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sillydrifloon · 2 years ago
I tried to get the waiter’s attention by blinking in Morse code.
Ft. @themedianut and The Poke Raf YT
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themedianut · 5 years ago
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A Brand New Video is Out NOW on My Channel! With Microsof having TWO Representatives in Smash (Banjo & Cuphead), it's about time for Sony to join in! But who will be the PlayStation Representative? Well, maybe a certain Wacky Marsupial is up for the task? Question of the Day: Should Crash Bandicoot Join Smash? Share your thoughts in the comment section below! #crash4smash #crashbandicoot #crashinsanetrilogy #themedianut #supersmashbrosultimate #smashbrosultimate #smash #fighterspass2 #smashfighterspass #smashbrosdlc https://www.instagram.com/p/B_psIKdlyrs/?igshid=1dmbi101z8xxd
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silvrbacksenpai · 5 years ago
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Today's episode was a lot of fun. I can't wait for episode 4 on May 24th. Thank you @themedianut for being our guest. Can't wait to have you again in the future. (at Flynn's Gaming) https://www.instagram.com/p/CABsrmxjDct/?igshid=1jrxh8v07m7pn
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sillydrifloon · 7 years ago
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I’m not trying to excuse any of what Varian has done, but this scene definitely had me shouting “OH C’MON!” at the TV screen on his behalf. I know they were just having a “thank goodness everyone is safe” hug, but they’re having that family moment literally mere feet from where Varian is breaking down at the feet of his father’s encased body after his latest failure to save him.
Something went wrong, Varian’s crushing under the weight of his failure, and he’s seeing his friends get their happily ever afters while ignoring him and his plight. If there’s a single scene that can summarize his journey to the dark side, this is it.
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sillys-dreams · 8 years ago
I had a dream that my brother kept acting violent and weird. He kept saying things like he hated life and wanted to murder someone. I told @themedianut about this and we decided to travel back in time to correct it. It took us multiple attempts and each time we traveled back, my night would play out a bit differently. One evening we were at flippers playing multiple arcade games, one evening I was working trying a new dough drink that my boss invented(??), one evening I pushed my brother down the stairs while playing a silly banana song on my phone, then things got really weird. The Media Nut stepped out of a time portal by himself while my brother was still falling. He seemed really upset about something, and using what seemed to be dimensional scissors, he cut open multiple rifts on top of the time portal and dragged me inside. "Wait!" Was all I managed to say in my confusion. The next thing I know, I'm at his neighborhood although it was random apartments. I opened one of the doors and this British guy that I apparently knew was fixing up this female robot. "Oh were you two planning to spend the night again?" He asked me, "No, we have things to do sadly." I responded to him. I closed the door and heard him mumble "good" faintly (wow). The Media Nut asked me what was that about spending the night and I told him I could spend the night at his place if anything. I think we did, but then we ended up on some stairs and I realized the time. "Shoot! It's 10:40 and my class starts at 11!" We opened up one last time portal and ended up in Fredbear's Family Diner. My family was at a table waiting to be served, playing with some 8-Bit figures: the Puppet and Balloon Boy. I was about to tell them to be careful with them, but before I could they dropped them both and shattered them (😐). The Media Nut and I split up from there and I eventually ran into the stage room. I pulled back the purple drapes to see everyone. I felt awe-stricken seeing the animatronics in person, and then next thing I knew my head was stuck on the ceiling. I remember panicking as I felt Fredbear's mouth brush up against my legs. "Wait! You don't want to eat me!" I bargained, but he grabbed me easily with his massive hands and ate me entirely. It was dark, and I remember feeling around trying to decide whether or not it was a good idea to resist, but before I knew it, I woke up.
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sillydrifloon · 7 years ago
@themedianut thoughts?
now that Varian is evil what u gonna do now
He’s not evil, he’s just misguided. I think Varian’s been put down by others for so long, that when he lost his father because of a mistake he made and Rapunzel/ the King/ the kingdom could not fix it, he broke down instead of trying to cope or grieve. Varian is similar to other characters such as himself, though those characters were able to overcome their difficulties through thier own adventures. Hiccup found a friend and was able to comvince his village to accept change. Jack Frost was alone for 300 year with no believers during that time, though he was able to make some believers after so long of having none. Hiro Hamada lost his brother and was able to recover from his loss by trying solve the mystery of who stole his invention’s design to use for evil. All three were lonely, had social problems, and lost someone or something in their lives. Hiccup lost part of his leg, his mother (who was found), and his father. Jack lost his life, family, and memories. Hiro lost his parents (I’m guessing), his brother, and eventually Baymax (though he does come back). And finally, Varian lost his mother and his father. Varian probably feels like an outcast in Old Corona. He’s smarter then others his age, so he’s a clear target for bullying because others are jealous of him. His mother isn’t in his life anymore, so he’s doesn’t have a motherly figure in his life to love him and care for him like any other mother. His father is a busy man with high expectations on his son, most likely because he himself was held to those same expectations by his family and/or the secret community he might of been in. With all those issues and complications in his life, Varian must of been feeling real down with life even as he was trying to solve an issue his father was trying to hide him from. When a single mistake of his took his father away from him, he couldn’t keep his emotions contained anymore and his mind immediately blamed others for his own mistake. He couldn’t accept the feeling of failure and guilt of admitting it’s his own fault for his father being encased in amber, so he blamed it on others. Suddenly, Varian was trying to save his father and get his so called ‘revenage’ against those who his mind pitted him against. I wouldn’t of matter if Rapunzel and co. tried helping him when he came to get help. It would of already be to late and he would still blam Rapunzel for getting him involed with trying to solve the mystery of her hair and black rocks. Either way, this outcome might of inevitable. He’s not evil, he’s just misguided and in a scared place right now. He’s feeling all alone in the huge world and doesn’t know how to deal with the world without his father by his side to discreetly protect him. I really hope the King tries to help him through talk therapy and get him the help he needs. I also hope his father is some how saved, because it will be a big factor in whether the fact Varian recovered from his fall from grace or not. I don’t want to see him get jailed or exiled for his mistakes when he is underage and it is not his fault entirely. I will talk about this more eventually, but that is some of what I believe Varian is like. He is not evil and just the fact that he too can make mistakes makes me want to know him more and see him in the show again. I love him as a character just as much as when I loved him before he started down the wrong path. I have high hopes for his return to the show to be a positive one.
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themedianut · 5 years ago
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With the new Pokemon Sword and Shield DLC coming out soon, it's hard to believe that no one has ever made a video discussing Mega Evolutions. Well, here's my Top 5 Mega Evolutions in Pokemon Sword and Shield! What are your FAVORITE Mega Evolutions? What Pokemon would you like to receive one? Share your thoughts and comments down below! Link in bio! #pokemonswordshield #pokemonsword #pokemonshield #pokemonswordandshield #pokemondlc #pokemonmegaevolution #pokemonswordshieldmegaevolution #aprilfools #pokemonvideo #megacharizardz #megavenasaury #megablastoisey #themedianut https://www.instagram.com/p/B-h3kuOFye_/?igshid=vtblnsyixegm
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themedianut · 5 years ago
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Get you a Nut who can do it all! Insta Pic Taken By: @nate_takes #dollypartonmemechallenge #dollyparton #themedianut #randomramblingsproductions #linkedin #facebook #instagram #tinder https://www.instagram.com/p/B7wQK03FMZf/?igshid=ty69qockz3t6
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themedianut · 5 years ago
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We've heard everyone loud and clear! After some heavy thinking, re-writes, re-shoots and re-editing, we're gonna be pushing back our next few episode releases. We want to provide our audience with the best content we can muster! So even though that may mean no new episode tomorrow, it also means that we're upping the quality for this month's round of episodes! That means a clearer balance between our storytelling and our reviews! So we hope you're excited to continue your adventures with @themedianut @sillydrifloon and the rest of the Random Ramblers as they come up against their hardest, and most fearsome challenges yet in these next few episodes of Random Ramblings! Get ready for next week's episode to dominate your screen! Thank you all for supporting our series and the cast and crew who work so hard to make it happen! Great things are coming! And don't forget to: Keep Doing You Keep Sharing Laughs And Keep On Rambling! #RandomRamblings #randomramblers #randomramblingsproductions #themedianut #sillydrifloon #storyreview #keepdoingyou #keepsharinglaughs #keeponrambling https://www.instagram.com/p/B3vmxiHhQ6e/?igshid=h2wucgwcv0go
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themedianut · 6 years ago
Friendships are tested as @themedianut kicks out @sillydrifloon and The Random Ramblers in order to review Season 1 of Attack on Titan and talk about YouTube Drama with Special Guest: MrCake DragonMan!
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sillydrifloon · 7 years ago
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@themedianut and I having a good time at #paradisecitycomiccon2018 ———— #paradisecitycomiccon #convention #SillyDrifloon #therandomramblers #medianut #RandomRamblings #KeepOnRambling (at Miami Airport Convention Center)
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sillydrifloon · 7 years ago
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@themedianut and I met @jaedenwesley at #paradisecitycomiccon2018 ———————————— #therandomramblers #paradisecitycomiccon #convention #it #castofit #billyit #medianut #sillydrifloon #KeepOnRambling (at Miami Airport Convention Center)
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themedianut · 5 years ago
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After the success of Joker, which other famous Super Villain deserves their own Origin Film? Share your thoughts and answers in the comments below! #MediaMashLive #mediamash #mediamashpanel #sunrisecomiccon #randomramblingsproductions #randomramblingspanel @themedianut @cityofsunrise @randomramblingsproductions (at Sunrise Civic Center Art Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-klyOrjNmC/?igshid=1dmqr19zuvy2s
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themedianut · 5 years ago
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Which Marvel Character Should Get A Disney Plus Show? Make sure to watch the video which is out now on our YouTube Channel and share your thoughts and answers in the comments down below! LET'S! GET! MASHING!!! Special thanks to our sponsors for this panel: Sphere of Compassion! #mediamashlive! #mediamashpanel #mediamash #sunrisecomiccon #sunrisecomicconpanel #RandomRamblings #randomramblingsproductions #therandomramblers @themedianut @cityofsunrise @marvelstudios @sphere_of_compassion (at Sunrise Civic Center Art Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-UuVcxjzpE/?igshid=1j4yl3ht3oc11
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themedianut · 5 years ago
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Quarantine life can be a bit dull. That's why every week for the next month we'll be releasing some brand new Media Mash content! Starting this week, every weekend we will be releasing an episode/round of our Media Mash Live! Game Show that we've filmed at the multiple conventions we've attended these past few months But if you can't wait for the next new episode, you can watch the full Media Mash Live! Panel ahead of time on our Patreon RIGHT NOW!!! Wash your hands! Get ready to Ramble! And LET'S GET MASHING!!! TODAY'S FULL MEDIA MASH LIVE! PANEL EPISODE WAS SHOT DURING SUNRISE COMIC CON 2019! We have some Marvelous questions this time around, and some heroic contestants who are brave enough to compete! We were extremely proud to once again host our Superhero Media Mash Live! panel during Sunrise Comic Con 2019!   TODAY'S SPONSORS: Sphere of Compassion https://sphereofcompassion.com/   TODAY'S ROUNDS:   1. Which Marvel Character Should Have Their Own Disney Plus Show? (6:53)   2. Which Super Villain Should Have Their Own Origin Film? (21:05)   3. Who Should Be the Next Big Bad of the MCU? (38:50)  @randomramblingsproductions @themedianut @patreon @sphere_of_compassion @gabriel_of_the_exps @cityofsunrise (at Sunrise Civic Center Art Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-AoxEFj7mz/?igshid=b7yfm9h4nyl8
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themedianut · 5 years ago
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The Ramblers are going to the 8th Annual Miami Comic Con! This Saturday, March 14, we're once again working together with our friends @herohypecon to bring you guys the @miamicomicconvention of 2020! Expect a lot of fun announcements for MCC throughout this week from RRP and the Hero Hype team! We've got a lot of Hype things coming your way! Speaking of which: Shout out to our very own @themedianut for being chosen by Hero Hype to host and MC this year's Con! Also, don't forget: If you want to host a panel this week, make sure to comment below or dm us and we'll get you situated! Once again, thank you to the amazing folks of @herohypecon for allowing @randomramblingsproductions to play a role at one of our favorite events of the year! So get HYPED and we'll see you this Saturday, March 14, at Miami Comic Con, over at the Miami Airport Convention Center! #miamicomiccon #miamicomiccon2020 #herohyped #herohype #herohype2020 #randomramblingsproductions #MediaMash #rrp #rrptrivia #MediaMashLive (at DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Miami Airport & Convention Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9kZPXcjzRj/?igshid=10invbkart1e4
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