sebastianshaw · 1 year
@themarchinghare there you go <3
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goldenimpact · 3 years
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Couldn’t decide on who should be the human and who should be the merman, so have both! Both is good!
Probably shouldn’t have only one human looking after the intelligent fish creature, but what can you do if the fish creature only responds well to that one human? And if you catch them smooching, well, uh, just turn a blind eye and don’t tell the higher-ups, okay??
(under the cut: some bonus arrangements!)
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We could also do “They’re BOTH mermen” AU... And they’re just out there in the ocean somewhere... Courting each other... you know... fish things... Aether’s a fish from closer to the surface and Xiao’s from deeper down. 
Aether probably started heading down out of curiosity and Xiao had to lead him back up because 1: Aether is way too bright and way too pretty to be down in the depths and 2: If Aether stayed any longer, he’d probably be hunted down for... various reasons (getting eaten or getting “eaten”). 
And then you know, they start spending time together every time Aether tries to go down. Then Xiao starts going up. Then they’re courting, and then--
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Altogether! You could take this as a “They take turns being the merman on display” AU, maybe! That’s a funky world setting, actually... Maybe they’re less “animals on display” and more “dolphins that perform” kind of creatures? Taking turns being the trainer...
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lylebolton · 4 years
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@themarchinghare Proceeds to throw it into the incinerator.
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At the moment what is your favorite Scarecrow image?
Hmm, well I’m really partial to this wallpaper:
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I use it on my blog and it honestly just looks so cool to me? It was a modded scene using left 4 dead assets and I think it’s just awesome???
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notbigondoors · 3 years
Madeline felt this image had to be visualized and made me color it too. As you can see Pietro also has to be fast enough to keep the bread (pretoast) in the air so it's not dirty.
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@themarchinghare​, in reference to this post.
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“He’s really good at it,” Vision said. “Look at him go, in his little blue outfit. And his excellent hair. He looks quite happy with himself, too. Good for him, be the best toaster you can be, Pietro. But look at this, this is marvelous!” He smiled excitedly. “You’ve got a cute little bunny, there... And some mushrooms, and flowers... And are those birds in the sky? Oh, and I see the sun is in a particularly good mood as well. Must be because of the glorious rainbow he’s witnessing. The attention to detail is extraordinary. But what is that little black hole at the bottom, there? That’s a bit concerning.” He chuckled. “Regardless, it looks like the uh... pre-toast is properly suspended, so let’s hope that when Pietro stops, he can catch it before it falls to the ground.”
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thenexusofsouls · 4 years
Aesthetic board for Marina!
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strychthia · 4 years
BAM TINY BUN BUN made by gladoart on etsy
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Strychthia loved the tiny art doll so much, she removed her mask so she could see it better. The mask was nice and helped her feel more confident, but her eyes were much bigger than the mask and it obstructed her view a bit. She gasped and reached out to take the tiny bunny. “Tiny bun for home,” she said. She knew just the shelf she was going to put it on too. “Thank you!” she said, taking flight to go bring her new treasure home.
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xleafyheartx · 4 years
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I bring you fruit!
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Jix’s tiny, beady eyes lit up. “WAHHHHHH! Is tiny littles and big-littles platter for Jix! Yaaay! Soooo tasty! Wait... are still called big-littles if they are made small? Hmm... is puzzly thing. Better eat something for brain so I can think better. Thank-thank for tiny tasties!”
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evilzoldyck · 4 years
How's it feel to join the wonderful HxH fanfiction world?
where do I even start?! As always I love new content and I’m loving the show too, every character is so different and entertaining. Also idk what it is but every hxh always do a good job in capturing the character’s personality. The community, from what I’ve seen, is respectful and hilarious lmao idk hxh stans are just built different... you know?
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What's the 50 ideas? Got a way to link to all of them???? SHOW USSSSS
LMAO there’s too many to list. Even discounting original fiction and ideas for other fandoms... there’s just so many.
Here are a few Hellsing fics that I’m actively working on rn:
1. AU where Van Helsing is resurrected
2. Roleswap AU where Integra’s the vampire instead
3. Roleswap AU where Seras is actually the Hellsing heir
4. Alucard gets “drunk” and Anderson has to take him home
5. Monster of the week exorcism case where Iscariot have to show up and make nice with Hellsing
6. Various Arthur and Abraham era vignettes
7. Miscellaneous Alutegra vignettes
8. An entire genre of Alucard Loses His Shit drabbles
I will stop myself there.
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sebastianshaw · 2 years
Does Mr.Shaw participate in NFTs and Bitcoin?
Shaw hates NFTs, it’s basically paying for a receipt and the more he thinks about that concept the angrier he gets.
I don’t know enough about Bitcoin to say, but I will say Shaw doesn’t bother with something if it’s not genuinely profitable so you be the judge there if you do understand it.
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goldenimpact · 3 years
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honestly, i should’ve named this blog something like “edgy bad boy X literal sunshine” or something because that’s all this is going to be. buckle up. i love aether.
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cakerollk · 4 years
It's been a while since I've played the game, would you mind going over some of the updates things that have passed? Thank you so much you're awesome!
Hi hello! Uhhh I think the bar is newest feature so far. You basically make 5 drinks before opening hours, and every day you'll get different food souls who come by for a drink. Sometimes you can click on them for short dialogues between MA and the food souls at the bar. Yunnan's skin, somen and jianbing guozi shards are also available for purchase there! There's new skins and food souls shard available in showdown too. But I guess that's really about it?
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Has there been a story plot you've really been thinking about seeing scarecrow in?
I’d like to see in in the new Gotham Knights game! I know it’s not arkhamverse, nor rally focused on batman himself but I feel like it’d be a big missed opportunity NOT to include him, especially seeing how popular the Arkhamverse made him as a villain.
Maybe they can experiment with his design, or possibly bring back Dino Andrade to voice him? I can only hope~
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thecorteztwins · 4 years
themarchinghare replied to your post “Charles: Okay after careful discussion, we’ve decided that Exodus is...”
"No. We are punishing the children, they bit me and called me ugly."
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@themarchinghare replied to your post “I should redo all my lawfulverse moodboards.”
For updating purposes or recton?
some mix of the two
some of the old posts were made partially bc i was trying to be nice to a friend who has since ghosted and blocked me and i don’t know why.
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