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If I get the opportunity to turn a character into a sick-ass monster-
I'm going to fuckin' take it.
A dream has come true.
#dnd#dungeons and dragons#thelus#oc#ichi draws#paladin#dragon#why WOULDNT you turn your characters into sick-ass monsters?
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Anthony Fineran (B 1981), Arvan A Thelu, 2023
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Please comment some crack ships because Thelus is making me fuckin laugh
#lack of content is making me insane#seadogs#seadogscamp#serpentsdemise#comfort show#mistyeye#pirates#comfort character#doctorsigmundbyrne#lyssabeaumont#thecanevenfond#cylusloomis#yvanneschandra#luckycaiside#captainkellyloughton#maraguidry
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The grave of Lieutenant Kenneth Ian Somerville in Thelus Military Cemetery, France. He died of wounds, aged 22, in March of 1918. Son of Charles Ross and Christina Somerville, of London, Ontario.
#ww1#wwi#world war one#world war 1#The Great War#The First World War#historical photos#history#photography#archives#canadian history#Canadian Army#cef#1917
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1917 02 01 Richthofen's 19th victory - Thomas La Padula
Due to the structural wing issues with “Le Pettite Rouge”, Richthofen was flying a Halberstadt D.ll single seat fighter when he scored aerial victory number nineteen. On February 1, 1917, when Richthofen and his wing mate Lt. Allemenroeder, spotted BE.2d at about 4 PM. The Be.2d, serial No. 6742, acting as an artillery observer, was piloted by Lt. Percivil William Murray and his observer was Lt. Duncan John McRae flying at about 1800 meters. Richthofen managed to get within 50 yards of the Be.2 before he was even seen by the enemy. It would prove too little too late for after firing only one hundred and fifty shots at only a plane length away, the British plane went down in uncontrolled curves crashing into the barbed wire of the German front lines southwest of Thelus. BothMcRae and Murray were wounded and captured by German Infantry, and both died shortly thereafter and are buried alongside each other in the Bois-Carre British Cemetery. Murray was only 20 years old while McRae was 4 years older.Until the structural issues were corrected on his Albatros D.lll, Richthofen would continue to fly the Halberstadt for a continued length of time. For how long MvR flew this plan is up for debate among historians.
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─────── NOTE?!
@primordixl , @hykar1 , @lxdymoon0357 , @crownxie , @achy-boo , @writerig , @roseadleyn
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Names generated from Irish and French forenames, plus Latin given names
Abanor Aberin Acaphialus Acron Adabhán Adellicus Adentius Adháill Adrathnus Aegabione Aegnaches Aette Agair Agnesicius Aiden Ailbiarte Aimích Aithalbhí Alaitra Albhla Albien Aline Amach Amait Amhailín Ampsa Amélius Andefre Anesse Angalus Angréalio Annome Anobeal Ansuzantes Anthanus Antiaglán Aoiio Aoine Apocéabhán Arbhileu Arione Arisses Artighrás Artius Aspades Aspas Atatríd Augus Aurcis Aurel Auxis Auxiser...
Balbie Balium Bartinnéar Batríon Beach Belles Berballas Berine Berion Berras Bettatias Bislairtie Blach Blaithghar Blartus Braiderus Braithaen Brathnainn Breim Brichtna Brigín Bronn Brononaed Bruadis Brund Bróseoger Budox Caibh Caliamhóg Callaic Camarpigi Camirín Caratus Cargyrin Casidesid Castim Catadhan Cebones Chlaois Chomar Chrius Ciarms Ciaroph Ciend Cinus Clent Clentines Clesca Colmán Conachus Coninne Corote Coruadh Crasichal Creniant Creno Crobhán Cronain Crídín Críonnes Curean Cédérime Cúchellinn Daemus Damaodhus Danealus Daras Deliel Della Delle Demal Denie Denéad Diargario Didipho Dindam Dinín Diodhaël Dionn Dirghall Dolybus Domes Dorgusta Doriacus Doruar Dorus Dratradh Dubhrinus Dáilín Dúnait Eacheann Eadhán Ealis Ealus Eançoilus Edoria Edwar Egettate Eidagloco Eidentius Eigionne Eiliettes Eillewinn Einse Einus Eline Elion Elionearna Emonne Enghane Epium Erann Estium Estoce Ethall Eucille Eucio Eutimhe Fabriarix Fachus Fannes Fanniasa Faoibel Fearber Feathus Feibhghius Fertia Fertiach Fiarla Fineabhán Fionador Flaul Flavus Frane Frissius Féimesis Gabeaninn Geibhna Geigium Geimeic Geindán Gelidus Georuasius Gerte Getilor Gidon Glinm Grannín Gricain Grinn Grédéamir Halvid Hamortine Hassaricus Helaina Heliasius Helinnione Iamhán Ianno Iannán Iaphyll Iapolinne Iaptilus Ignach Ioses Isamaoghse Iulfus Iósel Jeamir Jeandán Jeanghear Jeriud Joseus Joseál Jostriú Joëllaurbh Julfho Julfhín Julugus Juntavus Karanne Kevanain Kevetus Kylis Kylus Labhine Ladhn Laeles Laitrus Lamhán Lauredus Lavus Leagaltán Learal Lemain Lemana Lemarie Lenodilín Lenotemo Leonaith Levalus Leverocle Lochestilt Lodón Lycharius Lysid Machere Machín Maeber Maegyr Maenimh Maglairean Maibhg Maind Mainsium Maith Malaurus Mandulinue Mannelpho Manus Maodhane Marianlac Marippus Marna Marne Marry Martus Maureanus Meina Mician Milann Milin Milique Modosia Monaine Munorus Myrie Myrissa Mysium Máiciann Máinnus Míchear Namhán Neanus Nechan Neclis Niadippole Niandáin Nierrath Noeacht Noracheach Nórah Oirus Onides Padine Pancia Papolcel Parolyclen Parrdippus Pasán Patascas Pathum Perach Phachestus Phaette Phiadhem Phielphie Phier Philistio Philín Phinnianne Phius Phony Phrisca Phrán Pilín Pisíofáin Plettela Polmus Polus Polán Pomanadh Pompene Poscatius Posclise Prisiustia Ptoine Ptoric Pádrius Radhardra Radhna Raphaith Ricuissad Riethallin Rocra Rocricus Rodisearla Rogeid Rolisaorms Romth Román Ronius Rosersium Ruaignaith Rubhlar Rédre Régous Rélirifer Rémilisanm Ríofáir Sconghemia Semippa Semmac Senidan Seárdus Sidam Simhóg Slancheri Solie Sonnch Sophine Sopim Sopolytus Stache Stesius Striannd Sulas Sulius Suzanus Sycleodh Sylisachan Sylviles Syndaitre Syrimus Séandubhán Sébhán Séver Tandus Tanysius Tatus Tephaglás Terre Tertiarpus Tervé Theach Theacha Thelus Thelypho Thende Theogertel Therin Thoberig Tobra Tophus Trolas Téphoberus Uades Uannius Vairfhle Vanus Verionne Vesidus Vincis Vinus Vlagham Wilainue Wilín Wislán Woilt Woirín Ysephaemus Zence Zenina Zennt Zentiú Zenzo Áilocra Árdubhín Éadalevia Éadhne Éanníle Éibhales Éignorgio Élille Élippolle Érèse Órduliocen Órlaus Órles Únadhán Únloïc
#444 names#444names#dnd names#fantasy names#name stash#names#fantasy name#character names#character name#name
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Mother Charged with Murder After Setting Herself and Children on Fire in Florida
A 27-year-old woman is facing murder and attempted murder charges after allegedly setting herself and her two young children on fire in Orange County, Florida. On August 26th, emergency responders were called to a residence on Hiawassee Oaks Drive where they found Esther Thelus with severe burns. Her 8-month-old son, Davinci Joseph, also suffered severe burns and tragically succumbed to his…
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Abarduner Abinga Acam'efapor Acenshum Achupu Acoscis Acuscafan Adachesche Afaha Agokibe Agomuuyishi Agucahii Ahupasku Alenfichiigo Amudoshi Anichen Aravi Arekilo Arocazii Arociipavim'u Asamlir Aschessha Aschik'asochi Aschoth'etop'i Ashaschopii Ashumpercu Asulmasde Athanuulo Atohi Atoka Atonpur Atosizuupel Avafice Avipiifi Azen'uschapi Azigenshe Azit'ekes Bach'igey'o Baci Belcho Belhu Bemyam'e Berelfa Beszo Bethuzii Bilgaschiithe Bisden Bono Botah'udus'a Bulohiices Bumfacel Bumilco Cabur Carnu Cec'ebifuu Cem'amimkas Chachasgu Chellina Chemral Chesyes Chevor Chimna Chisrezes'a Choguschii Chokaschel Chonute Chozilko Chucigii Chukikal Chut'evun Cikuusho Ciracu Cissches Come Cosshulsche Cotel Dabu Dachoko Dachon Dalo Daltha Damuv'eshon Dinu Dirsazii Disan Ditakishii Dumrirtho Ebuvu Echenvushas Echichipa Echomthorpa Echuye Ecumsche Edafelchusii Edefop'uchas Edemeshu Efanmor Efato Efecho Efosha Efuyiz'a Egalmevuu Egemem Ehecu Ehomcibam Elayin Elistas Eluziiyachii Emamse Emeranmu Emolyiye Enarlom Eninsuschuu Enurtherha Epamziriiyam Epokic'e Epumbeche Eracu Eravayuule Eseyi Eshalo Eshimviy'ofetii Eship'api Eshornuriischu Eshudis Eshuniivanbur Esuzin Ethesku Etheziche Ethifuzuuyer Ethormerpu Ethukarum Evasschaschar Evobisvi Eyilnische Eyithenen Eyutiifo Ezaschopuu Ezomiiyissa Ezunhesmu Fado Fashozol Fecuuhomsu Feguuvaluuyu Firihor Foror Fothu Fuluusha Fumma Fursozu Fuzu Gafuuvevuuher Gamvu Gande Gerave Gifiizi Gisuugaha Gobabal Gumyasi Hakebiizil Hanyilcoyuu Helvethe Hesho Higuuchu Hinthu Hopu Horda Horo Humro Hunuuvos Ibirlilsir Iborthasfi Ichumechi Icirdomshu Icis'epomcoch'a Icolu Icuryosh'u Idenyo Idinma Idulboldon Ifuka Ifumil Ihangudiilam Ihazeyii Ihepiham Ihershupur Ihoshi Ihovova Ilanschi Ilebaschi Ilenschi Ilugobe Imerrosh'o Imeshil Imurminlom Inanolbir Inipiyan Inugiilu Inunuvi Ipahanor Ipezezo Ipiyo Iralshus Isanzam Ischampo Ischosbebii Ischuhaker Ishikonkurii Itole Ituputha Ivahuubiviira Ivara Iyapethu Iyiro Iyorscham Izinici Izischirme Izuchuudi Kacodel Kadi Kafese Kamoruu Kege Kethen Kige Kigipo Kimunru Kuso Kusthetu Labi Lafomsas Lafopii Lansheniice Larta Lenni Liliihahuu Lilol Lofek'o Lomdik'i Lonbon Lundesip'u Mebuufi Mecalchin Meruniito Molri Monimuufar Moshikip'a Mufinuulok'i Mulhu Muthurer Muzuufa
Nabovi Naneluuzol Nesschuliizur Nethiru Nikin Nischuuseyen Nish'abunuuguhii Nisni Nochuntaschuu Nosmi Nuteha Obishuutinir Ocam'adopirii Ocanun Oceh'olabuuzur Ochegoshan'e Ochuyur Odarnapo Odev'egoch'u Odoces Ododeretuu Ogecim Ogotuuchosch'i Ogoyoriisu Ohogiihuth'u Ohoshoy'i Ohuzul Olunte Omilschikim Omocu Onomshimuu Onufigo Onumschepa Opuke Orerar Orordulshechuu Osahiiha Oschatem'i Oschintem Oshercheduuces Oshothola Oshoy'afuch'eschun Oshubobo Oshuschuku Osorfa Osulmothiichun Oterheve Othapiirathas Otimzu Otondi Oyeschiischadu Oyith'erichii Oyunchosla Ozirpuco Ozulmasnan Ozusahog'e Piforuu Polvas'epa Porku Puchicuu Rapim Rezatii Rilgenha Ririshul Rishe Rorkilsem Rumre Run'uhid'ahuyii Saslaz'e Schefimschu Scheloto Schifiini Schincheri Schissoldoyuu Schoso Schukinkin Schurshi Seb'ahiduu Seci Selbid'e Selyamii Shasch'uvode Shazor Shekofeh'a Shelzu Sherfa Sheruutheco Shillas Shiniigorkar Shochunuv'i Sholiikero Shopoka Shoschense Shot'atumlu Shufalno Soki Sulden Sushi Telche Telhu Telsino Thansura Thelfi Thelu Themani Themgemuu Thoscho Thumorre Thuseliizon Tiszel Tolnal Tomta Toscha Ubemhuschuusis Uboputhiitho Ubuke Ucakerfa Ucharsum Uchayal Ucilemi Udarzoshuulu Udipo Udoscheh'a Uduf'esano Udulvi Uduslam Ufino Ugegiizompim Ugocechuu Uherse Uhimbu Uhorifa Ukurepiiza Ulabe Ulelcha Ulisepo Ulohezuubufii Ulorbe Umamumtha Umilchubum Unamde Upomma Urolukii Usagosilii Uschuso Usebetam Ushelursah'o Uthilokiischi Uthotuuthoshuuviguu Utisgi Utumzeschii Uvic'ugiste Uyesomge Uyola Uyolromkumuu Uyomnen Uzomyaba Uzulfiniidi Uzuskustan Valgot'ino Vamenba Vavimthu Veschothii Vesnihar Vichergar Vidoshiize Vimchiguuho Vinhozo Vino Yaschasii Yilcupir Yiliizalceth'i Yimu Yisyoniiyam Yorcec'e Yubenshur Yuhuuginca Yulrori Yurush'oyo Yuzofuuri Zamuupazem Zanses Zanyihii Zava Zazelyim Zeliila Zencho Zesuunol Zesve Zetes Zetho Zovu Zussche
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I really don't know what my team mates are thinking sometimes . . .
My big climatic fight with my Paladin's sworn enemy was hindered because I couldn't see the fucker the entire fight. And the one person who could break the invisibility just . . . absolutely refused to use her spells to help out? Because it was more important for her to go Big Monkey and punch things, I guess.
The good news is that we did manage to beat him, and I still got a few decent swings in, even with disadvantage.
Live and learn, I guess.
#dnd#dungeons an dragons#thelus#paladin#ichi draws#i love my team#but sometimes you cant help but get frustrated
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Drift Thelu Veliga Retreat by B2B Maldives @b2bmaldives
Drift Thelu Veliga Retreat, promoted and endorsed by B2B Maldives, is an isolated island spanning slightly more than a hectare, offers white sand beaches and rich flora. This private island, surrounded by a turquoise lagoon, offers a window into a bygone era. Enjoy water sports or big game fishing while riding the waves. Alternatively, simply relax and enjoy the genuine elegance and straightforward pleasures that Drift has to offer. On our island, you may choose how active or how laid back you want to be. It is yours to enjoy, after all.
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Hey! I used to have an account on here called @thelu-lupoltergeist but around this time last year and a bit after the new year my life took a bit of a wobbly spiral with some legal action and chronic illness, I had just moved school again and was living in a caravan and my mental health wasn’t great and a while after I got really upset because I was really struggling to draw and since am pretty badly dyslexic and also have Dyscalculia I haven’t done well in school very much so of course, drawing was important to me and what everyone thought I would co in life and I was having periods where I couldn’t do that and had a slight identity crisis my hands weren’t getting better I had to take time off school because I could barely type let alone do things like write. I was upset and over dramatic and ended up delaying that account and regretted it instantly so am a bit better now my hands have not changed they’ve gotten worse but am living with it it helps because am no longer making drawings the thing am good at changing career paths and school subjects helped alot oddly enough, either way, I did enjoy the friends I made on here and am going to stop self-pitying so I just made a new account yay
I don't go by Loki anymore Lola or Lu-Lu or Lu still as nicknames
Still she/he/they
Also i think I could have kept the same username or went back to it but I don't want to
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South ari atoll dive
If you are interested to do a South ari atoll dive, then look no further than South ari dive center. We provide the most professional diving services in the Maldives region.
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I honestly am very passive about Thelus. I could take it or leave it. But!! It’s very interesting to see people so passionate about it !!
Why do you think Thelus is funny? They might be almost brothers in law but they’re soulmates. Lycan is toxic af 🍅🍅🍅
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