#their countries similarly. but when has the west not been hypocritical…
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mithliya · 2 years ago
The slavery and human rights abuses of workers in Qatar is not comparable to that of workers in France. Both are bad but one side is clearly way worse.
i specifically compared the qatar fifa stadium situation to this france olympics situation. the main difference im seeing is that in qatar, they worked up to 10 hours a day in the extreme heat that exists in the gulf (which idk the laws in qatar but in several gulf countries that is illegal. not that the demon employers take the law seriously or are punished for breaking it tho). in france they’re stating they’re working up to 11 hours a day. both were being underpaid too. sorry but westerners don’t get to say this is somehow significantly different. i oppose both but im simply baffled that after the show of caring about migrant worker rights, france of all countries decides to do practically the same thing to their workers. “oh but qatar is still worse” it’s like comparing giving someone poisoned food vs giving someone poisoned food with maggots. the food is poisoned regardless! either way migrant workers rights are being seriously violated and the cases are unfortunately more alike than different. on the plus side, it’s not as systemic of an issue in france as it is in qatar (i would HOPE. though before this i was operating on the assumption that migrant workers weren’t even somewhat mistreated in the west the way they are in the gulf so who knows.)
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alexrooney-blog2 · 5 years ago
On October 25th, 2019 Kanye West released his new album Jesus is King. Unlike his older albums that focussed on popular mainstream topics, Jesus is King is all gospel music with songs such as “Follow God” and “Use This Gospel.”. Kanye has created Modern Gospel Music by mixing autotune, soul, choir music, and a little trap. Along with his new album, Kanye has been touring the country and giving “Sunday Service” in order to spread the word of God. In an untraditional way, Kanye is spreading the message of the Lord and getting people to commit to Christ. He is reaching and educating a group of people who would not necessarily find themselves going to church or being in a religious environment.
While Kanye’s new religious life may seem inspirational, it has caused controversy, especially within the Christian community. Some Christians view Kanye’s past and his political beliefs to be hypocritical to what he is preaching about. He has openly promoted President Trump and has made unpopular remarks about slavery that have angered many. For some Christians, Kanye’s present cannot make up for his past and they oppose his new album.
With controversy comes the other side to Kanye’s quest to spread the word of God. Some Christians who are educated about Kanye’s past, still accept and enjoy Jesus is King. They see that his viewpoints are different, but when it comes to Christ their goal is the same: to deliver God’s message to the world. Although they have a difference in opinions, these Christians accept that Kanye is not the perfect Christian and instead, focus on how he acts as a preacher who shares the ideas of God and salvation to a generation who has lost touch with religion.
Although, the Christian community is divided on accepting Kanye and his music, it is apparent that Kanye West is an Urban Prophet. Similarly to Tupac, Kanye has filled a “leadership vacuum,” delved into large issues, and has become committed to social change. Additionally, he has taken on the role of an educator who uses hip hop to make people aware, not only of religious topics, but current issues such as mental health. He uses his platform to speak up for those who are struggling and make others aware of issues prevalent to society. In this manner, he is comparable to N.W.A. who came together and got involved in the Hip Hop culture in order to get a voice and make a change. N.W.A.’s members came from impoverished black communities where gang violence and police brutality were too common. They rapped about these issues for three reasons: 1. to make people aware of the issues, especially those not living in impoverished communities, 2. to show those suffering from these issues that it can get better, and 3. As an outlet for emotions they have because of these issues. Kanye West raps about issues prevalent to him, such as mental health because he is bipolar, for the same reasons N.W.A. did.
Even though I have not personally been impacted by Kanye West or his music, I do find him an interesting person. I have gone to religious schools from Pre-K to Senior year and have learned over and over again about the prophets, apostles, etc. who spread the word of God. To me, Kanye West is a living example of what I learned in religion classes for all those years. He is a changed man who has found Christ in his life and now wants to share it with the world. He is the definition of an Urban Prophet and his new album Jesus is King exemplifies that.
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cabiba · 3 years ago
In 1998, the urban planning student Mohammed Atta handed in his masters thesis at Hamburg’s University of Technology. Examining in depth the architecture of Aleppo’s historic Bab al-Nasr district, Atta’s thesis presented a picture of the human-scale “Islamic-Oriental city,” whose winding cobbled streets, shaded souks and alleys carved from honey-coloured stone had been violated by the concrete and glass boxes of liberal modernity.
Le Corbusier’s rectangular forms, the alien importation of French colonial planners, were aped by Syrian planners after independence, Atta’s thesis observed, an architectural symbol of Islamic civilisation’s total subjection to the West. Three years later, Atta’s critique of modernist architecture as a symbol of Western domination assumed its final form when, as the leader of the 9/11 hijackers, he flew American Airlines Flight 11 into the World Trade Center, the glittering towers in the heart of the liberal empire standing as a symbol for Western modernity itself.
The Syrian architect Marwa al-Sabouni, a student and admirer of the late Sir Roger Scruton, likewise sees in the Middle East’s modern architecture a tragic symbol of “a region where even the application of modernism has failed,” where “we traded our close-knit neighborhoods, our modest and inward houses, our unostentatious mosques and their neighbouring churches, our collaborative and shared spaces, and our shaded courtyards and knowledge-cultivating corners, leaving us with isolated ghettos and faceless boxes.”
For al-Sabouni, the anomie of liberal modernity was built into its very architecture, bringing desolation in its wake. An opponent of Islamism, she nevertheless shares the Islamist analysis that the Middle East’s instability is not inherent, but comes from the West’s exporting the structures of liberal modernity to the somnolent peace of Islamic civilisation, setting in train chaos.
“Losing our identity in exchange for the Western idea of ‘progress’ has proved to have greater consequences than we could predict,” she claims. “This vacuum in our identity could not be filled by imported ‘middle grounds’, as was once naively thought; this vacuum was instead filled by horrors and radicalizations, by sectarianisms and corruption, by crime and devastation — in one word, by war.”
It is natural to read a culture’s attitudes to its monuments as expressions of its social health. They are the symbolic repository of any given culture, and deeply imbued with political meaning. When civilisations fall and their literature is lost to time, it is their monuments that serve as testaments to their values, to their greatest heroes and their highest aspirations. Statues, great building projects and monuments are stories we tell about ourselves, expressions in stone and bronze of the Burkean compact between generations past and those to come. As Atta’s thesis states, the architecture of the past is imbued with moral meaning: “if we think about the maintenance of urban heritage,” he wrote, “then this is a maintenance of the good values of the former generations for the benefit of today’s and future generations.”
It is only logical then, for the terminal crisis of liberal modernity to play out in culture wars over monuments, as the fate of a monument stands as a metaphor for the civilisation that erected it. It is for this reason that conquerors of a civilisation so often pull down the monuments of their predecessors and replace them with their own, a powerful act of symbolic domination.
The wave of statue-toppling spreading across the Western world from the United States is not an aesthetic act, but a political one, the disfigured monuments in bronze and stone standing for the repudiation of an entire civilisation. No longer limiting their rage to slave-owners, American mobs are pulling down and disfiguring statues of abolitionists, writers and saints in an act of revolt against the country’s European founding, now reimagined as the nation’s original sin, a moral and symbolic shift with which we Europeans will soon be forced to reckon.
On our own continent, the symbolic, civilisational value of architectural monuments was expressed last year when the world gathered together online to watch Notre Dame in flames. The collective grief that for one evening united so many people was not just for the cathedral itself but for the civilisation that created it, a sudden jolt of loss and pain that came with the realisation the skill and self-belief it took to erect it had vanished forever.
Like Dark Age farmers tilling their crops in the crumbling ruins of a Roman city, we realise we are already squatting inside the monuments of a lost and greater civilisation, viewing the work of our forebears with the wonder and sadness of the Anglo-Saxon poet of The Ruin:
This masonry is wondrous; fates broke it courtyard pavements were smashed; the work of giants is decaying. Far and wide the slain perished, days of pestilence came, death took all the brave men away;
For many observing from outside liberalism, the current iconoclasm of the West is just such a cautionary tale of civilisational collapse. “Statues are being toppled, conditions are deplorable and there are gang wars on the beautiful streets of small towns in civilized Western European countries,” Hungary’s defiantly non-liberal leader Viktor Orban remarked in an interview last week,  “I look at the countries advising us how to conduct our lives properly and I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.”
In contrast, in a recent speech to mark the centenary of the hated Treaty of Trianon, Orban specifically cited the historical monuments of the Carpathian region as a testament to the endurance of the Hungarian people throughout history: “the indelible evidence, churches and cathedrals, cities and town squares still stand everywhere today. They proclaim that we Hungarians are a great, culture-building and state-organising nation.”
It is notable that this speech, laden with architectural metaphors, saw Orban for the first time situate Hungary in a separate Central European civilisation outside the West, adopting the language of anti-colonialism in a marker, perhaps, of his shift towards China as a geopolitical patron. Raging against the “arrogant” French and British and “hypocritical American empire”, Orban claimed that “the West raped the thousand-year-old borders and history of Central Europe… just as the borders of Africa and the Middle East were redrawn. We will never forget that they did this.” But these days are over, Orban exulted: “the world is changing. The changes are tectonic. The United States is no longer alone on the throne of the world, Eurasia is rebuilding with full throttle… A new order is being born.”
It is striking, and meaningful, that the self-conscious civilisation states rising to challenge the collapsing liberal order express their neo-traditionalist value systems in reimagined forms of their pre-modernist architecture, with stone and brick giving concrete expression of the ideal.
In Budapest, Scruton’s city “full of monuments” where “in every park some bearded gentleman stands serenely on a plinth, testifying to the worth of Hungarian poetry, to the beauty of Hungarian music, to the sacrifices made in some great Hungarian cause,” Orban is engaged in an ongoing project to erase the modernist architecture of the communist era. The concrete boxes of the rejected order are now shrouded with neoclassical facades and the long-demolished monuments of the glorious past are being re-erected stone by carved stone.  
In Russia, Putin’s new Military Cathedral, an archaeofuturistic confection fusing Orthodox church and state in an intimidating expression of raw power, symbolises the country’s apartness from collapsing liberal modernity. The cathedral is a symbol of a civilisation that links its present with its past and future, expressed by Putin in overtly Burkean terms in his recent essay on the Second World War as the “shared historical memory” that foregrounds “the living connection and the blood ties between generations”.
Erdogan’s Turkey similarly expresses its desire to return to its imperial heyday in the elaborate mosques, palaces and barracks in neo-Ottoman style springing up across Turkey itself and its former imperial dominions. In architecture as in political order, the stylings of modernity already seem old-fashioned and stripped of all vitality, the sunlit optimism of the Bauhaus degenerated over one bloody century to the vision of Grenfell Tower in flames.  
Like liberalism, the architecture of the postwar order conquered the world, for a time, and is now being rejected by the liberal order’s challengers in favour of the styles that immediately preceded modernity, a civilisational kitsch rejected by al-Sabouni as merely “mimicking the creations of our ancestors”.
In a recent essay, the influential software engineer and thinker Marc Andreesen urged the West to start building again, to recover civilisational confidence, but what should we build? What does our architecture reveal about our political order, in the greater West and here in Britain? What are the greatest recent building projects of our times? Perhaps the glass and steel skyscrapers, temples to our financialised economy, that dominate our capital? The Nightingale hospitals, hurriedly converted from conference centres to deal with the mass casualties of a disease of globalisation?
Perhaps the airport is the fullest architectural expression of liberalism: the liminal symbol, both within the nation state and outside it, of global travel and optimism; a temple of bored consumption where the religions of the pre-liberal order were tucked away, all together, in the bland anonymity of the prayer room; until, that is, Mohammed Atta’s blowback to globalisation soured this post-historical dream, forcing the architecture of liberalism back to its early roots in Bentham’s surveilled and paranoid Panopticon.
The problem, at heart, is we can take down our monuments but have nothing to replace them with. As Scruton notes, monuments “commemorate the nation, raise it above the land on which it is planted, and express an idea of public duty and public achievement in which everyone can share. Their meaning is not ‘he’ or ‘she’ but ‘we’” — but perhaps there is no We any more, with the nihilism of the American mob an expression of a far deeper malaise.
It is surely no accident that this is a moral panic driven by millennials, an evanescent generation without property or progeny, barred from creating a future, who now reject their own past in its entirety. This is the endpoint of liberalism, trapped in the eternal present, a shallow growth with no roots from which to draw succour, and bringing forth no seeds of future life.
For Scruton’s pupil al-Sabouni, the salvation of Islamic civilisation is to be found in an architecture rooted in its past, where, she states, “we must be sincere in our own intentions toward our own identity. We must realise the desire to regain it in order to regain peace. And in order to do so, we simply have to do exactly what any dedicated farmer does to a plant: cultivate the roots and carefully prune the branches.”
But a civilisation that uproots itself will soon wither and die. Able to destroy but not to build, the fading civilisation of liberalism is now a grand, crumbling old edifice whose imminent collapse is wilfully ignored by its occupants, because they have too much invested in it, and can’t imagine what can possibly replace it. But as its unstable masonry keeps falling onto the streets below, the risk of a more spectacular, uncontrolled collapse gathers every day.
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a-woman-apart · 5 years ago
This is not okay. Calling it Islamophobic to call out oppressive policies in Muslim nations is twisting the words and intent of the original post.
Mehdi Hasan's comparison of atheists to "cattle" and calling them "people of low intelligence" reminds me very much of the Christian touting of the Psalm 14:1, "The fool hath said in his heart there is no God", and the infamous passages from Romans 1 that both promotes homophobia and insults people who just "are willfully ignorant" to a God who is "clearly seen."
What these passages serve to do is encorage the oppression of non-believers and atheists. It doesn't matter if it comes from a Christian or a Muslim.
I live in the U.S. Our country-- despite what some believe-- is not a Christian Theocracy. People like Mehdi Hasan give us a good example of why religion and government should not mix.
As a leftist atheist, it is my duty to call out injustice where ever I see it, regardless of whether I am accused of being intolerant. I am fully aware that Islamophobia is a huge problem in the West. Women who choose to wear hijab should not be ridiculed or attacked. Women should be able to wear burkinis to beaches. We should respect foreign culture and stop with this push to "assimilate" whatever the fuck that means.
BUT people who want to leave Islam should be able to do so safely, specifically because this IS a nation founded on RELIGIOUS FREEDOM and NOT a "Christian" nation.
Lambasting multiple denominations of Christianity while not challenging similarly bad views in some Islamic sects is hypocritical and unhelpful. Just like not all Christians are as problematic as Evangelicals, not all Muslims are like Hasan, but when I sees it, I calls it.
Genetically Modified Skeptic is a YouTuber who is one of only a few skeptics I've seen to criticize some problematic Islamic doctrine and openly partner with Ex-Muslims. He has gotten some flak for it, but I believe he has been fair.
We must all call out oppression where ever we see it.
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When hurt feelings > dead bodies.
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rustyh706151-blog · 7 years ago
Of Hate Speeches, ‘Presidential’ Rodents, And Buhari’s Health
Hate speeches and dangerous rumours are the emotive ingredients that give birth to pogroms the world over.
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Seeing both on the rise in this country, it makes sense that we try to nip them in the bud. It does appear, however, that the APC/Muhammadu Buhari administration is not getting the desired cooperation and support from the people in this regard. There is the suspicion that the administration simply wants to use hate speech as red herring and an excuse to clamp down on opposing views and opponents, just like it has tried to use its so-called war on corruption. Just like it has been selective in its war against corruption, this government has been selective as well in what it determines to be hate speech. It has narrowed it down to criticisms of the government or critical questions about what ails the president while completely ignoring the dangerous but patently false rumours circulating in the North that Buhari’s ill health was as a result of poison organised by an APC party chieftain from the South-West.
The ground is therefore being laid for an attack on people of the South-West in case of any eventualities concerning Buhari. Government has done nothing to dispel and combat this dangerous rumour. Government appears to have also taken sides as Nigerians trade hate speeches; just like it has been one-sided in its critical appointments and in the allocation of resources, favouring the Muslim areas of the North against the Middle Belt and the entire South. Hate speeches by IPOB, Niger Delta militants and pro-democracy activists from the South must be viciously put down while Arewa "quit orders," Fulani herdsmen’s atrocities, etc. are to be tolerated, even encouraged. This administration is seen generally to be hypocritical and dishonest. While it applies strict rules on others, it allows itself the luxury of laissez-faire. Many important members of this administration have been cited for double-speak and volte-face. The party itself has been accused of brazenly reneging on many of its election promises.
Talking of hate speech, President Buhari himself is a culprit. His campaign speech quoted above is one. With a spear swirling over his head in different directions, he called on his supporters in Hausa to "kill them" many times. His "monkeys and baboons will be soaked in blood" speech during the same 2011 presidential elections is also well known. It is likely that Buhari defenders will say he was trying to warn against rigging of the election but in the aftermath of those speeches, thousands of innocent Nigerians, mostly from the South and including Youth corpers, were murdered in chilling and cold blood across the North. Had the South retaliated, we might not have had the Nigeria whose "unity" Buhari lately described as non-negotiable and is ready to kill to defend, judging by his marching orders on the country ‘s military chiefs last week! Physician, heal thyself! Buhari has got to purge himself first before he will be qualified to point accusing fingers at others. When some talk of the "harshness" of Gov. Ayodele Fayose of Ekiti state on Buhari, have we forgotten how Lai Mohammed ceaselessly poured invectives on former President Goodluck Jonathan? Who invented the phrase "clueless and incompetent"? Fayose, Femi Fani-Kayode, and the PDP spokesperson, Dayo Adeyeye all rolled into one have not done half what Lai Mohammed did to Jonathan and PDP. Yet, he was not arrested; he was not even threatened. Why can’t APC/Buhari behave similarly to their own traducers? Rather than unleash the armed forces on those demanding self-determination – which Buhari supports and campaigns for, for the Palestinians and Western Sahara! – why can’t this government ignore them if it cannot dialogue with them, just like Jonathan/PDP ignored the then River state Gov. Rotimi Amaechi when he threatened that APC would form a parallel government and make the country ungovernable if it did not win the 2015 presidential election?
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Amaechi is, today, a Minister of the Federal Republic. We can go on and on!
There are so many other statements that important members of this government have made that have returned to dog their steps; even as the embarrassing in-fighting between the various discordant power blocs within the Presidency show-cases absence of discipline, effective coordination, and coherence in the Buhari presidency. Witness, for instance, the dog-fight between the Minister of Justice and Attorney-General of the Federation and the acting chairman of the EFCC! As they say: Divided, they fall! Triple-barrel Minister, Babatunde Raji Fashola, boasted he would fix power supply in six months; more than two years down the line, he has left us worse than he met us. APC chieftain, Tony Momoh, boasted that if they did not fix the country in two years, Nigerians should stone them. Two years gone, they have fixed nothing. They met fuel at N86 per litre and boasted it would be more than halved but now it is N145 per litre. They met the Naira exchange rate at less than N200 to a US dollar but is now closer to N400 that N300. What have they improved upon since they came on board? What pisses off many Nigerians is their lack of integrity to admit their shortcomings; own up to the promises they made; and plead with us for understanding, patience, and cooperation. Instead, they have always tried to be clever by half; play the sophist; and draw the wool over our eyes. This way, they have lost the respect of many and forfeited the cooperation they sorely need.
Tell me, how many Nigerians believe the story that rodents ransacked and ruined the president’s office in his absence? It is a possibility, though, but because of the pedigree of this administration, not many will believe this as anything short of tales by the moonlight. The late Oba Asanike of Ibadan land once cried out to a bewildered nation that rodents had sacked him from the palace. And there were reports of rodents invading the White House of former President Jimmy Carter. As embarrassing as the event may seem, it is possible that rodents had actually caused some havoc in Buhari’s office and sacked the president. Needless to ask questions concerning whether there were no cleaners opening and cleaning the office during the president’s absence. What secrets were locked up in there that the place was never opened? We are not a nuclear-power nation, or else we might say perhaps the nuclear button or control room was stationed there. Because of the secretive nature of this government is why many are suspecting that the rodents’ story, as critical as it may seem in this era of Lassa fever spreading across the country, is a ruse to buy the president more time to rest or continue his medication, which had seen him spend 104 days non-stop in London. Whichever is the case; we should err on the side of caution and not take the risk of adding Lassa fever to whatever may be ailing Mr. President. Besides, the Buhari we had seen in the last one week sure needs more rest and we should indulge him with it. Like I have said, this president has become a bull in Nigeria’s china shop or a tsetse fly that perches dangerously on a man’s scrotum. Care is needed to extricate it. I know that many Nigerians will be disappointed that Buhari has not lived up to their expectations as a patriot imbued with the love of the nation and ready to make sacrifices for it. We should not force him. If he does not have it, then, he does not have it.
Some situations are uncanny and have a way of going from bad to worse. We had thought Jonathan was the ultimate evil from which we should run – but two years of Buhari and we know better. There was still some order and cohesion in Jonathan’s administration.
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Soon, there could be fisticuffs between the Minister of Justice and the EFCC boss judging by the way things have deteriorated between them. And it does appear there is none who can call them to order. We never will be able to know whether matters would have been worse than this were Jonathan still the one in the saddle. APC boasts that the country would have collapsed – but we never can tell. Whatever we say remains firmly in the realm of conjectures. Why many now think we might have been better off with Jonathan, though, is the sheer cluelessness and incompetence – Aah! Those Lai Mohammed epithets coined specifically for Jonathan! – of the APC/Buhari administration; prompting many to conclude that they were mere power-mongers not prepared for governance in the real sense of the word. They keep shifting the goal post on when the economy will recover and get out of recession. They have got the country steeped in indebtedness with practically nothing to show for it in development terms. Crime waves are surging, with new entrants more than discounting the modest gains made on the Boko Haram front. Unemployment and suffering like never before experienced have submerged the land. Could it have been as bad as this – or could it have, in fact, been worse – had "Messiah" Buhari not come on board? Like I said, all such suppositions will forever remain in the realm of conjecture.
LAST WORD: "Eni kan l’o mo", as my people would say. It is the same as what Rita Marley, widow of Bob Marley, referred to as "who feels it knows it." People are dying – and many of it due to rampaging economic recession. Thursday before I sat down at Ikeja, Lagos to begin to scribble this in an office that has forgotten when last it saw power supplied by PHCN; I had stopped by at Shoprite to buy lunch and ran into a professional colleague who announced the passing away of another colleague. What killed him, I screamed. Economic recession, he announced without batting an eyelid. Two Saturdays ago, I was in Osogbo, Osun state for the burial of a friend’s wife, who got felled by marauders on the notorious Lokoja-Abuja road. I can go on and on. I dare to say that from what we read and from personal experiences, life gets cheaper by the day under this administration!
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elizabethnotebook-blog1 · 8 years ago
Notebook 3
Elizabeth Turrubiartes Campos TA Cynthia Vazquez Section: Friday 10 AM Identity Through a Passport From Monterrey to West Covina The object I have chosen is my Mexican passport. It is a simple document with a black cover with the words “Estados Unidos Mexicanos” printed on the front along with an eagle with a snake in its mouth, the seal of the Mexican flag. This falls into the theme of immigration and citizenship due to its origin. I carried this passport as I immigrated across Mexico to a different country, the United States of America. Originating in 2004, from my place of birth, San Luis Potosi, in the state of San Luis Potosi, it initially traveled within the Mexican border, to Monterrey, Nuevo Leon in 2005. It resided in Monterrey, Mexico with my family from 2005-2007. However, in October 23, 2007, it carried a different meaning as it traveled with me on the plane across the border into the United States of America, to West Covina, California. As it traveled with me to a foreign place, it symbolized a new beginning, as well as identified me as “different.” While in Mexico, the passport meant citizenship, a place where I owed my loyalty and nationality to. It categorized me as one who belonged. In contrast, the immigration of the passport meant a different connotation was added to it. In the United States of America, the Mexican passport means something foreign. It sets me apart as a minority, away from my place of origin. This connects to the ideas and preconceptions people have of immigrants and their origins. Due to the notion of the “other,” as set apart by the idea of the immigrant as different, it adds a negative meaning to the object depending on its location. Serving as a form of categorization, it identifies my different citizenship and evokes questions of my origins. In terms of intersectionality, my minority status combined with my gender work together to categorize me in this country. Due to the fact that I am a female, my income differs to that of a man in the United States. According to the American Association of University Women,”women working full time in the United States typically were paid just 80 percent of what men were paid.” However, that gap applies while comparing white men to white female. While combining my ethnicity to my gender, there are new factors to consider in opportunities. My Hispanic female status places me at the bottom of the income allotted to the population in the United States. Other immigrants are also subject to such gap; however, they experience it at a lower level. In reference to the graphs included, Hispanics in general are at the lowest level of median hourly earnings in competition with the other racial groups. Similarly, there is a difference in pay within the Hispanic working community. The Hispanic woman earns 58% as much as white man, while Hispanic men earn 69% as much as the white man. This is due to the fact that I am a woman who is Hispanic. In addition, my immigrant status as well as my ethnicity, plays a role in the availability of the workforce. While limiting the pay, it adds to the limited job roles to fulfill. As seen on the chart, the different types of career paths fall under different ethnicities. While Mexican immigrants only contribute to 10% of the Management, business, science, and arts occupations, they make up the majority, of service occupations, construction, and material-moving occupations. These statistics work to prove the racial project in place towards Hispanic immigrants. While they are criticized for performing the lower rung jobs, it is due to the opportunities they are given. By limiting the opportunities available to us, society is racializing us and creating a cycle of boundaries that fall into a stereotype. The statistics would differ if the resources equaled that of others. Instead of further segregating us socially, it would be more beneficial to create a standard. These display a difference in the types of immigrants who make up the workforce. The stigma carried around the different groups of immigrants limits them in the workplace in terms of opportunities. This idea is relational to the theme of “Immigration and Citizenship” due to the difference in portrayal different ethnicities face in the United States. Recently emphasized with the new administration, the image of the immigrant has been tainted through comments and racializations about us. The immigrant’s status intersects with the racist ideologies of who is allowed in the country. This oppression contributes to the racial formation of Hispanic immigrant women, like me, who are seen as inferior, purely due to our origins. With authoritative figures enforcing this hegemonic idea of a threat, recent comments from Donald Trump about immigrants have encouraged the racializations. Kicking off his campaign with remarks such as, "When Mexico sends it people; they're not sending their best. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists,” he has racialized Mexican immigrants as rapists and criminals. Acting as a figurehead for this categorization, he is setting an example for others to follow in adding to the negative stigma of the immigrant. Based on hypocritical ideologies, such assumptions are detrimental to the status of us immigrants, encouraging implementation of boundaries. By creating such ideologies, the potential of the immigrant is limited by the newly implemented social and physical boundaries created from the hatred.
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torentialtribute · 6 years ago
There is no shame in coming second in the finest title race ever
The last whistle barely sounded on Old Trafford when the verdict came. Manchester City had won, so Liverpool lost.
Not only that, but they would continue to lose even if they won their next three games. They would not win the title, so they were losers again. Loser pole.
Had City dropped points, one of Manchester United & # 39; s speculative half-hearted shots hit an outstretched leg and went in, if she was unable had been to reverse the benefit, it would have been their turn. Pep Guardiola : failure.
There is absolutely no shame in finishing second in one of the biggest league title races
What happened to the Quadruple, right? All that money and I can't even win every game I enter. What a flop.
To mark the millennium, The Onion, a satirical magazine, brought forward the revision of the past hundred years. Our Stupid Century, it was mentioned – and we are not getting clearer.
How could there be any shame in second place in the best title race ever?
The best team in history was City last year. Their total, 100 points, is unsurpassed, and they won the competition – eventually with 19 points – on April 15 when Manchester United lost to the home of West Bromwich Albion.
Previously, Liverpool were the benchmark in 1978-79, 30 wins and eight draws in a 42-game season, giving them a total of 98 points when extrapolated to three for a win.
Because Liverpool only got two points for the win at that time, they only won the competition with eight points – they would have been 17 in today's conditions free from Nottingham Forest – and it lasted until May 11 with two games to go.
Yet it was still emphatic. Liverpool rewrote the record books: 28 clean sheets in 42 games for goalkeeper Ray Clemence, only 16 goals conceded throughout the season and only four at Anfield. No one could live with them.
<img id = "i-53b87f93c8da5dbf" src = "https://dailym.ai/2PtU3e0 image-a-16_1556212180926.jpg "height =" 456 "width =" 634 "alt =" Liverpool was the benchmark in 1978-79; 30 wins and 8 draws in a 42-game season "
<img id = "i-53b87f93c8da5dbf" src = "https://dailym.ai/2vj3LH0" height = "456" width = "634" alt = "Liverpool in 1978-79 was the benchmark, 30 wins and eight draw in a 42-game season"
Liverpool in 1978-79 was the benchmark; 30 wins and eight draws in a 42-game season
That makes this season so remarkable. In every other year City, or Liverpool, would have walked over it. Guardiola, leader, can afford to be generous, but he is right when he says that both clubs deserve the title.
Put it that way. If Liverpool wins home at home in Huddersfield on Friday with two games to play, they will have already risen to the total number of points the Premier League would have won each season between 2006-07 and 2015-16 and 20 out of 26 points. [19459003
If both Liverpool and City win their last three
If both Liverpool and City win their last three calendar, Liverpool will be second with a total number of points that the competition would have three in each season have won: this, the previous, and 1978-79.
But even if Liverpool only wins one game in their last three, they will still score points per game aggregate from 40 years ago. Really, Klopp & # 39; s team is only beaten by Guardiola & # 39; s City, who have changed the number game at the top of the table. How can they fail?
<img id = "i-cf4ddb48bd79021c" src = "https://dailym.ai/2Pu2wxW image-a-17_1556212612620.jpg "height =" 438 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-cf4ddb48bd79021c" src = "https://dailym.ai/2CXoYdR /25/18/12718430-6960435-image-a-17_1556212612620.jpg "height =" 438 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-cf4ddb48bd79021c" src = "https: //i.dailymail. co.uk/1s/2019/04/25/18/12718430-6960435-image-a-17_1556212612620.jpg "height =" 438 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-cf4ddb48bd79021c" src = "https://dailym.ai/2vnLf09" height = "438" width = "634" alt = "
Pep Guardiola & # 39; s Manchester City has changed the number game at the top of the table "
Pep Guardiola & # 39; s Manchester City has changed the number game at the top of the table
But this is where we are now, so overwhelming is the desire to mock and to degrade, we no longer think straight. Take Diane Abbott. You know her. She would like to be your house secretary if Labor wins the next election, but sometimes you have trouble adding up.
Last week, Abbott was photographed drinking a Marks & Spencer mojito cocktail from public transportation at 13:00 on a Saturday afternoon. Immediately, opinion polarized.
Consuming alcohol on Transport for London is a violation, and some ventured to argue that lawmakers should not be regulators.
Others were equally awkward on the side that this was Abbott & # 39; s own company, and the real outrage was the blasphemers of the right-wing press.
The biggest problem was completely overlooked.
The biggest problem was completely overlooked. In 2016, Abbott withdrew from the public eye during the election campaign, following a series of faltering, flawed interviews, citing problems with uncontrolled form of diabetes.
& # 39; Everything went crazy during the elections – and diabetes got out of hand, blood sugar got out of hand, & she told The Guardian, adding that she was hit hard after she had had six or seven interviews in a row. That is a problem, because besides rum, the most important ingredient in mojito is sugar. Huge amounts of sugar.
So you can't have it either way. If uncontrolled diabetes makes you a poor thinker, it is really not good for the future home minister to chin mojitos early in the afternoon, in public or not.
Unless, of course, blood sugar levels do not affect her thinking processes – in which case it was not diabetes, Abbott said she could put 10,000 buyers out on the street for 30 pounds each. She's just not very smart. Anyway, in the rush to shout the odds, we don't immediately think either.
<img id = "i-18867c315fae23e8" src = "https://dailym.ai/2PwBHsK image-a-15_1556211940013.jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" Last year, Jose Mourinho & Manchester was far from City in the title race "<img id =" i-18867c315fae23e8 "src = "https://dailym.ai/2vn12MQ" height = "423" width = "634" alt = "Last year Jose Mourinho & # 39; s Manchester United was far from City in the title race "<img id =" i-18867c315fae23e8 "src =" https://dailym.ai/2UWgGO5 12718096-6960435-image-a-15_1556211940013.jpg "height =" 423 "width =" 634 "alt =" far away from City in the title race
This is also the case with football. This season there is a runner-up, because there is every season.
Last year, despite the protests by Jose Mourinho, United were still far from City and did not play their best. spo t greet, talk about suffocation, talk about a shortcoming, contempt, too little, Queen songs? This is just wrong. No time for losers?
How absurd would that sound in a year in which Liverpool could lose one game in the entire campaign and not win the competition. City could also register 198 points in two seasons, and not retain the title.
Someone will win because somebody has to, but only a fool would think that would make a punch. It is almost impossible to separate two teams that marry exciting football most weeks.
Guardiola will be mocked because she falls short of a goal that I have always considered far-fetched, Jurgen Klopp will be mocked because he will continue for another year without delivering the first title of the Premier League to Liverpool when the numbers show that he has done enough to do exactly that. And this does not even give him the honor to come up with 25 points in the region.
There is such a & # 39; n stupid delight in failures these days. Such & # 39; n joy in the fall of the mighty or the monstrously talented.
Last week in Barcelona, ​​the screeching and screaming news about Ajax's victory over Juventus was painful. Cristiano Ronaldo was out.
Similarly, the entertainment at the forbidden goal of the city against Tottenham stretched far beyond the flared end. Why? Because Guardiola could then be branded as a flop, just like Klopp if Liverpool does not conquer the upper side of Barcelona, ​​or City.
Both teams were a pleasure to watch because they have given The best season in years
In most of the last defeats of Klopp, in most from his showdowns for the title, he was the underdog.
Still, both teams were a pleasure to watch because they have given us the best season in years. Why is it so hard to honor today? Some people are offended by the suggestion that society is stupid. It's just joke. It is tribal. Nobody means it.
Another brief elaboration. In recent years, the Highways Agency has quietly adjusted the wording around emergency aid stations on smart motorways. ERA's are leaky bodies that a driver uses in a crisis if there is no emergency lane.
The word that disappears from the general description is a refuge. When a new space was opened on the M3 in July 2017, it was described as an emergency area for example. Why?
More recently, government officials were concerned with angry people who complained of an influx of refugees that they got their own drop off points on our roads now.
So in a country that does not know its rejection of its refuge, or even its refugees, it is a miracle that we confuse second place through disgrace and failure.
Chelsea has all the advantages when they play Burnley, especially at home. That said, the level of time wasted by Sean Dyche & # 39; s team this week was unacceptable.
Burnley & # 39; s football will never be of all tastes, but that's not the point. There is nothing wrong with a direct approach, with physically competing, good defense – and Burnley can do all three. Ben Mee was the man of the competition. Excellent.
Still, the number of times a Burnley player collapsed to take the time to play the game is down to sour taste. If a foreign team did it, we would declare hypocritically that English clubs, and English players, are not like that. It turns out that we are – and also English managers. Dyche can claim that this should be a very bad form.
<img id = "i-194e3fcab47ad2f8" src = "https://dailym.ai/2vmxui9 -1_1556210902281.jpg "height =" 421 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-194e3fcab47ad2f8" src = "https://dailym.ai/2Zzccfa 17 / 12717562-0-image-a-1_1556210902281.jpg "height =" 421 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-194e3fcab47ad2f8" src = "https://dailym.ai/2uS4u1n /1s/2019/04/25/17/12717562-0-image-a-1_1556210902281.jpg "height =" 421 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-194e3fcab47ad2f8" src = "https: //i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2019/04/25/17/12717562-0-image-a-1_1556210902281.jpg "height =" 421 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = " i-194e3fcab47ad2f8 "src =" https://dailym.ai/2vn10Ve "height =" 421 "width =" 634 "alt ="
The loss of time by Sean Dyche & # 39; s Burnley team in Chelsea was unacceptable "
The level of time loss by Sean Dyche & # 39; s Burnley team in Chelsea was unacceptable ar
It was a mistake to schedule the FA Cup final for the same weekend as a Premier League program, but then it was mistake once made
West Ham wanted to move their league match at 12.30 or so could make the last five hours later.
The Premier League said the inconvenience would be great for fans who had already made travel plans, especially those from Southampton. Honest point.
For example, when West Ham women played Manchester City in January, the gate was 640, against the London Stadium average of 5845 for Premier League matches.
The majority interest therefore prevails – and perhaps we plan better in the future. West Ham women's team celebrates the FA Cup final held at Wembley "
<img id =" i-9d635e3221d34da6 "src =" https://dailym.ai/2CXoYdR /25/17/12717682-0-image-a-2_1556211052977.jpg "height =" 408 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-9d635e3221d34da6" src = "https: //i.dailymail. co.uk/1s/2019/04/25/17/12717682-0-image-a-2_1556211052977.jpg "height =" 408 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-9d635e3221d34da6" src = "https://dailym.ai/2PrTscX" height = "408" width = "634" alt = "West Ham ladies team celebrate reaching the final FA Cup to be organized in Wembley "
West Ham women's team to reach the final FA Cup that will be organized at Wembley
When Paul Pogba talks about the miserable performances of Manchester United, it is as if he is not part of it. He refers to & # 39; we & # 39; because he is powerless to act. & # 39; We did not respect ourselves, the club or the fans & he said after the defeat in Everton.
& # 39; What we did on the field is not respectful of the teammates, the staff, the people, the kitman, everyone. & # 39; Well, whose fault is that?
Meanwhile, Ole Gunnar Solskjaer disappears, so logically in the beginning, into a twilight world from the past. Not only his respect for Sir Alex Ferguson – who seems to be behind his counterproductive allegations of cheating against Manchester City this week – but in his desire to make glory days at a constant point of reference.
This week he brought his players back to The Cliff, the old training ground where so many of Ferguson & # 39; s best laid plans were hatched. And what would be the use of that? United & # 39; s first team left The Cliff in 2000. Fred was seven, grew up in Belo Horizonte, Anthony Martial was four and in France. What would The Cliff mean for them?
The latest suggestion is that Darren Fletcher will join Mike Phelan's team if he is promoted to technical director. These may be the finest ghosts available to send United from their current slump. However, there is a difference between drawing on a glorious past and fetishing it.
<img id = "i-113cce5b2d271330" src = "https://dailym.ai/2vvbKkt -4_1556211258480.jpg "height =" 418 "width =" 634 "alt =" <img id = "i-113cce5b2d271330" src = "https://dailym.ai/2Zzccfa 17 / 12717798-6960435-image-a-4_1556211258480.jpg "height =" 418 "width =" 634 "alt =" Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, logical in the beginning, disappears in a dim world of the past, logical in the beginning, disappears into a twilight world of the past "
Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, logical in the beginning, disappears into a twilight world of the past
A torn Achilles tendon really can't get any worse, fracture sounds like a variation on the words we often hear in connection with injuries – tweak, strain, pull, tear – but is much more serious. It means pause.
Callum Hudson-Odoi has his achill on Monday espees broken against Burnley. He has been gone a long time. His hope for a move this summer is over. He was shocked to see her.
It does not matter if the Chelsea medical staff knew the extent of his injury immediately and if more damage could be done, it seemed a painful way to leave. If the Hudson-Odoi club wants to show love, they have a funny way to show it. Callum Hudson-Odoi has broken his Achilles tendon against Burnley and will stay away for a long time "
Callum Hudson-Odoi has broken his Achilles tendon against Burnley and will stay away for a long time" Callum Hudson -Odoi has broken his Achilles tendon against Burnley and will not be in Burnley for a long time and will remain outside for a long time
Tottenham is supposed to earn £ 800,000 in hospitality, food and drink in their new stadium – and that is flat before the kick-off. For comparison: on a good day, revenues in Manchester City are around £ 150,000. This will prove over time.
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republicstandard · 7 years ago
The Un-Making of the West, Vol. VII: A Dearth of Births
“In our time all Greece was visited by a dearth of children and generally a decay of population, owing to which the cities were denuded of inhabitants, and a failure of productiveness resulted, though there were no long-continued wars or serious pestilences among us…. For this evil grew upon us rapidly, and without attracting attention, by our men becoming perverted to a passion for show and money and the pleasures of an idle life, and accordingly either not marrying at all, or, if they did marry, refusing to rear the children that were born, or at most one or two out of a great number, for the sake of leaving them well off or bringing them up in extravagant luxury.”-Polybius, The Histories
“Soon religious wars will break out in Europe. You are taking Europe toward an abyss. That’s the way it’s going.”-Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu
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After World War II, Germany made the terrible mistake of importing hundreds of thousands of Turkish migrant workers who proved to be neither migrants as they ultimately stuck around nor worked, as the Turkish population to this day has an unemployment rate three times that of the native Germans. With at least half a century of proof that, as even Reuters acknowledges, the Turks remain Germany’s least-integrated minority, German Chancellor Angela Merkel decided to recklessly “invite” millions more unassimilable “migrants” (86% of whom are Islamic) into Deutschland starting in 2015. The justification has been a thin and convoluted mixture of apologism, economic necessity, and compassion for the global downtrodden. The results have been predictably disastrous for a continent that’s ill-equipped for such an influx, particularly of the violent and unassimilable variety that’s flooded Europe in increasing numbers. Such a population group would be a challenge for anyone, as we’ve seen regardless of the context.
According to Germany’s own 2017 crime statistics, more than 1,100 foreigners were charged with murder or manslaughter, as opposed to around 1,500 Germans. In 2016 the numbers were: 1,137 foreigners charged with homicides compared to 1,638 Germans. Regarding violent crimes, in 2017 police charged 69,163 foreigners compared to 112,346 Germans. In 2016, the government reported 67,869 foreigners committed violent crimes compared to 110,494 Germans. Keep in mind native Germans out-number foreigners at least 7-to-1.
More than 90 percent of the 10.4 percent increase in reported violent crimes was attributed to young male migrants in Germany’s southern state of Lower Saxony, according to a new study from the Zurich University of Applied Sciences. North Africans were overrepresented by over 1,600%! Nationally, German victims of immigrant crime hit a new high in 2017, rising 23.7% in one year. Keep in mind these are just the recorded numbers. Regarding the recent savage rape and murder of young Susanna Maria Feldman by “migrant” Iraqi Kurd Ali Bashar, AfD co-leader Alice Weidel said:
Susanna is dead. Maria from Freiburg; Mia from Kandel; Mireille from Flensburg; and now Susanna from Mainz...Susanna’s death is not a blind stroke of fate. Susanna’s death is the result of many years of organized irresponsibility and the scandalous failure of our asylum and immigration policies. Susanna is victim of an out-of-control leftwing multicultural ideology that stops at nothing to impose its sense of moral superiority. Susanna is also another victim of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s hypocritical and selfish welcome policy. Legally, Ali Bashar should never have been allowed into Germany. His asylum request was rejected more than two years ago, and he should have been deported. Bashar was known to police for physical assault, attacking police officers, and possessing illegal weapons. In March 2018, he was suspected of raping an 11-year-old girl at a refugee shelter. According to the law, Bashar should have had to leave Germany a long time ago or be arrested. An absurd asylum law and a grotesque asylum policy...it is lenient toward asylum cheaters and criminals but ignores the genuine concerns of German citizens.
Ali Bashar, his parents and five siblings lived here on the taxpayer’s dime, they could not be deported, but after his Ali’s crime, they somehow found the money to flee Germany on falsified documents. No problem in a Germany with open borders. On the day of Susanna’s murder, you [Merkel] testified in parliament that you have handled the migrant crisis responsibly. Do you dare to repeat that claim to Susanna’s parents? Well, no. Your hard-heartedness and self-righteousness means you feel you are above offering the victims of your policies a personal word. This is unacceptable to us citizens. Will you finally accept responsibility, Mrs. Merkel? You and your entire cabinet should resign to make possible another asylum policy so that the parents in this country no longer need to fear for the safety of their children.
Weidel is not being hyperbolic. The situation is out of control not just in Germany, but across much of the rest of the continent. Sweden had to shut down its largest annual music festival due to rampant sexual assaults committed by “migrants.” Nineteen women are raped daily in the Nordic country. The Rinkeby subway station in Stockholm, Sweden was recently categorized as a place too dangerous to work without a police escort due to the security risk created by “migrant” gangs. In 2016, 15.6 percent of people suffered one or more offences against the person (defined in the survey as assault, threats, sexual offences, robbery, fraud or harassment), and the numbers continue to rise. The British and Canadian foreign ministries have even issued travel warnings for Sweden.
In Denmark, Lebanese and Palestinian men have, at 257, the highest crime-index among the studied populations in the country; the index is standardized by both age and socioeconomic status. Men from the former Yugoslavia and men from Somalia, Turkey, Pakistan, and Morocco also have high crime-indexes, from 187 to 205, which translates to about double the national crime rate average. The lowest crime index is recorded among immigrants and descendants originating from the United States with a crime rate index at 32.
In Norway, first-generation African immigrants/”migrants” are three times more likely than native Norwegians to be convicted of a felony, with Somalis the worst offenders at 4.4 times more likely to be convicted of a felony than a native Norwegian. Iraqis and Pakistanis have rates of conviction for felonies greater than native Norwegians by factors of 3 and 2.6, respectively. Interestingly, second-generation African and Asian immigrants have a higher rate of convictions for felonies than first-generation immigrants. First-generation African immigrants have conviction rates for felonies of 16.7 per 1,000 individuals over the age of 15, whereas for second-generation immigrants the rate is 28 per 1,000—an increase of over 60%. For Asians there is an increase from 9.3 per 1,000 to 17.1 per 1,000. In 2010, it was reported that first generation immigrants are over-represented by a factor of 1.7 for sex crimes.
In Finland, individuals of foreign origin represent about 6% of the population, yet they account for 24% of the country’s rapes. 80% of “migrants’” sexual assaults are perpetrated against Finnish women, with about half of those being minors. The assailants’ countries of origins were Iraq, Somalia, Iran, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Morocco, Syria, and Algeria.
In Italy, a 2013 report stated that “immigrants accounted for almost 23 percent of the criminal charges although they represented only 6‐7 percent of the resident population” at that time. In the Netherlands, almost one-in-five individuals of a foreign background between the ages of 18-24 have been investigated for crimes, and in a report published in 2009, 63% of all teenagers arrested for a serious crime had a foreign background. Foreigners in Spain are twice as likely as native Spaniards to commit a crime. Non-Swiss nationals are nearly three times as likely to find themselves in prison, and asylum seekers are at least fourteen times more likely than native Swiss to be arrested. Angolans, Nigerians, and Algerians all have crimes rates multiples higher than those of the native Swiss. In Cyprus, at the most extreme end—and a harbinger of things to come if we do not defend our nations from this invasion—Turkey remains committed to the ethnic cleansing of Greek Cypriots and the European Union and the United Nations say nothing.
Distressingly, just as Italy’s new government began refusing to allow migrant vessels to dock, Spain’s communist prime minister okayed their acceptance. When one country wakes up, another falls back asleep, it seems. As Soeren Kern reports:
In France, the government, which previously vowed to reduce foreign influences on the practice of Islam in the country, approved visas for 300 imams from Algeria and Morocco to lead Ramadan services in French mosques.
Similarly, instead of following Austria’s lead and expelling radical imams and closing down radical mosques, Switzerland instead prefers its own “don’t ask, don’t tell” of radicalization. Anti-Western mosques operate unimpeded, and we know the mosque is the forward operating base of any program of Islamization. Judith Bergman reports:
Several experts have pointed out the foreign Muslim networks at work in Switzerland. In 2016, Reinhard Schulze, professor of Islamic Studies at the University of Bern, pointed out that donations from the Muslim World League, based in Saudi Arabia, and other funds from Saudi Arabia were flowing to “those mosques and organizations that are open to the Wahhabi tradition.” Another expert on Islam in Switzerland, Saïda Keller-Messahli, has spoken and written widely on how “Huge sums of money from Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait and Turkey are flowing to Switzerland,” and how the Saudi-based Muslim World League is behind “a whole network of radically-oriented mosques in Switzerland...with the clear intention of spreading Salafist thought here.”
This is a long-standing Wahhabi practice; Saudi Arabia has been funding radical mosques across Europe from the UK to Bulgaria, from France to Russia for decades, as well as funding NGOs with direct ties to extremist activity. In 1994, Saudi donations to Islamic NGOs in Bosnia totaled $150 million. From WikiLeaks:
In Bulgaria, Taiba (Taibah), supported by donations from Saudi Arabia, was registered in 1995 as a successor to two NGOs (Dar al-Irshad and Al Waqf al-Islamiyya) which were closed in 1994 for supporting Islamic extremism. Bulgarian security services report that the organization’s objective is to radicalize Bulgaria’s Muslim population, in part by encouraging central institutions such as the Muftiship to become financially dependent on its contributions. The founder of Taiba, Abdurahman Takan, was expelled from Bulgaria for illegally preaching against the state.
Hungary witnessed the number of migrants illegally crossing into the country fall from over six thousand to twenty-nine in one week
As Lawrence A. Franklin writes:
Dagestan, the largest republic of the north Caucasus, can best be described in negative superlatives. It is probably the most violent spot in the entire Russian Federation. The administrative bureaucracy of the republic’s capital, Makhachkala, is among the most corrupt. The ethnic and linguistic diversity of Dagestan is the most complex among Russia’s Republics… Religiously, it is also the most radical Muslim entity in the Russian state… This Salafist ascendency has been fueled, allegedly, by Arabian Gulf states’ financial support for mosque construction and the hiring of fundamentalist imams as preachers throughout the Caucasian republics. However, the scholarships for Dagestani youth to study in Saudi Arabia have been particularly effective in the Wahabbization of Islam in Dagestan. Riyadh’s largesse has helped accelerate the radicalization of the republic’s Muslims.
The United Nations 2017 world population prospects predicts 2.5 billion inhabitants on the African continent by 2050
It doesn’t have to be this way. After the completion of their wall, Hungary witnessed the number of migrants illegally crossing into the country fall from over six thousand to twenty-nine in one week. Bulgaria built themselves a tidy 167-mile wall with Turkey to discourage migrants from entering a country that’s no stranger to Islamic privations within its borders, to say nothing of the centuries-long Ottoman/Turkish occupation. As Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban rightly stated, “Hungary does not need a single migrant for the economy to work, or the population to sustain itself, or for the country to have a future.” Indeed, the nations that continue this suicidal practice of welcoming whoever washes up on shore—or whomever the NGOs ferry across the Mediterranean—will not have a future. There is precious little separating Europe from an African continent that is projected to have over four billion, possibly as high as five billion, people by the end of the century, to say nothing of the five hundred million-plus potential migrants from the Middle East.
Since 2010, Syria has witnessed a 536% explosion in emigration; South Sudan is at 334%, the Central African Republic 204%, Sao Tome and Principe 167%, Eritrea 119%, Namibia 90%, Rwanda 73%, Botswana 70%, Sudan 63%, and Burundi 55%. In 2017, about 5.2 million North African immigrants lived in the EU countries, Norway, and Switzerland. The total number of emigrants worldwide from all sub-Saharan African countries combined grew by 31% between 2010 and 2017; the Middle East-North Africa region saw a larger increase (39%) of people living outside of their birth country during the same span. The scariest part is that all of this has simply been a drop in the bucket in terms of the global population explosion. The United Nations 2017 world population prospects predicts 2.5 billion inhabitants on the African continent by 2050, with many countries’ populations tripling or quadrupling in that time frame.
Due to high infant mortality and the fact that about one-in-fifty women died in childbirth, pre-industrial populations would need to have five or six children per woman. But, with the advent of Western medicine, this is no longer necessary. In Africa, people have access to many of these medical advancements, but still have children at a pre-industrial rate, thus explaining the population explosion underway. In Muslim societies and many other non-Muslim African tribes, polygamy is standard practice, which accelerates the population, but at the expense of higher-investment parenting. The average person’s age in some of these countries demands significant attention:
Niger: 15.3 years of age
Uganda: 15.7 years of age
Mali: 16.2 years of age
Malawi: 16.5 years of age
Zambia: 16.7 years of age
Burundi: 17
South Sudan: 17.1
Burkina Faso: 17.2
Chad: 17.6
Tanzania: 17.6
Ethiopia: 17.8
Somalia: 17.9
Contrast this with the developed world:
Japan: 46.9 years of age
Germany: 46.8 years of age
Italy: 45.1 years of age
Spain: 42.3 years of age
Canada: 42 years of age
South Korea: 41.2
France: 41.2
The United Kingdom: 40.5
Taiwan: 40.2
Australia: 38.6
The United States of America: 37.9
New Zealand: 37.8
In the Zero Migration projection by Pew Research, the Muslim population on the continent will have grown 39% by 2050 with a 10% decline in the continent’s non-Muslim population, a scenario which would have profound ramifications on the life and culture of the continent as we know it—and this is assuming not a single more “migrant” set foot on the continent. We all know this is not going to happen. In the Medium Migration scenario from Pew Research, the Muslim share of the population would grow 125%, and in the High Migration scenario, 193%. Turkish dictator Recep Erdogan is publicly urging all Muslims engaged in the hijrah in Europe to have at least five children, echoing Norwegian imam Mullah Krekar’s sentiment that the key to victory lies in the wombs of Muslim women, and that the Mohammedans must “breed like mosquitoes.”
Of the top forty countries with the highest birth-rates, only three—Iraq, Afghanistan, and East Timor—are not in sub-Saharan Africa, and most of the rest of the high birth rate populations are either in Latin America or the Muslim world. Here are just some of the countries whose populations are set to triple or quadruple in the coming decades: Niger (leading the charge at 7.153 live births per woman per the updated 2018 figures published by the World Population Review), Somalia, Chad, Mali, Angola, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Nigeria, Mozambique, Tanzania, Malawi, and many more. By contrast, most of the nations with the lowest birth-rates are located in European or East Asia. A sample, as of June 2018:
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Country Birth Rate Ranking Estonia 1.659 children per woman 161 Montenegro 1.657 children per woman 162 Slovenia 1.638 children per woman 163 China 1.635 children per woman 164 Iran 1.621 children per woman 165 Serbia 1.62 children per woman 166 Armenia 1.601 children per woman 167 Luxembourg 1.594 children per woman 168 Bulgaria 1.584 children per woman 169 Latvia 1.57 children per woman 170 Czech Republic 1.566 children per woman 171 Canada 1.563 children per woman 172 Ukraine 1.557 children per woman 173 Switzerland 1.549 children per woman 174 Macedonia 1.546 children per woman 175 Romania 1.54 children per woman 176 Austria 1.511 children per woman 177 Italy 1.491 children per woman 178 Japan 1.478 children per woman 179 Malta 1.475 children per woman 180 Germany 1.47 children per woman 181 Puerto Rico 1.47 children per woman 182 Slovakia 1.462 children per woman 183 Thailand 1.458 children per woman 184 Croatia 1.446 children per woman 185 Saint Lucia 1.444 children per woman 186 Mauritius 1.433 children per woman 187 Hungary 1.397 children per woman 188 Spain 1.391 children per woman 189 Bosnia & Herz. 1.386 children per woman 190 Macau 1.347 children per woman 191 Cyprus 1.337 children per woman 192 Hong Kong 1.326 children per woman 193 South Korea 1.323 children per woman 194 Greece 1.302 children per woman 195 Poland 1.29 children per woman 196
Populations that remain stuck at sub-replacement-level typically bottom-out and almost never recover.
They either die out or are swallowed up by other population groups. Immigration of foreign peoples is very clearly not the solution. As Dio (Cassius, not Ronnie James) recounts Augustus’s speech to an assembly of Roman patricians:
We liberate slaves chiefly for the purpose of making out of them as many citizens as possible. We give our allies a share in the government that our numbers may increase; yet you, Romans of the original stock, including Quintii, Valerii, Iulii, are eager that your families and names at once shall perish with you.
The situation in contemporary Europe is particularly dire:
The Polish Health ministry has released a video to encourage its citizens to start ‘breeding like rabbits’. Poland has one of the lowest birth rates in Europe and it’s resulting in severe population decline. In 2015 the rate was at 1.32 children per woman, with only Portugal having a lower figure [among EU countries], while Spain and Greece were almost the same. While this campaign was seen as very subtle, Europe’s declining populations have been tackled before. A Danish travel agency was a little more direct with an advert which went viral, asking would-be grandparents to pay for a holiday for their children so that they are more likely to get grandchildren. It was credited for the births of an extra 1200 babies. But efforts haven’t always gone to plan. In Italy, a government campaign to combat infertility stumbled when people took to the streets to protest an ad campaign for a ‘fertility day’, which was denounced as sexist, racist and ignorant of the economic reasons why Italians aren’t having babies. And in Russia, the decline in population has been high on the agenda since the breakup of the Soviet Union. Between 1992 and 2009, the country lost about six million people, or four percent of its population. In an attempt to combat this, Vladimir Putin introduced schemes to give extra cash to people when they have their second and third children. And if you have seven or more children you get invited to the Kremlin to receive a medal.
we have on our hands a recipe for total civilizational disaster.
Two-thirds of Belarusian couples have just one child, and like its neighbors, Belarus is rapidly losing population due to a confluence of low birth rates and high emigration; additionally there is a decade-wide gap between the life expectancies of men (67 years) and women (77 years). In 2030, the population is expected to be a full million less than it is now, a loss of one person every thirty-seven minutes. Russia and the Ukraine have similar issues, with women outliving men by an average of ten years; this is such an extreme disparity in Russia in particular that there are 10.5 million more women than men. Additionally, both countries have higher death rates than birth rates, and once again factoring in emigration, Russia has a net loss of one person every twenty-six minutes, and the Ukraine has a staggering net loss of one person every two minutes.
Romania experiences a net population decrease of one person every five minutes, and Bulgaria experiences a net population decrease of one person every eleven minutes. Romania currently has 19.4 million people but is projected to have just 15.3 million in 2060. Bulgaria had a population of nine million in 1986, and now has less than six. Along with Latvia, it is the only country in the world with a lower population now than it had in 1950. Aldis Austers, chairman of the European Latvians’ Association, said, “We have a joke that in 2030 the last Latvians can switch off the lights at the Riga airport.” The Baltic region has lost one-fifth of its population since the fall of the Soviet Union, making it one of the most rapidly de-populating areas of the world. Latvia loses about 30,000 people a year, mostly the young to emigration, and coupled with the disparity of births versus deaths equates to the net loss of one person every half hour. Estonia’s population was so devastated by World War II and the Soviet occupation that it just recently reached its pre-war population of ethnic Estonians (25% of the population is ethnically Russian); the total population has been in decline since the fall of the USSR, and is expected to decline from a little over 1.3 million at present to 1.1 million in 2030 to 860,000 in 2060. Lithuania’s population has gone from 3.7 million in 1992 to 2.9 million today to a projected 2.5 million in 2060. According to World Population Review, Serbia:
Has been in demographic crisis since the early 1990’s with a death rate that still exceeds its birth rate. Serbia, along with Bulgaria, has one of the most negative population growth rates in the world, with one of the lowest fertility rates (just 1.44 children per woman). 1/5th of all households consist of just one person and Serbia has among the ten oldest populations in the world. Serbia had the largest refugee population in Europe just twenty years ago, accounting for 7.5% of its population. 300,000 people left the country in the ’90s, one-fifth of which had a higher education…Serbia has been struggling to overcome its population decline, even turning to singles nights, generous maternity leave and cash bonuses for new parents in some towns. Despite its best efforts, Serbia has been unable to reverse this trend, and its population is expected to continue its downward movement for many years.
In Croatia, the death rate has exceeded its birth rate since 1991, and its population has fallen from 4.7 million in that year to 4.1 million, and is expected to be 3.1 million by 2050. Moldova’s current population of just over four million is expected to be under three million by 2060; estimates range from a fifth to a quarter of Moldova’s population currently living abroad and, like most of the rest of Europe, its live births are outpaced by deaths and emigration. Slovakia’s population is due to decline by about half a million by mid-century, and a similar fate awaits Bosnia and Herzegovina, which already has 800,000 fewer people than in 1991.
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Despite the entirety of Europe having sub-replacement-level birthrates, the ideal remains at least two children; for example, every country polled by the OECD—Italy, Estonia, Finland, Ireland, Latvia, Denmark, Cyprus, Sweden, Greece, Lithuania, Slovenia, France, Poland, Belgium, Luxembourg, the UK, the Netherlands, Hungary, Slovakia, Spain, Germany, Austria, Portugal, Malta, Romania, Bulgaria, and the Czech Republic—had an ideal family size of at least two children. Over 50% of Estonians polled and 46% of Finns had an ideal family size of three children. So there is obviously something preventing people from having more children. 40% of Swiss and German women with at least a college degree are currently childless, and the current child-bearing age of Austrians is on pace to numerically reduce itself by 70%. The results, coupled with mass immigration, would be nothing short of catastrophic, quite possibly apocalyptic. As I wrote in “Heart of Darkness”:
It’s not difficult to see where this is heading, nor will I be the first to point it out. Failed states, abominable living conditions, and the allure of the West and its bountiful entitlements…this is going to get ugly very quickly. For those unfamiliar with Tanzanian and Malawian culture, they sever the limbs of albinos to sell on the black market for witchcraft and other assorted spell-casting; in Mozambique, there’s been a rash of murders as bald men specifically, rumored to have gold in their heads, are having their skulls cracked open to find the hidden wealth. Talk about cultural enrichment! This is what much of the West has thrown its doors open to. Add to the high migrant birth rates and the dysfunction and degeneracy so many are incapable of leaving behind the non-existent native European birth rates and a pervasive Eurowestern culture of guilt and defeatism, and we have on our hands a recipe for total civilizational disaster.
Which Way, Western Man?
from Republic Standard | Conservative Thought & Culture Magazine https://ift.tt/2L1VVrD via IFTTT
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roguenewsdao · 7 years ago
Putin Tells Valdai Conference He Fears Srebrenica-Type Massacre If Russia Abandons Donbass
Playing his favorite card against Washington, the charge of hypocrisy (what U.S./EU Russophobes deride as 'whataboutism') Putin declared that Russia would not tolerate a massacre in the former  eastern Ukraine of the type NATO used at Srebrenica to justify American intervention and imposition of the Dayton accords peace settlement during the Yugoslavia wars of the 1990s. Putin's remarks at the annual Valdai forum in the company of legendary Chinese investor Jack Ma and former Afghan President Hamid Karzai represented a double slap at both Washington and Kiev. Putin blames Washington for its hypocritical arrogation to itself of the sole right to legitimately intervene wherever it sees fit, and is warning against Kiev's fantasies about 'solving' the Donbass 'separatist problem' by expelling tens to hundreds of thousands opposed to the Ukrainian Nazi collaborator glorifying, post-Maidan coup regime to Russia.
Along with the recent dedication of a public monument in Russia's Rostov on Don region honoring Russian volunteers (not as of yet, any Russian Army 'vacationers') who fought alongside the Donbass militia, Putin's remarks are the clearest indication that Moscow won't surrender its humanitarian and unofficial materiel/intelligence aid to the Donbass for some empty promises from Washington. The comparison implied in Putin's remarks between the Bosnian Muslim enclave that United Nations peacekeepers failed to protect and Donetsk and Lugansk also hints that while Moscow is ready to accept some OSCE inspectors protecting United Nations peacekeeping contingent along the line of contact, an idea Kiev had long promoted, but only along the border with Russia. However, Moscow remains the ultimate guarantor against Kiev reneging on the Minsk Agreements in a Washington-aided, illusory pursuit of a 'military solution' -- one that would meet Russian steel in response. On a conciliatory note, Putin also declared that neither Russian nor Ukrainian nationalists would like his statement, that Russians and Ukrainians have historically been one people, sharing language and culture (including the Orthodox Christian faith) separated only by Soviet drawn borders. Putin expressed his hope that 'common sense would prevail', clearly disavowing any long term military solution to the externally provoked Ukraine conflict. From this long term perspective, Russia's refusal to overtly intervene to crush the Ukrainian Army in the Donbass and destroy the Kiev government's armaments industries from the air and ground -- something the Russian armed forces are more than capable of doing -- makes much more sense. That is, irrespective of the so-called 'Sixth Column' (dubbed by Russian philosopher Alexander Dugin's) cries for Putin to have sent the tanks to Kiev many times over the last nearly four years, thus handing Washington's neocons and fake liberal Russophobes dream scenario of a Slavic Afghanistan in which to bleed the Russian Bear.
From the common viewpoint of millions in Russia, who share Great Patriotic War heritage or living relatives with the people in Ukraine, that would mark the unnecessary escalation of an already tragic, fratricidal war. A war which began not when Russian 'polite people' moved to secure key points on the Crimean peninsula, but weeks earlier when blood was shed via paid provocateurs and a carefully engineered Berkut riot police reaction on the Maidan. A war which has benefited only a handful of oligarchs, neo-Nazis and outside powers -- certainly not ordinary Russians or Ukrainians. -- JWS See also: full transcript of Putin's Valdai conference remarks translated into English from Kremlin.ru  
Putin Fears Srebrenica-Type Massacre in Ukraine
Oct. 22, 2017 (EIRNS)—During the extensive question-and-answer session that followed Russian President Vladimir Putin’s presentation to the Valdai Discussion Club conference on Oct. 19 in Sochi, he took a question on the current situation in Ukraine in which he expressed Russia’s fears of what could happen in the Donbas region should Russia close its border with the two breakaway republics as the Kiev regime has been demanding. In his response, he stressed that the crisis began with the U.S. and European Union-backed violent overthrow of the elected government of President Viktor Yanukovych, who, according to Putin, only wanted to reconsider some of the language of the EU Association Agreement. "The current situation is the result of the unconstitutional armed seizure of power in Ukraine, and Europe is to blame, because it backed it," Putin said.
Putin went on to reiterate that it is the Kiev regime that is failing to implement the Minsk agreements, even though Russia is constantly blamed for this, but then he got to the meat of the matter.
"If they fail to adopt the amnesty law prior to resolving political issues and providing these territories with a special status in accordance with the law adopted by the Rada and extended for another year recently, then closing the border between Russia and the breakaway republics will lead to a situation similar to Srebrenica. There will be a bloodbath. We cannot let this happen."
Although Putin refrained from saying it, the whole point is that Nazis control the current Ukraine government, as Lyndon LaRouche has repeatedly pointed out.
The Srebenica massacre occurred in 1995 during the Bosnian war in the former Yugoslavia, when 8,000 Muslim men and boys were massacred by Bosnia Serb troops despite being under the nominal protection of UN peacekeepers. China, Russia Warn Europe and U.S.: Your Anti-Nation State Policies Are Coming Back to Haunt You
Oct. 23, 2017 (EIRNS)—As expected, the long-festering separatist drive of the Basque region of Spain has now been piled onto the Catalonia crisis. Inigo Urkullu, president of the Basque Autonomous Community, writing in the London Guardian today, called upon the European Union to move in to oversee negotiations on a new Spanish "plurinational" nation, in the name of "self-determination" and "democracy." Like the Catalan separatists, Urkullu swore allegiance to the supranational project of the dying EU paradigm.
Russian President Vladimir Putin had warned in his speech to the Valdai Forum last week, that "the situation in Spain clearly shows how fragile stability can be even in a prosperous and established state," pointing to the deliberate decision after the collapse of the Soviet Union to let "the genie of European internal division" out of the bottle as a driving force in today’s crisis.
"In the case of Catalonia, we saw the European Union and a number of other states unanimously condemn the supporters of independence.... [M]ore thought should have gone into this earlier. What, no one was aware of these centuries-old disagreements in Europe? They knew, did they not? However, at one time they basically welcomed the disintegration of a number of states in Europe, without hiding their joy on this matter,"
citing Kosovo, in particular. Putin warned that such double standards "pose serious danger to the stable development of Europe and other continents, and to the advancement of integration processes across the world."
Similarly, in an editorial statement today, China’s Global Times, which reflects official policy, pointed to the role of the West’s "democracy" double-standards in creating the Catalan separatist crisis, and calls on Europe to "wake up:"
"The West’s extravagant explanation over democracy, freedom and human rights over a long period of time is the fundamental reason this time, which provides the Catalan separatist movement a moral high ground it’s not supposed to have. Leaders requiring ‘democracy’ in Catalonia are more confident on the strength of their righteousness than those in the Spanish government who are preparing to file a lawsuit against them.
"There have been signs of the emergence of separatism in the West, but in prosperous old days, sufficient bread and butter helped dissolve the problem. However, the situation has changed. The Catalan independence movement is revealing a real danger....
"A state is still an effective and basic unit for human society and in maintaining world order. But during the decades after the Cold War, the West had destroyed some countries it does not like, supported almost every single anti-government activity in those nations and backed most of the separatist movements there, making people believe that democracy is above everything. Yet what happened in Catalonia may be a turning point.
"The Catalan independence movement sets off alarm bells for Europe to adjust. Europeans are addicted to their previous glory. But the continent is now facing various challenges. It’s time for them to wake up."
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newstfionline · 8 years ago
What ISIS Fighters Think of Trump
By Amarnath Amarasingam, Politico, March 01, 2017
Nine days after 9/11, George W. Bush declared during an address to a joint session of Congress that every nation now “has a decision to make,” that “either you are with us or with the terrorists.” Jihadists saw his statement as a gift from God. They argued that with this line drawn in the sand, members of the Muslim community now had a clear view of the parade of sellouts, hypocrites and “white-washed” Muslims amongst them. It would be obvious who was on the side of the Muslim community and who, as ISIS wrote in the seventh issue of their English-language magazine Dabiq, would rush “to serve the crusaders led by Bush in the war against Islam.”
According to jihadists, this opportunity to unearth the true Muslims, those who had the community’s back and those who didn’t, was a gift from above. As al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden claimed at the time in an interview, which was also later reproduced in the same Dabiq article, this line in the sand basically means that “either you are with the crusade or you are with Islam.”
Sixteen years later, what do jihadists think of Donald Trump? It’s an important question to explore and pose to jihadists themselves, because it influences their propaganda, their stance towards the United States, and may predict how they behave in relation to Western states. Over the last three years, on a variety of text-messaging applications and social media platforms, I have been interviewing foreign fighters from Western countries who are fighting in Syria and Iraq.
After Trump’s election victory, I asked around five fighters for their thoughts on Trump. Initially, they weren’t convinced that Trump would be different from any other American president, who since 9/11 has been, according to them, bombing Muslims and killing civilians. But then Trump spoke, put forth executive orders and seemed to fan the flames of the far right.
As time went on, these jihadists began to argue that Trump represents “real” America. Trump was saying what Americans and politicians always privately thought about Muslims, but were too afraid to say in public. In their eyes, Presidents Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and George W. Bush tried to fool American Muslims by insisting, deceptively, that there was a separation between “Islam” and “terrorism,” that the War on Terror was only targeting terrorists, not Muslims.
“I think he is good for us,” a Canadian ISIS fighter told me when asked about how the group views Trump in relation to past presidents. “We needed someone like him, who is direct.”
Trump, according to my interviews with ISIS and AQ-linked fighters in Syria and Iraq, is more honest and is not scared to say what Americans really think. “I mean, with no hidden agendas or behind the scenes plots,” the same ISIS fighter said. “He is clear and everyone, even the kuffar, know that he hates Muslims.”
A British fighter with Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham, a new coalition of rebel and al Qaeda-linked groups in Syria, similarly told me, “Politicians are generally two-faced and unfortunately people fall for it. Whereas Trump says it straight up.”
Jihadists hope that American Muslims will come to see ISIS and other groups as the answer to the Muslim plight. They will “wake up” and realize that America’s insistence that they “love Muslims” but “hate terrorism” is false, that America has always seen Islam and terrorism as one and the same. According to jihadists, Trump just makes this persistent truth clearer and brings it out in the open.
This argument is, of course, not a new one. Jihadi theoreticians have always attempted to win the hearts and minds of Muslims in the West, to convince them that they will never be included or accepted. In 2010, in his famous “Message to the American People,” Anwar Awlaki, the Yemeni-American cleric and propagandist for Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, put forth a challenge to the Muslim community in the United States, one that has been recycled many times since by the Islamic State.
“To the Muslims in America I have this to say,” he said, “How can your conscience allow you to live in peaceful coexistence with a nation that is responsible for the tyranny and crimes committed against your own brothers and sisters?”
According to the jihadist view, Muslims are able to live in peaceful coexistence because the wool has been pulled over their eyes by crafty politicians, who have convinced them that they are welcome in the West. Trump, the argument goes, has changed all this. He openly declared in a March 2016 interview with CNN that “Islam hates us” and has attempted to ban immigrants from Muslim-majority countries.
Indeed, it seems the only time Trump ever talks about the Muslim community in public is in the context of national security. During a presidential debate in October, for instance, a Muslim-American asked Trump how he planned to deal with Islamophobia and “the consequences of being labeled as a threat to the country.”
“You’re right about Islamophobia, and that’s a shame,” Trump said. But he proceeded to go on about how Muslims needed to “report the problems when they see them” and blamed President Barack Obama for failing to use the words “radical Islamic terrorism.”
As jihadists I spoke with remarked, Trump is the ultimate self-inflicted wound. As terrorism analyst Brian Fishman has noted, these groups’ goal hasn’t always just been about bleeding the U.S. economically, but about weakening the social fabric of the country, chipping away at civil liberties and exacerbating tensions that lie just below the surface.
Jihadists have always argued that America only appears strong because of its military might and patriotic bluster--but it is weak at its core. It is a country, they argue, that is held together by a fragile commitment to “foundations” such as personal freedom and liberty. According to jihadi pundit Yaman Mukhaddab, the collapse of the United States will happen soon. “It will take place,” he wrote, “when the citizens lose their patience over the disappearance of these foundations.”
In a country with police shootings, racial tensions and war-fatigue, a president who some fear may crack down on civil liberties, further marginalize minorities, and turn America inward is, from the jihadist point of view, what they wanted all along. Jihadist groups were never naïve enough to think that they could defeat the U.S. militarily on the battlefield. Rather, the point was to draw them into a war of attrition, let them punch themselves out, make American Muslims aware of their insecure place in the country, and make American citizens afraid of each other.
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