#their relationship gets me everytime I rewatch it
arty-cakes · 1 year
Mad and angry at how these two joke side characters try so hard to be heteronormative but they really aren't and that's where most of their misery comes from. not all of it but most of it, like it very much keeps them in the cycle, because they seem desperate to find a happy storybook ending and this is how they think they'll find it, by trying to be like the same characters that found that happiness. its never addressed but also painfully obvious with how much they don't fit in with the other npcs dear god these characters are queer coded to hell i could write an essay (i accidentally did)
its not even like bretta and zote are straight cis characters these two are bi and aro canonically but its more to do with the gender roles they're trying to replicate, and failing. they suck at it. he is not this emotionally stoic resilient lone knight he is in fact continuously fighting his emotional pain and if you give him the right attention he will stay forever. he'll get angry that you saved him or that he needed your help because YOU dont fit in his story. she's not a forgiving accepting loving damsel in distress she can take care of herself great and will also drop you like a hat if she sees even one flaw in you. because then YOU dont fit her story either. they care so much about their stories because they reinforce the identity they think they're supposed to have but they're also so disconnected with themselves BECAUSE of these gender roles that they dont realize it makes them miserable
the biggest cause for this is that they are lonely isolated individuals and dont understand or know enough about real people so they have to go off their storybooks and it only keeps them alone. its like you have to be stubborn about saving them and staying by their side so they can get that chance to change and thats exactly what the knight does. its stubborn as hell it will save them again and again and it will fight their dumbass crushes as many times as it takes to make them realize what they're doing is painful. and bretta gets that chance, she leaves the town that isolated her and goes to find something better, most importantly she gets experience. zote gets to stay alive, which is the best thing you can do for him. because now he might get to face his pain, whereas in death he never gets to overcome it, just escape it
its also very funny that when the game pushes them together in this fake relationship its purposely depicted as completely ridiculous and an obvious parody and you also have the chance to beat it to the ground multiple times. whereas the two more meaningful love stories that you get to help happen are mlm and wlw and completely unapologetic about it this game is GAY
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love-byers · 3 months
mike's weird language when he talks about el and their relationship
part of the equation of stranger things relationships is building the relationship through emotional connection, not physical intimacy and outright saying how you feel. it's a trope in st that the couples refuse to admit their feelings for some time before getting together. "we're just friends", "she's not my girlfriend" etc etc. the denial is super endearing. and even when the couples are finally together, this doesn't change. they're literally just the same duo same friends, but they kiss sometimes. they barely even acknowledge that they're together. it's a great trope in my opinion.
so a couple years ago i was rewatching st and made a list of everytime mike said something weird. meaning, every time mike did not adhere to this formula and stood out from the rest of the couples. i made a tiktok about it too so im basically quoting that in this post. something i stressed in that video was that because we have the other couples as source material, clearly the writers are capable of not doing this. they are capable of writing a good serious relationship, but they're choosing not to with mlvn. so keep in mind, the other couples (besides maybe stancy) do not do this and mike is supposedly, according to his own words, is madly and deeply in love with her throughout all of this and knows it.
Season 3
"Romantic time with my girlfriend."
i'll cut this one some slack, it's just that if you were truly madly in love it would be more like "I'm spending time with el". but thats all he views it as, romantic time with his girlfriend. going to his girlfriends house to make out with her. romantic time with his girlfriend. not bonding with the person he loves.
"Did you think we were never gonna get girlfriends?"
mike is hyperfocused on the word girlfriend. she's not el, the person he loves, she's his girlfriend. he doesn't say "did you think we were never gonna fall in love?" and look i get he's only like 14 here but it's the fact that he later claims he was in love with her the entire time and knew it. he literally claims it was love at first sight.
get girlfriends. he got a girlfriend. he didn't fall in love.
"It's not my fault you don't like girls!"
again the hyperfixation on girls, get a girlfriend, liking girls. mike, why are you more focused on the fact that el is a girl and your girlfriend than the fact that she's el?
"You're the most important thing to me in the world."
finn's delivery of this is so.....
and the fact that el just stares at him blankly afterwards, like she did not buy that lmao
Season 4
"That's because she's my girlfriend, Will!"
it's not "that's because i love her and want to talk to her" or something like that, it's "thats because she's my girlfriend and that's what you're supposed to do when you have a girlfriend" not "because she's el and i love her". that plays into mike's whole charade in lenora, he's just doing things he thinks he's supposed to do when you have a girlfriend.
"You're a superhero!"
that has nothing to do with who el is as a person, especially at that moment because at that time, el didn't have her powers. at the time, everyone believed they were gone, she wouldn't be saving the world anymore. but mike is still saying how incredible she is because she's a superhero.
i hate dr brenner so fucking much, but he did say something i really agree with. el kept going back to the concept monsters and heros, and he says those are things of myth and fairytale. not everything is black and white. this is real life, not a made up story with clear good and evil. and ultimately that helps her accept what happened with 001. he was 100% right there.
then here comes mike talking about monsters and superheros again like WRAP IT UP YA'LL ARE TOO GROWN FOR THIS
"You're the most incredible person in the world!"
again, he says that, but doesn't say why. he just expects her to believe him. it's such a broad statement and doesn't connect to anything about el and her personality/interests/ideas.
"Maybe I should've said something, and if I would've said that thing, maybe she'd want me there with her, wherever she is."
he wishes he'd just said it so she'd be satisfied and want him there and he'd know she's okay, he doesn't wish he'd said it so el would know in her heart that he loves her. "i love you" to mike isn't a geniune confession of his feelings, it's a thing. it's a thing that you say. it's something he thinks he has to say because that's what couples do and it's what el wants. if you fell in love with someone at first sight you do not refer to an expression of your love for them as 'that thing'.
"Maybe I was worrying to much about el. . ."
i really don't know what he meant by this. if she is the most important thing to him in the whole world and is deeply in love with her, why in the mother FUCK would he be apologizing TO WILL for worrying too much about her. there wouldn't be too much worrying when you love someone that much.
"You can fly, you can move mountains I believe that."
she literally can't.
"I love you for exactly who you are. You're my superhero."
the first time i saw this i literally thought "oh thats not..."
because it's.....not. one or the other would've been....fine i guess. but the first preceding the other is just not it. i love you for exactly who you are, and that is my superhero. is that all she is to you, mike? el expresses constant worry of being a monster, a bad person. she's afraid that she's a monster with or without her powers. but dr owens said "I'm willing to bet you're one of the good ones." fucking OWENS said something more reassuring than her boyfriend and supposed love of her life, mike wheeler.
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lonelychicago · 7 months
i was rewatching buck begins (as one does) and when they show his postcard at the construction side with the bright orange and yellow vest and the helmet in hand and all, i had this vision.
hear me out!!!
he met eddie after a minor accident at work where he ended upbat the ER where this really nice and hot doctor (eddie) treated him and buck flirted with him the entire time, giggling and blushing and making his injury seem worse than it was just to buy some more time with the guy. it was so blatantly obvious, and eddie never fell for it, but he played along anyway because he usually never pays attention to anyone or anything other than work and chris. but! this stranger is funny and nice, and the curly hair sticking to his forehead is just begging for eddie to run his fingers through it, and his smile is contagious and those dimples should be illegal actually.
fast forward to a couple of months later— they've been dating for a while. buck's construction crew teases him endlessly and relentlessly about eddie and chris but buck takes it gladly and proudly because this is the best relationship he's ever had and it's the first time where he's all in, body and soul. honestly? buck loves the teasing from his coworkers. he loves getting to talk about his boyfriend and his adorable, amazing, incredible son who has buck wrapped around his finger (in just a month, buck's already built an adaptive skateboard, a book shelf and fixed a desk for the kid)
he especially loves when eddie surprises him every now and then with lunch that they eat in buck's jeep. its a little uncomfortable, and then he has to clean up the crumbs later but it's so totally worth it when he gets to spend fifteen, twenty minutes with eddie talking about their days, making jokes and giggling like dumb teenagers in love sneaking around instead of the grown ass men they really are. (he is especially fond of the moments where eddie gets this loving, amused expression on his face as he reaches over and wipes some mustard from the corner of buck's lip with his thumb. the gesture feels so soft and intimate and buck gets all fuzzy and warm inside everytime.)
and eddie always gets the best food too! and it makes buck feel loved and cared for. and maybe the construction job is not his purpose in life and he doesn't quite know yet what he wants for his future. but he is certain he wants eddie and chris in it. and that's enough for now <3
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issacballsac · 1 year
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“Being Apart of The Sk8 Crew„
Just rewatched Sk8 the infinity and now I wish I had friends so ! Gn reader
Joe | “I wanna marry your abs!”
Y’all would meet your first time at S
Obviously you’d be amazed by his skating and even if u don’t like men he’s hot as hell bro don’t lie
One of two things happens
You A. Run up to him and ask abt his skating techniques and such
Or B. He actually walks up to you to talk about your skating(only if ur good ofc💀)
He’s such a dad
If you’re younger than him he’s constantly trying to sound smart/give you wisdom
Sometimes it’s solid advice the other times it’s pure nonsense
If you like to cook/want to learn he’ll happily teach you
If not he’ll settle for a new taste tester
He would def make jokes all the time
Some genuinely funny
He expects you to laugh at all of them even if it wasn’t funny
He’d appreciate it if you didn’t cock block him like everyone else
Despite being quick to take off his shirt he’s very fashionable and takes pride in his looks obviously
If you ever needed fashion advice best go to him!
He’s a pretty laid back guy so you wouldn’t get into arguments often
Would love to skate everywhere but he’s like…got a job and responsibilities so..
Still a great dad friend to have
Honestly would care and worry over you if you got into some dumb shit so don’t do anything stupid and he won’t worry
Joe for the win🗣️‼️
Cherry/Kaoru | A.I. Advancement
You’d meet when he paid a visit to Joe’s restaurant
Ofc you knew of him bc he’s popular but you never MET Kaoru
You def walked in on their date arguing
It was so awkward u were jus like:🧍‍♂️
“Is this a bad time time to visit you?”
“Hey! Kaoru this is [ ], the kid I was talking about.”
“What a peculiar child to willingly hang around you.”
“Whatever you say, Pinky.”
He’s kinda weird with his whole AI stuff but other than that a great friend
Makes snarky comments with you
Unless ur too nice to make snide remarks
Constantly complains abt the angle of your turns
Unironically would show up at your parent teacher conferences(if you’re still in the lower schooling ofc)
Would never admit it but he loves each of his friends and would be genuinely concerned if anything happened
Shadow | Petty Clown
Oh when y’all met you wanted to throw hands
I imagine something similar to his introduction with Reki
Bro straight up threw an explosive in your face???(smoke bomb maybe but still)
He may be petty but you’re pettier(is that even a word?💀)
You found out he worked at a flower shop bc lets be FR he doesn’t look much different outside of S
Lil arguments here lil threats there and you leave with a nice assortment of flowers
Bro side eyes you EVERYTIME y’all cross paths at S😭
After the whole gang is assembled y’all no longer act this way towards one another
Bros the only responsible adult of this group
He def did your makeup once and you broke out the next day💀
“Are you sure you know what you’re doin’?”
“Trust me, kid.”
“I don’t know why but I don’t.”
You try and help him with his relationship endeavors but it never works out😭
He’ll go to the gym with you if you don’t wanna go alone
Gym bros‼️🗣️
Miya | Catty Child
This fucker
Y’all are quite the duo
Annoying ass mfs whenever and wherever you go
If you have any sort of pet it’s his pet now
Bros the animal whisperer
He’d have to be interested in your skating for y’all to become friends
So pretend ur decent or even amazing; however big ur delusion allows itself to be🫡
He’s smart but would invite you somewhere under the premise of studying just to goof around
If he needs a second player for his game bro is gonna drag your ass so y’all can play
Goes shopping with you just to complain about how everything is ugly in the stores
“That’s not cute, who thought selling this was a good idea?”
“Bitch—if you’re going to be negative the whole time go home‼️”
Reki | Redheaded Menace
If you thought you + Miya was a devious duo just imagine you and Reki
Y’all would prob meet second after you and Joe met
Bc he works at a skate shop
And you need skating stuff(you can tell I’m not a skater💀)
If you’re just a good skater and don’t know actual science and shit behind it he’s constantly telling you about it like you care
You guys cruise around together for fun
He made your current board and you’ll never get another one that’s not from him
You teach him any and all tricks/skills you know
Probably took you to his house to give you your current board bc he was working on it in his house and you met all of his family
His mom is just happy he’s got some friends
You become besties with his mom
She gossips abt news and celebrities with you
Claims ur like her other child(forget the rest of them👺)
Makes you lunch bc she’s nice like that
You let him ramble abt stuff he’s interested in even if you aren’t listening fully
Would silently beg you to stay back with him during the hot spring scavenge bc he’s scared
Forces you to watch horror movies with him bc he gets scared and needs someone else with him
Bro would be elated the whole day if you called him cool
Snow/Langa | Canadian Curiosity
Omg he’s Canadian?😦 Seize him!
Obviously being involved with S you would’ve heard of Snow but Reki would’ve introduced y’all before the big news
Bro would shove him in your face as if he’s a shiny trophy(at the beginning ofc)
“This is Langa! New guy from my class apparently he’s interested in skating.”
“Sick—he’s so pale.”
“He’s from Canada.”
Bro is so oblivious it’s crazy
You gotta like SPELL IT OUT for him if you’re ever alluding to smth
Langa stays hungry and would go out to eat with you anytime
You and Reki would def help him decorate his room bc it’s…bland
It’s not bad but there’s no personality
He tells you abt his favourite dishes back in Canada and y’all try and locate any places in Japan that might sell smth similar
If not you guys attempt to make it yourselves at his house
His mom walks in on y’all ruining the kitchen💀
“Langa I’m…home.”
“Hey, Mom.”
“Hey Langa’s Mom!”
Bro is a skating addict and will skate whenever and wherever
Wants to race you like at least twice every week
Loser pays for dinner
You help him with his reading and writing and if you didn’t already know he’d teach you English
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bluespiritshonour · 2 months
One thing about ATLA I love is... Things start making sense once you think about them...
Like, maybe I watched it when I was too young to catch on to a lot of nuances and my rewatches have been sparse and inconsistent but like...
While watching the show I didn't like Maiko—something seemed to be missing. At the same time I really wanted them to be endgame and resented the fact that they weren't better written. I still ship them to this day because—HAVE YOU EVER SEEN A COUPLE LIKE THAT ON SCREEN THOUGH?—I like every slightly unconventional thing and Maiko is unconventional and unique.
Last time I was thinking about how I didn't like that no big deal™ was made out of Mai sacrificing herself at Boiling Rock and I was just entertaining fix-it scenarios in the empty echo chamber called my head where it goes something like:
Zuko: Does that mean you don't hate me anymore?
And instead of Mai putting a full-stop after “I actually kinda like you” she continues to tell him that he'd have to win her back though. Like, in a friendly way—“I want to be in a relationship, sure, but I want to be wooed” way—because, well, she was in prison and now she has a better understanding of why he did what he did—
Oh wait! Is that why she forgives him so easily? Because she was in prison—probably with the Kyoshi Warriors because that's where Ty Lee was too (honestly I've begun to appreciate MaiLee more as time passes)—and while saving Zuko was a leap of faith and she didn't understand him then, but now she does? She knows what he did was right and she's glad to have been able to help him with it?
So...yeah. Her forgiving him makes total sense now. If Zuko had tried to explain it to her instead of breaking up in a letter I don't think she'd have understood (I understand why Zuko left her with a letter, I really do; but I'm still going to trash him for it: [cue exasperated tone] “Zuko!”)
But she does now...
What I don't like however is the “They let you out of prison?”
You're the fucking Fire Lord now, aren't you supposed to have pardoned all PoWs? Which includes Mai and Ty Lee. Who ended up their trying to save your arse?
[cue exasperated tone, second time] “Zuko!”
It could have been something like “Did you get out of prison alright? There wasn't any problem right? I'm sorry I couldn't come to get you personally—” or any variation of that!!!
How difficult could it have been?
But yeah. The point remains. I'm no longer bitter about Mai forgiving Zuko so quickly this time around.
Another thing I disliked is how in The Beach Zuko kept coming back to Mai expecting a warm welcome after every little friction. It was a classic man move where they upset you and try to act caring immediately afterwards and expect you to be responsive to it.
I loved Mai slapping his hand away when he tried to put his arm around her and yelling that she's still mad at him.
At least Zuko knows when to back off: he did everytime Mai told him to. And he didn't call her names for not being forgiving (which is what you expect men to do honestly).
Bar so low it's in hell, I know.
I hated that about him, that he thought he's owed forgiveness (with Mai here, never properly having apologised and trying to act as if nothing wrong happened) and later with Katara...
So... What I'm trying to say is... I love that in that last scene when Maiko is reunited... He isn't expecting her to forget everything and forgive him like a good little girlfriend. The fact that she does has a lot of reasons (she understands his motives now) but the fact that he goes, very timidly “You don't hate me anymore?” is actually very cute.
Add one more to the pile of “Zuko's character development.”
Like, yeah. What he did was necessary. But she also does have a right to be mad at him.
I'll just... Take it as a by-product of The Beach... He has bettered himself. Okay? I'll take it as that.
So. I've come from when I absolutely hated the Maiko post war reunion scene to a point where I only dislike the “they let you out of prison?” part. Also, it was cute the dopey way he smiles around her and she helped him dress, okay?
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bluesuns3t · 4 months
Recently I was doing some report on "why I always fall for fictional men and never fall in love with men in real life"
I watch all of my favorite series and movies, and it occurred to me that Japanese fictional characters have been very interesting to me rather than any fictional men from other countries. At first, I was not finding the reason why until I realized
The expression of the male lead. I don't know what I should call it cause some of them are from BL. I always captivated on how they look at their partner with some lust in their eyes but also look vulnerable at the same time. Let me give you an example
1. Segasaki from My Personal Weatherman
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This is the first series of rewatch cause I want to feel the butterfly in my stomach everytime Segasaki look at Yoh. I mean what this man deal so he can look like that. Everytime he look at yoh it's like he's ready to devour him right there right now. I can't get enough of his facial expression
2. Haiba Jin from Tsuiraku JK to Haijin Kyoshi
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I don't know what his deal for having such a seductive look. It's kinda inappropriate but ppfftt I don't really care. I know I'm weird cause teacher and student relationships has been my fave trope since forever.
3. Ito sensei from Sensei (2017)
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I've always been Toma ikuta fans even since I watch Bokura ga Ita way back when I was in junior high. But one day, he decided to play as a teacher who has feeling for his students and I was like "hold my heart for a sec" cause I know it going to be lit.
4. Sakurai sensei from Close Range Love
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If you familiar with student-teacher love story you might also watch close range love. The student teacher relationship between Sakurai senses dan yuni it just *chef's kiss.
5. Tendo Sensei fron An Incurable Case Of Love
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As a nurse i might said, there's a part of my life wanting to find a doctor as my future husband but none of all my colleagues look like Takeru Sato and to be honest I'm very disappointed.
6. Togawa from Old Fashioned Cupcakes
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I've seen unhealthy amounts of (specifically) this scene. There is no need for further explanation.
I might writing for part 2
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lovingaquarius · 1 year
My own little astrology observations ;p
this is completely based on my personal experiences and observations do not take what i say literally i am NOT a professional astrologer 🫶
jj and kiara from “outer banks” are the PERFECT example of a leo and aquarius duo and the best thing is rudy is a LEO IN RL and madison is an AQUARIUS 😩 kinda wanna do a separate post on this…
idk if any other gemini moons like watching reaction videos but i love them sm (this may be a gem placement thing overall)
i feel like sag moons favorite tv/movie genre is comedy/adventure. my brother is a gem sun, sag moon and he refuses to watch scary movies, even tho he’s a scorpio rising?? then again he will fall ASLEEP to scary stories on yt??
heavy aqua placements may make you hard to read to people or seem unpredictable
7h moon synastry may make you and your partner feel like you can feel eachothers emotions or know what they’re thinking/going to say
10h lilith ppl need to get used to people talking ab you, rumors being spread about you or just all around peoples perceptions of you being contrary to how you really are.(i have many favorable placements but this one still has its power 😭) what’s helped me is realizing that everyone’s perceptions of you is purely based on their perception of the world and past experiences with people. it’s rarely even ever about you
i don’t know why but i feel like gemini and sag placements are the types to like anime/video games
if leo moons/venus feel like they’re not getting enough attention or validation in their relationship they will find it somewhere else that is not something they can be without
i hate to validate stereotypes but every person i’ve known with taurus placements in big 6 have a passion for food and sleeping.(one of my old friends had a heavy taurus stellium and she was alllways sleeping/falling asleep and would sometimes fall asleep with food in her mouth 😭)
is there such thing as an aries mars with a low labido??
i feel like water placements (especially pisces) are the ones to listen to and really appreciate Lana del rey’s music or like/romanticize the older eras like 50s-90s (i’m a 7h pisces venus and i’m obsessed w the aesthetic of the 70s flower child )
moon mars synastry is so real yall ofc the whole chart matters but if your persons moon sign is your mars or vice versa there’s just a strong attraction, sometimes you dont even understand why.
the leo and aquarius attraction is so true i can point them out in a crowd and everytime i want them 🙄 it’s suspicious at this point 😑
idk if this is a pisces moon thing but i’ve noticed the pisces moons i know always have their comfort movies they rewatch over and over again and never get tired of. (or prefer to watch what they’ve already seen and like) maybe it’s a nostalgia thing?!?
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evilbubu · 5 months
I rewatched sandman today and I forgot how funny dream is. he's so goofy, I love his facial expressions. He reminds me of a kid. He gets offended when Hob calls him lonely and in need of a friend and storms out of the tavern like an angry gf (yeah Hob is the bf). He locks his ex in hell after her village was destroyed cuz they fell in love and she was like "yeah, sorry babes, our relationship is destroying my people" and he really said, "Okay. 10,000 years of hell for you." ??????
And everytime Lucienne is talking to him, you can see how much she's done with his shenanigans and edgy/emo tendencies, she stays respectful cuz he's lord of dreams but she's really like a babysitter. justice for our librarian. she didn't sign up for this.
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msfbgraves · 6 months
The first Godfather movie is on Y*utube for free now! I rewatched it and it was just as great as I remember, so on to Part 2. But then I went on redd*t to check out some Godfather threads, and was disappointed to see so much discourse on who was hotter, Apollonia or Kay. And why there is so much hate against Kay, mainly because she is “too feminist” and “educated”, doesn’t “obey or support” Michael, and that she’s not as beautiful as Apollonia. All in all a disappointing experience. I didn’t see any male characters reduced to how handsome they were or were not : /
Let me help you there, then, Nonnie - of course Michael was destined to become the new Don - he is far prettier than Fredo, Sonny or Connie. And Vito was prettier than Don Fanucci all along! 😎
All this "Kay isn't good enough for Michael" discourse - he pursued her. Both in film 1 and 3. And the only time I felt Kay was weak, was when she said yes when he returned. Imagine, here is your war hero boyfriend who says he wants a clean American life... and then he shoots two people, leaves the country, ghosts you for a year, tells you he has become a career criminal and then proposes marriage. She should have said no, she really isn't open to this, but is this man, who she knows has people killed with no repercussions, a man she can refuse? As little as Vitelli could really refuse Michael's request to court Apollonia. The first thing Michael says to him is: "If you don't do what I want, I will kill you, and what I want is meet your daughter."
But alright maybe love isn't rational. Maybe they loved each other still. Kay really wasn't suited to mob life and that is on Michael. He knew who she was and it didn't matter, he wanted her. He had barely a clue who Apollonia was, her with no English and he with broken Italian. It didn't matter, he wanted her. Kay would have been perfect for Michael Corleone, aspiring senator, which is what he was when they met. But he didn't care Kay was not suited for who he was now. Why didn't he grieve Apollonia and find another mob wife? Why didn't he remarry after their divorce? Even when he proposes Kay is already reluctant and Michael pushes and pushes and pushes. She must represent something he actually does want, still.
But it's always the woman's fault when relationships don't work out, isn't it? No Kay wasn't a good mob wife. She didn't want to be one. She got out with her children - that is something Michael never managed. And Apollonia is something many men imagine they want, but when they have it, they get bored. I am not saying Apollonia wasn't intelligent, but if you get told to completely erase yourself into motherhood, which means you can't offer more than comfort and sex - that's not enough for a lot of people. And it's not like these women wouldn't have had more to offer but everytime they try they get shut down. And what you get then is Carmella, which may have suited Vito - that man who craved domesticity above all else - but even Sonny and Michael needed more input from her than she could give. So Michael fell for the total opposite. And maybe Apollonia was a fierce presence who might have become to Michael what Connie became, but we can't know. We don't know what she and Michael talked about. We know she was very beautiful and made Michael laugh, and she may or may not have had a slight independent streak. That's it.
I feel that they might have worked because they clicked emotionally and Apollonia knew the life. But Michael didn't look for someone like her again. He looked for Kay, again and again and again.
If she doesn't suit him - and no, she doesn't suit a Don - Michael should try to figure out what itch he was trying to scratch with her. Oh, and that obedience shit - in my experience, boys who go on about that are deeply insecure about something. They couldn't get a well trained dog to obey them, let alone a person!
All these men who think they're owed power while being unwilling to do what they'd have to to obtain it, always want women to fawn. Men who have what it takes to gain power, should they aspire to, usually spend time honing a skill. They rarely throw their weight around putting others down. No matter where they start, the bottom or the top - they put the work in. Michael did, Sonny did, and Fredo mostly complained. As much as we see anyway. If Fredo had done a good job with what he was given, or would have found himself an opportunity, he would have won Michael's respect. Not position,but respect, like Tom. Instead Fredo demanded respect for his position as an older brother.
That's the type of man who whines about having women obey him.
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snoopyreadsliterature · 7 months
Nine People I'd Like To Know Better
Thank you very much for the tag, @alextheoccasionalwriter!
Last song I listened to: Easier Said Than Done - Thee Sacred Souls
Currently watching: Been keeping up with the Dungeon Meshi anime, and might continue watching The Empress (although the episodes are long, I think it's very historically interesting - especially in what ways they try to make the characters seem sympathetic and obscure historical truths). Also rewatching my favorite Community episodes for comfort & getting hyped for the movie.
Spicy/savory/or sweet?: Definitely spicy! Although my white tastebuds can't handle it and I die everytime, it's worth it. Occasionally I enjoy sweets.
Relationship status: Single, and very happy about it. (It's been almost exactly a year now. Wohoo!)
Current Obsession: Hard to pick just one. I'll go with Dungeon Meshi, journaling (addictive), queer historical fantasies (I need more of them, please do give me recs if you have them) and working on my WIP (not much results, don't expect anything. just 3d rotating the world in my head).
Gently tagging some folks, no pressure to actually do this! (And just because I didn't tag you, doesn't mean you can't also do this. Feel free to answer the questions and tag me!) @memory-the-unconscious, @ronastudies, @r--a--u, @lazybtchneedstostudy, @stargazerbibi, @grad-premed-suffering, @aseaofcoffee, @stellastudies, @arinewneanias03.
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what-gs-watching · 4 months
"It said quarter to five, but it was quarter to ass…"
I’m sorry but it’s time for a quick appreciation post for Community’s season 5. I realize I shouldn’t be watching Community yet again since I was just into it like eight months ago and obviously wrote a love letter to it  but we’re here already so deal with it. 
This is an incredibly deep cut situation, but I don’t care. Season 5 has some of my all-time favorite episodes, even if it’s likely a lot of people gave up on the show before it ever came out because Dan Harmon had left for season 4 and there was always so much upheaval around it even being renewed and blah blah AND Donald Glover left that season.
Which, I admit, was devastating. But even so, there are a bunch of gems in the 13-episode run. 
Starting with "Basic Intergluteal Numismatics", wherein the study group tries to FINALLY solve the case of the Asscrack Bandit, a shadowy figure who’s running around campus dropping quarters down unsuspecting asscracks. Literally, that’s the entire premise. The episode is based on movies like Zodiac, it’s dark and brooding and it’s fucking hilarious because everyone takes it so seriously and it’s a perfect Community homage. They had BEN FOLDS do two different songs to include in it and they’re catchy as hell, honestly they fucking slap, and I’m still not sure who I think is the asscrack bandit, and I hope to never find out. 
Another pure favorite is “Geothermal Escapism”, which is Donald Glover’s final episode, and a perfect way to send him off. Abed declares a school-wide game of “the floor is lava” and it’s such a good replacement for the paintball game episodes. As usual, everyone in the school is completely committed to the bit except for Britta for once, who’s trying to force the group to properly deal with Troy leaving, she’s the surprising voice of reason throughout and the loophole they come up with to help Abed deal with losing his best friend is so Community. I cry everytime I watch this one - literally, their relationship is so pure and beautiful and sweet and the episode is simultaneously fun and bittersweet. 
Also, we can’t forget about "Analysis of Cork-Based Networking". The only reason I love this episode is like, a fairly small part of the entire story, but it makes me hysterically laugh every time. The group has formed a ‘Save Greendale’ committee and Annie is off navigating the labyrinth of bureaucracy which leaves Jeff, Shirley, Chang and Duncan to pick a theme for the midterm dance. After Chang has a meltdown, they agree to his pitch of “Bear down for midterms” which no one understands, but they commit to it. Eventually, they find out why Chang was so insistent on the theme, and it’s not great. I honest to god still yell “BEAR DOWN FOR MIDTERMS” when I’m dealing with something I don’t want to do. Like right now, with the case study I’m doing for an interview process. My husband always knows what I mean, and I love it.
Finally gang, "App Development and Condiments". Fucking Meowmeowbeanz. This is the episode where the entire school gets caught up in a social media app that lets them rate each other, and the entire social ecosystem falls apart. The important part here is that this episode was made BEFORE that Black Mirror episode you’re thinking about. Community is streets ahead, and always has been. The commentary is scathing, and fucking hilarious. 
I have no real point to any of this, I’ve just been thinking about it for the past two days and I had to get it out. I can never sing enough praises for Community. I’ve decided on this (10th? 15th? who knows) rewatch that it is literally my favorite show in the world. Like, it’s my desert island show and my comfort show and my comedy show and my sad show. It’s my every show.
Community, oh how I love you.
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br1ghtestlight · 11 months
ranking all bob's burgers holiday episodes except in different categories to be fair to the holidays i don't care about <3
v for valentine-detta (AMAZING episode so funny and the introduction of nat who is iconic!!! also adorable subplot w/ bob and gene. not even really about romance)
can't buy me math (SOOO FUNNY tina and darryl have the best dynamic their fake dating was so stupid. don't even remember what bob and linda did in this episode tbh but im sure it was cute)
bob actually (super cute episode!!! jimmy jr and tina are so nerdy/adorable and i love rudy and louise's kiss. bob and linda were cute too <3 don't really care abt gene's subplot with the cafeteria lady but its not bad or anything and i prefer it to him having an actual romance subplot)
my fuzzy valentine (i actually forgot this episode existed bcuz i don't rewatch early seasons very often but its cute!!!! it has the kids wearing raincoats and jumping in puddles so it automatically gets an A+ from me)
the gene and courtney show (I FORGOT THIS WAS A VALENTINES DAY EPISODE LMAO its actually very sweet and genuine?? i think gene and courtney work better as friends but their relationship was very cute and gene's song for courtney was an actual 10/10. your hearts not broken its only growing 😭😭💕)
romancing the beef (this episode is okay!!! fun to rewatch and i love gene and louise's hijinks when serving the customers and their slow dance song Also the origin of the iconic arm hair line from linda and teddy. this is also the lastest appearance of hugo when will he return home from the war <\3)
ferry on my wayward bob and linda (a late addition because for some reason this episode isnt listed as a valentines day episode on the wiki??? idk i enjoyed bob and linda they were cute :) and i loved jen's stupid boyfriend and his stupid voice that subplot was. soo)
bed, bob and beyond (this episode being last makes it seem like i don't like it very much BUT ACTUALLY I THINK ITS A SUPER INTERESTING EPISODE I DONT REALLY GET THE HATE bob and linda having an actual argument is something we rarely see and it was interesting to see how the kids responded to it and also everything with the broken bed makes me laugh for some reason. we love dirty laundry and broken beds in this household)
the apple gore-chard but not scary (no real reason this episode is my favorite i just dont care abt most of the halloween episodes and this episode is VERY silly and fun. loved bob and louise going on a field trip together and gene/tina/louise's absolutely ridiculous costume like What is their problem)
the pumpkinening (a gayle episode where she's actually pretty okay and not the antagonist wow?? also i love having a peak into her and linda's high school years and their pumpkin smashing. very fun episode honestly my favorite to rewatch ALSO GAYLE AND LINDA SAY I LOVE YOU TO EACH OTHER AND GAYLE SAYS OF COURSE SHE CARES ABOUT LINDA AND WANTS HER TO BE HAPPY THEYRE SISTERS <33)
tina and the real ghost (FULLY unhinged episode but very funny i love louise lying about the ghost and tina's extremely fake ghost boyfriend. bob immediately knowing that louise was lying bcuz she is her Fathers Daughter. also jimmy jr and zeke were great in this episode love their philosophical debate about life after death)
the hauntening (GREAT episode i love the family working together to scare louise!!! truly a worthy successor to what an (april) fool believes but everytime i rewatch it all i can think about is how louise has been obviously scared SO MANY TIMES in episodes before this so her saying she's never been scared before is just straight up lying. like she faced Death she had a gun to her head cmon now.... but also it kinda makes sense that a nine year old would lie about that it feels very in character. cute episode)
heartbreak hotel-oween (this is such a weird episode i feel like everybody forgets it exists?? teddy linda and bob's subplot is a little gross but the story about the woman and her dead boyfriend who she tries to summon every halloween like GIRL WHAT???? idk its such a weird sad pathetic episode im kind of obsessed with it. how did they even come up w/ that one and why was it a 70s halloween party. many questions)
teen-a-witch (WE GOT MR AMBROSE IN THIS EPISODE HELL YEAH‼️‼️ other than that not very memorable but louise and gene's relationship w/ tina in this episode was very sweet they're great siblings But also they did use her magic to cheat on their homework and get free tater tots at school.....)
nightmare on ocean avenue street (not a bad episode i just forget it exists sometimes LOL but teddy's extremely gay subplot with the handyman was hilarious and the kids were cute too. easy episode to rewatch around halloween without it being too freaky)
the wolf of wharf street (THIS EPISODE IS SO??? love teddy's sexy nurse costume and kinda's cher costume?? gene is my favorite fruity boy. there are some good jokes but otherwise not an episode i think abt too often)
full bars (gun to my head i couldnt tell you a SINGLE thing about this episode i haven't ever rewatched it so it feels almost unfair putting it on this list bcuz i don't remember much?? they went to king's head island and bob accidentally killed teddy's pet rodent or smth. probably not a bad episode and i believe this was the first introduction of king's head island which eventually gave us sasha and ducan so of course i can't hate it)
pig trouble in little tina (this episode is so WEIRD like not bad and i think the hayride is kinda cute but the dead pig corpse.... god that fucking corpse haunts me)
fort night (dont like millie in this episode AT ALL and don't like how they almost die and nobody gives a fuck. don't like bob and linda in this episode who don't care that their kids never came home for their costume and get passive aggressive about it when they were KIDNAPPED???? don't like millie in general and this was her first appearance. but i think their box fort was pretty cute and i would like to see it again, plus all the neighborhood kids hanging out together was fun)
amelia (IT TECHNICALLY COUNTS OKAY IT WAS AIRED AS A MOTHERS DAY EPISODE anyway maybe one of my favorite episodes of the entire series so heartfelt and beautiful. louise's presentation + exploration of cultural misogyny + the ending song make this episode an absolute killer and an amazing season finale)
sauce side story (it was a tough call between this and mo mommy mo problems but i LOVED learning more about linda's family history and gayle was so great in this episode. still obsessed with gayle pretending to be their mom its so funny this episode is so good)
mo mommy mo problems (cute episode!!! for some reason i really appreciate the detail of the snack bar inside the ferry in this episode and the seating area bcuz i have taken MANY many ferries and boats in my life and i rarely see that aspect of island culture represented in media?? very unhinged ending with the squirrel blood SHE PEELS THEM LIKE FRUIT ROLL UPS but overall a sweet episode every character is so likeable and fun!!!! also just a hilarious episode tbh)
mom, lies and videotape (fun episode!! not really too much to say about it bcuz it was another three stories type episode but the kids were very cute and i loved gene's REAL performance where he was out of synch for literally every line of that song. god bless America. also louise's fictional play was very fun you can tell how much they all love and respect linda <3)
tell me dumb good thing (not a bad episode but the main storyline was pretty boring so i dont think about it too often. LOVED bob's subplot with the fucking internet cucumber however this might be one of my favorite subplots in the entire show they gave him such a big win. he loved that cucumber so much AND THE CUCUMBER GUY LET HIM INTO THE BASEMENT??? TEDDY TOO???? it makes me cry its so wholesome and sweet. also appreciate the clever way that they connect bob and linda's storylines in the end)
dawn of the peck (this episode is actually tied w/ stuck in the kitchen with you BUT i decided to put it in first place bcuz i think i maybe enjoy rewatching it like 0.5% more. every line of this episode is comedic gold like easily one of the funniest episode of the show if not the actual funniest it should have a higher rating than it does on IMDB. i dont care how high its rated it should be higher!!!! also rudy my beloved)
stuck in the kitchen with you (i dont expect this episode to be ANYBODY ELSES favorite but for me its such a wholesome and fun episode to rewatch and pretty funny too. bob and louise's relationship is great. the parade the kids throw with zeke's help is so funny. linda's subplot with sargent bosco is HILARIOUS and bob telling louise "i was being too much of a cook and not enough of a dad" is something i think he could stand to say more often in thanksgiving episodes. but also he's autistic and i understand)
i bob your pardon (very fun heist episode?? louise running out to protect the turkey from the ACTUAL WOLVES and bob saying that he'll save the next turkey from wolves gets me everytime. this episode is honestly just fun and silly its a great time)
turkey in a can (maybe this episode should be higher?? its SO FUNNY and also confirms bisexual bob is real. wholesome ending and i love that bob invited teddy and mort over for thanksgiving dinner along with gayle <3 they're his family)
thanks-hoarding (teddy focused episode :) loved finding out more about his family and relationship with them and learning a bit more about his mental interior and how he copes with stress and childhood trauma. very fun episode to rewatch)
putts-giving (ACTUALLY I REALLY ENJOYED THIS EPISODE louise and tina's relationship is always interesting to explore esp as tina grows older and matures/leaves her siblings behind. loved the mini golf setting and i would like to see it again someday but i think they got a lifetime ban.... from the mini golf course......)
an indecent thanksgiving proposal (absolutely unhinged episode?? any episode w/ fischoeder is great and i love drunk bob mourning his turkey friend even if his jealousy of the kids and linda kinda makes me sad <\3 HE LOVES BEING LINDAS WIFE HE LOVES BEING THE KIDS DAD OKAY HE DOESNT WANT IT TO BE ANYBODY ELSE and linda saying at the end of the episode that she doesn't want to be anybody else's wife not even for pretend is very sweet)
gayle makin' bob sled (this episode is very interesting and i love gayle's relationship with bob in it. also linda and the kids trying to cook thanksgiving dinner without him is SO FUNNY like gene and louise especially oh my god. "maybe its a good thing if your family annoys you sometimes because.... it means you have one" 😭😭)
the quirk-ducers (this episode is CRAZY but also very funny. louise spraying dead animals guts and blood all over the play's audience was deeply unhinged as was them publically performing tina's erotic friend fiction as a play to their families and teachers. amazing song which im assuming gene wrote)
now we're not cooking with gas (bob was just SLIGHTLY too crazy in this episode and i feel bad that he couldn't cook his special turkey :( but the kids getting the giant log from the park and almost killing somebody always gets me like?? WE ALMOST DIED AND MAYBE KILLED OTHER PEOPLE BUT THATS NOT IMPORTANT WE GOT THE LOG bob needs more wins in thanksgiving episodes i think)
diarrhea of a poppy kid (this episode is really sweet tbh!!! louise and tina comforting gene when he's sick by telling him stories and him being holed up in the bathroom playing with makeup and writing a thanksgiving song which was of course very catchy. him and bob were also adorable in this episode and i love bob saying that he loves to cook for gene!!!! <3 they're both so supportive very cute episodes but the stories they tell are not very memoriable tbh)
the plight before christmas (this is such an obvious choice but it really is an amazing episode there's a reason its the highest rated episode of the show!!!! its so incredibly sweet and loving with really solid pacing and jokes throughout the episode and gene's musical ability saving the day without being turned into a joke. obviously tina and louise's relationship in this episode too. and i see my sister with something that looks like gingerbread on her glasses 😭😭💕 louise's poem GETS me every single time. also weirdly helpful birds eye view of seymour's bay at the end
father of the bob (INTRODUCTION OF BIG BOB!!!! honestly this episode is just very cute and interesting love analyzing the dynamic between bob and his dad.... it almost seems like big bob likes linda more than he likes bob. cute ending and i always like learning more abt bob's family so this episode is a 10/10 from me)
yachty or nice (THIS EPISODE WAS SOOO CUTE jimmy pesto and bob actually having a bonding moment and the kids subplot with teddy 😭😭💕💕💔 love that they call him their uncle father santa teddy and that he knew in the end they would do the right thing bcuz they're good kids so he saved a special toy for them. he loves those kids so much. jimmy pesto redemption arc could be real if we believe)
the bleakening (this episode was very fun!!! AMAZING songs and i really enjoyed the ending with the gay christmas party and everybody dancing together. some very funny jokes in there too and i just love the creepy vibes of the kids sneaking out of the house and tina being smart enough to bring the emergency phone along w/ them. genuinely a great two parter episode)
god rest ye merry gentle mannequins (THIS EPISODE IS SO???? still dont know what was going on with the crazy mannequin guy but i honestly think its sweet that lily's brother let him live there for free for so many years even when he didnt really need to. also i believe the first time bob's mom is mentioned in the series??? idk this episode is really fun and i love all the different holiday displays they do)
have yourself a maily linda christmas (nothing too interesting to say abt this episode its just silly and fun!!! linda episode!!!! also something about tina and bob trying to entertain the grandparents and keep the peace while everybody else is gone is SO funny theyre the worst at talking to people. the ending with louise gene and tina was adorable too)
nice-capades (honestly its been a minute since i rewatched this episode but from what i remember it was very sweet and silly. LOVE how many random adults were willing to drop everything to help these kids put on an ice shaking performance for santa. also louise being worried that she isn't a good person. gene giving rudy the last taco just because he Cares about him and wanted them to be happy. this episode was cute and they really are such good kids)
better off sled (I ALWAYS FORGET THIS WAS A CHRISTMAS EPISODE because the main plot doesn't have anything to do with christmas it feels like the die hard debate of bob's burgers holiday episodes.... either way bob and linda knitting scarves for the kids was cute and i liked the snowball fight subplot. very sweet and simple episode)
the last gingerbread house on the left (fun episode?? there are some funny jokes and i liked seeing linda and teddy go singing together w/ the kids while bob is tormented and experiences the horrors of gingerbread houses. lily mention!!! noticing that christmas episodes tend to be the episodes where bob's family gets brought up the most i wonder why that is???? absolutely unhinged gingerbread house competition btw but they should let felix join them :(
christmas in the car (i remember this episode being SO STRESSFUL like he tried to kill that family Good god. teddy was very funny in thjs episode and i did enjoy it otherwise)
gene's christmas break (i feel bad putting this episode in last place bcuz I LOVE GENE but it wasn't that interesting an episode tbh 😭 i did like getting to see younger gene even with his terrible autotuned chipmunk voice and seeing how he uses music to relate to his family. we need another gene-focused christmas episode at some point they flew too close to the sun here)
what an (april) fool believes (AMAZING EPISODE proably one of my favorite episodes of the entire show tbh. bob and fischoeder are so funny + homoerotic and gene not wanting to scare or upset anybody by pranking them is so cute <3 my baby)
eggs for days (the one and only easter episode!!! honestly this episode is really fun overall just a great time. love bob and linda being Extremely Hungover and the rotting egg and the raccoons.... they need to bring back easter episodes tbh there could be something there)
flat-top o' the morning to ya (this episode is so weird bcuz in order to make it a saint patrick's day episode the description and promo has NO MENTION of the main plot of this episode and only focuses on teddy and linda's subplot for some reason?? which makes it extremely hard to find the main plot of this episode if you dont remember the subplot despite it being Literally the focus. but other than that honestly i think its very funny and bob's story with the kids is sooo..... me when i accidentally rope my kids into committing Grand Theft Auto w/ me. sad that bob never got his discounted plates that man deeply needs a win)
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wolfieloveswade · 13 days
My Love and mostly hate for X-Men: First Class explained, aka, what this huge X-Men Fan calls the worst X-Men movie of all time(lol)
back in 2011 when X-Men: First Class was released, me and my sister decided to watch it on dvd rental release, naturally, whenever an interesting movie comes along, especially something that we've always been a fan of ever since childhood, we like to give things a shot, no harm done right?
well, you would think(lol)
X-Men: First Class is what I personally consider to be the worst X-Men movie, number one, it's directed by matthew vaughn, whom I personally detest because the asshole is an obvious dinosaur misogynist and misandrist, that's right, typical stupid Hollywood director that views both genders through a completely trashy and sexist lense and pretends to care about both genders, but I digress, so yeah, the director is an asshole, number 2, jennifer lawrence is a terrible and disgusting actress(that's a conversation for another time lol), number 3, most of the young mutants in this movie are dumb asses I couldn't give 2 shits about, number 4, Kevin Bacon who is a good actor ended up playing one of the worst and cheesy villains of all time(and not the good type of cheesy), his performance was just bad and brutal and felt like alot like an Austin Powers villain only you weren't laughing because this stupid movie wasn't a parody, although it sure as hell feels like one, a really bad one
this movie has too many fucking flaws to count, the forced heterosexuality of Charles Xavier, who is obviously a Gay Man, he's the Harvey Milk of the X-Men for crying out loud
I need to talk about the highlights/the good things about this movie now
1.) James McAvoy as Charles Xavier
ever since I was a fan of the original X-Men growing up, I was always curious to see who they'd get to play a young Charles, when they cast James McAvoy, I fell head over heels in love with the guy, he's a beautiful Scottish actor who often plays British characters and he has the natural sensitivity and compassion of Charles Xavier, his portrayal although at times suffered some mild cringe, was still a stellar and beautiful young portrayal of the leader of the X-Men, McAvoy's performance of Xavier was at it's best in X-Men: Days Of Future Past, I honestly think he should've been nominated for a BAFTA for that performance, his performance was so good and beautiful that everytime I rewatch that X-Men movie, I'm in tears because he put his entire soul into that performance, you believe that this compassionate man is at his lowest point, you see a man who loves others so much but now he's at rock bottom and now he needs help from the greatest X-Man of all time(Logan Howlett aka "The Wolverine"), but I digress
James McAvoy as Charles Xavier is one of the biggest highlights of this film for me
it angers me that they could've went further with the Civil Rights Allegories of the 1960s and 1970s, to me Charles Xavier has always been a cross between Martin Luther King Jr and Harvey Milk, both men were great leaders and were both pacifists, they wanted equal rights for everyone and didn't view violence as the answer and both were also killed because of their brave views
what this movie missed was the opportunity to make Charles Xavier into a canon Gay Rights Leader
to all us of X-Men Fans all over the world, majority of us have always assumed that Charles Xavier was a gay man, we could read in between the lines that he once had a romantic relationship with Erik Lehnsherr aka Magneto, the man who is now his "enemy",
did anyone really buy that cheap ass fuck scene in the bar where Charles was trying to pick up a random woman? you call that flirting? I call that forcing a gay character to say stupid hetero things that they would never say in their lives unless they were deeply closeted
the entire time, throughout the whole movie, you can just feel the sexual/romantic tension between both Charles and Erik, these 2 men are head over heels in love with each other, but their views are so conflicting that it causes them to fight and not have a chance of being together/having a healthy romantic relationship
it's a tragedy, it's good story telling but it's also tragic
Charles and Erik are Gay and always have been, they're a tragic gay couple that can't be together because their beliefs aren't uniting them
2.) Michael Fassbender as Erik Lehnsherr
X-Men: First Class is the first time I've ever seen Michael Fassbender in a role and my God was he the perfect choice to be a young Erik Lehnsherr
honestly, without Michael and James' performances, this movie would completely fall apart and I think most people wouldn't even remember it
their chemistry is amazing, you actually believe that these 2 guys are head over heels in love with each other but because of their beliefs they just can't seem to find a middle ground with each other
their relationship is almost like Israel and Palestine, only Charles isn't dropping bombs
3.) Hugh Jackman's short Logan cameo
"go fuck yourself", only an icon can say those words and have everyone go wild, everyone knows that an X-Men movie without Logan isn't an X-Men movie worth watching
Logan aka Wolverine is our 80s action star when it comes to the X-Men Franchise, it's like watching a Terminator movie without a call-back or cameo from Arnold Schwarzenegger as the T-800 aka Uncle Bob
I'll admit, when I heard that Hugh Jackman was reprising his role as Wolverine for Deadpool 3, I knew my butt would be in that seat in the theatre, I was like, okay, you got my attention, I love Wolverine, he was basically my sexual awakening at a very young age, I just didn't realize it at the time
so yeah, if it's an X-Men movie, you gotta have Wolfie
4.) That Take That Song that plays in the end credits of the movie
Love Love by Take That is a masterpiece of a song, it actually also fits the theme of the movie perfectly, almost like it's being sung from Charles' perspective
perfect band, perfect song, perfect movie idea, just a movie that has so many fucking problems
now, back to what made this movie so bad
it looked like they were catering to stupid people
it feels almost insulting to our intelligence
Super Hero Fans aren't stupid, we're actually very intelligent and we love good stories that have a positive impact
Stan Lee created the X-Men for the outsiders of society, the oppressed, Mixed Races, LGBT, people with disabilities and so on
so the fact that this movie was catered to a dumb hetero male audience is completely insulting
Gay Men and Gay Women make up a huge part of the X-Men fandom, and don't forget the Bisexuals either as well as others,
this movie could've dealt with and could've shown what life was like for Gay People in the 1960s and the 1970s, they could've made the parallels between Charles Xavier and Harvey Milk,
could you imagine a storyline where Charles becomes the first Gay mayor of New York in early 1970s?
that would've been really epic to see on film and it would've been really heartfelt and revolutionary
this movie lacks a soul, it has heart in some parts, but it caters to an audience that doesn't know what it feels like to be hated on simply for being just you
heterosexual men aren't killed everyday just for being hetero men, Gay Men and Trans Men and Trans Women however are victims of violent attacks everyday, society still hates us for something we have no control over
I know this got long and turned into a big rant about LGBT Rights and issues but I digress, that's another conversation for another time
but this movie really pisses me off, it had the potential to be one of the greatest X-Men movies ever made but because of a retarded director, the movie lost it's soul along the way
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kmze · 7 months
Thoughts on 2x01 - 2x11 So much better than S1, I am so much happier having more characters involved in the storyline and Katherine is such a great villian. I also noticed the lighting is warmer and brighter this season. I think I read somewhere that was intentional because they were introducing werewolves (warm orange hue) whereas the first season was vampires (cold blue hue). Also feel like I can SEE the scenes now (modern lighting on shows is the bane of my watching experience everytime) Random thoughts under the cut!
I cannot stress enough how much Katherine makes everything better, Nina deserved more accolades for how she played two very different characters interchangeably so flawlessly. Her presence even made me care more about the love triangle and the albit messed up dynamic. I mean her and Elena look EXACTLY the same and the Salvatore's want me to believe there's no transference issues? I'm so sure.
I definitely get more from Stefan and Katherine than I do from Damon and Katherine though. Katherine brings out the meaner side of Stefan that he pretends doesn't exist and I appreciate that. She is clearly still under his skin though as much as he wants to deny it because I really loved their scenes in 2x04.
Damon and Elena have great sexual tension and chemistry but I just cannot vibe with it because he killed her brother like a month ago?? I just continue to be flabbergasted by that (I am a hater).
Obviously I have seen the Stefan and Caroline scenes from 2x02 and 2x03 dozens of times but watching them like this in a rewatch makes me love them even more. Especially their scenes in the woods and at the swimming hole, Stefan is so much lighter around her. Even his scenes with Lexi last season didn’t feel as effortless. I know this early on he's friends with her because of Elena and "hero-boyfriend" duties but he still let her distract him at the grill because I think he genuinely likes being around her. Him showing her his insecurity about Damon and Elena already shows they have a lot of trust building between them. I love them.
I was so happy and almost cried at Liz being the first person to see how much Caroline changed when she became a vampire! The physical strength gave her so much confidence and Liz saw that instantly. It was so sad watching Caroline (kudos Candice) have to compel that away. I was just thinking in S1 like damn I can't believe their relationship was this rough but this moment sold how and why they become so close in the later seasons.
It’s really not a surprise Aimee and Sarah died, they were always too eager to get wasted in a town with mysterious deaths weekly. The odds were never in their favor. Katherine killing Aimee on the dance floor in front of everyone had me cracking up though! The best crazy bitch ever. The masquerade episode was probably my favorite so far in my rewatch, this is when the contrived events work with everyone playing a part in the game!
Caroline turning into a vampire really helped start to remove her from being stuck under Elena. Especially now as she's getting involved in Tyler's storyline who truly has nothing to do with Elena narrative-wise. She's even got her own love triangle brewing already.
I like how easily Stefan accepted he was going to be stuck in the tomb with Katherine for a few days, as if it was a weekend retreat. In all honesty he probably wanted to avoid Elena and the self sacrifice mission so he wouldn’t have to go along with it since he’s in “boring-choice-matters-self” mode. Because I thought it was odd he wouldn’t let Elena even see him and then told Damon to keep her away from there, so that's my theory.
Trapping Elena in the house was the best move for everyone involved. I’m sorry but the whole suicide mission was getting on my nerves. Girl shut up and sit down.
Someone should really have told Jenna already about vampires because then she'd stop inviting them into the house! Sadly I do not care about Alaric and Jenna either, I remember when I first watched I did but now, meh.
Bonnie and Jeremy are cute I don't care what anyone says! I know they have their issues in the later seasons but they could have come back to them, I can't have nice things.
Bonnie and Damon really do have great chemistry as enemies to reluctant allies, I will never forgive TPTB for denying me this.
Elijah is zzzzzz so far.
Lines that made me laugh:
Damon: Elena’s on a martyr tear that rivals your greatest hits (I yelled! he wasn't lying oh my god!)
Caroline: They were more... gold with amber highlights (she's so unintentionally funny)
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frickwhat · 1 year
personally i think everyone should give it a watch because it is worth it. would i rewatch it? probably not the whole thing is very heavy for me but i would watch limingheart scenes ,THEY WERE IT. the acting omg, it's so fucking hard to believe that it was their first gig. they showed us their problems individually, like they were their own characters with their own struggles but they also were there for eo. communication was on point. liming had problems, real problems with college and money. he wasn't afraid to stand up for himself the kid's a fucking icon. and he is baby i will protect him forever.
the plot could be better, the acting was good but could be more natural, the chemistry BHAI. have i watched it 9 times? yes. the thing that stood out the most was their relationship they met eo and palm was ready to die for him (yes i know it was his job whatever) ??? palm is so in love with neung it's disgusting but so is neung. he hides it with quips and scolding. i read somewhere and they explained that the water shows how free they are on the beach. they can be themselves and no one would judge them. they could forget their status, family expectations and all. they're my beach boyfriends and i love them.
family hates eo so they hate eo? yes. childhood rivalry? yes. enemies to friends to lovers? yes. chemistry? yes. acting natural? yes. pran liked pat bohot pahle se and they showed ki he was reluctant to be with pat. nanon ate this role and left no crumbs. there are so many things i could write but i feel lazy so go and watch it if you haven't (shame on you). they're my slut bfs.
its actually a close first but idk why it's on fourth (i forgot about it). this show is so fucking wholesome that i cried (yes my friend has proof i hate her) tinn is so green flag babygirl bf. and gun is so dumbass oblivious but not babygirl bf. confessing to my crush? no become the school president and be rivals with him so he will like me. the dance scene has my whole fucking heart and i love it. idek what to say they're idiots and i love them. gun is such a complex character in my opinion. he has layers like we see that he is not very good in school but he has his musical talents and leadership qualities to make up for it. my man is actually very observant and he has the kindest heart. he deserves everything nice and so does tinn. he really was fighting for his life to get gun to like him. i would have given up in two months but that wasn't all. tinn was a really smart character and he knew how to comfort people. ahh i love him but i can't find words. geminifourth played the hell out of this. everyone should give it a watch the storyline is cliche but refreshing too and who doesn't love high school lovers.
a) not me: the whole premise of the show is genius and important for thai people but like also everywhere. they danced under a fucking lgbt flag and helds hand. i deserve that. the scene makes me cry everytime. sean knowing that it was black not white was nice i am thankful they didn't make him dumb. the show is politically woke so points. i don't really know the political status of thailand so don't come after me. seanwhite are my be gay and fight the government bfs.
b) be my favourite: honestly i wasn't expecting anything from this show but it surprised me. fighting for queer rights? pisaeng coming to terms with his sexuality without his love interest? kawi realising that he can't change some things and he has to accept it? him noticing that he was slowing becoming an alcoholic? max as a tired gay bestie? pisaeng loving every moment of him being a sugar daddy to kawi? kawi making him understand that they have to equals in a relationship? pisaeng being a clingy bf? everything is fucking perfect. and the time travelling part is well done too tho it makes no sense but yeah. also them actually giving pear a personality and storyline? thank you.
special mentions to:
1) the eclipse (my crybaby bfs. they deserve their own posts)
2) my love mix up
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ami-v-dragnire · 1 year
Okay so im rewatching now. Here's some ramblings that might not make sense and could be wrong BUT i really need to get them out lest i expolde
It's so clear espcially in the flashbacks that they really arent on the same page at all re: i think my exactly and your exactly are different exactlies. And i swear they don't spend enough time together in the present day at all and when they do, they do a lot of talking and no a lot of listening at all.
ALSO i feel so betrayed everytime i see Aziraphale which sucks because i love him so much. But his understanding of good and evil is so flawed and remains flawed and maybe Crowley doesn't push because he thinks they're on the same page or Aziraphale's getting there. And I'm gonna be sad about it for the foreseeable future.
But also that complete gut punch that is the last 15 mins had competely distracted me from all the eps that came before it. Which i remember having so much fun watching because i missed them so much. It kinda felt like a fever dream. Shax is amazingly menacing but also so incompetent at the same time. And all the scenes with a happy Aziraphale doing the thing he does with his hands just AHHH the second hand embarrasment from ep 4 tho oooff and then handshake gritting teeth my miracles arent working, neither are mine. Trustttttt. And see Aziraphake only gets back to the bookshop in ep 4 and he left in ep 2. Not talk time at all! Oh and i did see a post about the awning collapsing and aziraphale and crowleys relationship collapsing which was pretty mint. Cant be just supported by seeking shelter from rain and looking into each others eyes and NOT TALKING.
Stopping here at ep 4 and will probs ramble again tomorrow or something
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