#then next time she sees them she pulls their hair and tells them they're stinky.
What do you think the companions would ask for if Tav owed them a favor?
Oh this is fun! Let's assume it's in camp during their journey. Tav owes a companion a favor! What do they ask for? (This kind of evolved past a favor in a few idk if it counts but I tried)
Assuming no romance, relatively high approvals.
Shadowheart: Very practical, considers your favour repaid when you've performed all of her chores for her. Every day. For a week. She delivers her terms with a sweet smile, and carefully picks over your work to ensure it's up to standard. She may also plop herself down right beside you and watch you work while she lounges. Maybe makes a show of doing her nails or humming.
Wyll: "A favor? You repay me each day just by fighting at my side, friend." Takes a while to convince him you owe him anything, honestly, you'd have to work on it. If you really push it, he tells you you have to create a hero name for yourself and a catchphrase, which must be yelled out in the next battle. The Blade is always at the ready with a heroic word, and you shall be as well! He is chuckling as he suggests it, and if you look horrified, he drops the subject and claps you affectionately across the shoulder. He doesn't hold you to it. ALTERNATE ALTERNATE makes you wash his socks. They're stinky. He grins shyly about it.
Laezel: You have to spar with her. She's allowed to wake you up at any time, or jump you when you least expect it. You must always be ready and on alert. However, she knows this has humor potential, so she spends days sometimes just suddenly moving quickly in your direction only to abort the motion or do something innocuous instead. You jump out of your skin every time, fumbling what you're holding or tripping to try to get into a fighting stance. Her eyes twinkle. It's hilarious. One night she absolutely beats the shit out of you, sorry. Favor repaid.
Gale: Could go one of two ways. One: he demands first pick of the best magical loot, or, undisturbed and no-timelimit access to the next library/book room you encounter. No complaining allowed. Or! He's so excited to have a partner to play lanceboard with. If you don't know how, he teaches you. You must try to beat him as best you can. He absolutely destroys you and makes a big show about it, peacocking around. Then challenges you again. Gives you solid advice on how to do better next time.
Karlach: If she can touch again, she asks for shoulder rubs. Then arm, neck, back, feet, hands. You rub until you cramp up. Then she asks you to brush her hair. She's grinning like a loon and happy as a clam. If she can't touch, she considers the favor repaid when you pull a funny prank on someone else in camp. Whether it fails or not doesn't matter, she just wants to witness it so she can have a good laugh.
Halsin: "There is nothing you could owe me that would take a dent out of the debt I owe you, my friend." Refuses outright that you could ever owe him anything. Won't budge. Absolutely stubbornly will not.
Astarion: comes up with multiple suggestions, if you complete one, claims he was just talking out loud and that wasn't it OR that was just the first part, it's a multi-part favor you see, so really it will be paid back when.... and so on and so forth. Sees how much he can get away with. Alternatively: starts out with a REALLY extravagant ask and has to be whittled down to something you consider fair, whinges that he is doing YOU a favor by being gracious enough to accept the... favor... you just did him.
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fratboykate · 1 year
KYMAU: A little family snippet that finally includes Lina? Drama or fluff, your choice?
Literally told myself this was going to be like 5 lines of dialogue. 1.5k words and two hours later...here you go.
Kate and Yelena glide effortlessly around the kitchen, moving with natural ease and grace. They’re in sync. Each step timed perfectly with the other’s. The tantalizing scent of roasted fish mingles with the sweet fragrance of caramelizing vegetables, creating a heady aroma that fills the air. Their conversation flows smoothly, punctuated by the occasional laugh or teasing comment. As they chat and joke, the warmth and intimacy between them are evident, proof of their unbreakable bond.
Yelena deftly flips the salmon in the pan before sticking it in the oven. Meanwhile, Kate finishes up the sides of Miso Mashed Potatoes, Burrata Caprese with Balsamic Glaze, and Maple Roasted Brussel Sprouts and Carrots. Kate walks past Yelena on her way to the fridge and her hand reaches out to give her a playful tap on the backside. It’s like a jolt of electricity passes through Yelena and a spark ignites between them. In one swift move, Yelena pulls Kate towards her and presses her against the counter, their eyes lock in a fiery gaze before leaning in and kissing tenderly.
They remain caught up in the moment until movement catches Kate's attention from the corner of her eye. She glances past Yelena's shoulder and sees five-year-old Lina staring at them, clutching a beat-up doll by the hair. Lina's dark brown hair and hazel eyes are traits they assume she has inherited from the donor. They're often reminded that Lina and Russell share genetic similarities that they themselves don't possess. Before her, they weren't entirely sure what things Russell had acquired from the man they've never met but with Lina around, they've started to pick up on the small details. There’s the slight crease on their right ear, the beauty mark below their left elbow, or their unusually long second toe. These details are minor but constant reminders that Lina and Russell are connected to someone they will never know.
"Hi, baby...what's wrong?"
"Mommy, we should get pizza for dinner."
"Mama and I are making dinner already. We can't get pizza tonight, but we could get pizza on Friday. How does that sound? We can have pizza night and maybe watch a movie?" Kate responds, trying to divert her daughter’s focus from the request.
"We should have pizza for dinner tonight, not the stinky fish." Lina persists.
"That's not happening, Linny." Yelena interjects firmly.
"My free will wants pizza and the Constitution said I could have it." Lina declares, causing Kate and Yelena to exchange amused glances.
Kate playfully rolls her eyes and steps closer to Lina.
"The Constitution, huh?"
"The forming fathers wrote it so we can have pizza whenever we want."
Kate swoops the girl into her arms and heads to the back of the apartment.
"I see...I wonder where you could've possibly heard that."
Kate carries Lina to Ereka's room. She opens the door to find her seventeen-year-old daughter and eight-year-old son staring expectantly at the entrance. Kate sets Lina down and nudges her into the space and towards her siblings. Ereka grumbles and rolls her eyes. BUSTED!
"Next time you send the little one to do your dirty work, make sure she doesn't mention the Constitution. Dead giveaway.”
Ereka groans while glaring at Lina.
"That was NOT part of it."
"You said we can have it because babies in America are free." Lina looks at Ereka, frowning with confusion.
"Food should be ready in twenty." Kate announces.
"I can order the pizza with my allowance.” Ereka proposes.
"That is SO NICE, Ri. I was just telling Lin we could have pizza night on Friday. Thank you for offering to pay. Isn't she the best sister?" Kate mocks in jest, looking at the younger ones. "She's getting you pizza on Friday!"
"Thanks, Ri." Russell looks at his sister with a genuine, innocent smile.
"That's not what I said..."
"If you were willing to pay it tonight, you can pay for it on Friday." Kate offers a sly grin.
"I don't want pizza on Friday. I want pizza now." Ereka grumbles.
"You have a brilliant mind. I'm sure you can imagine yourself eating whatever kind of slice you're craving while having the delicious dinner momma and I are making."
"I'm so looking forward to moving out."
Ereka's boundless curiosity and inquisitive nature have led her down an unexpected path. After years of questioning and probing the world around her, Ereka discovered a deep-rooted passion for humanity and its advancement. Channeling her unrelenting drive and determination into this area has led her to Princeton University, where she will double major in Political Sciences and Anthropology in the fall. Ereka wants to work with people, for the people. She wants to positively impact society and believes politics - whether taking center stage in it or shaping it behind the scenes - is the best way she can bring about meaningful change.
"You'll miss these dinners when all you have is dining hall food. I promise you that."
Ereka shakes her head, resolute.
"Doubt it. I’ll be able to have pizza whenever I want."
"Uhum. You talked them into pizza. You talk them out of it now because salmon is what we're having."
The three kids groan in unison. Kate turns to leave, but Ereka calls out after her.
"Just as a flame needs oxygen to burn, life needs liberty to thrive! REMEMBER THAT!" Ereka then turns to her younger siblings, eager to share her message of freedom and individual choice. "They’re tyrants. They're our oppressors and we have to fight them. We deserve a say in what we eat in this house. We're the majority. Why should our voices be silenced simply because they're 'the parents'? Having birthed us or being ‘older’ than us gives them no moral or intellectual superiority. Age is a very...abstract thing. We should absolutely be free to make our own choices. It's what this country was founded on and they’re infringing on that."
Ereka looks at Russell and Lina, trying to find a shred of understanding. They look back with blank stares.
"So, no pizza tonight?" Lina asks, looking dejected.
Ereka sighs and beckons her sister over to the bed where she and Russell sit.
"No pizza tonight, Linguini. The tyrants have won again."
"Can we at least get ice cream?" Lina suggests hopefully and Ereka's face lights up.
"That's a fair compromise. Those are good terms. We'll eat whatever gross thing they make for dinner, but we get ice cream afterward.” Ereka stands. "I'll go present our counteroffer. Wait here."
Russell and Lina watch her go, unsure what to make of her passionate ideals. After she disappears down the hallway, they turn to face each other.
"You wanna play trucks?"
"I guess." Lina shrugs.
"Cool! But I'm the blue truck." Russell advises.
Russell jumps off the bed and grabs his sister's hand, pulling her behind him as he rushes to his room.
"I WANT BLUE!" Lina protests, her voice rising in frustration.
"You can have the orange." Russell offers.
"NO, THE BLUE!" Lina insists, her tone becoming increasingly whiny.
The argument devolves to the point that Lina throws the orange plastic truck at Russell's head the moment he hands it to her. The toy makes contact with his skull with a resounding thud. Russell yelps in pain as he clutches his forehead, a small bump already forming. Tears spring to his eyes, and Lina, realizing what she's done, also starts to cry. The two siblings lunge at each other, tugging hair and scratching as they roll around on the ground.
Kate and Yelena rush into the room, their eyes quickly assessing the situation and pulling their two children apart before things escalate any further. Ereka, who never seems to know when to stop arguing, trails closely behind them, still fervently pushing for ice cream.
As they hold the siblings apart, Kate and Yelena exchange a knowing glance. Their family is a raucous, lively one, full of passion and energy, but it’s what makes them unique. The chaos they create is both their greatest challenge and their greatest joy. Despite the bumps and bruises that come with raising three spirited children, Kate and Yelena wouldn't have it any other way. They've learned to roll with the punches and have come to accept that their kids are a force. This is simply another day in their endlessly unpredictable but always colorful lives, and there is very little they would do to change any of it.
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gglitcha · 4 years
glitch   cups   her   puppy   crush’s   face ,   blinks   at   them   all   owlishly   like   they’re   a   magnificent   sun   that’s   Blinding   her   primitive   human   optics   for   a   minute ,   and   eventually   goes   “   huh  .   you’re   so   cute  !   ”   and   then   she   just   waves   goodbye   and   fuckin   Leaves  .
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alexiela73 · 7 years
Could you do one with Junkrat, Mei, Lucio, Roadhog with a s/o that has both of their arms and legs gone so they have robot prosthetics and they feel like no one should like/love them because they're not whole? Your writing is fantastic and I enjoyed reading it.
Would love to write for you, and thank you so much! I hope you don’t mind them as head cannons, and if you were hoping for short stories, just send me another with maybe two of these characters and I’ll write out a little scenario for them. Also, i’m REALLY sorry because after writing these, i realized i manipulated the scenerio’s a little. I seem good at doing that, never the exact same scenerio. So i’m really sorry but i hope these work
Fell in love with you after you lost your limbs
Junkrat was there getting himself a new peg leg when he saw you sitting on Mercy’s table, slowly testing out one of your prosthetic hands
There’s just something about a strong individual who has suffered so much and still goes through each day head on that catches his eyes
Is a bit of a goof-ball around you, unsure how to woo you but figuring you might fall for his silly ways at some point
Losing your limbs was rather hard on you and honestly, its really hard to think that anyone could love someone who isn’t whole
Yet you can’t help smiling when that stinky man is around, making silly jokes or faces or making sweet and yet ridiculous remarks
One time Junkrat said you were beautiful after a day of working out
You had to choke back your tears and tell him not to lie to you
Junkrat had straightened his back, offended, before pulling you into a long kiss that was likely the sweetest of your life
Then he’d said never to say that again, because it wasn’t the body that made a person beautiful, and it was the person inside it…and he knew what kind of person you were
The thought that your disfigurement didn’t seem to bother him in the slightest had your eyes welling with tears, and Junkrat in his panic just patted your back and spent the next 15 minutes going between ‘I love you’s’ and ‘Ohh smile! look at the silly face!’in an attempt to make you feel better
And honestly, you felt better then you had ever since the accident
Is more of the silent type, and had fallen for you before you lost your limbs
Never spoke up about it till after
Since Roadhog was always around Junkrat and seemed to have experience with people with prosthetic limbs, Mercy asked if Road hog could help you get used to your limbs since he had the time
The accident and losing your limbs kind of left you in a state of numbness. You wouldn’t speak to anyone
Roadhog didn’t speak either, and in a way you found comfort in that and how his non-judgemental his gaze was. For days you just spent time in your room, him going in and out and helping you flex and clean your prosthetic limbs.
One day, you noticed him come in without his mask and your eyes flicked up to him. It was the first real emotion you showed, as you frowned
Upon seeing your look, immediately Roadhog backed up slightly and started toward the door.
“No!” you had said, leaping to your feet and wobbling for a second. Then you carefully walked toward him and grabbed his arm. “Don’t go. Its okay, I like your face.” The words sounded awkward and after a moment, the two of you started to laugh. You noticed how warm his bellow was and giggled at how heartfelt it was.
“You should laugh more,” Roadhog grumbled, smiling hesitantly at you, almost a tad shy.
Blinking, you blushed slightly and looked away, reaching up to push back your hair…at the sight of the prosthetic limbs, you immediately felt sad again. “What point is there to laugh?”
Roadhog lifted your hand after a moment, and pressed his lips against it, before turning away slightly in embarrassment. “Because its one of the prettiest sounds in the world. Almost as pretty as the sight of you.”
What he said shocked you and at first, you didn’t believe him. But as Roadhog spent more time with you, and the two of you became closer and closer, you realized that maybe prosthetic limbs weren’t the end of the world, and that maybe there were still reasons in life to laugh
(Sorry for how long that one was. Not used to doing Roadhog, so i hope it was okay)
The two of you were dating before the accident
Was there when it occurred, and there when the doctors said your limbs would have to be amputated. It was optional but only at the cost of you staying in bed for the rest of your life
Honestly, you didn’t want to. It scared you so bad, even as Lucio tightly held fingers that could feel nothing, and you didn’t want to end up like that
Lucio though was more worried for your health, and finally you conceded after he begged and begged. Lucio wasn’t ready for you to give up on the world yet, to stop seeing all that it had in store for you
Your biggest support in the world was Lucio, though it was difficult to think of anything else other then that you’d be deformed and no one would look at you again.
At one point Lucio had gone for coffee and came back only to find you crying. The surgery was in two hours and you were terrified. These were your last moments with flesh limbs. Would everything be the same after that?
Lucio walked over, sat on the edge and leaned in for a soft kiss. Wiping away your tears, he’d smiled softly and watched you with understanding eyes. “Y/n, can you tell me…am i less of a man for having these prosthetic legs?”
Sniffling, you’d slowly shook your head. It had never bothered you, that he’d had prosthetic legs. It made Lucio who he was, had molded him. It had helped form a man you loved dearly.
“If it does not make me less of a person, then why would you having all prosthetic limbs make you any less of a person?” Lucio asked gently. “Y/N, you are a beautiful and strong person. That won’t change with these new limbs. And neither will my love for you.”
Deep down, you knew it to be true and attempted to stop crying. Instead of stopping you, Lucio crawled into bed and pulled you tighter to him. Together you two snuggled until it was time for surgery.
Lucio was with you every moment after, helping you get used to your prosthetic limbs and showing you that flesh didn’t make the person.
The two of you were already married when you ended up in an accident. That night she had rushed to the hospital in a panic, afraid and crying in fear that she might lose you
When the doctors said they couldn’t save your limbs, Mei wasn’t upset as much as relieved that she wouldn’t be losing you. You were her world
It took her a little though to realize though that you weren’t as happy as her about just surviving
When Mei realized that you hated your limbs and were deeply depressed, she tried all she could to help you. Therapy, sitting and talking, trying to get maybe Lucio or Genji to talk to you…None of it worked
You wouldn’t leave your stupor, wouldn’t leave your room…
One day she sat on the edge of your bed, taking your hand and her face was covered in tears. You wanted to hug her, to take away the tears but your own pain blinded you
“I…know that your hurting right now. Its unfair of me to think everything would just be..okay. And i know most people would quit…but…y/n, i want you to know i love you,” she had said tearfully in chinese, hugging you tightly. “And that i meant it when we took our vows. I will love and support you, till death do us part. But please…don’t leave me. Not yet.”
You couldn’t understand…why Mei loved you so much. Honestly, half of your depression, of your pulling back…was because you were so afraid that she wouldn’t love you like this. What person wanted to love a freak? Thats all you thought of yourself as.
Yet…it hurt, more, to see her suffering like this. Just as it touched your heart to hear her say that. Mei, although shy, was strong and very serious when she set her mind to something.
“But my body…” you whispered, and it was the first time you’d spoken in days.
“Is no different from when i fell in love with you. Flesh, metal…i don’t care. We’re married and I love you, y/n! Thats all that matters to me and i swear, nothing will EVER change that!” Mei whispered, hugging you tightly. And for the first time, you hugged her back since the accident and cried.
It felt good, letting out the pain and honestly, you realized that for her, you wanted to try. To try harder because she was worth the effort. Your love was worth the effort.
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