#their friendship is SO important to me <33333
scattered-winter · 2 years
Do you happen to have any Headcanons for Carmen and Player You would Like to share?
player is nonbinary
carmen is nonbinary lesbian
after s4 player graduates early and goes to college in california
instead of paying for student housing he just lives in the warehouse <3
carmen splits her time between the warehouse and her mom's orphanage in mexico because she may have found her real family but that doesn't mean she's leaving her other one behind [side eyes canon]
when she isn't spending time with her mom, carmen is helping her friends track down the rest of the vile operatives who are still causing shit
they accidentally run into el topo and le chevre's food truck (zack's fault) and the boys half expect carmen to turn them in but she just buys some food, tips her hat, and walks away
because she knows better than anyone that they deserve to have a life outside of what vile made them. some of the operatives are grabbing as much as they can without caring who they harm, but the ones who step back to become something better are the ones who deserve the chance to try
player majors in computer science and minors in geography
carmen likes to go get ice cream with player every so often
they sit on the curb with their cones and count how many people are carrying laptop bags and how many are wearing backpacks. and they turn it into a competition <33 carmen is winning
now for some ANGST :]
carmen has nightmares on a regular basis. after she wakes up she usually stumbles downstairs to make tea but her hands are always shaking so much that she can't hold the mug steady
player is usually awake (because his sleep schedule is like mine) and he quietly takes over and makes tea for her
player ALSO has nightmares. not as often. but occasionally he'll wake up screaming because he could hear carmen's ribs cracking in his dreams
sometimes he dreams about coach brunt crushing his bones instead. but the worst nightmares are always when she's going after someone else. sometimes it's zack. sometimes it's ivy. sometimes it's even shadowsan. but most of the time it's carmen because player could hear her bones creaking ever since that close call
he also has nightmares about directing the team wrong and sending them into traps. because one wrong move and his friends could die. and he has nightmares about hearing their screams for help and then absolutely nothing.
after he wakes up from nightmares carmen usually wraps him up in a blanket burrito and watches stupid movies with him until the sun comes up. it helps him but it also helps her <33
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gojosattoru · 2 years
i almost forgot this saturday my blog will be doing his 10th anniversary!! 😂😂😂 i was going to do something to celebrate but with the amount of illustrations from my work it seems it won’t be able to come true *snif* 
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lunarsapphism · 9 months
i love my friends i miss them so so bad.
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a-d-nox · 5 months
Hiii<33 I hope you are taking composite requests! (Dm'ed u , the chart )
Venus, mars in 12th house composite .
& 11th house stellium .
Thank you <33333
11h planets in composite charts
i feel like this is a solid question and when i was looking at your composite i was like hmm perhaps we should just look at one house because it is pretty in depth for one house alone.
little disclaimer: i am just discussing the planets in the house. if you read the blurb and you are like "you are wrong"; i am going to be like you are are probably right because house rulers matter, and so do planetary aspects. so if you don't like might blurb, respectfully add to the discussion or please scroll.
so that being said, composite 11h can provide insight on the friendship dynamics in the connection, how well you work together, the goal of the relationship, and/or how societal beliefs effect the dynamics of the relationship.
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these friends have a ton of fun together - they are each other's entertainment. they seem to be in their own world with one another. on the outside, it looks like no work gets done, but in reality, they are helping each other to grow and blossom. these people often appear as popular to outsiders, as well. but truly, there is no beating the fact that they value each other the way they do. they find joy when they are doing things together. and they are extremely loyal towards one another.
this connection changes over time. in fact, they might not have been close friends with each other at first. it could be that they were cold towards one another at first. but that evolves into them growing to love and care for one another very much. i think to see this in fem relationships - it often reminds me of women supporting other women. they are often very kind and responsive towards one another's needs in the relationship. but there tends to be fluctuations in when they see one another - it might just be "once in a blue moon". they tend to be the kind of friends that it doesn't matter how much time passes - they pick up right where they left off.
i see a lot of these friendships go one of two ways - good or bad haha. good connections will communicate often with one another. they confess if they are in the wrong or know someone is saying something about the other person. there is a dialogue as opposed to a monologue - they have a good repartee. they learn from one another. they often whisper with one another during an event like they are in their own little world together. a bad connection will have each person absentmindedly saying things about one another that cause harm. they argue with one another without actually listening to what is being said. they can be forgetful about what is important to each other. they spread gossip that is harmful about each other or other people. they are might keep receipts about each other. you might ask a "friend" with this type of composite what it is like and they will say they feel "smothered" by the other person.
these two look up to each other and often admire each other to the highest degree. this is a "besties" placement in my eyes. they are likely to make compromises that work for both of them. they might even evolve into lovers - people tend to sense attraction between them. you will rarely see these two without each other at a social gathering. they simply enjoy each others company. the exchange that occurs between them is very sweet. they are the type of friends that share everything with one another.
these two are hard to figure out. are you friends? enemies? is there sexual tension? i don't know, haha. the interactions always have an underlining abrasiveness to them; like they are bickering, about to fight, or just fought with each other. i also see this in pairs who have been bullied by each other or someone is an aggressor in the connection ( @danihodgs i will get back to your ask next month / later but here is a little taste for the meantime! ). there seems to be a bit of hate or impatience for each other that exists in the connection. otherwise, these are the friends that do very impulsive things together. they might be each other's biggest cheerleaders as they want one another to succeed. they also tend to have a lot of shared passions.
these two met by chance and now the connection is sure to stick. naturally, they give each other a lot of chances and frequently apologize to one another when they accidentally offend/trigger each other. they want to be honest, sincere, and respectful with each other. they recognize that they can both benefit from each others wisdom and mercy - you can't just find that in any friendship. they take pride in having a friendship with one another and are the ones to be like "we are best friends" in the most serious manner - while venus is like "*we're besties <3!*".
either these two have been friends for a very long term and infrequently see or talk with one another OR there is a story... often i have heard people say that the friendship just evaporated. they likely have a level of contempt/frustration for them - "they are dead to me" is the energy. apathy is there for the aloof friend who disappeared - the long silence has made them feel neglected and as if they can't trust the "friend". once there is a reason for a grudge to be had - it is all over.
these people often know each other from hanging out in the same circle of people. they might belong to the same club, be colleagues, etc. often this connection is not the deepest because it does allow them to have freedom and independence from on another. this is a very no strings attached type of acquaintanceship. they meet unexpectedly from time to time as well, like they constantly run into their colleague at the grocery store then they exchange niceties.
these two are hooligans. this reminds me of sorority sisters or fraternity brothers ("the pretend family" made at college or a found/chosen sister or brother made by circumstance, like a very tight knit bond framed by a custom). there might be a illusion of closest with these two - they tend to not know each other as well as it appears they do. often it is a vague association with one another that ties them together. i also feel like it is common for them to imitate one another - it gives fan behavior to me and sort of reminds me of maddy and cass on euphoria.
partners in crime energy. it might also be one person being an aggravator, while the other is an accomplice. i am not a fan of this planet when it comes to "friendships". they just end up being the worst for each other. they sooner become cell mates than much else. when it comes to activities, i feel like they are always up to something questionable and reckless. on the positive side, they can change each other for the better, if they are mature and have good intentions.
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my top ten favourite PJSK events so far!! (no particular order)
- A Once-In-A-Lifetime Pandemoniun
in general, i love silly little school trip moments!! Pandemonium was just lovely. Rui and the three friends he made <333 2-B boys you will always be famous to me. the surprised Pikachu face Rui pulled every time they were nice to him and included him in their banter, literally wanted to sob. Airi and Tsukasa having to stop Shizuku and Rui wandering off. Shizuku and Tsukasa childhood memories. and of course- well, look at my icon. not to mention the CARD SET??? absolutely beautiful. adore the yokai theme, Rui and Shizuku's cards nearly offed me. i stared at them for a good five minutes when they were first leaked
- No Seek, No Find
this is one of the few events that made me cry. Saki, you will always be my favourite Tenma <3 her frustration while being stuck in the hospital, her fear of being left behind, the unfairness, her loneliness, her guilt for worrying her family, her desire to be "normal"- it was heartbreaking. the card set hits so hard too, my favourite L/n cards. and Tera Tera is always in my head, Saki's solo >>>>
- My Colour
this event literally made me fall in love with Shizuku, i wasn't particularly interested in her too much before. the pressure put on her but then how she finally let herself act like herself <33 she's so hardworking and sweet, live laugh love, Shizuku Hinomori. the cards are so pretty, Shizuku looks so angelic in hers <3 and her solo of Colour of Drops sounds lovely as always too even if it's not a song i care about too much
- Musical Twilight Parade
LEO/NEED AND WONDERLANDS X SHOWTIME!! MY TWO FAVE UNITS HAD A CROSSOVER <33333 I LOVE THEM. the card set was underwhelming yes (only really like Rin's) but!! W x S as tour guides... the shenanigans... literally has one of my favourite moments of all time of Rui teaching the L/n girlies how to trespass, he's such a good influence, isn't he <33 OH YES AND ICHINENE'S FIRST MEETING!! THEY WERE SO AWKWARD AND SHY AROUND EACH OTHER AND NOW THEY'RE SO QUIETLY HAPPY WHEN THEY BUMP INTO EACH OTHER. THEY MEAN SO MUCH TO ME. also, it's a Shiho event so. winner!!
- Don't Lose Faith
Leo/need. Leo/need Cryptonloids. they're all so sweeeet. i love L/n Rin so much <333 i can't put into words why, but i just really like the event story, them training for their concert in Sekai and all with the support of Miku and Co. the cards were really cool (more lims should have dyed hair...) and so is the song, Voices. another Shiho win!!
- A Sorrowful Farewell at the Curtain Call
it's the only event that's got Asahi Genbu in it. that. that is it. oh yeah and W x S was threatened with divorce or something. BUT ASAHI <3 cards were interesting... i like the symbolism but they don't particularly like. interest me greatly? What Sort of Ending Are You Wishing For isn't one of my fave fave songs either... yeah, it was mainly the story that carried this event for me!!
- Insatiable Pale Colour
ENA. ENA. ENA. INFINITELY GREY MAKES ME CRY. ENA SHINONOME YOU ARE SO IMPORTANT TO ME. HER STRUGGLES HIT SO HARD </333 also,,, Shinonome siblings </3 the cards are prettyyyy. they suit the vibe of the event so well. ONCE AGAIN. INFINITELY GREY. beautiful song, the last chorus makes me so emotional. how Ena sounds like she's screaming in desperation throughout...
- Welcome to the Forest of Wolves
i adore Miyajou 1-A <33333 appreciated the VBS friendship in it too!! but mainly KohaMinoShiho being the trio ever. cards? beautiful. i adore fairy tale stuff SO much. poor Kohane accidentally causing a scene all around school, bless her <333
- Exciting Picnic
FAIRY. FAIRY CARD SET. FAIRY CARDS. FAIRY MIZUKI. LITERALLY MY FAVOURITE COSTUME-LESS PERMAMENT CARD. ahem. anywayssssss. Ena <33333 and Shizuku <3333 and Rui <333 MY TOP THREE CHARACTERS?? IN THE SAME EVENT??? what are the chances of it ever happening again </3 oh yes Mizuena... Ena cares so much for Mizukiiiiii they're sooooooo zvsbjdodoskkqkallapalqllaa ALSO ENA DEFENDING SHIZUKU FROM HER PUSHY WEIRD BITCH FANS???? I LOVE ENA SHINONOME. oh and surely you don't think i forgot that it was SHIZURUI'S FIRST MEETING? <3
- Island Panic
- THIS EVENT STORY FELT LIKE A FEVER DREAM. IT WAS SO CHAOTIC AND SILLY AND SO VERY W X S <333 there's so many golden scenes in it. Rui threatening to "sleep the big sleep" if he's made to eat veg. them forming a human pyramid that was nearly ruined by Tsukasa having the audacity to sneeze. Shosuke Otori character development. the only card i really liked was Emu's and Starry Sky Melody isn't one of my favourite songs but the story makes up for it!!
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wexhappyxfew · 14 days
Okay Shannon, last night I was headed to bed and BAM Kennedy and Bucky thoughts in my brain. Your writing is so good it’s always on my mind.
But anyway, I was thinking about Kennedy and Bucky as the camps start to get to Bucky. Is Kennedy able to keep him grounded? Does she notice it getting to him and help him process? I just feel like having someone there for him in the camps would have really helped. Also having someone to look after would have given him “a job” sort of.
And SECONDLY, I don’t know what you are planning for the forced march or the escape attempt, but I can’t wait to see the girls with them on the March. I just know protective Bucky (and Brady) are going to be full force.
I just had to pop in and share these thoughts lol. Have a beautiful day!
HI SUNSHINE ANON!!!!! 🥹🫶 please know i saw this message earlier and was absolutely letting it marinate in my brain and so i am now incredibly excited to respond! 🥰
HONORED TO KNOW THE KENNEDY X BUCKY THOUGHTS LINGERED A BIT BEFORE SLEEP! 🫡🫡🫡🫡 massive massive honor in my eyes haha!!!! thank you for the writing compliments as well omg! 🥺 that means so much to me truly!! :D
under the cut so plz enjoy my rambles <3
To answer your first question - something I ALWAYS think about and ponder on when I have some mindless things and tasks to do - (1) I would definitely say Kennedy does keep Bucky grounded (in an upcoming prompt with Bucky’s POV we explore that aspect a bit more actually yay!). But Kennedy definitely does, and in some ways, Bucky almost doesn’t notice in, it’s so subtle. But from the time she shows up, he realizes that she’s such a calming and equally comforting presence for him. Probably because she’s confident, a loyal and absolutely incredible friend, and someone who can hold her own. And he admires that about her. A. LOT. It also makes him want to protect her.
SO. Having that *want* to care for and protect someone who he cares for (and slowly realizes - oh wow I think I love her like that too???) really keeps him grounded and going at the end of the day. I really like the take you have of just having someone there to care for and protect and love. For me, you can really see how love (all sorts of love, friendship, family, romantic, platonic, etc….) transcends war. Even though war will always be the horror it is, to get through it, people turn to love. And that’s really what we see here with Kennedy and Bucky and I think it’s quite beautiful :)
I think also Bucky having the want and responsibility to care for someone, mainly the boys and Silver Bullets girls, especially Kennedy, makes him want to stay alive. Because we’ve seen Kennedy begin to take notice a bit (and in this upcoming prompt I touch on it a bit more too!), and so Bucky feeling the need to be safe for her and protect her, really plays a big part in grounding him there altogether 😭
AND TO YOUR NEXT PART …… I have absolutely given some thought and time into the march!!! You know me too well haha! Definitely because it is a major and important part and we have a lot of these very human aspects that come out in this specific series of events - the human want to survive and live, caring for your friends and your allies, the want to keep your crew and your people safe. OH THERE IS A TON AT PLAY HERE!!!!!!!
Don’t even get me started on Protective Bucky and Protective Brady !!!!!!!!! LIKE! Those two are about to be so insanely protective towards their crew and the Silver Bullets, I can see it now!!! IM ALREADY SCREAMING PLEASE KNOW!!!!!!!!! 😭
sunshine anon, your thoughts and ideas and takes absolutely brighten my day and i’m always so happy when you and the others want to share! i always welcome it and always always always enjoy it!!!! :) knowing how much people take interest and want to know more and see more with the characters — it just means so much to me and i’m always so grateful!!! <33333 THANK YOU FOR THE KENNEDY AND BUCKY LOVE! THEYLL FIGURE THEMSELVES OUT I PROMISE!!!!!!!!
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readysteddiewoe · 1 year
hey so i just uhhh had a thought and I would like some opinions just cos I think about it like once every few weeks so like
the kids grow up to be super successful, and so does eddie and nancy and johnathan and robin then steve is just like a teacher cos small town teacher steve is the best
and just like when they have to do interviews or do public speaking and have to say who was one of the biggest supporters or who they just want to thank, they give like a little list maybe but on all of those lists are steve. no one knows who steve is so online everyone is just like who is this mysterious steve who has impacted all of these rlly important people?????
the steve conspiracy has been going on for years at this point. when someone manages to get a hold of an old picture of the party and the internet is going insane because apparently it was the same steve all along????? the dude who some of the most influential people have to thank teaches at a middle school???????
so anyway thats been rattling in my brain since like last year anyway have a lovely day <33333
Sorry it took me so long to reply :)).
I simply adore headcanons where Steve is a middle school teacher. Steve just leans into his babysitter designation and I think that Nancy Jonathan and Steve have great friendship potential (despite the awkward love triangle bleghh). Whether Steve is with Eddie or someone else or platonically married to Robin, I like to think that he lives in a big house that’s constantly housing visitors.
It would be so hilarious if the internet was like who is this guy he’s everywhere!! And his class kids would be so confused how their vanilla ass math teacher is friends with a award winning journalists, scientists and real life rockstars.
10/10 thoughts. Thanks for sending in the ask. Pleased to meet you too small frog :)
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seaweedbraens · 9 months
hi!! i'm here to say how excited i am for the new chapter! i reread wcwsthwas last month and it was honestly even more brilliant than i remembered.
i love how you write the relationships (both romantic and platonic) between the characters so much. you show the care between them through everything and it's *beautiful*. from the way they think about and notice each other, to their conversations, from the small everyday and/or almost unconscious acts of care, to the BIG acts of care, from the way they learn from each other and keep them in mind to how they lean on each other... you develop each of their relationships in such meaningful ways, and reading you can rlly feel how much each character admires, respects, loves, cares and appreciates each person there and that's truly fucking beautiful.
i probably could keep writing about all the things i love about this fic but i'll leave them to the next chapter comment lol but i wanted to share my reread impressions before reading the next part!
honestly thank you so much for sharing this story with us.
hope you have a great weekend! all the best to you <3
i am smiling EAR TO EAR.
this is all i've ever wanted to do as a writer. i remember that even when i was 15 or 16, i wanted to write a series of oneshots of just the bromances and platonic relationships because they mean so much to me. so hearing you say that you enjoy my portrayal of both the romantic and platonic relationships means the absolute world to me. i am, first and foremost, a total percabeth freak, but the relationships between the other characters is so important to me, particularly the friendship between piper, jason, and leo. it makes me GIDDY to know that i'm succeeding, in whatever small way.
you've always sent me the loveliest messages and left the NICEST reviews, and tbh i have no idea to explain how touched i am by them!! thank you so much for sticking w me and this fic, and i hope you like the newest chapter! <33333
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layzeal · 1 year
ahhhhh im back tbf i also was half delirious when i sent that too but ive noticed that #shovel #talk is such a feature in wangxian fic nowadays and idg whyyyyy its so sad like what happened to early fandom spec that yanli and lwj would be besties </33333 bring that back... like maybe its not completely realistic but fics where lqr and wwx are friendlier are kinda so precious to me and wayyy more interesting than "I'll break your bones" talk.. umm show me wangxian irrevocably entwined together 🥰
ME AND YOU delirious4delirious bestie
AHHHH but yanli and lwj friendship is so SO important to me 🥺💕💗❤️💞 great taste anon so true. i also do enjoy the flavor of wwx growing into lqr like a cat that a dad didn't want lmaoo one year later and they're napping in the library together
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wonbintual · 1 year
i know i already messaged you but once again my ro happy birthday <33333 you are the most important person to me and your friendship means soosososososooo much i can't believe we started talking because of some silly outfit worn by an idol and you became one of my absolute closest most beloved friends but i am so thankful to have you every day even when we don't talk for days or sometimes weeks. you are such a comfortable person to exist within a (cyber)space with and even to talk to on the phone (which is crazy for me because i can't even talk to my family on the phone kgbskhg). i couldn't imagine my life without you actually. i really really REALLLLLLLLLLY look forward to the day we can hang out irl but until then i wish you the best best best birthday and the greatest year ahead and many successes and soooooooooo much happiness. i love you so much it couldn't even be contained in the world's largest box. 💞
literally teared up last night bcs of this, ur the single most important reason im still powering through this hellsite 🫂 im glad we reached to that level of comfort around each other and it always blows my mind that we haven't even met each other in person but we're so so so so very close 😭🫂💘 thank you for hearing me out rant when i had terrible days in msia, it rly kept me going and I hope you know that through your ups and downs I'll always be there for u and I'm so so so proud of how far you've come. You're literally the smartest person I know 🫶🏽 I LOVE YOU
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banghwa · 2 years
''i dont really mind that no one really puts their weird invasive relationship microscope over them bcs what they have is truly so special and beautiful that i want them to get to keep it all to themselves'' you know what... you're SO right. i always get angry when i see how this fandom treats hoseok as the odd one out and seems to ignore his incredibly close friendships with the members (some of which i see as one the most wonderful bonds within the group). i thought that maybe there's a blessing in that - hoseok has more freedom to openly love his members without too many people making it weird or even uncomfortable for him. but what you said made me realise that it's also good because he gets to keep his beautiful friendships more private despite being in the view of millions, simply because so many of those millions don't care. i hope he breathes a bit easier because of this, i hope that despite how this fandom treats him, it results in good things for him as well. hahah suddenly i feel like spreading the ''hoseok is the seventh wheel'' agenda (despite it being obvious that the group is hobi's harem), let him love them in peace like he deserves. everybody stop perceiving hoseok's friendships! seriously tho, i hope he's so so happy.
HIIIII my love omg im so sorry you sent this practically a month ago and im just seeing it :(( if i remember right ur talking abt this post, and yes exactly! and yes definetly i do feel like hoseok is that kind of person too, where he values his personal relationships so closely that he would prefer they don't get overly tangled in the publicity of it all, and so maybe not having as much attention on his interactions is a little more comfortable for him. im sure friendships for someone as famous as he is must be such a delicate matter. and although i would wish hoseok to be loved as loudly as other members and that his very close relationship with them be seen as being as important as more popular friendships like between jungkook and jimin.....like on the other hand i see how jikookers and taekookers and yoonminers act and how entitled they are to interactions and content and if less attention is what it takes for jihopers to stay normal then so be it !!!!!! i think theres cons and pros to it, and if anything it means hoseok can be truly appreciated by fans who genuinely like him and his work. and SO fucking true maybe if we keep spreading the "hoseok seventh wheel" agenda we can implicitely keep gatekeeping him <33333
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elven-child · 2 years
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xfiles for the ask game
Favorite Male Character
Mulder <33333 but skinner is a close second like to slap his bald head
Favorite Female Character
Scully unironically is so important to me and I love her so much!!!!! im gonna start throwing things she means so much to me!!!!!
Least Favorite Character
Krycek oh my god. also Diana like why was she there. also CSM can choke and die
Favorite Ship
i mean come on MSR is the only choice here
Favorite Friendship
I loooove the MSR relationship before it became romantic, also Scully and Skinner's friendship is chefs kiss. also I generally enjoy seeing Doggett's interactions with both Scully and Reyes. ALSO SCULLY AND THE LONE GUNMEN
Favorite Quote
ohh that's a tough choice. honestly I think my favourite one may not even be from the show, but instead it's something one of the creators (Frank Spotnitz) said about it: "you can't get the truth. you can't. there's a larger truth, though: that you can't harness the forces of the cosmos, but you may find somebody else. you may find another human being. love is the only truth we can hope to know, as human beings. that's what mulder and scully found after nine years. and that's a lot"
Worst Character Death (if any)
the lone gunmen. I haven't even seen it yet but I already hate it
This made me so happy you have no idea Moment
every time scully appears on the screen hope it helps 🥰
Saddest Moment
it's not even saddest per se it's just the most bittersweet but when Mulder learns Samantha was dead the whole time................ and later in the episode when her ghost hugs him.............. I cried actual tears
Favorite Location
their shitty little basement office with mulder's "I want to believe" poster my beloved
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lavenders-writing · 2 years
my epic and official review of FMN by @sipsteainanxiety below the cut <33
okay starting off with ch 27:
the eye contact through the mirror,, good shit right there
this is random but i keep thinking about the baby and i feel so :(((( and DDDDD: PLEASE they gotta be a family again i am beggingsgfhgf
"you could still pull up. i'll sure she'll understand" okay i pull up--
"gotta get that quality time in with your girl" amen sero, amen
"cowabummer, dude" HJDFK SERO I LOVE YOU he's really coming in here with some hit lines isnt he
he;s so nervous :(((( just wanna wrap him in a big hug he deserves one
the thought that bakugou, who's extremely calculated, is willing to just risk it all just to be with the person he loves means SO much my heart is aching but like in a good way
the art AWWWWWshfgfddsk he is SO. yeah love him
Dr BitchAss McGee better step back alright im not playing around this time bc katsuki is sad again and that is NOT allowed in this household
if this man doesnt stop clicking at me i swear im gonna click him into the next dimension
this bitch is keeping me in a WAREHOUSE??? didnt your mother teach you how to treat a lady smh
this woman sounding like the Joker by talking about society like get your clown ass away from me im not batman
lady im sorry your partner died but i literally barely remember that incident because SOMEONE took my memory so why tf am i here i mean i understand that youre trauma dumping but find a better outlet, sis <3
oh heres bitchass mcgee in the corner okay lemme at him
"you bounced back though, didn't you?" okay untie me and then say that to my face
YEAHHHH WOOOOO KATSUKI COME IN AND KICK SOME ASS WITH ME love how this violence will hopefully bring us together <3
AAAHHH i didn't think i'd be in the notes!!! tysm ily <333333 !!!!!! i wanna draw this lady now sjfhdg i have a mental image of her already
okay time for ch 28 hgskdghasghsdf
these two bitches with one needle trying to beat us like just accept defeat, sweaty <3
i should go back and take his wallet and socks; wallet bc it's funny and i can give it to the police and socks bc then he'll be very unconfrotable and thatll ALSO be funny
this lady has rabies or something omg
bitch stop playing with me like im a puppet this isn't some wack version of coraline where youre the other mother okay put me down i'll bite you
when i said to put me down i did NOT mean like that
YEAHHH WOOOHOOOO IM A BADASS what a power couple omg
AAAHHHHGHH YES this friendship with eijirou is EVERYTHING
mother and father, please give me my child back immediately :) (threat)
YES uncle ei awwwww my HEART omg
kissed sunsets awwwww PLEASE thats so cute
the fact that he kept everything where is was, like the SNEAKERS, im,,,, my heart hurts he missed yn so muchAND TH EBOOK AND THE MUG AND THE NOTES HNMNGMHNFHMNHMFNNFH IM IN PAIN!!! ABSOLUTE AGONY!!!!!!!!!
amazing job AS ALWAYS this had me absolutely captivated omg <33333
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catboytwelve · 9 days
Ok, rambling about S14 let's gooooo
At the end of the day i really had fun with this season of Doctor Who and think that they got the most important thing (the doctor) right and that's what matters But.
Overall, I think the season is kinda undercooked, specifically in regards to what I hold as my primary focus for the show, which is the Doctor-Companion dynamic
15 is a delight, but his dynamic with Ruby is way too straightforward and without conflict; if you think back to ten and donna, yeah they would bicker like friends but she would also push back against him if he was doing something she thought was wrong, what propells them to an iconic Doctor-Companion duo is not their lovely friendship but them challenging each other to be better. The Donna and the Tenth Doctor that we see at the beginning of S4 are not the same Donna and Doctor that we see at the end of S4 and that. Just doesn't happen to Ruby and Fifteen. And you could argue that not every dynamic has to be like that, if not for the fact that they said it was like that.
They outright say that the Doctor was changed bc of Ruby in... how he talks about family? Which happened when? He literally witnessed a family coming together and be happy and he locks himself in the tardis and doesn't even say hi to Ruby's biological mother,,,, How is that him being changed? Was he lying?
Even Ruby herself I think is just kinda there sadly, Millie Gibson is a pleasure on screen and she clearly gave her 200% in her performance plus her chemistry with Gatwa is really good but who is Ruby beyond her mysterious normal mother? A really caring and lovely girl and that's it? No flaws no dreams or objectives in life outside her mother's identity? I feel like the best we got was when she played the piano in the devil's chord but outside of that I don't see much more (which is so strange bc we have a whole episode with her alone and... we don't get to know her more?)
Also, I love the hugs (and 15's tears!!!), it's refreshing to see the Doctor being so open towards acts of affection again but while that's lovely to see, there's not much more to it than a really healthy friendship.
I realise this could very well be a Me problem, given I am a conflict enjoyer, but I keep thinking that if 15ruby went through moments where they doubted each other or fought over doing or not doing something, their acts of affection would make me care for them so much more, which is a shame. :c
As for the episodes alone, it really does feel like RTD1 again lol
The opening ep is kinda meh but not horrible, the finale is uninspired but with nice scenes here and there, the highlight of the season are the eps not written by him (which this time around are way too few...) and the others are ok but nothing incredible. This is a huge improvement over flux, which is my least favourite chibnall season, but it's not a stellar season of dw, which is fine (again, I still had fun with it) and maybe my opinion on it will change with time!!!
if I had to rank the eps I'd go:
73 yards
The devil's chord
Dot and Bubble
Empire of the dead
Space babies
The legend of Ruby Sunday
On a closing note this season also proved that we really, really need someone new to run the show. I know finding someone to take on a show this huge is really difficult (even chibnall had to be persuaded to take the job, and he had written tons of eps and even run torchwood for a while....) but I do feel like it's that or the show will stagnate, and that's the worst case scenario for dw.
Sorry if I was a little bit too negative here sjcjsjxj I may be influenced by the finale, which I didn't like lmao, but this Is what I wanted to get out of my system. Just to say something positive, my thoughts on gatwa and 15 haven't changed in the slightest I LOVE HIM AND I THINK HE'S FANTASTIC <33333
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lesbian-guinevere · 4 years
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they are gossiping <3
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blog-name-idk · 2 years
Everything Falls (Into Place) | 07
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*Banner by the incredible @bangtansmauyeondan
Pairing: OT7 x Fem Reader
Genre: College!AU, Roommate!AU, Fluff, Humor, Smut
Summary: Your new roommates are unbearably nice and unbearably hot. Good thing you're an adult who is fully capable of platonic friendships with the opposite sex, right?
Word Count: 624
Jimin What movie are we watching for Festa night??
Hobi Nothing scary please 😥
Jungkook Be a man, hyung
You What is Festa night?
Jin Only the most wonderful time of the year! Namjoon, did you not tell her?
Namjoon Sorry [y/n], I can't believe I forgot We try to designate one weekend every semester to a full group hang Friday is dinner + movie night Saturday is boozy brunch + recovery Sunday is responsible stuff
You Huh, that's actually a really cute tradition. I hope you guys have fun!
Jungkook Do you already have plans this weekend?
You Not yet, but I can figure something out! Don't worry, I won't crash bro night
Yoongi you're invited dumbass
Jimin You're one of us now, silly!
You Aw you guys, I'm so happy to be an honorary bro <333 Jin, are you gonna cook? Do you want any help?
Jin I am blessed with a kind, beautiful, considerate wife-bro Guys, take note
Namjoon I can help!
Jin Thank you Namjoon You can help the most by staying out of my kitchen But I appreciate the consideration
You Wait, does Jin do all the cooking for Friday AND Saturday? That's kinda fucked up
Namjoon I could help…
Hobi Brunch is on the rest of us!
Jimin We're not THAT selfish :(
You Hey you can't blame me for assuming, it's not like anyone else ever cooks around here
Jin [Y/n] <3333333
Jungkook I can cook I just choose not to
Jin Wow
Yoongi let's be real, hobi and i make the food tae makes coffee and jimin and jk make mimosas and margaritas
Namjoon I want to help… Am I useless?
Jimin What?! No, of course not!
Jungkook Of course not hyung, there's a reason we call you our leader
Namjoon But you guys never let me do anything to help Do I really ruin everything?
Yoongi fuck guys we made namjoon sad
You Joon, I'm having problems starting my art history paper It's on the juxtaposition of traditional and postwar Japanese culture and how the dichotomy is still portrayed in contemporary art today I need you :(
Namjoon OMG I have the perfect reference book for you! Let me go find it!
You Oh! If it's not the photobook you showed me before, could you bring that too? … Namjoon?
Yoongi i think he's gone
Taehyung You didn't tell me you were taking an art history class!
You That's because I'm not
Hobi [Y/n], have we ever mentioned how much we love you? Because we love you soooo much <33333
You Not enough ;)
Taehyung We love you [y/n] <3
Jimin [Y/n] you're the best! <3
Jungkook [Y/n] you're almost as amazing as me <3
Jin [Y/n] you're almost as beautiful as me <3
Hobi Ahem, Yoongi-hyung
Yoongi … fine <3
You … I'll take it
Jungkook Yeah you will
You JEON JUNGKOOK! You did NOT just say that to me
Jimin Oooooo Kookie's in trouble
Taehyung Oh, we almost forgot the most important thing! [Y/n], do you own any pajamas?
You Uh, like sweatpants?
Jimin Rule 1 is that festa is a weekend-long pajama party They have to be legit pjs
You I love it, it sounds adorable I don't have any though :( If I even wear anything to sleep it's just like a shirt
Jungkook klojl
You ?
Jungkook I dropped my phone
Hobi You can borrow some of mine!
Taehyung Or mine!
Jin Back off ovules She's MY wife, she'll borrow mine I have the best selection, anyway
Jimin Hyung, she'll drown in your clothes You can borrow mine! You'll look perfect!
Jungkook Yeah bc you're the same size
Yoongi lmao
Jimin Jeon, let's take this offline
Taehyung RIP Kookie
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Tags: @singukieee
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