#their dynamic would be too chaotic for hogwarts to handle
moonlightdancer26 · 1 year
okay im getting brainrot about messy polycule sirius/james/lily/severus/remus where everyone is dating but also they’re best friends almost brothers but also they hate each other and cant be alone in a room but also they share a bed because they can’t sleep alone and they’re either kissing tenderly or fucking nasty and there is no middle ground. ever.
and we get this:
sirius, about severus, lily and remus: how dumb do they think we are?
james: they left us pictures of food instead of a shopping list
sirius and james then proceed to buy everything that’s not on the shopping list
This is so funny to me bc I basically just consider Marauders x Severus canon, their behaviour towards him was so fricking gay it’s insane (esp Sirius that guy was OBSESSED). I think the world would be a far more serene place if we were to erase the canon events in the Marauders-era and just write fanfics where they’re all just in love with each other
I think your idea would look something like this:
Lily: Come on, Sirius, stop being so negative! You know, when life gives you lemons-
Sirius: You throw them at Snape
***later that night***
Sirius, drunk: Snape has such pretty eyes, I love him
Severus, who’s sitting right next to her:
Sirius: Don’t tell him, okay?
Lily: I won’t
Severus: Everywhere I look, BAM! There’s Sirius
Remus: ..that’s because we all sleep in the same bed
Lily: What’s up with you and Sev?
Remus: What do you mean?
Lily: You two have been nice and helpful to each other all day. What’s your game?
Sirius: Oh, come on! How many times do I have to apologise?!
James: Once!
Sirius: No.
James: No, no, no. Let’s not sugarcoat this. You find me finicky, insubordinate, and irritating.
Lily: No, he doesn’t, James! Don’t be silly
Severus: I have actually used those words before... in that exact order.
Severus: What are you doing?
Sirius: Helping Moony find the chocolate I stole an hour ago.
Sirius: Oi, can you pass me the salt?
Lily: No.
Lily: You didn’t say please.
Sirius: Can you please pass me the salt?
Lily: No.
James: Merlin, right now I feel like I might never get angry again!
Severus: We go to Hogwarts, there’s always a reason to be angry.
James: I’m sick of being such a big loser.
Sirius, faking sympathy: Aw Prongs, you’re not big.
(Sirius is like a centimetre taller than him and never shuts up about it)
Sirius: I’m an idiot.
Remus: If you’re waiting for us to disagree with you, this is going to be a long day.
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siriuslyblack12 · 4 years
chapter 2
Sirius stood on the blocks, heart beating fast, legs threatening to give out at any moment. His arms gripped the block tighter, steadying his nerves as he let out a long breath. Thoughts spiralled chaotically in his head, impossible to ignore as they built in strength and severity.
 Is my cap on tight enough?
Don’t go too soon.
Don’t go too late.
I have to win. Dad’ll go mad if I don’t win.
I have to make him proud.
 I don’t give a shit whether I make him proud or not.
 “Mr Black,”
 Don’t breathe on breakout.
Don’t breathe at all.
You need to get a good time.
 “Mr Black,”
 Winning is everything.
But be a good loser.
 “Mr Black,” the distant voice was getting louder and louder.
 You know what happens when you lose.
 “Mr Black, I asked you a question! You could at least pretend to be paying attention.” Professor McGonagall scolded, bringing his attention back to the classroom. He wasn’t at the pool, rather in an English classroom, his almost empty page of notes lying in front of him.
 “I’m sorry, Professor. Won’t happen again.” He said shyly, not daring to meet her eyes.
 School had only started a couple of days ago and Sirius already felt as if he was suffocating. Their professors really weren’t holding back this year, piling up homework and lectures and revision to the point where the student’s backs ached with the pressure. Atop of all of that, social lives and media presences took a lot to keep afloat, as well as sport and fitness. Sport seemed to take up 90 percent of Sirius’s current brain capacity, which was now seeming to be a problem.
 English was by far his favourite subject, being the only one that he shared with all 3 of his closest friends. He looked over at James only to see him staring adoringly at the back of Lily’s red head, chin on his hands. With a roll of his eyes, he turned the other way to meet the sight of Peter sneaking snacks out of his bag, handing a few crisps to Remus under the desk. At least he was eating.
 The lesson came to an end with the sharp sound of the bell, and Sirius collected his things as quickly and quietly as possible, heading for the door to finally sort through the anxieties swirling in his head; until he heard an old voice call out, “Mr Black, can I speak to you for a moment?”
 Shit, this was exactly what he didn’t need.
Defeated and ashamed, Sirius was surprised as his eyes met a kind looking smile and a careful gesture to take a seat. His mind reeled in confusion, but he did what was asked of him anyway. McGonagall cleared her throat and began to speak.
 “Is everything alright?” Three words, simple yet powerful, and definitely out of the ordinary. He had no idea how to answer that, not exactly knowing where his boundaries were and how much he could say. He may have been one to overshare on social media, but he was certainly not one to spill his emotions wholeheartedly.
 “Never better, Minnie.”
 “It sure doesn’t seem like it, Mr Black. I remind you that this is a safe space.”
 Sirius looked down at his hands, wrapped in tight fists with his knuckles turning white with the effort. The walls suddenly felt as if hey were closing in on him, his heart rate picking up and foot tapping a rhythm on the floor.
 “I’m just finding it hard to concentrate, that’s all.” He said defensively. “Nothing I can’t handle.”
 McGonagall nodded glumly. This situation was uncomfortable to say the least. Sirius glanced back at the door of the room, where he could have sworn he saw Remus looking in through the window before hurrying away awkwardly. That boy was a mystery, which only drew Sirius further to him.
 “You know Sirius,” his professor never called him by his first name. “Help is always given to those who ask for it.”
  “Please Moony,”
 “I’m begging you!”
 “No, Sirius.”
 “Why not? It’ll be fun, I promise. I really need it.”
 Sirius really was like an excited puppy, Remus thought to himself. He’d just been relaxing in the library, catching up on some reading and enjoying the quiet lull in the day before he was quite rudely interrupted by the one and only trade of Hogwarts High. He supposed he didn’t mind it, given that he was always happy for Sirius’s company – no matter the circumstances. However, on this occasion he was less willing to participate in what the other had planned, that being tutoring him.
 Remus let his mind wonder for a few moments, imagining what it would be like to be alone with Sirius, bonding over books and equation. Now that he thought about, it sounded stupid, but that wasn’t going to stop him.
 “Why are you asking me, Pads? Why not one of the girls?” He suggested thoughtfully. “I’m sure there are plenty of people who would be better than me.”
 “I’m calling bullshit, because you my friend are the smartest person I know.”
 Remus slumped back into his chair, his heart skipping a beat. He desperately wanted to say yes, to help him out and be a good friend. He knew that Sirius hated studying, so asking for the blue-eyed boy to help him with that must have been a challenge for him. He also knew that he needed to exercise at least some self-control. Maybe tutoring Sirius would be an excellent idea, a chance to do a good deed and spend some quality time boding with his crush at the same time, without it being too suspicious.
 Do you know how pathetic you sound?
 He watched as the boy in question looked down towards the floor, one hand running through his hair which Remus had quickly learned was a nervous habit of his. This wasn’t going to end well, nothing ever ended well for him. Rising to stand on two weak legs, he swept his things that had been spread over the table into his bag and slung it over his shoulder with as much swagger as he could muster. He looked back to see that Sirius’s eyes were trained on him, silently reading the room and atmosphere.
 “Tomorrow lunch, 12:30, in the library. Don’t you dare be late.”
 Remus walked briskly away, not waiting see Sirius’s reaction and biting back a wide smile.
 Turns out that tutoring Sirius Black was not the gentle, romantic, flirt-fest he thought it would be, and was in fact turning out to be a lost cause. The boy had a lot of trouble recalling metaphors, understanding Shakespeare and the like, frustrating Remus with basically everything he said. Often times he would zone out, picking at a loose thread on his t-shirt or twirling a piece of hair through his fingers, and even more likely were his frankly stupid remarks that were only made out of his compulsive need to be the funniest in the room. The most stupid thing about them is that they were actually funny, and Remus couldn’t always contain his laughter.
 “Pads, stop, stop, no,” He warned. “You cannot compare Romeo and Juliet to fucking Spider-Man and MJ.”
 “What? Why not? It fits, that’s all that matters, right? Sirius reasoned, pen between his teeth.
 “You have to get rid of that. The whole paragraph would probably be best, so it still makes sense.”
 “But that’s my best one! If you didn’t like that then you’re definitely not gonna like the next few.”
 Remus buried his face in hands, as Sirius took the essay and out of his hands and ripped it right in half. Drama queen was the only thing he thought to think but a closer look at the other’s face told a different story. “You didn’t have to do that.” Remus said softly.
 Sirius didn’t reply, instead opening his notebook and flipping through to find a blank page and start again. The remnants of drawings and doodles did not go unnoticed, some of which were surprisingly good. He wasn’t taking art this year, but by the looks of the pages in front of him, he should be. Sirius got back to work quickly, scribbling none sense that wouldn’t do him any favours in front of his teachers.
 “C’mon, you can do better than that. Let me help you.” Remus pried the pen from his hand and pushed the textbook towards him. “And no more drama.”
 “Wouldn’t dream of it.” Sirius added with an enthusiastic wink that made him swoon and squirm in his seat.
 The table was subdued for the next few minutes, Remus’s intelligence never failing to impress Sirius, but this was more due to the fact that he shared practically none of the same wit. He wasn’t actually as clueless as he had previously made himself out to be, but that didn’t keep him from acting like it. Perhaps some people’s smarts were more suited to other areas: those areas not exactly helping Sirius’s grades. Remus helping him out was just an extra bonus, or so he told himself.
 Long hair fell into his eyes as Sirius leaned over Remus’s shoulder, too close for comfort, inspecting what he was pointing to and explaining. Something about themes that even Remus was quickly forgetting as the boy by his shoulder got closer.
 His trance was broken as the bell rang, penetrating through his ears, earning a laugh out of Sirius as he jumped slightly.
 “Well, moony, I best get going,” he said briskly. “Maybe we could do this again sometime, eh?”
 “Yeah, sure, yeah” Remus stumbled exasperatedly, a blush forming on his cheeks that was often present these days. “Whenever you need me.”
 It was an authentic moment, sweet and short, but meaningful nonetheless. Until…
 “Padfoot! Moony! Get over here, Peter’s trying to arm wrestle Marlene.” James. Always one to ruin it.
 “Poor thing, why the hell would he?” Sirius laughed, rushing to follow him. “Moons, you coming?”
 Remus smiled. “You go ahead, I’ve got my own work to catch up on.”
 “Are you sure?”
 “Yeah, I’m sick of you anyway.” He added sarcastically, earning another deep laugh.
 They continued to have these study sessions, Sirius becoming alarmingly enthusiastic about what would once have kept him far away and out of reach. It was a strange change in the groups’ dynamic, as where Remus and Lily would disappear of to the library, or a classroom to interrogate professors about the work, Sirius now trailed along with them. The red-headed girl had at first raised her eyebrows, or squinted her eyes suspiciously, but had now acclimated nicely. But that didn’t stop her from forming her own theories about what was going on with Remus and Sirius.
 This also had the unexpected effect of getting James Potter of all people in the library for what must have been the first time in his life. Seeing Sirius so confident surrounded by nerdy things like books and papers had been the push he needed to follow him and shamelessly flirt with Lily. Remus noted the way she tucked her hair behind her ears and fiddled with her bracelets whenever James was around.
 At this current moment, the four of them were hard at work on different projects, making mindless small talk as they grew increasingly bored. Sirius whispered something to James, obviously amusing as they burst into fits of laughter.
 “Do you two ever shut up?” Lily said, fighting her own amusement.
 “Lily, my dear,” she rolled her eyes. “That would take the fun out of it!”
 More comments were exchanged, mainly between Lily and James, as Remus found himself unable to form any words of his own in the presence of Sirius.
 Stop it. If you fall too deep you won’t be able to swim back up.
 Maybe I don’t want to swim back up anymore.
 “Hey, moons, what do you think about this?” Sirius questioned happily, thrusting a sketchbook towards him. To say it was absolutely beautiful would be an understatement, Remus thought as he studied what was in front of him. It was a detailed drawing, all in coloured pencil, of a field at sunset. The outline of a forest coated in orange and pink shades covered the page and his eyes were drawn to the silhouette of a rabbit, burying itself a hole in the grass.
 “I’ve been trying my hand at art, my dad hates it.” He said, directed only at Remus. “I know you saw some drawings the other day and thought you’d like it.”
 “I-, Sirius this is amazing.” He gushed, until Lily saw what he was looking at and joined on his shock.
 “Where have you been hiding all this talent? Are you serious?!” She squealed.
 “Nah, I’m Sirius. You know that.” The familiar joke didn’t exactly catch anyone off-guard.
 Remus’s mind went to what he’d said about his father, and he began to wonder the exact meaning. He only knew what everyone knew about Sirius’s home life: it was shit and he didn’t like to talk about it. He’d speculated that his parents were quite controlling, but the details were unknown. James hadn’t even been informed.
 He secretly hoped that perhaps one day he would know, and he would be able to help Sirius through whatever was going on, but he would wait until the other boy was ready. In the meantime he supposed he would do whatever he could, whilst making sure his secret didn’t show itself.
 He’s your friend. That’s all.
 But when a friend is hurting, you should put in a little more effort.
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najatheangel · 4 years
hello! Is it okay to request a written ship for the NCT units? If not feel free to delete this! Thank you so much!
I’m an INFJ, my Hogwarts house is ravenclaw. I’m spiritual, passionate, sensual and astrology as well as tarot are one of my biggest passions. I’m also very creative and love to draw, paint, write, sing, etc. I’m sensitive, caring and empathetic, I attract all kind of people (even the ones I don’t want to). My career is really really important to me (being successful at it that is), I like to be independent (especially financially) and work hard, but I’m also diplomatic and really desire to form a team/union with my partner. I have my values set straight, I’m idealistic and know what I want, I like to have fun, talk, be goofy and laugh (memes = life) and see the magic and beauty in life (a bit fairy like) but at the same time I’m deep and very serious about my morals and boundaries (I’m either a paradox or the best of both worlds asdfghjkl jk jk). I’m very trusting, loyal and forgiving when it comes to the people I consider family. I’m also very nature obsessed and rlly rlly love animals!!! people might call me weird or eccentric because of what I like and sometimes because of the way I dress but personally I think I’m fairly normal 😅 Btw, if you take astrology into consideration these are my personal planets; cancer sun, Scorpio moon, Virgo rising, cancer mercury, Leo Venus, libra Mars!! Sorry for spamming, take care!
Hello cutie anon, thanks so much for requesting and telling me about yourself. We suprisingly have a lot of similarities hehe. No worries for spamming, it’s all good. Here’s your ship lovely...😉
From NCT 127, I ship you with...Taeyong
Positive Side: You both would build the perfect relationship and empire together. Although your hogwart houses are different, they can still unite and work together pretty well. I might be wrong, but Taeyong honestly gives me hufflepuff vibes and as a hufflepuff myself, you can tell Taeyong works hard to get what he wants and loyalty is his number one thing when it comes to building any relationship with someone whether romantic or platonic just like you. He also appreciate your creativity and how you establish your talent for singing, drawing, all that would make him encourage you to share your work for everyone to see, even if the pieces were incomplete just sharing your process alone made him proud. He would even try to get sm to incorporate your designs for Nct 127’s next album cover and merch. Outside of your careers, your both very adorable and goofy together playing animal crossing together, sending each other the funniest memes and buying each other 20+ stuffed animals. When he’s off on tour or trace doing promotions, he trusts you to watch the dorm keeping his room clean, tidying up the house and let’s you spend the night with him when he comes back from work. The 127 squad would lovee how much you cater to Taeyong and help him get through his tough phases as the mother of 23 members, leader of 127 and performing month after month barely getting any breaks.
Negative Side: Most days, the forecast is sunny between you two. Other days, they can get gloomy. As mentioned earlier, Taeyong is the kind of man that’s very sweet, patient and strong, but sometimes his mental state is not in the best state. With him being a cancer, they not only can get emotionally sensitive because of how much stress, pain and suffering he holds inside from his job, the media and the pressure of keeping that perfect idol image. Whenever you offer to help him or ask him if there’s anything you can do, he would push you away so he wouldn’t feel like a burden to you and don’t want to come across being weak infront of you.
But...: He’s also someone just like you that needs time to himself, but also needs that affection and support from his loved one. Your one of the people that can give him that reassurance he needs and reminds him every day that he has to pull himself together for his fans, members and family. When he has his bad days, you make sure to sing his favorite song to him while caressing his head and giving him tiny soft pepper kisses on his face which lights his world up everytime. When your having your bad days, he’s the first to run to you and hug you tight letting you scream, cry of rant until you’ve released all those emotions outside your body.
I miss taeyongie so much. Get better soon my angel😭😭💚💚
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From Nct Dream, I ship you with...Renjun
Positive Side: Another life partner in the long run. I’m seriously getting soul mate energy here. First of all, your similarities, hobbies and passions match to a tea. Renjun would want someone that would understand how much his job as a idol means the world to him and the fact that your one of the people that wanted to get close to him as a person instead of getting close to him for the fame. He’s also every empathetic just like you when it comes to you trying to achieve your goals independently and your morals he would be gentleman and wouldn’t do anything you weren’t comfortable with. While he’s still young, he would love have his fun with you by relaxing by painting heart sculptures in his room and exchanging them to keep on your selfs for memories. When your out, most of the time he drags you along with the dreamies to thier crazy adventures, but you don’t mind being chaotic with them. Renjun also seems like someone who doesn’t care about apperance that much so he wouldn’t feel ashamed at all having you beside him on red carpet. The thing that he loved the most about you was how passion and your bright personality that makes everyone in the room face light up. Just like Taeyong, we would want someone that he can trust with his secrets, problems and personal belongings which he can depend on you for that. Overall this relationship can last a lifetime whether friendship or romantic, the bond is unbreakable.
Negative Side: When you both started dating, it was hard to balance your work life’s and relationship. Obviously that’s going to happen because of your schedules, it was hard to stay consistent in the relationship. For example, you both used to text or facetime everyday, but then that turned to once a week when a big event is coming up. Another example is when you both have to cancel dates on weekends, because of work or family emergencies. This almost led to you breaking up at some point and it was frustrating to deal with. This is when he starts being hard on himself because he wishes he can be with you all the time, but he knows he can’t do that.
But...: Once you guys have decided to meet up one more time to have a what you call a couple intervention, you both decide to stay together and stay in contact every chance you can because you both love each other too much to let each other go. After that heart to heart moment with Renjun, the dreamies was so happy when you two walked out of his room together screaming, cheering and crying. They loved how you two compliment each other and would be devastated if you both broke up so to celebrate everyone had a karaoke night and sleepover at the dorm. Way V members even crashed the party and was happy for the beautiful couple reuniting. The night ended when you and renjun shared the most romantic beautiful kiss under the moonlight on the rooftop.
Okay but this Renjun thooo be fine asf under red lighting. 👀❤️❤️
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From Way V, I ship you with...Ten
Positive Side: Two creative minds that fall in love. When Ten first meet you, he loves the way you sing, laugh when he tells you jokes, cried when you missed him and how you get excited every time you see polar bears at the zoo. He took note of all of your facial expressions, what you liked what you didn’t like, he wanted to to discover every side of you. What led him to completely fall for you was your family oriented traits. The way you know how to properly take care of people around you, your ability to give good advice to someone who’s going through a tough time and how successful you can be as a strong independent woman. As far as talents, your both on the same area as far as singing and drawing. I can imagine ten trying to teach you his choreography so you both one day can perform together on stage. He would be teasing you if you would mess up in between, but would get shy and blush over how cute you are making your little mistakes. Once the day come, sm allowed you and Ten to release a single together called Waiting for love which describes your relationship together, but the fans didn’t know that ;) Overall you two would be the perfect business partners and lovers together which everyone would support.
Negative Side: The fact that you two are so similar, it can sometimes be hard to handle. You both have high expectations of each other and it’s rare that you have arguments. Once the other person made a mistake, it’s hard to find that trust or recover from the disappointment. The mistakes that usually happen are if someone hides an accomplishment from the other person or when they’re not spending enough time with them. It’s small issues like that effects the dynamic of the relationship.
But...: Your both very forgiving and have faith in each other. Your both easily persuaded by each other’s presence alone so the arguments don’t drag out too long. It’s back to the normal routine where you to live your fantasy married life together cuddling with Leon, Bella and Louis. “Honey let’s go to the art gallery together and then buy some slushies!” You walk up to him tapping the top of his nose. “Yes baby I’m on my way. Let me take care of these idiots first.” Glaring at baby yang yang and Lucas who’s laughing at his cute voice. He proceeds to run after them leaving you giggling adorabley watching them.
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Out of everyone, I ship you with...Taeyong
Thanks so much for requesting lovely anon and I appreciate your patience. Have a nice day/night. 🌷🌷
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