#then i should include some stuff about my special interest. to make it a learning experience or something
1smolbean · 2 months
if one more major historical event happens before the end of summer i am going to walk into the SEA and go to a CORAL REEF where i can hang out with the 25% of MARINE FISH SPECIES who live there despite coral reefs making up roughly 1% of the surface area of all oceans. then i am going to a KELP FOREST where i will observe tje SEA OTTERS using kelp to secure their young while the parents go diving for food including SEA URCHINS which are actively destroying kelp forests. i will then descend into the depths of the pacific ocean and befriend the various CRUSTACEANS and diverse types of DEEP SEA FISH, including but not limited to, COOKIECUTTER SHARKS, LANTERNFISH, and many kinds of EELS. also i will be locating a whale fall and joining the complex ecosystem that forms when a whale carcass falls to the sea floor, where sea creatures gather to feast on various parts of its corpse
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ask-the-rag-dolly · 2 months
Genuine question, how does one deal with someone being so insistent on their lack of (self-)worth? Not to vent too much, but I grew up with someone who was at least as bad, if not worse than Ragatha. I developed similar habits (this comic is a painful reminder of that) and my friends also tend to struggle with these feelings. But I never know how to deal with these issues, and it just leaves me feeling helpless.
I believe you‘re not a psychologist and it‘s fine if you don‘t want to answer this. But if you do have some advice or resources on this topic, I‘d love to know about it.
hi !
you're right , i am Not a psychologist ! my only credential is pretty much having it as my special interest of many years , so ... ! obligatory ' take this with a grain of salt ' disclaimer
i'm only answering this ask because i do like talking about these kinds of stuff ( in fact i'm in the middle of writing another psychology infographic with ragatha because of Course i am , ) and it's Relevant right now ... but for the most part i am literally just a stranger on the internet and thus i'll only be giving out general advice !! any specifics of the situation are stuff you'll need to figure out yourself
number one thing is that you should Always Take Care Of Yourself . it may be hard to admit , but these types of people can actually be Emotionally Draining - and i'm saying that as someone who had to deal with those people myself . and well you don't want to accidentally say things that make them feel worse
second thing is that a lot of it is ... really the other person's effort . all you can do is be supportive and gently encourage them . what took me so long to accept is that no amount of words or compliments will lift someone's self-esteem up - while it helps , it really has to come from Within , and that's something that'll take months or Years to build up . you can't force someone to start loving themself - and that's a hard pill to swallow
and the third thing is that ... well . there's a possibility that it could be a symptom of a mental disorder and thus you should encourage them to seek professional help . i am aware that the option is not available for everyone though , but i think recognizing that it might be a mental problem might take the burden off of you a little - as they're not really things a non-professional should handle .
as for resources , this article was extensive about this topic , including recognizing where the low self-esteem comes from , what Not to say to someone with low self-esteem , and tips that'll help the person ! very wonderful to read .
this article is for partners but i think it applies to people you're close with in general . what i like about it is how it Encourages open communication and listening . something you'll realize is that it's Different for everybody and it's good to learn more about the problem than jumping to a hasty solution or making assumptions . also it encourages them to talk more about their Feelings and talking about your feelings is what Very Cool And Hot People Do !
oh God sorry for the long post this should be enough to give me a diagnosis -
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rathayibacter · 1 month
been thinking about the parallels between ttrpgs and poetry lately, synthesizing some stuff i've been sitting on with both. i don't remember where i heard this from, but i really like the idea of defining poetry as writing that can't be edited down any more; if you made even one cut, one word replacement, you'd lose something. even the repetitions and redundancies are there to communicate something, because if they weren't they'd be removed. 
its not true, of course, but i don't think it has to be. as a lens to examine poetry i think it's fun, and as a goal when writing poetry it's helped me on more than one occasion. any claim to Fundamental Truth beyond that line doesn't matter much in my opinion. what i like about this isn't that it makes for poetry where you have to read a certain meaning out of every single line to "get it", its actually kinda the opposite! by assuming there's meaning baked into every detail, you can get meaning out of any detail you decide to focus on, and can narrow your focus as much or as little as you like. my favorite poetry is messy, colorful, and dense; you're not gonna get a single clean reading out of it because doing that requires ignoring all the fun little twists and turns, all the intersecting ideas that led it to this point.
and so that brings us to ttrpgs! role-playing games are a fascinating thing because they can really only get us halfway; even the most strict and detailed game has an innate fuzziness that comes from the peculiarities of how we play tabletop games. your mechanics are only airtight if everyone knows, understands, and remembers them, and those are three tall orders for any game, no matter how simple or intuitive it may present as. and that's not even a bad thing! interpretation isn't just "what percentage of the rules are the players getting wrong", its an adaptation of the rules as written to the game as played. even forgotten rules are part of this, cuz anything that's able to be forgotten (and again, that's potentially anything) probably was forgotten cuz it wasn't terribly relevant to the table forgetting it. 
so, as we write games and cast them into the world, fully aware that the thing that'll arrive at people's tables will never match what we had in our heads, what should we do? obviously some of this is just practical; don't bog players down with unnecessary busywork or minute exceptions to memorize, don't build a house of cards that stops working if any one part is missing or changed, you can use stuff like cheat sheets, examples of play, indexes, and asides to make it easier to learn, reference, and remember how to play.
but i promised you poetry, and poetry we shall have! so here's my big guiding principle for writing ttrpgs: only include it if it sings. every part of the game should be special, so that no matter what part or parts of the game a particular table winds up using, the game still shines through. by tangling the spirit of the game up in every line, every rule, every tiny little piece, everyone who engages with it can get tangled up in it too, and can fill in the spaces between in whatever way resonates most with them.
in more practical terms, this is "don't write anything that's less interesting than what the players will make up at the table", ie assume players will fill any missing spaces to the table's preferences, so only close those gaps if you've got something fun to say. don't fill space out of obligation, don't bog yourself down in the stuff that doesn't matter. this doesn't mean never add a polearms list because there's a million polearms lists out there already, but it does mean don't add a polearms list unless you're burning with passion to add it, and excited for people to share in that passion. if you don't, don't worry about it. they can figure it out. the table can always replace your good ideas with ones they like more, and they can always fill in the gaps when they come up, but it's not always easy to recover from a wall of bland filler or an ocean of lifeless cliches.
i wont tell you that if you follow this One Weird Trick then your game will be good. i don't know what a good game is. or rather, i know exactly what i think a good game is, and have no idea what you think it is, and have less than no faith that anyone could ever determine what a Truly Good Game is. but just like the quippy little definition of poetry at the top, universal truth isn't really what i'm after when i employ this. i'm trying to make something that satisfies the little itch in my brain, that sings to me as i make it and keeps singing even after i let it go. moreover, i'm trying to make something that doesn't waste my time as a writer, and doesn't waste yours as a reader or player or fellow designer. 
will this make sure players remember all the rules when they're playing? no, absolutely not. i wouldn't want them to, even if i could force it! but maybe, hopefully, what this does do is lodge one of those little razor-sharp slivers of text in their brains, and it'll sing to them just like it sang to me. not the same song, not the same tune, but just as beautifully.
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I Found a Doctor Who RPG Sourcebook and I'm Making It Your Problem
Actually, I found several. It seems that there is a sort of Doctor Who tabletop RPG with sourcebooks for each Doctor that include ready-made character sheets for the Doctors, companions, and major players in each televised story.
I could look into all of them, if I really wanted to, but the thing is, my computer is nearly a decade old, slowly dying on me, and hates screenshots, so taking and storing a fuckton of screenshots of absolutely everything isn't something I can do. So, I'm just pulling a few interesting bits from the Second and Fifth Doctor Sourcebooks. There's no structure to this beyond me thinking "I wonder what their character sheet looks like".
So, the Second Doctor stuff is not much at all. I got the Doctor himself.
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I should probably note that I don't have much experience with tabletop RPGs, and none with this one in particular, so I only half know how to read these. This screenshot isn't even very good. I'm working off a free site with a terrible zoom function and I couldn't get the whole thing. The basics are that characters have a set of six Stats, a bunch of Skills, some traits that give them special strengths and weaknesses, and some basic character information. The Second Doctor's got a lot of stuff, some of which even gets explained.
I've deduced that there's probably a separate manual for the basics of how the game works, what the Stats mean, what the Skills do, etc. So a lot of Why These Numbers Are What They Are questions go unanswered.
Any way, this screenshot sucks so much that I can't bare the sight of it any longer, so we're moving on to the next one. Here's Jamie:
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Wow! You can actually see things this time.
Most of the stat numbers don't go above 5, from what I can tell. So we can assume that Jamie's strongest stats are Coordination, Presence, and Strength, without any stat being too weak.
The skills are more mixed.
Athletics most likely refers to physical skills, Convince is persuasion, Craft is making stuff, I think, Fighting needs no explanation, Knowledge is...well...knowing stuff, Marksman is shooting/throwing accuracy, Medicine is obviously medical knowledge, Science is...look a lot of these seem like special subcategories of knowledge that are self-explainatory, Subterfuge I think covers "rogue skills" like spying and lock-picking, Survival is the sort of things Boy Scouts learn probably, Technology is computers and technobabble, Transport is driving and the like.
So, when it comes to strengths, Jamie is physically fit, but can't swim. He is very good at fighting because he's a male companion in the 60s that that was like at least 75% of their job. Marksman is apparently based in knife-throwing ability. Subterfuge...well, if you've seen The Enemy of the World, Jamie is actually a pretty good spy.
As for weaknesses, Jamie knows nothing about any STEM field.
There's also a little number for Technology Level. I've seen this number go as high as 7, but the 18th and 19th century characters seem to be placed at a 4. I didn't get a screenshot but Victoria is the same, despite the whole Industrial Revolution thing.
Then we've got some personality traits and such that effect things. Jamie apparently gets points for being attractive and brave, as well as for being accepted anywhere in time and space no matter what he's wearing. There's really not a whole lot to analyze here.
Now, the entire reason I did Second Doctor stuff was because the villains get character sheets and I wanted to see Salamander's. I added the Doctor and Jamie to pretend I had any other reason to be there.
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I took this screenshot without using the zoom and it looks pretty good actually.
It turns out that those skill numbers can go above 5 as Salamander scores a 6 in Ingenuity and Presence, as well as a 5 in Resolve. Almost all of his stats are pretty high. As an RPG villain, he's a boss fight.
Instead of a full chart of skills, which only Doctors and Companions get, Salamander just gets a list. His higher points here are Convince at 5, Knowledge at 4, Subterfuge at 5, and Technology at 5. Convince and Subterfuge are his more manipulative skills as a politician, while Knowledge and Technology are because he did, in fact, invent the technology he got popular for inventing. His Tech Level, at a 5, is somewhere between Jamie and Victoria, and some of the more futuristic aliens. That does make sense for the early 21st century, even a slightly more high-tech 21st century than the one that actually happened.
As for Traits, a lot of them give him bonus skills that are actually explained, such as the ability to invent gadgets, resist mind control, menace people into doing what he wants and get even bigger bonuses in Technology and Convince situations, being a tech genius for his time period and a respected authority figure.
So, cool stuff.
The Fifth Doctor stuff I got is a bit more extensive. We'll start with the Doctor himself.
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The good news is that it's a full screenshot. The bad news is that it's very hard to read. We can see a very high Ingenuity stat, because he's the Doctor. There's a Tech Level 10, because I'm guessing that's Level Time Lord.
I do have enough info to compare his Skill number to the Second Doctors.
Athletics has risen from 1 to 4 because of all the cricket. Convince drops from a 5 to a 3, because nobody listens to Five while Two was fairly good at getting people to listen to him. Fighting has risen from absolute 0 to 2, which isn't much but it's literally something. You can see a lot of numbers improve slightly as the Doctor has learned more things over time, like Medicine going from 1 to 3.
I actually looked over four different companions this time. We'll go in order of introduction. Here's Adric.
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His Tech Level is confusing in the blurry screenshot. But, as for other stuff, his fast healing and ability to control the TARDIS a little are noted, though the reality warping of Block Transfer Computation isn't because it's too damn complicated and has it's own system.
Adric's skills in general are pretty low, but they don't seem to be too unfair. These sourcebooks started coming out around 2013, when the fandom's aggressive Adric hatred had started to wind down, possibly as people realized that all the season 19 companions had writing problems and the confused performances you often get with confused writing, but Tegan and Nyssa stuck around longer so improvements could be made, and Big Finish started doing damage control with them earlier on, especially in Nyssa's case.
I'm actually surprised Adric's Athletics score is as high as it is. His Science score being only a 3 and Knowledge 2 confused me at first, but when I thought about it, it a makes sense. Adric knew a lot about mathematics but basically nothing anything else, even other STEM fields. Nyssa had to tell him what photosynthesis is, which I learned in elementary school science classes. Between this extreme focus on a single subject, lack of socials skills, and somewhat stilted speech and movement, I think I like Adric as much as I do because all this stuff feels like autism and I was an autistic teenager when I first saw him.
He also gets good Subterfuge skills because he can pick locks, do sleight of hand tricks, and overall has a good skill set that was rarely put to use.
And now, Nyssa:
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Tech Level 7 explains where Traken is. We'll get to compare several different planets I guess.
Nyssa gets a higher science stat, with an emphasis on biochemistry. She has a more diverse STEM skill set than Adric. Other than that, I don't have much to report here. The fact that she's upper class seems to affect her ability to interact with people who aren't. As you will see, Turlough somehow isn't given this problem despite it being more obvious with him than with Nyssa.
But before that, there's Tegan.
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Technology level 5 for the 1980s. These tech levels seem to cover a lot of historical ground. 1746 and 1866 are both in 4 and 1980 and 2018(futuristic version) are both in 5. I wonder what separates these levels from one another.
Tegan is considered fairly ordinary, not a fighter like Jamie nor a scientist like Nyssa, so her stats are kinda bad. Looking at her traits, her skills seem to include running and screaming, with points off for being impulsive, argumentative, and loud. I don't think the people who wrote this liked Tegan very much.
Anyway, of course there's Turlough.
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Trion is apparently Tech Level 7, the same as Traken. So that turned out to not be very interesting.
His main strengths are in Convince and Technology. He can half-understand the TARDIS at times and appears to be good at lying to people. The fact that he doesn't get running and screaming in his traits and Tegan does is sexism. He also gets to be charming, though not attractive like Nyssa or Tegan. Men can get this trait, since Jamie did. I think he's commonly seen as average-looking.
Also the fact that he's seen as lucky with all the shit he went through is hilarious.
Finally, as a bit of a bonus, Captain Wrack from Enlightenment has a character sheet. How do you even make stats for an Eternal?
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Many of her stats are surprisingly low for basically a low-level god. Though she's got a high Knowledge score and a Tech Level of 12, since Eternals go beyond Time Lords, though it's more power than technology with them, isn't it? Do we just not know how to factor this in?
So when it comes to these tech levels:
18th-19th century Earth = 4
20th-21st century Earth = 5
Traken and Trion = 7
Time Lords = 10
Eternals = 12
That's all I got for now. I hope you enjoyed this bit of fussing over meaningless numbers.
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lilbabystuffieluver · 4 months
Welcome to my blog!
What's my blog about?
This blog is dedicated to educating people on age regression and the misconceptions of it! This is a safe space to ask any and all questions about age regression.
Here's a list of things/people I DO NOT want to interact with my blog! And if you do . . . Surprise! You're getting blocked! :D I reserve the right to block anyone with or without reason provided.
DNI if . . .
You participate in DDLG, DDLB, MDLB, MBLG, ABDL, CGL or anything similar!
If your profile is NSFW
You are/support endogenic system(s)
You support pro-shipping
If you're anti-recovery
If you're anti-agere
You're a p3do/MAP
If you're homophobic, transphobic, racist, ableist, or anything similar
Zoophile or necrophiliac
If you're gonna talk about politics
Support problematic people
You support autism speaks or similar things
Gore/sh/ed accounts
About Me
Hihi! I'm Alex! I've been an age regressor since I was 14, and I'm 20 years old now! I'm autistic and have BPD (borderline personality disorder) and a few other things. Learning about mental health stuff (including age regression) is my special interest! I prefer to interact with adults only, so please do not dm me if you're under 18. I run a sfw 18+ Agere server on discord so DM me if you want the link! I also have a partner/cg so please don't flirt with me or be a creep otherwise I'm gonna block you! I'm very excited to be able to teach others about age regression and hope I can help some people :D
What is age regression?
Age regression is a sfw coping mechanism used to cope with past trauma, or to heal your inner child. Regression can be voluntary or involuntary. It can also just be used for fun or as a way to relax. People who age regress mentally regress to the age of a child. This can be to any age but for a lot of people it will typically be from the ages of 1-6 years old. Age regression can present itself in many forms such as baby talk, playing with toys, watching cartoons, doing kid-like activities, being more vulnerable, using pacis, bottles, and sippy cups, dressing in a childlike manner, difficulty regulating emotions and more!
Can age regression be NSFW?
No! Age regression is strictly SFW and should be kept as such. The reason being is people who regress are in the mental state of a child, and children CANNOT consent. Anyone who makes it NSFW is taking advantage of the regressed person because again, they cannot consent to NSFW activities.
Why do some people have the misconception that it's NSFW?
When people think of age regression as NSFW, they're actually thinking about something called ag3 play. Ag3 play is a k1nk where someone roleplays being a child while their "daddy/mommy/d0m" (i do understand that lots of regressors use daddy/mommy in a sfw way tho!) interacts with them in an NSFW way. Ag3 play is borderline p3dophilic as someone is "getting off" to someone who dresses/acts like a child, and it's morally wrong. (If you support ag3 play, DDLG, DDLB, MDLB, MDLG, or ABDL YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE!! 🙂)The difference between age regression and ag3 play is that age regression is actually mentally reverting to the mindset of a child, ag3 play is only roleplay. If you're making your "regression" s3xual, you're not actually regressing. It's just a k1nk and roleplay.
Is there a wrong way to age regress?
Absolutely not! Age regression comes in many different forms and the way you regress isn't wrong or bad! There's not a wrong way to dress, play, talk, or interact with other regressors (just remember to be kind!). Just because you don't fit the stereotype of pastels, pink, teddy bears and hello kitty doesn't mean you're any less valid as a regressor! You can even like scary stuff while regressed and that's perfectly okay! You don't have to be picture perfect to be able to regress. You can be messy and loud and anything you want! Just do what makes you feel most comfortable!
Do you have to have a caregiver to be a regressor?
Nope! Not all age regressors have, need or want a caregiver! Caregivers are completely optional to have as a regressor and some people feel more comfortable regressing alone!
What's the difference between a good and bad caregiver?
Here are some tips for weeding out good vs bad caregivers!
Good caregivers
Speaks in a gentle tone and doesn't yell or raise their voice to get their point across
Respects their littles boundaries
Doesn't use physical punishments (hitting, spanking, etc.)
Is understanding, patient and kind
Rewards their little for good behavior
Comforts their little when they are upset
Finds other ways of communication when their little is nonverbal/semi-verbal
Bad "caregivers"
Punishes their little for "not obeying" them
Hits or spanks their little
Yells or raises their voice
Is manipulative (ex: saying if their little doesn't do something they'll be punished)
Involved in any k1nk communities such as ddlg, mdlb, abdl, etc.
Doesn't try to get to know the big side of their regressor only talks to them when they're little
Calling their little mean names
Tries to make their little touch them inappropriately/touches their little inappropriately
Downplays their littles feelings
Keep in mind that every caregiver/regressor dynamic is different but these are some green vs red flags to watch out for when finding a caregiver. I'll add more to this list later!
What are some common disorders that cause age regression?
Age regression is very common in those with (c) PTSD, Borderline personality disorder (BPD), schizophrenia, major depressive disorder (MDD), and dissociative disorders.
This post is a wip and more will be added later! Thank you for reading! :)
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h-didanart · 1 day
Hello everyone! Can I interest you in some Age Swap stuff with my Bloodmoons?
No? Well I’m dumping the stuff on you anyways!
But first things first, I will say this isn’t exactly a full on age swap, most of my Bloodmoons are in the 20s age range with three exceptions who are all teens.
So! I exaggerated the age differences.
There’s the elementary age kids, the middle schoolers, the dead teens, and the two almost 30 adults.
Now enjoy the rambling!
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Ocean is literally the reason I started this to begin with, I wanted to draw them being a badass pirate or something. They would sail the seas alongside their family, exploring the oceans and islands as they did so. Generally I could see them toning down on the impulsiveness, probably from a couple more close calls with death, and since they’d be around FC a lot I could see them becoming surprisingly patient for a Bloodmoon. Also I wanted to make them have dreadlocks but I don’t know how to draw that hairstyle :(
Now the other adult here, Amnesiac. I didn’t know where to even start for their design but I got the idea to give them those crutches that aren’t called crutches because of their issues with mobility, and the rest of the design was easy to make after that. I don’t see them changing a lot personality wise, mainly I could see them acquiring a more grumpy attitude due to the situation with their family, but they’d generally still be one of the kindest Bloodmoons around. And about their disability thing, I have actually been contemplating giving them mobility aids in their canon. I just feel like it might be good for their character and story since their issues stem from that lack of sync they have which is not something they’re going to fix just like that or at least to the point the previous Bloodmoon was at, so Ruby and Vermillion would look for ways to manage their issues which could then be interpreted by their family and the Celestials as them giving up on ever learning to cooperate, when in actuality they’re both on the exact same page for this and are actively working together to better their everyday life.
Anyways— those are the responsible adults here. There technically should be two others but they’re kinda… uh, dead and stuck in a timeless plane of existence or something, so no age swap stuff with them
So it’s just Amnesiac and Ocean taking care of 7+ small Bloodmoons, with emotional support from the Musical duo
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Let’s take a look at what the kids are like, shall we?
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Starting off strongly with Lone. He’s a very very angry kid, aggressive, rude, mean, generally unpleasant. This would 100% stem from his trust issues and the death of his twin, and then the adults around him not caring enough to look under all the anger. But he would manage to have one friend through all his lashing out, and they’d become very close despite the adults around them trying to keep them apart. That one friendship might be enough to pull him out of the self destructive pit he’s sinking into.
(And now I want to draw little Sprout and Original running around, great)
Next up, Magic. I literally just drew them when they were younger, right before everything went wrong in their life. They’re very excitable and energetic, looking forward to their special duties as a magical girl and very grateful that they got a chance to still be together. They’d actually be in the intended magical girl age range from the system I’m using, I think, I haven’t watched the anime yet, I will someday I swear—
And now swap! Little swap is a kitten, highly energetic and absolutely adorable. They would steal a lot of Kill_Code’s stuff and misplace it, kinda not their fault cuz ADHD + blind, but still. Though they kept the hat, they really like the hat. And unlike their canon version, they wouldn’t be maliciously aggressive, it’d just be a thing that happens sometimes. Y’know, because cat.
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OK LIStEn liSten— They are my favorite, they are being included.
Retired would be a concerningly easy kid to handle, though still labeled troublesome due to their propensity to zone out at random and just kinda fall asleep wherever. They wouldn’t talk much if at all, but they will hiss and growl if anyone ever gets too close to them. Despite their very distant exterior though, they’d be very clingy towards those they do trust. And though untrusting of others, they would try to do small things to cheer up any sad people they find. Follow in their older brother’s footsteps, y’know?
Lord BM, oh boy. This is basically a Collector Owl House situation, a kid with the powers of a God who uses them to play whatever games they wish to play. Would they understand how strong their powers are? Absolutely not. Would they wreck chaos on the world because of that? Yes. But can you really look them in the eyes and stay mad at them for it?
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The next one’s design I messed up, they’re supposed to be their vampire form, not the demon one. Regardless, Fantasy would be a chaos wrecker, very hyper and very easily bored, they will cast dangerous spells just because they think they’re neat. They would 100% set several houses on fire and then flee the scene cackling wildly into the night. And they would pull off the innocent act very well too, especially in their bat form. They’re just an innocent wittle cweachur who’d do no wrong whatsoever :3
Next up is Horror! They would change outfits constantly, mostly sticking to hoodies but playing around a lot with whatever clothes they can find. They would retain their love for scary stuff which would be freaky and definitely make the adults around them concerned about them, but they too would retain their kind and optimistic demeanor. The two AIs would generally get along better, though they’d still have their disagreements, mainly about how to treat others, Hatchet is way too blunt and rude while Heaven is a bit of an anxious wreck. And I like to think that in this scenario Eclipse would be their younger brother while Dear would be their older sister, it’s funny to me.
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Second to last Bloodmoon, Withered Hopes! They’d be a very happy kid, which is weird because they do//know a lot of stuff that’s extremely concerning. They can survive on their own, find their own food and make their own shelter, they can even make haphazardly thrown together weapons, which is good but also a really bad sign that their environment isn’t exactly friendly to them. And their reactions to violence absolutely do not help that, they could hit someone over the head with a pan and shrug it off as not a big deal, they could see a fox tearing into a chicken and not feel any disturbance whatsoever. They’re kinda messed up actually… well damn, now I feel kinda bad for them. Funny scenario to lift the spirits up, older Stitchwraith looking after them and Buzzsaw and trying to parent them but being very bad at it.
And finally we have the Separated twins! They’re very clingy to one another, no surprises there, and they’re arguably the best chaotic duo around. They’d tag team people with their pranks, often orchestrated by Harvest and activated by Hunter, they are menaces together. The least harmful menaces around, that is. They’d do their best to match one another mainly wearing similar clothes, and often taking turns on choosing what to play, Hunter liking tag and general physical activity, Harvest liking video games more. Should be worth mentioning that they do have a couple dietary restrictions//requirements, Harvest can only eat red food while Hunter needs to eat meat, this is also the case in their canon.
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vammieposts · 3 months
i love finding doctor who in random places, just now I was struggling to find the lyrics of a Belgrado song bc I was hoping to be able to translate it but I ended up on their bandcamp which led me to this persons profile which led me to this other album with this as the cover!?!? hi cybermen i wasnt expecting to see you guys here. but this ended up leading me down a several hour long rabbit hole of doctor who music as a genre
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Ok so as I write this post i'm discovering more and more really good doctor who inspired music that I personally enjoy/think others will enjoy
Chameleon Circuit - probably the most well known doctor who fan band, very fun, rock, 2008-2014, according to wikipedia they invented the term "Time Lord Rock", or "Trock", which is used to describe music created for and by doctor who fans about doctor who
Hero of a Hundred Fights - The Remote, The Cold (2001) - Faction Paradox stuff, sort of math-rock, they're really good! lots of BIG SOUND as my brain describes it, and cool lyrics+art, from Wisconsin according to wikipedia, my fellow eda fans, this is for YOU (tbh this and solid space are my favorites so far, chameleon circuit is good but doesn't appeal to me much personally)
Solid Space - Space Museum - as I described above, this stuff has a fun sort of electronic atmospheric feel, makes you feel like you're in a big empty fancy building at night, the kind of music you can wiggle slowly to and feel like a little robot person, has songs called the Tenth Planet and Earthshock, if you like cybermen you'll like this lol
DOCTOR IN DISTRESS - of course, I couldn't possibly leave this out could I? Very Important Song
Viva Computer - This Town will Never Let Us Go - calm, fun electronicy, as you can probably guess based on the songs namesake, faction paradox!
Starvefish - This Town Will Never Let Us Go - Also faction paradox!
The Go Go's - I'm Gonna Spend My Christmas with a Dalek - a beautiful product of dalek mania, my favorite christmas song, and the most confusing description of a dalek I've ever heard which includes at least one large toe. Included on the compilation, "Who is Dr Who"
The Art Attacks - I am a Dalek! - fun song! rock, feels very 80s but i don't know much about music tbh oh wait its 1978, pretty close!
Time Crash - another "Time Lord Rock" band, if you want to find them on youtube don't mix it up with the Time Crash: Children in Need special tho. I like the lead's voice a lot! its very chill and fun!
Also, these aren't doctor who themed, just related via actors, but Peter Capaldi was in a post-punk band called the Dreamboys and Billie Piper was a pop artist!
Some Doctor who Music fun: (doctor who, Delia Derbyshire, and the BBC radiophonic workshop have a really interesting place in electronic music history soo have fun learning)
But yeah there's my collection from this morning, and these are just my own personal taste plus a couple that are really good and I think others will enjoy so please rb with your favorite bands and songs you think should be added!
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bafflegab-z · 3 months
making an updated pinned HOORAY
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elliot/baff (agender it/its) adult auADHD + plural! warning I will not shut the fuck up ever
★ I post mainly about:
★ Just Roll With It (TTRPG Podcast)
★ Minecraft and Minecraft/Adjacent Streamers (mainly Philza, Quackity, and Sneegsnag alongside their friends)
★ Linguistics/Latin America (learning Spanish+ latam is a special interest of mine)
★ Vocaloid/VSynth (mainly a fan of Miku!)
★ my own art + ocs. Current project is Intercosmic Angelica
Note that I will reblog stuff from media I have never once consumed, if I see art I like it does not matter to me if I’m in the fandom it WILL be reblogged
Blogs/Tag directory/Boundaries are below!
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★ Blogs/Tags!
Clem (headmate) @calipitter-clem
Alice (headmate) @heaven-or-high-waters
Beekay (headmate) @picklock-pinup
Spire (headmate) @spirechoir
Lioden Blog @bafflegrowl-z
Art Tag #my art
System Tag #sundog system
Talking Tag #baffle gabbing (note I may add this tag to a post that isn’t mine but I talked a lot in the tags of)
★ I should be adding cw tags to posts but if I miss one/you would like me to add some please let me know! Additionally I tag most of my fandom reblogs but very inconsistently :]
★ Boundaries
★ Please do not involve me in discourse such as queer label discourse or system discourse. I’m not a professional and can only operate from my limited experience. I respect other’s good-faith identities and beliefs and don’t care enough either way to argue about it.
★ Do not send me sexual/genuinely flirty asks. I have a QPP ( @seal-jelly ) and they’re the only person allowed to flirt with me LOL close friends are allowed to send asks like that as a joke but strangers please avoid it altogether!
★ If you support Wilbur Soot, DreamWasTaken or his friends, or any other racist/abusive/otherwise bigoted people please do not engage with me online.
★ Do not engage with me online if you are a Zionist, Anti-Semite, homophobic, transphobic, racist, proshipper, pedophile or “MAP” this includes TERFs + Fascists + Nazis obviously all of you get the fuck out
★ AI Image Prompters or NFT bros can get tf out too. All of my art is glazed I hope it breaks your shitty little theft programs
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monstroso · 11 months
literally what makes the aristocats bad. its got nice songs. it has silly characters. it’s got really pretty backgrounds and the old hand-drawn disney animation. it’s inspired by a true story. what’s there to dislike.
(*cough* aside from the racism that permeates most if not all of the old Disney movies but since that’s present in so many of them no special case should to be made against the aristocats for it to be a worse movie because of that shared trait *cough*)
also I hope this didn’t come across as like. confrontational or anything bc it’s not supposed to be. legitimately want to hear your thoughts 👍
No, I love this! I appreciate being asked my thoughts, especially since the good people in the tags have told me loud and clear that I am in the minority on this one.
I will say, I did not expect the poll to have quite the legs it's got on it now. My polls usually only get about 60 votes. If I'd known 4,700 strangers and counting would have an opinion on this, I might have worded it differently. The real reason I didn't include The Aristocats is because I knew it would run away with the thing. Most people consider it a classic, regardless of what my opinions on it actually are. I thought throwing in a cheeky little line about it would be a fun gag for my followers who know I'm a true hater at heart.
Before I even got this ask - and because the overwhelming majority of the tags on the poll are telling me I have no taste - I actually did start rewatching it! Hundreds of strangers on the internet have never been wrong before, right? Part of the problem is I have next to no nostalgia for it. We didn't own the VHS when I was a child, so the only times I ever saw it were when I'd go to a friend's house or borrow it from the library. Maybe my judgement was clouded by not having seen it in a very long time.
First things first: The good stuff. There are parts of this film that rank alongside the best of the Disney classics, and I would be remiss in not mentioning them.
The music, for one, is pretty good. You'd have to be some kind of real Scrooge not to enjoy "Ev'rybody Wants to Be a Cat" of course, but on a rewatch I did find myself grinning through "Thomas O'Malley Cat" as well. This is an easy point in the film's favor though, as I'm an absolute sucker for both big band and jazz. This is great use of your Scatman Crothers and Phil Harris, top points awarded for these two numbers in particular.
The animation is also pretty good. Especially on Edgar and Thomas O'Malley. Your mileage may vary on the Xerox style, but the animation itself is relatively unimpeachable. This was still during the era of the Nine Old Men, so there's all kind of impressive work being done with the big sweeping things like character movement and expression as well as in the more subtle animations like expressions and mouth movement.
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The cats are doing all the cat stuff you'd expect like licking their paws and poof'ing their tails, but there's less expected movements here too, like arching their backs when walking alongside things or rolling in the dirt to dry off from the river. This is good character work, but it's also pretty standard for guys like Milt Kahl and Eric Larson. If you're at all interested in animation, I highly encourage you to read more about the Nine Old Men and their history with the studio.
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(A big thanks to the tumblr gif artists for gif'ing the parts of this movie that look good so I can spice this post up with some relevant visuals!)
Now, the bad. Like many movies from this era, The Aristocats has something of a pacing problem. While it is necessary to do the work of setting up the conflict in the beginning, you might be surprised to learn that it takes 25 minutes for Thomas O'Malley to show up, which is when the story actually starts.
A huge part of the problem is that this movie suffers from a sort of directionless vignetticism that seems to have been driven only by the idea that it would be cute to see the animals do X, Y, and Z. "Oh wouldn't it be sweet to see the kitten paint?" "Wouldn't it be so adorable if the cat played the piano?" "Ohh, what if the mouse ate a cracker dipped in milk, wouldn't that be darling?" I have a very high tolerance for schmaltz, but The Aristocats is where even I must draw the line.
When the movie isn't being tooth-rottingly sweet, it's frequently boring, and when it's not being either of those things it's showing you another chase scene with the dogs and the butler. It's erratic, tiring, and strains the limits of the modern attention span even at the movie's incredibly sparse runtime. It's a 79 minute film and you feel all 79 of those minutes.
Tonally, much of the movie smacks of the kind of rose-tinted sentimentalism Disney was known (and even criticized at the time) for, but without the guiding hand of the man himself, nearly 5 years gone by this point. The studio was floundering in the wake of Walt's death, and The Aristocats is quite close to the nadir of this particular creative valley - though the distinction arguably goes to Robin Hood, I'm much softer on that film for a number of reasons.
The Aristocats reminds me a lot of Lady & the Tramp, in that it's the same story (down to the aforementioned racist caricatures of Siamese cats), but with cats instead of dogs and with a much less focused sense of purpose, tone, and creative direction. If you like The Aristocats for the music and the beautiful scenery, but you haven't seen Lady & the Tramp, give that one a try instead. The animation is better, the music is about on-par, and it doesn't have as many stupid chase scenes. Or just watch 101 Dalmatians, which outstrips both films on sheer charm alone.
I think I had more I wanted to say, but it was mostly rambling that got away from the point. On rewatch, I don't think this movie is as bad as I remember it being, but I stand by my decision not to include it in the poll.
tl;dr - The Aristocats isn't the worst. If you grew up watching it I totally understand having a soft spot for the music and the atmosphere. In a vacuum, I can't say I think it holds up but ultimately I'm not going to judge anyone for enjoying it. Thanks for the ask!
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n7punk · 1 year
i was going to describe something as a pet peeve but really it's just a let down lol and then it turned into a longpost but i gottaaaaa get this off my chest. anyway a big let down in romance writing (fic and published) is when the basis of the story is two total strangers meet for the first time and they're suddenly drawn to each other for no justifiable reason. you'll see this all the time in fic and it's supposed to be acceptable because we know the characters and know that they're perfect together, but it's lazy no mater the format unless you have a later plot point that actually justifies why they would feel such a pull towards each other.
like in a simple coffee shop au, it's inexplicable to be like "she's my favorite customer, i can't say why because she isn't different than any of my other customers, but i feel drawn to her." conversely, you could totally justify it by starting the story with "she's my favorite customer because one time i accidentally upcharged her and she pretended i didnt because she could see my manager within earshot and didn't want me to get in trouble" and that's a viable reason for a stranger to stick out that you can still establish in just one paragraph.
i feel like people don't want to make it attraction-based (it's a perfectly valid premise and the only actual reason strangers have ever asked me out because that's how it works) because it's not ~special~ and lacks deeper meaning, but, "i dont know why i just do" has no meaning! having a line like "i see attractive girls like her every single day but i feel weirdly drawn to her in particular" doesn't make it feel special, it feels unrealistic and dull, and for some reason these "magnetic pull" stories almost always include a line like this.
this is muddied by sometimes - very rarely - when you think a story opening with this kind of thing is bad and actually it's a smoking gun. maybe in a "the characters later realize they knew each other once" way, maybe in an "oh shit, we're both cursed by the same person and couldn't consciously figure out we're sensing the same magic energy from each other, now lets team up and take them down" way, maybe even in an "actually i really was just attracted to her but i'm so repressed i couldn't figure it out" way and at least you've learned something interesting about that character! i'm pulling stuff out of my ass here (clearly), but it could be a real plot point and the few times it is always make me doubt giving up on something that really isn't worth my time. plot stuff like this requires that your audience have some faith in your writing and are willing to stick around after they see the opening, though, and sometimes im not willing to do that even when a book comes recommended.
in fics it's a lot more low stakes and obviously, you can write whatever you want and whatever makes you happy (and honestly every writer should get one freebie on this kind of thing because writing is hard guys and sometimes you just want to write the shenanigans that come after and you don't owe anybody anything!) but i do think pushing yourself and your writing is good thing when you're up for it. we just don't always have to be up for it lol. anyway this is just a personal rant about stories that have disappointed me, not instructions for anyone to change the way they write to have fun
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yonderghostshistories · 5 months
I'm planning on starting that MP Regency AU fanfiction! What should I include? (U, PG and 18+ suggestions are all welcome!)
Ok uhh here's my suggestions!! :
-All (well technically 3) the Pythons have a really specific kinda Regency royal/heir-like title/nicknames to them based on where they were born (i.e some random examples; John Cleese, Earl of Weston-super-Mare, Captain/Admiral/General Graham Chapman, Duke of Leicester, Terry "Jonesy" Jones, Baron of Colywn Bay of North Wales). Then you have Vicar Michael Palin (of Sheffield), Baron Terry Gilliam from Paris, France (he says he's a Baron but the others don't really believe him and thinks he's really a phony or something lol), and self proclaimed "Maestro" Eric Idle (from the local Cheshire pub). Then you also have Stableboy Neil (Innes)/Neil the humble Stableboy, Countess Carol Cleveland and Countess Connie Booth (in this AU, Connie is Carol's older half-sister/cousin) of London, Lieutenant David Sherlock (Gray's second-in-command in the army, and also love interest but pretends to just "be friends" so to not make people suspicious about their relationship with eachother, etc!
-Gray is both a highly respected army official by day (at work technically), and a promiscuously gay playboy by night (when he has the time off doing the army business). He smokes alot too.
-Jonesy ends up with Regency era Denise Coffey and learns that she's not as "bad" as anyone makes her out to be. She's considered"bad" because she's apparently "too common" to fit with society. In other words, society thinks she's "too unattractively normal" to be considered pretty, to which she politely says bullshit to :).
-John and Gray are childhood best friends with eachother. Michael and Jonesy are also childhood best friends with eachother. Eric and Terry tags along as well.
-John becomes instantly uhh "emo" and tragic and moody and cold because of his recent breakup with his (ex-)fiancé Connie, even though they just broke up since almost a week ago. He mopes about it all the bloody time that even his friends start to get annoyed by it all, and it makes even his own sappy poetry look like decent stuff.
-Eric and Neil meet up at the weekends to play as a musical duo at the local Cheshire pub. Eric is, ofc, sorta homeless, meaning he has to to stay over at Neil's cottage house but also stay at the local taverns until he has to pay rent.....but mostly he chills out at Neil's house.
-Eric gets a "rags to riches" kinda story where, with the help of Gray who just so happen to be at the local Cheshire pub to "meet a special friend of his" (which is ofc David) in which Gray overhears the pretty good singing, he agrees to hire Eric as his servant and give him a permanent place to stay and enough money to live by. Eric is ecstatic ofc!
-Michael is a kind and innocent vicar, a follower of god, but he's a bit horny too! He particularly has a crush on a nice and kind woman called Helena (who runs the local bookshop in the town). Mike has the hots for Helen but knows he can't actually ask her out due to him being religious and stuff and it apparently going against the rules to marry whilst preaching about god or something. However, he tries to get around this by starting out slow, via becoming companions with Helena by helping her with the bookshop part-time. It all seems going to plan. However, things start to get a bit too *spicy* when Michael accidentally sees Helena in her regency era undergarments (which is a "stay"-kinda undergarment) just as she was about to get unchanged. As if it couldn't get any worse, the stunned Michael commits the greatest sin he has ever committed.......he sees a bit of her bare back. That alone is enough to make Michael faint. Helena, being the good and understanding friend she is, helps Michael get back to life and takes care of the poor soul. Michael is grateful for Helena helping him, but feels guilty for seeing her like that. Helena tells him that it's ok and that it was an accident at the end of the day. Michael smiles, and out of the repressed passion he held back for all these years, he slowly cups her face and begins kissing Helena, and Helena, at first surprised, is then quickly eased and understands and kisses back Michael. Michael and Helena then have the most excruciatingly passionate sex that night, and both are left satisfied.
-Gray meets David in an abandoned farmhouse, and they both announce their feelings for one another, and they both kiss passionately and uhh have the most beautiful gay sex one could ever hope.
-There's alot of "characters running through the moors" whenever the character starts a new relationship, romantic or platonic.
-Gray wakes up naked every morning after each promiscuous affair.
-Terry the Parisian Artist develops a romance with the ""weird"" woman who runs the tailoring clothes shop, Ms Margret "Maggie" Weston. Terry & Maggie bond over their shared weirdness and love for absurdities in life.
-John and Connie began an (almost) lifelong romance (before they broke up) when they were young teenagers of about 16/15 at a ball one night. From there on, they hit it off with each other pretty well. The young John and Connie then sneakily exited from the ballroom, then they snuck out and playfully ran to the garden maze and then snogged each other all night long.
-The Pythons and Co go to a regency era fairground/carnival and have a lovely, fun time there. They also get to ride on the merry-go-round on the merry-go-round horses!
Uhh hope you enjoyed the ideas I gave! Let me know which of the ideas is your favourite and why? I absolutely can't wait to read it!!
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ikeromantic · 10 months
Alice in College, pt 5
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An IkeRev Central characters AU! Written for my IkeRev 1K Celebration, a boarding school AU was the poll winner. Approx. 3000 words. 5/6
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Mousse was asleep again. Alice crept past him and sat at one of the desks. She wondered if he even noticed that she skipped part of her detention yesterday. In fact, she was fairly sure she could skip the entire thing for the rest of the week and just tell him she’d been there while he slept. But that seemed . . . wrong. Mousse was nice and she didn’t want to lie to him.
He did not stir when she pulled a book from the pile and began to read and make notes. 
Alice tried to focus on her studies. There was so much to catch up on, and not just the obvious course work. Students that grew up in Cradle had a whole lifetime of knowledge they took for granted. They knew how crystals worked, where things were, what was safe and what wasn’t . . . She was trying to cram all of that, the practical knowledge and the academic, all at once. 
“You are getting a wrinkle between your brows.” Mousse surprised her when he spoke, his voice still muddled with sleep. 
“Oh. Ha, yeah.” She rubbed the spot above her nose. “I always make that face when I’m thinking.”
Mousse smiled. “It’s a cute face. It tells me you are hard at work.” He stood and moved to stand beside her desk. “What have you selected? Oh! Geography. One of my favorite subjects.” He pulled a chair over and sat beside her, leaning close to read the page she was on.
Alice felt a bit self conscious as she flipped to the next page. “I’m still just reading up on the regions in Cradle, where the cities and towns are. Basic stuff.”
“You have to start with the basics.” He leaned forward, his fingertip tracing the curve of Cradle’s Central District. “These lines represent centuries of history, at least. And uncounted hours of diplomacy.”
“That’s what you’re interested in, right?”
Mousse beamed at her. “Very good, Alice. I see you do listen and learn, even if you sometimes skip out on detention.”
She blushed, realizing he must have woken up after she left yesterday. “Sorry about that.”
He patted her hand. “It’s alright. I won’t tell if you don’t. Learning is about passion for your subject, not punishment for trespassing.” 
“Don’t tell Dean that. He seemed pretty sure the best way to keep me out of trouble is to keep me busy.” Alice sighed. 
“Dean is a very passionate man. He loves learning but he can be . . . a bit strict.” Mousse tilted his head, his hand still resting atop hers. “Are you passionate, Alice?”
Her eyes went wide at the question and her heart skipped a beat. “P-passionate?”
“Yes. I would love to know what you are interested in.”
“Oh. Yes. I - I am.” Alice took a breath. “I love making things. It was what I liked about working in the pâtissière. I’m looking forward to learning what I can make and do here, in Cradle.”
Mousse smiled warmly. “I am sure you’ll find something. Perhaps I can even be a help.”
“Thank you.” She smiled back, feeling silly for thinking he might have meant something less . . . academic. “I should probably get going. I have class soon.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Alice. Have a good day.” 
“You too, Mousse.” She gathered her things and hurried to her first class of the day. Her mind wasn’t on her lessons though. Alice was still excited at the prospect of discovering what her special powers could do. She had some ideas already for ways to test it, things to try. 
By the time lunch came around and she had a chance to talk with Amon and Dalim, Alice had a list in her notebook. There were so many things she didn’t know about how the magic of Cradle worked, so she’d included every scenario she could imagine. It was a lot.
She sat down with her tray and opened the notebook just as Amon slid into the chair beside her. Without asking, he snagged the notebook and scanned her notes. 
Alice gave him a little frown, but couldn’t hold his eagerness against him. “So, what do you think? Is it a good start?”
“Quiet.” He didn’t look up. 
“Rude.” She rolled her eyes and started on her lunch. She still couldn’t decide how she felt about this new friend. He was hot and cold and seemed to have a hard time with social skills. It was endearing, but also a little annoying. 
Dalim sat down a few moments later, and gave her one of his brilliant smiles. “Hello prin- Alice.” He cocked his head to the side, his glance flicking to Amon and back. “Did you get started without me?”
“No, Amon is just reading through my ideas. We haven’t tal-”
“You are distracting me.” Amon didn’t look up as he interrupted.
Dalim snickered. “I see he’s being his usual charming self. You must have written some interesting things if he’s this focused.”
Alice smiled. “Well, it’s just a bunch of ideas I had about what magic crystals might do and how my power could work against it. I was thinking, should he ask Harr and Loki to join us? Or Oliver?”
Amon did look up at this, his expression a mask of distaste. “No. Silver is a coward and Loki is a loose cannon. I won’t waste my time with a child either. They can’t be trusted. None of them.”
“You didn’t say anything to them about your power, did you?” Dalim looked genuinely concerned.
“No? Why?”
Dalim leaned close, his voice pitched low. “I don’t want to talk about it here, but trust me. You need to keep that a secret between just the three of us. Things could get ugly for you otherwise. And I don’t want anything bad to happen to my princess.”
Alice blinked at his nominative. She was his friend, perhaps, but not his per se. But whatever protest she might have given over being named such came second to the cold fear that knotted in her belly. “Do you mean someone might hurt me? Because I can - because of what I can do?”
“You shouldn’t look so surprised,” Amon interjected. “People are always looking for advantage. For power. If they knew you carried this in you from the Land of Reason, you would be taken for experimentation. Testing. Control.” His expression was gleefully malicious. “If you lived through it, you would never be free.”
“Don’t worry, princess. We won’t let anything like that happen to you.” Dalim stroked her back reassuringly. “Just . . . don’t share it with anyone else, alright?”
Alice gave a mute nod. She couldn’t imagine Harr or Loki or anyone she’d met so far trying to hurt her, but maybe they would let it slip to someone else. Like the Red and Black armies, for example. They would probably like to use someone with her power in their war. From her studies, it seemed the two sides would never be at peace until one side was victorious. That wasn’t a conflict she wanted to get involved with.
Amon gave her a thin smile and slid her notebook back to her. “Let’s start this weekend. We’ll keep our experiments up in the tower, and -” his smile widened, “we’ll make sure you don’t get caught.”
Dalim chuckled. “Yeah. Can’t have you stuck in detention another week.”
Alice frowned at them. “I’m glad you think it’s funny.”
“You are so cute when you pout.” Dalim touched her cheek. “But you’re cuter when you smile.”
“Who says I want to be cute?” Alice tried to ignore the sudden rush of blood to her cheeks and the fluttering in her stomach. It wasn’t fair at all that Dalim could have that effect with just a touch and a smile. 
Amon snorted and rolled his eyes. “Whatever. As long as you show up, I don’t care if you’re cute or not.”
Throughout lunch, Alice felt like someone was watching her. She thought at first it was nerves. The result of Dalim and Amon’s warning, obviously. But when she managed to glance around the room, she found Harr’s gaze settled on her. His dark eye was fixed in her direction. When she caught him, his cheeks turned rosy and he quickly looked away. 
She didn’t say anything to Dalim and Amon about it, but she wondered if he’d overheard something between them. 
Her afternoon classes sped past, not half so interesting as her weekend plans - or the dinner planned with Blanc. Alice hadn’t let herself think about that too much. When she imagined being alone with Blanc, her cheeks went hot and there was a fluttery feeling in her chest. She just hoped she didn’t act like an idiot in front of him. Freezing up or babbling or turning as red as a tomato over nothing.
Alice decided to dress up a bit for the occasion - not because she liked Blanc, she told herself - but because her school clothes were plain. She wanted to look cute. After class, she hurried to her room and pulled off her apron and pinafore, and began rummaging in her wardrobe. There wasn’t a lot in there - her trip to Cradle wasn’t exactly planned, and she hadn’t done much shopping. 
There was a formal dress, but the layered skirt and beaded bodice were way too much for dinner. A pair of canvas work pants and a heavy cotton shirt with a sweater . . . hard pass. She pulled a light silk blouse out, and a cute short skirt to go with it. The color was perfect for her eyes and the skirt was just long enough to be proper and just short enough to be flirty. Alice laid them on the bed and went to get a pair of stockings. 
She was bending down to reach into her drawer when the door flew open. Alice spun around with a shriek. Dressed in just her panties and a bra, she ineffectually tried to cover everything with her hands.    
Harr stood in the doorway, his face shading from red into purple. His mouth was slightly open and his eyes were as wide as saucers. After a moment, he backed out. His hand reached for the door and closed it slowly, without saying a word. 
Alice quickly threw on her clothes and jerked the door open to see if he was still out there. He was, standing off to one side, and still cycling through shades of crimson. “You! Haven’t you ever heard of knocking?”
“S-sorry. I didn’t realize - I thought -” Harr struggled with a reply, finally settling on a repetition of ‘sorry’ in various forms. 
“Whatever. Just . . . what did you want?” Alice crossed her arms, feeling completely out of sorts. Her face was hot and her heart was pounding, and it was definitely his fault. Though she couldn’t decide if she was more angry about him walking in, or more pleased that he’d been speechless at the sight of her, or embarrassed that anyone saw her in her panties like that, much less someone as gorgeous as Harr Silver. 
He took a deep breath, still unsettled himself. “I wanted to catch you after class, but you practically ran out.” His skittering gaze finally landed on her and stayed. “Amon is dangerous. Please be careful around him. And whatever he has told you . . . it might be best if you find answers yourself.”
Alice felt her brows rise in surprise. “You wanted to warn me about Amon?”
Harr nodded. “He has his own ambitions. And others have gone missing after gaining his attention.” He cleared his throat. “It would be a shame. For you to disappear.” 
“I’ll be careful.” She paused and then added, “Thanks. And, I’m sorry I yelled at you. I probably should have locked the door before I got dressed.”
“Umm.” Harr turned and walked away, his gait stiff and a little awkward. 
Alice wasn’t sure what to make of that. First a warning from Dalim and Amon, and now one about them. Making friends in Cradle was more complicated than she supposed. “It would be so nice if things made sense,” she murmured. It seemed she would need to try to stay cautious until someone showed their hand. Then she’d know who wanted to be a friend, and who was false.
At least Blanc wasn’t problematic. He’d been kind since the moment they met. Alice smiled, thinking of his gentle gaze and sweet smile. She finished getting ready for their dinner, just a touch of make-up and her hair pulled up in a delicate braid. Someone knocked at her door just as she finished putting in her earrings.
It was Blanc, come to get her for their dinner. He looked as dapper as ever in a dove gray vest and pale pink shirt. He smiled as she opened the door and gave her a little bow. “You look especially beautiful this evening. I am feeling even luckier to spend some time with you.”
Alice felt her heart give an extra squeeze as he took her hand and brushed a kiss across her knuckles. “You look really nice too.” 
“Thank you.” He held out his arm. “Are you ready to go or do you need another few moments?”
“I’m ready.” 
Blanc linked his arm in hers and led her away from the girls’ dorms. He kept up a polite chatter, asking her about her classes and what subject she was enjoying. It was nothing of any importance, really, but his interest and the way he listened made her feel special. The warmth of his side against hers, and the gentle pressure of his fingers on her arm were completely disarming and distracting. 
He led her to a section of the school she’d only seen in passing. A large atrium encased in glass that held a soft blue glow Alice had come to associate with the magic of Cradle. It was hard to see what sorts of things grew inside from outside the enclosure. It was just a vague collage of green shades.
“This section is usually reserved for students of botany and alchemy majors, but being an upperclassman has a few advantages.” Blanc winked at her as he opened a door hidden so cleverly that it looked like any other part of the glass wall. 
Inside was a tangle of extraordinary plant life. Flowers and leaves in profusion, some similar to things Alice knew, like basil and ivy, while others were so strange they looked more like animals or stones than plants. The air within was scented differently too. A pleasant, earthy smell with sweet citrus and sharp floral aromas. 
“It’s very nice.” Alice reached for one of the nearby vines. The leaves looked velvety soft, covered with a fine furry looking white coat atop the green of the leaf. 
Blanc caught her hand in his and squeezed it gently. “It’s best not to touch anything in here.”
“Oh!” Her surprise was more from realizing Blanc’s hand was free of his usual gloves, and his bare palm was pressed to hers. “I - ok.”
He kept her hand in his as he led her to a small table with settings for two. Silver lids covered the two plates, and the glasses beside them were pearled with condensation from the chilled opaque drink they held. 
Blanc let go as she sat down, and took his spot across from her. “I finally have you all to myself, and now I find that I’m at a loss for what to say.”
Alice gave a nervous laugh. “Yeah. Me too.” She toyed with the end of her braid. “You could, maybe, tell me about you?”
“I’m not a very fascinating subject,” he chuckled. “I am working on my dissertation. The Magical Calamities of Cradle. Not the most cheerful subject.” Blanc shrugged. “Sometimes I teach. Not very interesting.”
“I don’t know, that sounds pretty exciting to me. I didn’t know there were magical calamities!” 
“You flatter me.” Blanc took a sip from his glass. “What about you? I have read your student file, of course, as I was on your admissions committee, but there’s more to any person than what fits on a page.”
Alice took a swallow of her drink as well, surprised to find it a tame elderflower flavor with notes of hibiscus and a sharp, tart aftertaste. The gentle burn of it in her belly relaxed her. “I’m nothing special. A shop girl selling sweets, until I fell down a rabbit hole.”
“Chasing me.” He shook his head. “I am sorry for bringing you into this mess. It must be very challenging, but I must say, you handle yourself gracefully.”
“Don’t apologize. It’s been the best thing. I learned magic is real, and the world is bigger and stranger than I ever knew. I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.” She hurried to reassure him.
Blanc sighed. “You really are too precious. But what will happen when you miss your home, your friends? Your family? You’ll leave just as -” He cleared his throat, “Just as anyone might expect.”
Alice wasn’t sure how much she wanted to share, but there was something about Blanc that made her want to trust him. “I don’t have any family. My only real friend was my old boss. I care for him but . . . I don’t want to work in his shop my whole life. I want more. I want something I can fall in love with.”
“Fall in love, hm?” He leaned closer, studying her expression as one might read and re-read a challenging text. “That is the oldest magic there is. And the most dangerous.”
“Isn’t love a good thing?” 
“Is it?” Blanc settled back in his chair with an unreadable expression. “Let’s see what supper hides under such a fancy cover. I hope it’s something with carrots.” 
He lifted her silver lid first and then his own. There were indeed carrots, cut in little circles and cooked with cinnamon and brown sugar until they were golden and sweet. Besides that, roasted potatoes and leeks, eggplant frittata, and a little roll of fresh baked bread. It looked delicious.
Alice grinned, successfully distracted from her line of questioning. “This place has the best food. Everything looks deli-”
Her words cut off as the floor beneath them shook with a sudden, loud boom. 
Blanc was up in a flash. He grabbed her hand and pulled her along with him. “We need to see what that was. Stay close.”
Part 6
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ink-flavored · 8 months
1, 7, 11, 16, 18, 28 & 30 for pride and justice?
EHEHEH i am clicking my little heels together thank you
1. What’s their love languages?
For Pride, it's physical touch and words of affirmation. He loves attention and being told he's very special. And like, after many thousands of years of not having either of those things, I think he deserves it
Justice could be argued for any of them tbh, but I think most of all is quality time and acts of service, sprinkled with words of affirmation. He finds the most fulfillment from being with and helping other people, and luckily for him, Pride needs both of those things so much.
7. Who is the more romantic one?
Justice, no question. In Heaven, both he and Kindness were both very close friends with an angel of Love, so he's had the adjacency to romance for a long time, without ever being able to participate. The perfect recipe to concoct a hopeless romantic. Compound this with his book club friends introducing him to romance novels and like... that's it. He's gone.
He and Pride have a bit of a stumbling block at the beginning of their relationship because Justice is SO ready to buy the roses and go on dates and get the matching pajamas and stuff, but Pride is an exposed wire of raw emotion who can't do much more than give him a haunted stare after the never-before-experienced-vulnerability of admitting he loves someone. It's a process, but they get there!!!
11. What’s a song that describes their relationship? Or, what’s the song that they’ve deemed “their” song?
I'm gonna go ahead and link the entire Spotify playlist [or Youtube], because it took me forever to pick singular song
No Guilt by IRONTOM is one that means So Much To Me, because the only reason they learned to love each other is through humanity and reconciling their differences - and maybe learning that they aren't so different after all. Their relationship isn't just the two of them, it's the culmination of what their friends, the humans that were once so beneath them, taught them about love.
16. What’s their favorite “domestic bliss” moment? Do they cook/clean together? Do they like to go out shopping together?
Their interests don't intersect very often, but one place they do find they agree is art! Justice plays the harp, and Pride gets introduced to painting through his friend Dante. Once they throw down a tarp (because Pride intends to make a mess, always), I like to imagine them hanging out in the living room together, Justice playing music while Pride slaps some paint around.
18. What does a date night out look like for them?
It depends who picked the activity. Justice goes for traditional date night activities -- dinner, movie, some sort of Out On The Town activity they can do together. For Pride, his second and third options are drinking and/or clubbing, but his favorite thing in the world is Bad Movie Night, where he torments Justice with the worst movies he can find. Their "winning" worst movie night ever is The VelociPastor.
28. What’s something that reminds them of their partner(s)? Do they have anything on them daily as a reminder (a photo, phone background, tattoo, clothing/accessory, etc)?
Pride is a clothing thief, so he is more often than not wearing something that was Justice's in the first place. This is especially true on Sunday, when he's at church for most of the morning and into the afternoon.
For Justice, is it usually the bite marks.
30. Free space! Say something about this ship that you want to say!
It should be noted that I am insane about them, and that I am never not thinking about them.
One thing I'm glad I did was lean into the sex/kink aspect of their relationship, because I was really on the fence about including it at the beginning. But it's become such an important part of their characterizations and relationship as whole that I can't imagine not having it now. It's not just sex because hot (although yes), it's METAPHORS. It DEEPENS how you understand them, because now you know the things they want most and are only willing to share with each other.
[send me a ship ask!]
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LITA Ep. 4 Rewatch Thoughts Pt. 1
Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
Alright friends, we've finally made it to THEE episode! Definitely grab some water for this one, you're gonna need it.
Sang along to the intro's chorus and it's a banger as usual. The recap felt shorter this time, likely so they could get to the good stuff faster. My last post was super long so no need to go over content again here, but I'm glad they included my favorite shots of Phayu holding Rain in the recap as a little treat.
This episode opens with P'Saifah doing some accounts for the shop - always a good time to see him! I'm still so happy that he knew to call Phayu as soon as he saw Rain standing there all drenched and sad. I also love that he's already accepted Rain as Phayu's person (so cute!). Phayu says here that Rain hasn't eaten since yesterday, which implies his last meal was when they went out together. I'm not sure if there's a special meaning behind it, but it is interesting that they're having dinner together twice in a row under such different contexts. Since last time, we've learned that Phayu is emotionally invested in Rain beyond simple liking (as demonstrated by how he treated and cared for Rain during a vulnerable moment).
I continue to love how they namedrop P'Pakin without showing us who he is. I, for one, would really like to put a face to the name of the all-powerful big boss. Especially bc he's clearly a PhayuRain shipper like the rest of us (evidenced by him encouraging Phayu to bring his naughty boy to the next race). Yay P'Pakin!
Phayu's face goes through a series of microexpressions here which really cemented Boss' amazing acting skills. You can tell he considers taking Rain for all of one moment before he thinks it through and remembers that he's teaching Rain to be more responsible and that he can't distract him with illegal street racing. I picked this screenshot for the pretty lighting and the subtle furrowed-brow.
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Listen, I've said this 1000 times and I'll say it a 1000 times more before this set of posts is over. NOEUL IS TOO CUTE it's not fair no one should be this adorable when eating ramen
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Phayu will really take ANY excuse to touch Rain's lips, won't he. I think we're at 4 lip touches so far in the series? I'm loving the bisexual lighting in the background too. Stellar shot
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Ok if Phayu is Rain's codeline senior (shoutout to @atrioofinsomniacfoxes for telling me what this means), I'm sure he already has basic info like Rain's age in his permanent memory. Which means the line about him not dating underage people was either meant to reassure the audience he's got morals (which I don't think any of us ever doubted) or so he could get Rain to admit he wanted a kiss (which is mean bc then he withholds said kiss). Rain looks so smug here though when he helpfully reminds Phayu they already kissed
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This is so aesthetic to me. The light from above, the hand placement, the absolutely content look on Rain's face. All perfect. I also love how Phayu gently strokes Rain's face before moving in - again, these two do small gestures extremely well that makes the couple believable. The way Phayu has his eyes closed too makes me wonder if he actually wanted to kiss Rain here, but then decides in the end to hold back in order to not be a distraction to Rain.
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I can't get over how happy Rain looks to be where he is. I'm in unanimous agreement, Rain.
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But then poor bby, Phayu throws cold water in his face when he tells him Rain shouldn't come to the garage anymore. The quick mood change is masterfully sold by Noeul's brow-furrows and parted lips. I also like the frantic eye contact he makes with Phayu here.
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Rain's immediate reaction to Phayu telling him not to come is that he's sorry he's annoying. That's so sad, because it sounds like someone must have told him that in the past and it must have hurt quite badly for him to think that's the reason right away.
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I feel like Phayu thinks similarly, and is not a fan of Rain thinking this way because he turns his head and breaks eye contact. He only looks back when he starts explaining to Rain that no, it's not because he's annoyed or doesn't want Rain around, but it's just that he wants Rain to be more responsible. I really like how Phayu phrases things in this conversation because it shows how seriously he's taking Rain and their potential relationship. Very mature on Phayu's part.
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But then he immediately follows up this decree with a headpat/caress! He wants Rain to follow through on this relationship and he's relaying that through touch!! I found it very interesting that Phayu chose to drag his fingers along Rain's face instead of his hair, which is where he usually does it.
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And Rain, our impulsive and rather in-love son, immediately is like Mission Accepted ft. death-grip on Phayu number 5
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I couldn't get a clear shot of it, but Phayu's fingers appeared to twitch as he was pulling away from Rain, showing his reluctance to leave. Some very subtle but masterful acting from Boss (or maybe it's just that Noeul is like a Boss hand magnet so it was just nature running its course, or maybe it's both).
Finally we get the title of the episode, which is Warm Me with Your Heart. Well, I think Rain and Phayu warm up more than just their hearts in this one, just saying...
Fruity siblings alert! P' Som is actually a good brother and upperclassman for checking in on his sister's work and her friends.
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Leave him alone P' Som, he's going through Phayu-withdrawals. I really like how they styled Noeul's hair in this scene! The bangs are so pretty!
Thank you to P'Som for sharing this absolutely devastating burn. I'm going to use it on someone someday:
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Also life advice I really need to take LMAO I'm so bad at waking up on time:
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Wait something super yellow-blue is happening here but I'm not sure what it is... Ok so far we've had yellow blue primarily with scenes containing just Rain and Phayu in focus, but this is the first one I'm noticing where it's so apparent but Phayu isn't present. However, the blue in this scene (mostly P' Som's overshirt) is a lighter blue whereas Phayu's blue is more navy. Maybe by the end of this post series I'll have figured out what it means??
Wait the siblings do really be fruity - P' Som is wearing rainbow tie-die so true of him
I love how Rain has dropped his crush on Ple like a bag of potatoes. Boy simply does NOT care, and Sky notices within 0.2 seconds. He's a really perceptive friend for being able to tell Rain likes Phayu before Rain is willing to admit it, and that Rain's not upset over the teacher's remarks but for a different problem. He also tells Rain to look inside his heart (a.k.a. to be true to himself). Can anyone tell me what Rain's shirt says in this scene? Because now I'm seeing that it's dark blue and the text is literally right over his heart so it could be important.
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Sky immediately getting goosebumps after he was sensitive to his friend PLS Sky you don't have to pretend you're not the world's second biggest softie when it comes to Rain (beaten only by Phayu).
Ok this is cool - Rain's reflecting on his feelings while staring at his reflection in the phone screen, similar to how he was reflecting while looking at the mirror in the last episode!
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Then we get a montage of Rain working hard and looking rather forlorn. He does ignore Ple once more which is an indication to us that he's moved past that crush completely. I also like that they made Ple such a nice person without making her romantically like Rain. She's cool!
Also they used my single-braincell'ed other son, Sig, and his friend to show us something else yellow-blue. I can't not include this shot bc how the heck was Sig comfortably snoozing like this? I want a series about the adventures of Sig.
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After we see Rain working hard but still looking at his devoid-of-messages phone, we cut to an equally forlorn-looking Phayu. The man clearly wants to message Rain but is holding himself back. insert dreamy sigh (not even from me, Phayu literally sighs so hard right here that his coworker notices)
HE SAYS YET!! Y'all I can't get over how sure Phayu was that Rain was going to be responsible and then be his
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I find it interesting that everything the other person said was a problem in his relationship is what Phayu wanted Rain to say because it would have shown responsibility.
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I also like that when asked if they broke up, Phayu says it's not like that before deflecting. I always found it infuriating in dramas when people are like "I'm going to straight up reject you even though I like you for your own good". Here, Phayu didn't say they would never date, or even that he doesn't like Rain. He has made his interest abundantly clear and is just waiting for Rain to mature a bit. We love healthy communication and goal setting in this house!
Ok I'm going to say it again: I LOVE Sky as Rain's BFF. He is so perceptive and nonjudgmental and a great listener and I'm so happy we got to see his story in the latter part of the show.
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Oh sweetheart, do I have news for you...
Next we get cupid-Sky saying that he never meant it when he told Rain he's annoying, and that he rather likes this side of Rain. This one statement is enough to light a whole fire under Rain and our boy is back in business.
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Note to self: Can get friend-counseling services from Sky for ice cream (he looks so cute here like he knows he did a good job and also he's imagining how much trouble he just sent Phayu's way)
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In the next scene, we cut directly to Rain showing up at the garage all excited to work, and Phayu completely ignores him as he walks by. It must have taken every ounce of Phayu's strength to do that bc Rain is looking mighty adorable right here. Yay we see P'Aon and the other employee! I can't recall her name so I'll call her Khun Suay from now on. Neither of them want to disappoint Rain so they have to argue over who tells Rain he can't set foot in the office. Rain is undeterred though, our stubborn son. He's an engineer y'know - he can solve his own problems.
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I do love all the little details they put into this show - they just told us it was super hot outside but now we see it too with Rain's sweat.
Phayu, no longer able to tolerate seeing his boy toiling outdoors, comes to check in. Rain is here to complete his original plan of attack, which is to show up in front of Phayu every day until Phayu falls in love. But now he's also fulfilling Phayu's demands of being more responsible. Good for him.
The way they filmed Phayu here is interesting, bc he's on the far end of the screen rather than the middle. It could just be for some variance in shots, but it also does make it look like he's closer to Rain's side than he physically is.
Their convo can be summed up as follows:
Phayu: Why are you here? You should be studying.
Rain: I AM studying. Here.
Phayu: You're an eyesore (you should be inside somewhere safe and cool and away from my cracking self control).
Rain: But I wanted to see YOU.
Phayu: Ok nvm forget everything I said - how much work do you have and in what ways can I help without making it obvious I'm helping?
Rain's logic >>>>>>>>>>>
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Rain knows he's won ahhhh what a smug cutie!
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To Rain's credit, he does get back to work as soon as Phayu leaves.
Ok we're not even halfway through this episode and I already hit the max number of images so there'll probably be three parts to this (sorry in advance but I don't think anyone's gonna complain about the copious screenshots to come of Those Scenes) (This author's note is coming after I finished all the parts - I was so wrong, there are now 5 parts and y'all can thank my lack of impulse control for that)
Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
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Tumblr has become my sanctuary quite honestly so I'm glad you decided to stop by! Here's some stuff about me and my blog (formerly sleepyangorarabbit, I've shifted back into DA mode):
I've been in burnout for a very long time and am working on it when I have the energy to make progress. I am officially ADHD diagnosed but self-diagnosed for Autism.
Special Interests galore!
I've lived on this space rock for quite while now so I have a good handful of these including (but not limited too): Alice in Wonderland, Star Trek, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy VII, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Sailor Moon, as well as a deep love for music that's been rooted into me since birth (everyone in my family is a musician of some kind, including me!). But what you'll see here is mainly my top special interest:
Dragon Age!
I've had a tumblr since damn near close to its birth but I didn't start using it until I fell in love with the world of Thedas and the characters and have been chewing up anything DA I can get my hands on since. I have a healthy chunk of OCs and love to create content for them (it just goes wildly unfinished most of the time). If you'd like to get to know them you can do so with the link below. Please send me asks about them! I love talking about them!
OC Site: Periwinkle Lightning Universe
Writing (or something like it)!
I do have an AO3 for my DA fanfiction and continue to write when I have the spoons.
I am very much on the queer and gender spectrum of the alphabet mafia. I'm still figuring it out myself. I firmly believe that people should be themselves and be comfortable in their own skin, whatever that means to each individual, as long as it doesn't actively harm others.
Digital art!
I decided this year I was going to learn more digital art as a hobby and have really enjoyed it. I will eventually have an Etsy shop for the things I create.
I am a mom of two kids, two dogs, and two cats. I talk about all of them from time to time and don't mind sharing pictures of the fur babies. The human ones will remain a secret until they can give their own consent and understand fully what that means.
I hope you have an amazing day today!
~Robie Max
Some quick rules under the cut:
I am not responsible for your online experience. If I post things that you feel are inappropriate for you, please unfollow/block as you deem necessary. This blog is for me and while I am happy to share with others, I will not change it for others.
I don't consider my blogs 18+ usually. Fandom can be shared among those of any age. If you feel the content I post isn’t appropriate for you, please utilize the unfollow and block buttons.
Please be respectful when sending an ask. If you find it necessary to be mean, you will get blocked.
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amysubmits · 1 year
do you have any thoughts on how things like Autism and ADHD can play a positive and/or negative role in relationships and sexual interactions especially in the BDSM D/s dynamic?
Hi :)
I have ADHD, we used to think CD also had ADHD as he was diagnosed with it previously, but we recently learned he was misdiagnosed.
We both have some autistic traits, but I don't think either of us likely qualify for the diagnosis. I find development really interesting so I've sort of been interested in learning about autism since I was in high school...but I don't know nearly as much as many other people. Anyway, I know some about both but I only really have experience with ADHD so this will be more ADHD focused and any of the autism stuff should be taken with a grain of salt.
Some positives that come to mind:
Clear communication. I think people with autism and/or ADHD both tend to be more literal and direct rather than speaking vaguely or in metaphors. I think there is a lot of benefit to having really clear communication in kink or d/s. It just lowers the risk of miscommunication and can increase intimacy which can be a really awesome thing, too.
ADHD can come with hyperfocus which can make BDSM or D/s experiences really enhanced if they're super locked in to the experience.
Passion. Whether it's hyperfocus in ADHD or special interests in autism, both groups can be really passionate about the things they are interested in. If one of those interests or fixations is BDSM or D/s, they can do a really great job of researching thoroughly and learning a lot, which can lead to better educated and ultimately safer interactions and relationships.
The ability to fully "unmask" can be really healing. I think the nature of BDSM and D/s can allow people to be more "themselves" than they might feel they can be in other relationships or situations. With kink not really being the most socially acceptable thing, by exploring kink, we're sort of rejecting some of society's expectations for us. Instead of asking what our relationships 'should' be like or what our bedroom play 'should' include, we can instead ask ourselves what we want and what is healthy for us and so on, and customize our relationships and intimate interactions based on those. And I think taking that same basic idea of...I'm going to set my goals and expectations based on what I actually want, what really works for me/us, etc - is a really good way to approach life in general when you have neurodivergence. Or if you don't, haha. But especially if you do! Cause we can't fit in the neurotypical box. I've found a lot of healing through d/s this last year. I should write about that!
Some mixed:
Almost everyone with autism (google says 90%), and around 40% of people with ADHD, also have sensory processing disorder. Which has pros and cons in my mind. Because on one hand, if someone is sensory seeking in certain ways, BDSM may be a great way to get the sensory input they like or need. On the other hand, people with sensory issues may have more sensory related hard limits or triggers that need to be worked around.
Some negatives:
Lots of people with ADHD (and I'd think maybe autism as well?) have regularly been criticized for their shortcomings. I think you'd be hard pressed to find someone who had ADHD as a kid, especially if it wasn't diagnosed young, but probably even if it was - who don't have insecurities that were caused by unfair/unreasonable criticism. Although most everyone knows about ADHD, it's still not well understood. I was diagnosed at 13 or 14 but have just started to really understand what ADHD looks like for me this past year! For a long time I thought I was misdiagnosed because my experiences didn't mirror examples of ADHD that I had always seen/heard. Anyway, I feel like most people think ADHD means being hyper and not paying attention to the teacher in school, and "...squirrel!" right? but not everyone with ADHD has hyperactivity and even those who have the hyperactive type, often have a lot of other types of symptoms that most people don't recognize as being ADHD symptoms. Like sensory issues, memory issues, difficulty with task initiation, other forms of executive function, rejection sensitive dysphoria, impulsivity. And due to that lack of understanding and sort of...ableism, I guess, I think a lot of ADHD people have wounds related to being treated as if we chose to do things poorly or were careless, even though we did our best. Most of us have experiences of being criticized as if we were making immoral choices, when in reality we had shortcomings that we couldn't overcome on our own. And when you grow up experiencing that a lot, it seeps into your view of yourself and makes you insecure and sensitive to criticism. If you have that sort of wound, it can make D/s challenging because accepting respectful criticism or critiques are part of d/s on both sides of the slash.
Most people with ADHD experience rejection-sensitive dysphoria, similar to what I stated above. But yeah this can make it hard to accept criticism and not get defensive or overly hurt, which can make being submissive tough in some situations.
With SPD, that sometimes includes auditory processing issues which can make verbal communication more challenging. This could potentially be dangerous if a sub says the safeword and the dom has auditory processing issues and doesn't immediately process/understand what was said. In other situations it may just make communication harder.
I'm sure there's lots more, but hope this is a decent start. I'd love to see people with ASD or ADHD or both comment with their experiences. :)
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