#their fbi agent: *banging their head against the desk when they see this video*
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morganbritton132 · 6 months ago
Eddie, postjng to his socials: This is how every conversation with my husband has went for the past two weeks
Eddie, as Eddie: Do you want to do something fun?
Eddie, as Steve: We can’t. We have to go get experimented on by the government.
Eddie, as Eddie: Ughhhh
Steve, as Steve:
Steve, as Steve: They’re going to euthanize you this year. Don’t post that anywhere
Eddie, as Eddie: *posts everywhere*
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chuckepisodes · 4 years ago
Chuck vs. The Sandworm Part 2
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You and Chuck drove back to his place. You called Sarah asking her if she can meet you both at his place. "Hey. Um, is Sarah here?" you asked Ellie and Devon as you both walked in. "She's waiting in your room Chuck." " Is everything okay?" Ellie asked. "Oh yeah! Just hanging out! And we just have something to talk about." you said as you and Chuck headed to his room. When Chuck opened the door, you both found Sarah standing there looking out the window." "Hey!" you greeted. " Who is this Lazslo character? He just ID'd us as agents." Chuck said getting right to the problem "Relax. We're looking into him. And you guys did the right thing." Sarah reassured. "We... We didn't do anything. We just flashed on the guy. " you said. "You followed protocol, and I'm going to check in with you first thing in the morning." " Wait, wait. Wait, wait, hold on, hold on. Wait, um...Look, if it's cool with you, could you hang out for a little while?" you asked. " Look, awesome and Ellie think that we're all hanging out so it would look a little awkward if you just left now." Chuck explained. "Oh! Um...sure! How long?" "Ummm I don't know. I would say 40 minutes to an hour tops?" you asked "Uh okay." You all then just sat on Chuck's bed awkwardly.  You decided to lean against Chuck as you all waited this out and Chuck put his arm around your shoulders. "Oh. I wanted to surprise you guys with a little something." Sarah spoke up, taking a couple frames out of her bag. You and Chuck looked over at her wondering what she would have for you two. Sarah handed over two of the same photos for the both of you of you three at comic-con. "What do you think?" Sarah asked. " It's... It's great. But we've never actually been to comic-con, have we?" Chuck asked. "Wow...we look like a real group of friends." you said. "Yeah we really do." Chuck added. "We we are a real group of friends. We are just a different group of friends." "That we are." Chuck said. You and Chuck then looked at each other, both of you thinking the same thing.
The next day at work Chuck was on his break when Casey came barging in. "You! What do I have to do to get timely intel out of you, Bartowski? Or L/N?" " Look, we briefed Sarah last night, all right?" "Oh, of course you did." "I thought we were all supposed to be part of the same team here, huh-- team Chuck and Y/N." " We are, but I'm starting to feel like the guy who always gets picked last, and I do not like feeling like team Chuck and Y/N's little fat kid." "Okay, you know what, the next time we have a flash, we'll come straight to you, all right, Casey?" " What did you tell Lazslo?" "Nothing. He asked me where we got our watches, and I told him Y/N's friend who I have become close to as well, gave it to us, okay?" " So you compromised yourselves and agent Walker? Bang up job, Chuck."
You were coming in to see Chuck on your break when you saw him and Morgan and it looked like Chuck was yelling at Morgan. You walked a little closer but still stayed out of the way. 'No. You know what you are, Morgan? You are this close to getting fired for sexual harassment." Chuck yelled at him. "What happened, Chuck? You used to be cool." " I-I used to be cool? When was that? When we were 13? Well, I'm sorry to go changing on you, buddy. But if you hadn't noticed, we are now chronologically-speaking, adults. So, unless you wanna work retail for the rest of your life, and by the way, drag me down with you in the process, I would suggest that you grow up." Morgan just walked away and Chuck sighed. You started to approach him slowly. "Chuck? Everything okay?" Chuck looked over at you and then just looked down again. You were now next to him and put your hand on his arm. Just one touch from you would always instantly calm him. He took a deep breath and slowly let it out then looked over at you and smiled. You smiled back at him. ""Heavy is the head that wears the crown." couldn't help but notice the way you handled that, uh, Morgan situation. That was most impressive, Chuck. " Lester said walking towards you two. "That's great, that's great." "You gave me goose bumps." Jeff said joining in as well. " Super, Jeff." You and Chuck walked away and you stopped at the Nerd Herd desk. "You okay Chuck? Why were you yelling at Morgan?" "I just have been feeling a little stressed out lately with what we are going through and this job interview..." "Hey it will be okay." you said softly. Chuck looked at you and nodded his head. "Listen how about I meet you back here when you're done work and we can hangout after and talk. Sound good?" "Yeah. That would be perfect." "Okay then. I'll see you after your shift."
It was night time and Chuck's shift was over. As he walked out the doors he saw you, changed and waiting for him outside. He smiled at you. "Long time no see." you said. Chuck laughed and came over to you and put his arm around your shoulders as you both walked to his car. All of a sudden a man with a freaky clown mask jumped in front of you both and you screamed. Chuck jumped but he kept his arm tight around you. Oh! Nice try, buddy, but, uh, Halloween's tomorrow, okay?" The man then raised a gun and pointed it at him. " Or today, or today. It could be today if you want it to be today." Chuck said trying to stay calm. The man then took off his mask. It was Lazslo. "I didn't kill anybody." he said. "Look, we-we never said you did." you said. " Then why am I on the FBI list?" he yelled now pointing his gun at you. Chuck did not like that. " I don't know. Just calm down." you said calmly. "I was framed, okay. You have to believe me. I am not a murderer." "Okay, okay. I believe you. But FYI? You're kinda acting like a murderer. And if you're going to point that gun at someone then point it at me. Please stop pointing it at her." Chuck said. Lazslo did as he was told and pointed the gun back at Chuck. "You told the undercover agent about me, didn't you? He's talking to pentagon operations right now. I tapped into the encrypted video feed at the store. I helped design that home theater system. " "Look, I-I-I don't know-- " You all heard a car honked and you all looked over. Chuck then looked back and jumped on the guy trying to grab his gun. "Get it. Get it. Get it." "Chuck!" you cried out feeling terrified for him. I got it, I got it. I got it." Lazslo eventually pushed Chuck down onto the car with the gun in his face. "No!" you cried. As Chuck lied there he all of a sudden felt drops of water on his face. "Is that a water gun?" " No." "I'm pretty sure it's dripping on my face." Lazslo let Chuck go and you breathed a sigh of relief and quickly ran over to Chuck's side helping him up and giving him a side hug, putting both your arms around him as Chuck put his arm around you, trying to catch his breath. " I'm sorry. Name's lazslo. And I need help." " What the Hell are we supposed to do?" you asked. "You're on the inside. You have access. Look, unless you help me clear my name, they're gonna keep chasing me. You two are my only hope." "Breaking out the Star Wars quotes." you said quietly. " But first... I could really use some pancakes." You and Chuck just stared at him confused.
The three of you were now at a diner, all enjoying some pancakes. You and Chuck were sitting side by side on one side of the booth while Lazslo was on the other. "What else did you make for the CIA?" Chuck asked. " Whatever the jobs called for actually. I mean, if an agent wanted thermal-vision ray bans I'm the Guy they call." " You're like a real life Q." Lazslo just looked at Chuck, not understanding. " You know. You know Q. The guy who used to make all the gadgets for Bond, Q?" you said trying to help. "Bond was that spy-guy, right?" "What, have they been keeping you in a friggin' cave?" Chuck asked. "Underground lab actually. For the last 10 years, all I did was work in that lab pretty much. Well, that and play video games. But, uh... No friends, no family." "No Bond. No wonder you blew up all your research and busted out there. That's just inhumane." Chuck said. "So what kind of work do you guys do?" "You know, it's kinda, it's kinda, uh, complicated." you said. " Right, but you gotta be some kind of a geniuses. Or prodigy? I mean feds don't bother recruiting somebody, guarding them with undercover agents, unless you're super good at something? What are you super good at?" "Let's just say we're the computer guys."
A little while later, the three of you were beginning to wrap it up. "This is great. I mean just being able to sit in a coffee shop and talk." You and Chuck let out a laugh. " Just talk. With somebody who knows what it's like working for the company. You know, if I had to do it over again, I never would have gone to that pier." "What pier?" you asked. "I was 11... And... Some agent saw me playing tetris at an arcade. So he asked me if I can take all these tests. The next thing I know, he's offering to pay my way through school. My parents, like, they didn't know what to do with a kid whose IQ is higher than both theirs combined. So they signed me over. And that's when I became property of the United States government. Sweet story, huh?" You and Chuck looked at him, both feeling sorry for him. A lady then came over with your bills. " I'm a little, I'm a little strapped. You know how government work pays." Lazslo said. " Dude, yeah. No, no, no, no, don't even worry about it. Y/N I have yours too." he said looking at you. "Chuck you don't have to." "It's fine. Don't worry." You rolled your eyes but gave him a soft smile and Chuck gave you a wink. "Here. Here's an IOU." Lazslo said handing Chuck a drawing he was doing on his napkin. " Thanks." "Guys, listen you can't tell your handlers you ever saw me." "What? Why? They can help you, Lazslo. They're the good guys." you tried to explain. "There's no such thing in this business. I mean, you don't believe me? Go home and search your room. See what kind of bugs your good guy handlers planted on you. From now on, you should trust your handlers precisely as much as they trust you." Lazslo explained. You and Chuck then looked at each other wondering what he could mean.
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fanfics4all · 6 years ago
Request: Yes / No I had one that got deleted with Emily Prentiss x male reader. The reader and Emily are married and have a child. One day the reader gets kidnapped from someone as a revange on Emily. They get videos of how the reader gets tortured and and get a time window to save the reader. The reader gets saved at the last minute and it gets super emotional at the end? Anon 
Request are closed <3 Have a nice day/night
Emily Prentiss x Male!Reader
Word count: 2995
Warnings: torture, talk of killing a kid. Pretty much anything from season 6 episode 18
Y/N: Your Name
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you!
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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Emily’s POV
Having a family in this line of work was dangerous. I had my lovely husband and our sweet little girl, Allison. I did everything I could to keep them away from this life and Y/N was always so supportive about that. He wanted to be there for me but at the same time he didn’t want to put our daughter at any risk. I was a well known FBI agent so I made sure to keep my family out of the light.
Everything was fine until he came back into my life… Ian Doyle was back and as he promised, he took the only thing that mattered to me, or the only one he knew about. He took Y/N when Allison was at school. I found out sooner than he wanted me to when Y/N didn’t pick her up from school and I got a call. Hotch sent someone to check out our house and I had to pick up my daughter. I brought her back to the office and Reid said he would watch her until I got back. I went home to see what the damage was because I knew my husband wouldn’t go without a fight. When I got there, casings were on the floor and just about all the windows were broken. A bookcase was on the floor cracked, books were all over the black, broken picture frames, it was a mess. There was some blood, I knew Ian wouldn’t kill him right away; no, he would make me suffer first. I left my badge, gun, and phone in my desk before I went to the house, I knew what I had to do right away. I went to the bar where we were first introduced and there was an envelope waiting for me. I grabbed it then noticed and old friend of ours. I killed his battery in his car and snuck inside it.
“Battery’s dead, Fahey.” I said making him jump in surprise.
“Jeez, Lauren?” He said as I held a gun to his head.
‘For Y/N. For Allison.’ I told myself in my head.
“How many men does Doyle have, Jack?” I asked, it was the only information I needed.
“Doyle? I haven’t seen that guy in a-” he said and I cut him off by cocking the gun.
‘For Y/N. For Allison.’
“15, maybe 20 guys.” He stuttered in fear.
“Any surprises?” I asked.
“Just automatic weapons. It’s mostly local mob guys. Uh, there’s a little bit of I.R.A. and- Lauren, how about you do me a favor huh? You ease up on that gun, okay?” He asked cutting himself off.
“I helped you and Clyde back in the day. I can help you now. Do you want to know where Doyle is?” He asked.
“I already do.” I answered.
“Yeah, but what are you gonna do, huh? Take him out on your own?” He asked.
“What are you gonna do? Tell him?” I asked and his eyes widened.
‘For Y/N. For Allison.’
“Wait! Wait! Wait! Wiat! Wait!” He called out but I shot him, but not enough to kill him.
‘For Y/N. For Allison.’ I told myself as I got out of the car. I did some recon and decided to see how many guys he had, double check that the info I got was right.
That night I sat in a car outside the bar once again. I checked my phone and saw Garcia had called me. I wasn’t sure if I should open the voicemail or not, but before I could decide I already pressed play.
“Hey, it’s me. Hotch asked me to try all your numbers, and I have this as an old listing, and you probably don’t even use it anymore, but if it is you and you’re out there, come home, please. God, Emily, what did you think? That we would just let you walk out of our lives? I am so furious at you right now! Then I think about how scared you must be, hiding in some dark place all alone. But you’re not alone, okay? You are not alone! I know this is Y/N and you can’t lose him, but what about Allison? She needs her mother right now and-”
“Is that mommy?” Allison’s voice sounded at a distance, but I could still hear her.
“Allison! I thought Spencer was watching you until your grandparents came?” Garcia asked.
“I heard you say my mommy’s name! Is it her? Can I talk to her?” She asked.
“No sweetie, I’m leaving your mommy a voicemail, but why don’t you just say what you want to her. She’ll hear it when she listens to it.” Garcia said and I heard her take the phone.
“Mommy! Where are you and where’s daddy? I miss you guys! Uncle Reid said you’re playing a big game of tag with a friend! I wanna play tag with you guys! So please come home so we can play okay? I love you!” She said.
“That was really good Alli.”
“Alli? Alli! There you are!” I heard Reid say.
“Go with Uncle Reid okay?” Garcia said and after a few seconds I heard a door close.
“Come home for us and your daughter. We can find Y/N together.” She said and then the call ended. Sadness filled my body, but then I saw him. No time to cry. I put in my ear plugs and took out a large gun. I got out the car and shot into the second car. Once the window was broken and I was close enough I threw a flash grenade in and moved to the other side of the car.
“I only want Doyle! Where’s Doyle? I asked.
“Right here, Love.” He said and I turned around to see him. He shot me twice before I could do anything.
“Right here.” He added. He walked over to me while I was on the ground and opened my jacket to see I was wearing a bulletproof vest.
“There it is.” He said and I coughed, he knocked the wind right out of me.
“Hello, Love.” He said. They took me back to where they were hiding out and I was tied to a chair. I looked around the room and I saw him.
“Y/N?” I asked and he looked up. He was chained to the wall and had dried blood on his face, chest, and stomach.
“What did he do to you?” I asked but before he could answer someone walked up behind me and placed their hand on my neck, not enough for pain.
“You didn’t watch the take I left you huh?” He asked, his irish accent thick, but not enough that you couldn’t understand him.
“Didn’t have time.” I said.
“Where’s my ring?” He asked and I saw Y/N look at me confused. He never knew anything about this part of my life…
“I flushed it.” I answered and he chuckled, I myself gave a nervous laugh.
“I spent seven years in hell because of that ring.” He said and moved his hand down to open my shirt. I heard Y/N fight against the chains that were holding him, but I couldn’t look at him.
“So now, I’m going to give you another gift, one you won’t get rid of so easily.” He said. He opened my shirt just enough to reveal my bra.
“Get away from her! Hurt me instead!” I heard Y/N shout as he walked away from me.
“A four-leaf clover should be a nice addition to your other tattoos.” He said ignoring my husband’s pleas. He walked back over with the equipment to give me a tattoo.
“You still have two right?” He asked and I heard Y/N stiffin.
“Yep… and that’s enough ink, thanks.” I couldn’t show him any fear.
‘For Y/N. For Allison.’
“Ink?” He asked with a laugh.
“North Koreans can’t afford ink.” He said with a smirk.
“No, no.” He said shaking his head.
“They brand themselves.” He said and grabbed the pen to brand me. He grabbed my hair and I could hear Y/N fighting against the chains again.
“The more you fight, the more this will hurt.” He said, I couldn’t hide the fear now. The pen touched my skin and screams left my mouth as he burned the clover into my chest.
Once he was finished he put everything away. He kneeled in front of me and I knew I had to try.
“Why are you doing this? You have me. Let him go.” I said looking at my husband for a split second than back to Ian, who was now buttoning my shirt back up.
“Hey. FBI grabbed Fahey.” One of his guys said coming into the room. I knew his voice.
“Her people. It won’t be long before he starts squealing and they’re banging on our door.” He said and I heard a gun in his hands.
“Do what you have to so we get the hell out of here.” He added. Ian stood up and looked unhappy to say the least.
“I know what you want.” I said looking up at him.
“Do you really?” He asked not taking his eyes off his friend.
“You want Lauren Reynolds back. I can do that. I can be her.” I said and he looked down at me.
“You think that’ll save your skin? And his?” He asked.
“I have no illusions. But I’m tired of this. Of being afraid.” I said. I had to get Y/N out of this alive.
“We don’t have time for this.” His friend said.
“We’ll make time.” Ian said, his eyes never leaving mine.
“What about Fahey?” He asked.
“I’ll take care of Fahey. He smokes, right?” Ian asked looking back at his friend.
“Aye.” He said.
“Looks like you earned yourself a reprieve.” He said looking back at me but left the room.
He came back in the room with a chair. There was no time for Y/N and I to talk and I knew he wanted answers. He didn’t know I use to be a spy. He didn’t know why he was in the situation.
“And what is it you do… Lauren?” Ian asked sitting down in front of me.
“I’m looking to get into business with a former I.R.A. Captain who’s gone freelance. Valhalla.” I said just like that night all those years ago.
“But since this is sensitive… il vaudrait peut-être mieux en discuter en privé.” (it might be better to discuss this privately) I added just like that night.
“Tu es plein de surprises, n'est-ce pas?” (You're full of surprises, aren't' you?) He said back to be in french.
“laissez-moi sortir de ceux-ci.” (Let me out of these.) I said and he smiled.
“That’s not how it went.” He said getting up.
“Je ne peux pas te rendre heureux avec les menottes” (I can’t make you happy in handcuffs.) I said to him. He walked behind me and made it seem like he was going to kiss my neck, instead he grabbed it and I let out a small moan of pain.
“You really think I’d let you fool me twice?” He said in my ear.
“I just wanted-”
“I know what you wanted, a way into my head. But I changed the locks. So you’re gonna suffer the way I suffered.” He said and walked over to Y/N.
“It won’t be the first time you’ve killed an inocent, but it will be the first time you have to watch. He said with a smirk.
“Liam!” He called and everything went so fast. He went on to beat, stab, burn, carve, electrocute, pretty much anything he could think of he did to my poor husband and there was nothing I could do.
“What about Declan?” I called out making him stop. He stormed over to me and took me off the chair.
“So you finally figured out what all this is about…” He said holding me roughly.
“I never told anyone the truth about Declan. You were the only one and you put him in your profile, didn’t you?” He growled at me.
“Yes.” I answered.
“For two years, I didn’t talk. The North Koreans used everything you gave them against me! It wasn’t until they showed me these…” He said and pulled out a picture of Declan and his nanny tied up with tape on their mouths and someone holding a gun at them. I knew that picture, I was the one holding the gun.
“They laughed at me as I wept. And you caused all of this, didn’t you?” He growled.
“Yes, I did.” I said.
“That corner right there, that’s where he died.” He said point at the corner next to Y/N.
“And that’s where your husband is going to die.” He said and shoved me into the wall next to him. He pulled out his gun and pointed it at Y/N.
“There’s something you don’t know about those photos.” I said making him stop.
“After your arrest, I relocated louise and Declan and then I got a call. Interpol had sent back our profile. The head of the terrorism division wanted more dirt on you so they could break you.” I said.
“So you used my son as a promotion.” He said rather than asked.
“No. I wouldn’t let him be a pawn. The things they would have done to him to get you to talk… But I knew, even if I didn’t cooperate, they were going to find him eventually. So I had to-”
“Had to what!?” He growled and moved closer to me lowering his gun.
“I had to end his suffering before it could begin.” I said and he backhanded me. Better his anger on me than Y/N.
“What did you do?” He asked picking me up off the floor making me stand.
“You put him in the profile. What else did you do?” He asked.
“I put him in the profile after the pictures were taken.” I said.
“You don’t know when the pictures were taken. You don’t know that.” He said.
“Yes I do. I’m the one holding the gun.” I said. He screamed and shoved me to the ground. I looked over at Y/N and saw he was shocked.
“You wanna hear his last words to me?” I asked and he kicked me in the stomach.
“He said, ‘I looked pretty good for a dead kid, didn’t I?’ and then he got on the plane and I never saw him again.” I said out of breath.
“He’s alive!?” He shouted at me, kicking me again.
“Just because I held a gun to him doesn’t mean I shot him. I only had to make you and the North Koreans believe he was dead.” I said and he picked me up and grabbed me. He smashed me into the wall.
“No you’re lying!” He said reaching for his gun.
“I beat you Ian! Before you even got out of North Korea. I beat you ‘cause I gave Declan his life back.” I said choking him.
“I’ll find him.” He choked out.
“No you won’t. ;cause ever since you told me my people have Fahey I’ve been stalling you.” I said and then the power went out.
“That’ll be them.” I said with a smirk. I knocked him down next to Y/N and smacked him in the face with a wooden stick on the ground. I tossed it to the side after a few his and he grabbed it. He stabbed Y/N in the stomach and he groaned.
“No!” I shouted.
“Where is he? Where’s Declan, Emily?” Ian asked.
“You’ll never know.” I said and we heard gun fire. I was too busy dealing with Y/N to noticed he ran.
“We need to help him!” I said with tears in my eyes.
“We need a medic!” Morgan called.
Everything happened so fast. Everyone rushed in and they got Y/N off the wall. They took him and he was barely conscious. We all rushed to the hospital and I called Y/N’s parents to check on Allison. They said they would be right over even though it was late. They told me Allison was already up, worried about me and her father. They arrived and Allison ran into my arms.
“Where’s daddy?” She asked looking around the room.
“Daddy got really hurt playing tag.” I said and her face saddened.
“Is he gonna be okay?” She asked and I smiled at her. Before I could answer the Doctor walked in.
“Everything is going to be fine.” He said and I sighed in reliaf.
“Can we see daddy?” Allison asked and I bit my lip.
“Of course you can.” He said and lead us to his room. Allison and I were the only ones to go in. I walked over to the bed and placed Alison down. She hugged him and I saw him flinch but he ignored it for his daughter.
“Was the game of tag fun? Did you win?” She asked him.
“Yeah, we won baby.” He said with a smile.
“Yay!” She said and then yawned.
“God to sleep baby, we have all day tomorrow to hang out.” He said to her and she nodded. Her eyes fluttered shut and she fell asleep in his chest.
“I’m sorry…” I whispered after a few minutes.
“It’s okay. I knew the risks when I married you, better me than her.” He said looking down at our sleeping daughter.
“You shouldn’t have come looking for me on your own.” He said and I shook my head.
“If I didn’t you wouldn’t be here right now.” I said and he grabbed my hand.
“I love you.” He said with a smile.
“I love you too…” I said and kissed him.
Tag list: @les-bio-lie @tashy-bear @xrosesareredx @herokyolachan @ashwarren32 @hollie-blogs @schisbro87 @lover-of-books-and-teas @nerdygaloresposts @alex--awesome--22 @teenwolfbitches2 @genius2050 @drw0301bieber @pharaoh-of-time-and-space @marveloverdcsstuff @lady-of-lies @simonsbluee @pettyjayy
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whatdoyouexpectthistime · 7 years ago
Astoria: In Chaos - Part 2
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PART ONE < Read here.
Another day, another bloody great hole in the ground – this time slap-bang in the middle of an elementary school playground. Miho knew this, because she’d managed to snap a few photographs of the scene, and then of the suit- wearing sweepers who blew in like the wind and cordoned everything off.
Triumphant, she returned to her office, set on stirring the pot with enough vigour to force the ‘cover-up squad’ to reveal something.
But, it wasn’t an especially clever tactic.
“Fujiwara,” came a shape bark across the top of the cubicles in the news room, and Miho paused the furious tapping of her fingers against the keyboard.
A ripple of whispers rushed to meet her when she stood to find several uniformed police officers, followed by the woman she knew only as Agent Mann and a somewhat nervous looking man in similar attire, stalking in her direction.
“This is an order for the seizure of all your work materials,” Agent Mann told Miho in a business-like manner, “along with your cell phone, laptop and any storage devices.”
“What?” Miho blinked in utter shock. “You can’t do that!”
Agent Mann’s eyebrow raised, but rather than argue, she simply handed the piece of paper to Miho who frantically began to study it.
“This,” Agent Mann continued, producing another piece of paper, “is an intervention order preventing you from approaching any clearly signposted crime scenes. Failure to adhere fully to both will be considered contempt of court, and will attract the full weight of penalties that apply.”
“You’re banning me from doing my job?” Miho snarled, snatching the second piece of paper but not even looking at it – the first was legitimate. “Where’s Hades?” she snapped, even as the police began to empty Miho’s cubicle into boxes. “Did he not have the courage to carry out this gag order himself? What is he so afraid of hm?”
Her teeth gnashed at Agent Mann before her eyes flashed at the man standing beside her.
“Not you,” Agent Mann responded dryly. “You’re also required to delete any data you have stored in the cloud, and surrender any notes and materials in storage at your place of residence.”
No matter what Miho said, Agent Mann would not relent, and in the end she was told to wait in the editor’s office while the police did their thing.
Working her jaw painfully, her knuckles popping in tight fists, she glowered out the window. Outrage grated against her skin, itching and burning.
“Think this will stop me getting to the truth?” she hissed, and it just so happened her editor walked in as she said it.
“Yes it will,” her editor declared curtly. “What use do you think I have for a reporter who will land herself in jail if she so much as looks at a crime scene?”
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Miho exclaimed. “Editor, I’m the best you’ve got.”
“Not anymore. Go home, Fujiwara.”
“What?” Miho blurted.
The editor sighed.
“I’ll get legal onto this intervention thing, but when the feds are involved…”
“Did you see a badge? FBI? NSA? Homeland Security?” Miho balked, face getting more and more red. “Of course not, because they’re none of those things!”
“Whatever they are, those orders against you are legitimate, so until this is resolved, you’re suspended.”
Slack jawed with disbelief, Miho stared at him until he shooed her from his office. On her desk she found her mobile phone, and when she checked she discovered not just those pertaining to her investigation of the mysterious damage had been deleted, but all images and videos. It wasn’t until he cleared his throat, that Miho realised the suited man was still standing by her cubicle.
“I’m here to oversee the removal of data from your cloud accounts,” he explained, and Miho narrowed wrathful eyes at him.
This caused him to squirm a little uncomfortably.
“Um, really, you have to, so, don’t say you don’t have any or…”
Miho interjected.
“Or what?”
Her teeth chewed through both words, and she looked like she was about to chew through him.
“Or, or Agent Mann said Hades will handle it,” he replied, seeming like he wanted to take a very big step away from her.
“That arrogant toss,” she snorted bitterly.
The man’s eyes widened – a little bit shocked, a little more fearful.
“I wouldn’t speak about him like that,” he warned, the word tumbling from his mouth.
“Or… what?” Miho repeated, leaning toward him. “He’ll drag him into the Underworld and torment me for all eternity?”
It was difficult for Miho to imagine the man’s eyes getting any wider without his eyeballs dropping from their sockets, and she couldn’t tell if it was just because he felt affronted on his boss’ behalf, or was thrown off by her gall.
Either way, Miho didn’t back down.
“In fact, why don’t you scurry on back to whatever rock you lot crawled out from under, and tell him exactly that,” she hissed, snatching her phone and her handbag before stalking from the office.
The agent didn’t stop her.
It was as Miho stomped across the foyer that it occurred to her.
That rock they crawled out from under… if she wanted to know who they were, she should just follow Agent Uncertain back to it.
 Twenty minutes later she stood before the building Agent Unsure had disappeared into: the Grand Olympian. Miho debated the merits of making a frontal assault, of walking right in like she belonged there on the chance she could bluff her way to the information she sought, but that was fraught with pitfalls.
“Seriously,” she muttered to herself. “Who do these people think they are? Hades and the Grand Olympian? Hmph.”
Several people walked in and out, allowing her a glimpse of the foyer, and the several black-clad, stoic suits standing guard.
“After what they pulled,” Miho growled to herself, losing the battle with her anger and storming across the street.
Into the foyer she stalked, eyes filled with determined balefire, posture set with get the fuck out of my way, and in the middle she stopped to glare from blank face to blank face.
“I want to speak to Hades,” she declared flatly, locking eyes with the nearest man.
The only movement he made was the slight twitch of his eyebrow and his lips as he spoke in the expected monotone.
“Ma’am,” he began, and that only enraged Miho more. “This…”
“This is about to be a really unpleasant scene,” she snapped, her hands flailing about in an animated fashion. “Because I don’t care what excuse you give me, this front doesn’t fool me. So get yourself on the phone, intercom, radio, whatever, and get that underworld princess down here to face me.”
That got more of a reaction. She may not have known what she said, her comments based purely upon his name, but just as Agent Stutterpants, the suits in the foyer looked startled.
“I’m sorry, Ma’am, but you’re going to have to leave,” a second suit told her when he emerged from his bewilderment, and he reached for her arm.
“I will drop you,” she warned ferociously. “Keep your hands to yourself.”
“If you won’t leave willingly, Ma’am, we have no choice.”
A moment later Miho was manhandled from the building and propelled toward the pavement, but what might have actually caused her to fall most inelegantly actually resulted in a most serendipitous collision.
“Sir!” Suit #1 exclaimed, when Miho was practically thrown into his arms.
Equally as surprised, Hades looked down at the woman he’d reflexively caught in his arms as she was flung in his direction.
A little panicked perhaps, Suit #2 and Suit #3 moved up to them, #2 grasping Miho’s shoulder. Though Hades’ grip was light enough that she was drawn away from his chest, a moment later the offending suit hit the pavement with a heavy thud, his arm pulled behind him by the wrist, before Miho leaned her knee in between his shoulder blades.
“I warned you what would happened if you laid a hand on me again,” she hissed. “I was an assassin in a past life!”
“Miss Fujiwara,” Hades’ stern voice rumbled, and her blazing eyes snapped to him. “Please unhand Agent Trevaughn.”
“When I have his word he won’t touch me,” she grated.
“Agent?” Hades prompted, deciding it was best to quickly resolve the situation there on the footpath – even if it meant giving Miho some of what she wanted.
“You have my word,” Agent Trevaughn croaked, cheek pressed against the rough concrete.
Instantly Miho rocked back and released her hold, putting a few paces between she and the man before looking to Hades again.
“Fancy running into you here,” she exhaled, her smile the vicious injury he’d perpetrated against her. “Just the god I’m after.”
Like the suits before him, Hades raised an eyebrow.
“You want me to roast you out here, or inside?” she asked.
“Hm, I have a better idea,” Hades responded. “Why don’t you calm down and join me for a cup of coffee?”
“Are you really sure you want me in possession of hot liquids?” Miho challenged stubbornly.
“I seldom get what I want,” Hades told her calmly. “But, if you are in any part the reporter you are reputed to be, you would not turn down the opportunity to converse with the subject of your…”
“Ire,” Miho filled in frostily, and Hades merely accepted it and inclined his head.
The suits looked at each other.
“So, is it coffee?” Hades prompted.
“Tea,” Miho sniffed defiantly, but she turned her body to indicate she was ready to move out.
“As you were,” Hades nodded to the suits, and with curt recognition they headed back into the building.
 A short time later, Hades placed a cup of Lady Grey tea before Miho, before sitting down opposite with his freshly squeezed juice.
She considered his choice of beverage, still clinging to her scowl, determined not to be pacified and yet the grass-shot juice Hades lifted to his lips seemed somehow incongruous with his presence.
“Something wrong?” he enquired, putting the glass down.
“I’d write you a list, but you’d only have your lackies swoop in here and confiscate it,” she charged, but Hades remained unaffected.
“You were warned,” he pointed out, aware the remark would win no favour with her.
“Oh well then, a warning makes it all just peachy,” she snapped, leaning forward. “What are you hiding you’d ruin my career like it was nothing?”
“Actually, Miss Fujiwara, only you are responsible for your actions and their consequences,” he told her, an Miho’s grip tightened around her tea cup.
He watched as she struggled to hold in another unseemly public outburst, that could flip the table and spatter the green rage of vitamised fruit all over the café. But trembling she slowly rose from her seat.
“Thanks for the tea,” she dropped icily and turned to move, but the command – or perhaps something else in Hades’ voice – caused her to freeze.
“Sit down, Miss Fujiwara.”
Before she could comply or tell him to fuck off, Miho made eye contact with a familiar person.
“Oh, hey Miho,” Mieke grinned at her best friend, then slid her gaze to the man behind her. “And… Hades… uh, I mean, Sir.”
“Hades… Sir?” Miho repeated, processing Mieke’s greeting carefully. “You work in an office?”
“Uh… yeah, I do,” Mieke cringed.
“His, office?” Miho pressed on, and she didn’t miss Mieke’s pleading glance at Hades.
“Miss Fujiwara,” he prompted, but this time her resistance was decisive.
“Rabbit holes,” she chuckled mirthlessly as she stepped in beside Mieke. “You really never know what you’ll find.”
She then stalked on out of the café.
“You and Miss Fujiwara are acquainted,” Hades stated, and with shoulders slumped, Mieke sighed out her answer.
“Best friends, Sir,” she breathed, “though probably not anymore.”
“Perhaps you could soften the blow of her recent employment crisis,” he suggested, but Mieke was already shaking her head.
“I’m sorry, Sir, but if there is one thing Miho really can’t tolerate, it’s lies, and I’ve been playing dumb as she poured out her frustration over not being able to get anything on HERA – ugh – if she ever speaks to me again it’ll be a miracle.”
 Avoiding the confines of her apartment, Miho strapped on her sneakers and began a steady lap around Astoria park. If she couldn’t work, she’d lose her apartment, but that was the furthest thing from her mind – there was no one she could trust now: not her boss, not city law enforcement, not even her best friend.
She was on her own.
And where there were lies, there was something to hide.
“I – will – find – out,” she vowed, words panted out to the rhythm of her footfalls, but her cheeks were wet with distress.
Mieke’s betrayal hurt so deeply, Miho lost sight of what she’d been pursuing and just ran, so much so it was dark by the time she finally stopped.
“Now what?” she exhaled, looking down at her hands where she sat on a park bench.
Feeble fists clenched.
“Ugh!” she shouted, jumping to her feet. “This is bullshit.”
Scratching at her aggravation rather than allowing herself to sink into misery, she picked up her feet again and headed to her local gym to take a shower and change her clothing. But she didn’t go home after that she didn’t go home.
Swathed in brash indignation, she caught a cab a little way before getting out a block from the first crime scene she’d investigated where Hades and his band of merry suits had shown up – she would check them all again, slip through the black fencing and look for clues, anything that could give her a story worth her boss putting his ass on the line.
Sticking to the shadows she slunk with practiced silence and dexterity, but suddenly she stopped her advance.
It must have been her day for familiar people showing up at inopportune times.  
“What the fuck is Agent Moron up to?” she murmured to herself, watching him acting very suspicious as he approached his own barrier.
With tailing skills even Kaga would be proud of, Miho drew closer, slipping with almost ridiculous ease past the couple of guards posted, and into the obstructed area. Hiding, she crept closer to see what Agent Hopeless was up to.
She found him examining the deep hole in the sidewalk, much like the others she’d seen, waving over it with a little device with flashing lights.
“What are you doing, Agent Dipshit?” she whispered under her breath.
The answer that came wasn’t really an answer at all… two bodies suddenly flew overhead, limbs flailing and faces pinched in painful grimaces. Their impact with a nearby building was so solid some of the render cracked and flaked away, and when the pair of suits hit the ground – they didn’t move.
“What the?” Agent Stupid blinked, turning sharply from his fallen compatriots to look in the direction from which they’d come.
Scrambling to stay hidden, Miho narrowed missed being hit by… a car… that soared several metres into the air before barreling in Agent Idiot’s direction. He dove to one side, drawing a handgun as he did and taking aim at…
“You HERA guys,” a low, slow voice rumbled, as a real lump of a man came into view on one side of the crater, “so squishy.”
“Minotaur?” Agent Dumbass grunted. “You’re back in the States?”
It was a stupid question, because clearly the guy was right there.
“You gonna shoot me?” Minotaur sneered, and Miho inhaled a sharp breath while fumbling to get out her phone and start recording.
“That depends if you’re willing to cooperate or not,” Agent Sideways replied, but his gun hand was trembling and he seemed to be in considerable pain.
“Unlikely,” Minotaur chuckled, slamming his balled fist into his palm, and for a second there was an orange flash.
Miho swore there was an orange flash in the shape of an angry bull.
“If… if you’re responsible for this,” Agent Retreat stammered, scuttling back, digging for his phone with his free hand.
“And imagine what I’m about ta do ta ya head,” Minotaur leered.
Raging to life, the orange bull, surrounded by irritated sparks, rushed from behind Minotaur and snatched Agent Hapless off the ground. Much to Miho’s amazement and in no small part horror, Agent Ragdoll was shaken violently in the luminescent bull’s grasp, so hard his keys and loose change were flung from his pockets and his phone was thrown across the crater and landed close to where Miho was hiding.
“Agent Schmit?” a voice called from the asphalt, more urgently the second time when Agent Schmit, let out a cry coinciding with his own solid path to the ground.
“Fuck,” Miho gasped, twitching in indecision before finally darting out and snatching up the phone. “Agent Schmit is down!” she hissed. “27th Avenue near St. Margaret Mary – there’s a… mino…”
Despite the questions flung at her Miho stalled as the rampant, glowing bull stomped up to Agent Schmit and look set to crush him underfoot, all while the man himself grinned sadistically.
“Fuck,” Miho exclaimed once more, dropping the agent’s phone and turning her own around. “Hey asshole!” she shouted, setting her phone’s flash on strobe.
In the darkness she might have been little more than a silhouette, a faint shape flashing brightly that divided the creature’s attention long enough for Agent Schmit to crawl to where his colleagues were beginning to rouse.
“Who the hell are you?” Minotaur huffed, and as he turned his body to fully face her, the towering bulls did the same, pulsing with furious energy.
“I… am…” she stammered, eyes stretching even wider as the apparitious bull’s approaching footfalls somehow made the ground shake. “I’m not with them,” she exhaled. “I’ve been tracking your trail of… of awesome destruction looking for an interview! This lot keep cock blocking.”
The bull stopped, and Minotaur narrowed his eyes on Miho as she lowered her phone to her side. He appeared to be processing what she’d said… slowly.
“You ain’t HERA?”
“These suits? Are you kidding me? They ruined my career!” she told him, and well it was the truth.
So she kept talking, talking while Agent Schmit and the other two struggled out of injurious grogginess.
“These… three-piece twits stormed my office and confiscated everything I’ve worked so hard on,” she rushed on, hoping to keep his attention for as long as possible. “But here you are, the very one I’ve been… I’ve been searching for, ha ha, right in front of me.”
“Miss Fujiwara get back!” Agent Schmit shouted, and as if he’d waved a red rag, Minotaur’s attention snapped back to him as bullets were fired.
The next few seconds seemed to move in slow motion.
Thunder seemed to explode from the ground that heaved so hard with the impact of the luminous bull’s hoof, that Miho pitched backward at speed. She soared, glimpsing the night sky above just briefly before even the brightest stars were consumed by an all-encompassing black.
To Part 3
@destinywanted @kiniloves < Since I know you love some Hades ;)
18 notes · View notes
pierogidreamteam · 8 years ago
Flashlights // Criminal Minds (CHAP:1)
I’ve been working over this story in my Wattpad account, but I feel that the story would end up better on here in pieces and scenes, maybe episodes once in awhile.
Chapter One:
“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."  - Eleanor Roosevelt
"Vivianna Donnelly, the unit you’re looking for is on the sixth floor, as I’m sure you already know.” I put my bag back on my shoulder, and took my hair in my hand, pulling it out of my face. I eyed the security guard, smiling at him. 
I had always been sold the lie that people outside of my hometown, in cities bigger than South Omaha, were not nice, and not to be trusted. Every day I spent out here in this world proved them wrong.
“Thank you,” I whispered. I walked towards the elevator, struggling to zip up my purse, my chapstick falling out. I closed my eyes, and crouched down to get it.
“I believe this is yours.” I nodded at the blonde girl with the curly hair, red glasses. I reached out my hand and she put it in, grabbed my hand and shook it. She nodded back at me, before scoffing and apologizing. “I’m Penelope Garcia. I’m the technical analyst for the BAU. And you are?”
“I’m Vivianna Donnelly. Formerly Omaha Police Department, then Crimes Against Children in Omaha.” We walked towards the elevator together. The doors closed, and I found myself tapping my shoes against the floor. “Now, I’ve been finalized for my transfer to the BAU.”
“That’s so great! Can I call you Viv?” Penelope exclaims. She looks over at me smiling. I shrug my shoulders and nodded my head. People have been calling me Viv for the longest time. “Aren’t you a little bit young for the FBI?”
“Well, I’m only 26. But I do a hell of a job, Garcia.” The doors opened onto the fifth floor. I licked my lips, gently nipping at them. The doors opened, and I smiled at Garcia.
“I don’t doubt for a second.” She put her hand on my shoulder, and wished me good luck. I asked her where the Unit Chief’s office is. She started to give me directions as we walked into the bullpen, but she led me straight to the door of Aaron Hotchner. I thanked her, took a breath, and knocked on the door.
“Sir.” I introduced myself, slightly leaning in the doorway. The agent looked up from his paperwork, standing up. I walked in and reached out my hand. “I’m the new transfer, SSA Vivianna Donnelly, of the Omaha field office.”
“To be honest with you, Agent Donnelly, we put in for your transfer into the unit a long time ago at the advice of someone who has since left the Bureau.” He barely looked up from his paperwork. He resumed his work, not paying me any mind.
“So, you weren’t expecting me. I was asked to do a job, Agent. I’m here, you just need to tell me what to start with.” I blink, and repositioned my purse on my shoulder. He nodded at me, and handed me a file. He told to evaluate it, see if the local police really needed us there.
“If you need anything, the team is right down there. I’ll be expecting you to introduce yourself.” He continued to write intermittently. After a few seconds, he looked at me as if to ask what I was still doing there.
I walked out of his office, and spotted a coffee maker in the far corner. I sighed, rushing down the stairs. My sleeping eyes had been a battle all this morning. Coffee would be my best friend.
I grabbed a cup, and poured some room temperature coffee. At the least, it was better than nothing.
I felt a tap on my shoulder, and I turned around. My best friend from the Academy was standing there. He hadn’t changed much. We were immediately put together in the Academy as partners and friends since I was just 17, and he was just shy of 20.
“Vivi?” Spencer whispered, before engulfing me in a hug. He rocked me back and forth in place before letting go. “I knew that we were getting an extra agent, but I didn’t think it would be you! I told you that someday they’d figure out that you needed to be here in this team. I still remember that day.”
“Our first day of the agents from the different departments coming and talking to us.” I put a sugar cube in my coffee, crushing it and stirring it around until it was dissolved. A faint smile played on my lips as I remember the first day Agent Gideon came to visit us. “So, Spence, do you know where my desk is?”
Spencer walked me over to a blank desk, across the aisle from him. I put down the file Agent Hotchner wanted me to look over. I reached into my purse, and pulled out a few things I had brought to add a little bit of life into the bare Bureau desk.
My victim board was first. I had always had small pictures I would carry with me when I was looking for victims. If I had been able to save them, get them home alive, their picture had found a place on it. They were the reason I wanted to do this job in the first place. To be out there looking for them even if they thought nobody would go looking for them. So far, my board has been happily filled.
Everyone has that one case that sticks with them. This one case has always stuck with me. The little girl with the pigtails and butterfly barrettes and purple flowered shirt had always found a place in my heart. Maybe I always remembered because that victim was me. The little girl in the framed picture was me.
“Hi, I’m SSA Emily Prentiss. You are?” The woman sitting across from Spencer asked. She got out of her seat, and walked over to me. Her bangs covered her eyebrows, her hair was very straight. I gave her a toothy smile and reached out my hand. I got out of my seat.
“SSA Vivianna Donnelly. Nice to meet you, Emily.” We both nodded at each other and went back to our seats. I introduced myself to JJ, and that’s when the agent Reid had been telling me about entered.
He walked in, sunglasses still pulled over his eyes. He was running kind of late. His face read a hangover, at least a little one. He put his things down, and looked over the divider at me. He turned to Emily and Spencer, and pointed at me, asking who I was.
“This is SSA Vivianna Donnelly of the Omaha Police Department, and the Crimes Against Children Division out of Omaha,” Spencer introduced me. He reached his arm around me and placed his hand on my shoulder. I smiled at this new person.
“Omaha?” The agent responds, pulling the glasses off the bridge of his nose. He makes a face as the light hits his eyes and sits down into his chair. “The place where the cattle would slaughtered before being taken to Chicago to be packaged.”
“The stockyards closed years ago, but you can still smell it. You’d be surprised. If there is anywhere to catch a child trafficker, I’d bet on Omaha any day,” I chided, shrugging my shoulders and smiling.
I walked into the office, carrying my bag and a brown sack of pastries for the team. I pushed open the glass door, and saw a new face sitting at the empty desk space across from mine.
She heard my steps and looked away from Prentiss and Reid. She smiled, and turned towards me. Her brown eyes were shining, she must be very excited to be here.
“And who is this?” I point towards the girl. I look over at Reid, who moves over and puts his arm around her. His smile is beaming as he introduced her.
“This is SSA Vivianna Donnelly.” She looked up at Reid and over at me, smiling widening for a second before falling into a more normal and sustainable grin. “Formerly of the Omaha Police Department, and then Crimes Against Children in Omaha.”
“Omaha?” I chided. I mentioned something about cattle and them being slaughtered to be packaged in Chicago.
Her response was almost melodic. Her voice for some reason astounded me. She brushed her hair back out of her eyes, and reached out her hand to mine. I reached mine out and we shook hands. She looked down at our hands, and looked back up at me in the eyes. Her grin widened.
“I still don’t know your name, Agent,” She chided back. I sat down at my desk, a little taken back. She walked around her desk, and leaned up against my desk. Her pinstriped legs were crossed at the ankles, her arms folded across her chest. I scoffed. For a girl on her first day, she was really making quite the impression.
“Seems like you’ve met your match, Morgan.” Prentiss laughs. I shake my head, putting my tongue in my cheek. “Donnelly, this is Derek Morgan. The living embodiment of machismo on this team.”
“I guess he has.” She shrugged, smiling. She went back to her desk, and sat down. She looked already relaxed, in her element. “And the true question is, Spence?”
Reid looked back at her and scrunched his eyebrows. “The true question is if you are the same person you were in the Academy.” He walks up to her desk, looks at her photographs on her desk. “I mean if you are, Morgan, I’m quite afraid you just met your carbon copy in white girl form.”
Emily and Reid laughed, but Vivianna just gave me a nod, got up and walked away. She sat down at her desk, flipped all of her hair to one side of her hea. She stood up and grabbed a pencil out of the cup I kept on my desk.
She opened the case file and began to thumb through the papers. She bit her lip and grabbed the pencil she had stolen from me and began to write out a recommendation on a blank sheet of paper.
I got up walked out of the bullpen and down the hall towards Garcia’s office. I closed the office door behind me and Garcia pulled off the headphones she had on.
“What do you think of this new agent, baby girl?” I had folded my arms. I meandered over to Garcia, watching the cat video that she was watching on her laptop. Garcia had a lollipop in her mouth, grabbing it out of her mouth to talk to me.
“I mean I like her so far. But, you know, it doesn’t take very much for me to like people.” She turned her chair back to her desk. She chuckled and popped the lollipop back in her mouth. Mumbling, she said, “unlike you.”
“Very funny, Garcia.” I shook my head. I unfolded my arms and pointed at the cat in the video. Its paws were getting increasingly caught up in the baby blue yarn. “He’s going to choke himself out soon, you know?”
“Morgan!” Garcia reaches out and hits me on my arm, I feign that it hurt and she just looks up and smiles before returning to her computer and clicking on another video. “Either you come in here because you want something, or someone, me, or you have gots to go.”
“Reid said that Donnelly was a carbon copy of me, and I want to see in which ways he was suggesting.” I thought of the board she had, all of the pictures relatively the same size except for the framed picture of the girl who couldn’t be more than four or five. Finding out why that case was so important to her would help the team make sense of her.
“Profile her? Isn’t that against the BAU unwritten code of absolute no-no’s?” Garcia fake gasps, and presses her hand to her chest. She throws out the lollipop stick and turned to her computer. Her fingers scrambled over the keyboard, pulling up Donnelly’s personnel file.
“Well, she doesn’t know that, does she, baby girl?” I chuckled. I unfolded my arms, and reached out for the pen in Garcia’s cup that had the fluff ball hot glued onto it. I tossed it to her, and she brushed it onto the floor to get it out of her workspace.
“I guess not. But I have always felt weird looking into the team’s life. Like when you were arrested in Chicago and our snooping led for you to have to share stuff you were not ready to talk about.”
“You know there’s got to be a pretty damn good reason that she was so determined at seventeen to get into the Academy and leave her family in Omaha, Morgan,” Garcia continued. She looked up at me with pleading eyes, begging me to tell her to stop. I wouldn’t. “I think we’ll find things we don’t want to know and things we shouldn’t.”
“No secrets are kept for long here.” I sat back on the desk, watching as Garcia continued to open up parts of her personnel file.
“Well, she’s from Omaha, when to Omaha Central High. Graduated as a sophomore at fifteen. Joined the Bureau after getting a bachelor International Affairs degree right here in the District in under two years.” Garcia was clicking through her school records. All I could see was exemplary grades, only one B in her whole academic career. “She seems like your garden-variety kickass woman, Morgan, with an IQ  that rivals Reid’s.”
“What’s that?” I said, when Garcia was sorting through the cases she collaborated on in the Omaha FBI office.
“That is a link to…” Garcia voice stops as a gallery of photographs pop up. Donnelly is posed in black lingerie, her hair pulled over her shoulder in pigtails. Garcia mutters under her breath before closing out of the window. She was hoping to bury those pictures. “Why are those there?”
“I guess we’ll be finding out soon enough.” I leaned over Garcia, looking at the computer screen, seeing that there was something else on her personnel file. I pointed to it and asked Garcia what it was.
Garcia clicked on it, and pictures of a bruised little Vivianna popped up on the screen, along with a police report of what her father did to her. Her mother had the case closed by saying that the bruising on Vivianna’s face and stomach were a result of her playing a rough soccer game and not her father kicking and beating her as Vivianna had said.
“I told you, Morgan.” Garcia grumbled, closing out of all the tabs with quick, loud hits on her mouse. JJ walked in, carrying a case file. I threw my head back a bit, and JJ shrugged with a slight grin on her face.
“Come on, Morgan. We’ve got a case. We’re meeting in the conference room.” I followed JJ out of Garcia’s cave and into the conference room. Vivianna sat in a chair that was pushed inbetween JJ and Reid. Her hair was parted again.
“So, here’s that, Hotch.” Vivianna handed him the case she had been reviewing before. It was the dummy test case that had been given to all of us when we first joined the BAU.
“Done already?” Prentiss looked at Vivianna over the case file. Vivianna nodded, and picked up the new case off of the table, flipping through it really quickly.
“I’ve got a photographic memory. And I can recall everything I’ve ever heard ever since my memories were able to be in my mind.” She grinned, still browsing the case file. “Oh, and I have a really good ability to think about things spatially. I recreate the crime scenes from the photographs taken in my head.”
“We cannot handle another Spence,” JJ remarked, her hand placed firmly on her bump. She leaned back in her chair and grabbed up the clicker.
“Oh, don’t worry, she isn’t me” was covered up by Vivianna’s louder “I am not anywhere close to Spencer Reid.”
The team shook their heads, chuckling a bit, as JJ clicked the remote and the pictures of the victims appeared on the screen.
“This is Beatrice Wheatley, 32. She was raped, then strangled. She was a single mother, a teacher, who was discovered in provocative dress in a motel in Kansas City.” JJ clicked through the pictures that had appeared in the case file. “We’re going there partly because the dressing of her body as a prostitute would does not fit with her lifestyle in the suburbs of Kansas City. Also, this word was written in some kind of blood above the door.”
Vivianna’s POV
I got up from my chair, my eyes squinting to read the word that was written on top of the door. “Dziewka. It’s the word for a whore or prostitute in Polish. The fact that this is in KC is interesting. A lot of people do not speak Polish fluently, but almost every single person with a Polish family will know words like that.”
They all looked at me weirdly. Their eyes widened and they made eye contact with each other before they looked at me.
“I’m conversational in six or seven languages, fluent in three.” I sat down, with their eyes still trailing me. I picked up the case and left it open on the first page. “Sorry, I like languages.”
“The reason I thought we should go is that there were a couple of killings about three years ago in Lincoln, Nebraska. Same modus, same signature.” JJ clicked to the photographs of two girls, most likely in their twenties.
“This is Abigail Kuthers and Miranda Morada. Their bodies were discovered in the same way, in their off-campus apartment.” JJ clicked to the pictures of the murders. “No surveillance because of the age of their building. Same word written above the door.”
“The thing that is interesting about the blood over the door is that it is reminiscent of the Passover of the Hebrews in Egypt.” I say, bringing up the obvious to me. “And this time, the blood does not signal to pass over, it signals that the unsub has struck. Taking a Biblical story important to two religions, and making it evil, could suggest narcissism.”
“Wheels up in an hour. Donnelly, do you have a go bag ready?” Hotch closes the case file and stands up. He looks down at me and I begin to nod.
“Of course. It was in the requirements.”
“Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy.” - Anne Frank
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