#then i thought what if desmond worked at the continental in new york when he ran from the farm lol
Assassin's Creed x John Wick Crossover
I'm on a fucking roll today. Okay, so:
Desmond Lives (that's a given) and the world is saved. Horray!
He has all his memories and POE-enhanced abilities.
He gets thrown back to the day he ran away from The Farm as a reward from Minerva. Assassins and Templars are still a thing but now both factions are in steady decline because of Isu Bullshit mucking up the past and future because of the Solar Flare messing up the POE and the Grand Temple that sent shockwaves from Desmond's sacrifice which completely alters the whole timeline.
He still likes to work as a bartender, cause he's good at it. Only now he also doubles as a bouncer, because he has a few issues due to instincts, some trauma and ptsd from his past to work through, that beating the stuffing out of rowdy assholes has become a wonderful outlet for. No one wants to cause trouble on his shift.
People start to talk about the teenage bartender with the sketchy past that beat the living daylights out of a brute of a tough guy harassing the staff and customers at the bar he worked at. Said brute of a tough guy was later found dead a few alleys over, inside the dumpster. (Eagle Vision tagged him red-gold, so very important. Very much needs to be dead asap.) They can't prove it's him, but they have a suspicion.
Turns out dead guy is- well, was in trouble with the Continental for doing business on Hotel grounds and had a hit out on his head. Somebody from the staff, happens to end up at the bar and hears about the rumors that their newest bartender was the one who did him in, sees said bartender in question and low and behold, Des is there being all sweet and charming the tips straight out of peoples wallets without a care in the world.
"No way... him? But he's so-?"
"Nice? Friendly? Looks like he couldn't hurt a fly? Yeah, I know. The guy you were looking for thought so too before he ended up tossed out on his rear. And then he ended up dead in a dumpster. Gary said he saw him follow after Des as soon as his shift ended. Thought the kid was a goner, but nope, came in the next day as fresh as a daisy."
So, the staff guy heads to work the next day and immediately lets Winston know about what he learned. Winton has a background check on Des to see if this is an up-and-coming mercenary and finds... nothing. This kid just appeared out of nowhere with the talent of a very skilled killer.
(The Assassins and Templars are either completely written off by most of the criminal underworld as fanatical cultists or are unheard of by a majority of the criminal population. They don't work with crazy cultists. It's just too much trouble.)
Winston, of course is very intrigued. Enough to give Des a chance and hire him to work at the Hotel bar. Talent like that should be nurtured, no?
So, Winston has Charon scout him out and offer him a business card saying if he's interested he could go work for them. And Desmond's boss and other fellow staff are all begging him to consider it because of the Continental's fame and prestige would mean he'd get better pay and even a better life other than serving drunks and rowdy frat kids in a hole in a wall his whole life. They like the kid, but they think he deserves better.
Desmond, meanwhile, thinks that the way the amount of people showing gold in his vision has been increasing since he started working there should have sent him running... But, his instincts have never led him astray before and they surely wouldn't now. So, he goes.
The premise of this whole idea is, Desmond goes back in time after the Solar Flare Fiasco of 2012, runs away to New York and ends up wrapped up in the John Wick universe, and proceeds to inadvertently turns the New York Continental and its associate businesses and partners into a modern-day Assassin Brotherhood without them or the High Table actually knowing it's an Assassin Brotherhood. (The Elder might know, but I'd think he's a Hidden One Sage allied with Minerva, whose glad her chosen has fulfilled his duty and is more than happy to let him have the Hotel.)
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