#their little back and forths in the song are soooo good I LOVE MUSICAL THEATRE BABEY WOOOOOOO
infizero · 1 year
OHHHHH my god ryuk and rem's number together is so good. that was soooo fun and well done WOOOOO
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pro-memoriia · 2 months
Ghoulette hcs? Also Mist n Sunshine if you can… il theyre not current but I love them
Aghhhh I'm gonna try and fulfill this request the best I can... I hope I got the memo 😭
Stuff to say: "Dates" is necessarily romantic if you don't want it to be. It's just the simplest term.
HCs for hanging out and spending time with the ghoulettes (all).
I feel like she's either awful at scheduling hang outs or amazing. It really just depends on the day.
She has a few things she wants to do. Just talk some, maybe go shopping, bake, nail painting, make-up, movie marathons, etc.
She's a gossip queen. She loves eavesdropping on other Siblings and talking to them to find out all the juicy shit going down with everybody. So she SPILLS. She loves gossip and will giggle a ton if you start telling her stuff.
Honestly, she's more of a talker than a listener. She will listen to what you say, but whenever you're not speaking, the girl will talk your ears off.
If you go to the mall with her, it's never just one shop. It's every single one of them. From Victoria's Secret to Build-A-Bear. She loves seeing everything.
If you do go shopping with her, please try on outfits and have a little fashion show together. She'll adore you so much.
Spa stuff, just for funsies. Face masks, hair products, cucumbers on the eyes, manipedis, etc. It's just fun for her.
If you have a movie night with her, it could be two things. If she chooses, it's either horror, drama, or a rom-com. Either one of those or whatever you pick. She's not toooo picky about it... But she will make forward comments if she doesn't like something.
She likes to flirt. Whether it's a joke or not just depends on you.
Go on a car trip with her and put on the most pop-ish song and watch her sing along and then whip her hair back and forth with a heavy metal song. She has no chill when she gets aux.
If you go to Home Depot she'll stare at the lights for hours.
Much calmer than Aurora but still very silly.
Coffee shop and bakery dates are her favorites. Anywhere she can sit comfortably and drink something warm and sweet while talking to one of her favorite people is a good place in her mind.
She's both a talker and a listener. She'll run her mouth for a while but be extremely invested whenever you start talking.
Ask her about operatic singing, she'll love you and never shut up.
Honestly, with her ideal quality time doesn't really depend on activity. It depends on being able to just speak her mind as it overflows.
That being said, she'll do fun stuff too. She loves swimming and water parks, she loves trampolines, she loves movie theatres, etc.
If you take her to a water park, she'll go wild. Water guns, splashing, diving, grabbing you from down under, yeah. She thinks it's super fun and loves seeing your reactions when she messes with you.
If you take her to a trampoline park... Oh, she will be there for hours. Will not tire out. Plays dodgeball with you, tackles you, jumps with you, plays Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, a lot. She'll have soooo much energy as soon as she's put into a trampoline park.
Movie theatres always kinda leave her in awe, no matter what she's seeing. If you're watching a scary movie, expect some things. Like her clutching your hand as tight as possible or jumping practically into your arms and getting giggly about it.
Sit in front of a piano or keyboard with her and she'll teach you how to play. She's actually a really amazing teacher. Patient and thoroughly communicative.
She's really not picky when it comes to activities. She's down for anything you wanna do.
You wanna be more chill? That's fine. Music stores, coffee shops, mall shops, movie theatres, it's all fine.
Expect a horror movie if you take her to the cinema. She picks it and loves it. Will get scared but not super badly and laughs because she likes it. If you get scared though, she'll laugh at you a little but hold your hand and comfort you.
Coffee shop and cafe dates are more sweet and relaxed. She listens more then talks and will wear the most shit eating grin if you start gossiping. Just kinda runs her finger along the rim of her cup as she watches and listens to you.
If you take her to the mall, she's gonna play a tiny bit of dress up. Not a lot, like Aurora, but a bit. She'll ask you what dresses and suits and outfits would look good on her and shows them off for you.
If you wanna do something more extra though...
If you wanna do something sporty, expect her to get competitive as fuck. She'll probably place bets too.
Most intense she'll ever be is in paintball or dodge ball.
But even if you just wanna race to the end of the hallway, she gets super cocky.
She'll probably paint your nails for you while you rant.
Maybe just put on some background music while you two spill whatever you want.
You can try to ask her to teach you keyboard but she'll probably get distracted.
A ray of sunshine with tons of energy. Could do anything for a pretty long while.
It doesn't matter where she goes; she's taking pictures and selfies everywhere.
She will BEG you for a water balloon or water gun fight.
Race her. Anywhere. She'll probably win though. Ghoul speed and all.
She wants desperately to cuddle up with some snacks and have a Toy Story marathon. It would make her so happy.
Sunny is a bit weird when it comes to watching something. She'll either spill the whole damn plot to you before or after the movie or show. Or she'll keep it to herself and be antsy the whole time you're watching it together. Like she NEEDS to info dump on you or she's gonna freaking explode.
Buuut if she hasn't seen it it's different. She'll just stare intensely at the screen. And I mean intensely. If you wave a hand in front of your eyes, she'll look at you like you're some sort of freak.
Jokester in a few different ways.
She's a prankster. She has so many good prank ideas to pull on her pack but she can't do it alone. She's the mastermind and you're her very (un)willing side kick.
Puns. Really bad, weird puns. Constantly. Especially if you get annoyed with it. Like if you look extremely unamused, she'll just keep on making jokes about the same subject.
Tackle hugs you any time you meet up again. If you go to the bathroom for two minutes and come back she'll just run and jump and tell you she missed you.
Snacker. Get some food with her. Whatever kind. She likes food.
Wine aunt core.
She prefers calmer, quieter settings.
Like definitely prefers to be home overall, but if she goes out, she wants it more simple.
Another gossiper but a lot calmer than Aurora. Like less wide eyes and shocked smiles and more "I know right" smirks and chuckles.
She likes comedies and cute movies. But also if you watch a reality show with her and talk about people's bad decisions or how dumb that concept is, she'll love that too.
She's really okay with not even talking and just sort of sitting around.
If you go to a pool together and bring two big floaties, she'd be fine just sort of laying there and drifting in the water with you.
She might take you to the Ministry's nearby pond to dive in or fish or skip rocks.
She's so good at skipping rocks though so if you do, she will show off. She'll teach you though if you want her to.
She can also teach you bass. She's a pretty good teacher and will just kinda reposition your hands herself. And when you get something right or play a good riff or something, she'll clap her hands and pat you on the head.
She loves listening to you talk. Just sit down with her and give her a glass of wine or coffee and she'll listen to you ramble for forever.
She just loves seeing the expression in your eyes and face.
Shit talk with her!! If you have bitchy family or friends or something, feel free to talk shit with her. She will spew out some crazy fuckin insults.
Overall just very chill and down for most things.
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A Long Overdue Review of  “My Fair Lady”
-i saw her just a little after Laura had had a cold and I was BEYOND THRILLED when I saw she was going on that night!
-can i just say how much i ADORED hearing an actual overture at the beginning of a show?! like an actual overture made up of several songs from the show? bring overtures back!
-laura is really brilliant and breathes new life into eliza. she humanizes the character and makes her more than the of a caricature guttersnipe she is supposed to be even from the beginning. Everything Eliza does is with the thoughtful intention of becoming a lady and honestly her acting is just superb.it is honest. It possesses an intelligence and gravity I’ve never seen before in the character.
-you could really see the desire for more in her eyes especially during “Wouldnt it be loverly” which was basically choreographed like the movie
-her cockney accent was okay. I mean I didnt really expect it to be perfect and it surprisingly didnt bother me that much (being the Julie Andrews purist that I am). I thought her high class accent was better though, however in her dramatic final scene it did come and go a little with the heightened emotion but honestly it really didn’t hinder her performance for me. 
-Her “aaaooowwws” were more low key but probably more realistic and not as caricaturish. 
-you really felt Eliza’s exhaustion and frustration with everything Higgins was doing(but it a very realistic way), which made him look like a far worse character than he has been portrayed as in the past, and rightly so I would say because it exposes him. 
-HER VOICE IS SO BEAUTIFUL. I mean wowww. I’ve heard her sing many times from Gypsy and Women on the Verge but she was never really required to sing the way she does in this and it sounded very operatic with lots of vibrato and it was magical. I don't know why I was so delightfully surprised, I knew she had a great voice before but it felt like yesss this is the show you needed to show off your instrument. “I Could’ve Danced All Night” was absolutely a dream and I will never forget it.
-the rotating set was super cool(only used for higgin’s house: library(two stories with couch, spiral metal staircase, desk, wooded banister, chair obs books, hallway with wood staircase, bathroom with shower for that one scene, and a small outside area which wasnt used)  it was beautifullll omggg. also as it was turning laura would do quickchanges and I was so impressed with how she did what looked like were really complicated changes in a very short amount of time
- Harry Hadden-Paton, who played Higgins was really great and I feel like he has gotten even better from the first time I saw him in August. He grew into the role and was much funnier and energized than before (maybe because of Laura?) He did a great Rex Harrison-esque voice and sang the songs very well but it made me a little sad because for an actor who can actually sing it must be a rather limiting role and Harrison’s shadow is cast in such a way that he feels the need to imitate him because I guess thats what they think we expect but I feel like the audience would’ve been fine with just an average higher class english accent but I enjoyed it.
- the man who played her father was good but I didnt find him super likeable and I think he’s supposed the kind of character who isnt really the best morally but is so charismatic you have to like him?? but it was ok
-during the ball scene there was a grand staircase at stage left which made for super lovely entrances as you can imagine. the orchestra was onstage during the ball and it was soooo cool to see them actually playing the music as people danced to it. I dont know why it struck me as so special because we all know shows have orchestras but they became characters in the show for a while “musicians” playing “musicians” and I thought it was special. like we don’t think about it often but we take the fact that there is a live orchestra for granted yet we never really see them. also the scene was so beautiful! there were gorgeous chandeliers and it was very stylized yet simple. all of the dancing and waltzing was so romantic and it was just beautiful honestly. also laura looked stunning but i think they could’ve picked an even better color for her because it was off-white and i wasnt absolutely in love with it.
-SHE IS SO FREAKING HILARIOUS *which we already knew* but just the little things she did were so fing hysterical. The scene where she's talking to Higgin’s mother and other high class people at the races was one of the funniest things I have ever seen. When she was saying “how do you do” to everyone she copied their vocal pattern for how they said it, which was different every time and when she got to Freddy he didn't say it so she mouthed “how do you do” and then looked panicky at Higgins like “wtf do i do?” The scene with the fire and saying “hah” to make the flame jump was so funny because once she got it she was like “hah, hah-hah, hah-hah-hah-hah-hah. hah-hah-hah-hah-hah..etc” and was moving back and forth with each hah in her chair and I died. There were a lot of other little things that were super funny too. 
-i feel like the move your bloomin arse line isnt even funny anymore because everyone knows its coming-but is it supposed to be funny?
-get me to the church on time was one of the most energized and fun parts of the show i mean it was really ALIVE and it made you want to get up and dance. It really had the feel of a lot of drunk friends together having a big party at a london pub and there was a lot of dancing and DRAG! there were men dressed as showgirls and one as a bride and a woman in a tuxedo and it was obviously for comedic effect but yass! It was one of the highlights of the show!
-Laura’s “Show Me” didnt really work as well as I thought it would. I saw the understudy Freddy so maybe that’s why but I feel like moments they tried to make comedic really didn’t sit as well with the audience as they would’ve liked. I think it needed more rage? and i wasnt really feeling the release of frustration?? which is ironic because she was so good at conveying it before?? but maybe she was saving it for the last big scene (she wore a pink outfit which looked sooo beautiful on her though omg it was like baby pink-i loved that color on her) 
-on the street where you live was classic and beautiful and just as romantic as we all imagine it to be and the background of a pinkish/purple sky really added to the mood.
-their dynamic(her and higgins) was very equal and they were clearly on the same plane the entire time because of the similarity in their ages(which made their relationship in the end a lot better I think and not creepy like in the past imo)  as well as Laura’s interpretation of the character which showed she was just as emotionally and mentally intelligent, except she really didn’t come into her own and realize this until the scene at the end which was soooo satisfyinggg.
-HER ACTING IN THE SCENE WHERE SHE REALIZES SHE DOESNT NEED HIGGINS WAS SUPERB. it had the same strength and power of the dressing room scene at the end of gypsy and i was blown away.
-i really liked the feminist ending where after he says “where the devil are my slippers” she runs into the audience and up the stairs out of the theatre (its an amphitheater) like she has finally found love but doesn’t depend on that and has finally found herself and that is the most important thing. (also she run up the side closest to me and i freaked out realizing she got that close i was like AHHH!)
-I LOVED THE SHOW! It was better than the first time I saw it! It totally lived up to the original production while not being an exact copy and I am so glad I got a second chance to see it! Brava Laura! Im so glad I got to see her in her dream role!
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