#their light vs dark theme + height difference IM LOOKING
homosexualcitron · 4 months
Ron Kamonohashi really feels like a Detective Conan written by Reborn's mangaka which is 2 of my fav manga ever and man i'm liking this smmm
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burstbombbitch · 7 years
In-depth Character Sheet
Credit to Sir Ender at this writing forum. Reblog or repost. DO NOT remove credit. 
TAGGED BY: myself, bitch TAGGING: im just redoing this. here’s the comparison if you’re curious --- she’s changed a bit, actually! 
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FULL NAME: Bonbon Rosalia Charbonneau MEANING: “Charcoal Chocolate”. Meant to refer to a nasty outside, but sweet inside. NICKNAME: Bon, Bonnie, BB, Bunny, Rosie, Rose. MEANING: She’s got way too many. AGE: 22. BIRTHDAY: December 5th. ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Sagittarius. GENDER: Cis Female. ALLERGIES: None. SEXUAL PREFERENCE: Pansexual / Panromantic. THEME SONG(S): Pop Star ⭐ How Far I’ll Go ⭐ Jump Up, Super Star!
APPEARANCE HAIR COLOR: Pastel pink, bordering on white. HAIR STYLE AND LENGTH: Two lengthy tentacles trail down her back and near reach the ground, while a shorter pair rest down her shoulders. In the two baos atop her head are the back tentacles slightly bunned up to avoid contact with the ground. EYES COLOR: Lilac, with star-shaped pink pupils. HEIGHT: 4′1′‘ | 124.46 cm. WEIGHT: 69 lbs | 31.3 kg. OUTFIT/CLOTHING STYLE: Lolita, essentially. Really girly and proper. Flashy. Catch her alone, though, and you’d be lucky she’s even wearing anything. DISTINGUISHING MARKS(SCARS,MOLES): Bio-luminescent “freckles” all over her body. They have begun to take up a shape, mimicking the moon and stars. SELF CARE(MAKE UP): Lots. Usually winged eyeliner and scarlet eye-shadow. FIRST IMPRESSION ON PEOPLE: Elegant, kind-hearted, caring. SKIN COLOR: Dark brown. BODY TYPE/BUILD: Pear-shaped. Large thighs, strong, long legs, and slightly toned biceps. DEFAULT EXPRESSION: A soft, dreamy smile with sleepy half-lidded eyes. POSTURE: Hands before her thighs, entwined with one another. Upright and straight. PIERCINGS: A peculiar gold ring on her right ear. When flicked, it makes a sound... DESCRIBE THEIR VOICE: She has dropped the haughtiness she hailed two years ago. Much more soft-spoken, her words are gentle and warm. Her voice, now that she is no longer trying to hide her “weaker” self, is a lot more amicable. She still speaks with a particularly high vocabulary, but she no longer intentionally chooses words to make others feel foolish. Like rose petals floating on air, her manner of speaking is very breathy and delicate, but loud enough to at least be heard. Never will you find her raising her voice --- the difference is merely a harder sounding version of her, featuring her irritation, as opposed to a shrill shriek. (Voice Claim)
RELATIONSHIPS MOM: Céleste Charbonneau née Chen HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: While she no longer harbors a fierce grudge against her mother for ruining her childhood ( which she did not, but also did not correct Bon ), they are still not as close. They do, definitely, however get along much better, and Bon is now working under her at the Nouveau Corporation. DAD: Clair Charbonneau HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: She’s still a daddy’s girl --- no one has told her that, in reality, he is the absolute scum of the earth. Dustin’s trying. SIBLINGS: None. HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: N/A. CHILDREN: None. HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: N/A. PAST LOVER(S): [REDACTED] CURRENT LOVER: Dustin Lee REACTION TO MEETING SOMEONE NEW: There is a bit of sheepishness to her. Whereas she once quietly despised and looked down upon others, she has a tendency to be soft-spoken and inquisitive. One could say it’s a guarding mechanism, but she seems to warm up and open up quickly --- a requirement of an idol, she supposes.  ABILITY TO WORK WITH OTHERS: She’s still not particularly fond of working with others, mostly because she finds that the best way to get work done is to do it herself. Still, she’s ( no longer ) one to force someone out of their job --- she will simply attempt to do the work behind the scenes. LEAST FAVORITE TYPE OF PERSON: She no longer likes the kind of person she once was --- haughty, snobbish, and full of themselves. Even in jest. The only way that shit’ll slide with her is if she knows them personally, or it’s fiction. PARENTAL TYPE(PROTECTIVE,ETC): Her parents were both extremely overprotective of her, a trait she fails to displace when she has children. They were very lenient with her as well, besides the whole ruining her early life, making her more prone to gently guiding her children without imposing her will onto them.
PERSONALITY ...WHEN YOU FIRST MEET THEM: Gentle. Friendly. Apprehensive. ...AS YOU KNOW THEM BETTER(AND THEY LIKE YOU): Excitable. Bubbly. Childish. ...AS YOU KNOW THEM BETTER(AND THEY DISLIKE YOU): Silent. Skeptical. Petty. FAVORITE COLOR: Lilac. FAVORITE FOOD: Tea and cream-filled pastries! FAVORITE ANIMAL: Cats, spiders. FAVORITE ELEMENT: Air. LEAST FAVORITE COLOR: Grey. LEAST FAVORITE FOOD: Eggs. LEAST FAVORITE ANIMAL: Shark. HOBBIES: Singing, dancing, shopping, and video gaming. USUAL MOOD: Sleepy. Calm. DRINK/SMOKE/DRUGS: Nope. DARK VERSION OF SELF: Octospy verse. LIGHT VERSION OF SELF: Her. Right now. HOW SERIOUS ARE THEY: Not very. She has become a lot more lenient, and instead prefers to crack jokes ( which is, also, her nervous habit ). CLASS IN AN RPG: Cleric, Mage. BELIEVE IN GHOSTS: Yes. (IN)DEPENDENT: Independent. VULNERABILITY: Hearing problems. Mentions of war. Divulged secrets. OPINION ON SWEARING: She still seldom curses, but it’s not as gasp-inspiring anymore. DAREDEVIL VS CAUTIOUS: Cautious. MUSIC TYPE: She’s fond of so many genres, provided it’s not ear-shattering. She can find the best in all types of music. MOVIE TYPE: So bad, it’s good / Romance / Thriller. BOOK TYPE: Adventure / Mystery / Romance. COMFORTABLE TEMPERATURE: About 65 F. SLEEPING PATTERN: Sleeps about 8-10 hours a day. CLEANLINESS/NEATNESS: Obsessively neat. DESIRED PET: Either a tarantula or a kitten. HOW DO THEY PASS TIME: Sleeping, or reading books. BIGGEST SECRET: She worked at a few underground night clubs specifically created to ogle the bodies of those hired. Make ends meet, y’know? HERO/WHO THEY LOOK UP TO: @candykraken !! WHAT ANIMAL WOULD THEY BE: Cat FEARS: Silence, large bodies of water, loneliness. COMFORTS: Sensory objects, tactility, sleeping.
HOW DO THEY REACT TO… DANGER: She tries to push out irrational thoughts and stand her ground. This doesn’t always work. SOMEONE THEY HATE WHO HAS A CRUSH ON THEM: Ignoring. Lots of ignoring. She’d make it look like it was unintentional; and then let the crush continue to fester. PROPOSAL TO MARRY: Lighting up! Squealing! Storm of kisses! Lots of touching. God knows her voice is going to reach killer wail levels of painful pitch. DEATH OF LOVED ONE: Wailing, violence, shutting down as a whole. Non-stop aggression. DIFFICULT GAME/MATH/ETC: Continue trying, nonstop---literally. Someone’s gonna have to intervene. INJURY: Whine and whimper. She’s not good at handling pain, no matter how used to it she is. SOMETHING IRRESISTIBLY CUTE: Lip biting. Grabby hands. Lighting up, again. Bouncing on her heels.
Having overcome her self-inflicted duties of becoming a war-hero some day, Bonbon has dropped from the draft to, instead, put her dreams and aspirations on the front lines. With assistance and desperation, the girl is hired to start doing small performances when she’s twenty. Nothing means more to her than this.
Even her own dignity. As her agent comes to realize that she’s willing to do anything to achieve her goals, he quickly turns, being bitter that he himself is not in the spotlight as he once was. Setting her up with jobs that have a high chance of ruining her career, she manages to skate by unscathed --- much to his chagrin.
When Dustin enlists in her crew, he is even less enthused with how much attention the newcomer brings. Spiteful, her agent temporarily pulls him from the show, causing an uproar from the blossoming pop star and her fans. Their insistence brings him back --- but it breaks the final chord for the agent, who takes it out on Bon in private.
This assault, intended to kill, results in his death.
While court has settled that she never once touched him, and only harbors self-defense wounds, Bonbon herself remains dismayed. She’s... pretty sure she killed him. She did it --- and used the Killer Wail to do it. Traumatized, but not willing to admit it, her voice rarely rises to the point of her screams ( or any other such pitch ) again.
FIRST APPEARANCE: A mysterious, minuscule pinkling took a tournament by storm without even giving a word as to her age, rank, or background... and donated the proceeds to charity?
KNOWLEDGE LANGUAGES: Inkling, Sign Language, Human French, Written Octarian, Hylian. SCHOOLING LEVEL: College graduate. FAVORITE SUBJECT (S): Linguistics and Theatre. INTERESTED CAREERS: An idol in song and dance --- which she is, now! EXPERTISE: Theatre, Song and Dance. CHEMISTRY: B MATH: A LANGUAGE: A+ GEOGRAPHY: B POLITICS/LAW: B- COOKING: D MECHANICS: C BOTANY (FLOWERS): A+ MYTHOLOGY: A DRAMATICS(ACTING,SINGING): A+++
READING LEVEL: College graduate. HOW GOOD ARE THEY AT PLANNING AHEAD: Always have a plan!
ROMANCE . DO THEY TAKE INITIATIVE: Definitely. She’s very needy and you’ll know it immediately. HOW DO THEY ACT(SHY,ETC): While very avoidant when crushing, she’s super clingy and affectionate when dating. GENTLEMAN/LADYLIKE VS KLUTZY: Ladylike with a dash of klutzy. She shows her real side if she really trusts her partner, so they have to deal with a near 180 of the persona she shows on a daily basis. GO SLOW VS JUMP INTO: Jump into! She puts all her apples in one basket. PROTECTIVE: Extremely. She’s very feral and primitive at times. ACT LIKE FRIENDS OR LOVERS: Her lover has to be her best friend. WHAT KIND OF PRESENTS DO THEY BUY: She actively stalks her partner’s wishlists or things they see as they cruise around together, and has them anonymously delivered, as it she wasn’t obvious. If she hasn’t a clue, she’ll start sending dorky things she thinks are nice to try to gauge their interest. TYPE OF KISSER: She steals small kisses, before elongating them with lots of lip tugging. Definitely fond of it. The type to really get into it. DO THEY WANT KIDS: Not really, but can be easily persuaded. DO THEY WANT TO MARRY: Yes. MAKE GOOD OR BAD DECISIONS: She makes better decisions, thinking in respect of both herself and her partner. ARE THEY ROMANTIC: Yes, albeit cheesy and dorky deep down... HOW ARE THEY IN BED: She’s extremely affectionate, and prefers to be intimate with her partner for the long run. GET JEALOUS EASY: She no longer experiences the same anxiety she once did in relationships, and opts to trust her partner whole-heartedly. WIFE/HUBBY BEATER: No. MARRY FOR MONEY: click this. FAVORITE SEX POSITION: [REDACTED] WHAT WOULD HAPPEN ON THEIR DREAM DATE: A nice long exploration through untraveled territory---just the two of them. Lots of hand-holding, kisses, and cuddles. Good food would definitely seal the deal as the best date ever. OPINION ON SEX: She’s fucking thirsty.
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