#then i combined a bunch of old ocs from dreams and my old dragon with marble skin
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hallowshumour · 2 months ago
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Some dragon dude from a dream I had 🌧⚡️🌀
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thedigitalvalkerie · 1 year ago
Introducing a bunch of my sonic ocs that no one really asked for, but I felt like drawing!
The "Squad of the Future" redux because the squad got bigger
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Each character and a little bit about themselve's under the readmore!
Angel Robotnik-Cemerald the Cat
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The oldest of the squad, being a few hundred years old now, though she lost track a long time ago. She is a clone created by Eggman, using both His and Vick's Dna, made to be the perfect heir to share his eventual kingdom with. ... Well she got his smarts and his love for building, but thats about it. She has to keep her little half brother, Draco, out of trouble.
Draco Johnathan Cemerald-Robotnik the Hedgecat
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The "brains" of the group, 12 year old Draco is the son of Vick Cemerald and Shadow Robotnik. He has a problem with his arrogance, but doesn't hesitate to put himself between his friends and danger. He's constantly bugging his big sisters, both his half sister Angel as well as his full sister Raven. Demetre is his very best friend.
Demetre the Porcupine
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Demetre is Draco's keeper, aka the one to always humble the dumbest smart person he knows. With his ability to fire his quills at a rapid rate, he's more of a long range attacker. He enjoys science, like Draco, though isn't quite on his level.
Henry the Bearded Dragon
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Henry is a quiet kind of guy, usually having his nose in a book or drawing sick comics. He's a tad self conscious about his looks, so he tries to look the part of "bad boy". But with his big heart and stupendous healing abilities, he's a great ally to have.
Kevin the Armadillo and Mesmer the Hedgehog
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Kevin is the literal big brother of the group, with his little Sibling Mesmer always by his side. They may not be the strongest of the squad, but their experiences in life make them invaluable. Mesmer is always reminding everyone that theres time to smile, while Kevin reminds them of responsibility that they all share.
Lexis the Sloth
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Lexis is the powerhouse, with an explosive power to gather potential energy and turn it into kinetic energy. To prevent herself from making a destructive mistake, Lexis prefers to spend her free time sleeping, either in a bed or where ever she can get cozy.
Prince Kappa of the Kingdom of Shells and Princess Marina of the Kingdom of Urchins
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Prince Kappa and Princess Marina are two royals from the same continent, one madly in love with the other. I'll give you three guesses as to which is which. Marina's father, King Marin, wants the two to be wed in order to combine the two kingdoms. Kappa, however, as a single heir to a kingless kingdom, does not want this. He does not like Marina in that way and just wants to be friends who hang out.
Jaque the Hedgehog
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The Dream Walker, Jaque has the ability to enter the astral plane in his sleep as well as the dreamscapes of others. He is incapable of having dreams of his own. Usually he's the therapist of the friend group, unable to help himself on coming upon nightmares when called out to.
Piper the Retriever
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Although not the oldest, Piper has big Mom friend energy, scolding the more irresponsible of the group often. While having no powers to speak of, she has a great sense of leadership though claims that shes no leader. She loves to take care of her friends, especially when they forget to eat, sleep, or sometimes breathe.
Axel the Meerkat
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The strongman, loving to casually show off his strength, Axel has, you guessed it, strength class abilities. He is a mute sort, never seeming to utter a word, though no one really knows why. His best friend Gou seems to understand him regardless.
Gou the Porcupine
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Gou is a Speedster, only able to launch a single quill at a time but with great precision and speed. His best friend Axel tends to keep his class clown attitude in check, but with his big mouth its hard to get out of the tricky situations they get into. He uses a cyber sleeve on his right arm to gather intel, and to also sometimes watch videos on TuYube.
Dr. Nikolia Moore the Tigeress
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Nikolia is the team's Medic, being the only one of them certified with a doctorate in medicine as well as nutritional health. Her deadpan face can be intimidating to most, but her heart is that of a mother. A mother who will rip off the head of something hurting an innocent, a friend, or worse, a child. She is a strong believer in Doctor/Patient Confidentiality, and would never out someone for anything with out asking if it was okay to speak on the matter. She and Angel are Colleagues.
And that's all for now! Thank you for reading thus far.
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wyldblunt · 3 years ago
hi im ira and this is my gw2 sideblog!
adult | it/she/he | 🔞 18+ only please 🔞
likes/follows/replies will come from @baph0meat , more art at @iraprince which is essentially my main
i mention my wife a lot bc we love making ocs together and most of our lore is intertwined. she’s not on tumblr, but just fyi, her name’s marina and she uses she/they/he pronouns!
⭐ my art - what it says on the tin
⭐ others ocs - also what it says on the tin. browse some beautiful blorbos
⭐ my ocs and marina ocs are mostly just little organizational heads-up tags, since i post about his ocs just as often as mine; i usually only bother throwing this on art, not text posts
⭐ oc notebook - non-art posts abt my + my wife’s ocs, general rambles (edit: this tag and the one below are kind of outdated now bc i never remember to actually use them lol)
⭐ oc aes - aesthetic/shitpost reblogs assigned to characters. posts for canon characters may sometimes be carelessly hit w this tag
⭐ answers - responses to ask games/questions; ones with art will additionally be tagged drawn answers
characters are tagged by name; [character]/[character] or a combined ship name is for ship dynamics, [character] + [character] is for platonic/friendship dynamics. spoilers will be tagged with abbreviations (i.e. “EoD spoilers,” “LWS4 spoilers,” etc)
⭐ character list below cut: ⭐
UNDER CONSTRUCTION, eventually i’ll have a cut with a proper illustrated oc directory here but for now here’s a bunch of direct links to characters i talk about a lot for quick access. 💛 means my oc, 💙 means marina’s oc!
(moooostly up to date, missing a few new courtiers/our charr and current art)
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💛 glyndwr (my commander) - bitchy edgy ex-nightmare deadeye (previously the knight of deceit). insists he doesn’t want to be doing any of this save-the-world shit but also refuses to step down. merrit’s mentor/adoptive father. gender=mean old homosexual, he/him
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💙 alan (marina’s commander) - radiant vigil posterboy (who is getting tired of being the posterboy). guardian, champion of aurene, hero of tyria, steadily splintering under the pressure. lorelei’s mentor. gender=battle angel, he/they
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💛 lorelei - lieutenant commander. ambitious but naive vigil druid, formerly a tournament jockey from the grove. dragonslayer on a lacrosse scholarship. cute and kind, but often tactless; always dreamed of a life of adventure and has now kind of bitten off more than they can chew. gender=lesbian, they/he (+occasional she)
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💙 merrit - lieutenant commander. miserable wet neurotic ex-courtier. once a spy for nightmare, fled and ended up under glyn’s wing. has shaken off a lot of the Evil, but not the aesthetics. midwest emo dyke transplanted into high fantasy. virtuoso. gender=lesbian, any pronouns
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💛 viper squad - consists of daimhin (chronomancer, they/she/occasional he), damage (harbinger, she/her), and donner (daredevil, he/him) in addition to merrit. glyndwr’s personal task force (the guys who show up when he pops the ‘thieves guild’ elite skill). each is extremely annoying in their own special way.
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💛The Dog - glyn’s dog. he refuses to name it because it doesn’t need a name to respond to commands. canach has named her pepper. alan has named her soot. merrit calls her ‘buddy’ but is too nervous to actually impose a name on her. donner has named her gamble. damage has named her Vice-Commander Big Fuck
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💛 callas - count of malice, spymaster, tempest. previously had authority over glyndwr, and later merrit; has gone absolutely apeshit with vindictive rage now that they’ve both escaped. building a new faction of the court in the power vacuum post-HoT. she/he, occasional they
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💙 lisk - captain of the vanguard, berserker. once served under leurent, count of blood, but got bored of him and obsessed with callas, and helped her overthrow his former master. has some extremely Out There opinions (such as believing the dragons are inherent allies of nightmare). tirelessly helping her mistress hunt down court deserters. gender=lesbian, any pronouns, leans she/he
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💛 fidelma - callas’ personal squire + bodyguard. extremely strange. seemingly chipper, but with a yawning emptiness behind it all. it is deeply loyal to callas, but even more loyal to nightmare, and will choose chaos (even if it inconveniences its liege) over anything else 9 times out of 10. believes nightmare is already the natural order of things and that the court shouldn’t have to put this much effort to spread it. it/she
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💛 sorcha - vanguard hound, warrior. dipshit mean girl jock who just wants attention, but will settle for bullying everyone around her instead. desperately in love with lisk, and was perfectly content to share her with everyone until callas began entirely monopolizing her attention. she/he/they
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💙 sigvas - scout/archer, under rhys until post-HoT, then afloat in the schism. a poisoner/alchemist (cough cough party drug synthesiser) who WANTS to be the game-of-thrones master manipulator of the court but is too busy freaking the fuck out, both /pos and /neg, over their own reflection. desperately in love with lisk. they/them
💙 tarahnis - scout/beastmaster, under rhys until post-HoT, then afloat in the schism. a ranger/thorn hound trainer who does his nightmare duties with an unusual amount of relaxed optimism. just here for a good time. desperately in love with lisk, but also wants to surpass her. he/they
💛 rue - squire/provisioner, in service of rhys’ scouting squads until HoT, then afloat in the schism. a weird little himejoshi who is just happy to be creeping around admiring all the nightmare knights that surround them. does not dream of advancing in the court at all, just of kind of skittering around and polishing everyone’s armor and sniffing their clothes. desperately in love with sorcha, sigvas, and tarahnis. they/he/she
(sorcha, sigvas, tara, + rue are all gender=sapphic and are collectively referred to as The Problemcule.)
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💛 clooney - secondborn pirate, with the jackdaws. mechanically a ranger but in lore has no specific profession. believes that the only way to counteract the pain and horror that filters into the dream through life’s experiences is to devote oneself to having as much fun as possible before you die; takes this extremely seriously. has a side gig smuggling people to safety from tight situations (ex-courtiers, pact deserters, etc). eventually becomes alan’s lover. he/him, but he’ll use any pronouns for fun
💙 rhys - (technically could go up with the nightmare courtiers, but he’s not part of the same group as all the above ones.) a nightmare count disgusted with what the court has become, frustrated with the way it’s been entirely derailed by vanity and internal politics and mindless violence. after fighting mordremoth, decides to form a splinter faction of the court on his own. gender=lesbian, he/they.
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💛 bowyn - part-time actor, full-time con artist, professional babe. mesmer. though they insist they’re “strictly non-political,” they become involved with rhys and end up traveling with him and his new court. secretly feels deeply guilty about the fact that they had absolutely no involvement with the fight against mordremoth. they/he/she
💙 gann - a courtier in name only; you probably could not name the last time he actually did anything useful for nightmare. mostly entrenched in the court just as a criminal career choice. an expert at slacking off. he/him, but it’s not like he cares
💛 naoise - completely empty-headed pit fighter. a gladitorial prodigy who can barely count; they are so dumb that they don’t even realize that they’re a revenant, because the legends they’re channeling can’t even get enough foothold in their raisin-sized brain to speak to them. their gorgeous face and hollow skull have bewitched gann body and soul, and the two of them travel aimlessly around tyria, making shitloads of money and contributing nothing useful to anyone else ever. bliss. they/them
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💙 cadair - a valiant of the wild hunt, whose dream is entwined with maelduin’s. woke two years later than maelduin did, meaning their dream has given them much more information about their fated partner, while maelduin knows almost nothing about them. enormous, gentle-hearted, but self-conscious about the fact that the dream has equipped them with everything they need to be a knight/hero but very little else. revenant. any pronouns, leans he/they
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💛 maelduin - a valiant of the wild hunt, whose dream is entwined with cadair’s. woke two years before cadair, knowing only that they would one day need to protect him. while they waited for him, they became a mentor, while also becoming deeply preoccupied with death and medicine. specter. any pronouns, leans they/them
💛 benji daywaste - formerly an iron legion engineer, but hazed so badly over her infamous sire that she was transferred to ash legion. hangs out with the goths now. grumpy about all of it, even though he’s enthusiastic about his work. gender=lesbian, she/he/they
💙 roddar wastesteel - ash legion thief who lacks the temperament to match his position. easygoing, keeping his chin up despite the loss of his warband -- benji is the first addition in rebuilding. (’wastesteel’ was a joke name suggested by benji due to how often he fucks up the equipment she makes for him, but it stuck, and now they’re the waste warband.) gender=lesbian, he/him
glynach (glyndwr/canach)
(i do not generally follow the “top/bottom” ship tagging convention; to keep things consistent/easy to remember i mostly just tag in alphabetical order. sometimes i might forget or tag things inconsistenly and stray posts will get lost out of these tags lol)
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dani-luminae · 4 years ago
Dani’s Fic List
As promised for my 300 followers celebration, a list of all my active fics on Quotev! I think this is comprehensive. If there’s a fic that’s left off, that’s by accident. All of these are on my “published” list on Quotev.
For this story list, I’ll start with ones that already have links posted on here, then move to other lesser-known ones (below the cut). These are listed in no particular order at all.
@auradon-bore-a-don Since you asked to be tagged, here it is! Like 95% of this is all Descendants-related. It’s been my hyperfixation since the first book came out back in early summer 2015 and it’s stuck... 
Behold, a bunch of nonsense that comes from an overactive imagination and no social life!
 Title + link: Sophronia
Fandoms: Disney Descendants
Basic plot: Sequel “A” to Good to be Bad: A Disney Descendants Twisted Tale, this story focuses on Ben and Audrey’s adopted daughter, Sophie. When the terrible Horned King escapes the Isle of the Lost, Sophie sets out to protect her kingdom from any evil, no matter who it is.
Title + link: Nightshade Rose
Fandoms: Disney Descendants
Basic plot: Sequel “B” and a sort of “What if?” take on Good to be Bad: A Disney Descendants Twisted Tale, this story is focused on Princess Nightshade, a Princess of Auradon who lives unaware that her parents are the Rulers of Evil who threaten her land.
Title + link: Never Enough
Fandoms: Disney Descendants
Basic plot: The sequel to Rewrite the Stars; Ben follows Lia to her home planet of Solasar as Lia prepares to marry her fiancé and become Queen. However, there’s more happening on Solaar than they could ever expect.
Title + link: The True Defender
Fandoms: Disney’s Descendants (mostly), Treasure Planet
Basic plot: A D2- and D3-based AU featuring Lia. Will also go on to cover an AU of Good to be Bad: A Disney Descendants Twisted Tale.
Title + link: Love from the Stars
Fandoms: Disney Descendants; contains elements from the world of Treasure Planet
Basic plot: Ben and Mal’s wedding is derailed by the arrival of space pirates who abduct Ben, but he’s rescued by an Etherial, one of the most powerful creatures in the galaxies.
Title + link: A Wondrous Place
Fandoms: Disney Descendants
Basic plot: Essentially an AU of Descendants, just with BenJay as the endgame instead of Bal.
Title + link: Come Alive
Fandoms: Disney ZOMBIES
Basic plot: Zeraphina is a Zombrid – half-human and half-Zombie – forced to hide her hair color and fit in. But now that Zombies are welcome at Seabrook High, she’s hoping to start on a new chapter of her life, one where she doesn’t have to hide who she is.
Title + link: Darkness Falling
Fandoms: Disney Descendants
Basic plot: Book 2 (of 3) in my Dark Haven series; Bianca, Princess of Dark Haven and daughter of the Rulers of All Evil, returns to the kingdom of Auradon to help Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos destroy the talismans (from Rise of the Isle of the Lost.) But there’s a more dangerous threat that none of them know of… (This fic is completed and this link currently acts as a placeholder for this series, until the sequel is published.)
Title + link: Fate and Fairy Tales
Fandoms: Disney Descendants
Basic plot: Carly is looking forward to a happily-ever-after with her fiancé Chad Charming, as Carlos looks forward to a future without their mother around. But the sudden and unexpected arrival of their father, the malevolent king of a magical race, complicates everything. (This fic is dedicated to Cameron Boyce, who passed shortly before its publishing.)
Title + link: Blue Fire
Fandoms: Sky High and Disney’s Descendants (crossover)
Basic plot: Haley is just your average, everyday super-powered teenager attending Sky High. It just so happens that her hair turns into blue fire and she has no idea where she comes from, or who her father really is. 
Title + link: The Crown and the Sea
Fandoms: Disney Descendants
Basic plot: a crossover between me and my girlfriend @megamultifandomtrashposts featuring our characters Bianca and Sophia. Bianca is with Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlos as they return to the Isle of the Lost (from May Evil Reign), but the reign of Ursula’s daughter, Sophia, over the Isle complicates things...
Title + link: An Untold Story: Tales of Auradon
Fandoms: Once Upon a Time and Disney’s Descendants (crossover)
Basic plot: The second of three books in my An Untold Story crossover between OUaT and Descendants, this book takes place between Season 3A and Season 3B of OUaT. Instead of going to the Land Without Magic, Emma and Henry come to Auradon to stay with King Adam, Rose, and the rest of their adoptive family. This book includes an adaptation of Rise of the Isle of the Lost and the first Descendants movie.
Title + link: Heroes and Villains
Fandoms: Disney Descendants
Basic plot: This four-part story encompasses the first Isle of the Lost book, the first Descendants movie, and the Return to the Isle of the Lost book, before departing into an OG fourth part. This is the story of Royal, Mal’s half-sister, in a version of Auradon where the Isle of the Lost wasn’t the first solution for working with the villains and history is a bit different.
Title + link: Spells Were Made to be Broken
Fandoms: Disney Descendants
Basic plot: Basically a crossover between Heroes and Villains and the world of Descendants 3 post-D3, Royal, Chloe, and Skalja, the Princess Trio, are tasked to save the kingdom from an unexpected enemy.
Title + link: The Return
Fandoms: Disney Descendants and MCU (crossover, kinda?)
Basic plot: An adaptation of Return to the Isle of the Lost, featuring my OCs Lily and Balthazar, the children of Loki (from the MCU.) This isn’t an active story exactly, but it is the latest in the series while I’m planning out the next and final book.
Title + link: More than Flesh and Bone
Fandoms: Disney Descendants and Disney ZOMBIES (crossover)
Basic plot: Gwyn, a cheerleader in Seabrook, has mysterious ties to a certain Werewolf pack, ties that originate from her mother on the faraway Isle of the Lost.
Title + link: The Dragon That Cannot Fly
Fandoms: Disney Descendants
Basic plot: In the third and final book of her series, Nara, the adopted daughter of Queen Narissa, must team up with Naros, her brother from an alternate and almost-identical world, in order to put a permanent end to Queen Narissa’s evil.
Title + link: The Believers
Fandoms: Disney Descendants
Basic plot: In an OUAT-inspired story that combines OCs from various different stories, Ben awakens from a coma and discovers that his memories of Auradon were nothing but dreams. However, he soon learns that the world he’s in, Auradon City, is really his kingdom placed under a curse and controlled by Maleficent.
Title + link: Not All Treasure is Silver and Gold
Fandoms: Disney Descendants and Pirates of the Caribbean series (crossover, sorta)
Basic plot: Jackie is the daughter of Captain Jack Sparrow and Angelica. When she goes to Auradon, she finds a little adventure and a little romance with an old friend and a new one. (No love triangle, just polyamory.)
Title + link: Fathoms Below
Fandoms: Disney Descendants
Basic plot: In the final book of Selina’s series, Selina must confront and defeat Morveren, the first evil Sea Witch and the originator of her lineage, in order to protect her family and her kingdom. With fewer allies than ever before, this is quite a daunting task.
Title + link: The Unusual Kingdom Keeper
Fandoms: Disney Descendants and the Kingdom Keepers book series
Basic plot: Aria, the twin sister of Audrey, unexpectedly finds herself in the Magic Kingdom. In this world, Disney Characters are made real through the power of children’s belief in them, heroes and villains alike. And the villains are just as evil as ever.
Title + link: The Thieves in the Shadows
Fandoms: Disney Descendants
Basic plot: The second book featuring Jay and Aza, the two of them try to track down a mysterious rash of thefts throughout Agrabah. Unfortunately, they uncover a plot launched by Jay’s mother, the sorceress Azirah, to take over all the lands.
Title + link: The Rebel Descendant
Fandoms: Disney Descendants and Ever After High
Basic plot: Reign is Raven Queen’s adopted sister, and a Rebel to the core. But there’s more to Reign’s story than just a Rebel. She comes from somewhere else, somewhere that doesn’t need a Storybook of Legends.
Title + link: Maddie Baylor and the Second Titanomachy
Fandoms: Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Basic plot: Maddie is a friend of Percy Jackson, the son of Poseidon, and she’s no stranger to the world of gods and monsters; after all, she’s a daughter of Dionysus, herself. When it becomes clear that the Titans plan to rise again and defeat the Olympians once and for all, she’ll fight by Percy’s side in quest after quest to save the world.
Title + link: The Sorcerer’s Apprentice
Fandoms: Disney in general, I guess?
Basic plot: Belladonna Valaise is an apprentice studying in Sorcerer’s Town in a hidden, magical dimension. When an unusually mouse-like apprentice from another place arrives, seeking help to recover his master’s Animating Pen, Belladonna decides to seek out a little adventure and help.
Title + link: Bringer of Spring
Fandoms: Dreamworks’ Rise of the Guardians
Basic plot: Embla Springbringer has a very important job: each year, on Groundhogs Day, she battles the Frost Giant Rasgol to end winter and allow spring to come to her small Norwegian fjord. Embla has been doing this job even since the Man in the Moon called on her to do so. Now, the Man in the Moon has a very different job for her: becoming a Guardian to help defend the world’s children against Pitch Black.
Title + link: The Heroes of Tomorrow: The Next Trickster
Fandoms: Next Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow
Basic plot: An AU and then some of the movie Next Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow featuring my OC, Lokabrenna, daughter of Loki.
Title + link: Frost and Flame
Fandoms: Sky High and the Marvel Cinematic Universe
Basic plot: When Muspels, the Flame Giant enemies of Frost Giants, begin to come after Cassia for her half-Jotun heritage, Cassia is forced to turn to the last people she would like to help her: the Avengers.
Shared stories! These stories are shared/co-authored/inspired by @thetimelordbatgirl and her stories. 
Title + link: The Daughters of the Trickster
Fandoms: Disney Descendants, MCU, and Marvel’s Descendants
Basic plot: In our very first crossover, our OCs Lily and Locket meet for the first time and have to navigate the realization of alternate worlds and alternate families while battling Mariana, Lily’s mother.
Title + link: The Trickster’s Daughters Return
Fandoms:  Disney Descendants, MCU, and Marvel’s Descendants
Basic plot: In the second team-up, Lily and Locket return to join forces. They must face Mariana again, but this time the stakes are higher, with the impending freedom of the demonic Chernabogs.
Title + link: Sisters of Fire
Fandoms: Disney Descendants, Sky High, and Marvel’s Descendants (crossover)
Basic plot: An AU of Haley’s story, Blue Fire. Haley is not the only inexplicably fire-powered child at Whitefield Foster House. She has a foster-sister named Jayla, a powerful girl with golden eyes who can transform into a magnificent and fearsome dragon.
Title + link: Devil’s Due
Fandoms: Disney Descendants and Marvel’s Descendants
Basic plot: An AU of the above story. What if Haley was never kidnapped? What if she stayed on the Isle with her father? And what if Jayla had still found her way to this family? They’re quite the unexpected family, that’s for sure.
Title + link: Ties to Evil
Fandoms: Disney Descendants
Basic plot: A future AU on Heroes and Villains, inspired by the Family Business series. The second in the series featuring my OCs such as Adam (son of Royal) and Beryl (daughter of Beast and Belle.)
Title + link: The Dragon’s Son
Fandoms: Disney Descendants
Basic plot: A future AU on Nara’s series, inspired by the Family Business series. In which Fairen is the son of both Evie and Nara, he reluctantly leaves his mothers behind on the Isle when Prince Alexander chooses him to come to Auradon in his proclamation. While in Auradon, Fairen learns of Nara’s unlikely connection to Auradon, and the kidnapped Princess Roseleta.
Title + link: Heirs of Agrabah
Fandoms: Disney Descendants
Basic plot: A future AU on Aza’s story, inspired by the Family Business series. Ben’s proclamation never happened, but now his son Alexander chooses some children to leave the Isle of the Lost. One of these children is Jayra, daughter of Jay, who makes a unique and unexpected connection to Aza.
Congrats! You’ve reached the end of my list of masterpieces and nonsense.
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novamm66 · 5 years ago
DA:I Watch (working title)
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I got a bunch of questions regarding my Baywatch/Dragon Age crossover, and the answers are here! Also, you will find a few interactive questions. I need help coming up with names for a few things.
Recap on how this started: It started because of Tumblr. I was scrolling through Tumblr and happened upon a post asking to combine the last show you watched (Yes I was watching Baywatch for the first time I might add. It wasn’t high on my watch list at 10 years old.) and last video game you played. (Not surprising it was DA: I). Once I made that connection, I had to draw the art, hoping that would appease my muses, and I could move on. It didn’t work. I woke up one morning, and I had dreamed of the story, and here we are.
Random Details: A modern AU, set in the beach community of Haven, part of the larger city. (name pending). I will likely be drawing a map (maybe) It’s pretty much drawn in my head. I am trying to not design the buildings too. (I’m failing). Also, because this is my story, it will be written based on my sailing & lifeguard experiences, so Canadian.  Measurements will all be in metric (I do enough conversion for work, I’m not doing it here). When I say coast-guard, I am talking Canadian, I just know it better.
The beach and the community was set up some 30 years ago into a co-op. This was done by Norma Jean Trevelyan, the last local of the Trevelyan family. The Trevelyan's owned Skyhold Estate, but it was NJ that started the co-op, creating affordable housing and business spaces on the beach. (Picture hardcore Bohemioum) Thus, gathering our cast of characters together.
OC: Kiaya Trevelyan, photojournalist, estranged from the family for ‘reasons’ returns to Haven at the beginning of the story.
NPC Roles: (This is still pretty fluid ad I will be asking for a few suggestions.)
Lifeguards: Cass & Cullen – Co-Lifeguard Captains Full-timers: Rylen, Harding, Barris, (I need 4 more) Part-timers: Bull & Chargers, also surfing bike gang. 
Leliana – Lawyer for the Trevelyan family & the community Co-op Josephine – Manager of the co-op, city council rep, financial manager of Trevelyan family & Co-op community.
Varric – owner/ editor of The Hearld’s Voice, the local paper, beachfront office Sera & Dagna -  own restaurant ‘Sun-Burnt Cookies’ the best beach food on the waterfront Dorian – Bar Owner, The Seahorse w/ silent partner Zevran; former strip club. 2 stages; burlesque shows as well as music shows outside on stage. Solas – new Shop owner. Antiques, Books & Art. (I need a name!) Vivienne – Beachfront B&B Owner, classic 20s style – (Name suggestions welcome.)
Blackwall – Caretaker of Trevelyan family land. Cole – Kiaya’s assistant & closest friend
Antagonists: Evil resort corporation (Name needed) - I think you can guess who the characters that will fill these roles are. I am still working out how they all work together in this world, so we will leave that as a surprise.
My story begins with a death. The loss of a friend and community leader suddenly throws the future of the beachside community of Haven into doubt. The appearance pf an estranged, mysterious, heir is the only thing standing between the public community beach and privatized progress.
There you have it, folks. This tiny spark of an idea has turned into this monster. All because of some random post and my vivid as fuck dreams.
Re-blogs, comments & likes are always welcome.❤❤
Here is the list of the things I am looking for suggestions. You can re-blog or comment with any that pop into your head. Or if you wish to keep your ideas private, you can message me or send me an Ask.
Name of City: (I was thinking Ferelden but I am open to suggestions)
Lifegaurds: (I need 4 more names)
Solas’s Shop: Name needed
Vivianne’s B&B: Name needed
Evil Resort: Name needed
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midnightmxsings · 6 years ago
immmmmm actually super happy with how this thing is turning out
im like
collecting a bunch of old monster boy ocs
like ocs that are boys and are monsters of some kind (not like strictly monster monsters, more like mythical creatures)
and they get together
and start a boy band called M!nstr Boys 
i... still haven’t quite decided on like if they’re human or not but
the clear theme is “these boys aint human” and they all have like,, a certain aesthetic that sorta points in the direction of their like “character”?
most of them have pointy ears but
aragon is a dragon, so he wears like,,, leather and stuff like that (and fishnets apparently)
solomon is a wood elf so he wears primarily linens and like white stuff
Rav is a spirit (i think he used to be a spirit of death or smth idk) but hes goth (obviously) but like high goth??? fancy goth???? whatever
Wei is a koi merman so he’s obviously gonna have skin tight, shiny clothes
and hal is a half siren (like the bird kind) so he’ll have like wing and feather motifs
it’s basically repurposing like 5 totally unrelated OCs into a boy band lmaoooo
i just wanted to do a boy band squad group thing :’)
they’re all pals and good friends and they do their squad thing together 
if i ever make like
a whole comprehensive world for my OCs itll be like
the pixar extended universe theory thing
clearly magic exists
fairies and shit
i have a fairy boy who’s dating a soft girl who can see fairies (it’s like her thing ok like she’s,, she’s underwent a very long journey, she started out as a student then she like,,,just evolved. anyways)
there’s a vampire girl who is like pastel goth
i have like magical girl idol (who can be like part of an all-girl band hmmmmmm i should do that although idk if i have enough female ocs lmAO)
and her brother who is a goth warlock
uhhh there’s like
a demon hunter and a ghost who are brothers????
like the ghost is dead
they were originally gonna be ‘i can see fairies’ girl’s love interests but
she deserves better than those two assholes
so she and fairy boy ended up together
and i also have prince boy who has a roguish alter ego (wow i know real original) but he’s cool and like he has a violin sword and shit like that (i may redesign him at some point too)
there’s like
a whole comprehensive universe of OCs lmao i gotta put them all together at some point tbh
and there are like
countless other ocs too like... i have two cyborg boys 
i think one is a full android(?) i can’t remember(?)
i dont think the club allowed full androids so i think they’re both cyborgs
so yeah cyborgs also exist in that universe
god i have.... so many fucking ocs hjklfjglasjhdfldksj
also im not counting my like wide variety of sonas in this collective verse, nor am i counting my fan characters
like this is
original characters only
and i??? won’t be including the ap concentration ocs either bc they belong somewhere else
i have another merman oc called sol who i will change bc he turned into a shota and iiiii dont like that
and then i have like,, my zodiac ocs that i’m sorta considering turning into like
an elite group comprised of members from every single faction that’s responsible for keeping order
for example gemini is from the siren nation (where hal is from) and takes the form of two kids who can combine to form one larger kid
libra is a witch who comes from the same place as warlock man and singer girl
aquarius is a fairy from the same place as fairy boy (obviously)
and.... capricorn is an elf bc arrows and shit fuck off i dont care
pisces is obviously from the merman nation
to my extended universe lgkljafhlakjfh this is so wild wow haha
more like sleep people
they’re made of gemstones kinda sorta and take on the colors of the gemstones
they’re like if you married hn/k and s/u, so like,,  ihave a whole set of them, they’re like gods basically, and are responsible for the whole realm of sleep. I ALSO HAVE MY VIOLIN WHO IS
i dont
should i kep her in this
i.... i kinda want to? she’d be like
from the same kingdom as the violin prince
oh and i have a candy witch like,,, i think his name was candy floss???? he’d be from the same like
witch kingdom as libra
i should also have like a headfeets kingdom entirely populated by headfeets hgbakjdfldasjhgklsjdhfkj its fuck its horrible but i like the idea?????
yeah theres
so many ocs to go through i give up
but for now this is the universe
so excited
like there are these high tech metropolitan cities like where the cyborgs are from and where the m!nster boys would perform (also like ive basically settled on the fact that they’re monsters now oh well) 
and there’s obviously a place for dragons (who can take on a human form)
and the oceans have like ocean life and shit
there are like land-based mermaids (like in rivers and lakes and shit) like Wei the koi merman, and sea-based mermaids like Sol who is a deep sea merman
and there are woodland based people
and like
okay so the dragons live in the mountains
the sirens live at sea on islands
there’s two main continent areas--one is wooded, the other is highly technologically advanced
there is magic in the world, which is balanaced by the technology also present in the world
magic is what powers the tech
there are four floating islands on which the technologically advanced people live (borrowing from sky pillars dont mind meeee its the club that my two cyborg ocs are from so)
and then there are like
god there are so many places
like wooded places are where the elves live
there are like open plains where like centaurs and shit live
and obviously there are like your average humans who live in villages dotted all around the world
like they control your dreams and shit and are like
made of precious gems
the main guy who i posted awhile ago has like power over the process of falling asleep
i remember there’s like
good dreams and nightmares
probably a storyweaver
lucid dreaming
and like
sleep paralysis (who is a terrifying guy btw) 
it’s so solid and im so happy
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ocprompts-andsuch · 8 years ago
So we ended up getting a lot of asks! Which honestly was fun as hell. However, I don’t want to spam our followers with 30+ posts, so, instead I’m making this.
mixolydian98 said:My OC is a misomaniac college professor who was transformed into a grotesque monster by an evil sorceress.
My OC Bor was cursed to live as a beast by a bunch of angry forest spirits -Ven My OC Ursa was cursed to be a werebear-Chris/p>
Anonymous said:My OC is an edgy, beatnik unicorn in a turtleneck sweater.
The closest thing I have is Priscilla, Sunan, and Hala are also very edgy -Ven My OC Cadence wears a sweater his husband made and tells edgy poetry -Chris
djdashieticktock said:My OC (Yesman) is a smelly rotting boi who needs to take a bath and chill on preforming necromancy
1. that’s a mood and 2. Priscilla is the result of necromancy -Ven My OC Beckett is a necromancer who wants to become a lich -Chris
Anonymous said:My OC is a mutated bunny who is a great mother.
My OC Dryn isn’t mutated but he is a great father! -Ven My OC Adrien is a great father and husband!
Anonymous said:I made my OC super trope-y because cringe culture is shit. She’s a witch with dark skin, bright blue eyes, and pink/magenta hair. She’s a bubbly baby who trains dragons for a living and I love her. Fight me Cus I’m having fun with her!
She sounds fun as hell! My OC Nelsis is a beast tamer who loves space and has a dragon (along with a plethora of other beasts that seem very intimidating but actually just act like dogs) -Ven Cringe culture is shit she sounds really cool! My OC Nimbus has naturally pink hair and she designed her hella mechanical wheelchair after a dragin she saw once -Chris
cyrokinetic-iceman said:One of my OCs is named Rory and he’s an Irish maid for Sean Cassidy from the xmen. he had long, frizzy red curls and is more freckles than man. He’s tall and bony with very pale skin. He’s a hemophiliac but also has mutant powers that allow him to take the energy (and in fatal enough cases life force) from organic life forms and he later discovers he can also enhance their energy and life force. He’s very shy but friendly and likes to bake and cook
Priscilla can take people’s life force (well really the demon that’s with her can but whatever) -Ven My OC Orion has a lot of freckles and red hair but he is trash at cooking -Chris
Anonymous said:My gay OC Steven had his arms ripped off by a demon, after breaking up with said demon.
Wow.. hmm.. My OC Tarryn only has two limbs because of an explosion -Ven My OC Nimbus lost use of her legs after being shoved out of a very tall tree by a schoolmate -Chris
PHANTASYMIST SAYS:my oc practices forbidden magic because of hunger for knowledge
my OC EcC0 is a hellish combination of magic and failed technology and he accidentally made himself and his friends immortal through a series of experimental magic and glitches -Chris
ANONYMOUS SAYS:My Oc is possessed by the spirit of a Samurai and is immortal because of this. She also owns her own City Apartment building and lives in one of her apartments, she even rooms with one of her tenants
My OC Shelby lives in the top room(home??) of the Penthouse her family owns and accidentally became a Naiad’s sugar momma -Chris
ANONYMOUS SAYS:My oc Icarus is the child of Aphrodite but gave up on finding love for themself.
My OC Darcy is a demi-god who always forgets that he passed down his powers to his 6 year old until she starts telepathically throwing his circus group around when having a tantrum -Chris
ANONYMOUS SAYS:My Oc Alex attracts portals to a different world and goes through them in order to close them. She knows a bunch of survival skills because of how often she goes and stays there, especially cause there aren’t any civilizations in the other world.
My OC Ken is a dimention hopper who accidentally got stuck in time jail with three alternate universe versions of his friend Angel -Chris
Uuh… my OC Bor knows a bunch of survival skills cause for a while he was a human living in the forest -Ven
ANONYMOUS SAYS:My OC Regalius is an 2000ish year old immortal who manages to screw up every relationship he has.
My OC Felix used to be dating an ex war goddess until she tried to leave him for dead (the other gods called her out on her bullshit) -Chris
I have an immortal OC Bor, he never gets into any relationships he just kind of sits in the forest and makes stew and helps lost travelers and protects the forest -Ven
THAT-AWKWARD-FANGIRL-270 SAYS:One of my OC’s is Ethan, he’s about half French and a gay trans boy and I love him so much and he’s also an adorable book nerd and has like a hundred thousand siblings (jk but there’s Lots and everyone is good at braiding like trust me sleepovers there are The Bomb) I love him
My OC Wesley is a french american who’s half succubus and owns a giant library, he’s also a necromancer -Chris
Uuh… I have a gay Hawaiian war vet named Jeremiah with like 9 siblings -Ven
ANONYMOUS SAYS:My OC Locke is the headmaster of a guild and he’s also dating another guy also named Locke who tried to steal his money once
My OC Cyrus met his first boyfriend while doing a stickup -Chris
Well… my OC Xaro first met Cinder when Cinder tries to steal his stuff? They’re not dating or anything tho Xaro literally ends up adopting him -Ven
BUNNIKKILA SAYS:My OC is a member of the HEMA Alliance! Her dream is to open her own fencing school, as most of the schools in her immediate area focus on Olympic fencing.
My OC Telly fences in his spare time and is teaching his boyfriends daughter how to -Chris
My OC Cinder loves fencing and is very good at it, but didn’t actually get to start until he was 15! -Ven
ANONYMOUS SAYS:My OC took Tae Kwon Do as a tween. She was one belt away from getting the black belt (highest rank), but financial issues made her have to quit.
My OC Poppy knows Capoeria -Chris
I have an OC who gets to the 7th dan of Judo by age 14 -Ven
ANONYMOUS SAYS:I have an OC based off the planet Neptune….her name is Neptune.(I know, real original name :/ )
I named my OC Castor after Pollux and Castor since I wanted a constellation name and I’m a Gemini -Chris
I have an OC named Snow White -Ven
REMEMBER-THERAIN SAYS:my OC Stevie is a 14-year-old aromantic/pansexual bounty hunter who travels the galaxy with her robot Lux :))
Oh cool!! My OC Dryn is also pan and sometimes does bounty hunting, he also travels a lot -Ven
my OC Castor ran away from home at 15 and is now one of the most renowned Space travelers of his species -Chris
DRAGONIANGIRL SAYS:My OC Nimladrie is a cleric of a drunk god that accidentally swore a blood oath but she can’t remember for what or to whom.
My OC Beckett accidently became a cult leader because he thought it was a Bards club -Chris
((Amazing)) Well uh… the closest thing I have is my oc Priscilla has blood contracts with like a shitton demons/daemons/etc
ANONYMOUS SAYS:My oc Yilim is… well. To plainly state it he one ugly ass mofo.
My OC Scrib is just,,,,, literally a poorly drawn doodle, i usually draw him left handed -Chris
My main OC Tarryn is also considered ‘ugly’, another OC I have is unarguably ugly because his face is literally a deer skull -Ven
ATQEVALE SAYS:My OC Matisse wears a really freaking ugly salmon colored hoodie to school every day and my other OC Sparrow has a crush on her in spite of this
My OC The Boy has no fucking clue what fashion is and neither does his mom Ursa (he’d get it from his dad to if he wasn’t a giant Stag) -Chris
Uhhh… my OC Mike is colorblind and until he memorizes his wardrobe he has to ask people he lives with what color the stuff he’s wearing is?? It led to an Outfit Disaster a couple of times -Ven
WEARETHERUSSIANTWINS SAYS:My oc Hayley Williams (aka Sailor Aries) has schizophrenia and ADHD
My OC Finch has ADHD to! -Chris
My OC Mike has ADHD(a few others do as well but I haven’t hashed that out yet) -Ven
ANONYMOUS SAYS:My OC Janice comes from a planet with pink water, and secretly prefers it over earth water.
My OC Scravenlay comes from a world that is mostly covered in turquoise freshwater that is extremely buoyant -Chris
ANONYMOUS SAYS:My oc Vlansen forgot all about his past and is in love with a hallucination!
My OC Cadence woke up in the middle of a battlefield with no memory of what side they were on and they later married the soldier who found them! -Chris
ANONYMOUS SAYS:i have so many OCs. But my mains are a Schizophrenic ex-hitman who runs a daycare and a half alien-human hybrid that has the ability to control plants and crystals ;v;b
My OC Brin is a (retired later in the story) Rebel Leader with a softspot for kids and animals and my oc Scravenlay was supposed to be the king of his species/people but decided he preferred to be an adventurer after an assassination attempt -Chris
Well… the closest I have is an assassin who also has a soft spot for kids? -Ven
THE-TINY-KRAVIST SAYS:My OC, Binary, is an android who is terrified of water!
My OC Rhys is a self made android (makes more sense in context of the story) who runs a roller rink -Chris
My OC Mike is terrified of water. He’s not an android he just can’t swim -Ven
ANONYMOUS SAYS:my oc has a brand on her left side right below her heart from where she forced to fight in an arena
One of my OCs used to have something like that, now the closest I have is Tarryn has a lot of scars from fights! -Ven
My OC Beckett has a lot of scars after the gang who owned him tried to kill him for trying to escape - Chris
ECHOING-NIGHT SAYS:My OC iasi is claustrophobic.
My OC Beckett tries to fit into small spaces when he gets nervous or scared -Chris
My OC Xaro is also claustrophobic! -Ven
ANONYMOUS SAYS:Uh my OC is a detective in the 1940’s
My OC Lost was a private investigator until he got possessed (this is close enough right?) -Chris
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