough to directly tell her this, she knew the Abbey was going to take action soon. There had already been arguments in the past when she petitioned to Parliament to turn the remains of the Chapel in Dunwall Tower into a memorial room for those who perished during Delilah’s reign. The decision was nearly unanimously declined by every person in the room, save for a small handful who had lost people during those harsh two months or found the idea to be sentimental. The idea the very people who dedicated their goal to destroying anyone and anything related to the Outsider having easy accessibility to Dunwall Tower made her feel uneasy.
“I’ll find a way to make them see the errors in their thinking,” she said with determination. “Karnaca taught me to not run away from my problems; not to stoke the flames to make them worse.”
“It will happen soon- sooner than you hope.”
“I’ll be ready.”
The Outsider seemed to contemplate something for a moment before he finally murmured, “You’re about to sail through dangerous waters. I doubt I need to warn you to tread carefully.”
Before Emily could retort, the room returned to its former color, and the Outsider had vanished from in front of her, leaving only the smell of ash in his departure. She expected to hear the ticking of the small clock behind her and muffled sound of ocean waves crashing against the side of Dunwall Tower. Instead what she heard, to her mild surprise and bewilderment, were heavy footsteps running in the direction of the door to her study. On instinct, her fingers swiftly reached inside her coat, grasping the handle of Pathmaker, the folding blade Father passed down to her once he learned of the adjustments she had made to it. The familiar weight of it in her hand as she discretely hid it behind her back gave her some relief, if just for that moment. The door to her study was violently thrown open, bouncing off the wall from the impact. In the door frame stood the person who Emily knew would reach her before anyone else.
Father's brow was covered in a light sheen of sweat and he was having difficulty in attempting to regulate his breathing into slow, deep breaths. From the way he looked, it seemed he had scaled the Tower instead of taking the elevator like any normal person would. Then again, it dawned on her he might not have been able to take the elevator if what the Outsider suggested was true. She loosened her hold on Pathmaker and swiftly strode over to him.
“Father.” Emily cupped his cheek to force him to look at her. “Father, breath. Toksvig said any strenuous activity might rip open your stitches.”
He swallowed and breathed in deeply, slowly letting it out. Nearly a week and a half ago, a hired assassin attempted to kill her as she visited the Waterfront to speak with a few ship captains about the quality of trade with the other nations of the Isles. Even though she insisted she didn't need an escort, he had decided to come anyway. When they reached the docks, a man in tattered rags charged straight towards them, brandishing a rusty shiv. She could have easily parried him with Pathmaker, but Father stood in the way of the assailant. The blade had missed any organs and the would-be assassin was sent to Coldridge Prison to await trial, and Father was immediately sent to Xander Toksvig. Even though he was ordered to rest until the stitches could be removed, she knew he would ignore the Royal Physician’s instructions.
After a sharp inhale, Father wheezed, “Ther-”
“I know, Father,” she interrupted him, using the sleeve of her coat to wipe the sweat off his forehead. “Overseers are on their way here.”
Father straightened his posture, clutching his right side. “He warned you?”
“Yes, he did.” Emily tucked Pathmaker back inside her coat. “It’s completely ludicrous.”
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kazosa · 8 years ago
Second Chances - Jeff x Reader: Chapter 5
Summary: Reader and Jeff work a project and become fast friends. The project ends and they go their separate ways, neither forgetting the other. With Hollywood being a small community, you two bump into one another either at events or projects, but there is always something keeping you apart. Will the obstacles ever end? Chapter 5 Summary: Reader goes to another party and has a chance encounter. Warnings: language (probably), slow burn, angst, crowded space anxiety A/N: I have a few ideas to continue this, but it’s still developing. Please leave comments or let me know if you want to be tagged, etc.
Word count: 2100(ish)
Catch up here: Masterlist
Tags: @jml509 @jasoncrouse @yellatthetopofyourlungs
Flash Forward 2002
Your POV:      Not gonna lie, it hurt watching Jeff walk away. I was unsure of so many things, but I was sure that Jeff at least liked me. I don’t know what I expected from him, but I thought I deserved to have a proper goodbye. What happened at the bar made me feel like a cheap mistress.      I was mad at him for a long time which was also his fault because he didn’t call me at all, not once. We could have talked things over and maybe I would have been able to forgive him sooner. By the time I’d forgiven him and let it go, I felt like I’d missed my shot, that I was too late. I didn’t have his phone number, but I could have gotten it, I’d just gotten to where I was too scared to do so.      Oddly enough, it was Todd, the first AD from the movie, that was there to help me pick up the pieces and help me through my issues. Todd was the one who gave me a business card for a producer at Fox Studios. He’d lined up a job to be AD on an episode of “The X-Files” and suggested I send in my app. I’d had a quick interview over the phone with Kim Manners and he said he wanted to meet me, so I had decided to make a vacation of it and packed clothes for a week. I ended up staying for 3 years.      Kim had offered me the job and it was awesome. I got to work on one of the coolest shows on TV and it was nice to have a somewhat regular schedule. The show had run for twelve years and wasn’t renewed for another season, so I was out of a job. The studio was going to throw us a big party in LA a few weeks after the show wrapped. There would be a screening of the finale in an auditorium and some live music, probably more, in a ballroom at the same location. Pretty much everyone that had ever worked on the show was going to be there, and the usual celebrity invites were sent.
     You were in your bathroom getting ready to go to the party. You had curled your hair and had it pinned back so the curls cascaded down to your shoulders. You decided to wear a black dress. It was somewhat form fitting but the material felt like a t-shirt and that was what sold you on it. Simple silver jewelry, your star necklace that you always wore, black heels with an ankle strap and a clutch were your accessories.      “Babe, you ready to go yet?” Todd said from the bathroom door.      “Uh, yeah. How do I look, okay?” you said giving him the full view.      Todd’s mouth was hanging open just a bit. “Jesus.”      You smiled. “So, good?”      “Yeah, you look amazing,” he said.      His eyes briefly landed on the necklace. You knew Todd didn’t really like you wearing the necklace that Jeff had bought you, but he knew that it was more to you than something Jeff had given you. It reminded you to always work hard and never give up and it had paid off.
     You’d been promoted to a production coordinator the last year of the X-Files. Kim had fought hard for you to get that promotion and you’d wanted to knock it out of the park and make him proud. It certainly helped that it was the last year and if you messed it up too much, it really didn’t have much bearing on the show’s success!      Proving again that working hard and doing a good job for your employer pays off, Kim had given your name to someone he knew. This person was going to be an executive producer on a cable show tentatively named “Hack” for HBO. Just the week prior to the party and one week after production ended, you got a call from Bob Singer inviting you down to the States to begin filming in Philadelphia in just 2 months.      You crossed the room to him and pushed Todd out of the bathroom. You were both ready now and he drove you to the party.
     Whenever you were nervous, you touched the star that hung round your neck, and you were nervous now. Todd had gone ahead to find a spot for you to sit and you didn’t like being left alone to get through this big of a crowd. You hated being sentimental, but every time you touched it, you remembered how calming Jeff had been for you and it helped to settle your nerves. Events like this one worked your crowded spaces anxiety pretty hard. You were starting to feel hot. People were everywhere and people bumping into you was something that you had the most difficulty with. You never understood how people didn’t see you. You were quite tall even in flats and people would still bump you. “How do you not see me?!”  you always thought.      Your irritation meter was pegged. Your skin started to feel prickly. You swore if one more person bumped into you, you were going to give ‘em a piece of your mind. Where the hell was Todd?! You stopped to open your clutch to pull out your cell phone when it happened. Someone had slammed into you so hard, you stumbled sending your clutch and cell phone flying. You watched as the contents of your clutch emptied all over the red carpet.      “GODDAMNIT!” you didn’t yell, but you were definitely loud with your production coordinator voice in full effect. You felt all of the eyes turn toward you and your outburst, but you didn’t care, you were sick of people being so damn rude.      You crouched down to pick up the things that had fallen near your feet.      “I’m so sorry. No, no, let me do that,” a low, smooth voice said.      It had been a while, but you knew that voice. The goosebumps let you know you weren’t imagining it. The man’s shoes were beat up boots, he wore jeans, and if you stood up to look at his shirt, you would bet it was a t-shirt, maybe a suit jacket over it.      “Let me help you up,” he said.      You put one hand in his and the other went to the star around your neck. The old habit didn’t seem to help this time. You let go of his hand but couldn’t look up into his eyes.      The man put your things back inside your clutch.      “Sweetheart,” he said.      The goosebumps again. Where the hell was Todd?!      “You gotta let me apologize,” he said.      You put your hands on the clutch and tried to take it, but he wouldn’t let you.      “You already did,” you said.
Jeff’s side:
     He hated these events. The only thing they were good for was seeing old friends and networking, otherwise, it was all meaningless bullshit. Case in point, he’d just finished talking to an old acquaintance, Jerry, about getting together for drinks some night.      He’d finished his conversation with Jerry and, as he turned to walk inside, he didn’t notice the woman that had stopped behind him and he slammed into her, sending her little purse flying. It wasn’t until he saw the light glint off the star hanging around her neck that he realized who she was.      Oh Jesus, it’s (Y|N), he thought.      He wanted to dash away, but he couldn’t, not again. He’d wanted to call her so many times. He almost did more than a few, even dialed once or twice. He had good reasons, at the time, not to call. Now, he couldn’t remember what a single reason was.      He missed her a lot, at first. He often thought about that last night he was with her, how he almost kissed her at the hotel. If he was going to be honest with himself, he knew back then that something wasn’t right between him and Anya. If he had really been in love with his wife, he wouldn’t have had those feelings for (Y|N). It took him a long time to realize that he was drawn to her for a reason, and now here he was, literally running into her at an event.      She wouldn’t look at him when he called her “sweetheart.” He supposed he didn’t deserve to call her that anymore. All he wanted to do was tell her how sorry he was and that he should never have left with Anya, at least, not without saying goodbye. He wanted to explain to her why he did the things he did, but on the red carpet was not a good place to talk.
     “No, I mean for before. For leaving without saying goodbye, for leaving the way I did. It wasn’t fair to you. Can we talk about it sometime?” he said.      You really wanted to tell him off. He actually wanted to talk now. “You mean like you should have done three years ago?”      He had that coming and he knew it, “Yes, like that. Can I meet you after the party to talk?”      “You got a lot of balls asking me that,” you practically hissed. “Tell you what, if you can find me, you can talk to me.”      “Babe, everything okay?” Todd had finally reappeared.      The moment got very awkward as Todd realized it was Jeff who had caused (Y|N)’s current irritation.      “Oh, it’s you,” Todd said, unimpressed.      Jeff gave Todd the same look. Todd had been the cause of a lot of (Y|N)’s anxiety during their film shoot. What in the hell was he doing here with her?      “Todd, you remember Jeff,” you said.      “Of course, he does. Otherwise he wouldn’t be giving me that look right now. Are you two together?” Jeff asked.      “We are and we’re very happy,” Todd said holding his arm out to you.      You took it and he led you away. You couldn’t form a coherent thought until Todd had you seated in the auditorium.      “Wanna tell me what is going on?” Todd’s voice sounded accusatory.      “He ran into me and it made me drop my purse,” you said, still a little dazed. “I had no idea he’d be here.”      Todd was the one who had helped put you back together after the wrap-party incident. You thought you’d sorted through it all, but now it all came flooding back to you. The weight of the star resting on your chest was bound to suffocate you, but you couldn’t bear to take it off.
Todd’s side:
     He saw the whole thing, the look in her eyes when she watched him walk out the door, the tears that welled up. He’d gone to her and put an arm around her shoulders and helped her back to the table. He didn’t ask her if she wanted a drink, he just pushed his fresh drink in front of her and let her go. Todd had seen the way they were together, everyone had, and no one begrudged them any of it, sometimes a person had to take happiness when it presented itself. It had been obvious to everyone that they had something special, whatever it was. Watching Jeff throw it all away and the hurt he had caused (Y|N) had made it all come across so cheap.      It took a few days for what happened to really set in. She had a lot of issues to deal with and he’d been there for her. He had gotten a job in Vancouver and suggested she put in an app with the studio, and just as he’d thought, they offered her a job and they each got a place to live in Vancouver.      His feelings for her didn’t just happen overnight, it took a while and now they were in a place where she was good without Jeff and they had a good life together. They were even talking about getting a place together in Philadelphia rather than two separate places.
     “Do you want me to kick his ass?” he said seriously.      You tried not to laugh in Todd’s face. Instead, you just smiled at his offer. There was no way he could take Jeff. Jeff had at least 50 pounds on him and was probably 6 inches taller. Jeff was also not afraid to throw down and would destroy Todd.      “Don’t worry about it, Todd,” you said putting your hand on top of his. “I really don’t think he’ll be a bother.”    �� “Didn’t he say he wanted to talk to you?” Todd asked.      “Yeah, but his track record for that isn’t the greatest. Let’s just try to enjoy the party, okay?” you said, more calmly than you were feeling.
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7deadlycinderellas · 8 years ago
Deals with Dragons, ch10
Ao3 link
Emma has never been to Kelt before. The islands were technically under the rule of Camelot, but remained very sovereign and insular. Her and Lily are grateful for the extra time under disillusionment to get their bearings.
The villages they encounter are all small, with some sheep and cattle, and very little in the way of merchants. Since the people here are awake, they return to foraging in the woods. Thankfully, there are a lot of woods.
The snow that’s falling is light enough to not impede their travels, not even close to what the wind and rain had been. The midwinter lights are out, and the harvests brought in. Time has kept on here, even if it hadn’t at home.
The rumblings that the two of them have gathered about the fairies here are already apparent. The women of the houses put out bowls of milk every night. Roads wind around areas rumoured to be dens. And they pass one family, weeping over a child, that they swear had been changed in the night.
Lily’s been a bit restless. She wakes at night, shifting under Emma’s arms and waking her too, before rolling back and resettling. She says her skin itches here, which makes Emma think it might be a reaction to being close to the fairies that are her ancestors.
One day, they cross into a new village with the festival poles up, and the barrels of cider smoking.
“It must be the last evening of the year”, Emma whispers.
It looks perfect, the light dusting of snow, all the lights still up, everyone gathered in the square. But the people in this town seem...different.
Lily picks up on it too.
“Why is everyone here so….tired?
“Maybe it’s been a hard winter?” Emma suggest uncertainly. This is unlikely, considering the snow is so light, and the festival tables seem well filled.
They stay on the fringe of the group, sneaking roasted nuts and trying to listen. The poles are wrapped and light, the lights go up and then down, but they are no closer to the truth.
Then in the darkest of night, the first door creeps open.
The first out of the house is a well dressed young man. He is followed by a willowy girl of about eleven. One by one, all the young people of the town mindlessly march out of their houses and head towards the forest.
“Should we follow them?” Emma asks.
“I guess that’s how we find where this goes”.
Stories have made their way back to the mainland. A prince, or a princess, or a gaggle of them, drawn into the forest by the power of the fairies, forced to dance all night, into exhaustion,
The trees here are tall and thin, blocking out most of the light from the moon. Then the group reaches the break in the trees, when the light pours through.
“Oh!” Emma exclaims, “We have these back home, but I thought the name ‘fairy ring’ was just to make it sound fancy”.
One by one, the crowd steps through the ring of mushrooms on the forest floor. Emma and Lily are last, and, a little apprehensive, they clasp hands before stepping through.
When they go through, Emma feels a gasp escape her throat, and Lily beside her physically quiver.
The cold winter light has lifted, transforming into the gentle haze of a midsummer’s night. The green grass and trees seem to have been turned up a notch, almost too green to be real. The meadow they were in has widened. Tables line the edges, laden with plates heavy with every kind of delicacy imaginable, And floating through the air, are the faeries. Small people, of all ages, bearing delicate wings and murmuring in a language that almost sounds human. A few sit to the head of the clearing, playing their instruments, awaiting instructions from the caller.
Emma and Lily briefly cling to each other as the others glide their way into the fairy ball,
“What do we need to remember?” Lily says, hushed and rushed.
“Don’t touch the food- even you- or we’ll have to stay. The trance will probably be harder on me than you. Try to find information through conversation, don’t agree to anything. And above all, don’t lose track of each other or we could end up getting out days or even weeks apart”.
They stand in each other’s gaze for a moment, and Emma leans forward to kiss her once, before they part and join the party.
Emma’s never been a huge fan of parties. True, they were fun, but more often than not she found herself sticking to the people she knew and stepping out as early as would be polite. But being in among the fairy ball had the effect on her head of a strong lager. The music was loud enough to be enchanting, near loud enough to drown out thought, the dancers whirling and twirling, around her, and when she joined in, in perfect sync.
She breaks loose of a Virginia reel, and finds herself near the refreshment table. It’s nearly impossible to pull herself away. The roasts, piles of sea creatures, jellies and desserts, all emit an otherworldly aroma. Only the threat of never leaving, is enough in her vaguely drunken head to force herself to ignore it.
The other humans they came in with look worse off than her. Rather than under a trance, they seem well and truly hypnotized, barely responding to others.
Lily is walking on the edge. They were right, it turns out, that because of her fairy heritage, that the spell their magic held over the humans did not affect her. And for the first time since they had left Aurora’s forest, the others were noticing her.
Strangely enough, they don’t seem to be paying her any mind.
Two fly by, with the faces of old women, and she hears them mutter about, “Halflings, come crawling back”, that she assumes is aimed at her, but overall, she doesn’t get the sense that this group thinks terribly deeply about things.
The party is in the forest clearing, and there are lights leading up a hill, where fairies are coming and going. With trepidation, Lily decides to investigate.
The grass on the hill is thick and dark, and the lights are spaced further apart. The path follows the hill to its low peak, then over it into a shallow hollow.
In the shallows, sits the Faerie Queen atop her throne, the others attending her. And then Lily realizes, that now they’re all watching her.
Lily clumsily attempts a curtsy.
“Have you returned to serve your Queen, halfling?”.
Lily doesn’t even get a chance to respond before Titania rises. The fairy is as tall as Lily, but somehow still seems to tower over her, swathed from head to toe in frothy green.
She raises a finger.
“Your mother was never pleased with the land of her birthright. Always wanted more. Left and bought and traded magic with common beings. Even when she returned, all she did was blather on about some curse she traded with a human, that somehow seemed to slip from her grasp. So covetous she was, of the magic of a common imp”.
She taps Lily on the forehead, and suddenly she feels dizzy.
“Such a bore, “ Titania declares, before sending Lily off with a quick twitch of the hand.
She returns to the dancers in the clearing and finds Emma just as the caller calls out the Black Nag.
She finds Emma quickly, and takes her hand. Emma looks a bit stupified, but manages,
“What happened? Did you already find…”
They step and twirl in line, and then separate.
When they reunite, Lily manages to get out,
“Something that was traded….she had to find...a spell….something about a human and an imp”.
The music doesn’t stop, it’s intoxicating. The air is warm and full of the smell of the fairy feast they have to avoid. Emma’s hands are warm and solid in hers, and when they step forward and turns, Lily can feel her breath on her cheeks. And she can suddenly understand how people get stuck here.
Then she catches sight of the other dancers, seemingly moving at though on a track. Stiff and empty, like clockwork figures. Many are dressed in old fashioned clothing, and appear emaciated.
Emma laughs, sounding borderline delirious.
“We have to….” she hiccups, “God you look beautiful in the moonlight….gotta….gotta get out of here.”
Lily takes a deep breathe, and when the line moves them out of sight, she counts the seconds until they clasp hands again, and then with a hint of roughness, pulls Emma out of the arrangement.
They barely make it into the trees, just within sight of the edge of the ring of mushrooms when one of the fairies lunges in front of them. It’s face is narrow, and young, and when it says, “Leaving so soon” they can see it has fangs.
It extends its hands, full of fruit.
“Can’t we offer you a refreshment?”
Emma whispers, still with a giggle.
“Do not trust goblin men, do not eat their fruit”.
They turn abruptly, and push to speed up.
Then Emma trips, and Lily stops to pull her up.
“Why’s a chest here?” Lily grumbles.
Then Emma freezes.
Then suddenly there’s a loud crack and a borderline fearsome squeal.
Emma pants, then grabs her again and they run.
They break the ring and tumble to the ground, heaving.
“What was that?” Lily asks.
Emma stands up and shows her. It’s a heavy chain, with a set of shackles on the end.
“Iron. Fairies can’t stand it. Touch it, I want to see if it affects you top”.
Lily reaches out, and is immediately overcome by the feeling of pins and needles in her skin. When she actually touches it, it sends chills through her from head to foot. She jerks back.
“Good to know” Emma says, tucking the chain into her pack.
She then slumps to the grass, flat on her back. Lily is suddenly overcome by exhaustion and joins her.
“It’s warm” Lily comments. It is, and the sky is clear and blue. “How long have we been gone?”
Emma rubs a cheek against the grass, seemingly sunning herself in the warmth. She asks.
“So what do we know now?”
“Titania said something about Mom seeking a spell that she had traded and then lost. Something extremely powerful, made by an imp. “
Emma stiffens.
“My mother’s stepmother- the former Queen. When my mother was woken from her spell, she had reappeared and threatened the kingdom with a spell created by Rumpelstiltskin. He said, after helping banish her, that it would have sent the entire land to another world. But he never would tell about where the instruments of the spell, and then he vanished, never seen again.”
Lily thinks,
“Titania did say that Mom was never satisfied with the world she came from. A spell that would allow her to escape to another one...I don’t know, maybe she would do it.  Or she might just be upset that it slipped away from her“
“Another world. God, I can’t even imagine that. What do we ever have on our side?”
“Knowledge, just a little. The fairies enchantments. And those shackles. Mom’s full blooded fairy, those could bring her to her knees.”
“And we have you”, Emma says, sleepily.
“You said that she always wanted you to be your best. Well you have, she might even be happy to see you. “
Lily is left, with her stomach squirming, when she realizes that Emma has fallen asleep. 
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thenewbrotherhood · 7 years ago
Rhage -He hadn't expected Lassiter to scoop them both up so suddenly and should have known better than to demand to be taken "NOW". Reappearing in the middle of a warehouse was a bit of a shocker as well. Hearing the obvious commotion of battle, he crouched to get his bearings as found the source. It was one of those Twins and a lone lesser, but Murnder was nowhere in sight. He stood from his cover to rush to help the kid just as the young fighter popped the enemy back to hell. That fact didn't stop him from advancing, it was his declared battle cry and his daughter's name being hurled like a weapon that gave him pause. Holy shit, was she hurt? Had she been killed and that was a tribute? He couldn't stop his feet now as he rushed forward for answers.- WHERE'S TAMSIN? Murhder -Ok yeah, so the spare was holding his own with the leftover Lesser. He had watched from enough distance to let the kid have his victory, but not far enough away to not be able to save his skinny ass if all hell broke loose. Assured that the end was near, he kept his vantage in the shadows until without warning, the air rippled to his left and suddenly the space was filled with none other than Hollywood.- Whatthefuck? -Running toward the brother the moment Hollywood seemed to take notice of Ahxis, he tackled the big fucker from behind and rolled to the Concrete floor with him. No fucking Brother was gonna mess with his nephews. Not on his watch. Bringing a dagger tip to Rhage's jugular, he growled down savagely to the pretty boy- What the fuck are you doing here? You want him? You go through me! -It was a warning, a threat and a fact all rolled up nicely in a blood thirsty growl- Ahxis As soon as the pop and flash faded, Ax jumped to his feet unable to contain the overwhelming feeling of triumph- YEAH! -Thrusting both arms into the air like a champion prize fighter, he bounced up and down on both feet. However, his thrill of victory was cut short by the unexpected shout of ‘Where’s Tamsin!’. Spinning around Ax caught sight of Murhder’s lunge and take down of someone equally as large as himself.- Shit! -Trying to rush to his uncle’s aid, Ax felt his foot snag on something hard sticking up from the floor and the first law of physics ‘a body in motion stays in motion’ took over, propelling him over the side of the second story level. He grabbed frantically at the cement trying to stop his fall and could feel the scraping and tearing of his cloths and skin. He hit the ground with both feet and the sudden halt tossed him a few feet backwards where he came to jolting stop squarely on his ass.- Lassiter -‘Careful what you wish for’ Lassiter thought as he ghosted both himself and Rhage to the spot where Murhder currently was. Being able to locate any member of the Black Dagger Brotherhood, at any time, was just another of the handy little tools he’d recently inherited. Their surprise appearance at the end of an apparent battle, elicited the kind of reaction the angel had been assuming it would. At least Murhder didn’t kill the Brother outright. That possible outcome would have been awkkwwaaarddddd. Lassiter upped his natural glow improving the lighting in the open space. He was just trying to figure out for himself which twin was jumping around like an idiot when the hulk tumbled off the landing, smacking the ground with an audible splat. Yep, had to be the younger one. Lassiter shook his head and mumbled.- What a dumb-ass. Rhage -Well, wasn't this an unexpected bitch! Slamming his head against the concrete floor hard enough that he saw stars was enough to cloud his thinking. He apparently never saw that train that hit him from behind and it took a few seconds to register that Murhder, his former Brother in arms was holding a very familiar dagger to his throat. Suddenly remembering why he was there in the first place, he growled, his anger washing over him in a dangerous way- I'm looking for Tamsin motherfucker. I could give two shots about...-A noise to his left caught His attention and he turned in time to see the young moron tumble from the platform. With a smug grin, he turned back to Murhder.- .... give two shits about your idiot nephews. Get off of me you crazy son of a bitch. Ahxis -Ax scrambled to his feet.- I'm good. -Rubbing his bruised ass, he made his way over to where it looked like the action was about to be going down, repeating to himself.- I'm good. Murhder -He looked over his shoulder just briefly to catch Ahxis tumble like a dumbass and back, mentally rolling his eyes. Lowering his dagger slowly, he narrowed his eyes at the Brother- How the fuck do you know the female? Ahxis -Before the tackled Brother could answer Murhder for himself, Ax piped up.- He's her father. -Unable to keep the scorn from his voice he couldn't stop himself from adding.- You know, the one who abandoned her to her fate. Rhage -Taking the chance to get away from the dagger, he pushed up from the floor and rubbed at the bump forming on the back of his head, the kid's words bringing back some of that anger- Hey asshole, you don't know shit! -He shoved the kid lightly- so shut your hole before I do that for you. Where is she? Ahxis -Staggering a few steps back from the shove, Ax's anger flashed too and emboldened by his victory over the lesser he rushed forward and shoved the pretty-boy back. Pain lanced up his arms as if he'd hit solid rock and the Brother didn't move an inch.- Lassiter -Lassiter decided it was time he put an end to the idiotic behavior being displayed by all.- Enough! -Stepping in between the growling threesome. He held up his hands and let a few sparks fly, just to show them who was actually in charge and that he meant business.- Can't any of you fucking play NICE? -Directing his words to Murhder now he added.- We only came to talk, so cool your shit chewy.. Murhder -He growled when the brother put his hand on his nephew but seeing the kid shove back, despite not making any ground against the warrior, he withheld his wrath. The angel's interference however made him want to punch something in the face, namely the fucking angel. Crossing his arms over his chest while his brain caught up with what information had just been thrown his way, he narrowed his eyes toward the Brother.- You're the female's father? Great. Just fucking great. Ahxis -Ahxis crossed his arms in a totally unconscious, but uncannily accurate imitation of his uncle.- Yeah, fucking second that... Rhage -Rhage looked between the two, smirking as he did so.- Look dickheads, I don't give a shit if you like me or not. I'm just looking for my little girl and Glowstick here say's you can help me. I'll find her with or without your help, but I'd rather it not come to that. I'm with all of us getting along, at least for Tamsin's sake. -He looked to Murhder with a glare- And that is her name...Taaaamsssiiiin. Not -he used his fingers for quotes- "The female". Murhder -Murhder grunted at being corrected- Either way motherfucker, the female doesn't belong to me, it's up to him -he motioned with his shaggy head toward Ahxis- Ahxis -Ax felt his chest inflate with pride at his uncle's words, even though he knew in reality Tamsin didn't really belong to him either, but he certainly wasn't going to say that to anyone here. Let them all think whatever they wanted. Just because Tamsin was her own person didn't mean that he wouldn't do everything in his power to look out for her. Stepping closer to Rhage he looked the Brother right in the eye.- Look, whether or not Tamsin wants to meet YOU is going to be totally up to her, get it? Not me, not you...her. Now I'll tell her you showed tonight. If she agrees to see you I'll not try and stop it regardless of how I feel about it. -Ax took another step closer and actually had to almost look around the obstructing angel.- But I promise you...hurt her, in any way and you'll be dealing with me. Rhage -Rhage smirked, but he supposed that was only right. Looking the kid in the eye, he gave one nod.- Fair enough. I'll have Lightbulb here bring me to her tomorrow night. -The smirk slowly turned to a shit eating grin- oh and hey kid, by the way, if you want to threaten me, at say you'll sic your uncle on me or something. You got balls, I give you that, but you can't fight for shit. -Despite the angel lingering, he moved closer to Ahxis until they were almost nose to nose- Learn how to fight before you get yourself or my little girl killed, feel me? -He took a step back and looked to Lassiter- Now get us the hell out of this shithole before Jr. here tries to shove me again. Lassiter -Now here was something that they were in total agreement about. Better to keep this little dialogue short and sweet...with no bloodshed. Lassiter slapped a hand onto Rhage's shoulder and gave him a tug back from the kid.- Well, oookkkay. We are outtie. See you ladies tomorrow night.... -Just as he ghosted himself and Rhage from the warehouse, Lassiter called back in a sing-song voice.- Snacks would be looovvvvelleeeeee..... #AnotherSaturdayNight
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