#then a full fleece onesie
macaroni-rascal · 2 years
-24 degrees feels like -43 degrees? LETS DO THIS!
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maddiethedogstories · 2 months
Sarah's Playground - 2
As I open the door to my apartment, I'm greeted by the beautiful plants, ample daylight, and modern furniture that suits my mature tastes so well. Little things give away the presence of my little 'guest' in the house though.
A large mesh-sided playpen full of stuffies, dolls, and blocks is shoved into a corner of the living room. An extra large highchair sits in the dining room, with a bottle still perched on the tray. Rather than a recliner in the living room, there is a large rocking chair. Also, sitting out on one side table is a hospital quality breast pump.
Looking at the breast pump causes me to rub my breasts. They feel warm, hard to the touch, and tender. Just the act of touching them causes them to leak milk into my bra. It's definitely time to feed the baby! I must have taken longer on my walk then I planned.
I quickly walk to the hallway in my apartment and open the second door on the right. I can't help but smile as the smell of the room hits me before I can even see it. The room has an overwhelming odor of lavender baby powder and bleach that almost covers up the underlying smell of ammonia and messy diapers. In essence, it smells like a daycare or nursery, exactly how I want it to.
As I open the door and look inside I'm greeted by a familiar sight. The room is a fully stocked nursery, but sized up to handle an adult baby. An extra large, fully stocked changing table sits along one wall next to a large diaper pail. Set into another wall is a closet with white doors which, I know, is filled with onesies, baby dresses, fleece pajamas, and other baby clothes sized up to fit my precious little one.
Next to the closet is a large toy chest. Beyond the standard baby toys, it also contained more adult toys I let my charge use for my own pleasure and entertainment. There is nothing more fun than watching a fully grown adult, wearing a poopy diaper and sucking on a pacifier, hump her favorite stuffy while pushing a vibrator into her crotch. The combination of arousal, submission, and humiliation is perfect.
Finally, placed against another wall of the room is a queen-sized crib with locking railings that reach 6' into the air. It's the perfect location to keep my precious little adult baby safe and contained while I am out.
I look to the crib and see exactly what I am expecting. Crouched on her knees is a five-foot tall woman wearing a pastel pink onesie with the phrase "Mommy's Little Pampers Packer" emblazoned across the front. Her small but noticeable breasts push against the soft fabric of her onesie. The onesie is also stretched almost to its limits around the woman's waist and bottom where the extra large, and, based on what I am smelling, extra messy, diaper is taped onto her. The small woman's blonde hair is cut short and styled into short pigtails high on her head. A pacifier is tucked snuggly between her lips. Above her pacifier, the woman glares at me angrily. She looks exactly like the petulant toddler I have strived to turn her into. I subconsciously reach up and rub my magic necklace between my thumb and forefinger in satisfaction.
The woman in front of me, Lidia, despite all appearances, is four years older than me. We grew up on the same street, and our mom's were best friends. Growing up, Lidia was the stereotypical perfect girl. She was beautiful, a straight 'A' student, a varsity soccer player, and the most popular kid at school. Basically, everything about her stood in stark distinction to the pants wetting adult toddler locked in the crib in front of me right now.
In contrast, growing up, I was always a little small and immature. My mom was a helicopter parent who didn't want me participating in anything where I could get hurt or into trouble. I wasn't allowed to play sports, go to sleepovers, or even have a boyfriend or girlfriend.
My mom also didn't trust me. She always saw me as a small child, all the way until I was 18. So, whenever she left town or had something to do at night, she'd call Lidia's mom and have the neighborhood's golden child come over and babysit me.
Having your mom hire a babysitter at 16 was bad enough, but Lidia was the worst. Lidia had a dark side that no one knew about or even believed when I told people about it.
I was a bedwetter growing up, and, as my babysitter, Lidia knew all about it. I eventually grew out of it at 13, but that didn't keep Lidia from blackmailing me with it. You see, when Lidia babysat me, she thought it was hilarious to treat me like her little baby doll. I had to comply, or Lidia threatened to reveal how long I was a bedwetter to my classmates. I was already a social outcast and knew that information would ruin me.
So, everytime my mom would hire Lidia, within minutes of her leaving I would find myself wearing nothing but a diaper and shirt, sucking on a pacifier, sitting on a baby blanket in my living room, and watching Cocomelon while Lidia laughed at me. I have horrible memories of spending entire weekends being forced to act like a toddler by perfect little Lidia. It was horrible.
As a result, when I realized the power I had, one of the first things I did was turn the tables on Lidia. I shrunk her down as I made myself bigger. I took away her independence, changing her reality so she lived with her parents again. I made her a bedwetter. I made it so her parents, like my mother so long ago, didn't trust her, and hired me to babysit her.
From there, just like she did to me, I've blackmailed her over time to becoming my personal adult toddler. Without changing her, I've changed reality such that Lidia was forced to choose to become my plaything--choosing to act like a toddler rather than being forced to--despite remembering everything that happened prior to me reshaping reality. Watching her devolve to my naughty little girl by choice, all while I know she remembers bullying me, has been the most satisfying part of using my new found powers.
Now, after months of Lidia agreeing to be my permanent baby doll, I can't help but smile as she glowers at me, locked in her crib, sitting in a poopy diaper.
"Oh, my little pamper packer is awake! It smells like you made Mommy a present? Did you make me a present, Lidia?" I say as I walk up to the crib, stick my hand between the bars and rub her cheek affectionately.
Lidia scrunches up her nose behind the pacifier and I can see her willing herself to act like a toddler to avoid any punishments.
"Yeth, Momma! Lidy makes poopies for Momma!" Lidia lisped out from behind her pacifier with a false sweetness to her tone.
"Good baby!" I say as I reach over to unlatch the side of the crib and begin lowering it. "With such a full diapy, I bet Lidia has an empty tummy. Let's get it all filled up with some of Mommy's num-nums."
I watch as Lidia grimaces at the idea of suckling at my test and carefully avoids putting her weight onto her poopy diaper. I know, from history, that she wants to ask me for a change before she eats. I also know that she knows she is not allowed to ask for a change.
"Yeth, Momma, Lidy 'ungry," Lidia tells me as I lift her from her crib and place her on my hip, making sure to mush as much if her mess into her butt as possible as I carry her out into the living room and sit in the couch.
"Good, baby, because Mommy needs you to empty me out!" I say as I sit down, laying Lidia on the couch with her head in my lap and pop her pacifier out of her mouth. I pull out my breasts, exposing my nipples that are now dripping with my creamy white milk.
Lidia looks at my massive, milky breasts with disgust. She then shuffles her body in discomfort, probably trying to get to where she can't feel the shit sitting in the back of her pants. But, as she is expected to, she opens her mouth like a hungry baby and waits for me to help her latch.
I smile in satisfaction at how well trained Lidia is now. Hundreds, if not thousands, of punishments, tears, and public humiliations have turned Lidia from the bully who loved to play mommy to my perfect bratty little girl.
I grab Lidia by the back of the head and pull her mouth up to my left breast. I moan in pleasure as she begins to suckle, relieving the pressure that's been building for hours. I run my hand through Lidia's hair lovingly.
"That's it, good girl," I moan out as Lidia continues to suckle.
The relief of pressure, the dominant feelings I am having, and the knowledge of how much Lidia hates this is incredibly arousing. Like almost every time I feed Lidia, I'm tempted to rub myself. I resist though, and settle for throwing my head back and closing my eyes, imagining what tortures I can work up for Lidia next.
While my eyes are closed, I feel Lidia's hand drift up to my breast and begin to press. I'm not concerned by this. She does this often to help fully empty me, and, frankly, the pressure feels good.
I keep my eyes closed and moan as she suckles me with her mouth and milks me with her hand. I didn't notice as her hand drifted to the magically ruby pendant on my necklace. I didn't feel her grip it firmly in her fist.
Before I realize what is happening, I did feel Lidia unlatch from my breast and hear her rapidly call out a wish.
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callsigns-haze · 2 months
An outburst of a spark
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Eris x Rhysand's Sister!Reader Summary: Eris and Y/N discover their son Finna has powerful magic after a dramatic outburst, leaving Eris panicked and uncertain. Together, they resolve to support and guide Finna, reaffirming their bond as a family. Chapter Warnings: Magic outburst, parental panic, strong emotional distress.
*Serves as a one-shot but can be read as memories fade or the sequel loves haze series
A couple of nights have passed, Eris and Y/N lay in bed, wrapped in the cozy warmth of their blankets. The room was dimly lit by the soft glow of the moon filtering through the curtains. Y/N rested her head on Eris's chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. Her dark hair fanned out across his skin, and his fingers gently threaded through the strands, each touch a soothing, rhythmic caress.
"We need to take Ace to his vaccination," Y/N murmured, her voice a soft whisper in the quiet night. The puppy had quickly become a beloved member of their family, full of boundless energy and mischief.
Eris's chuckle rumbled in his chest, a warm and comforting sound. "I know, but who's going to take him? I have that meeting with the council tomorrow."
They debated for a moment, their conversation a gentle tug-of-war filled with playful banter. Eris's hand wandered to her weak spot, just at the base of her neck, rubbing it in slow, deliberate circles. She sighed, feeling the tension melt away under his touch.
"You're not playing fair," she mumbled, her resolve weakening.
Eris leaned in, his lips brushing against her earlobe, his breath warm against her skin. "How about you take him? Finna and I can have a father-son day. Just the two of us."
Y/N felt her willpower slipping as he nibbled gently on her earlobe, sending shivers down her spine. "You're impossible," she sighed, her voice a mixture of exasperation and affection. "Alright, alright. I'll take Ace. But you owe me."
Eris grinned, his lips curling into a mischievous smile. "Deal. You get a break tomorrow, and Finna and I will have our day off together."
He continued to stroke her hair, his fingers tracing gentle patterns on her scalp. She closed her eyes, feeling a wave of contentment wash over her. The thought of a peaceful day, even if it meant taking Ace to the vet, seemed more manageable knowing Eris and Finna would have their special time together.
As they lay there, wrapped in each other's embrace, Y/N felt a deep sense of love and gratitude for the family they had built. The challenges of parenthood and the responsibilities of their roles seemed a little lighter in these quiet moments of intimacy and connection.
"I love you," she whispered, her voice barely audible.
Eris tightened his hold on her, his lips pressing a tender kiss to her forehead. "I love you too," he replied, his voice filled with warmth and sincerity.
The next morning, Eris woke up feeling the familiar chill of early December in the air. He stretched his limbs, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep, and glanced over at the empty side of the bed. Y/N was already gone, having taken Ace for his vaccination appointment.
With a soft sigh, Eris swung his legs over the edge of the bed, his bare feet meeting the cool floor. The soft light of dawn filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle glow over the room. He quickly dressed in his usual attire, opting for a warm, dark green tunic and brown trousers. After combing through his ginger-red hair and fastening his boots, he set about the morning tasks with practiced efficiency.
First, he headed to Finna's room. The little boy was peacefully asleep in his crib, his light strawberry-brown hair tousled and sticking up in adorable tufts. Eris gently lifted him out, taking care not to wake him. He changed Finna’s diaper with swift, practiced movements, the baby stirring slightly but remaining mostly asleep.
Once Finna was clean and fresh, Eris dressed him in a cozy, light blue onesie lined with soft fleece. He added a little knitted hat to protect Finna’s head from the cold, and slipped his tiny hands into matching mittens. Despite being so small, Finna’s outfit looked both adorable and snug, perfect for a day out in the crisp December air.
Eris carefully carried Finna on his hip, feeling the reassuring warmth of his son against his side. He moved with a sense of purpose, heading downstairs and through the house to meet Borra outside. The winter morning was frosty, with a light dusting of snow on the ground, and the world was painted in shades of white and gray.
Outside, Borra stood by the gate, his breath visible in the cold air as he waited. He was dressed in his usual uniform, looking every bit the capable leader of the armies that he was. When he saw Eris approaching, he gave a nod of acknowledgment, a faint smile touching his lips at the sight of Eris with his young son.
“Morning, Eris. Ready for the market?” Borra asked, his tone light and friendly.
Eris returned the smile, his eyes softening as he looked at Finna. “Good morning, Borra. Yes, we’re ready. Just need to make sure everything is in order before we head out.”
Borra chuckled, glancing down at Finna. “He looks like quite the little adventurer, all bundled up.”
Eris adjusted Finna’s hat, making sure it was snug but not too tight. “He’s as ready as he’ll ever be. I just hope the cold doesn’t bother him too much.”
As they walked toward the market, the crisp December air filled their lungs, and the occasional snowflake danced through the sky. Eris held Finna securely, occasionally glancing down at his son to ensure he was comfortable. Finna’s small face peeked out from the layers of clothing, his eyes wide with curiosity as he took in the sights of their surroundings.
The market was bustling with activity, a lively contrast to the serene landscape they had left behind. Vendors called out their wares, the smell of baked goods and hot drinks mingling in the air. Eris navigated the crowds with practiced ease, his attention divided between the market stalls and his son.
Borra fell into step beside him, occasionally pointing out different stalls or items of interest. “If you need any help with the shopping, just let me know,” Borra offered, his voice warm despite the chill in the air.
Eris nodded, appreciating the offer. “Thank you. I might take you up on that. There’s always so much to see and choose from.”
As Eris and Borra exited the bustling market and moved towards a more deserted part of town, the stillness was abruptly shattered by Finna’s sudden, distressed crying. The baby boy’s wails echoed through the quiet streets, accompanied by harsh, rattling coughs that tore at Eris’s heart. Eris bounced Finna gently, trying various soothing methods to calm him down, but nothing seemed to work.
“Shh, Finna, it’s alright, little one,” Eris murmured, his voice tinged with worry. “Daddy’s here.”
Borra’s concerned gaze darted between Eris and Finna. “Is he alright? Those coughs sound serious.”
Before Eris could respond, a surge of magical energy burst from Finna. It was like a flame, gleaming with golden red, black, and the most delicate shine of purple—a perfect blend of the powers of the Night Court and the Autumn Court. Eris felt the heat and power of it, a raw and potent force emanating from his infant son.
Eris’s eyes widened in shock and realization. He knew there was a possibility that Finna could inherit their abilities, but this display of magic was far beyond what he had anticipated. The fact that Finna was a descendant of the Phoenii had magnified his powers, making them manifest in a sudden and explosive way.
“We need to get him home,” Eris said urgently, meeting Borra’s eyes. “Now.”
Borra nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. He moved closer, ready to assist in any way necessary. Eris held Finna tightly, and with a focused thought, they winnowed back to their house, the world around them blurring and reforming in an instant.
Once they arrived home, Eris's panic only intensified. Finna's cries grew louder, echoing through the house and amplifying Eris's worry. The baby's tiny body continued to radiate bursts of magical energy, each wave a mix of golden red, black, and purple.
“Finna, please, it’s alright,” Eris murmured, his voice shaking. He could feel the magic coursing through his son, wild and uncontrolled.
Borra, sensing Eris’s mounting distress, quickly moved to his side. “Eris, we need to get Y/N. She’ll know what to do.”
Eris nodded, his face pale and eyes wide with fear. “Yes, yes, you’re right. Please, find her. Hurry.”
Borra wasted no time. He winnowed out of the house, leaving Eris alone with Finna. The baby’s cries were relentless, each one piercing Eris’s heart. He held Finna close, trying to calm him, but nothing seemed to work. The magical energy continued to pulse, each burst making Finna’s little body tremble.
“Shh, it’s okay, Finna,” Eris whispered, though his own voice was unsteady. “Mommy will be here soon. Just hold on, my brave boy.”
Minutes felt like hours as Eris waited, the anxiety gnawing at him. He paced the room, trying to soothe Finna with gentle rocking motions and soft words, but the baby’s cries only grew more frantic. The room seemed to shimmer with the residual magic, a constant reminder of the power their son possessed.
Finally, Borra returned, his expression grim. “I couldn’t find her anywhere, Eris. I’m sorry.”
Eris’s heart sank. He had hoped Y/N’s presence would be enough to calm Finna. Now, he was on his own. “Alright,” he said, trying to steady his voice. “We’ll have to figure this out ourselves.”
He took a deep breath, focusing on the task at hand. He remembered the calm, soothing tone Y/N always used with Finna and tried to emulate it. “It’s okay, Finna,” he murmured, rocking his son gently. “Daddy’s here. We’ll get through this.”
He tried everything he could think of: singing lullabies, rocking Finna gently, even using a touch of his own magic to try and stabilize the chaotic bursts emanating from his son. But nothing seemed to work. The cries continued, and the magic only grew more intense.
Borra watched helplessly, unable to offer more than moral support. “You’re doing everything you can, Eris. Just keep trying.”
Eris nodded, though the weight of his worry pressed heavily on his shoulders. “I can’t let him lose control,” he said, more to himself than to Borra. “I promised we’d protect him.”
As Finna’s cries reached a fever pitch, Eris felt a surge of desperation. He held his son closer, letting his own magic flow freely, creating a protective barrier around them both. The chaotic energy seemed to clash with his own, but slowly, gradually, it began to subside.
“It’s working,” Borra said, a note of hope in his voice. “Keep going, Eris.”
Eris focused all his energy on calming Finna, whispering soothing words and projecting a sense of safety and love. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Finna’s cries began to soften. The magical bursts dwindled, becoming gentle pulses that matched Eris’s own heartbeat.
“There you go, little one,” Eris whispered, tears of relief streaming down his face. “We did it. Daddy’s here, and everything’s going to be alright.”
Borra stepped closer, his expression a mix of admiration and concern. “You did it, Eris. You kept your promise.”
As the door to their cabin creaked open, Y/N stepped inside, feeling an almost palpable rush of energy hit her. It was an unusual, unsettling sensation, one that sent a shiver down her spine. Her heart quickened, and instinctively, she called out, “Eris? Eris, where are you?”
Her voice echoed through the quiet house, carrying a note of urgency and worry. She hurried through the entryway, her eyes scanning for any sign of her mate and their child. The sense of unease only grew stronger as she moved deeper into the house.
“Eris?” she called again, louder this time. “Finna?”
She found them in the living room. Eris was sitting on the floor, cradling a now-sleeping Finna in his arms. The room still seemed to shimmer with the aftereffects of magic, and the air was charged with residual energy. Eris looked up as she entered, his expression a mixture of relief and exhaustion.
Borra stood off to the side, looking as if he’d been rooted there for hours. As soon as Y/N entered, he gave a slight bow and excused himself, slipping quietly out of the room to give the family privacy.
Y/N rushed to them, her eyes wide with concern and shock. She knelt beside Eris, her hand immediately reaching out to touch Finna’s soft hair. “What happened?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. “I felt the magic from outside.”
Eris closed his eyes for a moment, gathering his thoughts. “It was Finna,” he said quietly. “He… he had a magical outburst. I’ve never seen anything like it. I tried to calm him down, but it was like the magic had a mind of its own.”
Y/N’s heart ached as she looked at her son, his little face peaceful now in sleep. “Oh, Eris,” she murmured, her voice filled with sympathy and surprise. “Our son has magic.”
Eris nodded, his eyes meeting hers. “I didn’t know what to do,” he admitted, his voice breaking. “I tried everything, but he wouldn’t stop crying. The magic just kept coming.”
She reached out and cupped his cheek, her thumb brushing away a tear that had escaped. “You did everything you could,” she said softly. “And you kept him safe. That’s what matters.”
Eris leaned into her touch, drawing comfort from her presence. “I thought I was becoming like my father,” he confessed, his voice choked with emotion. “I felt so helpless, like I was failing him.”
Y/N shook her head, her eyes fierce with determination. “You are nothing like Beron,” she said firmly. “You’re a wonderful father, Eris. You did exactly what you needed to do to protect our son. And you succeeded.”
She leaned in and kissed him gently, a silent promise of support and love. “We’ll figure this out together,” she whispered against his lips. “We’ll learn how to help Finna control his magic. He’s our son, and we’ll always be there for him.”
Eris pulled her into a tight embrace, holding her and Finna close. “Thank you,” he whispered, his voice full of gratitude and love. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
Y/N smiled, her heart swelling with love for her mate and their child. “You’ll never have to find out,” she said softly. “We’re in this together, always.”
As they sat there, wrapped in each other’s arms, the remnants of fear and panic began to fade, replaced by a renewed sense of determination and hope. They were a family, and together, they would face whatever challenges lay ahead.
A/n: @rcarbo1 thank youuuuu for this wonderful idea!
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fabunicorn · 2 years
Pillarmen forced agree part 5
Forced agere
You stared blankly at the mobile spinning above your head you could hear the muffled voices of your self proclaimed *caregivers* Kars was upset with Whamu for ‘hogging’ you it was only your second day here, it was ridiculous in your mind Kars had barely left you alone only leaving you when he had to leave for that mission. “You must let us spend time with her she must view us as her caretakers and put her full trust in us, she can’t do that if her brother is hogging her attention” Kars glared at Whamu outside of the door having what he thought to be a serious conversation. Meanwhile Whamu was trying his hardest to contain his laughter he’d never seen Kars jealous before and over something so small and pathetic, even Eisidisi was mad at the young pillarmen.
Deeming the conversation over Kars sent one final glare at Whamu and opened the door to your nursery making his way to your bassinet cooing lightly at you when he saw you make a tiny yawn. “Good morning my little one I hope you slept well” kars said in a hushed voice, he of course expected no response they had been filling your bottles with herbal tonics to weaken your body and lessen your speech, the pillarmens race being much more advanced they had discovered specific affects of plants thousands of years ago. You simply just laid there unmoving until he lifted you out of the bassinet making tiny grunts and whine of protest you still didn’t like the pillarmen but knowing of your body’s weakened state you chose to ignore them only protesting when they touched or moved you. Kars nodded towards Whamu and Eisidisi “I shall handle the little ones care today, you continue the search” both pillarmen made hums in agreement an left the room quickly not wishing to invoke the wrath of their leader.
Kars carried you over to the changing table changing your diaper and also putting you in a fleeced purple onesie ‘thank god I wasn’t conscious when they took care of a dirty diaper, dear god’ you assumed you had, had a dirty diaper since you had been fed a lot and been there for along time, you just thanked whatever higher being there was that you were not conscious when it happened and that the other pillarmen didn’t tease you about it. Kars took you to the throne room and fed you as he normally would before burping you and standing up again he broke the silence once again “it is finally time for you to see the rest of your home, little one.” Kars carried you throughout the base pointing out statues as he moved along “this one right here was a great warrior back when I was young, but when the time came of course your daddy beat him.” He carried you into a big room with walls made of what seemed to be sandstone with strange and complicated texts written all over the walls. “This is the very history of our people recorded over millennia, one day you shall learn to read it too, its very important that you know of your ancestors great power and history.”
After he was done showing the various texts and reading some aloud he deemed it to be enough stimulation for you and began carrying you back to your room, you whine in protest seemingly intrigued by the varying messages and images on the wall. You felt a soft chuckle vibrating through Kars chest “not to worry little one you will see and read it again soon, I will be sure of that.” He spoke before continuing back to your nursery. Checking your nappy once again Kars laid you down on his lap grabbing a large book from the table beside him, you could not read the title as it was in a language that had been long forgotten by humankind. The pillarmen began reading translating the text to English, it was about the brutal wars between the pillarmen and the humans going into specific detail when it came to the torture of the humans the stories nature and seemingly true history made you shiver in disgust Kars taking notice spoke. “I know it is unpleasant little one for you to hear about the treatment of a race that you considered yourself to be bu this is the truth of our kind and what we are meant to do and be.”
You whimpered ‘I don’t want to be a killer, I want to be with my friends and family again’ you thought tears welling up in your eyes, kars sighed “perhaps you are too young for such stories yet, my apologies my baby girl I will not show you these again until your older and you remember as long as your daddy, papa and brother are here no one shall ever harm you, EVER.” He hugged you to his chest bouncing you up and down in an attempt to soothe you swaying slightly humming an all familiar lullaby as you drifted off to sleep the other two pillarmen entered the room, alas you were too tired to care as the drugs they put in your bottle took effect and lulled you into a peaceful sleep. Eisidisi was the first to speak “Lord Kars, we have discovered that the stone currently resides in Italy, the vampires have warned us that those two lowlife hamon users are travelling there to train as we speak.” Fumed Eisidisi, Kars put you down into your bassinet before turning to the other two pillarmen gaze hardening “those savage brutes who hurt our baby already trying to steal from us, we shall not let that happen tomorrow we devise a plan to destroy those lowlifes and gain the red stone of aja.”
Whamu and Eisidis smirked back at Kars, Whamu laughing slightly “those humans shall pay for ever hurting our family and for even thinking of disrupting our goals.” He spoke turning back to his master who each had the same blood lustful looks in their eyes.
End of chapter 5
Hi I know reader sleeps a lot in this and that’s because I’m going for a newborn type of treatment as that will make the pillarmen view reader as even more weak and helpless and newborns sleep a lot (is it weird saying that being treatment like a newborn is nice, like its so relaxing but I can’t help but to imagine it in a ageplay sense like Yandere kaming you helpless,idk intrusive thoughts I guess I don’t know id its wrong to bring that up on an agere story but seeing as I’m not putting the two together and talking about them as two different topics its ok? Idk someone help me I’m anxious and intrusive thoughts are winning the day)
Anyways hope you enjoyed I feel like this is not on par with my other stuff but oh well, I tried.
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dareers-horniness · 1 year
Registry Glitches
The feline walked into your office, adorned in his usual hero garb.
You made eye contact, noting the confidence that seemed to be oozing off of him.
The puma was well known, being one of the only known heroes that HADN'T been born on earth.
In fact, his powers were far from the earth heroes as well.
It was an impressive feat to hold more than one single power, but THIS hero seemed to have three! He was certainly a thorn in the supervillains' sides, being near unbeatable. 
He gained a look of inquiry, putting an open paw out to the chair on the other side of your desk. 
You pulled up the hero registry and scrolled to the hero that now stood before you.
"Ah yes, Starstriker. How nice! Please take a seat!" You offered, gesturing with an open paw to the seat in front of you.
He obliged, taking his seat with his confident smile still plastered on his muzzle.
"So why should our organization pick YOU of all heroes to represent us? What do YOU have over all of the other heroes out there?" You inquired, flicking through Starstriker's statistics.
The puma straightened up, taking on a professional appearance.
"Ah. Well I have been protecting this world for over thirty years and been a hero even longer. In my years on this planet, I have learned much of the culture and how you furs live. ADDITIONALLY, I'm sure you'll find that I am much more resilient than other heroes."
He made his case. And a good case it was. Definitely one of accomplishments and spectacular individuality. Being the strongest hero AND not even from earth? He was an anomaly in and of himself!
Any corporation would be a fool not to pick Starstriker as a representative.
"Ah yes! You are QUITE the superstar! You have a RICH resume of protecting the world from villains!" You noted, scrolling through his stats.
"Though it says here you're 47 years old. Tsk. Let's change that to something MUCH more manageable." You remark, backspacing his age and typing in a '2'.
Instantly, as if the registry was a fact of reality, the tall, dashing hero known as Starstriker was no longer in front of you.
Instead, what sat before you in a heightened booster seat was now a toddler-aged puma kitten in a comfortable fleece superhero-themed onesie.
Though the straps of the booster seat would have stood no chance against the unstoppable Starstriker, the little puma's surprised fidgeting in his seat yielded nothing but a noisy crinkle that emanated from his waist.
His eyes went wide as he now looked up at your grinning form.
"W-wha yoo do tuh me?!" He cried out, fear straining his cherubic voice.
He struggled, trying to escape from his comfy-seated entrapment. But all he got was a cute fumbling with his booster seat's buckle, his chubby paws too uncoordinated to press it.
"And it claims your superpower is… super strength, flight, and super speed? Well that just can't be right!" You continued aloud, backspacing through all of those impressive powers and writing in 'diaper-filling' as his only power. 
Something MUCH more matching his age!
The puma went wide-eyed again before squeezing his eyes shut, his paws tightening around the buckle he was so intent on undoing. 
But now all of his worries were on the lifting tail that followed his grunts, the mess flowing into his seat completely ignoring his attempts to stop his accident.
Starstriker's diaper packed against the booster seat, the little hero experiencing his first accident on earth. Though, even through his grunts, he realized that there would likely be many more to come.
The tot sighed and untensed, letting his rump rest on the deposited mess.
As he took in your gaze again, it was clear he had lost all confidence in himself, his thumb quickly reaching up to his muzzle and depositing before a quick sucking sound filled the office.
The hero registry was SO full of glitches these days! Luckily you could set them straight now! 
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dewdropreader · 2 years
3, 5, & 8 for the new years writing ask!! Happy new year :)
3. Do you anticipate writing for a new fandom this year? Which one?
I have no idea! It’s definitely possible but I have no plans for any other fandoms at the moment! I’ve definitely had ideas for other marvel fandoms (especially crossovers with Loki characters but also others being involved) but other than a vague idea I jotted down for Sylvie and Peggy Carter meeting I don’t have any planned fics for other fandoms!
If I had to predict, the only one I could imagine is if my rewatches of Steven Universe allow that show to dig it’s claws back into me lol. I wrote a few snippets for things when I was like 17-18, after I’d stopped writing/posting fics officially but had short little scene ideas I wanted to write down. I adore that show still but I’m not at peak obsession/interest like I am with the Loki fandom! But we’ll see! It’s always possible that something like that (or maybe even season 2 of Our Flag Means Death?!) could inspire me enough to write something else!
5. Which WIP is first on your list to complete this year? Will you post a snippet?
I have a few that are first up! The main one is my 5+1 Christmas/New Year fic, I need to finish that soon so it’s not *too* far beyond the holidays lol. I’m a bit over half done and it’s short little sections so hopefully soon! Here’s a little preview!
Sylvie shrugs and starts tearing into the present, the goofy mustache themed wrapping paper being shredded effortlessly. She pulls out a long piece of fabric, bright green and covered in a slightly gaudy combination of gingerbread cookies, candy canes, Santas, snowflakes and reindeer. Holding it up in front of her and shaking it out reveals a long fleece onesie.
Loki gives an exaggerated frown that doesn’t stick as he lets out a laugh. “Shall I guess what mine is?” Loki gestures to his identical package.
“I have one too,” Mobius grins, cheeky and way too proud of himself. He clearly knows that his two much more stylish partners aren’t taken by the loud patterned pajamas, but when he’d seen them at the store he couldn’t resist.
“We’re meant to wear them and, ah, ‘twin’, are we?” Sylvie smirks slightly, her eyebrow raised.
“Triplet, yes. And I have more for the other Lokis when they come over tomorrow. Croki included.”
8. Is there a story idea in your mental vault that you’ve never been brave enough to try writing? Is this the year? Can you tell us about it?
It’s not fully in the vault, as I do have a bunch of notes and planning and even a few snippets for it, but it has been dragged along for a while and beyond what I have on the page there has been an insane amount of just sitting and thinking about it trying to sort it out in my brain and make it click! And that would be my Boastful Loki fic! In the vein of having written origins and/or rescues for the other void Lokis, I’ve wanted to tackle Boastful’s story for so long. I have a whole document of outlines and notes from conversations with people like @insert-witty-user-name-here where we discussed ideas and thoughts, all trying to build to the full fic, but it just hasn’t come together yet. Because we know so little about him (barely a personality beyond a few traits and no backstory) there are so many directions it could go, and I already have the main event that causes his deviation (briefly hinted at in “In the Middle of the Night”) but deciding exactly how I want the story to unfold to make it as impactful and fitting as I want, it’s just not there yet 😅 I hope this is the year it finally gets done!! I’m not sure if it’d be better or worse to finish it before Season 2, it’d be nice to solidify it with my own ideas but there’s a possibility he could show up again and we’d get some canon stories for him 🤔 Ideally I’d like to finish before summer/season 2 but we’ll see lol. Even if not the origin, I do have some plans for Boastful to show up and get some more time to shine in the found family series!!
Thank you for the ask!! ☺️
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catonablog-blog-blog · 16 hours
**Pajamas v. Onesies: Cozy Compromise** Greetings, my fellow comfort-seekers! Rufus T Flywheel here, your esteemed connoisseur of coziness and arbiter of all things snug. Today, I embark on a delightful expedition into the realm of loungewear - a topic near and dear to my heart for, truly, is there anything more satisfying than enveloping oneself in a soft cocoon of comfort after a long day of toil and turmoil? I think not. In this grand debate of Pajamas v. Onesies, we find ourselves at a charming impasse. On one side, we have the beloved classic pajamas - a stalwart staple of restful nights and lazy Sundays. And on the other, we have the newer contender, the mighty onesie - a whimsical and all-encompassing garment that has captured the hearts of many a comfort-seeker in recent years. But fear not, dear readers, for I am here to guide you through this delightful conundrum and offer a compromise that will satisfy even the most discerning of loungewear enthusiasts. So, without further ado, let us delve into the heart of the matter and unravel the cozy mystery of Pajamas v. Onesies. **The Classic Charm of Pajamas** Ah, pajamas - the timeless symbol of relaxation and refinement. There is something undeniably elegant about slipping into a pair of silky-smooth pajamas at the end of a long day, the soft fabric caressing your skin as you nestle into your favorite armchair with a good book and a steaming cup of tea. Pajamas come in a delightful array of styles and materials, ranging from the traditional flannel sets adorned with whimsical patterns to the luxurious silk ensembles that whisper of opulence and indulgence. Whether you prefer a button-up top and loose-fitting bottoms or a sleek, form-fitting set that hugs your curves in all the right places, there is a pajama style to suit every taste and preference. One of the key advantages of pajamas is their versatility - you can mix and match tops and bottoms to create your own unique loungewear ensemble, making them the perfect choice for those who appreciate a touch of personal flair in their wardrobe. Additionally, pajamas offer the convenience of easy layering, allowing you to adjust your comfort level depending on the temperature and your mood. **The Allure of the Mighty Onesie** On the other side of the cozy spectrum, we have the irresistible allure of the onesie - a garment that is as playful as it is practical. Combining the comfort of pajamas with the whimsy of a costume, the onesie has captured the hearts of many with its all-encompassing design that promises warmth and coziness from head to toe. One of the standout features of the onesie is its ability to provide full-body coverage, enveloping you in a comforting embrace that banishes all traces of chill and discomfort. Whether you opt for a plush fleece onesie with adorable animal ears or a sleek and sophisticated hooded design, there is an endless array of styles and patterns to choose from that allow you to express your personality and sense of fun. The convenience of the onesie cannot be overstated - with no need to match separate pieces or worry about tucking in loose ends, slipping into a onesie is a quick and effortless way to achieve ultimate comfort without sacrificing style. Plus, the added bonus of pockets and hoods ensures that you have everything you need at your fingertips, whether you're lounging at home or embarking on a daring midnight snack run. **The Cozy Compromise** Now, you may be wondering, dear readers, how can one possibly choose between the classic charm of pajamas and the allure of the mighty onesie? Fear not, for I have a delightful solution that will satisfy your loungewear cravings and elevate your comfort game to new heights - the cozy compromise. Imagine, if you will, the perfect fusion of pajamas and onesie - a garment that combines the elegance and versatility of traditional pajamas with the all-encompassing comfort and convenience of the onesie. Picture a luxurious set of pajamas with a twist - a matching top and bottoms ensemble that can be effortlessly zipped together to create a seamless and snug onesie experience. This cozy compromise offers the best of both worlds, allowing you to enjoy the classic appeal of pajamas with the added warmth and coverage of a onesie. With a range of materials and designs to choose from, you can customize your cozy compromise to suit your personal style and preferences, ensuring that you look and feel your best while indulging in some well-deserved relaxation. **In Conclusion** And there you have it, dear readers - the delightful dilemma of Pajamas v. Onesies has been elegantly resolved with the introduction of the cozy compromise. Whether you choose to revel in the classic charm of pajamas or embrace the all-encompassing allure of the mighty onesie, rest assured that there is a loungewear option out there that is perfect for you. So, the next time you find yourself pondering the eternal question of what to wear for a cozy night in or a lazy weekend morning, remember the words of Rufus T Flywheel and seek out the perfect balance of style, comfort, and convenience. After all, life is too short to settle for anything less than the coziest of compromises. Until next time, my fellow comfort-seekers, stay cozy, stay stylish, and above all, stay snug. Yours in loungewear luxury, Rufus T Flywheel
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shopping4pets · 3 months
How to Choose the Best Dog Clothes in Australia
Choosing the best dog clothes in Australia involves considering various factors such as size, material, style, and functionality to ensure your canine companion's comfort, warmth, and protection. Dog clothes serve practical purposes, including providing insulation in cold weather, protecting from elements, and even expressing personal style. In this guide, we explore the importance of dog clothes, key considerations when choosing them, popular types available in Australia, tips for fitting and sizing, reviews of top picks, and practical advice for maintaining and caring for dog clothing.
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Importance of Dog Clothes
Dog clothes offer several benefits that contribute to your dog's well-being and comfort:
Warmth and Insulation: In colder climates or during winter months, dog clothes like sweaters, coats, and jackets provide insulation to keep dogs warm and comfortable outdoors.
Protection from Elements: Raincoats and waterproof jackets shield dogs from rain, snow, and wind, preventing them from getting wet or chilled during inclement weather.
Fashion and Style: Dog clothes come in a variety of styles, colors, and designs, allowing pet owners to showcase their dog's personality or coordinate outfits for special occasions.
Medical and Therapeutic Purposes: Some dog clothes, such as post-surgery garments or anxiety-reducing shirts, serve medical purposes by aiding in wound healing or providing comfort during stressful situations.
Key Considerations When Choosing Dog Clothes
Size and Fit: Proper sizing is crucial for dog clothes to ensure comfort and mobility. Measure your dog's neck circumference, chest girth, and length from the base of the neck to the base of the tail. Refer to size charts provided by manufacturers to select the appropriate size.
Material Quality: Choose dog clothes made from breathable, lightweight fabrics that are comfortable against your dog's skin. For winter wear, opt for insulated materials like fleece or wool blends that provide warmth without being too bulky.
Functionality: Consider the purpose of the clothing. Sweaters and coats should be easy to put on and take off, with secure closures like Velcro or snap buttons. Waterproof fabrics are ideal for raincoats, while stretchy materials offer flexibility for active dogs.
Ease of Maintenance: Select dog clothes that are machine-washable or easy to clean to maintain hygiene and durability. Check care instructions to ensure proper washing and drying methods.
Comfort and Mobility: Ensure dog clothes allow for natural movement and do not restrict your dog's ability to walk, run, or relieve themselves comfortably. Avoid clothing with tight elastic bands or excessive decoration that may cause discomfort.
Popular Types of Dog Clothes Available in Australia
Sweaters and Hoodies: These garments provide warmth and insulation during cool weather. Sweaters are typically knitted or fleece-lined, while hoodies offer additional coverage with a hood that can be worn up or down.
Coats and Jackets: Designed for colder climates, coats and jackets offer protection from wind, rain, and snow. They often feature water-resistant or waterproof materials and may include reflective elements for visibility in low light.
Raincoats: Waterproof raincoats keep dogs dry during rainy days or wet conditions. They are lightweight, breathable, and often feature adjustable closures and hoods to provide full-body coverage.
Pajamas and Onesies: These snug-fitting garments are ideal for indoor use or during colder nights. Pajamas provide warmth and comfort while onesies cover the entire body, offering therapeutic benefits for anxious dogs or those recovering from surgery.
Dresses and Costumes: For special occasions or everyday wear, dresses and costumes allow pet owners to dress up their dogs in stylish or themed outfits. They come in various designs, from casual dresses to festive costumes.
Tips for Fitting and Sizing Dog Clothes
Measure Accurately: Use a soft measuring tape to measure your dog's neck, chest, and back length according to manufacturer size charts. Take measurements when your dog is standing comfortably to ensure a proper fit.
Check Reviews and Recommendations: Read customer reviews or seek recommendations from other pet owners to determine if a particular brand or style of dog clothes runs true to size or tends to fit smaller or larger breeds.
Allow for Adjustment: Choose clothing with adjustable straps or closures to accommodate variations in your dog's body shape, such as a wider chest or a longer back.
Consider Breed Characteristics: Some breeds may require custom or specialized sizing due to unique body proportions. Look for brands that offer options for specific breed types or consider custom-made clothing for a perfect fit.
Try On and Monitor Comfort: Once you receive the clothing, try it on your dog and observe their comfort level and mobility. Ensure the clothing allows for natural movement without causing irritation or restricting movement.
Reviews of Top Picks
Fleece-Lined Sweater: This sweater features soft fleece lining for warmth and comfort during chilly weather. It's easy to put on and take off with a stretchy collar and cuffs, making it a favorite among pet owners for its cozy design and durability.
Waterproof Reflective Jacket: Designed for outdoor adventures, this jacket offers waterproof protection with reflective accents for visibility in low light. It's adjustable with Velcro closures and provides full-body coverage, earning praise for its functionality and safety features.
Cozy Pajamas: These pajamas are made from breathable cotton fabric, offering warmth and comfort indoors. They feature a snug fit with stretchy cuffs and are available in various colors and patterns, making them a popular choice for nighttime comfort.
Fashionable Dress: This dress combines style with comfort, featuring a lightweight, breathable fabric and a charming design. It's ideal for special occasions or everyday wear, receiving positive reviews for its quality craftsmanship and adorable appeal.
Therapeutic Anxiety Shirt: Designed to provide gentle pressure that calms anxiety, this shirt offers comfort and support for dogs during stressful situations. It's easy to use and washable, making it a practical choice for promoting relaxation.
Practical Advice for Maintaining Dog Clothes
Follow Care Instructions: Read and follow the manufacturer's care instructions for washing and drying dog clothes. Use mild detergent and avoid harsh chemicals that may irritate your dog's skin.
Inspect for Wear and Tear: Regularly check dog clothes for signs of wear, loose seams, or damaged closures. Repair minor issues promptly to prolong the lifespan of the clothing.
Store Properly: Store clean dog clothes in a designated area away from moisture and direct sunlight. Hang or fold clothing neatly to prevent wrinkles or creases that may affect fit and comfort.
Rotate Clothing: Rotate your dog's wardrobe to distribute wear evenly among different pieces of clothing. This helps maintain their condition and ensures your dog always has clean, comfortable attire.
Replace When Needed: Replace dog clothes that are excessively worn, stretched out, or no longer fit properly. Investing in new clothing ensures your dog continues to enjoy comfort and protection.
In conclusion, selecting the best dog clothes in Australia involves considering factors such as size, material quality, functionality, style, and comfort to meet your dog's specific needs and preferences. Whether choosing sweaters for warmth, coats for protection, pajamas for indoor comfort, dresses for style, or therapeutic shirts for anxiety relief, dog clothes play a practical and fashionable role in enhancing your dog's comfort and well-being. By following sizing guidelines, exploring different types of clothing, reading reviews of top picks, and maintaining clothing through proper care, pet owners can ensure their dogs enjoy comfort, warmth, and style in every season.
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txcharms-blog · 5 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: NIP - SWEETXIN Adult Unisex Onesie Pajamas Costume Suit (UNISEX) - Size Large.
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bubblecg · 5 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Carter's Baby Boy 3pc Matching Sets 3 Months.
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irickfashions · 8 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Quad Seven Boys' Onesie Pajamas , Size 8/10 2 Pack Plush Fleece Onesie with Hood.
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pinkelephent54 · 8 months
The Ultimate Guide to Womens Winter Sleepwear
As winter casts its chilly spell, cozy and comfortable sleepwear becomes a must-have for every woman seeking warmth and style during the colder months. The Ultimate Guide to Women's Winter Sleepwear encompasses a variety of options that balance fashion with functionality, ensuring a restful night's sleep without compromising on style.
When it comes to winter sleepwear For Women, the first consideration is the fabric. Opting for materials like flannel, fleece, or thermal knits provides insulation against the cold, enveloping the body in a cocoon of warmth. These fabrics not only retain heat but also offer a soft and plush feel against the skin, making them ideal choices for the colder nights.
One of the classic choices for winter sleepwear is the traditional thermal pajama set. Comprising long-sleeved tops and matching pants, these sets are designed to trap body heat and keep you comfortably warm throughout the night. They come in a plethora of colors and patterns, allowing women to express their personal style while staying snug.
For those who prefer a touch of luxury, velour or satin pajamas add an extra layer of elegance to winter sleepwear. Silky and smooth against the skin, these materials bring a sense of opulence to bedtime, providing both comfort and a hint of glamour. Whether adorned with lace or in rich jewel tones, these pajamas are perfect for those seeking a more refined sleepwear option.
Another winter sleepwear trend gaining popularity is the onesie or jumpsuit. Offering full-body coverage, these all-in-one garments create a barrier against the cold, keeping you warm from head to toe. Onesies often come in playful designs, adding a touch of whimsy to winter nights. From cute animal prints to festive holiday patterns, there's a onesie to suit every taste.
Accessories play a crucial role in elevating winter sleepwear. Fuzzy socks, knitted slippers, and a warm beanie can complete the ensemble, ensuring that no part of the body is left exposed to the winter chill. Additionally, investing in a cozy robe or dressing gown is a practical choice, providing an extra layer of warmth when lounging around the house.
In conclusion, the Ultimate Guide to Women's Winter Sleepwear emphasizes the importance of both comfort and style during the colder months. From classic thermal sets to luxurious velour pajamas and playful onesies, the options are diverse, catering to the unique preferences of every woman. By choosing the right fabrics and accessories, women can transform their winter nights into a stylish and cozy affair.
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jaimee2001 · 10 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Abercrombie & Fitch Sherpa Onesie Squirrel Holiday (XS/S).
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bishiglomper · 10 months
I am SO frustrated with my temperature issues 😤
I switch between a fleece vest, to a sweater, to a full onesie.
On my bed i switch between sheet, throw and comforter.
I've changed clothes 3x just now trying to find a decent balance between having everything covered and not getting overheated because the second my skin gets warm, i start itching.
I cannot take this
I have on thin cotton drapey pants and a long sleeve jammie top but the texture is a little rough. I have a thin velvet jammie top on standby. On top of all my fleece shit. Because the sensory overload is strong tonight 😭
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