#their state of feelings is perma-set at Complicated
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boazshol-blog · 6 years ago
✧ — from murder babe
                      send me a ✧ and i’ll bold all that apply to your muse. | @vaelredetris
I would kill you. ✧ I would physically hurt you. ✧ I would attack you unprovoked. ✧ I would manipulate you. ✧ I dislike you. ✧ You annoy me. ✧ You scare me. ✧ You intimidate me. ✧ I hope I intimidate you. ✧ I pity you. ✧ You disgust me. ✧ I hate you. ✧ I’m indifferent toward you. ✧ I’d like to get to know you better. ✧  I’d like to spend more time with you. ✧ I’d like to be friends with you. ✧  I’m unsure what to think of you. ✧ I’m unsure how I feel about you. ✧ You are my friend. ✧ You are my best friend. ✧ You are my mentor. ✧ I look up to you. ✧ I respect you. ✧ You are my hero. ✧ You inspire me. ✧ You are my enemy. ✧ You make me happy. ✧ I want to protect you. ✧ I would fight by your side. ✧ I consider you an equal. ✧ I think you are beneath me. ✧ I think you are above me. ✧ I would lie for you. ✧ I would lie to you. ✧ I would sleep with you. ✧ I would sleep by your side. ✧ I would hug you. ✧ I would kiss you. ✧ You are family to me. ✧ I would die for you. ✧ I would kill for you. ✧ I would trust you with my life. ✧ I would trust you with my most precious belonging. ✧ I would trust you with a secret. ✧ I would trust you with my biggest / darkest secret. ✧ I love you (platonically). ✧ I love you (romantically).
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riseandshinelittleblossom · 6 years ago
This was a prompt from the lovely @lettersofwrittencollective and I hope I’ve done it justice. This is my first time writing Stiles, so go easy on me...propmt in bold below.
Disclaimer: I dont own Stiles Stilinski (unfortunately) or TW
Tagging my Dylan squad (hope its okay, girls!): @mrs-mitch-rapp93 @mrscutiefandobhaz @mummybear @stiles-o-dylan24 @screamxqueenx94 @superapplepie @brien-odylan @emichelle
Permas: @leelee10898 @fullbeaumonty @ritachacha
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  Everything had to be perfect. It had to be.  Stiles had been seeing Natalie for more than two years now and they had been easily the best years of his life.
     Being with Natalie, so far away from Beacon Hills- so far away from the terrifying life he'd led through high school, left him feeling as if he were in a constant state of bliss. As if he were floating perpetually on a cloud through life. He loved her, and tonight was the night he was going to prove just how much.
   He smoothed down his dress shirt for the millionth time, adjusting the place settings at his dining room table for the thousandth. Lost in his thoughts he began ticking off his to-do list mentally.
Lasagna's in the oven-check
Tunes are on the i-dock- check
I haven't lost the…
Stiles' eyes went wide as he patted his pockets.
  "Fuck, Stilinski. Where did you put the-"
He scolded himself before his eyes caught sight of the ring box on the counter. He crossed the floor of his tiny apartment in two strides, securing the box and stuffing it into his pocket. Back to the list.
I haven't lost the ring-check
Dim the lights since I'm too poor for candles apparently-check check
He strode over to the dial on the wall, adjusting the lights. Now all that's missing is Nata-
A sharp knock rang through the apartment and Stiles couldn't help but smile. He rushed to the door, skidding to a stop to thrust it open.
  "Hey, baby." He grinned bending to kiss her cheek before stepping aside to let her in.
  He dutifully took her coat as she shrugged out of it, tucking a fallen strand of her brunette hair behind her ear.
   "It's smells fabulous in here, Stiles. I'm impressed." she joked.
    "It's lasagna, Nat, not rocket science."
    "I had every faith that you could assemble a lasagna, Stilinski. I'm impressed that you managed to cook it without setting the kitchen ablaze." she chuckled making her way to the dining room.
   A few moments later Stiles joined her, pan of lasagna in hand. He placed it gingerly on the table between them and served out two portions.
     After dinner was finished and a couple glasses of wine, Stiles rooted around in the kitchen for a few moments returning with a single slice of blueberry pie with a generous scoop of vanilla ice cream on top.
Natalie scoffed, jaw dropping. "Where is mine?"
    Her nose wrinkled slightly and her hands found her hips. It was something she did a lot and Stiles thought it was absolutely adorable.
   A sly smirk spread across his face as he responded, "Well I'm trying to watch my girlish figure- ya know the bureau doesn't take kindly to soggy agents- so I figured we could share."
  He produced two spoons from behind his back and Natalie grinned.
    "Fair enough."
    Stiles watched as she scooped up a bite, almost as if there were a special science behind the pie to ice cream ratio. He couldn't help the dreamy smile that bloomed across his face. Simply watching Natalie be Natalie was enchanting.
    She twisted the spoon in her mouth pulling it down when she noticed her boyfriend staring.
    "Nat, I… there's something I've been meaning to talk to you about."
    She dropped the spoon on the plate, an unceremonious clatter as the flatware hit.
   "That is almost never a good thing, Stilinski."
    "This time it is, I swear. I mean I think it is. I hope it is. I had actually never considered that you might not think it is until right now. Well now I'm not so sure about it-"
  "Stiles! Slow down. I was joking." She giggled as Stiles let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding.
   "Okay listen. So there are things in my past, some I've never shared with you. Things that I'm not very proud of. Oh man I'm not even sure how to start."
   Natalie watched patiently as Stiles raked his fingers through his hair, nervously glancing around the room as if something nearby would be able to help.
  Finally she placed a soft hand on her boyfriend's knee. The small gesture immediately soothed him, his frantic demeanor melting away as he covered her hand with his own and smiled at her.
   His honey colored eyes darted between her deep mocha ones as she broke the comfortable silence, "Stiles, you know you can tell me anything and I won't judge you. I love you. Unconditionally."
  He nodded because he did know she wouldn't judge him, however that knowledge didn't assuage the fact that he would still judge himself.
   "Just start at the beginning. I've got all night." Natalie squeezed his knee and Stiles took a deep breath before he began.
   Natalie listened intently as Stiles explained all about werewolves, his true alpha best friend, and the supernatural. He told her all about the nemeton and the sacrifices he, Scott, and Allison had made.
    He paused for a long time after that, and although he was sure she had questions, Natalie never said a word. She just silently soaked in the information, tracing gentle circles on Stiles' knee cap, her mocha eyes never leaving him.
   When once again he found his confidence he continued on, telling her all about his possession by the evil nogitsune during junior year. The battle he'd waged within himself even after his friends had expelled the entity from him.
  Stiles storied on about chimeras and wendigos. About the dread Doctors. Gulping back pain and regret he confessed to the love of his life about what happened in the school library the night he took Donovan's life.
   All the while Natalie listened, sometimes the sympathy or empathy she felt for him flashed briefly across her flawless features, and when it happened, Stiles would squeeze her hand and pause a beat.
    Eventually he told her about the Riders on the Storm and how he was terrified he'd never make it back to Beacon Hills, but that once he had, he'd made up his mind to leave that all behind him.
    A silence filled the room for a long time, so thick it was almost palpable. When she was sure that Stiles had finished-evidenced only by the way he cast his gaze at his feet- Natalie finally spoke.
   "I believe you. I am so sorry. I never knew….when you said your life in Beacon Hills was complicated I never thought…" her voice trailed off as she reached over to cup his cheek, Stiles peering up at her through long lashes, clearly ashamed of the things he'd just shared.
    "Nat, there's no way you could have. I never told you before because...well it's a helluva burden to carry. The knowledge you can never share. I only told you now because-"
  "Stiles, I'm glad I know. I'm glad you told me. You shouldn't have to shoulder all of that alone and now I can shoulder it with you. I love you so much, Stiles Stilinski. Nothing you have told me tonight could ever change that."
  Her thumb grazed his temple and a soft, involuntary sigh escaped Stiles as he relished the touch. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the tiny box, dropping to his knees before the love of his life.
  A hand flew to Natalie's mouth, the realization of what was happening coming to her instantly.
   "Natalie, to me you are the sun and the moon. The earth and the stars, and I would move mountains to prove it to you. I've never felt more safe, more whole, more... accepted than I do when I'm in your arms.
    Natalie...even after everything I just thrust upon you...you love me as if I deserve you, and even if it's selfish I just can't let that slip away. Will you marry me?"
  Stiles opened the box to reveal a small square-cut diamond solitaire set in white gold. He held his breath anxiously as a single tear slid down her cheek, a smile tugging at the corners of her covered lips.
  She couldn't move-hell she could hardly breathe- so she gathered every ounce of strength within her and vehemently nodded a response.
   A wide grin threatened to split Stiles' face in two as he took her hand, removed the ring from it's velvet bed and slipped it onto her finger. It was a perfect fit.
  Natalie pinched his face between both of her hands, crashing her lips against his with a ferocity he'd never seen before.
    When finally she pulled away Stiles whispered, "I love you with all of my heart, Natalie."
    "I love you too and I can't wait to become Mrs. Mieczyslaw Stilinski."
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mejoff-things · 5 years ago
I have been thinking about the Labour Antisemitism smears a lot (big surprise to you all I'm sure). I've been trying to work out why, in the face of all the factual evidence, they are still around, still sticking, still likely to condemn us to another generation of this ultra capitalist hellscape.
There are, at the heart of it, a number of different groupings, with different, intersecting agendas, and certain levels of cognitive dissonance, driving the campaign to destroy the British Left, not all of them even acknowledge that the destruction of the Left is their aim.
First, we have people (mostly gentile, some Jewish) who have historically been left-leaning, but are perhaps a little better off now than they used to be, have absorbed a little more of the I'm Alright Jack zeitgeist than they want to admit. They're friends with leftie circles, maybe even know people who are likely to suffer and die under a Tory government. They really don't want to vote for Socialism, but how not to look like an arsehole in front to the people whose pain and death you're going to vote for?
The difficulty in resolving the contradiction between drifting to the right, but not wanting to admit their drift to the right vanishes in the face of a worthy sounding excuse suddenly on perma-blast on all media. Now they can claim not to have stopped caring, they just care about "The Jews" more.
That perma-blast though. Yeah, a second group (mostly gentiles, some Jews) will accept evidence free mainstream media narratives without question.
Third, there are, of course, a lot of openly hateful right-wingers (mostly gentiles, some Jewish) who will just pick up any stick and beat the left with it. This is increasingly literal, and every other group mentioned in this post is encouraging and enabling them.
But then there is the complicated bit. There are people (mostly gentiles, but quite a lot of Jews too) who take Corbyn's stance on Palestinians as humans deserving of human rights as antisemitism. Why do so many people see opposition to ethnic cleansing as inherently racist? It's a thorny question, not helped by the fact that some pro-Palestinian discourse does - mostly through thoughtless phrasing, sometimes through bitterness and frustration at utter injustice - straddle or even cross the line into antisemitic sentiment. It should be made clear here that none of Corbyn's own support of the Palestinians has done so, but when other people's does, it provides an opportunity for us all to be dismissed as racists.
However, there are two groups who cite, against all the evidence, Corbyn's objection to Likudist Ethnic Cleansing policies as antisemitism, and indeed anyone else's.
The first are actually all for wiping the Palestinian people off the face of the earth. True imperialists, they will say things like "they weren't ever a real country anyway" and laugh-react news stories about the horrific casualties Israeli soldiers and settlers inflict on their chosen untermenschen. These people are just fascists.
But there is another group who I can't help but feel desperately sorry for, even as they career headlong into ruining the lives of the vulnerable and needy. The moderate Zionists.
This is the real tragedy. These are mostly perfectly decent people. Often left-leaning, would absolutely vote to save their long term sick, disabled, Roma, immigrant, unemployed or otherwise vulnerable friends, except for this one thing.
They really believe in the dream of Israel, as it should have been. They may even look at Likud's excesses and say to themselves "not like this", but at the same time they have to support the state that represents the possibility they grew up with. So when anyone reminds them that the dream is drenched in innocent blood because of the imperialist overreach of the Israeli right-wing, it butts up against their self image as a good, caring left/Liberal person. There is a cognitive dissonance that sets in: they can't possibly be in favour of ethnic cleansing, can they? No! Deflection is the reflexive response, it moves blame off yourself and onto your accuser, invalidating their position.
"I cannot possibly be a supporter of ethnic cleansing, whoever suggests I might be must be themselves! Yes! That makes sense! I just believe in an idealistic dream of a safe Jewish state. You brought up the ongoing slaughter of second-class citizens therefore you must be planning a second Holocaust."
And unless a lot of people can overcome this block we are fucked. Fucked for the next five years, fucked for a generation, possibly fucked for good.
Please, please, come to your senses before it's too late.
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mmmmalo · 6 years ago
i rewatched contrapoints incel video and noticed how it links skulls to the unchanging self, similar to heads in homestuck?
I watched the relevant clip: in evaluating the “the difference between a chad and an incel is a few millimeters of bone” meme, Contrapoints speculates that since bone structure is (more or less) set in stone past a certain point, it serves a potent symbol that incel status is biologically determined and unchangeable.
This is not quite what Homestuck is doing with heads. The image of decapitation is overlaid with the image of birth as a way of emphasizing that birth is seen as the fracturing of some prior wholeness, or harmony. Some (?) characters further conceive of this a Fall, in the biblical sense, and thus perceive their current state as a corruption or degradation of what they used to be, and/or ought to be. The sense of inferiority is where I’d draw the closest parallel to the above take on incels, though for Homestuck characters the notion of /immutable/ status tends to appear more as an anxiety than a committed statement.
The heads themselves are not unchanging either. Part of the gesture of the cube within the cube in the Homestuck logo is one of infinite regression – even a fundamental idea can be broken down further (which complicates the notion of hierarchy among ideas). Dirk creates the AR as a sort of mind-sans-body, so the distillation of his personality is itself a sort of decapitation. But although Dirk thinks of his perma-13 head-glasses as frozen and unchanging abstraction of himself, that’s not really true? The broken piece is nonetheless whole. Lil Hal has feelings, and while his development is partly determined/limited by his new body and circumstances, he still develops.
So I guess… your point may be true of how some characters conceive of heads, but be wary of how you apply that idea? Your ask didn’t really suggest any particular application, but it felt important to clarify.
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salavante · 6 years ago
Aesop 29 or the Helmsman
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(I’ve drawn his floating head a lot, so here’s him with his hood up, which I draw less) Also formal apology because I think like maybe no more than four people who follow me play Destiny, so a couple things may sound a little esoteric. I’d suggest checking out the Ishtar Collective (links to offsite) if I refer to something unfamiliar. 
Full Name: Aesop-29
Gender and Sexuality: Male and Homosexual.
Pronouns: He/Him.
Ethnicity/Species: Exo, from the little crop of Destiny fancharacters that I have.
Birthplace and Birthdate: Unknown factor. But Aesop was found by his Ghost in the middle of nowhere, in a southwestern state that I have not chosen yet. Arizona, Texas, Colorado and Southern California are all candidates. Aesop has just a little bit of a Texan accent. 
Guilty Pleasures: Aesop is trying to learn how to play guitar and is really bad at it, making him very shy and nervous about his attempts. Similarly, Aesop enjoys singing, but usually does it when no one else is around - because no one else has really heard him sing before, it is a well kept secret between him and his Ghost that he’s actually pretty good. I personally like to keep the list of music that he likes to the 50’s-60’s bracket to match the kind of retrofuturistic style that the Golden Age tech in Destiny has. We the viewer read it as being ‘old’, even if it’s much, MUCH older than we realize because the setting is far future. That’s really all that matters, that we recognize it as being antiquated. His favorite of the very small pool of albums he has access to are Marty Robbins’ “Gunfighter Ballads and Trail Songs” and Nancy Sinatra’s “Boots” and “Sugar”. Sojourn teases him about it and has thusly introduced him to the feeling of shame. He also likes drinking alcohol even if it doesn’t actually make him drunk. Sometimes he does it out of spite. Someone you don’t like? Pound his drink right in front of him and walk away.
Phobias: Aesop’s kinda agoraphobic - he feels trapped and panicked in enclosed areas with lots of people, can be overstimulated by large groups of people talking/making a lot of noise. This makes him mostly useless in large-scale conflicts. He has managed to curb some of this by being accompanied by Sojourn or Calico to areas or situations that are high risk (whether that means a combat scenario or just going to The City), but this can get squirrely because Calico doesn’t have a ghost anymore and if killed would die permanently, and Sojourn has a tendency to get worked up in a fight and leave him behind on accident. If everything goes well though, Aesop is perfectly functional fighting in the small group that is his fireteam - himself, Sojourn (exo warlock) and King (human titan). His ghost, Chanticleer, can also sometimes talk him down if he’s starting to spin up into a panic attack. It’s something that he wants to fix, but, existing within the confines of your anxiety is a cold comfort that he indulges in. In general, he’s a very anxious person with a lot of existential dread, but he puts on a clownish, brazen act and hopes people don’t notice.
What They Would Be Famous For: Honestly, probably something very mundane, like breaking a dopey Guinness-style record or something like that. The entire point of Aesop is that he is very average in his skills in a world of blisteringly powerful space wizards and the like. I find his challenges are more about what goals he sets for himself and if those goals conflict with the status quo. Does his worth need be defined by how good he is at killing things vs. is the pursuit of personal wellness and happiness selfish in the context of a world fighting for its survival. Can these things coexist. etc.  
What They Would Get Arrested For: Probably something relatively benign done for the sake of pulling a dangerous stunt in the name of fun or looking cool. If he was a regular ass human in a normal modern setting, probably taking a nice vintage car for a joyride.
OC You Ship Them With: Aesop will have a love interest in the comic canon, but I’m gonna keep that under my hat for awhile yet. It’s not Cayde though, Cayde is dad. If Amanda Holliday was a man, he’d be utterly and entirely in love, but, alas. He’s still infatuated with her platonically though, and thinks she has pretty much the coolest job in the world. A promise of visiting her is a good way to entice him into going to The City.
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: When death is not a factor, this becomes less of an issue, hah. Aesop and his bff Sojourn have killed each other a number of times in training, to an almost nonchalant degree. Aesop has also been killed much more in training, by his fireteam’s resident titan, King. Aesop will also find a rival in a local Fallen pike gang, the leader of which has the placeholder name of Easy Rider. I also have a Cabal villain I am throwing around and trying to decide if they’ll stick, but I need to do a lot more work and research on that. They’re my least favorite enemy type mechanically, but I think they could make perfectly acceptable antagonists in a narrative. 
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Aesop does not read. He can, he just doesn’t. I think maybe, MAYBE, someone could get him to read comic books, but those aren’t very sturdy and I feel like the amount of intact physical copies at this point would be almost nothing. The pool of movies and media that he has available to him are very sparse, but he absolutely drowns himself in spaghetti westerns, and would probably also like trashy action movies if they were available to him. I also think he would like Grease, HAHA. It has cars and guys in leather jackets singing in it. He’d also probably like any kind of rustic, western themed musical. And anything with cars in it would have his immediate interest no matter how bad it is, but he’d zone out in any parts he doesn’t like. 
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: To be honest I think most of the time, movies are a little too long for him and lose his interest partway through. He has a really short attention span and anything too long, complicated or artsy will lose him and he’ll start being fidgety and chatty and start making his boredom everyone else’s problem. Even if there’s a movie he likes, if there’s a part that’s boring to him, he zones out. He probably watches the same 2-3 movies over and over again, which is fine because his available library of media is probably really small. I like to think that they probably have movies in some kind of archive that they put up publicly in The City every once in awhile, like they have a projector that puts it on the side of a building and people just bring chairs and shit. Aesop has an aforementioned fear of crowds but he probably does some hunter parkour bullshit and perches somewhere at a healthy distance to watch from afar, as long as it’s something he thinks he would like. If he doesn’t he gets up and leaves.
Talents and/or Powers: Aesop seems to have an interest in vehicles, but due to a bet with his mentor, Calico, he has not actually been taught how to drive a Sparrow and so pines for them from afar. As said, he’s learning how to play an instrument, and if we want to be technical, is a Gunslinger speced Hunter with the Golden Gun super. He is very bad at being stealthy, as he is very impatient and is also a little bigger than the average exo. He’s just kinda tall and wide and tends to clunk around. If his Ghost Chanticleer wasn’t as clever as she was, Aesop would probably be perma-dead by now.
Why Someone Might Love Them: He’s kind of a dumbass and a space cadet but has the potential to be very sweet, and the people he cares about, he latches on to really hard. Similarly, when set to a task he cares about, he does not quit. Unfortunately, many of his goals are unresolved, but it does not mean that he will stop trying. If he were to, say, become romantically interested in someone, he would go to great lengths to connect with him, even if it meant doing things Aesop himself may not like. In specific circumstances, Aesop may find that he has a great capacity for nurturing and bringing out the best in other people, a talent Aesop himself undervalues. Though he’s not all that intelligent, Aesop is very reflective and existentially inquisitive, and thinks about a lot of big picture stuff that other people might push aside in an era of crisis. Though he may not understand science or the way the world works in a mechanical sense, he is awed by it, and is a great appreciator of natural beauty. He’d cry at a particularly beautiful sunrise, if he could cry. I’d say he could be described as having a romantic soul.
Why Someone Might Hate Them: To be honest, Aesop has trouble establishing empathy with people he doesn’t know very well, and so is less invested in Earth’s plight than he probably should be (it would not be hard for Dead Orbit to sway him to their views). This makes some people think that he doesn’t take his charge seriously, and they also usually assume that he’s a slacker because he’s plateaued in his abilities so early. Really, Aesop is acutely socially anxious, can have panic attacks in large crowds, and generally prefers to stay away from The City unless he needs to go there, and so has a big emotional disconnect from it. Calico and Chanticleer have tried to get him more accustomed to groups, but has been thusfar mostly unsuccessful. His insecurity and anxiety also cause him to pull odd, dangerous stunts to prove his worth, making him unreliable and impulsive. He can bungle social interactions rather spectacularly, and is easily goaded into doing really stupid shit. Really, he is a person who may just be “too much” for some.
How They Change: Oooooghhh….I can’t talk about this. I forgot how frustrating it is to not be able to talk about things because you’re going to make a comic out of it. Suffice it to say he’s gonna change a lot.
Why You Love Them: I think Aesop encapsulates a lot of anxieties I have post-college. Aesop is a person in transition who is unsure of his future, knowing only that he can’t quit now, because quitting means failure and failure means death. Because he is in transition, he is anxious about forming relationships with people, worried that either he will be left behind by them, or that they won’t like him when he’s “finished” becoming a person. I think he has a complex relationship with his personhood and sense of self. I dunno, I think that’s an interesting anxiety for a protagonist to have. I am also interested to see what Aesop will end up contributing to his society/organization and his interpersonal relationships, and if he’ll be happy with it. I’ve put a lot of work into him, the ‘original Aesop’ I had in mind might as well be a completely different character now. Aesop was originally a little cameo that I did in our TTRPG game, Godslaughter, because my boyfriend had put a dunmer cameo character into our game and I wanted to return the favor. Then he made a sheet for him. Then I decided to keep him around, then I decided to play Destiny 2, then I decided I loved it, lol. There is still a version of Aesop in the TTRPG but he is so incredibly different, they may as well be different characters. We refer to him as “Bad Aesop” but should probably call him something more dignified (we won’t).
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mysteli · 6 years ago
Soulmates (Jake X MC)
A/N: Heya! So this is yet another Jake and Logan fic. Kind of obsessed from I was inspired to do this by a prompt request from @brightpinkpeppercorn! She helps me out a lot and I hope you like this. It gets pretty angsty so be warned.
Warning: T
PERMA TAG LIST: @brightpinkpeppercorn​ @cocomaxley@hopefulmoonobject@alesana45@jellybean-marshmellow@mymandrake@regrettingnathan@dobie2112@princesstopgun@mechaspirit@skyila@mind-reader1 @xo-endlessmayhem-xo@sakaily @justboredtrash@regina-and-happiness@flyawayblue56@annekebbphotography@endlessly-searching-for-you@reginasayeed@zigortega4life@zackzilberg @eileendannie@alesana45@diamondoasis@speedyoperarascalparty @liam-rhys
Let me know if you wanna be tagged! 💗
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Jake clutches the piece of information in his hand desperately, his mind going to the worst possible places. He doesn’t wanna believe this but it just might be true. Logan may be planning on leaving... and for good as well. Jake can’t go with her. Not now. Not when there’s so much at stake for him. With his name not yet being cleared and the struggle of trying to keep Logan happy with their troubled life. It’s all so damn difficult. 
Logan always reassures Jake that she’s gonna stick by his side through this always. And never ever leave him because she loves him. Married for almost ten months now and Jake wishes they were closer to clearing his name but he hasn’t received any new information for almost a month. Now, it’s all kind of a cycle. Logan visits every weekend and they spend two days together, never leaving each other’s side because that’s pretty much all they wanna do. 
Jake has tried to give Logan the life she deserves but maybe she’s finally realised that he can’t fulfil a perfect future for her and that there are better things for her out there. Logan isn’t even supposed to leave for the states until tomorrow but reading this, it seems like she won’t ever be coming back after this. 
Logan promised to be with him forever. It’s a legal vow but her own personal promise. She believed in him and reassured him during the darkest times - when Jake only felt useless and allowed his doubts to consume him. She’s always here and she never gave up because she cared him and she loved like a loving wife should. She treats him like a soulmate. A one of a kind type of love that you’d only find in fairytales. Like something in a movie except so much more complicated. But she always saw it as simple and comfortable and the kind of life she always dreamed of.
Something thrilling and risk-taking, where she’s always on the run and living a life of adventure and unstoppable love. But Jake always wanted her to have what she deserved. Something simple and wholesome. A healthy life that only gave her the best opportunities and the best kind of future. Because that what’s she deserves. 
But instead of living her life to the fullest... she’s here. With a man who’s got little to no future left. No hope remains unless his name is cleared and that seems like such a far away resolution that’s miles and miles away. 
What if this is it? What if this is their life forever? 
He wouldn’t be able to live with himself if he was the reason that she was unhappy in any way. His heart would ache just being aware that she’s only here for the sake of his solitude. Jake would never have guessed however. Logan always has a bright smile on her face when she’s with him. Drinking and talking. Kissing and making love. Confessing and exploring. That’s all they really do anymore and Jake likes it that way. At least he thought Logan did too. 
But this piece of evidence suggests otherwise.
She isn’t saying goodbye exactly but she has a ticket for a flight scheduled for 7pm tonight and it’s half past 5 right now. So any minute... she could be arriving back from her shopping only to tell him that’s she’s leaving. That isn’t the only thing. There’s a post-it note stuck to the ticket and what it says is what reveals the cold and harsh truth to Jake.
‘Last ticket home. Can’t do this anymore.’
What the hell does that even mean? Don’t even try and justify this. He mentally kicks himself for being so reckless and pathetic. She’s leaving. That’s the bottom line. She won’t stay anymore because she’s realised the deadline of her careless youth is drawing near and now she has to start worrying about the real world and what her future is gonna be.
The fun with them is over, even though Jake thought he knew that a marriage wasn’t just fun. But fugitive fun seems like the perfect way to describe where they are right now.
And it kills Jake inside that he hasn’t been giving her all he can. He feels like he’s almost been neglecting her... 
All of a sudden, Jake’s self-loathing is interrupted by the sound of keys clicking and hooking into the hole of the door. He snaps his head to the direction of where the sound takes place and he’s fully aware that Logan is finally home. Home for only one reason. To tell him that she has to leave. After all this time... she’s just gonna go. 
After what seems like forever, the door swings open and Logan lightly steps inside, casually shutting the door behind her and throwing her set of spare keys on the counter carelessly. She’s carrying four shopping bags, two in each hand and the tense expression resting on her as she paces in softens when she catches sight of Jake. 
She throws the bags onto the counter and wanders over to her husband silently - seeming unusually happy to see him. Jake quickly stuffs the ticket under the coffee table and forms a weak smile, as he turns to meet eyes with his wife, who is sitting on the armrest of the chair by the time he glances at her. 
“Hey, you.” Logan smirks as she tenderly brings her lips to Jake’s, her plump lips feeling cold from the frosty weather outside. The new season wasn’t taking a liking to Costa Rica, even though it’s always supposed to be hot. 
Jake struggles to respond at first, confused by her sweetness and kindness. Maybe she’s just trying to ease him in to the torture that is still to come. However, he does accept the kiss. How could he refuse? Once he pulls away, he tries to maintain that weak smile that he doesn’t know how he’s keeping up. 
“...Hey darlin’.” Jake whispers as she rests her forehead against his, a longing look in her ocean blue eyes. 
Logan slowly climbs onto Jake’s lap, as he takes a long sip out of the half-empty beer he’s been using to drown in his sorrows with. If only she knew. “I’ve been thinking about you all day.” Logan mutters in a husky tone, her palms planting onto his chest and roaming up painfully slowly. 
Jake hesitates, arching his head back as he tries to focus on what she’s planning to do. What he doesn’t understand is why she’s being so romantic for someone who is about to break his heart. 
“You were only gone for an hour, Princess.” Jake corrects, succeeding in suppressing a smirk. Instead, he just arches his head back as he attempts to avoid her seductive gaze. 
Logan giggles, not sure why he’s so reluctant all of a sudden. “So what? Doesn’t mean I don’t spend every damn hour thinking about... what I wanna do to you when I get home.” She whispers in that raspy tone that drives Jake so damn crazy and he swallows hard, struggling to dodge the rock planted in his throat. 
Her hands move down to Jake’s stomach and start to drift up under his shirt, as she caresses the bare skin of his chiselled figure. Jake hisses, biting down on his lower lip as he attempts to control his desire. 
“Damnit, Lo.” Jake mutters, cursing under his breath as she works her way up his chest, his pecks twitching at her touch as he unwillingly shivers. 
Logan smirks at the effect she’s having on her husband and she moves her lips to his neck, leaving a trail of featherlight kisses in her wake. “You like it, huh?” She whispers against his skin, nibbling softly and that causes Jake to grip the armrest of the chair.
“Princess...” Jake struggles to talk as she continues to have her way with him and it sure as hell is working. “...you really wanna do this now?” 
Logan nibbles harder this time, causing an accidental groan to escape from Jake’s mouth. Something he just couldn’t control in that moment. He swears he can’t remember a time when she was this forceful with him or insistent on sex. She’s already been the one that likes to tease and play hard to get but something has definitely gotten into her tonight. Maybe it’s that guilt finally hitting her. Maybe she’s having second thoughts.
“Yes...” is all she responds with, moving her hands to his hair, tugging on a few strands playfully.
“Lo... stop.” Jake pleads with her as calmly as his voice will let him, slowly easing her grasp off his hair and attempting to move her off his lap but she won’t budge, straddling him even more.
She leans away, completely bewildered and she raises an eyebrow at Jake. “Is something wrong?” She questions and the typical innocence in her tone causes Jake to feel so damn guilty that it becomes too hard to function. 
“Nothing’s wrong, darlin’. I just... don’t wanna do this right now.” Jake tries to lie but the strain in his voice gives it all away and he can’t help but huff in annoyance at his stupid attempt at a lie. Besides, Logan can see right through him anyway. 
“Jake... what are you hiding?” Logan enquires, confusion flooding her gaze as she scans the shaking state of her husband, as his nerves to activate and it’s pretty damn obvious. 
“It’s nothing.” Jake assures, retrieving his bottle of beer that Logan had shoved aside before and he takes a long, desperate swig. Like it’s the only source of saving him from the pain of his confrontation. 
“You should know that you can’t lie to me by now.” Logan reminds him and Jake just sighs heavily, refusing to give his vulnerability away. He hates being emotional in front of anyone. She lovingly cups his face, noticing how watery his eyes. That curious look in her eyes that always shows she cares is almost enough to make him relent. “Come on, Jake... tell me what you’re thinking.” 
Jake bites his lip almost instinctively, enraptured by the beauty of his stunning wife. Her ocean eyes burn into his cerulean eyes, orbs desperate to connect and never break contact. He can’t believe that maybe he’ll never get to see those beautiful eyes again if she leaves him. Or be able to kiss her plump, puckered lips or playfully tap her small, button nose or tangle his fingers in her long, platinum hair or even touch her smooth, pale skin. 
It almost comes down to this, this moment... and whatever choice Logan chooses to make. 
“Fine,” Jake relents and gestures to Logan to get off him. She obeys immediately, curiosity taking over completely as she eyes Jake with intrigue. He leans over the armrest of the couch and reaches under the coffee table, pulling out the plane ticket with the post-it note attached to it. 
Logan’s eyes immediately widen with shock, like that of a cartoon character, when she spots the familiar item in his trembling hands. Jake doesn’t even need to say anything or explain what it is or what he is thinking. Because she knows. She’s known him long enough to be aware of all his doubts and regrets and what he’s scared of and what he feels threatened by. Just seeing that look of point in her eyes lets Jake know that she’s aware of the mistake she made by not telling him about this.
An unspoken amount of pain invaded both hearts, as they sank into their chests, their heart strings falling apart with a wave of realisation washing over each exterior. Jake hates it. Feeling that amount of disbelief and knowing that she’s about to do it. She’s about to leave him. For good.
Logan leans against the wall, clutching her chest to stop the shivers running down her spine and startling her. She can’t take this. Seeing the delusion in his cerulean eyes as he processes what she’s about to tell him. What she’s about to reveal. It’s painful that she may choose a proper future over her soulmate. 
“...You found the ticket.” Logan finally breaks the icy silence, fiddling with the uneven ends of her platinum hair, her nerves building up like bricks in the background. 
Jake avoids her gaze, keeping focused on the ticket in his tense grasp. “...Yeah. In the bottom drawer next to the bed. You could have hid it better at least.” Jake can’t seem to make that sound like any sort of sarcasm or joke. He’s too pained and full of stress. 
Logan doesn’t take it as a joke. She just shrugs, her shoulders slumping back awkwardly as the rest of her body tenses up. “...I know.”
Unwanted tears slowly rise in Jake’s eyes and a whirlpool of doubt circles around his mind. He can’t quite understand why she’s doing this. Or he just doesn’t wanna understand or admit that he’s just not good enough. He arches his head back, trying to wipe the sobs away before Logan can notice them. 
“...You’re leaving, aren’t you?” Jake assumes, realising it hurts even more to say out loud. Logan feels instantly like she’s been hit by a thousand bullets but her instincts have been numbed by the emotional impact of Jake’s torturous words. He really thinks that. 
“I’m just... keeping my options open.” Logan answers rather vaguely, knowing that Jake’s frustration will rise soon enough and that a serious argument is about to take place, no matter how much she doesn’t want it too. 
Jake’s eyes snap up from the ticket and land on his shaking wife, complete and utter disbelief rising. “What options, darlin’? Have I done something wrong?” He questions, rising from the chair and placing a hand through his hair out of stress, strands of his sandy hair slowly falling over his knees. His eyes are now sunken in and his lips are chapped and dry.
Logan doesn’t know what to say. This is all her fault. Just one stupid mistake she made out of frustration. “No... it’s not you.” She assures, avoiding his desperate gaze as he takes a cautious step closer to his wife. 
“Then what the hell is making you wanna buy a fucking plane ticket for tonight?” Jake questions, gritting his teeth as anger and frustration begins to rise within him, the temperature increasing with the pace of his pounding heart. 
“Jake... it’s not what you think.” 
Jake huffs in irritation. “You have a note by it that says this may your last time here. What else could that mean? You’re leaving me, aren’t you?” He assumes once again, his blood starting to boil. 
“Look, I still love you more than anything but... it just feels like we’re stuck in the same place. And we have been since we got back.” Logan admits part of the truth, throwing her hands on her hips and trying to match Jake’s level of annoyance but her nerves seem to be getting the best of her. 
Jake’s eyebrows collide out of confusion. “...What? How are we stuck in the same place?” 
“It just feels like all this time... we haven’t been moving forward at all. It’s been the same always. I come here. We’re together for two days. And then I leave again and I’m without you for another five freaking days. You don’t realise how unbearable it is, Jake.” Logan confesses, pouring out her true feelings about all this. The way they live. The way they are. How unbalanced the future is. She can’t take it anymore. 
“I don’t realise? You saying I don’t know what living without you is like? Cause I know it too damn well, Princess. I love you so much damn much and being without you five days a week just makes me fall back into old habits and lose control of what mistakes I make. You’re my guide and when you’re not here... I feel useless. Then when I see you, it gives me hope. Hope I thought I never had. You. You’re my future and if you leave now...” Jake trails off as he notices the shock and horror stabbing at Logan’s heart strings, as she buries her face in her hands - trying so hard to not think the worst. 
“You wouldn’t do that. You wouldn’t do that.” Logan repeats those words a few more times, trying to convince herself that Jake wouldn’t have the guts and amount of pain to lose himself like that. Her stomach turns at the thought with nausea and she falls back against the wall, staggering aimlessly. 
“Goddamnit darlin’. For one second... try not to think the best of me. Cause that’s one reason why I love you.” 
Sobs pool from Logan’s sky blue eyes as her head creases with concern for the man she thought would never let love ruin him. But turns out... she may have made his mental state so much worse than it originally was. 
“...I wanna stay here, Jake. With you. Forever. Even if we don’t get your name cleared.” Logan confesses, her request appearing more like a petty plead as she paces over to Jake and cups his face as reassuringly as she can.
“No, darlin’.” Jake dismisses the idea like he always does, easing her grasp off his face and kissing her forehead softly. “I told you. Not until you finished your degree.” 
Logan expected that answer but she still had a slither of hope that he just might be desperate enough to need her every day. Instead, they’re both just as naive as each other. They’re more similar than they choose to be. They’re both troubled and they both struggle with the absence of each other. But Logan knows deep down that if she keeps this up... she’s gonna lose herself and her future. She’ll give it all up... for him. 
“...Then I don’t know if I can do this anymore.” Logan whispers with unintended regret. Regret she attempts too hard to hide but Jake can spot it from a mile away, as shock clouds over him upon hearing the words he’s dreaded to hear since they made their wedding vows. Just hearing it out loud and in reality is complete torture all in itself. Now it’s really happening. He’s gonna lose her. He’s gonna miss her too damn much to stay. 
Jake’s shoulders slump back hopelessly and he just shakes his head, completely in denial. “Damnit, I need a drink.” He states suddenly, trudging away from Logan and heading over to the fridge and swinging it open in a harsh manor. He’s so heavy handed when his temper is at its peak. It’s almost concerning.
Through Logan knows not to mess with him when rage is consuming him. Jake has a right to be upset anyway. She told bluntly revealed to him that she may be leaving and who really knows how much his heart is shattering right now? His eyes tell her that he’s about to break down like a weak branch but his motionless exterior says he’s trying to hold it all in. For his own sake and pride. 
Silence invades, an unbearable silence of torturous solitude. It’s not even silence when there are shrieks of mocking laughter echoing in Jake’s ears, the devil in his head judging him on how pathetic he’s being. Acting all macho and tough. Unfazed and blank. He should just cry, shouldn’t he? It sounds so much easier and healthier. But it’s not. It’ll only make him feel worse. Bottling it all up will make it so much easier to let her go, no matter how much he doesn’t want to.
Jake takes a long swig out of the fresh beer he’d just retrieved from the fridge, refusing to even look at Logan and leaning stiffly against the kitchen counter. Maybe this is all a stupid nightmare. He’s had dreams about how painful this moment is before. Logan always left in the end but he always knew, deep down, that she’d be there when he woke up but now... where will she be when he finally has to admit that she’s gone?
He won’t be able to do it.
Jake stiffens and tenses up when he hears Logan take a cautious step closer to him, her heavy breaths echoing in his ears, even from a safe distance. 
“Look, if you wanna go then just go.” Jake interrupts her, refusing to hear any excuses as his tone remains dull and cold, almost zero emotion in his pained eyes. 
Logan sucks in a sharp breath, stunned by his harsh words. “I know that’s not what you really want.” She tells him, sending him a pointed look that he doesn’t care to notice.
“You don’t know what I want. You never did.” Jake counters in a colder tone, clear arrogance in his ragged body language as he sips out of his bottle of cold beer. 
Logan takes another wary step closer, arching her eyebrows in disbelief. “You do realise why I’m having doubts, right?” 
Jake scoffs at that. “Oh yeah. You hate this life. You’re tired of the same old shit. If you were so damn bored, then why did you stay for so long?” He questions, raising an eyebrow at her with intrigue.
“Because I love you!” Logan answers almost immediately, feeling her veins pop with frustration as she runs her hands through her hair in a stressed out manor. She’s lost. She can’t take this anymore.
“Yeah?! Well that seems to be your excuse to leave.” Jake states, the volume of his pain increasing with every word, as the lump in his throat widens. 
“I wanna leave because this isn’t working anymore, Jake! Not because I don’t love you!” Logan assures, slamming her counters against the counter as a why to get the message to stick in his mind so he knows that she still loves him, no matter what. 
“Then fucking leave!!” Jake snaps, shouting in an extremely loud tone that echoes throughout the room, causing a mixture of negative emotions to erupt in his heart. He lashes his bottle of beer at the wall, watching as it shatters into dozens of little shards. It’s like watching their relationship fall apart at the same time. Jake has a deadly look on his face. One that Logan has never seen before and she definitely hates this type of anger on him.
It looks almost unstoppable. 
Trying to show no fear, Logan arches her eyebrows and folds her arms in a solemn manor, trying to cover up the real tension running through her body. “Fine.” She mutters, as she paces into the bedroom, pushing the door slightly ajar. 
“What the hell are you doing?” Jake questions, peering into the bedroom even though he literally snapped at her for leaving.
“What does it look like I’m doing?” Logan says in a sarcastic tone, grabbing her half-full suitcase and placing it on the double bed, a stressed look on her expression. “Packing.” 
“You’re leaving now?” Jake asks, swimming to have calmed down but there is still hidden rage lurking in his eyes. Something he may not have even noticed himself. 
“You told me to. So I’m leaving. I can’t take this anymore.” Logan states rather harshly, matching Jake’s frustration from before and that seems to silence the broken down man.
Feeling hopeless, Jake exits the bedroom and seats himself on the couch, aware that there is no way he can convince Logan otherwise while she’s in that kind of mood. She never listens to anyone when she’s frustrated. Maybe he can fix this when she’s more calm. For now, he just lets her pack, spending the next hour in a silent living room - contemplating and worrying that Logan might just leave him. Go back to the states and never come back. Well, he kind of just told her to and now she’s really doing it.
He can’t believe he let his anger get the best of him and that may have just cost him the opportunity to fix all of this and maybe he still can but right now... he has to let her calm down. Hell, he has to let himself calm down. Jake can still the rage boiling his blood and exploding in his veins. Causing all his muscles to tense up and his breathing to grow heavy. His stress levels reaching their peak and his mental state getting close to its breaking point. 
He messed up so bad and all he hopes is that Logan can find a way to realise that this doesn’t have to be over and he can fix it... somehow. He has to. To remain with his soulmate. Or he won’t be able to live with himself. Never again. 
After what seems like forever, Logan paces hurriedly back into the living room, clutching her suitcase with tension as sweat spreads off her palms and soaks the handle. She doesn’t even take one last glance at Jake before reaching for the door handle. 
Jake doesn’t know what to do or say. Should he stop her or let her go? It all comes down to this moment. He tilts his head slightly, noticing how slow Logan is being to leave. She’s hesitating. Hell, she might be panicking. Does she really wanna leave? 
Jake suddenly rises from the couch and lets his desire control him for once, listening to the angel in his head rather than the devil. “Wait. Princess.” He pleads as he calls her name and Logan pauses but she doesn’t turn around. Her nervous grasp on her suitcase weakens at the sound of the desperation in Jake’s humble tone. She remains silent, expectantly waiting for another one of Jake’s excuses. “You said you’re going to leave... but I don’t want you to go. And if I don’t say something now...” Jake trembles with fear and nerves. Something Logan has never seen on him before. He’s actually being vulnerable with her. Showing his sensitive side. “...I know I’m gonna regret it for the rest of my damn life. Because you’re mine. And I’m yours. And I don’t want this to end over uncertainty. It can’t...” Tears rise in Jake’s cerulean eyes and he finally sets them free, unleashing all the emotions he’d been keeping bottled up all this time. Logan almost drops her suitcase at the surprising sight.
Paralysis locks her and she just freezes, unsure how to react to something she’s not used to. He’s so desperate for her to stay and this is way of letting her know just how much he loves her. How must she means to him. Everything.
Without hesitation, Logan drops her suitcase and rushes over to Jake’s side, wrapping the damaged man in a comforting arms as he sinks into her embrace almost immediately - just happy to know that she’s really there. With him. In that moment. He clutched her tightly, his hands touching every inch of her to become familiar with her once again and once again make sure he isn’t just imagining things. She didn’t leave. She’s right here with him. 
Jake leans away and wipes his tears as quickly as possible, his watery eyes burning into hers as he holds her like he’s missed her forever. He just wants to look at her, even though she never really left. What he chose to feel made it seem like an eternity. With burning desire, Jake swiftly crushes his lips against Logan’s and she responds almost immediately, startled at first before sinking into his touch. The feeling of his lips is what made her so hooked. The taste of raw alcohol and tangy flavours. Strands of his fawn hair fall over his ears but Logan gently brushes them back as the kiss deepens, before winding her arms around his neck. 
Passion, desire, hunger, want, need, fear, confusion, worry, rage, happiness, grief. All these emotions being poured out into this one kiss. This one moment of unbreakable power and so much emotion that not even a god could break such a love. 
They’re soulmates after all. And they’d do anything to never let each other go. This is a love no mortal can even attempt to stop because it’s all fire and passion. Tenderness and commitment. Something so damn good that it has to last forever. 
Jake leans away and rests his forehead against hers, smiling so genuinely and taking her in once more. “...I love you so damn much, darlin’.”
Logan returns with her own grateful smile, kissing him once more and grinning against his lips. “I love you too and trust me... I ain’t ever leaving you again.” 
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blorbologist · 2 years ago
OHHH, the heroes to save the gods - I love that!
See, where mind was going was that they just... wouldn’t. 
I’m not as sold on the idea of them dying - as the characters get higher and higher level, perma-death becomes less and less likely. Especially now that they’ve got Pike to feasibly fall back on, and Keyleth knows True Resurrection (though she’s never used it, and iirc it’s implied the Raven Queen doesn’t like that spell, so I’m not sure she would, given... yknow... Vax). 
I’m more sold on the idea of them failing. This is beyond a party that will only be a few levels higher when this hits - again, in the timeline, the Solstice is less than two weeks away (I forget exactly how many days away atm). There’s only so many levels they can gain in that time.
The world is on the up and up - in Campaign 1 an entire city-state could be under necromantic control for half a decade; half a coastline could be razed by a dragon a decade prior. Corruption and darkness are, slowly but surely, being routed from the world. Which - good! The actions of the player characters positively impact the world! But once you’ve got so many happy endings, with the flaws of civilizations healed by the heroes, you slowly run out of things for new parties to do and save. We’re already starting to see this with Matt needing to keep VM occupied so they don’t just fix this. 
Whitestone has streetlamps. It’s a small thing for me to get hung up on, but - Whitestone has streetlamps. Everything is getting better and better, and wizards are rediscovering hubris of the past, and in the last 30-40 years of the world the quality of life (not everywhere, but in many places that matter to the players) has improved considerably thanks to our heroes. (Ignore the guns for a second shhh shhh shhhhhh). You can’t really have many threats casually hanging around when we see communication improved, with more uses of Sending and Sending stones and Teleportation circles set up in most places we care about. If presented with a clear danger, you also need a good reason why our past heroes haven’t heard about it and dealt with it - which is part of why the Apogee Solstice works so well, because it’s keeping VM (and presumably the M9 harassing the Assembly) occupied.
Moreover, Calamity did pop up earlier this year, and the reaction to it was overwhelmingly positive. It was so much fun, so heartbreaking and terrifying, and I can’t help but wonder if Matt would want to take a crack at something similar in the main campaign. Probably less fucked up than Brennan did it, because holy fuck that’s a high bar and these aren’t oneshot characters you can casually dismember, but! Worth considering.
I think this is a perfect time for everything to come crashing down. Shake it up - we only recently saw Calamity, and I’m feeling we’re moving to an easy status quo like the one it presents... before the sky falls down around their heads, and things get messy and complicated again.
(not to say there aren’t fascinating ways to tackle the world advancing and improving - Legend of Korra had the bones of a lot of really big problems heroes could tackle when the world gets ‘better’ quickly. But given a lot of this ‘betterment’ is tied to the happy endings of C1 and, to a degree, C2 characters, I feel it might be ehhhh iffy to pull the rug from them and go ‘actually all these things they did with love had Unintended Consequences and made the world Fucked Up In Ways’. You can say Aang and Zuko kinda mucked up sorting out the Fire Nation colonies - Matt can’t quite look Marisha in the eye and tell her Keyleth fucked up badly in X Y Z way and her bittersweet ending is actually even worse.)
The fact that Matt, himself, talking through Ryn, has explicitly told them (BH) and the audiences, that this campaign will take a dark turn. He's not pulling punches, beloved NPCs and even the PCs will not live. This campaign is a one big soup, made with bits and pieces from other campaigns that leads to this big piece.
A fucking God Hunter, who have consumed 2 gods. Otohan who despise (losely use) the Duskmaven for who knows what. Maybe this is her way to take her revenge on the matron (and possibly the whole gods), by releasing this hunter. Also, Exaltant (thats a dope ass fucking title if I ever hear one)
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shannondonoghue-blog · 7 years ago
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Things can heat swiftly considering that buxom Mars remains in Leo as well as your 8th house from sexual activity, affection as well as perma-bonding all month, joined through Venus off August 26 forward. Opportunity Days: August 7: Aquarius moon & lunar eclipse The year's simply full moon-- in your relationship home, of all spots!-- is likewise a game-changing lunar eclipse. Motivator Mars is riding shotgun in Leo all month, pumping up your crave lofty concepts as well as marvelous experiences. August 15: Venus-Pluto resistance You intend to link, yet ingrained worries of vulnerability can interfere. Since the federal government began helping folks purchase college, lots of for-profit institutions have tried to find means to con trainees as well as citizens. If you have any issues about where and how to use synitheies.info, you can speak to us at our site. That may be intriguing-- that's why some individuals really feel upset." Within a few days-- definitely awful days for some-- rocketeers' brains learn how to overlook the fearsome signals coming from the inner ear, as well as space sickness fades away. Trump has actually presented little cravings for falling to the details from Republican politicians' discussions on the problem, as well as on Monday, he said to a team from CEOs at the White Residence, That's an extremely complicated topic. Operating in space to construct or even mend a spaceship that evaluates 1 thousand extra pounds is actually thus tough that the place's exterior factors have an exceptional engineering function: although the station is actually comprised from greater than ONE HUNDRED components, with a surface area stretching over virtually three acres, most bolts the rocketeers collaborate with are actually a solitary dimension.
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Opportunity Days: August THIRTEEN: Sun-Saturn trine You've acquired the charm AND ALSO the influence to provide your concepts as well as sway the masses. Carrier world Mercury is also backward in Virgo and your 8th home of financial investments off August 12 to September 5, rushing signals around money and also partnerships.
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With Saturn retrograde, you have actually been actually pressed to get significant in your interpersonal dealings, which may have taken a handful of sobering moments. August 4 carries the third payment in a trio from intense squares (/ aspects/square) that have actually formed between big-picture Jupiter and also controlling Pluto over recent eight months. The change may run counter to what Trump's agents as well as GOP lawmakers have contacted the value from having an unified planning amongst the White House, the Senate and also our home-- a training they learned from the failing from regulations intended for rescinding the 2010 Affordable Care Show, widely referred to as Obamacare. In 2014, schools were actually inquired to send MIOSM show video recordings, showing how they are joining MIOSM, which would certainly after that be marked together for a national performance. That decrease, plus condition budget decreases, are going to set you back the school over $31 thousand, though it hopes to compose a few of that shortage by improving university fees. However, Republicans have actually accepted only the contrary for decades today. It's a little unusual when you deal with it: Just about every United States ninth-grader has actually certainly never lived a moment without rocketeers shooting up overhead, residing in room. Mercury will definitely create a second, retrograde-free trip by means of Virgo coming from September 10 to 30, recovering crystal clear communication between scalp and also soul.!
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theartoflovingthomashunt · 5 years ago
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HWU107: A Client, A Star 
Masterlists: [Hollywood U] || [Red Carpet Diaries]  || [Baby Hunt]  || [Love & Scotch HWU/OH]  ||  [#HollywoodHacks HWU/LH] – – – Characters: Ethan Blake, Ben Park (mentioned: Alex, Thomas Hunt, Holly Chang)
Prompts: Dream @choicesjunechallenge ; day two @choicescocappreciationweek [Red Carpet Diaries/Hollywood U - Ethan Blake ]
Setting: AU where Ben Park (#lovehacks) has helped save Alex and Thomas Hunt’s movie more than once. Catch Up Here
Production on Centaurus Lost is back underway. Super Agent Ethan Blake is interested in signing a new client.
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“Thank you for meeting me,” Ethan Blake stood to greet his next appointment, firmly shaking his hand. “I’ve heard a lot about you, Ben.”
“Good things, I hope?” Ben slid his glasses further up the bridge of his nose. 
“Exceptional, actually.” Ethan gestured to the seat at the table across from him. “Centaurus Lost will hit box offices next year, because of you.”
“I didn’t do that much, it was already a great film,” Ben shook his head modestly.
“I disagree, you salvaged a failing script and revitalized the set in such a way that a set design nomination is not out of the question,” Ethan stated matter-of-factly. Before Ben could protest, he continued, bridging his fingers under his chin, leaning into Ben. “Where do you see yourself? If your dream offer walked through that door right now, what would it be?
Ben’s gaze shifted to the door, picturing what offer he’d want, what end goal he was striving for. “I want to be a comic book illustrator.”
Ethan nodded. “Anything else?”
“I’d like to publish a graphic novel, too,” Ben stated, his voice filled with conviction. It had always been a thought he had, it was way he changed majors and switched colleges, but he’d only been at the university a few weeks.  
“Okay.” Ethan sat straight up adjusting his blue pinstripe Armani suit. “I can do that.”
“What?” Ben leaned back, tilting his head slightly, a line forming between his brows.
“I can work with that,” Ethan reiterated offering Ben his card with a flick of his wrist. “I don’t want your answer now, but I would like to represent you, Ben. I think you have great potential. Alex has not stopped singing your praises, and she has a tremendous eye for talent. I would be remiss if I didn’t attempt to sign you first.”
“I’m not sure… I just got here... I don’t know what to say,” Ben stammered with wide eyes trying to process the offer. 
“Don’t say anything now. I can draw up a sample contract and send it to you. If it sounds like something you’d be interested in, give me a call.” Ethan glanced at the card in Ben’s hand. “You have my number. Use it. My job would be to make sure those dreams of yours, happen!”
“I… Thank you,” Ben finally answered, putting Ethan’s card safely in his wallet. “Is there anything you need from me or that I can do?”
“Soon,” Ethan promised, flashing his brilliant smile. He paused for a moment. “However, I do have a query that I believe you may be able to assist me with.”
“Anything!” Ben agreed.
“It’s about Centaurus Lost,” Ethan began, tapping his finger lightly against the table. He hated going behind Alex’s back, but she’s too close to the film to see it. “As Alex’s agent, I have access to the script. It’s incredible–Zaria is incredible. I don’t know if you know it, but Holly Chang is an exceptional writer, the fact that Zaria matches Karina each step of the way is no small feat. It’s why I wanted to reach out about representing you.”
“That’s an unbelievable compliment. I’ve heard amazing things about Holly since joining the University. I’m not sure I deserve to be in the same category,” Ben argued. 
“You do! I don’t make bad calls. ” Ethan insisted. He took a breath before continuing, he could feel his heart beating faster; it was not something he was used to, and he knew Alex would hate him doing this, and it would only further complicate things with Hunt, but this was the right thing to do, even if she didn’t see it. “I’m obviously biased as Alex is my biggest client, but as someone who knows Zaria inside and out, what do you think about Alex playing her?”
☆  ☆  ☆  ☆   ☆   ☆   ☆
Perma tags: @lilyoffandoms ; @raleighcarrera ; @mfackenthal ; @the-soot-sprite ; @virtuallytakenby ; @zeniamiii ; @kaavyaethanramsey; @choicesobsessed; @xjustin-ethansgirliex ; @caseyvalentineramsey; @trappedinfandoms; @anotherbeingsworld ;  @obsessed-with-humans
Thomas Tags: @alleksa16  ;    @flyawayboo    ;  @alj4890  ;  @twin-skltns   ;    @ab1901 ;   @riseandshinelittleblossom  ; @hopelessromantic1352  ;   @thearianam  ; @zodiacsign1 ; @curiouslittlefreak ; @sharrybh20 ; @princess-geek ; @awkwardambition ; @jodibo ;
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