#then again he just looks crusty overall. mfer got pinkeye up the fucking wazoo
radioves · 2 years
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mr. medical malpractice
hemlockheart was an rp character from wc : ft [arguably the best game btw. fuck ult and fuck the fact they locked the legacy version - but i will not be getting into that] that was a medicine cat apprentice and his entire character was that he would poison people by more or less spiking their herbs with toxic plants. no particular reason why he just felt like it
it started when he was an apprentice when he slipped some yarrow to someone just to see what would happen, which lead to him realizing “haha wait i am in complete control of these peoples lives. surely this discovery won’t have any repercussions on my ego and overall view of the worth of life.” yeah, about that
somehow nobody catches on over the years, and he ends up gaining his full medicine cat name via good ol fashion *~lying~*. it ends with him poisoning the new leader on their way to the moonstone, and when he comes back he attempts to call a meeting on tallrock to announce the leaders death, only to get a lightning bolt to the face and fucking die
also his existence got me mini-modded up the Ass because everyone threw a hissy fit over his name “not being in the prefix list” so i had to change it to hickory during the rp ☠️ i then proceeded to get threatened to be reported because everyone that was part of the rp left [cough* died *cough] and all the new people thought i was just being obtrusive. ahh forest territory my beloved how i miss you terribly
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